EST' ATIT.TSiIED IN 1786. alteVittiburffit 4f zwite, CITY NOTICES,. $5.00 a Pair blaikets.staaallsasr R Bonin tv43i Cents F or Rob Boy Bumla, IS Shellsby k • 25 Ceuta for masttzis anc! prints, at Saegaby la gnaws toray,nree imurtes Walk Front the nen, .nnutet Loa s, Ili 'Federal ititet, Where CLdpmDbs M Dvtwd o till and et:amiss TO. stoc k ClLidikdisadles, tales, &mita em N. B. &and In the tisekst House On Timid (004 Friday mimlnp, and at 112 Fe& gra sittetoif Wally trinity. nainw 13zirna. French Bierlnce*. The Largest and Cheapest Stoek to the Otty. 8o- member, an the North Zeit Corner of Fourth mid Ittarket streets. 0. 01.11801 T Lovs k Brto. Dry.Goode At eltnet 19inIceale or Ratan, anima than thin , can be pa:inhaled *lambert. Remember, on the riorttorsat eilanat'ofranuti - andltaiitat'strastaG • ' linineconLdvn &Sao: Blankets dr Flannels White lad Colortd, at Leis than' he Regular Mar ket rates, on the North Last comer of Fourth and Kafka sttecta,. ,r - ti. Ifahhoa Loos k Bao. • Bilks at all Prices. Silks at low pikes. Mal of all della:U. Mks of all colorr. Bilks of all grades.. Tbese goods were pturollased at low prices for cart., tape lots, and ere now baths closed out at Geri low prices at Bates es Bell's, No. 71 Fifth elttet. Country merchants, cell early. J 4.11 Ofd Baying. Economy It weigh. This may be practiced in many wage, but *die enrol:brit at the present time to the ourcluwelhL l 36o4. We would say, to this eunnestton, to those of our readers, go to the (treat Emporium. 55 and Si, Filth street, and sae the hareem Mock pi Goods, embreclzor Blankets, Flannels,Oasstemits, Iluallos, Prints, Delainsa, Shawls, Emu coim, Marta and Drawers. Also, a very Large ,SCOoli of 0060,,Shoes, aid Gums, - sultablelor the seek*, LAO 'lpso! mulcted. Once more we say:taros ,Tc,„to.shlcalellaud, at 55 and VI Fifth street apd 4:betp•Aoiresios. • ' • ' Aiiv; Sl Baby ; Partner of the ntill ktinWn Heats of Sltellaby & Render, Ira 'I IV and ' klarket.threett hes re turned home ellein,MOMPlun , York and Philadel phla, With i Lake 'and - very , cheap atoekof new dzy goods. This present pritcluise far =toes any that has been made for - Min* swathe past; for In. titmice, they Ze per yard, pleankaclipithi.Thlt3 cents,' &addl . :Mt:. bleached muslin forbdooptht E t hiand•blisk Mimed Trench gannets for tiliN cends, a Teri' lieitypali'or all wool grey blanketer for $5,03, together:Willi , /kWh for ladies, agues and children. • White ; country and eastb#Cblenteta flannels, coverlets' Marseilles, qullti, or anything else you may want In the dfibeidde line, this dim will furnish at t h e - kneed cash prima Remember, they are Mill in the Old Bee Hint Stand. .04111tllnetise , Emigration. . Re 'menu, emigration will pour down Into the Southern States with the restoration of pears. Alummands of - southern ref ogees, (torn all the town. ti -and chief of lthe North, will return home ; thous .matis of nOrthexte whiten; will move_,ln the same. illiectiot4 and settle In the closeit - bonds of union, among their southern brethren; and, in obediense • to the taws of demand and supply, thousands of northern farmer!, 'in eclubthesclisti tkabelemb, will swell th e mighfrollillk? fdr thelt-pe6pling and re-bnilding the; wastepiaces "the Sunny Soutbi , in anticipation of this grand diversion of the tide ; tf emigration, and fcoa the "thermal:is demands t, soon them the proprietors o f Hostetter's Cerebra (el Stomach Bitters are putting up additional - thounnds theses of their raniverailly popular topic and alterative We have the testimony of soldiers, saner., Inc. obut, traPPerst,intilinrei .emigrants, 'dogma. tar #ers and plantere,'North and South, cloud of. - witnesses,. that as a safe and reliable remedial :; *gent, and as a - protectlin against all the coat, plaints ineldentshotiPOshre;Prieetiems, denies Of alltnate, dist, water and habits of. Ufa Hoover .l 40,c's Bt wens, used as directed, me worth their weight In gold. North or Sonth.—Comattotimud. . It 1. also proper to state that the Bitters are sold exclusively in glass, and never, under any -itractuutances by the gallon or the barrel. Import. .7; tors and imitators are abroad, and the only cafe -.Smartt that the public has agatnst them tater see that the Bittern they buy hare the engravel label and note of hand of Hems. Hostetter tr. ' Smith, and our proprietary stamp over the cork of be bottle. Fall and Winter Goods. It lo with great pleasure we cell the attention of 0 CO renders to the ruperb stock of Fall and Winter o . o tisinsi:H . Oftlaall by Air. John Weler.:Zerediant, Tailor. NO. Ha 'Federal 'street, Allegheny. His stank embraces soma of the rarest and most beau tiful Olotbs,Outtmeres, Overcastings and Vesting ever bgotebtlol2fiitwestern .mnrket.: Ms assort ment of 'Fit/Tatting Goode, samprpung &arts. Drawers, Clollets4lfiielt-tiasfs; Zee., aaoaot be stupaiked *lst or. wess. A loge stock of reedy-made Zsztta,Onsts, Vests inttOvereosts Will also be found at tile entobititholorn p"," in want of anything inpn clotting Has should not tell to tire mr. wuter s nen. Newt 03 , 40 Depot. A new brootionlwais sweeps claim, but this ii an sbid broom with new handle. hiessne Bush es DieLatnthiln bate opeqed at 120. 21 Si. Cleir street, corner the alloy, and shoo .ln tha. Dia mond marint, a 04.1144 eta= of eysters o in cane, enekets orslutllowAlch they will eerie op to their blends In the most approved style. Air. 41cLaugh• sin is sn old caterer to the pubils, and is well .known as one of the most atromplabed in the ,elty. They also have on hand s splendid lot of fists, both canned and tropical. Clive them call, and-trot their merits. Thoiau. W. Parry dz Co., Molina Slab, kookere. and Dealer. In A mertzen Slats, Of . varloos colors.. Office at Alemandet Antltigin'Al:nini the Water Works,ntlabliogne Ps. BtfidGl3o4., No. 7 . 3 Pike street. Orden* romollo - attended to. All work warranted +rates wool. Repairing door at the shortest nolLee. IbUte for rePatr.. Provided the roof U not 4bunce ittox it ii Pat on. A Stireir at Danget Thamittnateatl Rick spot on she enamel of a tooth is an evidence that denars 'erasing finger has tOttahet; InterOOaa!4o Sozopat as • inikanid;ar the tenth la gone and not only that One s trut , perturpy haLtattortna. Ba assnratt that nothyaA tntt r SpzialOnt tplal •Itter ttratttlaal Pro. di'arreot dahtal 'Carpenter Joblitng Sttop. Siete, litutted atter an ibseace of three Fears ia tb4Wag.l. ,kiM;97 0 Per. 0.3 sur.etc 1 P e# forte 4fjobblng th the carpenter tine, at the old eizsa, IhrgthAtientitireeo Bauthhele street mull:Meng dna,. oAscresopetted and Piete.P#49 - ettendea 10 * CUustall 3012.stiTa. AneghenyLibrary-7Publie Notlee. • • The" hail of 'the Allegheny iitanii Asseeintipn nee Anna/ Co the goblin =kidder. evening, Nee, Alillnegated in the me " emu of fhb Valtuibie lutitutinniire esintetli d Lumen;Hereaul. le the Time - now w - ho bar dies furs soon, wilt save „, mo. niontetz, too Wood street, has the largeet and finest aesortnieat ever offered for gale this eity:slidhe li-now telling al from 10 to 14 iter cent. leas than they Can be bought at an/other Mild Opened. ear new ibtagc lilattar, at etsirtnn street, where In/ etta i re2o,oo...Worth-qelothlog regerdlese 0ce:641. 1C.15111, Dentist, 246 Penn 6120e4 ; 'V ,-- 'lli on. ttends promptly to all banners la hill:Motet.— _ nit TilteM2ll{A .'Allaya A . 2411. O. E. TIMM' Us btteirof tterittbritle es Graf tlkestern Bath. rosit,-Veaspimrilsost Ms 4411713. etojenktrtm4.lo. roconevasaietnterrentoga - wlttt,tbq ; lop et talk t I l i allE sir. AnostlAkorteOLgis.paskers. Teat* ..da 1 nris 44;MrSIS4 chid : the .. iobbere. ILK ;, Cinema's .ofilter; and . ustc* Its ley ' Sher safl3, - led extracted - about . . ' tsi.s ' . . the rakers escaped. Thi • citere' 'be si iteraVtioar Tldiers -1 ::•!, f , .. ,' 1 ....-..-- 1 , ,- • r. r: ~ 1 1 043fitialilltdirot telninteg =tray, quo (Minted frowned two or thleegraPea:Wkirk,' areetak2Y24l9 -rank sMOVlVlCattolatea! One of them, tkorktirike'!. Wkhttk - 4104 11 0 1411 44 . atiekttlekeil soroavgtit,- KnoT. for take rink ameer the best 'et :01MM rrrwinl3 Nice itaiiaariiailaat. THE DAILY wY PITTSI3URGIT GAZETTE. LETTER FROM ITALY, COrtgrOonderice of the Pittsburgh 6sratto. PLOWINCE, October 15th, 1565 We are now within a week of the period fixed for the general elections, and within a month of the meeting of the new Legislature—the lat ter being the latest moment Mond& I propose prolonging my stay here, In Order to glye your renders some account of the installation and phytognoms or the second Itallan.Parlianitent. I hive purposely refrain - id hitherto from 'eying touch respecting the probable result of the elec tion), because the time was ridden* hot yet di or such predictions, and data were wanting On which to found them. New, however, the smelt different, and the electoral movement has nainnued a form and vivacity which enables even a stranger, who is looking on, to appreciate It With mere confidence. Bull, however, I most in 'a treat measure confine myself to general temehisions. To do otherwlse,lndeed, or enter LAO minute details, would be to tarry little In foreteller' to American or even European read t' There are, as yet, but very few Italian itatiovnan,legislatora, or politician' whose names are .of worldartde repute, and it would serve llWa PurPulte forme to mention those of a bun dled candidates, whose designation would con. irey no meaning aave to a local ear. Littall begin, then, by simply saying, first, that the universal Impression now is, that the opinions and chances of the Moderatellberal par ty In Italy, and their candidates, are complete ly In the ascendant. The sepatur to this state ment of coarse, Is that the ultraliberals. radicals Or "party of action routs qua angle, and at all riga, as well as the reactionary and clerical par ty, or per' (blacks) as they are called, are In a decided mlnonty. But of them two, the lest meotlened Is supposed to have the better chance to be likely to succeed in placing several repre sentatives among the Electoral College of the South of Italy and Sicily. I.a Piedmont and Lombardy. they will be altogether rep... Metal, not do I think they will attempt to run a candt: date even in Tuscany, though that Is lees cer tain. The result seems to be that Ills part,' cannot hope to form more than a small :section at the new Chamber. The expectations of the ultra-liberals are based chitty upon the revival of the Provincial jealousies which existed toe certain degree after the death of Comm, and the partial disorgani zation of the great moderate party of which he Wee the fonder and the son! and also upon the elltulns given to those samee teelinge by the lab pequt change of capitol. s and other dr enutetances will give the "rode," at they are called in con-tradlstinctiou to the "blacks.; ' a better Mince. In the old Northern Provinces. and especially In Naples, where Jealousy bums with Southern ere. The most notable example, however, of the succese of thiS party may pot. Mely be at Turin, where M. Beaten; editor of the radical ga=aes del Food°, to a favorite can didate with advocate Farads and the Marquis de Fior e, of pretty nearly the same color, and, aa some say, with Garribaffil himself, though it, is eat thought the old hero will accept the nom- Cloinini, editor of the Thrills, the of of the. Ultras here in Florence, is also spares of for 'fieuin. The celebrated "red" Orator &affairs Is vary certain of melamine at Drone —IS7=WE=.I The most important step of the'etoderates re that which they have taken this very day, in Florence- The committee of their chief repro tentative body, the "Liberal Aaeoeiation of Florence," has just pnellshed/ta list of candi dates for the new capitol, accompanied by an address of most excellent tone. Beth thectioice of men and the language used, are, I think, all that can be dealred. The committee "recognizes with the greatest itatiellscticm, toe development of political life throughout the country, and the action and eerions interest takes by the people in the coming election." All it pretends to do in tasted) the wishes and action of the tireier ate party in Florence. and seek to secure Its suc cess- and on these grounds it proposes as its fires candidates, Baron Ricasoli and GOrn mender Fermis. The first named is one of Italy's world-wide celebrities, and therefore needs no comment of mine. The Renaud is known.bettaishaving signed the. Convention of September, with France. an act which sufficient ly demotes his policy, Bat it to the third n otal ration and km motives which rt deer the highest credit uron the Florentine Committee. Their eyes, they say, had naturally been tamed for representatives upon men of their own State and city. But "a device hart been outplayed by many of ,the electors that Florence, In the craning election, should pay a testimony of fre t, ruby and sympathy to linkman-1 by the choler of one of the illustrious political men of that Province to represent her in Parliament." Not only did the Committee itself at odes rally to this truly nationaland patriotic desire. but, to his great honor, the Marquis Garzoni, who was to hays had the third nominadcm, at once also withdrew his claims and gave in his adhealon to the proposal. In consconence of thin wise and politic determination of the lioderatepany, , the well-kuowo Piedmontese commander, Elm rompegne, the extraordinary commissioner emu by V:mor Beaune! to negoelato the annexation of Tuseeny, has been named as the candidate of the Moderate party for the representation of the Cariml. The Pledmontese.must, be as hard of heart as their own mountains, if they do not melt at this most delicate and well-Judged act of courtesy on the cart of their Tu.eau cmetry. men. STATE NEAVS A may in Reading, a member of several lodges, is Is the habit of serving lute at night on committees, On Thursday night of last week, his labors had a conieusing effect oa bin mental operations. At a very early boar In the morning he put a six shooter under his pillow and Illumined Ms bed chamber dimly with gas, as a precaution against burglars. Daring, the Premdtag day-his wife hung up od a nail, di rectly epposite the foot of the bed In the sleep lug apartment, a pair of pants, a coat and a hat. His slumbers were disturbed. Ile heard something and was sure he sow a burglar at the foot.of the bid. He called three times, to know his business there, and then fired two shots at -ttre burglar, when bin wife commenchd ectaaal ing "murder," All the rest of the Inmate.s of the Infuse rushed into the room, and he peer gently realized that he had bred a bullet each through the tail of his coat and acat of his breeches banging on a peg against the wall at the foot of his heel. NIOILLL-1, would he batter not to stay put too late surfing on committee., &a. Ati Intereetlng. matter was befors the Regis ter's Court' of Lt`b3l2o9, last week, la the hearing of a❑ appeal 'from tho appraisement of the Cornwall Ore fiLlls. A number or whness ea--laperienred Iron men—were erarninvd, ant agreed In nrlng the valuation at $500,D00. The Harrlabarg Telegraph says the Lochie. Cron Work, of that City, recently put in opera tion, is now making tho beet quality of railroad iron c err mennractured In this country, Gen. Cameron and G .1) . C01eman,.g,„4,,-„are largely terettod iii these works., Tim man Darrow, examined on the ybarge of highway robbery, at Pleasantville, on Saturday, was bound over for appearaneent the Quar ter Beersiona in the sum of $5,000, welch not to being itusville.. able procure, he was, committed to jai? at T A steron wows took place in fitinben town- SW., Crawford Comity, a few ;dais since. Two parties, Of eight or tea osett,'"rm each side, In the course of a three days hunt, haggen nearly 1000 Nub rola and other smitllAame. "The Norristown //mold estimates that the =Want of money invested In worthless oil com panies try residents of that town, in from ono Irundred and fifty to two bun iced thousand dollars, " ' Gov. Ccnrn and state arrived In Erie city Jut evening, and took rooms at Brown's hotel. They are on their wayio.GlNticl'io attend the Inittaurstion of the 4 11thintnent.—Desiencla of anew apples are selling. in 'Philadelphia at 'eighteen dollars per barrel, cranberries at fifteen dollar* per barrel, and chestnuts at eight dollars per ditto. A PARTY of Engineers left Erie last Teesdar, fOr'the ourpOse of stirreyirm.the new railroad to ttte:oll country, which Is to ran from Erie toafill. town. A eaftxx.of gegUsa."eapltlaleta" atm lately been in Ixbaroa, !wiring for a !dean= for the calablishensnt of a steel manufactory. 'two railroad passengers were relieved of their wallets at Meadville, on Saturday—One of 1 100 , and the other lees. Ton Junlauk &wind has. passed Into new hands, and a now edltand yablishea by IL H. Wilnon, Encl. • • . . A iJTEBAXIT 80Ciety 14E4 other:died In Leba non to ancceeding beyond expectation. Ttal of Lieui.-iciil., - Miirato-Milttary De. rthaent, Otiano-rfteinraio ,Reeetpte. flaw rOnx,Ncry,f,---The 'iVashingtoa -diainiteliaaltillliertiarateotirt martial for tho VIM of'Llenteriiin - t COlOber - Ward Marston. of. ilhe United States Marineeoepo, was commenced yotortiarigtentopor.l . rr,r; ibidiroftlterffeeretirrOf-Aitit-tha ;193aconain has bate taken from the military talpanmest of,MILIMR 44: 4 1443 4 r.1°.1ttia de ' portmeat of Ohio. inns maga, of 12[81sta:roil! firrettstorepoNi y amounted to is;soo,6.An..3lroixpeettrAs t'oCustomearatenilay attiptokted Lo i 10,09 9 4000 Load. x 4`i . ::( - 1 -. .-ICpttasu : j • HI ad ettertt fbe kotionpaszA 4Lt; lIF boa. dkod and sovintt-o#o for CLadtini. tad hun dred and ninety for EyeantUe, and two hundred fOr C 6 4 01•2 • . 4% BY TELEGRAPH. IXTENSPIE 'COTTON STLISMIJNC. ?he New York Elan Cleaning. Commission LIFFAIOS IN NORTHERN ALARM From Mexico and the West Indies. Now YOWL, Nov. 2.—The Times states that Col. Crook has ferreted out the system of cotton thieving of huge proportions by which the gov ernment has been badly swindled, and certain assistant treasury agents have pocketed large sums of money. A Rev. Mr. Coover has been arrested as one of the principal agents in the fraud. Cotton burners are very plenty, and sev eral fires of that description lately have des troyed much of that description of property. The musical strike was only partially success- Ail. Three or four of the theatres being without orchestras, supplied their places with piano, vocal and melodesn music. The Street Cleaning Commission met at City flail to-day, to consider charges against the street cleaning Contractors. The Police Board if desirable, would aid with such proofs as could be offered of the truth of the charges. Mr. Vanderpool presented an answer to the charges, sad it was derided to Instruct the contractors to make particular answers to each. The Police hoard adjourned until eleven o'clock A. M. Monday. • Northern Alabama is full of patriotism and American flags are seen on many houses, hot the southern portion of the State, including Mobile, In not no patriotic, they having suffered heavily from inveatmenus in rebel currency, &c. Horrible outrages have lately been committed near Florence. Several persons have been burn ed to death by robbers in search of valuables. 'the latest Mexican advices confirm the ap pointments of Magruder and Maury in the col onization bureau. The Mexican Timm cougrat ulate4 the Imperial Government upon these ap pointments, and argue emigration from the United States. Maximilian's agents of coloni zation have been appointed in several of the Southern States. Magruder's salary is ES • 000; and contingencies $2,500. Intelligence la received by way of Havana In relation to the negro insurrection In Jamacia, states that the disorders began in the district of 81.. Thomas, where martial law has been declared. The leader of the Insurrection is named Paul Boyle. The Government has offered two thousand dollars for his arrest. Two Spanish war reasela,the Sante Lucia and AndoUlna, had left Santiago on the 19th nit_, to protect the Spanish citizens in Jamscia, and offer aid to the authorities in suppressing the revolt. The Woriors 'havens correspondent of the 27M: nays An attack upon the railroad at Terije, Mexico, was made by a party of guerril las. The trains were detained 'and the passer:- gen taken some miles from the station, where the Spanish. Mexican, Herman and American travelers were released, and the French, civil and military, or, re detained. No d tubt they bane been shot, prohabll,fourtcen persons. The American passengers, net identified with the politics of the country are unmolested. Intel'igence has been received from Vera Cruz to tee 23d of October. The Emperor Maximillien has established the provisional capiteli., of welch are Vera Cox; Achill°la rod Niemen°. The adriees from Mexico contain reports of various skirmishes at different points, between the Imperialists and Jaarists, bat no [tattle of real Imp3rtanee boa taken place. TUE CASE OF MHZ. Bud Treatment of Freedmen in Ear)lsad BEECHER AND THE PRESIDENTS POLICY Our Relations with England LET - TIESFR(II SOCTEIERN PAST3IISTaIS FAREWELL GREETING TO U. ORTON Nrte YI MN, Soy. .2.—The ranee special says: T 1 pa , , , ery L 0 the ease of Wirz were vesterdsy evt.olog placed is the hands of the President, for his approval or disapproval of the findings sod judgment of the Military Commislon. Up to the present moment it to not known that the President has disposed of the case. The WorkPsspecial says: The great pressure of public business on the President has Pre vented him from doing anything .lo the Wirz c. 0... The brief of the record made by the Judge Advocate Genetal has not oven been laid before the Executive. Learn) were received at the Freedmen's Bu reau this morning complaint's? of the treatment of the freedmen In Anne Arundel county, Mary land. Every effort will be made fur the abate ment of these complaints, Rev. Henry Ward Beecher had an interview with the Ynsldentyestarday andagain this mor ning. Be Is now more than ever pleased with the Presldent's A special cabinet sneering was held at noon. There is little er no de not but that the Adams- Russell corrispondenee of the Alabama piracy are undor consideration, and the reply of Mr, ficortaa to Earl Russell resd at the mooting and duly cons:dored, though in some quarters It is decided this the dispatch to Minister Adams went qnt on to-day's steamer. The T ibunt'a spec-lag. dated "Washington Nor. I arys: The Government has received from Charleston, South Carolina, a 9tiatitity of let ters written In the spritig or 18131 by the more honest postmasters, containing money and isy.,tsge stamps, but all seized at that chi by the Confederates. The stamps being useless .to them they were allowed to terminate. The Gov ernment has also received $7,100 for postage due from Charleston before the war. Ex-Commissioner Orton recelvtul the farewell greetlngsOf the clerks of the Internal Revenue Bureau, and left for New York last olnht. _ . Commissioner wbo returned Last cv cnlng, assumed hlis new duties to-day. Sixty-one millions certificates of Indebtedness were passed at the Treasury yesterday to the credit of the various purchasing quartermasters throes bout the country to liquidate the out standing claims of Government contractors. TILE. $5O COUNTERFEIT GREENS Veteran Reserve Corps.Mnster Out Rolls ANOTHER-TRIAL FOR CRUELTY TO PRISONERS New lone, Nov. 2.—A special to the Herald, dated Washington, Nov. 1, soya the fifty dollar counterfeit greenback la such a auccessfal piece of workmanship, that about a dozen copies of it have been passed - over the counters at the treasury. The veteran treasurer, GeneralBphiner acknowledged Itimself puzzled to distinguish the good from the bad in this C 9130. Captain Woodruff, of the veteran Reserve Corps, has been charged with making out the rolls, and Major Lamotte to to muster out those vete:, aria Who whin - It, as soon as the rolls are mate out. Two or threi, days will elapse before the men of the Veteran Reserve Corps in this de• partment will hare an opportunity to vote di the question. _ The case of Capt. Pettit, the Alexandria All. or. charged with cruelty to prisoners, will come up before a killitary.'OotatoJasloo, to-morrow. Evidence will be adduced to` prove Pettit guilty of outrages but little Inferior to those at An dersonville, hearing on the destruction of Ufa at the latter place. Ho was a Veteran. Reserve Captain, and wea arrested by °Merv( the Sac— retary of War, for inburnaulty towards citizens of Alexandria as well as Uttloo soldiers. BRITISH TILIBPS " BANABL Anticipated Fenian Demonstration. MONTiq. MOURNING FOR L O AD 14,1;MERSTOK finvt,Ton,a, Nor. 2...4PepeelaLto the-Ihnes. frcen Montreal on Stoarailay.,Nov. c understand that five regltnemtaidtßittlift be here very soon on their way to Upper AVade , to gala eitilnat • PerielMeZkenlan da msnatratlnn la that.teNnteCe• kitelmM.!.lPS, lll .down the :river do ramonttAnmet. , The Chtof Montresldaln nineteen , .for dhe death of rd Palmerston, tat the sad Cate Or Eitninsallot Arlhantbstdt, Who :wee edoA atenWQr 8t John. Thera will , ba a #e";*t ti ftf2tit ir .••. , • . . r Wits, Gi. ,• • • INIOS!-,r 0 4 1 4%..; 14 91' - te. ;Admits, cortAapitan rofrpAzicsiTsgray ae speedlly. recoveriotinma rabidiatitintaicas e 4 ., terrtic PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, NOVEMBM 3. 1865. ORGANIZATION OF THE HONE. MR. McPHEBSON'S POSITION. riFevw . .sa Cicrtxx-t TIT sr rticia. WASHINGTON, Nov. 2.—The leading journal have recently published a statement of the law governing the Clerk of the House of Represen tatives in making up the roll for the organiza tion of the next House, who construes that law as to preclude him from placing on the rolls, any names of Representative elect from the lately rebellions States. This statement they have Incorrectly attribu ted to the Clerk himself. It was written by Mr. Whitelow, Librarian of the Hone, for a west ern journal with which..he le connected, but there are sufficient reasons for believing that ht faithfully and exactlyistatc.s the vi-w of the law on which the Clerk will act. • It may therefore be considered as sealed that In the organtratlob of the House no members elect from the lately Insurreetionary States will participate after the °migration. Their eases will come up ou the presentation of their cre dentials, and will doubtless be referred In doe comic to the Committee on Facetious. Mr. McPherson, himself, however, has pub netted nothing on the aubJect and Is not likely to volunteer a printed explanation of Ms intand ed coarse 'ln advance. In the Senate the organization was effected at the extraordinary ser.alon, following the lean gnration, and consegnently the claims of the Senators elect from the lately rebellions States. were duly considered by that hely. on the pre sentation at their respective credentials. The Farragut Naval Court Martial met again to-day, alien Col. Marston, of the marine mops, ebargyil with misappropriating a large sum of tnonry plated la his hands for new re cruits, to which charge he yesterday pleaded guilty, submitted a written statement In extenuation of the offense. The Court was cleared for deliberation upon a verdict- The next case to be taken up will be that of Commo dore Craven, charged with violating one of the articles of war, in not engaging the rebel ram Stonewall In the port of Forral. Provisional Governor Parsons, of Alabama t had anotlier intervi,w with the President to day. One object of his visit Is said to bo the aoollahment of the Freedmen's Bureau, on the ground that It has caused conch trouble In the Southern States. MONTHLY STATEMENT OF NATIONAL DEBT Redociton :I' the Debt and Currency. TOTAL AMOUNT $2,740,85475&.88 WASIII3Oni, Nov. 2.--Secretary Ileenßnch to-day promulgated the statement of the'l;Mblie debt as It appears front the-books of the TE611.11- arer's returns and requisitions In the depart ment., on the 31st of October. 1865. The recs. paniation shone the 'Wowing Debt bearing interest f cola, .1,161,131,691.80; Debt bear ing' interest In lawful money. $1.191.81 ,T 57,46; Debt onurttlett Interest bummed, $1,313.930.09; Debt bearing no interest, $593.553.569 St; total amount ontatandinz 12,140,854.758 80. The Vaal Interest Is 1133,933,07 d 59, 6i which $67,- . 6TQ,840.00 is In coin, and 5' 75 ,5 6 7, 7 5 6 ,6 0 1 to In ta*.rul Money. The legal Leader notes In cir culation!" as follows: Free per cent. notes, 18.5,- 696 901 00. C. 8. Nett..old in., i53,07'3,070.0;13. B. Notes„new.tiatto, $ 057n . 760 . 460 00; Com und Interco! IffOtes, $173,012,141 00; total, Kn,089 000. in Ourreney. $33.800.591.64; total, OS 555,678 65. Fractional Carrency, 11260,005,469.00. A contrast of the October statement with that for September stows • ro-ittethon of the public debt of 84,000.000. and also a redaction of legal tenders of over 1-14.000,000. In the October statement there la also • new feature. namely the amount ontetanetng In 520 bones. Ex changes order the act of March sl, 105, are Dearly 84,500 ,tlO. These are payable after are ard redeemable in twenty yenta from November 7415, at rth per cent. Interest la coin. The temperary loon four per cent. Is $61.7.t9 at Ore p-r cent at $213,097, ana at els per cent gi37,- Cer.lflcates of Indebtedness nearing sr per cent.. interest, $515,965,003. Finance and ?trade lu New Vortr New Yogi. Tow ...—This morning Oh stock markt t lcmi tidayant, prdoalliy trona the prevailing cliap‘altion among Lim balls to realiza moats. lite iranimmiona on all tko leading rallruadii were large al the morning bawd, but coming principally from lir, sellers• alde. There waa generally a decline on prices varying from one-ball to four and and a quarter At the last board, the market seas stronger, with continued ;trod demand. Prices Were generally better, and the hull In terest was le the ascendency, Erio has beau largely oversold,hence the !gulden rise. Thera was considerable exeitementenPrarledu Chien, and stock so:d at S2k-;. After bond, the market ant firmer on the street. The following were the dogleg Twine at 4:103 P. M. New Tack Central, l0iyA101; FAN 2 ''Al• 92 !‘; 11ud.0 1 4 10 'N ®l o7 n; Beading. lid:Y;(4115%; Michigan Bantiaern. 731,:@7344, Cleveland and Pittsburgh. 134 :9:4 3 0/4; C 1..,. land and Toledo, L02@10414; Data Island, MYJ (41071-.; Prairie du Chien, 92@152,,, North- Western ..;(g)311 North Western preferred, C 6 7.( 6 C";• Gold I. op to 1485441443),;. The heavy de [nerd for gold for custom dnues has strengthen. ed the premium. The C'connarelal van: It Is understood Ma the English capitalists before sailing yesterday, signed preliminary papers for the perpetual lase of the Morris and Essex and Cat-awls ea Railroads to the Atlantic and Great West. ern Company, the la'-ter company to build one huttdred and eighty miles of the new road, so as to complete the connection of the other railroads with their own and also to lay extra rail on the Morris and Essex and Catatrisss roods. Th , arratn7. meat, we believe is not dual, and there is re.- 1100 for question. whether It is Intended to he co, or merely to facilitate the making of atlvrmtagoons leans with the Eric compin r. The money market was more active to-day, in oonsionenee of increased specalation at the soot k xchaege. The demand was readily met at 7 per cent, and brokers found no diffiralty at the legal rate. Teen: lea full demand (or dis• comas, and commercial paper does not pass ens more freely than Delors. The rates Ire 'ifs,' 12 per cent. From Nashville Nsanviu,c, Nov. 2.—The annual celebration of the order of Odd Fclittera took place to-day. Arocesalon with tousle at Its heed, marched through the streets. An address was delivered by Rev. J. R. Ferguson. A largo delegation of the order arrived from Lontarille and other cities. The lestivltlea ooncittded with a tom and hall at the Masonic Templet. The counsel In themes of Dlek McCann, held as • prisoner of fear at Knoxville concluded their arguments to-day In the Circuit Court to favor of a VA Of habeas corpus hying grouteit , Cotton has advanced one and a half cent over the quotations of yesterday, closing active at Lartrela and one half end forty-saven.• lot offered at forty-eight and taken. Biz hundred end fort)•five balm were received, and four bun. dyed and enyentv-three shipped. The riVera at a stand. From Nortpern Mexico New Yong, November 2.—By the arrival yes terday of General Aguirre, military commander of the Slate of nolditalls, for the republic of Mexico, we learn th at General E`scoveas in CohnbUa. about . COO miles west of Matamoras on the 10th and 20th of September last, with his ferces scattered all over that State and New Leon, acting entirely on the defensive, and only harassing the French by brythwhaealegr. Gen. Ardent Mates that Cosa! and Cords Leon oyd others were more than one hundred miles from Matamoros, and were walling the return of GM. COTllgail with means and IMOD. merits of war. tie asserts that the reported de feat of the Liberals at Matamorasin untrue. Re says that the whole mass of the Mexican . pop: Ireton will else end exterminate the French so Boon is they . can get sans and lintalpidoll, and that President Amer. is In no danger. The lellsbarl Legiatature: .87. LOUIS. Noy 2.—Tha adjourned session of 4c Missouri Litejtlathre coneford'at laffefeon today. No vernal Irbil present to the Sehate, that body .edjorrrhol Ifl tomorrow. ;The Hobart orgenized with Col. Jameson, apelike(' tiro tem., bile chaff, tort Aottntod without Ainnaactlnd any brained& Loreloce... rho regular fdpealeoe of the, Eayuto, hating appanfed 1 , 440 .Olthe urome cOtorby Goyaletehor. Az; brut, but to not dbelded:lrbetheiltia' Rause' c ous ocergixew. %mkt; crall','Col.' , Zaagoon . 1 9 preside4tirlng t,lttiAisesicuu. • Aoki Hamm, ekes The stave 'triple' In'enba 411 _ter, limularet. , gffortt aro bantainde by Argemeuee. tditatie.a" l i p:mato the Crafted eltatntiq - IsltelrfeTe .111 fselitt - - - • otiiptain Gwent of Cutta, ittootimor • Rolle% is tolle.reinoved ori th6lBth CariPattd with great iitigatlorbit,Apja . .' 1001$411,th ' : NATIONAL RANK STATEUENT. Treaties with Indian Tribes PRESIDENT JOHNSON'S FAINTLY The D ifl" 11 11 wile England. H. V. BEECHER AND THE PRESIDENT Nils Toni, Nov.:l.—The Poat's Washington special says: The quarterly report of .Freeman Clink shows loans and , dlacounts of the national banks to be four hundred and eighty-dye mil lions of dollars. The circulation was one hun dred and seventy-one tnlllions. Individual de pains.. four hundred and. ninety.four millions. Circulation of State banks shout sixty millions, The fieroWs special says : A letter has been received at the Indian Bureau tram Fort Bad mated October 10th. It states that while most favorable trcatles have been consummated with several of the prominent tribes of flu% &teflon, the council of all the Indians of Dacorilli will necessarily have to be delayed until May or June next, of in to the lateness of Cho season. which is devoted td a grand hunt. All the tribes are represented as being anxious to treat with the Government Commiasioners. The Tribune's Washington special says: A number of colored men of Norfolk, Va., have combined and purchased a farm of one thou sand acres for 810,000 ou Currituck Sound, twenty milcs.from Norfolk. They expect to cut it up Into forty farms of twenty-five acres each, The National Freedmen's Savings Bank already has deposits exceeding to a quarter of a million of dollars, and as the Government pays off the colored troops; the amount .grows rapidly. The Times' spial sayer Judge Patterson, of Tennessee, United States Senator elect from that State, and his wife, daughter of President Johnson. the lady who does the honors at the White Ilonite, and their son, alai Franklin Johnson, gloom fourteen years of age, the youpgrfa . l , oll of tha President, left on Monday night for Vermont, where it io intended to pines the boys In a University. The distinguished party wire In a special government car attached to the regular through train from W.hingtoe to New York. A Bret:tat Cabinet meeting was held at noon to-day. An of the members were present. There is nuie Or no doubt that the Adams-Ru se II correspondence of the Alabama piracies • ere under conaldcration. and that the reply of Mr. Seward to Earl Russell was real at the meeting and was drily cpnaldared, than' to some quarters it Is declaro that the dispatch to Minister Adams went out In to.iey's steamer. The Post's Washington special sayer Rev. Henry Ward Beecher had an interview yester day with the President. Mr. Solomon was very frank in his statement of his purposes and con victions. lle declared that no State lately In rebellion ought to he permitted to reserve its status and position In the Union till they shall adopted the constltutfonal amendment, and provided to extend slavery to the freedmen. A special to the iferideays r Orders were la seed from the War DeParttimirlt under data of Oct. mob to remit the !nnirePorted portion of sentences Of a number of, enlisted .men and oth ers tried 'be Court tfortial upon various chimes, to be Imprisone&-for a term of years. From New York—Trotting Hateti—The Fenton Senite--Flree. Nrw Tonic, Nov. 2 —At the Wain mac on the F•hbloo Course yesterday, G. Johnson' namcd • 'Billy." and A. Palm:non named "Brown Jdare " Thy match was for 55.000. mile beats.' "Brown Mare" von three-heals. Time, .24nh, 3:12 and 251. Stonewall Jackson and Lads Jane were elan matched. IMSSOD t cella heats, hest three Ind se. Stonewall was award ed the ract, the mere hailing ran during the ran.. The Fenian headquartnars in this city Is tee scene of onneb busloess. Every one Is sew - Ling good earnest. lIILLDALE IZIEBIdTERY—A. rural and, 00 the mots Vds. I mXliehaly " n iVi i 4 All egt:l ' l4 City, on the New Brighten goad Persou Web; tn to inert Buz - lel/Me will apply et the Super intendent.Utnee; at the Derneterz. Title Deeds, ' Pumice and en other hasttleil Minim attended at the Drug Warehouse et the u.ndermiawl, corner of federal and Lrnooek attests, Allegheny 060. A.. a et.ur, no,lyd Secretary and ?reasoner. New York Chamber or Commerce on Con R. It, REEVE, A dre occurrod this noon on the corner of Brava and New streets, to . larre betiding oc cupied by Iterdinger A Co., liqoar dealers. sad Reid liondey,frovisoon deniers. Tbe dam age is unknown yet, but insist be borer. The Crystal Oil Wailia to So.loklyn were burned ado morr_iug. tietlon of the furrenaj . New Tons,. November 2. —The Chamber of Commerce held a moethly meeting this after noon, Itreo,utlone werc adopted approving of the ehhtimette (Ahmed by tin Secretary at taa Treasury in his Fprecti at Fort Wevne, as well its his recce: action in funding $50 . 003,003 of ligal tender pole*. rhos gI,l g assurance of a de termination to exert his isatuuce and authority in favor of en early return to specie payments; also expressing emphatically, aeons:mil:ln of the necessity of prompt bat cautions moventa in the direction of curtailment of Ilia currency and therefore catering In advance, an emphatic pro• test againet entry effort that mop be made to COTIZTt 11. at the approaching session, to in- aware the National bank currency beyond 300 million. authorized, or the issue of a single dol lar more of paper money in any form. A l - 70 , that etpica of resolution■ be forwarded to the ?resident and Secretary of the Treasury. Tobacco Dealer.' Conreatton—lmp6rtant naval Orders. New Tons - , Nov. 2.—A call has been made for • Notional tioavca Wit o; the tone= dealers co the i 12.1 of Norembir, to arrange for near ing leg - natation coocerniog their latoreets. Col. John 0. Slahany, proldent of .the Fca lane, dealer that ho o'er made statements to the correspondent of thu London noes, as the lot• ter aneaes. Thereto much activity at the Fee• lan Headquarter* ID this oitr. The Herehf says . orders supplementary to air adverted to a few days as,o, bat been 'Billed by the Secretary of the Navy. directing all our Iron Clad ;lace!' now lylog Idiot° be pot In or. r and get ready for sea at the cattle it practis - able period. pigeon Shooting Match at Bunko Ettrrral.l ' Nov, 2.—Tne plgitiou shontlairmitch between R. Yawed, of this city, and John Taylor. or Jentey Car, commence! at Syracuse to-day, There was some inlaunderatandlng at drat about traps, but the skootlag at one hundred *Mule birde Muriel nt one o'clock. The weather le drizzly. Snootier at double birds to-morrow. Registry Laws of Maryland Sustained. BALTIMORr., Nov. 9.—The Court of Appeals of the Stet, of Maryland, has sustaioed the coostitutiooality at the registry Low of the State, anti also of the vonsisteney of I.lla pro- Inking in the roe , . hat lon of the State with the oslilo has of the United Status. Pasaeugers of the !steamer Republic Safe, CB•KLESTCFN, 2.—. N boat itt Chine Drab Brat dicer 01 the steamer Regabbe i arrived here Wattle aternblit with twelve parteeavrs. The toot ID (Matti' Of 'a , palleheer of the Re public, (=Reg at ilUton Kele with "t„weletg fourpassectigets, all well. . nv LAST incEive HAILS. hle speech et the ineng - alitiou el the 8 01 - Monument at Girard last Wednesday, Goy. Ccum took occasion to express himself strongly against Interference In Muds= 11.51115. We quote. "let no never have another war -let us not salt a war with foreign countries, Mt us con. tide: It (Inn no other way) as a question of dollars and cents. Let na pray tifirkit and morn ing that oar etataistaall may ligt Arpw. us Into another war. We haveicrst men enough-then are hough widows and orphans already is the land. We have expended money enough.. What haat we to do with kfaximillaul I am of the opinion that if 'we let the kfeitcans alone they will be strenn enough In the end to drive the bogus Emperor into the Gall themselves: They are millions strong; they are reasonably -war. like, and formidable In many respects. They will not have an Emperor forced on them without their consent, and I can tell you with all frankness that the change In theirgov- Mame t from a repubile to a monarchy Is Just as much a result of the rebel/lon as the battle of Goityshurgh ! The French Emperor wotiki have never dated to meddle with the affilot of any nation on this aide the oceaq it waked not beep engaged in an exhausting war, on which he believed and hoped, . without :doubt, thst.we would fail. But bit azgectatione ere, og.wM be dleappolnted. Dut we can go tato no .more wars, and when I say Utah I think I. speak tale. sentiments *tale, bean before ;no who . hie been in the military ierteel '. . . - M — Galveston (TittliY . Netra learns {der the. not , of Secretary Dowar4'a complAcity with the British tiontrufeenf against 'tied °rad or the Feel= Beetled:ood e has arausedameleindlgtlS: - doe that the Irish adopted Wilson Otte &Silk will move in address to Prieldeat-JOhnnott tof hb4 dingiest:row . the .cabipet. ."lagfa ....-'''''''' al/V. rh-T4OSIF/OTAICInts consecrated BlaW, of Naahvillivot the-thrtholleVathedril,in,B4, ;Leah. on Wednesday, ArehblehOO'Nentler, Blume Dagen, of Chicago”,-Blehop.innckpr, of 'Alton, Bishop Ifelgii . totEnuteit' ha' several , 1 1 4.. , 40114; :c ~-, , 'IT, il ,qt .r , 0 1444 1 • ~. CO !tfterirthotionDliutliirOir:abiiernor, tampinnitlighnownet 41113'41r:0e( his JO Bkoltit positivelygeguges tbsuni Ana Chge,,, et t6 'Jtakizo; taas , ;46one. , ---9eorGla . .woult, go melodrama,. for Stephens:, 1 - -...z5, sinnitent Itt , thrthiii :At_t 64ll (el. 2444 wi n t : potty Oh ;ORKIOOLMOOsi tiroperAtlng '• i Ala tiltill-Qf Qatrigtlnio77, Eja - , •-. 7 • I L •,, ~., a •••,..L L LL .. 1 • , ••-• ••, , ,1 ' ..• .1' ~.,•1• kb:lll , Y 7c7 .4,1: Jo .... •,.. 1 Position of Malt( VC35011. New Tons. Nov. 1.--Blnco the end of the war the nary department haseshibited great ac tivliy In sending ant Treads for service to for 11111414 In the Mediterranean we hazels vessels, and fonr more almost man in the Brazilian squadron six vessels, and tWO more nearly ready; in the East India squadron three vessels, on the Atlantic coast striven Vessels; 10 the Gulf squadron thirteen, in the MlSslatippl aqua:lron six, and a number of Iron clads;•*C Mound City, Illinois, eleven moats, babottging to the practice squadron; at Annapolis, Mali- , land, twenty-two, which are used as transports, tte. The total number of reseals In the sorrier' to 701, and the number of gone to 1,115. DIM= PHILLIPS—SHEIII AN—October 19th, It the how., oI Mt. Jo. AloCloy, by the Rev W. P. Alrleh, D. D. Mr. TOSEeII B. PIiILLIPS to Mln hIARI ANN bILEIIMAN, all of Allegheny county, P.. I F TOUR HAIR IS FALLING OUT OR turning Grey go to the CENTRAL DRUG STORE, and procure a bottle of HALL'S SICILIAN HAIR PgE'ERVER. Ooe trial will OCalidnee you of Its value. Also, GLYCERINE OREAII. COLD CERAM. for chapped hands, Llps, and Pore. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. Da. SWAYNE'S COSIPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CltEalilt. Yon wUI alw spa end on hand at the CENTRAL DRUG STOUR, so, of Ohio end Federal streets, Allegheny. sem GEORGE A. KELLY. DURRIWEA. Over 18,000 addlers were cured of Diarrbal and Dysentery last year by the use of Of. STRIDE, LANIYB ARTIAJIIOLERS. RIXTUB.R. Tee fact o Re being used so estensively in the Hospitals ls proof of th• "Mosey of DR. STR/ORLADUPE ANTI-OLIT.LERA. MIXTURE for the Cure of acute and dandy eases of Mush= and Dysente ry. Thiele the only rompers:ion he owe u a eafe and certain remedy (or Unolora. Ile not be with out.* valuable • medicine. Get • bottle of it di rectly. It Ls sold by nil Druggists at 60 cents Per bottle. R. E. SELLEIt & CO, ccl3.lyd WaoEms ALM Name 11 1.1011 FITZVAT RIC K, FIRST PREJIIIO.4I GOLD PEN MANUFACTURER, Philo Nall, ear. Third and Market sta., 13econd Story, entrance on Third meet. Gold Pena and Gold and Silver PencLl.Gues, 'wholesale and retail. Paoli repaired. Pm o. bertha Perm to repair elm send them by mall, and they erlil be promptly DE - tit & BLACK, Iwo on hand • large wort ant of MOWING MACHINES. XX4011‘1313 . Straw putters, Scythes and Hay Bakes, So. 28 and SO OHIO STEM, my 4 /11.Z.EGHENY. PIT HOLE CREEK OIL L&ND FOR miLL!„—lntoretta In tends View on Plc Hole Creek, ADJOINING THE HOLNEDEN FAR I &neva as the "Deer Ltek;" also la the PINE RIM FARM, anstalnins G ur acmes, Naugle on Pine Runs be tween int Hole and Oil Orselu. These internals are eery desirable, n the situations are all mol t= lands. E./Inuit . , of W. J. & HALL PATTERSON, Alton:m . 3s, so. 144 Fourth fit.. Pittsburgh. Pa. icrlvi:o3a3 - itaw.4Ls.iaJß, 89 Smithfield Street, new. Pah Street 1101- COFFINS of every. description. CIRAPS. OLOVIZ and FCIUSINIIIISLI FOS Fungi/. ALS Ksii_slisify. SiP.PLIE ILSAIISE and o.sii ILLAtiAn Ihimished ivls•• Via/DUCE CONSIGNMENTS-- A. no PUS. lowa Red and Tallow Onions, salmi Isom the wad this roan 100 bbl. itnis Appl ,1 60 abla. Janet/ Swain Potatoes.; I car load Pauli Blow Patatossi 60 bows Goshen Maass; aotea W. R, do 60 I. la. Whit. Beans; if b la. Males; 60 dr. Can Peaches; CO d Can Tomatoes and 'flask barites. odd PODTBR, AIKEN SHCPA.RD. A-ND GRAIN. 100 this Family Flour, white wheat; as do do tad do; Ito do do going do; Sou bud; prime Pow Corn; Iro do shelled do; UM bath Oata; =MA do Spring Barley; I oar load Mil feed, In dare Karl for gala by PATTER ON, MaltlON N. Cr, oe-3 Mt and .132 Penn atmet. HESPERUS I FORTY.PIVE THXt.POST DAYS. A MOGRAPUT, Prom the German of JEAN PAUL PBEDBIOK Itle/ITM Two volumes. Pelee Itt..tu. J. READ. No. TS Fourth 'tont I{IEBXcE & BRO.. Einem, Building and hiantaulatn, Man ufaeturers of Itleseekft Patent Balsam Velem for litetso Eogfoei Olt Deena, Brewer.. ara. sateen, Edlanag, Rangers, Pulleys, tanar.danissa sad Ma wens, inaaama, ht attend Sep alrLue mul putting up Id to pecusylly ed to. TREES, VI4BB AND PLA.NTEL A large and vary intact stock nt FRUIT and OR. N A MENTAL TREES, EVERGREENS, GRAPE VINES and GIIEI2IIIOOSE PLA VTR. 80. MULTI; and OUT FLu WEBS to order. sieuid for a catalogue 02 Dell Awd csatable our stook. - JOHN B. & A. MURDOUH, PlUalcurgh Nursery and Oakland 011X24101130. oadyd ' lOAL AND LIME PROPERTY iron •-• SALE—On the Steubenville Railroad, wren miles from the city, CONTAINING ONE amm CREreSirp AND =awry SIX A, Stems and Water Floartur and Saw awl other nee tmprovetatatt. For further taforatattou -LfeLatit WARD. (Opposite the Oathear) jyta Grant street, No. ltd. SPENCER & WRAY. PALE. CREAN AND AMBER ALE Phanix Steam, ilrewery, •v114:17 PcrrstmonE GRAPEBI GRAPF.3I-50 bona chola CATAWBA AIWIB/111ELLA. GILLPE9, Put up expreulrfor fatally MI, Just reoeivoa 'po Eaprazaaad far solo by CrULP & 311SP&BD, oolD lit Liberty ■ireet. • _ R IL JAGS, .431 r MIL 41C0 C, 3gi -EL , Nos. 1 and 2 Diamoud, prirserniou, P. RENO a - HOPKINS, cam, AND COHN.DEALsas. AND stritwrEas.'. DI&NoriEsTER I 6 near tee,Pauseeer Oit Stable,. ri.I4LIES'N e ; nlitted et the seretest Aotice. . -orttstr gliPoll4. PRESSES ego TAYLOR OYLTRO*beetlic6o • Ono TAYLOR DOUSLE-0 • All Inchegi to good WUI be sold at • rptek_ ot or satin • 'lOlllO —AM= Pinabuith ra. CROWE WI .APPLZB.— We ara now recelyttistilot du lima aids PIA. ter Apples, put up with grist we t wittninChil aditielOr good kMittg frit, which ws sell ht tuna purphmws. t trola.plasia burratirli• Motad;':e.4.a".44#:ritiNolaint'ory... PL_CLOTIIB I “CLOT/113 I—For , wors Bu ltt* Tow ACknaterk.aW. , thid Woo, anweil And TettitAgh AM@ CR 1 1 1 1 2 .4 lad At Mk either Wholesale or .xxut wxutt woukelkto4 ria.zt maga Rt. tistr=4;:L , kn. PlLutto,rx- ttiaNeWtptursiJmi -.4 , and brust Caro, :Plate ,g, INValik au. , keU sage Yerlektr et • ILO PPkVittkell . 11;" for salkat tberetally Grauer Mike Og - •..• ^. :1 ' MU. A-zuorsaAw, .' :-Dist. , , : timiniapsor lattsam fuistk: il VOLUME LK.XVIII - - - ND. 276. INSURANCE cIIAitTER 1829. -- YERFET AI FRANI= FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF • PHILADELPHIA. lisseta on Ismuirr 1. 1864. 112.457,849 95. 'Capital...4.— A=Med Pramlama.— Invaded Pram lams— minimal Claims Irmo= tat 11364 - Loam Pakl.ll.l=lB2) tdrins: p tr p gt i a i $4 4 Scapnrary Polities on "Wan • Marini!. Bandcar, Lane LaS Tobias WeegasS, EelWnsd Dent Samuel Gnat !. C=le Tales, Jacob R. Sad FLOM Gauge W. Mc rds, Era& W. Lewis, EL DI OARLI.N ft EM,Free . tdent , . EDWARD O..DALEs Vice uL J WeALT TSTER, SO& pro. tern. J. G. _COFER( reth..l9 corns? Woad and Thlid2=l4 FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Co. of North America, ov:ssir.lo:4Av:sti Hartford Fire Insurance Company. AlSetS 1111454.000. QPeotootion van be enured in the above name and via:table companion. JOIT I / 4 3, /loam, 91 Water bweet. (RO stabs.) WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURG R. §ELLER, 3r., Prot:fear, WE. P. HERBERT, Secretary. Oface, No. 93 Water Meat, Sparse h Co.', Ware nom rtalra,Sltta Rate. A In Hornelnetitution m all semutsred to/ Direcfors sato ore turf! krunew to the colonqnritir, and oho to Wary , wined try pryeeptnese and ltberallty, 911.6illiCtift uY chanurer width Mel/ haw emu= eseel ln.L . of/crisp" Ma beet Et, otextior, Co thaee alio do. to De DLIIIGTIVIIII 1 R. Miller, Jr., Andrew Ackley, Jame. McAuley, Alessader Speer, Piathaulel Holmes, David M. Long Alex. Nimick, Bees J. George Dania, Chat. J. Ta Clarma;k, Calc_pbell 12. lierran, John H. McCune. C. w. Ruaketson, Ms= WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary C'ITIZEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBUEOII.-0111ca, sorrier Markel and Water streets, second floor. WIC BACALEY, Piesideal. WX. A. SEEPARD, Socreary. Insures Steamboats and Cargoes. fauns against lass and damage In the usage. Con of the Southern and West= Elvers, Lakes and Bayous, and the navigation of the Seas. Laura against loss and - damage by fire. W m. 81.0111 } 11n Ica . Park, r W. G. Soluczan, B. P. Jokes, Boa. T. M. Howe, Barclay Prealon, George BLoglcarc. IXL Kies Job° Shiptos James IL Chops; Ltarbsagh, J. CtsMyatt, Jr, John S. MhoOrth. Wm. A. Rodgers. douttlyd p EOPLES' INS URA.NCE COMPANY Office, N. F.. corner of Wood and VIM Sts HEE AND MARINE INSURANCE PhSUL., OWt John ro.fthanda John Wats, Smut! P. Stdrver. Jaw E. Parks, 0. Hanson Lore, °balks H. Mull. Charles arbunkle, Wm.-Tan KUL Jonas P. S.uirpatilak, JamenO. Verner, John Glynn. WK. PHILLIPS, Prontent. JOHN WAIT, Plne Prstefent. V 7131. F. °LEHNER Seretary. Pliny ALLEGHENY INSURANCE COMPA NY Or PLTTSBVBQB.—Omee„No, II FIBII street, Beak Block. Hick& locum' against all kinds of Flro sal mum; ISAAC -TONES, Presternt... JOHN D. Sl'l,lOB.D, vice Prattle:lt D. M. BOOS, Sec.-44,v. nizacrroza : Julia 11. MaGord, eapt..tetam Sumba, B. I v tarlit . Rt . 111;trow, Renzi FL Dana, loam Jones, G. Marva? ftllds, Cant- IL (Lerch JoLn in. 114 Jro B. L. Fahilent.94l STEAMBOATS 1 4 '01i CINCINNATI & LoU is V L.L.E.—The /Ight draught pas. senggr packet. LENI LEon, J. T. Camp mill leave for the-eacree and alliatenae• dlate porta. an FRIDAY. tiov.l4. For freight or passage apply on board. not VOR BT. LOUIS. ALTON, /ad ANNIII4L Q,RINOY, WAR. Sa. of AND IC hOIEUfL, DIRECIT.—Tho steamer DELAWARE, IL W. HAZTOY, Master, leave On W.LDNIMIMi Y Nov. tot. Has good areommodia Dona lot Outwit' Passeagewe For freight or passage apply on bona. oral FWASELING. AL TA, PARKERSBURG mat all ta- - termexitzte potti. melAeldeewheel p.a.:eel:4er steamer; 33.a.^sr , . . George D. Moore. Master. Leases PAR EEg every Blesuiey end Thulelan_ at 11 oraloski u. Leaves WHEELING YOB eepitzErssugo every Monday and Mu:Way MS a'sdoelt ye ar, Leaves FfilitHERSB SRO FOR PETTSB GROH every Tuesday and Frailly, at 4 r. Leaves MARIETTA. FOR PITTSBURGH every Toesday and Friday, at eXo'elock r. Leave WHEELING FOR FITTSBORGH •very Wednesday sad Saturday at 7 Tor freight at passages apply on board or to bee JAMES tOLLLES 6. 00., Arcata. TEE PITTI3BIIRGE PAPER ISANCT MaTURIIIG CO WARY oft' b isle 1,300 bills. Crown Wrapplag Paper 1,000 lidis. Modicm 1,000 bdls. /led/am 1.000 balm. D. C. and D. 1/L do. They hive also on hind are eonstiatlr reeetrina Doi Gen NUL, MANILLA PAPER' of all welght. and go* 11A.RDWARE PAPER of ill weli L. bts sad alree r PRINT% DRY and 156 TD. RATI) ROOFING, ae., 6.4. Ofltamar=modrlilloottll4:7llMeEroEnieTri.° WANTED, 1,000 TONE OF GOOD UXI3II RAGE. WA/MEW:SE S 9. THIRD STREET suliAt Pitrsßusair, PA. COMM BOLL OIL WORK& Pure White Burning" Oil, IL ppussatir pa Woad, ita for ital TEE LOWEST LLS.III= ELS.TES i 4 7. E. &MYR& auStf NO. MVOCiii STREtr. PILE REMEDY. DR. STIIIOIELVMS Ff GB, REMEDY hat r . clued diontintig of the worst 'noes of Wad and Bleeding Piles.' Inelreltnniedlata relief and .1. feats a pernoogin care, .Try .it &curly. IR fa W•ltatittoi to oats. • For sato by allpruniatrit - r4 cent, par bottle. B. E. , SELLERS 003:1yd Wzoranurrid.ofirrrs. r#BEMEILt OITY PROPERTY . . Watin corneas Roo 3,2 Ya W iouoti" Creek opposite EL ta sultAble tor • State, ttroterW 021Voi, &a. • • 2E4 4 I• /Mug PLIVIVCISI 2‘l. A SALOON , la spoil at . loirtot ax:extili • • era simissannt. • *twit . O. arra tt o.da, con stavot, FENN - NAGSR rr IQUEB,, , AINEt • vnitilnietikizelosa Erronvilaurtawrarna mter, La.ocr FA saifpur miliciiettufv of.w Zet( 4 4kßert . ii: PORTAB:01 .1X3044411231Z MAW' MO eBx4QK Sir Iniftilgrtedi I min , r 0 t ti . °4RVIE I 4I= 4 4 1 4. 11 0 -. . atecklakt;g4Tlipagrat g0i41614.,' 144 4 . 1. .llO. vt(1411. xr.:l EV 1 7 weahicuniciiinittier virasts;46o'll:lLar Tku clE VAcrpumitsbutsrs, 4 04 . 91 • 144 ,1 1 .1 , )101. 1 ''.11101ffnil,"11" 4 . NEINDka ZIN 341# NEW NO VELTIE9, NEW ATTRAtTIONS GREAT B AR,GAINS • 400,03:1 frit ,000 1036,299 goo SCCYX• %MAGI BOOTS & SHQFS Concert Hall Shoe •Store : The largest. exmOnmen&Or 'BOOTS .11.111% 8110Effe $1,760.000. Best Quality, Snpeiior Finish tittiluna. qnaled in Style, are now F'R.ICJE s Concert Hall Shoe Stor6. Go Early and Secure a Eargale. Children' Shoes only 10 oenp, Womens' Calf Shoes only 7 omits. No. 60 FIFTH EITRFET.I 1 «23 OKIK HALL CLOTHING HOUSE, No. 03 MYTH STREEr VISE OLOTH coArs EITBLI§H WALICEVI 00AiB ovr:RooAss or Asitano`s. REGAIIDLSS.S.O.I* 003 FOR TEE !TEXT so DAys J. H. SMITH & CIATHLEfis, OAS HALL, 13 FIFIA .opliettte Us Open Home. • aloft erriZERS, AROUSE LOOK TO YOUR .iliTatilr'' nu; REASON WHY YOU SHOOLD , • PLIEILASE ALL DES 111) ALM AT • 74 FIFTH STREET,. fcn Iliceire a Present BOOls OR A.LBEtt; VITEIGI3. is SOLD AT THE PIIIILISHMEr•'''' PHICEb. oft do. Uflit. do steam We bAvedust reeeljad direot (rota tl4 )16.31V 1 ERN MA I. I FAOTOIEB3. a Cam ant IWS4t 110. a /bated stock of all Uts Won asks al BOOTS AND:- Ftj, 1., AND WINTER =Ts', 1.411=5 , - AAP WSW* -!: Guim: dna llclt -:12/10 , i• cif; •-• 5t6 - 51!1 , !•1: " 4, A.' :ixontAiso,rt,a4 -pi hunarr =mew •• '. ;.1 zzait doortciSpUrthrS Dry croo . ditcOo: FALL AND - ' ' 200t9, FEDERA SHOED Na t ET. G1Thr,3„ , ..„,-.„ Oust** of isoura r _ltatvosels ' EBB, toe Ladles add low..f.'s nostupseut, selection oratuldrens , thou cannot be 1140•7144,[ EtatjustorlOalf, /Wand Belie, Batst.c. gam mortis torldes, 4 . 44.Y0 1411. , r - €. notsoll itoodn at battled* bat I do salt &, articlerfar et than way othotgraga , tea two cities. Plass' eau ihnd'exammi viyriabolel pricy before , jot 4 1, • .•..;t -4 W. 14 ZIeCLINIVIN4v v.; 71 - N 0.92 retleisantiefeti FOE"' +H&AP~fO)D B .; tam:Cis Mak OrISEW. 0 301:4 1 50Fingis • ".• Akildsrgal .1: .1:I' . ,' g4-51*.74 " OPPPI#4 I I9IO4WPARATka . • I la aZlklztarlztBlio*; ,l,- . 31 1 1 :: - -;i• .. 112 Emoutivr4v3itolatzzcr, I pa.) - tri ,aes UZDAtiki:.-aolc4;FAxlvatiniti , :u3! • ite4laildiftdrb f viatroeunitte• on laltrProv., ; t v iz irwidassapcscoSlSlCin afasssel 7 5 , . 11 ~sue Homeikaslusteo strielosivlSAM4i•eq:e , lIRDA aferssabautr. l4 ScOalsaig .sad:solodissitgo bss aS l S SS StasSisor „ nu . Boaz zrg, ifs wrap mum.. Iskii_Oom - - fF " r P,l.M..r ta" &t a Sl EL "rig ,- "' Roi•74Sli APPtiM • • "I .I,n• Belling at about SACK COATS. PEG TOP PLOTS and sll styles of CLOTEINCk, .&CLEG =4,
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