theWARFORTHE ONIOH OESEEAL EXPEBmJI; to-dnj- ™ J?Kfiobsotwaa to clearthecountry<ltßeoW«w^ ifposs . blej tQ mafee of straggling rman £ t d join him. A a diversion in fator ot & eaj s tuat the diary Memphis despatch _«ft Grierson* s column, of an officer attachedLamon^furnish es bnt Utile on Smith’s £ been already re ef importance beyoon wn» , : Ported. , ..ttaelr on the enemv at West P Onr loss in and wounded. We drove Point was forty hiileci na £ nnm oer of care and n large amount of corn “° <i Ji o oar forces near Oka- In the attack by Fc ®p°j|,j broke at the first lona, the 3d ren “ e “®® oa/small gnns Into a fire, running six or seven |«: aiid ep iking and ditch, breaking ‘lieir carriag OQr i oa > was about leaving the gnns 1“ our total loss during r sixteen, mosily in P« hundred andfifty. the expedition was about 300 bales of Confederate This “‘“““Sion bushels of com, and cap tmed D over a hundred prisoners, a thousand mules and negrois. 10T nSVU,LE. . '' ‘ March' 1. -The notorious rebel Richardson, was captured on Sindav’south of the Cumberland Elver, below finckville, by a detachment of Col. Weatherford a SavslrV One other rebel was taken withhim. the United States Court to-day W. W. Gre „„ of this county, who was convicted last. S and sentenced for harboring and concealing Twbel soldier, took the oath prescribed in the am nestv nroclamation and was discharged. , . Tf-n ffionsand dollars in gold in transit from Cin cinnati to Tennessee, was seized last night by offi cer Symms, being sent in con travention of the non intAEEr?AL Of'eEIEASED PEISONEBS. For.TEESaliloxitOE, March I.—Major Wade, Seventy-third Indiana; Captain Barton, Tenth Massachusetts ; Colonel Dulaney, of Governor Fitrpont’s staff; Doctors Bobinson and Baker, lieutenant Dougherty, of Colonel Straight’s com mand- a id Mr. Bnlkley, of the New York Herald, and seven citizens, prisoners from-Richmond, ar rived here to-day on board the flag-of-troca boat from City Point. THE QUOTA OF HEW YOKE SEDUCED. Albany, March l. — The'commission appointed by the Secretary of War, consisting of Messrs. M. I* Allen, of New Yo.k; John Dove, of Indiana; and Channcey Smith, ot Massachusetts, for deter mining upon the inequalities in the enrollment in «h,c State, have come to the unanimous conclusion that the enrollment was imperfect, erroneous and excessive, especially with reference to the cities ot New York and Brooklyn, and recommended that the quota of the State be reduced from sixty thou sand three hundred and seventy-eight to tlfty-two thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, with a corresponding reduction under the call of Feb. 1,16 M FROM WASHINGTON. "Washington* March j, IWH-- —Colonel Straight called on the President this morning and spent over an hour narrating his exploits in Bebeldom, and giving him inlonnation as to the condition of ©nrprisoners in Bichmond. Colonel Streight goes out to the army to consult Vrith General Meade, and thence to Portress Mon* roe,-to see General Butler. He is. very anxious to command tinder General Butler, to enable him to operate against Richmond. ;- Attorney-General Bates closed his argument for "Uncle Sam to-day in the Quicksilver case, before the Supreme Court, and was followed by Judge Slack for the Fosset claim, owned by the Com pany. Owing to Judge. Black's being nnweli he was compelled to ent off his argument and.go home and the Comt adjourned until to-morrow Mr. Bradley, before the House Military Ctftn mittee, to-day, closed his argument against mak ing the Barit an Bay Railroad a military and postal road. Clarence Seward was. then heard for the Baritan Bay Railroad. The coznmititee will re port next week As some controversy*exists inTennessee concern ing the test oath prescribed by Governor Johnson in his late proclamation, and as questions have been raised as to its incompatibility with the Presi dent 1 s Amnesty proclamation, it is proper to say that it is known in Washington, beyond any doubt, ■ that the President and Governor Johnson are in perfect accord in the matter of providing for a gen eral election in that State, with the view of restor ing Tennessee to her former position in the Union, and that the President doeß not consider the Gov nors, form of oath on the qualification ot voters as incongruous With that which he himself has pre scribed to be taken as preliminary to pardon, but rather as an oath which should be respected and I enforced, and of this fact there is reason tb believe the people of Tennessee will be duly informed. The bill supplementary to the loan act having passed both Houses now only awaits the Presi dent* s approval to become a law. It Is the same as already published, with the addition that the or registered bonds for $200,000,000 loan, redeemable at the pleasureof the Governmentafter any period notjess than five years, and payableat any period not more than forty years from date ar©, to be paid in coin. It is understood to be the pur? pose of the Government to issue five percent, bonds payable in forty years, but redeemable at tne pleasure of the Government after ten years, the principal and interest to he paid in gold; no doubt is entertained that the bonds can be readily placed at par. The plates will be immediately engraved. The Senate to-day confirmed the nominations of N. M. Ore, to be Assessoroflnternal Revenue for the Third District of California, and Alfred Briggs to be Collector of Internal Revenue for the Fourth District of California. Second Lieutenant David Evans was confirmed as First Lieutenant in the revenue cutter service. D. N. Cooley to be Commissioner of Taxes for the insarrectionary district of South Carolina, vice A. D. Smith, removed. _ Several days ago the House of Representatives called upon the President to furnish a statement showing the number of re-enlisted veterans irom each State, and other information in that .connec tion. To this the President replied, inclosing a letter from the Secretary of War. who says that in his opinion it would prove prejudicial to the public service to transmit to the House at the present time the information requested. The bill which passed" the House to-day to establish a Bureau of Freedmen’s Affairs, creates that office in tbe War Department It is to be placed m charge of a commissioner at the annual salary of £4,000, to whom is to be referred the ad justment and deiermmation of all questions arising under any laws now existing or hereafter to be enacted concerning persons ot African descent, and persons who are or shall become free by virtue of any proclamation, law or military order issued, enacted or promulgated during the -present reoel u *V. or virtue of any act of emancipation which shall be enacted by any State for the lreedom of such persons held to service or labor within such fatate, orwho shall be otherwise entitled to their freedom. . Tbe Commissioner is also charged with the exe cution Of all laws providing for the colonization.ot freedmen, and with the delivery of any bonds of tbe United States, or any indemnity to any S f nte to which it shall become entitled by. reason of th* emancipation of slaves within such State, and of any act of- Congress authorizing the issue of such bonds or payment of shch indemnity. The bill, things, the appointment of Assistant Commissioners and other*ofiicers, who are to permit persons of Afri can descent, and per sons who are or shall become free, to occupy, cul tivate and improve all lauds lying within the dis trict now or heretofore in rebellion, which lands may have been or may hereafter be abandoned by their former owners,\ and all real estate to whicn the United States shall have acquired title, and to advise and aid them when needful, to organize and direct their labor, adjust with them their wages, and receive all returns arising therefrom, which shall be only accounted for by the Commis sioner, and all balance, if any there be after de fraying the charges and expenses of the bureau, are to be paid annually into the Treasury of the United States. J Acting Master Bnrgess, -writing to the Navy Department from on board the United States ?f^S r 5 e * nre .F , f d > on blockade duty off Jnpi ! date «? Feb. Oth, says he sent a AcUn?MMte^ n H lt ß rl 1, t, . nder ™ charge of Narrows and the' Ti'cimty^or^loSSe^annere 1 fo°\ n a?sa^ l^r a S “ d go P^ f Dl J 0 S« id^?" d tte boat aPriZe ° f War by ths offloer ti chSgbSf COAL STATEMENT. ' * The following is a statement of the goal transported over the Lehigh Valiev'rtmuLfs ftr the week ending Feb.. 27, ?864,tad Soue since December 1,1863, comparedwith. aaSfe tlml l&it ycftr* 17 Y Week. PSstfioUßly. Total. Tona.Cwt. Tons. Cwt. Tons. Cwt. ’V‘ • V" 3,6(14 18 89J175 OS 42,531) U 9 JEastSurar Loaf.. 3,305 18 17,126 07 20,43-2 00 I >« 81 - 08 A*SM‘-S 15*661 M Mount Pleasant.,. - 943 06 - 7 oif) 1.1 a i.t; , OUntaln " 2 *S2 I s ‘ 13,717 14 16,*403 Ur SiverTff'e'adow'" 691 11 3,324 12 4,602 03 SSS^S::::LiioM 8 VftfU £ 4>31 .! *■ 19,663 » *Vsn w (GermanTenna.... 1,229 os 10,916 13 J'S? ?s Ibbervale......;t- sw.n 6,35713 66931 s W2J2 , , ’7,357 13 aStbos Back VHaSmaiii, I®. w.gaos n isi “4 I* M. ; --1,728 12 12,222 11 „ 4 Lehigh Ooal& Nav. J,446 13 16,308 05 19,753 is Other Shippers... v-l 660 ... °, 931 °5 ■ ~ 8,944 01 Total-.. 17 225,305 18 253,518 15 Increase.'. 7,116 07 U,™ 64 16,90 i 17 AN ELOQUENT DENUNCIATION OP || . ' ‘TREASON. ADDRESS OF HON.F. C. BRINCK IN THE HEW JERSEY LEGISLATURE. ’ A hill proposed by-the Copperheads is before the New Jercey Legislature, «in reference to soldiers attending elections. It is ostensibly to protect the ballot box. against military interference, bat iB really intended to insult and injure the National Government. The main advocate of the bifl appears jp be' Thomas Drmn-English, one ot the-most notorious Copperheads In New Jersey. He was ably replied to ontlib 25th nir by Hon. P. O. Brinck, Union,' of Camden’ county.-: • The reporter York Daily News borro wed Mr. Brinck* s MS., and subsequently refused to return It, evidently hoping 'thus ti suppress h and loyal utterances. Mr. B.» however, re-wrote his, remarks, and we present them to our readers, with great pleasure,' Theyjare as- follows: MrJ Speaker—l hope the gentleman will not . withdraw bis c inotion.‘ So far as objections to the bill are-concerned, tf is itseure condemnation. As we pass along the great highway of life, we oc casionally meet with much that appears to be made tip of opposites, not unlike •‘Nebnchadnezzar*B image” composed of gold, silver,brass, iron, and its rate of non and clay mixed—parts of each com plete within itself, presi nting upon the whole a very ludicrous figure, lor itself at tention at a very inopportune moment. At a tim*,_ perhaps, when a slow-moving funeral proces sion is bearing one to its last resting place, the at tention of the spectators are called off by a loud laugh as some barieauin presents itself, with all its antics, and, no withstanding the solemnity of the occasion, such is its ridiculousness as toe n vuiseaU wi>n laughter. )f it be found, however, that the guilty irifler is not only outraging all the finer feelings of ihe human heart, but that it con tained elements of the most inflammable and in cendiary character, and that from ontof it, aie ready to spring elements of evil and danger—Uks ihe fabled Trojan Horse or Pandora’s Box. scat enng death and destruction among the hapless friends and spectators; I think it would be found that thejoke had raised a storm and kindled a fire which would require more power than he coaid control, either to calm the r quench the other. I think we are with-ssit g a similar scene in this chamber to-day as we are looking upon the hun dreds of funerals of our glorious martyred dead, as' tney are being borne to their long home, having lallen m the bio dy conflicts in which they have been engaged v hile crushing out this rebellion, and as we are employed, white our hearts are almost breaking, mtiew <f the devastation and sorrow -this war has produced, and are legislating away, hurdreds of thousands (f dollars, that we may as' fax as possible mitigate the evils that are upon ns, our attention is called off by load jeers and coarse laughter, and as we look, another •« Jumping Jack*’ presents himself as an itinerant mounte bank is seen stradling a harlequin hobby. It is in appearance a figure reminding the beholder of “Nebm hadnezar.’s Image. ” . It contains mneh.of brass ; it has a body of brass and legs of brass, and feet part copper and part clay, and its head is copper, and its checks are brass; tt is a Copper head. It appears to be approaching the State House; it draws near; it enters the gate; it approaches the main entrance; it is near the door of this chamber; it is coming in; make way for it; that it may be seen by the members of this house and spectators; it is now in full view; it asks you to pat it on Its head; to kiss its cheek of brass; to take it in yonr embrace: to dangle it on yonr knee: it is a very funny fellow; bnt as I look at it* more carefully, Xdiscover that it contains hidden springs, and that as yon touch them vipers gleam upon you,and cop perheads are ready to bite: it contains all manner of inflammable, combustible elements; ready to scatter death and destruction all around. A bill is presented to-day tor our approval, enti tled “An act for the better protection of the free man of the State in the exercise of the elective franchise;** and, if passed by this body, conjointly, and signed by the Governor, becomes the law or the State of New Jersey, making it unlawful for any one, or more of the citizen soldiers of the State of New Jersey to appear,at,or near any place where an election shall be held, it in an incorporated city within one-quarter of a mile, or within two miles of the place of election, (this beingsligbtly modified to-day. )Jf anywhere else, unless under and by authority of the State or County; and thereby i saying to the 30,000 of our citizen soldiers, < 1 You are outlaws, yon have none of the rights, while engaged in the service of yonr country, in pro tecting the citizens of this, your State, and crush ing out the rebellion of slave-breeders and slave dealers, of citizens, or even aliens.** “We. the Democratic party of the State, In Senate and General Assembly met,*’ have so willed it, for, at a grand conclave, held in Bergen county, the so called Democratic party, alias peace copperheads, met with other copperheads,some of whom occupy quite a space in the public eye, among whom is a certain Col. Wall, for 30days U. S. Senator, and for 10 days U. S. prisoner. This is copperhead No. 1. Anotheris a Fernando Wood, sometimes called “ Fernandowud, * * and a near relative of a certain St. Benjamin of the tribe‘of Wood, and of the copperhead class, nowin the Congress of the United States, representing that classical part ol the city of New York, known as Five Points, (in ■ candor I must admit a proper representative of the said people). This is Copperhead N 0.2. Next in order comes a round greasy-faced Reverend, Ohauacy Borr—everything by -turns, from a minister ins different religions denominations, then an ultra abolitionist; anon, an apostle of temperance, in either of which positions he might have ranked with grtat and good men, hut. the animal over coming the moral, he became a bigamist, an adul. Uftr, and finally, Copperhead No. 3. This bill, I suppose, is an emanation of the above conclave held in Bergen county. ■ Ills presented by a gentle man irem the same connty, and In presenting, and I suppose aiding in the preparation of tnch a bill as ' Assembly bill No. ' 107, and asking this and tbe co-ordinate branch of this body, to make it a law of the State of New Jersey, snpi oses one of two things, either that he, in tne simplicity and sin erily of his heart, really sup posed that the good people of the State of New Jersey (needed him (the member from Bergen) to look carefully after “the freemen in. the State in the exercise of the elective franchise,” and that ■we should aid him in. passing a bill that would save the people* from all fear and alarm and appre hension and dread and danger, and so election day should pass quietly away; and that we. par taking of the same spirit, needed some bold, good man to lead us on (as he led thatgallantband, with sfcovel and hoe. when they went out to repair roads, near a certain town ot which he was Mayor, as he informed ue, in one of his brilliant speeches a few days ago), and we should fall in like & flock of sheep, he (said member from Bergen) being “bell*6neep,” and so accomplish greet things- Or, this bi»l has been prepared by bad unscru pulous designing men for incendiary purposes— for inch men, as comprised, the conclave in Bergen county, could upon election day produce riot and. blooished in a hundred places in the State worse than was brought about by the Copperhead Governor Seymour's friends in the City of New York. For any citizen (Sec. 2. , Oth line), whether aronk or sober, wise or foolish, young or old, man or booby, may order away from the polls any citizen-so.dier, or soldiers, whether upon furiongh or otherwise, under pain of fine or im pr.sonment, or both; or any constable, orotiw person ; wishing to make a dollar, or justicebf the peace wishing to “bring grist to his mill >» .Ana you and I can be forced (ut der all the penalties setfor.h) to assist in these illegal proceedings and it is further made and provided, that if youor I do not take the initiative in causing the arrest of father, or brother, or son, or neighbor, or friend, or enemy, white or black; whether passing or re passing by steamboat or railroad car; whether in camp or barrack, in or around hospital or recrui ting station, Provost Marshal’s Oflics ot otfcer.- wise, we shall be'fined or imprisoned, or both, if we neglect to convey to the Justice of the Peace said offenders. Such is the bill we are called upon to pass. I shall therefore conclude that you will pass this bill, as, when this bill came up upon Its second reading, you noted down different amend ments which were offered* and especially the one I had the honor of offering: *‘Unless said soldiers are acting under the authority of the government of the United States. ” Tneayes and noes being called on this last, it was voted down by a strict parly vote, (less one honored name—l revere him for hiß moral courage,) and when finally the ques tion shall be asked, “Shall this bill pass V ’ those gentlemen who are in favor, when their names are called, will answer “Aye,” thoseopposed, “No” —and that there will be 39 vote aye directly, or ?ho? r ?^ TOi 2 y °ting by absenting themselves, and nwii olll “ ence ifc will be carried to the ottter passed by a strict party vote, taken to eo-cauJdnUm Sign ,? d by Mm—a ß he belongs to the lav of S«'; nlt i c^ arty -r and thus become the parcel* of the a*? 0 * J S Bey > and be part and parcet of tha disgraceful Peace Beeolmions of wben tbls session closes, takera°fros°o tlcal death.beds, and employ under £av™, tad fh^ C °“ nty ,0 di S yo “ Politick heart them engrave npoh yonr copper. P° Utical obituary, tad let your an overdose 1 “ Died can-” and i.c *v,„ verdunn English— not Ameri yonr graves let t?°£?. e U c^ oredSradB over bovß fta tTfeii. iV, eU thata worse ,than the cow °. f tbe revolution lies rotting here, oxo -r? rt^,» eClatlon *P ®ll future ages: that among its w«,!?® ene r at £ Boas 'were to be found men: who, ™ I J a ots helped to Bustain. thdse who were avowed enemies of the Government, at a period. 1,,,. 11 “was engaged In a struggle brought about , y traitors, ip their. endeavor:: to destroy a nation ... Purpose of extending tad perpetuating the crime ever committed-by mortal man:' t arD °ng such men as comprised the New fonWj„jKgts'ature in the year .1864, .ware to be deTi Bed plans, racked their brains, eontT<rt or fol influence snch votes aa thby could he General n l’ nrpoBe - not only of embarrassing ne General (Joyeininent, but aje 9 firing^. ThbIpAILT E gjfolNfi BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, ireabeupon tbeirJpwn State, in its''endeavors W crushout tbe wamraging in that same year, as t% hadbeen forthieft > ears previous. . . Or may I venture even to “hope against hope’ tbat eent'.emen will pause before they sink their State further into disgrace by such an act of legis lation as this iniquitous bill calls ton .that they . will discover ; that, although at first- glance this bill appear .innocent, an4.3S|»an“* less, yet, a. farther examination, it is evil, and only evil, as 1 assume Gentlemen ■will re >dily eee tbat if tbis bilL ls passed and be. comes-the law-of the land, it will of necessHy bo inoperative,'and become as a dead letter, for it. will be remembered that_Atnerican soldlora vnll go where and wben they please, and not sub mit .lo treatment - as- ontlaws, -at the dic tum of aspirit— perhaps' under the influence of tuch as are in- the pay of ihe Rebels themselves., Do not be startled, for I-have long been of the opinion that .be found among the. Copperheads of the State ott«. Jersey:-Thirwiirbecomo plain, sir, when I ask—What has -not- been done, or at tempted to be done by 4 opperheass in onr midst .that would have b»en done by rebelslf they had the opportunity 1 And allow me to ask—WlU yon sub mit to snch leadership, by being' whipped into the line atlhis true, while the blessings we are now enjoying are only ' onrs from day ,to day, as the Tlcbcst blood is being poured ontt which ever sis ined onr sin-cursed earth! or will yon throw off: the trammels, and thus consign this bill, with its Copperhead originators, to thatiofamy and con tempt which it so richly merits 1 The answer is with yon. • ... An adjourned meeting ot the Representatives of the Ward Bounty Committees was- held last night at the Board of Trade Booms.' Mr: Daniel Steinmetz presided. The Chairman l stated that the object for which the.meeting was called was to endeavor to raise a land for volan teemg purposes. It was proposed to solicit the various places of amusements in the city to con tribute the proceeds of one night to the Bounty Bund Committee; and a proposition was alao pre- - sented to make a similar application to' the differ ent Passenger Bail way Companies. A number of the employes ot the theatres and of the railway companies hareiiKhjfled their willingness to give a day’s labor to that purpose. The different wards then reported on the condi tion ot their respective districts.- First Ward—No report. Second.Ward—l7s men mustered in on February Ist: 340 to.ialse. 82, <AJO in hand. Third Ward—l4o men sworn in, 296 yet to fur nish. Fourth Ward—l 32 men mustered in; 200 wanted. Filth Ward—No report. Sixth Ward—3lo men, tbe fall quota, famished. The Ward has borrowed 81296. - Seventh Ward—§lB,ooo have been raised: 812,000 more are required. ThU will be furnished and the quota will be filled. Eighth Ward—Full. - Ninth-Ward 354 men already mastered, and lands enough to fill the quota. ■ Tenth Ward—96 men wanted to fill the quota on Monday. 525.000 have been raised in the Ward. It will be exempted Eleventh Ward—Will he filled to-day. The Ward has borrowedSliUO to procure the men. Twelfth Ward—Full, andSIOOO out at interest. Thirteenth Ward—Full. Fourteenth Ward—Full. Fifteenth Ward—No report. Sixteenth Ward—No report. Seventeenth Ward—l3o men mustered in; it is supposed 273 more are wanted. The Ward has bnt 8500. Eighteenth Ward—Have collected 813,500. Mas tered in 265 men and want 135 more. 81,000 on hand. \ Nineteenth Ward—Have 340 men sworn in, and want 400 more: ' This Ward has raised 815, oor, and has 86,uu0 on hand. Twentieth Ward—436 men mustered in; want 21S more. The Word has sufficient f raids to raise the men. Twenty-first Wa-d—Full, provided a qnota ol 121 be allowed them on the general credit. . Twenty.second Ward—Ntfrepjrt. Twenty-third Ward—No report. Twenty fourth Ward—No report. Twenty.fifth Ward—l3s men mastered in. The quota of the Ward cannot he ascertained, hat It is supposed that 100 men will be required. The Ward is badly in want of funds, and cannot procure them m the Ward. The Sixteenth and Twenty-fourth-Wards, which wore not represented, are both reported as having filled their quotas. Mr. Andrews moved that a committee be ap pointed to waitnpon the places of amusements and tbe Passenger Hallway companies for the purpose of obtaining contributions to the general fond of the convention. After a considerable debate the matter was post poned. A motion that when the meeting adjourns it he to meet on Monday next, was agreed to. Mr. Thompson moved that the officers of the different Ward Associations be earnestly requested to make a statement in writing at the next meeting of the convention. Agreed to. _ Mr. Pierce moved that a committee be appointed to investigate the condition of the Barracks at Twenty-second and Wood streets, where it Is alleged the quarters are exceedingly filthy. Agreed to, and tne committee was appointed. Mr. Tatham offered a resolution that any pay ment on the part of the wards to rccrniunc offi cers, other than the twenty-five dollars before de termed is antagonistic to the interest of the city, and should be immediately discontinued. Mr. Saunders moved a special committee be ap pointed to devise and execute means whereby a bonus equal to the present bounty, mav be paid to re-enlisted veterans who have received no bounty. Agreed to. Adjourned. Schr Julla Newell, Trott, from Portland for this port, at Holme?’ Hole 29th ult.. ■ Schr R S Dean, Dean, from Taunton for this nort. at Newport; 27th ult, p ", Schr Bose Skerrett, Taggett, from Provlhcetowh for this port, at. Newport 28th ult. Schrs John Lancaster, Williams, and D G Floyd, Backett, cleared at New York yesterdatrfor this port. Schr A Young, Young, and North Paoiflc, Webb, Aence for-Fort Monroe, In Hampton Roads 28th ult. Schrs Matanzas, Hutchinson, and E G Willard, Parsonß, from Portland fbr. this port,, at Holmes’ THE WABD BOUNTY COMMITTEES. IMPORTATIONS. Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. KINGSTON. JA —Brig Laura, Jenkins— 190 tons logwood 26 hhds sugar D N Wetzlar X Co. , LETTER BAGS AT THX *mXCBABTS' XXCHAtt HE, PHTLASXLTHIA Schr Francis Coffin, Cousins Barbados, soon PORT OP PHILADELPHIA. MARCH 2. Sus 8i5e8,625 | Stnt'Snrs, 6 as | Hiqh Wtrss, 7 «8 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Brig Prince Alfred,'Higginß, 12 days from Turks Island, with salt to Wm Bumm A Son—vessel to E A Souder A Co. SchrF Herbert, Crowell, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Twells A 00. ’ Schr Planter, Fowler, 1 day from Leipsic, Del. with corn to Jas L Bcwley & Co. Schr Otter Rock. Thompson, 10 days from Fer nandina. in ballast to captain. SehrW H Sargent,-Cooinbs, 4 days from Alex andria, in ballast to captain. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Schr Vi m Paxson, Corson, Beaufort. Hunter, Nor . tonACo. Schr Vf W Marcy, Barrett, New Haven, B Hare Powell. Sohr Sarah Selsey, Carroll, Alexandria,Tylcr A Co. Schr W S Thompson, Hand, Norfolk, do Schr C W Holmes, Buckaloo, Ncwbern, do Schr L Mulford, Avis, Fort Monroe, do Schr Effort, Barrett, do do Schr P M. Wheaton, Glover, Beaufort, do Snow Snow Flake,Dlckcrson, NYork, Noble, Cald well A Co. Schr Leedlng Breeze, Graham-Charlestown, do S ebr T Lake, Doughty, New York, Oastner, Stick nev X Wellington. St’r H L Gaw. Iller, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. MEMORANDA. Steamship Norman, Baker, hence at Boston on Monday. Frank Boult, Morse, hence at Portland 27 th Ship Berkshire, Post, cleared at Boston 29th uIL for Rio Janeiro. , Balk Lady hlllne, (Br), Oowen, hence at Liver pool nth ult. Bark Champion, Tracey, from Boston for this port, at Holmes’ Hole 28th ult. and remained 8 AM. 29th. Baik Ann Elizabeth, Norgrave, hence at JTeo Weßt 2lst ult. ey i-Bark Clark Novello, Kingston, from Foochow ipth Oct. at New York yesterday, with teas. Brig Cyclone, Buss, hence for Matanzas. was spoken 27th ult. lat 35 23, lon 74 40, out 36 hours Schrs Evergreen, Potter, from Orient, and Thos Potter, Backett,from Greenport, both for thlsDort at New York yesterday. * 1 Schrs L A Danenhower, Barrett, from Fort Mon roe; S H Sharp, Mayo, and New Jersey, from Nor folk, all for this port, sailed from Hampton Boads 28th ult— r MARINE MISCELLANY. There were 27 American sea-ghlnjt mercantile ves sels reported, during the last month, as totally lost dr missing, viz: 2 steamers, 7. ships, 6 barks, and 13 schooners. Of these 16 ..were wreoked, 7 burned, 1 abandoned, and 3 are missing. The only vessels from this port were the bark L ; D Carver, for Pen sacola, and schr Diadem, for New York. :i DR. SCOTT’S cv . : LIVERY STABLES, Vork avenue, between ; Buttonwood and Noma ■„ streets, Philadelphia. No Norse that can Injure another, willba ad- ! ThWted., Livery to be paid before a Horse leaves dr . ls takem awiy. Bdarderk receive medical attend ance gratis. Carriages, Wagons and Saddle Horses rtohire. New customers‘icfrthese are mostrespMit., full’ requea'ed to bring a reference. Terms Siod- Piate, but pash payments, Jeiu-amj 'GkEEN ’ IXjENrXNB Hermetically Sealedhy FITHIA.N fc FOGTOE, of New JeTsey., are superior to all others Thel, large su'd varied stock of • Fruit*, Vegetable*, Jellies _ Sauce*, Meats, Soups, etc., -Imcjms, is offered te the trade at the Lowest Mare jfcetPrices, by their Sole Ageats, ARCBEB & REEVES, WHOLESALE OKOOEBS, ' ’ " No. 45 Norjh Water Bt-, and Wo. 40 worth Delaware avenue. fe6-ti} Immense Assortment of LOOKING GX.ASEUBS, Oil Paintings, First Class Engraytop PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMRS, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBTTMBJ ’ . WINDGW CORNICES, PIER TABLES, ScO., 4bt dames 8. XSaorle A Son, 816 CHESTNUT BT. J. E. IREDELL, No. 147 NORTH EIGHTH STBEET Between Cherry and Race, cast side, Phila • Has now ob hand and constantly receiving an ele rant assortment of GeDtleuien’b Fnrnishmg fieodi. Shirts on nand and mads to order in the mss. satisCictor taan iar. a fall line of Gectlemen i Merino Sh jrts, Drawers, Ac. Also—Ladlas 1 Me rino Vests, Drawers, Hosiery, Ac. 0017-6 in <47 NORTH EIGHTH ST- EDWARD P. KELLY. JOHN KELLY, TAILORS, 612 CHESTNUT ST. LATE THIRD STREET AB. WALNUT, Keeps constantly on hand a large aasortmeato; NEW and STAPLE GOODS, FATTXBS OVERCOATS ▲irz> Warn Sack and Business Coats, FOR SALE AT Reduced Prices. TERMS CASH—Prices lower than other Cus tomer Tailors. TO LET—Up Stain of 619 and 614 Chestnut st. Extra Currant and Strawberry WINE OUR USUAL SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DELALEB IN FINE GBOCEBIES, Garner Eleventh and Vine Streets. FURLOUGHS. Officers and Soldiere, visiting the Chty on Put tough, needing „ SWORDS, k AND OTHER MILITARY EQUIPMENTS an Invited to the very extensive Manufacturing Es tablialmieni of BEO. W. SIMONS & BHO.S SANSOM STREET HALL, Baasom Btreet, above SixtL. PRESENTATION SWORDS Made to order at the shortest noace, which lo neliness and magnificence challenge oompeufioa. no other house In the country combining the MA NUFACTURING JEWELER WITH THE PRACTICAL SWORD MARER. ftbS-lm} ft FOR SALE- £ ■ ? The Three-Story Brick Dwelling, No. 510 SOUTH-TENTH STREET, Has THREE-STORY BACK BUILDINGS. MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. Lot 18 by 87 Feet. (WOnly a small part of Cash required. KT INQUIRE ON THE PREMISES. feis-tf} PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR BITUMINOUS GOALS.— Sealed Proposals will he received at the Office of the Phliadelphis Gas Works, No. 20 South SEVEN IH Street, until noon of FRIDAY, 22d of April, 1564, for supplying the whole or any part ot Eighty Thousand Tons of Bituminous Coals, suit able lor the manufacture of illuminating Gas, to be 'delivered on the Railroad tracks of the Gas Works .atthe First Ward and the Ninth Ward S ations, in the following monthly quantities; eight thousand tons In each of the months of September, October, November, December,'and six thousand tons in each of the months of June, July. August, 1861, and January, February, March, April and May,. 1865. * - Thecoalß must be delivered fresh, dry, and of a quality approved by the Engineer of the Gas .works, as.eqhal to the sample on which the con tract is based. ‘ The proposals must describe the particular va riety of coals intended to be supplied and the lo cation and name of the mine or pit from which theya-eto be raised- If they are of a kind n't now or recently used at these Works, samples for trial of not 16ss than fifty tons, must be delivered at the Works, on or before the 7lh of April next The gross ton of 2240 pounds will bs considered as the weight intended in the proposals, unless the contrary be expressly stated. The Trustees reserve the right to accept any pro posals in -whole or in part, or Vo reject all, as they may deem best for the interests of the Trust, and in the event <f fail ore on the pa-1 of any contrac tor to deliver the coals according to his ajrsement, both in quantity and quality, the Trusieesxeeerve the. right to buy olsewhere. whatever quantity may be required to meet the deficiency, and charge to the contractor any loss or damage arising from eachfnilnre. Payments will be made monthly,.in two equal Instalments at four and six months after the speci fied peiiods ot delivery, the 15th of each month being taken as the average of the monthly delive ries, or at the option of the Trustees, will be made at earlier dateß with legal interest off. Should contractors prefer to make deliveries earlier than required, they maybe received so far as-they can be conveniently stored, but payments will be made to date from the time specified to the contractor. Security for the fulfilment of contract will be required, and each proposal must -name the amountand character of security that will be ff-red. JOHNO. UIfESSON, - Jfc DENTISTRYf = ' S====! Ic2otapB3t ■a ANS* DR. FINE, PRACTICAL- DENTISI gPWriTfor the last twenty years,-219 VINE Street, below Third, inserts the most beautiful TEETH o! the age, mounted on line Cold, Platina, : Silver, Vulcanite, Corallte, Amber, - ' Ac., at prices fo’ neat and substantial work, more reasonable than any Dentist In this city or State, Teeth plugged to last for life. Artificial Teeth repaired to salt No pain in extracting. All wort warranted to Cl -Reference, bast families. - da99-3mi TT; S. ; 'B. ■■■ : tl. The Universal Spring Bed, easiest, cheap est and best in use. Hair, Palm and Hast mat tresses, Feather Beds. Comfort and Spreads, tresses, reutu e- PHILBEOOK A CO., <ier,4-.Tmo . .9 Sonth Seventh street. : COTTON SAIL "DUCK, "COTTON CANVAS, of every fromone.totwo feet wide, 1 all numbers; heavy and light RAVENSDUCB } ASHLAND TOPSAIL afid otherA wttingTwills ' paper Felting, Sa Twine, Ac. For Eale by W. EVERMAN A CO., ‘ 3*s. jonee’a : J©HNHQR& JR V " ' Stock Commission Broker f 140 SOUTH THIRD ST. ? UP STAIRS, p'hUadelphta. KEFERENCES—Messrs This., A. Biddle d Co., E. S. Whelen-A Oo.vßusbi'A Co Alexan der Biddle, Esq., Gr. M. Troutrnln, E?q. fSr, Oaw, Macalester A Co ,Henry J. ■Williams, Esq, 1, P.- BoWliiii6oii, -Esqi. l). d. Cnmmins. Esq. -Drexel ACo.,Jas. G-. Kin g& Sons, N, Y. fe2s-2<n{ SAMUEL W. LAPSLEY, STOCK BROKER, No. 4df South. Third Street. J»"Stocks bonght on' Commission In PhiladeU Phia, NewYorfcj.BoUon and Baltimore. te2B-im6 P. F. REI2LY. B. K. JAMISON P. F. KELLY & CO., Bankers and Exchange Brokers, NORTHWEST CORNER OF THIRD AND CHESTNUT STS., l a^ 3 m* raii;ADEl ' PHl A- GEO. N. HARVEY & SON, STOCK BROKERS, No. SIS Walnut Street* GEO. N. HARVEY haa this day taken into partnership his son BURTON L. HARVEY. Th. business ■will hereafter be conducted by GEO. N. HARVEY A SON. GEO. N. HARVEY. feS-lml MELTON L. HARVEY. JOHN C. CAPP & SON, STOCK AND NOTE BROKERS, No. 23 South Third Street, Directly opposite the Mechanics’ Bans, Government Loans, Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission at the Board ol Brokers. MONEY INVESTED AND NOTES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED ON THE BEST TERMS. fell-Om STOCKS AND SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD r ' ON COMMISSION. DE HAVEN & BRO. t 20 SOUTH THIRD STREET, fee EXCHANGE ON LONDON, FOR SALE In Sums to Suit, by MATTHEW T. MILLER fc CO., Ho. 45 South Third street STOCKS fionsht and Sold os Commissioi 5 BY Matthew T. Miller A Co* 03-W No. 40 South Thltd st MICHAEL JACOBS, BANKER, No. 40 South Thiid Street, Phila. Qofmuntßt Securiti**, Sp*ol* tad Uaecm: Money Bongbt and Said. Stooti Bought and Sold on Oommlulon. Particular attention paid to tn» n»*oa»ao* « time paper*, Caty Warrant* Bon*nn GOLD, ■U.VER, US BANK NOTES WANTED. DE HAVEN & BRO, 10 SOOTH THIRD ST, OTOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, BY QEOi HENPEESON, JB., alB-3m* No, PS3DOCK STREET. JOHN C. ARBISON, Nos. 1 and 3 North Sixth Street, manttfaotttbeb op The Improved Patters Shirt, FIBST OUT BY J. BUBE MOOBB, Wan anted- to Fit and Give Satisfaction Importer and Manniactorer ol ' ; GENTLEMENS FURNISHING GOODS N? B.—All articles'made ini a superior manner pj Ma firen ewwsmHktetfak. STEAM weeklv to xaveS^ at ciueenstown Lt*ernoof b N.fe? 11 l. weU ' kuown Steamers of th« l »~ j y.T°J Sa i>d' Steamship LoS.I? 1 U, ' aaU ? s follows; S/INA UONDON ...Saturday, March 5 ■UTY OF*NEW yYvbw Saturday, March 12 And exerv suceeedi™ •<TM Satnrday ’ March 12 J ter 44 NorSi River Sat crday at Noon, from . t^^T „™ EATES oi "' ““i* ■ aou> m tro*. «r Steerage , .... . eoa nrw Antwerp, &e., at equally loV^SS?*' *&tc*£3k J pool and Q,neei^n^n? 1 «KB> t Sl raKo from Litai tend tor *¥' Jf i !f ,s 6 w&owlant© :i«88. mends can bay ticket* here at tbeao lll0 IjSNW«? t r““ Oompa mhl m wS™ „?= DALE, Agent, 111 Walr.nt street, FWladelpWa. i£Bk, S-raSKH port on Satordar—From first w?il? lg P omeacl * street, Phfiadelphia, wtaS. Saturday, March 5T1864. Boston, os The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews, will l?* 1 *°“ Philadelphia for Boston on Satiud» Nfi»M S jK tt *J° °’clock, A. M., and steamsldß ”P?r I I AN ' Captain Baker, from Boston for PhlU .idelpbia on Satnrday, March sth, at 4 P ivr -fiZ? JXS substantial Steamships form S, Saturday!!!* ‘ aUln ® trom P°« punctually out at OM - |la)f **• premium charts* by Freight taken at fair rates. nm^S > ? r !i« are -J?S ue6te<l to 8611(1 receipts ma oms ofladlng with their goods. “*“ UI r «A, OT or passage, haying fine accommoda* -ions, apply to KENKY South Delaware arena*. ALESiNURIA, (fEORftF SBH&TOWH and WASHIIfQTON Hmii's. Steam Line, via «., and every Saturday atB A_M. T “ “ Steamer LEA PEE, 'Cantata Caii«*&„ Steamer H. J. Steamer & SEYMOUR, BoSS™"* , Steamer E. CHAMBERUIIt, Captain Stewart. These steamers Term a semi-weeMy line between ’hiladelphia and the above ports, £sh£?ss£s » adverased, and tarrying freight lovwSthSiS fights received every day S&gfeg' to ™# /Kft. FOB NEW YOBK.—DESPATCH HH&and SWIFT-STJBE LINES-VlaDel£l and Raritan Canal,—The steamer* of tfce**» Uies are lesTin* daily at 12 o'clock, St.-andS 4 clock, P. 2L, from third Pier above Walnut ct. For freight, which will be taken on mating terms, apply to VTLT.t am m. XI M ifflSontli Delawaie arenoe. .rfggft. FOB NEW YORK-New DigTldui. • •■■paEfc—Via Delaware and Raritan Canal— Philadelphia and New York Express Steambosf vrfjsapany will receive freight and leave daily at 1 P- M-, delivering their cargoes In New York tt*- fallowing days. Freight taken at reasonable rates. - WILLIAM p. CLYDE, Agent, 14 South 'Wharves, PhliadA. JAMES HAND, Agent, Jy-15-tf Piers 14 and 15 East Elver, M. Y. • FOE SAN FEANCISCO. COLEMAN’S CALTFOENIA LINE. SAILING REGULARLY AS ADVERTISES, The A 1 Extreme'Clipper Ship WIZARD KINO Is now rapidly loading at pier 11. East Elver. -jA* This beautiful clipper comes to her herd - S&P with a large portion of her cargo on board, ana having large engagements will fill rapidly. We commend the WIZARD KING to all ship, pers to ban Francisco as the most desirable vessel cow loading, ana invite inspection. Shippers will confer a tavor by sending their fre%ht immediately alongside. BISHOP, SON A CO., tf 105 Arch street, above Front. jL FOE MARTINIQUE—Passige Onlv— SflSThe A 1 coppered brig ALBERT ADAMS, l nmtnlns, master, wiil sail soon. For passage,- apply to J. E. BAZLEY & CO., 12S S. Wharves. FOE, BARBADOS—The British schooner BBSFRANCIS COFFIN. Conzen's, master, will commence loading on Monday next, the 22d Inst., and will meet .with qnuk dispatch. GEORGE ALKINS A CO., Nos. 10 and 12 South. Delaware avenue. fei7 FOB NEW ORLEANS, La.—With Quick MiSg Dispatch—The first class packet ship ST. 1 BIER, Spragne, master, having the bulk of her cargo engaged, will sail soon. For freight or pas sage, apply to PETER WEIGHT A SONS, US Walnut street. fe-17-tf ' FOE NEW ORLEANS, LaT—First Ya"- vgggsel to Sail—The fast sailing favorite packet bare COMET, Morrison, master, is now rapidly finishing her loading at second wharf above Baca street, and can still take some freight on favora ble terms. If applied for at once. For balance of freight or passage, apply to WORKMAN A CO., 123 Walnut street. FOB BOSTON—Express Line—The fine packet schr. JAMES H. MOORE, Captain McJterron, is now receiving freight at CailowhiU street wharf, and will sail for the above port with prompt dispatch. For freight, apply to DAVID 1 ' COOPER. if Nortt Wharves. FOB NEW YORK—Express Line—The pocket schooner SAMUEL COLT, Captain HiUiar<L is now receiving freight at the first wharf below Arch street, and' will sail for the above port with prompt dispatch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER, lb North Wharves. FOR SALE OR CHARTER—The British JOHN BARN ARD, Jamieson,'master, IwTtTns copper fastened and butt bolted* and txeenailed through, fourteen months old, 4,400 bbU. capacity, draws 12 feet of water, and has just been overhauled and put in complete order. For terms, apply to EDMUND A. SOUDER A CO., Iloek street wharf. fe*27-4t A*. FOR SALE UK CHARTER— I Tne new" copper-asten*d bark DRESDEN, Reed, muter, 497 tons register; rates Al; sails fast and. is in perfect order. For terms, apply to.E. A. SOVDEB A CO.. Dock street wharf. fe26tf hu JOHN SHINDLER A SONS, SAIL MAKERS, No. 244 North WARVES, below Vinestreet, Philadelphia. am work the best manner and on tha lowest and most favorable terns, and warranted to give perfect satisfaction. mhlS-tf Particular attention given to repairing. aca-tm* 'VTOTIuE.—AII persous are hereby cautioned Xi against trusting or btfr&oringany of the crew of the British brig LAURA, Jenkins, master, irom Jamaica, as no debts of their will be paid by captain or consignees ► WORK=>- MAN A CO , 123 Walnut street. Vf OTICE —Brig ALRUOOABAH, Bray, master is now discharging at Shippen street wharf. Consignees; of cargo will please attend to their* goods as soon as possible. E. A. SOUDER A CO., Dock street wharf. * CONSIGNEES'' NOTICE.—Schr. SAMUEL COLT, Captain Hilliard, from New York, Is now discharging cargo at the first wharf below Arch sireet. Consignees will please send for their goods, and oblige DAVID COOPER, IS North Wharves. ’VT OTICE.—AII persons are hereby cautioned* Jy| gainst trusting or harboring any of the crew • of .the Br. brig NEVA, Smith, master, from Ma - as no debts of their eon trusting will be pauN by captain or consignees. J. E. IIAZLEY A 00.- > South Wharves. fe29 IQt XTOTIUE. All persons are cautioned againsV. J\ trusting or harboring-any of the crewbf the Hr. brig CYGNET, Urosqup, master, from Car denas, as no debrs&o* their contracting will be paid* by the captain or consignees. J. E. BAZLEY fc UP, ,122 sonth Wharves. fei9-10t THE UNDERSIGNED having rental theif* Ship Yard, located between Queen 'and* Christian streets, with the Marine Railway and*. Sectional Dry Dock, to A, S. SIMPSON A BRO., take this opportunity of expressing their thanks to* their friends and patrons for their long and con tinued kindness. A. S. SIMPSON A BRO. being practical Ship wrights and Caulkers, we recommend them to oorr late customers and those that have vessels to re- •. pair, and- are -confident - whatever is entrusted to> them will be carefully attended to. jaJKMm* ' :.v . J. SIMPSON A NEILL. Philadelphia, Feb. 1, 1564. - - - SCTJM/S CONTIKENTAD COFFEEU- , SCTJETPS CONTINENTAL COFFEE SOCLE’S CONTINENTAL COFFEE, CQFFEE, COFFEE COFFEE, COFFEE COFFEE, , COFFEE, COFFEE, DEPOT, 132 AROM-STREET DEPOT, 133 ARCH STREET. DEPOT, 132 ARCH STREET. SOLD EVERYWHERE SOLD EVERYWHERE j^-ilitaryan: pensions," . * V Promptly collected an a ' -HOp NTIES, procnrpti by : .• BACK PAT, BIGELOW, WJTNKOOF * PRIZE MONET, COn, SUBSISTENCE No. 115 S.',- SeftentV street, Below Chestnut street, . PASSPORTS: • } . \ TTIAHNESXOCK'SFARINA. —lOO Boxes Fahn- JP" estodrsCnriTafta Lancaster Con ntv Farina. ' landing and for sale hy JOS." 8.. BUSSIER &. CO., Agents for Fahnestock, 1W Swtb WkB*YWj SHIPPING. tA TRp fe26~lnss "B NAVAL CLAIM AGENTS!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers