,4m mi JlTlSEMEMTS. THE VERY BEST PLAN l!y yrk$.yuu caituhtiin Lilu lu.ui.iueu Is the low J'iiiliSiVAn ca-h, Stork I'iaa. It mmishes Ike lnr.;c-t amount of In-unincefor a Riven sum or mm 17. Tho ciitract I plain and definite, without coin;.llctaiiin, mfi'tury, or imo- rWillly, Til" policy i. always worth its fic.'tho premium never in creases. It m the. m "t "allnf lutory and economic ill plnn r.iriho Insurant. Tiia Tavilsi Inii-k sc; Cuai'Ajtr, of Hartford, Conn , grants I.ifo in sun.:e upor this excellent plnn. In accmHy iii;ef!ofit J. Apply tu any Agon., or eend lor Clreelir. v s .'. -.' . ' ; We ,Wantj an Agent Iti tlila township to canvass for II10 new, valuable nn'l fa't sollln-j hook by Dr. A ,,J01l.N COWAN, ( , The Science of Xc'w Life. Ucnimided anil endorsed by prominent ministers, physicians, reliuloua anil secular papers. No other book like it publisoed. 10 per week guaranteed. Address. COW AN 3i CO., 189 Eighth St., New Yoik. vAaaars WASi'Eii iron tubnuw book.., with the ucwost and bot treatment for nil cases l'li (tnly thur.mjli work of fhoMndln the world HntVntoc 8m.iHP.ix, Yel ow F.ir,( Cholera and nil inml.i"c)iH diseases. No Family S P Wltniiiit It, mid nil buy It Has 24 chromatic illustrations. The li'""'cst chance of the season for nent. Ad dress 11? 8. UUOUSI'EISl) CO., 31 l'ark How, r-c v York. . ..- t! I OOOll AKNT WANTED roil EVEHYBSY'S OWN PHYSICIAN, by C. W (Ii.kawin, M. D. Hulls rapidly, (1110 ii . nt "olUmi In one wo nk. Apply at onto to II. N, AK-KiNNhTY & CO, 1'liiladolpcia, I a. VMNTED, 'iie ul and LocuV AmiN, iVr this Uurtrfim Kmy.rtir Ma is ' hie, inmU nt UanUurv, (.Villi!. Tho ftillSft. Ill e.-d mid uaqifrit J ock SiiU'li, Htinlth NoudlrfVnehlno in ,ih nmrktit. We jnvo better tcriiiH than nny ntlitr com luiiv. AUilcui-s, JiMlN A. 1)ODGK. UwTl Aont, Dan- bury, i .iin. IllHt flAr.-lfln-eJiynfTiinbci ftn Iron tn cut lit.Oi)U.ihi foot or notiiKl White o;Ut. white unci dlhiw t.:. mid licnroi'k. On nnd near il'intim plntnius, with ttt,nm fiiw-mill, boum, (v, on the villi-, 1M. 4 (HSIN VOt'H'MOnhM with Urn now ' j'V'hrijiii". "Awai'c" ur.d "A-ltTp' Scils lil'.c w il.l Urn. The pair wn Ur ."0 rouls. A ilin-cnii-itionsniU. Aii'lrof-a V F. CAKl'JiNTKIt, FitxboTrt. .Mas-. ' ; A-rVMl VV KEK. IN OAS!! to ) J 'tl nml cxpenai s paid. A. OOVyi m & 00 , CtiRrlotto, Mich. Qf pTtl.j I A Konu wanted! All :ithflr o'x. f Mirfr , or njldi nnUe niura ui-muv at w.itk fin 11 in M.tr(...ftJiiiORii!nti nr ud ttiu tiiiio than a. itivihniu' "irtii. iMrtiL-uIai fren. Add res a G. Si'iN.nON ft(Jti.t l-orilanJ, Malno ORKIW CLASS L'tHft;tclilH t'niiib.ynwnl at Ihhiu', day o; t-voidiiK; l.orapittl ri;urt'l ; full instruct ona and valnalde parka o nl in Hvnt frw by ninil. AdJrwn with K'x minuiurti taii' M. KOUNQ & CO., 113 Oirenwklirit., V. - . . 1!S IA CI.0IX MEDICAL SIS- Is 71 rtiflisaiiY. r.HtnlillNlioil la 1837. i lie oldest iu-d iiio.-t sneoesifiil institntien in till. C'iniitrv 1'or tiie ti'eiltliirnt of Clironle and Hexnnl DtHeaHin. I'or term of treittm'-lit,, eill, or ad lien by mull Willi stiitoinent of Oasii, S. II. llUNSOtiN , y , Bl Maiden Liiu.', Alliny, ".V. 'S'o Ad vortiwnr. All persons wild entem p!ato nialtiii eonii-iets with nowMpnimri l'ur the iii'eiuou qi Auvuriuwm un .iioiuu send to 1 Geo.; P. Rowell & Co-, Tor a HrriiUr, ov 6iiclnp 5 cmt fnTtbrlr tic kitiiidrcd I'ayo laiiiptilct, containinu List l of a UiK) N-:ipoi'(i Hud untiiuatdfl Hlm.infi tl: coal adrmiiins;, alM niany ui-t'nl hintrt to dverti.ta, and wma iic oimt of ilm xpertonoea ol nn-ii who im'u tiunwii mi NitcCttfcMt'kil Ailvtir llNru - Tlil Ann aru nrupriHorM uf the Ameri can ?ieWflpapwr Advciiisiii Aeucy, 43.PARKQW,'N. y! If arms Till. nliftin.Jl I 1 i --... i r. .... i . uauu ut iiuirjtui. nii faro iiy mu UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. In thoUniit l'luo Valley. 3, 000. 0011 Acre. tn Central Nebraska Now f..r ,-l In traet of forty acre. 0a npwnrds on Iheiin.l tenye.irs a-oull, U4 pur cent, iNu advauce inii'i-it ri i; nreil MihS aoibo:iltiii jl climate, iwtilo soil, . ana'l.tmd Trt IINrT M . f -Kill' IN T11R WRSft The (.'reit niiimer re.-i nw uf U yoinin Colorado' I tili ".- NovmH bums Mipiilwd I'y thu fai mw, iu the I'LVTB AIXI.V. r,. '.. : . ; , ,. ., SOLDTSUS KNT1TLK0 TO A DOME 8TBADS0K HiO ACRES. tCB 11BST UXIAHoNS FCK COLONI.S. Vlll',11 II iMi;s Kil'lt ALI.I Millions or acre, of f 'lien liuvnriimu.it l.miiN opun tbr entry iniiiur the lli.nmiiMi.l Iaiv, uu:ir this Croat loiifrmul, wil'i i;."'il lu.uU. N .i..d ail the uomeniuuea of no old SeltlyU tuiutt. y. .... . , ... IfrCo tmsi in ifiirclitsers of Harironfl l'.and. Sr.tuii. ii ,h ip bi,Uii,i; ,0 i..,,, h0 ,mv f'luloiiol I'eserlpUvo l-iiinpui.l Wltbiiciv Maps AddrcsS' 1 ' " ' ' ' ' " ' 1 ti p mm !..M COMMISSIONER V. I' li, ' OMAU, NIUI ; Wlifl 'nieYoi,jnveiille Ma".;Kbii .... .. ..,.....,,, -.,,1,0,0 (.(iii(.1r,,in,i, I ""'""IS' liilNl a I III I1 Sai - wli. , ... . a .inn vi. i. Jr.u L .Vlucu, rubii6l.tr, tin- Daily Eteoord NEWSPAPER, AND Job Printing Office; Main tueet, CH lt G. WIOKEIt, 1'ioiirletor. i'' Jt AEWS DEPAUTilIEA'T. Wn rrcclvo tnleffrnnhic dlspatchea unto 4 p. si find iirfiii.r Drum ti (Hir ruAdHl- avpt-V fvoniiitr m . Drannf; nows oi preai imeresi irom an ((ciioim ui J Hi- I'oimirv. we uavn tuiwio HDeciai nninu'tMnunts. whurrliy vn rocolvii riular Futrotenm, Muck and I induce Market Hcporla every evening ty t'lc'r;i.h frira Now Vurk, Hhilndulphia, aud i'ltlMtiurir. which to-ctlior witli Kdltorials and Local niaiU'in, make il one uf the myat dwirable nowflpspct d putlislitd in the Oi Kugiuu.,- As an .. 'V-'' G. GORDON-lIAnUWAKK AKD.OIL WEdL BC1TMK3. 3r. G-OSo3DOIsr. Kct'ps en hand a full llnejof Ailvcrtislaig AlctJIxian, ho RRCOUT) lias no anpnrlor, ns It clrcnlatos wnorcvor an Oil Operator or Dealer can bo found mi We have a lar?o and Veil rpflwtrd ptouk oi Johltinjr materia cnihnuin the wry lt(!!t tyk. Wu am thurefnre unublfd to executt lo'o Work of cvory variety in a riatinfactory manner when ileaited, jobawill be litatl glinted iu Co lord 8hijp4KS KM .. ,. ;. P trs ' . - IlanJ-Eills. ' ... . . . r. riograiniiicsj ' mn f riu c. .' liiibe . 'i ;,i . , AND . Uuilnuks and liNitiii Card, "LETTKUillEADH, ' ' (" .', . : BILVIUJADS, UI1.LS0P liADING, Btc Etc i;t,i.!.ir,;iriiMj,: B'.n or Fancy Styles, neatly aud promptly ex'xnl oju, L-uioiueini; House FiirniGiHisig Croods, Boston Pat. Conpli'i Tiilili, Casian, Gas Pipe ana Fitting New Bedford Bolt Kopo Cables and Sand Pump LineS, RUDDER PELTING, l'ACKUG. . AND nose, tioricing h aru els, tubing and Valves. . casino valvk clts, clamps Lanterns. Lai.tcrEi CJIoJks, Carpcittti's Tools 5 ALiiiiwas ov iJisAsa tsoow.s, Estra Winter Strained Lard Oil, . Johnson it Barrett's Lnhivatins? Oii, No. 1 Refined Oil, The Novelty nr.d Emvl:n Clothes Wrirgn , tbo best In use, With a full lino of Table and Pocket Cutlery, and Silver Tlated PpoonB ami Forks, STOVES, STOVES S T tsnss. t My slock of COOK AMD IIRATING STOVKrf cannot ho rxoellca in tl'e oil rcfjon. As I bonrjht before liio late n irnnre of Stoves l,y noitnifnctureis, I am enalile,! to still sell at old prices. Tlio'e ilesiiiiic any'hin,; in iho way of a CooH or Heating Stove will do well to call utid examine mv i-'ocli, of which the lollowmi; is a ' ' . l..niul litil ; ' With Wrvor nnfl wnrmlngdOFet, a fiift class Stove for hard coal or wood. ,4. ?1 175. B " CT 5 C ok- wUh ,(,w wo't frvoir ami wnrmlnj closet, for hard cos I. THM .1 H-IM U mid (iKILl V IIKLPUK-Ik, a cheap nrnt class Stov with or without re.-ervotr ami warininj; closet, for hard or sod Coal. it v iiii-iiuus. u uueup ni!i uias rjiove, (or nard or s dt coal Iron :ite Cook, a lar;H heavy and (iuralile Stove for soft coal. VIC!lt S-illC'Jlf Conk, for hard or soft coal, is celehrat..,! I,,r H. nini,.a n . ,.,i Slovo ami cheapness in pi ice. l'Iilppr-Cook, for hard or soft coal, a smsll lint excellent Stove and very cheap. lUiUkluaOtU. Cook, a wood Stove wilh elevated oven. MY' LINE OF I'AULOR IIHATEllS cannot l,o excelled: The nivins VlnO L?l:t t3i!5'c .;ff 1 N7U-Tlil. is n beautiful self feeder . i -jrior nuiv. with self re,ie,nna ci,t I pnu.nt c,ll:,r I lie K;u:S;illt llotsa-A new self ed..r 1'ailor Heater with null grate and lllntn inateil base Keep Sl4j.;NHrilPr-S..f feeder l'arlor Heater with sltaUIng fire latent and dutnpitii! o mker tr itu 1 SliinrJ's l:ii'lor llesiii-r-Somethlnic new, a very boauiiiiil and powerltil beater jv. ftry liisav .-i. iieni unit ri;e,ip jjusp jjinner jflloaiMO liiylll A choap cylinder Suite with mill eraln INVITATION'S CIUCl'I.AKS ."rtOGKAMMKS lAHUS, TlChKTS, Etc. a fact, ovury variety and style of wor la letter , pre. prtilln. MerclHnts. Lawyers. Jii.tliw or the Pears, land Actum. "It l)ea:er- nml Actiih. lnsit ranee Aireim r.viiresiuen atid other pnrlTes in want, are In'ornipd ii". W1' 1,r,'T'"nrnl to exeenleto onler a 11 kind" ol iiiiiiiiiv '"" ''i rujiilied in this coui- '"'''' g ""'i'.TtT-f r,.,,.,rii,. 9ltettP.i' INI ll.lllil lu W .WUH I I. MlOHso A sheet iron cylinder si. vi, ve.ry ciieap r.lov A .mall sell feeder and niiilfl ch"i.n Hl:ick MVHII A patlor cnoa s'ove wilh oven, for coal. I 'aine A cheap dining room Stove. Kir Mult n-r 2',"K'.'!,,02n'""" "lSECONn-HAKn It HIM, .at Ironi 2fi to3f,, els., per loot Tlio Tii'iin U iu in-,! eUs .j,., Hlul u), le any liu.d A;.iil iJ. t.'. n. U.'WAEMiR. CJem A cheap bed room Sieve. IVlirl A Cheap cylinder Stove, for hard or twit eoul. yxlTw V?niM.'BT 1h,'l,,n CJImmia.Ih.-M for derrick,, and hnL.la. - t)AL AMAiS DLlv A derrick stove. GUlBK .HEATER For stores and ofllcea. -- MANUFACTURER OF Tin, sheet mm co?ph ware SMOKE STACKS MADE TO ORDER. .Unkfi to onlw(!AriVA.UK!) II!0 ;l VI llfvj ,vi ti considered .be cheapest and Mfm mH now " uwUhco ' ora'-.u ZT Repairing of all kinds done wit h neatness and dispatch. THE TORPEUO PATENT SHITS. Roberts vs. Mclitftas (., r. Tho follnwinj I. the decLion rclidcred.liy J,, McKennnn, at May Term of tho Circuit Court m tin ahovocasu: ' . ! ' . In tlfm;irciiit Court if tbo Onlted State-., in nrrt thMVestnrn Ulstrlrt of Pennsylvania. B. a Kobcrts vs. Niciiqlas 0yr. No. Lr-Mny Tctn 1873. In Kiiilty- , '. : , . November 71. 1872. Bill filed and ntyoeni li sued. ; . . Hubpn-nn ami notice of application 'for prellrola ary InJ unction served. t Dcceiulier 1:1, 1 874. Motion for prollmfnar fc. Junction hoard, and the Court being dnly nJvlmd la the premises; tlio injuuctioii awarded as prnyoil for, and deeri e lileu. January I I, 1ST:!. Innntlon Issued, nnd on ll th day nT January Indictment served persnnnlly and by eopy. . a - Nny 9J, 1S78. liulc isiuod lordolondent to .how cause why attachment should riuf Issub ler conttmit iu violating iniuiictiou ond duly seiTtd June lid, 18t:j. Hula for attachment in thru ce came on to bo hoard, and sfter ars;timrnt ofcoimui pro and con, tho Court twins full advised in tho premises, the Uulo is madf absolute, and tho sen. tence ortbo Conit Is, thnt tlio .aid dofjtidan, Mch. olas ficyer, be Impiinscned in tho common jail of Allegeeny County fhr and duriiis tba term often days, mid thjit he pay . the' costs of tnls piocu.il inp.J . Juno 2d, 1878. Cemmitent Issued. The injunction in tliisKuse was ft.r Infrinpcmt-nt or tho ItolierU' patent ofNo (called the llij; pat. ent), for incr.aolns tho productiveness of oil welli. The net of Infringement for which tha defendent was committed for contempt, consisted in aiding Ahxnndrn llair.i.r in (xplrnlint; torpedoej In ol wells being tho snmo art or Infringement for w hieh Il.minr was also committed in '.ho case No. 3, No vember Term, 18iiil, as htforc slated. The Court McKcnnan, J., a.tiT delivering liis opinion in the llumar eus, proceeded lo somence Nic'io as Ceyerfor contempt, and delivered ti c ft! owlr.p oral opinion: In tbo ca?o of N4ehls (ieyer charged with tie same offense, I nia ortlrely satlffled that there was fluid present, in tbo rtiaus ell at least. At J hare 'intimated lo the couiuel in Hit course of the i-fn-mtnt, the premice if fluid in the well, vhethrr de sired or not, is an infritigtmrnt of tl,, patent, anda breach of the injunction of the Court. Mr Koberts, by bis natent'iises ak nnn nrn,ft mi. clpal elements of his Invention llu d tampinu, and nnerever tncro is num snmcicM in a well, at th. timo of tiie cxplu.ion of a torpedo, to operat. ni tftlnull'tr. u.inlkr.p I. rrnla l.wi ......, I.. i . till r.. artificially, bis patent is infiined. This .u (.it-mij uie eae in reraruio .lie Heal. well. nut ."r- ui jit seems io nave on misled Iiy Ilaniar, who tied him that he merely wunted to ...ii... ui. niunii, ( mm u. IIUl IIIIDB, UUg fle. tog the tlrst time, thnt be.oitghr, to bo very scvtrrly lle iilno is aifiudueil guilty of contempt nnd order. ed lo pay the eosla of Uiis proceeding and undergo an imprisonment iu the county all for tin day. 1 hope lire will lie the lait of tin se casts; bccaivfo, if ilui manor come, to vur notice agian wewi'l hd eriislrniued to impoie sl.cli pnnlshmi ut'as will tend to make (lie deureo of the Court cllVx'luil. jtmoI7-1m. rara.rlwltk , S V II. T. IlELXIBOrj.. , 1 MABK. ItW FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU; la the cnly Known Remedy for Brlglita uu ase and lias eured every case of Ciabetea in which it ba been given, Irritation of the Neck of the UladcW aud inflammation ol the Kidneys. Ulceration of Ithe Kidney, and liladdcr, ltoten tlon of Urine, Ui.eusc. of the 1'roaUite Gland, Stone in the Blander, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit, and Mucous or Jlky Discharge., and for n feebled and Delieame Oonstitutiona of both Sexes, attended with thel following symptoms : Loss of Power, Los. of memory, Difficulty of Breath ing, Weak McnnM Wakefulness, Fain in the Hack, Fluahingof tlSo Body, Eruption on the Face, pallid Countenance, Viassitude of the System, ate. . Used by perconDiiBi the deollne or change ol lite; after connnomiKnt or labor pains, bed-wet- fciuff iu ounureo, etc. In manv aflw tinn. 1 traot Bucbu isnneom" liar to ladles, the Ex- led hv Anvotherremedv As in Cllorods nr HoiSantlnn. Irreimlarltv. S ain- fulnes. or Suppression Mt Cuatomary Kvaouatiom, Ulcerated or Scliirraa State of the Uterus, Leu- ourrnosa or unites, Btrillty, na lor an cora plaiuta incident to thw aex. It is prescribed ..ramraiiii ine most i MldwiVeB for llnfe!,!..' tions of both sexes and al KEARNEY'S tT' IlaHU of JJUsipaUon, Mo little expense. ht.tlM n,... convenience. and uniil,. limni'i a fr- juent desire, and civea atlfenBth lo Urinate, thereby removing" Obstroetlcmne, Inventing and Curing itrictures of the Uretmhra, Allaving Pma and Juflammation, ao freqnenft in this clsss of Of eaaeg, and expelUng all l'uiaoiiu matter, KEAHMiY'S EXTBAMCT BUCBTTt 1 .00 per bottle or six bottles folk $5.00, delivered to any address, aeonre from ohso atien. Bold by druggists everywhere. Prepared Tkr KEAKNEy&CO.,WDune8t:,N. J to whom all lettera lor lnformatioan ahoula M tminont PhyBioians and and delicate oohbuiw I agea. BACT BCCIlUt from, lmpruden" in all their stages, l Lanire in diet, no in Avoid Quacks and lmoter9' a o unargo for Advice and ConenltV0"' J-B- Dyott, Graduate of Jeff&eonWfdlcf Coltu,, l'hiladelphia, author of BSverv! works, can be consulted on all diseasea ilL Si Bcxual or Urinary Organs, (which be baa .TP'S an especial Btudy) either in male or femalAJw lum to treat diaeaee with anceess. rtm viiugm rBunonaDie. Tiioee at a diA tunoe can forward letter describing yuvptomi and enclosing stamp to prepay postage. ' i S fv 1?Sr'!7V01''""- 1'riee 10 cents. J. B. OVOTT, M.Ii., Phy.ician and Burgeou. 1 JI'L.?!.' NoYorkT8 - Atl vvt live in the lib.'.oi.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers