H. H. Warner DKALKK.I" SECOND-HIND TUB1KG All 8l" Casing, Engines, Boiler, and OIL WKl'l, SUPPLIES. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR OLD ROPE, IUON and BRASS. nMIavIng recently purchased a New and Im proved HPR UUTTINU MaCIHNK, I am prepar ed to errt and Ut all sixes Of tipa and CaiiDjf from inch to a 14 inch. Mrashliia;t6n-Nt., Wear) tpp. Kofch MUf Hone, Vet. tJBiitre, !. aprttf. II. 11. WAHNr.lt. teJVOCII Mt)liQAVH HONS SAPOLIO Is a soVtifate tor f nap for ellHonM!. ho d parpoece, except washing Clothes. SA.PQLIO nVCIeanine yenr Bonno will eeve the labor of one cleaning, a trial, Give It for Wiiidows ii better than White- nrR or Wntm. No remo'lna; cnr-. tains and carpe'a. SAPOLIO c"e n fa ut and Wood, iu loci t .a entire tionse; better than "oap. No H pplug. eaves labor. You can't afford to ba without It. SAPOLIO fcr BcourinK Knlru la better and c'e.ner'irun Bats Brick. Will not acratab. SAP OLIO la better than Soap and Hand fur Eollshlat: Tinware. Brightens with 'oat ecnucMng. SAP OLIO totlhts. Uraf and Copper utanalla tiettor than Add or Oil and Kotlen rJtoue. SAPO L 10 tt Vt Balling Dishes and Glassware t invalnabl. Uheape than Soap. S a olio tem'ovea ' Htalra from Marble Hard-finished Walla, and from Chi na and 1'orMelaln. S a p o 1 i o remove Riaina and Qre.se from Uarpata and other woveu fab rice. 'Thfere la bo one article known mat torllljdoati niaujr klada of work and Jo It a Well a kapollo. Try if I1ANP SAPOLIO a new and wonderful en,ic ive Toll tKoap, hating no equal in Ihla cuunirv ur aroaai Hand SAPOLIO ae an aillcic for the bath, 'reachee the foundation" of all dirt, opens (ha pores and siTea a heeltkv ac tion ana nnuiant tint to tha akin. HAND SAPOLIO Cleanses aud nealitltua the Bkiu. in stanny removing any stain or uli i h from both bands and face. HAND SAPOLIO la without a rival In the world .. nutiu iur caring or preventing ronghnaaa and rB I lehapJrtDg of either banda or HAND S A P 0 L I 0 renoves Tar, hltub, Iron or Ink Btalns and 6rease; tor workera In Machine Bhopa, Mines, Ac . It Id. valuable For making ibe Bkln White and Soft, and (Iviag to It a ' bloom of beauty ' It la unadrMss- w mj mmaj IMMWg S.RUWU HAND SAPQLI 0 eoets 10 to 15 eeata per cake, and like 't motiu oavr ii j on win DON'T FAIL TO TRY THeSk goodc ( Betylt pr yonr taerekant if he ha J of will aroeare it for ron. if not. then Hr l K kl.M.k,.. ..l than aaoa n . B.I . m MB f U 1 C U -- All l "apallo," anal It wll k nallo.. roe. ENOCA MORGAN'S 80N3, 93 far place, n y JI88Ul.lJTIOIW Trie eopaftoerablp heretofore ei latin he (weea Betternecbota & Tea Ejelt It dltaolr d b aataal eouaenl. 8. P. EcUMKBiroitff. 1. A. T Btcb. Fartle litdebted to tbe a bote flrra mail nit end eettie dp end iee trottbls. 3. A. T! Krcc. Dtd Petroleum Centre, April 8, 1873. For One 15-bone Tift boiler in complete or JIr, on 8-borte Yood A Meon eogfoe aod poller in oomplete order, 275 feet 3 ioob 'ibiog, extra heavy, 600 leet Urge mcker rorjj, i Sqowi pump. J. A. Ten- Etc. rSCream! Soda Water ! Proclamation to. the Citizens o 1 et, hentre And Vicinity: R.A.L0ZIER, Washington's t, t?dr your pube ',. ' ;.. - - Ice Cold Soda Water Dravn from Long's Silver Poi-t-abk Fountain, No tad or gas to destroy the stomach, and the test and finest of FLA YOKING SlRt?iS. I hnvttlsi fitted no no In elegant style throughout, a LADIES' andtiENTtT new ICE CREAM i PARLOR, Confectionery, Confectionery Of ALL KINDS. TUB FINEST ASSORTMENT BROUGHT TO TOWN. EVER Two Doora Above Hnbel 4c Alter,, BilmaDrf Good Stork;, G1VK Ml A CALL. ' R. A. LOZIEIt. Pet. Centre, May 11, WK if. Excelsior The Cheapest and Best Oils for Well Use. NEVER FAILt TO GIVE SATISFAC TION. O0 Not Gam ! Weaf Wellf Trf Tliem i RefereuteCodrnbla Oii Co. OPFICB-With C IT. Wllllama, at end of Boyd Knnu Bridge, PETMOLKCM CSNTKK, 1'A. DTFer 8ale by 0. GOHDON. HUGH T- JOHNSON. - Petrolem Centre, April 6th, ilia.- tf. .. , For Sale , 15.000 to 20,000 feet ol SECOND-HAND TUBING, at from 29 to 35 eta. per foot Tbo Tubin it in first class order tod all ready fitted April ZJ. tr. t. a. VAKfh.K. ! W J ;1.e 'Ii S i "3 earn: jf -J U " : sir lit I s ; is g i i l 2 bis- 1 r -2 -1 8 8 WINKS. LlytTOKS. KTC .$4.00 Oils WANTED TJie Oldest KstebMshed LI quw Store on Oil Creek. OWEN GAFFNEYe PROP'R, EEMOVED To the Now Sttnd fn Ch'rletic's Otd Slor'e, oppoiltc tho JamestowulClotUing.Stora, PiAroleum .Centre, rir, New Goods in Great Vaiietv. gbut plenty of Sunday Com fort left yet. 1 have refitted o t ,rn fir.n ,rly occupied ly J. II. I hriMIe, corner of Washlhglon nnd First Sts., and Ibid Iu a nuV stock of the purest and best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TI1K MARKET APPORDS. My itocic tbbslJts Ih pari o BOURBON, AND MOWOGAHE LA RYE WHISKIES, New England, Medford and Jamaicca Hums, HOLLAND GISTS, UBNNESTi P1NKT, fARTILLEN CO.'s, AND BITF'I' AliO, IIOCIIESTER & So'e Agent for the BROTHERHOOD WlNES ot ifrockton, JV. Y, Alan Acont for tha Cclehratad fJHFAT VTF.aT. EEN IIHAAD of American Champagne, made liv the Plteant Valley Wine Co., Steuben county, New York, constantly on hand the imported charu- uagues, ac My :stockor CIGARS Ii rexioB. tucicllccd in this C I KELP NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines, Branch btnre at the old ttand, No. IS Washington street OIVK MK A CALW At my new stand and sec BILLY PUOEt,' OWENGA-FFJIEi; Pet. t'CBUcMlec. 17 THU OILimAXKEI. BY W. U. TEL. LINE OFricn op , I ETBor.KRrjat Ckntbr Piti T RKooitn (June 16, 1873 The rnarket'ls firm It-day at $2,35. One eaio of 1,000 barrel! changed bands a .I'bita'delptila, Juno 1G. Unide, 8,'. ReUued l!Mg'. Market quiet. rittaburu, iune U Crude spot, B. O. ell year, lis,' B. O. d 1 1J, Refltied Spot, 22 Market Nominal New York, June 15. Crmlfc 8?4' Kedned, l!)tj. Market Quiet. UULD INN:u VUHK. New Tork, June 18. Gold 115?: P C HBI1M3, iPioneisr, Pa., Mnniifnrtnrer ot OIL WELL Machinery & Supplies Engines and Boilers of every description 'Repaired at Short Notice; Agent for FOSTER'S GAS PUMP. PATENTEC ot HI IIVZ'S WA TER PACKER. KEPATIttNO of all kinds done at short no ice and all work warranted. Orders by mat. or telegraph promptly attended to P. C. HEINZ. Pioneer, P., Deo. 21, 1872 tf. New Goods. SAVE 101R MONEY ! And buy your Boots and;Btcts al Mrs. M. Magrane's ONE PRICE BOOT 8b SHOE STORE ! I Iccpp a very largo stock of all kinds on nand nd ?c aa cheap ai any other house In the iiii'i'iias cneHnauanv oinr naiiM in ihA ri 1L iuLvn. uonuuetea wun my b Lore la a Custom Department ! And I guarantee a perfect fit In all my work Repairing neatly done. Next door to Wolf, Jewelry store. Petroleum Ceritre. Pa. deot-tr 7 THI2NI3WHLANTICTKUSS,AnIir " tant Invutlon. It retains the Rupture at all' -por and under the hardest exercise or severest iuca. It ia W'ru with comfort, and if kept on r atmin. day, effects a permanent cure In a few wr lbt and cbean, and aont hv Hail when reonoU' xkt Hild free, when ordered by letter Bent f -i circulars 'i'ruja (,'o. . No. 6HS Broadway, M. T Tho Kl'sl" e Uw MeUI (spring Triicsci ; l&t.r ' . City. Nobo-4. of) too frconcntly. ,a4aful they 1 t,p G. P. Koester, imiiiirti n Pm-ccssor to 3ttae A Aimstrong. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLOUR AST) Merchant fpnUfiuWriHerhnvlfcg houthf the old atanrl of X Mfne A Armstrong, has i nlarired the bnslnesa Mid will keep slwnya on hand the bVt the niaiket Mori. I will do a,WliOI,K3ALK A RETAIL trade In the following products; Flour. Peed, Hay & Grain OF ALL KINDS. PRICE LIST. XXX WHITE WH'T FLOUR, per bbl, Slf) CORN 4 OATS CHOP, per bund. l,6d WHEAT BRAN " 1,50 CORN MEAL ' 1 62 OIL MEAL " 3 01) SALT, per bbl 3,56 PAT MEAL, p-r lb, 07 POTATOES, per bulb, ' 60 HAY. per bund. l.fio STRAW " ' 1,2ft OATS, per busb, 65 CORN H C9Tbese are Cssb pricei. I Invito a share of nubhe natronaira. , fbellm eonndeu Ut. I Can siVB ealUrtlfln in hrii-j, anVt tyofuoods P. P. KOESTER, Petroleum Cciitre, Pa May 22 1878 tf McKinley & Gross, Machinists Biackstniths AND Egbert Fann, Centre, ltroleuni Pa. Boil er Hepairinff a SrfeftiArAi o I REFINERY STILLS REPAIRED ty We wairint all work done by t ne nearly as good as new when repaired. ujniciiai luruieueo ana prices '.eaaa' able. " Havlnpt had long experience in tbe hiMt new we are enabled to eive aatlslactloD " joski'h Mckinley, hkbasii an gross Fetrolenm Centre, Pa., Jan. ,-tf. 0KO5s New Cods. Emel Ze(dwich f "LITTLE JOE.") BOOT AND $!H0E MAKER, Fall and Winter Goods. Baa been establ' l 'in I'etr past three rthed in I'Ptm'runi Ciiirelir years, and baa the name of Mttw.I!?.f h t Fit and Flucftt -" a a r ma T 1 .. u vaa a.viviiva He a cons' lantly receiving orders from other scq v'""" ine mi ncgions. tantly kocps on band He coup Ke' adj -made ltoots,&Shoe& U iDIES' AFiD CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS. CALL AND 8EF HUH . EMBL 2 DW1(H Jlltr Tb n Herkwlih $0 Portable l amllr BeviuK juavblue, 011 HO llttya Trial ma ny advimlHKC over all. rjatlrfactlon gnarntced or y'ii rcfuudTd. Stmt complete, with foil diroc ' .ions. 'Bei kwilb Bewinu Machine CaSOa Broadway New York. ENTS everywhere to sail rnr new and novu Embroidering Machine, aand for Del trstid Oirrnlar. to the McKen Mana WA facrurv jtiwy, .W Btoadtay, t?ew York. NTEH pg Com
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers