h ! D A I L Y VOL HI.' NO 83, TUK l'ETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY RECORD. fUELLSIIED EVERY EVENING, "(Sttndny8 excepted. ) W. II. LONG WELL, 1'rcprietor. for year payable In advance, 3 00 icr mourn, PUIUM-MST OF ADVMITISINO. (Ton lines of nonpareil mnko one -.(pmre.) No. Insertion. 1 s (. Ii s'l. 11 s(p '4 col. t 7e $1 Ml. ifl Ml f I on 1 IK'I 1 S I 8 IK) 3 Ml 1 KK 2 HU 3 Ml II Ml i On 8 Oil. : (l 7 HI S S II')' 'I "-I N ll ' : I 3 Ml -1 60 8 50 ( :' I 6 ID, 7 fill 11 (SI 0 ill H Ort! 10 l.i lo Ml 7 ii'! lo (to 12 (m -ii no 10 ii., u wi i.- on ai ik) 12 If l.i OOi is w. n till 91 (K 'i7 i:u' ) ci i'O !K) 27 C I SO (hit 4 00 M (SI lam! 4s in,) co m, iik) iio One ily, Two days, 'lliree cays, Four days, Vive d:ij s, One week, Two wei'Ki, 1 lure week-:, One mom I'. Two mouths, Tll.'UO lilOIIlllS, Six mouths, Niuo months, Special notice Ji) renM per line, c.h iniiertir.n. Advertisement jHiynWu (jn trteny lu uUtUire lit'SIXESd CARDS. ATTORHTEY-AT-IiAW, fAND NOTARY l'UULIC, l'Tt;CLEUM CF.NTRK, I'A Hii?lnj In tlio Ceuili nt Vran'.i'.in iiomp'ly at tcuthil t. Ot'KK'G In Hindi A To' Brick Bank Build fnir. flip mntwl, V n-lil.iKton-St. C9-lf. A.UVir ft. HAVli, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-L AW, OrFICE In tl.o llocln'-tir llnnso Hu.ldinf, on asliliijjtoa and M .In Slrcct, . rnTUOLClTM CESTI'.r, I'KXN'A. y is, lew. tr. ju;mfa;.i & sTiirii, ATTOUNEY34COUN3ELOK3-AT LAW, OfHd Street, PmnUin, and Petroleum Cen Irc. !'. tni1-if V. HScALPJXK, RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST. 0FFIPE Bn'ii new Bnildins, cornpr of Wash Intoii and HoVjnd bts., I'flroleum L'cn'ro, I'a. niayllltf. . PHYSICIAN AND 8ITKOKON; OPlw opposite tliiiMcKinncy Iloiifc, l'ka.-nutvlllo, I'a. Porona fruni a iH?I;mk c will 2norn!ly find him &l ha Oilicuou Sidiii'diiv from lu a. m., toJ p.m. si-pi-U . T. IU!IN. n. B. VAN VElSOIl AVJLSO?i A- VAN Vi:i.slf, GACGER3 AND INSI'ECTOUS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, 0FFIOKS, Men Jintllc Bulldinir. Oil CItv Bn , and Willi ikiimi .v. fwiveiis PuMokum Ciitre, I'a. July agyi, is 8 tr ' James Robinson, Tank Granger, KOX 380, petroleum cestuis. pa. jupioif GEO." II. ISISSIJjI Ac CO., B A. IT JSL E R S , I'Li'riCOMU?! CKN'i KE, PA. James Bishop, M. C. Martin, (.'lirlsloplicr Mtyor. n.i k We nnr,)ronr Ffres for tho trnn?nrtlon of a O-AKKAI, ltNKIN(i, EXCHANGE mid COl. ItCTlON IllltilNKSH. Any l)u.tiios ontniatod to our cmo will receive Proir-jn nlton'lon. jnlT tf. H. C. Jarvis, DciiV-r in CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGU ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. IflOKlNO (ir. VSSKS in irin variety. . Looklnc OIiih. I'l i-u replaced in old lYnmoa. Pictwrc I'raiijos in;iIn to order. mu, mi Cloths, Wall Pa IMT, U'imltMY Ninnies A l''INK STOCK. Co 5-MJKi:4T.lHItJ, l'I'INSofkM sizes on liuuil iiml hinin.ed to oi lier oil t hurt liulli'c. V-f , rTROLEUM CENTRE, HOTELS. 0 MV.MIU.EIt, - . . . Proprietor. Tlie hlre.t aud niot eoniiuiMliO'U Hotel in tin, oil nrjimi. Fair on the Brlduo redueed lu bonnler. Tl,i liotme i4 ple,'s;mtl iuiutt-d, unmii rnolii-.id pli-nant, liuikiiiK il a delliliirnl Iminl in all re.'pcl. I'etroleum Centre, Ajiril 10, 1M!. 11 Wfisliiriston ptrcet, Petroleum Centre, I'a. BHADSTUEUT & SIlEItWOOD, raorniKTon, Thl? Ilmi-e ia centrally located, mid tho general tieadiiunrlers of oil oien. Petroleum Centre, I'a., May 1ft, ImJS tf. QEVI'IJAL HOOK, PETKOLEDM CHNTIIS, I'A. , Near Oil Creek t Allrgiieuy ltivtr Railway Depci mnyl9 If. C. J. CKOSS, I'roprictor. M cl'LINTCCK BIUlKi;. PETKOLECM CKSTKE, I'A. This popnlut Iloiol, aitnntcJ Corner of :TIaln A; Wasliiugtoii-Sln., Near Hie Po-io", has heen reiltted and fnniNI-rd ilironeliotit, and thetiroi rietor will s(i:tro no 'p.iin.i lo make it a FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. cct8-tf. C. ClilSWOLl), I'roprictor. a I'll: it i can iiorcii, PETKOLEU.M CENTIIE, I'A. .7. It. BAKXKS, . - . 1'ronrMor. Til's llolle ! in a plrtHant Inrnlity, :l"d lmt a jahoi't fnita llie Depot 'lllvrtti'in lire la'.: Mint eoniforta' le, and the talile supiiliLl will, t'.e dulienci' of tlio lieatfiio. jii-w-tr- j. it. BAir-rf.. S1IILEII FARM STATION, On Oi. Creek J'uilroad.l THE HOUSE AND FURNITURE NEVi". It. SUTEFP, - I'romle'cr. JnntStf. TNTKISNATIONAI, ISIJTH:!-, MILL Ell FARM, I'A. JOHN E. ItOWE, - I'rrip r. Cond aeeommodatlon? fur tr'irmn.t ru-tom r.J Hay Itjard and Board villi roem c:i i-. -.".-i 1 1-il .1 " li'i'ms. The roirielnr vlll si:are no ' iii-i'.;c his House attractive tonciM. j.i;n J-lf , NION HOTEI. PLE ASANTV I T.T.E, PA Thin Hnnfe liavlnc reeentlir heen r'ttV.r-c.1 nii't re. fill-l.t-lH-d. I am now prep.ired to ttecii;n:iu;O.Ue two hundred tueiit eomlorlalily. Slneei leave thi lienae ihree liiK.'n ear f'ir tiHvilio There in aVo a line orst;vje.i ti, riil. i'p. JllS-tf. THUS. MeKIXXKV, l r. p'r. HOlSISA tlS'Li: IIOOJJ, 1UEII. C. II YI)F. r..:rii- tor, rLEASANTVILLf:, I'A., Opp site tlio Presliyte;';; i Ciir.reV FeWMt Olli CITV, I'A. Having recently tnkeu peonsini ot the tiimve noiiHC, wo would mostrespeft fully intunu ii;e trav ollnp public that we propose o"lce;iia lintel, M ar.d to convince them of tho act, wo nvite n'l who wMi tho comforta ol a home, to cnl. hi on us. It w ill be found The Hotel of tho ;j rrrfric.;. Our Samplo Boom Id aupplUil with the ehr.'ce. t Wine, Liqunritand Cii, an', o ir i.ihle will he fonlld laden with the vei-y hest t';e n arket afi nN. Tliere U connected with tlio l'o!i-e fair flit e!as Billiard Tahle. Alco. Pii'i r Sl.on and ltilli Itonlilrt. (live us n e-Ml, ue l c-. e 1 J ul.r- .'vej ol the trutlllulues of our asse-tlon. nitr i:s .v. srA.vrs, j.i:iii:s i;. wmii's;. oclO-tf Propn;:H:" of the BuflVio I3a.kery. Dealer n clioiee T'loiir, I Alan, 4-hoie.e tii'oi eiii h, l'etioleuiK t tU'dem left will lie ,,n Cloodn ilellveivil. I'.nlirll V. It. TS5 0"! ; Ecl.Ki'Ti-' NO. 1, OM.n (I I !.1iT, F-;i and CliiMO life, r.t. et! r'i" iltd In. :n itie: t;t..i. in. Lj - TS (" J .'' 3 . ,- M -1 3?A.t THURSDAY jEVENIWG. SEPT. Tfi9. BrtiCHAM VocMi in-Titouui.R.Tbo fol lowing dit jmlcli w.t3 published ia the San FraDcitcj papers: "Dunns a mr:iDg on Wedncday, Alcs nndprSmRIi cUnrjcioiized Erigbam Young's syslein as tlio vi!e?t iniquity lb.it ever Ulor ted Ibo eanh. Etlbam Y'oitns unnotmeon mpctina every Sdniluy in opposilign lo Uie piencliius of (he SaiiLbe." The .-','.ti Francieco Ciironic'e says: fp to a recoot period B.'ijbam Vwins himselt was in ibo I;:.:, it of saying that lie hold liie bomi.,.ip ol liio cburch in unt for David s'uiitt, r.nd ihnl he would coma antoa:; there, tdi.pl a'l I'jer lir-'uils and customs, incl.niar.r pot-.-jamy. and bo their guide, lie is now about twenty-four yea's of HC. nnd U ia U : h. ckimiBg that by diviuo revela tioa l:c, nad re; Rri-ham Youn0-, is the ri;v!i:!'ul r.tith'irity. The latter, however, if loth to pire up hi- power, nnd tint on!y ht.a denied the font! of Joseph Smilh tha nso of llo T.'.ljeaiac!') in vraich lo preach, but has luisoiittely f)i bidden the people Irom going to I'sten lo tin ra. Tho Gentiles in t'jat ciiy litivo n hall v.'u'ch was built for teligious setv'ees at the time General Connor was lo command nt that place. The hall, now used by Eplfcopal ministers, has been placed at tbo service of David nnd bis brother. Tbo Mormons, In ppilo of the j; roll I Lii ; Ton and Ijteals of Erihara, flock, in crowds to hear tht-m. Brljjham is said to bo much ttlaimeJ, and doi s not l,now how lo f !i'eclint!7 erd this now difficulty. The traditions of tiie cbincli ate in favor of David. Htnilit. and Hie dis-:-aiiffaction is fni'ia-linj dust atid wide. H i." even said th-.l i', bad reached the veiy family of Bri' ham L'uiselr. and that some of litem lo'ieve lii-.t ti.n latter hiioulil give war, IT the i. vt tiatent will pioicet liiesn younj men. i: iuay ptcve the best means cf provin;; the Mot n:o:i problem They denfnnc polyga niv as not a lrn part of t'te Mormon faith. ;.nd t-ey pto.ich loyiLity lo tbo povet nnteitt and tbo aboliiiuil of the one.cus li.hin' pyst"!n. Tl.oit;;!i they have been but n lew v.eihs in Utah, the tiieet is ep;iarent, atiti U is resetted that they havo already it lai?e ntitnin'r of ui.'heretits. All loval citizens must corditillv wish them mecr-sj. The floeat (uiiic ill lite world ibo Cteal Vo-eu'i!e Eittets. Ic cures livei-coinplaint, t;et!i'rat dobilily, lleiviius pros: ration, and evcty lonu of indigestion, TUo Jlmniiie f aleinily ate aijout crec.i.ig in Ltxt'sTiilc a Widows and Orphans' Homo, at a cost nut rxceeditij; lOO.OUO, upon e-.outi'l d .mated for that purpose by sever.U libt'ta! f5l!:'.MM. ir yet want a bo'tlo of (.11 brandy, tuu i;iii:on jiin'e" an it 'e, go t G. t inkv's. mmmi reamer i We desire io iiifonii Oil Op ei.ilo'js and the public generally that we aio picpiued io receive orders fov our Clianipion bi: Cutter I'eamer. TIr's is w ithout doubt the must perfect tool for reaming that lias ever been in troduced. (Jivu ns a call ! FOIiiTIlY. FOUITPtY. T'-n .Tilc:ii:lon T ll:'-- p"b'io i-t cr.l'od lu thu Iiire tttji k ui Chickens, Di ... ... r. is. Vh.-wS JL !.J(.VTUS Can always find I lie okniunk Plymouth Carles ai;d Ki-:v York Deltino Go's Belting rik! liubbcr Good?, both of which arc acknowledged to be unsnv passed in qindity and inanurac tnre. Of Well Good?, we have the largest as sortment in tho Oil Hog-ion, and can refer to our customers for evidence that we keep nothing but the best of goods. F. W. AMES, HAI5D WAI1E DiJALEIE, TITUSVILLE, I'A. mayo Cm FOUKD. AT the VAKIE1Y STORI': of J". W. I3eatty, (-3 lysine? Ciw:tiiia of I'!ag, Rockets, Sumnn Candles, Miu s, also. Clioi.-e (Joefeciionery. Fruits, Toys. Sod. i Water, and tho BEST ICE -CREASI IE TOWN. Give me a c ill, s cond door lo Opera House, f rui illjtoil Stl'Ct e, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN. . J.W.Beatty. Jill!) If. Pianos ! Pianos ! M.uuiractinprr-, .lAMKT.Hl'V, N. V. A If 3, ex c1u:l' Au'iil-i fur tlio ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAM AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL JiRALFRS I.N ""t-'-.TO f..' ii!:istr:itii I Caialoue and pfiee list. C.AOKlil & ISItOWN. V.'avt 11,0111--. 4 1 Mi. in Sireot. Fuctory r.iool.iji, ".lock, loot of Main-!t. ma2-tf Vt'xn jima!;i;r ; k .Mvn,rj!s, in opera 1101..-:: rfilding, avapii incton street, ii:ri:oi.r.rn ( i:.j-i:t:, pa., K'.-l ,i coii-l:ail! y oil ha.iu .1 tare a.-sortiiuut ot WATI'tlits. JEWBLHY, j'lSMH.S UtiVOt.Yt'lt". M-lltNC, TACK I. It C.irtr,il-es..Ve.. mid u i'I sell in e.-i. n, .r'eu. I' wi.teti woik wn:iiiiti elloa. OGDEIT, ;torb, mini m mi P.O. iv vtwrtzv.-sT., Krjl, i I V, PA. 25 CTS. WEEKLY GENERAL MACHINISTS, nod Dialers in nil kinds of wr;iii, toojjS .v: r'lXTiiitEs Nenwsary fur putting down nnrl operattrn Oil SVeili. In tonucr-rion wiih our ftlACUINK iiOl' we have a lar .;e unit convenient rlacksmith siior. Our ftrilllles (or Jl ANnFACTOUiNU aranotcx ccl'ed by any Shop lu the tlil IteKions. ftVirjj Main-stjOpposile McVlhilock Hon. e 'nv-T tf FISIlBIt NOillIIst. A. ' . . o p!K ot., 1 ti. wollh of vour monevis at tho vlAV l l.dlllt AND KKK1) sTlll.'K AND I.UM I'.Mt YAIID f ,. ?i. ITTUItKItltKU . .., where there is alwavs n MAJST ir cinttoiner. thpir lar" nd all kinds of I ELI uuiy bo 'early In show Hioir Clmtoinei . their lr" t or l'l.ot lt, HAY. and all kinds of I ELI and the plce also where way bo 1 hip.-e assortment of first cla noroil AND W(lI-;il I.K.MHEIt. I.ATH, SI1INC1.BS. A(t , ittho vti? lowe-t cash prices. Tliuw who are not DEAD o thelrown interest, nnd wlsh tn deal with men hn do ImsinesK m tho square, will liud II to their interest (o irlve una call bet'oro piirchatiiug elao where, and sen what wo tnu do for you our line rf biilnr-mi. fly At' "-deri and ftenmiii" lirolhOlly nit, .l li-rt to. , ( f0r ;.i 1. ui,,.- ol' v!.!'tr.,iIV.';,l;ll!5''ER ilOloii, WASH I.NU I'ON tTltEET, Petrobrm C;,r.h Vn X ... l,. srKi.'M'.rt;ii in it. v AbMttt. 1 1 tici-tf 1t H'.ll.O AM) I itilii liAlt.KO.IO. y on anil ai'er Monday. Nov. L.'tnl. lh'tw, 1'asseiier Traill will inn on this road as follow: li.sVK KIIIK oolNil r.MT. 1,S A. M. NltillT l.-VPHESS, sto'ipinir nt -'' llipley, W e-llleld, Dunkirk and Silver eixek. arriving at ItnllaloH' l.4r) A. M. tl K A. M., NEW YOKK EXI'llESS, ntop itJ.'J'J at Went Held, llroct mi. Dunkirk. Sil v rcr ek. and Angola, arrlvin;; In litilliiio n 8,1 1 1'. M. ,.t 1' CINCINNATI EXI'llEHSi, mj 'W .iie at Novlle-ii-l, Wellle'.d, liroell.n, IMuikirU at.d Silverereeif, and nirivea .t lliill.i'o at lo.J.S 1". M. x,V A. M., MAIL AND ACCOMMODA Hi4Vr 'PliiN. bteppiiiat, aitstationsjairiiiey ut liallalo 111 te.-lo A- M. '' J1- 1)AV EXl'ItKSS. slovpiiis nt Norilieast. Kinley. Westt'.-'il. lniiikirk, Silvercieek and Ai.j.'o a, arriving at liil.- fa'o at t.i'o P. M. l.K.WK le il'F.VLi OiMMI wT. .! !' .V.. I'AV KXI'llKSS .!.ii;.inirnt An frota. siluTereel-, Iiir.ilib k. Itrneimi, Wc-lfieJ aad Nertl:ea.-l, lauvi: at Erie f.S.!5 1'. M. .(,(bl'. M., MAI,', AND AI'I'UMWiDA -B.OiJ TIii.v. sdippinjr at all mattous, iinivin nt Erie al .s."n, ( V. Ct. A. M.. ToLKIe.) KXI'llESS, stniipi!".-et t't9 ail iit,an. ai.t! anivie at Erie ;.' lu,Cu A. M. 1.4'. I- M.. STiUMIi'lAT 1 XIT'.ESS, i,)q.. t) y at An-ol i, hilverereek, Dimliirl.. llroeioii. esifii-irj nail XoitiiCiist, urriv- lli.i et Kite al I -J.. A. M. ,. A. M., Mtt.'l 1' KXI'lilit-'S. stupnlns at l.iW r ilvele.'ie'c, Diadiii'k ami Westtietd, ur- nvt'i:; al t.rie al -I. to A. M. Enilro.ld fine is lo niimeis In'i Ih hi I'lio Ihutf it N rtl!"M, Uiii'l Sapt. NiilV troiti:. nr. I I'livee filled no leiw s'.ole On fCii'i turl'T 1 jSlli'i.'i'J'U.H A MCC'.iMU S'C'ti., l'elroleuui Centie, Is nie.v pr, ; 'I- t to I'lirliish I i-. erylini: : ie die iio.li.u no nilep.j eunonuT-1 w.tu cv line. .Stove t.iui TIii v.:av. (iSlMii'l-lf., i'ii?iy A vi !!".. ' : tuti ..;. V l'r.rl Jill"? .Juik.i ssiii-Vt Vi itix-, Also ti (iiM-it -.(t4'lk itK li-:i. A- (i on I'iUiii;: i.b11. i-p-T":; ,,Mi it'i-vi pii Kr,,.. t..va l.l'AI II e . Til ;: i'lM onv su is. it i-.i.tv I'l.oTiiiis i i.(ii:;;.m, WATEIt I ()!,:;,; 1 s:ES. All Jolt Work proiiipUy ii.i.i u ded to with neafiies and dis patch. P:;iliculai' p.lti'iilion paid to Vt:,i ;u id Slenn h;iv iny: a Ctts J'itfi:: IiK liihe net OAcelled in i'li' Oil JU-giou tot' cuitiii!'' Gas J'iiic. ! I i j urtvcvs, tll'CH' . '.e' :e lie' il.ti'.l(i: ol ... , :r. r. , x. ; i i i . i I i , tiLio l: .Viu:v. tLAcI 5 AMD lee ' 'i -l III. t'l.ll 1.;,.,! i,. ,1.,. :U I ii.: ,rOl ,L). V.-irni-li, n, ac. . fo. I(iOAMIlnVruK.ST, if..) TITTJS j.jii j L'uulu-;se: l lt u e. I)IV O. A . I it .. I . n.i.,1 i ..ii.il I'i ui 1 1' ir.aU I H V l - ;....t tins
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers