itt4l4 l rit%l1 .1 ' " C4 ' " • 1)4 4:-“tI, , Manzat ;Iv - POBLIBRIG /580017101 . . _ PRlDAlrr_jpvr i kßEß 3, 186& FRANCE IN MEXICO. The repo Of ftfis rtnnOn rietierttutt MT. had addressedi f : & frae. menacing note ' to ;the French Government ) , warning it SAM:utt lending any horthehrdOps Id Ilex ! ico, Is generally discredited in England, the ".,1. 'lrish itrnteMbertig• iatirerlo the thought ,) The report Is likely to be an exagg e ration, - if not absolutely untrne; and-set ere abmild li ‘ he .l3l"r gla Altp d to A warp , fitirtinsam-vr. sup otherAvrcrk. ' Dean poiveiiiiof,•WeStriserd6lYablittitie the mere possibility that it may follow the Ir"erallea on our part dr..l, firm declaration • *Nut Thither interferer 'by France in E vian affairs, ebon y t deter tui from uttedingith- 'No' fact -is" plainer than that fi this natt6 iittnot sitfely tolerate the fecrther' , dominion of Fra .y ie In altdep; and it is thezeforeOnr dbty to make WAPOLEON Acsnaboted wiri t ttiat fact 'Even while the rebellion was at Its heightetheitowes,house .01 Congress unanimously parsed a fesolu , trim dezonaciiifttio` , Piedeiroecuptitioit In exico; and now that we have the rebel 'lt, I off ont,hands we cannot doubt that • . ncretd 'Will 'Mpeat - that denunciation, 2 , ' wJth the came unanimity - and tvint egos _ . istpre emphasis. In this the' Rouse of Re _ Rresentatives has spoken and frlll 'speak the npanlded sentiment of the country. Upon that subject, if upon no other, the people are a unit: • • • LOMB 16POLEOY May regard SIII a - kou n. 1 rse upon the part of our government. a came of war, but we do not believe he He is much more likely to take us at wooker4 abandon his Mexican adven ture, It : Waitindertatten when he thought rrebellionwould succeed, and the fail . of Boutherrileadera to build up an em /- re colatigiioke. to his' has. spoiled the hemeentirely. ...Hawn' dsubtless be glad eke good oppnrtniiity tegerAtirf• it., and .But misaleiL 'from Mr. tnwerto .will ' - rre to sharpen his discovicieg . -But whether [Mils likely to happen or net, It is still the du y or' the government to come to,4„plaln understanding with France, andisettre tier ofthe peciect than briny of the people of this nation in the 1 determination to enforce the Monroe doc trine in all Its length and breadth. THE lITTERNATIONAL COMMISSION, The "Commission" proposed by Earl Rosa= la his correspondence with kr. .Ai►xa mu not, it seems, for the purpose or settling the claims growing out of 'the piracies of t],e Alabama and Shen. andoab, but such other claims as may be mutually agreed upon, if the London vr Ti'mes is an' authority in the matter, It ' says: "In order to guard against any Mint'. - dentarldlng, we are - requested to restate ;that 'hes proposal of Earl. Russell to the American Government was conveyed lathe following words: 'Her Majesty's Govern ment are ready !o consent to the appointment o3f a commialon to which shall be referred all dims arising during the - late civil war which the twe Pothers slusti,44gree to refer to the Commissioners:. These cmcluding words limit the subject of reference, since ft would be Iseonsisteut with the position taken up by Her Majesty's Government, and with the arguments which induced it to decline arbitration ; ,19 permit the claims for losses by the Alabama and other ves sels of the same character - to be Brought before a commission for dog's:len. It must be understood, therefore, that if any such commission were agreed - TM, these cases would be excluded from IL " It is plcln that Mr. A naffs did not take ibis view of it; and if the dies is correct, the offer of Earl Russar.r. dtitirtirits to little short of an insult. It is_tantamount to eying that .England will not recognize these claims in any possible way; but that If we have any oiler claims, she will wit .: tingly agree .to refer.thein to a commistrien. Thank ht r for nothing. AND The monthly statement—of the foreign fcbalnetteAlfNew Yoskfor fileptetaber,lBlll, bows thai Rhlle our imports were sAiined at $22,00,000 in gold, our exports reech oed enly . sll,ooo,ooo, gold value. Thus we are importing two dollatiribr one we are 'exporting, and are running in debt to Eu ro?" ntthud parfal.rate. True, thiMialigtapat tent de that this vast difference was madg up by the export of • 'war 0.20 bonds; but, while that eaves us (tom the piretteit necesilthof shipping gold In their stead, it does not extinguish our ebt togurope, unless +we lake the .consolo• heid by an old friend haf Qlllll, ?who, when he gave his promisory note for any bill presented him, thanked God ;.that that debt waspaid t ,„. -470 cottatry.saicloughteid up runieranar driLtuartliiir... - :,k 'fcw ante of ft wifFirankrittu ns;csind the lon ,. ,gentt oontirateaike mere ,eager every pru dent for such a contrac tion of the currency as will bring ns back to specie PayineritiOdefpne:tut endlolhe evil Writer speculation and commercial venturst ...beaeUzani our redundant paper currency. -- a. 11XACTINC. TERMS; Ve have the authority of-the official dia. '' palate; PiAeeretetT' BzwtitA, to the Pro f ' , visional Owernors:er qie,, 1.4 0 th e : ~, ~ President regards ilieralifietititn: ` t he' .i..' ConlitititiOnitl '•ifitio' eiPeit '-' oUshing - :t'f,!..idavery and the it kintioatiklt or rebel ir . ebt, "asioApewgl.4succelfui et. , storatibi''ofthosrithee fhe tron. .- • That the President has the ex act thewl,tetinfittedi that holia,tilylittated• ~,k, in exacting ,them. we cheerfully, , admit, 4: and we belieWhe will be faithfelly suntan -1 ed is eiffor"ilni-ibeni that Wilf ab len t , • if he bas the poweelleiexactAmorma, he I ' bas ei lu ill Y,PP. P O Mt tPesp4PcoezlFs. ~.. to the fella' Juatiflable. tote lists the same , ' 4- i Peweei674l.-tutlizer.ekells.r.qt.,l4e in their organiC la ta • , yrotection of the freedwiilktalfhge . fOtti Of 44 2 , iiii -- . , . • ~ 'ettY seAlltOPetta;ind teciii tohilient,,that• - , . they deet4,,ot;tetre:oTepoille,; . Val* until l -: - they amity seemed to twe ler& p e0. 0 6 0 thtv • , -f3onth fliiiitifiCinjeytitetit'4Ull thelirighlar. " as citislictl , ?tiltatiter,olWof jx•Pediiiick . • ' rosy linrgedigairist•enforeing• these , ad trditlettAtelM4ll4 Weitt ofd}ower • fil exact• • • • -.snow cannot be pleaded in the ' fice of the - *thsPeteitelibLling - Seefetity - Of State to -r ••ch wllYßegefelleati . : ,- , -. 3191.....'0.44titafgagiSus_ixtneta colt '' • In the Vint?) f9Mrelaillar Icelits<teading' :... • New York &MAY Thedteprovenie its an°4 l 4*.FP lA*lrtcalng l " I" , imrii-. 4ps out •Ifilprefsehtesmit autttisiinel jay" f , '' We 1113 tifkreAMU;Ci 'r- at ' die. ifictAdfrlitalosiiiai - a ria r , ilialf_te the DIMAS ewarshglWatianetto '.• . w akemowtpß, V.V .01, ' Wu° Arstarlithltsteatitte ad_ tth;,l s -,' • •ss ' ' r bo, t ne ... r omesitisci .Yo4l l .lio9.4igtrii,l, 00.41V4tit4 Lcncifillpfvzopinspi. 4.. 41 ' citI AVAPRY 04 - 444611i:Wsiltilit 96 4a.44444ellialfoPtrgiiirt! .... ,,, 1ivr,...n , ..,, ze -.Main sbutztlfricww, Is very, graAttl,loTheiFelaitug 136iiircuilccal litrabnarto the Jews. . ~. The last number of the Lancaster Airpreu Contains • lengthy article on the subleet of the late terrible 'accident on - the Pennsylvania Rail road, near Landisville, which contains some ImPOrtaut statements, the publication of which is due alike to the Railroad Company and the pnblla The article was written in reply to cer tain assertions made in the Reading Daily Re cord, characterizing the accident as a "wholes 'sale slaughter," and charging the editor lathe Ezpress with having, in a former article, at tempted to "whitewash" this great calamity. The editor of the Rtpress then nude a ascent Inrestigallob, ma gives the facts arrived at as follows I. It binot true that the accident was mama by "the uStrof miserable °Liars.. No. 0 1.28," the broken eat, was a new and substantial one, I:a:P.0 =dere style, nth iron tracib, each hero , feel/ bollee•lroomfdp guards over the axles, 60 that ft a journal should break it would be lm pomade for the end of the axle to spike up and pierce the bottoM Of the ear. 'Tale fact dlepOst of the assertion from another quarter, than this ,rood in the taken truck was. "rotten." There' was no wood in it whatever to rot! Both the car and truck are Irian es West Philadelphia, and i f any competent Judge will examine Unto' and eay that lbe Record's asSertloa L true, we will agree to condemn every car on the road, for this was certainly one of the best We hateseen on this or an other road. 2. The tr was not "running at a rate of more than ordinary speed." so far an wt. can ' Judge by the only facts which are pertinent to sac an enquiry. Yesterday we solleited the priyilege of examining the telegraphic record of the progress of the train, as reported from sta tion to station. It left Ilarrisburg"on time," and kept on the schedule until after it passed Mount Joy, the operator there reporting it as having lett "on time." That record urea made in the Laneaster office long before, anything was heard here of the accident. This record shows that between Mount Joy and the vine of starting from Landisville, there was a loss of (realty minets—ln other words the train left Landisville "twenty minutes late." The sched ule speed of th's train (the Day Express) from Lancaster to Philadelphia, Meru , tug tire one stoppage. Is thirty miles an hour. To make up this time under the rules of this or any other road, it would be necessary to Increase the speed only rim miles an hour, or to make the run to Pulls dclpilia at the rate of thirty too miles an hour. This, on a good road, with a cicardoubletrack, would not be considered "more than au ordina ry rare of speed." The conductors or engineers could have no temptation, that we eau eee, to me faster, after leaving Landisville, for they bad the whole distance of 76 miles to make up the lost twenty minutes. Besides, the abort henry distance In which this hry train of: nine cam and two locomotives was stopped, does not in dicate that it was running at "a fearful speed," An accurate measurement by tape-line, showed that . the train was stopped within a distance of ;ever hondred and anady-fan, fat from the point where the wheel of the broken car first struck the ground—not threeqnarters of a mile as asserted by Bonn who did not measure the distance! S. The fact that two locomotives were attached . to the train seems to hr taken as primes facie evi dace of recklessness, In =mention with the, assertion that It "contained adman& of human balm" Now, the elrctimatances of Math trains (the Erie Express and the Day Express) being consolidated, and mining on the schednie of the latter, Is a 3 we have said before, an evi dence of the 'proem:MP of goal management. The Eric Expreo'e hating reached Herilaharg aa far behind timens to radar it nossfeto min It so close on the Day Express 'schedule, the Erie s diednie Was lemulled. Look' at the probable consequencehted.this prenanUon not been taken. The general - Mb; Is to run trains under such cir cumstances ten miuutasapart, In this case, the Erie train would have left Landisville tea min utes afterthe Day Espresa. lii the confusion of such en accident happening the front trate, it in highly improbable that the one following could have been swanned In time to hold up, but would - have plunged , into the disabled train, killing and maiming more than were injured by the original "slaughter." Those passengers, therefore, in the four rear cars, have canoe to that, k Gcd that Mr. Franclscus' policy and not Capt. Reach's was adopted In running - these trains'. 4. Arlo the train being crowded with "thous and, of human beings," we will aikrw w simple arithmetical calculation to answer. There were nine cars in the train—two baggage and seven Passenger. They were jnot unduly crowded. None, fortunately, were standing on the plat forms, of the tire rear care, at least, else they would have been crashed to death. The car which contained the killed was certalaly not crowded, for the "ladles' ears" oever are. It le comeded that all bad seats. The largest cars on the road will neat only slay passengers—so, if every seat was taken there could have been only rote hundred and twenty . .human beings" on the train, We are warmed, however, that the conductor's record will show that there were leas than three hundred Instead of the Captain's Lb( sandy ! 3. -That the brcken car was, above all oth ers, Immedlattly removed from the oleos where the accident happened, and that neither edow, o toner or other pet 11011, had any ChM:MOW 11.0 or know_ whether it was or r ents not fit for rms.' . This la substantially Mitres. The emplane hap pen, d aloiltthtee 1 :• elocts, on Sawa lay akar noon. Ift. Lorktal, Who has seunervbilorLor both branches of tau road. between , Lencaster • and Ran Mum, commenced blearing sway - the wreck that - eyeeleg. eld.sitia necessary; bull he did not. remove . the broken car byroad reach of coroner or editor.. The car and trunk were brought to Dat, fills, one mile from Lau- Clloer ' where tbey.lav all day on Sunday, open lathe inspection of all. Wan:may night they wefe removed to ttecddifeet Philadelphia- shops, where thee may still be aces; and we presume to one "41 be mare Vegetal fbi •ei solution of the came of the accident than ',•the men C...I9hCC -I,d withPennsylvsnala .11Mlictul." And If the edltor`ofthe".7teowsrheetfonts "calmaleted to lee My all be bee aald cm this terriblewholasale slaughter" we hope he will at once lay them 'before the Carocereilerry, who meet again too-' morrow to Igor additional testimony. e. It le' verrasai to PerielYs the salami Ugh* Reoord'a onehmilat web the .likspreorand "the newepaixosalotar h t he tine," tor it looms hp Goldin in the eget on that the onlilng etoek of tee P. R. U. as not of the quality of Malian Penne; tsmils,of the Lstalgh Valley. the Phila delphia and &adieu., or the New -Jersey Cen• tr.] roads !",' These roar constitute a rival line, and this comparison Is simply a bid for travel in Melt ..alfaltd , the expense of the Peon. Sylvania Central. Perhaps there is no "White witehine In all that t• Haylog, we think, fully justified the report orient:thy • even by the Lrpreu and fully ans wered our cotempotary, • rentari or two further on the nature of the occident may not be oat of ;Plebe. The canoe ,of It is as mach a mystery today es It Was whin tt occurred. Neither wheel nor axle of the car la which the passes. lime were killed was broken: Note rail or cross. tie was displaced at the point where the ten& left the track. The tles pia rails there are to day they were found when the wreck was removed. The wheel with the broken , flange, which was at Oral reeprefeed to have canted the accident, was found to. belong to a veer , nsi ld Which ho one Wee lab:ed. Tide -Ls& is known by the register--each wheel being le - 4V end yinter i al when It le put on. Thus the heels the CU .134" were registered ae11e , 95;" Mowing than-they. ware 'prtt the 'Week i s June, 1865, which would not indicate that they were 4 'onflt form. by long wear. Ittponlelgothava been caneed,by au obstruction upon the track. foe .Ixitli.leacosiotheei and font ears pissed osier In safety, the accident occur. .the flab or middle car. toere remelt; thetOrtet two Lb retina oil Whiak one ♦K _for an casualty. Oise la that thetrakee blocks' 'hid- bechreer demisted '"" wafte down, causing the wheel to "Jump" the grafted The other Ls that the wheels became Loma on the este and, spreading, climbed the Seal rag sad he lta s Ahaary is pouted by g rn melii Who- ditivaexamened- the axle. '' . 1. 9 1:" 4141 1 / 1 0 tAtts. wheel on the ground, it weFem ewe uuthaint wheel of the truelt . .leinixd the tiack, sad sheered ff Amagiag the W o track weane (wow whtritevertelyo Wit ffelrled the accident from tau, „ sited lleYel It aSeuisitakthe and of theeeizasie ,O; .the keg Kitt =le *mu Wu' eash:At &obi the truck waa upset by theeltrita, tttroab,,i he ' up. end , as It came down the truck 'Utah phition of the bottom Millet by - fr' ant Carried away three smite on each tilde se- irble b "b Avhd, sat dpon them, thous We have the following fp:Aleut horn ono of our _leading Phllidelphis, merchants, .ifhose AMe lea anflldelitietatantee of he truthful tterS• A f39n4lPßAnigary ; who .owed. , ,thistutand dollars chi this sit called ilp his creditors 4 oSe di, last Wee, Ved.VP0 1 4 6 4 1 440/42t e ifis b a. aan evidence o anseniiits At thil rgitillioe',F anatained, and the, tida In .;:finnitap_con lt, he exhi, e t& a liiictedliarie e readmit /Atha repot Mr $71,000, the itetotok of At Phil.. ' l3 / Ahtidewidah he nousitompolled to . TA Atolhe- rehelltreastirjri. jblit Accfcies' • oney ut qoavgact.7 ,l l ,l 44l l 4o4ol4it. ifOrStettlt-u .enn ainieliatitt Min' m tßitlut.,lforth.j. L../ t hi gler st= 1414-1111441.gtZ ir debt reentibreet in Mei**, tittsz* „ Ixo entitelt , i , l l ll6 , nititelien' tin' gdei t tie,, r oven theretoteltunk,rerht : :the elftdeneei la the Frhpertit halal' ; Vie was willing to tarn over-tcs hittded to if tleiy.wonlditive,him another dart. need not 'alma lid was immediately n back:we there, tadjungt fete A cc0 . ) :40 1 0 - i: / -WriiVqiiNek - .3 .; - Alkkiii r ol l file is vis,4,:iivii *,,, ~ftwilonts. .... . wake slolle , Otelle croo k . ' WSW know wan • - . . IL% . - L'utausyl .A.4* A b;:1 La.. ' & Tennessee c'tr:4te, and referred to the . mittee on the Judiciary, providing that the following named persons shall be forever prohibited from voting or bolding any office of honor, trust or profit in the State, viz: All who held positions as Senator' and Representatives in the so-called Confederate Government, all civil and diplomatic agent. for avid Govarnment ill who left Wats in - t to Congress of UM United States ittd pub licly advocated the principle of secession, aid all who leafing:ll judicialPesitlinui, f om the Supreme. Bench down to Probate and County Judge Inclusive, and afterward• gtvesid and:comfort tolbe rebellion. All - who held ad office In the se called Confed— erate armies froniLlentenant General down to Colonel, inclusive. ` All •whn'acted as brigands, robbers, gueniilds; and all who were members of the Leg - Waters, of this State in 1861, and voted. for the ordinance of - secession. It is further provided that no man shall bo eligible 'to the office of Governor, Secre tar* of. State, Comptroller, Treasurer, member { ' of the' Legislature, Supreme, Circuit, Chancellor or County Judge, or Circuit Court Clerk, County Court Clerk, Sheriff, County Treasurer, Trustee or State's Attorney, who is no , publicly known to have been an unconditional Union man from the beginning to the end of the recent rebellion. An persons hereafter to bo elected to any office in the State are required to swear. that they hive ever bees undeviating in • their attachment to the Government of the United States, have never voluntarily borne arms or given aid and comfort against it, and will hereafter faithfully de fend and support it. VARIOUS ITEMS QrzEN Fatara, of the Sandwich Islands, bee no, only been Ingratiating benself with the ea- Ilcions. but also with the literary circles of Innr doe, and Das paid a risk to Tennyson, the poet "t" "le, the AM knor of the kind conferred lipon am( poet. A good example Is the, tee to Enropeat BoYerefgns by her Salesian majesty. Tins English publishers. Rutledge h 8308, hare Jut hinted a volume entitled "Moo of the the Time," which lobirtris ue, la a long sketch of Gent-rat rlh,ridea , that this hero def rated Lee, who ' , surrendered to him," and not to General Grant. .We are also Acid that Sherman Rae compelled to abandon 'Atlanta, and, See ing eastward, the sea. _ terrarial. machines rarely effect MS object tie which they are designed. One in Chicago, however, lastiVedneeday morning, was thrown into a Donee and exploded, doing considerable damage to the Mill:ding sad foreitnee ; the in mates, however, escaped. A Torun , becteh ■obleman, still a minor, hva been lately playing at a Garman wetming glace, Inning on an average I 500 a day An Lop 11. sh paper hopes that he at Iran respects the Si triay, and thereby saves something by Ala good bringing no. A BAPTIST demi:non in TirooklYn reentlY declined to eklemalza the elle of =mine be. Preen one of hie fold and an "unbellever. - • TDB monster telescope for the Chicago Ob servatory Is now finished and ready for transpor tation. Gmt Fassis I'. Burn has presr_nted to MaJ. Gee. Sherman a Ono seodie, holsters, pistols and shnbrisit, the whole valued at $5OO. A VAN In Fort Plain , N, T., shot his child last weds, mistaking It for some wild game. MAYORALTY jar FOR REKTOR. CA , T&IN WM. RAYS, of the Seventh Want will nomi b na • o ar o d a t t h e e f Un iD&YOng, f eu t bj sct atotr e Pittsburgh, to be held prior to the nett city *leo mon. _ 1101%qa _ _ _ THE ATOIIALTY.-4AXES DON AILLI)&ON, Aldimilrof the Fourth Ward, at the soltectation of friend; tow:mounted to al. /ow hla name to he Ailed eortnectloo with the next Mayoralty, will be eandleete rebfeet to the diree; vote of the peop, In atoordanee with the reetnateeattattalvor theiaat Republioas Dranteloal Conrentlan. ocithto BEEETINGS STOCKHOLDERS ALEETINO. twesica Jowis Fax= COKP•N T. A ermovion, Oct. meeting or the biteckho'derail oteth. thaoo Ferry Company will take place on MONDAY, November tit.h, at le o'clock.. a.. is., at Mu Of FLUE' OF A. D a V. M. SMITH, Water street, MU- M:web, at which Itme and place an ELEC LION Firth DINEMONS, to Genre for the castling year. will be held - oc3o:itd W.l. :t LIERS/1, Secretary. 1 co STOIIT a Oftzair ECM (AL 00Yr Yr, 1 I . l , robt•nrar , November!, ISM. riliE ANNUAL Iti/SETIN6 OF T H E toes holders of .iba Tarr Stone k Oberry Kato 011 Company- wail Da helot at the 'Berard co Trade 1:ootos, Wood street, on Tuesday, .I . .licrevmber 11th, sl Zo'cloek, p. m., for the putpeote of ideate; rtheers for the enaoltre pear, Rod tee... 34 . 1 g . 11 a tither bustnesa as may gimme before.them. -at, I . J. L. 1114%.E51LLL1.,. ECIMICA l.ncesxct Coupsnr,i Prrrancroon, Nov. let, 1546 AN ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN' DIRECTORS OF THIS CO To serve for the ensuing yew . will be hill at tr Ulnae to Bablet*s Bullnlng. Water newel, on Tuesday, November 14th,1.565. 6 between the hours of SI •. C. antl at I. . •It 13r. FINNILY, Ditl V Pita, Secrelarr. UPVICE WMITZII3 , lareve-rasa OM. eou. OM. _ ,d 1 N ELECTION Prrvenu FOR TRIRTERN A Direelors of tale empa. r, teserve tavthe ebaulng year. 'OLIN, held at the oZWINo. 22 Wet. e street, ea Tuesday, the 14th MILT of Novem ber nerd, berm ea pre boon or it a m .tod Tp. al. dovr-derL WK. P. HERBER r. gee,. DIVIDENDS, 1520• ND NATIONALBANi 0/ PITTANTSOIII, P ITT / ZDN/AN..I/0. Ist, lex& c BE DIRECTORS, OP THIS 11/Loila -A have Chia ties deslarett a diviclual of FIVE PER CENT., Free Of Goveromett tax, out of the profits of the C a atx months, payetdo to the atooaho:dan, or their legal roproutatatlreo. on and after the Utls Inst. (aolttard) U. tl. WOOS, Usable?. lEOlt Olrr Demons/ BAa CS Prrrenlrnanl z Freres-vim_ ,e Nov. tot VIM BOARD OF DLREOTORB ELA.. 1— BOARD din:Urea s Dividend of FINE PER CENT. On the Capital Stock, out of the profits, Anse 14 of February Wt, psysble es and ,after the tars roar. to atootaboltrins or their legal represents. tires, tree of U. S. tax. notdtd • JOHN fILVIOPPIN, Oarb'r. CEDAR B e ARDB-2010 feet In s' ore for male by 186168 .DI(OILEY a 00. • I , IDRII-40 bble, hl store, ono year old, •ultablo for Vutegar, for sale by no 2 12A.ILH DIOKtY & 00 TIATENT FLOUN. 131.67NR. Every -a- Simile should hay. ono. Call and sea them al No.. 20 and= Sh Clair merest. nod . U. PHILLIPS. NIVERaIiL CLOTHES W RINGERS: Tae best la use, • Another !site lot )ust re. calved and for tale-a 4 Nos. ge fe/A.c. Clar Wed, by •J. k ratraxes, tad Sole Agents for this Omar orrEA GOLD= STRUP—Jus.• rec'a it new supPIP OVl3eetoh Ertia Oratory by the barrel or gallon, at tha Dimity Store of • 46Ht4 A.••9111N19111/16% • no corner Ltbettf and Head amt. NEW BUOKW&LEAT F4oolt—_l3,ooo poundr bobble Exteirflewilletkithea9 Rout, I eth gi ound , put up In mall noun for (sadly are s~received lad for ante sty uparandly Geaa d arr 4 of JOHN AL RENSHAW, corner Liberty and alwt.tracts • STRAY Co fi...rStraYed oh 80th October , a atIALL Cow, 6 CT e year. Old, Ettl.fti •White, With spoilt; each born brandrd "5. KING. I ]table toward wl3 be paid for Infotmallon g o cii v th . o t f , r , ylO g f h tli n ekT l l7 . o MN at hail Sink ^OW:2W SOSIAB KING. THE Al4'- 8 ,6000 j la. to burg. The lot is el by 160 fee.. and 'the butidjoig bnek. 3 atm ye, built exprestrirfcrt e 'betel; It ilex the pratoclttle hotel la the, town. A tine etbei can be *nee: Rain. ease' 'apply ,13..11Z0WN 4 . 00. 7 toF ninth street. VICE To -.Ea: k E OF THE & 0 Li0n,24X9411.4D, ALLEGAIEUY,POUNrz , do o lalr, , Uri of tha ! li mit ,ittlaatl Vag dato i, ~.. al thaYourtaard,:Allea at, I ta a iku Ila, are !way not4pithst Raj. p. a Emma,icif:mad on preillititrall '6B 13e0nd Nations *Amax 01 ths. ,Baavi r ,at the Araced beton the tart, otAlleAmilY. - UtOt Dr. [tenon. , 502=4 1t.14131..,..-".trui. DfitrosTo . , FOR' I I` , 4l').Tfi fig ) * Y 1 4,i44. 'k''rvtrMM ; .t_ssip2t • .._ F --- zi riul t... --,... 0.. Arrakix u , vil--i - tir ta. t ' & 004'PRIgaro c m , T abiNr.s ta a ;r l in tom te, fiz :rl O' ra r r lNtr&W OurEll' R . At - ilittenflii74 , 2 on SUP , Idattypiiihti_ siblitstont 4 4 0 CATU , pnleflartlr aratior 44 ntigOlt - . pi Vbrartipty • • 'l'l4.24iidit;PFlAT 2 1. 124 4 1 4% ...44ii,': en77bax thiabdonateese, 1011 de, itaabard do. Prg la. ill .7. N. OANIULD. A 1bdt...4.1.1..1.1 1 ' , JAI TO LET, ;Iv rLL LIGHTED, PLEAS 6.1 , rr FROF rBO /a rIPTE STREET Addnu Box 11123 P. 0 OR SAM LOW, 7 Iron Kettles, with Ovate Bars, se„ lot second hand Belting, 1 lot maul Bones, with hAndlos, ()l sk eaning Hanel, De, 7 lot old Bosh, 1 Set Rennes 1.1.161e.1 M a r shall j nt W rge b l. TE r/71 1 41%; Enquire of 1.72.7 ed (yr, comp/arms A gentleman of much badman experience, and long famllllar with all the details of OIL COMPANY ACCOUNTS DIONZILNI TO ACT AS SE C BETA R Y Olt 11001i-HEEPEII For one or more Companies. Bea sits reference glvea. airaddixxx Box ma P.O i AKI3 AND BRAWLS. WHITE', ORB & GO„ 25 lignru smaszT. Invite sittUttion t waste ititur styles of CLOTH. SILIL &ND WDLYET SACQUEi Also, to their large asaortroent of SHAWLS, Which they aro setthig at low prices. UI 3-14 pITTSBC R(;11 STOCK Ki.CHA NOE, NOS. 72 AN D 74 FIFTH S I lIEET, WILL RE-OPEN ON dATUBDAY IsVFMNG, NOV 4, 1885 . PUBLIC SALES DAY AND EVENING. Booms Open from 8 a. m. WI 9 p.m n0.t40 NOTICE.—Tho undersigned is in pos. MelSi= of IsEM . T.E.VI.II:II Grantee toptha for an Improved "Fixing for Puddling or BlLling Furnays," Seed Improvement *rig the see of GROUND OR PULVERIZED IRON ORE nixed into a tblek Paste or' Nage with teat. r. The Same to be ap piled with a propertecil to the Furnace as ?swami ... 1 1.1 SOW, THIS IS To CAUTION I .fer,o,n t iLarvurl i marlirsra i zirt3 PAT ; WI 1 110 UT an CONVENT, as I chair aloha the btottettoa Or On Law siranumail coon Rattan mints. 111:1 IIieDOSALD, ,Itlanager Way Gli ne Iron end Steel Works. nonthrd TRE FORT PITT FOUNDRY. CHARLES IMAP NEPHEWS, YLNT7AOTO•ELZ! Of HEAVY ORDNANCE AZID ALL KINDS or 151LE149.17-Sr ea4ll.ll3TritiTGl-Si. Special ettentloe paid to ROLLING MILL ~Plllts, BLAST 11I.A1114INI51tP AND tucruars. REPAIRS attended to promptly. ea heretotote, the beat motorist.. will always be urrd et elite Fotroary. 110 . 2—i Tel THE GRINDER POISONING CASE, iE EUSLY COMPLETE Enrrios IN 1 . 6.11 P L.I.T FORM. 11 Very Large Editi n Published and Nearly all Bold. JOHN P. HUNT & CO., Publishers, 69 FIFCH STREET, Masonic, Hall 4rSeol, post-pad, on Inept ol prise.. A4 oTEI. UI ROCHESTER, BEAVER 00TM TT. FOR SALE !IMMO oo oat etreet, eot the Ohio Mier bank Deli and , favoteOly known to the traveling Pohl/ • a• THE PATILLION ROM. The noose Is A liege Frame Three Story, ooA tainla` Thlrtp , two Recces There to dueller tar twenty-az horses, curls,. house. Misery sac" Other ottsbuildliie. Thor. Ls alto a Wee GAN DER attached, to 'plena/I order, and every eel venietce. not 61 Fourth et. (Botha'. Bn FURS! FURS! FURS! LAD/ES, MISSES AND CUILDRENS' ,1U II S The :Larva and Lost Complete Assortment EVER OFFERED /It TIIItt AT MeCIORD & 00'S. not 131 Wood Street. Pittsburgh. ADJOURNED A dministra'_or's Sale. Pummel to an order of the Orphan , s (Mort of Antitheft' Orenty,._ _the undersigned administrator dy boats non, of MAW" SAITS, des'A win eirele expose to Public Bale, at the OMR r DOUSE on THURSDAY, Nov. oth, fete, at tt A. It, all the right, title, interest : or Waite which war, of =ld Elttali Smith, In and to the TWO STOR Y TRAMS HOUSE of are mama, and bOT Of OittitlND, slttutted on the south earner of Yult - nt Street mid Charles AlleerPittsattrittr Dentin .9 (*et a belies on Tench 'street, and ld feet 2 lathe. on obarkarallnousirucaadliag back by a m id on with el West SO feet huhu, mid by 'is line at Kelm Millais to Colwell Meet IF, eet teittek...3Wm OAbH. JOHN CI. fin TiaiT, Administrator, no1:71d- telB Fourth street. LOOK HERE. ft treat variety and Well selected stock of PIOKLE:4, PEACTRBS, And all kWh of 0.43LD FRUITS, for lite by Jou /IL SCOTT, At Um Nett °Nem Ofi Mt st.wMier Ferri. G /114A.CPA.110X 1, OR AGNNTS. w'RATIRE PEOPLE 'Nam. l bs'tTeNDASI, 1:11 -Tim or THE wArt, ID.pior,lD Oae hale velikko Of °Mr 100 Ort6ek, •PlendttliPtlitettatat *Pk over Al tine portratta of Genarals,Baello Scenes, Maps god ikacearta. Ufa work has no rival at candid. emu. view, ahtlatatio and rehabla history or the war. It eantatrut resell* matter equal to three large based volumeal Bend for elrettlara and War our tarok Andreae SUI7E.I2BIIO:r. k. 00., ocaKtod , Palls4aptila, Pa B- ELLows •AIiiIP4C7CMY.—Tho at ' t l tioriottlis pubudsirditectesi to eltew Ire; hat veto= the werirot ACIIItIIitiCI • 16 - ' lHotoonit miesigikiy liftet•tniretituuttals'flAn ?wean the twitres , sonata tzno antera-prompty attended CS N°49,DIU!'I" All": 11 15 13 3 1_ , 1 1% 44 12itr esr a o4fritite Box tl2,44rxrclluTints,ro- 3,bOa 'll,4oEldi- • • wui sixxoontskatarsbettfraloAtlMVOT LANEvot4itepinibe iriuktcar, Want Wits& "fAtber_pmtlasisra *Was let VigitriStreit. orazN9n.;7-1 - 1 _ • 'f • , Z'notoldivp.amras.orriti , taarrzz: tritutodottoreauh• Elm rf tistkot nAkkkr ok. tiroaliteiAtostedi the, we &IWO Oki' ..1% /A an a ikazkaim WM= ' t".e-Cakktr _° 434 tav• • .3474 lisftwediso at "NEW,!ikia, t eptit red... rin=4 . l4l. . 0 . / 0 7 Ilsikik duet near JO3. R. B.UttriZA k 880. LECT'U'RE Ef I.BM".EL-I"3EITTIZI 13.41.1..Za. Friday Evening, Nov, 3d. 1865 subject—THE FUTURE OF OUB CO UN raY Doon open at 7 o'clock. Lcclaro to commence at 7,1 r. r. 0.3:1td pd r PORTANT TO RAILROAD COM I eams. , 07710107 41115112.6A7 QUaltrieaNA.6l9lX, WatilUrlClTalr, Dl 0., Clbteber St, MU. Will be sold at k b ublio Auction, at Alemandrls, Va. on DWNDAY, the 4th doe of December, test: 2400,00 ;Pt assorted Lumber. MI new Platte= Cars, 4 feet 5% inches lien, 20 box Freight Cu., a feet s,4initheegemgei Passenger Oars, 650 Car Whedia, (good), 124 petal Oar Witeeill, on sole& 400 new Cu Kelm" 6,000 pounds Blabber Spring., 64 Elliptic Liar Springs, 100 Davis' patent Oar Springs, 600 tons goal second hand 1" Esli, too tons old T Ball, sat tons old Steer, 60 tow Atte; Iron. OM 7 tons The /eon, old, I tons Scrap Steel, old, 2.11 tons Car Wheats, old 260 tons Wroti l In Scrap Iron, 225 tons Cut 'Scrap iron, 3 tons Lead Pipe, old, to tons Scup Drees, 7 eons, n; inches diameter, Wire OaSis, ni Vises. 260 tons snorted Su Iron, 34 tons asso.ted Sheet Iron, eai tang assorted Steel, 260 tons (rein Castings 6 tons Brats liastlag& o tone Sheet Copper, I ton Sheet Brae, 103 rounds Bost Spikes, .260.100 pounds Ealitnati Spikes, i tonna loud. rut Spikes and Nails 16,000 pounds none, 11 a o teet 111.01 led Glue, stat feet Leather Belting, 4 ,3 , 0 Pound. llub`ter and klamp Packing, 10 'lazuli non Pump., 3,600 Ott assorted Gas Hite. 40 Ortnd stones, 39,10 0 pound. Track Ham 7,100 ponirid• 550tt1•, 0314 teddy tls, r0c. , f1 . 5 t i aLd Shovels, 4,800 Atte', Ustche ts tad !idAs, 7,090 Handles, so steel-pirated Fru., 91 Meel Prod Plates, to lot Suites Fissures, 3 poitabLe i6C4, 8 Pumping Eng net, Wco4-aartog Corium .2 portable Sew-mills. 2 steam 1116 Drivers, complete. Calorie Engines. 93 seta Planes, 34.0 Rand, Cross out and Olreular Sawa, 50 steel Squares, so Screw Jacks, 940 leet Spa k Netting, 3 o 0 pound• assorted SD., pnonds Block 11n. 060 pounds shied Lead; 15 boxes Retorted Tin, It , Ord pound. US Una, 1 000 k /les, 1,001 pounds Bolter and Took IL vet. and Plate Warners, 03 Globe Va. ves, 110 Monkey Wrench's.; 12 Emery Wheel!, co reams Emery Cloth sod Paper -5 Lez Yokes, 41 Water Tanks and Hoops, I,loto Seabee, Contents of Job Printing 017 Ice, emulsion Of Pruscs, Sipe, Vases, Bs. A number of Hand end Trunk Cara. Cr n. rots ULU Supply Store, witch contains • vet"' Mege amoitment of valuable lia/Dosel Mate. Mal, new and of the best quality. tents of Ilsclune led. Blatkamlttud Shope consisting of Planer% Latlt Wberd Pfe lsss ; Forges, Stationary Engines, Watling, Belting, be. Co. AlsO, a large lot of , seconiS•tiartel Stoma, Tools Elsehlnary, and other material bales to eonimance as lo °Week, to be adJotuu. ed from itay to day, until all la told, 'terms--Lusli. In Governtunt hinds. U. B. 110111181SQN, Brevet Colonel, A. Q. J. Bs. rosrEa. VINAL BALES O GOVERNMENT 11011. AND 3IT:LE.S. QtdIITLIVIARTtII Orp,y, ) WA.t/IN.TON, D. C.,Oet. 24th. 136.5. { Will be told at publin auction during the month of Norember.lo the hlgheat bidder, at the time and plate, named below, viz: EW New York E 4 Clty—TuEspe y of each week, 100 MULES each day. PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, Pa—THURSDAY, November 2, 2, Id, and 211, IGo HORSES each day. Harrisburg, Pa—TUESDAY of each week, 100 II (*LES each day. Harrill:in:3h, Pa—THURSDAY, November 1,9, IC, and 23,16 D 110RsEs• each day. Mechanicsburg, I' . —TUt>l.l.l 1", November t, 100 HORSES. EZECE3I Allentown, Pa.—WED:VE:SIIAI", Nowesbc, 10, Wu HORSES. Pottsville, Pa.—FRIDAY, November 1.2, 100 11011Sai. . Cbester Del were county, Vs —3VE.DNE-SDAY, November erl. 100 HciNsp,t. Titusville, Ys.—THURSDAY, November 10,100 HORSED. reff=l _ - Pa.—THURSDAY and FRIDAY No. ember 7.3 1.l It, too rill 'IA.): C 5 oh day. I.A w ARK. 100 W i l i ljr=ri . ,..D b el d. ..—TUESLAY of each seek W ilmington, Y of each week, 100 Dt ULE, each day. MARYLAND. }3altueore, Md.—W EDNE.DAY, November lb 100 HORSt.s. - - - Bo It Imore, WEDNINDA Y. November 22 ita HORSES. GIESIIO, D. O. TrEsDAYS and TH BO I.III.SII.A.NS of cub 'reek. 100 IlfaisEN each day NO SALES OF 1W . 1'L . E.5 WILL TAKE PLACE .....-.--.... AT wAsurvorwr, At title eerie. of lAiel all the Government sot male 0111 be diepereed of. Buyer. should therefort evall themselves of this last opoortivalty to pun cb.e. For sales of ran, animals to the West, see of Belli Western nelnospers. Animals will be ao.gauxgly. Sale. to commence at toe. m. eaeb day. Tern to United .: , tatea (hammy. JAMMt A. ERIN. Bre,. Brig. ilea. la charge oelcloo=. Finn Dlr. Q.. IL Cf. 0. a S. BIITAR p I TTe3BU ROB STEEL WORKS, ANDERSON, COOK & CO. (SECCESSORS TO JOKES, Bull) 4 - C 0..) • Manufseturen. of Me best reined Cast St4tel, Square, Yost and Octagon. of all sloes, sae Plates, Roe, rota and Sheet Can Meet, Cut. Stool for Reaping and Mowing Machines, Steel Plow Wien, Sprint, Axle*. 01 lculazi, &o. Cast and Common Plough and Spring Steel tnm.r —Corner of First And Ron street., tyro blocks Above the Zdononaltheis Houma Av27:lv p,ALB OF UOVBRNMENT BOATS A ND 11.11205 d AT AUCTION. Qvananotwarriert Ovirsuat'a Oman, 4 Wasziaroa. October itth.isea. The followintruonen B oats And Baran 4 wil sold at Public AucUon. 54 follows: l be At SAINT LOVLS, MO., SATIIRDAY, Novena. her 4th. at to o'clock, A, X. Iseteamboats I AUTOCRAT , M D.A. h 61'412,311.1,, .. MEDD Alm ta, mEnto_r_owm.ii, • R. 0. WOODS, AD: 11.11fLY rAIROHILS. one 5 9 teckimeflarge-- . U. Hyland—complete. Wbarrboat Dew bozos. ir/4 I nnl4), .Modalliardesn and Tweak I:kraals and other Barges, T . ll Will hr l e t at with ell the furniture, rigging, and apportenenees thereunto belonging, bole muttfled and exxxximed vouchers for trans. portat ion serriees erUI be ranetved as sash at their roll face value, in payment (email property sold; otherwise, terms cash. - - By order of then (anartermaat r rn.l. LZWIS PARSOM - 9, Brigadier Oenensi tod tout: master. • NIV HZ OIIERT LEGE?. NUR. R • of the 014; sod Oonety et illegheey, State ol,Peezte., des Obtain "Z•37.00.3rE11ig No..+9,I7EIATZ• of the tJnitodstates, agerakt 301 / 4 1803, for lmprostmenS/aSt for Tools, Bald 1 / 1 118 Eitalag. DOUBLE _pada.. that la ,I , VOLUES. OR FACEI 1.41TK Or THE JAIL,' sad PAq did obtain TWO other Patanta tort+arove• rta t t i . n texl " ZWA r tiel lin6 . 7". OIL TOOLS, SOW TAILVNOTICE, 27 10 1 419 MOO eP primer INFRINGING...on ago trauma "I EIMERMILKING_VENLING or rEUxo-Ertuza. WErliOurr ffiY OOSSUM, wail* m10'04 . 4%0 the fph,Lra. ,TEST LSE 01149onra IROBSST'II. 'WRY. rts2 ONE AT , BIIIIIFIE It I HEMAPANAK4 <BLOOD 171171114). /FJOif#Vti v riiittfi vt , 6 oED Fp# ,EiCidhaf **-J2l, fria**oo,coN. mixt • • yE4I I . • gao ith*t a/n l q ti assets bulks • lals 67 .11 101. ififflia,ro673lllll=. IC..LtlitEtrizz:3 r r •^7 * II gRXML!- Z447. 4# 61 rea; ,' , 6 WITEMSTEVEZ qvcrosamanubtrarrnta , .01) ..E.K4 nus ,, to xist-zavEztztans. !MILL PAPERS, for Parlors Misr v Booms, natoppA amain, um plain mai aeuratlya afplaa.;WM-Irrijitarftotraet, our Fm k . ~.,o taz • 405 111.1QMP, BISHOP SIMPEION, , ......... - .._ . ... . CI _?' t , ' . • • #7' ... .' :: .. • rhh'''''''smingilwalrtrii rp=4,o, , a 0 pi , • the damages o W. 7,4 I . th exam. •Of Klitgli 1 4 4 botirgs• - 1 1 T i n a, tor eollegi3a. .411 put palm who Wurri=e 7 rwitl.t. tm ftlgi a r,r d frovg , ~.a.t . ..,,t tu t or aneumente Orttl;t4.2ltarapate 7 1## 1 gatott tt ie %s ° " il l w . with Inta liti l &Pe re:te tor co ' hg ' ' 1.. W. elty,Sonettov ILY.L3 Bornti MA NT FACITrIt Ea Or IMPROVED BORING TOOLS, Sinking Oil, Salt and Other Walla, No, 136 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. PL. . . Toole warranted mode of the very best SLIGO A.ND LOW MOOR IRON. WELL BORERS riM352151 Lovveyst actiola Priori with mush articles as are necessity to eeadu ct op ertilins, AJTVILS SewHE rs, AELL 9 ids, QN tikES VISES SLEDGES, OH MEW . HAMMERS, I wn =wits , SHOVELS, PL &NES, 110 EB, 1 LEVELS, AXES, ; HALLS, la. Rope, Leather and Gum Belting, All of lalfich I hove constantly to ■tote, oat Jmd SKATES 1 SKATES!: Q, r. (10 PAIR Ladles, Gent* and S Fi IP LYERY V RIEI Y FOR SALE LOW BY J4JLIES BO No. 136 Wood Street. aolanad AN ONDINA.NOE to prevent the defae• log of Telegraph Poles. Etc. 1. 8, ft on:rafted and tar:alai bg the Mayor, aldemen and earns qg Pigabwgh, in Sated and Common Coancib esanabkd, and Li t hereby media end ordained by entkortly *lawn.; That from aad alter the passage of 'this Ordlnasce, It shall be deemed aalaWlol lot any perpa to pelt or 14 any Wag tastes on Telegraph Pedeasulty hand-b elly placards, alma or Adel , ttsemicate. or la atm other ay to deface or Melly, the was, and that Aar hand-bllla, placards, at or adve rt isements al ready Attached to sai d pates shell be forthwith removed. Nxe. 2. That any ;Arson violating tte Noels. lona of this ordinance. shell be tobJected to it doe of not more than ten dollars tar cash And every offence, to be collected as /nee are by law WWI, ea. Ordained and enacted Into a taw 11 Councils thin 30th day of October, A. D. Md. JAMES IIIitAIILEY, Atte E. S. MOlutPre*!dent of Select Cott/Cll. onr„ Clerk of Meet Council. THOMAS STEEL. Prea!dent of Common Colman. Attest. Hron MoblAaron, Clerk of common CounclL 001514 11171113UOCIEBY PLATED OUT I A WASHING TLACEttNE FOR $3 00 ! CELL AND EXAMINE FOR Y9rizsELVE5 FURNISHING STORE No 68 Federal Street OEOROE W. HUBLEY 0c.111.11 INSL RE YOU R LIFE IN THE CHARTER OAK LIFE INKRANCE OF HARTFORD, CONE. THE ONLY LIFE INSURANCE t7OMPANA IN AblEt DIVIDEND makes the E n t each one! CAS on the first and eabsequeht pa tat of presiltun. • Its DASH IJAPITAL and' aesusoulation of EL50111,000 sebtteelyttorested ottbne otoelta and inortgages of REA L ESTATE. Lt =WIZ Rupiah yaks al buntneaa, and has pa , 4 to the tau:tows Ann on. roans el Its atetnates the sunt of ONE MI. LION DOLLARS. To this data not a single ease of litigation lii occurred, kn erldoace that Mar. kitty and fair stealing to • epecieUty with thim Crapany. The pollee. nr this 17oz:spiny IN not forfeited by mason at t oe Perileot of premium after the second year. No payseurnis required etas tea years, but policies eastuste good through Ufa. • 011PICIBls J. Q. WALHL.i.Proeldeut. N. S. PALMER, Tice Preauleot. S. H. W Et.ITE, Secretor), Branch O. esrn Prrooeylvante. where Vitcularr um) Applicaatton ern) be fun:Lich .3, SS Woed Street. Pttesbo.-gh. Aerate waste. throughout the Mate. Apptir to orle.iyd F E. GOODELL State Agent. IMPORTANT ROTICE.—Tho bo re th follow - potated j ud g es on ur Sewi o ng a Mach e ne gua lagers lion., at the Allegheny Camay Telt, 1363. 'The judges aratherillughanS Practical man, well knows, in this sommunttybeing machinists and dealers In machinery, awl:their Quieten Ur Worthy of =Q. mderatlon • To rIIISTIMEITDriNT AND niA2rOGZIPS-.-GOOVOSien: WO 'chosen/Men are annexed, appointed by you as koives WWI No. Z s , render the followlug re let, let, which to according to our heat judgment, namely We award to E P. Carpenter. No. 27 Fifth at., agent for W heater a Wileon'a Saving Machine, the ant Prelate= and diploma, for Ica sthipilatty end thoroughoesa of construction, and as the beat machine for focally and general PurPonox We award to Graver k tinker ,trot premium and diploma, as the best machine tot henry work and embroidery. [Signed.) Hugh hi. Bole, Richard Nuitsli, Juid al..nnah,!Jaa. W. Foster jr. ocri COME ONE, COME ALL! GENTLEMT: 'S FURNISHING LORE. N0a.1.3 St. Clair St The attention at Use publie la tailed to the lute sad !extensive stook of GENTLEMEN'S FEB rwzziT ZATIELP::: " the Woe. azgatns. „T one in west o f the above Goods wili nee it to ear 'tidewater, to sive axe s WI, and eardatoi att . ..gteelt kedats purattselat dim where. Th ey eaa nad inia r meat eat', bat seleotod eta* of Ftrie "Thlurtihirts' elan "tees re weg i n, Bel=a7d7rw Ee ,(l74° .Sstrf 4 VO L elg e Tio T r gd keti r = M I 4 t o 1 =11 4 :47= MV EtteV, k Rianstober theodssaa lased la St tt. street. . ' SAIMIL LEM, ~ a i; d te.A tarp doer.' of Eats Cips were m i i / Inroad's, Thtlimmal, Byron% Ellotildes aad, auto% wiii be sold lower then cost. Jpildlyassaas PURE___________ __ ----- GOLD: The choicest stook or 00X.D AND SILVER WATChtED, CLOCKS AND 3,EWELRY;ever brought co'Alle- Own, u t ean now be se= et the T. IL IMAGES. • . el) Z - leclorcel,, Where WATCHES of; this beititakertlEl,6l. BY of the newest styles, OLOOES of eyery des• cr.kos of ten American Crid - Ftench makers. sis.VELAtip_Pidazo uoms, each. as Yorks, y2ur -lute Itoltemiso Ld Frehch - Ohlue aIsee.X.ABES of choicest new; mai ell articles belonglay to my rtre of ai% willatt WMO_O44O Ai aftat REDUO• Tlf)Nl Pine Watch sae .lewelry work eladfolty ' mate awl repaired. HMite4 yrice_pald for Old • 101/fDos Alleyheal. . • WWI& - 101E3 j ; t .7 I-- . 4 .** 0 •144.!ctitk,,,. 1141i0ei.tXPIAO lit DRAWINGS end SPECIDe ,VialiTlONßri kinft abuttaleigs,stutsneri. I A Undo their wedlock on reasoubk, taw. ,vt allrlnfttol4.3l4usoa strint,4tirppk woos, aid FWD:4M lethezi . S AND pus, "."-1.-50 Ras., for sale by ^ MENU 8 OOLLIIM BL' LKORAI, SKIRTS, EXCEEDINGLY CHEAP, at MACRUE, GLYDS C 0.,• • In. 7S and 80 laikeLltraV • Offer for sale one of tits LARGEST and crimip psThTooKs of TRIMMINGS. TAROT GOODS, AMlnougOE., li Ws ' OSIXST LOLOVI23, t to t , ZlOll ' VIIBROIDEEIHR -•-• Licata and Stikliandlatrohtsta. Baal and Imitation Valatela Lama Point Lase Montt, Real Mark malted Cal lan, Maltose Lace. do Lin eh Fredtrked - Seta, oen wo - d VERY Clitrala.fa at los, .78 and 80 Market Street. 2000 LADIES' LMEN COLLARS SELLING AT RIVE CENTS EACH; 2000 PAIRS LINEN C 1171711 AT TEN AND TWELVE OEIM, AT /11.0.10/11, CiLYDE & 00,S BALANCE OF OUR STOCKI.II Y CIuODS will be dad we would eaU the Wont= of WHOLE SALE BUYERS to our IMMENSE SP )OE Or CHEAP AND DESIRABLE GOODS. can and see us at our newly fitted 145 - 0111, 'll3 and 60 Market street. no 2 N' IRATE , " !: NOTICE WE SAVE VIE GOODS ADVERTISED, both the quantity and at the prices named, making .1 Stook equivalent to that contained in Eye or nix ordinary storm Ch Wrens, WE OFFER 300 PIECES NEW SILKS, bender others belongla g to former porehatee. We hallo no °az:MU Minn to this department, owing to ontn bear the laryrest to the West, and see sell Silks as cheap as other goods. W E OFFER 3,000 PIECES oars& QOM*, all)raclag ;11 grades tram I 3 to 113,50 per yard. Delalnes very beat Coborgr, ecotas wide, sic, or the be* Tatou at 25c., and good ditto at Itttdo WM OFFER 2,000 SHAWLS AND OLOASS, embracing( all the desirable elyhis, Gnat variety a Cashmere Long Shawl., Wool Plaid ditto Broths ditto . . and Velvet, Panay and Math &segues, Basques, as. These we us sati. VERY ClIrsAP. WE OFFER LINEN GOODS of all kind& Sheeting,, Pillow Cuing. Table Cloths, Brawn and Bleached ail kinds and sizes, White and Colored Borders, ditto Napkins, ditto Doylle, ditto Towels. Quilts of MI kinds, plain end em broldereil. Table and Plano Covers. Table Coven by the yard, and Toweling, Craeh, kn., vup cheap. 11 E OFFER CLOARINGS, SILK VELVETS, all widths; Oclored and Junta Silica; Caster and Eagan:nand. Beat. en, black and fancy colon, and al! th• ether STI(LES OF OLOAM.NO adapted to the Fremont lemon. Prises hum 111,50 to Sul. GO. CLOAKS MADE TO ORDER tro• Our Owl material, and warranted to ft. WE OFFER 700 PIECES FLLNNSL,9, /Led White, Yellow, Grey Blue sue Tetley 71sanels of all ktfuls, rood W late Flannel at 31 cents; Real Shaker heavy and cafes heavy, at 66 cents; Conn trs Barred Flannel. at El anmta; others cheap la proparCloa. RE SIFTER 500 PIECES PANT STOP r&, cuatmass, l vreedx g. Cons, Satinets, Casinets, ?eau, &a. Good •ll wool Clembitens, Za.. goo; Tweeds C% cents; GoodSattneta lad .181211 at 37340., Togeiter with toll Ilan of everything in N.C) 9 CICOINTS DRY GOODS, Wholesale and. Retail.- J. W. BARBER & CO., 59 Market Street. D, ; . ; . EM flia OIDEBIES, puttentsr attention is directed to ontstoots Of the chose !Ines of goods now tains selected by Ma. WILLIS in Zug Tat*, and ronsivSyialir by antes, at tba house, ,Without &tun:muss to particularize, WI VW Rata that evesything now In thetsarket Is king dais, reantved. Among the EMBROIDERIES 74.00 NETS LADE TRIMMINGS, Ist He BUlla's, LINEN SLEEVE' , SW/SS HAN L.K.FS, LIN EN SETS, eur-Ntrit , Ea/mow-114i= coLLAss, EWES THE. IGENTLIVOLENN. FURNISHING DEPJUITHUNT Wlll be found to etebrue • very fell stock of ttoodivuet as NEGLIGEE SHIRTS; MUSLIN SHIRTS, DIMINO AND SILK rimERSILLIITS AND DRAWERS, • RILE. SINSPENDPIES RID, SILK. • NU UU T TON GLOVES, SILK, COTTON AIM =m to Ind In abort, everything !needed to make up • GszUleman's wa rd robe. IA Tick. Lumurs , -nr.ressatzsi Especial atteattoo tallad - t6 out iluOttaleal of werce-reLloirrs, IrEA 0-DRESSES, . YXII% ' rmana-no sum DEEM 3 wet 7.l.3faurras,t ,F, i In short, Eyp Ii .Y NO 3 4 3 4TY of the lesion oneetsor ta - Ekrciitzikikc#ol.i croj, 46 •T : •• - " ,:,-. • •- i 2.,:: , . W.• MOORHEAD I S - ,! , h• , ~,-, •. 1., 1 81 Blatik'et•Streiet,l . , A 17Laces, 17LY., LIME OP 34:111Mtaa - 430i11)3 4 t o eta% rariateallka*Ml :r r• r i ' lizA4fiiketrfilia- '7' vwdortrartugwismcia. , 3t111130n - VE UB LI T ra l litEr'' •;PCII.;47,_ONW. W. (ma Cl atai4Err miter. dN EVEST STYLE, and Has 'PI 111111 Se Market street. Nos. 78 ■ad Be Market street. SOLD AT COST, vu, GLITZ a 1:70. BOTH AT HOSIERY, &c. WILL gwriggrzalri en* coitus snort lot' inn tonigorig.apgoiniwil MOE4E - Mit *Waft Ani neti i not tEr int,liiiinfgo.L!Tfoi::faggesAglAm tOgpnetjitmlineiiiist saw) i cspol*Wirethictiteatuat*trdwa s 44 : 1414 .A 5 . 61 ,! f ° ,1 ,V;Vitif,-. 0 ;r 4 . 1 *4 14 ODr ; TiZ PrbstiminAtte*Pn Aar). ?"s_. .* A ( .. lr ' 414 •! 4 nt Temat the following fere, H rirrii- ,AtintriX Etaira.TACKTAMILAKISUIt I*x i Trem..; . -- -,c , !:-, ,11 . .n t fr: 1..74! ... incil i ' :i -- ht.V.': dis.qiiithst miaturtai, snanzatc ; htn :s ig„ p0i50.0 411tavEn Ai•ntaxim; , :- ,:--,JI I,D .0.-•,) Zed ... ratitiA orlittillitlattgflßDlllloVl 41. wasEgs..; 1 ..- - -:- _-,.: zt , : z ;....u. • ~, ,4 tan d i GEO. E.raß " • • ER. mairain kr . nz whew- i v :!-- n7:I W. A. &moos. occamrd ~:sh~arq~i~ WANTED—AGES: XIS can male Fa to Ino • day. *Maw Ur; ..uhmukt, _PATFAT STAB NOZWILLI. PET BURN for Mantras .OU Lamps. II tw v :l7 a ta Z an 41 :Sag= bo t " sa lts e r a ltiap or yowl* of wYL SolaPio. vane- aZS cen atsesend tos, annum %WI fall P&W t la t a 3ll 1 " 11:1 ' • SSEg .EDGAJI, Moatessinrcr, tis,e4 Maid= toss.Mw-Yant. AGENTS WAMED I 111 VginT ()RUNTY. To aell by ga ga aabt • PUOLLICALION wltab. win command a wily I:specially mole OIL 51.2. N, AMY to to2,2td Not 6t. tt ITGETIME. Mini Sum WgiVreD.—AiiEMPE.'S TOR "THE =WI - THZ "a r k. DI7III3ZON AND UM AGAPE & M ca tt l h ab: wws.4l.= . it°211214 Ate rl till r tlng' ?/ *he at tfick E4 _truttraik la Mik tal tea% bah tad -sW• latagrat tWo =ATBoballlont Eft thrillbag._•a2aorok for 2a monttiall. Melt Itizataaintala. novo alai unit zlisculoorjoarawy " g r i th ar of andabouidar deaLsul romaaee of tlr aaz IMa asyritlatt fel Tou pu ter; laollia,4aeiratldialmettet • , al* daily rettrottiold ambled OrtlcersM. sOldlork • watt of wettable amploratant, will CM Pft ' Irtalany .adaptal to canailot. We hart WWI aleartaa• SW par stoat, whist aro will = o * acf 631 09 -Mat Strad for dm. 0 -B 03,f t r = r, IS:tonwr rgiuLaxid' Maar laistodaWNl ~, P l4ll4l2att. Pa., DRY GOODS. TRIMMINGS;deoi NEW 000D5. 1111ACRETI & CiRLISLE, No. 19 =I STREET, New TrimminP7 and Ornaments, Bead Gimps and Buttons, Bich Bonnet and arailltblions, Fine Gilt and Pearl Belt•Bnoltles, Bich Silk Beltin,9—a new lot. Bargains in LinsU Handkerchiefs, Real Lace Collars and Setts Needle Work Edgings and inserting, Cambria and Hamburg Bands, Magic Ruffling and , Oaals ramp, Beal 'Thread and Trod Vell4 • American and,Wfi• -Hader!' &Yee and Ganntiirlitit *lea Zephyr, Wool and, Knitting AM% Ladies - and Ohildre; us', Underwear, BalmeralSkirta-=new atylos Duplex Skirts; French-Corr iets; • Gentlethen'a Shirts Collars Tier Merino and Silk Underwear Mines Kid Gloves--all sing. 1112330IIANTS Alf a DEALERS E • lll o : z glA . l 2.A ra mlrrvitAtetto cal mat SIAM MACELITAT" & NO. is MTH STB:=2,4PlttsburiltiPil4 BATES & BE!i. ATTRACTIONS. Call alai a amine cat NEW GOODS FOB; SPREADS, Honey-Comb Quilts, CRIB LILMIKETS. . , N 0.21 Fifth Street. ROB 11E S CO., HAVE Jrsi , °Petri= NF W (3/.4:)lunwS, Dress Temzelup. i.Cloak -Oroaraeata, Beal Lace Good& Naga Eltyle Belt ; Backler„Bart,blake ellk Belt- lass, Head OnaameataiNevr Beck Searle,' Bambara ,Flooneta* Llztra Eleardkeavdefs, Bahooral -Shirt& • Breakfast 1311asels, In bats' aolt Eroodit;lttifatita• Zephyr• Lenin& Blivr'Earpreta • Bklrtai Olones add tiltattlet&Whi. ter Underwear tothieoitddierfartdCbll-' dreg. ;01:mhz 'ariC.Alezendre 'lra • ' • Gloves; Ladles' . 1471111 e Castor *— Glove& 'The 'abotre ''and • ' many other goods fa Great. Variety,' at WHOLESALE AND' RETAIL an How * 00. n anti 'no tddliSZT BM= WHOLESALE ROOMS:ISi , SrdißS. cots alit Le) t% Et* I t.o 314 GROVER & BAKER'a SEWING .IVIACHINEB Have bin *warded the FIRST THEBIIIMS at the following Fain Sir Um yam . First Prang= for bast rdf.e.blet Fork at Peru*. • First Premium for best lisentati wortat New. 'York State Pair. , • lint Pmer.l Ca for best lottillj Matas, at abla State Fair, 71rat Premium for best 1 4alltaetUrOS Haskial at Ohio State Fair. •• - • Pint Premium tor best iiranolattark4 btaattitai. at Mistaitart State Pair. • Pint Premium for best branuisetrulos Mackin. Firn pumps:Liar . bat Bratafactiuttigidachiaa -at Latrreacs co., Fair Ps. ' - • First Poe for east irtathitielor poses, at Laartruitll4 Fa% Pa. First Premlorn nor - trst:Pamifr Machina at noels Clo 4 Pair; . First Pretaluto for,patjUittli Plst4 lll . at Haste CO; ' • First PrarblittlfOr best wrotralastariagauramo fir Zdathiatin4PriDlMidd.Elare.MAß't Fikat Premium, tor bat bra safacturiagaaansi blcliosrat•PitizvarairM.-Y, • pint Premlnialor best Mamas:tuts* aid Patit 4 - -- üblacktaart.SoirolkSlorniz, N. Y. Mat Premitualaz berrißlattgartartagand Yarn' 0' 1.11.1151.r.MI: p,,,p saea at Afle#beur OD. Fair, Pa. t • . :First Premium for bast - illanntactudas itioblact • - at Allegheny Co. Fair, Pa., • Thar Pnillltua for beat ffilebporf: work at 'Alla.' A. F. Cia.TOpirEF . 81 244115 i AGEITA. , 7 7-7,, ca1:404141 t'Tb. iB V*47 4 . l'lttentigitr'q 1,1 oFFac4 , L.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers