vittsburgh 6azettt. 31UNDAY, DECEMBER Vi 180 GAZETTE TERMS htordn e Evt”,„ t SUN 1.41. 3en .... MOrtt..g 12!=M1 At tio. counter .a tin, t: t col) Weekly.. clo 1 10, crnr An, einglo cora, 'lO. RATES OF ADVERTISING ONM MATTZU: EMEME=ZI One mule Two times_ I Three times.. I 75' Four times.... 2 In. live tin cc.... 2 nn' Ona - wees .... 2 7 , Two woes v.. 4 1. Three ore'ss . o r. ono 11101)".....1 13 Two mouths. l I2 lt Three mouth,' It; no the months_ss . Nine moots. I II nr' Une , 4o Ot:: Anlnertisemtum tn•ertni at tine advertis, r;.,osso per squire, (or 20 coats must he confined to toe It sulvartlnr. Advertisements contra deny., v 71.11 be inserted map nelect. Transient sdverttaLbg Death Notices, each Insertion.. . Idarrtsgs notices entestubost alverttscments, per trip. Executors' or Administrators' Notices. YELItLI ADVEILTINI3II HATES 75 , 1 2.51 26 \ 15 71 , 3 16, 125 1 22 64. 1 21 , 2 751 2 4 .6 1 IL 4 0,1 / 1; : / ~. Ca, 6 uu 915 4 2. 50 7• ~ 4 f. , 6 :.` 1,1 9 46• 64 , 12 Cu. 20' 12 1 , ; s'^ 11 r, !,, ; 14 16 ; 1 0 01 ['LC I car Gay De c 2.600 'O, •at 0 o.Ls.teu el 9.6 a , . 111 raol at One 1,2.21 All .26601,6te bu/11.622 . the ed for ea.:m . ll6e tlinu soon Oey. 40 the One tquaree—confleed to tat wenteCiafe Deemer • of the adveittser, and not to Include dissuletlote, kaluatiOn of new firma, wants. se.—charetsbit once a week. Any excess to be cbsiged a tree• 'teat matter•l • .3 (AMC , . 2 toltaem 1 time I Datip,,A week., a week. a weak 'three...month.— E.O $ll 00 j Lll of Six mono. 30 1., 19 04 , 1c 001 10 to tao autiratos....l ..i : I (I Una last bl IA 1, it:, - lir net Notarra do ul.le tl.r LI ore .ratea, If in O aertetl pee poalll or =Ore. Fut (cat pOrlcd orate a 11.. boast notieea at such rates as may be agreed open. igle• A square to be considered a. the space 0010. pied by'ven 11.10 f toe ordluary sdetrioalog el the D.P.,. PErial.ii will differ In their conception of what constitutes newspaper etCOlcriCe and enter. rise, just its they differ about other things; that accordiag to their own licri.unal capacities, apttindes ard 1,1102 r -serrates. The Cot at rest. ve, %lin his natural contempt for intellect and Intel 'genet, considers brains as attoether super flu ficiesorb, In his judgment, arc hotter. They neither think or are the cause of i)liiin r ght to asp L. tidy. ratlitr tend' to the oracilidn of that etagnat.ocoof ideas In which Conserva,itm Is engendered, and in which it do,ignts to r.V.i,ty 1 avicg its parallel in the pu; foal surd to toe green stairs s Lich nasutles a cc:int:era liond. it which trigs discs it ILA irsels rt.nisp t iscdr nistiOtt.noUS chant, 00100 wa conocecced stAlio creatisu, and will =Mune to the c 1,41 ' C . time I:hoot the Variation of a n to. 1 ben all the Conservative aeas area Iw o Lush el basket to hold his clippings and s trla about to print them in, and his idea of a pact., J tumid is realized. is data not matter whether 'what is printed gets read cr not. The aneervatove would not read it iota evil except in • Coadonement ot Lu sine, and even alum would !all ardeepover L., labor. And why not I PO:. 1 tea WO the coneert - ative eptclile Lot all the lair that afloat human nature. Tee catucl.y of •coneenatlvee to alcep ii the twat part at arca• if they aid cot temporarily awaken, and in that is all dreaming, half uncottacious crate, Si tick is aot activity, not yet rcbc-se, fall to doing oatr cblef, wear existence would be crAtirati.r., • se a study of the little urn to which life can be or. might to yugtraile. Gooses Jr u, al.sto is ear totic. The or :5 refratu that 1545Ltt. 1 rum it 16 11.1- of :be —ALt,etv ra I It to a lilts.,, /fewr. J Irmo pole to y. 11, To haltthe 1,,,a15a- he glare. bue the gculte tr... 0 , To,. &lied Soto soul.” Tun Inudna Tana clonen B cceLt article in which Its :ontter lane of tint:exec atd coLtumpt of the Ccated &nits Is ellacged Into ate 01 mashed rest cot and deference, :u the I.l.lowlay, words: " • "We have not the iesat objection to tLE U nitn d Strata incrtatong to any te.v.ent acid any amount of territory or humbel of btsts.l, long so It ls cone banally, above eel. by lair appeals to the Elia t.suay acid LOO,I Scott tt the peJele. it the yupulatwu ul our 5011 pray lac., or of Mexico, freely and qoata,o,ll,ly ateelar,d Ltlst. they %bought thin then heti. chance 0! peace and W asperity, the Lirlthia peolde ia•afto only feel (hr local pursing regret at as lets of a stuns and the provertiouste tajgramia,m,ra t t i Untied Sauce. Only r.. 1 a great 4..ste tie Csulltt: twat to be ousted, oulnittco and toertea, owl to sea our own 1.01. Ltitter (or LULA le)a.ty." Tnn George Legislature Las passed a Lill whireby coluretl persons are to testify In cO5Oll where those of the r oa n color are can =ed. lo all other tasty their i.e timony Is ticluded. A a hle man may commit any mu ltiage on a black man or woman, when city flacks are present, and e' cape pumsament. Thla accunis with the old conservaLyc doci ter that •'hiacks tot wh. tt Situ ore ollnd to rCSIK:et." If the rsdicals n yuld heap still, and let these CLILICA,VII.IiVe usage: nlone, t hal a happy,condltiou tho itut Id would I In !a MIL 110 , ,V,LUD. of 311ctogae, nes offered a rtso lution in the Sicate rirpiestin4the Prieilcut to stile on What ettarEe, JEFF , E.La..O: Let to le CC.- lined. The rerolation was' adopted. 'Roil Ls well. A suspicion is afloat. that Davis Is kept )irer at the public expense, to sex Ye as he Co n setWative candidate for ereside r ni iu Tna IVA.9IIIXOTuN Car ELEC rt,N ou the ne gro Aran age qm scion was a farce of the broadest kind. The turrespohdoit of the Prcw telegrapbb as !snows : As 1 predicted in a recent disita'. eh, the'rlsc tton ealatet by the Mayor of this city in tette.] to the Levu anilines question, I rut es to ire a decided later, toe newts et which hatitig, Payee h p.n. in the late rab‘, sequined thenlaeirea acmlrahly to - any at the Li:Lie:it pre eLuct poll.. ha-rebels and Nu:there sylapashi ars Coot to sited and talked their tr , :lane m It eats I'B , ll the find were EALII it u. TOO true Ideate ieL the Limon and auppor.tre of the Dien etype. tulip appimiating that the :et oil of the elinkton noeht no; ailed the action o! Goner. se n 1 the •britijtnt, )uchtioteiy reutaitta at their Nosiness, and CotaseqUtlstly tie tt , r,iCktla molt filet:Visor the Jellereuo Data, djLutty (tn . rolled he election. One (allele' rotor, received at his hocir indicate that poor sin tton , atd FOlea have been polled, el which to ebb. a'netit thirty were cast in !slur Of tolltege- It le bead that the friends of the mvasnre oho unstained titan the poNi are obtaining riinatures to ou applica tbis to be presatted to Cottr, ,, et, In cle: ru g this node tattier than the hello, of exkreee:eg their wishes. • .A TDORIBLE alarm prevailed throng Lout Cal; torahs on the '3oth and 81st nit. At Mary - evil( e the Feather River roes fourteen foot; a Dr. A. B. Young, of Yuba Cdy, wan drowned, as were tiro moo, names unknown. In San Fra,cl. o honise occupied bi John Dickey was blown down, and hut for the fortunate tart tna: _Mrs. Dickey and her two chhdren were between the stove and a chair, which kept else roof from mashing them, the Ilse. of oil three woJI.: ease been lust. The neighbors rallied immediately, artd . hy lilting the soof g t out Mrs. Dickey a d the little idol uninjured. The title boy was band to be slightly lujarCd. but had no Win,* lirotert. Graat damage was done lu other pincsa by the sudden rising of the aiJeama. Tun following dory Is r,,,elits the round* of tbe Gunman press: Alter the conce:t of the Prusslen unlitary in - Paris L.: lor r the toperor, Napoleon ettered info conversat.On 'with Kaliclimeheer Parlow. In the c..rse of I. to Lelk, the Erupts.or lifted one of the brass In truckents, found it heavy, .d asked, -Do your baud people wear thew knapsacks In the field ail well as carry these thlop r" ••Certaln ly lire," aboxered Parlow. "lint how," uoUnd the Faup.ror, "do you menace in .eosin" 'Don't know, four Ittaj:sty, that's sot {frac -I.lcad among our people." Tree RaFenne DemOerat inys that upon Satur day night last, two men called at the house of John A likes', • wealthy farmer i Ellnburu, Wer all the family had to Loot. Mr. alter. opened the door to abk. tisk Ir lousiness, rfrhen they seized him, drew him outside and pounded him until he w seclude.e. They eu tared the house and menaced the females 'nth t . ols demanding money. Toes' ransacked the a, but found oily $3, I=l Thu 0.1. ( . :TY E , • :1.:,n: b.•m Li.a 1.. t , V.t •le, .. , • . ng r u e tr ,•n Tut,:ey c • I,nnnl - g orde t ;...r • 1 , , .• r• from 1 I I . • , r , 111111 Mill Cur. paLL O n !pl.ty..NA. b., F ..s. at, i-Lel a "Ii ncc 7‘: P‘p•pi n•.• . .; e Our. 10. v .pp •11 t ~. I.ut I L _pp,p• • f :pcnnv.v. 11. nll. tan n::: ' n :. on nrrr k- r o, u;. mae n ..•r bend mus: t ttoh , r, , !otn !••• 1,1 cy. 2, • -- Many • r , P i u.y ,ouree. _ 0,11 r —•• 1 , i _!Tacit t , I. 0 , evens t.r tt tLal: a 1..0. ,1 as to• tit. 1. rniliGENt., s .vi ;Lid I Li:lbdd b. M. .1, lison,lo, 0 mai , / . ni• a , ! ,1 ob-eon .1 a few clays ,Ine.• wi it I try 114.11 - burt ir r the c. ttipa an due the 'll. , s Lug. ollieers alt. I..udr o. Lure tabula tLo 5,01, iitt-0 .5 0 no itlity P i:i ft: U.:. \Foot.. duri: g rr • r., brought cceeF Lion tly 01.4 0 11 • pound for u g net sr 14- Very y to 1.1. i 5, .r • I .• 5,10 : 0, riiS--Ltiti-bY. tel bctadllug it for hlty or saty teLts per I obud, bhs'ut I c theldt g 01: tint tear.—A, LIT! iii.ooUCti. re. ru .1.0 cily i•ad tail 11 New Yu k Pere 010.1111iiricii y week, Dot,tl,l.S at the 11 uon trat arty tam st On. tau co: has postel I , tern, at its del.., "linile.ty 1s the b s. t °VCR 551.10 urns of land B. ro *.a'se nit, i n He brutka tt rr,tt.l y .tur,tly the no Tr.`,. the g:eat,r p.rt ou li 5,5 rlt-emebt, and tae rt.-slice with rev loge str p bud t.....uuty laud nor antr. In Eik.;l o . which n LUllliCr cAti.i cults U,ro ma 't A CoNvEti..,P N.—The prvTrit the lUD ifircroy, the Wit:, te.ecvian o if he attic bi it - ILn btatc, is non - I I Non ink a dertalt.g to ruise nitb Luc lutcutp, eO 1.1.1 K , ad .A.C.I{,C ,hr u. An prov,:', b-ls: a "the ,;reeve the 110'.00 ttt i; to t . lOO -. • th e , l U .. " :::ar: . a g ..l7 : t A SEVEI: E rr • o. 11l 1.1 IV, rt air I Z • -, V3 . 1 alOUg Hada, Wt.!. r L...y tl Tralr , lay. "I . be K : 1,. , 071t11.,• A•.:; A I. ra n L. - % c. :`; Y a:4l u • .!!..f . ..k • F., ttcslly it an • : r,a,•11, r u 1, , r. , 6 LP IL,: r! .. AI. a le lu WI a :v. !:. k:ur -• rrr,lvcd _ rile i•. nou. J , '.e Bell o 11 , ,t l'., L.) c.Lu,al,V.:ca Er-Prtfi‘rt.t 1.1...,1,a,a tt.a t r•c...te.l Lto.lrl.l , a TEEM Tutu! arc in Frazee 15.741 t .;7 wrinen, and 8,615.276 cntn. unruhr -1,..;13,550 to. are w. Thr. tan , r whvarc P1..:1 lLal: The Of w., ccc of txcLty .&.W 05 .1 ILe :ILI • aLe . Ir ie 6it,4.! ',La', al au.l,ritto, At 1.0 !, , tg trop dal:,t is, fain le it; I•Cip Ont Iti . o 1.1.0 ; . e, F. 61,0 tLtz, , ,,, A a rut z t I ca,i,ll at., 0. SliviaCy .In'tl.—r. i Ter: I;;; c.rirlr, Is a t•d—A Lett able 1.1,115. 111, ;11g el;'; ;c11 , .., t ; !!IMEMII!ill NM= t. t. .1 A to etort , .. of tue r.t.o ..! At. or o, hat b .tt cnliedorru. ate o L 1 tie tt tn ty Yoe ri ol:Nt! pis♦ ti •uol t it tute r se I roel.,:y. Gee. vi to ,r Cutr,..Larld. A • r.l , I -egi,•t .11snzre,- , 1 to 6truc: U.r ',nap I $ ar..l V; it t.l, g ILe lae w pet vivalkie. r.han the thht tla daa.:a•cr t.f a you: Cvn.,:c:ate CISC y to E Le w, Ell.rted LI a wea.t. - _ left end ck,..110 0%, & STi:I , ..:EN 0. Pagi. , , n' !• , u:y. ; :4 h.... 1 w lb ,L! , ,l,Arrztbs 2:CC:.. NV I'c et.lferi g 4:ld MOrulug era, d 41. MEDINI NTT LM 1.11 g•. , j m:reret'tt I • rt.. t•_•:1 of LULL U.e'llt It. IL, In .1: irj Of 11., G. W. KL.rX, PreAide: t ~ f th.l K621.t4 he 1,95 bet, " a 1 frotil Wirrtt: r tea yt4rs I A cttmt•ANr of nr.s.3l“. natla, L.: a plan f„,a ,1 trcm Wt,t1113,..t.0n , a NC.6 . 0.2.1,11 T Lot.lor 4.1 to r atic • fnliy a , t jtuttti LLC 6..3:31 of I :.:101l 3,1, li•trerantek.L. A, a t.4la tj. J : if Ea tali , da• : f3ether.d, at I,ac.3,tv . .",att Ft-la In, ata3r t ety rya ra t • t.. T.a t, , :. era: A3sent l tlc f bre: - an Char: Souta convened at Nla,m, bar 1:3 b. 7 LH pot: pack : rg bzi , ln 3 , of r r , ttr 3 rt3ILI.<I an aggr • ate Ur ; VW VA a y , '.lr. IN:attn r a thou ar.d fon; of her Lave rect•all) bet,43 ac-•.:o3td It; prairie Brea la M cot, June. A IV.,:)Car••;.. Mrk*.r. IN SPAIN.—Cat Par:. Pros. ei 1.t3 1,. tt.e 1 llowo .• 4• M - nor, bt. aa k rot W ea i••f• r a 1, rn:l ,t; Lime :n the Uraia leV. hay • j,o ton.!.t . natty tett: hI: a:111 , 4 .stCrefli g Sc, a to, m Jog), r:r. wads, they tu ,dealy I.uua tr e •fl gus 0 L , • - C orlcla dateA (rain tr sc rtes. They 1 - arthe• d!,.covef d a r:at s 11,1 belentlfle r.e:est of e bein.: In PtIVI a good elate of prs•sc•ruta,.o tba.. It Could be determined that !t mot, u_. a Romeo, but a earthagentan nr rbro,leia:l oda, 'ln« ta,chetn. slaves for ope. but a•to u arly noel slag furnace and two walla. c7cl,J the inier,t "f eh4ineere la the bl;Lo , at d'4“ ,,, An " a arta c/ratuily eolloc . .ed. and alll eclat le t.e ••WAIC .ra to be I CLed ILL go. loair 1L.21 IVe.S aP.le agar - the ely e• p. vh_vr. ••ParilcrOar at'.entiou will b • . otarka'Ae i:AtratuectA and e lcctt of wnien ate tali to 811 the bten , a of a r 'tat .11 in thr crater tae revue Thls cola have been tae apt d,c3.•attd tit tt:e r- Fhliug ever the It was 10.11'y t stature, env Eating down, and of hid ;i;t: e x , atd the other two rtertdlnz, null about three loot In bight. 'Mes s , IttaLllta rca.ttU at 1.,,,h1t c.l Ibtuan nor Grecian art, but rather t , ,n,11 the style of that work of srulpta,e wit:Ca ova: d.s e,,Tercd in the ytar I&t4 ou the (ober h;.lc o: the rnonutalLs, d which 13 now to tit {.reserved lu the Arrne Is, at Madrid, and is . tLe %.11 - thar...lfle H. rculta.' 'fltc s - ttse ay& el* err fkar..4l nu a tripod, and on a epos', which were itining atmir at the Wes Ili the it tat,da /1.11 o 1 eclenee wore a:ready ex,t-d 1y the die- rover? of 1'54; the oreanot one wi!l errta:sly throe a E.o I.gist on then tvi V of a civa zntioo waken toe oat, far, raiair.Y. H. d is noW.IM st extinct. lhe tool!, Implearrntt, and oljetl. , or a . t, at vesnnt, trim pa tel Lisa a'aunt of M. Lusa y, a: Vadadclltl." '.l. if. B.”—They toll n n•o of li,1,0; 1 . ....0c0gni0 which Is for . 4,1.6 t, iLal. who know him know, sunek.dil, S kis and nia`..e , ns:o:i hia lu'ruts. Eemr chats, of his 144,,, ke.w Lim in his f.a - likr ,'n3F. mad a vino to bin church to lock on the dig nay tua they w r he, etcr ti k e at d help over tat: placta In Lis L ei01.6. The viol!' r.‘ were pint country ;emote (fo a l away d.ovn crud., lae never tilt,' much of faatilupah.e, or the it cupola that are placed on a4ar.chtl, chatevl6. On thterirg the r hutch they e`vw Ike well known loltlll., 1. . to a CO1150(11 , 111 , plate. in large and elril'ent gold Inhere, Uric said to the other, "there, jult look at that. Jost like b'ru. Got Ida uncut up. 1, Lloratto Southgate Tuc Mead slit/ Tim /CZ Co lee letter a a,ls C 3790 and went }call "day at Mr 1 , 1., War hour, Wallah the Croraloz on rho irr NV, a darw, •:a and tedious hurimas.'lce Veil I matte oh.. I. I. ere teeLlgatalated r II the Mao r nit: is msr y ti t , Vera partly tin ritnit,d our hrougot anar 3. - sltzday. Until the tee 1ert,0220 I ardor by Jr,. Tina, or Is removed r L) warm •r weather, ior n.y mutt rLII,-1 Gr et eoIIT Litt., in e . . 1 melt. re -,t orld,t.a.l—r• to, the 1111nJi6 a tde ut the river. —Bt. hohoGra SPF,CIAL NOTICES. --• •l I. CO A, A\IINI IT 11.\R br .e f La ft /: • .• , Acc-t,.:: iu t t And Ittb ou and keep I lu in 7. .c ‘t A ,11.,.."1 wr A r 1., •., ,Ate t,1e.1 A. It le enicrowled.,.l .h • ',)n• o' 171 e age, the on y ~r .on), 4 , 1 oro y . 1 VI , . name. It LAI cv. Loil.lnd. :13 Allnellte,everymr. re w: -, :r e . • Is kr,)%13, It le proaouner.! a' of Ila r Preparation.. iie in , rr i• I. Oh nom h./ 01.0 r s, r h..: at/ on t•.• I. la MCA 1:•I • ( . 0 , 015 and dratak.r3. U • i mrtt.y :1-uent nod her:at, , et: tttzteut •. t. Irt V'ttr ea, t.:llJrufgleta and F'trfulnera Who lc ea It E • , ;: pot rot .1.. •.. t 133 211 .r. 1 ' 11 4 : n la/ : -Pi I - 114 t utert Gl' WO lilt IS H J3E ARO. BRO 6. CC PAIr.NT GROUND CIECILA Kn~taces L.AS r sTEEL WS. ut e. cry ac , :quo.7,l;iusa •.. AL AN:A ft... 1 SHUN.• “f CAet Sti , H ILi 4 , 4, - nit,..sse W ,t...iLI rauc."l.g luta DraLtlax L at Itrit:ly 1911.71PELL106 Copper Xill and EmElLing cats MIMEO PARK, McCU RDY C.: CO 11. / . 1,), , ,1:1/I r rt A , A. lii II ; : r.l I !tt.. 11.1 N 1.1,, MA, MN, SVArrnoLge,l.-. I. 11., r V:;1/ a r l ot..:crs al sr.y 4eisire4 r.,tterr. W :saw% e.. (0 Boiler Makers & Siiect Iron Wc; kers 'V,.4,:1 and a, P}::\ I L H 11.4 a 'A V., (suck-ca.. •"." %. .1 U . L.511,; Lot( Ili 0( I - LIN f':•, Pri - nna .1.13 /1 , 1 , I ~ MLA I It , ,Al‘l • et JTILL,, NL, %%I/I,K. I IN I LUI. hca:ers. rZ- . !•A`T.7 :AO T. r , l ,t.. , •• STI: LE 1, Dt-tureu. :.t a: ou I,Cd a ra.tlety ofLc,' p•ltrzu, I~iaskuLw,lo for al/ pun orrs. r attc,-or. pall to , ir•V u,uc t • LL: day, 0:e ,•4,!_f f 7 .t 4.1 (11L1. St 1'4.1.1 ft, =BM : " "". 31. IlAtIN.:11.1., Lfj - L"'' 1!IIII=Ell re, 01 µ ST STE 41.: I 1..1..1.; 11,pl LOU. 1-..c1 . - CI le, •N LN El.:11 b=7 •• • P. VA Al 11.1 UI rin • „ sr.eaca, Tie et La a.h IM!!!!!! T. ETTi,:tS ICE NI AI. _ tm1ht.?...1. N , I'o nny , ad,r,apti • no I pAv :"; t!ae da/e of ior IthLu t eo tio• lo•to ll,cy cUI to .e n, toke •a. e./ 1:3 UVS.• • late . ; Offo e 1,1 , 1 tz.otre.i ,•:.4 •:ccre t or Irn ,pitarAt, ru. 19 In o.‘ u.trlK..l‘ 14 1 . , ••• . t, 11241210 rat,i.rr r-. .< vt. sp,rt betwevn —.I a, for lte(.l k lett • .t:.tet, t. 11• ttltttett witbin il:c• .1 w u; w tllt • .0 •••• tan :1.47 I..aule will . uit • . I %lc tJi It dttlit, t. 1.1 to the wtlie.; R. I ,tl).t 1. 1 , 111 . 1;111'.12 1.11). 1 . ..W.7. Me,.iso A I.tna ft It a =NE l!n•:11:!!‘ tiscro. C/ Ilt . •.r CI Ar•ri (Crl.l.r .1 ntt, r 1 - :117.• 'Pohl Cl 1 11...1 F.: • k . ..1.1•.rt • REMMMIE - :...1 I. 1 I '::1 (' rnv.:tb.ll.' ' yd .1 W I 1 tnrrlJ 1 , ter A 11,,1.ww.n .1 1, 11 qr.uw Jel. tlennel 1 . 1.,.ip 1:.: ~,,I , .1 .st w, r I. I. Hunt itUows . ll NO 11•,•1111,6 ,r r II ' ilArtc A , .,;t.,•1 Iterd W Qle.An '.l .l 11olanson 31,try In. It 'I J lolinstrpn 'lwo., 1 , utlrr Nancy .10-te J II ,nl , l, Alllee 'us s ll`..noton II A. t:11 W K .ow•.r. Itacgle ' r 1,,11.t Or I. IJ . ,ulmom, iradior:l 0% r., 1.. U. in F. - ,+1.,..y .. 1):)).ej . I,l..hark. !Win.) U I) hey A I , ) ,, ter Ann )).!‘et.t) I re.l li IA II A la I ..4,11/1 , J IM/A • n It l' •teei John swirl e I. •v.) Kephart intle II r.elret , :\l'sry II ow), •ae )1.1 ) ) PiCille tY 4'3 ,1n P •—t•Llerol \V C...1.e11.1 It 1,11.0,1 =IEEE C.1111.¢ I.leut I. ,L., I. Li .1.... ~•na .n N C..1.1g0 \V LOA:. I i -, ~, , „ It ,1,,n,,,,,,n it F 2 in . I. 13 It Puna Anna , Lynt.: , 11..1) , a,ti t, it Dons!.loon E Ty., In. ..,111., no l'At. 1...,,,m 21,i1t Ll•VIIFI I I Shlatr, A Ii ', N N T I,..t.,thrit i M i ‘ll/lel A It l'ocre A Ii li.rtuT e... \., li 1 \Linos AllleliA r rury It It lAtiy howlen J; \lnrton .1 W 1 .,.,, j „,,,,, i; , Alr2.. 11 l'utl.t , nll N Flpiennstotto Al Alorre l' .1 11,,,1ni..0n :..{ Eltutit F ?terry ,M ry Tmnn7ll.ll it t..lie F."; iterer 2.l , sttie V LAVAL* Aunts I , ll.teer k Co I'm nry ' , Lt.. F' Me loiter'' .1 ircl'une 11 r„li 1, .• I: 11 l'Aint,ll.l' erud , r .I. , ~ ......1, 1 1.1 .1 , , auliln S I\ ill , '. I 1 . 1.1, 1,1,v1 , lc , it.irc :Aar) .'. inter W ni i,ll Aim E ‘trl'unr 7 , 1 Wn.,wortlE Al , i , ,,t , •0 (Int IF ilc , ',alt. It NI A' Try :\/...r3 .1 .. ... ,,, , , n lon., AcCleall , ins A tlLlegell S W roan h I, it,.li.eon n, A Il.oli A 11 ;I,chrelet J A 4cAlver 1, 1.21.nt ot l Own. , n 1.... L.: .Ic.lre torn . OE Tow lion iut divin the ~ , ,D,, n owld 1 , Pant hrr ofllcc houts 1,. to 7 ,4 0. 1 , , ~ v. ,s. ..... It 11 , D1.E. tontmnfftrr. FARM lIVIPLENFEN TS DRUM & EILACJi, I aye on hand • large assor Mama 01 MOWING MACHINES 334:3 0 W9111 Straw Callers, Scythes and Hay Rakes 80. 28 an 1 30 OHIO BTE/E.T. 0 i!' ,2, d d stOre U•• •.• r•. ,• or it to trues ( a f n• .e , et tr , e M=Ml=M [II • 1,1 ..... n rt. . lorn IiNAND I T., M.t IDA E E I i.. 1 E, %Ytil erpcnr her JILL kl,F`C‘ ,; . 1. rt.nnn p 11 , rnisncr, n k. ‘l' 1,1., 1 g 1 .•:1 , ta.ncre p re: r., p n4,1(1 r, 111 F. 1 NEN , 11 'l'. c.a lude tl.l' 14•11:Itz c f i.l t;., A 1..) 1., 11131111Z12 II EI,II . 11 ti ESQUE FTO If Vents Vld and IVrntiN but ; F.AfiAriF AT A•; 1 , ..:11:4.1. 7 Tt e il.lO AN 13; A Ko I 11. Offip Et 00 3 M A . bf S ( TREr,:IENDOUS STOCK 11 5 1. h 1 I. ry tlocn:a!-tnre, tst)' 11.. ;N. .71 ,• L.l'. ultt. • ver) J CYl'..".z3 13..:NT -.L> N N )1 I( - 2; E.8. Gr. CO., 1.14)10 , ( rr 111(1 ox S. 1-1 w.-11 .11 ' 0 , y; t.,a.ow Boots. Shoes 'and Gaiters, ec 1 M A o ltlvly .1 1 Mm MINIM i . ;IVII:14 ES lIMMEMIII c It ' =SEEM .F IFit I I==rlMl =MIMI RATE BOOTS Air U Slit) LooK oLT 'u I=l2l r.11.7.:1* Fr1.7TL713 GOODS J. 114:4:ff,alho'?• JA M Et-3 R:313 fl, v Lo • v kl , !: • t..A' ...H.. ....~c_ r NIA1.1: :I fIUI i ,'< r.c...53 pt. qt.llll-..1:. 112=111/11 1,1].;A. :au , : :, • , '!'.l. • , . , 1 • a -I . ,* •,, ./.• UNAI/ AY c". • . SIP brraul Marti, Street sr t r I A t••;:•-', fiEtiTe•', 1/16:•Et,' CL.1•11 &il., :hoe , and .1110ttn, •L ?TU. sn.. vt.t. ( k~u ree 'l, EN rt.. Flrt t J. K'.~ U l a CLJ &C . 1t" -y ti,,ptec Mk C aliaTryr ,, .. CA E. STORE ..Aro.l .Streel, Mosaic Ld Jiunster 'lugs N . n mbroiderdar, o Covers IVEcvtes. \ E.I.N Ei)stj,, And “ ,,, Y d "'T A 1: l'E ODUCTION I . lt, „ F (CeSiate. Preparatory to talc, a 'to 117, t-ry rr. , rrag we thali o pr, lot Witrit 1 r' • Liberal Ccocessi o 4 icea on our Obolce and L. stock of CARPETS, FL (-) 0 CLOTHS, 0 IL 0 apE.„ , Damask. I 4 P 1 4 I !Wallis .•‘,.. f E r I „A "'"")te tie 1.11,Ay , PL' L ' l rery ate t akteae. 13.11 :Celt ~ftG et reet, 11UU« Fl TZ PAT - 1117 ST Pi. r-11 GOLD PEN LIT RE % Philp Hall. tor. Thik et 3ts St and Stnty, eutrante or( " (101,1 Pen. Lad ,iuld . e rud tn , C... Pet., Persons stgit sett I thorn by wall, Rae to Mom Rata I r , 1,1 1 4 ‘1, Std.} , —A F A r .30.e.L1 44 zr.lle4 SM. ] sit. taist , ,trxl !tangent]. All oi.ztYlva an w. at stop lot 113 8 / 4 111. 4 moo east patronage. Health of Oohs. large porton +newt... to bus tot will 04 W M Millwood tr "dm.. ceauty, .ureff and !Magri LECTUP:f (~ lIL 111.15 MISS ANNA E. LICKINSON MENEM r,:tfiz:‘ ett:. _11;111, } DEC 26:b li=ll2ll =ID =MO 10 c..•t Infe TAILOhS Morci,,;:it t mot Pi; UP PriN STS. G=ll Tates 'rent pleAllne IR a:p.n.-I •; Lt. his n tam, .11.1.1 ...towers nu I ,uno, •. IN n nl I . :1 . I . e I BI.;:k Clunch.:Lt, 13rowak;binc.:11111, Daßah Ch uc 11.11 a, fiNE}REN itEriA VER 3: t :1 FA.:,111 DI:SIIZA t,tuk.,DS For Gent's a 7 roeith , , (lothlng IN THE BEST STILE ANC '4.'4I,ER. R. B. of.1;1.? . •) .11*'<ir• Ilf - P•r.7lr t •Y": & LOG J 1 1.4, IMI ATTORNEYS. I:: 1:111:F1 is e F.l,t or Sit )^.d Three Teols pert CS t (:11 r r y s a t 11M1111111111111112 .trf: • t. • 11 . c. ATTCHNEY-AT.LAri 1,1, LN .t I.I ', LKIN• • I.A, .1,1. i t lIMINEMI c.l Ll, I)ISSUi~JI':UNS lILC I . l('N Of . 1 . .1 lAt n / . 1 , 11,1i , 11,11 a; Ir ..t po, .e •pPne .) . ;;1.11 ,;,; t: L; A.i c.".•.• l• p.rnill • St tneat, •I p: a... Et lie P laa ,arllt It na e•I al At er 11 , 11.. u, (Al) LI, It) S'lgat. taw 411 J ViVi. .11 I:. LLAIS &burg. /.,a, j )ISSoLCTIuN OF Cu P.A.'IZIEIi —roe eutr, tatt , p • •••••• • a ~ I.t .11, ./ .1:1• • 1 . 1 14 • 14og .I :•• cl Pent{ sq.: •,} 1••• ••• •y• tuat.i.a tvgisa..l. 1 - .11 t, .1 , 111% 1..10 ~•i• I I P .H .1 1.4 11.n1 lh. • WM. KENNEIIY & CO., (..1.i.C.,3tr• Rt h au, dterVAIIL. or uii vt-r Petri and Superior Rosin So 4 z I tiThi• tr , PIITSPURGE PAINTERS LANZI....JO/11 , 1 uon•uei ONG, LANE & CO.. SIGN ARTISTS & HOUSE PAINTERS No. 60 Smitbfield St.. Pittr.bul th LET ry.l,lhll Or ALL K 11`11 , ti titeuto pr.p..;.tq uncaoteeeo hl.\l f:t I'L Sla; rar.ela enraper er n!I V., ;11.1" ;N, ro i I .1,1, P. .e nt,d scut to ell i•nrl.l,l cm:only I/1,... , 10 NS executed In A tighly tittle l'Al NTI tilt dime tvit b tee. to cu .1”11t, - ,1,1i.:acy 01 color, Sill urettc.-te rcie Aar All wor .Lten+ I,nhe 1%14 a tt , !.. 1V - • ITILLIA.AI IL 13110 W 11, (Late of the tlem al Ite.ows h. hi °Luso w BOOED AND BIGN PAINTER o tb East eorner of Third tnd Afar of au DRAUGHTING GENt:ltei, DRAUGHTI ‘ NG OFFICE AND PATENT AGENCY No. t 2 ST. ()LAIR STREET, near riuspenrins ttrldge. H. P.GENOEDIBILE, 1:1,11 l' CI I CHI Residence No. 11 Rai attest. DRY GOODS, TRIMMINC:6,,ic, DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, &c. 4 ...I Cilf MIME/ lIULtDA IIIT Jos. Horne & Co s. ro. Firm Find tae t It.• e..•n . tte 1..t.:4 to nut a• .rttutt.... DOLTS SUITAILE FOR PRISE: rig. I'ol4 Win Find V.. 11 It I. NJTelty. Variety and etpapneEs, IS UNEQUALLED 111•1119 Merl : I . •P'• •• 11.F.Ncl 'IN ,\L. I HA:II , /i ~ 1, I. L I liulUll,, Cat yrL K. EaIIiiIOMERIES Collars, Sets and Collarettos. VIT.ENTIENS, 111,1iPS Ct11.1.‘1,, , •T•Ft TIPsIN VVA ,,,, AND tt , '.ll.Ku ntill;r , , HRI.11)1.1/:.0 ChlitlS, 1%1A1.11: - E 1:N/J VARIED IN HANDKERCH;EFS 1%. `': •;• ~ 11 ;13, 1 , e .1,1:of,n1.1 en ,01 nr Is cout,,, I F A N C Y GOODS l'ote lit Find In ..ort:t.a. IS :ntsi v. F . .. 1,1•11. ri“ 'aware, Wora 14,,r• 'onployntons, WA:4I St*.s, I An I F'.ll Nrc k.nced, S.< so .t.e, , ir t I Inn.A. liruahre, ALaanx, N,11.4 . 111111 , ere, Slip r PAI'CiII., we t.Avo a attrlce Zlat/V1311,1( FI 111 Find Fill BALMORAL SKIRTS, We Ik•u , r....r!nacnt. NE: A" AND 17:..11 llt L the Istoq 3Lc n.tia Nt..n. , •111 E, t.L.FSY tt.~r , •Ti xtaaita,. rot, rviii I,,na •y sltl, varletT In Fur, Kid ••h, 1 sad lip h 1 t.. 6 eds. I: c:t.h.lhg the Heel TaPen li .4 a ; +t. % 11% K' Ii t!, • ?I, i u•r•r s. 1,1111 c., ta /111, ttr I - 0 ti li UI l'irs ri Ill= =MEI 431 , $ 11f. ' ". • •••'' '"" '"Y • i-ot, ruin Find ..• • ere 100 uuluoiqua roeu• • VALI. A• t , EX ;MINE. ()I R I I:ICEA WILL • ! JOS. HORNE & CO., 71' and 79 Markel Street MACH', 11 a C ARLI: 19 F'intlk WILL FIND BARGAINS liOL:i AY PiIESENTS a Many New Novelties! ENGI.I , II AND ITE\Ch FAN( V GOODS Last European Ste untrs ~., • t Embroideries Of 'hind& lEEE op t ::•, Fine Slipper and Ottoman Patterns I. • .oad 11, ta.r., Kt Mor. to.: LINEN AND SILK HDKFS FOIVLADIE S GENTS AND CHILDIZEN• 1•11' . 3, ill. the u tip 1. - a for a Woolen Goods of all Descripl:ons 4C la riatnact. NEW YEARS GIFTS. GENT•S Fußyrsarsa GOODE—A Full Line. We n:,• opt Ale; .1 ettolve .v.ortur,u nI SCIRH, SCIRF Nlc EVE ItCtT(IN! Real and Imitation Lace Goods •“: l'get Lace liggi!dr., IL nd / r .a;gild Ern 1/,1 1 tg. Itdigegigold rape, Ladge•, Na, k IPoik gl Si pper l'aticras i Cr,,,,,,Cr,.,mt a,.J lialinggrill Hose, end Ling d Kid liloves, Ka , Tgenil re, Neck Tig•4. S••ar nod I.)rtiegere, AND AS ELEGANT I.BSORTM EN T uF Fancy Articles and INictions. BALMORAL SKIRN, lade• .! (;,:t;cut w . 61.1:4 to wake Pre . , watts, itl bud ulauy umelul anti tultal.le articles JZIL ocEcrnto 1 7. 1 r lc c g. PrIAC RUM & CARLISLE NEW GOuDS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, W. W. MOOEHE A.LYS, h 1 Mariga Street You I+l,l hod a lull ill ortment r , f FANCY (ilu 1 , , ry'laug IEO tli...ll:lllNAt IAI/11,N LINE, at Cl Market Street- W. W. N110011111FAII•I. pLGMBINO, GAS ANDSTY,ASI FLI TING In ell It. h.snehos • At:end...lto br t. is, ',elated •u.l iorw,tlcal workmen. 4 .. 0 . no-nl of FIN.TIIitES, /3.1 k rrits, k It MA ,SLTS, bil 10...00tantly oo 114.1 • Lai 3.aluNt to ore,. TATE & SE VIII F, . 63 FEVERAL STREET, Allegheny Asa 241' LIBERTY' STREET, Fitt. -r3l ( - I N SECOND STREET—For tale, r ood well bold three story Da onion Rouse well arrangml for comfort and con colo as and water. Will be Bold on favorable te a m:b S. OUTH.BI4I & SON:S, 5002 Of — Market street. - 12 , 1% , AN 11.1 N r i r, Fora Frill Find Foes Witt 11 ii (I COUNTRY AERCUANTS PI. F2.1r7 0 r ir 4£ I? 1'2'1.11.7 G - 173/=L - 1?" •41G-C>c".33D..• J. W. BARKER & CO.'S Gri E 1T Nos, 78 and 80 Market Street Dosirry and Glare., in .Endless We Mlavo %do Ulla deoertmeat a SPECIAL TY. We evi't be rt ce 'clog NEW GOODS Every Day During the Holiday Season In It will ha foul.] a nornplett .nnftnent of Fine Work Hoses. hecticulki, Per fume Boxes, Ladies' Companions, Satchels, t igar Stands, Cigae fa sts, R atch Stands, Warns, Jewel Cases, Fancy f nibs, etc., etc.. etc, All:,l3.krourri.rhr•EVll TITAN 110 JE.I. La VILY.' Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street 10 FIFTH N 1 MEET MACRUM, GLYDE di CO. SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS. BATES & BELL, II dem t_ou 11'1/1 loltiki A'. I —c . ..23• rfttNr.; so 901 t..ectol 1 1 161( ER d . S, 69 61911161 et. • At 11!..0.. ly . 25c , acs.l 1155. lormems nu, kt Saw< Is tol.l formerly et 13AREL/: m„L„, MEIMESIM Fon 11111 Find All trlt..d.ttf DIUSS GOttltS ttlottap In Oct portion, •t rots d Fr. a NN El• r0.N.l T‘rillcd 00. at 1 - {,,rad aft , It 0,4 C.. hl Ud is ij e.. 6911 - lArket It. HA L3l , /11A SKI firs for Ladtts attS Min es, so anenp 0.1 ttiti., tee you nr. LIAR& SS Market Bt. !: YTS at BO jotr 0 , the et !. mu , 1, trelLirret a:11 Itral, Its goW a. MtV=l S•me Frrty Thoursort Ir.,llara worth et OILS S, of all 5102•, greatly redhead, at BA It Eg hlt S i!(./..0, :Luke, rt. LOUN >LIR W LS, at nearly fm:uer prices h A WI., re,lu Iron i1,b6110 50.5”, St 19 Mnl set et. I I,(lttli,c.f •11 kinds very etrotp, nn. f hill can nttvc them made to ortttir al ;I early ,t:t000l ce., at ISA Ka k. 15 tit CU.'S, 59 ilatinet sl. MM==l CASSIMEIiES, SATTI; rrETte, Tx LEI), 11111.:1,TO:e et. .1 EAS,S, e. nil I elen'e awl toys' weer t) Wee then in; merit . IL 1J A It &ER & (X/ 69 61Arket. AL S 7 MARKET STREET de2v HOLIDAY SALE CDRISTILIS GIFTS FOR EVERYBODY Variety. FANCY GOODS. GIVE USA OA LL AT HOLIDAY BALES MEM 2 ILKS, CLOAKS, RAIJAU A DS -vs - T II .• 1 .•... rtn. ti • .arr c,..1 4.1 C it• ~ ~ 1 • ,••,. 4 I' • ArTli t a. , be•l .• , 1.:.19 H . Lu., Ai.... A AV L. A AA. 13 IZA, I bi1w3.1015 41P (Sew lurk, 54. Irt,Heatil Itle t rut NAT! EX rittsbut/ st :150 a a .01.. •I aLc•rly tocrasi al p. , tint 11•Lui,1 5.15 p. qua P..IaL --L.raVra 1 - tttshurah . p.n.; •5 aPatl) Stallt.a. A:tar. 11•: I t1..4 at ais g at a. In., ad a at 7.1.. a. In 1.14111 !APE E;SNS 1 . P 1 't •ely pa/ NA A,Illt• Dato p. e.110..1 , 114:11,1:raa 4 :0 a. Au., •11:• 7 I f la .1.. h /4 W., a. 111 ("b1 I.(ra. win I 1311 A 1r S 5,L•114 1.114 (lame t. • r, .tr:l to 33.(ti urli •111 • ,• N Yon., r Alleu vita. ea rturrairgh nt lu.t JV. ul r.tati•r•a- Arti•••• 1.1•• rk,y,s A.leutu.l3 3 r. J. , a 14.1 I.w Yur. . I :A 4.4_ St. Itt. • r (huh,. I , uPP , " , b•ioy cil ul.ler Irak. ,wadyteseepie4. JoiiN,rtnvN ; It It 1..0.1111 41[1:TION. dally ,e, p. rta.,...,,p1at et reVaiLt •l; Lltaa.• locawrort matl lica.euva;ak. wad Cal at, .le., lut.eim.a/ota traln• I 1at..1‘.1.a h< a., ant reariaa Avarua at. E . •• A Lat/1.0:1A Ald.;”‘l.1•10 DATION, staid) , catvel sdl...tar, at 7.10 a. to, stopping at all rev: la stat,os hettveen Pluaburgh tool Altoona, •12 m 5.41.1.; Ch/6/1 C0411..10/1 watt trxtl. on Ind'.,, West 1 - canaylt ants 11. It., k•bet.burg ay zes.tun H., .14 ilullitlayaburX Brach. t - st Au./...1.111,1.41.41 lrain tut W./ .3 stall• 1. av y tcasept Sunday) at a. 30 second A. , "assoodatum Train for Wail's Stattt ca wally le 510111 Sunday) at 10.41 a. m. Yea, I ~14.1/1 N. I, a (eicel at p. m. ,•, Train to Mail'a Slat 0 Sumlay) at CMS p. /Nu. 1. Jc a, ea daily (PI , atoppmg at atl atatlal r •a... 1 St • mama. _catl r:kLq ea sa, elPa statum 0141 u V •at . : ..trlve* I'lltabutg, I ”a a. a.. PtttabUrgt. at 1 1 . , 41.3 am,. at Wale. .Liiti..l2 at 2.01./ p. m. ,rive jn ralawutga u 10/10% • •g.. • s \cl , Y ACcoUpttoalpt.Pia... 9.20•.1 ruz 1.85 a. I W,l StaLlou APCOMEUOJALIOSI SAO S. 1 I.,auscoara AcAoilaumlatlou 10.068. II Expreme 1.20 p. Allroput Aeroinak.r.,•LPlCl ts'Etaigtaric.. 1020 p. I fain! Wail m ,tntwa I L to r. Putlaalei, , tua Exproaa •Ltb p. 1 aLc , utsp.up...tataula Mr, 2. .... p. Pit Labia, g 0 sod t.. to 12.4.5 p. An Seat lac Lam.elmior tilr./.llttis oomph pa*. eaCh troth lioPare Tatum/tot II I irpot 1800 up We... aml Ocalver baggage to at part 01 1,0 0115. • finite No. :10 Penn mat - Kt, oil toy no.l nialit, al, at all ordeal lot Lim Cr.GCLUIMA 01 paw eider. 504 Prompt tant,on. li.:cuunre ev , , ,rt - . 3 will arrive with etaladelrb E wea Aluudwo t, clute of so., Va .I.3myea-} Al for 1. 10 /1...A1 baggy 0.4. to , IT to 5a1..., tb..*t es,..T.Nliug fun, t, • /1 Re;l:tiV 111 Agent, t•to _not. IV,111• t„to.trni F•sannig on Sad N'agtunnto. atreeta. 1865. T coLuAni7s AND CINCISNAII HAJLROA. fne areal Short Lam Route via Stubeaviii =EI wuinVlLLt, INDIANAPOLIe, Ar. 4 ul 1-he pnaclpa: i 'tee ht N , 0 V .E. 511.: R 20th. 1865, , .n 611,411,, end aretv• st the trPilo IS DEN. obe Ivtio, a: DKNIXT, AZIKI V 8,1 2 . 30,11. CI. Ildsl_a. 10.10 a. S. W. 50TLL, I T : , teLLen yule, C .1.. is. L.,/ II Is et A gez. L. 1 . 1111.13 r tlittlttai 1 ; HOU All D t paskaszt A t kteaLk• IV I NTER AZIRANGEIHENT I/ and a:ter Mori/JAY, Ver. aao 1. 4 6., the Int, ~...e ute 1,e4,a4, corner of hoaa anal W a fL1,91.1., be follow.: Plasbuls/1. PILUb t : MLAI;to %Ad fr•,l rosnutowt. I:t6 A. at. . 3:00 m. 1090 oo Flrot LlA.(nempArt. • Accoren...llAO 0010 ev 61161 A 10. Is* p. 71Yt6 la. 6300 CI" p. m. 6 - 4,5 pi MMIMIEEI=I 1,567 Ti nth to e.. 101 fro.. .i. A W. B. '',11.11 St4,erinten. FOUNDRIES FORT PITT i?OUNDRt. CH4RLES SNAP NEKIEWS x I , PACTUIPTLP UP I - 1 EAV Y ORDNANCE D A.LL KINDS (.12, Mc".• ES.N7I7' C 7 131E; TX 2%7 OHM tot/ [lon Pahl to ii , iLLING . 1111/ Wt AlAtalllN2-11.1 AuI,ttETURT IZLYAIU, ttte-otle.: to prompt iy ' A el 12C: et wor e.. the best soattgl•to tttL alma y.l Una, at VI. Founary IT TSB CrliG FO t. 7 /s 7 DRY. 4. arorirrsa A. atUIRISON 8z CO S Qoaeason to Bo(lrwin. Garrison, it tki.,) FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS Man,' v.:corers of tirdliera ko — Ders of all amt., II Iron, Steel, ',ass, Zino, Copper,. Silver, Got Stets, Boards, Paper ilia ISOLI• Rubber Work tisia 11111 Casting. of all description. Bark Mllls , Patera Double (hinder, arab a earl! y of other pscieras, aDeare On hadld Sod LlCted 1 rdcr on 00014 001,40 404 Divurable lama ORD nd Waretiouse 119 &auralaid street, Puubttrp felay NY MACULNE WORKS AST. FOCYDH Y. It. I - Vitali EVIAN, ENO .Itil/ ACHIN/ST, Lecoas ortgar, bet woori and Semdtur: Atteont,t CI T,, . .11..AtirAttuter W 1011f.YII A ti's Putt ftl.E t/SCILLA I INO STEAM k. 2. 111 N EN. , l,afttag, Pulleys, tr. uf nu Ifttula attetult,l tU SKal S 5 1 SKATES!! 9tiATIE44!! <> f 2.500 PAIR Ladies, Gents and S rie IN EVERY VARIETY JeIiTES BO frAr, No. 136 wood street R RENT, Two OMees oa 1 hi: 1 Street =MI FOE ALE, A Prune Elmer; with ISnercs of Ground, kW Tn 4 7, 11111. for f/, fop. Enquiry MCMASTER, GAZZAIitc CO.. 1 don) Attorneys, No. SS Clynnt!lseltn. . • . 1:1M= lIMM aU p. m. lotto Ch Wrest.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers