PrelPArTai 1117144r30,—.11 0 Ualr...-A small house, s=azszar : o n ts . o i r s roome_EThtir to f first et Brilbet or 08446 star ' wn x r E n. A ..e.s. . °Learnt Chrina2. WANTED -TO - RENT, A HOUSE OF FROM 4 TOO 000318 Ellturr in - the 'Serond Ward, Allegheny or Man cheettr..,MATtse, Bcx 112, Allegheny C. a sele:ler WANTED A Goad Girl to do General Housework, family. Good referenees required. Ap. , phr - at .95 TWA street, between Stalthtlel4 and amt. iselddart3 WANTED raitoE bOrBLE DOOR FIRE PROOF Doll at Roc ITEi an?. tr., Market street. MAORITRI. GLYDE Lk CO. A -Good Pattern Maker, To whom • constant Job, and good Wages will bo given. Inquire at. FL AL BOLE & tiorner Point Alley anflDucitiesne Way. aunt.. copiGllnl3 WArrAD-- To =mu inr pa. }TOLLAND'S LIFE oPfurto trnai r.gin` EM MY General Agent, I •• •MI lAm%, it,. . - 'nu) - Ad - • _ . .. . was.2l . IfaiTB FOR " THE re' EMMET BERVIOEI 111E-•FIELIZy THE DWIEI4I, drip 'THE , Lp._9II_,SME.^ BY Units 11.•=o - tr o tr ti t z 7 YOr2 , , OZPY Correspond • IMll .h. ko Intetestlat Ittd.a.tattbag book am, •init lia..tEtntlardianht -Unpaid' eien for our j s traseling through in *dr Weil& 'Or thy , Ilitators trlOattela 4r-thil w r o¢refffibra.d flashy fxrtit East and West,, t /Aihr the BM Ilitos past .01 , the: tabelltdrit his eipturni his Mont far an ponth. I. seven Serest rad FlLliVinolps isdislitoshastracnionkjohrnay. nig t 1: ,.,., :war1y 400 tones. It win abonsuiro .lituf dotitalevnbte of the fact, Lad. twit ta4 7 -01:thil War than any other work Tainting, ladimeanargetla putnig an awl expo. 844 returned aiut dim bled and tn Want orptolltatill S s officers olphoyementinffil d -sol al it dle pe. ar, uniliarly at apted to their condition. We' have enema s -M' 11150.4er. aitonits,mtdedi we will Pa to any doubting applicant. Salad for alma lark Make s% , - :702f.MH8403.: It Cl)., - , - N.X.:orrnerStxttr and Maar erreete. Jeffittoidaw.PPhiladelphia Pa. : FOR 18.1.41Er•FOR. 411.6 Arr. FOR SALE.—A. Farm of ib'Qtat 20 3 acres A: In Farackttownship, Westzuuulnal County Pea Also,* Perm , of 1.!3 Sores, In Milos tomoaldp, Washington county, Pa. Will be sold asap. Also, s Pares of oz. acres to FaUdell township Westmorelsrul..eoanty, Pa. _ Also 1 1 S scree situated In Ligonier torrachlp, Wedmore/rub Sourrty, allot:dug Oaty, town of LW%. , lats, with s large tetak hoar. Akw residaste the Wrong% .of :Lignater. Will be odd cheap. Also 15 eaten of.kand, Nitta& large Amain mfly salre o ng s 160 aamcres o e place. f lead, adioinlog egrei pima Also, th e best fa rano blattopses e Wer t shear, we sale trOinSdateesport,' Ailasherry Fa., sorttahangsboUtl4B mese The iroprosazeute art is.l.tears bowie suaLberafearn crib awl resort/. shed, with other antballangs.,..A.. Jame: epole arelord of betWeea 400-and-5001 trees; 60 enlace gessolittptertteels 45 0 Lia 4 . Faits at , -6411 tae 'town Of Westml b tede e to „, verzaSesp, /WO - MaGgifile fat ersixelek osthe reonsF/Teras.o3llroad... The Dianne are gotss sad Well'lleinereed forstotel 101 ItePi - Tiat 7 6 /W i leZillarilisitWLlizabetifTcrents ' y '0o; 'Prgiafttsfaltor sbout b Ati.seres: sitnetrlabolakthree ease of Mo. meter of :The imporirrents are 'berg* bribe 1A um og o t. n litlel ri e=e4=l , 3 . - triell -NO. baraclAllt friar Abe: toclldhoi, ift UM lett* very - best White (MI rilier. 7 lM as best, eye at% of licarattoce,butS, and is elf artallifeht wtth'wit Stewall.l - In i raw hllU " e 4 O a A ondsr,r o ia i tpieta, o 04 ttthe parch T 4 Far bather airiIeIIIAIS. G. H. It/WHigßeal =tate Agent, 119 Nat, ter Fourth sweet. dire]] F tilted Frame Two•Stery ;Dwelling, reivinietirEitiimas,nalairsperge Auld Painted, PEKE Ptin2ll3o,lri MUTT .Insttte and outside •THE LOT btrartplirefeet-fhxsti by One Etna. deed feet deep. FINE GEAR'S AB E. FBOIT THEILF2,' &a • Passatb:awill be gives' ea the Ist al April next.. A 150,.. ik-CORNERATORE- - ROOM, WITH TWO DWELLING fick l / 5 E9- Fontszlatvirlll be COI tar in of April next. The ;meet= will eltber sell, or exchange for c0t0u7,1412” , . Uquipt.of • • H. TOWER., sulrhsfsiti . .Na.ISI Fourth sleet FARN .F.WI sepr, uv Pil EVA F r LEL _,T4It KOH IP. The farm of Amesst the bead of Long Imbued (Neville rartruilti),7o4ll2,lag 48 adres, us 'oretedlorsale.'. It to reedit appottto beset firth:moil the PO shoat eve:miles' Weer the ell's: , There.ere awo good Urge (twee Vorellingletkisee itedtosel ring tenant hones son the preMtsari it* opts &rail -lc' good bearlog oNtettipn. Ito pegatt trepp, butdee pleas, Peed* ehtirhe, etrertftrtlek Sad: all the smeller trultarlo.abondecee; =sting , It one of the best melt eod garderrfereur Lir 1110 totlatii• There I.' also/;' w Isedttigon the 4trenalsoi. The whole DrePeltrie legate condition, aid will he geld on reaserutKe: terres..Apply;'en 93,e' pm:titres to JANES ICHSLE, td .seedwd- rW. F..WILITE, 101 Flub street. - I OR BALE t , A WillimoarazNegley Bun Improved Farm, of about ONE HUMMED &ÜBE% under a htgb . Male bf raltiratiaa.winiii has been divided into lota acatainins lkosa.Two to Twelve Aerie, mat will be told as a tytole ‘ or In parrots, to ru.t our clutron. The . lsolirtmetkisotirrolro..s Turo4ltory Eforellltit, it Ban,. mitt Stone Sinlogdosato, ir i lratrimeellarrt..Spriarror.Watar, ant excelled Alleebeny=, , .T4eXralig a rse e varl. rat t rli Watt ( oiCho l lUor, lqi.‘P oll . ll7l dr Ihe tulderr ac r. ar . I. Von wit- Itar tUrtlierreaatbati art the Baal Ew ift• and /mamma Mita ut . . atreit , Lainenteeviller, Pa: • * ' FOR Ratit' a Tbree nVW - Bteara , talk lintycr;so Won Ifells;27X inch ay der, OA Ugh ;WIWI ?fay stitog.' latatfe „shakers,* sad sOssectircrod of wrought Lon; sued for boxes. tifolisrs 14 to td eseß,loig,gl loan diameter, with two 11.4neh flues; ammo" I.lg 110 feet; hot sad sold iisterpumps. niplate sad read!, 'DAMP 1;117.CM klE ttsburgh, BOL iL Pi 6.2 t *caw , - . roiztA- 1 / 1 1 1- and Duquesas street, kink allegheuy AM near Ms Point, detiST 'Ott SALE.—One sucoNn . HAND sHOILE24 needy cm, Si feet tortg r sa lea diameter 1614 inch.aues. One a tact lons, 40 Loam atiaeser .2.15 Leah dnea:crOa 24 int lama Luba • Mama= lie !ma One lie hiiitei Wrouebt boa Teak, "LaerZee etitte HODUSWAI,WORKG. HUGH DI. Itatx 100, ear. Pots4 ; 4llley ead.Theumauwan PU.Wh. COLL-14AD. LIME PROPERTY FOR SaLE—On the Steabartstito Railroad, wen ialleslroza this city, , catrrumaprirE RIMMED Alp EIPITY Stems ImlCWatar- illetulni. and Saw MIA and otheillaria r azta. Forfrattutriatonantlpn, amine: . - W1L1411,1310 : • pppocite ) 1)W Great streakflo. - ta. ' ' • faila:Ofi__ .. .14' zE,O4• .iglegaut , - Sox a reentry reesantason OramiAyeame, r Mule" litel; Ist.reskissehe . eontalit ...maftsogr rm ure trees . ' ( 1,..., .... u t b. Three es Webster , street tosser of Webster filSeii; : _ . edreeifikii . TereWstriset ' ea, Mg . ,,-.l.Ait. Tlihr, - *l'Aliti sheet. rr (l .# l Xigitt'l .r . - 17.1 , T &?,.actpiptitte, fi titi . .l ot r i=i ll,Splyr i f trit elj tcl arjlll . 4 : l 9 Eo a a y illg o iniA ret. AM:Mr ' ' r '' - -60 SMITIiirIELD STRXET. sannOt i zinta- HOUSE Ir.b. berotta - Witverptoiili CtOlambliknt Cio. t " altasttkoa Mitutteet, II ttc front, tritond , InkkV/Iset. , Tfils , ptoobny.atili De llttati)e 42seryt#7:InFiV . 'FOY flupet ertintilarirtatt.f.te :11 : 1 311.0133111 • ECM .....,oo.AgAwAmnar,l.ll.twoxisuil 11011'• reurimaylleaosztaPazsmy.deru , 4:"TlmadisrpwaptiStioloateargastreat., Niadisiteleo. , )vrq "; • EONS[ 1, VOR ULU — " • •.• • ••,•• • •. r .. ZOOITION PaIfATE, clot -11 4:Fin5.1134 kirtfaliuth4lares, ;Ptiti• tellashithaant'solittitelmoalk frOttithe Ups at tbkr:'' qtr=V E : l3.ll" 4:kiwurirmre, 15221 ' • ' Ra ist Feuxentumet. )NlO/113.-5 .8.13 CailaWYjugt,re ureall2"Waeaarsxgoxa ziava - Fang Mout asal Finn 1 .4.11 US EJMEJffTS. prrnsuimia TARAWA. a• Una wad Manage. W. HENDERSON • Paw= 07 ADkitatOs—Dren Qtrala, OD et.; Up Circle, 25 chi; Third Tier, 25 al; Priv". Boni ea SS OD; Slagle scats, Et 25. D ° oll open as o'clock. Curtain Mae. at 7%. Benefit and poaltiroly Lost Matt of the auccatefal young actor,. MR, LAWRENCE BARRETT. who will at pear in his popular character of Elliot Gray, In the play at hoiedale. Friday Evening, September ROSEDALE; OR, TED RIFLE! BALL. Elliott Grey Mr. Barrett. SA lITSDAY—W. Henderson as Richard 111. MONDAY—Laura Reecowlll appear. OPERA HOUSE. Lane fr Aranagerm, MSS ANNIE EBERLE. Primes or Aoarissrox.—Parquette, 755; Drees Circle, 60c; Orchestra Ilhstrs, Sl; Fiscally 2,5 e: Colored Boxes, ISSis. Curtain Ilia at quarter to O, doors open at I. Farewell benefit led last might but one of NESS CHARLOTTE THOMPSON. First night of RICH AND POOR, last night but one of BI'LLE ERN.R.TINE. FRIDAY EVENING, Sept. is, The performance will commence with the four act Mama of RICH AND POOH. Graceful dance br/le. Earneaticus. The performance will eciaoluile with DEEDS or DXELDTTIL ROTE. GREAT BASE BALL TOURNAMENT. The Chtunplon Athletic Club, Of PITI:p4pELKIILt, The ehkeewleeeed. ()hemplout of the 'United States, will play aeries_ of fonrotar.e with out loeel Duo Pell - Chibrom . , 'MONDAY AND TUESDAY NEXT, Septeakber Milt End 10th, 0.1 the • ,t - i+suwo. 13 . (1 . 31. diT%l::aistaclL WEST £OlllllOB, ILLEGIIFuIY. In oreer to ateornmodate the Wien sod gentlemen mho-may Oettre to attires. hatereatioy cot, teas, the Commisteee at ettingemeau, hare, at eotorblerahle ehheitattfettieted ethlblelteats for th 6 acecooraodattoa of orpetWors, The etritteet owes snit behamotatoeo by tha city pollee. TO tam.. bent 01 tow •eveml Ots-oBAIU 0/ ;Detract that theft guest" telfltheet .ettUrthe roam hothuelast mai= here. wash has been stehrdel, LE nos In 'ogler cults, When toe/ hate engaged' to [deadly elacteath-Tieftitte Obtatoe' 11 from the machete of the several-Bate BeU Clubs, Ad. mtztoonto eleb eta:at:Me; to theiciallioneritt, Bee: eeltrtt OPERA =XL AND IDA WEBR, Thp two most aceomplialted young ladles la the theatrical proftsaion will appear at the OPtad. HOUSB NEXT MONDAY 'EVENING wad every eve-In derLeK the wc9c. ez.miros4 d!JVSIG ac. rams AND ORGAN'S. THE CELEBRATED BRADBURY NEW YORE A. D SDIMDROkei ds 00.1 Philadelphia , S . o nijAithlOiN :DB.GA v i= h tSTITS =4 all .111'6.2 , be tgruno, ttn tv a & ztr Rtfu MI, mann We are prepguelto faznyty,itt..the siuntertnotize , Brass andit3nwr lzustrumentk r wr . t r Apuor4 t i olßtivir ie sad. Cornet Etaxu an l Prue LIeU Furgted o: i spplicati C co l s. "4" , Dew and Second•hat4Piiizas Loui Seat. ALL THE LATE 'SONGS AND PIECES oczatauxuy on hand. & BASS, 11 sr. OTAIR =MET. NOW BEING RECEIVED. THAT ELEGANT STOCK OF CIIICKERING PIANOS , Selected personally by the subscriber dudes cenecnt lull. to the Factory. SEVIINTEEN INSTRIIMENTS Are now open; and ready for examinstio_ t a public are invited to call And sect them. Warrnlated for Five Years. (7HARLES C. MELLOR, al Wood Street, and Sole Agent for the Chlekerinsr Ptenoe. _ SECOND BAND PIANOS. FOE. Oa, 375 fq , a. and alao. - NEW PLaNiit XOO AND UPW &YIDS. SEO. A. PRINCE & CO.'S celebrated Auto. math: Organs and Aali.deorta. Prize trona 00 to Also, a large atook:Of Butetz.tutle and Mulsal loatzumems. 108 SALE! CHARLOTTE BLITHE, No LIM= STREET, Secood door above Wood street HOFFMAN, HMIS do - CO., F r : 58 Firrit STRIEET. ' t MlecLiat.esreiot rn.sirLomi. .113. ant lUmt MwrMa. 11100271 41.1170 Mfl 830,000SHOESJ WORTH OF BOOTS AND 8T 23COELLALDT7Zr8. New . Pall and Winter Goods are bring opened evlryday Now Li the time to buy. fall and Wlntez' Boots Shoo, Balrooraia, Buskins, Gum Otero. Gum Std Gaiters, Lasting Ono. green and Lace Gaiter!, Malscbrals, Morocco Bat. morals, Illoroato Busklne and Morocco Gaiters, of all styles that are manutlictured, can be found, selling cheap for leash, at J. IL BORLAND'S, 08 MARKET STREET. SOUTH /t,ROSS Are gelling off their stock of ]Boots and Shoes T . REDUCED PEWES.. anti • VaIILFO /WM Salle Serftell Street SELLS TU3 /MST, ESE NEATEST FITTIRG, Shit THE MOST DURABLE, SOOTS afIIk.M.rMaSEISECCIO.M49I. Of any house In the city. Re pee fart received a manelect SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK. 271Y•EtUK.', WAD AND REFLECT I 'Save Your !Money. n is nowwef kaolin fad that ,C T CR , 92' Federal Street; Allegheny, 60. thabear_and eictipss SOO% 138075:3 1 . CLUTEIS A MVP . , . T ADIEI3%, GENTS'i MIBBEI3. 4WD A L 4 OBILDBraRir BOOt9I 8740,4 And Gaiters, UI nu, mils, Kau sae lon, at COYLE'S. Omer Filth 5a11.593 , 110 streets. 43 . Priou to suit arerybodl• 0018 intim WINDOW IMADES.—A now at AA , style, OS S R No. ID7 Market , Ittlitet. at= JOA IL UWE= a 880. la e rrrrTazramat assn. nuarxZek HUBBARD, BRO. & CO. Warranted OAST STEEL SAWS. of every de• serfirt rion. e Ettil. Malay, Cross Out, Gang, and all Gang, otte arities. All kinds of KNIVES and SPRINGS, mede from Sheet Cult Steel ; Extra Radioed REAPER AND ;ROWING MONTVES, air-Warehouse and Walla, comer WATER and SHORT STREETS, Pitlaburgb.. Particular attention given to Retoothing, Gam ming end Stralgistening Circular Sawa; also, re. pairs of all kinds. Plumbing and Drilling done at reasonable rates. ar,2s:ly forint. BARNHILL, st co., Boiler Makers sit Sheet Iron Workers, Having secured a large yard, and furnished with the most Improved machinery, we are prepT , ed to manufacture everydescription of ROM , '" In the best manner, and warranted equal to any mode In the country. CHIMNEYS, BRIOREN, FIRE BEDS, STEAM PIPES, LOOOMOTP. BOILERS, 0 OND EN S ERS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATOFZ, SET TLUtG PANS, BOILER IRON, BRIDGES SUGAR PANS, and-solo menufacturcra of BARN HILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Bspairing done on thoshortest notice. deladl rgir/LASE ISIIPEIROB Copper Mill and Smelting Works, prrinsuneia. sr.— Netunza eametiiirio. BOLT CLIPPER, ..PRINSED COPPER, DOT'. TOMS, RAISED STILL , BOTIOXISSuSPA.L.TNS SOLDER Importune end des/min .D2ED. r A.LS. P SHSET-LRNUM iko. oo.nUly. MRS , : MAPEN euut TOOLS. - Warehouse, No. toorgisr n 4 DIO OND STREETS, PYttabutll4,, Special onion of Copper cut to cordestrap 11.4r.imarcocioot atm - wow' ' RktSTOBEDI,Iut 'Published. to t• seal+ ad Ihrvilope. POLO eta _lmente. A LAMBE ON' TarriAlITRE, 011PATMENT, tind }WOW Out, 01 OPerstorrhcen, or Seminal Wdalcßaki-"lnirol antary Emissi Sexual Debthty and Impol.. mesas l 0 generally; NervOttiness,llonn. complicit. Epllevay sad Pita; Mental and Physi. est Inespaelty, minims from Self Abuse, &e., by Roar. I. thitmsawat.t., MD:, author of the Omen Book, he, 'tn. Boor yo Tuottessnbs or Surreusus, Sett under seal, in 116,pha11 . 1,111 ope, to any addrfts, poo paid, on retelPt al* cent; or tko' postsgeataines, by Dr. I. O.RTAN 171 Bowery, New York. Post Uelee bat 4,153* jellamdewT . CIEO.. trLA, B ELLE STEVIL RE1 4 1131 & CO., blazinflictaarers of OAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW etul BLISTER STEEL; SPRINGS, Ai- LES, CEOWR&RS, ac.„ sir Office, Mo. BG WA E'ER STREET (co stairs) PIITSBL'hGB, PA. bar RODIN - 240A , REA et CAE, (nruccessori I to Rontxr.on, NU:ms tt, slna.ffizzio Washington C LS Worts, FOUNDERS AND MAH . P=un. filanoraciorers of BOAT AND STATItniAItY STEAM ENGINES, BLAST ENGINES, MILL IdAOHINEIII,GBABLNG, SHAFTING, OAST. THOS of all Ossuriptforrs, OI TANKS& STILLS, BOILED AND SHEET IRON WORK. Sir Agents for GIFFAILD'S PATENT INJECT OR, for foiling boiler,. par.TO NERVOUS SCITFFENKBO OF 130T11 SEXES.-A reverend gentfortan hav log Wee restored tohoaltb In a tew days, &Aar an ti:g . oftt the at us=ixt i lar=g , :l i =po i tere hL posted du t ty to co mink 'his on re ceipt creature, the memo of ono. hence, on the receipt of an addressa cavern*, he Will free, A copy athertierlption Direct to Dr. 3011151`ND DAGIFILLJs, I:Units:or street-N. T. • - • - IsiAltdpdavT- gOILIS-01110111LAN 411110., Danottiie. turn" of IRON- V.CULTS ANTI veztur DOORS, IRON.Co T&G ~!WXRDOPU, MPEENDOW.GI s ift ffolt: S. 0 and 80TliaRD , ;between Wbell and have Co hand sivartety of new patterns, fancy and plain, imitable for all purposes. sir Particular attention paid to enclosing Gran Lots. Jobbing doneateborthorfee.) sue WAIN BISIDAA,CIIIIIIIMA. AN Nal• SAY Or wasixtrra AND INSTILDO. TIONFOR ItOUNtr ALak am and rand, bletrdataent et DarlJrlaAry and-Sexual tqadardw, Address Dr. J. Alm. , VIC HOUGHTON ' , Hew • and Aracadation.ladalphia,Ta, *pray ~, SLIGNISIt COW.III =IV ; ma TIVISISSIOA and wholesale et ODEUW., D SEEM prodincipmiralAn u in WOOD STREXT ttatranatu, , not ligromer '1MEL.....1k PAMPHLET or Immenettlapottearete tbirold =el young, married single of nrs4 eels^ ertil t hee ryes by addressilag; !Herr etattli IsWoicA, erelett, I. A. ILEZIDII.VE A' CO ; 50r.0,", ,PostoA Post Ones. sorloarislior vissoLvriodrii. Ba riIESOLUTION OF PAICFNS.R6HIP A- , The paztnerthlp hereto:ova ekletind between /Mule. l 7 Balsley ihd Frank Vaa Gorda; under the In= nonce of DALSLEY & CAN ()ORDER, Is YIDS DAY dlsiolied W mutual conseat, F. Van Gorda._ Otspoilas Whiz emir. interest to Cherles 0. Dandeyorho As alone an:heated to collect all accounts due, and Wye all claims nano, the old nrcn. CIHAS_ . 0. BAGq LET, FRAICK GORDEII Plitsburgh, &twat Bch. loaa. NOTICE.—Havmg retired from the firm . at Ets/alay fa Van Gordan for Um purpose of again embanang In the Trlomulnz Blasinala, I chterftelp mem:mend my sumer. Charles 0 Braley, to tat patronage of all my old elastomers and *hipper.. 11,1114 IVISSUL IJ nati or ou-reirritsn, SHlP.—ma Partzerthip heretofore esistioa betweeodus inutsrstc riolaur' 4. 143 tr= 4 E; 4 0' 07 ORVMPTOSc St 00., for e atsholseturs of Stives Pearl sod other Soaps, has this da been dissolved by =told consent. ' M. BIM JOILNOIICIMPTOS JOEUC YOST= Pittsburgh, Sept. 13th, 1888. Wl4 lENNTTOT B. CI BB & CO, (Succepors le CR UNP TON * COO ILANIT/AOTCMTVI 0/ Silver 'Pearl and Superior Rosin Soaps Zs, LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGh detayd JAMBS Z. LONG....JOfI DOM/Ann LANE it CO., SIGN ARTISTS & HOUSE PAINTERS, No. 60 Smithfield St. PlttabarglL LETT/MLR° car ALL KINDS 'modal P Ta t l t . r and with arurtupaszed eletatuce. T/PUL StIOV7 OARDS on enameled paper of all eolerra, and GILT SIGNS ON GLASS made to order and cent to all parts of the coructry. PIOTORLAL =SIGNS executed In a highly at* tittle Matter. Xf OUSE PUNTING done tank it reward to Mt. bknoony of color, and maul= of Brack. $r All Work et rmonable nark rohlkti WILLIAM H. BROWN, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. orth East sorrier of Third and Market sta., THE STORY OF MERMAN'S GREAT RARER, From the DUET OF A STAFF OFFTOER. RI BBEYET-MAJOR GEORGE FAO NICHOLS, to General Sherman. ON rimensomE VOLUME, MO.. WITE A MAP AND NUMEROUS IEI,I7Sn/tall/NS. PRICE...BI 73 AurSent free, by mall, to any adilrekliZ DAVIS, CL&RICE & CO., ahlt 03 WOOD STREET'. Rescind door from Firth. BOOHBI BOOKS I BOUlirBi • Domestie t4ife IQ Palliating.. Victoria and - other Scam • Motheeof The Wesley'. Mueller's &leen 02.Letertuyiy 2 d DM The Samba" Gotta Pam r. A Youth's poiptila Herter? Of the etebeitten. Doors Amoogilto • Gemini rl'ilea. (Mom. papas ror Thlotighltil Photograph .Athoms, Frames Album Oases. Stationery. Smith's. Maori •lak. Penholders.. Pens. , L. BEAD, 71 Fourth Street GetifPETO. OIL czorirs. WE - HAVE JUST PURCHASED AND • • and are now readying, a new assortment of Carpets, 011 Cloths, 'flatting, hr., Vatehi In Witten to. our heavy Moak of goods previously on hand. enables as to offer to oar ear towers all the advantages the market affords at The Lowest Prices Beached this Season. MoPABLAND h iII:fLUM. 71 and II /MIL &trio:, 1123 Neat hone to the Post Whoa NEW 21144TTIlios, *HITE AND EED CHECINED, widtaa, of Um laleatlaTortatlos.-7 PANCIT MATTING. ow sad band/woo stylos, ustracolsertLand•fpr yala by bIoFARIAAND k cyaLtrefs, 1p46• : euld•; 73 Fifth West. JOSEPH ADAM/ Nitta •Oannelly‘ corm of - DIAMO and ORAIrs ,SePretr-Sr, kra.Pollorks Dr. 7 raas..Tbrodirre mobbing. mow Erredr• TALLOW WANTED.-.A na hundred a s. ens 'MOW. at aP i 21.1111teljair 00. RP ECN.,I .r-OTICES. isazrovAvromiza tar PATENT GROUND GTRCITLARII, Nest.'" 'A 24 and'26 PENN STREET PARK, McCURDY &CO FLUNK PAN aORDEIL. Prrnsusoa Augalit 9. IBM (Late of the firm of BROWN & MOrlltalw.) BOOKS. ALBUMS. Sc. DEXTIS TR Jr. ite flittsbugh tilitzttft. FRIDAY, strizATBER 15, 1883. GAZETTE TERMS: . . Deily emaralng tilt pet annum do. do., served by carrier., 23 emits as week. Daily Ertning $&2O per year. do. do., served by carriers, DS teem a week. Weekly, in club. 81-60 per yesr. do. tingle copies 12.00 do. RATES OF ADVERTISING ONE ,4 .I I :TAIXG-STAZDEIIO MATTER ISn ly .8 w'at w.l to w %lay • One Ume Two tlmes ' 145 125 Three times.. 175 ....I 1 75 Four times...) TO. ....I ... 3 1 210 017,6 w 991, •••• 75 , 3175 8I 13;1 75: 75 Two weeks... 75. 271 2 31, 125: 45 Three weeks .' .9 425:2 751 3 mi . 115 One montn...l 2.7 SSo 4 00i 3 25 , 210 Two months.' 1 OW 8 00; ano 575 025 Tnreo months 1 00 10 60 7no 475 072 Six months..., 23 60 11 75-, 950 000 12 po Sloe Months ; at 101' Tr 12 DI. 800 17 00 One Yes,— 49 00 2.5 60, 18 00 10 DO 50 00 -Adverts ,:rtisementa =cameo one year naatoe onanged at the advertiser s pleasure, at a charge of 23 cents per square, (or 20 cents if paid at the time,) but mast be manned to the lututedlate business of the advertiser. Advertisements enntracted for otherwise than deity, will be inserted on such days CO the °Mae may select. • lreassont advertising CASH. . Death Matinee, each Insertion t SO Alantamr notice; . 13 Steamboat savr v i dn nen. , ll, Per trip. 3CO Itteestt,opt.' or A torso leanest I cp YEAMILIV A, sermisuie It wires: . One squate.inietrien to the onnatiate midst* ally ea,dreillit pad tot tro IncludellesohAlOnk gortasenkb 'of new Ands, wanes. Iga—changeable ems* a' weak.. - Asp esteem to be Charged se trals• stret'nutteet. 1 2 titc.cela &MAC &time. Is week.iswitilr-;eireelt. oc i , Tkroo xxonths...• 018 MP on IX, $ • • (Ai • 16 00 Six 0 19 1,11 . 1 I sort.' le oe - tire° le 10 Oxe tEuxatbs.... , II ODI 16 •• • .111 18 00 . Year.......... 1 61 CO 11 • • 0100 18 00 . Q flat .2 , l9ticem double she above sate.. 11 la. muted ono Youth w more. For • les. p•rio4 20 Oent• • Wm. MNiZ=== A rquare go bo ecrsiderial, maths epees 00.3. stied - by tee Ilan of the oratory artvertialait type at the paper. POLITICAL Wrouvro--Schatoy, Bradley Vir =an Asob- Jeet to decision ordeni ( O4sl con reface) • rep. resentatlve, Pe ter Sl, Ostertiout - (lubject to de cision of reintsmitatite conference), The calmties composing the seaatonal dbstriet of Susquehanna. Bradford and Wyoming have now midi Hada a briminatlon for Senators— Susquehanna presreting the name of the old Senator, Mr. Terrell; Bradford, that eta former Senator, Mr, Landon and Wyoming that of Osterkont, a member of the House from that county last session. Forma c:orrarr has a strong ticket In the field. Mr. Olmstead, the Speaker of the last Donor, has been renominated for Amembly, and a soldier gots the most pro Stable office. The candidates ore: For additional law Judge, Hon. 11. W. Williams , of Tints, subject to the decision of the ennfer.ea; for Senator, Hon. A. G. Olmstead, of Potter, subject to the decision of the conferees; for Assembly, John S. Hann, of Potter, and Dr. Wm. T. Humphrey, of Tioga„ ?ni nlOO men of Lebanon have nominated Captain Jacob Malls for Assembly. Col. Mark waa elected dein Me to the next State Convendcm. A resolution reoneetingihe various officers hold ing positions tinder the Govan:uncut by appoint ment to reslgnin favor of soldiers was adopted. ffpn. J. W. tallegpr, (Ito Collector, publishes a card Eiielottltt the iiaohlttai ' and stating that ha bat prtreotuily resigned lefavor of a veteran soldier: TIM Republican State Central COmmittee of Connecticut have issued an address to the voters of that Stee weber's/fig the vote which is to be taken oa the first Monday of October, upon amending the C,' niaccticut Constitution, ao-that Mark. men /mall be admitted Milts rights of suf frage an the same terms with white cam No white man . can vote In Cannenticatvialeas be ean read the Constitution. Tam Moulted county Union men, who have ditErult.tsak agairusartin teachings of Bigler, Wallace, and the xaketzta Of the • Illemocratic castle, have nominated, the followinn =collect tinker; Fe:grantor., Colonel John Irvin, Car wensville bprotigh . (eub)ect to donctirrence of centered.) ?Or Amenably, Lieutenant Thomas Liddelt,'Cleartlield'bnrough (subject to cancer renee of conferees.) Tom Lehigh te.olrfer earl:—"During, our 10>- mm - from hone last week, we:travelled through a isrgeportion of Backs - county, to which CoL Davis resides, and conversed with ri istufaber of returned aoldlers'wtar served under hies, and we fled that with but very few creqqaus they will not sopport him at the coming election. Bo much for Col. Davis' popularity on a military man." Iti.ra.nss from one handred and forty-slx. towns Vermont give one bututrad and thirty eight Ftr:tliner, R.presentatives 9f tke fret lame, pad only chat Demociatio. if. the Fed of toe towns are no mare favorable to the latter, the Demomatie represeutatiou Of haat year (nineteen) will berredeced. Tire Democratic *tire conference in Clearfield, Forest linGl Elk, met on the Ist inst., and the conferees from Clearfield nod Elk noott• natecclYr..Thomas.J, flour, sod the Elk conferees refused to participate or ratify the noralaation. Tory favored the nomination of Dr. Early, of Elk. Tns Lk ion men of Fulton county have nom!. led Nicholas for Sheriff—the Om man who entered Fort Steadman wools West. Hartranft re• captured it—John 0. Fletcher for Jury Com missioner and William Hawks for Commissioner. TEL Democrats of Wayne county have to nominal"! WrT. Wm. M. Nelson for Assembly, and selected two sets of Judicial eon ferees-0119 favorable to Mr. Crane and the other In favor of Judge Barret. GENSIIAL KIIPATFUCE has taken the s neap In New Jersey for the Union State ticket. The eallant General annonnees that he came from South Carolina to fl{ht the Copperheads, and he meant to do It with a will. KENTETKI - has gone Democratic by 3,492 In the Cougretaineal vote, The Senate will stand 19 UlllOl3 and 19 Opposition, and the House of Itrpresentatlvea 5S Opposition and 12 Union. Ltrzeitav—Senator, L. D. Shoemaker, of Wilkesbarre, Assemblymen, Colonel B. F. Melees, t f Moscow; Captain Cyrus Stroh, of Butler. Tun Union men of Susquehanna have nomi nated Bon. Wm. J. Turrell. late speaker of the Senate, for Senator, and J. T. Cameion fox As sembly. Wm. M. firouu is the • Read.neap candidate for Governor of Lows—not George Banton. Mr. stone la making a vigorous canvass of the thaw Tun Union men of Bradford have inominated Hon. Gm. Landon fur Senator, nod Lorenzo Grinnel. and G. Wayne Kinney for Assembly. Hoy. Winthrop W. Ketchum is strongly erg o d by the Annatrong Democrat, se mint Limed to t trend Gov. Curtin, at the expiration of his term. Tun Democrats or Lnzerne have nominatad Slinky Woodward (or Smator, and Anthony Grade, Dank! F. Seyoart and David S. Boon (or representatlvcs. THE Union COll cal Lion of Montour Mace re commeaded Colonel Charles W. Eckman for Assembly, Ton Union men of Clarion have recommen ded Dr. H. M. Wet for Senator end Wm. M. Clover for Assembly. Tux Union Coeveation of Clearfield recom malted Col. John Irwin for Senator and Deal. Liddle for Assembly. Tue Colon men of Cumberland have Domi nated Col. Joseph Ege for Senator, and CoL T. 11. Kauffman for Assembly. Tan Union men of Warren have nominated Colonel Harrison Allen for Assembly. Joseph A. Neill Is the Democratic eaddldate. Cerr. I.lltOws having declined the nomination for Assembly in Clinton county, Sergeant T. IT. Drublater has been nominated. Tnatettimeataof Vcnango have nominated James P. Storer (or Assembly. THE Union men of IdlftiLa county have nomi nated introit M. Brown for Andeigbly. Tun linters men of &Oil= have recommen ded &ammo Lippincott far AnSambly. Tin Union men.ot Wyoming have umlaail naiad Peter M. Osterhout for Assembly. Lmorestarrs Doi.osan. J. A. Yana Is the Democratic candidate for Assembly In Bearer COMA]. Tnz Democrats of Northumberland County hava nominated Charles W. Sharp the Assam. bly. Tun Demonists of LAIR° have re-nomina ted Nelson Weiser and James J. Kline hie As sembly. Corona REF tITITLED TO Vora Vamp TIIIIL.AWS or Ale x andria ( VI.) Journal ea 6: , In _the Comity ~ Court - of this county, which adjourned on Saturday last, it was decided, In accordance with the eight ace. Lion of 010 WA of Wide. that colored men are entitled. In all capital or criminal prosecutions , to trial by Jury. The 'sixth section or owl Bill of rights gives to colored men the right to vote. and If the cam wad contented before our courts they would doubtless so decide. The sec tion ready ea follows: "That air election ought tolic - froo, and that all men, having sufficient evidende a common Interest rah and attachmente to therbnoununl ty, have the:right •of Ennio, and • cianos be tared or deprived of their property for public neat withbutibeir owd eonsen, Or , that of their representation no . elected. nor bond by any law to which they kayo not, In like manner, as• anted for the , public good," Ceasts retmoof 1860 exhibit the mantfae. 'pre of alcohol la thauttorUo Mates in that year ac having an illYobied `Ppltalat - $856,000. doting annually ymotitteta to the amount of $2.- 685 500 paying for hew material, $ 2 , 4 10; 482 ; for labor, 16024, and eroploying _149 mile hands. PERSONAL Tnx /Leading Rawl ti=.l ,peaks of thersmi ly ot Gunnell BeimMelf PThet:Ganeral, whose faunal, look place at ChaElen2mts' Cclneti7 OS antaidni afternoon, wariforty-one years of age, and leaves a wtdow and three chil dren, the eldest about twelve and the youngest els years of age A sister of Mrs. S. Is a Ger man teacher In our Met School, and, co the General's remains are deposited here, it Is prob able that the family will permanently locate In our midst, The Generarl,deaLli was somewhat sadden, or rather unexpected at the time. Oa Thursday morning he appeared quite cheerful, and spoke to his wife, whilst seated to a chair. drank a glass of water, and Immediately expi red. A post-mortem exsminatlon prof-s the fact that his lungs were almost entirely gone." A rrw seen-rue ago, Mt. George Grote, for merly M. I'. for London, but far better known as the last and best historian of Greece. pub lished a critical work on Plato ash his philoso phy- We notice among the latest English books, Exploratlo Philosophica Rough Notes on Modern Tr.tellectnal Science," Part 1, by the Rev. John Grote, B. D., Fellow of Trinity Col lege. and Professor or Moral Philosophy in the I.:nlversity of Cambridge. This new author IS tee historian's brother, we believe, and hla phi losophy, which differs considerably from the ethics of Mill, Is very clearly expressed.—Amer- Jean Literary Gaulle. A NiMIPIIIS rarer, says Judge Trigg has de— admit all attorneys to the bar without taking the oath prescribed by the act of Congress. He is of opinihn that the only mode by Which all the lawyers of the Court could forfeit their right to practice after they bad once Una admitted, would be the Secession of the State of Terme - acme from Union. and this he was not prepensd to admit bad overtaken place; and the only mode In which individual members of the bar could be debarred, would be the preferment of charges and trial Of each case separately. lunramored that a new dally paper, lb the Weed Internet Is to be started at Rochester, N. Y., and one in the Greeley interest at dibuty. Will the Westland Greeley quarrel be carried on lb the nett . world, nod if so, bow cart it be managed without daily papers Tem wru of the late George Livermore, of Cambridge, Ends., has been presented fbr pro bate in Middlesex codnty. Ileleavee his widow . his dwelling- house in. Cambridge. .his Xixra ry. hmluding tbe collection..of rare Midas, and E 50,000. Trurbnimmeof his estate le left to his three eons.—Bostopt. Otisettar. Ocanr has tbiblildei the Mayor of New Orleans to interfere In the sale, /ease or disposal of the wharves of that city, Claiming , them as captured property of the national gov ernment: Efott. JANES TrlllfrnitET, Member at Congress from the Second - (Brooklyn) District, is In Be lem for the benefit of his health. Ile will prob ably return during the early part of October. BELLE BOLD la going to try the English stage. 11er career In the theatre of the reb rillon would agord a respectable girl little satisfaction. NETTS ITEMS Toe Lynn, Mass., Bulletin says tit It the value Of the shoes sold In Lynn daring th• month of July wan but little short of £703,030, while In June over a million dollars worth were sold, and In May last 1,100,000 worth. Lvat mouth's re turn, when publiatied, wilt probably cams.well up to the tatter figure. Oven Ova hundred and twenty citations have been isstual, at Richmond for partice, whose properl„l,has bean seized for confiscation. Ob. , tainintin pardon from the Proident dere net free the leCipleat of the sane front the costs Which may have accrued against the latter's estate pravions to the reception of Executive elemeney. Every libel named on real estate ee amts to costs of from forty-dye- to sixty dotlarw, and the pardon is reastricton Condition that all debts due the.tinited States are lierddated. A Burma army officer, Captain W. A. Baker, of the Royal Bombay Rairliseers, has at last set tled the year In which the weld will come to an end end. In a work just - published in Eng land, entitled •'The Day and the Horn; or, Noses off rewriter a Sketch of The Future. extracted from the Bible. the status that the day' of judg- Inept le axed for September 20, 1878. Notes dtie on the 20th will accordingly be payable on the 19th. T LAI - nu, N. Y., lately, an lodizeann hus band applied to a Justice of the peace for a warrant Smiling. a Baptist clergyman, his offense owing that be had baptized complainan.'s wife without his knowledge. BOstott lograa! understands that the gaverattlent military authorities, all over the ecanarry, have treett specially instructed to tole every means at their eononand to prevent the effects of the cholera. should that pestilence visit our shores. Ina taking of the census of Jersey City has Jest been -completed. and Vats as the population 37.361, being an increase or r r;(7.s t since 1500, when the total number Of inhatil• tants was 20,251. The Southern lifethodist Church—A Sag. gistion from Mary Aram The CAridlan 440:401 and iorrnai of gas week octant= the following suggeation from Amee concerning tho southern chnrches: "The southern bishops say that they are at a loss to conceive by what shadow of right, legal or moral, the property Ls held by the present oc cupants. lam sorry the bishops are so Ignorant of the facts. lem happy to tutor& them, and all concerned, that the authority by which the property alluded to was taken possession of, was the only authority which at the time, and still, so far as I know, could enforce obedience to, law, and maintain ordca. In the rebellions states/ And I now propose to the bishops and to all other parties intereated, that ChiefJusUee Chase shall decide the questioa of title to the property refesred to, and that all shall abide by his deci sion In the premises; and I hereby pledge my self (and L doubt not my colleagues in the epis copacy will do the samel that should the 'deci sion be le favor of the Church South, I will at once withdraw all the mistiness whom I have appointed to conduct dime services In these churches referred to, provided the authority by which I now occupy them 'allows me to do so, of which I have nu doubt- I think If the South ens bishops's.° as eo-Ildent of their title to the property as they appear to be, they will not hes itate thus to submit the question to the decision of the highest Judicial °Sneer In- the Govern ment." .IFUSCELL.I.ILoVB VALUABLE REAL ESTATE TO HE SOLD OCTOBER 10th, 1865. Pursuant to the authority vested In as by rose• batons adopted at ► meeting of the 8100d:dd.:a or the Belmont Iron 'Works Uompany, bold on the twentytntrd day Of Augo.t, MSS, the undersigned, Agents on behalf of mud t)orporatton. Will Sell at Auction. At the front door of Inc Court liousn in the city of Wheeling, on ruezday, the 10th day of o.teber, 1885, easammeaog Ibe sale M tao o'clock a m., all goat valuable Beal Estate and Appusvonaaan to tile 9 Mb ward of said city, known *e TM BELMONT IRON WORKS And Nail Factory, Bounded as follows, viz West by the Otto river, North by Division west. East by Mein street, and South by the property of mew% Oa!damn k Lancaster. Milo, The Coal Mine In raid Ward, now worked by raid Corporation, oat the Railway connecting raid Mum and the Rolling SILL Also, The Real Estate and Coil Property be. lousing W the told Oorporation hi end adjoining .. South Wheeling, tueluding that recently ptirchaec ed of Dr. J. 0. Oompbell, anditor Shoes. in action connected herewith' and 2t Towit Detain Seutti -Wheeling, lately purchased of•the h Bank end Others, ind - Dot No. 1 In Elaldwellin addltlen to the city et Wheeling,- southeast owner 02iillihr Ltd Divtalon streets, with liters Tenements there. oa. It is Unposed that the eatClPrequel - to he odd with the 'Works is milli** Ito supply tit Works for thirtM The geld Reel rto be told on-the Inv terms, eil eastwand She resift°, intik tntareat Cretallorday of We, In threeequal testalments, payaMe ato.telelre fed etklitm aithe from eald dated the pureheser of We heal to take Ik. stun on 4a11401. =Seaga Iron, milt,, tooli And °hate' proper . et snap; Tonito Pp pado by P l 4lfr artaserntrAtlr• sons, of whom the pinehaser Li tb chum Ong, the undersitned wept /mother, 4/ i 7 . 0 oho.. wen a thief, the desliMa of . PLIVIt CO oe bindlngt and, the stock so Men 40, Dead for to equal instalments at fottr, kW- and eight months, with intermit frou. day of sale. The do. feared payments' on both the lOU Matt a& and . Mock to be secured by paper utisnutery AO the, undersigned agents, end lien tis getaisulttoe the property until payntene IA tog. Ilur_Onr. chaser Wall haVe the optioh of piyaiy . haAA the whole purchase money, or any rorrOar yortlo4 thereof - Wan above lusted. JA.BIZEi remx.r C. D. 1117138A.8u Wheatley, W. Va., Aug SS. 2 1 1 C 8 RAlltiLE. ansodd unit a MACE., have on tumid a large iusortmant of MOWING IMEALOiIINES. Straw Cafters,Seythes andglay Rakes, No. 28 and 80 OHIO MITT, my 4 amannzsy. CesT STEEL TEIMI, for I*, Bay sad Grain Ils.ka,orany'llialwita Etay and Chniatßikkoasuusalsotairedls CR3 , MilanMut= a! am*, AilaigheaVCli VORK STATE APPLES.-9 car loads tot M inie Lake Shored pplat,cow ik store sae rff 411C2'ACAr 8.41 ES T SALE Oir BUILDING Lu ra AT BRADDOOK's FIELD -OR TEE CPR. grgrx,RVlTl:r AND PWRSTIMITIA LE. --Wit tlffert4 et Public Sete. nn 'the pemites, a. ilaterdsor.ReDiaztiber Dan. at OA P. Twenty-Nine Large and Desirable BUILDITIO LOTS, Ie Bucatruars FLAN, oath Let troche; so feet on streets 50 and 63 foot In Width, es,,,usir, b;ek 03 feet, to an alley. /Liao. Tree Lame tote, a' over I and 4 Acres having etch a wide flora - on the Idonoasahela river, end well salted for mansfauturing purposes. Suitable arrangements hare berg made with the Coder Ilivllle It Cto. to convey all persons (gee. tlemen or ladles, to the Sale, free of charsa._,A. 4 " la W l Train will leave the de,elt. corner of a 11tand Boss street., at I o'clock,' on the day of bale. No tickets legulred. For etas of Lou, and other particulars, sec la-ge bills. or triply to S..IILLAIN fr. (10., ire Fourth street. THE STEAM TOW BOAT, "GBOBGE ALBREL," AND THRER COAL BARGES, AT PUBLIC AUCTION—SATURDAY MORN September Is, toot, at it o`cleick, will be rilil at the Monongahela Wharf. Pittabizr;b, near . fo t o! Market street, the hull, machinery. an., of the steamer GEORGE Al.Bb EP. as she now Iles, partly destroyed by Ore, at Monongahela Wharf, between Ferry and Market etteete. 'the hull is In good order, and the machinery, built by Some, Nelson,.orueorishlsred equal to any on the river. The coal on-board will also to sold. gin., throe COAL BARGES, namely 2 Model and ono Square Dug.' A. ram ehenee la offered to coal men, tow and steamboat teen, and other*, who can now get a bargain. Particular lire of machlo• cry, description Of .Rama• George Albrea, boll dimensions, size of the barges, he., will be given at the sale. Terms o( asle—One-thlrd cash, bal ance in 4 and 13 months, appro.:TA entateed notes, with interest. seie A McILWAINF, Atictioneer. SALE OF OWIER4mAIENT AtULES /JEMMY QUAUTERILAATZII6I4ILICLAVII 01.7101 , 3 PT:vs/mann, &west 12,- RSA 0000 SOUND SIiIIVICEABLEI be sole at rehno Anctionoll 120 nal: 0 2 9 55 45 e fP tnU City, to the wont bidder, on Out dap nod In numbers e. follewet ..• 150 21...12%, THURSIIS4, Amgen 24.1225. 150 " FRIDAY; • " A 150 " THURSDAY, " at, 150 " FRIDAY, SenteMber I, 150 T H URSDAY. " " 150 " FRIDAY. 4. 8, 150 " THURSDAY, " 150 • " ITR/DA. " ISO" THURSDAY.. "ri, " 150 FRIDAY, _ .21, " Sales lo sommenee et 134otIelelr. m. Mann .old Taw Unan, Vatted State. Ourrenay. O. GROSS, Aleut. 001. and Deputy 4. Bt. O. FARGE SALE OF GOVERNMENI RAILROAD ENGINES AND CARS. L*Nrri•D EIraTES AirLrrear Ret - L.goiDS, Ortios or Ass rater? CILIJA.II,III.II4Srita, S l weetinsorms, D. U., August task Will be sold et, AIe.NOIIESTEK. opposlts Matt. mood. Vs , on TUESDAY, tktebei Twenty-live (2t) new Bret-ogees Locomotive En gines: eve foot gauge, five foot drivers, dera I ita24 capacity. of took, 1,400 galloue. flee tO) flts4elasa Locomotives, 4 feet 8% inch 6nug rtro hue ndred sad tixtyllre (263) nemßox Freight Vary, rice font gauge. Fifteen pal new Flatforot OA" rive foot gauge. ?ea (10) Frelea Cara 4 feet VA ir. gauge. ?be tale to enottrine tram nay to day lentil all Janata. Sale to etrusateate at to dame. Terms—OaSl3, la Goren:meat funds. R. L.- ROBINSON, al:o4l2er. War. Col. and A. Ct. la AUCTION BALE OF Rolling Stock, Railroad Iron, 6.c, Aissor-sur Ammo or Tins Tearacsais, CULTS Qllll„wruousTes.'s U. S. rat,rrAnT Rett.stomos Arestromis, trars., August to, 113. lOU be Cold, et Pubtle Auction., to the aghast Slider,thelellaming prlntertv, on soeutust of the Veiled Ago's: SrOgib lMAYk, sBCenOMM M S ,O H 19 . , L GB Twenty4ire new Box Freight Oats, er feet h. gauge. On MONDAY, September at the Michigan Oar 43ompanee Wactou. DECitOtT., bIIOB-, Fourteen necr Box Freight Oats, feet ga , Mao, on SAME DAY, at the Detroit. Oar Com. pa Va Xaciory, Thirty eight or Flat Cart, 6 feet tinge. On WEDNESDAY, September high, at qacirell I. Barker's Oar Works, 11110111 GAN OITY, IF DANA, T.entj.Eee nev Box Freight Oars, 5 feet gauge. Sales to commence at it a re. ' ferias Cask , tne•varament rands. F. I. CIIIELLY, aulrlarpt a Capt. t A. Q. 01.., v. S. Army. ARO& BALE OF GO. Cars, Engines, and Railroad • f araD fiPtAte X MITA= $471.149AD5, I 011ewa OP MaIsTANT Qr.tairtilLYAS7:6l4 WitII2II4OTON, D. a, _ St"ll . ,' ISM. Will be soIiFit,RITTY POTRVS.ITA., NESDAY," °steam 11 at It Welbell m.: &Jana lour tfro r tinadie,4o3)tocui Railroad Iron. At. poirrsatounicve. on FETDATi C )4 & 4. terLi at IPA.: Me ( 5 ) firthaisat Lotothotfrro Shoat City (IN) Freight Cars sum ono (1) Passim. ger Car. At NORFOLK, VA.. Outobor IS, at s p. m.,: th rtrL=Lara, F & l". 0 5 n ra T14.17//Y, toper 17: Fifty (60) ErgLelau I.9cosaollre Engines, feet S lusagavge, Eighteen (IS) new Postform Oar% live foot gauge, Trensylive (19 new Nox . (frtra, Ira foot gauge. Aram atia4Lia Box Can, 4 feet ss,4 bib gauge. About two hundred and thirty (240) Platform do., 4 feet 834 /a. gagua. About thirty J3O) Stock cio., 4 feet 9 la. Oar.. Twenty (re) rasaenger co., do One 01 Wreett lag do., do. Two ( 2 ) ..11 , . ro b Sixty (00) do , framed. Fourtoeo (14) Mao, I' About two thousand (2,000) tons Railroad Iron. Bales to sommenoe at ALEXANDRIA., at to a. la., and to continue from day to day until all are void. Terms—CASH, In Government funds. H. L.. FUJELNSON, Brev OoL snd Q hi 11. S. Military listlreskis fiat I tot.lo - CLOSING BALES OF Government Horses and Mules. QC/0211mleAsTra 32.21111,LL'S 0•110 - E, P 7 idiots °Tot+, D 0., Acigust 24, 1242. Will be bead et pubile plietloo awing the month of bEI TE.1113E.R., to the highest bidder. at the time au/ places cusmell below. *la : New York city, Turaday of each week, 100 !Lima each day. New York city, Thursday of each week, WV Mulct each day. PENNS! LVANI A. MZS=Mi=gl Pei seelpioa, Saturday, September 2, and Wed• nemlay and Saturday Pi each week thereafter, .00 ?data each day. Pitt.burah, Thursday and Friday of each week, to September 22, lac'naive, 150 Mules each day. Hatr Theeday earn week. WO Mules sorb day. blanch Munk, Thursday, Sept. 7, 0 Mules. Indian a, Thalia. y, September In 160 Males. Gresenaburg, Thtunday,September 14. LSO items. Hesalug., beptember Uan Houle. INDIANA: Thursda y . SSeptember , 160Houma. INDIANA: Indianapolis, September 11, 13, 15, 25, 27 and 21, 150 Herten each ass?: Indianapolis, September 12, 14 and le, lad Mules each day. MEM Chicago, September 8,7, 9, 19, 21, 27 arid 90, 150 Mules eaoh day. • • • - Chicago, September 1,0, 5,18, L'O, 22 and 9, 105 Rolm each day. DELAWARE. Wilmington, Friday of emit week, 160 .slulet taehatity. Wyl =atm, Tuesday of Vaal Week, /CO lime Wax day. NEW JERSEY. Treatoa, Tuesday, September 6, 153 Mules. 2 lentos), Tuesday, September If, 150 /Rules, MARYLAND- Baltimore, Thursday, September 1, 150 Males. Baltimore, Thurslllldday SO September 21, 150 Noise BILI. • St. Louis, Thursdsy, September 7. sedTuesdaye and Thursday of each weak thereafter, 230 Mule each day. . KANSAS. Fort Leavenworth, ehoutoonving Tuesday. Set. towbar 12, and continuing thenhtfter ai melt times as the Depat Quartermaster may designate, 2,1103 Maim GTESB0110; D. 0. Tuesdaraad Thursday of emit week, OM Horses each day. No sales of Maas wW tido place at WABLUNOTuIf. D. 13. The snLekala to be aold to Seytealter era roper. torte ear heretofore offered to the putifte. The =sleety tit. 'them ere sound are serrtoestd4a. ft is =petted Me al Mia win of 40es ae , sw , phut Cktmigneht Aft 1141314 eta be dfrodred of. Buyers stourdthirrfore treed atomise/of Ml. oppo a Said chs, tooommeoce at 10 s. Tfirpfr QAftU, In United dtetes .7.04 Brim Wig. Oen: In olulAe stßedese2o nuktEriv.: Q. M. Q. D. COME ONE, COME ALIO. , . • GENAnEENS Fut:USE:IIA4 SrEOPYrala. Nos. 18' and 115) St. Clair St. The attchloaqe pulgicl is waled tatbelangs ard,.xtenitrei crinGSMLEALEZPS, N/SHOW GOO 7 lhe latotro , mentioned Oat*, wni ant naarotraratit'great bazgaina. Any out In - wznt letir a Gmbh will Ana It So:their , ajatantalw fair- inn ace WI:: " Itte. e" ri g ir gra V E ZprZtosegov , ey. • andchmkaated, mak of Flue White' Atalaalra tow Shirts, Woolen. flotton and Ulla+ nue. Wets and Dramnµ Ada" mem SU' panders, lEtntterAlarraica44l traitatagpartatnialrAd theilge4=e l o )4le ' 4.4 2! r4h Wale ttroe Shaargik. Ll lVXDF. N.& a k akri . 00 lark Lockwood% Onivanml, Byron.* - 'Ea.anastatt WA Mammal, so4owq tpu "" ly2siyarana 11 -13 1 0 4 , 403.00i*E1117 drat lltio-Sr thresiienco. Wire matalon, WitAtantattnu, Raha; DiTrisoeb•w, ham twe =hada bf balso ed Late um *addemoe Di.. Plummor—tWEl t Dated fora phyilgla4. ;MU mat for jiAm3.._4l, ear 16- VT ' DA'DARrig DD. , MiNCY '•C: " ; eacalvid free supply of &roll Crackers; alio. Bolden Butter mut Oral= Croakers. For We ar the Isere!, or at Man, at thalfaattly Groeeerryy Stara of JOHN A. HENSHAW. pre some Waal AORLitapilitralaith riurAzvL.ft BANTLING 1101798. N. HOLMES 8c SONS No. 57 Xarket Street, Pittsburgh. DEPOSITS HEOETVED EP PAS FENDS AND 00I3ectioniroode oo all the prtsoloal polnta! of Malted Statue sod Clanadaa. STOOLS, BONDS AND OTAEB. SEMDUTIA BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Follicular attention pain to the puocriaae an gale of 1011ITED STATES sEtrunnins, INCLUDLItO Caned Slates Him of 18311 Do. do. 041;s 010. IllTho4 10 , 4080 1 Do. Boson-Thirties! Do. Ocrtlllastes of indobtednoss. ORDERS AND - VOVORERS BOUGHT OR VOLLECTE DOLUR bhallifiefi WM, NO. INS trEASTERIM ,Mans op= daymn Ito 11 Waloalc, atm on Wednelo daY an 4.6 . Kay . ra y , to No • umber laa,-11.=a4 frail% 4 - 91 1 us to Dray tat from (to Ein'aloaX • Deyoaltszeettyed of ralloma aunt InattranOna kIIOLIW lad %O'Mara of 'pronto declared Mite =l3ttos and Decamnen., Warm; ban been aeadoannatarly, in /um and-.oecntater r , r:tr. if eat: vl , -, : 24. 4 t ......, " 41 Zie e. l 4l4 II ' WI tr i bearr tins flaw Lteh.y, the ca days oranna and. Dimanbar, myounding Mica av yaks altiont. tyounllay the tor ta to:is:, 11.0 aay , prz u r d6 tmer,m i t j eg i ts t = s '''. yenta . . Books, aontslydng Um Orator, Ity•Loa . t wi :i lnlos and RannJaHons, rtindaDmi tratiac Ma a at HA gam rtuanintrr—GEOHlVE A 1,14 R - • vies rnanforarra. L ' William L Andaman, A. at. - rill•ek,lx Di lona°. Etaakaran. HOW. H• 0 4 4, Bani. L. ratmestock, John It. sudeabemer, Jausta Hardman,' James (Midis, Lamm McAuley, Alesarnlar Spear, ball: nr. Ptxmock, Onzhttari Yampa. Calvin AAams, H e nry 3. . Lynnh, John C. 13lndley, Peter A. Made L-a, ll i f i rg= John ,lamb or , Walter P. Morahan, Alamo A. Oehler, James ill.. D. Maces, Charles A. Colton, John Et Maridden4 Wm. Douglas, John Orr, II 361 L Ivan,Lpi., W Henry Is. Illi r.llbzuralmel. William S. Haven, Alexander Dadle. Peter H. Hunker, William Vankbis a Elclusni Heys, Wm. A. 177 - man, James D. Belly, Isaac Whitt ier , Treannar—MlAS. A. COLTON So7dars—JAKE.s B. D. HEEDS. aflame. T' EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK 0 f Pittsburgh. bleared by the! Capital jOrganized under • tate of Pa., 1816.; $1,000,000. liatn't Law 1861 TWA Bank hew been dulgnated a DEPOSITA RY OF ME United States Treasury, ted appointed agent for the Lae of the 780 CI , AI. 247 . Every facility will IS oinwed to Iswertert 0r pav ties purchasinrfor reetale. • EL M. MURRAY, Cashier treriat PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh. apital Paid in 41,000.000, with Prvii lege of 82,000,000. Heoking House CORNER FULST LND WOOD : A This Bank, organized under the National Bank tog System Is now prepared to Unite= ballnelia ► to Banking Hoye, corner of Wood and Plat talleet' Collections made on all secessiblepolats on most favorable terms. See:Sal Agent., for JAY COOKE, for the sale of the E. 8. 7 3-10 Treasury Notes. MANUEL IIZA. PreaideaL F. 3L GORDON, Clearer. J. C. ErePHEESON Teller aTTORXErs. 0. 11. 111. GAZZA X ...I. IL. 01:ITTXIIMI. M rM A RTER, CAW/AM CO., ATTORNEYS FOR.OLUBLINTS, Licensed U. 8. agents, for proovrtae REAR; OF PAY 1111YOREIMpLI: SATIUN FOB livliStS, and other preperM Wet or destroyed while in the terries of the United Staten. STOPPAGES OF PAY AND OFFICERS, ORDNANCE AND QUARTERMASTER'S AO• QOUNTS usual and certificate. of indebted. Applications by Mall attended to aa II made to person. NO CILIBGE MADE UNLESS SUO OESSFUL. OFFICE No. 98 GRANT STREET, mSt rrr-rssuacm. i. W. SLACIL, WHITE & SLAGLE, • ATTORNEYS AT LAW No. 1.043 VslllLl3. galtroot PITTSBTRGH, PA., Will attend to all briefness la the Ilne of their sProfession, including THE COLLEtTION .OF CLAIMS AGAINSTIa - Koovzatalrera. Mr. Srcout having been taturtencl ont I the pelted States Service, will helearter. Ave attest. ion to the business of the Om. anktf WOUNDED BOLDISMI IN'ErraEft The First or Second Three tests Service can receive the full bounty the UDC u tf ens , had served the full term of enactment by calling upon T. WALTER DAT, Folleltor for BountlegPraralont and Pay. No. 103 FIFTH STREET, third door below the Cathedral V:1011 u.uaras BAYNE & SHAFER, .601/1 W. 811/0/81. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW No. ex Drauouro Soma; Pittsburgh, Pa, Comi Huairouu Examlakut Matt, Clonvoyarta Oonations, and all Wadi of Legal Business promptly atteadod to. set MILITARY CLAIMS. PENSIONS. BOIINTII2I, BACK PaY and 4.ILITAILI CLAMS of OTVI7 description, collected by the subscriber, at ;he 1-0/40,11211 renthlos sac all otter minis, rlylso. r . Q. O..TADOE, Attorney it Lew, Diamond street"opposite the Octet House. N. B.—No therm ere made It the. Obtlin does dot succeed, Ilit4 all hifOnnellocieseasratis. seidy . H. o. 11S.O.E.RBLL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SoLnirimi , MA* tjaxn. souuun Fos WIMOIt4BOI4UCaI .4(111Weld is tPla tee" Ea twenty dam 461 r 01104 2fs.Maitarie WM" PittilittilL sup with litactursa and Ora witneasest,': - sattd9 ANDREW - BTEVENBON, X5.g9.121T CPSIPX47.73 No. 144 Fourth Street. PITTSBURON, PA., Will 1 taottes_th.theirarlotui col:artist 'Allegheny and adjoining actuates. ayeidgd u.rornZOKER B'l ALEX. AmE]m . No. 1011£01Uili stnetivalimpik, %e Ai 6.l 4 " li ptian iu l l ireme , Pl t ej V n = day EVIL at tam Ircos:-.847..DX1/0 Rev.:AL Ifr.-JiMbai.DiLi .ThalaSi f 41.110 Dia; • ZIK,' , ' • E s TlOll%-.L RESPECT PUTZT! AR* crozintaailadmat iitt.uliii t 1 - r natinte So. ,An Vii: up , ra AX,1101 , 101 ogiTSETtinA ikriuctizoisupl i }Wilms ' I millticiappy to reselvs - Weisimigt ::, 10474 ay. beiiiii, Won mfter • and ola raid& Lira!) , it all Willi mew Wit& 1 I.gagrait • 7. , ~: , marl:omm a 4' .nio. wwww , ..nati w. oxes..nimna imusazwi WILBOA . , CARR ot co 1 Mrs 'nem, Wholesale ilea ten In kOREEGZI Arm Warts TIO DRY GOODS, ITo. SI. Wood strtota t h at. 1 .1 4 A. eAgYir /AGYRWAY. rtliaßßlAo' sprit rzt7flßEßB 4245 rigirrng Amu & mai* i. .--, -- _ 1111MALItittliMIC .It. Gas and Steain Fitters; ...-1 No. 165 WOOD ;STREET, (OPPOSITE 4sT oatiactio i , Pumps, Hydrants; Shoot LOITh 171.1.........,... LEAD PIPE, PIG &EAU LEAD. taw , li Plumbers' hiaterialsg in General. ‹ OIL REPIXOILLE'S 1 ,',.; Fitted Up In the Most Approved Style. ~.. Tulin Heed with lead or eOl i per. Edema =ad cip with water= Iral. t, S. 11.—ellarders DxdaldlY .;.ailed t °' lal ' JUST RECEIVED. 3; A largo sucked Mat of PLl=32Ml' Iron it coikeir HAM Tat • . and . Baflera, egosetii. Baba',. . Mks . CWV-ii‘erk.po 144 Bendei BRASS WO= for water, gat sad atesattl=lBl l / 4 Ftele. Agettalq o4. inclines & Sibley& 'Phtefft, - : Warn rumIIIP Melly esteemed lor Metz eaelnoade use of mem. • 11..7 aW Aqrstde scgalp:atar:Sp*SiAtX4Mitant . POWs. BAILEY, P/MiLL & 4% WV sßurn*,t, wrzEze.. l'utsburgi4.o4 Gas sad StaaMMting. 3 . . In 111 Its Walla/Ms caratal , ' : 11 . 4*Cagig 12 ' 4 by M e ' demi p i: Mt workmen. .4 Dm wort= ot 81:111 aFR 113E - CFR BITRw WA T .°S ILAZ% Deratantly onkind sad maa4isafaet. • TAZI3 ; SEVILLE . IM FEDERAL Ecrarat, And tit/LIBERTY allgaiT,Pittabuith %shit astodiv SEErz.sw 1;,)? WEMELBit Wrrat*o ~ • . EreWr. : loo 4l. : Lock Silt& SCIAlig . Machine ; . AND i. . BUTTON-HOLE 11.0 ; - #IHINEO agency, Mr. 27 WM 84704' • Jrl GROVER a; RAKER' --, • FAMILY 81511110 BUCHER is 'me oma meozrea. *mum Embroiders: TEE ONLY macHnia wehuti Makes the E3stic Stitch.: '- rim ONLY NAOEUNE WHAM Uses - 4 1, ar0 SpooLs: TICE ONLY DIAOIM'iI3 Wail Fastens the Ends of the Seami THE ONLY a/Looters wthim. Make:3lo4as Seam' That mill not break or rareOzt stretching the material. ' . The Only Sewing MaeEine Company wawa nuaris .11-CPC.EC-SPX7CCIEL AND Double Lock-Stiteli'faehinea: suite flan Pth urchasers Dean e o f seluizursqor either, If dwi their rst c . Examine for yourselves at a 0.19 prrnt stikar A. E. CHAWNEYs - Itnildreoditiz 4://**4lX, ACMIft, Tthr PITTSBURCiII PATER Iclaill EAOTURIZIG 002.1PASV1.1Terforside . 1,500 bdls. Crown INrapptur Paper, 1,000 trdla. Modicum 1,000 Wis. 111edlum 1.000 til% D. C. and D. ral do. • They have also on hand ant enptantly nteeivlrsgt fro . nt their Mill., DIANILL,4DAPEEt of • all weight. and gees, lIABDW PAPER of .aIY welfitt 58.713.0, All_olasnettles tad glees of PER MADE ORDER et the shortest notice Winit octet". 1,000 TOES OF GOOD 1421 ED DAGO; • vireazeousg TEII4III STREETii . &U Wt Pirrk% wpm, Eq.; MUECRAY 4003ZILs CICIMMEI4Life,r, P..EITULTILY,,Prosida • . . J. Et; LlDAY.Sectreialysmareaimipir;' The Oompany Oen La De ettiqhbutt muita b ; MeatememseareaValftette : . /OWN Wattur Mai batecm MOW- /RA aga.eitereek , . ••4light :IMP* elontal.beee mediae" 4,amtaa, amearwhatetwill be Jou* the mom of some ottlelatergeMee** , cendele total QOM zz:l7,:r . 1 • The =R traCiorwi wouuncidgliis iron MR. • rate. =a Cana suatoweled'ildt Lone id mart gummed enerodnelag Cgratt; on CHllheate" lad Cherry RUN lad IX hitadge Mani:any to the RCOOoi awl ..31cauttaixt.-Waltsi4tut • abet* •ons all. Dom the Walnut , Bead Well The Oadepany Orate a itiattot.p.b7 cower at tbesubarlptlea peke I._ • SEVgikiTY..F.'Y / CENTS , 6 KmuE . 1 map% et Ma property, tomtits fr:.t.h *an rowdy* -ths - property' ath • , fleakaatzatiott Q .. ' the Company eio be chtlarkedot• • Wr.13.14. 4 lila Agen n, th a. -- • W EL I/142X HALE,' Merchant Ta3lor s ) ~..- 101112 , 1SEST CUILUX OF PUN 11 0 1 taitealfil I __ .. •,.. _ .- , ' •-• ' - .rmeEcintaril i PLi" Takifireet, plume in annonnebbt be . ntlinei ane:auifeaseri bad tee onnliegerocatte, tbAn the - ' 111511344 : meanies rat tar tb4 farace_lip: 130 N auvitow comp /ISOM ntiouUT **tad irzom, }es , 110'4 lus Ude.= Mats., . Id; aisle oat :am redly be vribt be 'eV Anne u?* tbie en! !mot isttipr laistartaiii imaitrteritanntaressoca be , rws Imeieltbst WW,,- ...r,M&L,44.14 411 4 ,4014 4 0 440 , ..- 1 4W/it, b ---- :14 tbIADVXD drAnti',: Amp Dm Siatraft• asfiel:, , tne .,, e!l) , ; 4r , 51 .,, . .. . cF antn a tOV l ' t‘ tua - ... new.icyle far entiza. sults. '-'t, ~ , . , A great • vtriety of l'lff r E fliiittiatrES 'ISL..; Plata and. Vesta, fax lAcnnahn: funtsiv=3llnt' . IpaVERBAL OLOTH.EI3 " 94, The 1411 In me;Another-t ot ins, eared an 4, for wan 14 Non sa • -st street, bse - • n. LIPS. - Bole rot Vl4 VIDDOari • =MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers