r „ atm pittsbur g h *matt. :man= IT • 111 OEMS ruzianao ALSOCIATIOB 4.atoiy, 'grips. 15, 1855 01_9 v Pr ; 7013. axprrou cisrmuz.: GEM :Julia, P. BABTRANFT, Of monegOqtaryconaty. ron 131:11118704 GENERAL COL. JACOB U. CAMPBELL, Of Cambri a rnt y. ITNIOE COTWIT "..: • • Pal =Mawr amPagazir: ~.. ICEVI B. Dvn, at ..euenear. r - ' AMA MITT CONTIOLLTII : - t O/ 6. woo:WM Pat Walnuaall• , 4raviD agc0r,,N,0_20, 3 4 7 Tovnuaap. 11-11 TAILS MI. AM-4 'renzsi4 4 4euiuuw i , somberly. , '"'m veralweemltsr: in s irelm i w o rm i zacttri uhiP• m'Ali f t tr ' . D&V/Dtlalitipar 1. alr. _ _ :• 1, ibfarMis4 =limply,. skoCamirercountecunia /414%*ailliFETA 'orLoweistoznalin *6. btroxer eriinrr it - I - 44;01mzzr or At4u4;,„. tfr Viht bui*cria* 'Cut' ix. : ? 11 - 1 4# 1 4P 'lti a te4 tt A g T / A 11) ! 1 I Ti l i ' . ' gr i 4 litibiii . :lsa4 4 ' ' ilitiel :' fa /1013. : % - .JAXES HAIILAN,BCC.I4II.I7_OI . thaintezfor, ,`;j •frou?! grrdl n e,s4#l9lhwr' *4l allergic= -on iheiciiijr p;t;;3422:ri• eopl4, idtrays dud ,.. LleekiirpAlid''idienuctali kitualad degree. . 'The imbjpe! 4‘14 - halkpnqr or wetter. win -commond- St to -the -thoughtful . penes' of lhelittilllgent freedieiro i l thee whole Conn- , . . "„IteltliNfik OP SOLDIERS. Me a nntadons fact. that In counties 7wherWther penfttcrats ,, have 'We • majority, .tbstAiityl3 perirstently re. lased to.putzot Renton their county tickets; but !n Rich . ,caintlas ait Allegheny andlies . ver v- 7,4lintster and Bradford, they are profasalutheirj , rofessionsof love for the 41 oldier.,iiind,,nominate tickets made up of • SolcOaniexcluilvely. If these professions were genuine, why are not soldiers c0m1..- ..-- nata by them in York and Berks, trbere 'the! on elect, Instead of reserving such .porley'e_acinelvidy for Republican conntles ? "The — nomination of the Democratic _ 'ticket In this cormty,,made,pp altogether of raold*e, ta a transparent -trick, and does mot - detelmvert Om . -clzioydes wimstgves. We.,voitturo to say: that everyman en.. gagedimumninatingibis ticket voted,. if he voted at all, ageinsitheamendttlent to the , Corditilution giving to soldlers the, right, to Tote; and we are very sure that t i e gieat hulk of there havoldeefat7fOurititie ih(L Mits And: demeaning *these .P.,,7 //° P.-alq .4 7 . 6 ted ait.._ 6 mcoli4hirelingtre , and 4e Mere' enere464ll'etigiged Oriel` litiell *hiesvickindinearibi eon= , didaiiii - wro treat into the war democrats, i and came out the same. Their four yearn' 4 ' ~ Service did not teach them the reel lesson '-, oldie war; and failing to profit by the edit. cation whtete,detexemppdteir wilder:ma eta ,l. tabled Ili the army school, they .;,' come back as ignorant as they went in. They are consequently four years behind the times, and very properly find their i _ - . „ , place upon a democratic ticket r 7 gti.llAVlßtricssti e.srf, vir trite SerY hard . ... ..i...the old, venomous Copperheads, to nematode such a ticket. They fancy they . .1 are going to make votes bitt, and therefore 1 submit to it; but the time was when a mere - - i right of one of these ,lipys ,in blue would have t iltrsc That,xtfdlnadi Mr. Nasal' un dcnhtedly expresses the real views of these - 4 fellows, and we. know that they will en. done his views, as given beiow, although ,-* Their action would seem' to give the lie to • i it. Mr. NASIIY. in one of his late letters to t the Cinclopati CornmercioL &Lys: .1 I no tice all over' 'the North, Democratik 1 , convenshuns are nominatin returned soljera 4 fee offis, wherever they kin ketch one who ' will accept;. and therTs but little trooble, r. - i. feria'ewytonaty thersorffsbre wlib went ins the servis because uv pay, who Abolish , ',: inbred theirselvea for continyooance, and 1 2 who'll fop back to us Orr the most reason u able terms. -..! I hey peximel motive& for obgectin. Last ;., winter theta' demolew' ere to home on fur ' . 10. Twenty of em come to my peaceful dwellln, at the dead hour ay nice; ceased ~,,. my mixable form and dragged me 4th. / They made me kneel into the cold snow, , . :;1 = ,....pa seystaked knees, and with one hand up, , liftedand haysliirt-tall a wavin In the wind; ‘ i ... they made me take the oath and drink a -t?. pint ny water. The oath give me inflam k:. Trash= try the brane, and the water in• Li --- ilammaahun 11T the bowels, and for aix r. weeks I lay a ravin maniac. 4 ? I eopd rrterlooki this, for the Dhcokfat . .7 who Wcrldn't ea - infirm his agid grand. ' Pother for the partyisunworthy the name, but ; object to -nofeuistin em for the fol. lerittrealonsalSte ' 1. Taint honiat In 1862 I called the 'aoilers "Lanny purns,t.! arid the. orthers 41 ShOldes stript - tilfetimt," and I meant it. They min wagin a croon and unholy war nen-Dimocriv - They yrsts:redboaln - oar =gentles 'isi' thelluthrelf States 'at The rate nv sum hundreds per day, and now to nominate em bra flop I'll never make. ~ 2. TWO= ,prtypr-,These. felle,re, sold na hefl when tirek commis - Imi; they sold oat the Ablisimista when theyllopt bark to II!, 'and what guaranty hey we that they wont len na out the next tuhrof the wheel? Er we cood git sum decent 'guns, it mite do, but good . Lord! the soljerwhe wood do this WoOd be lciwardownthatt we is, which wood bother a man. All the votes that slch men cood controls, we hey aline . owned is fee.aimple. . S. Taint-Jude:2 us origluel Copper. "•t1 beds. We endocired the heat and burden of the day; we resisted drafts, we damned ','." ..,tamet„-ive was Fort Lafayeted and Warm. ," - - --, ed, twas us who died in our door yards. ',. , Where wuz these officers then? All the le : ,damage they one the government was in , drastin pay and rashew, !,-,. 4. ''The tecOnstruclid 'Dimocrlity try the le . south wont like it, and to them, after all, - we must look for success. . 5. They a r chiiirwledged Nigger equality, Ir. by allow* riggers to fight - with em. 6. Weber gone too far to try the solJer dodge. We °pocket . ' I' the War; we opposed L. their vain, we opposed the Abliahn in i„ Tod! y and supplies, we opposed Aid 4 1 .- ik Andianit &SLUM' 99...scOihrtar. we Opposed taste at a time when they steedeo help, and togo back on each a re miccirtdoisureerutlhvecre rC te ue :.; 1 • like than .^ I , n and ia l s w pen on' a t h d una, o it. at 7, Bf we sufdertike the soljar, we com e_i,- , Battu', How would the Sachem Dimocrlsy 8. 'Et,,wit nominate ;_ men Vats served, we . - disgust the - deserters and them er, went to ~''' KaccohlfelAe valr.b Of the doz:, A. We have capriytle enou ff in the Nigger. '.• s_. , ' Let eiViti't 'Olifsell'ea boldly On shoot gronlatit its bang out our bawler and, .... LOPlgibeen 'la- folds, "No marryin .Nag. Y' --: , tennis - "N'ci tayin a debt' istkard hi a, ' •Pr i t gr w ar I': , :aMest us./SOth; "'Diger .`. - ~..0 ty it , . iiiur oLher precept! ez cam . •:.':',-.witillis tango-air the. Dimeltratie4 txttellek; r : ‘ 2 : s it - land 0 111 .40,301. 1 , . , ~. ,_ , • 1 ie- ;,,~ Y`s'. -~ trilawl :erD. ,MoICTOON.:I2IiIZApi. . /164 w 1h 4al i ti g . 41:: .' ',i. am .' cap,lndeni of the 2' , .., . . ppG s that _lsscritteeilAry , , tgfrSe ne'inipaThliy *diem retrained rebels. 1 ,:.• - 111r3- '" 6 pThady.ll4l/4 b his lase . . °1144147151 1 If nlS-4nilotuf td - ket *pr.. B. G. ',.. ,cuate*Jr -4 7 6 e . -f...,.•. lit, iwiaccf.oduziesi. ..: ottoi, ple ~,,,.. , ~ ~ ~,,„;,..e.... , wet ' ' sis als '' ' -be f'dokfel 0 7 ,F,?" '6 Vgai cal.l-,,,,„.'15%,,,yik I. ",eie .:airgirtlra TV. , . •{4oXlit a-m. `"""L , 41,;_xe&Pird 5 1 1 1 1 . ""ii ' • jut cral 14 seaso n , whiiptirwap, - teardi.-2t4544:' T , ,=, ' lizilkinCY 4,.._ •-• , • •.,^, ii;ituit;loi.xaav nut tor ..,,. nanti ', 4 " Lnd 6v ' 1 WU . ten .._ tIACIA"-# an d het liapiiiiich would. . . .! 1,.lat00""`"'"- Nom tAC , PM 1 1 . .kn py obliging Mr - /. . • e.: - 7 7, - • : .t.'s 3 '''.:, , 'i'•,,' ''' '-, , .NAliiirilpt LA, 7(1?) LATE'. Every Union prisoner captured by the Contederatestatuing the. war wiainiariably robbed of everything valuable about him. His money first, then his watch and jewel . ry, then his boots, and lastly his clothes were talcen from him, and appropriated by his caption,. Did anybody ever hear of any of these things being returned ? We never did, and we can appeal successfully to the experience of every returned prisoner for evidence.that the articles of which he was robbed were never returned to him. But now that the war is over, and retri• ballots of some kind seems certain, we find Mr. B. B. Wittman, who was in some way connected with Rebel prisons, putting his share of the plunder into his attorney's kands to be delivered over to the owners, ac cording to his letter to hisattorney, one (L&e. arson, of Richmond. This letter, however, la dated May 5, 1865; and Instead of deify. ,ring the plunder over, as (nominally) di rected, Mr. GAIIIIISOM holds on to it, until he is captured with ft in his possession. Then he becomes exceedingly anxious to save his client, and publishes Wuman's l et t er t/ mmi wallow that the plunder was honestly hinded over to him for distribn4 Moo-wipe proper owners. • The Norfolk Post is to Lira tlytt Nr. &unction is a man aboveallauspicion. Perbspibe May be:.in . 'Nprlooc; hitt hilt comae fooks isasaclOnito-fOlics who 'do not live in that chatitible!pleee. Why did he hold ciii l 9,ll4titltuider from Nay sth unfit flipi."l2th, and surrender It only When'eaptiliedirOM hire It Ya tanialefor Wlitnzu. and Waco adjtitore to try to escape from -the odium • justly - attaching to. them. ( mode! entir • of such a dodgens this. If he had been hon est, he would have surrendered the proper. ty taken by him from prisoners, to the gov ernment, Instead- of to Ms attorney; and he and his tiVorney did not Intend to hold on to this property, In the hope that all search far It would be abandoned. WHAT DUES IHEA.Nt Mat Is the meaning of the sacide3 gath ering of the rebel leaders at Montreal? MA SON is there; BEECKINTIDGE Is there; BEH- R/MIS there; natal Is there; and many oth. era of lesser note. What business calls them there? BIIECIZINIIIDOE and several others of these rebel leaders, escaped to Europe for the pur pose of finding a home there. It cannot be that they have abandoned Europe to settle In the tmansgenlal climate of Canada, nor could it happen that all of them should be attracted at one and the same time to Mon treal— Their 'gatlteringtheiihaa some other. ' pnrrO'Jlfkee4 that -Pone, we may safely guess . does not pawed keen any new born zeal on behalf of the American Union; lilsnowweli‘inownthet JacortiTitomp— ,sorii with 1131" . ' lll/014#10 f :ltitirlAY ;ilr ds, , operated ribui',Moidisal,Jaifjea4 to prO-y, mete the election of NlcCzykratt, end tut the 1 3e,before itszersire etkikbOve,44l4., part inOur elections, they .may be stirred up to risk their Money, this time on the ' pixie pt,. "reakmtikan." Doubtless they, 'long to get back tithe land from which they haiselfred; and "restoration" is Du mere 1 protodpg to t l / 2 u hopes, than it is to Wow I of ithe loyal men of the country. Galt., :Damn= on Betranace—Gen. Donato:DE enterod the war a Democrat, but ha' not been insensible to Hi teachings. In his sieeelt at the Wool kamtfacturers' Convention .at Philadelphia on the 6th in. start, he said: "I think the only thing to do new is to try to make our neighbors of the Bout 4 and ev ery one else to feel that we ought to grant to every freeman en this continent this right to heis rule the land. And, while we grant (hit, let us ask Almighty God, who has as sired us so long, to influence all those who moy•have the right to vote, to vole on the right side." [Gnat applausa] This has the ring of (rue democracy about it, but it Is not what is called "de• mocracy" now-a-days. The democracy, however, will do well to weigh the words of such trio; democrats as Gen. BURNSIDE. Sooncior later they will wish they had, if they do not. LET TIIEI3I WORK. Virginia has nineteen million§ of acres of no I roved land within her Inuits, to say nothing of other tenons only nominally improved. And yet we are told that there are thatusanda and tern of thouraß6 of men In that state, living In Idleness upon the bounty of the Government, and who are in danger of starvation, If the Gev. ern:rent ihtinid.e.ease to feed them. The Rich mond .grpublie says: ' The povertyymd sufferings of the people In Virginia, great 'enough already to melt the stern est nature, hid fairto assume proportions pf hor ror In the approaching winter which It curdles the blood to contemplate. We speak from per sonal knaolalge when we cute that families once In affluence, and which bear the names of some of the best std wisest men of former days, haze been dependant for'svpporl sine, the everetathm of Richmond on rations tamed blither United States Government. But for the itlendint of tiled G 0,,. ernment, donation—literal ttareerlion--eomdd have steep! mulfiteder cfolo• peopte Pam the fats of the earth. Unfortunately, the Government, howeg s er, blueness& Its disposition. Is unable to continue thin -assistance to the vast numisets whpm It has hitherto relieved. "What those numbers are ere cannot Mate With acs racy, but -it is tartans that they comprise a very large pro. portion of the population: Why don't they go to,worit ? Why not take off their Costa and earn their living py improv ing some of the millions of attimpreked land/ The Chavernment will cheerfully support them until-they can earn a living, so long as they show a willingness to earn It; but It cannot be expected totnns Virginia Into a va4t, psor-houso and treat the able bailed If. B. V.'s as perma nent paupers. There Is an inspired adage that he that will not work neither shall he eat. The freed blacks In Virginia are earning their own living. Let the whites do the same, no b= they want to reverse the current judgment and prove that it la the whites and not the blacks who cannot take care of themselves. REPTIDIAT/ON. Among the candidates far Congress In Vir ginia, there are mazy who bold notions not at a il compatible with the Idea that they are well affected toward the gammon!. The most of them salY they will not take the osth otallogimshel and with few, exceptlons those Via rat ims ass talk also of voting : whrse they gm Into Congress (Gram nontrunicat (Lithe blade. The =Orgy of them likewise, hint "at repttdlation of the national debt; hutit ls all here zed there that yoti dod one a s b 914 sus , Mr. DA.VID Mums who is mining /nth° eighth distriot, tie comes ont plainly and says whit+ nearly all- the. others thinks. ' Wave:go from the Lynchburg Repub. "I am opposed to the Scathe= States bole. tiled at all for the redemption of this ..-• either directly or indirectly; aed if elected to 'Congress I will oppase ail such measures, and I will votAto repeal anima that have heretofore been passed for that purpose. And In doing do Ido not consider that I violate any obligation -So whieh . the South was a party (!) We have tare plighted 'our faith for the redemption of thq war debt (I) The people will be borne down with Aases for years w i llme, even If the war debt repudiated. Itbe the dusty of the Gosnismicant to support the maimed and dia. la/ 450125 M wad • this will be a great expensol and if the United States Government requires the Sm ith. toO be :taxed for the. supportof the. Unica soldlenr.weattocad insist that all disabled to this Staff G telflect orman:Lent ba, without azd , slds. imalntained by the 'United nig: _Alley had takes in Stuswar, fly - This IA a 16 , 11 - 61t*Ls'aftiouthet3' senittime Give us "restorelltinib-and you-bath . . , w . maniteslicliFy,'; th e leZttlalato . ONO* . Orit. ..; • -.. _ An Bailli6 stmeedeifin Insking 6 151 M. bCifinficl thatit ro. quires 480 Q sheets toinaks an Inch in thlek4. mats, thui effectually- beitingthe-Pittaburg iron workersr4hrrmstie &sheet •10 thin bit it toorlooo.of the* t 0 tanker sninelf ttno challenged - 4U Zintisind to Mt 'kit Aker angar STArE, xEsys Ra.ssrc Ci SreN. - -.Tbe serious &crease In the'nuttiber of 'dhinestic animals to this country during the last.few years, Is a sub ject that ought to receive-the--eareful con e'deratton of political economists, as well as that very large portion of our people who are engaged In agricultural puraults. The great increase of the consuming, as com pared with the producing classes may ac count partially for the diminished number of ani nate, while the high prices that have ruled for the last two or three years un questionably affect the raising of live stock. An esperiecced and successful Rucks coun ty farmer lately remarked to us that he could not afford to raise young stock. He gets nearly enough money for a good calf, six weeks old, to buy a two year old heifer from the drover cOr dealer, Tip C..05t. 9f raising young animals until they are two years old is thus c.maidered money thro g n away. Soar as common stork is concern ed, this theory La probably a correct one. One of Its effects is that it has a strong ten• dewy to discourage the production of im proved stock, such as used to be the boast of many of our intelligent and entorpris ng ferment. So long as prices ofmeat remain at ornear their present high standard, this must be the ease. Nobody will raise calves who can do 'better by selling them, and buying grotrn animals brought from distant places. The result must In the course of OMB )13 a serious deterioration of the goal ity. of dairy and feeding cattle.—Boo4 latellioencer. WTIZTAIT WRIGI7T, Esq., -- titahor of the new bbok on the Oil - Regions or.. rozutoyi . yank*, has been examining the surface in. dicatiens west of the Bine Ridge, and writes that there is quite as good a chance of walk. rich deposit of Orange counts milk, even buttersand - cheese, al.' any point eatt of the Bine Ridge in Virginia, 2daryland. Pennsylvania, New .Tersepatid Nen York, es in of eaing , a ten barrel yak' At para. len*, JOIATtLtti nA/1131IMAN, President of the Da'llonßankqf Ohio, had Ma pocket picked at ibe depot In Erie last Monday of aerven hundred dolinrs. , ,sonsisting of !oar fiery dollar =remand three one hundred dollar notes on his Band, and - two -tnnidrect,4ol. tare In other n urreney:' .11:Offers a .reward of five hundred for theorrestof the thief. Be is Willihr to" pa* that ptice In orderlo have the wcal puni,shed. , IMPERIAL CITY, la the name given to the town opposite Oil City, under which name it Lae been incorporated. Half a dozen houses eaznot be built near each other in the cil country without having the word "city" attached. Much amusement was created in the Legislature last winter, on the reading of a 6111 entitled. "An Act to in corporate the Borough of Oil City." A trrri.E son of .T. W. Hill, editor of the Indiana True American, aged two years and five months, 'was scalded to death one day last week by boiling soap accidentally throwAoUtof a kettle. Tug recent heavy twine have caused con sidemble damage throughout the State. BEWS ITEMS IT is mid by The Cincinnati Commercial, that the military force of the United States now consists of 18,000 regular troopl,loo,- 000 volanteem and pO,OOO colored troopi,— in all 208,800 men, owheitrtAC 4- 40tio are re" parted as on May in Ui e field. )Ire supgose :that the preterit strangthof Um army is mow rather over thee° figures than otherwise; but they cannorbavery-far (menthe truth. itai away alter; wile .Init**rid' at Washington' direct tiom . iiihrwbilh recent* traveling .from 41 to to.BaVarnialthe saw, in alltitrectlow, teams loaded with cotton. cot thcirway. to points whe i nne the Moyle could be, transported to a market either by nail on water.: 'There win> largettpiantitiesat t, int; conveyed thenomby boat to Savannah,for shipment math. Thum, the Russian bloodhouttilfrona Ca& Be Thunder fad 'Jack," the bloodhound kept et Andersonville by Wire, are on ex hibition in Boston. An Attempt of a esthetic Priest to Commit Sactde in the Cara The New, York ,Rotning Post sayr A is:addle-aged/nu, In the dresser n Catholic priest, who left Beaten last night on the Wail train, attempted to commit suicide this morning near the Norwalk sealer', on the New York and New Haven Railroad. It appearstbat before leaving Roston he acted i na strange manner, and was very mach excited. He had several trunks which he desired to checked for New York, but at the same time remarked that "be watt not fit to travel," placing ids hand emu his forehead, with. an expression of pain. Raving received his tickets and had Ids baggage checked be took a seat, and was not again noticed until the train ap proached Norwalk Station, when he pro duced a razor, and, before his moveihents were observed by the other persons on the train, he drew the blade across his threat, makig a fearful gash, from wluela the blood Rowed profusely. The act created great excitement among the passengers, because the man appeared to be insane, and they fled in contusion from the car, leaving the pleat, with his razor in his hand, the sole occupant. The doors were then fastened In order to secure the man, who had become Infuriated; the pain caused by hie wound and the eight of blcod having.rendered him very violent. In hie desperation he leaped through one of the windows to the ground and ran. An effort was then made to secure him, when he turned on his pursuers and made a des pertve resistance. Conductor Franklin ral lied his forces and captured the unfortunate man, who ,was immediately taken to the de pot, where his wound was dressed. He was then brought to this city and conveyed to Bellevee Ethebital, where it thought that he may possibly recover. An Obstacle to Southern Prosperity. One greet -obstacle to the epeedy • restoration of Industrial pursuits in the Botaern States arises from the fact that nearly all the , arable land they contain belongs to a comparatively few owners. The men who formerly owned large gangs of slaves have not the capital and energy to work these plantations; and the poor ma who are able and willing to till small tracts of tend on theirown - amountare mit landowners A radical change must be tffsriedin this impor tant feature Oche Southern society befonrits to lure prosperity can be secured. Dot power-to agencies are at work to effect this- - reform Foot, abandoned lauds are being subdivide t y the Government for the benefit of freedme an/ tringees. Second, the President by earls ding all parties who are worth more than $20,W9 nom the benefits of the general amnesty, ha . reserved to Congress,. the right of making met dispatidon as ltdeems proper of nearly all ewes sive Southern estates. Third, large land-owner ntie receive special pardons will, In malty In - f iances, be compelledto sell a portion of their lands, because they- have no other available means of support. Fourth, thee emigrants who go to the South will, in.many instance become purchasers of a portion of the aoll. Fifth, the abolition of slavery and stnefatiiitim which will hereafter be extended-to then/ewe, who have !Whine been the real and almost the only dili gent- agricultural .prompt many thousands of them, to invest Cheir cannel's to homesteads. tOsehiell they will have a feetalm pla tiara, Theirecry.diffiadtiesithel now exist tn. the South will teak to linden the subdivisions Of • ladd nun are eSeeattaltil herons:men prospeit ityl. That:W.4ollam of the frealabor 'Prob. ten will epeedlllo4 found Arta than land: gels into thapineeesion.OLowlignzerhatanindlybio.• ally, ormliluthe 014 of their -finalllver It.. It Is .doubtleee.dlineall In ths,l3aten v na 'we irnew Ito wataittein the Narth.te develop° Ijo meecetreetstly Atlrettlabarere9 bukttilsway cosy to end men Ikt-ccultinte..- fiffantbehn own: The sooncran-Boalbem, vole recognize :the fell Hereof this Wes* annAterise .praatteer and , eqMtahle methods-of reatocHtllantheir tem as the.basisof' liumetroussinali. has, the totinrt w l / 1 they beableto denote the inanonsis lusteral resagnmewithetlelltheyaratmrsounded. Error **ATP Fauna um owe Crummas.— , The MA/4 correspondent a CID Trihans writes: The ¢4lll iotheccdorid man and woman his and hay oaths Iftbe courts. is &valued to Pit> dace some interesting episodes in Amnesiac life. In F.l) e fOilOWlDgAmeaseideirbas Joel came before the Veepdretan's,Boreawfor decision; lamb. ere, whet "A. Ward" csom Nat in taa.fanaly—o Poo Eltdbalt=73lZ,Zizi: beetf big abliiiriPij tdurtl-tgat tea complex._ 2 limed Ilmageteol ded MO to bat deat . *o crob, Arbrr.'onia awl 00 .7 13111 or age, The lin/Maud tarot jtomo..._ , cleats ala wife, and ttset43l, 2 PO= ooi.Fo. loPOort4 ahe - lasi Paw* letitaabeteanduavidtre; man living near 214,„Thd:WOOPM:2,1ealres,tes' inska oath aalo latereati - Ovalag.' 2 or4,akud, e ," 50 el eisolleitar itt.2111,1 dettaii. otate4,ll4 ttictFtGolthiliney.siott 411441111 i tiocle. tb.tbti hu b... The Colonel that the woman I. ll otrot.to der-fam:Who the. sith ec 'of the ctilldtabi eta uporci Yaleheaiing 4.04. 'case, to rajtare tttotimimnideloilhairanpicat, aceonalpg tbi /OP P1;14840. Ttto Wad—. plBsoma thter:too 1111111m*do Latham tars au, reeritate-igepdai , hlthetii.idtbant::tottitistbld: nutleltdresti. This ttrikeb:4, ttte.tOtit msttaromajtle. Mei" AO:prOductrikotW.lttitlC. , • titotorbattateliC it04t4;9„ , t4r44' ;:Ttio• world.' ~....~,.,::....w,..,,.._~... ,~ FrISLIC XOTICEs u_ragoiamAleu ' Pourrecnatti lgr-aitesTMITITagotatONAIL N of t----Thapoßo hin wai - TT-SECOND ANIMAL SESSIO l:1,0.h SCHOOL or ENGINEERING &ND 3S: A TIM-ASCUENO4 MIL Winmaner‘Earczbib non 1-Vre, ISM. The NEW IoiTIUAL EGIS -IER of IM, giving - Tall inZattanfooa. map ho oh. Lathed - PROF. unsm,..m.. DROWNE Director, ataarronr- Tim% ifts. Tom. .rzsr "ID PER TIELEALEJVIRY. 100 BOXES CHOICE HAMBURG, tot tate by .7. 11.41EINFLELLI. (.!OSLIEN CIIEEr•E —lOO boxes fine Go- Shell Cbsese. Just icative,l and for sal. by - — J. B. CANFIELD. U'ACTORY CELEESE =Received tble & day, sox, Its., Excelsior Factory Onerse, a very raper L r article eival to the nett 4-then. Fir ice by L. H. VOIGT n CO.. B TTSR-33 kegs sweet table butter; CHEESE-211 boxes ,xtrl Cream ellerse EGGS-4 barrels fruit, cloy roodvlna and for F, EVV A D.—LOtiT, ON MON DAY. the llth hat., a Butcher's MEMO. RANDUM BOOK. It a belleveil to bare been loot at the Drove Tattle, In Allegheny. The above reireud rIIi le paid for the return of the Book, by the finder, at Mr. SAMPLE'S PERIODICAL OFFICE, Alleghery DeOet , selaand PATTERSON ea ILE. ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, mete NEW FALL GOODS J UST OPE NIN 0 AT W. N. Moo Bligt-O'S, RI MARKET RTREET. a full and iomplete assortment of Embroideries, Laces, Woolen Hoods, Hosiery, Scarfs, &c., &c. The new ?Sneeze Wake Pettieoat foe *Whim 01 1,16 W. W. MOORHEAD'S. Ulawkei - ec;iiie - ei,ol k e LIME an I Greek will 6e I FOURTH STREET armed at the begiewleg of the Pall Tenn. . MEADVILLE. PA. -0 4%.1.4a.u.cteem for 1300.66. WRIATIDAY. B EPrEltaßit 20, , P4IILL* . TIE JR dEr .0 PE XS. wednetz . .. 4. Deastabor2P,.Fall Tars atantee; Thule. net, latt 4, Wuttet TertaftpeauFrlday,Alaceh to, Winter erste elem.; flibraty, April 2, Seeing hrto 'l2-r-Vud2RlVOlaakr, 2 P 4u4 tone L ' eXattan beautiful, healthful, wall e uy of Keehn. Lintence, Vableeta, gums appenttua armament ex teem re and v., uahle. A new bospl.ag halt with Completely foralehml roo es for the Arcola mode tloo of one hundred stud,. ta. Barad log item ea.no in et re par tree. Secret.ry o(lhe P.m! I rolcz Or TUE Coninottlita ow ALLtGlitgai lot - art, PA., Prriontrion,,Sept. 1865. 5 To COAL DELRS.—Sc ropo- Eais mill be receive atMu °Mee fare'solfloy TEN TUI R WM:WE THOUSAND 1.11JaHE1.,9 1.14)AL, for tne uao of the eounty, dell ratable In qlutnatlca of six hundrod boanala per airy, at the ea Dar se an t'lfth and Roam streets, Blda w dl be recaircl unto the 15th lea , " loaluelve. By to /cello. of County tlommtwatorers. HENRY 1../1 SIBERT, Controller. TRH splendid resit earn of the subscriber he tittered formic, situsteA et Oakland, oneratt avenue, within Wee minute. wells of the Oakland paeeenger railway. making it sere accessible both. city. Tee house Le lurnuibed throughout In thavery beat .tile, including all the modern improvement. Nano palms nor expellee bas been eparmi in making elegant tome. Tee grounds are handsomely. laid nut, containing hoe scree, with the ermiceet variety of brut trees, email fruits,- ettninbery sad lowers, with a avii.diuthea brick amble, with carriage -home and outbetwes anntinnt.d,, and two wells of good water, large cistern and Ilawhreset , sole of salt water, which supplies the bolas with hot antLecdd *rater. The above Is worthy Of the attention of any one pi/Mimi.% desirable, bable in .ur d ou -opt= e p ,oro 01141RLES S. EIPASELL, -No 213 Ltbery street. Nunox We have the Soya Agest9 for Pittsburgh, of the UNITED STATES PIN coprin; Alto, '4dEiMalltirte and %nil .33 1 11 gook .and BY° Company. waor.azerm .rip.u.rns AND /EMBERS eas tosysto above texas by the awe, (Mar 'striae freight end axes %is New Tam Pricas,try Not. 78inini Earktt Street, KAMM GLYDE & CO. .4] • PERII.IIB.V.ENTLE TAXI:II—.2Io. int" hoer/ even. to all —Timone conarrned. that the henna ridayforthe•Tarenty-thlid DO triet.Penntylvantn,haa been planed La my halide by the Assmer,-and that will be fotta4 to my hialleo:Cr WATER STOHEF t hl.ftheny, from T DATE to the Zak DAY VP zWTZSIBEit, for e . d, of repelyine laid • Taxa gulag cornea. Unrstuea. SUret -ant% aun Also, *I attend In parson, or by Deputy, it the norongh of Tarentron. at the Hotel orfittaan rove, on THURSDAY; the Hat of September. trom ten o'cloalt a . in., until font °Wroth p. and at the Horeughof Iderrlchley, at the Store of Samuel Milton. MIRIDAY t'VENINa. the tote lest., trim eaves to nine O'Cloch. Payments mutt be mice, to ell cases, In United Stet*. Legal. Tender, or Malone! Bans !totes lt not fell within the required time, the panel lise of the law will be enforced, lIA.VM N. WillrE, Collector Tad District, Penne. seitalsdasir FOR BALE, Counters, Counters. We hare for ■elp EIGHT SECOND-ILIND COUNTERS rl.ty lac la Li UOD LS NEW ONe.S, end mill b. SACRUM, OLYDE & CO., =M= LEAR CREEK RAILIRi&D.—PROPC)- snts aril! be received for the Grubbing, Clearing Earthwork and Masonry, of TWENTY SI.OIIONS OF THE REAR CHEER RAIL. BOA D, boosted from a point on the Erie and Pitt s hut', Railroad, two Mlles south of Wen Green ville, to a point ass tweed of Mercer, instil 2 o'clock Y. in. September 06th. All proposals must be moo for seperate 'rations, and may be sent to L. D. WILLIAMS. Eeq., Secretary of the ComyallY, at in iredville. er be given at the St. Cowles Betel, Wert Greenville, on September Mb. wham the Board of Directors will meet for sawed. All information ens he contained by application to 1. L. BR/ODM, E.q , Eateneer of toe Com. pony, at Mercer. WE. REYNOLDS, Preedant, PIT HOLE CREEK OIL LAND FOR -1- SA.L.P.„—lntertats in lands lying on Pit 8010 eretk, ADJOINING THE HOLDIDEN JAR(, known lui the " Deer Lick;' Mao In the PINE EON FAJEN, containing ft or acres. situate cm Pine Run, be. Lumen PM Hole and Oil Onsets. These inteMsts am very desirable, so the situations are all bot tom lazuli. F-nquire of W. Je-6. HALL PATTERSON, Attorneys, self No. Hi Fourth St., Pittsburgh, Pa. ADIEB AND MISSES GAITERS AC L , J. W. U BNLHAN 6. Co'. Boot and shoe Stole, collator hbirket street and the Dismood, Pittsburgh. • uEI S . S. BRYAN, Stock and Beal Estate Broker, NCI. 67 POLIBTIC STET °ultra for the purchase and sale of GOLD, and GOVERN/DENT, RAILROAD and PETROLE- Dal tiTOORD, promptly executed, by telcirraph. ha New York or Philadelptda, at the REGULAR 00AIDIDEISIONS as •titabllabed by the Board of Brokers to the respective tette. att2) ST. CLAIII BTILtET BIIILDLNG LOTS ;ran. SEULT.LIEI. . That dealtablif Lot,clarattl4 Wad 114 e di S. °lair dittleto3ll the earner N Daqtunaci tenWsl4 about Mt/ tad Vora, by trachmtaret • szwy fact.deap. Tat sena and parUaulan apply to' B. 8. BETAS, Broker, 11121) IT POITETII ST., (Mutes Thgalt. pows_or•THICIII 0191i . MANZ OA . 1 -° Be Mkt at. tha. PFULADELPEITA BUM ANA SHOE - In QUE. tourer, of ItLarkat Areal and 14 Itlasnorttt, Pittabutm • Sal itgOonnuie lizoonamonZa OPFICA September ft, Mg. NOTICE 18 "HEREBY QfV/Cti VAT /Wig made tbs aneatment for the dint Atui expense of the grading, peeing and lettinfrerlib eurbitouo. of Pike street. from °anal street fogy. Vera afsteß, The lame can be dem st ray alms In the Blakite4 Building, t3eptember dist, teas, - after whia day It vial be Imidaft QM W the Ol io ty:Yr i mound r. camazzEs . itesauElousthe peivithur: POCKET=KNIVES, NAMES, BMW& AND FORKS -bPOONS Of roiszydisertptimu ' wituLESALE#RD iiliar4 , J. Gl' LitirEERIL variety EA Tur ewe, Ice 101 maikeuribil Olftai O. mquEt3T. c) 33 *l:F4' Wcail#Ein. WYT- azr l _ ,§VtAPT.I Ja&ligeS trams 'ems (=MG AND MOD IVA rim UntiOnMOMIL • • SCAP. 4,401LBD:04111D8• BZEOW'. 0087 AT • Wi - DARKALIELtIVIEBIOI Sltos Statal' 401/3141 Of Market, strmatd po Dummy pou r`, 'barer WiffM!M JrE crr .S.ID PER risigmEaors WANTED, A ROOM, FURNISHED, TOR ONE PERSON TO LODGE, mar to the St. Charles preferred. Addles., tels:3t. BOX 2iB, pITTSBIMIIR P. 0. CoNTROLLSIVe 011106, A LteactENT, July lath, teas. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE FEE- L e...EIVED pt tills Wan until TtIESD.II-, VA'Thlt for furnleatug LSI% ratieteflonfgof . loch 'Cade. and capable of &Walla_ ; a pressure of lot pot..rdet to nes eq.lare Inch. The til;e to he doll. coed at etch laces tn Allegheny, as the Oriel's:L*l2 a the Water Coavtlttee may direct. Bidders are requested to state '.rhea they r have the contract completed. fly of the Water Commlttes. A)ROPOSA LB.-SEALED - PRuPOSAIS fir supplying the troops at Allegheny Arsen al, P 4,, with FRESH BEEF fir six months, corn- Ineeeibg oil the hal day of 00 ft 'PER, iSSS, and ending on the Oat day of-MA RUB, 1850, will ba received by the subscriber until the 23.1 inst., at It o'clock, when they will be opened. The beef to De of a good and wholesome quality, In quarters, with an equalproportion of each, (necks and shanks to be Xel gde4l). The days of issue, the probable quantity of beet required, and the terms sad conthuons of the contract Can be asuttained on application to The subscriber at Allegheny Arsenal, near fl taburgh Pa. OF.O. W. ItoEEE, Ist Lt. Ordnance, A. A. O. B. H RIDDLE. I. TINGLEY OIL CLOTHS, . 41 All teldtht, new dee'gns, eyery , P; variety of villa. VERY srpEnrolt F M i _ _ Cotton Chain, List and Rag 0 D. & B. IIIcALLIIIVI, seg. En FOURTH STREET. _ I CARPET STO NEW DELAINES, DREB3 GOOD; FRENCH MERINOS. Wool Delaines, Cobnrgs, DLEMED IND UNDLEIGED MTSLINN Barred Flannel, Poplins, Salinens and Cassimeres, LINEN TABLE DIAPERS, Ladies and Misses Shawls, SILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEF Hoop Skirls, Blanketg, Irish Linens, Mkt Fronts, GLOVES AND HOSIERY Bt►nnet Ribbons, A. VEST FULL &ND COMPLETE STOCK JUST OPENED, Wholesale and Retail, WILLIATI SEIPLE'S, 180 and 183 Federal Street, ALLEIIIIENT. ORM NATIONAL BANK. 11. S. Government Depository 55 MARKET BRTEET, Capital Paid In 8300,900 With Privilege-of luereauto to 000,000 Having extensive correspondence with Henke and Beaker. Throughout the country, we offer mums• al facilities to those doing business with ins, 7 8-10 TWOwTIEII3. ?Led all other Govarumeat securities, farntsbed La sums to limit purchasers. Deposits reoelvoaand taterat allowed by special agreement. DIRECTORSI THOS. DCIBNELLY, FL U. KING, D. N. SMITH N. J. HIGLEY, JAS. Al. , JOHN P. FIERKO_,,N THOS, courli. 1.1. AL TllOB. DONNELLY, President, BUTLER WARD, Cashier. leItIIXE&W NEW MAP& JOHN P. HUNT, 0 Fifth Street, Masonic nail, Pittsburgh, Fa Bus NOW BEADY MAP OP MANGO COUNTY, PA. ENLANOND AND lIIPBOYED, 6lArodreveryps,tennatintWauglageTigne,"*. pie:t i t!. r ant to Govern, 62.00, Mounted, nun KAP OF WARMER' COUNTY, PA. Volcano to style with Map Venengo bounty. Price in C0T1215, elm, Mounted, WO. Mlle Of WETLEL COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA. nui and Flitting Cheek 011 Illuziat, uniform with Minn of I Zenitneo and Warren UatuaLips. Price in I.)4l= iw oi . ); Z w = a f i r de.. orbd the 'suds t maturate maps at Nuns gantlet kbt t it s =tW e l toPrnmindioeto t 0 the Sir gaited Pest paid, on receipt of price. ZOKEIP..RONZ tell 0 TUTU ST., 3 1 / 4 4:440 13.4414' POOKINO, - I . A.I‘LOIL AND 1 . LUI i i 2 as STOVES , AVEM3LErS, No. <a F • Laps' 1 1 (4). lor Mad Amid ear Pm: - • • - - =9 swam h 880 B. B FRANCIS, Uuy uutroUcr CARPETS, Prints and Gingbams, Canton Flannel, Kentucky Jeans, Fancy Knit Shawls, Balmoral Skirts, Misses' hats, Flowers, &c., he PITTSBUIIGH, PA. FOURTH =MEET, 'have opened s vlectild aeportmeat of the latest 'tyke MINETS. B 4 hTB l RIBBONS, rLo WEIL% PLVBIES'PpIP. . .4399,1:19, fte,. pad am itoW -InDared to WOO 4" m y tlijit'aptera,'6q UUb4era WLo tfutY AT" sap with oatunso4 .zdas, Nt, #I , WHICIUTER. _ _ _ TAILOI43 g 'WISHING • TO ' REOLEVB /firSTRUCITUT,4 Iti THF.4I.IIT OP trig I BRIVO Via BOYetarlan% e multi VliSpEalra:r 6, l4l4" 12 a1t21 , 78 0101,24 Stora"BZWALrest Otto arul iilasiacuso4 suaniu, BUTTER. -60 Sege '67Ft-butter. 15=1 0 b 124111911 $t 5i4 Sbt4 tar Bale by M.IUDLE, 183 Liberty fitosi. XE IFr .n6VERTiSEJT.EXT S. Loch - wows PAPER COLLARS. sloth AND WITHOUT t LOTIEI Lit.ri.m. • ISABEL The Cloth Lined Collars made by the Loek• w nod n rg. Co.. -eiss so.th Thud street. Plu m , bane been in general tat slate test, and not withatanding the fact that numerous Imiutt.ions of them hare been made, they 51111 mak stipuio• to any Collar to the market. 'I hey sae the onlyC.-"' re lined thron e., with Cloth. with ." ...yer Or Paper Oa each aide, and art upon farmers, or 00111.1., BO LB t.O . fit the :teak and allow a space Inc the cravat. The petit gat Hoters used In their gdoutszturo, makes them rezeirke linen 'Very closely; whop finished the litres of the cloth give the aPneeranee of linen to the paper. They are very strong, and do not tear at the button holes, and are the only Collar. made that can be turned and worn on both aides without the button boles giving way and tne p e per tearing. Partin pureb.ing Cellars will be careful to see that encl. Collar Is stamped urma the Weide—. Lac ho ood Mfg. Co., Cloth Limed, with the Trade Mack of au Co. and trio of Patent,. DO not be but by the boxes or Wee misrepresentations, but eee for yourself. If the Collar Itself to not stamped upon the Inside at above, It Is not genuine. The er•rinous remand for these good. (largely exceeding that of any Collar made) bas kept them .1d ahead (production, but, with a large amount of new essoldrutry, this Co. la now able to till all order. promptly, either In l'idindelphla or at any or the Agencies. In addition to these beat standard goods, Amaral lower grades of ()Oilers are ottostantly in stock. The Lockwood Mfg. (lo are the sole licensee. snider BMWS and borkpreod l s Patents (the fled on Pcper Callan ever isltrd), and by precipitin" theas gouge turtles avoid 411111.111ns and lawsuits. which are now being vigorously entered against all deal ers In other meter of Paper Veiled% Which In hinge one or more of theasPatetils. b Lenten supplied at Philsdelyetto Factory Palm. y MACIIIIM & CARLISLE!. No. 19 FIFTH STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa, arias eod • Wholesale Selling Agents. P Elllllll -TOR 3 CLOSING OUP SALK! scll:tev c • mtrocemeata contemplated in our OEM= 55 and 57 Fifth Stree• Re cr rcarence eriaira 3=14:‘3 , to sell th ENTIRE STOOK OP Boots. shoes, DRY GOODS, AT AND UNDER COST, And Invoice Prices. NO REBEVE WHATEVIL coke parrhaaed at the Low Prices of July Fall and Winter Trade, WELL BE INULUDED IIV THIS POEHIVE CLEARANCE NOW FOB BARGAINS! Oceut 22,1 r3r liTorcaLegaitas Will Ind thte 1.12 unequalled chance to replenish thetz Stocks, os by dosing out "Job Lots," WN era! dlecount from Primo Cost will bo allowed. Everything to be Sold In 20 Days. EEUfIJIER 11.1 E PLACE AND NUMBER, T. A. MeCLELLAXDS AUCTION ROOMS Nos. 55 and 57 Fifth Street MABDNIO HALL 'BUILDING. 1e6 P" UW55,111 . 15 OIL YARD AND IRON TANKS 7PCIail MB-LEI t We offer for am. on aavantageone terms, our 011 Yard at Lawrenceville. with Teaks, Studs Warehouse, °Mee, Stable, and othenilatures /t ls the beat Landing near the GAF; hay every convenience for stilly and Cheaply removing OR, in Dulk or barrels, from the river to tank, or ware. home alongside the Allegheny Valley Railroad, curl as t ir: Engine and Boiler. Reception Tanks; naR from river to warehounet in fact, there is n wanting t e enable persona doing a Crude a n busineaa in the most °imam:Meal man ner. Am an investment for income, we doubt f. pacers wishing to makaone, both We and prof. Itable, could do batter. The Tank• will always tent for • price that will pay at lean twenty per cent. on our price. For further particulaso, E apply to BREW&_ BURKE Corner Latino= Way and Hancock et. aubadincod VALUABLE FARM FOR BALE.— The szteiber offers for sale Us Frani. of itle MCBEE, situated to nowlekly Township, tares mile; from Sessionly Station, and two and a hall miles from Leetsdale qualm There are about Ninety Mlles Cleared, and the balance Is heavily Timbered . _ Ti. HOUSE Is large sow Wraps Eight ..rbooma. TWOARN la elm mill. siza There ita..St93IMOS of first rats Water Etat lletwer, Ind BERING. HOUSES. It O hio teatimes er Znit(lW OROS. AID, of Apple and. PCllo4l:ftirLi: It le an coal. lent Omitted _for seem:try, Stows,and bat been occupied as nob fora number iet years. Terms COIF. For rusher yartrourstrailinri.ar 'LUSE Broad areal. Seselek i lairoba, Ur 'SUEL D ER, Corner of Federal Lao* streets. setawsod Allegbeof orig. LANDLNG FOB BALE AT OIL OlT'f; M he Landing Darned by Brewer . & -15 T 0 hes:4, (ee, Tank, and Flx.tures,On bank of Alleghooy_rtrer, at oil cur, win be We at Amnon. on WEDNESDAY, the 27th depot Sep. tender, at two o'clock p. m,ll not pevionely eillansed °tat Private Sal& Tian Lan iD g la one of the beet on tae Neer bank, havingotto hundred feet river frontage; red Tootling beak to fifet Itreet, with ample! biked Boom mid Pistfornis o two Tanks, each six honored barrads oapaetty, two. story Ocoee bulldlog. For particulars apply to UDR D. TBADY eel) theipiremteen. or to BEEVES, Owner Duquesne Way and liatteoek et. • au213:1111rod PittibtLfgh,P,4o . _ _ RAYING , REIWYBD TO 240. 82 1 - 4=E7gi=:M= ATAI•ANICIIE I=l Gold Brining Company PITTSBURGH Thu campus tear fan aald and Mina* Won - fallowing valualda nxistral Wade and midi= pair lieges, situate in Alienate Cold iflnlngas • Summit Otamtr. Colorado *Territoev. They plek. pose to limn Company with the entree title. to develop and work C o ld Woes. The propetty eon. dita of :75 feel on the Lillian Vale Lode 200 do Faith, 240 d 0 Chester, 300 do Dan Ifebttor, do 150 do Tonkinson do 303 do Grant, 100 do Highland do 100 do McFadden do MI do Que , nof the West Lodf, IN ILL 2.09ig FEET. 'The ticribrotty will be korabil upoathe fbilOWlng terms awl coatlittons t Sao compurs to to orgoaLcod ander the lows of Penuryhroala or ColoradO, -fis dual be berreafier dote:Ward, CAPITAL TO BE $500,0001 al,e3il[Ord The Par Value of $2.00 Each. THAT 50,000 SHLRE9 Shall be Offered For Sale 40,000 THEREOF ;AAR SOLD, Or 1914.13gtorila Nocia- AND TIE lIIONEY PAID INTO THE TBEiSUBT, The said Company to be organized and the Mate aforesaid transferred to it. That thercsaseds of is too shareashall be appropriated to the/P.9 lll mi of said estate,' and the proceeds of 07,200 Shall be paid Into the Treasury as the working (capital of this Company. That after MO bigatilzation of the Company, one hundred thousatul shares dull be transferred to the present Oorelpany,:and one hun. died thonmend *hares shall be transferred to the satoscribets to the Ant site thrrumud &hares, to be in pro rata to the number of shares held by each of sold subscribers. Time shwas, amount. tag la the aggregate to two hundred thousand shares to he marked and held as paid up, althea) further or any assessment, being deemed the yalue of the said anat., when the marddneir Is Iptseed upon the property la Intl working :Order and con• That am s prellininery organization, ►od tititU officers are duly elected, the following named pa aonz are hereby appointed: MO, X KERE21111:110K. President, WK. F. JOHNSTON, Secretary, Treasurer. EILEOIITIVE 00E=CTEE, GEORGE O. McGREW. ALEXANDER C, GRAFF, J. T. CHILDS, WILLIAM McKEE, DAVID BLY. AL 112011C311 to be paid to to the MUSLIM sun leOrelsistal under the direction at the Etecatire Committee. Subscriptions maybe made to either atm, abcrre, or to persons duly authorised In witting by either of them. Thu eltgibluty and farceelle loaation of either of thew weal 'Wan lodes, and the &bow of the ores end quarts as intliosted, not only by, 8 4 11 31.Wb1u1l 41*DM:iamb. btit also by the egg % Gaza which la Wag' mat vim Pr.thomt who AS now s* week withitiiate lofts, recommend to the, enterprising and capitalist:eery great itahrearranorg to =hut in this effort for developing the muster. our trcapures of trio intuoralreuicau atria welt. Subscriptions will be Reeeired AT THE OFFICEM QV GAFF ig &KEE, JOHN M. lIREPATBICII, Gov. Wm. F. Johnston. JAB, MOUNT & CO., J. T. CHILD% DAVID BLYA Speoimm of the Ore and Quartz KAY FIEBEEN AT omoc a . . T. onid)ii 24 ZVIlh Street, Booza; No. (r 6 stairs.) J lii.=lbn:um hesthint 11M. P..IOENSTON, SeCiikary. stUAtt me mins NEW GOOD6I NEW NOVELTIEE AT,. CARLISLE'S, NO. 19 ELVTH STREET tre have on bawd agil are daily reeetrtng all the neer ipld but styles of Prcel Tr:a mins 8, lilce luxylLibbrina, Fla* &Ade. mewHaar Feta, Bradley. Duplex ktrtx, • Zell: pt Scatfm, Sonth . gs. Hoods, t..blatto ;ei l . O . la lin T a le , a l.. Balmoral &myna, Boston Ribbed all W.cool Bnsa Zenhys.s. KrilLt.ing Yarns, end full Imo of Fancy 00041 and Notions, CM' MID MOLTEN =CHANTS • . Will end senzeplasatoek An-ons, Wholead. De partment, wed eit aillsei prices ea tea be formed aeywhete. IEtLiSLE, NO. FIFTH BTHNIIT. sa3 . • EITENSINT'I3TOCir Op' '' NEW: estioosi Merinos, Wadi, De'eines, Cobrtrgs, Shads, 25 to 50 per een.t• - UNDER LOT LOT TEIR'S PfIICES We Invite attentfen to oat new stock noWitpenlog. BATEi Ft- BELL, melt rirra snmEr. T0N93, , . 17 FIFTH STREET. OM Stand of Won, lirsarcti4 &pd.) imong the theekzneo. Is to be found, French Embrol thumboottleti. Fill God ilazidkareitiets, IR' Sete or All tareri mums 11PD. nttztoss. Ecarlet and Velvet' Ellgnz u Few Styli Ba: Rib bbo bort jzs,: t au , • arm -. FanelLer bon,. Gentlemen's Famishing Deparimeet .ad-1 n=764-.lrtigitatta,„,. ipaeo and tatting' Main. EYE Wl:Ulan na neeklit met regulated ttlti. ming state 11111 bit tottnA on hand, lind at fur DA - -; H. EATON 4 • 17. mat STREW: mA mum 66- OLD WE TED AS PASTnits ? Frank TAD 601teitalld Cavil pagan , and Nr mhz t a ble ?ft°l AAlrtm; gt. and , t og pna"id =Mr Ris sum lila4ru4 Clyde AT WHOLESALE. 05,000 Enameled Asper Collars; 25,000 Common ?do. do.; 2,000 pounds Wcil Knifing Yarn; 2,000 dozen Wool and ltlerino lose; 300 IiOZ. En& rsillr — ts and Drairera; 75 cartons 1164 Gimps; 500 dozen LaciYells; 500 doz. Ladle4tnen And a my heAvy atOok o6ak • Fancy Goods, .'Notion, &m a A.T.FASTEA* ratuza. NEW GOODS FOR j"ULYI Jos. Eitorge have jut opened • neultultot Snintee Dew GOOda ttenthen. fox the present ausonito which they Ls lts a . . - ... • Cads Hritst and . SAO4llf.A*ll4llO, VrWitnal Plant Button% new stilgranitniPirs Nt 4 Bend* I a Betts; Lees Oollars e _Leo!' , *rat novelties Ln Lace . yellii: Eaarratuakt, Skirts; Depict Hoop liiittstAl . ,grailaki Stodittse; Wove/ i set a tat . . *itsciEalle Oniseve: Bead ttettai Few . . , ~N:ss* , ainl Ban Madan iiitectiss. sad Stripa!' Balm nal Rattiodita , I.: , FINE ,- tiiINTS ••• In PearUrctry.Sztutie,aa t ' • , '' •' . - - ROOMS VP MAIM; muunt es co. ma *bad= DRESS AM SCHOOL SUIT& A now lot of thi4l:lo food/ For Vall sus? leictrirkD IGRATIB 4 O . O OI, • 47 Ear sitreeti - -DIULUGEVIING 'WPM' - A l4l7 :!:,2Attz4ifficitairay:, L mss ~neer~r, B Zesidengt 11;41,,Eir - ' NOTICE .10 CONMOTOAKZ--Prrie. e. receri n g f arOWlT Slie°b"-Mi11%412 inaZk 4T ßllbUliintlißMlKPlafOlaPlait44' 1/13514 / 14 40 1 4 Ben** a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers