Petroleum Centre Daily Record. t'rt. Wniffi 'I llllrd in Hi-pt 'J. 'A r, .fur it or. Timo i Muslim . Vlalli. I". (., PinF.oi.rit'M r-mr'. V.,1 Jri.r !..:, j I'ntll further mitieo the ifiails willnirive at nnd ileimrl from ntltee as follows; cnnth nr 1 K-it, vin. Irvineinn, A. 'I. Silhir.JW"l, " Mendvillc, ."i.IS 1 T-.l. Snrlh !W.I t, ". Co TV, i .VI " otm-akt. South nd West, S.45 A. M. Son. Kin nml ffoit, S 30 P. At. "tn ih, Dwt niul Vfnx, 10.00 A. M. Divlnit Scrviersi. FRKPRYTKRIAN CHURCH. Frenching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7 o'clock T. M. Rev. J. T. Ostoiiy. r.istor. 'METHODIST Fl'IPCOPAL CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. nnd 7,'iJ P. M. Sabbath School M!H A. M. A cordial invltntion extend- Stotpixh a N'ewm'U':'!:. An rxchanse Ins tin- followini' allegory, which we com mend to PTrful C'ln'H-''i. "A cerliln man hit h'l 'no n-tl:nl a p'jol', and foil hi''tnri' to tho qronn.l. Iln was vexed, ! n d under tho inlluenco mid anger ul eolf sufficioncy. lio kicked tho mother earth right saucily. With iiiipcilurhi'.blo gravity lie looln (I to no tho earth itself dissolve anil conic to naught. IS it t tho earth remained, and only his foot w as injured in tho oncoun tor. Tli is in tho way of r.tnt. An article in ajiii-nspnier touches him in a weak spot, and forthwith ho semis to stop his paper. With groat complacency ho looks to see tho crasn, when ho finds that ho has only his too against a world that docs not petcopti bly feel I hn shock, and injures no one but himself." . Heats free, cd to nil. Rev. C. M. ITrarp, 1'aetor. STS. FETER AND RAUL'S (Catbolir) CI1UKCU. flu) it H, a. m. Vesper ami Retielicllon of thcB!rssod Pncnunont at 4 p. nt. Cntochlsui at 8 p. itn. JAMES DUNN, raster. linnRO of Time. Olt.CItEF.K A AT.t.F.OIlENFY MVKIl RAILWAY MONDAY, AUOL'ST 30T1I, m.j Nortliivnril Trnlnn Leavo Tct. Centre 7;or a m.. ar. at t'orrr o-tto a. m. ' ' " lll t'ln m. nr. ' Hop in. " 4.1'J . m , nr. " 6:55 u.ut. Son Hi ward Tra I ii I.wivj Tct. Centre. 8:11 a.m., ar. niOll CHytVDo mi 1.1 -A t p. m., nr. - ':iti " " " ',:3!p. in., rt- " 6:10 JThls Train will sto:j '20 iiitniitH for dinner. See advertisement of two notes lost in an other column. There is a 8 xty barrel well on tho Bn chanan Farm, KotiBeviile. It is owned by Hnkill & Davis. The Mondvillo rnces take placo on the lolh and 10th of September. Tbo prizcB olfcrod aggroguto 51,428. Jay Cooko must be putting in a t Sons season of it. Ho is summering Efly minis tors on his island in Lake Erie. A Crntors Will Case. Xct long ago, says the Itichmood (Va ) Whig, William O. Georije, a citizen of Richmond, of high re- speotu'oililT, died. 'o rno evor hoard of hla being married, and. dying inteatato, his property rcrorted to his relatives. Lust Friday, however, a Philadelphia Inwyer made his appearance in Richmond, and cre ated a sensation In legal ciroles by exhibit ing what purported to be a certilicnto ot the decenod to a colored woman, Mrs. Jackson, formerly of Richmond, but for years a resi dent ef Philadelpnin. This woman has grown childrn nearly whito, of whom it is claimed tho docoased was tho father. . The mairiago bolwuen tho parties, it is averred, was solemnised some timo Inst year. Tbo relatives r.nd friends of tho dcceuFcd donv that any tucli inurnoo ever took place, and as thowi;man is boid in th a.-sertion ot her claims as widow of the deceased, und tho cunurcn itiae lite alleged uiarriitiru mailn them legitimate, a suit will doubtless follow in tho United Status Court. A Aal ZMi iLsj iJ l k jL - m. - J- i:t:L'a;tTiiD nt'.i Tui; oaili' iicicoia). At'tri'iiiton iMsnisk'UcH. Fbi:sh pickled oyteis at J. W. ''EArrvV. Ili.fVr.le. S'epti mhrr 1. The Untied IrUlnian publishes an edito rial to-ilny relating to the biulnl treatment of Iho Fenian jirisonets. twenty-seven in number, in Kingston j'dl. One, named Coonhy, has been driven nind. nnd another named Ilayden teaten until his life is de spaired ot. The cruelty nnd indignities heaped on prisoneu has produced great ex- ctteineut among Irish citizens. a mi c:it;a:ia! mi hii:ufd .d by the Ryroii p went lo Flecp ,. i : Mary Chnworth nas bis eidii-r, and Leii;;; jriven to talking in his ilietitu.-', n3 overhoatd by lier lady Hhip, w l.o fiiippos-ed that ho referred to Au gusta Leigh. This is adding lo the mise ries of the situation. In order to defend tho reputation of one lady it is found nc cefsary to r.speiFe tho memory of another, and as each new nctor is trotted out !o take a share in tho domestic drama, he or ho is uIfo required to take a share of the disgrace. If Lord Byron had dreamed that his grand mother was a rhinorceros, or that his fishing rod was Cleopatra's needle, it would have art'otded just as iulolligent an expb n atiou as the theory above prnpnundi d. use Downer's 711 HUIIH'-1'I!W1H -f'M.rff 'B'lio Jrei. Yocn!to neiu-'i-x. All Imit ' i-TOU Km'!?.' '"!-, A billiard inntob for the championship of Ohio will be playod between Fred Acker man and Tony Honing, at Mozart Hull Cincinnati, September 13th. A new daily paper will bn started nt Par- ker's Landing in a few days. It will be owned by Mr. Jackson, of the riensanlvillo Gas Light. The return came of baso ball between the Lone Stars, of Shnmbitrg, and tho Sene ess, of Oil City, will bo played at Sham burg on Saturday, for the championship of tho oil region. Mr. R. Johnson, the populor actor and author, will take tbo management of tho now opera house at Parkor'a Landing as soon as it Is completed. Cnpt. Keller's new well on tho McCray Furm, is doing between thirty and forty barrels. Wocongratulato the Captain upon his good fortune. Tho St. Louis borso Henry, winner of throo races recently at Buffalo, .was sold by tho owner, V. IV.. Cell, of St. Louis, for $20,000 cash, to Mr. Wallace, of Now York Heavy RocnEtiv. Tho trupezj perform er, .uuuanio fcaltveah. u-hn uriit. Yankee Robinson's show, had tho ill luck on Friday night last, to bo robbed, in Ciyde, of $1.01(0. It appears that sho is in the hnbit of carrying with her a large amount of valuables, which f.ict somo shrewd rascals ascertained. They visited tho hotel where sho was stopping od tho evening auovo men tioned, and while sho was absent, broko open her trunk, and stole $2,400 in green backs, an 5600 diamond ring, another ring valued at $300, a $300 gold watch and chain, other articles, valued altogether at $1,000. Tho lady, on retnrning to tho ho tel, mis3ed her two poodle dogs, aud making a search, found them in tho trunks. . She then disooverod thorn in tho trunks. She then discovered that F.ho hud been robbed. As yet there is no clno to the thieves. A great flro is raging jn tho Dismal Swamp-in Virginia. Many miles of fences and cord-wood havo been destroyed, and numerous wild animals havo been driven out Inlo the opon country. Borjatnin Brown, of Stupletou, Staton Ilanil, a graduate of Harvard, olfors to give $5,000 toward defraying the expenses of the Oxford crew if they will consent to row the llarrarda on either tho Hudsun or Charles rivers uext autumn. The BuITulo Express tmkeg the announce ment that any man who will delibcratoly display an "Ico Cream and Soda Water" announcement in this shivering weather ought to bo drowned out with the contents of bis own fountains. New Lock for Nuts and Bolts. A Connecticut mun has invented a simple but effectual method to prevent mils nnd holts from working loose by unscrewing. It con BistB iu the application of a left-hand screw, lilted into tho end of tbo bolt, so that its end will partly cover the end of tho nut and prevent it.ftom working ioose. Gaffnky'k Sunday Comfoi't is used gen erally throughout tho world; have just re ceived an order from Hong Koug, China, for twenty-livo enses, all on account of ad vertising iu tho Recoiii). Owex Gaffxey. Pehroxal. Wo recoived a call yesterday lroin Win. F. Wicker, biother of C. C. Wick oo, of the Tititsvillo Star, and William J. Wraith, old Loekport (N. Y.) friends. They were fresh from tho old Cataract County of Niagara, and report tho. "old tramping grounds" as still rife with business aud plea sure. Their visit ws a pleasure lo us. and a repetition at uuy time would be plenstng. Ik'siNKsii Cuan'ob As will be seen by notice ol dissolution elsewhere, the firm of A. D. Miller it Co. dissolved tc-day, Mr Miller retiring, nnd Mr. M. S. Simmons be coming sole proprietor. Mr. Simmons Is a man of largo oxperienco in tho drug trade. and is woll and favorably known on Oi' Creek. This honso enjoys u wide reputa tion, nnd the business under the new man agement will continuo to prosper. Mr. S. has the best wishes of frieud and ae(tviint uncos, and the old buflncFS stand will con tinue lo "sound tho loud lyotbal" under liia tflicicnt diiectlon of the new proprietor. Some time since a citizen of Portland bad his pockot picked of $500. Shortly alter bo received a letter from tho thief, stating that he bad started in business with bis stolen capital, and that be should pay inte rest on it until he was able to return tbo principal. Two payments of interest have already been made. From everywhere tho report comes up, the Great Yosomito Bitters is a success. It oan't be excelled as au appetizer. Its action upon tho kidoeys is fine. Tho npplo crop in New York this year Is likelysto bo poor. Every Bfcond or third year the crop is well nigh a failure. The yoar that the trocs ato prolific, tho buttons for the future crop seem to ho blighted, and a light crop or none at all is sure to follow tho next year. Apples were abundant in 1SG3, and nro to be ' scarce enough in most districts this seusou. OYHTKttsc! Oystkkm!! Freth, und first of the season; just received at Fkko Sttrri the Tho averago time required lor a linger nail to attain its full length from the root to tie (ouiii:oncoiucnt of tho free edge, is about lout and a half calendar moet'is, The 1-jo nails grow uiut'ii more slowly. nEATlt OF A CINCINNATI DESl'KRADO A HON's VEXliFANt'K. As far back in Cincinnati's history us 1842, flourished a then young scoundrel of sixteen years, koown ns iho Ktulo t0 those who him and of his habit of invaria bly drawing a knifo upon anybody that hap pened to in any way offend him. His nama was James Watson, but among tho com panions of his earlier days ho was scarcely known by it, "The Knilo" having takoa its place ever since. When ho was fourteen years of ago ho had badly cut a younger playmate upon whom ho had failed to force a ohenting bargniu, "The Kuifo" first be cauio known to the watch as professionally dishonest when, in 1845, he was c:uk!h with two othur burglars in the act oficl;-! biug a jewelry stoio on ths Landing-. He managed to wigglo out of thij case, dorily nl'ter which ho left the city and went to Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Buffalo, and even farther East, committing crimes, and' alraOBt invariably escaping de tection. In fact, It was not until ho becamo wo'.l known to tho authorities of Bofi'ilo, and was at length detected in a steamboat rob bery nt that point in 1S50, that ho was cou ;victed and forced to serve live years. Re turning to Buffilo in 1S50, aud thence ti Clevelaud and Chicago, Watson, in n drunk en broil in a drinking saloon in the last iiniued city, drew a knifo upon William Webb, tho captain of tho schooner North Star, and cut him in such a manner that ho died of his wounds. Watson escaped tho immodinte vengeance that even this crime should havo broncfet upon hits. Ia fact, his Identity was not fully established, and tho police had no clue, along w hich lo follow to his arrest. However, shortly al ter his father's death, the son, John Webb, a young man of twenty yours, learned from one of Yt'iitson's former associates of Chica go who it was that made him fatherless. Obtaining a minute description of his pri son, including a nr-t ol a across his forehead that could r.ot easily be forgotten, be too'.; every step in his to hao him brought to justice. But ul! efforts to tbls end proved fruitless, us Watson had gone fur South to Texas it was supposed. LI tho years that followed John Webb went to the bad under tho influence ol Chi cago life, becoming almost as desperates Character as his father's murderer. When the war broke out ho enlisted in an Illinois regimeni, ana serveu several years, known always us a reckless, despe rate soldier, fhhtiug bravely, but always in trouble on account of .his iusubordination. When he was finally dischaizud ho went West, and for several years led a wander ing lifo, until at Fort Benton, a few wccks since, be met this Watson in a gambling sa loon, recognized him, threw a glass of whis kv into his face, nnd then very coolly thot him six times with a revolver, letting his life out through at least three mortal wounds. It appears that they wore silting side by side at a faro spread, both betting whito chips on tho eauio cards. Hearing WalBon's name called by tho dealer, Webb examined his face closely, ond finding in it every mark of tho old timo description, in troduced a conversation, and munaged to lenrri from Wutson that ho was iu Chicago In March of 1S55, tho timo of tho murder. This settled it with Webb." Ho did not wait for the evidence of w itnesses, or ap pealing to law a very ecaroa articlo in that part of the world. While taking a drink of whisky, ho carelessly took np some of Watson's chips, as if making a mistake in shifting a hot. Watson cursed tho mistako and its author, announcing that tliofo were his chips. Webb shifted the glass to his left baud and reckoned not, at iho same timo cocking a revolvor In his pocket with his right. Wuison jumped up and pulled his knife. Webb dashed tho whisky iulo his face, blinding him for an instant, and then, as tVutson ct.Uu at him, commenced shooting, and without going into the hero ics, or even exclaiming "My father's luur ueier," procet dedt lo set U old scares, lie then walked of the saloon, and without much trouble tnmie his escape. For everv dv comfort. Great Yosemito Bitteis. Sunday Comfort is good, but Yosemito is better. ag24tf. A remarkable discovery has just bscn made by a man at Grenoble, by which it is calculated that cemeteries and giaveyards will become stiperlluens. At tho decease of an individual tho body is plunged into n liquid invented by the man at Grenoble, and in about five years tho Individual is turned into stone. Tbo secret of the petri faction is known only to tho diicovorer. But he goes further; he says that in a thou sand years' time, if persons will only prf servu their relatives and friends, tlyy will he ablo to build n house with them, und t'ais live in nsidences surrounded by their ancestors. ri'.KS'.i confectionery received every day nt ' J. W. UkattyV. uuI-lw Don't lorgct tl.e caano of time on the O. C. & A. R. R. The noon train will re main hero half an hour lor dinner, which will give travelers ample time. The Roch ester House is but n step fiom the depot. U lio lo i ur lis "I ir Civ"-, lile tn tll '.li-i 'i . 1 i t Willi. nit ti.Kion lriii'.. "i .;i! IM'lvet Oiff'tH' I'rmn elll 1 hi' svtt'lll, Kill- ti e lii'.irt Willi life iind li'.;lu, With tin' l'l r ll'l the lmil,', Downer Ureal Yoseiiilte! With root from out the vullev. Whole Ciillitornei's huh ilotli nUmo, Ci inn we:lllll te lit l""r IIKil lllts, Ili'votnl llie ru lies "I tier mint'". Wenllli ef health nnd hiltioitip". lis l'le-iini; mine !nnilil slilil. win winit i! t Wel'-'l ynu Ir've Itt I'se Ilewnel's ('.real Yr"".nite. Come ye nicTi. dieaped. ilHenr-'olute, Whv ilmuM Ynu pine ami (lie? Ye reebli". filial and liineiti-liin'.-. Coitit. tllt'e iloriiim Hitter try. He how thec iiiacktt aud nostrum, Klee IV.llll tile la'l'l III tl'lnht, (living plnee to I titlre ton!e Uuwiier's Cleat Yosemito ! julillf. 'cv l-'Ioiir, I''cc.l 1 1 ml Gi-oct ry Morc ! At the OLD BANK rtril.DINO, ON MAIN' ST, ovpiWtc tli JlcClintoek llnu-w, tins on liiuid a lnrKeiiiet flut elans stork of t'lonr, t-'eed nnd liroeerlen, whirh he Is sellliiR nt a low flnire. f. Ilon'l forget the plnrc where A, 1). Cotton A Com puny broke up. jnni If. ISnrd ware-A lnrpo assortment of which u lichiR clocd out at re.laced rates nt lti;YN(U,ps nit'iiitlKAt) A CO'S, No. 11 Cwiitre St., opjiosltc tbo Tost Offiro, (Ul City, Pa. All PnlllM, Weeklies nrd Magazines at IIOIAIUS A F.VltSSWOHTH'fi News Room. All ncrounts not settled iir.iedlardv, will lioKT: with an ofilcer f"r collecUon. tf. IlKYNfU.T) A- CO. t'roeker y r ir all kin Is go t lUlYN'i'll nitODHI'M) A CJ'S, No. 11 Centre t-Irt-et, (;.;;. J'ethe INi-: (r.lee. Oil Cilr, i'n. NEW ADVERTL-EMEXTS. Two IVotcs liOit. f jMTB BtllH'Tiber lo-t two noes somft tlnin l:c. 1 twepu tile STlll "if AlUT'it ami the lit ilnvpf l...t.ti.mhi'i- Ikl'O S..I.I ii.u. int... lv...P.i In --i... - and passengers Can have plenty of time to ; uf j jj V;i le. i4 ven hy W 1'. Ne.vil,:iui, in. go tln-ie and get dinner nnd return belore the train leaves. The bar is furnished with i!r. besi wines and liquors.. BK.MisTrtEET & SiiRnwoon. Fifty cases Ciiijuot Muuim HeidsicV, and olher brands, genuine wines, just re ceived lit G.VFFXEY's. au.'251v Elihil Grepg, convicted of burning the Preston county court house. West Yir'nia, and who was to havo been hung on F-iday next, has been granted a new trial ty the Supreme Court of Appea's of that Stale. d .Mil In .1. I'. Imel and .1. I,, llor. en on foie- n ::iys lime. inil llie otl -i t:; imin'li 1 her.'n.v vnrii liu: I'Uti'.ic e.uinst I'llrrli.lsinc ie'l notes nii'l iii.y' in'i'un f.iidii i: tlii'-n i;l lie liher-:l- rewiuilea by leaving U'.e.n i.i It set'f.'.Ui J'it. KKiW, Storey Farm. I)i".oIn!toii. 'I1R Co-Vartnorliip ' l.ere.;'.ler ihetllll nniite of A 1). Miller A Co . Is tills .lav tins lived hy mutual consent. AU nrrntints r.i;i:iit llie lute .inn will beei'ituil ny p:niinri,i mine stand. -vi. simmiixs, l'e:. Centre. Sept. 5J, '69. A. 1). .Mtl.i.l.It. AlSSOiX'TION. l't:e eotilrtl:cr-lit l:oiMcfora rjLr.v.liT in:r!oT ft1 -lriunimo of W'aci.tiT ft Co., irt eii'ui.i.l, ::! j'L iriies to 111" llrnl, nil! re ibi"i!iI tn settln nt llie old mimd. I load Varm. i t- ut li. I 14: p. a.'- t'AK niAVV AN M I'NC J'..'l K3 I'st. "In. lluiToi:: I lease nniiii!in"e the nuneor bnln Tloilnwiiy. ul l', lis eiinihilain to .H-lirn '. Hie I'l-are.sU'.m-t ! the 11 -.Ues tit tlm lU' iliiuenu l':n'iy, al tli'jp.iiimry e'.i-ctUi.i, Manv Cruxss The en-vmrliior-Mp llercti T.:ro rxtstln.' nn' llrr.i iimnii ol i; M. I) 0; ".i . is !!. - .: iliea I'V li:nli::il culinint. r. .11 hk. retCcuUo, Aug. 1!, 'W, It. C J J t X.lOll E. ri C A 11 II I A O F.S A Sne ,i.--orli.ient nt tlic Fitrriture StDie. DiSSitWi'lOS. Tliflprtrersbliiheretii'lirefc:;.lr.','litelt f! roves A: lliiz.nKl I 1 1 ho mle oi C.-nl :it l.hi) Hynd Kilrm, this .lit v lioen Ii -! eiir-f-y tn'ltU'ilei.llent. -Alt d.l.t- will iiu .-utllLd and a 1 c'jiias colli-ctod by J. M. Btixatrd. V.'.T. Ol'OVF.S. 3. .!. IIIZZAIIH. hii'!r.cs ot silling Coal nt tl:a Kjud 1'uriit w HI be carriei on an hei-eli.i'orc by J.M. RUZU'tl. KyndVnnn, Auq. 17. I!). cooi. Tly prrjcltns'ng one of U10S9 lll'.VIIIGJ ttie l urnituro Stove. ItATtVIlSttt ivisi rir; i.iur. A fre.-h suut'lv, "u ,t rocelved a; It. It. l'lslior'sDriig St.iro. Vho Plori !(iiis ;eimii!o 1'Itio Tar nnd rcrftlnn S.oaliin: Stn;. Thp-e soups are Imiiremiatud with exotica of the mll.U'.it and newt liilsainic uituio, n:.d are wnrrunt ed pcrfeetly limoeont ninlfiou from inieernl and oth orpeinlcioiH o.lmlxtiirfs, BiJ nro soiertoa nytiui ladies and Iho public in genual In prfeivr cc to all otlic.' soiiiis. nstho great oralucors nnd ino'crvcu of a healthy purity of compliKlon, mid a of fenialu benuty. Fr tto softness mid detlrncy whleh they induce, to the tinds aud face, their c:iia billly of soothing Irritation and r-movleg umi-hlly eruiitlons, render them "ndispensilde to every loll et. We kindly ask the putdlo lo try tho virtues o those soups. .1. I. II. A Co., Proprietors. A. D. Miller A Co., General Areata. JuW2-3ni, lm.. ludy tl.ould huvo ireut o9eonl.' Uli.e.e. . a battle of the Dowueiu Great Yosemito Bitters pntilies tho blood and rigu!e.!es t'je bowels. Use co omer. Rpecliil r.'otiec. W''I5T)ij OF WISDOM for young men, on the Puling I'as.sion in Y.Mth and Kt'-riy "Manhoil, with S1XV IIEI.P ti e cring irnd unfortunate. H' In sealeil letter eovelotio-", froo of cleir. Ad-lruss, HOWAltD ASSOCIATION n I', I'uit. Pa. May 51, am A new lot of the culob ated received at tbo X. L. Knives pis I'OST OFFICE, C'ariet, of every quality aril description, nl KKYNOI.l), l'.ilODIIISAU A C'.I'S, No. 11 C'cutrn Struct, o.iu.-ile llie 1'. ()., Oil City, l'u. A. 1. Mll.l.ttH A CO., have the mi-no- uf the A:iierii::li! Wtiiii Co., l.lul Wesl.-rn Whip Cu.'s CI .e 1, at wli"li.J.ilo l.llecs. f Hie Kiii uiill ul'i 1. ... :i.E at jlnreit (til loili (iiiiimiih at A U MiJ.t.i: .'i. Ctl te ttie biick bank. ja 'Ostf is. f. iiowi::.!., PIPE CUTTINS. TEIWA' i.iu. 9 ID y w in A b! o ft tifi s H t1 up! , n f mi & u H Q ' Ed H VI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers