4. il M I. Si ai II. SI. Warner DKALKIt IK SECOND-HIND TIDING, All Win Caning, Engine, nafBTtaniK HIGHEST CASH I'RICE PAID FOR OLD -Huvlnr rceently jiurcr.iued a New Bud Im rru n 'E"uTTlV(l MAC'HINK.I mW i fdT.CTtnnatallslzo.of M.and CmlDK fiuui u inch to 1-4 inch. eJilr Home, Pel. Centre, . ajlrt If. B. II. WAKNitR. SA.POLIO ranbiUtiit lor Soap f.rall llon.'c bo'd j,urpoaea, except washing clothes- s for Cleaning vrar flmuo will the labor of "one cleaning. Give it a trial, tur Windows it bettor thao White ti d or Waf.. No rcniofing cur-, tab's and enrpe'a, clo mTl'a ut and Wood, in lact 1 1a ontiic houaet haltar than Soap. No ppiug. . harea labor. YuU can't afford lo be without It- SAP OLIO for Hcuurinn Knlvei la better and c'cawrtluin Hath Brick. Will not aerate n. SAFOLIO la heller than Soap and Hand fur poliaMnit Tinware. Brighteua with out scratching. SAPOLIO I'oiiauea Ureaa and Copper utenaila bolter than Acid or uu ana nouen Stone. SAP 0 L 10 lor Waahlng Dlhesaud (llaaawnre la Invaluable. C'heape than Soap. S a p o 1 i o removes HUira from Marble M aute.a. Tabl, and Statuary, from llnrdllnlshed Walla, and from Chi na aad Porcelain. S a p o 1 i.o remove Slain and Grease from Carpets and oilier woven fib- j,!' There Ian one article known that T wlli;do many Mads worn ana do it aa well aa aapollo. Try if i H A Mil ' C AD 41 I in 81 i i a new and wonderful ell' -c ire Toll I . .1 Koa, having no equal in Uili i'r - a oounirv or aroau. , bill HAND SA POLIO an u.itata for t ho I .nth. ''ruAchffl the foandntlon" of nil dirt, open the par iind friTi a h?Mlh ac tion anu,nr;uiam urn. w uw mh HAND S A P ft It 10 .j- i ' tTeameaaiid beautlBew the 8km, in C', ) atanlly removing any atain or blem t ln irom omn nanua mm iu-.c Kl hand s A PO'l 1 0 , ; : , ia without a rlvul In tho world for cnriniror proven Hns rouuuneiw and Mri f chapping of cither lianda or MOB. HAND S A POL J 0 renovas Tar, Vueh, Iron or Ink fltaluaand Gro:iat-; tor workers in Machine Hhona. Mines. c.lln raluahle For making tho Skin Whitened Soft, andelvlns to it . bloom of beauty it iauuiurpiiaa aa ny any uoainetic known HAND S A P 0 t, I 0 coita 10 to 15 ccuu uur cak. and erervbody fchould Ua ve It You will ; DON'T FAIL TO TRY THESE GOODS. ; oy It or roar merchant if he has :; iioi wiiiproeureiuoryoin II hoi, x'. tn.ll wrtia aor nil r an m it I, lot. u i J I - about 8apollot aud it wil be mailed ' ' ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS, W PAUK I'LACB, N Y FOR all who mre willing to work. Any person nld or vonriff.'of rfthur MX.x-aa mJtu fimn n to per werti, t horn day Ar oroiaug. . Wntd by nil. SnlubMto either City or Omintrv, and uuy bwou of tbe year. THr is raw opuortnnity for toot who are out of work, and out f moncv. to make aa iudopvnfent ltvlns. No -capital being lAviHQ tvinu lull tnatrirCtiunA, pent on receipt -A dMlrabl. MaideneA an Ilia TTi.bArLf.rm r pood water baody. Every modern coo ven , lenc. Will ba told cheap. Enquire of ' OWEN G4FNEY. m rlrolum Ceaite, May 7, IS73. U' ft Soda Water ! Proclamation to the Cithern Id, Ventre and Vicinity: R.A.LOZIER, Washington-St, For your pure Ice Cold Soda Water )rawn from Loner's Silver Port- able Fountain, No acid or gas to destroy the stomach, and the tirst and finest of fluoisim; simps. have alsi fitted up In elegant airlo tlironghour, a iww LAMES' and Gli.NTS' ICE CREAM PARLOR. Confectionery, Confectionery OF ALL KINDS. THE FINEST ASSORTMENT EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN. Two Door Above Nobol : Aucr haiui'a Dry Gooda Store. OIVE MB A CALL. It. A. liOZIEH. Pet. Centre, May SI, lN7?--tf. art mi a. 5 I fa H 1 a S jr. w O ft I? a S. L - Cl 3 4 5ts 1 53 O o C V ! ,1 S?-a a 0. 3 For Sale Cheap One 40-Horse Boiler, Gihbs & iussell make, One 12-Hor-e Engine in good condition, 800 feet Casing. 1,000 feet tuhing, ?0 feet Sucker Kods, Valves, Working Barrels, &c. Aho, one Derrick and Kig cemplete, The above property will be sold cheap for cash. For particulai-s enquir or A. U. HAUl Lli, Kane Oil; Venango uouoty, L i A. G. TIARI'ER. KineClty, June 17 lSTIi-lf KENWOOD-assr1 "-BOYS Preaen ta iitroDj attrnrtfons to piropts at.d pimr- beautiful discipline; cxrullvnt library nw appar art. Bind lor Catulogue. Liberal didcouni clerffVnifii. tUARLDS JAf'OIIf'S". A ITT.. Prill Now Kriifliton, ft'tiiiu , lMssolillion 2Volice. The firm of Mease & Armslrtjng la th day dissolved by mutual consent. Tin books and aceounia of the late firm have been placed in the bands ul Junlico Rey nolds for collection, and all parties knowing themselves induhted will do well lo call on him and settle the same at once aad save Costs. TJ. G. Mease. T. S. Akmbtkong. Petroleum Centre, July U, ls. J. 'vixks, J(.';:qk's. ktc WANTED Tlie (UdcKt iMab'lM'd Li quor Store on (Ml Ci i eK. OWEN GAFFNEY, PRPP'R, EEMOVED To Hie New Stand In Chriatie'.. Old Store, opposite the Jamestown Clothing Store, lvtiolcinn t'entro, New (Jood.s in (5 rent Variety, but plenty ot Nimlay Ixmi f at left yet. I have r.-fllted tlie ptni f inii'Tly occupied 1-y J. II. I hriatie, mrner nf Wiitlihilon and Klial Hi., and h.1,1 in a u, w atuck of Ihe purest and best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. THE MARKET AL'FOKpH. My slock coDfifU In pnrt or I BOURBON, AND MONONGAHE LABYE WHISKIES, New England, Med ford and Jamaica Hums, HOLLAND GINS, HBNNESy, IMNKT, eAR(lb(.KN CO.'S, AMI) -MAJtliuU jUAMJir.a, Bt'H'AIitJ, ItOCIIESTKIt A fJAiVAAIOAlGUA Al:8 8o'c Agent for'tho BU0TUEEI100D WINES, of Brockton, N. Y, AIfo Airent for the Celebniled nitFAT WKST KKN HIIANDof Aiii'Tinin f'lianipnu'nii, maae by tlm r icnnant ailt-y win. t.o-, Meulien ennnty. Nuw Voik, conatantly on luu.d the imported cham uagiieii, tc. Mytstock of CIGAH3 Is rogiun. I nexctleed in thia I KEH.I NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines, HIVK Mm A. CALU At my new etund OVVLW AI''F. Yil Cuiuo Doc. 17 rjfl. Oil. .flAUSitTH. '. V W. U. TKL. LINK Okkitk op ; ."rTi'.in.KKi.M Ckvths Iaii. 1;:mui V .Inly 2j iTa The oil nmiket rnmains qiiit-i and dull at 1,05. W boar cl no tranaaciiona. I'UlluUelpInu, July 26. Crude, 12,j. Kelinod IS , Market quiet. t'lllf uini;, July 'lb Cimle spot, .ri'4'. IJ. O. all year. H' U. O. d 11; , lii-Ii netl Spot, 22. Mntket Noiulinvl New Voili, July 25. CfinJe 7?8'. lafliieu, 17 Market Quiit. Nkw i'DRK. July 25. Gold US?;;. P. C. HEINZ, Pioneer, Pa., Miiiitifactni cr of OUm WBZ.Ii Machinery & Supplies Engines and Boilei'S of every lescrintum Kepaired at Short Notice. Agent for FOSTER'S UAS I'UMF. PATEJMTKUol III I.MZSWA' KKI'AIIilN'n (fall Hiulx done at abort no ice ami all woi k uiirr:iiuil. Orders by mm. or telcrai li proniptlyattunded to P. G. HEINZ. Pic. 21, 1S72 If. l'ioneer, To. 'mi; xi v r.i.AK'i irri mv. a . i.i,.,nr ftn it lnva-nliun. Il rt'iaitiH tliu Rupture t1t nil linuw, iiimI iiikKt Ihe lmidi!cl txrrirH ir buvurite ntrniit II lnwt'in v mi ijiiinii'i i, unu ii i-ri it mill HDU nlV Al. n .ni ii.niuiiit, in a r..ia 1. A choitp. aiitldom hy MuH vhfu rrqiiittij, circuit' Trw, wlun nlirfU by li-itt-r H- uato Tho Kki tic Tru- 'o.. No. t3 Hi .Midway, N. V. City. No. I1KJ nurt .-ii!mi spring lUMCFj 100 .jiaioiui; iuoy anp U1I U"J i:ijuuuuj. New Goods. SAVE imR MOMY ! And buy yuur Boota aud Srcc! at Mrs. M. Magrano's ONE TRICE BOOT & SHOE STORE I keep very lame stock of all kinds on hnnd and rell aa uhe.p aa any oilier bonne in tho OIL hiSUlON. Connected with my Store ia a Custom Department ! And I Kiiarauteo a perfect fit In all rov work r!i.iairlri! naaily done. Kcxt door Ui Wolf, Jwt-lry S;ore. I'ct rolfiini t'ciilre. l'it. . . ucua-tf NEW GOODS NEW G00DS,NEW EOuDS NEW. STOCK DRY OOOIDS CARPETS, V , i ' , Oil Cloths, A of ions. &c.. Jl.'ST KECEIVKD AT M, SAMUELS DRY GOODS STORE. Washington Strict, Petroleum Centre. The Lariat aud Cheapeal stock ol CAJilCOES ' 8 to 10 cts per yard. ' . ' BliUACHKl) MUSLINS from 11 to 10 els. ' LANftDAI.K INHLEACIIEDIUISMN 10 to 15 da Bl ST GINRHdia from IS'J to 13 eta ' (LtnK'S OUT TUBE All 4 spools tut SIS cts. . ' ' Dress (.oods, Shawls, ; Hos iery, Corsets rointvtic ricciftQondi', Ladies Ties, Hlbbona ; HiKipakiit the vory Iwat nnality Drilling and Lin- ilia. I'ina and Novdle, t els pir paper, .Carjieta at the lowest rates. Millinery Trimmings, LACJj GOODS, And a complete. stock oflaties Hats anil Bonnets, i Also, a Complete Stock of BOOTS SHOES Which will bo told at -A.XJCTI03ST toper than M Ctepk i . . . 1 Commencing August 1st, 1873. C'Oive me a call aod examine 'goodi and prices. , M. PAMCELS. fet. Centre, July 17th, 187X McKinley & Gross, Machinists, Blacksmiths, ' AND Egbert Farm, E'ctroleuin Pa. Centre, Boiler Repairing a .Speciality. REFINERY STILLS REPAIRED C3f wairanf nil work done by ns lm nearly u pond an now when '.paired. Good tratorial furnisliud and ( .-ices roaao ablo. Having had lonit oxnerimee t- the burr nea we are unablixi to criv.: .atlarart'or . i.IO.-.KI'li M. KINLKV. SKBA.vriAN OKOt' . l'etrnieum CeLlre, i'a., J.i a, If.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers