I I tt B. S. Warner llBALKRIIK SECOND-HIND TtBIl. All Site Caiinf Eaglnei, 0ILBWEtL"4SIJPPLm HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID KOB OLD BOr E, 1KUK ems Jdtand itelleliesel Mpesa ft ih iaHJ Inch. ..tkliitor Wearlr Off imu Mo ""CVE. aprSti. ENOCH MOUOAN'H HOMO bold purposes, eieept washlag CloaMe. tea tabor at eneeleeeiag. Olw it trial, alra or Wt. No wwlni car-. Ulrassslearpe'e. eatfcetioiisei nrtuethao Jena. shaping, bare labor. YuU oa' afore toktwUboatil. friigknlvQ IsX 2s c'euortbu Bath Brick. Win art SA3POL3C 0 to better than low and Hand 1st ndsbine Tinware. Briaateae wlnV n acraacaine;. rlt'eVbtJ!oro Mtaatai biuec tbaa Acid or Ulf and Bouaa for Washing Dishes and Olassaare la Invariable. Cheaps taw Baas. Sapolio removes Mains frnaa HarVa) ante.s, Tabbs, aad Stataary, Irons Hard-floliaM Walla, and from Cad a aad Porcelain. Sapolio vea Sottas aad 4reaeo Carpets and other mm M. from Wee. Tera la article ka WIIIJ40 II ae wi HAND SAPOLIO u aa article fbr tba Etk? 'raehrs thermndatloonorall dirt. tbe eons and gives a health' c tlea aad krUliaU Mat to U Uio. HAND SAPOLIO Claaaseeand heaaHffcatheSna, In stantly removing any stalnorMam; l.h from both naada and fact. hand SAPOLIO te without a rival la tbe witli for caring ar preventing rougbrws and aad teaapplng of aitber Mats or HAND 31 Pink a Tm. Fltcb, Iron alee aad eraMt m imkm In VaeMaa tlhejaTMInee, ,lifn. wihuhla . For sashing til Skin WWUaad loft end elVini(i It a 'Mam of beutjr U u uoflrpass ad by aay OoaaMUe known HAND OA POL 10 . euehiHltoUeaati par cse. ?TBr Jbody "' eavelt :uwill 11 ukelt MITT FAIL TO TRY THESE G10DS. Bar It ar roar .erehaat if te haa nou u All ....Volley. iT"Voe5l ailed ENOCH HOBO A1T8 SONS 0 PABE PLACE, K Y DISSOLUTION. The copartnership taaratofora axliKng be Jaa 8obacoarBOfo 4 Ta tcc It llawlv 4 b nutual oonient. ' 8. P. ScHUHBaiOB. J. A. Tin Eras. Partita lodebtad ta tba tbova Bra must 11 and tatUa op and aara trouble. . , , . 3- A. Ti Kto. Dated Patrolea Ceatre, April 8, 1873. IV ID m a a. an Ona lS-harm Tin Knl I.. I." 'j... ... ... am Lam. W7 J L u I r.,: - , - aa ataga eoorie ana beller la com plate order, 176 bet ts Inob wio, extra baf7l MO feet uraa (eacker t oaowi rump. WfMIM saarfeln af watrbund rilMtaMlla, Try Ifl new and iraaaulJhril eitfaa, having ino oaoal Ithls cooatrr or abroad. 7 ISC ream! Cda Water ! fvtiamation to the Citizens o ret, Kjentre and Vicinity: R.A.LOZIER, Washington-St, For your pure a i Cold Soda Water Drawn from Lonsr's feilver Port- ible Fountain, No acid or eras to destroy the stomach, and the best and finest of bve als flttcd no In clepint Hylc throoBhonl. a new LADIES-iwd GENTS' ICE CREAH (PARLOR. mm Confectionery, ; Confectionery OF ALL KINDS. THE FINEST ASSORTMENT EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN. Two Doom Above Hnbol Sc Ancr kalni'aDry Uooda Store. G1VK MB A CALL. It. At LOZIER. Pet. Centre, May 21. Wi- -tf. s 3 2 1 c 3 a a, e a id -a iO e o is B tt -. -a S ai f-i 2 I M -3 g e v .2 H 95 rs.S t-. a D S3 HI1 u o t'OR SAIiE. A drairsble residence on tbe Eebert form. Good wit haody. Every modern conven ience. Will be lOld cheap Enquire of OWEN G FNEY. Pelrolaum Cintre, May 7, 1873. tf DISSOLUTION.. Tbe cnparlDcrshlp heretofore exlstlns be- Iween Marshall fc Richards ii dissolved by mutual connect. Parties Indebted to tbe above firm must call and settle up and save trouble. n H. marhhall E. C. Richards. Dated Petroleum Centre, June 3. 1873. BENZINE. Just received a fresh supply oi .nenzine, tne oest ever brought to town, at J. A. im JiYCK'S. Petroleum Centre. May, 15, 1873- tf What Nexll The .ereat Juvenile Magazine l.plendld ti.OOChmmo, JtaiKe a Ciibl Kay where 80 cente a year, with a" iree. epectraen, scenia I yon saw Ibis. Julio B 1 Aiaen, i-uuninar, unv cago. TTHE tlio Helslngor Saih'Lock and 8uinort to Fasten lour Windows! No iprlng to break, no cutting of sash ; cheap, dura ble, vTy oaslly anplied ; holds Kaah at any place de al red, and a self fastener when th eaeh la down. tSend stamp for circular. Circular and Bis co per bronsed locks lent In any address iu ho U. H., postpaid, ou receipt of 60 cu Liberal ioducementa in me iraae. Agoma wanted. AaoresB K.liNCr- KH APH tUCh CO-1 0. 418 Mart Bt., HarDa barg, I'd. WINES. L1QCQR8. ETC $4.00 OIL WANTED Tiie Oldest EstabMshed Li quor Store on Oil Creek. OWEN GAFFNEY, PRPP'R, EEMOVED To the Sow Stand In Christie's Old Store, oppoaltc the JanestownClothingStoro, l'rtroleuiii .(Centre, ra. New Goods in Great Variety, out plenty ot Sunday Com fort left yet 1 have refitted e stora firmsrly occunlcd t-v J. n. I hrlstia, corner of Washington and First tSte.. and luid In a now stuck of the pnreat and beat of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MARKET AFFOUDS. My stock consists In part o BOURBON, AND MONOGAHE LARYE WHISKIES, New England, Medford and Jamaicca Rums, HOLLAND GINS, nENNESY, FINBT, CART1T.I.EN CO.'8, AND BUFFALO, ROCHESTER Ac JA AAUAIUlJl AliS Sole Agont for tho BROTHERHOOD WINES, ot rrockton, JN. Y, Also A cent for tbe Celebrated curat writ. KEN Hit API D of American Champagne, made by the Plnuant Valley Wine Co., Steuben county, New York, constantly on hand the Imported cham pagnes, &c. My Tstock lot CIGAHS Is i nexellnret In (hi. region. C I KEUP NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines, Branch fetore at the old &Und. Nn aa w.iinainM GIVE MK A. CALLi At my new stand and see BILLY F00H, OWEXGAFF2VEI. Pat; Cntt6 Dk. IT T11K OIL ITIARKRTa. BY W. U. TEL. LINE Officr op PKTROi.KitrM Ckvthi! Daily Record June 27, 1873 The market Is (lrm and qniet to-day at $2,10. 1,200 barrels changed bands at that Itgute. Philadelphia, June 27. -Crude, 7,Sf. Relined 19 . Market quiet. Pittsburg, Js.De 27 Crude spot, B. U. all year. 1' B. O. d. .11 J, Refined Spot, 22? Market Nominal New York, Jnoe 27 Crude 8). ReOneo, 1B. Market-Quiet. CULDI.MMM VOHK. Nkw Turk, June 27. Gold 115!. P. C. HEINZ. Pioneer, Pa., Mannfoctnrer of OIL WSLI. Machinery & Supplies Engines and Boilers of every description 'Repaired at Short Notice. Agent for FOSTER'S GAS PUMP. PATEIVTFfiol III INZ'g WA TER I'ACKLK, KEPAimNOnrallVlndedoi.e at short no lot and nil work warranted. Orders by mai. or teleRra! h promptly attended to P. G. HHIN2. Pioneor, Pa., Dec. 21. 1872 tf. New Goods. SAVE 10LR MOiEi ! And buy your Boots andHccci at Mrs. M. Magrane's ONE PRICE BOOT & SHOE STORE ! I keep a very lareo stock or all kinds on hand and 'I'll a cuep an any nthor house In tbe OIL KBOION, Ouancctcd with my 8 to re is a Custom Department ! And I Knaranteo a perfect fit In all my work Repairing neatly douo. Next door to Wolf, Petroleum Centre. Pa. dcottr THE KEWELASTIdTRiiSft. tanl luv ntion. It reialus the liupture at all times, and under the hardest exoroieo or averat It is worn with comfort, and if kept on night and day, elfreta a permanent mre in a few weeks Bold Cbeao. and soot bv Mail. when rwinMtMt. free, when ordered by letter scut to Tho Kl stlc Trans Co. . Ko Boa Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody neea Metal Bprlng Trusses; too.ptlnfuli tbs slip G. F. Iloester, Snecrssor to Miaee ft Annstroeg. WHOLESALE AND RKTAIC FLOUR AMD Merchant rVIEHulrvrlVprhsvinp bought Ihrold stsnd of mm ni HUTp KIWIIJ'B UR tinru 1110 DHl Tllf niMrKn .ifford-. I will do a WIIOLK8ALK RETAIL Flour Feed, Hay & Grain OF ALL RINDS. PRICE LIST. XXX WHITE WH'T FLOUR, per bbl. CORN A OATS CHOP, per bund. WHEAT BRAN CORN MEAL $10 1,60 1,60 1,62 3.00 3,60 07 CO 1.60 1,25 66 75 OIL HEAL u SALT, per bbl tMT MEAL, nt lb, POTATOES, per bulb, H AY. per bund. STRAW OATS, per bush, CORN ' tSTbeee are Caab pricet. I Invite a share of pnblic patronage, feeling confident I can give aaUiftcUaa in price aad onaf ty or goods P. P. KOE8TER. Petroleum Centra, Fa May IKS tf MoKinley & Gross, Machinists. Blacksmiths, AMD oiler Sate, Egbert Farm, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Boiler Repairing a Speciality. REFINERY 8TILL3 REPAIRED t9T" Wn wairant all .n.b a nJF, -7.-.!?? , "ben repaired. able. r Having bad loot experience In tha hues new we are enabled to drive saUalactlon Fetroleum Centre, Pa., Jan. t, tf. New Goods. Emel Zedtvich. .("UTTLB JOE.") BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, fTlM 111 aft Mlnaviskal n.aslv... Fall and Winter Goods i B" '"toPe trr.lrt.rn Orlra f.v fi Maklnc the Beat Fit uelFliMil Boot in the oil BegloB.? H.ls constantly recelTlng order, front aaee. tlons of the OU toskk Q constantly keeps on band Ready-made Boota&Sfeoes LADIES' AND CHILDREN, ' SHOIS AN D GAJTtja. many advai.uges over all. SM. ."" T or o refund, d. tent tomJXlS IABENTS JT'hera to i W A WTPTl JlbrWTlr "V eai a otw , tootnnog Coopsny, V ut tka ateKe Naia , ?f.9jwy, Kew.TarT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers