DRUGS AND SO SIX "ET Q S3 1 ,r. h" o heist ie, DEALER IN DRUGS, MBDICUXTES. OILS, Puints.Varnishes, G-lass, Putty. Soaps, Dje Stufls, Fancy and Toilet Articles. PURE WINES LIQUORS ! SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. H. B. Prescriptions carefully compounded nt all hours. io, 19 Washington-st, Petroleum Centre, Ia. n- (live me a call tarferc pnrchmlnit eLehere. United States LIFE Insurance COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, Established March 5, 1S50. Capital V Atett, 3,000,000 E. J. ROSS, Agent, I'etrolcnm Centre, 1'a. This Oompanv, Beliif one nf tbn nMsit and mot reliable Im tl Tulltd!Ui.s, nfurd arable .cur tjr, not only bj It. lam ''t. which on Jaa cry t.t. 1M, were 1 r.adjr6s;$ per cent over lu llahlllti.., but also by the personal Stability ok tub stockholders to make good any deficiency, a security not afftvded by any othor Cash Company. Dividend are Declared Annu ally !. Aid may bit nand to aaaiat In palne; Premium., to afford Idditlonel Insnrane .. or tu .retire paid up Voile . after they have been In force rot a number of years, a explained In our pamphlet, or they miiy accumulate at compound Interest to liicreaw the rum insured. rVEHY FATHER Hhou d saeure a Policy aa early aa poialble. aa nine but healthy person can be Insured, and It ia lna mural duty, to prnrMe In the aafwt way for bl fain i'y, which be cannot do hotter, than by a Ufa In turanea. Money Invested In business may bring more Intereat for a while, but It may all be lost, and tha fciaily la thua left destitute. . ... Janltf. NEW HARDWARE STORE nivn.NQ ami) couKDta STOVES! In large variety. TABLE AND TOCKET Cutler y ! SHEbP HARDWARE. HOUSE FURNISHIX9 B'ODS. TIWWARE, LAMP,' LANTERNS, AND ., FANCY ARTICLES. NAILS AND IRON Wooden Ware, &o. for sale CHEAP 1 At the .tore formally occupied by Kurchn.'d and Oasterline, OIL Vl'Vt, l'A. Ul City, .'at. 4, isi-!f. MEDICINES. piyntf.l J. II. CHRISTIE. NEW CLOTHING New Clothing! W have Jur reived and r now opening t ttag miinlrlt j gtce of the clttzcui of PETROLEUU CE.XTUE and tklnity, the mint cotupletn .lock, and tlic very latn.t iyle of Wlnler c c c c c c c c I. L L L L L Jt r 1. 0 i.) ( O O O O O T T T T T T V T II II If. II H II II II 1 I I 1 I t II N N N N N S N N o g g g a a a g Tliat a ever before brought 1o till place or on Oil Creek, whicli we an soiling at the lowest pun. Ible rate.. Clothing made to Order! at the l.ortcpt notice. Hats and Caps of every tmu:. IS GKNT3 Fl'RNISUING GCOI).-? ! our tcck 1 complete. On price, and a!l griods wnrrauted a reprftwmtrd 'fhankiug our friends for ihrir liberal pntivnjce horeiofoiv, wo bui lur a eimiiiniaiiru f the me. LAnEHM AM1. PetfoUnm rmtrf ji-c. . Itw tf ISIIAM Ac CO., Watciiji akebs & .Irwi I.! RS. IN OTERA HOUSE BLILDIN!, WASH INGTON stbtet. FEToLCt.n f.Rvrai:, pa.. Keep eonstantly on head a !att;e a'WortJittut of WATrnKM. JHrt KLRV. mTOf.M, KKVOLVfvHS. FISHING TACKtH. nartridirc., Jte., and will e.11 at en.ioru price. All Catch work wa ranted to give tuitUracthni. LIVERY & (FEED STABLE S, Wuslilnton Street, opposite Iho Opera Iluunc, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENS' A. I have put In a good stock or Kidinc and Driving Horses, which I will let on reasonable terma. Alio, Ciilteri, Wagon, Spring WuBUiia, iVCi HOUSES noardod and fud and boat of care guar anteed. juittf A. &MA.WLKY. NEW STORE Flour, Feed and General Groceries ! KU;isinni's, & co., Having lacatod in PetroVuni Centre, with a largo block of GENERAL CiKOCEllIES: TO(JTUEK WITH FLOXJPl Sc FEED of varloii. brtnda, Invite tho attention or the elM am. in ai:d about Petroleum (. outre to roll and ex anilhu their .look . Tney have ou b.ud and a ill contiuufi lo kcup a lart;e and cholco lot of APPLES ! aid wil lnsWe a .peclality of n.OfR and FKK.D, their fiicllitiwi be ns sech i hat they cuu compete .uceea--fu:ly with any bout-eon the Crock. KUUKMBUit THKlIt STAND. OPI'tiBJTE THK UcCLlSTOl'K HOUSE. W. It. KMNWtNSMITn, i.ortf II. Kl.lM.lXSMllH, T. 'I'. flltl'ES, l)el;n in w C O A- . .m PclivereJ or il the Yaid by Die i.r or tr a. jin'. if TELEGRAPH pr.rom'gw ro tub diilt iipcokd, Afternoon Dispatches. Harrialmrgh, Jti. 1. Senator T.owry atlucl.-d with a stroke i.f pnralyt is of (Iter riyhl aide yestt rlay at dinner, lie i much eevicr fo-rljy, .ml it is hoped will soon n aover. l.o d. II. Jt-.. 2li. Revetdy Johnson linn accepted an invita tlon to dino with II" ewporaie anihor.ties of Manchraler auTue ti.n io Fi'liruary. Qiii'iMistown. Jan. 29. Tbt attainihip Etna h..s ai'iirrd. Foiitbanii(on, Jan. 2G. Tbc ateanisulp HTtn:inn haa arrived. Bnrfnlo, Jan. IS. CaMius M. Andrew. ared 22 yenr. hail lna fr. ui Iliinoia, bk ari'enled liereSalnriluy afternoon, when a'.otit talin( train for Cbiiag). th ruil wti 'aoin Bomtt th rty forger check, on Itiif-t .ess hon.e. Andrews baa been vi.iiinir relaliona hern for ihe la.t three tnaiilha. Ilia trunk ta. well Blocked witb clothing, fun, Ac, obtained by weens nl lorifad cheek.. Ho has lxen ciuimittud lo jil lor further examination. rtiiledelptiiii, Jm. 28. In ordfr to lest llie lurt that the lire in lb burnt block wnn not rnn.ed by the ex plosion of a boiler, Mcum was iaied this morniiif; in boiler nraong Ilia ruin., proving that it was not injured. Tlio origin ofthc Hru is alill a mystery, though il is trenemlly supposed to Iihvh been the work of design for the purpose of robbing the .tore during the coui'u.ion that would lollow, Indianapolis. Jan, 2(1. A prize fisht behfeen Mike Donovan, of Jbicniro, and J "tin Hovne. ol ivru, lna.. was fmiitlit nrnr Tipti.n. Ind., this forenoon, and remtd in furor of Donovan in the Ibirty-thiid ronui'. Chicnpo, Jan. 2fi. The Tribune's dispatch from Denver,Col., rpports the killing; of a mnn Domed Maituirt, al Ceirytuwu night in a saloon, by a woman. ntnn. Jnn. 26. The1 exlensl po. k purkinv and lard ealatilishment of liovntnn, Ctvrallow it Co., in lii i'jiiin, was deslroved by lire cund.y niprht. The lo.a was S50.0OO, on wbieh there ii a partial insurance. Hnuiillon. Jnn. 2(1 Ueiii's extensive cub net w.rehou.e and factary were partly destroyed by fire on aturduT night. The loss 15,000. St:nnKsi.v Bhi'ams Rtiu. Judge Lalrobo a well known Aniericau jurist, died sorue time since in Europe while traveling on (lie continent, and It was ascertained at the time bis will was read that he bad bequeathed a considerable amount of his properly to Miss Verdie S. Geller, of Cumberland conn ly. Pa. The matter wns the fulj ct of several articles at the time in the New York papers, but aa time pnwed on and nothing Itutaer was heard In relation lo lb mutter, Hie Inilb ol the news of Iho young lady's good fortune began to bo doubled. R-cently hpauver. all doubl have bceu set at rest by Hie ni rival of the pupers of administration of Judge Latrohe's estate, and it is piowd by thorn that MifS Celter bus fallen heir to a large portion of the Judge's rery T.iluuMe properly. ana thnt tl:a lady is now independ ently wealthy for life. The Amorlcan blanch of the 'Universal Peace Unlan have resolved that all idea o punishment should be done away wilb as at war with the laws of love. If one of these Univeraal PeacAiles should be knocked down and robbvd whilst returning Irom meeting it would be wr ing for him to call policeman, for that might lead to ibe pun ishment of the robber, which would be nt war with the litws of love, tins the mil Ichiutn come within bailing dit nice! ' A Spanish writer coniilers America of no great account in Iho world because it he produced no gieut puot cr poem. Coed II' arena! I Spain really so sunk in ignc. rsnce as not to have heard ul Walt Whit man, or Chewed his "Leavea of Grasst' It ia no wonder its people voted fr a mon archy when Ihe "barbaric yawp" of tho pnet of nature litis not teen beard a.-ron the Pyrenees. The Boston und New York Tract Societies are by the ears again, nud charging upon each other w ith solid columns of attack and recrimination. The difliculty is wholly a business one, growing ont of an attempted consolidation of the Iwo societies and the alleged violation of the conditions by one or both. The population of Salt Lako ia put at 46.000, of which number 38,000 arc Mor mons. A larte importation of barley in!o the United States from England is reported. Over 120. 0U0 uushele wem shipped during December. RICH MARRIAGE GIFTS. Toe ItiriiKsT G:rr which Young M'tn can pre sent to his Uude, 1. a stum 1 comoiiiitiou auiin pur'? henrt. ji-yi en these pitiject., with mo hiiiua' view, of lieu'evvleuv 1'li.v.ieiiltls, sent tu .'Hied let ter enveliipe. Iret of e'limve. A'Mrnw HflWAHl; Assoc! M'l'i.V. II ! I" , I'dihid' tphin, I'.i. ''.'. Hi THE oir, n.tltK ETa). (tvk.b op ) Tut: Pet'm Ckstuk Daily- Rrcoro, I'tritui.iiCJ L'Kxrrs, Jan. 26. The mnikt is it longer and firmer than ytcleiday. l.O'iO tills, wete a dd at $6 75; 3 hi; sold at Pioneer it $6.GI)r Sliipmcnls of oil from Ibis point, Jan. 2.', per O. C. 3c, A. It. Railroad, 8,027 barrels. !, I Tl .tlAltHK'I'M UK I tt. i:;:iAiu. iec'l Bi;ii.tcUe to tl. i :;lly J'seonl. i'tTTsm.Kiin. Jan. 2(5. F;iot 17 for Vt u.aviiy. 1" (tr. . Kiift water 17 fi r 4o g. 47 r. . II. I), (list six HioiitLa 18 for 45 grf for 47 nr. 8. O. firat six months, Itlfg'ICJ-a for45gr. ; for 47 gr llnyeis option nil tbia rear, io for 4; gr. (or 47 gr. Sellei-v option all this year, ta,'a loMiigr. Sales N"ne. Market Quiet but arm. fiiiLAPULPHiA, Jan 28. SpGf, -Si),'. Jati'y Str.2 3j. FeU'y SS. "darch 3i'g'( 30. April . Jan'v t June . April to Jnn March to J ine . April to Dec . Crude Bids. Not quoleJ. Crude bulk, 22. Market Futures average 37'i(a38. Eu ropean markets firmer. New York, Jan 2G. I'eceipt Refined. 433 barrels. Crude, 1,020 bb!s. Naptbu, bhls. Crude, 2.'l. Firm. Kelined. ,K!C37. Mnikut Steady. London, Jan. 26. 2. pm. Refined, 22d. Spirits. 9d. Antwerp, Jan. !l. 3 p. m. Liverpool, Jan. 26, 2 p. m. Refined 22d. Spirits, 9J. Antwerp, Jan. -59(5.19 i. 26. 5 p. m. Crude Western Dnlun List market Report. New York. Jan. 2fi. Crude, bulk, 22(323. Refined P. L. S. to W., 85 ; S. XT. Market Quiet. Philadelphia, Jan. SS. Crude 22IJ. ReStied -P. L. E. ! W., S3 ; 6. Vf. 34 iifatktt Quiet. Pittsburgh, Jan 26. Market Nothing doing; Quiet and dull; Holder asking S. U. Drat six moulha. Closing Keiv Voik Market. New Yoik, 3:10, . m., Jan. 25. Qu'ej but steady. Uellm d. S6'.':i7. CnlJe. 23. '" fiiOI.D IN NEW 1'OIIK, Niw Yonn, J.o. 2fi. Gold 136,: Petroleum Exchange HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN TLAN. FRESH OYSTERS I Received ALL THE LUXU RIES ! OF THE SEASON! DAILY! 'tJI Wnttiliiglon Street, Petroleum Centre, P.. m-xt liK!r to lham & Co'l Jiwtflry Siorc EDIY tc SAXOsi, Propr'. . Thy Boarders necoinmodafed, Meals .orvoil ut allhouia. ;su m, and every description oleums furnished guest'. . No pain wil1 be .pnred to accommoc.tn thofe who favor ui wilb their potrouuse. KHDY t ?.SD3 rftro'.ciun Ccttre, Jan. 6, lSo. if. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Crccli ry ! Crockery ! Crockery ! Glass Ware, Stone Ware, CHINA WARE. o! all kiroln ul de.-ilpiioo. Alio, PROVISIONS 1 rf all kind. fOHFEK .r the hot quality. TKAH which eunnot be wirpn-ei r'l.Ol'K, 111' I'. TBI!. I IIKKSK. AI'I'M!". I.KMONS mid OKA Mi K', nil in fuel everythinq per tiiiniu to a woll-eoniineteU GROCERY & PROVISION giCRS. GERMAN SILVER WARE. KNIVES, T'unKS, HI'OONii, Ac Wv friend, ov.il the citizen, of I', troleum Centre snd'viciulty. will utwuys lind any and everytbiiia iu my Hue ut Ih. GROCERY STORK ON MAIN-ST.. OP I OSIT13 THE BANK BUILDING. tr. u t'l i.i.Rie sc son.. . Petnileiim P.11I10, Mi y 111, It.. if. t'l.iMts AM) l"li' Out A. I) Ml.. 1. 1. A. . MILLER CO.U COLUMN. A, D, MILLER El CO, Wholesale and Ketalt Dtaleri io DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C. Washington Street, PETROLECn CENTnE, PA. Their Stock consists of cTcrjlbinifln th line i t Drugs & Medicines ! FTTIWa LIQTJOB8, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSE?, Whoieaslo and Detail Afeuta M JOHN ROOT'S BITTERS, CONSTITUTION BITTERS, ALISMA FOR THE HAIR, SEWARD A BENTLEY'S COUGH SYRUP MAGIC MACEDONIAN OIL, DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS, WALK Ell & BAZE'S CIGARS. JAYNKS' MEDICINES. ANDERSON'S DERMADOR. SPENCER'S MIXTURE, SPENCIiR'S OINTMENT, it. PILLS. Aver'., Harsden'a, f.llrs. Btandetk'a. Jldane's. Wll.on's. IVphallc, , HloSit's, Wlhrn', liemeK'., sioti-., w rifn'ta. Hooper., nnoway' a. n. iaynes, Konack'., Jnd-or .. 8--henck'e, Clara'. Female. I 'hccaciuan'a Dopoaoo's, do, Vclpau ., do, &o., do Peririmery, Toilet Ar ticles, S;;ais, Ui uslies, &c. COI OII8, COLDS, An. Ayr's Cherry Pecteral, Jnyne'a Expectorant, II m Jen's Balm, Sebenck'i Syrnp, Universal Syrup, Excelsior 8ynsp, Ransom's' Hive Syrup, .Seller's Syrup, Coe'a Syrup, Hall's Balsam. Denton's Balsam, Bryan's Wafers, Ollva Tnr, frown's Troohai, Wishart'a Pino Tree Tar, Seward's Cougb Cure, Bateman's Syrup, Cougb Candy, 4 Cigars and Tobaccos ! Tba Best Ever Bronght to the Oil K"3giou. 1IAIK UESTOB ATI VE9. ALISMA, MRS. J. A. ALLEN'S, RING'S, . CHEVALIER'S. HALL'S, MARTHA WASHINGTON, BARRETT'S, ROSSETTER'S, LYON'S, STERLING'S, BARRY'S, Ac, Ac. BITTEUS. noors. rnssriTfTKiN, Koback's nHaKH'S. NIAG A HA 8 PAR, DTTOLKTia MIKHLKM'. llOSl'IVI TRH'tS, HEKIt'. HOOt'IAND f. t'AI.If OMNIA, . ATTWOOD't, ritOTOXUlU IHo.V, JtC WALL iA.XES, Ciii tiilns nnd Hnatic Sbadet. PAMTS, OILS, VABXISIIES, GLASS, ITTTY, GLl'D, Turpentine, Spongei, Dytt Stuffs, Dryers, iui ivntv SUPPLIES, Lard Oil, Kerosene Oil, &o LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, Ac. Scotch Ale, lieiuictt Ale, Congress Water, PRESCRIPTIONS COM POUNDED AT ALL HOURS OF THK NIGHT AND SUNDAYS. STATIONERY, ES7LL0PIS ki. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. TKl'SSES. Come altinf, come ane. i-erae nf, il itai'l c ny tlii' f tu i'.o. at UU, and wilt try to tirat iM weP. A r MII.ITK A Cl PeiTo ru 11 (",.,.! re. I li' - '.V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers