Via Pistargii zeta WEIDNEII3:OAT. - ERIPT. 20. 1865. :. 7 13N10N STATE TIMEET. rraf AMIT7OI3 .„ I GEN.' ' I 9#4 I P.H4TRANFT. s Of MoPtl;9:447.CPllztts9. TOR FOIMMOILOHNITEULL : COL, JA,CO/3-11. CAMPBELL, Of __Cambria Coinmpnii2 .. • irmixeraumArroxiiirt 4LXVI .11. MUT. of A.llegatn. • fan cfOlimatasira I illiFts7, Lallll3;EtT, PittTownr.bulr , • • - Vitintr!iattf; ' 33L, of LtbertV46llllloo. t *IA Riau irlarAThi, • C4l4.if4K, , SAkftf . Me , lllll4biltprette Towzmiap., :Aterta B. NENJ3O2 'We BLAABEllfSir s pipciat.' • • Fy. • f..jaig 11021a7CliTiaturzi • .4014101414 , 111tetz, Itosirer smaierp. 'cm totrorrr imirnrcist :!7:f.i4:ll . 4o7titaaly; 6!./Eradattiszi. ' solielnuitcxf amartlen 2 n.iPAustarictir COOL. The Cournisirrica is full of gems, Which life ; are-Constrrilned to set We take, an. alsit ; fromits tiara in the following precious tract • Ihremehtisetts sees no occasion for din lagniebg Pl:evident, but sustains timgenerotudi. ban% unreasonable, deatructive conquered province and coatis. vation doctrine Ands no favor in her eyes,— in funk - is IndOrsed nowhere, hy anybody, 'but the Pittabirgh Gazette. Maesachusette la quiteancither policy, as the following tea 4dution, adopted by the late convention at Nirorceste.r. plotnlp shows: -We azree with our Chief. Magistrate, that ,zeawujs ,the greatest of crimes and those who .grer„ sMy WO this. gre a t grim ought 'sn , it:indim punishment. Upon the mews rther*bila we would inflict no punishment, 4144 rep's - int:nit reformation of 'their laws •hitiVenatoma vr eh Is ludispenalble, 'that 'the paltry may speedily, pacified and msde ..plied, (or all future time." Perhaps the Gazette will undertake to lveol %Massachusetts out of the party! )Ve ;tare no objections whatever to the geohrines of the lifaimanhaselts convention. I Tbern is nothing is them which is not in 44 / i - P ri r ct rin.i#, with, our. own. If the Vometerciat will endorse them we shall be (eastiter,7-an4 . - do so? We put the • meidltql, and 're, wmilt an Answer, ...alumna again without even the slightest ille*tb., and in the face of . the Sada, hatsii; tatreasOnable, structive, conquered province sad was doctrine,..finda no favor tither eyea 11,:factu, a. tined nowbere, by'auy body litp,the Pittslmrgii — l3e." We aik it '4, 9 4 29 4 3 , ,Tyeg. or nay, as If - revadsr-t3ae truth, whether our citations from the Penn - ) 11,iiirenfa idatt'Orra are correct or not, and et.ber thexe its any thing in our doctrines Nehich is not supported by our quotations *xi That platform, aid if there be, to point sint.whme and what it 11.• -='"Mor is it any MOratrne that Massachusetts L for "Oita snottier porcy." It endories • „spit-gasify that one of the Penusylvalla ''reteltilOns which declares the experiment ‘ssfsibler, and ,enunciates the necessity itf makingwll men equal. The resolution 8- . ted from its own proceedings is entirely in accordance with our views. It condemns treason ' ertine that deserves condign ~pitrilshmsnt. So do we, and so did the '- President, Dui tie pardons it. It would ex , ''.erupt the mania a the rebels, and so would fintnree, io would we. All ho propo see to punish; are those whp are worth over SIO,COO. We des re nothing more, and shall be perfectly well cohtent to ; compact,. 'Elise the whole question by giving political ...,.,Power to the loot, without regard to ciite :,err color, end depriving those who have shown themselves unworthy of conndence :',OLDlFfutore lotx!r portion in the direction -'of this Goveinsnent. Is this merciful 'enough ? . , If the Commercial will only eschew its new astxiations, 'and support in good feith :the doctrines of the' Massachusetts Union ists, wo shall be - well satisfied to forgive any r s tlifferences which it may be able to find „ between them and the Platform of the tnion party of this State. "ALONE." ;'. We quote the following morceau from the Commercial bf Monday: . 711ADDEII8 STEVENS, with the Pitts• burgh Gazette, his solitary backer, standa - tedono . in urging the policy of confiscation." quoted.a reselutitli of ~ :_the-Union Republican Convention which 71/litricif that the doctrines of Mr STEVENS . SkIP PISCISS)y,thO; same as those pronsidga- Led by the convention itself. The Cam ', Menial with brazen effrontery„ ,1 g amma the record, and reiteinte. s the lie. It'seetrui to think that its readers - -are fools. It shall not, however, pespe in - liihrway. We publish the resolution again, and we shall keep the whole of them standing in capital type at the head of oar columns,if that paper shall persist in hood. winking its readers by ignoring them:Y. "'Fifth, That as the late Rebellion was wantonly precipitated by the property Ihedders or the south, it is but jast,that they should pay the expenses of the war, and Congress ahould, .deciare as forfeited and vested In the Government the property of ell Rebels whose,estates exceed the...lmmo( - ten thousand dollars, and that the proceeds Or the property Soconllseated should beep , plied to increase the pensimia of those en , •. titled theretoby ,the casualties of the war, - to pay the damages done by the enemy to loyal citizens, and to reduce the burden of the natteinl The samelaticles concludes with the fed 4Tbeatiesotitio-,distract the party and . • ~d efeat theilepublican ticket in this State -will fall. . eenstiered and universal confiseation doctrine meets with no appro val trete the people:, But it will be well for the triende of the cause everywhere to .;:biten the.rde4", < Hate blithe isSertionagain that the Union - ReptibliCan platfor . M Meets with no ap• iroval from the ixople. We agree, how ever, that dthe",,attempt to distract the . _party and defeat the ticket," which is the Whole drift of the Commercial's policy— Buf' it is a_ good joke—if the Impudence of the thing was not Intolerable .-to read Re a newspaper thatoondeinne the Whole platform Of the party, the grave "'remark that "it will-be well for the friends of thtl;fstftt% everyWhetilte.brni the alert." Tea friends nrthe cause llt it indeed time that you shcoild , be up sad doing, when ~yoir very_ 113 &stied down and trampled upon by those who claim to be interested in your success.' • You can afford to enter tain in you camp, neither the traitor nor the spy. CatioLtss..—The Constitutional Convention in SoitthCarollna has, it seems, ;passed s reaolutibn simply repealing Ithe Oidhtancerof ETecession. The unconverted aeliehof tat State do not declare that or t'ilitianee null and :void, as was done in Nis ' aisaippi ; they simply repeal it, and so put as record their conviction that it Was a legitimate andiegatact, and not void for want of power to pass it. Of course, all stets done ender it are legal Its repeal is shnply an acqdesconse in an accomplished fact, and not aft, acknowledgment of the Wrongftdneas of `Secession itself. ITS PIJITFORII "The- Pittsburgh Gazelle labors to prove that the Republican party In Pennsylvania is committed against the National Admin. istration, and that the doctrines of Thad deus,l3tevene are ite ,phitform. If the Ga- WWI object is to defeat the Republican ticket in the State,-all-It has to do Is to make: She voters believe this.:"--Votrimer-7 clot - - Wo;gavo only the platform Itaelf r word. for word, and the Commercial will not deny thit we stated it coilietly. The above ex tract, therefore, is tantamount to a declara tion 'that the administration Is against the r i latforM. If the Commercial is authorized to spesk thus for the President, it will re • quire no argument from the Gazette to make the people 'believe hecanse they know, Jest as the Commercial itself does, that the Platform is precisely what We stated it to be. If that platform, however, Is to de feat the ticket, the fault is with the party and their convention in not surrendering its principles as the 'Oommercial has dono. We veninre to say, however, for—the Convention that it speaksthe mind of the party fully, and that it. can succeed on that platform and noother. With the platform of the. Commercial It would make tro'difter: ence , whether we succeeded or not, trecause It Is ettlistimtlailythe saineplatform as that of the Copperheads. We. give however, that it cannot betray the party in this Way. ' 'ettinbt - Irblif such opinions and claim successfully M-belong to IL "TREASON MIST HE PUNISHED. TttO,President taught the country this great lesson, end It la not in a hurry to for- get It, however rehdy 'Some 'people may now be tp conclude !hat Mbellicat was a mere venial offence, and that the millets are, men to be petted and . traited; instead of punished. The Massachusetts -Republi can Conventien; It will be noted, hid cor dially endorsed the resolution of our State Convention on that subject; and hoWevor much it may gall such backsliding presses as the Commercial ió see that Policy sus tained which - it has so ostentatiously repu diated, We cannot help citing the following resolution, passed by the great ratification meeting lately held in Philadelphia, as an other endomemcbl of the policy we have advocated: Rewired, That while we have every cenfidence in the integrity and - wisdom of President Johnson, we trust to his own glorious record, to that oil the great states man, his constitutional ad tigers,• who . so nobly stood by the count y and his mar tyred predecessor in the terrible hour of trial, and to the patriotic Congress about to assemble, to maintain that treason is a. - arime Whieli twist be -ptinished, and that such gdatda Intiarbe thrown around the Contra as will make another rebellion im possible,, VON , zoo. PAS/. The New York riffles, which is one of the few paperangrecing with the Comnier, dal in denten/014 the Pennsylvania Re -1 _pablicarynratai-tba - relsels are not . to be trusted, begs Ile sotilbernfriends cot to be too fast. In alluding to.the late reor ganization of the Louisiana Military Acad emy, It calls attention to the fact that the 'vacant professorships have - been filled ex clusively by officers fresh from the rebel army, and adds: "Our Southern friends go it a little too strong, If they were • wise, they would avoid the danger of a reaction at the North." Most truel "Our Southern friends"'must not be so fast They Must play the hypo crite until they get hick with power, and then show their true colors. Cinnot they, instead of thus disputing the schemes of the Becht mists by their boldness, take a les son from New York politicians, and con ceal their cloven feet until their northern allies have secured their future predomi nance? I=! E Pennsylvania Horticultural Society is making preparations for its autumnal ex hibition on a new plan, which will result in giving us the finest show of the bind that we have ever had. It being impossible to procure a hall sufficiently cammaclions, the large lot on Broad street, in Petiladel phia, south of the Acaiemy of Music, has been secured, on which will be erected a canvass pavilion, two hundred fret long by eighty wide. This will be elegantly adorned with fountains, statuary, &n, and at a rdght brilliantly illuminated with gas. The pre minors offered are numerous and liberal, and the prospect is that the "display of plants, floweret, fruits, vegetables. &c., will ' exceed that of any former year. The exhi bition will, open on Wednesday evening, September 27th, and continue three days. A x.rrytn boy, apparently of German pa rentage, and about five or six years old, was found in Etie on Thursday evening wandering about on the shore of the Lake, weeping - bitterly and unable to tell to whom he belonged. He was taken care of by a philanthropic man and is now at Mr. John Howlen's on Peach street, four doors north of the Union Depot in this city. Tne little fellow appears to be a stranger, and It is supposed got there from Buffalo or some other place on the railroad. He answers "yea" to nearly all questions, and says his name is "Willie Pep." A Galan Union rally Is to take place at Corry, on the 28th instant, which will be attended by delegations and the people at large from Erie, Crawford, Warren and Tenango counties. Invitations have been extended to a number of prominent gen tleman from abroad to attend as speakers, but positive promises have not been made by any but Bendier Wilson and Judge Kelley, who will be present. This will donbtlers be one of the most general and enthusiastic gatherings of the Union party to be held dining the approaching cam ' paign. TIIE route, designed to make almost a direct line from Corry to Buffalo, and ob vista the necessity of travelling via Ede to the oil legions, is being surveyed, and the new line will soon be determined. Routes are being surveyed from Mayville to Corry, end from Corry to Westfield, west of Chau tauqua Creek, and from Mayville to Broe ton, and from Mayville to Westfield. There is little, if any doubt of the line Leing con strticled,.and It will, In &great measure, re neve the pressure of railroad travelling via ELtie. Ins editor of the Greenville Argus has been presented with a watermelon which measured three feet and ten inches iq Or r cumferenco, was two feet and six incites in length and weighed thirty , pounds. Ia coniquence of "the contemptible con duct of a' drunken Minter," a large amount of reading matter prepared for the last is sue of the Greenville Argus, was loft out. It was mean. BuyEnar. shocks of an earthquake were erperienced in Lancaster, at intervals during two hours, from eleven o'clock last Sunday evening- CRUD of Mrs. Holmes, of Reading, fell Into, bucket of boiling water, on Friday, and was so badly scalded that it died next morning. Tut new court house Is nearly comple ted in Bunbury. ' Ifziorr Rorinntums.--i man naitted Love was yesterday afternoon brought be- fore Justice Brown for preliminary exam- Motion, charged:with having In his poised; sion $Bl,OOO in - bonds, which had been stolen. The bonds are said to' be a purtion of the fridge of extensive robberies ltitihilo, enrorylVaniaqand Indiana, involving , in the aggregate lien $BOO,OOO. The rob_ betted were committed tmon Minim in those 'States, surd extend through a period of seic email:soothe ljpon inf ormation' received from Cleveland, Ohio, the defendant Love Was enacted, after having produced evi. dance that he had in his possession $Bl,OOO in bonds, under the impression that his companion the officer, was a professional thief, and desirous of joining hint hr., other operatione of a similar character. This conversation was also overheard by Capt. Nelson of the Ist precinct, who was secre ted In an adjoining room. After hearing the testimony Justice Brown held the de fendant for trial, the amount of his ball be ing fixed at s3o,4loo.—Olaicago Repußieu of Baturday. STATE Pau rics. The followmg is the Union tiehet, nom. mated In. Berke county, last Saturday: Assembly—Capt. Jos. G. ne,:rUCEr, Read ing; Capt. J. Trailer, Kutztown; Capt. Josiah Groh, Merlon. SlierlffoL D. C. Keller. City. Treasurer—Caps. J. S. Hill, Comm, District Attorney—Private H. j'arobictsty. Commissioner—Cant George W. Unroll, City. Dire or-Tames S. Hill, Cnzorn; David firing. Auditor _p r i vate H e nry Mobn , Lower berg, who was on motion, elected by ac clamation. Mr. B. hiving fought for three years and participaed in fifteen battles. County Surveyor—Major William B. Le van, Albany. The Union nomination In Cambria.enun iv are: Assembly—Col. Charles W. Eck man. District Attorney—William IL Ab ler.. • Treasurer—Alex.- M. Rea. Com missioner—Ell Crevling.. Barveyer—John Appleman. McHenry. Chroner-lobtiLltert. Tut full' 1:le trnlon ticket lbr 1 49Segligi(Mnt ': Assembly, Samttel 0. win rd,_ - "o county; 'Captain David A.- 7 - Irtrin, - "tif Union contain Isaac &It:bract, af licydez cottistYr: Sheriff; Lewis, Martin;-Prothouotery,:3lBlot Aa drew ; Jr Ressler.; District .Attorzmy, JarneslL., Wropcli Treasurer, - gamittil BryauXommlsalaner, - CaPt. Robert Drotra; VuTor,l'holims LII,d; Auditor, Charles Tit* Chad), eteintk-V41921. bOnfeaticia Wive , put" Id . uteninatißil the to 16iKtik Whet: 13euste, Dr. IL 1VMN,,A 11 4401 2 4-, bly, Wm. 'M. -Clover; County. Traigirtrat i John D. Lyon; County Surveyor, .osptain Valentine Phippiq County Commissioner, .Riefenberiek , Auditor Captain Tate licutty; Cotraty etineyor, John ',T.,'Llrimp , . . Tim DemoCracyleld Shah. County COD ventiorratMercer, on Monday , and pat In normnationkhe following , ticket,'Ast Ai. sembly, R. M. De Prance, Paul-Bailer krteiterfer,-Matthialt Z hniSer:'Distriat At torney, J. A. McCandless; Corturditsionere TlicitakCiddWill;Anditor. J. A. De France; l'xidr„DixeittOi, H. Clailr.; County Sur- NeYor, Alexander, .Rlder.... - THE following sits the Union nominations of Chester county: Assembly—N. A. Pennybaker, Waddell and N. J. Sharpies. Blteriff-:-=-Tueey . J. - Nichols. 'Tmenrer—Captain John T. Potts. Com missioner—Thomas M. Charlton. Dire - tor—Robert L. Walter. Anditora--Joseph J. Tuatib, Abel. Darlington (one - year). Tint Democratic ticket in Carbon coun ty Is as follows: For Assembly (to repre sent the counties of Monroe and Carbon), Allen Craig. DiStrict Attorney, Wesley B. Leonard; Treasurer, P. _Sharkey; Commis sioner,Oeorgn _Smith; Auditor, Malta Packer; Coroner ' J. B...Longstiore; County Surveyor, R. T. Huffeni. . TITS Democratic eonferoes-of Washing toit,Tayette and Green 'Oongties met on Saturday week, and nominatedi:fon. Sam eel 4.. Gilmore •as their eandidute for President Judge of that Judicial distriet. POLiTICAT INTELLIGENCE Tan •Riehmoad Zeiss, a copperhead reb el journal, says that ,(en. M. it P.striek, the new democrattc - cantThiste fin'ttle Office AI :Pate Treasnee,r in New York, le "an old army officer, saturated with ' the, e,on rya - Veto pta' , WesiPAat eddcation i iree. :Oen: mucelbint- pot ty„ . par. row 'paladins et of.sectionahsim to yield 'to the clamors of factiom and•sertt pulous in his respeet4br the eifil tights of the defeated confederacy He so adminls tered the deities of his office when in Rich. mond is to win the estee of ail whose good opinion was worth possessing." '''On the other handl& Norfolk Post says that "tho .choice of Gem Patrick will please that gentleman's many friends in Richmond, who admirehim for his want of patriotic virtues,' and fortds great tore of the noto rious Winder." It seems evident that Gen. Patrick has a good many friends In Virginia. It remains to be seen how many huhu in New York, The programme with the democrats of Ohio is said-to be to elect Valiant'lighana to the United States Sainte, if they can carry •the legislature. In Indiana the programme is to elect Dan. Voorhees to the senate from that state, by the legislature next year. The following. States vote on negro suf frage this year: Connecticut, special else tion, Monday, Oct. lit Wisconsin, financ e° ta and lowa, at their regular election. The quer Lion was separately voted upon in Colorado, but the rssul is not known. Tor coßlitheade iarcrartillibnnived a more elaborate Juggle than th6lr felow democrats in Wisconsin did. They caused a soldiers' convention to be held, by which CoL Thomas H. Benton was put in nomi nation for Governer against CoL Stone oa the anti.iraffrage platform. Tilo copper head convention subseciently met sad re solved that It was inexpedient to make any further nominations, proposing to vote for Colonel Benton, the soldiers , candidate. The Chicago Times and Dubuque Herold Loll this programme because CoL Benton Is nut a erne blue democrat but "an aboll tloniaL" IN reference to the Varmant election, the Rutland Harald publishes a list of rep resentatives elected, one hundred and six of whom are republicans, and six demo crats. The republican candlasde for gov ernor is elected by fifteen thousand major ity. The senate will again I,J unanimous ly Union, as last year. Tnz New York Post learns that among the Democratic candidates for the !eights -titre In that State at the coming election will be ax-Governor Seymour, Charles (Manor, Amaaa J PArker, Washington Mint, and other men of equal ability In different parts of the State. Tun democrhtic party In Minnesota seems to have "played out." The State Convention has met and adjourned with out nominating a ticket. A Republican paper says that the few delegatas who at tended, waited two daYs for a quorum, but it was not forthcoming. Oov. Ysrim, of 1111 nobs, him been urged to make some speeches in New Jersey dur ing the present campaign in that State, ani has consented to deliver three at such points in the State as the central committee shall desire. 1r is said that Manton Marble, editor of the New York World, appeared in the New York Democratic State Convention with a batch of resolutions condemning President Johnson. but was squelched. JOEIN F. FELTOX, a San Francisco law yer, and brother of the late President o Harvard College. la spoken of as the prob • blo successor of Senator McDougall. NEWS ITEMS 'Tin New York State Pak at Utica closed last Friday afternoon, and nearly every article on eridblrien WO removed from the grounds. The receipts reach 5.12.000 r about $3,000 leas than at Eocherier, buit year. Among the homes ex hibited Was . hue valud at 110,000.' and several ranging from *Loon to $3,000. All the cheese on exhibition /fat , except the mammoth; was dls ed drat private sale, at fifteen centaa pound. The Tate was every reaped a great success. The city authorities gator a grand entertainment at Bageklietel,:to the 'Beciery and US pasta, Inebeding Orpr:', Fenton, Gen. Hooker, Post master-Genera Drardson and other notables. cattle &gra has broken pat at High gate, , and is making great havoc among the herds La that neighborhood, some of the dairymen having lost as taw -as a dozen animals. At Holly Lodge, the residence of Mu Burdett Consta, the wnole of her fine herd, aloe been in niinibtr, have died. Tim royal steamship Urgent has passed and carefully examined the spot where. the cable buoys were sald to have been placed, without BAI/3r:hem, and the conclusion la, that If the reckonings of the Great Eastern were correct, dhe cable must have been parted and the buoys lost. OWE bxmdred and fifty sailors have arrived at SearFrancine°. who wore pet off thirty whaling dapa captured by the pinto Shenandoah In the Alttlen- Twentyvix of the veesele were do ntroyvd,tand four bonded. Tin!' Boston Transcript says that the ant nolofed student at lisraard Camp was &omit 'ted lathe Freshman clean last week. LW name 111Elthard T. greener. of Boston. Trefrpointo rot is fearhaly prevalent In psr tiona of Trot Ilkh. of October is to be Thanksgiving DoJn Cartes, LADIES AND MISSES DAIT CRS AV .•-•J. W..OABNBRAIr & 004 Boot, and Oho, Slot., cann. of DUMB, street owl the Dismood, IftßsOurgh. M. Eto I—WALL PAPER AT PEACE cr ice Nr P. 1117RSHALL 117 WOOtrafeet. LARD OIL-10 bbia.,llo. 2 to arrive. P. , For salo by ISAIAH DIOHEY a CO. I .&RD 01L-12 bbl&, now landing. For Nab by ISAIAH DIOLEY GO. TALLOW 011,-10 bbla. In store and or tole by 'SALMI If AU:EY a 00. PtiBLII M .ME lan • Fre LE lei. M LSARELLA STREE CT- T,Allegtieng. new So. Clair m mei Bridge. I am forming a dim ofE yasd once ladies to whom I will give isetroctionla , ag, Writing, &Min Orillll2llll. History , Geography, and Chro nology. Engligh Composition will remise .q -yeaLl at'ention In order that my poplls may be. cone good letter wilier& Terms-12M per month. Conmen English branehea, MAO per month. Pri. mary Maupoo per month. B. B.—all goads of Ornamental Needle Work tangoS; afther with of witheul studies, as per ar rangement. Evening classes twlaa a ar.ak. let, E. SEE ART. PrindpaL FLF.AaIIIELAER POLITZEUX IC I N IsT ITIDTE. TEO Y. N. T.—Llul 'FV-31.0uN D ANNUAL 86....510N of Ms welt er ewe SOIWOL Or ENO MCLAIN° A.!TD NNREtAI. SCIENOE. will commence Dm-mg BYE 131,1, 111 GA. The NEW ANNUAL REGIS /ER or 1566, eying Lull Mformatien, may be ob tainrc by ecdrecrthe - - PROF. CHARLES DROWNE, Dbector, anie:notie Troy, Nom tote. ID n TISE.TIEJf TS. SAND PLASTRIL-- - o i tibli i. ,., cr(,7sb,y T IJEIRICATING 0.11.-50 bblik, for .nl. by _ H. H. COLLARS. At, Of:LENDAIIi CEMENT.-100 b 4113, or.4lebT H. H. COL ' SOAP BTONZ.--50 tibla, fin ty by H. n.-leinuss. OTA:: 14.R.REIst3 —For vqe by A PPLESi— .le., prime Airdt-413r tale +4!-41, , 2 ! i.,.8. Fa. 143. LIORBE YOU SALE.--A-laiza 6 year loltay Harsq,grazgastted m gal. st Libert eoi; W.11.13V0R *l3O. A :7 7 E A -WARTED,IO.OOO33%stc., 102 ' 1 /hit/I We Will DIM gm tuned •mina prise, .t M drew". _sett_ W. Ts- xrus fiL : A kzi IA Lb vt ty(110 ,ItYttog— de..6 sok Iv_ bot_bien: ilcreletin ghehttd to uto-wedassighba. IR: Li timtatti tbt' nee be LisaamJAl4lol the, 111414taborgh. dectitted, All - Mitt lotowtts elm' th. tnYti to sal t,..ons- 1 / 4 .n.fturtbehapuott 1 oss pkyteent, Awl snow tutvlstg 10pris• , sent twin pf spats stttbenttstot fat 1 to . . JOAN BArtztemos.44 . r. saltblawdess Nobs Tom:IWD. T r BY TO LOVE; or Dr. o. M.-LA.RDIB.' = AH E RN 784 Zlit it AUZ i 1 Ifo r f Nam% itskoo. iu.t out. It tintatibs you to obarm OK. you Lore; bows to redeem strayta cotopasloas, Ito. It °Outsize many sestet. Worth is. eplos Pries At seals. Aloe, CtaNAT PRI VATE BOON for arAsatim or okossA pzu.SOAP. Every isdy aboul4 Save 02111. Prise 11. Semi Price,Of al th er or both to DH. Lilfl9ls, Na. INS OtkettAtA. street. Pllthutelpala; end receive by re. lartikustl, In lintel etiveloves. A ..starissitc,ster , 501 also steempany each book. agora tad PUBLIC SALE of rends AND COAL LAND.--Porniant to an order of the (lour' of °mason Pleas of Allegheny ()aunty, the undersigned, Mosier In Partiwan, Oxon. to publle tale, at roe tanice }Lo uie , to the Ul ty of PiU.bUllake on TUESDAY, oorosz 117tb , o t ,o k.a.On WaVtrtt 0 and D, of the psr ti. on of aborts! agitating! Was. boorteAseessed. sl•uate on the Ylleabethtown isijeffsraan township, aboull4 miles from Patel/sup. Par- Pan D contains. 1.10 acre. poscaes, and ho. tbefton treated two 1./Walling HOWI6I, &Tiara, &o. and Is almost entirely underlaid With 0,3111. Prl , Tort•Ci,,adlesinir 47 aeres—petrottea, o Hags Dor. 1160 s.f which la Ant Olowa Wawa land. ba Paters Ocala. :Terscle- - Joecthlrd 011:111.71.11A1ance 10 two equal so, not paymwde, trial Intetest. For particulate Fly to THUS EVIIII4. Iffsstrr. . P O2O Wolatacy D 0.163 Fourth.Streat. gIi4IICREEK RAILIIOAD:= • • °M EALS will 'be' weieelved for the Grubbtog Clearing. Earthwork and - bfaatiary, of VW ENT sun loss Or THE BEAR a asze HOED, loaded (four ic point *alba grte antra , bwiril. suroaa r t.o gales eouttilaC West Groan ville, to paint eastward of Mercer, untlf2 o'clock moefbo, September' ileth. All proposals' must be or aevirata Ilertloo3. and rosy to ablate L. D.' WILTS/Mx& Esq.; f3aeretarir of Gm Cloorpsay, ar.gleaetllawarbrigfrieftWV:l w t 31. Cloare Hotel; West Greenville, oa September War, when the Sward of Direetore will meet for award. fill'lnfortnatiorecau be orteitted Or a rptlonttoa rfrltiDKN, , Engineer of tae Goal. pacy, at Mercer. Wtd. REYNOLDS, Preatatat: DWEL1.11.46H013 BE LNaLLEM EMIT •E• Obi: B ALE A one end s halt start trams Oor Mum coo. tatntog two parlors, d slog room, Ititaltso and taut aknabers, wan oats Andras, oesupyusr s lot 691 964, isgbly cultivated sad othamented with Strut- Ireu sod shads trees. Ths sorrow:Amp are pleasant, &Wording MRa 0p,..0 for huh a'r, mid the mailOOk ou the tkres riv. rs tornixandln, arrexteardre and warted Mary. Fur tot ther Information. apply to El. S. BRYAN Broker, 69 Fourth streat,Bruktr's Balkllkg. relgtt ,A. 011211.01.4111 Urgtoll, ALLtattarr, Sect. lith MM.( SEALED PROPOSALS WELL BR RE -I,EIVED u this' ethos untill TUESDAY, HIE last , for fun:dada' MO feet of four Lech NY AYES P/PE, eacM pipe to Dee feet long, %Leah thick. and capable of stardlog • creature of coo Douede to the ea ,an loch. The pile to be deny of at such R m In &Leona'', as the Chaim. the Watts Oontatttee may , direct. Bidder, en reqneeted to state when they pr, ices to nave the contract completed. by direction 04 the Water Committee. a 0 reArrois, 0117 Ol_trotler BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE..L - Vor sale —haring a front of Co fen on the Ohio rrrec, by rot deep to P. shin etteet, • large Brock Dwelt. lug House wed Fainted eat papered and to good id r, poAloo In front; wade hall. twu parlors, two dining room. with folding doork ;large kitch en. Got and cold water ~ Ore chambers, bath room, too attlo rooms, y °reties at drat and second doom, three large cellar., stable lee bonze, grape vine', shrubbery. trees, etc. E asy of eccess by Passag e.. hallway. S. OCTIIBERT k SONS, 61 Marta% gtrest Orel .7r/ cc Prrratireou Oen Cowr•or.A September 16th , 1E63. VLECTION OP T RIISTEE4.—T E btoekholders of the Pitts'mesh Ges Com pony are beret.` notified t hat an election will be held at the ogee of the Co mpany, In Pittsburgh, on the Pis ST 1310311331 E (second dos) OP OU. TUBER NFa.T, between the hours of 13 o'clock, noon. end d o'clock r. t, for the purpose of elect ing THREE PEI/St/RS to serve as Trostees of raid Company for three yearn. 5(16341 JAAIES EL, Intaisry, Tr. esuriarer. POBB OIL COMPANY.—At a meeting AL of the Stoekholrers of the HUSI Oil, CA./U -FA ST, held at their alters on the Kb inst., the capita] stock of the Company was by a mak/mOO% Pa to of al/ present. ineressed TWENTY-V/17e Tri OUSA ND 5133 HPX. Stockholders will plow take notice one call and take out their pro rata elm, of the flaw It Is neressa , y to bare foods Immediately to carry an the work co• on hand. By order of the Board. ROBERT WRAY, 3n... Secretary. IpIiERGETIC 11 1 / 1 1, WITH LARDS cr email snits! Will find • ran opportardlay to make montry from so entirely new and useful Invention, 'shish Is la avast demand, sal meet§ universal approbatiot Oen upon EltraNS fa BLOOD. eel9:tw e'l Friarth dries, rap Hairs.) hawstariso 'ep otsvorPe Ovriosi, tember It. MSS. I N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THiT A- , 1 hare mode the amiesament for the coat and c ' UFLi n t " ons o . f ol h Are s s 6 tZ. lr. and om Usual 7 4" Y t 'r ote. Ha*. street. The lame era be seen at my oflese In the Na et Butiding, until September Rut,Mtg. after a bleb day It Will he hand& d over to the 1 reasurer. CHARLES LEICHSPPARR tell • Recording Regulator. EI3B 141011 T 8011OUL.-13oolc keeping Arithmetic. Penmanship, eo., taught as practiced In businees, by a prastival &tenant. ant raa experienced Teacher. Central High Fetool, opposite the Polituilice. Open Mom 7,t0 9 p. ot. Terms fors full Warms of three moat.•. Sin payable in advance. Viatting, Wedding, 81drems 43111118 and all binds of Plain and Urriamental Writing 4_ , ee to waer. poll at rooms, or addrets H. C. CUMI It AN, lota , at Dufrs College, Bookkegver at 11. A. FeAnegtoolts, Son es OcPs. 'Relented. . - --- c u lts, • " ,_, orrtOlt Or i 001rraottait os ~ ASLYARICIT OTT, Pe., ..,: 4 ' , ' ITregatrato . 8e416.1% Het rot, VPBOLST.ERB.- wled•Pmpossis I *ill be 34=1.4 at this Mtgeu till th e 134 la. oar% 'for furdlehlo, SIX tillZa 0811POR CS for the roe 1.1 tee Coueity Jen, aseortlog to !so pies 10.1,11 elit Do MA oof,Soplteatton. Ely cli• reetlol( of Oammlttee of goild of Lupo stars. feta •, hENEY LAIEDEBT, ..argollor. B UTTNEL.4.7.44 sweet tabld butter. OREESE-ba boxes retire Cream abase. ECHIS-4 tninsb neat, cow reedvlns led for 85 REWAR ON .M O taNictli 1101)8 .1 . th it i i li - I , e ' lle n v n e t Ptr tare g gen lost at the Drove Tiuds, in Allegheny. The a hove reward will le paid for the retarn vitae 800 k. by lb. Ander, at /dr. 81111121,T.'d PEIIIODI CLL. OFFICE, Allegheny De et. salsa wd CATTEIISON AGUE. NOTICE TO CONTRAUTOREL—Pro prowIs for the Mrtriir, and getting with curbatooe of (Mimi street, from Etna strata to thr proposed line of Daquesne Way, win be received at the °faze riorlaraigne4 le the Starko; Hulldlo ttot.l the Sid Say of Sept Mi. • 01111HLES NEWHEIPPARB, seta Itaeordlog Eagalator. (WIGHT - APWAT. —A Bkiffi pat h tad Hie and Bleak, betireen Franktin and 01' Ott y. The ownet can ha'e the tame by e tat o n OARBR FRAB.LeAt the:Anhui of Sew NM Rae, at aent ProsSSA BP 2 Pgtt ?n5t.)7.1 18 41 Ghazal% Mil B • lITTER-;;-Fsesli Zutter received • Ltd day. 110 kegs frnfi Ohio Dairy Bitter, ' Id bucket* Worstern,Beserre Butter. to keg* good Clooldds Batter. For tole be L. a.vatar k 00. SMOKED BEEF TONGUES-4tecolved Mb day and trill beln enigma. redetet (itprime Smoked Beef Toquee, tot sale by the deitekor at retail, at the Fatale Greeere Store of - • 21. IrtENSHAW, self corner Liberty arid Mod streets. 1/00T8 OF TIMM OWN MARE CAN re f F:Wll.lll ' Pletsbongtt. see VARNiSBES.-- A lug 1 10, or the flats: bt.ndsJust tea Med. J. BC loorealucEn, selB u Wood Wind . XE DIF - .lE> P'ES TZELBJNEAFTI. Loa FIRE GOLD min SILVER WATCHES to to told at II Da (Mb, AM tat LOU pat f far atb less perfectly zatisfeetery ! c" • .7 8 C. BICKMDB t CO ESTABLISIIED ' 1457. The Largest Manufeetaireri •od 0110,1.'44es of the Bletrionion. candracte4 fer yearn on strictly honstageprinelplet, and to the entire lattitaetion or an oh,. Wrest.° us. offer tae usual 4 C , ALTEILIAC/012VCr.E3 Of rich and valuable article. one dollar etch. aco Fine Gold f hronometer Soo Floe Gold lbnSk i .Lever Wedowee 1 6 0 tun Ladles•Oold ed Dijon Watohes. 160 600 Solid Silver H Lever Watohe. SW to e• 2 o Silver Dinner Sets slm to 45 PIO Silver Tea .... ion to 16 sow Mullah Silver Cruet-Aland. 0,100 Silver Fenn Om to to co to to so Seta of Jewelry,. Guard elid Vest °halos, Spring Loretta, etc,, eta.. Certificates of the shore nttlele, ars pla-o1 to sealed envelopes mist& and drawn from when ordered. One sealed envelop. containing an or des for mu oftbet. valuable. articles oil our list, will be sent to any P.ddreSs on repel ,t of " 00001, II for $1,00; IS for MOO' 40 wish pieminm 65,01, 100 with premium solid 011ver Guiding Oat Watch gili.oo. Perfect sstfularticui gtiatabteed in all asses.::Gooda m nOt 914 nge4ag tee b tot OD dopey asof ciastenairill be oncloi tree or can. Akentrica others4,lll be allowed - 10 (tents on each 003010 ate ordered by them, providing not less than sin are ordered at s time. Agents will Soiled 25 teats for each ee MGM. and remit le senurtaaboto us. Address all orders to O. O. HIOKAIMS k 00., • Uni Nassau Wild, New York. Avid' wanted overstrains. mao =Own.. p,,IIPERB BTO C EC. Q 0 XSLSTING iN #- 1 part of Wince, seleethnu of Chits, !sittings, Cheviots, liarraones, ERGLIBILAND FEMUR KRUM Abe a WO aM abate nook of the Tea . Anat flaportal ':lrickerjyol3. _ . F anoy. Cassimeres, 'W M& take glint:pleArtifes to °rashes to theyabllo sr Us the (whin that they cannot fall to glee entire astlaintlon. Th-y will ba mate up Se order tn• our usual wan the bat and mon au• pat /or manner and latest 61016 W e guarantee our prises to be as low as any other drat elan home to the wen. Sanely call is most moan. Wiry solicited from our el:Women and the public. GRAY, POSSUM & REM, (Summon to 9. GRAY i SON.) MIT r ha% ra. it T. ebl.2. r es 1H lOU WANT by of the bear Books, Patron o Zdagarlabb go to . IF YOU WANT RUNT'S. School Books, and Eabool Ste ttocorr,,sto to IF YOU WANT Tee Celebrated Oorrogstol . Now Corroalve Yen, Ca cants per dozen go to mums. IF YOU WANT EE=I the best alike of Gold PORI, War• need scd of best quality, ito to HUNT'S. IF YOU WANT Any o of th e popular Moan Booker, so t tTNT . S. IF YOU WANT Any Book or lob Printing doe. 4 gika;ly . & od expkerlowdr orm _ Aro to is s. TOD WANT beaks. • Pling Vardk, moo Boattla, goto JOHN P. HUNT it CO. e FIFTH ay. MASONIC HALL. LEGAL BLANKS, Oil Leases, Check Books, Dray Books, Express Books, Time Books. STITIOIift! OF BYERY DESCRIPTIOI Binding date In style. IdIrEBJ3, SCELOYER. & CO., FOR SALE 0111LITLN006A HULLING MILL. V7/01 Dsra mart, 01/71C11 Of IhISSOI-011 an (1 MANACINU Of hIII.,TUT 1 1 / 1 11.61•11.9 U. S. WASMNOTOS, D. C. July 34 ISO. Proposals will be reeeired at thin one* unt.i 11 o`ciocii 0000, 00 WEDNESDAY, SOpt,o2loor 13, lath, to purchase the United d teas At Illtary Rail road Rilnia t i . ll at Chattanooga, Te 01.000.110, erltbthem , tool., bn Ulan, axtures, arsl track couneeidny • Roiling Millwith the Nub villa and Uhattanoriga Railroad. The mill &ad machinery coostrnetad to revolt railroad Iron are eriaraly new, and of the meet improved character. for Luf deeariotian and details of opEattoo, ap ly to parson or b 7 lot rto T. " ' 4l . '" / It liDl:EY, P Suverlntendeat, MAL oof•, Tennoneo. All !oda should be eraloraed„ 'Proposal to pun , chaste Dhattan3ogs BoliauA DIU" D. C. lifloll&LLIINI, Brevet Brigadier General, Bisector and General lilmtager Mlittare Ballroada U. S. No satisfactory bids bastes been recelved under lite recent advertisement for the sale of the °lost. tanooga Itollirg Mill, tbe Um for receiving bids is externird to the PIFTB OF OOTOBER, hoUr. D. O. McCALLUEL. Brevet Dr filer General, Director mud rAnaral Manager Military Railroads BAILBT' No. 107 Smithfield Street PITTSBURGH. PA. Continuo to Et on Ito Mink& Ittottatootortu, and DwilluNta, with Water, Steam or Gas. Tanis lined by the bent !methods now to rogue [Bowles & Sibley's Patent Steam Pumps, E•slls kept in order with great exhanative powers. tele Urn or A wsoweer, Seprember 18th. 1068. ( NOTICE TO CONTKACTOR3 pasta's are Incited sad will be received by We Committee on Simla of We City of Allegheny, until Pitchy, the Rid lint., Lea the coostruetion of k Meer &emir Sedersl Wrest, and slim amour Beaver street, on the north aide of BlontroMery avenue. Plans and ipecidoolow, together with aailll m tb•ne•ary lelo,nuction rape:lib; the e3e ettuctlmi of geld *ewers, can be obtained trout the Recording Regulator. Proposals will Moo he rev tilted attics wine ties for the Grading and Paving of Cedes &Team' from Ohio street to Church ave. nue, and ()Dumb avenue from the east side of leder avenue to the west - side of 110/0c events, Igtqber with the neennare sidewalk and curbstone; aWo for Ws Grading and Paving of the sidewalk on River avenue, from the east side of Rope street to the east, fine of the property owned by Dr. eV, known as the Starch IMMO,. The oily Will me responsible for the payment of seem. Payments will be made to We contractore for wradbg and peoples be Dud ail h olde n collodion' are mad* from the property holders. Proposahr be left with A. HOBSON ,btregt Comminlorter, JOHN' WRIGIIR, Chairman of Committee, ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, H. RLDDL•E. MEADVILLE, PA. Coileza.cittze far 18615.136 WEDNESDAY, SEPTSN SEA 20, POLL' TJD /I ,N 1 0 PBXS. mremmiday, December 20, Fall Term charm Thurs day. Isamu, 4, Wutter.Term oy eam Friday, Moab rak Wh4toc. Term alone: Monday, April 2, 4414 Term orbs; Th 21241, Juas 241, Spring Pita cIoses—CIIIIDIENOEMISPIT. -- - . i.ocaUoll beautlfdl, healthfat, and • lay of access. /abrades, Cabinets. ust apparatus no many es. ;melee and valuable. Anew bosrdoog hall wtth completely furalshel roo MI for the ascommods. tloo or Oise htlodred studeate. 80841112/ trete Om to 11400 per weer. , Classes comtaeoeteg Lotto aol Greek will he formed at Oa twslatilits of the Fall Term. NEW 000D8. a - Q. 0..101 X4RKET STREET, Is Jolt opallta a large stock of Fancy Goods, Toys of every dercelptlon, Ohildrares Carta, Wag. 0011. Wheel-barn:ma liattlag Horses, Ydarket Baskets, Fealty Baskets, ita., at greatly redtrlad paces. VON • SOILED GOODS BELOW COST AT J. W. CARNAHAN'S Boot tied Shoe Store' comer Cl Market street szul tli hisettond, Pitts burgh. Pho.ograph Album. of the lowest price, go to - - - On •B ctarßanka and Elankars; 13.11. Agent. or J. TINGLEY. Secretary of the Penhlty .fib it ..I.D Ir. E a TIBEJfIEJrTB. 1 &,- att. "int A • w. 1 : . r , 11s.h, lig 'C .) •"" - 441 f n. ~., . , i ... ~,, ' -..'-' l' 4 ''' ,1 -4 ' , ...I .. a z g $4 - 9 1g . . I . = R/ .s 3: st l ;l.4pl i ri? .4 ti 34 ■ 1-6 1 V:1 , tR' ga 17, °. V# g i el ..:4-:: t 'Jill t id 0 II m 0 .., .. 8 2 1 g 0 V 4 7 4 tt 111 2 51. 4 • ...gig 'I = to R4B 04 EIS aj 2 L l 3 SlaV a ILL:2 .. m T .T4 * - . s" 0422 .. '' ri: d ..;•. 51 , ..•.1.t, t; U ,El, k ..423, : 3 1 . A ;14.::= 5.2 FOURTH NATIONAL BAK U. B. GovernmentJepository 55 JII4IIKET BRTEET, P/TTSBUBGH, PL Capital Pala In *300,000 With IrrAviles. .f Increase to 000,000 &ming exit:nevi correooadencs with Banks and Bankers , llreugbout the country, we offor =mato alt.!tithes to those dotes business with us. 7 8.3.0 MJCIPT3ELES. Arid all other Government securities, garnished In sums to stilt ourthasers. Depoeita received and interest allowed by special agreement. THOS. DONNELLY, IL H. LINO, D. H. SMITH N. J. HIGLEY, Jes. jamisy, 'JOHN F. HEREON. ?HO& SMITH, EIRKPATERD; THOS. DONNELLY, President, BUTLER. WARD, Gushier. r COME 031 E, COME ALL 1 GENTLEMEN'S FERNISHING STORE. Nos. 18 and 15 St• Olair St The Megaton of the public to called to the large and extensive stock of GENTLEMEN'S FOB NISHING GOODS, fun opened at the above. mentioned place, which I am now offering at great bargains. Any on. in want of the above Goode, srlli And It to their advantage to give me a can, and examine my stock before purchasing elate where. They can Ind the largest and tea selected stook of Floe Whit. Shirts, extra sizes, Negimpse Shirts, Woolen, Cotton aed Lisle Thread Under. shine and Drawers, Scarfs, Neck Ties, Soaks, Sus. benders, Butterflies, and everything pertaining to the Gentlemen'. et:webbing Good., In the city p. the plass, LS sad SLlBelr atreet. SAMUEL LEVIN. N. b A largo stook of lints, dage, , ?r=b 4 i l L:c r N4=ll, t i onold lows: Chao cost. bwayaran N °TICE We have the Soh! Agency for Pittsburgh, of the [SITED STATES PIS COMPCST ; Also, Adamantine and Swan Bill Hook and Bye Company. WHOLESALE DEALEriS AND YoBSEss crin buy the shore goods by the case, (Ms. scrim freigtd sad expesses, SI New Yore Pace•, by cell. 1.4 at Sm. 78 and SO Market Street, IIL.A.CR UM, (CLYDE & CO. Tlfl splendid residence of the subscriber Is colleted for ode, notated at Oakland, ontlralt serous, within three minutes walk of the Oakland passenger railway. making it eery accessible to the dry% The house is lormshed throughout to the vary ben style, including 511 the modern improvements. Nogales nor expense has been spared in making 11 an elegant bows. Toe aromas are bsudsomedy laid out, containing eve urea, with the choicest variety of fruit trees, small emits, shrubbery and downs. wi th a well-firushen brick stable. with canlnuprhouse and outhouses combined, and two wells of wat er , large cistern and terse reeer voir of wit which Supplies the house with hot and cold water. The above Is worthy of the 'iterated of any one wishing a dateable, home in • wood neighoorboOn.• for further pa:tinders, err' gate on the premiere or of daear.E.s S. NISSELL, No 215 Tabery street. FOR BALE. Counters, Counters. We hive for sale EIGHT SECOND-HIND COMERS They are as GOOD AB NEW ONES, =1 orDl be sold CHEAP. KACRUiII, CLYDE & CO., 73 and MD Market amt. T3IIOPOSALE3.—BRA LF PRLPPOSALA for supplying the troopa at Allegheny Aiwa el. Po Wu% FRESH EMU" for six months, eon. neat:wig on the let day of OUTVIIER, tlln and ending On me slat dsy of MA ROE, {B SI. will be entwined by the subscriber until:the bsd tom, it 1.2 o'clock. when they will be opened. The beef to no el a good and wholesome gunny, it quarters, With In ogthil propattioa of ewes. (necks and shanks to bet gel/deal. The daps tf bet" the probable quantity of beef eerituu ed. end no berme and standalone Of the eculleset ono he Swertbined on app)leaUon to tha_ tallaßtoar at allaateay eneas4 npull.tibaket Pa. • GEt.k. W. PRIME, stip:ta . - lit TA.'thilninee, A. A. 0. S. LO &L DgPOT,FOR =UM TEN ICELES, theiSquare on TrYstres4 from Third (oFourth Wrote; stinntagbank to street, Is r Lease. Until the loth of stern:Lana, pre pegelf win De readied for letting the above Prop - Qtr. Mutton en'the titeubesetlle ltahreed, now ready for two, whore switches can be mane to eon thet with all the Ealtroads entering Me city, and Most mot:mien% depot In the Mr for the sale of 00.4 Sealed propose!. for the *bore proper ty, directed to the undersigned. yid 1,0"1" he men prompt attention. Joan BEST, Try name. Pittabargh. 'lO LST.-11111tiT FLUOR AND DEL. Les or spoil F., So feet square, on corner Of Second and Try atreeta. re quand. one to au hone pourer can be bed for running muhickery for i rs t or M IT! Ire. Isou r ola the premises. soma UST. .AEA` AD PAIiTIBERLEXTS AV.,U/631CHZ Gold Mining Company PITTSBURGH. . . . This company (Mg for gale and disposition the 1 0110 Winit flaunt* taliten.ilestatersmdmintne Priv iittek sitnate in Avalanche Golllnalisli litstalet, Stanza Counts. Clolorado Tenltory. TUT pro. pue to form a Ossapany with.the above title, to develop in work said mines.. The propert7 eon. gists of 375 feet on the LlWan Vale Lode, 20Q do Patch, ISO do Cheater, do :00 do an Welntor, do 160 do Tatham do 300 do Grant, do 108 r do 'Highland do 150 do McFadden do !Ili do Quetn of the West Lod IN ILL 2.0581 FEET. • The Company will be foneed upon the following terms and eonditkma the Company to be orgarared wider the lure of Penney!vials or Colorado, as shall be barasfier determined, CAPITAL TO BB $500,000; The Par Value of $2.00 Each. TIM 50,090 SHARES Shall be Offered For Sale 40,000 TEXI3BOF AEZ SOLD, Or /Subs or - lizo act For AND TILE MONET PAID INTO TDB MISERY? The said Company to be organized and the estate aforesaid transferred to it. That thejiiroceeda of 19 Eno shams shall be appropriated to thelpayMent of said estate, and the proceeds of 17,000 dull be paid tato the Trwuuy as the working ;capital of this Company.' That after the orgatthatioa of the Company, one hundred thousand shares Mull be transferred to the pretest Company, undone hun dred thousand Metres shall be transferred to the subscribers to the rest Eft, thousand Ames, to be in pro rata to the number of shares held by each 01 said subscribers. Tame sham, amount ins in the aggregate to two hundred thousand shares to be marked and held as pall up, without further or any amesament, being deemed the Win of the call estate when the machinery L bladed upon the property in full working order and con• That as a preliminary organlzatlon, and until officers are duly elected, the following named per- Coal are hereby aypcanteth ISO, K. KIRKPATRICK, President, WM. F. JORISTON. Secretary, PH, R. MEBTZ, Treasurer. EXECTITIVE COSID:WITE,X GEORGE D• McGREW ALEXANDER C, G RAFF, r. T• CHILDS, WILLIAM McKEE, DAVID BLY Alt moneys to be petd In to the Treasurer and appropriated under the direction of the bymentive LlormaUtee.. Subscolptlons maybe : mule to et6er otter above, or to pa■ona duly authorized Li wrlibas by either of them. ' The elielbhity and favorable loestion of elfin of that several Inkling lodes, ' and the richnens of the era and quartz as indicated, not only try ways which have been atute, bednlao by the sue. oeseirldah la beim met wilehy times who are now at work on the acme lodes, recommend I. tits enterprlideg and eapludlet very great inducement* toembarkln thin 'COM for developing the name?. one treasures of the mineral regions of the west. Eubscriptions will be Received AT THE OFFICES OF GRAFF & IRMA JOHN M. lIRINTRIGI, Gov. Win. F. Johnston. JAS, IIIeGREW a CO., J. T. CHILDS. DAVID BLY Specimens of the Ore and Voila, MAY BE SEEN AT OFFICE OF J T, CHILDS, 24 'lrinti Strad, ROOM No. (up stairs.) L M. XISEPATRICK. President. WM. P. JOHI4STON, Secretary, But . mei- GOOD*• 1 1 - usT REVmtED ter . E,A:.~ozv°s, 17 FIP.TR STREET, 1! a 1,1 .• EX4aN and lk Maltese L=Leas. Lace Tamil:ad Salta POint LwaVallark French Dattroidared and FriLled:Handkeraldets, 14a to Embro!dared Monts ar4 WALLA, Jaconet Swizz sad latalbstte • Zdsl Isaxertiiisc" sasfYlvassin, :Frusrasasadalsi Balsas and=o Frill"l- wldtks. an itinve, R"al 8 1 ItizpirrntuA Ns% r • Mahe LivisibleNets. Reit SO Steel Zen t tur ViZtecark• •Ue.ti=r.;41.1117112 . - 7141194.a*UOVialla. Gentle Men pi?;i4AT, , Depirtmeßt. - • r A4ll/IsiseMe rc , en I,:ir VA:4 • • • Wilos t _Etallataag, • . WHOLZEit4 map BEPIL, AT ; H. EATONIk ; 1 ; NO. n FIFTH. B ATEIS 41' PI L Asa opening a exiesudre s up •• • OP gluts tt AND Fancy Prepa ciciods; ELEGANT. IN `DESIGN ANA .COLORS. . in]) TIEF LOVerFilT CASEPRIaIit3,' • NEW' GOODS i NEW NOVELTIES , er DIACRUM ARLISLE'S NO. 18 malt STREET. We have mimed flew ad d are‘t beat r y tr a rre t Merail aLE Dress Trlmmlnex,Lite Goods, razicyllibbsnex Flue Beasts, Atess HIM Nets, Bradley's' Duplex Eking,. Zephyr Scares, Sants4s, Hood; pent^. res.,Blartsiinmy • Drawers_ , Oo be. - Balmoral Bete, Shawls,' Boston Ribbed all IlVe`el EOM, Z.l'l = Ra ting Y : r e s ' IFausy (10041 sea Mum.' CRY MO GANTRY Will flee I complete hock la our Wholesale Da partment, and at as -law prices as can be found anywhere: XIACRUNI & Clll.l.l,SiE j NO. II) FIFTH STRUT. CRlild s i f2thi'DE HAVE 24:0317; _ Frankpart VIM Gordir and Calvin gaga% The wieldy to 4 trona Aar= Ir,and the end th e business to b da Oeondacted coda tnenante end style of Macrum,;Clyde & CO, AT WHOLESALE. 65,000 Enameled Paper Collarsri 25,000 Common do.. do.; 2,000 pounds IPitol kaftans 2,000 dozen W. 41 and Merino Rai 300 doz. Unde„shirfs and Dra!rers; . 75 cartons Rad Gimps; 500 dozen La4e Tells; 500 doz. Ladi is , Linen Ildkfk, Ana A v:ery - ,...ea57 stock of Fancy Goothi, Notions. aes AT EASTilor PRICES. EW GOODS FAR U Jos. Eilor.;r.e Sz co.i lave Jug opened a sulo stack alapp.ta. rea l Goods for presela,saluKah wtaoginalari eras Zama Lullia . ctitte Titeljam:vitikregibi nazi& Baum. nearsktle; OltrllnUre &WAILS* :Setts; Laaa.Ckaara. Was Ffem.. o olallii Mad ixotertlita 112 Liu* VilLisi'Fiectel'Embiolaggst Skuiai Doles Bewip4ll3rtst Batatostl ! EUettt: Ski Glavest SidoShawit Corsets: Head rfettral.:,Fauley Paassob and Etz2 Sham flag - Vex; Idiasllss; Plg l a sta, Stripid - Bevise and Nabitooks. • FINE.FANS PeatlONol7. Saaeboka. - • WHOLESALE! E O OMS tim,tailip . 108 11 ORNE CO, 17 sad ilk - MAR= MEW NEW. FALL GOOO3 J 1711., W. intoolitar,Airs, _ . • _ • ; 8I DIARK.Fr, STflgr.T,j a 411 and bpdOce mortraenelot Embroideries, LAkes, r ~ Woolen .!sods,llosiety ••• • • Searklic., Tbs ant Princess Wile*_Pittkost for etlansa 115 - , W. W. monitaraws. -.• CooSING, - tutLpit AND '• -WA SPOYEK'- At AIIBLEY'S, Ivo. es iiami meet, Anegtess% Runic woDoW 31 ICI Market stmt. :oafDX&
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