VXXVIIITHCOHOBESS—FIBST SESSIOIT. . . YESTERDAY’ 8 PROCEEDINGS, -v .. ... .... ' 6SKATS 0 Sumnerfldsiss.) presented the petitions of <ditisens of Ohio,' praying lor the repeal ol the Fag HtTP Slave Law, -and to amend the Ooustitatioo. so - construed to favor slavery.— then proceeded to*consider the House vNo. 265, authorizing the Secretary of the : treasury to borrow not exceeding S2(K,(WU,oi)b Jhe-cnrrent fiscal year, and for the issue of additional five-twenty .bbnds to provide for the excess of Sit. 000,000. Mr. Powell (Ky.) moved to strike out the se cond section. lie said the persons who subscribed fcnew the limit of the $500,000, ouu loan, and . the 'Government is not bound to is*ue mire than that i. .*®?>ShVL'He thought the Government had better ;pay them back their money, because these -bonds are really worth seven, per cent. • Mr. Sherman! (Ohio) explained that numerous ‘hanks,scattered au over the country,from Maine fo -California were agents for the saleef the loan, and wJiehJt wasiiearly. exhausted it was impossible to ascertain the exact amount (hat had been taken. The eleven million excess was paid into the 'Treasury Department and had been expended . He thought it, manifestly proper that the Govern ’ authorize the eleven millions topro .. vide fqr this excess. # o iJnvreply to a question of Mr. Hendricks, Mr. Sherman said no Joan the Government ever nego tiated had been obtained on more economical :-terjns than the SStfMJOO,cOO loan by Messrs. Jay ; <?poke & Co. After a few explanations by Messrs. .Johnson, Fessenden and Conness, the Senate re fused to strike out the second section by a vote of • 27 nays to 11 yeas. Mr. Hendricks moved to strike out the word six , as the rate of interest on the two hundred million • bonds, and insert five in the first section. He thought if the maximum was inserted it would be • difficult to get a loan. Mr. .Fessenden thought it unwise to say to the . Secretary of the Treasury that he was not author ized to give the ordinary rate of interest in the He believed the Secretary was of the ■ -opinion that he could hot obtain a loan at less than . six per cent. He knew that if he could do so he would. No # one had done more to keep down the rate of interest than the Secretary of the Treasury. Mr. Hendricks said that if the banks of the • country could use their money in loans at six per cent, interest, payable in depreciated currency, why should the Secretary pay the equivalent of - nine percent, in paper, in gold. Mr. Harlan charged that the party with whom the gentleman (Mr Hendricks) acted had in peace • tun*s. voted one per cent, per month in gold. < The amendment was rejected. Mr. Morgan introduced an additional section in lieu of the second, pidvidrag that the Secretary of 3he Treasury issne bonds to the amount of eleven xtilllons and sell .them in open market at the -' highest rates, to satisfy the excess in the loan of five hundred millions. Rejected. Mr. Davis (Ky.) Tenewed the motion of Mr Hendricks, to strike out six and insert five. Mr *.X>avis thought that at this maximum rate of six per ~cent. the moneyed men would combine against the Treasury and force the Secretary to come up to their standard. Rejected. Mr. Anthony moved an amerdment, requiring the principal upon , the bonds to be paid in gold. Adopted. Mr. Sherman, from the Committee of Conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the Revenue bill, presented the report of the Senate* Committee,:announcing a disagreement. On his motion the Senatejnsisted on.its amendments, and agreed to submit the matter again to the House lor final action.- On motion of Mr. Howard, a resolution was adopted, calling on the Secretary of the-Treasury to furnish copiesof the reports of the Union, Pacific Railroad Company, or any other mentioned in the twentieth section of the Pacific railroad resolu tion, and requesting the President to inform the - •Senate if he has fixed the points of commencement of the Union Pacific Railroad or its branches at the eastern tef mini. ' At a quarter to three the Senate went into execu tive session, and soon adjourned, r . . ' HOUSB. Mr. Wa,?hburne (111.) caused to be. read a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, saying it is ascertained from authentic sources that inany*ves sels employed in the cod fisheries obtain salt to ' -cure their fish from the British Provinces, thereby avoiding the payment of duty on salt.incorporated wuh their fish and claimancy bounties, the same as if they had procured salt which had paid a duty ' sin our own ports. To prevent this there appears to be no provision of law; therefore, toe Secretary . requested that an act be passed to the effect that , hereafter no fishing bounties be allowed unless the claimants satisfactorily show that the salt which they,have used has paid a duty to the United States. • • Objection was made to the introduction oi such a bill. •" • On motion of Mr. Driggs (Mich.) the Committee of .Ways and-Means were instructed to inquire . into the Justice and expediency of levying ten cents a bushel. on salt.imported into, the United States, - Mr. Freeman Clark *(N.’ Y.) offered a resolution : as follows, which was passed: -... , Resolved, That the Committee of 'Wavs and Means be instructed to inquire into the. expediency of es -tablishihg a transfer office m the city of New York, under the direction ol the Assistant Treasurer of the United States in that citj, for the transfer of Government bonds. And also as to the expediency of authorizing the exchange of coupon and regis tered bonds, one for the other as holders desire,and. **report by bill or otherwise. Mr. Brandegee (Cohn. ) offered a resolution that, the Senate concurring, both Houses adjourn on the - 30th April next. Mr. Stevens (Pa.) suggested the 31st of May in stead of April. ; Mr. Brandegee accepted the modification, re marking that he desired to'fix a time in order that < Congress may work up to it. * Mr. Holman (Ind ) said that extraordinary at tempts were made to prevent dis eussionT and . being unwilling to encourage The continuation of such a practice, he moved to lay the resolution on the table. 1 ,This was disagreed to, and the resolution was passed—yeas 93; noes not counted. On motion of Mr. Fenton (N. Y.), it was re solved that the Committee on Military Affairs be requested to ascertain what legislation, if any, is authorize and require the payment •of the certificates issued by the Second Auditor and Second Conti oiler of the Treasury for ar rears of pat* and bounty due deceased soldiers, on presentation thereof to any paymaster of the army in the city ;oi Washington, as weJl as in the dis trict where the claimant resides. The House then resumed the consideration of the bill to establish a bureau for freedmen’s af fairs, when - Mr. Knapp (111. ) expressed his views against the measure. , ... Mr. Price (lowuV advocated the bill on the aground that it merely proposed, to direct into the proper channel the physical energies of those whom the fortunes of war have made free. He foresaw gteat benefits to result from such a bu reau, rather than the evils which its enemies predicted. . Mr. Pendleton (Ohio) commenced his remarks ag&mstth'e bill, but was interrupted by a mes . sage from the Senate stating that the Committee of Conference on the whiskey bill had been unable to agree. * .Mr. *Wasbbtirne!(lll.), without reference to what occurred inxonuxuttee, was free to state that he did not think the committee would have any difficulty in coming to an agreement on the subject. The gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr Dawson) was of the opinion that in order to adjust the difference between the two Houses a tax of twenty cents might be laid upon the stock of spirits on hand. This was the material point of the controversy. Mr. Stevens said his colleague (Mr Dawson), who was on the committee, did not represent the ■majority of the House. hlr. Washburn©replied that he believed th&tMr. Dawson voted with the gentleman (Mr. Stevens) m the House against taxing the stoclc on hand. It was insisted by a part .of the Committee of Confer ence that the House had decided against any tax on spirits on hand, while the other insisted that the ~9 Use ,^ acl only decided against a tax of forty cents per galkc. in order to test the sense of the House, H^n9^ eTed & resolution: That the aSirS* <lif agreement to the Senate coherence to ’ of the Senate another -mont 13 hereby.declared as theiudg ■ sp^SStsSSSF^? <^^s«s^^tsigsss Mr. "Washbume said that it this motion -there wUlbe no tax on spiritsonE prenlled Mr. Pendleton—Tbat’aeo. Mr. Washbnme said ifhie own motion nreva.ipe taen the Committee of Conference can adinlt differences by taxing the spirits on hand J Mr. Pendleton’s.motion was disagreed toto . -vote of 5 1 against 28. J Mr. Washbnrneiß resolution was. then adobted yeas 76, nays 67. - v , The House • resumed the consideration.of the ; bill to establish a Bureau for Freedmen’s Affairs. . ; . - , T Mr. Mallory (Ky.) moved 'to lay the bill oh “the table, which was disagreed to—yeas 62 : nays, 68. J 10 establish a Bureau for Freedman’s ■ fOUows • ??a3 tben P assed —yeasj-69; nays, 67, as . j l3- . ■^ lle 5 r ' Allison. Ames, Andersen, Baxter, Beaman, P°rhtßrandagee, Ainbrose'W. ' twTmiv .Newell, Dawes, Dixon, n Eckler. Eliot, Tarns- Fenton, Frank, Garfield, GrinnelkHikbv. ' * Bnbbard (Iowa), Bnbbard . ■{Conn*},; .Tencks, JtUiau, KassoD. Keiiev . ,/Mich.), Kellogg (ff. Tfl ), DoutoS .Loveiol McClurgf. Mclndoe, m T^’ Moo rehead, Morally Morris, Amos Myeri Nori ton, ©’Neill •(»),• Perhaxn, Piks, ¥om^y non, Sloan, Smithers, Stevens, Thayer, Van V alkenburgh, W ashbnrpJMass. j, Wilder, Wilson, Windom and r ' NAts—Messrs. Andou?,Bailey, Baldwin, (Mich.) Flair (Mo.), Blair jW. -Va.), Brooks, Brown (Wis.), Brown (W.; ya.), Chandler, Clay, Oof % l oth, Cox, Dawson, Dennison, Eden, EK'ridge, Fiuck, Ganson, Grider, Griswold, Hale, Hardiag. Harrington, Harris ; (III..)..’Herrick,' Wolman, Hutchins, Kalbfieisch, Kernan, King, Knapp. Law, Long, - Mallory,. * McAllister, Mc- Bride, McDowell, McKenney, Middleton, Miller, (Pa.) . Morrison, Nelson,. Noble,- Pendleton, vßadlord, Randall fPa.)» Ross, Scott, *Siebbibs,- w Steele (K. Y.), Steele (N. jr),“ Stiles, Stronse,- Stuart, Sweat, Thomas, Tracy, Voor bees, Wadsworth, Webster, Whaley* Clinton A. Whi e, Jos.W. White, Williams, Winfield. The House athalf-past four adjourned. PENNSYLVANIA XEGISLATTOE. Habribbubo, Marchl, 1801.- Senate.—Mr; Connell presented three petitions praying for the passage of a law to provide for old and faithful teachers of common schools. j. . Alto, twelve petitions from the Twenty-third Ward praying for the passage of a-law td permit, Passenger Railway cars to ran on Sunday. • Also,, three .remonstrances from Schuylkill county against the paymentef bounties. Mr. Champneye,-a petition from ministers Of the gospel, of Lancaster,Spraying to be- relieved from the penaltyfor marrying minors.- - ~• ,-Mr, Fleming, a remonstrancefrom seventy-three citizens ofrPbil&delphia, against die passage oi a law permitting cars to run on Sunday. [ Mr; Householder, one of similar import. Mr. Connell read in place an act to authorize the appointment of two additional Notaries Public in Philadelphia. . * • Also,' an act to incorporate ‘the- Burnside Coal and Iron Company.' *, Also,,a supplement to an an act incorporating the Locust Gap Improvement Company. . ./Also, an act makingjncompatiole the holding of’ certain offices in the City of Philadelphia. ' Also, ah act relative to the Bustletonand Somax ton Turnpike Company. . ; ,/ . Also, a supplement to the act* incorporating tie- Cooper Fire-armfiMahutacturing Company, j t Also, an act to provide for the more accurate in dexing of liens-against real estate in the city of Philadelphia. : . Also, ah act to provide for old and faithful eachers of public schools. . Also, a supplement to au act incorporating he Chestnut Bill mid Cheltenham Railroad Com pany. . Mr. Graham, an act-to incorporate the Anthrax Oil Company. . Mr. .Champnevs, an act relative to the appoint ment ot trustees. .. Also, a supplement to the act relative to suits, against railroad and canal companies. - Johnston-offered A-resolution that the Speaker appoint a committee cf three, to act in con-- junctitm/with a.similarcammittee from the House, to fix upon a time to visit the Farmers*-High School.. Agreed to>~ — ; . Mr. LqwTyimov9& .the Committee on. Federal Relations be discharges from the further consider ation of the joint resolution from the House, in structing our Stales Senators to vote for a reconsideration of the vote' for extending the time for the payment of bounties and the enlistment of volunteers passed to third reading. .. f Mr. Lowry offered a resolution instructing the Commitiee eu the Judiciary-toreportabill abolish ing the Middle District uf the Supreme Court, Lost—yeas,ls; nays, 16. :' , • ' Mr. Connell called up the act to elect two adrii tior.al Notaries in Philadelphia. Passed to third reading.' ‘ ' Mr. Lowry moved the discharge of the Commit-' tee onihipjointTresolution from‘the‘House to in struct our Senatora-and .members of Congress to vote for the increase of the pay of soldiers anW non * cbm m issionett-offl eers,' which was agreed to, acd-tte bill passed to third reading. ' A-.; Onimotion, adjourned until three o'eloex this' afternoon. - / - JfUrnoon SMicn**- Mr.--Johnson,- on-leave, re ported a joint resolution proposing amendmenU to the Constitution permitting soldiers in service to vote. Bill passed.. Committee of the Whole, but laid over on second reading, r; y Mi*. Lowry moved, that the Senate proceed to the consideration of-the Honse biil entitled an act to compel the Erie-. Canal Company,to construct and repair bridges/ Agreed to, and bill passed to second reading. _. . / Adjourned until it 6* clock to-morrow morning, c HoreE. —■The Hous.e v.*as called to order ar 11 »o’ clocks A. by Speaker Johnson^ Mr. Guernsey offered the iollowing joint resolu tions:.. ,:• . iivoiced, That the Legislature of Pennsylvania has heard with fegret of the Senate of the Unlted-States in-negativing the resolution of the National House of Representatives extending the time .for the recruiting or men and paying Government bounties to volunteers until April lst, - Sedate of the United States be hereby respectfally requested to reconsider their actiohi-ana pass said resolution, in order that the armies of the United State* may be speedily filled. Resolved, That the Secretary ofuhe Common wealth be dir cted forthwith to send a copy of these resolutions to the Vice President ot the X : nited States and to each of our Senators and Re presentatives in Congress, with the request to lav the same before their respective bodies. The resolutions Were passed and sent to the Senate. , ■ i -Mr. Bake 1 reported from Committee on Judi ciary, local, as conimitied, an act authorizing the Lehighand-Snsquebanna Coal'Company- to hold. bonds. « /;• 7- | Mr. Brown (Warr#D>moved that the session to be held to-morrow evening, the special order of which is the bill relating to claims for damages during rebel raids, b© postponed until Thursday evening. Agreed ti». * AN ACT TO ISCORPOBATB THE UNION*LBAGUB OP PHILADELPHIA.. ! / lus been formed in the city of Philadelphia for the purposes of fostering and-promoting the love of Hepublican Govern ment,-Biding in the preservation of the Union of the’Ucited States, and extending aid and relief to the soldiers'bnd'sailors of the army and navy thereof, and are desirous of being incorporated, the better, to enable- -them to carry out said pur poses; therefore ‘ Section Ist. Be it enacted? cfc., That William M. Meredith, John B. Myers, Horace Binney, Jr,, Adolph E. Bone, Morion McMichael, J. I.Clarke Bare, Benjamin. Gerhard, James L. Ciaghorn, Charles Gibbons, George H. Boker, William H. Ashhurst, Josephß. Townsend,George Whitney, John B. Kenney, John A- Brown, Stephen Col well, Charles Gilpin, J. Gillingham Fell, N. B. Browne, ?aml. C. Perkins, Beuj. H. Brewster. Bindley Smith, Daniel Dougherty, George Trott, • William Sellers; and such other persons as have or may hereafter be associated with, them, for the purposes of said Association, are hereby erected into and declared to be a body politic and corpo rate, by the name, style and title of “The Union League of Philadelphia, 11 and by the same name, and title shall have perpetual succession and may purchase^take and hold by gift, grant, de mise, bargain and sale, devise and bequest, or by any other lawful mode of conveyance, any lands, tenements, goods, chattels and estate, real,-per sonal or mixed, and the same or any part thereof from time to time, may sell, alien, mortgage, or otherwise dispose, and may have a common seal which they may alter or renew at their pleasure. Provided that the clear yearly value of all the es tate and property of the said corporation, including interest on all moneys by them lent, shall not ex-, ceed the sum ol ten thousand dellars exclusive of the real estate iu the actual occupancy of the cor poration. Sec. 2. That the officers of the said corporation to be hereafter elected, shall be a President,-four Vice Presidents, and fifteen Directors, who shall likewise appoint from their own number a Secre tary, and also a Treasurer. The s*id officers shall be elected at an annual meeting, to be held on the second Monday of December, and if an election be not held on that day, the corporation shall not for that cause be dissolved, but an election shall be held as soon thereafter as possible, and until ssch new election shall take place the former officers shall continue and holdover. Sec. 3. That the daties and Tights of the mem bers of the said corporation, the powers and fane tions.of the officers thereof, the mode of supplying vacancies In office, the time of meeting of said corporation or its officers, the number which shall constitute a quorum thereof respectively -at any kuch meetings, the mode of electing or admitting members, the terms of their admUsion, and- the causes which justily their expulsion, and the man, ner of effecting the same, and the inode and man ner in which the prop&riy of the said corporation, shall be divided and appropriated, in case of a dis solution of said corporation, or winding up ef its affairs, shall be Tegulated by the by-laws and ordi nances of said corporation, which they are em powered to make and alter in the manner which may be thereininentioned; provided, that the said by-laws and ordinances shall not be repugnant to or inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States or of this Commonwealth. ; Sec. 4 That thefollowlng officers elected by the aforesaid Association, at its annual meeting in December, 1663, shall hold.their respective offices ?!l der charter until thenext annual election in und that any vacancies occurring fore ttie next annual meeting, may be xujea m the manner provided in their by-laws, to 'wTmam ei ß~^T' J l ' Meredith. Tice Presidents— BinxeT t; A *^ nrat - Join B. Myers, Hotace Morton McTWiU^? E - Borie - Directors— QerhSdJ- Olarke Hare, Benjamin S h L? Ciaghorn, Charles Bbbons, enney. T ° WnSent *’ .=." feWc ® lowing j, thistle aid f T,^J ,e JT B °, n not ™«dlng'"within license of at least one hundred the county of Philadelphia, sel? or by sample, specimen oard or otherwise?any goods, .yvares or merchandise, for or Onaccountof any merchant mann&etnrSr of other nerson inot having his principal place.of business within Ithe said State, and not baying a license under the laws *f this Cemmonwealthfer the sale ofeuoff g<*KU?