IgOTIOEII9. DFLAIR:4II2MBEffitT. 12Mad DYE islhe best in the World. The only Nartelerr !Bile and Reliable Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye lalSerrect—changes Red, Rusty or Grey Hair, I Instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brawn, with 04t-injuring the Hair or Staining the skin, leavinr , Out hair soft and beautiful* imparts fresh 'titan* frequently frequently restoring its pr i stine , color, and real Ag L the ill effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is si 'wed Wria t inia A. BATCHELOR, all others are iner r - tations,and should be avoided. Sold 6;7 g : &o. FAOTORY v ots, --81 BAROLA."Y St Wi t, N. Ba.tcheloe New Toilet cream for. d re ...i n . as Bair. " - itiM_ BECHT, PjEtEs LuT, beg wave, to annotince • that their Manufactory e r p ir ei-. 4Eneee wino FOrteEl 18 now it full operation, T he k eeLerei mtlataction their many Pia.nos, 401 d W i l e ady, meet with, by competent judghs, erAhles them to assert Sonfidently that their Ilan° Verdes are not Bur. owed by any ihansifrActured.in the United states. 'They respectfully invite the. ITLUSICI33 public to call and examine their tnatrumeatta, at the Sakes Room, No. 46 North Third street. Fail guarantee even, tied prices modczate. LOCUST MOUNTAIN AND Swam liwra,arts Ass COAL, carefulij alleated and. prepared for family use, free from Blame andenst, delivered promptly and warranted to gi - velull satisfactkm, at prices , as low as the Owen for a good article. Luxe (loan for found pas,-arid CHEBTFITO COAL for steam purposes, at Witelesale prises. An assortment of Moro= .01.8 sad. Puns WOOD, kept constantly on hand!, also, an excellent article of Si.aoltainTlV a Coax, entered free of carting to any part of the city. A tidal of this.coal will secure your custom. Send your orders to - THOMAS B. OA VITT-Oril env* 325 Walnut street..: - - - 'Lombard and Twenty-fifth street. * WM Panas9Planlanstlroad and Blaster street. pine street wharf, Schuylkill. THE COLD SPRING ICR CODlPlarf. Mikes and Depots as above. Wagons ran in all the paved limns of the Con solidated City and in the Twenty-fourth Ward. X A. S 0 PIANOS. HA TTTN'S FFSM I OABINET ORGANS. PIANOS. J. E. GO Seventh and'Oheetnnt. nal= 111111101 C 130.'13 CABINET O . .RGANS These beautiful instruments are used by Gottschalk in all of his Concerts tierougtiont the country, and pronounced by him sad thousands of the best artists in America, THE 7E5/ET WIRD INSTRUMENTS IN THE WORLD. They are rapidly superseding Melodeons. For sale in Philadelphia, only by S. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut. ELECTRIOITY.—Cancer, Goitre. Tumors, and ad foreign growths, cured by special guaran tee, at the Electrical institute, 120 WALNUT -Street, Philadelphia. _TEARS OF SYMPATHY. TEARS there be a class of persona deserving the -sympathy and pity of the sound In health, it is the goer disabled victim of Scrofulous Ulcers, 'Chronic Sores, whose bodies are so disfigured with• eruptive diseases as to forbid their seeking the society of their friends. To all such a cure is - provided in Dr. Radway's Cleansing Syrup, called 'RADWAY'S RENOVATING RESOLV ENT. , One -to six. bottles of this Marvelous 3iteixtedy will cure the worst cases. Let those afflicted with Chronic Sores, Ulcers, Fever Sores, bore Deeds, Sore Legs, Scrofula, and all Skin Diseases, use this remedy. In a few weeks they will be enabled to mingle in society, cured. • Price one dollar per bottle. Sold by :Druggists. Dr. Badways Medicines are sold by Druggists everywhere. BADWAY & 00., 87 Maiden Lane, New York. • EVENING BULLETIN_ TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1864. PRESIDENT SINCOLN AT BALTIMORE It is three years exactly sinoe Union vol tuniteerslurrying•on to defend the national capital were murdered by a mob in the streets.of Baltimore. Then, and for a long time afterwards, President Lincoln dared not set 'foot in that city. It is something worthy -of notice as a coincidence that °lithe anniver sary- of the massacre of the Massachusetts :Inen azreat fair for the Sanitary Commission was opened, and President Lincoln came on to assist at the ceremonies. It is another co incidence that there was a dress parade there of three regiments of United States colored troops, recruited in Baltimore and other parts of Maryland. The troops after wards embarked for the scene of active operations. The Baltimore American, speak ing of the parade, says : .“ Magnificent working and fighting material was in that column. .Sturdy, stalwart, able bodied and healthy men, well disciplined by careful training, proud of their new and novel position, they looked every inch the soldier. A few years ago the man who would have said that the negro would have march ed through the streets of Baltimore in military equipments and unarmed, without being assaulted; would have been considered a fit candidate for an insane asylum. But such is the case, and during their march this morn ing it was pleasant to see, as the head of the column passed the Maryland institute—where the arrangements for the State Fair are in pro gress—they were lustily cheered. In many places along the route of march, flags were waved from the stateliest or from the humblest dtvellings. Several of the men were accom panied to the point of embarkation—the foot of Long Dock—by their wives and sisters, and manywere the leave-takings there witnessed. • " '« Sonie-few of the more rabid of the rebels in our midst gave, vent to their spleen in silent murmurs and 'curses not loud but deep.' One female, who was standing at the Institute as the procession turned down the market space, thought it chad come to a pretty pass when she had to stand to allow niggers to pass, and that they were a nice crowd to send to fight white men. But notwithstanding the grievances of the fair Secesh, the troops passed quietly by, tumid the congratulations of those who think the United States Government can rightly use darn colored man for a soldier or a laborer as well ass the rebel oligarchy at Richmond." 'The reception given by the Baltimoreans -to :the President was no less significant and .;.grutsifying than their treatment of the col cnied troops. He was greetedin the evening with tremendous applause _by the multitude at the GTeat Fair in the Maryland In'stitute. He Made a speech which was 'full of mean ing, and to which we invite the attention of ::our. readers: The recent • massacre at Fort hint to refer to the position of the Savernment with respect to the colored troops, and he declared that it would give them the same protection that it ~, ,s ave to the -white soldier& Whenever a • well-authenticated case of barba irei•A brntality, on the part of the rebels, shot[ Id. be made .out, retribition should words, folloci .." These are encouraging an d we trust that there will be no delay in getting the official proofs of the Fort Pillow "massacre, so that the retribution promised It was fit that the may follow' .quickly. promise shoui.d be made before the people of Baltimore, an'ong Whom are many who will have an opportunity of 69mmonicating the President's determination to their fellow traitors at the South. _lO , iITA:2;:i. 1 4 : 1111ii "lit ' NEATENED INVASION 'T'ne9qutthern journalists are again uiging th e. inamepiate advance of the troops of the ` , Confederaoy " across the border line, which separates the loyal, and disloyal States; not of p mere corporal's guard, as they term it, but of an immense army composed of men froin all sections of rebeldom, regulars, vol— unteers and conscripts, and able with its great numerical strength to penetrate into the very heart of the North. ''Lee," say these exponents of treason, “had- Harrisburg and. Philadelphia at his mercy a year ago, and spared than both. How have his mod eration and generosity been requited ? Let the wrongs of Morgan and the spirits of our murdered people and the late diabolical plot against Richmond and its inhabitants an swer the question." The ranks of their ar mies, they announce, will be swelled by the Copperheads who are anxiously awaiting the advent of the rebel forces, and from town to town and hamlet , to hamlet, will march together under the same flag, their line of advance marked by devastated fields and blazing homesteads. Differ as they may )reference to the best mode of carrying on these ambitious Oesigns, they all agree as to the necessity and importance of the movement, and if ,persistent demands of people and press can influence the authorities at Richmond, our gallant soldiers, who have been compara tively idle for some months, even should they not themselves be acting upon the offensive, will be given an opportunity be fore the arrival of the early summer months to display their prowess. The views of the Montgomery (Alabama) .Mail, as expressed in an editorial from which we take the subjoined extract, are those of a very large portion of the traitors in orms, office, and civil life, who, made desperate by suffering and privation, eagerly await any change which may relieve them in the present, whatever may be their for tune in the future. "Let us," observes the editor of the Mail, "• invade them with our whole force." Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and the 'Cop perheads' will swell our ranks. We want food, raiment and gold. Let us go and take what we need. The army will receive the c order "' Forward to the North,' with a shout. There let them stay until our ruthless invaders cry for peace. Better die there, with arms in our hands, than starve here or expire in chains. The beat protection we can give those we leave behind will be to get the helpless of the North as hostages in our power. "if our trans-Mississippi army advances upon St. Louis, and the Virginia army upon Pitts burgh, and Ohio and Pennsylvania,_ unless the whole Federal army is withdrawn from the South to defend Ohio and Missouri,Pittsbnrgh, Cincinnati and Chicago will be captured by 'General Lee, and Ohio, and Indiana, and Il linois will be overrun y our forces, and Mis souri will be rescued. -lint if the Federal army should be withdrawn, as it certainly will be, or else if it should be greatly weakened to de fend St. Louis and Pittsburgh, General John ston can without difficulty advance to the Ohio, and liberate Tennessee and Kentucky. It is perfectly clear to my mind that the invasion of the North will effect these prime objects: fil. It will free the whole South from the preisence of the Federal army. The militia, garrisons and our troops not in a condition to march, can protect our homes against the small force they have to harass it. "2. It will supply us with all the horses, equipments, clothing and articica of every kind needed by our soldiers. "3. The retaliatory infliction of the horrors of war will make the North desire peace, and make foreign nations see that we have the power to annoy our enemy, and dispose them to recognize us. '44. It will double our army, instead of de. pleting it. “5. It will end- the war in our favor in one year." Such are the opinions of the deluded people of the South; but how sadly are they mistaken in their anticipations success. Disaster would attend their movements in the North and. West, while Lee could have the same opportunity that he hadsn 1863, to spare . Philadelphia," and more than one Gettysburg would be offered as , a reward for his imprudence and temerity. THE STOCK PANIC There has been an incalculable amount of money lost and won, within a few days, by the gamblers in stocks. The extravagant inflation of prices, noted a week ago, has been succeeded by a sudden and fearful decline in every kind of security, substantial as well as fan y. The speculators for a fall have grown ich, while those who had gone in for a rise have lost terribly, some of them being utterly impoverished, unless they can manage to hasten the reaction which must, sooner or later, succeed such a crash as that which has just occurred. The recent extravagant rise and the succeeding precipitate decline were alike senseless. There was nothing in the state of the coun try, or the business of the various compa, flies whose stock thus fluctuated, to warrant either. Both were the work of gamblers, and the losers in the desperate game are not entitled to the sympathy of any good citi zens. But these things are not controllable by law or by common sense. When the mania for gambling of this kind possesses a peoPle, it',cannot be cured except by time and bitter lessons. MISS ANNE E. DICKINSON. This talented young lady will deliver an ad dress upon ccßeconstruction," at the Aca demy of Music, on next Thursday evening. The simple announcement that she is to speak never fails to attract an intelligent -and appre ciative andience. On the occasion of a recent lecture in Boston, Mr. George Thompson, the English orator, arose and exclaimed, “America, be proud of your daughter !- were she a coun. try-woman of mine, I would be proud of my country for her sake." A woman whose pa. triotism and benevolence are of such high or der; Whose services as a public speaker, within the last few months, have netted to the Sani tary and kindred associations the sum of five thomsand dollars; and whose labors in be half of the'lllion and Liberty have been such as but few of the sferner sex could endure, 'deserves public recognition and support. - TROIKAS & SONS' PEREMPTORY SALES NEXT EER. W ExTria. VALUABLE. CHESTNUT STICENT PRO PHRTY, riEST-GLASS BISCUIT BAKERY, COAL LANDS, "EPHRATA SPRINGS," and FARM, Saw. and Grist Kill, Country Seat, elegant and plain , THE , DAILY`‘FATENING BULLETIN PHILADELPHIA, TUFSDAY. APRIL 1804. city dwellings . Business Stands, &c. Peremptory Sales by order %/ Orphan,' Court, Exrcutors and othcrs. Kr Sec Thomas & Sons': adverttsentrnt on Tuesday neir, 12tth inst One sf the largest sales this season. • Extra Valuable .&eal•Ev tate, .3d Ray, including 18 Irredeemable Ground Rent and several very valua ble large lots. See auction head. Orpbans! Court Sales, May 10th. See last page to-day's BuLtuTIN. INCLUDED IN MR. JAMES A. FREEMAN'S tale to-morrow is the valuable ,store No. 210 Afarkit street, to be sold without reserve. E 1 MED' S unrivaled styles of Colored P HO TOGRAPBS. made at the low charge of 51 00; sine quality, truthful, and of 'natural and artistic coloring. Gallery, SECOND streetsabove Green. ATINIAT URI: GARDEN TOOLS and those of full size—a variety of them may be found at the Hardware Store of TRIIKAN SEL&W, No. 5.35 {Eight Thirty-live) Market street. below i VORYI Y YES. —Those exquisite and elabo lately-colored Miniature Likenesses are doae in fine style at B. F. REIMER'S; life-like aad im pressive coloring. Gallery, 624 ARCH street. TATINDOW.SRAItI. HARDWARE. such as VT Blacks's, Roller Enth,R.ack Pnllies,Knobs. Tasfel.Hooke. Tacks. Wooden Rollers and Slats. For sale at TRUMAN & HAW'S No. '335 (Eight Merkel .treat, helow Ninth.. PLENDID speciniecs or truthful PORTRAITS o—B F. REIMER' S Life-sire PHOTO GRAPHS, in oil colors, are pronottuled by an ap preciating public, unrivaled. Gallery, 624 ARCIII street. • ~►,l ONEY ON MORTGAGE AT 5 PER CENT. In_ per annum. sis,oon, slO,OOO and other amounts to Loan for a term of years. LEWIS R. REDNER. apl9-3t* No. 152 SUuth Fourth Street. BENEFIT OF THE GRE 'IT CENTRAL Fair—One Day's Income. —We will set apart the entire p• oflts of THURSDAY, April 21st, to that object. Oar customers and others are invited to leave their orders on 'hat day, so that the amount will be as large as possible. 'Best brands Family Flour, Rye, Indian, Oat Meal. &a at lowest cash prices. ALLMAN lc ZEHNDER, it* Fourth and Vine streets. T)STANTED—A young unmarried MAN, who y a ritea a good hand, and is correct at figures, to 1111 a vosition a short distance fromthe city. The re.treferences I , quired as to character and ability. Address Box 1613 Post Otike. aplg.2t* WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN IN voice of the following desirable toilet arti cles, of foreign me.onfatture, Law, Son & Hay den's Honey and Glycerine Soaps, fienbow & Sons' Elder Flower and Brown Windsor Soaps, English Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes, French Extracts, of triple strength, in the original pack ages, from the Flower Farms -Of De Geniis & Co., Sommieres (Gard.). in quantities to snit purcha sers. Morgan t Bros.' White Felt (lora Plas ters, &c. • For sale by E. YARROW & CO.. Druggists. Eighteenth and Vine. IVE W LAN I) MUTUAL LIFE INNIJI 3 - ANGE COMPANY, OF BOSTON.—Estab- Imbed in 1E43.- la.euximuLaTED A person aged 32, can insure EB.OOO on his Life, in tt”. New England Mutual Life Insurance Com• pany, by paying 572 30 in cash, and note for same amount. In al/ cash Companies, would only Insure $3. OtO. The Nets plan adds 63.000 at once. The Cash plan addr. only $1,9‘41 In 17 years. In the Note Company the dividends are applied to canceling the Notes. thus reducing the amount of both principal and interest. In the event of death, the heirs of the Insured under the Note system would receive gd,otk, lees he note unpaid In the Cash Company only 83.000 would to paid to the heirs of the deceased. Pamphlets and applications may be had at the BRANCH OFFICE,, No. t3S CHESTNUT street. WILLIAM GE rTY, It* Agent and Attorney for Pennsylvania. .R , E FUR SALE, —A superior May- day Grey Mate, 5 pears old, sound and - Ind, suitable for carriage or fast driving. hICt /REISS'S STABLES, Its No. 34 North Third street. LIFE INSU kta.Pli)ll I.:AN V ASSERS,—Ootn petent and acute persons wanted to =TWA o or country for an established first class Mutual Company. Address Box No. 1412 Post Office, with name and references apl9-3te-rp PUltt; Pd. 1.111 01/. Sue.P.—Ttuo Soap s mute of pure fresh Palm Oil, and ti entirely a Togo. table Soap; more suitable for Toilet use than those made from animal fata. In boxes of ono doom mikes for 66 box. Manufactured by_ GEO. M. ELSINTON it SON, Ile. 116 Monorails street, between Front ano &mond. ahem.. Cbillmardlll etrwat Adsl7-Ivrdi I sAAti NATI:LA.Igs, AUOTIONEER and 1. MONEY BROKER, lf E. corner of THIRD and SPRUCE streets, only one square below the Exchange. NATHANS'S Principal °Moe, es tablished for the last forty years. Money to Loan, is large or small amounts, at the lowest rates, on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Cloth. ng, and goods of every damnation • Once hours from F. , A. 1 14 Ili P. 114' drit.ttro A T ARKING WITH INDELIBLE INR, Embroidering, - Braiding, Stamping, &c. A Lady competent to mark neatly can rind employ. went M. A. TORREY mhl9 1800 Filbert street. REFEIGERa.TORS, Water Coolers, Bleat Safes, at the Arch Street Honae-farntshint• Store, GRIFFITH & PAGE apil Sont , west corner Sixth and ATCII MIABILLY SEWING, EMBROIDERING, _U BRAIDING. Quilting, Tacking, &c., beau tifully executed on the (3-ROVER tr. BARER SEWING MACHINE. Machines, with oper ators, by the day or week, 730 CHESTNUT street. ap4-31x0 1/ONUMENTS AND GRAVE STONES.— ..al A large assortment of grave stones of various designs, made of the finest Italian and American marbles, constantly on hand at the Marble Worka of ADAM ST 'INKETZ. RIDGE AVENUE. below Eleventh !treat, Philadelphia. apl6-3mry4 11_1OUP S. RT 111.AIIITEAUTORY. —Hoop Skirts ready-made .and made to order, war ranted of the beat materials. Also,Skirts re MRS. F. BROM Y, aplS-lm 8112 Vine street. above MUSI OAL BOXES, IN HANDSOME OASES, playing from two to twelve choice melodies, 'or sale by FARR & BROTHERS, Importers, warn Nn. T Clhostnnt Intrant.. Tninw Fonrth IDLACII AND WHITE LLAMA LACE D POINTES, Cloak-, and Swiped Polities.— GEO. W. VOO - EL No. 1016 CHESTNUT street, has lust opened a case of black and white Llama Lace Pointes, Cloaks and Shaped polntc-s of en tirely new and elegant designs, something really good and beautiful, the best aseortmmt in the country and at January prices, being full 30 per cent. less than the present cost of importing the goods. apt4-6t,rp* SOAP—PURE FAMILY SOAP. --43ONTAINS no- SILICATE OF SODA, SAND or CLAY, butts an entirely PURE SOAP, and should be used by every family. Put up in BOXES OF FIFTY 'POUNDS, frail weight, when packed and marked Fitt* pounds, not Bars or Lumps, 8.4 many manufacturers brand their boxes. Manufactured by GEORGE M. EL=TON & S ON, nr.ll.lvrp6 1111 MATlMrettastrPot rpHIUIC. FRENCH SI..TS ON CHENCIZETTES. GEO. W. VOGEL, 1016 CHESTNUT street, has just 7 evolved airect from Paris a case of Thick French Sets on Chernizettes. Also, some on Demi or Medium Nut•lins, trimmed with Valenciennes Laces. Also. Novelties in Embrold. Handkfs. and Small Thread Veils tor Round Hats. Also, Beaver Gauntlets of reliable good quali ties. apl.4.6trpis E LTLB.B _ WEAV ER get xi MODLOfaetOrera of 'MANILLA AND TARRED OORDAGII. Oonoa, Twirls, .to., No. 23 North Water street and No. 22 Piero Dna ware avenue. Philadelphia. saartsi B. ?masa. MORA= Waal , hil• nnwriaie Y. (14.n.mmtir N Ew BOuKS. MEDICAL, SOlENT : l h F ae l dia o :laß a t ad MISCEL LANEOUS, and all others of a standard °hams wow sale as soori p sa ut P li LINDSAY & BLARISTON, ushblei olookweePllreirse7,bY "25 South Sixth street, above Chestnut. REOENTLY PUBLISEIED THE ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVE RY for 1864. THE: NATIONAL ALMANAO f or 1864. MY OAYE LIFE_ IN VICKSBURG, by a Lacly. THAYER'S Youths' Hi st o ry of the Rebel lion. ' MAYREV7,S Illustrated Horse Management. VAUX' S Villas and Cottages. SMILE' S Industrial Biography. COUNSEL AND COMFORT, by the Country Parson. 'AMILIAR INVITATIONS. A new edition. oLLvEr.AND'S HINTS to Riflemen. HASSLET & RACKET'S Engineer's Pocket Field Book JOHN HUSS. His Life and Times. CHOCOLATE R , /c CO.' Chocolate ; Cocoa and Broma; single, double and triple Vanilla; also, Orid Cocoa and Cocoa Shells, In store and for sale by WM. (+RANT lye Rmath wir war.tr• SHEATHING FELT. —LOWELL PATENT Elastic Sheathing Felt for ships; aim, John son's Patent Wooldlng Felt for Steam Pi s and Boilers, In Etas and for sale by AN EL GRANT No. Ifto Smith Ilsklawar. CAPITAL, NEARLY 83 U(O.( IO NEW YORK. AUCTION NOTICE. BOOTS AND SHOES, BY CHARLES C. WARREN, Sale: 100 M No. 22 oortlandt Street, NEW YORK, ON FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1864, • AT 10X O'CLOCK' Five Hundred Cases BOOTS AND SHOES, Compnsing an attractive assortment: of fresh made Spring and Summer Goods. Public, Sale of Boot. and Shoes regularly on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS during the 'entire year. api.9 JAS. R. CAMPBELL di CO., 727 W CHESTNUT ST., HAVE MADE EXTENSINE ADDITIONS TO THE.II POPULAR STOCK OF SILKS, SHAWLS, AND DRESS GOODS , WHICH THEY CONTINUE TO SELL At Moderate Prices, NOTWITHSTANDING THE ADVANCED COST OF RECENT IXPOB.- TATIONS. Wholesale Rooms Up Stairs. OLEIN'rs Medicinal Cod Liver Oil. THE STANID&RD OF EXCELLENCE-PUBE, irRESII AND TASTELESS. The surest remedy for Coughs and Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, Rheumatism, General Debility, ao The undersigned having an experience of fifteen years in the facture of Cod Liver Ott has reoently greatly improved the pr.:kegs of procuri g it, and now offers to the pudic a preparation that for un deviating purity. uniform trestincse ano sop•nor-. ity of preparation is unmet - heel these results are maintained by the personal i.upervi-ton of the proplie or, whose efforts have made this Oa the standard of ex-ellenee Physi flans and o hers looking to the attainment of the grsatest medicinal Matey In the shorte.t time. and thereby obviating indfgeetion and nausea in the peti-nt, can secute their purpose by the adminis•ratton of my Ott. CHARLES W. NOLEN. No. 154 NORTH THIRD STREET. Sold also by WYE ra a BROTHEL No. )4t2 WALNUT Street; OLIVER, 16th and Spruce; and others. ap9-lins - - - - - - - REMOVAL. A. N. ATWOOD, FORMERLY OF No. 42 NORTH SECOND ST., HAVING REMOVED TO THE ELEGANT AND COMMODK)Ub STORE No, 45 South Second Street, Respectfully invites the trade and the public to call and examine his extensive stock of SUPERIOR MATRESSES, BEDDING AND • SPRING BEDS. Also, a choice assortment of all kinds of UPHOLSTERED AND COTTAGE FURNI mt,I9 t ap3o, TURE - - - - - - - - GERMANTOWN PHARMACY. CHARLES L. EBERLE, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST AND DEAL ER IN SPEOTALTIES rohls-cutth.24t* ==3=MMI SEWING-MACHINES THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST. Salesrooms, IVI Chestnut Street, above ith. - - - - ANDERSON CAVALRY —RNcruits Rad Horseshoers wanted for thi, Regiment. 'All the regnlar bounties paid. Office No. 23 South THIRD street WM. J. PALMER, apl9.2trp* Colonel Commanding. grA WANTED TO RENT—A Hi wUSE, with Ramodern improvements. 'within ten squares of l'ourth and Chestnut sta. , E. G. W., 31S ULIEST NUT street. it* ati FOR SAI E.—A COUNTRY SEAT AT jraCHESTNUT HILL, of about S acres, hand somely located, and with all modern Improve ments. Address . BOX No. WO Philadelphia P. 0. TO RENT.—The large DWELLING, la Northwest corner of Eighteenth and Pule eueets—has all the modern conveniences and is finished throughout in -the best manner. J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, 508 Walnut street. FOR RENT—On the Delaware R.ver, iffa near Tacony—a HOUSE, with Ten Acres of Ground, Stables, .tc.—of convenient access to the city several times daily by steamboat and railway. Apply to H. &W. BICKLEY; 16 North Third street. • apl9-2t* EaFt SALE—A COUN THY SEAT—On SCHOOL HOUSE LANE, near German town, a superior stone Dwelling., with all conve niences, atone stable and, coach-house,. Ice-house, . &c. Several acres of gritur d handsomely planted and shaded. For particulars apply at ill CHEST NUT street. apl9-strp* de WEST PHILADELPHIA. RESIDENOE ILL FOR SALE. —A handsome stone cottage with all modern improvements Stable, cotoh-house, &c.. situate on the north side of LOCUST- Street, between Thirty-ninth and Fortieth Streets. Im mediate possession given. Terms accommodating. Apply to A. 73. CARVER & 00. , southwest coraer of Ninth and Filbert streets. apt9-6t* Ma FOR Sho.,E—THE W.EI,L-tiIIILT THREE Ma Story Dwelling, No. 617 North ELEVENTH Street, below Mount Vernon street, widi double three story back buildings and all the modern con veniences and immediate possebston. Terms ac commodating. Apply to A. B CARVER. CO. 'Conveyancers, S. W. corner Ninth and Filbert streets. api9-st* FARM FOR SALE—In a high state of cultivation, in Montgomery county, within twenty minutes drive of a station on the North Pennsylvimia Railroad; large Stone Dwelling, new Barn, all necessary out-buildings, plenty of excellent water. abundance of fruit of all kinds, good fencing, everything in good order. Posses. sion immediately. Apply to GEO. 3. H ENIOELS, 809 CHESTNUT street, or CHAS. WyHENKELS, on the prendsee, Mentgonwryvide. apie-etie EMBROIDERED covEßs, PIANO COVERS, MELODEON COVERS, TABLE COVERS, STAND COVERS. Just opened from the manufacturers, a large lee" sortment, in a.l colors. Sheppard, Van Harlingen & Arrison, aPletethe4t. 1008 CHESTNUT BT. FOR SALE, Country Seat and Farm of 30 Acres, on Old York Road, i NEAR, SHORMAHERTOWN. O. H. XIIIEHEID, apl2-1005 No. 203 South SIXTH Street. N OW OPEN, PARIS-MADE MANTILLAS AND SPRING CLOAKS. Also. Garments of our own manufacture, OF THE LATEST &TILES, and in GREAT VARIETY. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., 920 CHESTNUT Street ap4 to 24, Black Alpacas. BESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, No: - 918 Chestnut Street, Have just opened at retail, 100 pieces at BLACK ALPACAS AND Glossy Mohair Lustres. 373 cents to SI 50 a yard. P. A. HARDING & CO. Importers and Jobbers of STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, NO. 413 ARCH ST. 510 WE RFSPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE TO OUR STOCK OF SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. WE HAVE NOW OPEN A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF French Flowers, RIBBONS, SILKS, LACES, VEILS, &o. BERNHEIM, 726 CHESTNUT ST. In M - Jut TO CUNSUM.PTIITES. Consumptive sufferers will receive a valuable precript.on for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all Throat and Lung affections, (free of charge,) by sending their address to REV. E A. WILSON, ' WILLIA3fSBITRG, apl6-2443w5t* Rings county, New'York. GEORGE J. BOYD, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 1S South THIRD street. Stocks and Loans bought and. sold on Commis don. at the Board of Brokers. Government Securities, Specie and Uncurrent money bought and sold. mtL2-3mrp6 WHY DYE, WHEN YOU HAVE A FECT HAIR DRESSING AND RE STORER OF COLOR COMBINED] A sure Preventive of Baldness. A sure Preventive of Baldness. "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing." , zriindon Hair Color Restorer and Dressing." "London Bair Color Restorer and Dressing. " This discovery is just what has long been needed, only one preparation; does not stain the skin, or soil the finest linen. Restores gray hair to its ori ginal color. prevents baldness, keeps the hair soft, moist and glossy, highly perfumed. -No toilet com plete without it Cures any eruptive diseases, Itching, Scurf, Dandruff, &c., keeping the scalp in a healthy condition. We can refer to hundreds of families in Philadelphia alone, who are using this truly elegan pr NOT A t erati. IT IS NOT A DYE. The only known Restorer of Color The only known Restorer of Color. The only known Restorer of Color The only known Restorer of. Color. The only known Restorer of Color. The only Known Restorer of Color The only known Restorer of Color And Perfect Hair Dressing Combined And Perfect Hair Dressing Combined And Perfect Hair Dressing Combined And Perfect Hair Dressing Combined. And Perfect Hair Dressing Corn slued. And Perfect Hair Dressing Combined. And Perfect Hair Dressing Combined DR. SWAYNE & SON, 330 North Sixth street, P4llada• Price. 50 cents. Six bottles, 82 50. Sent by Ex press to any address. ja.27-th-s-talyrp Sold by {}OLD AND SLLVER WATtALLES, ON OUT own imports.non, rellabie In quality, and at low prices. - FARR & BROTHER, Importers 2511 Clbestrlnt ortriztnt. Wow Fourib. e lm • viz UNION riaillo ILA t. FM:MUSING 00XPANY have a. th e i r rectory and warerooms, 11111 ALNVT street, always a most beautiful assort went of their unrivalled PIANOS, which they dell at the lowest cash prices or on instalments, Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, and every sixtiMactlon and guarantee will be given Yaws. . . , . . , . . . . .., • . ' • . . r. ' ,Sl%) . . - . . - - • t.lf Ny Fottrt h and Arc 1 . '- V 4 _... EXHI.EII ,TO-DAY, • SEASONABLE ,GOODSi From the Immense public sales of last weekin,, NEW YORK ANL PII.ILA.LELPRIA.. Fran Lite of Silks - Full .Line of Shawls: Giacinas, for Ludes' Suits. India Wiu.ii Sim., vi. Black Chally, Bombazines, &c., /cc. aplB 6* JOIM 0: BAKER as CO'S,. .* CELEBRATED COD LIVER. . 718 MARKET STREET, Below Eighth, South Hide. Freak, Pure a, 4 ad Sweet. Our Cod Liver Oil is received weekly fresh frOat. the Fistieriee, consequently never aa o le or rancid.- Patien to using this Oil will find great advantage, by obtaining that of known celebrity.- Our brand, of OH is sold also by Druggists generally. JOsepb Burnet er. CO.B celebrated Oocolline Florunel and Culinary Flavoring Mat , racts. For sale by JOHN Ci BAKES do 00., Wnoiesate Druggists, 718 Market street. BOOKS BOOKS !! • AND FINE STATIONERY.. Since toe first of the year we have been adding. constantly to our stock, until we now have one at the largest and best assortments of BOOKS, FLS :LASS STATIONERY, PHOTO GRAPHS aucl ALBUMS to be found In any es te.blibbmont in the United States. We warrant our PIioTOORAPH ALBUMS to be of the veto bast maierlai, strong, durable, and as LOW I saws as any in the market. AR Nets Rooks received as soon as isrued. ASHMEAD & EVANS, Successors to Willis P. Hazard, No. 724 CHESTNUT STREET. mh22-tOu: JOHN C. ARRISON, RS. 1 AND 3. NORTH SIXTH ST., IdA.NUFAOTURFR OP The -Improtred Pattern Shirt ' FIRST OUT BY J. BURR MOORE:. Warranted to Fit and Give Satilfaction. ALSO Importer and Manufacturer or GENTLEMEN'S • FURNISHING GOODS N.B.—All articles made in a eraperior manner by band and from the bes: ma erials. aplELOm BARLOW'S • INDIGO BLUE, PUT UP AT WILTBERGER'B DRUG STORE, • No. 233 NORTH SECOND STREET., PRILADBLPEL&,-. Will color more water than boar times the same _quantity of ordinary Indigo. 11:1 - The sew Label does not require a stamp. It is WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION; it is retailed at the same price as the Imitations and infener spit-1m GRAY'S PATENT MOLDED COLLARS Have now hen before the public fer nearly a year.. They are uLiversa , ly pronounced the neatest and best Wung collars extant. the at per edge prevents a perfect curve, free from the angles roticed in all other collars. The cravat causes to puckers on the inside al the turn• down oliar—they are AS SMOOTH IN SIDE AS u Tr , lDE—and therefore perfectly free and easy to the neck. The Uarotte O. liar has a smooth and evenly‘ ti. tstted edge vie nova BIDES. Tbese Collars aro not simply flat pieces - of paper_ cut in the form of a Collar, bat are MOLDED ANII eIi.e.PED TO PIT THE 'Ft ey are made ir"tiOveliy" (er tarn-down style); in every half size from 12 to 17 inches ant , Eureka', (or Garotte, ) from 13 to 17 inches; and. packed to '':old sizes' in neat bine cirtons, con- - tainiug co each;- also in smaller ones ol 10 each the latter a very li-isrdy package for TraVelers. Army and Navy Officers. airEVERY COLLAR is stamped. Gray's Patent itolded Collar." Sold by all Dealers in rYlen's Furnishing (}suds, The 'prune supplied by Van Denson, DNA= st Co., 627 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Men's Fa Wishing Goods mh3o-3mrpll t CENTS! LADY'S FRIEND FOR. MAY>. IeJ.PITCHER'S, 808 CHESTNUT St. apl6-3t* EXECUTORS' — SALE. —THE MODERN , MN built dwelling, No. 907 South Eighth street, below Pine, 'containing in front 19 feet; and 114 feet in depth. to a three feet alley. - The house is built in the best manner with all the , modern improvements, haying always been occu- Pied by its owners; is in perfect order, and calcu-- lated for a family to take immediate possession, Without any expense. Price $9, 500. Terms an— eommod ati ug. lnquireonthepremises. api2-tu-th-s-Strpo DR. G. S. NAGLE, No. 3t5 SPRUOE street, reipectfully informs his friends and. the, public in_ general that he has associated with him Dr. A. 0' OALLAIGRAN, • a "proficient Operator, and solicits a continuance of that pa tronage which has been so' liberally bestowed on him for the last twenty-flve years. Particular attention peal to the administration of Ether. aplB-6trp§ LADIES' TRUSS AND BRAOE STORE 111 1 - —Conducted by 'Attlee, TWELFTH Street, first door below Race. Every article in their line , elecant, easy and correct in make. C. H. NEEDLES, Proprietor, attends to Gentlemen on. the corner of. T"iOELFTH. and RAGE Streets. ' N. H.—Professional accuracy insured. apll-30r0 4 5 - • ..••. • • CORRECT 1 - '1.1.0 Kr. 0. E. SARGENT'S orders for• Tuning and Repairing Pianos are re- OelYea at Mason fr, Co.'s store, 5187 CHESTNUT street, way. hlr. Sargeant has had Eleven Years • factory experience in Roston, and Flys Yoars' at u y amploymentin Philadelphia. SPECIAL—PIane rs-ieuthered to sound as soft and sweet-Weed en new, without remaining. Tarrnu for tor:lntr. 5 1 ftol3-arnrier GRUPE os 'STEMS PIANO, For sale, 25 per cent. less than elsewhere. A. WHEEZER, mll3-3mrps M N. Fourth. ab. UallowbUL. KI ND T,
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