c=, ... 71IE NEEI.DMEIV. I ,7 ILI t.. it t 1 , . h ( dilkltEoE7. .ciodivelik. I Letlerafrom NAs-hyll e , andl other i„,„,, a _ , , tic,,,,6,,,, , 1- 1, "Pmirteriy repo sof vie ....,... ; 1 ..} . 7 ~1-.0,3 to ti , ,,Squilmc.3t, i3. i 3 -.. ,131, 3 1, 27. 3 , 1 . N,,tiopai Bantry ;,, :+; , ,,ena..- lot, the - 6 ..i • '' j i 4 1 - eAtrnft , ofdestittnien arheni" the. more Ldp. amount of State Bent. oin ulaLion fits eusessuarm nr 1 less Classes of the freed propie— -.-.. 10,,kA wbieo they are respon(ible was, In mend • + , , t. ' , 1011110 , 158011111101 , 1 .i' elnhans and tliU flied' end Infirm. Hunili. numbers, $00,000,000 _Tuts, liDweYer, ... :,.:,...i.ettfr, r tireds., or perh:,ps thoosinds, are in danget - '4...ecit not comprise the tail arnotait of Sl ut , --r----- ...---. 7.tfr, V ' 1 of perishing front cold . aid hunger, and ear. [Bath issues, in circulation, maim tick as BATtrIDAY. Ntlit - EfrißAß 4 ., /OK neat appeals are made by the agents of the quite a number - of State banks have not -------- " s " --. ---- -:-- -' - ----- - 7- 1- I_,, - ' Freedmen's Aid Association for immellate i yet been converted Into National Banks, ENLAStcao.`.Set. , t if , tilt. iii.Zßi IX: -- --- - I v o t. e o l o y m:t: ot estimatedhae;have wase it: ot n i i in nfionwanecvlaii . c relief. 'Po supply food,' money is needed, The total amount of this paper yet in cir . We purpose a: au early day, probably as corn Meal and other choaD articles of on the let of Decemb-r nast„. to enlarge,. 'food can bepurettaseti there for leas than b t a h n iß ks esti th c circles otation a t w s B ll O la , the GszErrn, and materially improve its they can be sent from the North; but clo ill converted l t d h e e n i s : a ir: he her new, or second-hand, is Let. appe‘rance. It will necessarily take some thing , w - - - -' • ' i nt o - N a i onal b ank 1 - 1 '- ' ler firrnished in kind. - a have only Bine to Co-Mplete the ' rfrrhugements for the The benevolent will find in Rev. JOSEPLI lions of t their old paper afloat; those tot es change; but as soon as they can be cram- S, InOvELLI, whom Untiring labors in be. converted cannot have cut mom. pleted, we hope to be able to present our half of the suffering .freedmen, are known fourth of that amount than a paper with such improvements in its ap- to this entire community, a safe and ready ; The purpose of those who are Interested panm.,,,,1R„,,,0,0,,,,,,,,1nt0 04 , 41 41 , br e amr i l , meeltum for transmission of their gifts to . in keeping up high prices is to make it ap it42 e f t ist;Tre ol i i. ......: ~ 4...:. ` .. .—......t...-t. , tesepoor perishing people. This gentle- pear that there is more Money in circula man is the agent of tike Freedmen's Aid Lion than there really is. The total issues tVihe pressure of advertisements opts our Society for Western Pennsylvania and the of greenbacks and national bank notes, 131111)5 has for some time been so great l adjacent parts of Ohio sad West Virginia, and the estimated amount of State bank la. that we have been unable to accommodate f Contributions in cash may be made either Sues are put down as all being actually In Our patrons to rho to him or to Axtra - KRANIER, Esti , the circulation, the fact being withheld theta; ' full, and we are thus , •-e.. earsTreasut o f that Society, and any infor- least one - fourth of the greenbackilsnee are seek mere fompelled be .... zoom for them; 'rtistion in ard to the work may be ob-. held in reserve by the banks for the redemf- W e are under many obligathto for their mina from Dr. C. O. Scar, ths. Pres'. iioir of theis own ismies, anti that the _fivors, and will endeavor, under our new dent 'AIM Asssciation. . State bank !gums arc rapidly being with • arrangements, to secure for Sham an nth] The Freedman's Aid Association has re drawn. renrly become a national institution, midi r terripttd insertion of their advertisements the liPe of the Atuerieala Freedmen's Aid -- Bespeaking ,from all our friends st ktaret --I stc clarion. Although one society, it is, Indulgence until then, we venture to prom or convenience sake, divided ant- two Ise them in theo..tz Errs; a paper as worthy grand divisions—the headquarters er_itte 14..41. ee-alk6i3;.6i..l.Eterio.oaaga a , it i s Eastern division being at New York, That possible to matto,...tr aim ..dies try, at te a . of the Western at Chicago. We belie ye lion, zeal for the Xiiffit,aind d Pittsburgh belongs to the Eastern division. etermination , . 1 .u.ne 11 u y la established at astutigt m thmucti which the uutte , l national organ. ization co operates wi-h the llov(rammt. "Thus this great national institution is now firmly established, by the union of a num ber of local societies, all having the same ... , ObjeWbui whieli hitherto operated ate Steutivantsge for want of the unity which hae now been effected. But phis union has not at all imps bed the efficiency or cur tailed the functions of the several local asseciations, but rather the contrary. The emancipation of four million, oi 'Olives was. a great national act. To lit these millions tor the new condition thus . imposed upon theni—to protect them from wrong, o tea , h them how to use heir sod denly acquired freedom, to instruct Mem n ' f int"knowledge of letters, of murals and re ligion, and to relieve the pressing wants of such as have been thrown, by the confu -lion and calamity of war and by the nos ' oßlable consequences of their sudden tran sition, into destitution and distress, Is a great 15ATIONal. woes—a work that will extend I nrongla ti-period of years--a work too great fot the government alone, and too great for the churches alone, or for Individual effort alone—but one requiring the united aid harmonlotui action of • all these agencies. The government can afford protection, strength and security, the churches' will pour in the benign and Ilfe-g ivlng 'Widen ces of the Gospel of peace and love while the independent yet united efforts of 1:.11. visuals, in the association of which we speak, will at once give unity, concert and chic ency to these several powers. There will fora long time be strong op position to the work of educating and ele vating these people. Mountains t f chronic preludiees stand in the way, and in many places these prejudices will evince them. Selves In violence and outrages. lie they must be patiently and laborously dug down. In exit erne ens s the power of law may be Mr, it'; but it will require the high tend noble courage of Chrisian mei, and wad-on wh , me willing, o- he sake of him whole tot t..9l,arr-m' to wearily Li.naelf With the re -,s', - risem-reer-r, sire most ctearrMal of to p. of "e, 'o viol use reproach for hie sake stn tli irs, 10 accomplish this mightiest Lai tl,t as; nu at once even :,, say prof to succre(L IEaGLAND IN . DILItSIIII.. By winaufilihifitiihig on of the pirate Alabama, which destroyed many mill ions AperlFttAr9MOtitbe Wel-leas, and' ' • thus rolled up an enormous bill of damages, which lin. A Dans has just presented, the Belt ah Iloyfputtetithav got Itself irro is Pary awkward . 'de - lemma. n trying o es cape from one both of this dilemma it 1., firltdy caught I y the other. The pica enewint , fortiji le .tbat the Ala • 4talos made its escape from the port of Liver lOW sus eputionsiy--that the vessel put to tea under a falks'lllitdenCe—that ha sailing f Zll.ll In violation of the Queen's proelama on of netittlity'finui t uf.t he laws dil fareat. therefore the firitiab -Government Was not responsible fcr its subsequent pi ralical career. .Like PrrutrE, it ostenta &may waseiftlitifiaft self free from guilt. / Wore this all that the British government had to do with the Alabama the plea mig7.l be put in and even admitted, But If it Were true that the Atabical escaped it the manner alleged—if those itutommand did . thus flazrantly violate the neutrality laws and the proclamation of the sovereign, how did it hargrn that belligerent rights were - aecordea to this same offending vessel In many of the colonial ports of the empire, where it was permitted again and again to find shelter from our cruizers, refit, obtain I supplies, and In every way be favored by sympathisers with the rebellion, long after Its true character and object were known. it :was a Britian vessel before it ended. By stealing out of port (as is pretended) it he ii came en outlaw and liable to be seized - Wherever found for a violation of Elias - II / law. But the moment it was suffered to di op anchor to peace in a British port tint 1 viola ion of Bri ish law was pardoned, and that government made itself responsible fur whatever mis2hief it might do. : It is Idle for that government to pretend that it rcwinuccd s authority over that ves . --- - are•iwent's salto firhiscape surreptitiously from the British flUthOtltics at LIVell•00', will not their lack of vigilance be held by all right-',hinkiug mcn to tenser it ol•Leatory upon those au tLorities to tare. t its destructive career. , Abd either th a' rsy ir, or restore at to the cue ody froni rr Lich it carat oil But to Tar from doing anything of the kind. It was • niftiest immediately recognized as a law fat beligt leo.; us a ship of war belong lug to the Coufederete States of America, into a single poll of which, as they well know, It had never entered. By this COllllO Great nritain Mode the Akthaina ern, and became responsible for whatever It might do. PEPEA.I. PIS EIVERREI) PO NULI,I. — l4* lel NG. Georg...rtl4a4 frdloped- the. lead . Of 8 ttth Carolina, and has simply "repealed" the ordinance cf secession, instead of declar ing it • 7 -. 2 • The difference between these two meth ods Is simply,-repealing, - the etakalati.lia'-lcialtly liteitauthudiled, and mania cted, and all acts performed un• der it—all confiscations," repudiation of debts,l3gotim-bv cotoLpts,'And.;othee, ' acts done ander it, are legalized; whilst by o.eciarinkit null and void, all such acts are decyareitt:Qa 7 ± . . - If there had been; nay: - tnto loyalty in Zeorgis thls,courie would ; not have been ituranett . ' - )3ethiden `vratCeither right or , wrong, legal or illegal. If right and 1,4 t' the nienkrapeal,of a dac6 n.• affect eltlierlfs 'Xightfarne#s oc legal , ty, r wrong and Illegal, the the' only .1 a ft i come tfi dpcltie It anli-a ad :mid. It is clear, theref.pra„that.pepr.cia.and South Carolina dicaot c onsider that sece;. •, eon was eithee,eirting ...`avliedUstltutional; but cherishing. convicdon that it irtui perfectly right and proper, they rop eia the ordinances under which It was MC Corn- Plished, simply matter of Pfgent ex- I pediency, leaving iklipistrecord'to stead s =condemned, Or legalizing everything done tIPOOMIV-,04.40.te- . '‘ 'TEE Philadellglip /:ten Sap 1! 1 - 111, be. ? . Ironteut to obtati for the' freedmen of the iSouth the same privileges enjoyed by the negrees in Penneylvturla because that, t... seven-to get these will 1 11,0,ce04 1 a great 7,, 4 Ifistruggle over the prejudices 'of i eir for , IL_ freer matterfkilthity'runts." What have wo • ito do . ith tho prejudices of their former '- • '..rattatmat ;laying-41 ,buen irattor.,ll, 4 o7-, ',Have no rlglifiletitimaiter but curb as we' , lacono to give. By their treason they for !felted all their rjghlt; their propetty,•"and ' .thefit lives. `the Government h&i getitOr. odily given them back their Property and ;their li vesanniNtstre-theininck their political r.l_,Picsit,),pAapt4,extr4<from Ahem faittolitlOal 'justice hi' the 'bithka- 7. , : tShe only loyal itLiiipt tali - Eloctik- L inthoat si - . any regailthitteier to the "prsintiloW' 64,, brat's° who eamrot see ln 'anything bi-. ,:- • cot through Its krit&-:- .. - 1 •E"' " ' ' I ~,,,„ i. Otis opt llck7E.-7- 11 p-n tx :.3. 4 011. isia, Chairman ertaeltaiiin Tis e State Cintrat Cottiniittee, Vitbllaltes is the ~: c i rb , burg Tele*Abralitutd a il the of. . - • in V ormelf B4' l 44 o F - fine 1:4:-A94 13 .--- A ' 'roinsileaorthe State,„ with tiar r emp- Nu qtruiiiiik'ifferettrol*oiltYlar' 43taTeriiOeneral,Illiina ' .6 ±"Sulllvan, , lane 4 i*ltrcit- €ttkettgl7-'091 2, ••',• '::'-' '- 101, Abu jorltkiitiltite iiii4Tl4FT 412 IA IPOMMPZI*9444O4,II.iOv, .lib thilPi*tligilo3L3,n4ll47' l oioii**fir,iie . tviiAAieti ' :;-`lllr/StVrg , "2lol:B. , `Alift. complete official --L ' Pete of Off thtii,liii'ii6E 4 yit beditifibliirtel TII/: t AITLF. PL %CUE T“ere ..te:nls tube O. obaltrtout iu riGleoCO or the civt!e• plague to {!.n it rage!: evervisnere dom, aril must end in eltine , osulifz tit Etork of neat cnii!e llrre, if soon run i. self on L It is somewhat remark stfhf that this pe't should be confined exclasivey ti Eng'aml It dues not preCtil in Ireland, nor llpoO the continent. France and Holland, which are . in daily commnnict ion wan England. lre Ere, in,m ii, nod if, a; the dispatch, fc, , m Manchester 'o our Sune Thpirment 41hices,.the disease is highly contagion , ' the freedom of these contiguous terAtorles f.• in the c.intagon is one of the must sinen-fr !sets on rein But, staggering as this considersn on is, not do to conclude tact the disease contsriotp. It td alleged, we knew not with hoe much truth, that It was car ri,d into England from Easels, through the importation of ft mien hides. If this be so, there is nothing to prevent its trausmis ,sion to this country Out a total prOhitn lion, for a time, of iMportations of beef hidesund cattle from Russia &ad England.. The breaking, out of such a plague in this court ry at this time, would be one of the 'et of calamities. .111 , FtCFIt'S FEMALE] I=l2llll= A gentleman, formerly practising kw la this city, and now in WeShirts:on territory whose intelligi*e and Opportunities for forming a correct judgment upon this alb. lest add - weight to his words, empbaticsl ly.disapproVes of the scheme. Ile says, in a private letteromm - vvhieh we are permit , . ted to Onto : "You. wilLsioubt less halre observed some thine- in,tbe newsy ipers Of the proceedings of a Mr. Mar.can, 'vim, if the latest reports are to be believe, , will ,soon arrive with sway hundred we nen: If so, he must be "'ale sad: shore-will he much ,uttering , Irotig pcmi creatures' , regret to say, too, that he hangs them Cuttripressly for the purpose moan,- 'Oriey out Of the dperation, Ni . ..)4 0 . a, ern' sute, ,, he will be sgnally.dlsapbal, - We 'might 'bieneg6 to absorb a butitireda l e i for snip' tittle to come, )MiseyenbutthVkat °mei is.out of the question , und"tkot must: bo Oregon anti an settle contribute tollielr'sup' r pol . t.'"'i t k it n :u 6 i i i tt i;tove to of us can spare." . , , l_i . l .. TriosE wko so conta e ierit-:cla q th conduct of the Government in relatia 4t : the liberated blacks of the South: 'him eratnorotaly demand se 'mutt and corn: Diem equalization between all grades' of aoeiety, should more deftly consider the conditions of the colored people themselvea , Without even touchir%, the much -mooted ',itilbject of their kigtitil:44 lad ' best' ilrst op'sider the' broad "htitiattaltariatc Apes 4-WhetiterA they Ott,- , : , .,SU'o..ntatti I n , the, , condition.• ' 'to• . teritdril ;.'I I P protCetion=: 7 a fact ,whlcb. afilrititlYo.;. ly settled.' estabilaiics Ale - Arno and .only equality. If tiro - civil. And military author- , -Hike shorilOrlitd.roptr' their special help.. wouid_the retetitiki slaves b b . able to cope with their anetent - masters; or more important still, could they hope. IMO% cesdully to combat thO o antagonism - ex- , istink against them amo ng the classes of !poor whltes" - with whom they would and must cope in direct •camrition t--Phiia. The ballot is their beet protection... Give them that and they sect no ogwv:T TWeY. Fought:le themajority. end the ~robtorip: :will not iiimpfe'on or elitisitieirciflhey _ taw! votes. 'hie iiiiiiiiii'liii al 'With drawn the moment the b lacks become To . terL ' , 13 . 1110 •molatiEs. (0111.ESTLAlti C l iUsClll , Al,. xo Rex? Orr, EXCELSIOR corner of Felleral nod lincock Streets. Furor, EPII Service. rit 1034 is. to. and 7 Prnyer ideetatz WEIDNESI.I...I EVEN- Ti,e public 0,41t0 sire cordially to etteoLL ft it. 1.4 a - 4 11 as , 11. P. 111/e..rit WIIIE. FIhST RAPTISr URVRCH I.3ON(IRE atcrif herwattr kohl their eburch irco.r.cos lu 111A:4 )Nll' ha Ll. . ou 111th street. PrcAching the 1 ,, ,gt0r, Rl.O. JAIIE, S. DIOR ICI{SI/M, c,cl y LAY at 10, - / and Stlmll7 :.••Cflo”) al 2 o'clock 11. Straiaget • n••. 1 .lu/o; colo.11) lot Itcll C!‘ Attend. StAl.lLrot. Al lit. 4: aER I U DEDICATION,-Tilt. PLYMOUTH tIiptittnEWITIONAL CIIITEOH mill be dedieeteo, by t.Uolte •elttlOui •trvlv. e. TO- +ist, OW. (S nrivay,l .7014 cOolook el:•Vts eech rvonar m. l , g ardeeeel... M tit JIIOREft P as tor . ['l, g. pu Ile are Lrorthollv Inv t to attend not 1 - 41 _ . MAYORALTY Y. run lizATen 31AT, inc ,e,satY Ward a ill .r sc la 'signs far lit Y• so`, •:t to the ,•ansstlon of !wash to be held 1,0 I alas potty of Lae ssilt y. {alai to the nowt city els:- not: tr 111:1 ASOKA.LTIr....-JAME. /PIN. r , ON, .alderasna of the Fourth WOrd, At the as licitatlor, el friends, has consented to al. to its name to V. used In connection with the nest Mayoralty, and will be it °Radiant° subject to lb° throes mste of the people, In nocordn,ae woh the it c.a. radiator:Lai this last Republlsta Conrentloo. tie2Site .DIEET/NGS X1134:4•3T'a On. U.mar r, November ith, A N ADJOURNED MEETt.NO OF niE Stookhosdera of the HlerchnoVe 011 Uo npaop .111 take , Jaen if the .BOARD TR IDM Obi'. on Wool etzeet, oh Tr. Es.. , :tiAT Nka r, A , 3 o'clock r. fe. , for the purpoee f offletips of_ nu II for the pivotal VOSI . .4 6 31.13firtif [IOC Action lo regard to , ne Company. It le lmnort cot that vcry etneaho;der be pre•ent_ .0314 J. W. ARROrT, Secretary. THE AN N 31 AL, EkTINO OF THE ockholders of THE Pe PETROLEr3I ,UNIPANY 0111 be held .at the on:See of kiohlAsort, Met 'lean 0.. 16 Fourth street, on TUESDA T. Nov -Ist, as 4 o'clock r. a., tor The eleetfOn of officer. to serve durng the 111301011 year 1,441041 I. F. 8013I1CSON. Neerettri I.2I 4 .:TCCEBOLDER9 MEETING. 1.7,11211 loan Fenny ()war • r. Yirrant . nGn, Oct. :Sth, 'Sul meting of the rito. J kho Acre el ;As ones' 7 erry Company urto take plass, en MONDAY. N , .vr roher Stb, at In u'eleek a. it., at tye 01. FILE burgh, t which Al. 1 , 611 2H, Water street PM a rgh. at i Mine and plane an 6:LW nom EtPli InltEOTtlbS, to sorer for the enrolee Tear. alit be held e311:1M1 M * lll. M lIERSII, Seere4r; Tsars 03010 tßleitar .EL ~‘. 0 Prt Ni , ernber I 1.4 THL ANNIIA ht r.EI IN '4 OF THE tece. It, wee. e. the 0•,, N•ury • Run w II • at the tio•rd n. Tide lluOrnl. %row.' en Toraday. IV" tr6i, at': cdrlo , k, i• m , for .Le {•nr,ose of rleettee lllrr, the ensuing year, nod tr*ntuettng sash ot rr roar coleit• t•efour them Jl, MA itoll.l I.L. 01 •.. • 1 co. 00.) /Auraar.• ( I nup to T, / ; 1 -Ins port. For. Ist, /SS I.ltr TEt :V MI: P. ,, Ti , tiS (NJ e he eututvz Tear. will be Itrk4. at t, t Rt~r in nsele3, ltu. 14Ing W.tes • trecl. AA Lre Nett er ittb, LTd, between the h..... /. s er.ol t e it hUUt. FINNY.Y, •,, e,etrenney rr P. , r5t.t."110/1. In: at, •Nn. A N FLZellf)N FOR T:11 ttrEF:ll • -• G., • I tote ',le for the eAr. !se helm 01 the oCtre. No.?: mk . reef. 4171.1..m • y, the Pith day or Nom. het nek . . I.•etvr, the bOtati tot I t s m . sal 1,. M. novl-.tal WX. P. HEfiliKli Svc,. DIVIDENDS SWO2I, tir•TIONAL RAP, of PITT+I.7..OOt PITTALLC4OI4. NOV IV, 14.5. 'I BE D ' IItECTORS OR Tuts 131:411. have this day arclars,l n d video/ of FIVE PEit cEz; r., Free of Gore; omen[ tax; out ntthe fno fit+ of rho tom; Olt mouths. pseable to 1110t.411 • de•e. or theft I,tgai reoretentoil rte. gni r at Mt,. t..e I.tta last. ; (ool:ztrd) to. tittattr. Rtes or P.Tl,rtt na it . itt. I iSi. rrirE BoAnn OF DIFIE( • T , iIN , 11.‘VE tbut.e.7 declared a 11l sldend "I NINE rEit_Vt.zir. Ch., the capita) etoetr, not of the pron.., slo, Ist of Ft brunt) , lest, payable ort nod aft.; the I/ra tree. to it, ei.hohlets pr titer Lefsl .roresents. lives, Imo of O. c tact oTrEttl SOUR lIISOFf I hr. 0..11 , , - - - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VRENCR DECORATIONS —A chojeAs collection of new penal deo/retinas, li..Posle by W. P. 11A11 44# 11 .44.' VALL Pe PElcs--ln every style 'glees it,: Inc tic Acuson Per telt" P.O tori W. P ('A Lt. AND T att :Pe) six FMB 11.4SegintelAl. POO is et 9/ 11..reet .heel . - - - CALL nriv t•EL „ArOttii At t. Market At. LL D SE„irrlnp 4. 7 .- - DI'NT'S EINE IiALP BOOTS AL rlg3 J. W. CA Itlirtlirtig • as Market street. IP° Siijrg DJ W. Iron Kettles, swirls risen Barr, 'a., lot secondhand Belting, lot cosi! Boxes, writ knurlier, Cleaning Banal, kit 614 Sash, rat Darner. (.I,glr• I M..'.h rii .r, r.r.~lla; hNnyi or. air' Taus 11...ux,W4Ltit 0? Al.s.Kodh.ry lobar", PA•t r ' • Pirrearmair, Dr o l, CONTRAVrO}IB, &r., &C.—Se aled irtell=lll-7..1VU ue PalEtt t to %Wig Er! isTitpci tratAtuz, 8r14K4 xora.4 htillses Pm: 1 "oz the - ;OW le.ang mitts Wtishltigtoo Tuirtair tO' KM, In South Voyotto TOw4tbit. 'Poritothlllttlettbh.d on Oppliniitock Br directic - of noOnty Cotrontuloners, laol:o4l2tarir~ UT •"• " DESK BOOM Tu LET, woirm, etztoi 4&N ruoNr max EITREIDT Lit . Addi btUtz .3 4? 0 • • - nokz.t.' 1 untp-IsAbwoh. VALUAgligt tridE:llkalTv AT AMITION. fetillo pod' ember liitatiAt 11 - co'cloek. oremigaiMahig ofitu tt .,2l% the Perryiutle near ed. a tac t an te of 0 /bun .cont i ath g nay," valuable property dj v ith 4 i n t o ~i.. 1. 14 ,44 ebb t has beta nub. slanteetb ()a otio /ot them!. , •-•LeVan pearly um, one luedna Ulf built twain lldfufe• , elitee,l4 4 t"" 1. uP ut. Tr, .040 , 114 f ghat, r01.444-.14. • yea roma by beef bed mottist. tvo utleblets art: ft: tic.. Per h greet; attorn fWe iztora,7ry.}. . 147Auxw bra.A 1 (' NOTICE' TO' - 'IOLDERes — or rvi tz ...I savant WAWA. LTJEGN;RY, aottrult • BONLUI-4tolarbf or 4hlo7Boads Isaiah by &ato/ Thrtotoreetthe Foortb WarA,Alleettebe,. dtlit may letir.ero hereby pottered that Neu o; 41' sin ii r dermo oa ppoleatatlock Tirpisprer re' Searle, ht the Ze seaand lttlonal Seek ' f Alto WY. lf posted before the imb lon., Wrest Wilt cease' tbeillOn• 1202.44 It. S. mamma. Ptaiet. ;mA o_loo o pim Bolt 4atena Imia.for u 7 by J. 8 GARFIELD ~' r • 4 • NEW .4.41/ L:a. 110 N, -61-E•434145..: T434AMRSOTNi 71,e e:bqueaf 416(1fNrkit9i,angi,ftstriGssa, 1 4. A S /q•HALL; lThElovr t 4 Istria:ea tRe TENiIIyfLOAI CLUB, ON MONDAY ANlV'Tricsils Y. EVENINGS, NovEra*EN ara AND F;..1 jt el on.•A) s'eip g, JAI I,UNVOA p1.(341,curr.1.1, Tterray erenlLg. "nit: N. 0 5 .:, OF THE u _ .Tlekera, eo root*. For tale at the Mule, Book, And Drug .Morn, Reserved seats .a cents extra. Haioers of aeadou tickets .futroahrd with: reserv .ed imp,t withouteeea teen "ft e hat: can , It 12,* de of dinDor, Wood lodes, i Mau ortand altar !gore Saturda 0. 0, y, No. 1 , Aber ate. MS=ll2d= C. OSC'ANYA N. The J l .t , eq ,, lelvd r:zk ntallst, win ite tlre LAP AYETTEHALL Tuesday Evening, Nov.lth KISH LIVE AND MANNERS. Leottlre 74 o'tlo. THOMAS IMKEWELL., lo Iv. B. EDWARDS, L:OLINTOoN. JAP, S. DONNELL, V. C. CALDWELL, nott.l C. ALBUM. Lecture Committee. 14 t7 .1.84.° N'iMERCHANDIZETAGa CLA , .H.B INDELLIBL E PER 1 , 1,1111 YON •int, , rATlCtriEi.i ANL Lasts stock et I k PER all Inset and sitsallty. .C.113R3, S:ROYER dt CO., Book \lskers, o . S 9 }RITE sTREEr._ A DA]" NV/IDOL 'MONTHLY She TIS MON. yr IL soriarosorre it. Tiorti two with the sanitary. numbsy„l3.ll. This le She , rill Mr PLlttootoot. published at SETENTI.YIN - 1.7 (3y.iars•aA ImA 31aer,ine form, beautifully Illustrated. New I've, new futureli. Itcadlogri tehabs, si.ecoe N Italy rue.. Puniel, r.tilsona, • e.. lion, the vet, beet twitter,. Th. V 1 ,11013 hoe t ee larti•est etteUtstlOn of any hdusat for al Joora.l puha the!. Now le the time to torn clubs Ti.. talletter, to order to reach all parte of t.tt• elltntry, tetil Mod the VI NlToll'oneyear FREE, in he ({anon (who war act any • o 1 trallee to the United lin net. nenti as address, wilt) its, v. - , r., roiruculraw J. le DaII:OHADAT. axe chestnut tatert, I . at - ha, r• cep! log tho above add sending • Illiortr., copy, will reef ve the t •Ylatter for one I ."1:,14A,+r Ntn - 11 E.—Thus 0 , 0.1101(1ms of the gin (11.)D Fla Lf r irrli RIND Airn,OCIATION, of Tempt raneertlle, aro b•reer notified that the ees each installment uf TENT PER t; ENT. to due upon their at...e.a..M1 payable arithth thirty days at the °face at the Treaaures, In Temperance. By order of the Hoard, B It. %V• , (ID,. , ecretary area to.. tsar, DO4 Ltd 1 , 11 I , li. to , ti XCIIA NOS 72 A\l) 3 I'lEl3l Al III:ET WILL RE-OPEN ON Sta UIiDAY LVEN INO, NOV 4, 186 PLE;T t. 5 P.D ',V RING noun.. Opts Iran.% a. n .111 t. p. n. ./ Untl,3l,4znit )a to v 0.5- ,` ..../ca 01 E; .A.T.EI T, ()tamed to:Lial far WI improved to ne for prpdliti! or I; liliue Fllfttac v," Sn d I tri.rocerr..t 4!h3 w. as. of OA-MM OR Pl' I.V.L - ItlfLtl, InuM -a . va-.1 tatoa tbtat 1-a. LlOOthe.lth oat I. rut. .4io .0 bi ap 1,.~,.1t-G1„i.t,.r14 01101bn Fu as c as. tclukad. AOAT, MIK 1111 TO t ' .tVTIOS bentoa• aaa. n• 1 / INIVRIP(I4 nu; Ori IVY PAT.. aT hy th• VE1% 1 .11141. OR NINO 01 cams . . WI I 11,,tyi• tI, o.Nstncr..4 1 a1.a.1 claim tha' I 'WI cOtha of the law agaleat a.l such lafriure 'neat*. If CON 112•DONAILD. out In o lnnastr Wayne Iron and rilret Works. • • THE 10111 PITT FOUNDRY CHARLES RN AP NEPHEWS HEAVY Olt UNANCIE All I , ALL R ZIA DV 2MS M131. 1 0 - "E" G" A.1:3 • 1•1. ZS ca, a WI UK /IL riLit) ANL, . tiPeri.t - . anti, oat.: , o ROLL,NO NITTrs. A; , REPADIS rate.le., 1,0.31,‘,9• -8• lieriklalote, the b,..t ..teriustarall 41ways bt, alre'tt this Poriaary. ' n0r..11.11 • I'ar,(4lEAT I4EMAPANAICA nroo D evil E. A r L.RA I 11; ABLE A RTICLEA.NIL !TINE CUM t;ron EDEM • Fci ofula,h . roinatiarn. Neuralgia. Itch, Nytnepsla and Pimples, AMDALb UA F.ASLA OFt9I E SWAY. Al• Tome, Lt , terlv•• the app•:lus, wow, at t.r.Kloo gad wholly restores the pUyst•lk Iltroaz,t nod It needs hot . trial to prove [to rote, Per Baia by BMW, JOUHNTOFO. nas •oruer 1:11•1thIlal Intl Polytth sl met.. DIARRHOEA. • • Civet 18,0(55 soldters were Martel tit ,Plittellie and I.oosyntery lass year by the tise STlflnfie LtAr/YR ARTIeUROLER/1. 51 IXTURC. Ton tact o Its bvyng %laid op extensively In tket•Elnapitals it prate , or th efficacy of DR. Stltiitt.4lll7LVß es ll l l4 Juka.ette mixTuiL4 fps the ewe of ACLU, and chronic ones. of illerrlitzts and nyeente. ty. ThIN Is the only preyerstlen kit own its a rife and certain remedy for tinnier*. De nni• tie with. mi..° valuable et ti 0. IL tentic ti di. ra vtly. It 41u:! et ail brusgleis A i 5 , carts yet I...tt:t• he111:174 WaoLvtace &mom. OTT BOLE oRBEK 011. LAND FOR bAL.E. - -Int.rthell 10 hinds lying 013 Plt 1101• tlfetk, ADRANIAG.TIIEFIOLHDEN VARA itown AI DlA"Deer Llekr it. In the rirrz DUN • 14 , 01 4 / 1 ,1 1 1( tat Iletel, iltusto pino Hun, ba tweed PI colt and OH Vrallts These Warrens aro very Odra to as tat! 41tuattoqi are all but tom lends , Eagalrora W. J. & ILALL rArrEicso Atbrasy*, .r 9 Ib, 144 Foarqt St, Pittatourgh, Ps ra" FII ' ZPATIITOK; • *, --• rinai P BEA I Val GQLD PEN MANUFACTURER, flfflo Hall, ear. Third and Marketntiq &Coca Story, mama. Thlr4 area.' . gold Pant • anti 001- .1144 Silver Partalt-easei, 'itholenleauldaam.ll. Pa4a rerrasra4. „Parsons havica Papa to taPay tan stud abei4 tkoy , 1 ,1 ." promptly rat arped. - artaa4 , vimuit:AND GRAIN, 100 bbla whits w 11.80 ,4 300 do do ted do; 100 do do wing do; OW bush prima tar Corn; - • ino do *boded dOl buah Oat') g _ 0000 Brin ■ ElarlaB; 1 ear load 41111 reed, to Ohne and for gala b rATTEramcr, =mob( k laoa 840 60,1=Tc= meet, NZ9 41 , s. , BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-2000 DontOli Extra Not Buatrwb•at F l bti, j un ° and, Pot Op in itamll nowt for Walls tue Sr+n To 19;afor age at Fniollyaro4lll7, t: comer LI usa .70tIlept, r 1 , letrte COVIIIITTEV H . 11 . 11. 1 : 11, 7 l a A ELI), 7. li. (1 AZ7 HA STEPHEN WOOll3 F. Tr 84IC EN L I: VOLUME L. OCIIM )",..{ one or more (7, 1.13 p a, Ir • . Itevl m:r referent iltte /10 - AL;4lstaerl , , L3=3 p.. 1 'LOA NS A ND Ski A 4V LS. WHITE', ORR & CO„ CLOTH, SILK AND VELVEr SAQUEi IVAloh they are .t low 1\ x'11.12b.Y.5 CAN E D. TalLettlilfge of to fonts ot the date or Birth spa yttiVi.ne riniusereola I•r rive Tears there. altar. Call wail elan:nue thaw at fluC STORE COULAY B OOCI*I, • Ptlitoe• bedding the 110IdDS OF TUN COUNTY 07 LA 71111;NOt. PeClltelirsolek bawd lot HSU :Va•I uttatemeato f th mou l t, am% olithert o the liolds they beld.aPe n the ralltoad to whiati thee calve IMO. the Vtletfi Wax IP , have con certed Wien to an igleittAble ereensamout between the In Idol . , and IL *Canna/ or Lawrence. 1.1.. W/I.LlAtild tr. (M. or= Itr Wood street, corner of Third. . THE Perrsoußmi PAPKI2 MANU. Foci rilittla cu.o PA NY o;:er ausio 400 ban. Croon Wrapping Pnpor R. Z RELI,ERS' At CO., 000 bills. ilvtlitun 1,000 bills.'lledltnn 'Lain bale. D. nucl D. di. do WIT beIVO,IIIIO CIO WWI err ooa.tkatiq ret•hriti 6'oo, Malt MiII.,MANILLA PAPER of weliftits ;41.13 litO DARDWAUR PA.PER of all vitlifhts MO sires "VLUNTS, DRY sad 3411T %ATM' ROoriNtp, Or., Or. ell quantities soll that of PAPER MADE TO ORDER nt the nhortnatnotlaa, to nun outtontera. 1,000 TOM OP GOOD NIXED RAGS .ull ° " 2°v: ”ANgronTlV: : COMEMOULL OIL WORy.B. Pure White Burning 014 TUE LOWEST MARKET RATER. P ffLqUaTp 11a0322DX..1 _NO..W. WYLIE STREET , gum§ To, ORDER GEAR ,CIDITINO AND SIDIDCD4 ruk raw On'ANTV/48. eNduaitt " . . C BESSE, —2OO boxes Goshen Cheese, 100 dg namb" CO. ' Far It OANFIZI.D. rt:SEMEIVM _ . is t &C/, L3L, GLITZ a Cai. Is and !,,in MARKET STREET t der for • sle one °ribs L ROE. r seri CH FA P IST •t cks of THIIIIRIINUS. FANCY &HMOS. NOTIONS, HOSIERY, 010 YES, Sic., • vet lit - might • to tots city. • Embroideries, • Linen aid Silk Ildkqh, Real tlg Imitation Valencia Lace, Real Point Lace Collars, Real Frenoh worked Collars, Real Maltese Lace do French worked Sets. Linen do vrin (HEAP, Nos. '7B and 80 Market Street °MOO Ladies' Linen Collars, - .e./letkr, al 3 Cent. tacit. ,000 Pairs Linen ouffs, At 10 sod 12 t MACRON, CLYDE & CO'S, Mos. 7Sisoak o 0 Alaska Simi. rr. \ r.~rvrer.srzurrs IN E1'I.:}:1 5111, • b'xceralio ply Ch ray Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street The b.isooe or our Cook in r,rty (!Lott. wl ll he Pad at COST, awl we would th e attention ol WHOMMATzIi: I UCH ci CHEM' and tK , liregl i ff LNWTja ‘ . out and lee on, at our newly Weal room.. Nos 78 and 80 Market Street. MAP.IRUM, GLYDE & CO o,4:11 TIT/BURGH COMil ENLARGEMENT THE LARGEST PAPER IN THE STATE L 1 COLLES !LATTER, M.•.NIPAT. /tif/VZ3L HER 6T0.. PI , 1 ...UllOlll DA/LT wtl/ be •nlerift.l to A en equal to Ten Columns A.4‘14t101- .t .Letter. NO IN 1% PRICE I u geat and thespeat Daily Paper In Ma St•ta TER, As o le lzele ,'0py......_ 3 t`eabta be/ered 0) Carrier, (0. week,/ 23 , leots. yet/ (per ye../ 810 Oo Thte •olouneentent le toette lot the betted! of those Who e•tet to avail them./ yea of the large eemew &Calmed we ct.! , Prthl. to &der sit. to out columns. THE COMMERCIAL. Pittsburgh. URb: FURtAI I,titts LA NUN: , I. iAND. 'LLILDRE-Vi F' L' Ii P.rni 7or Li.r2. kt rad Most fornplar Aivirtment LA I.a IfFLI. /.1.0 I i rIIIN II AII P: .McCORD & CO'S. rlrl 131 'Oo4 Rl►lMl, P111..4111V1 O IL (I)3IPANIICS ' Agf r,fleto nf s .tob buflneso es nein!, ead long lemfllisr 111, all the dotAlle of OIL COMPANY ACCOUNTS 14 ICU ETA V .11 1200h-li Et: PER 2. 1/FIXII ATRELT Invite n:lect,on i 1.01.0 new Myles of Air • r :4,11 lat Tr moor, total of SHA 11A HT TElli DEED.. tair.ottGE W.truftLET nAtow,ritnii;;No. CB_fr'ell!rs,l.l!.2 All leoy Jo. light. dtil gicary, NV AdITED, 0004rtly 04 hand, and for Ikea( bx B. ; C. II .7.• H. SAWTE.B. No. VWOOD STREET. . NEW A D - 'HE ilEtrT FOR THE HAIR, ,11 • RESititrEitATOß: 7lf r ELkIiANT YAgPe. FlaT:9:l . Eireetoal I ele angel toe bete tied train from all the effects of triangle° or olittrneti per e p ir e . floa t thorouehly removes scurf, without injury to the akin, attmutatea and atrangtheua th e spots, . 1 the hair,' rembres arc on ben places tame?. atm when weak or hoe. , prevente falling off or unarm grey, and Imparts a eoft;lThigy and moist aplpearance without gmtiong. . Persons who have until worthless ertlelea should Wye this a trial, and be mate tied or Its true merit. SOLD IN Pl2rsuuBo,a4 SIM ON JOHNSTON Corner Smithfield and Fourth its DR. GEO. R. KEYSER, TEE G !ITN DE.l' POIAON Illi(4 ASE, it , "l,l' COM PLE r E 1.3.111/ON PA111F1! I.A. ICII3I. A Very large Editi n l'abli,hed and Nearly all Sold JOHN P. HUNT & CO., PubLis,hers art 7:1,f11 }t• Z•et.•, on :ncen; , .. of DAMES BOWS, MAN U FACTURES. ur thintaTED Bain Tours Sinking Oil, Salt and Other Wells No, 136 WOOD Sr REM', PII7StAIIIIMAN. PAL. ARL ' LJW v e , ) , ben SLIGO IN' 1?, IL. L 13 C) Ft H. It S / aralabcd at *•oavost Clash with sera articles as •re areetaaly to coaduet op arallens, Cl,: A ICP ILs, BELL. "Ps pLEDOES 'HAM Mt E4O. SEIDTEL.q 1101 Is, X.E23, lIATUEIE/ , AWS, scuukizs, OItIPELS. WREN(7II.II,: PLANES., LEV.RLIS. NAILS, ac. Rope. Leather and Gum Belling All of n kti<2, I have constantly In slots. ootl4nnl coME 01416, COME ALL ,GENTLEMEN'S FURNISEEM Isrrt)i-t Nov. 18 St Clair St The at tentdon of the puhlte to called to tits ...ie. ' Andens:we nitwit 01 GMITLEALCaI'S rue, ZaISI ev ONG Out 'IPS just opened at the abuse, Inenlyoued niece , which I sin now altering et greet barged.. Any one Is want of the faun,' 'Jo NIA,_ lath too It 00 their air antitor to pal nat.& idol, And eineyine my noels before Pniehesto e Wo wing. 1 bey ten anal the Isrenaismd Nest selected stork EI Rise rhirts. esp • Ogre. eettegee shirts, tiooten,Untten sod Limo Thread (lades , shine And lii•siurs, Stouts, Neck Ties, nocite Seta pendent, iiiiiterdlss. end eveiftlisdie pewee: ut...; to the tientleireuh Furnishing iitusds. to the Renumber the it ace. IA And IA St. street. SAAR/ EL LE VIN • CIL LL A /..4110 creek we "wee. ewer.. 47A, lets, Lockireoel'e, Untrernal. Ftproole Ear.oielp bleeewsitil. will be sold lower [ben rear. ()YFICIAI J 311.01 1 .1 ANI 110114 . E.--11. rououria l i tte nr room rept,. of Cao regularly grvmutel OD do - leg M ecelues •od loventiooe,„ et the ileshinV Count, F.l.r 1 4 ,611. Tn. lUftell ars •i d prev lea) men, well known in the m , ragetie Sty, being meehlnlsf e end tteefe re In me. donery, er.,ltheir desleion 1. worthy of conekler- Stlon. 71 • C.w.o. tt Iry OD Sew, rig g l l. l llltnei t# lerre to rahna!, , he 1. tl. vII. ••13rnl lievralg )I sc h lnc lot Ot ra/ pUrpo•lts, to DOCilt.E LOI'!{.rTITCIA. - Nest Fealnt Nso alp.. Inr man utneturaq put- In G ROI( ER A' gr,h CR.• • 71.0 •reeitrn of Mathias Work to • GROPEII &RA li Ft.". ok.:u KEYstil OILP.IAM. H. W . EWINii J..1.11415T0Y W. A. HALIVOCK: irTl..l. IN lii , CHE` ,, TEIt, BEAM (1 , 1'1% TY. FOR SALE e It nate on Front Wort, on the Ohio Ric r tb,nk. *snow! fsvorably known to the trovolloy publte THE PAVILLION HOTEL The nature tee large Prism. thee. Story, AA, tratning Thtrt3 -tern II•otna There la atalllng for twenty-aln bora., carriage Ileum Fracary other m dtbuiddi.K.. rhera is also • large 0,111. LIEN attached, in Splendid order, and every coo- TIM clot. 8 8 HRYAN at Fnur'Jt .t (R rkee ADJULENED A drn inistra' or's E. ., ale, Puteuant to as nester of thiOrph•o'. 0011 r, of Allegheny County, tits undsrairried ad etleistrotor boni. nc +, of EL1.111.11 S abra, 222 . 2, tLI EitZt' SL II ;PaIkiAN I NVT7(..7 , ;I: . . 01 . 11 ' 1 4 81 t e oT1 7 1 " a. 11., all the right, title, Interest or clAtu Of mitt blab Soitth, le and to the TWO sr Iffy 11//41111r. 011311 of Ave rooms, and Lt3T OF O.I3uUND, sltusted on the south corner of Fulton Street and Charles Alley Pittsburgh. frootlow F 2) feet Pi, irehes .on Fulton strtet, and 11 /set. 2 .thshist on 4 1/serkenlity,end extending book by a tine with vowel! Croft 4 feet 4 inches, and . _by . I;thsettt sit a r o isigris . i to Ooltvell street at Les• '4 VAIN 0. BRYANT . , A•ltahalstrator, DOLltit 16.5 Fourth ittreoL. 31A - .SfU i A CTOlt Y.—The at. t .0,100 of the puerto fie illre.g.od ton new firm not dr tem.:need the worn of MIV ITACTIFftIiNGI nELI.O No I'9 Ili mamma. Allegitnny Clay. where I lid I c•I article can be }MAI all the meet rea sonable I. sum All °Merl promptly attended to at bro. 19 Lhanfon.l, Allegheny City Pa., or address Ocalalt nuriou (.) c,, Box r 42, Allege env lilt., Pa. DRUG STORE • BAI. E. WILL BE SOLI/ A t A nit HO/it:V. For particular. tnoutre at • n 077 xeU ma 118 1)818 at . Allegheny City 83 , 500 *TLLPU RC lIA 5.6 A NEAT kIIA Alt: /PUS; With SIX Roollls, and about T WO AORF.S DT LAND, situated In the village of Mount Waah• lbgton. Far further pa. tlaulars onqulra of G. U. WOU'Eti, 164 Fourth Street. J AN M RALPH, ! di.rob4te <pt. Pre c narec EXPI.4OIT DEA* PIGS and RPEO.I. .I , i 4, 3 . 110 nm ter all glee' at Ildludegs. and suyier o e dattuelt Orection on reasonable term. Oplein on Anderson gloat, between goae?oh .and pontneon, Allegheny pity itakipiVlLL PURCEIirig.THS AN: Dinuffrs'notiffe 4ltnated In Salta. blest ,Ttlll lot Is el by Ilb toot, and the htllldlng Is brick: , a troop, /rant expressly ;fan a botelth bete' the ppnotple hotatte the loins. A' large cu m den be had at, elm l'ereresy. AP.PIr, te , , /11, d10..M. is CO., - 102 liault.4 Urea, PietiaatirtA l tt b . ", t q tc4 aRa Pi " szTAIER la IMO% oqr troa. 122 awl 129 Wood west. vl WOO 6114228 P ITTBDIIIIGH AND NEW YOWL UO. trgooc..ron laalcullarthe cow declared; wlll *Withal), is tae' Dart 7 arods hmciar. " 2 - imolai, tri "a co. VIDIR-40 bbla, In stare, -ono year o]d, aultabla for Vu 3 / 4 eser t tor "I° bey MAI &II DI KEY & 00. rP\ _ "*.; masami I -i1fetc44;4373, TRITSDITisrerC*43.V WE lIAVE TELE GOODS ADVERTISED, Cote tnepeen naniedi lanai • Stock equivalent to coutair.ed la Aye or .12 orchnin stone, WE OFPEIT t.. .I" PIECES alien txt./;;;;IV-1;.2 WE OFFS,* 4,OOOPIIcES 140 WOOD STREET • Si DI OPFER 2,000 E OFFER LINEN GOO7Vo. al lclaft. .Shi/Inga, inc. 2 041.141141160.:[.:441.10, mown and Bieanhifi 8 r Whlt.e,andpolortd Bordva, ditto ,Napkans, SM.) Towels. tkUlA4efki*cift*amietpi eroider.d. Tablemao Ptiao Coven . Taile Covers tos c.,ba yard, tad FoWeltnj, Crag, &a., ret; Cheap. .24 CENTS.. 11 T OFFEU C LOA kl NW, SILK Y ELVETS, RIA load Amur Silk.; Castor sad Eequlma ux Beal, en, oink And lan: 1' tu:on. sad AU LA other STYLES OF CLUA KING adapted to the pment..taost. Prise. ir0.91,50 si Ls& CLOAES MADE TO ORDER from our own tuatertal, nod werrnited to-tit W E OFFER 1004 . 1ECE'S Fi , 6241Y/37.....5, Red White, Yellow, Grey, Sloe-and Fancy Flannel.. of alt i klnda good White Flannel Mat tent.; Baal Shaker, heavy and extra heavy, et 65 dente: Om. try Darted Flange.la at G coats; others cheap In proporllon WE OFFER 600 1 0 11EC051 PANT MUFFS, Casatmerea, 1 leech, was, satinets, citainetai Jeaotj he. Good ALI word Catamarca. 7k.. good item's 64. j cents, Good Satinets and Jeazoat LLer with lu:: line& of everyth.bag In INT c) T I c) DRY GOODS, Wholesale and Retail. J. W. BARKER & CO., 59 Mark6t Street ~. nnoo Tll 1N 3e, Particular attention to directed to our : noel, or the aboi o Lima of ;mode awe beta, eekoted by Din. W iLLIS to New York, and received daUp by expree. at the house, Without attedzinting to patrularire, we vUI atiter that everything new in e market le Dean; daily rtnelved iteitiog the EMBROIDERIES .7A fmNSr's, LAAJE THIALIEINGS, HA MHI:BOS SWISS 11McMPFS, LIN Lle'" .51 " EFtS ERMICH E.111311u/S.' LINV I N S O I TILLA . I:RIES. TIIE GENTLEIFIENS' FUR %"ILING nEPAnTnEvr be found to embrace a •ery Mock o Goods, ■ucG as NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, AIIISLIN gilt IRTS. ALEN lEU ANL SILK UNDERSKIRTS AND DRA WE SILK SIISPEN BS. nERS, It ID, SILK AND CO MON GLGVES, SILK, UuTTON• AND KIERISo II isrERY and In ehott, everything Armand to teak* up a Goationtatee tea/Trott. IN TUE lADIES• DEPARTMENT Especial atteutiort is called to onr assortment of WATER-FAL I. NETS,. /LEA RES S rEILR, BU TTERFLY ROW- S/LB I)ItEsS TRIM :WINGS, I RllOl4 S, And in short, EVERT NOVELTY of the seas in this Jule. F. H. EATON. (Succestor to EATON, MACE (731 to. ca.,) OEN.PII liOlitt& RAVE JUST Oi`ENED IN JEW, GI CO tfilLIS, • D re.s Trimmings,. Cloak, Ornaments, Real Lace Goods, Raw Style Belt , Buckles, Best Make Blue Belt- Inga, Read Ornaments, NOW eck Scarfs, Hamburg Flouncing% Linea Handkerchiefs, Balmoral Marts, Breakfast Sharks, In fanta' Knit Hoed*, Infanta' Zephyr Legatns, Ntrar:Empreum Ektrta, Glories •and Wi nter Underwear for Merv, I4dlea and Cbll. dren, .Totivln and diem , rid Glovea,•Ladlea' Prlifte Castor Gloves. The abOve and many other Gonda In Great Variety, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL P-iLG .01141,15.1.5i5T13151M. WHOLESALE IMAMS ' llO SrAl RS. W. W. 1100Ftl4ZADIS, 81_ blarket4tiseet. 4.PDLL 000P5-bt rdiP , B , gams, Atom raft "v.. SEA-SIDE ECE03:007.4 WOOL rrooims rcriatot, eiornicks'cog. arra.ortunirrsmusnrs Y GLOVES, BONNET. EIBBoNs, vm.var 1302118,,TRIMUNG RIBBONS, 54. w. w. wooltwEawm. ei MARE= STREET. ituivlsig al - Croat oa Pecoot. harazosaot Men and sitsadlos back VA Cell to a oat sixty brick sham Nina, to . onH ItloLaw, C3IDA.II BOARDS —2OOO feet In rem of C mile by WIER lI! , 7KEy a co. formes purehaeie. We have no :eoMstetl- . ,. Ufichtlittds cle.Psttment, owiel.:4le;tuit beII:VAR !amnia In the West, and se se/I Mika am cheap u otLez goods. • ' "` oRESsbOoDs, usibraetng an grAiddh.i:lm lEN to S3,CO pez pud. Delalau scly -Pp spa Coburg., mita with., Ste., or thi;CUt prints et Mc., sad good ditto at IFP4o SHAWLS AND OLOA KS, embracing the dcilrab:e styles , Clnut varlitj''o Coshome Long Shawls, Wool Plaid ditto Brodie ditto. and Velvet, Fanny and Min Slieirnet, Barque, &c. nese we an Nil- CHEAP. C2ZEETI HOSIERY, &e ' , intr. OR 71)17211, No. 17 FIFT*I NT JOB HOthilE dc CO.. LiZitra&R,EllT liEcglo; • or tbeelty-and Vounty. el A state of Psoppudisolgozi,,l.: eny H an ; x • .T.+Za ... of !, usual Btatat, dated May SOM. 010, rot 8614 improvanfilt iattlopli;' 1 SAIIS bavins DOVELE the; ',4107.0103.00 EACRUNS 0 LlSlet,Read abto, did obtain TWO other Pumas for iatprora',:i..., • meats in “SOONIIT JUlliTti' , llor OIL TOOI , T. :both ctalelllo,y, ;• f; . , t, TAatm:NOW TARE Surma: , herben o 3:3lelsons - ItintAMIITIG on ! •••". + - swag by ELT, EtAbliskyESDIRG , ar ruacer =raze of Ora h‘y COsLITT.OIEI_,Da Erosegito4•44(46o-1134. EX, TEST cr Lbw thOtaataa ettrUENMEN - G - Tte belfin tuas::',/anntaer large /cd._,Nsi Nry celaid and tar Saiera.t. Noa. 20 and '-a t. r t, Agents . Pituxtes. . - eel. I . Facia far mu vim" WA rvrg ASTED.—A good - GIRL, to do ges. • Li .a<at bouarework. Alma rage plan mended. wawa Et. tdshiart paid. (Tall st Tracial Waler baza+ait &gin 114 d vapiliValoaluNawav ; day 'awning/ NA, • • Xitt4t4 witaiTED—An 'expenenced . FAXALF.i, wishes a.ltuatiou. Caa bOieelattp cautaß 3i -t. oa rri gta24-Ii i'.o43.lvMth"l"lll"l..i'' WARYEa , 4I. HOUSE, =Mahan frGa ',our no Ili roorani slaarin ~ .P/Ststittrp-or ,Allaaltant Pent no onnatderottnn.: Dlteat a nan , BPI GAZLITE 0.117 C.. ,IaTILNTED- Gllte7-, I.III_iWLDEW ;srltbov.t noon childrea, to audit at bowie: Wolk. To o toltaNe Penal I /therfai tooaygost-if: Ma, *Me even. ACktreti vT. 11.,0 Gozwrr ,, 0/171cr. airtactit 1 •• ^vprANTED—PASTURIS FORXRCUM • I two wear- Om* 'good rata matt ot.-Wara *t r otted enohday. Una , him tko oottiookat "Amstar 11820.• woAr. portion of tin Slat.., , AO , . q 142.242 dr/Waiting tettas,..o. . Jr., .' Oat tato Ostwitt • hatTED d4Etr TJ IN ktl"iero9ll. TO gall bj .04Cl1rti0O, a ntimiciiitiCiiliet atz somrr,-Arr4 a rapid saus evedalli lA' O 4 °/14,!it 1.0 o:ctizsT4o363iLL' Nei 12 sLcurthlt4llol:4";::''' "EV ANTED--ACIENTS.-;=-ENERGBIIO . TT Zuz can make ES td)ldd'rayj ctlfMV eelebrattd. Improved PAMPIT STAn Iv= Bt xrd bB fox 4040.b1ie, Vlf .lvedeturv. - n tires a eplendfd nett. ZITMCIP, peen. .Every Wady would% MI It eartbe aoldilbrthr Woe of a couple •of Calmodyr. Suopldi'pdsVid, id, a etza.. Send for Cheraw. and MI pr4eulavg. E [GUI /Lite tetrztory grrelv. • •••• ' • J49ILS ilicieW.araniasatitre r..- acklmd No. 83 lirsidra Lruv, if ec. Ye lA,T.A.N TED. •-Aar„lliTB -.4roß ee 4a - R SECRET SERMIOE, THE FIELD, TILE DUNGEON gayer RvAt asst • U. filcitanna Torh Fria:me Correa owed mt. The Moe- lactating an. e.xcirloTlxwik :ever .• fieDiDahed, embracing. Mr. Eichardasuia raralf bled experience for four Testa trsoeljeuf th• mutat! Me Pouth la the ,seerct - servlce of theeeTY *oar - - at 'the outbreak „of the we; with our amine and lOU, both East ind - liceet, drain; the tlri,e two Yearucif tho Rebelllont hfa thennincmptur • K liis. coofnenent for E• months I e scrim different rebel Ati-sOnsi Na exewe and almost miniculouljo erne, _t 01 neeriy• rat!e.. it Anil atm' tn rramegeveretsi end contain 4o? more of the Dan .thm• conut romance of the war than furpenner Work. übllabeeL rtThacheni, energothe yemitannen, and - repo Daily returned ao3 dictbled agicem ma to Ala.. want of profitable employe:mut, will Acid : in owe. sunarly arapted to Moly tcandletuni• We Lave Lauda dearth: 11165 per month, width ire • Well prove to my doubting applLeent. -Send for • Mem lava Addrca; JON FS, 8R05.7 &CO N. E corner Stuth and Ulmer wee; It, feennecoanTiphte - DRY GOODS.aI , . tthEßEEfilli. BATES & BELL ATTRACTIONS. Call and exaolLe-05LT NEW GOODS FOR - SitEAD S. MARSAILIES-QinGTB iHoney-Comb'.Quilt CRIB BL ETS.. No. 21 Fifth B'tree . t. NSA' GOOD 6. MACRO"' Az CABLIGASLE NO. 19 FIFTE'STRESZ . n , ,_ New Trimminzs and Oraments, Bead GinipsaaadEntecpsi. Bibb l3onnezand Scirf Ribbons, Fine Gilt and Fearißeltßdoliles; Rich Silk Beltizir7a new lot. Bargains in Linen Hanilkerenzitsi Real Lace Collars and Setts ' Needle Workldginge and lusertin:i Cambric and Hamburg Bards, Magic Ruffling and Cash .Frilling: Real Threadand French Veils ,i -.. American andEngMliHoshiti,- - Glovesand Gazintlets- 7 liit 'styles- ,.. Zephyr, Wool and HnittingYarma f ii- r .--.- .c . n . , ! Lathes and• Obildrens' Underwear, i n . '.- ', :',. 4 ,)' BalMoralSkirts--new stvilii ; :: ''' r 't . _ - : : 4 Duplex Skirts, French Sartit' '' l'''' ',"-;-';- Gentlemen's Shirts Collar? liiii . : :. 1 0;,....'t7;1. Merino and Silk Undethar.i,l- Misses Rid Gloves--all a.:7ea,. - . .. --. at • EFWIIIIItTS WM flea It their .eaa' tee ouszt.ceio beta= puruketez.. ••• ' • BiAtnEwid.& Ey.= « L. 11 - ' • • FARIE, trio et/ CLOMKS AND FETIU TAR LARGEST €IIIE4PEST BZOC. . Cloaks aad _.lb - `Bl;ri -, L'i , THE H. CIUtIkENELAME2 4303 Sairix. olt,Sl trout,: nalBarks ! The ehoieegt, stock et, , . 0 Obtl AND SILVER, WATtNIES, , LVLDT,DIS. AND SEWELET,'Herer brofiehl ti while , ', . ' t cheer Cite earl:cow be seen ea , rIA4 . -, i.• - , T. H. KLACkEIS:. .' ra-c.. ea - WANZLON'O 4 :,,II I Ih.: -,1,,..„- , , , .. .. Where NVA.TORESefAIte best ' mkt , reariVEL.,lt„. .ny of the newest, IitYkr,OLAVIIS_Y ef ant 7 dm ~ ' . . minim, or bestAmerteas, sea Vax.no , izakers. i . 1 . vl7/113 SILVER AND MAX,E 4 tIJOOLIS, sue!, t*: - . . La Forks, Spoons_ and RIAU:ow Wave. blohanth., .1 ~. .and Iletab Maas int alsur,7,6SliStE abolaiteh, 1 4 ; 41 , , , .patterait and all art , telee beleht dlhe. he eatery's el.,ii-,-,,,- 'ettelneu, letteh. will 1) I laid it ivilereat SEDU(I-• c -',. RION, Flee Watch and Jewett. worksintunt .. .• - . ~,,,,,,,, e,,,,, repaired. Ilhibublmcs,htilfor 0141 1 , . Silver: IlIon't : Epr.*ei the p.!Aed.,n; ,:k Were) HARM,' ! Alletbal!.' ''' ' '' -• : - --' ' ''' 4 " ;,' OCilipi , ..1 , - . s:*, ':' , .. ;',
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