„ ■y.'ifi f THfi DAILY EVENING BULLETIN: PHILADELPHIA. WrBNfiSPAY MARCH 2 1864 wares or merchandise, such person so offb ' shall be guilty or umisdemeanor,‘Hnd off'cbnvic'- tior» shall be sentenced to an imprisonment thirty days, and to pay a fine not exc&off ing three hundred dollars, or both or either, in the discretion of the Court. . ?TheHonge. then proceeded to! the consldefation of shills oh\the!private calendar. . r . V " •ThefoHowing were objected to on'first reading:. An act to incorporate the. Cold. Spring Ice ana Coal Company, of Philadelphia. : -> A supplement to an act to incorporate,the Ken»ey . Oil ajtaMineral Company, l, 1831. *An act*to incorporate fhe Brandywine Railroad Company. . , ,'. v The following were passed finally: ’’ &■' An act to opeh'Coral street, in the city ol Phjja-r. delphia. ' An»act to regulate places of public amusement in the city of Philadelphia.' Amended by Mr. ttuig ley 5 to strike out fhe second section of the bill.. A luriher supplement to an. het passed l3ik day of .March, l£ r a, to authorize the arrest of profes sional'thieves/ burglars*/ &c., in the city ofPhlia dfilphia..... , l; - , . - , . Azf&ct to extend the fee bill as to Justices of the Peace in the counties of Erie and Crawford to the county of Jefferson »t-The bill whs amended, on motion/of Mr. Hop-, kins, so as to include, the aldermen of the city of Philadelphia. . An act to autborize!.the Governor to appoint two additional notaries public in Philadelphia. £ n act to incorporate the Gila Mining Company. Adjourned. , . * » q NEW PUBLICATIONS. E W BOOKS :: ; i TABES OBEBA.& A fascmatiiig little volume of Nouvelettes, based upon the most celebrated and familiar Operas— plot of each opera in.the agreeable form ofhuitinteraßting iuidrattxactiire story. Elegant 12mo, cloth. Price $l, ir. * THE ART OF CONVERSATION With directions lorSelf-cnltuTe. Teaching the art ol conversing with ease and propriety, and setting for^the literary knowledge appear to in good society) a work ol real merit and intrinsic worth. Price $i 25. - PRIVATE MILL'S O’REILIiV., This capital book, published on Saturday has been out of print a week—3,(K!o sold'the d: _ publication. A ne.w edition is ready this morning. It is one of the most lirighable books published, and is selling Ward/s and Orpheus U. Kerr’s Comic Books. ]2mpt cloth. Full ol illustrations. Price 31 25. / *** Any of these books will be sent by mail, postage free, on receipt of Brice, bT OARLETON. Publisher, mhs-w&s , / New York. "VI EW-BOOKS!/NEW’BOOKS! DALETH;/or, the Homestead of the Na tions. Egypt Illnstrated. By Edward L. Clark. 1 vol., Bvo. tinted paper. IltnstiaUd. • SOB BELLO STRAFFORD; Christmas Evb and Enrter/Dav. By Robert Browning, ltjmo..- REVELATiONS OF. MjJTHEK JULIANA. An Andhorite of Norwich, who lived in the days of Edward the Third, with preface. By J. T. Ueclcer. iGmo. ; MARJORIE i FLEMING; ( > ‘Pet Marjorie’ ’); K Sketch by Rev.. John Brown, M. D., Author /of RaVand bis Friends.--|Pap*r: * THE FRIENDS OF CHRIST IN THE NEW TESTAMENT: i-2mo. By Rev. Dr. Adams. CHRIST, A FRIEND. By Rev. Dr. Adams. '.12m0. •: THE COMMUNION SABBATH. By Rev. Dr. Adams. ICmo. ’ For sale by - WILLIAM S. A ALFRED MARTIEN, fe29-tf tWS Chestnut street A XI/EIPS LIFE OF PHILIDOB.—T A LIFE OF PHILIBOB, Musician and Chess Player, .by George Allen, Greek Professor in tbs University 1 of Pennsylvania; -with a Supple mentary Essay on Pbilidor, as Chess Author and Chess Player, by Tassile Von Heldebrand und del Lasa, Envoy Extraordinary , and'Minuter Pleni potentiary of the Kina of Prussia* at the Oonrt Saxo-Weimar. 1 vol., octavo, X vellnta, top. Price 81 2S. Lately published by E. H. BUTLER Sc CO., noS 137 South Fourth street. rjIHEOLOQICAIj BOOKS, PAtkIPHIaETS and X:-NKWSPAPERS sold at JAS. BAER’S, 1105 Market streeVEhiladelphia. HUMBOLDT’S LETTERS TO W A LADY. With an Introduction* bV CHARLES GODFREY lCmo. Tinted paper. Cloth price, j£i CO. **The pur pose of this correspondence isjjfciicus'through out,—to coneole, guides and dmiyen, by advice and reflections ax •nee elevating and*iericua. The reader will-be. etru ck with the original views and forcible remarks that abound: in it.* '—London Aihencnan, . • .1 just . ready. For sale by‘all booksellers. Sent postage free on receipt, of price, by F. LEYPOLDT, PnbiisheT, . No. 1323 Chestnut etreet,. Philadelphia. Thomas s. dixon, Late Andrews A Dixon,* . Wo. 1334 UHESTN UT street, PMladtlptll Opposite United States Mint, Manntaetnrers of LOWDOWNt PABLOS, CHAMBER, . . OFFICE. AND OTHER GRATES, Pot Anttaaelte, Bituminous and Wood Tl:« - ALSO, WARM AIR FURNACES, For xr&nning pnblic and private bnildinxs, REGISTERS, VENTTT.ATORR, A2TD CHIMNEY CAPS, COOKING RANGES, BATH BOILERS, Ac. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Tnrt LOST— A CERTIFICATE of 5 per Cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for 8516 05, dated Marcli 12th, .I=3o, .No. 751, in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of 5 per Cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for the sum of S'2oo, sated JunedCth, 1645, No. 1452, in name of ELI K. PRICE Administrator of William Meredith, in Trust. Application has been made to the Audi tor-General for a renewal of said Certificates. ELI K. PRICE, No 'fill Arch street tea-3m} Mbs. jambs betts’s oedebbated StTFPOBTEKS FOR LADIES, and the only Supporters under Medical patronage. Ladies and Physicians are respectfully reqnested to call only on Mrs. BETTS,at her residence, 1033 WALNUT street, Philadelphia (to avbid counterfeits), thirty thousand invalids having been advised by their Physicians to use her applianoes. Those only an genuine bearing the united States CopywTight Labels on the box and signatures also on the Sup porters with Testimonials- ■ rtntb Grxat Diboovuet Applicable to the useful Arts. A new thing. Its Combina tion. Boot and Shoe Manufac turers. Jewelers. Faonllles. - Itlsaldqnld. Bemember. nIB-wtniclfiy -KAgefitsitf.pl Bb- 30N. Till Feutiisintt, STOVES, HEATERS, &C. TRUSSES. USEFULWID TAMJAHI DISCOVER? 1 HILTON’S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of more general practical utility thon any invention now before the public. It has been thoroughly test, ed during the last two years by prac tical men, and pronounced by all to SUPERIOR TO 4HT Adhesive Preparation taotvn. Hilton’s Insoluble Cement is a new thitfg, and tbe result of years of stndy; jits combination is on SCIENTIFIC PKLNCIPr-KS, and under no circumstances or change of. temperature, will .it be come com ipt or emit any offensive smell. BOOT AND SHOE . Manufacturers using Machines roll find It the best article known fpr Ce menting the Channel, as it works without delay, is not affected by any change of temperature. «v JIfiWKKiBRS Will find It sufficiently adhesive *Ol their use, lias been proved.* It Is Especially Adapted to ' ' Xeather, ' And we claim as an especial merit* that it stichsPatches and Linings to Boots and Shoes sufficiently strong without stitching. ’ ; ' . IT IS THE ONIjY ' _ IWID CEMENT EXTANT That is a sure thing!for mending Furniture, Crockery* Toyij * • Bone* Ivory* And articles of Household use* i Remember Hilton’s Insoluble Czxlbnt is in a liquid form and as easily appliedas paste. HUtcn' * I»? soluble Ceemnt is insoluble in water or oil. Hilton't Insoluble Cem sn< ad heres oily substances.. - - 1 - Supplied in Family or Manufactu* rer T s Pactagea from 2 02.. to 100 JM.’ fflwojr Bros, at, co.* S._l Meipwa, Eajrara * HLiaiNNis, ■ JcoepliQod£rßy & Qo., 39 K. AUCTION gALES. 15 Y J O-H N JJ.. MYE E S -i O 0., , Auctioneers, - ‘ comeriof Bank. S-AXE OF EUROPEAN. Of PACKAGESAND EOTKR . G pith an, 'Fienqti,. India and American embracing a large,'full lind Tresli aa- Gcod'fin^ 0 ° leD ’ Ikinan,'Cott6iTaiid Silk {wona.- tor .<». j.midconnttjjr rale*...•r • '• the same wfll fee arrange dftn try Qooris nf Imported and American’ 1,0 h eldon THURSDAY MORN. m:lrc b 3d, at in o’clock; to be eold witfel F^m^ttovoredil, L, : A ® IE KioAN DRY GOOSD. J Dales deniß&B. .• r_ ~ *:.. — J- 4 .Exeter and .AtlfinticferoVislieetinM bales.3-4'Atlantic and POcaßset '** »i** do bales heavy indigo tickings. ,• bales heavy* hickory ehirtihgsT ’ ; * bales bine Beverly,twills.'; : . cases colored and.black cambrics. ' —cases brown and bleached m uslins. - cases Manchester ginghams^ oases Utica, Brans wick and Great Falls prints ‘cases Saxony flannels. - eases plain and fancy satinets.; • - cases Kentucky ieans and Mechanics’ cass •ineYes. ;/r •• ■ • •* • TO CLOTHIEES—TAIUJKINO- OOODS-3-35 PIECES 1 Also, on THURSDAY, March 3, ' - - pieces French black and cohered, cloths. pieces spring color'meltons. pieces mixed Baklan cloths, . * pieces black and colored Union cloths. pieces black French doeskins. pieces black ano limey cassimeies. v pieces black drap c ’ete. pie.es Italian clolhs ’and alpacas:' Also, a stock of dry goods, for cash* with a stock of Nothing, & c. FRENCH, BRITISH AND GERMAN DRY GOODS. ~ Also, on THURSDAY, March 3, packages Saxony dress «oods. - . ’ —.packages printed lawns and jaconets, last, —packages French shirting prints. v of —packagesblack and colored alpacas. packages lavellas and bareges. . pieces black gros de Rhines. .- s . pUces black gros grain taffetas.. , pieces colored gios de Naples and mousse lines: ' * " Also, silk ties and hdkfs, sewing silks* , veils, suspenders, traveling shirts, hosiery, pearl bat tons; hoop and balmoral skirts, fancy goods, Ac. LARGE IMPORTANT SALE OE LINEN GOODS. _A_c^_ Included in our sale on THURSDAY, March 3, will be found the following desirable articles— -35 packages Chaine*s shirting linens. •J,OOO dozen lihtn -cambric handkerchiefs, •in men’s and women’s printed, hems itehed and plain borders, for city sales. 150 dozen fine shirt fronts. . • dez*n damask and plain table cloths. brown do do pieces brown and white linen driUs. pieces bley and Spanish lint ns pieces’ dsmasbs, diapers, sheetings, crash, ♦owels. napkins, huckaback.'Ac. IMPORIERS* XARGE CLOSING SAXE OF* HOSIERY AND GXOYES. Included in our sa*e on THUkSDAY, March 2d, to clo?e an importer's stock, will be* found about 5,50 r dozan man’s, women’s and children’s hosiery and gloves of a favorite make, m large va rieties, for best city sales. - LARGE, ATTRACTIVE, PEREMPTORY SALE OF LINEN CAMBRIC HDKFS., FOR CASH. 'HB Included in onr sale of THURSDAY, March 3, an invoice of 4,000 d< zen gent's and ladies’ plain and printed border Linen Cambric Hdlrfs., to close the stock orone of the largest mamufactxirnrs in Ireland; the best make of"goods imported, to be sold for dash. . ; ?•« ' SALE OF CARPETINGS, MATTTNGS. Ac < ON FRIDAY MORNING. MARCH 4, - At precisely ID., 1 * o’ clock, will be sold, without reserve, by catalogue, on-FOUR MONTHS QBEDIT, tut assortment of < tbreeply, supertuis and See ingrain, Yenitian, hemp and-rag carpet. Inge, mattings, Ac , which may be examined early on the morning of sale. XARGE PEREMPTORY SAXE OF FRENCH, INDIA, GERMAN .AND - BRITISH DRY GOODS, Ac. . FOB SPRIN Q. SAXES. ON MONDAY MORNING. MARCH 7, At jo o’clock, will be sold* by-catalogue, on FOUR MONTHS* CREDIT, about 750 PACKAGES AND DOTS of French, India, German and British Dry Goods, Ac., embracing a large and choice assortment of fancy and staple articles, in silk, worsted, woolen, linen and cotton fabrics. N. B. —Samples of the same will be arranged for examination, with catalogues, early on the morn ing of the sale, when dealers will find It to their interest to attend. EARGE POSITIVE SAXE OP 1100 PACKAGES BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, ARMY GOODS, Ac., Ac. ON TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 5, At 10 o’clock, will be sold* by catalogue, with out reserve, on FOUR MONTHS’ CREDIT, about UOO packages-Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Balmroals, Army^Boots and Shoes, Ac., Ac., of City and Eastern manufacture, embracing a fresh and prime assortment of desirable articles, for men, women and children. N. B.—Samples with catalogues early on ths morning uf sale Furness, brinxey a on.. «h CHESTNUT and 61ff JAYNE street. FIRST XARGE SPEOIAX SAXE OF 1200 CARTONS RIBBONS, Just Xanded, Of the importation of Messrs. SOXELIAO FRERES* ON FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 4, At 10 o’clock, on four months credit, consisting of— Full lines of plain horded edge poult de seie rib bons, in various qualities, choice colors, from Nos. 4 to SO. ✓ A full line ay black corded edge ribbons, all boiled silk,.extra quality, Ncs. 4t030. A- splendid assortment of, broebe plaid, raye, quadrille, Scotch piaidand broebe fig’d ribbons. BEACH SIXKVEXVET RIBBONS. Celebrated Steamboat Brand. A full line of steamboat brand black silk velvet ribbons. ■ N. B.—The attention of the trade is called to this sale, in whick all the new styles for the spring business will be found. LARGE SALE OF IMPORTED AND DO MESTIC DR? HOODS. . ON TUESDAY MOBNINO, MARCH S, ‘ At 10 o’clock, by catalogue on lonr months’ credit— ' 600 packages and lots of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. ■ < Catalogues and samples early"on morning of sale. = . Ti Y THOMA s birch* son v I JJ Auctioneers and Commission Merch&nti. '** 1 No. #l4 CHESTNUT street, aboTS Ninth. , Sale at No. 914 Chestnut Street. NEW AND SECONDHAND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, MIRRORS, fI«R. PETS, Ac. • ' " ON FRIDAY MORNING, „At 9 o’clack, at the auction store, No. 914 Chestnut street, will be sold— A large collection of new and secondhand furni ture, carpets, mirrors, piano fortes, Ac. Sale at 1656 Walnut 4treet. ’ . . HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac ON WEDNESDAY MORNING-, MARCH 9, ■Si 10 o’ clock, at 1626 Walnut street; -will be sold, the furniture or a family declining housekeeping, including parlor, chamber, dining-room and kitchen furniture. Can be examinae dt 8 o’ clock on the morning oi the sale. ___ • Thomas Birch, A Son will glee their personal a “®jU°u to the sale of Furniture at the realdencei of those about breaking up housekeeping or re goring. Alecs, hold sales of furniture : ersTy FRIDAY MORNING, at » o’clock; at than ■spacious Warerooms. No. 914 Chestnut street. Moses nathans, auctioneer ant COMMISSION MERCHANT, Southeast corner SIXTH and RACE streets. W ATCHES—WATCHES—WATCHES.; At private sale, npwards of 2000 gold and ill vet watches, athalfthe usual selling Watch makers, dealers and private purchasers will d( well by caUinjt atthe S. E. corner of Sixth ant Baca Streeter^ AT PRIVATE SALK. ' ' 56 Peters's Philadelphia case? English Paten Lever Watches, of-the most approved and best makers; some of them have five pairs extra jewels, and very fine mid: high cost movements. If ap. § lied for immediately they can be had singly, .ci le Ist at 825 each. The cases will wear equal tc solid gold cases. : I . Very line double barrel duckguns, breech load lug; carbines; revolvlng rifles- flne Engllnh rifles revolvers.. Ac-'. • - . ■ ■ ■' . ■ , pianos.&g. M AN ASSORTMENT -of -the. beat New Yorit and Philadelphia Manu facturing, from : 5275 op wards. >DEONS, Harmoniums and Cabinet Organs.' NO. 533 South FIFTH street, at the New Store, a few doors below Walnut. P. SCHULER JsOO. \ AUOTIQN BALEB. M THOMAS i SONSj AUOTIOKEJBKf •' No*- 139 and Ml Strata Fourth «tre« , _UA-EB—The .sale' ofthe asset* of theßankol {.TaxOa.iappstp°ne* .to the first.Tiiesdij in OF STOCKS AND BEAT* ESTATE „ at the Exchange, every TUESDAY. at 12 o’ clock ■ noon; :: i 1 - i ' ; - / ’ ■.. ■ 7 property issued separately,. and on th» Saturday prextona .to l each aale' lW cagjpgnee, fa pamphlet form, givmgfußdeacriih STOKK r EV^T|oiI^ THE^9 TIoi / • REAL ESTATE SALE, MARCH 8 To i close a (Concern—VALUABLE stfaiu SAW and FLOURING MILLS; oh^i'eata the Ehilaaelphia,: Wilmington and Baltimore-nul-. read and Delaware railroad.-. Tte mills are in vsnccessful and profltable. operation. p o r full particnlars see handbills.! * • ■ FOUR" STORY BRICK' STOREHOUSE, N.jE. corner of Girard avenue and 7th st, 20th ,Ward. VAXUABLE PROPERTY, .9 ACRES, North Pennsylvania railroad.ancfNlCETOWN LANE, 25th Ward—having £ fronts. / . VALUABLE LOT,IB ACRES, Limekiln'Turn'. 7 pike, IX miles above GERMANTOWN, in the vicinity’of handsome conntry'i tats-. 3 THREE STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, No; 1V36,-1838 and:lsip Catharine st, east if I9th St. 7 .Orphans’ Court Sale—Estate of Christopher Wil-' £ss°“'.;. ri?££- 3 ' THREE-STORY BRIOK I>WEIiLI3SGS, Morgan st ' ÜBG Efd?^t TWO ' STO ® T BBI PK DWEL. RESIDENCE, i No. 511 atK>ve 'Spring Garden st. Has modem conveniences. • ' > ’- s . Side—Estate of Elizabeth .Davis, deb d-BHKJK WAEEHODSE, Ko. lMSMaiket _VALUABLE COUNTRY PLACE, 24 ACRES, Delaware connty, 2 miles south of Darby. 7 Tpi. EE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No; 91S north Tenth st, with three-story brick dwell ing, in the rear on Alder st - VALUABLE LOT, Clinton and Muller sts, north of Cnmberland.st, J9th Ward. TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1022 Ridge avenne,- with frome Bbopin the rear. NEAT MODERN EOUK-STORY RESI DENCE, No. 612 North 10th street, above Green street.-..-1:l 1 : !•: THRRE-STORY BRIOK DWELLING, No. 1226 Monterey street, west of Twelfth street. DESIRABLE COUNTRY' PLACE 21 acres, Willow Grove aud Germantown Plank and Tarn pike Hoad. THREE-STOBY BRICK DWELLING, No.* 204* Catharine street, westof Twentieth street Executor's. Sale—Estate, ©f William SDowden.- dec’,d—THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS! S. W. corner of 11th and Mark’s Lane,-between Cherry and Race streets. • THItEE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1705 Coates street, westof 17th street, withathree story hrick building in the rear. REAL ESTATE SALE, MARCH 15. Executor’6 Sale—Estate of Jacob Horter, Jr., dec’d.—VALUABLE PROPERTY, Gejisian town AVESUE, (formerly Main street,) and ex tending through to Chew street, GERMANTOWN —STONE DWELLING and about 12 ACRES. Same Estate—3 LOTS, on Germantown avenue, opposite the above. Foil particniara of tbe above Estate in hand bills and Lithographic Plans. NEAT MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 513 South Eighth street. 2 BUILDING LOTS,- Twentieth street, below Filben street. Orphans’ Court Peremptory Sale—Estate of Henry Q,uigg, dec’d.—THREE-STORY BRIOK DWELLING, No. 231 North Tenth street. Same Estate—2 BRIOK DWELLINGS,oneNo. 22D North Eleventh street, and the other in the rear. , Same Estate—THßEE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, Ctuarry street, east of Third street, with 4 three-story Brick Dwelling* in the rear* Administrator*’ Sale—Estate of Ruth J. Dixon, dec’ d-NEAT THREE-STORY BRICK RESI DENCE, No. 531 Marshall street, between Spring Garden and Green. Same Estate—HANDSOME MODERN RESI DENCE No. 527 Marshall street, between Spring Garden«nd Green streets. GERMANTOWN—A LARGE DWELLING ard 3« ACRES, Chitbck Laxe and Willow ave nue, Uerruantown. Executor’s Sale—Estate of Henry Kraft, de ceased—BUSlNESS STAND, No. 216 South t econd street, To Close a Concern—ELEGANT BROWN STONEandBRIOK RESIDENOEvNo. S22Pine street. Same Estate—MODEßN RESIDENCE, west bide of Franklin street, south of Spring Garden street. Same Estate—VALUABLE LOT, corner of. Master street, Twenty-first street, and Sharswood street.. Same Estate—BUSINESS STAND, south side of Arch street, between 2d and 3d. Valuable Burixess Location THREE STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLING, No. 336 North Third street, with a brick Building in the resir on Dilwyn street THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1705 Coates street; west $f Seventeenth street, with a brick Building in the rear. . ‘ NEAT MODERN DWELLING, No. 16*9 Cad bury avenue, 2Mh Ward. N EAT MODERN DWELLING, No. IBIS Am boy street, 2tih Ward. REAL ESTATE, did MARCH. Estate of George JlcKeowc, dec’d, Estate of James’Maull, dec’d. Estate of Naisbr, dec’d. Alto, valuable Coal Lands, Locust Mountain, Three squares of ground, First Ward Sale at Nos. 139 and 111 Sourth Fourth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIANO FORTES, MELODEON, MIRRORS, IKON SAFES, BILLIARD TABLE. BAGATELLE TABLE, FINE BRUSSELS CARPETS. &f. ON THURSDAY MORNING, At 9 o' deck, at the auction store, superior fur. nitnre, fine toned rosewood seven octave piano forte, reolian attached; 2 iron safes, flne Brussels and ingrain carpets, hair matresses, blankets. Ac. STOCK OF GAVALRT HARNESS,TOOLS, Ac. ON FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH!, . At HI o’clock, at the auction store by catalogue, tbe entire stock of saddlery, including a number of superior saddles, nnfinishtd harness, trim mings, tools, Ac. For particulars see catalogues. May be examined the day previous to sale. Sale for acconnt of the United States. WOOL, COTTON and LEATHER CUTTINGS. ON SATURDAY MORNING. MARCH 5. Atiu o’ clock, at tbe anct’on store, will be sold, without reserve; a largo quantity of wool, cotton and leather quttirgs, bkleingrope, paper. Ac. May be examined the day previous to sole. Executors’ Sale at Holmesburg. Estale-of Catharine M. Moore, deceased. RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE; ON MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 7, At ll o'clock, at the southwest corner of .Bristol turnpike and Bustleton road, Holmesburg, the ■entire household 'furniture, flne tapestry carpets. Canton china., fine cut glassware, bed and table Uren, featherbeds, Ac . - - ' Also,, a few dozen very superior Port wine, barrel loaf sugar. The stone messuage and lot of ground will. be sold previous to the furniture KT Foil particulars In catalogues and handbills SCOTT & STEWART; AUCTIONEERS. 822 CHESTNUT and 615 SANSOM street. SCOTT it STEWART, Auctioneers, will gtTB their personal attention to sales of .MERCHAN DISE'’and WARES.,of all descriptions. Eumi ture of parties removing or breaking op House keeping, on the premises of the owners, or at their elegant and spacious Salesrooms, Nos 622 Chest nut Street and 655 Sansom street.' felB-tf RAI.B OF A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF MODFRN OIL PAINTINGS■ On TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY EVENINGS March. Ist and id, At Bo’ clock precisely, -we will sell br catalogue, a very choice and valuable collection of Oil Paint ings, of vaiied and pleasing subjects, from the studios of eminent artists, embracing choice Ame rican landscapes, lake, mountain and river sce nery, figures, fruit pieces, Ac. Among which will be found subjects by— _■ Bechnel, Nicholson, Boese, Paul Bitter, Buflhy, Meade, Dyke, Atwood, Joahn, Ac. The Pairtings are now'ammged for'examina tion with descriptive catalogues, avour .Gallery, No. '622 Chestnutstreet. LABGIISALE OF FRENCH CHINA, AME RICAN AND ENGI-ISH GRANITE AND O.C. WARE, ROOKINGHAMWARE, &0— By order of the administrators. ON ’WEDNESDAY: MORNING,-MARCH 9, At 10o’clock,we will sell by. catalogue, about 3000 opes lots, comprising gold band French china «ed sets, cups and saucers, tureens, boats, jugs, dishes, Ac., white dinner, and tea ware, tnreensi dfsh'ee,- Ac, ■ - ‘ : Also, G. C. edge, painted.’lustred do, together with’a geiieral assortment of queensware, by order •fAdministrators;.:i Catalognes ready on Monday previous to-sale. . LIQUORS, &e. Ts. Waterman, ", ." [ V! ; I . ... The only Manufacturer of , . i 'WATERMAN’S COCKTAU, fin'd • :V>.J J . auction hat.-rm street, above Tosrtt; TbtasUeft?™?? SALE..MABOH:i6 t IB64. will Sclud’e-; Ev9hangOi .«■ 13 o’clock noon, houBßsau’d ioU, near Ores. n^C^HRT.ST-GpnteP l dwelling iio. 1324; 16 by S.PJJ?oumbranco. --st; 900 may remain. BROAR ST—Valuable lot,.- Nv ' V 7. coriier of Jeffersohi!t.stl!by.2oo feetto Carlile st, iS frbnUl ,S?10gl-onnd;rehV',' J P.recutor»’' ktipluic Sale: ' .. NQRRigTpWN Valuable lot, ", »Bu ve Mastey.st,;94 feet 2 % inches by about J9O fest tQ.Hutckinhoii BV(2 fronts!;.'; Ewetrtorg’ Absolute I3TII ST—Vaiuable lot, N. W. comer of Otsa feet on 13th, 65 'feet.-OnCass st, running diagonally to Thompson! at;,- '.ExecutorialAbiolute t-reKUST" - -?- W. < orner of Stßes st, ou-Sfiiesand 92 feet 9 inches on I ' i .Cl ' «oreh l^ U ?f? , 5 —A lot ’ west side of Mlfflita and JfS’i !“®h tO:X J? r S 518 • soifeet on Mifflin and 14 °f* rd '(Oxford st has been *. **'<*«<**'■ Absolute Sale. . —Neat dwelling, No. 769,16 by 54 feettailesMipst.'; *6O ground rent ■ ’■ , . MONTGOMERY COUNTY FARM—A fine property of .178’acres! at Ilimigomery Square, 19 miieefrom the city, 10 from Norristown and 3 from DoyJestown. Extensive Improvemects, Btone man si on. and ont-bnildings,3 miles fromtwo sa. tiojis on the North ■“Penir , a/ Eaflroid. - Orphani* Cpurt Sale-r£i(aU of Peter: Wbder y dte~ d. . GERMANTOWN—A pleasant Two-story stone S QJI^ O vP : f OT nierly’of . Jolui Lisle,. Eaq. t dec’d., -°v 8 close to '-both Tailroads. Lot About. .95 . by near 200 fee U... Pull -descriptions in • 321, RACE ST—Handsome , three-story brick dwelling house and lot, 20 by 100 feet. Every modern and ‘convenience 7 there'in PeU^P‘dec' < d Tt Sale—. Estate, of Jacob LARGE STABLES, : TYOOD ST-A lot of Bround on the north side.of Wcod st, 84feeteast of 23d st, 115 feet lox Inches on Wood at, and lot test 7jnchesdge.p.ewitha private way into 23d st, 17 feet 7J< Inches wide. .On the lot are vain able stables and sheds. Orp&onj’ Court Absolwe Sale— Same Estate. : „ EDYYIN ST—A three-story biickhohse aid lot, near Poplar, 14 by 36 -feet. ! 823 ground rent. Orphans'. Court So le—Same Estate.-C: ■. HOTEL AND LOT, S. W. CORNER RIDGE and GIB ARD AVENUES—A valuable property, 25 fcet lox inches on Ridge avenue. Oi feet 9u inches on Girard avenue! and 82 feet3lf'inches deep at right angleswith Girard’and 100 feet deep at right angles with , the Ridge avenue.. Plan at the store. Orphant* Court Sale—Same 'Estate. - -9 L'WELLINGS, OFFICE, Stablee.'Car ?9? ,e nnt * Sbed, with the lot adjoining the above, t-. r-- corner of 19ill tt, noar 161 feet' on Girard aveßUt: 171 X feet on 19th- st, being 76 : feet 9v in deep at right angles therewith, and 82 teet 3y in atright angles with Girard avenue. Plan at the store. 8257# ground rect. Orphans' Court cale— -Some Estate. -t J .. . „ RIDGE tbree.story briok hou-e and lot, adjoiniogthe above. 17# feet front, about 100 feet deep. Orphan*' Vourt Salorr-Same Estate. "RIDGE AVENUE—The three-story bncfc dwelling and lot adjoining the above on the south, ifr feftT& ix ehcsby abput9s feet deep'" Orphans l Coiitt Safe—Same fsinte.' ' J WELLING?, SHOPS, STABLES, Ac—On 10th st,.beJow_Girard aveEne, 35 feetfront and 7G 3eet deep arright angles therewith on the north line, thetce at jightangles to Gihnodo st 76 feet*>-k inches ioGinnodo at, on which it fronts 4S feet £45 ground rent. Orphans l Court SoU-Samc Eslots. - ..... 5 DWELLINGS* GINNODO ST, • adjoining tbe above on Ginncdh st* 9j feetfl# inches in front and de/p on one line and 76 feet deep on the other. Subject to £4O-50 and #T6 ground rents. Plan and aurreye'at the atore- :&rpKant' Court Sale—Some Estate. LARGE STABLES, BWXLLING,’Ac;;nort& llther, abe»e Girard avenue, 62 feetlro's t "and 80 lfetC?i inches deep. OrpAarw’ .Court Sals—Same Estate SOUTH 32TH ST—Two neat three-story brick dwelling*, Nos. 912 and 914. each 16Xby 60 feet. SCHOOLJHOUSE LANR-17*' acres of land, surrounded by line improvements, 261 feet on School st, 1,670. feet pn afO feet street to Wissa hickon turnpike: ' Plans of whole estate at the store. Per* mpicry Sale-by order ef Heirs—Estate of *iVYch»Jos Eit'enAorsse, dre’d. ADJOINING—A'tract of near Is, acres, on the other , side of the 50 feet extending through to Wissahickdn turnpike. l ' -Peremptory Sale — kS’ame .Estate, i.. i MILL WISSAHICKON—A valuable mill on theWisrahiclcon Creek, mansion-house, S tenant honfes and lot, on ; the turnpike, adjoining the above, over 9% acres." valuable depoot ofbuilding stope, ;Ac. Peremptory Estat*. ( ADJOINING—A tract of acres, on the turnpike road, valuable for building stone and old timber. Peremptory Sale—Same Estate. DA PER MILL, Ac—A tract of 1# acre* on the trorpikeroad, with a two-storied atone. nT>r * one storiedframe paper mill, three stone tenant* houses* stable, Ac. Peremptory Sale—Same Erate. . TBE “LOG CABIN” TAVERN—This-well known public honse.on theWiseahickon.adjacent to the above, over 4:acres of land. Plans of the whole estate at the store. Peremptory Safe— Same Estate. - - ... N. 11TH ST— Three-etory brick honae, No. 253, 18 by 53 feet. $73 ground Tent. y TIM PEE ST—5 building, lots, north aide, (be tween 10’ hand 13 th,. below Carpenter «t)each IS by 46 left, Wl'l ecld sejgratet-y rcu'lireSch—EitafeifSeii. Gratae, dec’ d. SOUTH 12TH Sf-Three threl'sTory brie* dwellings 10 2, 1014 and 1016 seuth 12th st, each >s)i hy ~,6% feet. The dwelling No. 1020 Eonth 12th, W. by 73J4, Nos. K22and1024, 17 by 7314 feet each. ■Will be sold separately, executors’ Bonfire Sale •Seme Estate. COAL YAKPV PRIME ST, above 12th, with, all the flexures, railroad track, &c , CO by 9s feet toAlbertst. Possession Ist July next Execu tors' Positive Sale— Same Estate. ' ' LARGE LOTS, WASHINGTON AVENUE OB PRIME ST—A Valuable lot .100 feet square, N. W. corner of lith street and Washington avenue, (0 fronts). Execttforz 3 Positive Sale— SamcEstait. Ore at Jf.E. corner 12th and Washington avenue. I<o feet square. Same Estate. Three on Washington avenue, between 11th and 15th sts, each 57 by IUQ feet. Executors' Absolute Same Estate. 12TH ST—-Two ihree-story .brick house®, east side of 12th, above Washington, each 15# by 73% feet deep. • BUILDING LOTS—One on-12 th, Uona 30 feet streetand 3oh 11th st. Will be sold separately. Executin'Positive Sate—Samt Estate * - rBRICE-CLAT LOT—A valuable lot, IQ acres, onHarrisor, Jackson and Bridge sts, 23d Ward, Fr-anfeford, close to the passenger railroad depot, said to contain alarge deposit of brii k clay. • STORES and-LWEIJiINGS, SOUTH 11TH ST—9 desirable stores and dwellings. Nos. 20!, *203, SO5, SOT, 209, 211, 213,215 and 21T each over is feet front and 50 feet deep to a sofeet stieet. Will be sold separately. , Trustee's Pertmp'ory Sale — Estate rf Elia* Et udinct, dec'J. ADJOINING—Four properties, Nos. 219, 291. *;3 and 225 south llth st, each.H feet front, 71% feet deep to .a 2# feet alley leading to Locust st. Will be told .separately. Trustee's Peremptory Sale—Same Estate. 1035 LOCUST.ST—A three-Btory brick house and lot, feet by *7leet. Trustee's Peremptory Sale—Same Estate. • HI and 145 N. 9TH ST—Two excellent, busi ness locations on 9th, below Race s\ each near 16 feet front, 99 feet deep to a court. Will be sold separately. Trustee's Peremptory £>£ale — Same Estate. • , __ Executor’s No- 530 Vme street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE,BRUSSELS ANB INGRAJN CARPETS, PIANO, Ac. ON. TUESDAY MORNING, March-Bthi at 10 will be sold a£ No. 53d . Vine street, .by order of, the Executors of John T- Ricketts, Es q., : deceased, the parlor, ebauiberand kitchen furniture,; Brussel and Ingrain, carpets, piano, paintings,' coal, Ac. • FLUTE—AIso,■ a ‘superior gold and-kilver mounted Flute.- . ; . M*- y be. examined "witli catalogues, tlie morning ot sale. —. x BOOM TO BENT. .A large third story room to rent, over the auction store, 28 by 65 feet. Has gas and water Introduced and suitable for any business requiring light, ir taken by a Printer a large amount of work can be obtained. • -—• — •' FOB SALE-810,006 MORTGAGE. , At Priyate Sale—A mortgage of *lO,OOO, wellse, cured on'property in the heart of the city, bearing 8 per cent interest, haying seTsral years to ttut^ TJHILIP FOBD & CO., AUCTIONEERS. 525 Market and 522 Commerce streets. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF, 1500 rtAsras BOOTS AND SHOE& ON THUBBDAY MOBNINO, MABCH 3, Will be sold, by catalogue, tor cash, ht 10 o’clock precisely, lsoo cases Men’s,. Boys’ and Youths. Calf, §P» and Grain, Boots, Brogans, Balmorals, Cayairy Boots, lee. Also, a large and dtanabloassortment of Women’s,Misses’ and Children’s Boots, Shoes, Balmorals and GalteTS, of every yarieiy, adapted to spring sales. - Open for examination with cataiogues early on, the, morning of sale. , .. - OLOTHING-in demand ffpmjSl to JSS for Bahts,, from *5 to SIS for Coats, .from 85to SSS ldr Silk Dresses, snd other goods iu pro portion, : • all or address A.. V- AT«CONA, afflbOUTH Street • •.v fejjj.ljn* AGEMAKERS,; V i >
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