BAIL y mmmm rrcorb h VOL" 1X-NO 70 ' THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILV RECORD TnE FIRST DAILY PAPER IN VENAN GO COUNTY. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, 'Sundays excepted. ( CUAS. C. WICKER, Editor. - T ' ' ' ' TERMS.' par year payable) in advance, 8 no IMUCE-MST OF ADVERTISING. Ten lines of nonpareil make on square.) No. Insertions. 1 si. 3 Sq. 8sq. One iliiy, Two days, Three days, Four days, Five days, One week, Two wcoks, Tliroo wi nks, One month. Two mouths, Threo months, fclr months, Nrue montUs, One year, II 50 a no: a mi 3 KJ 8 50 4 5(1 T 60 10 on 13 on 15 oo It) (M 80 IK) 45 00 0 00 41 61' 5 5(1 e so 7 on 8 tin 8 Ml 14 mi la no so on 80 IKI 40 no. eo no 80 INI 100 00 fecial notices 30 centa per line, each Insertion. Advertisements payable quarterly in advance 8. 1)1. Peltenglll k Co. T l'ark How, New York, auil Geo. P. Howell & Cn Advertising Agents, are tbe sole agents for ae Ee. rolenm Centre DLT Kbcoeb in thai city. Ad vertisers 'in that city are requested to leave their favors with either of tne above houses C$-COE, WETflERlLL & CO. Adver tising Agents, Philadelphia, are duly authorized Agents for the Ktcoau In that city. GEO. H. BISSEIsIi St. CO., B A NZ E BS,: PETHOLEVII CENTRE, PA. O. H. Blsscll, II. O. Martin Christopher Meyer VTe offer our services Tor the b-ansnctlnn of a tiKNKKAL BANKING, EXCHANOUand (JuL 1 KCT1UN BUSINESS. Any business entrusted to our core will receive ptvnipt attention JA.T1ES If. SjniTH, ATTORNEY-ATLAW, ifflcc In Court House, Franklin. Pa., and on Tuos dsysand Fridays of eachweck over Bissell &CVa. tank, I'etroiouni (Jelilre Pa JnlyiW-tf J.H. HEIVI.Y, OIL CITY, rKNN'A. RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST, ; Gas administered. Office open now. Omot-In Bchonhlom'snevsbuildinir. Oil City. jnn37-ti. H. Wilbert 18 now prepared to execute HKICK AND MA SUN WOltK IN ALL, ITS BilANUIiKS, and wart suit to inve gatiatactton. I'LASTKMINO done lo order. BKICK CniM NIES built Also, BKICK and LIME constant ty on hand and for sule. ltrsldi nee on Kcbert Farm. Post Office Address Petioleum Centre, Pa. C'tve nie a call. KovlMtm Petroleum Centre Meat Wet ! Geo. W. King, .Jr., Next Door to the Rochester Ilnnsc. dealer in Fresh and ait MEAT , SMOKKD MEATS, PuULTlllf, UUTTKR. c. 2 farmers having fat Cattle will do well to lve me 5 a'Catl. A shaieuf the public patronagre solicited f, OhO. W. KING.Jf- reimienm uentre. t ict. an. " I nm Mew Mm aBMmtli Skuii WiBETTSgj: 4 ENGINEER, MACHINIST BLACKSSU1 II, And miinnfuctiiror of prilling UJid Pistliing Tool. KTTM1J , VT PPMVDir rf-n r.n.r vii wu,uiu rxii, rArt.rl, NEAR R R. DEPOT. PETROI.KTTM CENTRE, PA. All kli d. of Johbins and Maehlno Kepair . liij,' dtiui, to order. Give nie a imII. aprlj-tf. Will. I., IIETTS. School Books. A onmplHte stock of School Books needed ' the Pnlillfi School's can l foiiiid at the 1'KST OFFICE NEWS ROOM I III; Caitl OR td ill'ANlO.V. r.ei'y jl(v want one! v.,-..... ... ... . . . . man on 'in in iinvf onei: JMil on rlit of Ten Cenla. Address L, F. HYDE jo, ci:eniu Aveiilie, iew 10 K A(l'i sl'4 everywhere oseii our new nnd , . 1, ,"'v''1 Emiirolilcriiiir Mnehim. I l.!i""d f.T lllu.irotM circuiur to mn BroaLway. New ,;rk. 7f 1 ill 1 CHI 1 6t) i mi a mi a oo a on a an 8 u a so a mi 4 5" eiw on 8 oo 7 oo 10 oo 10 0(1 12 Ml la on 15 oo ai on 37 (Mi SIT oo se no 3 0U 48 00 PETROLEUM CENTRE. Hotels ami JtcstauraiiU. QENTKAli HOUSE, PETROLEUM CENT KB, PA.. Near Oil Creek a Allegheny Itivor Hallway Dcpot febl7tf. WB. DAVI8I Propr. pETUOLEVm HOUSE. Free Omnlbna to and from all Trains BILLIARD AND BATH RUOMS CON NECTED WITH HOTEL. ""v1-f. C. W. STAAT8, PropY TcCLINTOCK HOI SI- riCTHOLEOM CENTRE, PA. Itispopuhu Hotol, situated Corner of Main & WaMilngton-Sta., Near the Donn, has been refitted and furnished thnitllfhflllt. fltiH thu nrnnrlA.n will to make it. ' "'"' FIRST-CLAPS nOTJSE. oct8tf. JNO P I1ULBEHT, Proprietor. CfiTY HOTEL AiD RESTAIKAXT, prinyr street, T1TUSVILLE, PA. Thos. Goodwin, Prop'r. This Hotel is dentrally located The best of ac commodations afforded to cuests tran.ient oi per manent. Every delicacy rf the season constantly on hand SOMRTIIINO NEW The proprietor has th vara HnJt forilifln, ..... SU t)VSTEIIS. Tilusville. Dec 80, 1871 tl PET. EXCHANGE RESTAURANT, Pet Centre, Pa. Snowdea & Pugh, rr.OPRIETORS. Wurm Ulcala at all Honrs. WILD GAME IN 178 BRASON. 1ST O YSTEES ! Iterelve1 d ily and sen'et up in any style desired. Tl'e respivir illy invito our old Mends at Petroleum Centre and .lUcwhoro to pay us a cail Rnnruiitctln;.' to treat mem well. eNOWDKN & P0G1I Pet. Centre. Pa., Mny 14 1873. tf. VERANDAH Reopened. Capl. W. Ij. SiMITH, Prop'r WASHINGTON ST.. PET. CEivTRF. Particular attention paid in the wants r roy cuo tomers, and will keep thu II nest sloe FililSII I.AUUK AMI ALE, :illOfjl; CKiAlis, Ac. OYKTMIK in Kvery Style. Droo in aud see mo in my new stood' ' SiLOON ANDRRSTAIRAM PA., SATUR 0 AY EVENING' r is Boiler Powder ! FOR THE llcmoval ana Prevrntion.of SCALE IWTEAM BOILERS This PowdvOwill Itcmojo Any Scale, no matter how lliick . TI 1 Ij. 1 11 u- uitm it may ne, ana Keep the Iron in n good condi tion for ages. WE CAN SEND YOU A PROOF OFITllS. A. J. HAVI,EY, COLDWATKK t.RASR. Wrl.n rin THir ri-m Pelmlenm Cei Ire. I a., is the only authorized imeni In Oil He::li n for the sale of the Ponder, of whom i. iiv itiiMiiieu iiv n Keir iir nimiin. I.'ir It Is alnfl for wain at tin. ifiiritwitrn f.'tr rr ueo. w. ninsor, retroienm centre, Pa. July 13 tf. FOR SAL Li CHEAP.,, T7h St-cmid-llnnd Oil "Wull kiii. pHi-. lo.otu ft a in T' HINC. in, IK) ft r," uml :;y. ard3 mnli CASINO. 4,1011 ft KM AM. I I I K, 6.l II SI ('KKU KdDH.'.i lii'-li, inch 7 and u inch I.HI V INO PIPE, PITTINOS at onehalf nrini of New (iAS nnd ROTARY I'l'M ' s for wilo or'io rent. ENGINES aud HiULKKKuf all ,., ul IIOWK Ac (u.iK'S Box 220. Pitiroloiim C'cnlrtt, I'll io!4tr lit.ON I l.llt'l'A'l l Mt.MI.S, Sent jd rceeipt of 5 et-. I'niijne fnniiui! and Ptiblisinng House Vrey btreetNew Vurt a g Sr. 'a lit ? 15 P If1 Oil. CKKIK M.i:iiHKV II IV. EM It. I. A- HI It'Alill, COHliY A PUTMII Ktill It. It. On and alter Th.iisUay, July 10th, 1873, trains will run as follows: SOUTHWARD TRAINS. First Class. STATIONS , y , !2 4 O 12 It AM PM AM A M ! M Broclon, 8.M 3.:in 0,4;, Prospect, SI.17 f34(i 7,17 J uk 9..I!' 4.10 7.5(i Summerdale " 9.6S 4.2s s m Sherman 10,08 4 il8 k ;m Panama 10.28 6.0(1 0 0' Clymer C'nl "10.3:1 "5,03 " Clymer 10. -Id fi.12 -1.20 Corry June i 1.1)5 6.37 9 60 c AH 11.15 6,42 10,00 ' dk 11.0(1 5,50 6.15 1.35 Corry Jnm 11,10 5.5,'i ,20 t,;is Stewarl-s." "11,14 H(ijfl 25 "1,43 Sitinnill "11.22 "ii.(!ir, . 52 Spartansb'g 1 l.30ii.l i fi.46 2.02 G ynden 11.3!l (i.2i. 57 J212 CiMitreville l I.-ln 0 31 7,117 .. 2.20 Union Cily 10.20 .... Lakeville 10.47 Lincolnvilh- 10 00 ... Uiceville 10.5(1 ", Noble's 1 1,07 Junction "1 l.2jo.S!) ". 12 11.112.26 Tryonvlllo ll 51 .:.41 7.n 11.14 2,2s Myer'g Sw'l " l2.ii.!"ii 4- -7 2.) "11.24 2.37 Hydetowti "12 06ll.52 7. 28 11.27 2 40 Titusvil." I.IS.iT.OH 7.40 11.88 2.60 l,,UWllei.K i'2.35 7.20 7.45 11.45 2.65 Bonnbton I2 4.l7 30 7.5ll H1155 3,07 Miller Farm " I a.ftoj 7 :i7 8.0"i 12.05 3,18 Shaffer '12 63 "7 4n;'8.1() I2.1H "3,21 Pioneer 1 0' 7 4s 8 18 I2,I!I ."1,3(1 Boyd Ferm 1, 02 7.62l'8.22 "12.23 3 33 Pot r.n " 7 ui 8.25 12,2(1 3 35 retoeo I)E , (Mi 7 ,2 28 Columbia 1.08 8 05 8.35 12.35 3 45 TarrFsrm 1,12 8.10 8 411 12.38 3,50 Rynd Farm 1.10 8,17 8.40 12,45 4.00 Koiwville 1,10 fi.2(! 8.51 12,50 4 10 McClintock 1.2! IS2'J 8,55 12.53 4 1 6 i Oil Cily ah 1.30 8,40 9.05 1.06 4 30 P M r II A M P M p M NORTHWARD TRAINS. Fip Class. STATIONS , , 1 5 11 1 M A M P M P W A M Oil Cily DK 3,45 6.30 8.10 3.55 9.55 McClintock 3,54 U 0,40 8,20 4,07 "10,08 Rousevllle "3,67 6.43 8 2(14.10 10,12 Rynd Farm "4,0(1 6.47 8.30 4 15 10.17 Tarr Farm 4.04lJ 6.52 8,35 4.21 10,24 Columbia 4.07 U 6.55 8.30 4.25 10.28 Pat Con A" iH 0-69 8.46 4.31 10.35 mUe0 de 4,13 7.0! 8 47 4.33 10,Si Boyd Farm "4,15 " 7.03 8,50 4.3S "1U.43 Plonenr 4, 13, T 7.0(i!f 8,53 4,42 10,50 Shaffer "4,25 7.16 9 03 4.50 "11,00 Miller Form H428 7.18 9.07 4,61 11,04 Bougbton' 4.3li 7.20 " 9.15 5.114 "11,17 Titustle" 4'4r' 7'3''' .25,Hi 11,32 1 ""liK 4.52 7 411 9.30 5.23 liS Hydutown "5.02 7.50 9.38 5,33 11.52 Myers' Sv,'o "5,05 " 7.63 " U.43 5.38 "12.(13 Tyronville "5,15 H 8,0! 9.52 5,48 12,12 Juoolion '5,17 8,03 " 9,54 5.50 "12.14 Noble's ....Jo. 55 Iticeville " "ii7 " Lincolnville o,13 Uakeville (! 17 Union City 0,42 Centrevllle "5.22 8.08 10,M) ... 12.18 Glyndcn "5.31 8.10 "10,08 ... UI227 SparlanBb'g J54 3 8,20 10,18 . 12,30 Summit "5.61 8.34 "10.27 ... "12 45 Siewart'sSw "6.0(1 H,4S "10.85 ... "12,63 Corry June 0,04 8.47 10,40 R57 Corrv AR 6 QH t S-50 10.45 .-- t l. DK 6.16 9,05 1,05 Corry Juuci 0.20 9.08 1,10 Clymer C,43,fl 934 1,3 Cl-mer C'nt "0.62 9,43 Tj 1 40 Panama f 5 N P47 1,60 Sherman 7.17 10.08 2.14 Summerdale "7,27 H1018 112,19 MayvilleAR '7 45 10 37 244 ' DK 8.10 10,40 2,4fi Prospect f830 11,03 3,07 Broctoo AR 8.63 11.25 3,30 t P M A M H M I'M P M rain 11 i1,m.h. ut Hton at Rnvil .nun. KlmfW or Myers Hwlleh, and stops only oi siKiiil al Bonuhton and Ijikevjllc. () i rains do not 8top. (HI Slop on Hlanal. (t) Stop for Meals. ' 'I rains and 4 will run daily. All other tranls dally exeept Sumlnys. m Sunuays train 4 will run one hour late from Mayvillo to Oil City. Train 1 will top at Knueeville on Signal for Pas sniiL'urs L'oiiiic Nonh of TitiKville. Train 3 iiiuv luive utf Knierille Passengers that were roceiml Nor'h of 'I 'itu.vllle. J. J LAWKENCF, Gen. Snpt, C. J. HlM'lltlRN', Ass'tMipl. "PITIlOIiE VAIilEVItrwr On uml aflrr Jlom-'ay, N v. 4, 1873, trains will run ns;fo lows. NOIITIIWABO SOUTIlWAim 4 I i n.iiis ur ATH'HS 1113 )i m II 4H .'I II H 'IU :t a 1.1 ii m I 1(117 Ar.. liiu.i I II .Vi I !' '! a in I ii in ,.r nutiiei iiv Do ,.1'niilier's Mill ,.t iHids h; 1 1:; 8 it 1 141 KM I 1 III : 1 1 v.i !. 13 I 1 . . Ii uni ts !i:l'i De (He a in put s Ar . , I ' I pni " ' lll.MK, Ukkvt Wickium, A :ut, pith'.le, FUNNY SIDE OF PHYSIC 800 Pages, 250 Engravings. A startling impose of Merits i I'.nmhuo ot ih past ai.d present li vntllstos Quack. Impostors,' TrnrelluiK DiKtors, I'a'. dt iledlrtnn Vendi-rs, No tod Peinale Cln-s s, loitniie TeH. rs and AlerJinnw. and iriviK InterialinK aecnunls of S.iteil lMivalnniia anil Nnimtives nl Ihclr IIkk. H reveals sinnllnt; secret slid iiiptnn .a all hoiv to svoid the I'!. whi'l. llese i heir to. We Kivo ,:. usive ter-itsiry no liler;ll eontniliBloes. Por riri'it'nri. and terms u- ill ess the ii;WIIk-s. 3. U. lll'KR A- IIYIlB, HAUTe'i llU. CONN , tilt CHICAGO. IL AMJiN'l S W NTK1) I'D.' TUK UNCIVILIZED RACES OF1 M'TCjNf IN A 1,1. ('(idNTRIliti oV Til ffWI Hf.D. Belnya coiupiehcii-ivi uiennnt of their mnnrers anil e'islene, end of their tiltysienl, social, mclil.!, luoral, nnd ri'liLiioii. eli'iniel:' ities lly KF.V. J C. WiK)l). w. A . P. U S. MJO KiiKisvhis, l.'tiO' htiper lloyul Octavo Pages in two liinies, o itwo Miluntnsinnne. AL'ent Hre,niHklii over $lno eer eek in selpp thl witrk. An early RppiiciHon vill se U'e n ehoieeof territory. F r terms sddre. the nut) lis.iers, J 11 llt.'liR TIVOP, HAHTFOHD, CONN., onCHIu Ml' I. IU,. IMt'KOVED Seneca Falls GAS JP. TJ3VC I3, With Steel Packing d( Sold ill L.ast OO 1i. Exelusive Agents Tot the Oil Hcirioin, DAME, SMITH & CO. Suecessors to 'F. W. Ames, TlTVSVIl IiK. PA. Wood Wort FOR CARRIAGE BUILDERS, 2D GROWTH SPOKES, CENT FELLOES, SAWED FELLOES, HUB?! SHAFTS, POLES, WHIFFLETP.EES, AXELS, FIFTH WHEEL!-', NECK YOKES, HUB BANDS, SPRINGS, MALLEABELS. And (lie Vest Carriage Bolt in Mar kf . DAME, SMITH fc Co!, Succesaort to F. W. Amoi. Ul'AKIIlK, WAUHEJV AM' PITTI7RO KAIIiWAY. Tinve Table takes effect Nov. 8, 187J. SOBTHWAnil Ol. MfTFALO 8 0.1 am Dnukirk 8 4'. am lo si a i i Warren 1. so a m Irvi.tatim 11 Ml a in Oil I lly s Ml i) in 1'itlsliuteli S'lo p m :i. 13 (i'l p ID 3 15 p in 11 i ni 4 40 p m 6 HI p III 7 Ml p in C. SO a IU A'o . 8 411) li ft So p in H 4i p in 10 111 p mi 10 40 p in NOItfllWARft Ao tS. Oil. CITT 9 05 a to li vuiot in :il S i ) Wiiiroil U' f'-l p 111 FlliC.nTi- 3 lo i in lltinkir:; 4 01 p m lhl!lu!ov 0 yi) p 111 joi. No ; si .to n in 0 fj3 p m 13 p in 7 31 in Tf, , m 10 3d p in 45(1 i ni 4 4-1 in f, I-! .i m 8 II Ml 101.". ,i a for ,1'imest.iwn, N. Y., nnd coiinet-t' ultli A i!t(i. W. liiilns 1'ittit ami em. ri.eni'i" It'.trirti with tiaiiiH . :i-it itnU Weft; o, the P U. TUAYKIt. i;cn' ipt.p (J Dunkirk, Now Yo:i:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers