T James A. Sherriff, 1 ' Hot, fa udilitic to klio largo (look ef OIL WELL SUPPLIES! HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE,i&, That lie keeps at Iiis Old Stand In this Place, JUST OPENED 'A FIXE STOCK IS niS LINE. At the Southwest Cor ner ofrWoods Farm, WHERE HE HOPES,' . By 'th3 ail of Comp3t3nt Assistants, The use of New and Latest Im , ;;: proved Machinery and Im ' ' plements iu the . Meciiamcal Department, .11 1-. 1 1 1 - '.. . i THE PURCHASE OF THE -BEST .'MATERIAL, SELLING AT FAIR PRICES ' SI AND LIBERAL DEALING fiEX ERALLY, To merit arid'reeeive liberal en couragement from operators in that locality. ,.,..,. PLEASE SITE ItE A CALL. James A. StiEiittiFf. PstroWnm sjenrre, Sept 2, 1S08 H. WANT S3 D Five Good Journeymen Carpenters! OWING lo the luoreaso or inr business I Urn oranpa led to hire more help to kep up witi vhedemaoil for my lalwr. STHADY EMPLOYMENT WILL US ! GIVEN TO TUB AUOVE XUMBEli OK FIRST -C LASS WORKMEN. ' . A Urgci quantity of I ' ' ' i FIRST-CLASS LUMBER! Of all kinds coiHlaully on hand at tre Yard, and will bo laid ut IRT REASONABLE RATES jjg? 3I. SOOVTAG. IVnlenm Centra, Oct. 24tb, '(R tf. 1.. W. IHESIiMA., TAIL OH! AND CLOTHES CLEANER ! A 4 Ij-Knott's old Hnrrie9liop, ..H "..L" Slain Street, "-' PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. DYKING dime, to sirdcf. Worit done well and eatisihcUou guaranteed! Glvn rae a call. Da.1..' . .,..i.W.,llB8IA!.. JOHN M. DAVIES & CO , iDRTjrGG-ISTS ! , BISSELL'&.BLOCK, .CENTRE-ST., r .. , ; 4y ,. i. . ., OIK CITY, PA. .11.' . WlurWeale Afisnt .r Dr. Leon's Eleetrie Ra lWuewor and Dr. Ltou's lofiuit Hciuedy. matt. -Sewing;! Machines. OttOVES! & niKGIt 8EW . lAUAIAClirVESJi-, of botUBUhhw. Slnssr'i IVbw Family Sowing ' Slarliiacs : And l ha American OverSeaiulng nnd Itutton-Holo Maclilnug '"R-S.U.l! AT NO. 108 MAIN ST i-r.THw.Et m cuNrnn, ri , y .Ian4bw.. n ;Ki:i:, Au RECORD OFFICE. DAILY RECORD NEWSPAPER,- AND : OFFICE, WAS IIIXG TOJT'JITK E ET, orPOgnTHBOPBUA HOCSK, PETROLEUM-CEMTRE. 1 E PA RTMEXT ? We receive ef-lesraphlc despatches np to 4 p. in., and present them to our readers every evening, erc bracing news of (rreat Interest from nil sections of the country. We have made siracial arrangement, whereby we receive regular Petroleum, (stock and Produce Market reports every evening by tclefrraph, from New York, Plnladelphlaand Pittsburgh, which, ogether with Editorials aud Local matter, make it one of the must desirable newspapers pablished In the Oil Keg ions. As an Advertising Medium, The RRCORD has ne snnerlor, as it clrcnlatsa wher aver au oil opeiutor or dealer can be found JOBDIXO DEPARTMENT. We have a largo nJ well aMocted axortmcnt ol new Jtltllit; !,lalertal emDracIng the ver latest ityles. We are therefore, enabled to eec.utt Jno Work of every vnilety in a satisfactory manner When d viral, jobs will Im neatly p.iato I in : Por.i,a Shipping Dill. Poatera ; Iland-Rllli. -i Fiograinmea, Bill of Fare, babels. - - AfI , Butine and Visiting Card LKTTKK-HEADS, B1IA-HEADS, BILLS OP LADING, Etc , Et. i , , , i . , - - , BALL kMUNTISG. 1 ' Piain or Fancy Stylos, nentlv and promptly oxecu tod, enibrac'aij INVITATION CIRC0LA1M PIWliKAMY.ES CARDS, TICKETS, Etc. Iu (hot, eA'erj- varirtv nr.r stvle of work In ivltm prone pr utlng. Mortbanta, Liwyors, Jaallcea of th Pac, Land Ajoiitn, Oil Kaatvt iicd Atmits, lnanraneo Ajronrs, Kipro.smen ni cklwr parties in want, am iurbjmod taat we arc nrorarel an fwulo too 1 all kinds ,f UA.K, bnaiacasnr to-.r-il, raquiml -to m mnnity. ehten;; psrrina nwrtmr eol'rltM hOXCTWELL & IM.T-MVIVr nAUDWARB OIL CITY; ' ROBSON'S il Creek Vive Works. CIIAKLLM KOBSONcVCo., I.ornrr fT '"piiocii & tri St., Haul aide HI Crepk, 1)11 Cltj, Ha., DatUTS In Morris, TasliiT A Co' OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, LSO, OKKI) !iv;kf.i," and valves. STl KHNll H'lXK-. UliAMI, T.lN'tW. M'CKKK HODS, Ac Machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries HOKINO TOOLS. pkivino pipe. Oil, l-l-MI'S, C.H.U WAl'KIt l'UMIV Et.tv r.-rlpfion of St'l'PLILS MU! OIL.Wr.LL3 AND RE UNtRtRS. . Also, STilVKS, TINWARE, l l UltASS (HU)DS, teams and gas rrTrrxax. 1 BELTISU, tAL-KlSG, end HOSE; I UAItnWAKE, , UOCSK HUM MINGS, , I i Carpenters' Tools, Kope, O ikum, , , Nails, Axo. ColT.e Mills, Table A I'ouket Cutlery; a. Pull Ai-sortiiiimt of Gvcrytlitng in the II AUD WARE , LINE. tiuse Fur (foiling: Onod?, Lauus Chitnnevs, Ho. 1 Winter Strained Lard Oil, Ho. 1 Kenned HI, Stair Hods Table and Door Mats ; U..im;HC.3 Clot hes Wringi'ra . ManufActurcn of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Kcp"innz of li kld &w with neatuea and diitutcli. Efpecial nttcafion given to STEAM ANO G-VS FITTING. W have emli'ftvorprl to m'rit tlio patronage nt the puMlc. and fi.uli use evvry i-xurt'ioo ro insur lt contimmnf.'t. Our" f:cil't,e for ft'-ni-ilnn-r fei'vthhis in our lint: Iwvi-.-g been greatly locrmied, ia uic ere;tii of iur New Piiiidiii?. m nnw STTPKKIOU TO ANY OVHKH ESTABLISHMENT aneSl-Sm. IN THK Oil. KK'IIdM. AlERCHANT T Q W BissclS's KS$ifk, Oil City, Hue just received a largo a-iiortineut of Hl'.W PALL1 WINTER GOODS, Of the Latest Paris, L:rd:tn, and Now York Fash ions, comprirlnz in part CLOTHS. BEAVERS. DOESKINS. TRICOTS. VELVETS, . CASril. MERES, Ac. and all article kept iu a First-Cla Tniloriug Ealab I Altaic ne. llata, Cnp, Fine U'liitn K!ilr-, Paper Collara. If owe, .SUHpotidura. Ncvkllea. aud In vunprnl. All drrlp'ion of flnthlnn mndc up hv M'lcrenivfJ wurkmeu, in tun latent tlw, at Mi-Hna'tl- t'rii'.ei. , SATISFACTION , GUARANTEED. AUG. SI.L)N. Cll City, Pa Sep. 1 lSIH-tf. 1 Stationers I Keep a full line of STATIONERY. . SCHOOL EOOIC3. BLANK BOOKS, AIKEN'S .COLD PEKSf, SHEET MUSIC, , TOYS, , TRAVELING BAGS, Ac. WALL PAPER! 10.02)0 ROLLS ! Xew and elegant Ies,i;n. Paper Hangi'ft-s As roaaonahle nsean be purchased at auy placo In the Oil Region. Bissell's Bank Block. Oiri CITY, PA. Oil Pity. Pa., (let. 5, H'lS tf irriMTHi. iiiiwi naiiMltlw J- O, OCKDISIKrV mm m feed store, KQ. S7 CE.VTKE.9T., Oil, CITV, HA. aiTu!! 17."' h CMtahH-hmaof ..f the km !n tb rc-'.fl w ana aeau id at wnatnalo and T. B. McNair &Co, WASI5BXTA-ST., Would respectfully annorince tbat. Ihe are are now opeaiug a lull aasui tineut of DRUGS ! PATENT MEDICINES ! - r, Paints, Oils, Soaps -Brashes, &o. In tlio'iwra formerly ""occupied by Mr. Goodman. iri'.ii, i ,ii t V i lT Particularattentioii will life pa!l" to "tire preparation of Prescl iptlotisi, and no pains spar ed to make this Department as complete as anv in the country. and liquors ! FOR iOiCIXIL PIRF9SP.S i '.liit . i x. SJOar prices will compare favorably, and we, do not . doubt being able to suit, all who may favor us with their patronage.' T. IB. ISo?.'AIR & CO. Peiro'crim Centre. "., Oct rl; 'of.-tf Eric nnd Pittnrh Jr.. II. On axd ai'teii scnday. sow s'.m, m, tiaius will run on thia nwd aa foilonai ItfAvr. tiui sot rnwARD. ' 10.25 a.m., Plttshua'h Express, stops at a'l si.t tions, nnd iu;1cs ai A. At J. W. K H. Trans lor -.t 1..V, p in., nt N. faitle at 3,15 p in. mill at Pittsburgh at o im p. m. 4.30 n. m.. A?co:nmnilutl'n fr..!n Jamftuwn. sr rives !'t A. & il. W. P.. K. 'franafrr ai 5.' a. in., at New Ca'l" nt 7uo a m., and at Pitta'oursh nt 10 no a. m. 5.10 p. m MlTrtl TMin leaves E'le Tor Sharon stnpplnir nt all ititermi cllatu str.tluuj aud ur rivmi; ui 10 a. m NOItTHWAKD. 7.15 Eilc rrprc leaver Ne CiisMe at 9. a m., A. A tl W. It. li. Transferal 11. lo a. in., ami arrives at Erl nt 2.:m p m., niaUInt close emtie-Uon lor Uuf, and NHk. Kails. 4.35 p m. Erie A'-rommnfitlon lcav,?N. (Wloat 7,." p m , A a . W. K. K. Transfer at 0,jo p ui., Jauiestown at 9.4U tj. m. - 3.30 p, m. Mixv,! Train lauves littiou for Brie, ar rivlii at 11,80 p m - , 1 Pittsburgh Kxpivss south ennnois at .Jamestown at I4,.HI pa. !ili ,. a- f. Kaprers. f,.r Kmnk 1 In and Oil city. Connect at Transfer nt 1..V, p ni wlih A. A O. W. Accommodation west, for War ri'ii. Ravenna and t lovUml. Erie Esprusa north eniinnts at A. .V G. W Trans erat Il.lo a m., with Mull wist for Jfesilville, i-'raukiin, and Oil nt v. and atJumastoun with J & K. Ex;ire. for Fianklln. Traiua coo"eot ul Itmli.vli-r with trains tin W hMlIn',' and ail points in Wast Virginia, nn1 ni Pittaiiuri.'ii c.mueciio-n f.,r Ptiladehihla, limits bu:-K. Hnitlnnw and Waahlngton, via Pennsylvania Ciiii.irtl llailroaj. , . . , .' . . , Fiin Espr-ss North, connects at Ginrd with Ijikn Mi'im f-nb Westward for I If voland Ciiii-a :-, e.n:a:i points In the win t : at Erio wm, Ph!is-.l.!lpli:n . Erie l!.illr.iai r..r(1n V, Warran. In im :tii. Iltitmtn, .fee., and wbn IPifTaln A Erii Pailnui.I .for l.-.-itjiu. liu&k.rk, Maeara J-'aiU aue New Yeik City. P. N. F'NNEY. Asa't Siiocrliitendant Hr'r.4I.O AND VHIK RAII.IIOAI). m ami atier Mouilav, .Nov. .u.d. lata, Pua-'euger Train, will ruu on this mad as follows: i.savk auir. ooinu east. Itlft A. M. Miill'l' K.Y.I'.;E-iS, stnppi,,. at s- Kipl. y, W-tfl-M, Dunkirk and Mlver creek, arnviuu' at HnrTsio tt I a A. M. sft'.'a.'a A- M- N'IUV ""K t:l-KKSS, sl,.p av.u ring at Weetllel.l nroaVn linnKirk. Sil f rc -..k. and Ai g.ila, arnvinr in UiitTale at a,lu P. M. ... K " tiNCIMVATF BX'tKS. ator '' pillL' at Nnrtli.ast, Wei-lfl I.I, Brnctmi Dunkirk nnd rillvcrcr-tvk. a id arrive ai nuffilo nt I...4S P. M. ' I ION. atoppme; at all UtUiu,arrlliw at IlufTalo at lo In AM ft'-l.l I'. "AV M'HES". s,,nS at ' ' Norl!n-,, Klplev. W,fl..l,l. (hmklrk, i.K.ivn nrvrLo ooin'i wft'.t. S2:2.i ,'-,M-J',A Y KXPUJis l.n,4inr ai An m.r. ,., . Silvt;rti-..!U, Dunkirk, llrocion, . J"l? o Nuhcat, auiviu. at Eiic M B.Ji Jr. M. 4;1P. M, MAIL AND ACCOMMODA '" TION, stopphia st all statluuc, arrlvUin at Erie at s,Vi p. M. . C:D0 A,i M-' TOLEDO KXPRESS. .lopping at all stations, -ind arrlvinu at Kiie a' lu,A fi'ftfS P STEAMBOAT EPREI. atop nnia nt AnilH, Milver-reek, Dunkirk Bmcton, Wesiilal l ami Nnrtlivasi, arrlv log st Erie at 1 A. M. liO A,-, M- Nlu'"' KXPUESH..u.rm.nf at Mlvercreetr, Dunkirk and WestHulJ. at riving at Erie at l.4o A M. Kallroad time is lo minutes fii.mr tli in Et! time K N UltUWN, li.nM Sunt. tt .AU K MHIfl'I.Ns. lilLI.M pnnied at tl:e hot noUca. at tha llaooid KiH RAILROADS. Oil Creei & Alleslieny River R r CREEK HA1LUUADS CUNsol.lDA I Ll) NEW AND MOST DIKECT ROUTE Trt l TIIK (II. lilCKlV 1U 1S0S. WINTER AURANQEMKNT. TIMB TAHL. 1SUS. ON AND A FT EH MONDAY, NOV. Aitii IStiS. trains will tun as follows; "u. GOINO NOHTH TO fIL CITY PrTTRniirri. CKSTItE TIH SVII.I.E AMI OltRV tit ill A. Express.arrives Tidloilta ai 7 in . W.JW m..Oleopoll.at K.10 a. ra , (coiiuw' there wlih trains for PiilioUn, oil i'i, 9 4i a m., Prtmlenm Centre m oj . J, ' . Boyd Farm lo.M a m., Millar viTm' V? 4Ham..Tltinvlllell.ia. in., arrltl!'." at l orry nt 12.4n p m. "'"t 4 ' etti, ariTivea ridioutea.io a . litW ()lioi.olls4 ,.7 p. m. (c.mnoiite with V rorPilholeCltnOII,iiy4.sap 7' troli'uni Centre M4 p.m. Hovd i.rl 5 21 p. m., .Miller Farm S.4-J p. , T'?l r ' 1 i sa 6r2.' ''' m 6..? A s1". AccomniCHlatlon from Oil CHv.. rives at Petroleum Centre 7.ol a ni l, j ' . . Farm 7.(W a. m , Tltuav.llo ;.3 , arriving at Corrv at 9 tfii a m ' PETKOLEl'M CENTI.K4 (ll.(. i v ' E' A. M niTlves at Tltti.vill h i,, j U.e. Miller Farm a.45 a m, Povd K.r.n" , m, Petroleum Centre J o7 a in, (iiii ii' !l.4l mm. Oieopoils In 2:j a. m Tidf oitte ll.taa tn .and Irvlneb.n l-.'.rr,m SfJl P M, arrive, at Tltusiill,. .?? m., Miller K.irm Upm, BovU fJL 261 p ni, Petiolcum Ccutre iti IT Oil Clly 3.3 ) p. m . leav. Oil l it,- y 33"' ' in. arrives Oleoiwiis 4.117 p m, rmimJE' ; . .with tmln for Hthola, f ii;ome j ijl ' - m , nnd Irvlne'nn t! 'M n. m " P- M . Aeconnnoil.tlon from Corrv ir rive. T'.tn-vlMe 7.o7 p ,. Miller f 3S p. iu, Boyd Farm 7 ; n in. Pem.i 11m Ceutre t.3 p ni, arriving at Oil Cik O e6 D ni. CONNECTIONS. a. V". ."' cnnnw, t'e'iy lth PhlladclMiU AF.neK.lt. and Alhinlio . 1;-..,,, n , ' vrnv. S.a, ...I U .m .1.. ....... . nll' iv, Paat and West, aud aim wltn nutralu. Cor,. id P!ttbqiL-h rallmnd f. r Hnir,.!.. . Z ' U"7' ani 1 rnlu amnoctnvOil Uty with Franklin Rraneli for Franklin, A'eadvllie. and Ine West, aid at lr vincion with Phil. & Erio It. It Ea.t ,, t,t Standard time i-wsxtt minutes fi-ter Hum fWk lin Bram-li and A. U W. U. U. tiuo Passenjera will And this road a -afe, pleasant lai the sliortcst mote to nod from the oil re-ion All hins Wet from Irviueiou loave after arrival of trains on P. A K. K. It. Be sure aud ask for Through Tic'.ets via Oil Pre.k . 'MW JWer ftdlway, the Great Short kuiut to the Oil Ifeirlon. I. J. iihPBUHN, Aant Supcriutiaulent. 1117. lMttsbiir(!i, fort Wayne and Clneaco Knilwur. 'a'aftaai. t.ui a.. ' LEATZS. flit rsrw .?0 a. n. ,51a m. 1.45 a. m 1,40 p. a. 8,05 p. m 3,5T p m 4.1 H p.n .4,35 p. si 5,50 p. m Franklin. . Ja nestown, Meadviile, Clarksville, . New Castle, .' tlomewood. Now lliiL'Uun, li'icheiter, Allegheny. Pittsllltli'h a. . 8,u5 p nt. S.45 a. m. m: 7,80 a. tn. 'H.ltla. m. al.U.1! a. tn. si.45 n. m, 10,00 a. in. KetimiinB-leaTcf IHisburgh at 6,00 I. mTaSl a,isu p. at Tllllva...!..!. . m.. . . . ......... K..,u nniim 1 in-nurirn, Kort vvsvna aiidCI,ic?o Railway pass H..mewood at li.vu and I ,4!l 3,31 a. m.. and 11.57 p m ; Pa., vinj. Beid ai U,40 a m. aud 1 0, 1 4 5,00 and 10.0S p. ' i. .'"!.tia"2li"e,u 1010 a "' . "d IO,0t, 7,00 aud UjiO p. tn., and l.iO .) n a(, ' ' v' t ,Jj R, HVEIlri,cn'l 'it. ket i.'ent. .y.''Js".: Pittsburgh. Ps. A f.'AUD TO Till: I.AD1KS. n..,?ri-'0N"', J'IEN I'EIU PICAl PIT.LS for hemalas. li f.liblc In correcHae Irretularltiee. icmoimr obstrncilous ofthe mnntky tiirns, fr .m whatever ciu.e and always suceas-'ul as a prnvMitlve line pill i n dom 'Ksmnles p. ctlllarlv siliialed, or those snpposluetliciusnhes u, are ctiiiln.iied aninat luii.ij these Pills, whils In that cmid.tion let they Invito tniscairiaga, ( which ajinoiiltlou the prm rletor asiuni. no r Sioiisibility. altliiuu.'h llie.r luiidnevs wmild i ev.ut any liil-ihlM iii htalth; otherwise the Pllis are re comnn nded as a nmt invalnab e remedy fr 1 h l levnllon of tlio.e .utTerine; from anv lrriisnlartm whatever, as w'l as to pravert an iu'ereasa of fanii. ly when hjltli will not pennii Ir; quictln" the imrvrs and Mmlnir hack tne -rosy color ol hoi, It'' to thecl.eek i f the niest delicate. Full nnd ojpiHt dlreettons accompany each hm Price tl per box; tt boaes, $s. Sold In I'olroleuui Ceutro, by A. D. MILLEK ,t CO , So'c AneMs'' tor Pelro'euin Centre, Pa. Ladle. I By sendlni; them $1 to the Petroleum Cen tre P. O. ra.i have the Pills eentjconhientlsiivl by mail to any part ..fti e ontntry, Irenof charcc' twld alsii bv K. C ,. 8 Clark, Tlnnvil!, Pa. ; A. K. OrlllilU. Oil Clly; Plenum; A ! Cune, Frank In: Dr. J K Aeomh, 'j'ldiuute; E. T. llasi'lton, Warri'n ; and bv "one Drihjgist" ill even town in the rj tiled Mute., nnd by Jul 8. D. HOWE, Prop'r, New York. A Snfc and Speady Cure for Coughs.Coldi Afthirta Bronchitis, HoarsenctT, Croup, Inilucnza, Whooping Cough, Incipient. Coniwrfption, and all Diseases of tha Throat and Lungs. Don't neglect a ever Cough, or throw away money on worthless medicine. PRICt FIFTY OENTS PER BOTTLE ""parad by UW AW) la BBNTLIT. SnaMk Wale,!. T, fc14 by aU Iteujiilaaj. MILLER CO.. Wholesale an1 '" I'roCTlaia, AKaats.lbr Petroleum Centre and v,cln"- Jull-Iy ror uoins a ramllv washim; in tha best and ehsare est aianrrr. t.iiarautaeil eqnnj to any In the world Mas all the s'risiLih of old roafn rosn with the n.Md I'!.',,ltt""' 'lualiiles or Knn,ii,ist'ssUla. Trv thU 'J' . .'.I8""'1 "nhlbythn AI.DEN cflEMlCAh 4 North Froat tireet, Plikadclphia. sep.1 eolliin. .... IVtil.HH lna SWISH WATCIIKH of the (Inct I wik... In Hold and silver Cases, at ISI1A A Ci18. Wi tajieea House Bnllrllna. I SHAM A C 1 . Lav. (he largest (loek et RE VOL . K.fcS la Tatiimso enenry. SEVARD'S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers