Mi 3 a. I "'f'finm'I.Hrnn.ra MEW ADYKUTlSEliJiNTS. 'WjCCOjOOOAtllES! Cheap iParms f lb. cneapeatLand Id market for sale by the, UNION PACIFIC RAIL ROAD CO. - In tbe Oront Platte Valley 3,000,000 Aeree In Central NcbrnUH Now tor sale tn tract' of forty sen s and upwards on ve mid ton years' ensl.t ut per cent, ho advice interest required. .... . i Mild and healthful cliaratc, fertile noil, annbund- T&XW?.T TN THB WKST- Th. rro:it mininir ronic n of Wyoming, Colorado, l Uh i and Nevula being supplied by lb brown in the f Putts Vaixki. 1 is SOLDIERS ENTITLED TO A I10M E f ?, STEAD OF 160 ACRES. THB BEST LOCATIONS FOK COLOM' S. FKEHtl'VMESFOIt ALL! Millions of acres of choice, dov , nuient Lands open for entry under the Hmesti.l Law. near thin Urcat lilro:el, wit ; Kr.dmukeir.dailthe onvcutcnas of un old ueltli d ro'iulry. ,. - , . rae basses to inrrliawn of Ksllrnad Lend, rieetiowil Mips eliowinu: the ljind, mo M 'edition of IKwipttvo Pamphlet with new Maps Slailr I Froc Bverywlicro AM,lM O.P.DAVIS, ' . - tAD COMMISSIONER V&fav. A GREAT OFFER JH. Y.. will dispose of luu PIANOS fc ORGAN'S of wnsT class MAKKiia.incltKiinp; WATERS' at KXTKEMEI.Y LOW PRICES FOR CASH, or part Cash, and balance in SMALL monthly payment". Nkw7-0i:tavk first CLASS PIANOS. ALL MODERN IMPROVE MENTS, fnrjkt27f Cash. Organs $55, ATA DOUBI.EUEEDORGANS.SHMi 4 STOP, AllOj 8 STOP, A12, and upwards. 'ft WATERS' tCOHCERTO PARLOR OR GANS re tbe host mtAtiTira, in style and run ner in tons kvbr mauk. The CONCEIt TO STOP is the- uest kver n.acku i any Oroan Ii la produced by a tliitd sot of roods PEcci.iAiiLY toicKK. the EFFECT of which ia MOST CIlAKMING and SOUL STIRRING, while Its IMITATION of tbe HUMAN VOICE- la SUPERB Terms Lib bral ILL U S I'll A TED CATALOGUES MAILED lor one atamp A liberal dis count to Ministers. Churches, Sunday Schools. Loditea, &o AGKNTS WANTED $500,000 CASH! GIFTS TO BE PaID IN FULL. Third Grand ift Concert IN AID Off THE Public Library of Ky., Will bs given at the great ball of Library Hnlldlng, at Louisville, on Tuesday, Jli.v 8. 1H73, nt which lime TEN THOUSAND GIFTS, amounting to grand total ol $500.- UUU, all eaab, will be aistnuutea oy iui to ticket-bolduril Mo reduction in araonnt o' Kilts at tbia distribution, but each gl:t v ill be paid in full. ' Omca of KaKMERs' Drovers' iU-k, ) - i- . L'outsviLI.M, Kt , April 7,1873 J This Is to certify tbat tbota ia ir tbe Far mers' and Drovers' Bank, to tbe credit of the Third Grand Gilt Concert r tbe h-n fit of the Public Llhrary ot K.. Five Hun dred Thousand Dollar, wb-Cb baa Iweu ael apart by the Managers to pay tbe gifia in full, and will be held by the Bank and paid out for this uurpoce, arl tl'i" porpoKe only. (8igned.). : R. 8 VEKCJl, Caahier . ' ' LIST VlFTB. dbt Grand Caab 6H , $10(10.000 One Grand ()ac Gift fio.wm One Grand ' Gilt, 2b.0u) One Grand Ph G'lt. 2i).000 One Grand Jaob Gift , , s .lO.OiiO One Grapi Cash Gift' 5.H) 24 Ca-o Gilts or $1,000 each 24.000 AO 0b Gilts of SOI) each 25.000 80 Sash Gifts of . 400 eacb i .'12,000 lpVCetb Gifts ot ' .100 each no.OOli AO CmI) Girts of 200 excli .10.00,1 690' Cava Gifts of lOOeno i 60.OIHI 9,000 Cash' Gifts or ' 10 each 'JU.OOO total, 10,000 Gifts, all Cash $500,000 Only a lew tickets ' remain unsold. ' and they will be furnished to the first applicants at tbe following price: Wbnle tickets. J lil kalvea, $3; imrters, $:1 80: 11 wbolea lor $on; 66 lor $500; 113 lor 1.000, and 675 lor $5,000. Kor ticketa ami lull Jnloruia Hon, aprly lo, t t 1 ra'flOS. E. BRAMLETTF.; ij . - - Louisville, Ky." or Tho. II. Hays Co '. i;01 Broadway, ftrw YoikJ ) H IS We Want an Agent n ilila towojshlp loeabvasa for, the 'now, valuebki and I'nat sellln Imolt by Dr. r r. JOHS CO WAN, i 1 Ths Science of x w Life. Itecnmmended and endorsed by 1 frominent lolaisiera, physicliins.'teltu'ioiia end secular j'iinT8. No other book like it publiawd. ?J0 per week giuranloed. .Address. COW AN CO.. 139 Eighth St .'New Yok. . TELEGRAPHY. A nt ee". irv p'il ofaory pf r0M's eti'iculinn in IIjis udv.ii'Ceil is ill,' ni t ct 'l'eiei'l I'ip. Apply lo the iimleraiKiitd lur Mintiii .Vitninil t.l Telegrapliy, lh bent work luil.- Iislieil ou tins sut ject. l'ric", 30 cts A!ro lor every description lt( Telgrsphic Instru ments and liattery; ISiIro Chrouno Baiterv for Electropinlio. I. G T1LLOTSON it CO , 8 Dey jjl . New York. WALLACIS t Ct.tll'ANT'S trciini liibie CliocolsAtt' No boiling nrc cary. A cup ol diilicions Chocolate mide wtui it iu two uiinuies. No waste. Fucked in pound j irs. Vauillt or olain. Oimi df v.. in box Unenualed us a coolectlon fi.r inoch, spread on crackeir, Willi a gU;s nl milk at hand to drink, for making Soda Water Syrup or flavoring Ice Cream it is superior toany Chocolate made; and tor (JhocuialH Cuke, nuthtug elso wiji b used wher this hss been tried. For sale by GITHES & 11EXSAMEU, l'btla delpbia, l'a. f VXT I'l r Mndn HanliHv with Stenfil . lIVl Pj I KevlUooliiHilttits. OnluluKlUB una lull paiticulaia If .IKE. f. M. Spencer, lli liunovcir Dl., inetecD. SS"i ti 5'll P'rdiv t Agents wanted ! All I" V' clas-os of working people of either ex, yung or oiu. inaso limre money ai work for ua in Itiuir spare nrnmetits or a;l tlie tlni.i than at ttTiythlns elsa. KurtirnliiM free. Address U. B I'INbO.N s GO., I'oriliuid. Maine UETIYUURG KATALYSINE -WATER In ilif. inareft approfich to pfrtllo ever dUcovpn-d for lyNppwift,eiiialtln, Ulu!iimftltm (.out, Uinv ul. Ui-itwtta, KidiiAv tind t'rinrv J)itmiHit (.viit-r-ally. It rer.ti.n imi-i itHir l uwcrtu the 1'amlytic ltcnrc! Uver t'tiinpiaint, riixinlc Diiifrtwwi, Wwtt Conriiipntfou, AtUiniH, Ctitarih ami Hruin-hitK (HixBttuf the Mtln. Onerat Doi.illly and Nervoui I'rontmtion fnm Mental iitid I'hju'oal Kxcenyrt. It th ttnret Antidote ever diovured fr Kx cniiiv' E'illnnr Jrinkiiij. Itvuorreot Rton ticii pinmi'tB I)i?e!tlim, mill HoHimih t'tt llond n'miM iiiimt-di'itLly. Nu hou-ehold should bo- without it For Mila by all biiisart't J , t V Fur a ulsloiy oftho Sprints, for mcrfifnl re portMot' liu povvorof the wnlor ovt-r din'"''.s iiinrvell n runw and Ut ti'tcn nihil i frum tin.'tiinhid men, nend for pniDphloU. VIIITNKY IlitOS, unurnl Ageiita, 227 South Front ttrect Phthidolnhiu. V. GttyBbun? Bpfas Co- C. (;f)i:::ON- HA::rf'-V..K AM) 0:U ELLfgUPrUE8. C3-. C30K)01fT, '6 itma -&$, JmS? mmt ry I 1 tt pan i irtij Tn Adv.iti.i,r.HAII nerMTIS who enntem plaio making contnicia with nawspHpew for ihe J in.'ertiou 1 AdvuriUvmenu mp"i a"u l" Geo. P. Rowell & Co-, for a Circular, or aflclow K cents far their "lie KuiKlretl : Fho tfamphles, containniu Liw of a.OiH) Xon-pape aua otimn'es ho..ing t o cost of aVrtlslDg, also nmuy useful hints to advertisers. and soma aocoiint of' the experiencs of men who era Known as ISneteoMf 11 1 Adver tiserH. 1'hisftim are proprietors of the Auicri can Newspaper AdviU'lisiug Agency, 41 PARK ROW. N. Y i'OST OFFICE NEWSROOM. IIOLLIDAY GOODS Just received at ' i i , IIll I am now prepared to sell any thing and everything in the Xnvspapor, ' StutloiH'ry, . . Klhink Itook, ; .OrCoiifectlonery Line! At Greatly Eeduced i j ' Main-SL7 Petroloum Centre. Keeps on hand a full llnefof Honse Fi2rnisliiriG . .. . Goods, Eastoa Fat. CchdIIii Wide, Casing Gas Pipe anil Mir New Bedford Bolt Hope Cables and Sand Pump Lines, RUBBER PELTING, VOIilCIXG BARRELS, TUBING AND - ' PACKING. VALVES. ' CASINO J - AND HOSE, VALVE CUPS, , . r CLAMPS Lanterns, Lantprn iii;")f8, Carpenter's. Tools, ALL KIXDS OF 1IRASS GOODS, fistra Winter Strained Lard Gil, , i .: i " Johnson A; Barrett's Luliricating Oil, No.' 1 'Eefined Oil, The Xovelty nnd Jiurckn Cotlu-s Wringers, thafceat in use, With a full liue.of Tableland Pocket CntHy, and Silvct Plated ;8poons andJFdtlt,, STOVES, STOVES ! : CB W SB S J&fJ S t SO ni I. I rT s . g. ? tt . m mJtt a r " n ' o o ' f t s s sf 2L Ir0S o -Jf m w t " 321' ai ' 5 Hi ePJ I ' 2 poo" Ef V-I S - sis iTaf- E1 m E i " S 'Bf; 8 s - . : '! I hope by strict attention to the wants of the rublic to mer it a share of their patronage,and would inVite uiyfrieinU to pay me a call. . Til Ul OU CO UJ'AMO.N. Kvary lly wants one! Kve- Mali n -tit to linvf one? 'net on rMit or Ten Cents. Address I,, F. J1Y0K & CO., tltt Siwentli Aveime. Now Yo k 4JI'.HTi m-ery where sell our n"W end 1 nevel I'mliiMldroef MacVii" KMY'l Tii ,id f,r tflu li'.,( ( o-du.ir tx, " '"ihe Meliee Mniiul',ic.,niii. Co,.,, pur , ''! r.neirlwy. New Veil;. Ml t?n?1) , ni?ATIVG, PJV "ot "celled lo the oil region. As sell at. old prices. Thoso desuinc anvihlng in the way of a Cook or Heatina Stove will do well to call and examine my stock, ol which lb. tollowui is 1 ' ' imniiil list ; v America Cook, Stove ! . With reservoir and warmlng'closei, a first class Stove for bard coal or wood. T II IhMl I t p7'Cie..' ,wl V'XtTlZ 7-Z'nJ m4 f bard coal. 1 II. II1.II1.K iiiul iJjrMA'S1 IIHfPeit Cook, acheau lirst class Stove wim or without teseivoir un,l warming; closet, for hard or .("nll CU'0T! FirB i,lM.,,-Cook: a Cheap lirst class Stove, for b.rd or ,o , coal f :MY LINE OF PARLOR HEATERS cannot be excelled :'; f ' ": rU9mWaZ:. IXu ?'?.TTT!!.!-. beantifur tt,f feeder T,,C Ui,!J A D"W 8"'f ':d- KawT 'rate and ..... Sliitirt's I'ltilor Ilc:Jt'r SnmettilnB ae. aver !.',... . ' . TosK-y LiCls-A neat an, cheap Base Buraer 7 autlful and powerlul beater- lloiiKit lalit- A choup cylinder Sn.ve with mill Rrale. IKtllKe A sheet iron cylinder stove, very Cheap. ' i-1f " .ly A small sell feeder and quite cheap. lilark Dwnn-A parlor cook s'ova with oveo, for coal ' ;" ,f r sunt! A cheap dinitii; room Stove. tic 111 A Cheap bed. room Slove. " : ' ' ' I't'Strl A cheap cylinder Stove, Tor herd or aolt coal. oU'itilo A large heatlnir Stove. flinntAdnntA rn. "a ... ' "1 .- SAL AMAN DEll-A derrick stove. GLOBE BEATER r"" ' 0 nrE'A'K I' or stores aud oilices. MANCFACTUREU O?" ' "' ' s!2et . mn and -cmimni SMOKE STACKS MADfe TO ORDER. ounstdered the cheapest and snfent puu.p MflkSSLXli Ivlnn.C nil kinds dono tJ, neatness an. dispatch. ' ' ' Grand Opening j OP CARP33TS, Oil Cloths, Motions, &C() AT A1VIUELS BROS., Washington Street, Fctroleum Centro. At present the prevailing topic of conver satlon anneaia In i.fl..o . . " r " "re. Jim going to move to Cutler?" lVe drsirs lo lulortn our naironuanri ti. pulilio at larne that we do not intend t uiuiium io.iu.fiuu vyeuire, but propose II summer," and Would respecting v invite all to come ami exaujiinj our stock of Spring Gaadsl Bitch as Millinery Trimmings, LAC3S GOODS, And a complete stock of Indies Hats and Bonnets, Also, a Complete Slock of BOOTS & SHOES Which will be sold Cheaper thaii the Cheapest FW"Give us a call and examine coodi aod prices. , i - ' 1 R MITELS BROS. Pet. Centre. April lil'h. 1S73. S iXh Form.rty with T. II ELM BOLT). TBADE MABK. KEARNEY'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHO, la the only Known Kemedy for Bright. K eaae aud ha. cured every case of Diabetes in which it baa been given. Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder and Inflammation of the Kidneys. Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, iteuu tlonof Urine, Disease, of th. Prostata Gland, Btonain the Bladder,(iraTl,BrickDuet Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharges, and for tn (eebled and Delicate Constitutions of both Sexes, attended with the following symptoms : Losa of l'ower, Los. of Memory, Difficulty of Breath Jng, Weak Nerves, Wakefulness, Tain in the Bark, Piuahingof the Body.ltoption on the Fare, pallid Countenance, Lassitude of tbe System, etc. Used by persona in th. decline or chanip ot lifet alter conduement or labor pains, bed-wetting in children, etc. . In many alTeotiona peculiar to ladles, the M tract Buohu ia unenualed by any other remedy Aa in Uiloroei. or Retention, Irregularity, Pam f nlnesi or Supprosafon ol Customary lOvaoi -atiom, Ulcerated or Hehirraa state of the Utcrua, Leu corrheea or Whites, Btarllity, and for all com plaints incident to the sex. It is nresenbed eatensively by the most eminent Physicians ana Uidwives for enfeebled and delicate constitu tion, of both seze. and all age. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BTJCBV Ctras DiuaMi Ariiing from BnpruUauUi BahlU qf BMixition, Etc ln all tbeur stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no in- , convenience, and no exposure. It causes a t- ouent desire, and alvee atrength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions, Preventing an" Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying f "' and Inflammation, so frequent in thia class of dis eases, and expelling all Poisonous matter, KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BUCH17, I 1.00nerbottrecsixrsrttleafoTS.00,delired to any address, secure from observation., bold oy dxeggista everywhere. Prepared by ... ' KKAKNKY CO., 104 Duane Bt., K. T. to whom all letters tor information shoala M addressed. . ' Avoid Quacks and Impostors. ) No Charge for Advlee and Oonaaltatlea. Dr.J.B. DyoU, Graduate of Jfffmon Mf ito Collegi, Philadelphia, author of aeveral valuable works, can be consulted on all diseases of the tkxual or Urinary Onrnna, (which he has mads an especial study) eittierin male or female, no matter from whit cause originating or ol n longstanding. A practice of 80 yearn .nablss him to treat disease iVJith success. Ouies guar anteed. Chargea .reasonable. Those at a dis tance can forward latter describing aymptome aud enoloslng atamp to prepay postage. Bend for the OuWs to HeaitX Price 10 cents. J. B. KYOTT. M.D., Physician and BsjTgeo ni Intone hi. . New Vork. Ailveilllu 111 11)0 Ilt.L-OIIU. ::mT:ia-yim
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