=MTH SLOSH OP TBBTEADAD S rsoossionicis SZNATIL —Mr. Wilson presented the petition ,of - the Boston Board of Trade, praying for the con. 'atruction Of a ship canal 'around- Niagara Falls errhich was(referred to the Comniittee on Com reneroe. • Mr. Doolittle reported back a report of the •Becretary of the Interior .Ist reference to. the _lndians of Idaho, Which was ordered to be ; printed. Mr. McDougall introduced a bill to ascertain the :settlement of certain private land claims in eUalifornia. Referred to the Committee on Public :Lands. Mr. Wilkinson introduced a bill to aid the con ,struction of railroads in Minnesota. Mr. TrumbuSl caeed up the substitute for the 101 l concerning' the disposition of convicts in the sCourts of the United States, for the subsisting of :persona confined in jails, and charged with viola ting the laws of the United States, and for di aninishing the expenses in relation thereto, which Was passed. The bill relates to the District of Columbia. Mr. Fessenden reported from the Finance Com etnittee the Army appropriation bill, with unim portant amendments. ' The only difference in the appropriations being specific enumeration of - items in hospital supplies, the aggregate being :se, t 57, 690 instead of St, e 35, 040. The Senate proceeded to the consideration of the Rouse appropriation bill for the legislative, exec :ca exec :calve and judicial expenses of the Government for the next fiscal year, as reported by Mr. Fess:in -den on Saturday, from the Senate Finance Com -Inittee. The amendment increasing the appropri ation to pay clerks and employes of the War De partment some $52,600, was agreed to in Commit 'See of the Whole. An amendment was adopted Increasing the pay .of Messengers and others to an amount not ex .ceeding twenty per cent., and not over $lOO per annum. Mr. Johnson addressed the Senate a few mo . .3Enents on the propriety of the appropriation for legal assistance and other necessary expenditures in the disposal of private land claims. Mr. McDougall said that the agents and counsel in California had arrayed the power of the Go. Tenement against the poor and ueforcunate fried- Videntis in regard to private land claims. The • claims of these people had been overthrown where 'really the Government had no interest. Mr. Elan. ton himself had received sixty thousand dollars for brief services in some such cases, by employ ing the power of the money of the United orates Government for that purpose. It was necessary that men should know something of Mexican and bpanish law in these cases. The policy of the agents of the last Administra. Von, in these cases, seemed to be, first to find ent what lands were in dispute, and then, if the par -ties could not agree, further to agonize them. Forty thousand dollars of loss have been entailed :zipon private land claims, in California, by men Who are as bold and persistent as they are igno rant. The bill was not completed in Committee of the Whole, and on motion of Mr. Morgan the Senate - went into executive session, and soon afterwards adjourned. Hotum. —Mr. Fernando Wood offered the fol. .2owing: Whereas, The Government of the United States, sueceeding to the sovereignty of the regions of country in which the mines of Colorado and Ari . none are situated, became invested with &complete proprietary title to such mines; and whereas, no act of Congress .has beer passed alienating or pro viding for the disposal of any part thereof, or pre acribie g measures for the use and working of them; . and whereas, individuals and companies are as suming ownership and occupation, and attempt. lag to work some of the mines, and are inducing the investment of capital is them by innocent par elite; therefore, Resolved, That the President of the United States -be requested to take such measures as in hie judg anent maybe necessary for the protection of the i right and nteresc t bf the Government in the mine ...rat lands and mines of Colorado and Arizona., un til the proper legislation shall be provided by Con .zrees. Mr. Wood said the resolution explained itself. -it was welleknown the Government possessed valuable Interests in these mines which had not been parted with. It was the duty of the Govern ment to make available every species of property - it possessed, before it had recourse to the extraor dinary methods it was now pursuing to procure funds. These mining companies which were now being organized in New York, which proposed to have an aggregate capital of over ninety millions, 'Were in the main Iktitiollll, so far as substantial value is concerned. and those of them that were -ot value were mostly basso on the assumed owner- ship of mines which were located on Government lands. - He believed that there were hundreds of millions of dollars of these lands belonging to the Govern -meat, and before it had recourse to this system of endue expansion, or extraordinary taxation, of • abolition of State banks, aid of the attempts now -being made to monopolize the circulating medium -of the whole, country, it should reduce one-half the expenditures and convert these mines into re. sources by which to aid in the pay of these capon editures. The resolution he offered left it to the President to take such means as in his judgment should be necessary to preserve these interests un til Congress provided the necessary legislation. 'Who could object to this? None but those inter osted income pecuniary sense. Mr. Hasson (Iowa) suggested that the rescention be referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, in order to include ether public property. ,Very valuable coal .mines have been discovered in NV ashington. Territory, which are already squatted on, to the exclusion of the interests of the Govern rent. 'Mr. Bennett 2 (delegale from Colorado) opposed the resolution, saying the mineral lands were al. - ways worked without interference from the Go vernment. The working of them was of great lmblic benefit, and the system should go on as it as. It now produced one-fourth of the present ci7lation of gold and silver. The companies ed an New York by citizens of Colorado were -bona fide HS - did not know what outsiders were -doing, but he knew that very many of the best men were engagedin New York in these mining trans actions. • \ ' Mr. Woof had no doubt some of these mee were responsible, but by the delay of Congressional - - action those mines would be exhausted. Nr. - Washburn (Ill.) Inquired whether the gentleman from New York proposed to drive off the miners, who work the mines under the laws of the States or territories. The President could take , iaossession only by a military force, and civil war .tnight ensue. Mr. Wood referred the gentleman to the resoln. - ton which provided that the President shall pro. -need in any way his judgment may dictate in order - to protect the interests of the Government in these mineral districts. Mr. Bennett moved to lay the resolution on the table, but before final action WAS tAkell it went aver. The National Bank bill was then taken np. Mr. Brooks (,N. Y.) moved to reconsider the vote by which, on Saturday, the bill was. ordered to be • engrossed and read a third time. On motion of Mr. Rollins (N. H.) the motion was tabled by a vote of yeas, 75 ; nays, 66. Mr.Holtnan nd. moved thatill be laid on -*he table, which (I was ) disagreed to y e a vote of yeas, 57 ; nays, 76. The National Bank bill was then passed by a vote of yeas, 78 ; nays, 63, as follows : Yuan—Messrs. Alley, Allison, Ames, Ander son, Arnold, Ashley, Baldwin (Mass.), Baxter, Neanian, Blaine, Blair (W. "Va.), Bontwell, Moyd, Broomall, Brown (W. Va.), Ambrose W. Clark, Freeman Clarke, Cobb, Cole, Creswell, . 1 / a wes, Deming, Donnelly, Driggs, Eckley, Farnsworth, Fenton, Frank, Garfield, Gooch, Higby, Hooper, Hotchkiss, Hubbard .{lowa, Hubbard (Conn. ), Tenckes, Julian. Has son, Kelley, Kellogg (Mich.), Kellogg (N. Y.), Loan, Longyear, Marvin, Mcßride, Mc- Clurg, Mclndoe, Miller (N. Y. ), More bead, Morrill, Morris (N. Y.), Amos Myers, Norton, O'Neill (Pa.), Orth, Patterson, Perham, Price, Randall(Ky.), Rice (Me.), Rollins (N. H.) Shannon, Sloan, Smith, Stevens, Thayer, Tracy, rElpson, Van Valkenburg, Washburn, (111. ), - Washburn (Mass.), Webster, Williams, Wilder, 'Wilson, Windom, Woodbridge. NATa—Messrs. James. 0. Allen, Win. J. Al len, Baldwin (Mich.), Blair (Mo.). Bliss. Brooks, Chanleri Clay, Cravens, Dawson, Dennison,Eden, Nldridge, Finck,' Gamma, Grider,Grinwold,Hall, Barding, Harrington, Harris O ), Harris, (111. ), Merrick, Holman, Hutchins, Johnson (Ohio), Ker :man, King, Knapp, Law, Lazear, Long, Mallory, Marcy, McDowell, McKinney, Middleton, Miller, r(Pit-), Morris (Ohio), Morrison, Nelson, Noble, 113 dell, Pendleton, Pruyn, Badford,Randall (Pa.), Mobinson, Rogers. Ross, Scott, Steele (N. Y.), :Stiles, Strouse, Stuart, Thomas, Wheeler, Chilton. A. White, Jos. W. White, Winfield, Fernando - Wood, and. Yeoman. The bill confines the entire notes for circulation issued under this act not to exceed $3c0,000, 000, not More than one. sixth of them to be of less denomi nation than 85. Small notes to cease after the re :aumption of specie payments. Every association inaY charge on any loan and discounts interest at a rate not exceeding seven per centnm per annum. , ne places of redemption . ;are St. Louis, 'Louisville, ohs -cage, Detroit. Milwaukie,New Crleans. Cincinnati, Cleveland, Pittsburgl,Baltl snore. Philadelphia, )30„toc, New York, Albany, ,ban Francisco and Portland. Each association shall select an association is either ofthe cities above named, at which it will r e d eem its circulating notes at par; but no asso ciation is to be relieved from its liability to redeem its circulating notes at its own counter at par. No nor less t association shall have a ss capitalof m tha e n eloo an ,000, han 8200,000 if i le n a citor t flit thousand inhabitants. 'Nothing y in this act h is to b e construed to exempt the market value of the shares in any of the associations from State or corpora. tion tax. The shareholders of each association formed. mnder this act, and of each existing bank or bank lag association which m'Ly accept the provisions, shall be held individually' responsible, equally and ratably, and not one for another, for all con. tracts, debts and en gagmen t 8 of such associations, to the extent of the amount ot their stock therein at SIBBSIONi the par value, in addition to the amount Invested in shares, excepting the shareholders of any bank ing association having• not less than $5,000,0c0 ac tually paid in as its capital stock; shan healable only to theamount invested in theirehares. _Any - State bank may become a national association by the name prescribed in its organization certificate The bill is similar to that heretofore actuated upon by the House. Nothing in 'his act to be construed to.prevent the taxation by States of the capital - stock of banks, the same as property of other moneyed corpora tions for State or municipal purposes, but no State shall impose any tax on such associations' capital, 'circulation or dividends at a higher rate than the taxation imposed -by 'such States on the same amount of moneyed capital in the hands of indi vidual citizens Provided that no State tax shall be imposed on any part of the capital stock of such association invested in the United Suites bonds deposited as security for the circulation. .41 Mr. Stevens (Pa.) offered a joint re iolatiou that from and after its passage until July 1. 1864, all the duties and imposts of imported goods. wares and merchandise, now provided by law, be in creased by the addition of fluty per centum thereto, and that - upon all goods now imported free and exempt from duty there shall be paid ten per centiim ad valorem. Mr. James o.'Allen objected to the resolution. Mr. Stevens moved a suspension of the rules in order to consider the subject, but the question was decided in the negative, there. not being two thirds. The vote was BO yeas against 95 Lays The Internal Tax Mil 'was made the order of the day for to-morrow. On motion of Mr:' Wallace, the House took up _the= "message from the Senate which declined to agree to a committee of conference on the Montana Territorial bill on the terms proposed by the House —namely, that the committee be instructed not to agree to any proposition which will allow any other than white men to vote. On motion of Mr. Wallace. the House, by a vote of 69 yeas against 55 nays, insisted on its dis agreement, and asked for a free committee of con ference. The House proceeded to the consideration of the bill granting lands for the People's' Pacific Rail road Company by the Northern route. Mr. Wilson (Iowa) said that this was not the time to grant forty-six millions of acres of public lands, and desired to, test the sense of the House by moving to lay the bill on the table. Mr. Swcat (Me.), in advocating the bill, said the fact that that company was incorporated by that State was a mere chance, and showed that the distance to the Pacific was ranch shorter than by the Central Railroad. The expense of building, too, was less, and greater public interests would be anbeerved by its construction. Instead of in terfering with the Central Pacific Railroad, it would, as be has been informed. be an advantage to it. He referred to the report of the late General Stevens to show the practicability of the route, and that there would be no necessity for tunneling. The further consideration of the bill was postponed till to-morrow. Stevens again offered a resolution as above to increase the present foreign duties 50 per centum, and tax articles now free lu per cement. The House refused' to suspend the roles—yeas 72, nays 39—not two-thirds, as required by the rules. The vote is as following: YEas—Messrs. Alley. Allison, Ames, Anderson, Ashley, Baldwin (Mass.), Baxter, Beaman, Blaine, Blait (W. Va.), lßoutwell, Broomall, Freeman Clarke, Cobb, Cole, Davis (Md.). Dawes, DounellY,Drigirs, Dumont, Fenton, Frank,. Gar field, Gooch, Grinnell, Griswold, Hlgby, Hotch kiss, Hubbard (Iowa), Hubbard (Cons.), Julian, Kelley, Kellogg (N. Y.), Loan, Longyear, Mar vin, Mcßride, McClurg,Mclndoe, Miller (N. Y. ). Moorhead, Morrill, Morris (N. T.), Amos Myers, Norton. O'Neil (Pa.), Orth, Patterson, Perham, Pike, Pomeroy, Price, Randall (By.), Blot (Mass.). Rice (Me.), Rollins (N. H. ), Shannon, Sloan, Smith, Stebbins, Steele (N. Y ), Stevens, Stuart. Thayer, Tracy, Upson, Van Valkenburg, West, burns (111. ), Washbarn (Mass. ), Wilder, Wilson, Windom, Yuman. Nars—Messrs. Tames C. Allen, Brooks, Chao. dler, Clay, Carroll, Cravens, Dawson,Dennison, Eden, Eldridge, Fink,Grider,Hall. Harris (Md.), Holman, King, EnaPP,Law, Lazear. Long, Mar cy, McDowell, McKinney, Middleton, Miller (Pa.), Morris _(Ohio), Noble, Pendleton , Robin son, Rogers, Ross, Stiles, Strouse, Stuart, Voor hees, nhilton A. White, Joseph W. White, Fer nandoVeod. Mr. Merrill offered a resolution, proposing that, until July let, the foreign duties be increased 2.5 per cent., and articles now free to pay five per centum. He moved a suspension of the rides, but To quorum voted. Eighty Republicans voted, against four on the other side, namely: Messrs. Clay, Eldridge. Lane and Noble. Mr...„Morrill said the purpose was distinctly manifested here not to make provision for carrying on the Government, but what he vain la addition was confused in'the loud and prolonged cries of order from the Opposition side. On his motion there was a call of the House, but before It was completed, ad adjournment took place, at 3. 30y.P. M. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. HARRISBURG, April 18. Swum"— tuning Session.—Mr. Donovan pre. Rented a remonstrance, numerously signed by property holders and tenants on Second street, against the removal of the market stands from that street. Messrs. Johnson. McSherry and Matz pre sented petitions against the removal of the capital. Mr. Fleming presented resolutions of the Harris burg_C_ommon Council, appropriating twenty tnousithd dollars for the purchase of the Executive mansion. Mr. Lowry presented a petition of solored citi zens of Philadelphia to be allowed the right of franchise. Mr. Champneys, from the Committee on Federal Relations reported joint resolutions asking Con gress to increase the pay of sailors and soldiers. The following bill passed : Extending the charter of the Rank of Montgomery County. Mr. Connell called up an act Tacating Wharf street. Passed. Mr. Donovan introduced an act incorporating the Philopatrian Hall of Philadelphia. Passed. Adjourned'. Rouss—Brening Session. —The HOIIIA resumed the consideration of the Revenue bill, and as amendment to tax freight instead of gross earnings of railroads. Lost. It was finally agreed to tax the gross receipts one per cent. under aBO,OOO each quarter, and two per cent. over 500,000 each quarter. The consideration of this bill occupied all the evening. Adjourned. BOARD OF TRAWL GEORGE L. BUZBY EDWARD 0. BIDDLZ Mowner.ar Oomirrrras THOMAS S. FERRO DEPORTATIONS. -Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, Sl'. JOHN, NB.—Schr Gen Knox, Oarter-2973 feet palings 1/k2,803 de scantling 3/323 do deals 13,675 do spruce boards Gallen! & Galvin. BEABFORT—Sohn Amos Edwards, Somers -64,750 shingles S Bolton & NEW ORLEANS—Schr Ripley, Buck-19 !thrill sugar G W Bernadou & Bro; 12 do and 3 bbls mo lasses G Helmuth; 188 bbls molasses order. LIVERPOOL—Ship Westfield, Trevelick-250 tons iron S & W Welsh; 120 cs mdse F F 29 kiln iron Steever & Whittaker; 2 eke mdse A Rich ardson; 33 pkgs do Brown Shipley & co; 81 pes box coatings 4 casks ale Jos , Harrison; 69 c a steel D S Bony; 4 pkgs hdw D Faust; 2 do.Hadden, Porter & Booth; Sdo Newlin, Fernly & co; 3do Handy & Brenner; 1 do N L Hart; 1736 pcs iron Morris, Tao , ker & co; 91 bars do M W Baldwin & co; 6 es hdw A Truitt & co; 3 do A B Justice & co; 4 do Grove & Arnbuster; 286 bdls steel Naylor & co; 480 iron tubes P S Justice; 2 cables 8 anchors T Richardson & co; 162 crates ethw S B Pierce, Son & co; '74 do A F Eb erman; 16 do E & J Willett' & co; 49 do I Stirk; 63 do 0 J Riley; 105 do G Hammersly; 102 do S As bury & co; 1000 sacks salt W Bumm & Son; 130 grind stones J E Mitchell; 35 cks soda ash Da eon, Ford & co; '76 do A Kerr; 329 do Yarnell & ble; 76 do Whitall, Tatum & co; 36 bbls chemicals Rosengarten & Sons; 34 do Powers & Weightman; 60 tee do Jes sup & Moore; 10 cs mdse L Martin & co; 21 do sitar, Price & co, '7 do W H Horstman k Sons; 10 do T Thompson, Son & co; 8 d Laing & klaginnis; 12 cks do French, Richards & 0 0; 202 crts ank eke ethw 124 eke soda ash 462 bars 654 bdls lion 83 sheets wool 38 pkge adze order. SAIIJNO DAYS OF STBAIISHIPS, TO ARRIVE. sawn 7/BOY 114311 BATS Damascus Liverpool—Portland March Si Borussia Southampton... New Y0rk........April 2 Sidon Liverpool—New York April 5 Hanunonia—Southanipton...New York .April 6 Australasian Liverpool... New York- .April 9 TO DEPART. Crusader New York—Bingston, Ja...April 20 Persia New York... Liverpool 'April 20 Cre01e...... New York—New Orleans... April 20 Eagle New York.. Havana - April 20 Corsica New York... Havana, &o April 22 Illinois New York..Aephiwall April 23 Geo Washington—N York... New Orleans—April 25 Havana .New York—Havana&N.o—April 25 Asia Boston... Liverpool April 27 Evening Star.. New York.. Havana, &c April 30 LNITEat SAGS A 7 THE suenexterms , EXOHANGB. PHILADELPHIA Ship Wyoming, Burton. ..... ......Liverpool, April 2.6 Ship Empire Queen, Moran Liverpool, soon Behr Dart, Conrad Barbados, aeon PORT OP PHILADELPHIA, APRIL 19 SUN RISES ' S 21 I SIM Sams, 688 1 HAM WATIUt,I2 1 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Brig Jobn Robbins, Nickelson, 20 days from New Orleans, in ballast to captain. Sally Gen. Knox, Barter. 25 days from St John, NB. with lumber to Gaskill & Galvin. Schr J Parsons, Showman, from Port Royal, in ballast to captain. Scbr R H Daley, Sanders, from New York, with mdse to D Cooper. Schr S 'Shier; Nay, from St John. River, Fla. in ballast to captain. Schr Jaa O'Donohue, Watson, from New York, in. ballast to J E Maley dc. Co. THE DAILY lENINO BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY, APRIL. 19 1864' to capt ßar ain Laconia, Procter , from New York, in ballast Schr J C Baxter, Metier, from Port Royal, is ballast to captain. v • - • . Sohr Amos Edwards, Somers, from Beaufort, with' shingles to S Bolton & Co.' Schr E S Downing, Gaskill, from Newbern, Sa ballast to captain. Schr Henry Wolfe, Smith, 1 day from Milton, Del. with grata to Christian & Co. Steamer Beverly, Pierce, 24 hours from N York, with mdse to :W Y Clyde. • Steamer Buffalo, J ones, 24 hours from N York, with mdse to W P Clyde. Steamet Monitor, Jones, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to 'W M Baird & Co. . _ Steamer Black Diamond, Ideredith, 24 hours from New. York, with mdse to W 111 Baird & Co. CLEARED YESTRELDAY. Bark Pleiades, hiller, Key West.. Tyler & Do.• Schr JParsons, Showman Port Royal, captain. Schr Zeno. Fields, Washington, Costner, Stickney & Wellington. Bohr B Butman, Smart, Boston, J E Bailey & Co. Behr P Edwards, Babcock, Boston, HunteriNorton & Co. Schr W 0 Atwater, Beckett, Providence, SinniokT son & Glover. Sohr Ruth Halsey; Penny, Providence, Noble,Cald well & Co. Schr_W S Thompson, Hand. Alexandria, Tyler&Co. Rohr Charm,Starr, Alexandria, do schr Readin g RNo 46 ,Jones,Alexandria, do Bohr Laconia, Proctor, Saco, .1 a & G S Reppller. Barge tilinnie, Thompson, Conowingo, Baugh & Sons. St'r H L Gaw.ler. Baltimore, A Grove', Jr. St'r Ruggles, McDermott, New York, W p Clyde. St'r Samson, Dunning, New York, W P Olyde.l St'r Claymont, Vance, Naahington, do • MEMORANDA. Ship Connecticut, Lucas, hence at Liverpool td instast. Ships Tecumseh, Spangle; Kingston, Olasion, anal Coburg, Gibson, were loadlig at Liverpool 2d last. for this port. Steamship City of Limerick (Br), Senn, cleared at New lark yesterday for Liverpool. steamship Sidon, ➢lartyn, cleared at Ltverpoo 4th lust. for New York. . Steamship United States, Gates, cleared at New York yesterday for New Orleans. Bark Sicilian, - Lavender, halloo, below Boatel 17th inst. Bark Pauline (Brent), Osterlok, hence at N York yesterday. _ Bark Aim lMizaboth, Norgrava, for this port in 6 days, was at Matanzas 12th isud. Bark Solo, for this port in 7 days, was at Carde nas 7th inst. Bark Guiding Star (Hamb), Maax,.lll days from Sbanghae, at New York yesterday, with tom Brig Foster, Tracy, at Holmes' Mole nth last. from Boston for this port, and sailed next day. Schr Stepbea Hotchkiss, Matlack, $0 days from Montevideo, at Maw York yesterday, in ballast. Schr Mail, Merrill, keace for Saito*, at New York yesterday. Schr Harriet Pease, from New York for this port, at Edgartosvn 12th inst. Schr 0 L Baylis, Yroman, cleared at New York yesterday for this port. Schr Hiawatha, Disney,from Philadelphia, of and for Newbury port,putinio Newport 16th inst.having been 20 day■ from Delaware Breakwater. While anchored at the Breakwater, no date, in a gale of wind, was in eoUision with an unknown schooner and broke main boom, stove part of quarter above deck, brake taffrail and carried away starboard davit, lost chain and anchor, and was obliged to put to sea to prevent going ashore; was driven as far south as Hatteras, and twice irate the Gulf stream, and on one occasion nearly mesas. Will procure a new boom before proceeding. - ELLOTRIOITY.- WHAT IS /AYE WITHOUT HYALITE. Mew= GRIM and AT.T.V.II, Medical Electricians, formerly associated with Professor— Bolles and Galloway, having dissolved partnersbi , the practice will be continued - by THOS. ALLEN at the old established office, No. 723 North TENTH Street, between Coates and Brown where he will still treat And cure all curable diseases (whether acute, chronic, Pulmonary or Paralytic, 'without a shock or any pain,) with the various modifies. none of Electricity and Galvanism. This treat. ment has been found remarkably sucoessful in all eases of Bronchitis, Diphtheria, and other diseases of the throat and respiratory organs. A few of the diseases in which successful curse have been made are mentioned below. Consumption Iliat and General Debility. second stag4s. Diseases of the Liver or Paralysis. - Kidneys. Neuralgia. Diabetes. Fever and Ague. Prolapsus DWI (Falling congestion. of the Womb). - Asthma. Prolaptitte Ani (or Piles) Dyspepsia. Noctatnal ilsolasiona t Rheumatism. , &a Bronchitis. - I Deafness. Damian and Catarrh. No charge for consultal SA. N. to 6 P. N. Testimonials to oe seen OPAL . _ _ A. superior article for cleaning the Teeth, de. stroying animalcules which infest them, givini tone to the gums, and leaving a feeling of fra grance and perfect cleanliness in the mouth. / 1 may be used daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and de tersiveness will recommend It to every one. Be ing composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physician, and Microscopist, it is confidently offered as a ET r.VABLE substitute for the miner lain Washes formerly in vague. Eminent Dentists, ac nainted with the eon/Mita ante of the DENT A, advocate its uses • 11 contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained sM pioyment. Made only by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary. BROAD and SPRUCE Streets For sale by Druggist' generallyy, and Fred. Brown, D. L. Slackhouse; Hassard & Co., Robert C. Davis, 4. R. Keeny, Geo. 0. Bowers, fame H. Kay, Charles Shivers, 0. H. Needles, G. J. Scattergood, T. J. Husband, J. 0. Turapenny, Oo Ambrose Smith, Charles H. Eberle, Thomas Weaver, James Ti. Marks, William B. Webb, E. Bringhurst & Co„ lames L. Bispham, Dyott & Co., Hughes & Coombe, H. -0. Blair, Henry A. Bower, Wyeth & Bro. TUMELLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF ei DOOR. —We often hear it repeated by those who have _ used .TUMELLETS COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK, that among all the thousand remedies offered to the public, there is none of them so salutary as a cough medicine,so potent as an in vigorator, so effectual as a purifying specific, and so shooting and restorative In cases of physical de. bliity, nervous Irritation and a general sinking or a prostration of the system. For sale by the proprietor, F. JIIMMLT.E, No. 1525 Market street, and by all Druggists. [fe4.3ml ID.ODOSON'S BRONCHIAL TABLETS AR found to be an indispensable requisite in • treatment of Bronchitis, Catarrh, Hoarsness, an similar complaints affecting the organs of th voice; particularly recommended by public speak ers, singers, and amateurs. Pre • ared, wholsral .y•• : . • n It : I :t : t 111 Thes• Doze :e • • - • •/••• • for iphtheria, Cong.- Sore Throat, : oarseness and I:ronchial Affections generally. Try them. HOMA.S ESTLAIJK, Jr., Druggist, S. W. oor. .•a•. • 11 . . riIIAYLOR' S ARNICA OIL OR . EN-BROCA TION. —A reliable articie.• Positively cum Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sprains, Frosted Feet, Chillblains, Pains in the Limbs, Cheat, Side Bask. For sale by the Proprietor, H. B. TAY LOR, Tenth and Callowhill streets. Price, 25 cents. fe22-3m* TUST RECEIVED BY LATE IMPORTA dt tion, Hennessey , a fine Old Brandy, expr i els_l c z for medicinal use. LANCASTER k Pharmaceutists, N. E. corner ARCH and TENTH Ste.. Phila. ega LOST—A CERTIFICATE of 5 per Cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania., for 8516 05, dated March 12th, 1830, No. . in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also, a - Clertificate of 5 peT Cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for the sum of $2OO, vated June 30th, 1845, No. 1152, in name of ELI K. PRICE, Administrator of William Meredith, (n Trust. Application has been made to the Audi tor-General for a renewal of said Certificates. ELI K. PRICE, urn. 511 Arch 'dram! feg-3m4 I NAVAL AND MARINE SERVICE. CITY AND WARD BOUNTY! ADVANCE PAY AND PRIZE MONEY. MEN WANTED for the NAVAL SERVICE and MARINE CORPS, who will be entitled to all . the City Bounties in addition to Prize Money. Seamen will receive an advance of three months' pay as bounty. Application to be made at ones to _ W.M. E. LEHMAN, Captain and Provost Marshal Ist D., Pa. mh29-tfe 295 South Third street. Q TIMMER' BOARDING AT CHESTNUT 1.3 GROVE, MEDlA.—Apulications for Board for the coming season will be made at No. 54 North THIRTEENTH street, except on-SATURDAYS. when the undersigned will' see' applicants at CHESTNUT GROVE HOUSE. ap2.lin*. Miss A. L. HARRISON. I\TTAV TURKISH PRUNES.-10 Casks, for IN sale by JOS. I BILISSIER I t CO:, 110 Ationtb. Wharves 24.111D10A.i.. non, 011100 noun from at the ogles. delt-enif LOST, WANTS BOARDING AUCTION BALIN. , TAMES A. PREF/vial% AUCTION-888, el No. 422 Walnut street., above Fourth. REAL Es TATERALB, APRIL 20, 1264: PATENT- RIGhT—For the States of New Jar;- sey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland, Dis trict of Columbia and Baltimore and Ohio Rail road, of Howe's Patent Truss. 769 FLORIDA ST—Neat smalU dwelling, 16 by 54 feet :360 ground rent. Bale Peremptory, EMERALD ST-2 Building Lots, 17X by about 190 feet. • 151/I ST — Handsome Modern Residence, with every convenience, above Thompson 'st. Lot 18 by PS feet; in perfect order. 81 H ST—Handsome Dwelling, above Master st. Lot 17 by 102 feet. House on the rear. 551 ground rent-, (redeemable with currency). FLEGANT PROPERTY, DARBY—The late reeidence of Wm. Jones, deo' d. , with near four acres of land, handsomely laid- out and planted with fruit trees, &a. House is stone, built in the very, best manner, about 40 feet square; heater ig cellar, grate inparlor, water tank and forcing pump, 2 kitchens and every convenience, good stone stable, coach-house, cow-house, wood shed, ,eu Executor's Sate. BUILDING SITE, near four acres, adjoining. sa.e Estate. BUILDING SITE of over one acre, Ridge avenue. Same Estate: BU/LDING SITE, three acres, Summit street, Darby. to Brick Houses, N. W: corner Twelfth ant Mifflin eta. Large Lot and ilve Frame Dwellings, Main at, Frank ford. BUSINESS LOCATION, No. 214 Pear at. RISING SUN—A substantial Dwelling and Large Lot, on 12th at, Westmoreland Ft, and Ger mantown road, 2:ld. Ward. Lot 61 by 300 feet, with fruit, ti c. pleasant and high situation. Frame Dwelling, No. 1316 CREASE at. Frame Dwelling, No. 1013 0 . 1 IS at. Court Property, SEVENTEENTH, BELOW CHRISTIAN. Thrse-story Brick Dwelling, 1016 SOUTH EIGHTH St. Brick Dwelling, Slaughter-house, &c. ,Otsegost. Brick Dwelling, N. E. corner Second and Ben. mark st. 4 Frame Houses, Hazel at, Ist Ward. 2 Brick do. do. do. Tbre. story Brick House, Hare at, 15th Ward 26 ACRES, BRISTOL—A. valuable property In Bristol, Bucks county, adjoining lands of Richard Corson and others, Buckley at. No incumbrancea. Hale Peremptory, by order of Heim 3 Houses and Lot, el esson' a alley. Peremptory Bale. VALUABLE MARKET ST. STORE, N 0.210. 14 feet 9 inches front, 93 feet deep. Clear of in. cumbrance. Sale Positive 119111L.1.1" FORD to 00.. aUUTLUNEEYy, Lsls. MARKET and Ma COMMERCE streoto__ , LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1.000 OA.SES BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, BALMORALS, he., ko ON THURSDAY MORNING, AP II / 1. At lb o'clock precisely, will be sold, by cata logue, lor cash, 1,000 cases Men's, Boys' ma Youths' QUA' Rip and. Grain Boots, Brogans, Balmoral', Oxford Ties, Caralu Boots, &c. lair Women's, Misses' and Children's Calf, Hip, Goat, Hid and Morocco Heeled Boots and Shoes, Sltppers, Gaiters, Buskins, and also city made goods. Open for examination with witalognee early ma the morning of the Bale. NEW PUBLICATIONS IN PRESS! IN PRESS! Ready SATURDAY next, April 23d. FAMILY PRIDE, by Author of PIQUE. In one large 12mo. yolnme, nearly 400 pagea. Prtee in Paper, 81 25. Cloth, St 50. • "Like the wand of an enchanter,the fascinating pages of this work throw a spell around the reader which is broken only when the last word of the last page is reached. It appeals, with Irresistible force, to all who have mtellecti to be brushed up and hearts to be shaken. It is one of thosebooks which make their mart upon the generation which receives them, and leave an impression which is favorably remembered. Never before have we perused a work which presented such earnest, eloquent and stirring appeals to our noble feelings; nor one which so charmed us by the freshness, vigor, purity and gracefulness of its tone, while it led us irresistibly captive by the touching beauty and melting eloquence—so richly fraught with golden irnagery—ot its story. It bears upon its very face the unmistakable signs of true worth and beauty. As may be inferred from its title, It is one of those rare works which address themselves to the heart and the intellect." New Books tuned every week, comprising the most entertaining and absorbing works published, suitable for the Parlor, Library, and Editing-Room, Railroad, Steamboat, or Soldiers' reading, by the best writers in the world. Adigeorders to the Publishers, PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Azdseem7 will receive prompt attention. Send for our Mammoth Dteeriptlve Catalonia* and Confidential Circular to Canvasser& aplB-.2t NEW MAP! NEW REAP !dap of the American dontine.nt, showing the new States, Railroads, ke., extending to the Pacific coast; the latest and most reliable map published. The Soldier's Book, A Pocket Diary for ac counts. Templeton's Engineer, Millwright and Mocha nice' Pocket companion, with Mathematics Tables, tie. A Catechism of the Steam Engine in Its Apppli eatione to Steam Navigation, Hallways, bas. By John Bourne, C. E. My Cave Life in Vicksburg, with Letters of Trial and Travel. Bound the Bloek. An American Noes/. Mu trated. Pelayo. AnEpic) of the Olden Moorish Time. By Elizabeth T. Porter Beach. For sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEtt PM Chestnut Street. LEYPOLDT S LIBRARY itly II SALES. ROOM, 1323 CHESTNUT Street, corner lo Juniper, second floor. Terms of Subscriptions to the Library, per an num, 85 00; Six months, 83 00; Three months, 82 16; One month, 75 cents, (entitling the subscri• ber to three volumes); single volume, per day, 3 cents. Sir All new English and French books lor self and for circulation as soon as published. AALLEN'S LIFE OF PE:ELMO& —TIEN Player l , LFby E o George Al r PEULI Ien Greek Bluekiwi =tires& the Unlv ersitz of Pennsyl vania; R, reek Profeasor enia; with a Supple. mentary kesay on Philidor, as Chess Author and Chess Player, Tanen° Von lieldebrand and do Lass, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleat. potentiary of the King of Prussia, at the Court Saxe- Weimar, 1 vol.,octavo, X vellum, I top. Price $1 25. Latelypublished by E. H. BUTLER. & nos 137 South Fourth street. ►THEOLOGICAL BOOBS, PAMPHLETS and 1 NEWSPAPERS bought and sold. at JAS. BARR'S, 1105 Market street, Philadelphia. fel PROPOSALS PROPOSALS FOR BITUMINOUS 00,4L5. - Sealed Proposals will be received at the Office of the Philadelphia Gas Works, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street, until noon of FRIDAY, 22d of April, 1964, for supplying the whole or any part of Eighty Thousand TOM 1;5 , Bittonitsous Coals, suit able for the manufacture of illuminating Gas, to be delivered on the Railroad tracks of the Gas Works at the First Ward and the Ninth Ward Stations, in the following monthly quantities ; eight thousand tons in each of the months of September, October, November, December, and six thousand tons la each of the months of June, Jaly, August, 1964, and January, February, March, April and May : 1665. The coals mast be delivered fresh, dry, and of a quality approved by the Engineer of the Gas Works, as equal to the sample on which the con tract is based. The proposals must describe the particular va riety of coals intended to be supplied and the lo cation and name of the mine or pit from which they are to be raised. If they are of a kind not now or recently used at these Works, samples for trial of not less than fifty tons, must be delivered at the Works, on or before the 7th of April next. The gross ton of 2240 pounds will be considered as the weight intended in the proposals, unless the contrary be expressly stated. The Trustees reserve the right to accept any pro. posals in whole or in part, or to reject all, as they may deem best for the interests of the Trust, and in the event of failure on the pas tof any contrao tor to deliver the coals according to his agreement, both in quantity and quality, the Trustees reserve the right to buy elsewhere, whatever quantity may be required to meet the deficiency, and charge to the contractor any loss or damage arising from each failure. payments will be made monthly, in two equal instalments at four and six months after the specs. 'fled periods of delivery, the 15th of each month being taken as the average, of the monthly delive ries, or at the option of the Trustees, Will be made at earlier dates with legal interest off. Should contractors prefer to make deliveries earlier than required, they may be received so far as they can be conveniently storea, bat payments will be Made to date from the time specified.to the contractor. Security for the fulfilment of contract will be required, and each proposal must name' the amount and character of security that will be leered. • JOHN 0. CRESSON ietletapm iIIIVY WELLS.-OWNERS OF -PEOPFrE TY. —The only place to got -Privy Wells Cleansed and disinfected at very low prio. E manufactureA. P YSSO r of Pondra N t ' to, X1,71-I,lr 91 sleratt's To.b , re,re• It , ea REAL ESTATE SALE, MAY S. This will also be a very large Sale, comprising the Estates of J Hunt, J. ()Wilson A. H. Sun ni one, John W. Hoffman, Hann ah Park, and ahem by order of Orphans' Conitand Executors, including 30 ACRES near 18th st., -26th ward; 48 ACRES. 23d ward; 75 ACRES, 25th ward, and a large amount of other property. including 14 IR REDEEMABLE GROUND RENTS, Ito. Hand bills part ready. Sale at Noe. 139 and 141 Sourth Fourth meet. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. LARr/R MIR RORS. ROSEWOOD PIANOS; FINE VEL VET 'CARPETS, !cc. ON THURSDAY MORNING, At 9o' clock. at the auction store, superior furniture, rosewood piano, by Reichenbach; one by Hall 1c Co. New York; also, 3 mahogany pianos, very large , French plate pier mirror, mantel superior extension table, Henkel' is patent; fine velvet and otter carpels, French china, &c. Salo for account of United Seats,. WOOL AND COTTON CUTTINGS. ON SATURDAY 'MORNING, APRIL XL At 10 o' lock, at the auction store, a quantity of wool, cotton and sole leather cuttings, baling rope paper, &c. COTT & STEWART, Auctioneers, —ftiON. 1, 1 . DAY MORNING, 10 o' clock, and AFTER. NOON, 3 o' clock. IMMENSE AUCTION SALE of a large and elo. Rant collection ofra.re and beautiful SEA SHELLS, 6e22 CHESTNUT street, Cox' s Aviation rooms. To be sold without any reserve, or limit as to price Fifty Cases, part of a recent shipment from Lon don, England, of some of the most splendid Marine Shells ever witnessed in this country, with various other natural curiosities, comprising Corals, Cameos. Pearls, !cc. , consisting of oyerl,ooo speci mens, such as have never before been offered for sale in this city, and a rare opportunity La now of. fered to the citizens. The public and Ladies in particular, are invited to examine this magnificent assortment of cm iosities from ins dominions of old Neptune. They are all works of Nature, and no ,artiat that ever lived could imitate them in shapes and colosr. The 'wonders and beauties of the mighty deep. Also a variety of Chinese Fans, Japanese Boxes, Rare Ink Stands, Bread Trays, Waiters, Back-gammon Boxes, Pearl Seals, Shell Frames and Boxes. apl4-st* MOSES NATHANS, ..S.IICTIONEES APE COMMISSION MENA:HUNT, Southeast corner SIXTH and RACE streets. WATCHES—WATCHES—WATCHES. At private sale, upwards of 2000 gold and silver watches, at half-the usual selling prices. Watch. makers, dealers and private purchasers will At wall by calling at the S. E. corner - at Sixth and Bace streets. AT PRIVATE SALE. le.etera'a Philadelphia cases English Patent Lever Watches, of the most approved and best makers; some of them have five pairs extra jewels ; and very fine and high cost movements. If ap plied for .Immediately they can be had singly, oz the let at $25 each. The cases will wear *vial tr solid gold cases. Very line double barrel duck guns, breech load• ing; carbines; reTelving rifler line English rifles; revolvers. ice. AT PRIVATE SALE FOB T;0 4 8 THAN ELSE/ THE USUAL SELLING PRICIER Pinegold , =gin case, hunting case and double bottom English patent lever wa.tches, jeweled and plait, of, the most approved and best makers; fine gold hunting case and open face Geneva pa tent layer and lepine watches; ladies' fine gold enameled diamond watches; fine gold American hunting case patent lever watches, of the most Approved styles; fine silver hunting case and open face English p atent lever watches, of the most approved and- best makers: fine silver hunting case American patent lever watches, of the moil approved makers; fine silver huntlng case and open face Swiss , and French , patent lever Sad lepine watches; - independent second and double time lever watches; sliver qtutrtler Eng/lah,' Swiss and French watches; fine gold-plated watches: Peters's patent watches, line English movements; and numerous other watches. • • - - Very fine English twist double barrel ;owing pieces, barr and back action locks, soma very _ • MONEY TO WAN, In large or 'small amounts, on goods of over, description, for_ any length of time agreed on • SALES ATTENDED TO, either at private d*ellings, stores, or eisewhorth ;and, 'when required, two-thirds of the value a the goods will be advanced IA anticipation Of WS CONSIGNMENTS 'or goods 01 every description solicited for os) public sales. Very tine sewing machines; several superior. , Hammockw tine gold chains; jewelry of. every 4escriPtion; diamonds, and numerous other Engineer in. Otict SIT - E — L, Pe — nth VV street, below Chestnut. has just received 'from Paris best quality, elegantly-fitting Werly Corsets. All kinds Cossets on hand and made to `order A arils4tlt AIIOTION SALIM THOMAS &_ SONS. AUCTIONING/NA lawitrbrritivattiFourth OF .PENNSYLp VANIA.. CARD—Due notice win be given of the clay 01 the above sale, by order of assignee. Catalegueit preparing. FURNITURE SALES AT TEN A.UOTIOIR ;STORE. EVERY THURSDAY_ • SALES OF STOCKS AND REAL ES...TATA at the Exchange:every TUESDAY, at 12 o' clock llOon. 'r Partictilar attelMion given to 'sale& at private - residencesacc. Randbills of each property issued separately, and on the Saturday previous to each sale len catalogues, in pamphlet form, giving fulldescrip Slone. REAL ESTATE SALE, APRIL 26. . ' Trn7tees' Peremptory Sale—Estate of William F. POtterall, dec t d-71BST.CLASS CHEST-NUT : STREET PROPERTY. corner of Thirteenth at. ; . 55 feet. front on Chestnut street, 55 feet front on :Kelley street and 100 feet on Thirteenth street-4 ;trouts. To be divided and sold as 2 properties, viz The corner. house 30 feet front; the one ad joining, west, 25 feet front. Clear of all Locum. brance. Sale absolute. 1111' Chestnut street in this :is rapidly . improvieg foe business Impales, ;arid the above would make two splendid stores, a public. ;bail, or any other business requiring - large space, :in a: first-rate location. Executors'. Peremptory Sale Estate of Sohn T. 'Ricketts, dee' d.-LARG E FOUR.STORY BRICK BUILDING, about 70 feet front, occupied as a BARERY, in good running order, with .capacity for baiting 200 herr'', affiotir a daytociir ing by contract AT the Navy D!wrlinen! Pr. , nt at.; between Race and Vine. Has stea ml et glues, overt, machinery, &c. • Orphans' Court Sele.—Estate of Thomas E. Pot. ter, dee' d. —Undivided three-tifttui interest . V ALUAIILE COAL LANDS, Luzerne county, Pa. Sale by Order of Heirs.—VaLITABLII Hustings Loas TIO.N . —TWO THREE-STORY BRICK DW} LLINGS, Nos. 813 and 817 WALNUT St., between Eighth and Ninth F.treets. The "I:PHR O ,TA MOrINTAIN SPRINGS" HOTEL, COTTAGES, and FAUX 79 acres Lan. caster county. Pa. VALUABLE THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 294 South Third street. THREE-STORY BRICK BAICE&Y AND DWELLING, S. E. corner of Thirteenth and Melon streets. • BUILDIN4I LOT, Allegheny avenue, N. NY of Almond street. • BUILDING LOT, Livingston street, S. W. our Allegheny avenue. NEAT MODERN DWELLING, N 0.104 Chris. tian street, weal of Front street. Lot 35 feet 73j Inches front. Peremptory SaIe—HANDSOME, COUNTRY SEAT. near Linwood Station. Baltimore R. R. about 18 miles from Philada . with 40 AORF.i Land. Sale absolute. • Executor' Sale—Estate of !dewy O. Finney deco—GENTEEL DWELLING, No. 1108 Bat. tonwood street. 2 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos. :32 and 251 Juniper streets between Race and Vine streets, with 2 frame Dwellings in the rear. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 20.5 Sergeant street, west of Coral street,l9th Ward. Orphans' Court Sale--Estates of John Dunston, deed—BRICK DWELIANG. No. 1160 South ElevPr , th street. STONE C RIST MILL. SAW MILL, STONE DWELLING and 37 ACRES, Monroe co antyPa. , 1 Mills from the Delaware Water Gap, and 3 miles from Su - ondsburir. Trustee' Sale-4 NEAT MODERN DWELL INGS, Montgomery street, between Marshall and Seventh streets, 30th Ward. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, Dam, phin street, east of Amber. II TWO-STORY BRIM DWELLINGS, itobland street, between 10th and 11th sta. , above Wharton street, 26th Ward. 15 TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Sedgei street, between Front and Second and Moore and Mifflin streets. Trustee's • reIe—VA.LiTABLE FOUR-STORY BRICK STORE, No. 23 South Water atreet. Sane Estate—VALUABLE FOUR-STORY BRICK STORE, No. 22 Soutb. Delaware Avenue. - BRICK and FRAME DWELLING, Noe. 972 and 374 north Front at, below Larval et; lot 43'feet rout. Irredeemable Gronnd Rent of SW a year. BD:Rinses Stann—THREE.E•TORY BRICK STOla and DWELLING, N. W. corner nth and Bran wine eta, 15th Ward. VALUABLE RUSIN ESS LOCATION— Three. story Brick Dwelling, No. 929 Arch st, west Ninth at; n feet front. COUNTRY FLA CE... 3 ACRES, Burlington and Mt Holly road, Burlington county, New Jer•ey. NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 1€•35 Filbert at, west of DM at; has the modern conve nience a. SALE Ith MAY, AT DARBY The Elegant Country Seat of Joeeph B. Conover, Esq., will be sold on the premises. Pull demi, dons ready in handbills. AtTlarrlON BALER. BY.JOHN B. xyBES & Auctiorneera. Noe. 232 and 234_111arket street. corner of maim, LARGE PEREkOiTORT SALE OF EURO. INDLA. . AND 'E OP DRY GOODS, .Itc. We will hold a large e of- Brithsh, Gormagy, ,Feench and American Dry sal Goods, by catalegieg‘ en FOUR EIONYRS CREDIT and part fer seek . ON THURSDAY MORNING. APRIL 21. commencing at precisely 10 o' 'cloak compsiZing _ 775 PACKAGES AND LOT of Britieh, German, French, India and Ameri Dry Goods, embracing a large. full had fresh aco*s sortment Woolen, Worsted, Linen, Cotton and SUX Goods, for city and country sales. ' N. examination, wamp les ith catalo g s the will be arranged fox s, early on the morn ing of the sale, when dealers will llnd to theft interest to attend. LARGE PFREMPTORY SALE OF FOREM I I, AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, COTTON BATTS. .kc. NOTlCE—lncluded in our sale of Foreign iced Domestic Dry Goods. on THURSDAY MORN ING, April 21, at 10 o' clocd, will be found partttbe following desirable articles, nix: - ...L4stees neat-styles Amenean prints . cases neat styles American ginghams. cases English and German gingham. —cases apron checks. - cases blue denims. cases takings. cases blue stripes. cases black and colored silesies. cases brown and bleached minding. cases tancy cottonadee. . cases jeans and mixtures. • cases Saxony dress goods. cases fancy lawns and jaconets. cases poplins and mozambiques. -- cases fancy raps and poil de chevres. cases de bele and mons de laines. —pieces mode and silk alpacas. tales cotton butts. LINEN GOODS. ON THURSDAY MORNING, April 23. pieces 7.4 and 8-4 Barnsley damasks, V - pieces white and brown damasks and:cloths.. pieces damask and husk towels. s • pieces diaper and plain towels. - pieces bleached and brown linen husks. pieces 11-4 and 12-4 linen sheeting's. nieces elastic canvas. dozens X and % linen cambric handkerchief& pieces linen diapers. IN TAILORG GOODS. ON THURSDAY r:ograrrG, April 21. pieces fine French blue, black and milord& broad clothe. pieces heavy beaver and pilot cloths. pieces black doeskins and cassimeres. pieces dark and mixed doeskin. pieces fancy satinets Also, wool shawls, silk ties, emir ge, hoe" skirts, shirts and drawers, hosiery, ruffled colliers and cuffs, cord tassels, girdles, fancy trimmings,. chenilles, fringes, buttons, spool cottons, cottai . twine ank laps, dcc.. Ac. Also, a stock of fancy and staple dry goods. SALE OF CARPETINGS. 12LATTINGS, itte. ON FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL 22. At precisely 10% o'clock, will_ be sold, without. reserve by catatognis, on 'FOUR MONTHS', CREDIT, an assortment 01 Brussels - , Simply, linpertlxis and fine ingrain, Venitian,- hemp and rag carpetings, white and red check Canton laattings. &c , which stay be , eaarained early On. the lawn- Ina of sale. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH. INDIA, GI31u1" A N AND sarnsa DRY GOODS, &c., FOR SPRING SALES. ON MONDAY MORNING, Ap.RIL 252` At 10 o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue, an FOUR MONTHS'. CREDIT, about 580 PACKAGES AND LOTS _ • of French, India , - German and - British Dry gotbsp itc., embracing a large and chaise assortment at fancy and staple articles, in silk, worsted, - woolen s , linen and cotton fabrics. N. B.—Samples of the same will be arranged R:ig examination, with catalogues, early on the mum. tug of the sale, when dealers will flrel it to thet interest to attend. CCITT .t STEWAB.T, AIIOTIONSERB 1!P22 OIEfESTNUT and 615 SANSOM. street. GRAND SALE. FINE ITALIAN MARBLE PARLOR AND Garden Statuary and Busts, Marble and Alarms ter Stone Pedals, Ac.—lmported from Italy by. Messrs. Viti Bros., late Vito Vitt & Sons. ON THURSDAY MOBNING, APRIL 21, At 12 o' clock, at ourealesroorns, No. 622 Oluist.' nut street, we will sell alarge assortment of the above. - Among the collection will be found— One fix ei Eye, by Neill, coptedfrom the Origlausl by Eugene Le boy. - One exquisite group, Fidelity, by BarattL One exquiaite ;group, the Faithful Companion. by Oherrici. One fine figure, The Coquette, by Wades trox4. the Fren eh original. One group, Bacchus and Ariadne, bn Tolomi. One nue bust, Hon. Daniel Webster, b BocchL, One line bust, Hon. Henry Olay,,by . One figure, Prayer, by Davide. • One figure, Flora, by Davide. - Or a figure, Canova' s Fidelity, Dose. One small Madonna; 1 bust, Zachary Taylor. Can ne va. O group, Boy and Dog; 1 Divine Love o One Guitar Girl of Palermo; 1 Spun, the Men. Moult, by Tani. . One figure. Prayer of St ninel; 1 Large garde*. figure, Autumn. - . . One smaller figure, Autumn. One fine old bust from the antique Cornelia, mo ther of the Gracchh 1 bust of Garibaldi. . . One superb recumbent figure on pedestal, owes. five feet in length, repreeenting the Flora of tbor - Boleoli Gardens afFiorence.- Two fine monumental Mores, representing Me. 2 dilation and Grief. One figure, 'Ben Franklin, for garden. 'The whole will be open for examination Nrit4 catalogues QD. Tueso4.7, LARGE OOLLEOTION OF OIL PAINTINGS ON FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS. April 22 and 23, At 8 o' clock, we will sell a large nuitiber of va. luable Oil Paintings, comprising a couple of rare sad choice private collections. Among them will be found specimens from old. masters besides .13221137 of xr odern times, Open for examination with• catalogues on Tina. du R ynext. J . A OE BARE ZOO OASES FRESH STRAW GOODS. ON FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL W. At 10 ci clock precisely, we will sell by cats. logne, about 500 cases of Straw Goods, of new and fashionable shapes, comprising English spilt straw, pedal. Miles, and grey_ hairbonnets,Rydal and Spanish hats, willow and colored hoods,- &a. Country merchants, as well as the: city trade, will do well to attend this sale, as it 'Will be did most attractive ever offered in this market. ARTIFIOIALS, BONNET RIBBONS, &e. Included in sale will be found 300 cartons of French Artificial Flowers Ponli de Soles and, Taffeta Bonnet Ribbons. C rapes, Trimmings, dm FUR TRIMMINGS. Also, an invoice of Muff and Gape Trimmino„ and Tassels, he. The whole will be arranged with -catalogues early on the morning of sale. GREAT SALE OF UNCLAIMED EXPRESS THURSCOMPANY 'S PACKAGES. DAY MORNING, APRIL al, At 10 o' clock, at our salesroom, 622 'Chestnut street and 615--Season street, we will sell all the• unclaimed packages of the following express cons— parties, viz: Howard /c Co.'s Express Company. Harz den de. do. Howard do. do. mllOl9-tn4w SCOTT w ART, Auctioneers,. win ow their personal attention to sales of MERMAN.. DISE and WARES of all descriptions.' Fur*. tnre of parties removing or breaking up Hausis. keeping, on the premises of ther owners, or at theft" elegant and spacious Salesrooms, Nos. ekl Chest. nut Sweet and 615 Saloom street. - fell tf THOMAS B/ROHle SOL iAnctloneers and Commission Merchants, Mo. 914 CHESTNUT street, above Ninth. Sale at No. 452 Green street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITRE. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, U APRIL 90', At 10 0' clock, at No. 422 Green street, will ha sold, the -frernitore ef a family removing, msta prismg vallint parlor, chamber and dining-rooni furniture; Brussels; ingrain and Venetian wiener kitchen furniture, 4c43. The furniture can be examined early on tha morning of Sale. _ Sale at No. 914 Chestnut Street. , SUFFHIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, FRENCH PLATE MIRROR.% PIANOS, PLATED WARE.. Jtc • • , - ' ON - FRIDAY' MORNING, .t 10 o'clock, at, the auction storey NO. 914 Chestnut street, will be sold— A lams assortment of ouperior -walnut` aa4 mahogany parlor, dining.rotm and, cluunber fur. nitnre. from famines declining housekeeping. Also, carpets, lErenclr-plate mirrors, beds sat mistresses, silver plated vase china and glass. ware, sewing machines, : -kitche n furniture, Ito. TIMBER LABIA AT P.B.TVATB SALE. - Fcr sale, 937 acres of Land, heavily timbers/1;r also, iron ore on the same, situated in Sunlit= county, aojoinnis Laporte:, the county lawn; As stream of water,paases throtigh the prope.rty, ma_ logs can be fliSated to a market. A pAn 01 Nur same can be seen at the auction store. • "' . . . _ Thomos` Birch lc SOIL Will 400 tnerr plrealtn attention to the sale at Furniture at the reeklagiosg, of those about breaking up. housekeeping Or re.' 1 moving. - Also, .hold - sales. of furnito4e svory FRIDAY-MORNING, at 9. o'clock. _ r athink spacious Warerooms. No. 914 Chest cost streiC 'EltittlESS. BRINIXY &Nos. - •SW •A: • OILBErrtiIIT and 613 .T&I'XFs )Ateetv.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers