'! r- ' it I'll; iW'i.iii. I1. V .':v If.'- In . l l'i, i': Vff : 'i ... mi .ffi Hi m ' , ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 12,000,000 ACHES! 3 heap Farms ! Tho cheapest Und in market for rale by the JNION PACIFIC RAIL ROAD CO. In the Great Pintle Valley. ,000,000 Acre 111 Central N"brnk ow for sale In tract" of forty "ere and npwards on ve and ten ' credit at per cent, lNo advance itiret reiieired. Mild and Beelthral clls.lte, fertile sell, anabund nee of good water. TH BKSTJMAHKET IN TFIE WEST! The rait niloint region". f Wyoming, Colorado, tun nd Neviidn being eupulled by Urn tanner., in tbe 'la.-tk Valley iOLDIEPR KNTITLF.D TO A HOME STEAD OF 160 ACRES. ? tltS BEST LOCATIONS FOK COLONII S. VUKK ItOMESFOK ALL! Million of aere or 'holes Wovernment hand open for entry under the ilomcritead l-aw, near this Ureat Ili.llro.uJ, with (nod market and all the conveniences of an old d'ltli d country. free basse to ptwrhaeer of Railroad Land. Sectional Map allowing the Land, Sue new ulliionof BiKcrlptlve t'oniphiel with now Wnps Mailed Free Bvorynhere Address O.P.DAVIS, m LAND COMMISSIONER XT. P . H, , . OMAII-V, NEB. HOIt- ACH W A GREAT OFFER ! ATl-iltst Ac SO., 4H1 ll'wny, . Y.. will dispose of 100 PIANOS it OilGANSof FIRST CLASS MAKBKS.Incllldlnn WATERS' at kxtRkmrlv low pkicks for cash, or fart cash, und balance la f-MAU. monthly payment". Nkw7-0ctave first (class PIANOS, all' iionF.RX mi'nnvK mkvtp, roi$2T5 fjaxh. Organs 55, 7 DOUilLBREBI(BIGANS..i,lM 4 STOP, $110; 8 STOP, 81'-2., and upwards. . , i WATERS' rCONCERTO PARLOR OR GANS ore the most iikautikiil In rtyi.r and T't'H- FKCT III TOSK KVKR MAPB, The CONOKIl TO STOP is the BKST f.vkb Pl.irED IN any Okuan It l proiiucnd ly a tliird ci nl rot-da rscri.iAitLT yoiokp. Hik EFFECT ef which t MObT CllAK.MING and KTIKRING. while Its IMITATION of Hie HUMAN VOICE Is SUPERB Terms Lib kral ILL US THA TED CATALOGUES MAILED lor one stamp A libernl dn couDt to Minister. Church.-. Sunday Seoools. Lodna, Ao AGENTS WANTED $500,000 CASH! GIFTS TO BE PAID IN I CLL. i Third Granrt Gift Concert IN AID OF TUE , Public Library of Ky., Will h,given At the great tinll of Lilrnry Building, at LouI'viUe. on Tuesday, July 8. IH73, at which time TEN THOUSAND GIFTS, uraniii)ii8(! to grand tulal ol S500. OOU, all eBp, WllM dlBtribltled by lot to tickft-holdars. TJo rednctlnn In amonnl ol gilts nl this difltrluution, but each gi t will be ptld in full, k t , . . ( OtFIOE'OF Parmbrb' DnovtRs' Baxk, Lnl'iMVII.I.K, KY., April 7, IK7.I J This Is to cenity ibat theie is in Uir Fui mnra' and Drovers' Bink, to Ihe credit ol ttie Third Grand Gilt Concert for the lune lit of IhePiiJjIjo IjiDrarJ of Ky.. Five Hun. dred Thousand, Dallri which hns been hhI apnr nj th Haoanera lo pay I be gifia In full, and will ha htdd by the Bunk and pmd out for this purpoae. and this piirimsH only. (Signed.) ...awe v .b',n, juhsukt " .raT he ' 1.IHT ftF OIFTH. One Grand Cash. Gilt One Grand Cac6 Gift One Grand aeh Gttt One Grand Cash Gilt One Grand Cash Gift . One Grand Cash Gift 24 Cash Gifn or $l,nnn each 60 Caab GUI! ot ; 5U0 each 80 Caab Gifts of l'lO OasbGlhiof 150 Caab Glf is of 690 Caab Gifia of 9,1100 Caab Gifia of Total, 'lO.OOO Gifts, all Caab $500,000 Only a lew tickets remain nnfo'd. and they will be furnished to the first applicant Ht tbe following prloe: Whole tickets, $10 kalW, (Jpqnartera, t- 60: II wbnlea for SlllOS Sn for U500; 113 lor 1 .000. end 575 for $i.000. Fur tickets and full iiilornio l'fliPly ' i i - 1 I TnOS. E. BRAMLETTK.' -I ' i i Louiavljle, Ky. or Th"". II. Hays A Co . i.kOQ Broadway, New York, i V f ,i-u: 400 eacti 8"0 each 200 eicb 100 e0 i 10 each $1000.000 ' f 50,0110 25.000 . 1 20. 000 lo.oi.o 5.1100 24,000 25.000 :ti,ooo :io ooo SO.000 . 50,000 011,000 TELEGRAPHY. A necessary part of every percon's education in tbia advancd sen is the art of Teleeiaph Inp. Apply to tbe undersigned for Smith's Manual nl Telegraphy, the bc work pub lished on tbia "iitject. Price, 30 cts. A'fo tor every (leaccption ol Tleirnphic Instrn inetin an I U-itiery; Nitro C'ironilo Umterv lor Elecirop'Biiu.;. I. G TILLOTSON .t JO , 8 Uey St . New Yolk. Cream 'ffulile Cliocutc No boillnu nee eary. A cup ol delicious Chocolate mule with it In two minutes. No waeie. Packed in pound jure. Yanillt or olain. Onnd'Z. in box. L'neqnaled ns a enntection for luoc.'i, spread on crocket", will) a gl ins of milk at hand to drink. l''or making Sod Water Syrup or flavoring Ice Cream it is superior loany Chocolate made; and for Chocolate Gake, nothing else will be used where tl4 lias been Iritd. For aale by GITIIKNS & IlEXSAMER, Phila delphia, Pa. lXT7'V"N,dh'n'liri'y with HteiHI iJJ KjlS JTj I. Key I'liw.kjt iilttitn. Catultaj'.lts auu full IMlticuluia l'.tKE. M. M. ,pflic cr, 117 Hanover Hi., liown. t", li I' P 'rdl; I Ait-mts warned! All Jl" I" ,jiS cln.ea nf working peojile ol either r,x, y.iutur or old. m-iku morn ni'tni-y lit w(rk for a in iti'-ir span; nruni' iM. or ail ih'i iimi than at imythlnj else. Parilculni'- froe. AiJdriwa U. STIXaiJ.N &()., Portland, .Maino. GliTTYSBl'lUS KATALYSINE WATER li ilm iii'iiri'f t ainirtmch lo ft ppoHflc ever dl-covf y for DvHpepHiB. Nuuniljcin, HhcuiniUifm (ioui, timv itl, Di'iheit n, Kidin v ninl Uriticrv lNcacM crf'icr ly. Ii ri'r.tt.ri'ti iiinriiiai .wt r to'thc ':ivniytic It cill'fH I.iVL-r ('ninHllit, ( hrinrc Dftirit o':!, Coiifltipnlfon. Asttimi. Oilnrrh iwul Uroiw-liit is. 1. (ftMfHif tlie fk'mt (i.'in-ml lhility nnd Nwvwii I'rottmlliiii fruin Wcptnl atvl rhi util K:ct'!-e. li N the (n-jitet Antidote ever ti!cfvi'nd l'r K:: eonivr fi)itini:nr Urii.kii.r. Itjccr.edt Hie Miit-i rl prom -t-a Diostinn, iin-i Ifolieue tne lltvid :i'inti-t tniiiH'dintt'ly. No htmit-hold should bo witlioiit it l-'or Htdtf hy all lini-isri U n f For a ni-tiny l'ihe Spring?, for tncdlcnl re port aof ho poivttr o! thevsntor ovt r diftmur. f"f mnrvi'lli us cnre, kw Ur lenteinoiiinl! fnim riis titiL'inVlu d men. fond f r painplilftts. WUIIN Y HfU. 'eiitnd Aguutis Sl 8tiUli Front MVcct r'l:ili;(J:'lpli:u, l'u. Gettysburc BprlnR Co DEALER IXT Keep? on h.ai a Ml linoj f -nr Li. fln-1 LuiiL lutes, Cafflnn; Cas Pipe m Fitting, Ncr Bcdfonl Bolt Kope Cables and Sand Pump Lines, To Al vtrtiKns. All nerwrn who cuntrm p'tite iimkin-j contnicis with iiowptperr. for tiie Geo. P. Rowell & Co-, for ft Clrnilnr, nr Pnc1oR cents for their ? Iliiiid red I'ugn PnmnlllHta eoiitainin;! Utls of tf.OOO NiirVpMpors ninl isf-tiiniifeH flnnini; t"ccotof n'iveriisiiiLS uli tiriny u-t'i'i:! hitits to advertiser. nd fomo aceonnt ol' Mi; expi-rh-nre ol tmn who ure knuwu SiM;ef n 1 Advvr tiMm. Thf a Ann tiro proprietor! of LUu Aiikti cuu Now.ipaper AdVATiising Agency, 41 PARK ROW, H, Y POST OFFICE NEWSROOM. NEW GOODS Just received at 3 4 the new, by Dr. n tbia township to canvass for loibl and. tail aelllns Imolc JU1IN UU W AN, 'flro Science of n Mew Lifts Ceoommeoded and endorsed hy prominent minister), physicians, rnlisiona and secnlar paperm ' No'Other book" like It imbllaeed. $40 per week nuantnteed. Address COW. AN CO , 139 Elghin St., New Yoilt. , "'J J 'a , ) : o w 1 1 BS7:'4i : s-'3'. 4! i if lw I H li B I I p 2" " S f. a, " itJU't.'Sl8 . -IS m ; SCf c o''o So . I 'li' 'frl ll.il O " ! , 7 ;.? I gA I S e ' J'"- SS I am now prepared to sell anj thiug and cvurylhing in the Newspaper, Staiitins'ry, ViiVA' aOi.d."., iir Cnjifi'ttiomtry lA:w We'-Want an Agent At GreatJy Reduced I hope by strict attentiou to the wants of the jnblic to mer it a share of their j).atronnge,and would invite my friends to pay me a call. CI3AS. CAVintEK. For .a!n 15.000 to ?n.oiii r.wt ol SEC(ND-nAVD Tl'lilNG, at Iroin 25 to:),", ei. per Imi The: 'I'nhin is in lirt c!-ik -order and all I'l'illiV lined Ar'.t il 2!. tr. II. II. y,w;:Nn!;. RUBBER r.I.TING, PACKING. AND EOSE, ior.r:i:co barrels, tubing and i V A I. YES. CASING VALVE CUPS, CLAMPS ? at la. .,a1 Carpenter's Tools, Aijfi KiA'Dst or i:::ass! goods, Extra Winter Strained l ard Oil, Johnson & Barrett's Imbricating Oil, No. 1 Refined Oil, 1 lie NovVty and Eureka Cct'ii s Wr'iiRrr?". tho 1 ott in tiai?. With a full Hue vl T;ii)'end Vockvi Cutlery, nnd Silver Plated ;Fponns andForka, STOYES, STOYES ! ri y VirS .)?.? X'r -.-- mm. Wy stocl: of COOK A NO TIKA1 IN'CJ STOVKS esnnnt Ln e.lleil in tho oil reeinn A. I boi.Kht l fo,e lh late advai.rc ol Siuves hy in,nufctur s t a, , h itn nil at old prices Tho. desir'h.K nv.!,li,ln . i w.i or", f Ib r r H m &!ove will do well to cuU uul e.v,niue my Mocl" cVJhh"t M.owin"ug I .lli.il liol; ri6r 'raT Till With resorvoir nnd warming clown, a Pist cla Siom fr.r . - .... ualtJ tljUi ur wunu, Class titove '"iI'A.V Cook. Willi low water reervi!r and warmln i l. J li m-'JiiMlU !ltJ GUMAT lir: llV-J eJ"r1' '"'h" :oal Pirn 0a!....b e.-...,. ..... a .'.' V . . ' '"r "ar1 or P0" Coal IrjMI CiilO.-e'iiok. a IM?.. heavy ,.J dor -.l,le St,y (or s ,f, co'r W llfilt SlieS Cook, lor bard or ml'i coal, in e.l.rJ'.V ... SI..VH and I'heapni'Pv In price. "r na qualities aa a eood eitpjH'r ror.k, lor hi.nl or coll cnnl. n fmn hu prrai, a, 311uae.oltt-cook. a .M 6iov, with .1' v'l.ed 0"u. V" and V'ry Ci"llp- MY LIXE Or' PABLOIt HEATERS' cannot bo excelled : T,W Ka.'!l.;ib-A - -'-' S'S 'gVate and l.lutn Keep il-N Etiii'imr S'lf feeder Tjrlcr n cat i .1. 1 ,. , .li.nipm.. 0 inker Ur a.,. r W1,U pl""lr-g fire patent and t osoy liit-tll-A neat and ehei.p Base Burn, V 7 bealuifllt powerlul beater- ISOUSI3-A hlleel ir.v, c lind'er SCVe, V( , y c'lCih' y A small wl! feeder und itu it ft,,.., ... i s .ii) A pallor cieiK P'ovi- wjilj oven !' ;itU(! A che ip'diniiu f. on; S;ovv. C2CIII A cheep !! n.o.n Slove. i i . 1, ...1 ... . 1 ;.' V" '" " l w 1 '" r ve. ior nrd or s t j0. 1 SALAMANDL'U A d.-nitUstuio. '-'-iij-u ior stores and oltlcea. M.wn.v.c )r:i:!i ok mi, Ci!2r-T jeo:j ahs copper ware SMOKE STAC ICS Ma)E To nnn.' 1 1 ' "se "b cummtu or patent vulve.t all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. grate. for coiil. 'V,';,M'l1T.A,ia.';t;;'1 f"r "i m.4 '" ''-11J.K ior stores and olllcea. .1Il;n 1 oyiJer f.i Cousidered lliu c!n :i;et .Grand Opening ! OF SA1VIOELS Vasldnjiton Strref,. Petroleum Centre. At present tba pretalllng tople of conver ttilon aapeari to "Bow eoon are joti goluj to move to Butler!" Wa deelre to Inform ear petrooa and tba . pnWio at large that we do Dot Intend to mowfrom Petroleum Centre, but propose'' loxfigbt it ont 00 this line If it take llleummer," and would respectfully 1 invite all lo.corue abd exanina ouc ttock of . i Bvchu ' " Millinery; Trimmings, B LACE GOODS, And ja complete stock of ladies I Hats and Bonnets, Also, Campiete Stock of ' BOOTS SHOES , . Whicb will be ioM aeapfip. fa tie Cteapst, tlJIve ua a call and examine goods' and pices. ' SAMUELS BRPS. PetCentre, April 19ib, '1873. , 1 yA V ;mabk.! Joe9, TCKSATITVEY'S PLIIIOeKXTRAOT BUCHU? Ii ttaoolr Known BBedy Brleht; Dla aae and baa cored every ease ot ElaMtea la vhicti it aaa been frirtn, Irritation of tbe We of the llladder and inflammation of tba Kldneya, Ulauation of the Kidnera and Bladder, Beten tlon ot Drtoe, pkwaeea of the Prostate aland. BtonetotheBUder,Oraral,BriokDustjiMaH, faMudDelttaCoutituUoBaof bothriexew, attendta with the following ermptoms: Lo ef tovWi Lose of Memory, Dutiealty of Breath ta, Vaak Nerrea, Wakfnlne, Pain tn 1 the Ueatay peteonsm ua oasiujB 01 w..b Bra; ttur oaflaamant or lahot pains, bed-wet tolD.rKatnto Udlea, th. B. traot aoba I aaMqnalad by any other remedy Aa in CWoreii iUUntloo, JTragailarlty, Pain- TjSirlad er rtchirroaatmU ot the Utent, Leu twrrho or WhitM, BtarUitr, and for all oom SSStacidantito tbe sax. -It la jm-wrib'-J stonsvalT by tbwmoat eaajnettt PhyaWana and Ki ilwrea for enfeebled iMad dalicate eauUtif Sonet both una and all efes. -KEjlBNEYtt EXTBACT ' BUCBTa IMI peaa.titUa or no change in dltt, no u fMaveetoaoe, and no expoaora. IlMljjea i w1 BuriW BtrioturS of the Urethr . AlUyinffPjin a l JUmaation. ao freqoent in Una clasa ofdi-caaaaT-nd eapaliinf all Pokonetia mattsr. - , KEiBlVET'S'BXTBAOT BVCBtT ai.Otper bottle oraix bettlea for 5.00, deliww to aa' addraea, aaeon from observation. Bold tjr towbim aU letteta toe UtunMUeat aboald ba addrraed. 1 Avoid Quaoka and Imposters. aiuaipiwaiiwi jura h. HiunMM an iu wiw" w . .7 TWrjT " kh ha haa tW .ttSTmwW awiilMl ' f JSJ naaoana. a nraeuo ottBatoiaeasewith Ooiea f"" r.v, uuiiiu. Tbeae at a os- . iea "forward lettai driUntl eymptoma tid for the to W-, PI" J. B. DYOTT. M.D., l'byainian and buoT" 104 Duine SI . tTaw York. . A'.vettiaa la the KECOHUr tszra-acai
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers