....-......,..., ct ...r ~t ;I A .---_...,,..... _ -41 ,i_.,.„,„,,,,,:„,,,,,„.„,„ : = I . 3I VINAMILTs SU I T EMI ltin. Rome forznir, lErittendlesel-Card of Thankei. .1. . .. 440 . 41i' Xidgr=lifilVA -- it; 14 , VI hlldOlifiiiithiphebttheiniseirteiha actions i lis-91 the " ..snilvii Uotainft4eatlie - Eimulymila . 13cddienv, Belief Association, at 4 :ashlngton I; JCltijiiihicli IWll3iirvittaird telinedrad r - ,nt f4tcLat.dylo. 4 (..B) stairs (beings riedaitto 'rtresibiliw hi tioVfluiiiiiiie Ana con- IliburtjViii***. '.gi.*l 22 bille 86410 0 l•• VI the Ilttsburgh.wed.tifteghetirlEhnsto for th"ti . . - . l,Prichille mfil i o. 4 lll l E*Okad.,T°"2 l l 4 f and ' r• l ll.witst, 34JirsitY, Ef.C. istall,:.lsst. amehMd,' itttheite'MElotbileijateil tlepintiott,4SS«l:., rp:Mfdlamacni lienter-elrilleggngesc. , nos. L. A, tatunacinobr.s Jordon *Ay.. Acrli t ~ iilroznell, 'f.i. Xlcir iolimbezicolibeative Commutes, ,i'• 'i /z! ......,........ -fi: _ithfitinitt'of-citre Scold of Man.- - P! 1, l ade' clw ,- .*#.. 07.4 4 Ea .-441 . ‘ 4llT l k ciiir, ('.. ' ail, shtei . 4 :' 'ill . = a came at a time when we Flsere Ironed of, hinds. The ladles bad . :bat been edbf ancel'illist tettce r - Zged: debts to he Pad, and pmrstelou procured . m. Mara alma, nincith and that ths 2v,..... 1 : me "., t, praniimeft... _,. hDO ;:.. loads eolluted by Ladles of the ' front ii Itl e ttt li* ' : .: 4t= 1 T' t44147A43 . 2 •,..... mhatiog to my hum I had been through oar ,!- titles msthig collections, arid whilst; trom smut I moved ,. ne 1 lume, - rfflEdy and cheer sespenseonere were some who felt they had Fll 4= 2 :l l Atrpettitlat f 1 , 1 1 ;41 fog the imams of annual =ti....‘ •.. • "thsut Millthtsre know.tesktkes Mato Whereht• streliher end Bolt u f . , , NZ4 0- Wows F' tar the wants'ot nianrinsuircum ;ire tunne -1 rthees His pus goodness, and our hearts C , 3. Winne i , Tbe,ll l AohirY,,oeat!lbn-,. : -golf ofy " and the g=euum , sisomsted ~.isigi Ton, comes as a smlle ontlat's ' tore to as- P - um. em astHeiliricams Hilmar *sided for .'- iss, linAbatted,bs'Etts we.7l of means. Mil ?.. ,7 Hie stehlf HAW; god for the Manor bye In latctrmattuernbeen legimmdthr - Pitet. yaws, In. ...,111112011anart0 Strei 2 Oblrt Whp r ried ).. 4hear Uses Lar IMestrii and ' oh lam* ledit requite lour ald,,torjoor remembrance of ' IlgritfigAtili OR AOYAM IPt4 heir '',; zgei - ell Mit_ u widelLnisket4- * , r .. . , and adathtni sotolertherete? Irrlri.Zrare.•VUT.rlits ~,- ;, , . . ioupana mbAus,... thIO t PratatilamilCoaietence. /J.. • • • . ci•Cointalt tetl V O RI V iIi : 4be 4R I PSAM:942 . 4. 3 4C .1 ; oaltioermsay and Orden—V. Li e, C. P. qemlaa, Alex. TataLifiNlittard, William ::Hatdima.tac , .r.l.4" .21t3eamas Vis JimpaddrraieritstML.Auft ba .Baki' itall - W r ceirtatiiitc4. B. .14.6ii—Wirass owt-4-g,troppas,- Oa Finarim—D. 1.1 T.. Bfite: - B". Xfavi4 indaiaa, • , (hei r '4o BatatirTfilllgia, 3 , ?: J. Trott'. t.. To Pnpare joi ' end on EtszTa..49wai Brindles. . t. - Bata J. B. Buraolm4cataho'72reatertiria . Church from Baltimorq and J. L. Sample, ps• arViiradtl rut W .` : V. ' at Fljz the Coafenam*,th Tbe steal= of orP _ scats la Erfor the ensuing year, - rotaltrl iv =l x i ----- TiTA-TrO - NDICM Cpl —T. UL g ia reraril..__ . ool26i. j .. D., Bev . VaiIMIRP , -- ''.'"'''' 1 Bid rian . scri - ",..aD i r,ltl_ t : _ _ : Horrincestaata SISWAr— Rev . W dafaw . w_ n, mom izo. .011 litotiffit,P4kr_.:,,rdtis s re - tri e roam:ace L cit e d ' on the subject of Educe . 1 . f . -fr.,. t osi thalaa . , ' , ECTi4 . 4 Jr - F or ':ettr t F ,' inri lr id oia . • ' -- -Vof his opersaleasiiii.Mitiatielihrff ot a i 412 .4 bella/I of the college T .- f• . sicr.l,,, lifirSratr#l4(.ooo....eauttak, tetdgL t - •- • old .tater.op” al comers, . 4 . „ en. a on,: ,corimr"-: -pr o wl- '-' pelt ' ' lila% i haVitig,-464P,Weifed. ,etltilld, 11:9e6°.' '—'---. ": gis -irelatflt:Xabita ' -‘. . [ ~ 17 :1E,, , , fint: ,,f1 2s5. D.te g rl ig hi ie " to the JASS.,SeRL__‘.beM: ...i.‘'.'imii IIbO ''• ':' '', ier tlAh=curfbeluwleiri- rby.,„r0,,,, be . ' one of.iaeir —' teed 'it ' eturpletisalt of the . '• ;_.' - -. 'i i irragp, - 14-0,,,t Greene -term confer: ' • ,--' - The prow wikyneibbro, Greene% ' . :. ' on ce. Mem ber W as h e a 1 e, . 2 Ili e ' r i h eie. ..- M. , . i 4 .1 1 . 6 W e d4 _ , .. ....... t in ' ' • /wo• • . . _SrittelMll of '' • - e •." . C. B. MdiFirh' A. - lt•r bla Zetainsit, preacited.St.veriforal . . a 1 . on on Ttenaday - .eventsg nom a I. and 'WV . . : - .43.ffiere4. *au shall not ezer, Ger ""At iii . - 4 . 1 4 ,, .. ,,, :iite5e Ito* the , 011 ftegians. • , i" -,- t i t, tivingiot of Thursday.] 4' . - ..1:- .1112 1. nova' . 0 - wail. A.: 110118 STA. 1 i; . We iel - :14* Ai** a telegraphic dispatch well was struck on '. i ..anzanacloS that It S O 3riu g w - the i., ', 0 4- fali_ingitintnt_lielfdand.-11 )201 4!-AC_ _ 1 toohnnercOlopli4t _Pe oil burf% . 1 2* sa_ a nointorroptedi, fcv six howl i -Thisla the Seat flowing well struck In Forrest 1.. - 1 . • I L' . coun ty. It Is on the lands of the Rochester - . ,: ' • 1 - company. of which Mr. F. A. Howe, of . Mend , • ."--' --, .Ls General Manager. Several other w ells! ',. areM going down under e sass auspices. The ! formationof the territory 13 very rdmllar : .ll° ma - II - PithWr C reek, In the vicinity of the ! , screst Ira& • - von nonorwraaosrmi, novena ants.; ? The nowesuadAtenr •which. -44PPad last Tuoidayiftettinteneedikari wont half / plat two o'clock yesterday afternoon, after f=4, l arnri,himrs. Herlski when, • ow hdl,reseat the rate feaftbatrelamer dey, of oft and water, and inentzeing. Abont I one quarter was oil, ben the proportion of water . 11117 rapidly dhumishfteir; - and appearances were .Idrong that ebb would speedily flaw as well as i •AN . iitt4V.`J'AfiltopPite - faist - tltsi Mar of Me . accumulatimorparaiblie, aid afar thetherhig 'Of the seolhag against lhe sides of the hell. nett :futirdreard...throciph;•luid, bia She Water. Tba rejoicing at the revival of the "Si/mastoid" was very great oa Pithola. ?Ml= IMUILITOIIT. The Lake farm. now the property of the Star; 'Petroleum Company of New Pork city, 18 flaw', *Matting the attention of speculators, owing to the successful developments In its vicinity. It on the road from Flamer to Pitbola cityi scoot one mile dim west from the United Stake. ..ess--both- aides_ of West Pithole Creek. - Three4l nertereOf up - ttak eitek, abate this Urea, nevet , PenttetiWavell eres.astatit cat •piturrdey last,_pu raping 30 barrels on Saturday/ .iwoittaapi . 2llB3ll3tutfier' up 'the Vasa -farm; where a Bleirerwas Strarthose or - four weeks ego..TbliXerol i WS"thirdsbottom and, =done cyfithett-imres timbered land. The Star Companyere now putting down 4 twor-lis• anitebht or tee are being, put down ' l 4ki news from the Ciimpany... - Oa Um adjOining „.,,,..teeds,,stitte the mouth of. West Flthole Creek, .f:vireltlree Vetl b rdday.. Flamed 'about au the . water, end then Slowed, !)thir o tabg the ikel44sgi aptrev,ing anemia& :071,11TW'i mow 14/4 mama , 414toc iawtai.'-"lte Partles ell 640 OrelcSa t _ cute . "-it an Mi t ..:, Samentaryla‘ the Imabiatd, -who* it mu. EL , r... .I.p4mneteet enth:eoMpelling Itiii wife to "Diorfun ina _44,fi11e.. - Mr NO in his blAry. h 461V4 . 1411 Item In Me maim; habit of MmMit the F enoel. efunneful manner. By ther matt cloy., Asentotehotyrollumetenmedel In sedumnating :nered property. :Which - sheleife itllemet 'her ben band. 4 . now Insalidertor non `, 24l # l *outeb«, The Moor lend Was a severe Memo 'upon his 4 '-jiitunfreims 4tonOttok‘ And ICNlttilded _tfr_hadlitlr V://Zll,/o"tliti :WOO =lt - of Ileitlncortred dollars ''' - r?tbtfLeginetnef.e4 o : - o;n*!w',- :-...0nr , IProefsmatfon notnet , Ift __Ter l inwer taiimired - 41-. ...p.M. 1 Yeti be ..ii ~P itzt4 / 4 1 . 41 4• 3?etrilwrielfablet the term= ,i,':otglUbiguthurg , Uk trqlt ortiiiisegio!liet r l - : n,threar undeattente on or rivet an i .I.ltedne,.the yonsitp of the,lam- L eitinseri. lonitrlnt of en/ inch stbannee, • in to the *„.::10/th of. the ettu;nre gobb to'men- ed " .6. 1.* plaint r Ago 11116 Witmer:nay I IMF be :L.rigbalef AO theMrlicieldble Patties pain heM «:-..r =We a 4001,1=AMS te. th a rista, dixectian; sal )4 , nore , nrainent Vie 44 will receive 'thorough tnlgisug {, Esr3r Lowr y ' win Meer doe suck-. utanOnininin-neelnit Inire,m maintain- CIT ;;clinch inglV/eMIL -.. e t ' , -on , ' - :ittmenern*Ceprain ' _ .. .. - bi luster, ' 4 lioVisillizibiLletctriliate ct S 4 rn the east. $6l-0"-InekelaiTIO p i d o n agsstiebas dad stacolus was rish4 co daty y ore than - I , oleffresp: 3n;tBs extelve Morn*. =pm . ftitottiv,..horoplitimolp 4te thdatlker.:`: ' . :••••-fht- Wing Itaptiat 'Chanty noit Eta*/ wasindinatV!.will b oven sow Or M b ' . neimoriblp uwiorrow. (tittudayo- aOth" _lnst..mongnig sad evictor. /to Rei; /as. 8., /deltas= VU.Preadu ! Itoiorlater aim Pefffel‘tolitinitn The Position of 4 , llabitatatraohasiitan 1- ewe Bnltrage„- Dtv,waver, t vovymtAmaook martreoscletf r,414," 8115.• I Wss 1 / 4 Ge ar.Te..4 #.0 70,0 4..ernict;4# 4 5 1 1 ..:i 411111 Stit:4 illii l jUllt " leetif itt iiiir feitei of the Stist Inst., gating, among other things. that the trabrizate .Cmirertmn nf , larra — ho abirted mt a plank of Us 11104ra.,a recommezt • _ n bo, favor 01 ttwo sit*et that theCop* lb ead beinVeittbiti;:hea::,ettde*O t ititaint- I "j' atatuern u ff 6 l l" t to rirtrA rgli"ti ftlent iimlfgalkf fiager that OA te,int,.7 o p, o 4niou l F l !;.,l4tAn'a ..johied betwArthe tette' parthbrlflovri;'lthat bedetofore the Vntor,lpttrt7 has derived value beidd i:dziiiili Alopnictit itirobliwailhai; lical rh,pmer,,,,to observe • newspuuer • Yeriui.orptizti La:44lllY iiiaktiiiio. 412afT a. me, as you th ink, In antazonaszn with its mu principle and policy, which gives you Ttntn• In reply, I have to ani s . thatltToty QP lni°6 was well founded, It Would be aranee °riposte: tome : than_ to tptegi but . 1 bag 10s9 fatly to state, jou odastd the /po Met of Union Johnson; Spa MY 0=4.0, wrep aa that of the party at large. The real pm/lon at Luna kV retatkinal polecat, Z a rtot Whether toniroot,eall.,, . 1- he r lotrolzt,4 to tratirshsOer•altaY'ehall t hassle , gnit-ati. o Thy from the blelicatak GovernroliM 4 * ithth the Mae flownonnententgntivelyz,„; , Pushing - Johown,owtpscabiai Oa_ tc that4tinatinunduttirarofathit United illteleadoeur aV u - Sbt ri a," Rg e nclibAftit , to _ tarok= lamalr , t 3 toie thc,llter "Vasetteatier, Arks, 4 a WMPeliT.:be : ,:docittodille Gomm * lead' body her etheitellan bittleate bt Utak body,, , =Pik - /414' . .Chlteth:'61" ty towggitsgisio s td a t t nano each: Wile 'the eicinalye ,jetirifplit q,nelltleationt and .0:Wm; of and; , tUt•nthet - eltrute , o the Veinsittutteat United StateroddehttrevidertiniVanhe Unittif States shall iownotee to every Blade What/ • 'a Modal:endow-At GovertintinV k Una If a:I7SM ehouldidwt slew on theta' , lopt of tattlframvehtelt tt . ebletrly tho Withe -tats Gosersonent to be other than repablicen. itvrotdd be the dutyof Comas to rtetrigl• carte for seats, and to adorn whatever attire. Iliadic' would in thehltetement be neconaly tq carry out the CatenolUM of the Constitellotr. thelitatevflowallitaytake steps - to ex-- ' tend the right- Esters not, LS it booms to o„e, In wn= , tenths" end,ftast . tee, tiuwOrhoennpu‘the.. ey of the.PrW.. dint th*lebleeti *nib In antegonient - yrlthu the platfaniOttria unlontarty amen; t The Union partyatthotr Mato 'CMOs* that ale Rate shall tubdifyits corn ilcrostitntion, no to thecae al electors, persona who hate not, under Ito meant revislons„ the •right to vote. Zs'as President Johnson Insins.'a Math do, 'hist `Mat. ;thq_piettional advantitent Would have no rialto. require .10gas any tither State, to modllyint ownflaavtitmi rt e - Om or any other subject, when not in conflict with the Ounstitution of the United States. If I should be In lowa when that queatiolla iftgeolltcal to the peQpte , if . It shell be so sub milted by tho Lagbdatare. would teteltiOP fend lin tied bi all dames perebtor pessersvil fog the Tennison, wampum . and peariotisro to be entrusted Willi t Wrtitl eac con in'tho man agement okladdic. num, tate or ;think:at; without agog to thelf:O tY. aeT 40 riot' believe thetthellberty of shy class of pears : can be considered, safe,. R ho are to be Penne !l astly deprived o the 'exerclao of this I I do not disguise Alen; oplehmsk-ion may therefore make *hat vie or thlsietteryon may oeem proper. z `fie I note the borer tole, 1 • '7` , . NfrE r • "' T eti- Z - T r arv%-• _ ~s .: ,~;;cHasux i . T. , : -asoLeArtelliscelastAlkuwac - r - ,- :::.•• 11WectiWur J. ?he fion.tadinei Win W'c irs'itre . ,4, e foliotclinblerier , . btafoynterV ,ferti Yeats a 'S ' .l.ssileptishireitvocatei" aid Nast Jo earn - Pennsylvania. Ile tun served with ; t credit In both branches of the Legialatuirs4 , '1. ^ 1%. 40 ccwitcWiwfi, / 8 9 C Ol -nkcio.Sica pst yelig- lie Wail/kit. 5 h4h 0 42614, Wel; lect, and =kat:um; the staungest debaters In tint ectuatry r -11 -- i ' '' ' - `"-L ' (-) 1 tx,PY 4lB w7Ther4trillothicig-ini,T9ar , slate. en of PrificiplesetiO Vie probate:l of Amer.' f ican bdustryorbletiVeamtatitoisthaly endorse. pthere was a reasonable doubt to realm; to that illey;tbe receit'Wirortrich %defeat-1y -dibirrai, atoned be wbdore. he. eatullty_ settled IS as a ; ntecalsity of &Ma. ••: , . iv, . - -,, , . • It Is newly necessary lo;lrquire of altem ; sylvaularexesconstivry whether he ls dispasednir , i It is o faces. the comuusgesnen: ox Ainericau labsr. I nly the agricultural loterest oe West , that waits to be convinced that lib nest so I much the neentliesturesi is atwratriptt W ho is ' benclltted by this system. Twenty years ago I lingered with that class amongst ourselves_ became they were fostered by the teaching/. of the dominant party. In theta:air- These pre- Minns hed yielded before thewar tinder the ex-, perlenees of a attifting, - ,iinsiable 'l,4tatiticin which had ensued - that 'Tarty lo espouse pro ticLionyar Mr brUtrak. . the Wesf that in - Ed le be "ehtened end mpitiated. The experience of the me - Jar. and the present standar enamou r of the s uoantry after Su& alrain neon Its - netremset.• constitute a a lesson thaLssurnot go umbenied.. _Teo prove . the value of the policy tom would borrow and I elsned &hong; under the protection of a ramie i of duties !Olden toir keep dowiretessialre im. 1 porldslons.' ;The Western farut now ears that habil PftSsfereditlitieter before, uuders tisteui Whiderthengir ILL rusy have .. Togo tho =ova ait -wa•mana tum Warily blamed the fewest a. toms markets and gratify stuartumted the pticerst kle - prodoctioruL .. ,Ittrizet.sois willlmprove the cocas en which this lesson has fumblied, to awaken the Immure of your.greet filete. to a true soma of their ad. vantage 41srkenzing a 'ttuuter "that.ettli. never fall. and "nye prove the best-at their own 45013,L , - rt-iii 'lmpossible for them now to abut their.eyes to the fact that arelloase on foreign trade for either money or munitions of wss would have bankrupted and rttinbd'inor mat'ft. • And they cannot resist the argument that She policy which arab& us, thestegissi, process so wasting as a civil strife& four years' duration. with our -veseureas:stot---trthausted,:but •Talbsr developed In the forcing _ateurephon. Is an equally soundsmd good follerroeslatato of peaces This policy we must maintain and strengthen. Aga It !111 make us truly hilepesident Of (onto powirrrywho bare.er eledone greatness. nadirs,- • Lug naledtrilichleVexordeatsuctiqui votildritelse I ue Atfe .frihtibtrbs .of their mfainfa.tut l 4!Pii' f =poly. -. fr.:- rj ci F! l 77.Me i tp enia i Pittsburgh. SiPt• Pa ISM ,s. : -1 - . - 1 . „ . germ. plarrtaZo of,Dr..Kaue with Bites -Fos klidluPl W fled tbrfangWingli? Rlch " W(N * ` , A took probably appear within a short firm., giving the facts In the tdstor7 of Dr. Kane, the Arctic navigator, which hive hitherto been 'brooded InAntttery. Ail/I:north* he was for Yeas cogsged to Miss garliarettaFoz, one of the ;meg ladles who tint presented the ptte. nomena of 'spirit rapping.' Dr. Hine fell la love the young girl whtlo she was &ling ass public medieval in Phitadeinia, ibP9A when thew= Allem years pf age. With net nother'd, amen he remove d her front the assoctalLni 'With the apiritniiisti, and placed teeth a Orate achool near rallgulelphis, to remain during his abeaucelo the Arctic ration.. On - blnretarn ISM they were to hare hers marrieds but the orPositlou of Dr. Hanes fami ly Was meta that Mtn Fox released him Anal Wa en takanas He brot her., hownter,•.feas well to live without hem and hpril„lss6. the - entammitut was = L IMO the nadarmand- Inf that liahould sedif.49l the =MI, =Hon. of Dr. &Ws t*. wink ',lonia ?Wire =lndependence for bin. ^En , October4Bs6.lds oblilelan holm ordered -Da Kane to Scotland, be wag secretly mania to Miss Fox, andsulde los /eat= fita. thousand dollarefaher la • prhUte. MO to his brother. Ella last - letter was siddremed ." 'Mlis knee" wee not gala, aM some Whet. inurreintrs tuning been nisei% lireAleues Wet adsteninnted a suit for dower in the video's. aid publiesilon of a memoir. One wen - engrafting one endued And Warr ousel pr. Studs letters, and Mr. Carlton had it in presi, When tritisbliestldtrgfd - sultire bosh stooped b y ' th e ;Inthets and executor it f , Dr. lase; they to pay the lady Urea of themosesleit ugh . 1101 / 1 14 repay her expeosesanotided she teuld tiston- , titsue- the salt Jo the Orphse.Court. -I"llllntet ''shls; - and woad- sealvapitut letters witb = the hla.nssuar w atul place thus la_gus hurls nuke; tali *odd etureuderttillittA*U4 KO ° WIWI at her death, bend Wee Qum% by the Kneels / B G2. the aSieresuce alga taus, = spreee tot Mrs. Kane being; persultled he .te., - out ot Allan to jzts,y goippee ly . instaftwest or later est. UP mamma ire stollsteill*,,brAttf lasi pilf•-nost4 Cu stun UPed.lor her cs=ses, • thew the • q auttln.bnui Latta Ruts reetalmol a reVrs of the trortets,_ Elwaswon Wllbetty_toPuhltgl the solume which is to estabneb her ale Sun, end' to eleinythe!wertroduelar ettsmeltt or WAAL -bye, atiatcdag thrOngd unkindness and 9:3lltanty.- The death ofMlll. Tozflitrr. Mater* We retarded the Rithilattl93, but It 1111 doubtless swear Itrgood nue:* Late Papenci—AKr. J.. Mime, Ifoscinic Fifth smut; juifirecelved 0141 4 6 Wikinkbegalft T 110104641 Newcpsocs, Smut and endth's Naticmal Police Gazette, Scienrille American, mad all the latest paillestions from the asst. 1, 4 r I w/2 AND WISDOM. ... ? ~,, ...,•-• ,-4-_-m:1, .. • its who adopts spat thOugbl: isitlclps.es to WI merit that angina:A lk. ISt Is betlerko with gg =pry stoma ibia te/I3 "-. tufecetwis% c'/Illi'' : r Batter a dog wh o works. Than a lion who shirks. Poogarr is a bully if you are afraid or It, but is rood natured enough If You meet It like a itUlgt. "Divide mgr.:AA marte„:l4.l„. , , "Unusa l ie= - .ii anioth Cher u11i../.'. , / - . . . MITGEITEOrEI gain has destroyed mil ons; bat never-made wee msel, permanently Taper- • hard things.„, lint. to tat)[ Of yourself wilt,o: - ttigg - valet! Iteeettdi WWII of - Juitteux.:- 4, w it,g og t Tholes. 'Fewer" said a Sederea IfetureiMlrotraiky :le chiidrczu t tir, Ifuot., soar dewlaps! pay hats." • -• k • -t; a .20 .1•1 t , iIfAIMPWSO246_,I2OOk UPOVALelaithrep.l4ool2-, ikvild -uag I t to oks u beetle; - worldrithet 'by lug, the end themaelvete pon tali es ortlyktr.to WO tv army Inlnlt 6 tbi &ritelllMl. ,tyled to hire a Soling barefooted, ebittlekeigoilviPlA as , mend . hot. ..Thereltudeliell,l4 -• 'lnd& why, I ettekwarki recieldtiiill - :..-, ';,..,, : A ac r itidininiiiiii 4sittligge al ' irliisblerioctery la tiel el l 'OlifilleiKedilllodltielniowe' Wood . 1 , ety." Bat Is It posible that 'flitreisrd'int ' 'l' i4 1 4 1 41 , 41 111"RLAll'Il _., ~ : . • 1 1, I mount for my bleeding country,'" geld a 1141n 1u R11,....,, c .1"kkk",' .el 4 . 1;• t 3 • 43 :tuaal i fb° 4o2l 1 : .r..s•:cant, rat ecotidtet." - fep ed" Sher. $ 4 ,.. =nobody hasillqdrher agtereks 4013 1 ,li . toutaitate g:ciatcy's dinner at Cada !' a : • ere's to the Nisident of the society, • .• rlek,o7ltsfeny, ..eutroa at mil the - ' ‘•tell dial' s eratehei °tall",r , og pree" ,• '''- .;• - '' -i : IT this world L iikiir i critr'sbiditigL , place, we area complain that It makes our bed so hard', l ira about/I:muted quarters on sjoartioy, and' wilto cailitiVelaglikenalatessr - E.13 C A . 1 :: , ": .-.-, Ahr old Turjudtfromo n bet informed by v. a , Igg: atilit(sitoiNi os thit "his friend the Cop -1 wuniol obligingly hold the ha il=, Cop -1 -b who's I' haat Vs DePtalter. ea ..,..,. .' ll u till r Impatient rePillid. boy waiting thLt' for.th e o ati .grtol, mild to r tallier: "I Mid eat the meal 'as *fait rite Die' grinds It.', l o;finaW,lOngeouldkorilk: so?" In testsresitla ernlller. t'llii I starved to death," *Ml , ket* '-''' ' -• -, A tAwlncirespeteulAnen-lcaligaya, glatklalipubr. 19 aits - eisibliToliiiitkkiliCnelblk3atkitibidiplo:- Peeklrkglkinotltm lopped/et=Willem 'A .* bo mild la kind; anttbesidikthlt, terlsdalrie ..kr • • t henna to tower the standard of - mak. • _,, e ,, .ii:... - .C7e . .t. • `Mt.' C.' CI V:.5 C . VlMqe, A :-,..,, • were conversing about the illhamak• • ~ o their wives. "Atti" aald.one with • sliime; 7f., turferessloa. -auto 4 a ?amen", • .' 3l l: l 4" responded the other, "mine la worse OW .at•- ' udise Is the ereem of tartar." Infinthcohe Walt" •itsicli - MIMIC? ontiklWao 7 . nederick the Great, when. presenting ,to him a rtquest for the breed •61 - Ltentenakti • ialf:jtsti sjiy twofreidattrerfalklie King. "I will have you hangetlip , ':!-Blgn" .replied ; ther.soldier. The Eittg'stMekrdatled;lend: sig ned.: -; :',' : • -i..i• ...._ .. . . *web Pierce, the well IqMPllltEhlelin Pr• Stex's intimacy 44in with flinch Pierce which du Oevit,r4 , Ptted•P Ode Wermating tinam=s& - r , from Marahfleld to the Plymouth woods arid ineet the other huntsman at the cabin of "Un tie BraesCh2P . al:EftrturriltesSetrlarq be I'M overtak en by a itkorm which day r , ba other huntsman appeared at the cable; and Solitary sport was out oCtilmonestion. Bat Mr. Webster, who &tem made small occasions great by NA wOnderfu4 genius, was not at a toes for totessifisobtat. adapting I:limier toitgo peen: ; Liar religions Inclining of his host, while they Penned theirlnsuak.limaely . occupations, he read and repeatidfibin aleciory `conaltOde of the Ongend hymns with which much reading ailade,tho familiar. Hotly after hour the EalitatanietrlVied•Chkf flew of th at .gabl e Edam, renegin g with his maguilleent nice the hod poems of David, and Watts's 'undying aisreggs, oaths:only Branch Pierce 4010 wife as listeners. No church or cathedral seteraelcsindeil :to grander or sweeter mule than that with ;which Doled Webster' that day filled the ditto Ortbellooter at Plyototuh woods; eakto oha ace eau listened tit 'his Caret triumph:at :ete.: :ounce with such delight as Its humble tenant, !listened tetthe *Miner .for them received new Inspiration as they rolled from his :Secretary Stanton on the &Tee:limey - 0i the War Power !drilled's_ MO. In an order recently lamed by M dor Seurat Slocaux,commanding the Divan:se= Pr Nis dealppl, in anutection with tite.triai by malts rl vorawratiblueMS' Galina pate +Cm the ((g -lowing commlinicattan from Secretary Stanton to that Department on the subject That the Prieldent has swelled a provisional gasernment to the fitaterlf Miesissippi tea fact which alioularnethe 'amid teintMftfor led u rimed, affect theJuriadictlas heretofore properly azscrned by military marts In that region during Messer; mulenpraally is the continued nucleus of that Jmisti.- carted for in cues, Our, wrong or injury done by citizens to soldiers, whether white d black; and second," of rusainls or abuse of colored citizens senerallyrwhore. Indeed, the local frittered" are neitherauwilllng, by reason ofthis defective machinery, or because of some State laie'dtelartegeoltwal persona in competent as witnesses, tridis'fbilia ... trite: er properly punish the offenders. The Mate ML common with otherlitattifela still to the occopatlon of our ftiremandembraced as it la le a milluu7 department, la to'W very ettesidensbfk-fax. tent ender thisamtrol aLthe military authori ties. -Mareeirairttier release, although pilule ally crushed, has not, bean officially announced, or treated' tithWrii)nsinly or trolifeetlyala thing of thy pest, Theateptinsiop of the writof Imbue capes has notteulerminated;:ribe tad midge aTiaweessinklgAteLentorctrs tr IMO 143611 b tbroggh the Nem of the mrllinry_imerti Ina Siorronmetteri, , . M all ipaa Of : coedit/s'. Alarm About the Cattle Disease In Ireland. The bleb landlords are itiOnizoilly excited at the proapect of mumsituunong their cattle; and demand with our; voice that.none shall tut ice- I ported from Great' Britain. 'The *pie 'are ' •arrying out this order, rig even the packet eenipansei ,, reinse to convey ' IWO 'animals; but the Inchon]. ask for a formal order's; council., This Sir John Ore) has refused to grant. NI guink that sufficient' csinie his not bean shown; but Lord, 31034 evidently hopes to apply thel pnlauto of 105 zusitivided Irish votes to Lewd', palnieraton's mind. Vie' hinting was held at Dublin. attended by men of all parties, and veri vole= tinlgetage.was used; ,Lord Naas in part Ocular Rating at a repsal of the Union, sere declaring that attehrrestipeuti Ibis ON: Possible from the &bream 'of Dishkien Au the Cabinet,', wherpasilriahnula alto so Premier. Thirty eighturemtanoihare already signed the man: Con in favor or pmtectlon, and the signatures of • great Xeliallty 000 litaMtklll ere expected. Thr,Cibinet.itati bat :yetyteldedi &Ithaca the onlyAftisaing fuggiest is that of is few Highland etockholdelas who. export ,about. 7,000 mall Meek dattle ayes! As . to fattened' en Irish pas ! 8 , 4 N, ' • '—.--- - L. - .50. - .4.-------. , - ; ~.'.;, Pies4r*,: ll (arcleii• " i t "M b ! • , Thatstl#2l.leasea T i gre Seinnitiediti Clenlind, titiriggigraiTr • iiiiii . hfinfaildrealea. Of Mr. • Itronle o P t _She enclaud ReraH gtil t • Thaapialter gun_ sketchof the country oft • It wu under Democratic Nulls and then as It lv wider Republican rule, of courS~yinlavor of. Um Doutecratlck *tam , Packed military commlaskras, and factionlats of every deserip- tiou werikliterVatchh2 ulhoo. IHa Wills urgently -11, * ' , mot tnzing aka hoiden of the , fietimal bands, The Danocoaakna ant ' 27,t!:,tr..,:kM co this matt be. mo k rn ' 'TIIO-'l3outh , hat been whlHautthrefs `blivitier-Coald.tal.W --in- -. titti.tbsldti We could tau Stumm two jura ago, it we had ;brie about lt honeaily.- The South were . now (TOY ' togesbact.i."Thsytiotatnitted *Vs . .lso; Of foil 7 In needing; audit:ay .nowecknowmge it.. All they bk . aelt i t pot c shut th e Unica agaleat .hej , ,t .pthet; . ir ere conmainno; the wee foal- To bring ea titan tack aid instate the Union. lig always uppassn that that was the ob] se of the war lute no* that the lionth la conquered. : the lsts sly that they (the Routh) shall luziovom jimk. rl t ic io a u c l r that 1( they COOla ' back a 44 get M bitimist ra ta .at an cot. Therarethe TU - faeaker awed %be , kicking. oat of One party, all WhOtatidalertaLizs ranks daring the wit,. - as rhaegthy, papag . aglawtaa. trieute,ito ; gitligai - Homo; wltsi Va . 9* Of th e pared_ Democratsblahs . inter. '• • - • 1 . Font Bormrso. Minn., to holiq ibiago tte &b y, jbA go_r_rmuotot es military pott.sod thitotttp i g vinlimUltit aro .§ittgrykom 107011 i 'esT- . worth. "A ;s r Mietthe'of itui - Dereniobies leeleecr-of the .-,Metbodlit , :Epleeeeel ,Oherett;-' Moo 13= e pretlehig t a raeolatlett Itliator of eem trespassed by eicelamettoni. MAR named John Chtslehoton chokad Ws mother to death. gosiX3ON. ItloCLE.A.N , iii CO Bankersood Brokers, ow. Irs rem& screed. •ratasipaitk, Dames mend 123 Pet nem and 0,18; Oolla stlaugusktitnallpurtsofthatruttablitstab Rased en a mazitelrstsus &Oa out. ligu,,Boxstst Et; 'dm - IMO • 1414 ,• dp.s.g per sent. ID. sicts. 8. S pa cent. filertblastes Lulebtatossi eta* MEL TM Prams" Notes. They IfllTr and 8214. UA IXRDLisamg II the New York, Plabidolphlu. sou Pittabargb - 'Boards, all kinds of (Itureituusal Eteourities, Cott' Bonds. 0014 as. Its. butt FINANCIAL AND CO.I .13 CI AL e,OKERS AND BAWL - FA; IiGAIU) cumurial irr ROSIIIEOZI. /emu.", a, o°4 FRIDAY, Sept, 8, 11354. 0/crot, AWL U. 3 , 640 '0, 107 40 U. 8. 7 Ass, Ist 33 es 54 U.B.Tsa 95 0 .18: Oertllltstes 451 to 50 taleghsay Ult,7 ...... 93 75 -,-- fits.nvlll7l Only (0.501271010111).. /Amuses Co. Ws.4o 49 ZutlaUtrtmly A 1 4 5 •1 15054 748 .. r. 55 0 5 Bostomui buys= 2ll 0 Ualar Instatode Eareksinscuzue..,... ..... 81130 66 00 Witstsrll 00 B. ut4....... 15 75 t=e9rrist.,llß4solt art So 50 Fourth B'7l MY AWL 03 50 MO.& Tirszotes. 0548 I.ldr i i eW 4 = " " "*". " " 'Ol 00 .4i 6 " 5 11 15 .......4•4•4 • 50 048785185---- .... . . iso t. 12 0 51 17fttalt 55 m etr u i tu ßtui Osktrat B• llttitargu,..., 4 -4 2 00 1171 75 ts. ..... Ir . tr . 111 C 10222 Cgseni 60 G i" tilli=l:M M 16., Lancaster I, Maui Bun.. I 13 _ 6 CIO -4 7 geakt u cazirwau=-....--... •.? 3 10 ° lat:rc -• 121 Panda= S-6" to_ ; doh:natal Stirs was no rearreniont in our local static intr. ket te4l9 worthy' Of 'pedal notice. Some few setanseations la Columbia at .2.sVarzji. and Is* bailers, comprise' all the operations of the doy. 'The twenty-two htunteed sham-Or-this t stock Width Wit tia have heed sold by Meals:lff to•dat was rehreseti OR, steno means or other, sad, N a matter Of course, was not °Meted. To Clhemplon Well, which was struck on the Iftwinutan F61714/0120 few dap. mince, ts, wt. . • T 4 Mint" IdTine., doing • ndeo • owing about two hundredbaWin day of a rem row 410•187 of oil. —Pre the .fallawing in referenall• to Oa Iram.the PMLddyhla Nen of Thursday. Ito pantie:lade are equally as midicahle toltittip Mush as to Palladelphla, and thenntentions - aro hi the math Mutely sad to the point. i.Tbetnarket; for ellahatn, tat/tough moderate. if WWI" cornildetlobthe heat of the weather. woo I . withotit end prlceestere newts.. wirigda, • enuttsi; , /UMW ragreat wart of cooldeatto to ro giod u 3 ots matters and oil ' Woke eadAkire 11. Dan many who exprras the . bean that, the Winans Ites..hati its day,' or, to ass a valgratausi , 11 43:svrio !Loa for then Infollesume . :.i to ton% none for absolute elsamingament. It quite Una that we stall nerar witness repetition of the ”hustel which aharamerized out ally In this connection tWeintroOntheedin) attains gramatt remember that the, °anal= of thine then enc.- mg was tionatton,and latagether the result of as inaustaxeltettumt oh thilattdectswhich Malta or nto from the extraordinary sown that a few la , Wants her met with in making molter Dat•of Olt tannin -said ladittluals having oorulacial themselves altstwarde like son• foals. D'art, take Ms stock lest and anMexe It so fat as eastarn ars concerned, it will be found that at; term! they are bringing perhaprquitwea much at that' eciit originate .Taw !outsets:ice a cows ay wittranotelhal capital of flew bandied .thaus. dockollars, and a hututted thousand &hums of to represent It. The stook, or portion of was mineribed for Whips, •Itt etwp dralare. mv,, tha ludo whithlt traeltssed cIIT al , In all probatilty tort more - thee fifty Minna. - Lava The actual-par.vehttrof the stock the eras i tLtheente per share instead of hes dollars as Dom stated. That atcr.ki we sill ctodertake ta muslin Wow moan that to don Jun it Is therefore doing as Well marring, seMit seas at 171 ton It awn to us that "thetait-thbn that these who era odious aral stockholders of ml con Mucha can do Is to look the subject fairly and squarely In the the., anon theme. vn rtythey are tugging a phantom in their embran. Ever! pa company la ratty:we that has lauds la fee tn the oil titatneD Ulm attars areproperly _condoned • can wet • reasonable Was make • distant on Its et ek at • fur and leglttmata valtiatiou,and those that me basetLon lands out of the known oil dlr Mkt will occesasully go down, as the% Would. If •v,rp corporation to tae oily that bass gtd shahs of stock riefono us conehrde that it Is best to be honest and ° :111 oaGl ano w it right name. we. think the bc ryeoo. Improved. tliart • e stookholders of snob companles be called tnethar, aril Instead of a man flattering himself that he a worth - eve thousand dailarsrepreseuted-by • a thatessad shareaot stook of the nominal value of tivadohars, IN klai canton to admit the lan that be II worth but two thousand. end surrender ;to the company fat cancellation onotalf ants !stook; taking *new certificate orthe par value of two,doLlan per share therefor. fly this operation tea market would s he telitybd of fifty tWosaad wh are.rjjthastack of that , compthy, and those why way desired to Inn& in pommy- of that tied crotdd be tospbed with a etraltiow that they have not posseated Mace the bursting of tits Duo. bit, when men, women, an] chances were =Wag mad on the midges of oil and-oil .stocks If this polity were adopted we Would not seethe •ttSby. locket and ate uthopoof the ettick board slangt. Win; Mmes property to the extent they now do by I.ug abort, sad Ow banana would as wee, Ceeneey coon, eatatol Loch • Westin ate position as 10 en twad the tensest of 'the As which analoirdoes nut do tow. As grin hare fro... ouenUy bed mouton to an bears In Ibis column , we are dealing too touch In &Mans, and of elf cub write oompaales have beanin mut extrava gent. Alen have hugged to their bents the belief that they had grow& comparatively riab by threat& ina l thonisand os two of dollars la oil shares that mayhem lei _ "mnittale perhaps Hinman wawa asharp ! hada° right to Indulge mut et atlas:a and wen trusdlo them bythe enrol& nt proadin aad naitrepteeentitins of Moos ware lower down no the "ground float. *tea themselvaa Tbey mustatiandontbeir old dresow, tad becoming practical, maks. up their inhale to think and act al otter ma dela Meerut talattbas of WE. 11 they will dathia thelt NMI not 01 2 1 7-n4. saes Melt owp prospects of rods, brit they win doqoact towards the Mom on. of whet Is even mow one al the most Imp° art; Intends Of our Math. "Wehore ea soon ea the weather gets eerier. tabs% men.ean think Abort-busuarts with some d► pew bane ttl enetteka moragstat true we hays teentlitated. it la very true that In the present I. gland reennitioned theme• try is share of 'locket Any-kien ongt4 to be comp tell far woes than it world with • Coll hula as • circulating medium, sat that - dose not sitar ;he manna! or politic. Value of an solthlei Wilde, which, the Inflation or oil steaks—cawing to "their ornatoal value—b al tar above the mention pi other sleeks as the heavens an above the earth. Nei; Lark Iron rket—Sept. o. [Prom the Shipping List] Ole remaloavery Imo, and prices of all kinds continua to favor aallma ;Meseta are =QUO loom Scotch M 845048-115 now refused foe Menem , nook to arlvs i 10400 do. No f Alwerloorl, •2 12 0 Lgo—bp' now held at NS; XXI ds. Pitta fat tO O da.2416451.2t0t.15 cm. Tlo 2 Extra, Slt; Maw do. No TOlia Mesta ms. Tha last salsa den Porn here was mad' at SM. but, ltla now bald :ouch higher ; wa bear that $l3 has Demi peid‘la Philadelphia, - bat Ile le nem demanded, and only offered to small lots at that I tots description 11 moth musht tor by Cot Nail maatiflusturars, *for width Ufa prlt vi Tally owed. rogiiah Balla =WO EV 111 freely,/ lona hating bftt; taken' at 254 QM; gold. taught Scrap Is bald at 'sp. has continues funquest from dist 4171.1 b sales of HO tons Belgian MOODS at MD; currency, 6 0 days ; lOW 100 do. on pleat* (611131F-‘2llllll 111 sooddessatul from Moro ! at . fall prorlpui rates. Hoot; la 1201142leler• • •-•' lowest, Is January lit to Aus,llM, UM, DAIL no. Troni ropen Siskts...4onl 4.0$ tat, 9.7 7 0 bdisflUdO Cloaltwlae. WS •. .„ 6 9 0 . 20.087 .L • . Total .111211 dm% v 3.4. ultai arto pal s ite, 7 ~ -41.sts am& .. II .RROi P „ q 1 1 . 41 ' • _ . . BUTAL O I I ViIbett...FLOVIISAITCO Ind intl. • thaina -M t .Itrat, bat attodatataly actin at air stoma p pd* 4635 froj .Ch y derma at $40,, Cam at m; flat•l 774 mt. 1 71 3011.' eats gate; Pilaw 11% bift. at UV leaa, • • and rasa swat., pal. 140 65 3 . Watart....12.1105,52. ,', ' , ', .. . , ' ',. PaormatraPera fall. ..., ... , QMIAL rilll4llllllo.To traariarti 3 Wheat INgp 15 0 301 AUX0 150 4 01 5talkardick - ..:1 - ~... IMPOSTS'IIy Pra65171141:4 Feta WATS Ilitsticumo'R: .100 able whisks% Wm -2,41.1,16, sewing maohlnec, Wm Sumner; 20 bee We Smi 'Wulf* Son; Naar tall& Jai Wood: SOMA , de 4/1( poi 10. bes W Rankin; lo to do; mi.. map: m lamp 64 bagari c i t w 8 Samil s r2t ttlworth,67lllla h. li t ogr t i ttl ienb ea ll 'etnat ic t r htlatiiiita la Z: ' Weary Ileajtil3:datbkitima ;HlWltkpattlAl l t ac a et 40 bills hanaim,6lcEtroy & I .1 42 talks 'Clod:0 a Oiatk•Wilea IWO; Gatilkilma,24, B 61144. 4 .4 0 -0 kt b ‘. 1 4, 41 7 .01113 0 01131 ,.. Moothesd &Oa "' • ' Otairattitt - iltroltratiammice A. B. Sais;&'—: 60 impair. 66 thatiod*,2ll, do chew, Shomalat I Lang; 129 aka MIMI uaastrilat Il dos !dotal; 3 nutters:6oo aoste,i Liscatimkat; 56t 10a, 16 lint leather/, &BMogi ado do. F, Eiltotatmln 7 tha teatime& ' SaliatitittO SP AM EL awe( 6 Om pap,W xOl7 Des pin, bp LM VOW *voila Intillleale, 4' Ca/Melds SO do dow It& (I,liAlTip# B_P&Pit I 1da:407 & B,lttlo_qa43o bits aMONI.J C sea; 20 dodo. E • -1.8d.180t1118 tett Pull 42 1 gy, • eMPmytmlaVoakamp, {Shawmind,,,J Lyoom boa chem. 7 bbls appich B Ewe% k . s %dm Irma, Blade? 61,e011/ 0,W,W11660T1,6(149,1041F1PJ 6 , do do, , • ' aspotticry s-1621.-1116Wer 'Moors attibatatittati oushinglimi s ti vaitarbilbit soap. Hake & Saddle 10 pima • tat Wylie Weiertribegs rota 3 1 :_mtma tttima,ll7 Nat , 0 P Scat 21246 Vol" , S i l l = I% o r sad eyo, i i rsU(66l 611. 111 dozes brooms, 4 1 tr ia b rmaatti - lilal. 30 boxes (media., arahae Themes; em .11 tobacto, 7 tibia do, / Schmidt, al bap =Midi 11 71 Stipitta pirrsnur.cn nar.urra. Flatus Bapt-8. Mitre Ms been no maranzent In any of the leaf log tommodttles to-47 iturt,,bs of special attire, nor has theta , nisinirkabla change in Mem dirinand ls riitelettedninly to sup plying Qui toast trade. and - tranuatlona c some- Sturni/7, an ventrally of as unimportant char. aster. , GRAlN—Wheat is gullet but tree, and but lit = offering. Seme few small" islir . of Pen= Red at DAMIAN, and WWI do ilt - lASEin. •osta steads hatnerlutimed, Agaibiellea In stare at 800 Gad for new and old. Coro dell at rdamdo. Rye II PrOtIR ted " I l sTre.. end with ß att l tlretlfsie loesl de. mend. and-prima ais well sastalned. Weeontbate to quofe at 18‘11,23 for spring Wheat Family. and 1110610,50 for Winter Wheat do. dale of no Ohl. at go,0010(110,25. Rye Flour Is selling in smali waY psayrISIONE4-13acon Is dearly with moderate dinsimm. while prima have suldergens no change whatever.. Lard Is quoted arm at Mem fo. auto try' grid Illenilf for 'city: Dried Beef is sellinv at se, a= nestEctek WPM= , , FRUIT—FM= Eastern Peaches have advanced, m 1341011 tailing ofr ln. thisirlivals, eadwenote isles to-day - at MOWS per busted. Green Apples dull and pommel et WO per bb4 BUTTER—Is filla g and la &mend, and tam sup ply linceathellir AVM. Eels of I kegs common peeked at Sel, and lu kind prime do at W. RCMP—nem and tither, vita salon to-day at 20 0=E 1 - 7 d ilr irt and Writ actlya but un changed. Bides of Western Reserve and Ram tong at 0918, and Coshes at do. SERDS.SaIes of 30 bush Timothy seed at Si te a Flaxseed in market—would KU readll,9 at i2. 6 1 2 er. di* dentotd for Oloverseed. A T—IT43I $s a continual fair local and ship. t it leg dangled ' anti ire note small sales in stare at 7 42,115. " LuILLES—SaIn boot brands at FRS ert bl. Wit= FIDEAMS—Ferre, and w i th b ad tun Preyed &maid add Mites or an dot rentlpt* t ri.•"l4 3 * " *" ha" IdVan ” P l9 l T l" . ....• Pet . MILL. FEED-rls stead and artotientai• Pat es at Teetee toe BraneslooW4o goo socipmhy r apd ffMote t i tzte Hirdtty idled* at ifetWner ton; at to *nd dentlition. *Et dim writ, sass at BM,— Dahl:ol4 Inlottetsb,,_ • . Wti 1313.Y—prza , and nigher, Mean "Ugh- Wines slag ..4.• 1 1 #04143, 30 Par taloa. PITIIMIMGOPV.TBOI4MfIit MittECET FlMuor, Bqa, 8, 1985. 011UDE—The crude market was 0001 ally as to-day,t he transactions hlths ampagats reach. log =versa (hostas= bartele—.mostly to arrive; and while prams are Era and wall =weaned, there is no quotable &dashes. We sontluus to quote at 216'215i tilde. returned ; and 2602.6% eels Included. Sales Of MO. bads at el; lOa at 2t; 000 at 265 f, ; 600 st to; 216al ilkibullt—go arrive—at 21; lOW In bulk • tiud biarrelarto .arrive—st.2l; 60,"Amber" at 2•2; land 100 do. / 1 0 1 141-46 firawit.T6 -- 4.1 Tic Th e is tar, thOnth Wipe buTerSite holding udder tbs bhp:salon thatrwlth S ewell In the direr and in arbasecireeelpf; prices artil again dealing. , IIEINITED-42,6 market for bonded oil =intuit tate very firm, and for Itomdisrafteilvery &still fur ther advance could be obtained. One refiner', w • bikinis, weak without =dollop up for all thla month, and bene9 . hto 6ind at limpossl• tole to escbre mialltrentigale this meals delivery, aJSdt • veto this fsetthrit oil on the apoteom, amok" mare than it does for future delivery. • We ritotis a sate or 610 bads, brand , not named, at en for October. free on board cm here 1000 bile for October, in Philadelphia, st 66 ; Iwo epte;iitara not named, for Noiehther, In Pbliadel ph* at 66; Ind 620 bble “rreitniie;" to be delivered between that 1154 of October and the 16th of Novem ber, at tb, tree on board tab here., Tree 011 is arm and looking up, prime any brands being Abated at 6660. RaPTHA AND RESIDUUM—Then sinews no be eiCidatoluadnrhautver r for ether of than se. Ontsand baths absence of sales At la /ropoulblet lb pea worsts quotations. 'lbws Las nor atonal one/ for Reabluum, but Neptin Is entirely , 'Keened. RECEIPTS—The receipts of bp the Alla sherry Meer don our lad repent; amid in fol loses, D fisher &:w 463 IA UUCP. • ••••••••• • I" Buatot 663 I Total pAilteLEVlttaToosB UI PHiLA DELPHIA. ope s tiki,ptiiitoa to ttot SltteSatgla Gazette. Paurantraty.pez 8,196}. latoeke . U o ateta, $ 441 ,1.,Pd the market without sas paztlaulaz.ebsage. Wiatatit LUDO aola-at Get Dastard, %; St. Bteaolu, 1%; Kerstosik IXI GazelL S%lElSsze4st %; Big Tank, %I =nth S%; Mutt* %; Masada, ate; Mo. pie Elude, $1 Sam-141U y, 1%; 151e0lInteck. PETROLEUM STOCKS IN NEW YORK. Special Mosta to Western Press, Sly Toes, Eieptember 6, OM Patrols= Blocks went geuerally draw' this worts[. with a better dimaad I Busbies% farm, " 0 ; Sleekor, 1.471 Fu Slmplq U, Hejdriek, 1.00; Pithede Creek, N; Watson, 1.41; Webster, LW; ritnurr Bun, 0; Empire City, 00, Oil Creek, 1,06; Vatted States, 21.20. NEW TORE PETROLEUM MARKET. Smeial Dispatch to Western Mae tire Tone, September ft tnes- The Petiole= Market rule, Casey etch but little bulimia Salta of erode on the spot at zslieue; Hefted to Bond Is quoted of 6.30 and Free al Thernat. 214111111113 BY TELEGRAEIL New York Starlet. Kavr TO/LILI3.pI. —Oarros quilt and draw, It 50:04%. for tBI d mg, Yid 83 ta . artattaa IOIIIIYo Cl Cu uvarament amount, 1,703 as 13 3N forandian4to good Middling. 11.m/a Wit, and at, as ffl 7for Entra RAU, ad, 11,19 far R. IL Inktudll for Toads Emma, th =that atoning gale. • melted is Um Rain 'gra 1,000 btda Extra Stat., far the gni half al October, at e& MNSE Z2Z= Gasni—Wheat I@•a tottery ttprtsts quiet sad Intstisasall 'Mater IlSeeatAl. Klltrutita. Club 111.604114; , 41abes 11111irsettee 0;10121,12, /Seam SLAW O,IS, stoles Amber Mehl, at 1401 By. quiet. Estate Bst:ey Malt dal] CtsS tattslasi. The mktket tot &mad Ooze laaallearste licksound asery.iad lower it Cane for Sauna sae Vara so for scan S Nixed We*tera . • Date itOSTVI4 ba237% tar Wselarn, tae bates in extreme. WOos—Dall. - 4 • • • PiraesSare—Staady, at, Intend tor Crsube.ast Ne 1 14634 torAtallised to bleed - Peoveatems—Pork qatet et WWI" faeffew 7merimtoarslC at Pe.eleir mak; Poen tar mem ew taikt ,Prt me. , sad Seefee:SMS for Pilate OM, also taL WASS blei New Maw September end O t a t&Oi tober. sells& e r rot .un4 nem Slaw id'remaad. eat Pleats quiet , 1001110 tor Aboubletr. =afar llama Baron eWL"' Late erten. elad , Voltiertsetssand 'at IMealictor, for Ram. Cam gala „ Mere Tart Stoat sell Maury; ilarlcet. New Yoe; Sept. 7.-Holey easy at See per .eure. Steelier Exatuerge quiet et 101Sielat)d. trate , ontmea etera4mt.ebabga, opted, am ISSN. decants% to 144%, and alte4ser at 143;.. Gorges. meat :goats steady. Storks (mill . .. . Cr. So R I 3113' - lttw York thas•zslo IoSLC. 1.., Vt.-31,41.0 sl%, Kris. . • ..... . Mg' A. . a T.H.. as i ttheng7nUar.i.. ', A Michigan Southern SgSAI & t Us se o:.. NN W:.prfd.... Silt Teas Dertlflosotes. SS Cumbe;lstod pfd... sa% S mo Uoupo. to% Quick/411W ' 60A U. Sago loltionpms, 1063 Oswego Market. Almaiffept.a—lsotrz—AeUrebut testa and uutbasv 0 asax—Wheat held at Mao .for Not Spring, '101011,60 for No, 9 do, wbbili Is ohm the views ol buyers. tau quiet. Core bald at SU for No. 1, wbleb Is above buyers , vl!wei No. 9 at - 89s. Ban lei dull, ranlarTl7l—Advarlecd loon oda' Flow. Clltillay Must, 110+to Albany. Lists lerotris.-49,p00 busk Mutat; Paco bulb Clonn.l SOO bush Sultry; 1,800 busk Bye. CANAL ES.roiTs—Nuoll but Wlzeat; 11,030 bath Sittrrso ar RiallUt6AD.49s bbla noun , pbliadeipl4 Market. PintAnzarna, Sept. a —raccaosren—itrmar an 4 sucl•e4 wlaa an advance on all qualities, tttp 44 1 4 1 aP05 14 . 61 43 54 ,144 rah 'Nino; pradoli4lll at =a. innt-With uplrard tend/Men Welaarn, SOCIAEL"' GrukurWneat drib; Er4...414,411 Neer. eta& Uont tizau allo attoit, anda4,9l store. Vatoooo, Sopli.o.-41.otrit-rant. SI X 340 Cloolo-Woaal attire Owl %a !Jae W n as AN tACK Corn* 11,-anOlll,24ol4o2CtorNo. .I..Vta.aottro, al Cleat for .No. t, onoityast. No:1: Oat* at* are tet)(o . Wein isGo - , ottiaa tpea isozaasi-Aailve Ina to Inwer. Ittonwunto-N maul, at Att. • Voledo.MUtet.- • Toms% Sept. 8.-Itsuln-Q,uhit bet Or L Ohoss-sWbook; VA Ha Red Wabash, ho,cui Old ember Stleobtou, 412,cdr New UAL - Stotts dear. sten for No,. hilted, awl Too tot .YOttor am Witte:' esti atm its• quiet, • , nutionTh-rvintki gessemccas 11 * •cmcm to Oswego. • galthsotie Matta. • ' tullsoksSoi ItowstO Su. Vet wogi v oi host - Staid,' afro& dons &WI MO tow, Mks Whttst. elan' UM dutl, thlUist • VIM derlllV4itY, ntla. • .411kwa agarket, artiwarrial,,sevt.. - a.-Traes-Pi ORAIN-Wkeat arm and, Alpo hbEtutts Naos of Nero bush as 1.1,t7X411,11L bsuogysl,4,4ob bbli 'Flout, and kotr) be Whew. • t ~ - . ' 1 4/ 1 1 1144. ill t ° o l ‘ 1 • i a EositAfsiltorikulbLv htrahlisT 4ll s,„„_ lo 4 SutetsT 4 l I tS2rs;yolts Q at 'Super! T. 33i, Flow' Ea Brill! _ in eitiv• in Ottlengoi ,Thi;fogpviioibieompilen &be credal or th e %Teeetk‘eltheethe to the Beath:ll:f tkili,BOard atTiadiAlumee kotout of frinir Oran e;ere.th eu,e.leete. o2l elettepir '11014144 willopi-rod with lbo &tontine to aims wok sg o , on , econe doe la e "punt . rropt. 5 .. 1043 . W0r..11, 1,114. -wheat;;;„,„ ..... . , 617.113 ,:c13,310 /,014413 enAn Bra —.-:- note le,eser Buoy MAL 111,211 rrn;sittrucu DRUG ILanykar B eport ed tor the Pittebtrr,;l‘ Ctultte. ramix, scan. /6 um. live MI treat opens Itrely, atm goody votwattie • Asar.g--pat wed Pearl an salted* tit Wltiitst • salt" alba (MUT 1474 to 86.- Soda Aah to cocks lo querted ot 6 Lb gap:, ACllls.—inctio. OS to td:; Cittlet St o tS. tote{ Oullo, 40 to a cents; Tartortc, 10 to 0110 pet pound. ALCOHOL-88 per cent, 58.40 to_ 44 ad sa Per eon' 04, 45 ' 0 6 . 5 2 watt.. upward tendency. • t AYE ALOES-38 to 40; &trotting &lota 110 to $1; Amino/31S Csrb, 21 to 260; Aim Ammonia , Ito Ur la; Armes Flowers, 13 'talk; Aysenia. atO bj Ana roct:da, 41 to 50e; Alum, 04 to 62 per lb. 11/17.sekt COPAL trt--5t,25 to 1" Itelasm Tot ler, 72 to 2,20; Bea Oneonta, red, 411 to 2,101200 pet, ID to 75ti do. rell9w, a 40 to 500 Eg i ); Bay Hunt, an to kbu per gab; Ike land, can, 4 to be; ctn. Garman,to 6244 1e01.03. to too; Slue Maus, is to 70e; fkorta, related, 33 to 60 earn. 131 haste., 6!,4 to 'r.4.; Vlitlot, It to UN pat' pound. . • , • e/SLODIEL.-51,40 to 1,50; ClatephoYedB to 1,12; - Ounnetrides 1,96 to 112; Chontooalle Fbtrtn 1, Ge rona, 38 to too; do, &MOM 35 to. BOO; Dionamoit la mot. so to 9624010rts toZoo Concentrated Lye gat t 11,604 Omissive Sublimate, SIX L4C 4 Ore= Team 16 -82 ? 0 c0PP 517 4 syw, to 74; Goebtnee 31,10 to T.ST. ./‘,".k.13S P0;8'0E12,13 t 2 7,100 Ey; lisp 14 to Mei Extract LgotOOWl4s- tro Mkt, Gal • Illeppott 14 61; Glim Arable 50 to it; Gum King 06 4 6 to- o.so4ol:o3l.4thaitua 75 LO 86 pet ID, HOPS—GO to 6.5 e; Elydraty Oum theta as to 63; lodine Reaubllined $5,60 to f 7; Ivor" Muir 4 iG' 5O- Indlluilted t 7 to 'Wei Indigo 61,0 1.151 SI Betrlea Bto lk; I...wwocel Cane= CO dottlos Deroll72o to -- 54 e; Lamp ti 106 _pet pound. DIt.RPII& STFl.PliAtt••••4l,7stb • 1 7 3 r ki. 41112041 Mice 21,43 to I,so;.Menganese 7to 10a; 170 to 18a per 434.-Nlttato , 1,61 !per on Ro t . mese p. 05 to 130; Opium $11,25 per It.; Castor Olt .40 43.15, ty=d LI . jeLoag tt :ls 1 501.4 1 , 1 4r1- a. 0 0 1 1 1 1 5: 4 7 0 Art 0,30; =meta oil $1,23 to ,711; 41 mil $3.10 to PAO per 241.100. Oil Anise 35,75 to 3,85; 011 Bergs. nuint 810 10 en+ 41toton ,ylr. up% DU Dttego. fres 87 CO 2,16 per lb. POTABSA 111 CEIROMATE .016 to Ma; Paten Oltlettatete to 7/543 Dotes* Druaslatto pillow - 200 to 660 do, tea, $l,lO to 01,15; rotate 10=5150 10 - )5 50. PitelPlt v., • 417110.4.2. 483; AB,Wlttlt33/11,W, 645 Carp Q. 15 n'trt. B3 az.•. -0 • 7 5,F0 04ir1t,3 . 3; 1 3. biEloeritair/I r ttlBll ' 6lllter tote Kt; Do. Diauues Gl:ttO WO; /P0rt84134700T ail I alsp113,5013211,800; Lague:4:o g0'.756 I. tosiDetseperUla q 13 th Se t. Etsoist tolc;RD" Glmo!.ey td ler SC Rochelle 65 toss.' Ks. Sodas' 5)(0; ry seed It to tkr; hemp toed 71460; kinstaLettileed 22 to =a; Osokinton seal 14 , cer lb; Sods Usuatte MO 15 to MO, dada ui/ ada EU d 11 1 L01*464 Sawa 10 tO• i la; (Judah, Sosp, - Genulne, to 2.3 c; Sweet Etplt.. • Sts 17.0 t• FORortre octlb ; Spta. Turpentine $1,50 to 1 1 110 e pet pates ITt bee 54 to s,oopet of ;Sate Lau au so 00, bu.phet „flower. 814 to 90 per lb. Tetintl peeve. t 5 to no Teti] Japonica is to .450 iTsptoca t 6 _to 21o; Turtnerle 25 10 112 a Ova 1 2 438 Z.-40, 1 ,4 . 2 . 0.=14 1 4 Bee ne ` 118 to 10 Vandyke taito'.3s 40 ta rtlet% Red 6to le; Veratlition, ILtnelleto Dd., restib $1.70 to V 35; Do. MR:tete 111.76 1,56 i Do. Tdeiditel,glAo 1,50 c :WRITE tELD, Pare CU, lici DaVatiep_Breeds. .7 t0 .. 1441,22.0341.0r vu.F...hz•dargto 230; W 1511.1177. 41 - 6 - 431 e per lb. .111VEll IPiTELLIGENCE. The river faille:Tull Inches at thla Doing dot: lag Thusiday night and yeatorday toranboxi, bat later In the day tt commenced to rarall ag♦ln, cad Wu Still andalang tut eye May With abaft six Gm six Inches by the Litegbenr-biterki, eontlatata ithaatUed and :ornyteendellay•Atti r te/tlk money, Opt:menet of mate rata:: • haebeen no arrtvals . Cr:departuree [Moir • GU, tErl7, mule Oint,tkir,terillar Pociietf4 pity ,Cattitlia Pligtfrac - CtOrti, Olacumati aro atmObigio.arat bogs due.. - . Basilan la noluColng,ll/44,1/ at the 4;404 tough It la by no weans waive. rialghto ;UM* as abandon; - .a* our aleataboataWa pOtitl4 aroinkly And It tedious work la. Plaktalt_WP any thing like stun inuico. ' Tberviriiieduildarabn stir at the wklrif ?eater day . cwoulcoson by two-or three stainiaptpulting ; upSfielrabiagter, for; .I , rixklinand OUOtty, The; evening, 'Alta: tne Patrons' would narration; providing-166 could get a pilot., Vel,'Tirobably go oat thin aftaraoan. There la BC c ertainty • about trate being: able to get all the is ay nposa than*, dlipakhei `y we are cotontint * Of retioreed bubliliteti niches. its 011 City. It was r deg and raining tuntirvitr. The knascullo and 6aalqs,Jetin3c. Ml* fore' Pittsburgh on Wrilnesiliy, and 'Mil "inalida Vas: itarertired to follotitanZtintadat. 7 Toe Delaware was unable to nays for Otodn ban uaanouneed last evratar.,,bui spa wlnjeara., to-lay without, - . The mammoth aail - magijnoent, floating pilaw , Potato? Capt. Donalinon, la announced Urreare- OftearignakS Monda weak. Tbraiwunars Camelia and y_ Edinburg warradvar. _ Car/ to leave thairlanati for Plttaburisk ainycietio. day. We clip tbelollowing Items from this 01. n. oilman Cossosailat at Friday ' A brae,vaniedatl3,o:o Incotentol to (banana riznatarty eltlainta Of.Ohlo, w an ablond to Ss. , Loan yestrutry, an Ca Champion. Um Columbia sniderOay *basted tow %nom ..rdemptita" to oNsainille.o tabs follows nab don to toe Outoberbrod. 14fr. Osozon Vox. tats of the Jews; Ofilelates In the *Moe of the Co. lurobta. W Ai-TRU Bleakrra went crot In; charge of the oftl-s at Um tlhamplon, Ootata,Data Dfatara having saddeitty been caltH home to Etieeheatar, rettru.yls azds,awing to alekness to hie The Stockade was sold at New Orleans to a kir. V orrnucoaa abolg a week Mace, (or 501,Cott 2 be .1.0.11111 Ct CASTIA was no sod some few Lye age, bt Evansville taco South. This makes about ow andied stern-wheelers that have within the paid tbree_moriths been witbdzawn Iron the upper riv ers to oarigate the riven of tne Borth, and there appease tO Nee demami for *twat tillyrrionsi some side-wheel stamenhave alms gnu, Wel inhere are being got reedy to follow.- - Sera or Goveaseeirr senneene, ko.-0t the number advertised, bids sere aecepred only for the. following. 'We give ihirenteessfal bidders and the prices; Nab. & Caffrey, steamer J. H. Bald* in 1.12, 100 . Marcella, Lieteall. steamer Baltic, glgOW. CMGs stexma I Lionesa 1111,e30. rhos. Armstrong, steamer Mattis Cable:nig-VW ?Mitt:Reilly, steamer Alone, lll.pkf. Poles b Cathay, stem= Annie Jacobs, 211,00. Jae Vt. Levan madJaa. Woodti. Weenier Gown. b' ll i tti g a l s ° Cretitigte — si and Gila P. May; Acura Potter Mope.. J. S. Hurd steendrOinny.Hopkins. $11,510 Bet= & eaffav7..steamer Carte Jaeoba ett,oco B. R. radar& steamer Leine, SII,OB. Jovvl4l fr ia-Kestlng atehoter Tlrslets Berths, a,250. Sharp McDonald., eater/1h; Units Giant, 2{7Troesdalliwhartlest.l. MAX!. sowille bar 11. 8.-vr ha ° o leh in oo ar Co. ge . generale. burn' hi Cato; aringangs6ll2....ll, lassie Derscrat a/ BALTIMORE MW FRED= i . WKSBUr 4213. VA.—Tbi neshltd . ." , " 1 - - eaminallous Steamer WENUITAIL, Uspt. Dawes:_tantrty bettrPta :tate linarrirPortn Wm • wetly /minx si ll y front tar - .nand, toot: of loath Meet. anbia AirrEa• Mb i ler 4 iMpo, passeagers - ari a l4l. cutteastlatrislis Miran!' • Froisla , •o=n a tt attended to.' Itsstbandlss Onto Bn/RanilinsKll - Pnllstlelpbll,,ast elss tiestolinal .lln tam's fold Stier On taloa stall' ann. inctls' WI/ Imp= ItssprriTat :Bail sots, ntarges WO,, lorwardrortltostptly, sees '6l cotantli• slam Petnnei Thom thy Northern Bratestlonittng to vliw-ths'EfiXtle Flrlds el VtrAnts, or to look Maths Oodles of friend...ad Malmo -killed In 'lns bottler or itts tlrlinenizts, Clhastotacestlfley Frrdericksl Vet; tipostrytintals Mud. floats, hare rplandin- dolag an by ULU route. %%a' WEN All i prorldon 5t Susi. lrnt ritate.toonsa and Hata LtOOMModattaaa, and Is In everriesped eirsUaLasi Loci. bala 401 r. tut eind oositoodlotts. For lorolmattoa , - hated or voniao;irOpty to or Water JOS. WHITE. Purser, oa ttosta, „TOR 3A TATUM. AgMt.' J)Tl:Q7m' 41f Was Ms ae., Bath:row. ind VOR CINCIICNATI'& LOUIS. VILLH—TAO aplendlA peulawrger steamer DiILAWAHE. (Aryl. w Wass as store all ItIFS , L O /4"o•N4ik .5 , ;b For irriratt or mare iJn is bdOrC.'Or: to - JOHN FLAO 77 j• COLLIN AVOOIL gas-= . . .. , I DnISPOLUTION 'OF' Pita - 78Ra EttP, 'rMpartharittipkanitofcma 'ingnetaktiotaos* Charier In Balday whir/sok VakitalfjfkiMaer: the arm mos of BAWLS! k %AN utittaZA:, tentisuar osaahrt:erwaincarvApagast,.ri Van Clonlar.,As_ooataLof ihta aatra Mama V.O Ohatilia maawar. wan .11.11101111 tcp .eolkal naltooennatk 4zu l / 2 ea.cotwo ass Alt Iha std mor, y 441 cimut ra it. : pittgaith, taitittitose. • , • 4 ) cram - 11m AtM .• at Woo ar Yin mitt. stlciptre E NETtlenninn, nom chtoootoolan4 my - aeassa , ':o3llaffla liablay, to! inalisteauto aciittay (mg einto=ung and ably MAI • palk • Mina frAlECiOntiZfL - • L. 3 Mrvensnana, Mon 0. - Eun 4 : p faur4 Apo - _ • ~ , ' ' dot witinargase-: ntoLisium . 4/4: 1 1t. WOOZIFIZI 4 • ,:t4 5 12 P7" 2 1 , • ZDTPI:nnIRTII PRODUCE - .130W9NUFAT6 pN - tf a h' 4 / 6 4 t l6O Outwit or Tiopoi; seed, ~, t ittanalsattittPcstatclen 4 Airlit u rffitoLlataimp • as kegs . Mulled Ltut. - rcirlisl•bl,— • , PRZIOI'ARRIVAL OP. FISB. A- NOUN 21 , 0.11LeteltNastecol; dd 'do do Moll= do; . - •` ta o 4 rp do No I dr • ' ted 110 tonolo-Plelroleo Newly; . , and We lowleedired r 1:;7 4 , • .7(ithirt - 1101732 . 4k 00. TTNIVEBB24.I4 CLOTHES WIWG CR k -4710 -best la vas. AIMILhar Luce Ilut POl4 -SAW, sae ' ,a 1 wog. sit ARCO a out: itmetibir J. k H. MUG!. SI • set sole Amu for this Ompaar. 01.110CEBIES t rtnoorcp, ire iThrtritnlS. , Oos . se_ X,23 an *tr. PURCHASING AGENT,' PITTSIMEGW, Deaner la Elmo, Oran. Seer* Batts; PA. Fri_ ap r ead all Fenn Profbatta. Beat takade rasp fly FLOUR ierstnatefl) away& Oa tallall• REIIBIED OILS. .Pluenit atteatltat.gleem eculatiameritil sat eorrentoadence. Weekly Pk* Culaveate seat to, Ooselgaors. Orden sad grooftpukiltel. eeitaylews IC D. rArtrArAo3 A. AAritow.....a. goats:tsar p ATTERSON, AMMON ct CO., taininintion Mertihants, litcrur, Grain and GENEFtAL PRODUDE DEALERS, Rao- Imo and SB7 IPESB !MEM '§oott's New .01211.11,4, otrliosite 0. & P. EL Et Sepot aptay eta. X seas. WBANE & ANSER,:' a. a /XXIX Commission Merchaais• Flour, Grain and Produce,: gEooND S 4 between Hood & 6zalthflelll, r a-isr ' THOS. TOTTER ...1110. Auxin PlTtrall= 811MTM13 pown w ei .kmuraquip, . .COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ircp•eVirn! and Domestic 'Pratt% ' Pion*, Patter, atoess.s, - Eggs, Potatoes, WA masts generally. •.: No. ass =KM' itteri;" . Dal Ospostla •savenealflsost, Plastargh. CHA s RLEI3 , (1, BAYMEIr: PRODUCE " /led, PILI COmIDIOIo =I.4n,"== er tu Butter, Cheeseiali4 Rorit,c. Bum, Etikth r T it tflow,'reatgemF4tantur, Mar Mrtdove= nrne l, Tlmo.t.b Ads, th rii. Seed; : c a e ld POuBM P ettentloil frhualo. • Ivnaa-58 (samosa& To rerikoreory & mtrriterra nx.cas M • MaCIVIZTJEL att .C341F11.49.3Z64 Produce mad Ccrascilna Jaereasact ( . 1 al' /A; l'ittiburgh. JAM,' • - - •c an. 40 ,- a • Nos. 'I and ap6:l7 " ' FrrrsiirtiiCui, PA.. LITIIE, 'BAIRD kATTON; .Whote.. 11111*Groveli abillammikslaci Saareb=2oo., els In PRODUCE. FLOUM ~ B,Ai g ort ER , FISH, oensorf AND= 7 oil., 'RON, NAILEV GLASS, OVITON. TARNS,•4th-.llCs burgh mnputactures_ 013 NW 11.4.Sicand A , aver & SHEPARD, CobiTuloninn Met. A. , chant. and dealer. In FLOUR, GRA= AND. FRODUo.4kfeako Liberty. 'treads kt4+ l,4 r 1 Moles brazuls of Flour for Bakers and stall . sloe constantly on bakLr.. 2aftesostaz attention paid a. sztdenaten, —llsisrshandlne generally. . WIC IPielM BE tt CK 41..0 6 Plttabrsrtti ;• Pi, Who ' U doc MrhaF.,Eirtgovtobr -gy 'O~OM LARD BUTTET • AND' DITIA FLO .. I.% o Eerj aaalut ins , e lcur.B;:11 — ,,Maj Gom rantr Foreranitate imOirtaibmiaLe dealer LA tvEsnuirr namarrze: —;ltmEesx, LARD.: PORI4,BAOON, AND PEARLASWI SEED AND LARD lIRLSDAIW, and W .i.t =ezarty. 04,40, &ant: ittear.„ Nc - irtaxrAmor'.rzlluctiThuhara::L. • • IZ CO t , tt_pl efts- AA-Aurts 4...72 _inn& xsikparldrat Vra4..WHOLE 13ALS UZAL=B 14. Utoterlosi,. Flpur,Orali4 Provisions, VIAlt, ebee;sq Salt; MM. Our, Am 1.11 =4l In =arty syeet,,rlUsb . Agb, • a. UM_ VET= ForivardiAg -I- and. (km:dash:or Nerahltore. tor the sale of FLOUR, GRAIN, BACON. LARD, .RITITICE, FRUIT, and Prod r i e i %la a lLE.D .thart, comer of Produce Purr. -hardy ..... .. 11.477. GRAFF & BKETE,R.IPRODUCE, COM- MISSION AND.' FORWARDING MER VIIANTS, wad parrAartor. agents Jar all Pllts• !algh Illazufacturea. Wasehor , N 0416 Marty Street, Flttaburgb, Pa- 7 • • • jaillyd _ , V JSCHOMAJCVII U. P. Wm LANG Wholesale , SW -in GR l OCT. b itTE3' FLIUUR, GRAIN; PRODUCT,. PROVISIONS: FISH, CHEESE SALT, r RON OIL. tre., Nos. W 2 and •171 Wood Street, near Liberty Street, Pittabttrigh, -Pa. remely . 61ZOttell S. BALM ... 01:0/1411 nnGAIL T.l EAD & METZGAR, Grocers sad Com olcatuullietuririin Irlser Coney m , Produce sosti li auddenktutorsh a re. s hat, Lthertp:Streei v oppoelle be of WOOQ . ?W i, ere:me r. irxrkka 4.5 lame' V. =MX IPPM/SE BROTHERS, Ow:wort AA , to Berme? b. Anderson) Wliolesale Dealers In FOREIGN FROM, mad SFIO R I e L)N. FIXITIONERY, EUGARS,FIFLE.,WO - 1014 Not. 12a Aml 10 Wood sUe4, - aboro FIRb, burgh. DWALLACE; Commission IturtehaA %and Wholesale Dealer In FLOM PLOBAIWi No. ad Llbct., street, - oV a te l 4Pennailirtanit B. Piksienier Depk,t, Pit. • 'FL StOrwili Waterman, ear= Wayne and J. 5. LIGOZIT 401 W LINt J.XT S. LIGGETT tb-CO.,CITY.ELOOII - • UM TlClLLEizaraar Labor 4 aad ItSret.llPl IldaA t t 4 3s barn:lsm day. - . JOHN WAIT .99317 N. "111 ATT & WILSON, "Wholesale Oil>. I , cgs. Cbsdzatudon . 5 1archtulia, and dealer* 14 Prodfte and Pittabturte muptatacturea. Labcrty street,"Pittabsugh. --- _ Joss JAMES DA • 9 i 454.80 N, Nanufac. tun= of . LAND , ODIL4Ania Commhatoa rasp,' chant, far the puttleum. Ana setae* eItUDE AND Ia:FINED PETEOLEUZI,Ntea ea ADO la Wrizt street; Pfttetatrith. r Ilthritextuaradel cox enethtto meta. T 4 RIDDLE, Ho. 18.3. =BEM sT., JUL • 3WITSIMId3II, 2.1.,-(Lansalaataa • 41111iit, IWhalesala Mirka 14,thamtry, , Pdodi" . _ Orooalleat aad Pittatadth.naaata-tu. ‘4.40. IZa4M r`PTl'n'oj ' z "• ' 01.1f1r...-4LENBra Aw.txuaarce, • " 4 "Ci i "th k g" etiant and dealtuin 0111 Eb BviTEB;?:ASX• Visa, and rioduaa ganarallia 043100 !treat. alma Watch Yittabunah• '401511 - 1:110116.11.' amewassE soon. -JOHN L IiOUSE ,41 CO. Whoyesak , GE 0 CrElra' Juni c6mmini3sio9 astm..; CHANTS corzuw • s.Ate,.. ao4 roster Pittaband6 ""c' • soma? j a. R. Dan's. ,p.OBEIM "aids - GroeMM - Ccoducdsdnet and LF Merchants, sad dealats In Produce and ficilir; manufactures, Marty street, Rittabnrah. no. , .. . . ..ins.u•xlmarn .1 OW ,FLOIP:0 7 :a7.7., Wholeszle Gra; to - cie7 and p ugs lirevhants,,qo.lll6o4 0114:111.E8 IV CALDELIi f (successor ‘•:, to lames Bawer ar. Co., POSH - -PAOKZEt tad dasler Ja .113.01711310N5, 00#er.CCIdaximit: 594 tontlitOgb% Pittiblint 6 • MEI= 111171% ir• gi. — 7 . V - 0 - laT nt HAMS oors' to L 4 :4lrtar PB,O 201 DullE stzw; Min COIMINISSIO Plttsbura, , DTP 211 ... EDGERT I L% 1 1246.5a1ti Stesettard . P a .. . Runt. 1.17007a00,40101 0817704.. A. 0, WAZSII/0 AZBERT.IMPTON7&.O O _,.' Whole AvalsOrocan sia4itil9ol4lP#lll6 ZIOXISIxtb area, Pittaburictu• 'BALM, • DICKEY "ar;1304" - Wholesige Giva-mfflonixidgekozerthaals,iattilomem 1110pUur,Zio—la listrt_sitard so 4 -10 Frost treet.Plttibusgbe ,% iconmEntimata. , 49);uclgaVitaz SOOLErr - hilt:data kW! Zelatitela Mras • • ninueiiitm • ihtittatioirlisfred biparicautdegr . ... 1, ,awl % appliostiao Ic s i t z Usti or of by =lobate of It* ' boiptlttoot too tuotendaned,Q44ll4 10.1f1 AfOnOrfolro May • WOMB-, WYDEOVAACW,A I 44IO. 3 9 - Ng:7244p:sio7 Pruglaitgit. Iltientibwinrellts" .12401ru1assa00 N=aomaridatleiciaztas Oil. &S. .ta asimli mnihnie SirovaPaint Ihunitran White Lesdo.Crot WWl.* LW add Nom* Widied,Vi red3llll7r la ca! aD l *Ta ir'4 sU P! • NO. 40: 6 04 471 44) , ,- top.tivanz. l .:9#4 42 , 2ll FlTL4 '.' 7 .': - Pirrsperitp4 Pa. . . 30Q I s CllOlOB ißliteDite. F4ll tr.j d • Roma), _ -• !pm bon . Ear • 4-eanaltled MY/ ow Pesch filtorPotit.ovs;,, „, - '1111361: Staskr,, • . i 0 lanai& Otten,.. . , .I z. PA rms T,OIREOZT WO& Waal tergoan• 4Wa new baliglali• -i#uvrime.st, etwsurp.r r ,rt ~ri ~ HO* ' lO C U RE 32.11 o OM.= g 3`l3.iiiitCorr DR. SCIMMS OWN CUE, WUI Labor:l:4 Vadat., that Disease B.ltD ROW MS Prz..oo.rirc FM flls, SEAWF*D frozczo: 33.2 ay.aactretlize•- OA 71IE SISTRO CUM 1114,1)13110$ Mel felts *goalie= sesunnstn PhilaWgiii, , ,,x, , i,Trimai. 1 bad , f;huttally_lnso thee. diet stage of - ver v. Al hose • .; Aly 1 ..e. .oy ditelatada.Wria &delved hi:, • elf blaltwits, Vanish, ter move Into tha country. hlourestelnee be t N 1 . ,e4 e, miles dies. 60.4 % .3.3„ iteW Odin ire O.- i I. WA istnerld. .., thither, • wo foci days In the transitios,- • * ray Wirer. and' ;blalsoarrelnal Untd_ end Me& • ittengweadefont of Cln in inipt ia Ih e .14 M.:, mint *t*M. •/ Was. put tobeel t Wherel .. Arty foe teeny weelte In what wag dosoued *hope. lass conantors.' IJel,who- had been m= :; ,, - who% bumf nlrrationamrathad Wended tam W., Ids hut UMW we 'Athol th - sea me. Ile thenight,t of werwintlf e rthe reseh of medledne, and deeidonta bat I die. =I gave MS Ond lireelt 10 %. arrangeony Yana arletra.,Bolllld then all trig„,, family Meter onasumption, and thmWore mates dsd that death Ivo& th e disease ar'h hadinetted all 'my kindred t. 4 the grave would also take am. therm - 4n this sParimtly hOpeUxe conditlen.- I- r hest/ of th e rthiecttere whirl, Laois maks and tell. 'i It seemed to am tam I could feel them, wallaby.., their w4l,y, and a =teating.every nerve l flent mire ' • barns my t My lungs and UV a put on a Moe eatlen;sidthit ` - morbid matter whith 114 ton yenta a4Stnnilltdetg..„ , 4 . 4 u.41."6, 3 &be_ c&brent'anduW.94r, 'mg Mitaltniiihetuncema on pay Luxe ra ta mull ~, expretora or front' lay lunp beratuch ass Mut of . yellow mfrenaive r ptthr every morning. ds th in • , expeeteretlon of ten subsided, theferer&bater , the Pala led' mer .11 , cough ceased to-harms inuAr , , and the esbanaUng nislitawcals were no longm'''" Munch, Marl tad Wrestling 'lmp, to which /hat long been,a atwitter._ Itlyeppetite tiOirbegth tre* , ' returo,end et litmeslbatladis Aline& tirmstwant tayseltlhOm'eatihr too much. ,WittrUilartiturw . .. ot, health,l matuatile 'trent h. inal eM espy f •° I ant new ..a , Dist m esa, wit h a bii="*. sostyl,t" in the ' 0 lobe ofthe right brag mut , . the tower lobe be - with otaxtpleteAdhesion , -* of UM Titers." T , left ten is -sound, and th e llPPeriebd of 0 4 IP 'iT i i i ' Lllra SClleraWifi c ia w Cobannt•rttan iFkatiltilawilithot tole ea&.• : theinutde o , wmen,trt entry fed& phyaldift'ah Welk_ as those who wert =letrW to wediaineTer I rneheasenwrieldtrrodMed tollnt coral 04. 1 I was 1n... Tint thdtsted Wany yorirdalo ums , , my recovery may tilutoraty. - Limy preptired ant gave the pm:dittos tit - ,,,,...,..0prhers ler socistfew.A. and hisew instirrelerftd - enrin, ion the tiaM''' ur 6 IT- 7 / 4. -ka thX*l; deem:drum to Ofibr- 1 th to the nubile, ilturototar&ddivlded gun • tone Un a illsweer."'W two, I. was wet to. : ° 14 Pe="""itseillfZe"""!falt, :ut.fisythr......to Witty easecoP , z lung ailment, kr u ntalitea 'to MOW the lotto- - ment,nallest _ W liesplronteter,” which IntiettallY :salds Co in dettesUag the nealous- i ' nor menyval% in cotlndation Wan My print& ipm °Moe in Ildladelphis4 brultorobeen.usaina sego bier viol to fier. : X.Orli t ßwtoa . 44 1 4941 W Wed • Pl yt b r =ll' valved's& I have Widens many ai five bund2l4dexaroleadOns weekly with the ttlime ploometer. For OM num i.a'n air eherge ts urea eouars r and I 1 enables me to glide each-air Meat he tine eon:Whims of h &abeam and teUttm.. frankly seethe:4 Istll.OBllllMIL ' : ' - 7 t One or the Meatint digleiltlee glows with pa. - --, Main aMkted with :bardk&uteass,ls 10 convince. them to &veld takibg Adtle colds. ALA, think Ur they take my medicines they *koala aim no mat: ter how undies they may be In that way Thu is a great mire; fore filmy ohs ,wia read :oyes the many eurtEwhith 4,lutregubliehed L e to. Ulna, tbur .wlUtindi" , %st moat of them ware those of persons who were counted.to their Weis arid coal not take oold;.. sod by this carefol'arohlance ot. etadtbalungs AM heated. Yhyaleletne advise their patent* to Si, Outs= LehaLmbh neat Mr; but do they cure bye° fining,' Let the hundreds or meals by ectestadigtlon In every city sower. the question. I coObi rather rlas &patient Ina.tigla, lily Taro [limed room, lb art:leit them - ea out, And take a, Might I sal. hisaysrao have beta owed by air medisines,akeen the abentsw broke, were so °deco sive, that ono cona hardly remain. to the sumo, and yet they got wellielthmiteitgoameto theepar... . Mau gees; reasons- wny.physicians do not etitti consuraption te, that "they. try to do too much; they Ova inediciakto stop the cough, to stop the night sweats, rectfr.irks MR by leo 0 . wihs th e w h r ombP..crrteend ~a2luog7 thdmseeretons,ana.oUreinl ' t sla the w f dim What; Iydßo I p e i to.Ort make & ed scndown& Jettadirectetheo ei h n o d w l onththethree h rum. Wu. Mid thee euXe hfuu , I know'very will thst It is impOattble i Xenerertuageow even runes thenportion that ' deswortin tob -I - tams antes mins Inne thst os tO VllPlange and Moths. Lots th'the , yr and brenehtal tubs ath tat hexed, and last suer cum arsernert by, the proper ap e Of •to coo o'notattitoi MO° Syrup,e and tqlran drak..11114. - whilat , -ther at= daily tubber the blamer/ tillettleerd ob Oh It la * great =OO4 common among India. Ugess persons, that,thereare ch will Wry — the Moat' .ilyhest the blood la diseased tt cannot bandit:lo43r to Mon'SZfeaSMlrda °Mardi. aerate matter In tar Systemtind will hOve to be ear lied out of UM eying= my unscrews Width are appointed for that Torpor and nolated.brimew biood, 'latch fantod-Rua lry lespromagttumuddstis Wettest* WI , smiths the dtgamine apparatus; in good streidal order:'Sha Itatesch,linerand bowels tree restOred to terlW:ary revs. Um, than as alunionete or masiontoshing food. will aid tow blood whims Fogicalt,ea It Muth Mid lOU the piths Of that It istbsesamt.erut Mule sup. Ali.___th• want 6t tlteawy.:-: -s'Pericenticr thirnwria can Cl t - ehe:tiesfillti. able anedielnes IthOorxt. it isectlanntipowerfully lonic, UM Malty is Itself.-It Is readtlyellgtonal Mid' abscabal In blood to Ad:mien Lupara Its twoling plop , 2.kntorno miallabutgult lice doze or can Ito as much to mborld, woesocuit and broten.rown Walsh= of thetysteek - , i SeinNOVA. bill43V 301E0 is onstilbal from seaweed,sombileatgaithothot Wile and altmative eta and ba ea smrics. l it it. such a sronnar oath maltaa eoldedljir pl _ertladne,-noving pow - rocricierhot, wahWttisiterrible.dissateco a urres er:red tate aiming from alonWie atimolanta. The seittraol Acid& podiums lastltg dionlis, thoroughly brig. ~ anallmit the 510010':510010':wad Allgettint system, and ,ertabling. IA to Me and maga lale healthy mcod, tear food ti may bet two or that pro , mew It taso w ta Ittahlects,litat stmt. ,gtess tall mut 4,1. - • hearty meal, and a ULU. of it • taken Worn b...Nts eriU glue itiont lathe eunuch which lbw it'au . • *Wiseasmattapointr of • ' 4°s ' t y j . Tile IlLaannseshtel MY to taken Ur& eatery by all ages contitions, prof stater_aUtha good assults that crisbachialaW fromesdne . =yet the tatrowW4 thedielltes, and without any of their:hurt= Matt' They divot the 'pates) et renal:moth& 'smith out itreeenad and dissolved by eat,Seaweed Tonle and Mow glees fah arils be foththat AU three of my me mem are, awed. it-- ?Most culatocare Uotteumw, Hoot bed.= fact, Wr large experience enables me to decide any they-USA antedmore can of that. d o I= immer theuthat cauldnaUons of =Wisp* hrefelni t 4 /rt tint various all one of Dam bletsl bane tat,. /Whet pony of thet-ta =mit ortnu snowy Cot suropUtax on record. Persons; %say with boiltUntgs allitted.sose lergy OMNI - . la one.long.bealed,4rmby my illeMithetitlitoluns /Mdrii, awl Wolingestellenl ttimes health. 'I will ore 1, 44`W CAM Ana mit.4 thentlromillhbinat .i , Wof - • the country; act thehabom who =L.:m.or =write to ttitsa rot matte paidare , Bev. Henry ntarsiook tanlater of edgh repel& In fie city of Bouticarel' vre.o known cam the ;Vatted States am Isla& cif owl; vrilictired bf nada' mi th atelallene other theatmente 'SW • - lessiffUnt.bwr wrtittg terDWISIth regard to the Isedetlit,bie we. and ItiwAYlasswas "kiwi the AWL' Fif full eta temenS of k it- Use hist., Be hod-ore _tay begun-drA t tMe, E4 v .„ --- * --i-iiiiiii ' - .of lintllnston. cum{ °Martial* WereurtaldietateLl One - oe Wog trar reratietneelaillraa almost amuni wria: , Hs tanoirperarestrustt and actribttteslds entilsW.tern, landlawlal. _Weals' Sort i_ . .yarvarraisiray van. !doable* mi. • Acassit emir. veto: bee a verynefrare syliteseesrs, C0m 4 5 4 1 4410 4 and 0114:AlliittiS deed by 41,4 44414wr- cac.rnagliN - dad m = e 4 timpec ... . 4l l444.4 "4 l l c ragl uon d . . 6 A; MasY gredi' a„ : "Qu esieceA i 7 ix „fits7 ,, P 4 hoi:2. Agent% Dr. Keye. , r,llo3 Wo?l, Penn. 7 W/1104 Alenaredor. rittabragh, owed of a very osal ease .1 1 jspeiuta"and Liver Comptatna by tne frysweed Tonle and fiazdnana L 1,.. , Sane • of . , meat Of a bed awed DPIPIPIIII and. Liver? 4 L plata, .She L an feted woman andbei - sersiik, set !every nnawkable. . Jeratece r wife of Oebt. 'neer Wink at lfe.:* W. Rani , . steeetitelassa. butt, Y., - wiz 'askew of reib.asetsweim AM lik.4lawstratualtklady ataan be Peter &tykesSeraeremppit J. Was 'seethe temt tt aute , P l l l l=olBol7 VOA"' swaption. Illacetranste to attested by Warder/0 6 man eta *Met wilt:3oom a:Wm Attu: Xerr Ekwetot:Zettelogtetor.taavu 'tad raw a t" and Laver Vernylatat. sad entitrodstnurikeseolis,.4tavUges *as alma mars than forty te•U upon her pampa:lifts Wit' vultett Aid tic WA/11 . 04344 tar Dr. scam:tip, principal Vaal 141 St , No• Iriel pt atxth Carala_9/ 0012ZONM? del war* .1.1 • snot be addraseedr can be oral thersatbasuPw l 44 E V E " El" DII;:ifFECti , EL • ito~ HO Woitlitfreeck'ittsbml4 - rae LI tbs iguituytAtt• qenr, We nib .:01.!41/. ' ;trabzkvia •
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