MgllRECORE I n m ... - D A I LY lOL IX-NO 6t PETROLEUM CENTRE. CI S WEEKLY PA. TUESDAY EVENING JULY 22, 1673. 25 THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAIL YrRECO.R D HE FIRST DAILY PAPER IN TENAN j . 00 COUNTY. , j PCBUSHEDVERT EVENING, f , 'Sundays excepted. j CHAS. C. WICKER, Editor. TGRKI8. at year payabla In advance, , 18 oo To tltlCE-MST OF ADVERTISING. Ten Una of sanptnll make on num.) "flu. linCTtlun. lsq. 2 as ms nay, Iwodays, (toe dajrs, tar days, life days, kM week, Jwoweaks, Ih weeks, tat month, hro months, ftree months, Ox months, fae months, la rear, I 76 1 00 1(11 1M 1 611 S ( i oo a so t as 8 oo t 50 8 50 4 60 0 00 6 00 8 OoJ 1 00 10 00 10 00 12 50 12 00 15 00 tl 00 27 00 27 00 S 00 SB 00 4)1 oo! 8aq. Vfcol. 11 60, 44 bli iWi 5 50 8 W, 6 50 8 no: 7 oo 8 80; 8 (10 4 60 8 W T 50. 14 OU lo oo le no 12 00 30 00 15 00' 80 00 18 00 40 00 80 00 80 00 45 00 80 00 0 00 100 00 ; clal notice. 20 emit par line, each Insertion. idt srtlsmenU payabl. quarter In advance g. M. Pettengill Ac. Co. 3T fsrk Ho, New York, Ml Geo. F. Rewell & Co., Mttrtlitng Agent, srs to sole agents for ne Pe. raleam Centre DAILY Kacoao In that city. Ad vartlr In that city are requested to leave their rvort with either of Wie above houses MffJOE. WET HE RILL A CO. Adver- jltluit ArenU, Philadelphia, are doly authorised Aftnu ur tne keoosd id mm ciiy. M. C. Uartln t GEO. H. V CO., IB A N Z E b s,: t PETnOLEUm CENTRE, PA. 0. E. Blssell, ' ; . Christopher Meyer ' We offer onr services Tor the transsetlnn of a hNEKAL BANKING, HXCHANUH aud COL- t kcTinN RTtSINRHH. i An; business entrusted to onr care will reeeive at. tupt attention ' JAMES H. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, Once In Court Honte, Franklin. Pa., and on Tiles; divp and Fridays of each week ovur Biaaall A Ga'a. Hank, Petroleum Centre Pa JulrSO-tf Hotel and Utl;iiiraut. c fciNTKAL IIOirSK, FETHOLSITM CENTKB. PA.. Lord's Boiler Powder ! Near Oil Creek It AlloKhony Itiver Hallway Depot febntf. W. 11. DAVIS! Prop r. pETKOI.KU.U HOI SC. Frco Oniiilbn to and from nil Train BILLIARD AND BAT H ROOMS CON NECTED WITH HOTEL. novlO-tf. C. W. 8TAATH, Prop'r M' cCI.INTOCti IIOlSx.. -TJCTKOLECM CKMTIfnV PA. 1 Us popnlai Hotel, situated Corner of .tlnln dc Washington-Ma., Ncartho Dono hug been refittrd nri'l funtlslirJ throughout, and the proprietor will spare uo pair., to make it a first-class nonsE. . oetl-ll JNO b' HULHKKT, Proprietor. CITY OT EL Axn I'estai'kaxt, Spring street, T1TUSVILLE, PA. TIio. Goodwin, Prop'r. This Hotel Is dentrally located The best of ac commodations afforded to truest transient oi per manent. Every delicacy rf the season constantly on hand SOMKTHINO NKW The proprietor has the vory hest fnrilitiea in tne conniry lor BTK AM INO OYtlTKHN. TituKvillo. Dec SO, 1H71 tl J H. HE1VI.Y, OIL CITY, rBN.N'A. ocsincu Qijxnvfj nirvrrBT Cm administered. Office open now. OFFICS-In Bchonblom's new building. Oil City, i . - . - jaa-ti. , it PET. EXCHANGE RESTAUR Put. Centre, Pa. onowcien c Sa Tugli, II. :Ki:i K El.riJIIKY ICIV. KK It. U. A- lU il'AMI, SjOHHV e riiisni HUit ss. tv. On and after Thursday, July 101b, 1873, trains will run as follows: SOUTHWARD TRAINS. FJR Tim I( inovnI ana Prevention of SCALE IM STEAM BOILERS Till PowdcOwill Itcmoyo Any Scale, no matter how lliick Ci Hard it may he, and keep the Iron in n good condi tion for ages. WE CAN SEND YOU A PUCOF OP THIS. A. ,T. HAAVIjEA', COl.DWATKH LEASE, WILD CAT H'lT.MrK V troierm (v tr. i a., I the only authorised naeni mi !l Hevi' n for the (n!e i.f the i'owder, of whom It can hi' iilvttiied hv Ihc kre or pound. t r It It alpo for mh- at Hn; Hardware Ktore of Geo. W . Vv iuuor, I'atioleuin C'enlre, I'll. July 12 tf ' H. Wilbert 18 sow prepared to eiecntn BRICK AND MA SON WO HK IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, and warrant to irive satisfaction. FLASTKrUNU done to order. BHICK CIIIM 1KS built. Also, BltlCK and LIMB tonsunt l on hand and for sale. - n. Hesldence on Kt'bert Farm. Post Ofllce . tMrem Pett oleum Oentra, Pa. Give me a call. - . , aoW-Om. m Centre Meat Market ! Geo. AV. Kiiij;, Jr., Hext Door to tne Rnchiwtsr Honae. dealer In Fresh atiif M.I. U-L&V uunvvnuEiTu UnIIl.TUV . DTTKR. Ae. ' . ' Parmers havinp mt Cattle will do well to lve me : ".toil, a suaie oi in punnc paironnim soiiriieu OKO. W. KINO, Jr. I f etrolonm Centre. Oct. 2A, "1 Hm PROPRIETORS. AVurm SlcaU at all Iloiii-i). WILD OAM E IN I'l S SEASON. ar O YSTEES ! g g Hpce!w ilvnnd ftin'or up in any itylp d'rftl. Weiwpi'ctf illy invito our td lYiWilA at IVtmli nu Cuiitrv and tUi whcic to jmj a, caiU'imnu.ti't.Uin to treat trie in well. Pet, Centre, Pa., May-11 i;a tf. I Sew Machine M BMsmitli Shop ENGINEER, MACHINIST BLACKSMIIU, And manufacturer of Drilling and FUliing TooIm. 8n0P ON CENTRAL PET. FARM. NEAR R. R. DEPOT PETROLKUM CENTRE. PA. V-All kli.d of JohbinK and Moehlne Heuair- rajjT done to order, nprl5-tf. alve lue a rail. WM. I.. BETTS. School Books. A complete stock of School Books needed tne nihllo School's can be louhd at the niST Or FICE NEWS ROOM v.iM.K pAH ( O IIPAMO.N. Jory IjiUy wants one I f very Man nit-ht to,have onef! i" f1,!!1 of Ten Cents. Adrtreas L. F. HYDE .'.itii,u Aveuue, piow iu a A(lKTK wrjrwbere o sell oar now and i,, Tk7J:V.J"'v'S, "mbroldermu Slachino W AJlTEH"JnJ"LU","",l Oircular U, , te i iiSV",llvw ManuniewrlLg Com, VERANDA-H 9 ' 1 C) VlBCItHA I It I ti S1L00N JNDBRSTHR1ST. . .Reopened. Capt. W. fi. S.tirri), Prop'r- ft fa ' ., m tsv yi 0 fcrsi ft i- w .... man J itEBx . Qa. I .T) kia.nat k?!fj ' Srtsaw Pi3 b ft W U ' FOSS, SALL CHEAP. STATIONS Brocton, Prospect, Muyville 1K Sommerdale hhennoQ Panama Clymer Cm Clvmur Corry June rn..o Ait I.K Corry Jttnc Btewart'siw Summit Spartanab'g G.yodeti . Cenlrevllle Union City Lakeville LtDOOlDVilll Riceville Noble's Junction Tryonvlllo Myer'a 8w'r llydetowii THuBTile JJ Bouahloo Miller Farm Shaffer , Ploueer . Boyd Ferm ... r n Columbia Tarr Farm Rynd Farm Hon Seville McClintock Oil City Alt First Clasti. Hv . HUOIi. Il Agents row ni 3 4 G 13 14 AM PM A If AM PM 8.65 3.30 6,45 9.17 U34K 7.17 9.37 4,08 7,4fl 9,39 4.10 7 o 9.68 4.2N 8.1 10.05 4.38 8.31 10.28 6.00 9.02 "10.33 -5,03 U-J08 10.40 5,12 9.20 11.06 6,3" 9 66 11.15 6,42 .... 10,00 11,00 6,61) 6.15 1.35 11,10 5.53 6,20 1,38 "11,14 C 00 -6.25 "1,43 ll,22l. 08 -6,3fi M.M ll.:itl-ti. 17 6.45 2,02 "ll.:i!l -.2ti J657 ..... jai3 "11. 4N li.34 7,07 2.20 10.20 .... 10,47 .... 10.60 .... 10,66 .... .... , 11.07 .... -ll..'ia,...39 "7.12 11,11 -2,26 11.54 fl.41 7.14 1,14 2,28 12.03 ' 4 7.25 Ml,24 "2.87 12 1)5 "6.62 7.28 11,27 2,40 12.15 J7.00 7.40 11,38 2,60 12.35 7.2(i 7.45 11.45 2.65 12.43 7.30 V.SB UI185 3,07 IJ.50 7,7 8.05 12,05 8,18 12.63 7.4o '8,10 "12,10 3,21 l.on 7.48 8 18 12,19 3,30 1,02 7.62 -8.22 12.23 3.S3 l.t'4 7.65 8.25 12.26 8 85 l.lib' 7.57 8.27 12.28 8.37 1.116 8 05 8.35 12,35 3 45 1,12 8,10 8 40 12.38 .1,50 1,10 8,17 8,46 12,46 4,00 1,19 8.26 8.51 12,50 4,10 1,21 ,82 8,65 12,63 4,lti 1,30 8.40 0,05 1,05 4,30 PM PM AmpM PM 11 Alt 11 FUNNY SIDE OF PHYSIC- 800 Pages, 250 . Engravings."" : A startling' rmnoso of Medical Diunharsoi the fast ai.d pr, ant It ventilates Quack. Irnpoptors, rnvelllne Doetc, I'atndt Medicine Tender-. No- ' ted r'emnle CheaiH, Fnrtane Tellers and Meelnmo. and Rives Intcrrating accelints of Noted PhyslcianH and Nsirativea of their lives. It reveals startling secret rnd Inntrueta all how to avo'd the Ilia v.hlch fleso I heir to. negtra- exclusive territory i-nO-lilieral connniMslnne. For circulars and t.nns nd- rirc the nulilihe's. . a HUltii & UVDB. FtiRD. CONN., ok CHICAGO, ILL AWKNT8 WA NTKD KOH THP UNCIVILIZED RACES OF MEN' TN ALL crnTNTItlJCKOK tTTrWOHI.T Belofi a comnrt btnive arcnuut nf tdeir m.'ii.nia ami ciistin, and of the fr physical, eoc'at, niei'ial, moral, ana reiipwn. cnaraciet-l.tics 11 V II KV. J ). WOOD. M. A.. D I. R. 500 Fiigraviiim, Mf, Super Hoy a I Octitvo l'.ii;cs in two loiuuiei', o two Ap ntK ari'.m.ikinK over $100 ner week In Bf illi. thl wink. An early ar.nilCAllen will ferine a ehoteeof territory, f r terms srloress Ihe pub ll.he J. B. BUKK HVIr, IIArn'FOKU, CONfi., OK CHICAGO, ILL. Seneca Palls NORTHWARD TRAINS STATIONS Oil City de McUllntock Rousrville Ryod Farm Tarr Farm Columbia Pat Ceo !! Boyd Farm Pioneer Shaffer Miller Farm Boughton TitllBll AB DK Hyiletown Myers' S'n Tyrooville .luoctiou . Noble's Riceville Lincolnville Lakeville Union City Cenlrevllle (ilynilen Spartanab'g Summit Stewart'sSw Corry Jiidc Corry Jutici Ulymer OKmer C'nt Panama Sherman ciummerdale Prospect Hructoo AR First Class. i a P H AM 3.45 6,30 3,54 J 6.40 "3,57 6.4S 4,00 6,47 4,04 f 6.62 4.07 H ti.55 4.11 6.50 4.13 7.01 4,16 7.08 4,19 11 7.0(i "4.25 7.15 1T42H '7,18 "4.36 7.26 4,45 7.35 4.52 7.40 5,02 7.50 "5,05 7.63 "5,16 H 8,0! "5,17 o,U3 5 I P M 8,10 8,20 8 26 8 30 8,35 H8.3H 8.45 8 47 8.6"! II 8,f 8 9 03 9.07 9.16 9.25 9.30 9,38 9.43 9.62 9,64 lMfli'wirTiMM WASHINGTON ST, PET. CK.nTKF, ParUculor attention paid to the wunta e niy cua toinera, and will keep the I'.uot sun- ., FKF.SII l.AGKi: ASH AUK, mot k cuacs, A c . OYNTKItS in tlvrrv 53tvJc, Hccoiitl-IJniKl Oil AV.'ll Niip. plie. 10 (Hi t II V i" T'. IIINC, II'. 00 ft 5S Uti'l -M nr.l S In. ii I'AiNO, 6.i00 It SMALL I'lIK, 6.IMI fi SI I K Kit KOHS.ll in Ii. ini-li 7 .Hid o 111. h HUIV INfl HII'R. PI'I TINDS nt one h.llf price of New GAShiid HO'l AltV I'l'Jl' s lor k.iIo or lo rent i;.Nl!l."ES ail ftolLKKH of nil !, at Howi; v :iK'9i ix 220. I'rlroleiim Centre, Vw net -24 1 r 5.22 5.31 H 543 5,61 6.00 6,04 6.08 6.15 6.20 0,4:1 (1.52 J656 7.17 7.27 7.45 8.10 U830. 8.53 P M 8.08 8.11! 8.2K1 8.34 8,43 8.47 t 8.60 9,05 9.08 J 934 9,43 H !!47 10.08 H1018 10.37 10,40 11,03 11.26 A M 10,i0 '10,08 10,18 10.27 10,35 10,40 10,46 11 1 M 3,55 4,87 4.10 4,15 4,21 4.25 4 31 4.33 4.3R 4,42 4.50 4.54 5.04 6,16 5. 23 5,33 5.381 6,48 6.50 5. 65 6.07 6,13 6.17 lit A M 9.65 10,08 10,12 10,17 10,24 10.28 10.86- 10,84 '10.43 10,50 '11,00 11,04 '11,17 11,32 11,38 11.62 12,03 12.12 "12,14 V A PM 12.18 4JI227 12,36 12.46 12,53 12,57 l i,oi 1,05 1,10 1,36 HI 40 1,60 3,14 1(2,19 2,44 2,46 8.07 8,30 P M IMPROVED v With Steel Packii.g SO Sold in Last OO liars, Sacloaive Agents for the Oil Regions, DAME, SMITH & CO. Successors to -P. W. Ann, TiTtrsvirxE. PA. Wood Worla roR CARRIAGE BUILDERS, 2D-GROWTH SPOXES, CENT FELLOES, SAW ED FELLOES, NECK YOKES, HUB BANBS, SPRINGS, HUBS "! SffAFTS, POLEo, WBIFFtETKR E, .AXELS, FIFTH WHEELS, JTAELEABEL And tfcs Best Carriage Bolt in Ufa s -&t . 1 ' : - ., DAflE, SMITH V Co., t .Tr,iIn lTdoes not stop at Boyd i arm, tSlinifur orMwra Switch, and stops only 01 signal at ltouihton and Lakovllle. f () Iraiua do not Stop. (It) Stop on 6lenal. (t Btop lor Meals. 1 ittiim 3 and 4 wdltrun doily. AH other trani. daily except Suodays. 1 m Kiiiidays trAin 4 will run one hour late from Mnyvlllii to Oil City. 'I mill 1 will fli. at Knanivllle oa Signal for Pas sonu'era utmix Norlh of Tnai.ville. Tmlu 2 may li-uve off Ronievf11e Passengers that were received Norlh of '!'liujvil!c. J. J LAWRENCF, Gen. Supt. C. J. HKPiitirtN. Ass'l ciipl. PITIIOLK VALIiEY H. W. On and 'after Monday, NT., lb'13, trails will nin Iowa. NoKTirutn sotrriiwAnn I'.ON- 1 H.IUT1I K IN SUiSA VS. s, nt on m: .-ipi ol ii. cu,. Lui.iuo I'nii iu ai.d Bucccaeon lo F. W. Arrree. DUKIUK, WAltUEJl AMt PIT TUt UOHAIIiVVAV. Tlrao Tabl. ti kes eifect Nov. 8, Ibii sounnrAnD lirFFAEO..... 6 OS am Imiikirk. ........ 845am KaleJinera 10 VI a 111 Warren .-.II flint (rvln.i.iri n BO a m Oil I lly s : 0 p in l'ltkshurgti...... bli) p m IVo . 12 Bop m ' 2 15 p m 84. pm 4 4X1 HI)' 6 10 pm 7 5(1 p nr SO a m'- IV Off.. B '4Ri m (5 p m i , 1.. 1! Iti p Til l40p iu MoitTurraan 4 p ni a -Ik ti a-2S a! piu I a I NAMB OF AT10NS I 1 3 n 111 a i ,n I'HlloleCltv De 8811 1 113 Prartier'a Mill. H44lll Wooil..,.. ....... 8.'.S1I0 .... Hi nm H r 1 1 so Oleopols Ar OlsjlfiS it m I p in 1 r. BLAIH. Bum. Pltliole. Pa n m III IT 10 05 n am on 11 :n a ni 1 OIL CITT.. lrvmeton.... Wnrroj r'liic.n. rp. . lninkirk.MN Dufiiilo io "2. .... finsasa ' ...18 n in ....)!.. 1 pm .... 4 16 pm. .... 4 04 p m ... 5 ail pm JVA4. 3 so p m . 6 52 p m (119pm 1 Hi p ro ll 15pm , 10 36 p m NoC. 4S0sr,i 4 44 p ni A 14 a in . UK 1. a m. Jb l; n iu 'station for Jamestown, N. Y., and1 aonneeti with A. AG. W. trains etat and veil Couiieo-. Warren vlthtrn'tis east and' wc.-t; 0.. the I i J', R l(. D. IIIAyEli UeM Sup- . Dunkirk, Kcw Vo ' ttf I Uiop iu and sou 3is iu my irw -.uu,1.. ILVKt'T WlCKllAH, A;(mt,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers