bt 9iftsburgh azette. MB MIME YEILI3I3II MISOCIATION SATURDAY. AUGUST 26. 11365. UNION .BTATE TICKET von ltrinTOß OTOITittAL GEN. JOHN F. HAETRANFT Of 'Montgomery count POIT, souvrrqn ozursasr.. COL. JACOB M. CAMPBELL Of Cambria meaty 178108 COUNTY TICKET • Jahn7o6 DINZILIC? ATTOUSZT B. DIII , P, of AllEvms9. • . . POE 00ITSTY OW(TEOLL•R BERRY LAMBERT, PBS Towruhfp. pus iicsasonu DAVID AMEN, la., ot. Liberty Township. soa ISTA.III BMA= .AILES I. °RABAUL, Allegtensr . . OM. t. MIME, North PAyetterownetp. LEANS •8,. HAEJU iN t laclJandlAu. • TowacAp. ALFRED ALAWE, cd.Allertamy. • PAYLIFSILAYEAtIpp...r et. that. J. P. EJLASS,_P.u.ab,..II.6. JOBS A: DANES. Sw.t Tovnithb. PDX courrr 00XXIS6/0282 ;on/LIN,LN riEFla 1,1 Lowei St. Glair rl volt ooturric SIMATETOII. B:L ? 211cpULLE1 o Buctingham. POP Plano Tan OP poop 110SE3 Pqs, of aturclai. Township A tvmespondent (A. P. )3.) has sent na a ftoaetutication in reply to certain statements attrihntsd to Flom ;John ,hillhor . Botta, of Vir. filnia. We do not. think Kr. Botts ever uttered the language Imputed;to him. The sentiments are sofdrectly eatagoniatic to the opinione he is era XVII° to have entertained elnce the close iflitawar, anti the tone so low, and uncharacter, latfe of the man that they Mould he unhesitat ingly konouped as "purlieus.; Of &menthe Tahiti oftibe.commuelcatum is de.stnayel since the 4! facia emu which it is based, OM 40.41:110,,,Qtte - Wl5O should cheerfully give - inatrtion to cur correspptident'a refit tatithe e eta thty are well, put and apart from ilhe Mite .tklect tf attack. are valuable. We hope to.bear from him again on some well au thenticated phase of the question with which he - appeam to be a 4 well seqnsinteti. 'flieVeat reliance of what la left if the 1 .. 1ed "Democracy," is the doctrine of DRAB RICHMOND, HOLM. 4 410 SEYMOUR, and other leading tie® York - managere of the almost dcfanct par. ty, hasp been visaing the West lately, and tfiiii,advice to the brethren scattered tbnynahcrat the Mississippi valley was, It is (113.1 L, to sink all that has heretofore . been instinctive of the Democracy and pat their. sole trust for future success in the skilftd manipulation of "State Rights." They held out the hope, tt is understood, that by discarding all else and by rallying around that Sole principle, they might, if a desirous use be made meandme of hostility to negro suffrage, eventually carry enough of the free S. ates to enable them to bring back the revolted States of the South into the Union, and so not only re esta bllah theme:Area in power b.t secure the re es tablishment of slavery. The resolutions of the Ohio Democratic -Convention have been put together on this tads, and it win be seen that those of -BIC- ry other State 'Convention of the party will follow snit, ThLre is •an evident under standir g an. or g the leaders as to the ground tO . - 11 . 4 thken, and one- after another the ConVertions of the several States will drop into line natil the party presents an unbro beniank rayon Its new platform. There a vent many resolutions passed by these State Conventions; and one might easily be led to rietnk that the party bad enough principles to se' up half a dozen parties; but scrutinize them, and you will tato that heyond a few genenalides and son thiStitaddeclarations, the whole of the ae ries rewrite themselves Into state Eights eitAlieti*"9l The Obio - ConVention is careful to have It understood that State•rights do not include the right to eeecde, but that it includes the sight to do everything else that a sovereign State may da. The government of the Unittd States bus no rights, whatever; everything in the shape of rights belongs tothe States, saving only the right to secede. The idea of their having age right new to hotT:bt r eTrthotolighly "kieoc.ieed out of the dtirtoaacy both North and South, The one issue upon which they mean to try this doctrine of Slate Rights, just uow, It the right, of each State to tax Uni ted States bonds and temirittes at I t s pleasure. Tine Ceintress has exempted these bonds and securities frnm State and municipal -taxation; but they assert and intend to =We* pat : thOlfatea 1441vIdnaSN alai setliagridkfirrOn grail( that they can; If They choose; and will, if the democracy can, stair/ this act of Congress; and that the 'tight of the-States to levy, taxes cannot be limited by Commas. Its other words, that the States, separately are superior to the Vetted StififiVil _ They fancy this will be popular. They know that taxation will be burdensome, and imagine that they will win the tax payers to their aide by-holding out the idea of-the relief that might be afforded by tax ing the f/overnment securities. This, with hatred of the negro, upon which they reek on largeViewill, - .lbeYhopt; restore th;em to power throughout the north. " Stich is the Democratic, programme. It 'has been very quickly arranged, and It is, perhaps, the best that these defeated ene mies otthe gipTerellneat can Fox fair years past — the . y have been insidiously ma ' king war upon the Federal Government; and now that the rebellion is over, and they can no longer , carry on their warfare, they very naturally tam to the only resource "left to their haftivd hate; and that is, to still fight the G °rem t. ent by making war upon The 7hole of thie, pro,grurgue is based upon ihf - fiaTtimf - li - 'is betfer to aplieatth 4holow than the good instincts of the per pie.. The people, they argue, do not 11112. 40 be taxed; therefore let us appeal to theW to lay the burdelu pen those who hold gov eriamens atocke.: - . There is a deep prejudice, they argue jf. r, against the limp; therefore let; us fan the prejudice lute a flame, swellalik tro ; :otir side all who are tn. tirty debased by long con. red t with iiis t tCrtand by ,eta four years de. teat* oitiCaseledism, obeying the - laWbf of nature ,in, gravitating to this low load disgraceful Position. — 1(..15 no longer anything manly or noble. , Wietto.notrorthp, 'now; to ftrine these millions. There will be opportunity enough for that hereafter: We merely call, hattention to the plan of the enemy's cam., iortig; 416'41..44.tiz itself _We t • at a nfraid that they will wlnwith , this neMitilignZOUrfaittc.,lll the:wham% of the right la too strong for that But it ; ilfiD 3 Poo44 ool2 C i td cr i v i aldisa y g p iilaire • yo enemy stands, and what the work is ahead of ns. S:Fortnnotelrfor the cause of hitirthity, the democracy speak . plainly . et4ngh3slo clearly t'whif Viet math; and the muse of the Minds of the severnnient ie therefore — unimbarrassed by • &At or 14t4:5eyInipty 40 to rho RUJI)OOe4 of :theompoiatio4;,":. 't ~ :; _. x: _. ,~ yr t `` Vilmi.s.P4o:infoop : rbrother of the Prtg dent, appolOtenineyor of Cistoin at Velum Tam. OBJECT TEAC HING: The report that excited is much atten- tien as any other at the recent s-ssion of the National Teachers Association at Harris burg, vas that on "Object Lessons." This is becoming the great subject of discussion among teachers. It appears to have been rodtthed into the public schools of Oswe go a number of years ago, and has since been followed up there with great success. Indeed that city has become a Mecca to which pilgrim- teachers resort from all parts of the country, and come away wor shippers of the system of object teaciii"g B practiced, there. Part of the committee appointed by the Association last year to prepare a report on the subject, visited Oswego and gave a thorough examination of the workings of the system and agree in commending it highly. A lady teaching In one of the Os wego schools was present at the meeting of the Association at Harrisburg and exhibited specimens of teaching in object lessons, which was received with a good deal of satisfaction. She gathered a class of a doz en ef the brightest little girls in Harrisburg, a pe, we should think from appearances, "picked up in the streets," as a cotene pore. ry has it, unless the capital city is favored above all other cities in having none but bright, very pretty, exceedingly neat and tasetully dressed children on the streets. Having the little ones before her, elm held op en apple and asked what it was. Of CLAIMS they were not so simple as not to know what an apple woe, and they all cried eta, "an apple." Well, they, the teacher and her pupils, held a pleasant col. lopuy about apples, She wanted to know what they could tell her about the apple. One pointed out the eye but did not know what to call P. Another said it hada stem; anothe r 'tarred the color; another the skin , and cane of its uses were alluded te. It was there cut open, its pulp and seeds die. closed, and their relation toe ach other and their we explained. The terms used in describing the different parts of the apple were a subject of mutual remark. rhe meaning, ironunciation and spelling of the words were explained and imurerseel upon the minds of the children, all with the object before them and in connection with it. This is -object teaching. Those who base made the subject a study and heed= falDtdlar with its methods, claim for it im portant advantages over all other systems. They say it is the most Interesting method of teaching. The objects at once excite an interest in the child, Its curiosity will at once become aroused, and then if the Ruth pupil la drawn out, or permitted to let Itself ont,a set lea of curious and pointed questions and answers, mingled with highly Interest- ng and original observance's will be the immediate vault. No weariness or inat tention or languor will be noticed in the little inquirer. It is aim claimed o be the most aetural method of teaching. Beginning with an object and becoming acquainted with its words external forms and peculiarities, the mind may be led back upon itself, to examine and recognize the character of the impression made by the object. While if a child is taught to use words and ideas it does not clearly understand, there Is a ten dency to confusion, which l a i k ces a list lessness and disconragemen suiting in a forced weariness and- slperficial knowl edge of subjects too abstractly taught to have any very important relation to the concrete. -It tee tr.s that this method of object Lead' ing is itself the best definition of education. It is the drawing ant of the wind to note closely end compare and classify and reason. Stilt ahother advantage claimed for this systt m is that It puts ideas before words. The latter being merely the r presenta tion of the former. We all know that the man who Laza confused nothin of the val ue of figures never can make a good arith metician, nor ran a chill who has aeon• fused notion of the value of the ideas repro vented by the words it uses think correctly. At every step it multiplies its errors and dtspahs of the attainment of the clear, cer fain, and correct knowledge of anything Perhaps one of the best parts of correct ed ucation is that which teaches a pupil where its knowledge ends, and where confusion, difficulty and Ignorance begin. Is Smarm-stunt Jnoomere I—This ques tion has lately been decided by authority. A professional medium named COLICEMS TEE. being required' to take out a licence as o juggler, refused compliance, and the case was brought before th, district court at-B of Sabo. After a thorough investigation It was eeckled, from the testimony of persons wlea had detected his trickery, or had for meily beard him acknowledge It, that he was acting the parted a juggler. Some of the wonesses, however, testified their belief in the truth hod reality of his pretended spirit ual revelations. The most direct evidence of thehumbug in Cotcnturram'e perform ances, was that of a man.who assisted at his exhibitions. irho stated positively that the defendant hati.reie the rapping with his root, and exposed his other trickery. Be sides the damaging effect of this exposure, the feet of the mediums having to be S eemed as jugglers will throw discredit upon this sort of superstition. Reports of Southern Cruelty We have already given the denial of the litayor of Fayetteville, and the Sheriff, of the cruelties and murders alleged to have been practiced upon the negroes In North Carolina. The Richmond Republic, which we flunk is a journal true to the Federal Union, as we, know it is decidedly anti slavery in sentiment, protests against the sweeping charges made against the South ern people. We quote from an editorial on the stibject in a law issue of the Republic : There is a clams of Northern journals, smelt in number, , n; having unusual op- Dottunitios, of tc,fe.l,ief, 'which If rloint: groat, lan.ns tattle South. .%.t a time wuen our people are anxious to bury the past in oblivion, when they are making to put a favorable construction upon all public acts, When they are desirous to believe that the Government is their friend and not their enemy, *Min thefilitettope of earthly hap. pluses Is involved in a faithful and uniform AO. Waco to the solemn obligations of idle. glance they.have assumed,. , there are Jour nals in the North which, impudently es sumbsg to be. the representatives of a section, with whose interests they have nothing - in Common, and whose Sentiments they do not, understand are filled with incendiary appeals to the angry passions of the South, with Malignant Blenders, and misrepresentations of the Gov ernment, with dark suggestions of thamost hdrrid - p!ots of a portion of our own pupil. bitten: in fv , word, With everything that can fun the flame of discontent, and apprehen• and US over Ao nisilnessa and des pair., is there no relief from such disastrous. agencies of evil, Inflicted upon us. by those who profess to be our friends, but .who are laboring, unintentional, we taint; btg lessly and In perfect safetv'to themselves, to deprive, ea even of hope t - . . , We. Invoke 'the people of the linith to tarp a - those Nothent journals *Wen meir to '"keep alive IC 'Om Baca a spirit of hostility the annoy:neat ca d 40 the northern people. We implore Mem to believe that the Government ittilielrfriend; that it is meting that propedlyaml,fteppl. nem of the ; to with 'which Its own sue, edit is MEM I ; Atatligrelttelit glory and *bitten ere the restora tion of:the former hap'plaMm and sond understanding of all sections of a common country. Let tie judge of the fattut the pasc:jlavo the. taiserablespgreltensionff We entertained' of cruel treatment In the event of the failure. of the Confederacy been calked The Ve iCichanginAr Prisoners. Eurrons Ussierrri t—li is noticeable that while so much blame is cant upon the Secretary cf - War for his coarse to retard to the exettaug, c f prisoners, not one of our soldiers whose im prisonment was protracted by the rejection of the terms offered by the rebel government, has publicly disapproved of It. The men who were so wiling to suffer the extremity of hardship, rather than seek relict by the acceptance of pro weals daily urged upon them to s wear allegiance ' to the Confederacy, are not now dispsed to i bring such charges against the government they then served. Thrugh for nearly eighteen months I endured the barbarous usage of Mesta R"usz, and others hardly less brutal, I did then, at d still do, regard the firmness of Secretary STANTON In resisting the demands epos him for an exchange, as doing him the highest honor. It is net dless to discuss whether be was right in demanding the terms he did. This all will al- I w. The question to he determined was whether humanity to the prisoners should overrule the cos. rideratlms of principle and national and the faith of the government pledged to the colored troops and officers who commended them. It is charged - that both STANTON and GRANT opposed the exchange of prlaontra, became it was Lot to the interests of the country. Bat if such was their belief (as it Ls my own), why ohonid tbey tot act In accordance with it t While In prtson I lilt that It was as right that I should re main there for my country's sake, as that men should be exposed to death on the battle field- As will might we bring the charge of Inhaman ity in the latter case as In the former. Not noon the Secretary of War, but n;'Oni the (3,es fe,erate Government end Its event, li the guilt or ter unnumbei ed maniere in the ISnuth picot a. As, AsoarisoryitLa Pit sescit7 8;1 _ _ soxe, Col. Campbell's Political Aoteeedent4, CoL Campbell's record as a politician will bear examination. Reared to the school of Jackson Democracy, he vcted In 1844 fur a d Dallas. In 1818, however, ho abandoned the party which, he had become convinced, was the cleamplon of slavery ext.ension and the foe Petneyirmaa's beat interests, earl voted for the F Boil cat:Mates, Van Boren and iie.os. lire residence in the South bad shown him we e. lie of Slavery, and be, therefore, gave his vote aerie st the party which sought Its arlensbin. In 1852 he voted twain for the Free Soil nouti. nice, Dale and Julian, and in 1856 wee the del• (Tale from Cambria county to the Freemont Cettvention. He tockan activepart to advoca t Repair principles In his osen county do lag that y ar, .0 id at once wok rank with tte people of hoc uety as a p Altician of fair refs, and zeal. Els Italie:nee in county p hies col Butted to be felt daring the succeed ing ). ars in 1858 he was presented by the Rei tblicans of Cambria county for the donator tat nrmil anion to the dbetict then composed of Cant"ria, Blair and Clearfield, and a little more than one ccOuth ago he was ego•n unanimously sci cted as the chorea of the Union party of C •o:b• la for Senator for the district composed of Cambria, indents and Jefferson. That ho was ar-t nominated on either of °Aston by the district c lan-reline wee not owing to a ecantof tepurect sticn o wo th and rervic..s. but to the sup rosec c uperior deltas o' tbe county which was honors' with el a nominee. Of Ccl. Campbell's mental and moral charac teristics It becomes us to say bat little. He is a et reed tuataras man, a public-spirited ritizan, a good worker, and an honest man. Without Laving enjoyed the advantages of • liberal edu cation, he la, nevertheless., one of the bast read men In the State. flu la a clear thinker, and remarkably cool and cautious in judgment- In a long acquaintance we have ramie known him to err In his estimate of public men or the wis dom of public; meerurm. He is a man of marked sagacity. His social characteristics are of that clam which never Calla to create the warmest friendships and to command the respect of all. That he Is earthy of the office for which he has been combated, to coeceded by those who know the man.—Johnstown Tribuaa. NEVIS ITEMS. A rOTAL enCOUnter occurred at Chicago, Wednenday morning, between pollee placer Jas. Hail and two ruffians, named Jame■ and Micha•tl Tracy, who were brothers and from Callala, The policeman bad arrested another rowdy sad while conveying him to the lock-up was attscitext by the Tracy brothers with the view of rescuing their comrade. They knocked nail down, wrested his club from him, and were preparing to stab him, when the policeman managed to draw his revolver and shoot both his assailants, killing them on the spot. Tux Quebec Chronicle speaking of the great angraileD from Lower Canada to the United States says: One hundred persons from die. he, pezatd through St. Ilytodultte for the State of Connecticut, where they have been engaged to work in the factories. In the course of three nap, no less than three hundred adults left St. li3seintte to erek.their fortunes In the neigh. troth g country. Twenty families left Montreal on Monday for the same destination, and as teeny more the following day.: A VISPVICLI from the Hon. J. A. C.sson, of • he 1.5111 lest., from F of Kearney, says an lodise %car 15 ahead, brit off from tha overland route. Ger erel Connor le pursuing them northward from Fort Laramie. Humeral Dadegoes firn to Fort Laramie. The Indiana are still reported .aim bin g the overland Line. No mwe troops are on the plains than are absolutely needed. A ass nano d L.mns end a woman who has n Irvine with him, have been arrested by General liovey's order at Fon Warne, ludiana, enapicion ktist, Leak. was it confederate of J. WiAta Booth. the rnaidened assassin. They wre taken to Indianapolis and Imprisoned. 'their residence at Fort Wayne was curionely provided with trap acorn and secret I:Dual:tont. Tne new correspondent of the London limes at N. w Tort is much more favorable to this .vonsify [nen his iredreresor. In his last letter nr jevutles the treatment Jed'. Davis receives sea condemns bins for purposely allowing the shove of our prisoners in the SJUI h, the acconnt of which he considers proved to be trite by un impeachable evidence. Tire bet coat of the city government of Ros ton, hr the year ending Aprll 30, 1865, was 4,219,569, while the fedal disbursements of the city trnttrittiTT (covering interest, etc..) were £4,037 445. .The city debt is $11,497,085, of bieh alz and one half. millions . are charg..ble to the water works. Tun rebel organ . in London called the Lulu has a seed publication. In he farewell artleln thou .1, ernal dictated that the Impression that It was nodal:gnaw* than • Confederate organ had been fatal to Ls usefulness, yet Ito last words art of condolence with the sufferings of the Bomb. Tan Bt. louts Dispatch baya that Judge Lewis P. ‘Vraght, and few of Me Bow. were brutally Murdered on the road bezween IVAN and RIMS ton, In thliBtate last Thatidsy,-by t party of udiltta under Cod. Babette, of inner comity. Who had them to charge as prlsOnera. A mama,' phenomenon remnitly occurred In Gals county, kilmoml. A strip of ground, about thirty feet wide, extending some two hun dred yards in length, gave way end sunk to the depth of twenty-flee or thirty feet- The earth mond the edges of the excavation re mained perfectly wild. Tau committee appointed by tbeGerman Con federation to consider the gentian of an altera tion of the system of weights mid measures at present in use in Germany, has decided by a large majority in favor of. taking the French metre at a basis for the system to be adopted in (More. Two Women burglars, named David Bart; lett and William Coleman, were arrested in New York on Wednesday, chimed with robbing the jewelry store of Francis Cooper. The atom was robbed on the 16th instant of diamonds an d Jewelry to the amount of 113,250. A nom= of persons in the county of Staf ford, Virginia, have been swindled by a knave, who informed them that be was an agent of at &cation for Mu United Bata, and that coal' paid him Coy recta per acre for each :41 *1 Low it own, their laud w I ,n 3 Tic love Soldiers' State Cdnventloo called for the beeeet of the Copperbelds, proved an ut ter (allure. Not more tha4_tllty delegates were present. Leedleg Copp / AO: l e are %trying to give the ;bleu vitallti,but doh% eoleireed. Oiee of theruemhere the canedlau-Oableet has tionotieced W Yariletnensi the Intuition at the.e.TernrOnt,.at the evilest practicable Um% to enlarge all the canals of the province. wttb the design of attractle g tho trade of our Wetictit Stake. Tun Papa btu' refused a requelt from the !Gil len thwernment, which was supported : by the fliwuct Of that F:ance for the Ilberatlen of pfirovera condemned for political °franca In the fattier Papal &aces, now part of the Kingdom of Italy. Tillman C. S. Hospital, at Columbus, Ohio, which cost the Government $70,000, has been presented to the State of Ohlo., to be used as a Homy. wilt aceommo. data about 050 lumataa. SCITBSSD Union !soldier II flined norusiy has Commenced a dull lull in the Circuit Court, aga ipststchnogEhjee, Ceti. itsios, Col. Cockerel! nod othere,for fi ft y thousand dollars, for false ii n p r isopmens, ond•other crimes. • Itt Mlbsbarj the height of thn Iron mooranto is Tinned et tiro handregland twoaty oliht feet, and thearet'ruvortl by he bue at five hundred - *WA. T4Te , glVea over two hun— dred-and thirty atflnpths t l Otts' or ore Above the virtue, : , I Tins editor of theliereer Whit wasmarriedint tied, ,The boystn - blahMee antra thanks foe tr , tripper furnished them at the editor's =penes, after the wedding.-•The-prittirrg hinnies+, most be pn,iltshio out is Mercer. • ficuf.TintobOina & VAT. our Minister it Swltir zerland;tias published et Iferellai in the Gernsh liceugei. voile &Sagan!' huinfortil the Ger. mans respeetios the Orkin itia,e4ractaftif 9nr late struggle.' ; A Psztatti Office llsa been iiiiahllthed Wataineran, end eir. Wilton, third antliter,has itre= totalled at henceforth pin its 4l9lo Us hese; Albrads.l applications will P uaLtic .worzcza via ES< EL* LOB INS) rruTE. THE FALL SESSION 01 this 'natl . tation oath commence MONDAY, tae PTEIrtHER t. A Dplicataona for Sebolarahlp• can be me,de 41 the Innita'e Room., NF.VILLE BALL, 613111, of Lfbeltt , and Four.h atreeta, or by addr. meg REV W. S. GRAY. stalLIW Box 755, Pltttburgb. • • - - FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH, A jr.OIIIMY Urrr, EXCEI.S.IfiII HALL, corner of Federal and Lacc.k street. Pastor, JOSEPH KING. Services at 10i,4 a. m. and 1 p c. Prayer Meeting on 'WEDNESDAY EVEN. LNG. The public :are cordially Invited to attend. 61116:1td !RT. IRA I z ARIAN I:II URCFI,—The Her. A. D. 11., u , of U.nctz mai, ail preach In ORM FAL GALL, Glep - tob Butillog, TO ,a, M •RNINCI, Augu t 27th, st R*i I 'clock, and In ;he Erenlug at 1 , 4 Volaak. The public aze au25:11 1'1074i. 147 —The GL-EXAMINATION OF APPLICANTS for r“lmltntion to tte lilt h Subool will commence WEDTESDAY, Lth last, at 9 x. eußßat LIMLNILOY BOWMAN'S INSTITUTE, ' 146 Second Street The work of the FALL SF SS'ON will begin on Monday. September 4th. Pr pile 1,1 , 1 be received for arrangement of 0/m -ei, on t , eotenater lit, between 9 a. m. all 12 m. 1.126,1 t. COUNTY E &ECGFIVE CO.IIMIT TEE.—t meeting of the County Fact, five Committee will be hold on SA •US DAY, ADO tisT Nth, al 11 o'clock ♦. a., at the office at THOMAS M. MA bSIIALL, Ear. autO ta: J. GILLAIORE, tlhalrotan. nresIECOA w es HD. A LLlGailllCle Ir.— / LIE Si lit/OL othlll Ls will sums es she School lisuie, on MONDAY, theet oleinek in.,/ ei end t AliTl EVEN NJ, usi 11 FR - Po k Vt.:AN.I. inu•sve. Persons lilt! , . et Ip , a from D. Mae rroo, Eau :Aeon) , • - esiri.ed to p.y Bonsai. to Volunteers for to. Inv colt ior Thee, Hunan. Thoussaii Men, will please 01,41.1, 0.1.13 their reeeiple, and crocus.. islets L, Preelileet Jr MN Rnow, .1•.. Se retrirr. lualree,il ,-11111..1.1./i, ALL.I:NTOWN, PA , WL111011.11...r.d Prlv.leg., .m 1 Suv.-I.r A..tvAn tftg.i foi wri Ltgll.L, ulsaalent, un•oln - SitillisrirJowaMorl. rPolno. YCPTt;.OIIHEL For cl, wars, e.ll at Uus.r, Hums. a ./0 Pittaburim or e.d4atim L. LIOFIOFP. , . n a 114:7 mood Pre. I,lwit. ink IP D Irf:RTIS %Jr r /1-E"3 BALMON —New No. 1 Mess s A , A , A prime erg Jun received , sait for We by tbe pound, at No Family (tracery Store of J URN A. htiNSCLA att26 manes Liberty awl Rs Wee.. SPICED SA LMON--2 cases t•pitetc , ai. ed Ita I y Stare of JIIHN A. RENSHAW, .a:6 corner Liberty O . P ELQ 1.1 EST, MODEL Ma .9.33.13 PL. NO. 521 WYLIE STREET, MAKES TO ORDER GEAR CUTTING AND MODELS FOIL NEW INCEPTIONS. 4132D1611111 NOTift WI areas, my wife, MARY 0. KIZSCIAID, Jett my Loose bud board, without any cause or pro,. cation. I would hereby notify all portions not to trust. Let on my own accent, . I will out pay any debts contracted by bar. s u^Sat JAMES M. KINCAID. OST.—On MONDAY AFTERNOON. .14•23.1 bat, en Smithfield, /mirth, Wood, Wylie or Filth iltrects, A Roll of Holm Amounting to $llO 50. The ander will be liberally rewarded by 'aiming & of the ferret Store of aIeFARLAND & UOL.- LiNS,II silo Ti Filth atriet. second floor. will NOTICt TO PARENTb. 1 3 901.4,t Etakkcocol4 The eluirrsigneWAS desirous to educate het owe children, loth receive • United 11.135M11 of no epectahle Pupils, for Inatractine f a ResdatX. Wrlt. tog. ArtyhmetlP. the linvimenta of french, ko. sod all locos of Orem. eta Needlework. 'Mdt=l==,=M=l 12MEM nulSeneoAzn■ VIPST cLAt•S ttlL HEFINsitY Ftni SA tra . 4 at the slant end of toe SUM. , burg Ertege, aril comprise. Two amt a bill Anrn of Uround, all feacal. and whereon is erected the Pet.ona 11111 Works, with all nourimary tp pars , um. Tankeee for vire thousand barrels. The Works can be ut in complete working enter in thirty six /scum The Works are orrareir at on+ halt the rest Is the pressor owners, and now It the time icr rapital,sts to invest to Oil, to secure large Lit Wend. App !) to R. hrLAIN k 00., cute I.i Fnursb •• net. CWITHui....6 IS 0rr..., A te.l.ollsor, Auguet St, OSA c'EALFD PRoPoS cLS wtll be received et 1)11. OEIIOE, until MONDAY, the •S , h Iry s . r., inductee, for building and putting In rue , - otos orOcr, at the Allegheny Water Works, UNE DOUTUR EMUire E. Specifications can be seen at Ude ollice. )1. cures viii please state erten they propose to have the 4ito corn Intel. ruitrid R. B FRa NU/11, Oily Controil.r. ESIAPANAKA, (BLOOD CURB...)— A moat rentarkahle article and positive care for SUNDT VLA, RHEUMATISM, NEDRA( tti A . DISYEPSIA. P)111.1.1613, And at diseases of the SIIN. A. • Tow., It relives the appellts, palest el ;triton And wholly rent/411,s the phrase letrnslo sad It coal, beta trial to prove Its Arta Yer sale by SIMON JUILPISTO74. Drogyal corner Suutheein a..r r ou , Street lEw ofinCißY—Tbe to derslgned has opened !II F.STIR ELY NEW STOCK treat sad W LLL-SELEOTEU OROOERIES a Mete NEW STOKE is additlon to otter soy. attn. they would call at elation to their atoe t of Fasters 'BRASS BOOND CEDAR WARE. SCOTT Lt &WITH— . Is t roue saran tamale sad Fern neon. Oth LEASE& OM I EASES eats be had oct ttre moat favorable Mona o lets of four or Eve ma, on Whitely Cheek may the &kn • kg well ( bannia) smelt tact week by the Standard Oil Oonlyany, of Ptunbureh. Ayyly to ,em STEEL a BAILE.Y. Wilkins Hall. CLORING OUT— Cotton and Woolen Hose. Serpenders, Nook Ties. Voiles*, Pocket Heedlamb els, Head Nets, Velvet and Si lk Rib bons, Spool Gotten, Phu, Needles, ShoeLsoss. J. G. LAIIKR, 101 Market street, To devote specloi attention to the Basket, fan cy Goods and Toy Trade, Wholesale and ItetsuL scan 300 BIILI3 CHOICE BRA.DIid LLY FLAJUR; 3,000 bush Bawl 1,000 blab Ear Com; 4 can B.ted Hay; 1 car Pesch Blow Potatoes; 2 bbl, Butter, In 4104644 60 Lentil; Green Apples; Ia "" and " IrAWON, srattiorr vo„ Roo. Penn St., Scatt's new Naha,. NCB.OTI 11. & DOLurrlnty Ojke, Pent:reroute Wmf, flalinisaoco, august ISE& The undersigned, by authority of the Provost Marshal General, surnames that all persons hav ing just and proper QM= against the Govern ment, for Mpenses himarred In Recruiting In tha Western Division of Pennsylvania such u flans pertatlon, Sunni*Anne and Lodging of Remade, Dent of aepile; as I and all oliners claiming 110,1wiernents tot aura Expenses, must nie•ent s.•ch Claims at •••13,C, for 14J,IstiSant,..: his uzsc, the city of If F. Alta'/t.:l, Putt • I :In (1 It 1u . r.1t• 7 nut. Debit. , :.,ruitrslut lln er. IitibbLLITIO.:4 vN Piltl , l743UIP. The partnently haretoicrsr existing between Cherie' U. Beasley end Franz Pon Gontekslader the lam name of ISALSIsEP 4 tAN GORDER, L Tnis DAY dissolved of mutual coomut,. P. Yen Gerdes* 0114,4410 g of AU entire Intere4 to Chafes U Paisley, who is Alpo nothorisect to etllect all estimate duo, stet lottht ell claims eselea. tut old Dm flet.t.S. 0. BALSLEY, FRANK VA., 001lUZIt. Pittsburgh, liugut Rh, thee. VOTlOE.—Thving retired from the firm of Italian & Vnn tinnier, forlbstrurp-se Of I ember.. Ins In ill., Tr instuanx Business, theerfu'ly n °motored ny suborner. Marin Bobley, to [4., pstr,zajo of ebb ley old austomon and abliTers. VIZA RE VAN ()OR DER. PlTTeeun.oB Auttiat 0, 180. PAILROAD EXCURSION 4% GRAND ArETIUN SALE or nery (mime EITILDING Luis IN TIIE ORM-LARD ADDI TION TO EAST LIBERTY, Alleeway o ouuty, Ph, known es the hOmbsri." et :ached to that b end central Property. toe ''Sbakapean (b1:1;troe"-- EthaeNrlrceilM'scAs.u-- fcha laat, at 1 36 , • -Ut ie eleinity of the Trete ens ere to e tran. e l .7p!G. and aka Pennsylvania and Street Beamed - Est; ur equaled for huddle; outposts by a, Lib. my or fin where. They ere from tweak., !nay feet front by one heated feet deep dub, to op None f the Lots v ftt he /widest Orate sale for tlst, toe mine to eaah on the plat, but when put up at auctlop they:will he sold to the highest bidder without.reier.e,thd without re- Tomos of Salo-(ret4hlrd- aesh, balance in one and lee years, with ataxic, secured by CnOttiaga on ta. premises. vomits, be Placa .4'3 Lot when cold. as part of ttinessh payment.. A Prirr. ENOUBSION TRAIN will kali!, the Penoeylvanut DenotiPittabtirthi at 2 o'clock Ph - drily, on the. day of Sale, and take:tremens Dv'. diet mid g!itlemen) to and from the Bale, Ina of cheer. rib tickets required. A. DIoILWATNE, Anat'r. $llOO FOR/TWO-STORY FRAME lc lt7Me Fleroln Lblil . 01 1 1 7 tic! Vaalt 16y. Poistesion April it. • 0 3. I:II:TTRBERT it SUNS, an 23 61 Dlsiket acted. Ji r ig W .dVP IifICTItoCaIUrTS: _ _ R • . • - - - - -- EFINED SUGARS.—J tat received a large re. k of Levering's Retitled Whir and Yellow r PEW. For as Up the barrel Of 64 tail, at the Icweat market rater, at the Family °merry Stare ol JOHN A. RENSHAW, at 26 oweer Liberty and Hand stream A i I ILITARY CLAIMS. PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, BAUR PAY and MILITARY CLAIMS of ev, ry description, collected by tile subscriber, at the tollossuta taw, :Pe s' acts, flo all usher claims, fa 00 C. O. TA% I.tlio, hitt rhea at Lem, Gram Exec, Pat.sbargh P. N. B.—No ebarges sae made a the cuana does not jointed, and.oll aVorsontto,2 roan mils. 17/AlsK STOCKS, &c.—ON TUKSOA.Y Auguat nth, at a oirlock, will be told on recond boor of Commercial Dales go.spr, .0a Sraititheid strict, opporite roatobloc -10 ohs. ■ Tatham e B.nk Stock, It on. Birmingham GAS C . 0.; 11.1 do Mono Kabala Water Worke, (131r rui, gbam ) /11)26 A bIeILWAINt, Anc.'r. HOGSHEAD RIBBED SIDES; 1 Hogshead Shoulders. - 52 Seventh Street, PITTSBURGH. su26:lw J&S. CAF DINER. I, , XEctrTottls SALE OF isTOCKS. TUE...SI/AN EVENING, Aufust 20th, et S oa , oek, will be sOld, by otter of F. B. Bissell. Ex ecutor, oa second Door of tae Ooosaiereist Sales Er, zu, rod Stottllheld street, opposite YestolllJe, (esti-mos to rear of MOM immediately from Clth .sacct, to addliton to txstd.J eat/Masa from dolt or of I'l 0.1.) 20 shares lasursnee Co.; tEI no. Mun.mgabsls Bridge (13.1 to do. Hood treat Bridge tio 10 do. Alleihroy ()es V*. .Q:4l A . bIoILW JUNE, Aaat.r. oCKAWAYB, CAHRIAGE, so,—On .L SAT lIRDAY M ufPfNo, Angust AIM, at tl .k, will te •old, at thiaimeralal S vies Rowan, lUd Suit) vela airrat -2 atiperiur riockaWar ; • I Faial'y T tva Lana iiarr;aire; I ouli.e Sat v. lip a Fiamea.; Riding Bruitem, .Irh PiLitUagmei; 2 doyen Fnlr LeAth, Hallera. .03336 A Me IL..W A ISE. Auktineeer. - - I,GARS, TOISAUCO AM) TEAS.— C' 6 /11TH pA, 1r 61,31N1 Nfi, Adeuat - .ULM. 10 &do. k, w.II Irn •old. at Conweerolel Jelea Menus. 106 00.110110.1 sue. h. 10,060 I rime Ha, no riamdwy 6 6 d. 116 • UMW , 63.‘vy fotea , n; la et tievet../1613 du , do. 6,6 ni 3 celesta Ent 11.31 40. f ,“ Tea. 605 A. 616.LWAINE Arlutiolleer. I HON RA Ffi AND Bi.MIL Y SAWING MACHINES—On SA fIlriDA Y M'rRAIN(2, Arno.% Mb, et II o'cln•lt, m;l' Ix •ALI, wt Com. , In. m•. 10• r•roltritlel I •• rein— I tile Prom( Iron S•te. medium au ; I ' le.grr Potent t iJor Se slug .11naolne; 2 , .../e do. dn.; 2 Paten; FninDy In. dn.; .056 A. DIcILWAINE, Auctaancer. BATES & BELL'S— BREABLPAIT AND SEA SIDE SiIAWLS: suss S 1 V.l.l"Ula. Eittrepot. LAW PARTNERSHIP I berth) Oren, that the ouderattzted hare entered Into . 00-portnerahlp [err the PAAO - Or LAW, to date from AUGUST 21, WA AU hush:ma wilt Ea promptly attended to at Pic 60 GRAF T' STREET. WM. M. MOFFETT, GEO. R. COO-IRAN BATES & BELL,s- DRY C - CI OD /53 Opel)log every •11.111 21 FIFTH STREET. BLEI 6s FIEDy.IIAI, STREET, ALL.X...133 EILIECIIV - Ir. House Furnishing Store GFEAT CIL&NCE FOR .A.€411;7. 44 i r TS What the people want —tortrpleta 11,story of the totte I too In use volume, shkendidl I , Illustrate: Ist ht.. Pints esrastogs.. It collet. ..ling mat et 11,,51 two large octavo vole all. agents re se. Utz as teeny to the paste ground so hare are told of all other lea put together. Inca 04.00. Ad.'ress oats L. STEBBINg, Hartford, Ct. INE.N 000DF. Table Linen • Pillow Linen, Damask Napkins, Towelings, A GUM) ASSORTNIENT, Just received by WRITE. ORB. & CO„ anlsdree Ile FIFTH STREET. ALLEGHENY COUNTY FAIR. THE ALLEGHENY .X , UNrY AGILKNIL TERAL SOCIETY will hold en Exhibition dts.- Ir g the First week of October, to the Iron City Park, near Lawrenceville. Extrusive scrAl.gem ate are being made to cos tribute sl_ccoss The Grounds are aocessabie both by Steam and Hor e Rallarsys. The IN:tattoo is highly pictur esque and convenient. A One Trotting Course, with other attrutiona, al I Lori. e a large attendscosa ear Communications to be sthlresse4 to the So ciety RoestlNOt 1 , 11. TH 6T.,PlTrzlil7Roll. at Illeler PROPERTY FOR BALIi TWO MOH DWELLING HOUSE'. rust :te a tr . Ent i ll th W . t, PLCa to trghE i s k STABLE. Also, A Lease of Oil Land,, square In Waist county . , Pa., fronting on the ti. 4 legtheny liver. inquire of W. J. 4 HALL PATTERSON, Attorneys-at-Law. Kull 11l FOURTH STREET, PM/burgh ALLEOLEIENY COUNTY, ea 1U THE HEIRS OF JAOOB FELISER, LATE OF PITT TOW NS tat', DEO E ASED : At the Instance of J. A. Llppe,t, Esq ou ere hereby cited to be and appear ottore me, Wm. J. lilehardson, So.:Oster of WM.. In and for mild aenely, on or before TIIESDAY,the 79th day of Await nest, at my office, at the Viotti . % Honse, In the city of Pittsburgh, then and there to Dice out Letters of Admhantration upon the Estate of the aforseald flees:wed, or show cause, if any you have, why mid L tiers shall not be Issued to A. Lippert, or sumo tber et person. Olven under m 7 ascot sod teal of offlae, at Pitts burgh, ta t . tD‘ a day of Aorltt., A. D 1965. WM. I. It/CLI.A.I2I)S , IN, It..vstor i ) ; i u:G LIPIA_'& NUTRITIVE FOOD, FOR TFTFAriTS AND INVALIDS. ant making n tAeastt t ati4 highly Hr.= Souy mr Giant for rhflareo Lit olive,' t..e I.l3.tha's gift,, fi,tl inva! of sld mica. &IF Full direction. on email paale t, a For wee .3 the CENTRAL D111:0 STORE, weer of Ohio trod Federal .teats, to the Illathet Howe, Allegheny. GEORGE A. KELLY.. Magi EAD PIPE AND SHEET LEAD LfAl . PIPE of all sues and thicknesses. EVE LEAD of any thickness on hand and dads to order, by ALEXANDER NURDON, Agent, Commission ➢inrchant, No. 102 Seconds:looG teiDdhnd REMOVha.. W ELLS, H 21)" Li 1 iHI " .. ..,,t(1111:4VCS nu* tlttAlitt D7td_p_ More ato No: Da WOOD STRE ET, canter ot vlrgin where they are prepare 4 to MI ittl oww la on Val . ,. DMSIMI :2T) DWITYILLE3 promptla at the lowee paw' mr; J 614313 u. BALPH, ALre!3l:Ult.c.ay. rridl4llll saI.PLIO/T OX.s.WINCIS SYEVI Al lONS, for all Wont of bulilltizs, and smear.). lottada that . ertotton resennable terms. tar unto* on ANDEILSLIN Still:EA 'betimes LllHN3ll.lll2llSonlnson. Atoutninw tor • COCOA iluT9.-2,000 Fresh Cocos Nuts reerlved MU day awl tor este-bv EVTINg h BUGS., Nor. 12l as 1229 Mum slices riEDAR BOLITS.—In sore and for sale by ISAMU DIUKEY h U 0 eV IF: NT Wl* BR TOLEASE.t 18 JOBN W. HA. IS & CO., liestre Dean •ogsged exelusively la the ert of treight to oar Consignees, (r dm the DU QUESNE DEPOT, PENNA. RAILWAD. for the last three year., would Inform the business public that they are still pr. wired to deliver nonght of all Mons. In !wire or email spis - itftles, promptly on arrival,and at reasonable tate.— hey cater to the toilooln. parties, who have kindly voldoterred their s commendation ?dr. BEST w always be found to sttendst ea et Pr rt No ti, Duolerno De, ot, during the abseils of .1. W. Hot : • - r . 111, , 0011011, ,t ,, g1.11 • dl, 191 The undersigned, blerehants and idualue.a Al, n of the city of Fittsbargb, having had their city fralrett delivered to them tor thy last Olive ye sr, b; N;, Joan W. Barer, take this method of ex pressing their erp.nbstlon or his a , retainer at sir tine, to the bunions entrusted to hi• care. beLs ale ays prcar it end earslul to bandit.; uur roots. We ch. err oily recommend him o conk...airy at large Charlotte Blume, White, Ocr Si Co.. J. R. °Rainier, I. , IR'Farle nd a Collins, Batts a Heal, Heilman. Lorne a Co., :11eeruel W. P. Claop a Co, Piaui liugas C. (J. Algeo, E cnorierts co., Jr Horne CA.. .010/1/4....0.ern O. Hanson Love & !leo , tuner, ridding, a. J. W. Barker Ca .lust no Kann, E. Bourn., a Co., a1'1.114 erne. J. a F.ll allionnel, James Robb, M (Slide re Co., liordn. r a Schleifer, M.inereser a. Brother, Jan.'s aloslenc. L. 9 . French Se.l2on, U. Yeager a , A. Mot A Co., Char.. SincLar, J. Oarioll, 1. 11. 511121,, J. C Wallace, i. a J. rt.'lJ.Urg, Sbinklett a Auday, Davos Is Phillips, Hine, Ilighy, liekewell, Pea s Joe. o oodwell a rO., by Fleet, R F Seiler. a. 00., Waoueide a. Wallace, BAT b. CO., S. ()over, • K. H Jack, Om Oi t 'glen F. ii,., Logue a rirerg, WhiLato•e, 0700/ a 1 0 3ff, W. O. Jelluslon lk Co.. thee W. La H. Wale lust, tun T eO/./ . 0, J. B. Hilie•man, Welty( Varaliall, Kalamai, IM peuhelmei 1. 11 W & 00.. L ro , e 1 tot a Sons, H. 1.. Malmo, Richard E. 'tree', hwhnot,ShanzionatOn J. Riee a lirother, Whlere , ee Hare, &Mined al to . J. seph Plummer, A. Fruwenteld k Bro., ..I.n en Bonn, lr, 1, Lyn IL K W. Lynd. r A. 111411elland, per B. al• Termini Se Hatiese*l 511Rellync, Retneman, Merran eati.. W. S Haven, per W. 11 Armstroi g Bro. b. 0.., Bunter. •ultat IVINRY G. HALF, Merchant Tailor, MORT!' -II EsT row% ro or pc?, It!. CLAIR ST! ITTS Will, ?A Takes great,plessure In •nnounotrit to ht. n,mer bus I ustt.n./ re and the pun Ic 4e.r.pee 1.. t ptuchmes Red arrangements /or 'he PALL SCA e•tll eeee now cern: toted, hawing been personally witched from the ftre , class cloth houses At the k seder, cPle s Oull such s Masao' Footle AM.,. tally to tecommen cd wilt be centred, Whieh em brace. the nesse et 'aril molt sprrered material. end erylee, the entite stock toelne vent lame vend eine retort. Dir. Hale has much confidence in Invi ting early Inapectleo. Mt'Pk. P FINE tILACE. COLORED MO ['HS, ANT , POE SHINS, as usual, warranted fast In colors, An" IF and texture. . . , IMF LION CLOTHS end other new postings, new •ty to for es lire suits A pest v•rtety of FINE L A -SIMER r't for P•ot. and V.Se, for Mt rotas sod Evaniti; a d•r. • 11,11 sUId2dSR GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. At 9S Market Sfreef Where we are closing out our Immense stock at very low rates. Boots, Nboes, Gaiters and BaMorals very cheap fcr cub, at J. H. BORLAND'S, 118 MAE= ST EE Sesond door from Filth. GE SPEECH THAT HAS BEEN SO 1 ler g mpoken of comes off on the First, Mon day in he i.e.:oboe. Thi• dpateh conta'os Sather Abraham's first and lest amnia concerning the tont:dery flee 004 him armv. All 10010 •ol.hers will pan test night, hare of che-7e. i.overs of old Abraham Lincoln will come in on the first nimht. The second night will be the remembrance , 01 001. Fuck, the great Nebraeka Chief, cad the Dr. The then,. of the Colonel sod he Or 'a, oa rte Inroad night, will please attend at Lafayette Rail Thim is tot the benefit of the Doct,..r, for his behavior In the lat• war. Toorm open et 1 o'cloCk. The Lector will appear on the etage at 8%. awe THE GREAT EMPORIUM BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, DRY GOODS, Ca.ssimeres, Satinets, Jeans, .fie. T. A.llll LELLAAD% 101T109 HOUSE, pETROLICUM PUBLICATIONS. THE Cll. ftE(IIOIT'S OF PEwNSTLVAALA wUh map utd charta; Elvo. Cloth. II s nirsnvED 319. P OF FEN/LNG-0 O.IIITY I If, HEOIJISTS, glowing (alms, au. townshve, eta., eta. G 9 00• MU'S I3IPHUVLU ..11.1P OF WARREN 01JUNTY, PA., uniform with nap of Venatmo Ott It. glom SI tO. IV. HUNT'S Nl4l' OF WETZELL (70UNTY, W Err VA. (Fishia g and Il 1 Creek 011 Reglottsj, untlorm with XL•pa OI Vens.ago and ILLYGLI COM} W. 1.0. 'Ti? OF WEST - VIRGINIA AND 011/0. $1 00. DIAGRAM AND REGISTER FOR OIL Wlt LLB. Prices roduenL 00 al la.s. OIL LEASES—two kinds. toe., or Ii per dozen. THL THE NAT:ORAL PETROLEUM TIMES, pot:dialled aretaly. to mate, $3 II per ecatum. JOBB P. HUNT, Publiaher, 59 FIFTH ST., MASONIC! HALL. map Berri by return post en receipt of price.] cull THE PITTSBURGH PAPER MAIM PACtCHIPO COMPANY oMr for aAle 1,100 anis. Crown Wrapping Paper 1,000 bells. Bedlam 1,000 Wis. Bedlam 1.000 Odle. D. C. and D. 0. do They have also on hand are constantly renalvto4 from their Mutt, MANILLA PAPER of all weights and sites, HARDWARE PAPER of wi n'eight. and sizes, PRINTS, EERY and SATU RATED ROOFING, kn., do. AII quantities sod afros of PATER MADE TO ORDER. at Ms shortest notice, to snit ottscomen. WANTED, 1,000 TONS OF GOOD MIXED RAGS WAREHOUSE: Bh THIRD STREET. start( PITTSBURGH, PA. IiDETEOLIA MACHINE WORts.B.- -1- B. B LEOBT, Manufacture: of Lb Ueda Mateo Patent Improved OIL WELL TOOLS. FANS= POST, AND WALKING. BEAM IRONS, and all Firrtiats USED IN SINK ING OIL AN tr SALT WELLS, Net. el and LI ottlo STREET, on the upper route of the Riau. rer Paa.enger Railway. P n. AAhireaa, Boi 11 ALIA() H.P.r: Y. PA. Part.molar Atter.tloo la Ilia iota 10. pt erst Lt. to .Tire 01 toe point Sun sod Low Motu trot, h I..ucoers.l ea pittaly for t.b.10. All parts warrsoted and mode to stancaid thee ; the pion atot aoukels of any ono Set littang any ether of hia manufacture having the name number, Steam kloginas and Maehine Work made to Wit, Wo Larne the piddle to unit and examine, and Judge for tnemielree; and We ehalkmoei equality it vorkmananip and eampett Son. Send for Oiad and lltreular. ISAACCRAIG'S OUTI ET SAW MILL, ANI) BAItGE YARD. Craig Street, Allegheny, wITT's • j PO.LYTRI.CUM FOR m Mia, 'W 20100,1 0 4 6 9 all who Wive usau It to be A No. J. Try ye doubteri awl be convineed. For sale by 1W druggists. Jytettyd RIESEOff At Ma, Engine Bnllama and r4aohltilata, Nutnatures of Itleßeales Patent Balance Val era for Steam Enamel, O Enema, Brewers" -Mr dither", Stunting. kiarmars,Pulleyry rot.. Coney ElattLion Pike .11Ustargh, Repairing and pattpft up .ina. promptly tteuded to. _ 1 BiId.KDIATE POESESPION:*-VWO - fiTOIIIr 13RalfrDNYELLING BUOSE Foa, VALk, web Lot of Grottad, Ftont.lagou'llgtom' wed, coarAilaik sttoe*. ArT4 to. B. -0151 - 11.11Eff. r a - SONS, Guts • .6A.ffiarkot. street. TOOL.-0 Backs in store and for Bale by bull Lselelt MILEY h. OM ' IrE if" - OIL YARD AND IRON TANK'S r / We ace, for - sale, on sweartraGnosorterms, our Oil Yarn at Lawreemseille. with tanks, Sheds, Warehouse, Office, Stable, and ther EiSitlIMP. It la roe best Landing ear ' lienty; tom creep convenience for easily and cheaply removing 1111, In bulk or banes. tom the river to tank, or .wate house alongside the Alleshany Valley Rallrolut. inch as Pumps, Engine and Boller. Reception Tar ke; Railroad hom river to warehouee; its fact. these a nothing waning to enable person , doing a Crude itl business la the most economical maxi net. Au an Inreel meet for income,we doubt If persons wiahing to male one, both ae and prof itable, could do better. 'The Tanga will always "IA for a price that will pay at least twenty per err t no our price. Fu furthe r particularly apply to BREWER, BURKE h 00.. Corner Duquesne {day and Hancock it. aut:6:trus od TANDIZ\G FOR NALE .1 AT OIL CITY. the t wired by Brewer, Burke at. Co., L h Shin, t dire, Tanks and linnes, on bank or Allegheny ricer, at Oct LI: y, will be sold at Auction on WEDNESDAY, the 77th day or Sep- Duct,. at two o'clnek p. if not previously of at Private Sala, Thin Landing Le one of the beet on the river bank, having on hundred left liver frontage, sod running back to the tint Street, with smote Led limn and Pla tonna, ton T•nka. cacti six hundred barrel. capacity, t I Di) C this buhdlr 88. loepa.ticulars apply to JUyiN P. TRACY a o the premien, or to BREWER, BURKE a. t.O, Corker (nattiest. Way sail innock et , Iku2G.lrn - rotl Pittanurgh, Pa SUCCESSFUL TRILITILIEIIT !Ironic Diseases, Consumption. Scrof ula. rypbills. Seminal Debility, and all Female Complaints, BY DES. AMOS & JOHNSON, 1.413 Fourth Street. PITTNIMAGIff, PA. Testimonials from the Medical Profes sion and Others Mr. Editor: It Is with pleasure I make known the ballots mg toots to the outdo; ballevleM my tea ticutny any be 01 serv.ce to SWIM 111V1h, Who has hitt ot to failed to obtain relief. At all scents lam Coln no more than tut Lac to two atealeal gentle r!. ucf out city, in tonte.incot ti at / have sue. oca. iy name several very bad cases of seminal weakness anti Itcuale complatto a, by atloylini the Me on c.t tsoatment no. prescribed by Drs. Amos b I obr son.. • • • • • For :emelt. wraknres 1 co not know of anything that ran equal tlo te acme 1 have preatribed them Joe a great many ladies who hive been trors bke for years with eakhess, ao,l in every ease a per rot Cure his been tresteo; erase eery bad casts have yielder , to this =oda of treatment in the short spice or two weak.. 1, • • Toms, respectfully: ccieas.,ll to. F. BIERWIN, ..I.L D. UleveLesul, Ohio, rem:caw 23, 1883. ERTIFICA TE FROM THE REV. DR. RA VILTOR C. FRE/ICLI, OF MONTREAL. I certify that Drs. Ames ZS Johnson's medicines have cured my site, who was subject to debility n.any ys ars. The nada/Alms were used only two mantas. AL U. YIIEIIOII, L. D. Important to Ladies Our PERIODICAL DROPS will bring on the monthly sickness in cam.• of obstruction from an, cati.e. Pike It. N. 11.—Ladice Who are preg n•nt should cot one them. Tonic kr Et male Weakneee, a certain cove 12.7 IrJectioli for the Whites or Lencorrticeit,i-d. TISBABEB CF THE BLOOD, &c. Drs. Amos ¢ Johnsos—Deer Sin: I must again state that your remedies for scrohda and blood dt. eases me really excellent. For scrofula, mid air or Mini/Ulu oi tar, blood, I and they WPM 1.11 to cute alien used as directed. I have sue cot.dod in coring the ROM Cant. OfstphllL now to our hospitals, In the short named two months. F. W. R. LESLIE, M. D. Cinema art, December 180, I= SEMINAL WEAKNESS Drs. dm. k Johnson: I have cured, by tke use of your remedies, several patients that had peen to mates of the Lunatic Arylum from the evil ed. 01. of seminal weakness or smiantry habits. For such cases I consider nothing can equal your mad. .1. W. SALL.I.N.S, 11.1. D. Albany, N. Y., October 16th, IfhP. Take Particular Notlee.—Dm. Amos & Johnson address all those who have injured them- selves by Improper Indulgence and solitary bah its, whim ruin both body and mind,.curdlttlog them for either bush:um, study, society, or marriage. These are sone of the sad and melancholy ef f. no. produced by early habits of youth, tweet Weakness of inc back and limbs, pales in th head, dironeu of sight, loss of momolar pore Palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous Ire tabllity, derangement of the digestive tuned= general debility, symptom. of consumption, &a. Dra. Ames k Johnson have for many years e elusively devoted their strentlori to the treaters of :be disorders referred to to thew ha:tr.:hats Addrees, Dan. AID IN et JOHNSON, ' No. ten Fourth street, a uSdnidstleirodersaw Pittsburgh, P. A.M.ID3 BO W 21, MAPII7ACILTHER cap Si-PROVED BOEING TOOL& Sinking Oil, Salt and Other Wello tio. 188 WOOD tTEERT, Tools werrented mute of the very best swag dll:11 LOW KOOK IRON. WELL BORERS 1-.croc , oast Oath Iriactas Icitz such snide, as an (woman tO canal= operations, viz: ANVILS Brazos's, SLE ES Kelm Fah, SHOVELS, PIONS. AIM HATRE SAWS, WEBB , , PLANES. WEEISR I JIM, LZVELs, I NAILS, &a Rape, Lauber and Awn Bentz a Ilqf wash I Lair• , castantly a Mrs. Ist exalt COKE ONE, COME ALL J GEBTLEEEFI'S FURNISHING STORE.. Nos. 18 and 15 St. Clair St. The attention of the public is called to the tarn and extensive stook of GENTLY!" SIPS FOR. KISSING GOODS, first opened at the above. mentioned place, which I am now offering at great lougainn Any one want of the above Goods, it to their adventag• to give to. a cad, and examine my stock before purchasling else. where. They can find the largest and beat selected mock of Fins White shim; ex,ra sizes, fleAtegee Shirts, Woolen, Cotton pod Maki Thread Under. shirts and lirswir, beam, Neck Tie., Socks, Si.. Venders, Butterflies, and everything pertainlog to the Gentlemen!. Furnishing Goals, in the city, Remember the piece, 13 and G St. their Mont. BANUEL LEVIN. N. B. A large nook of Rats, Caps, Grev's Oct. tars, _Lockwood's, Universal, BYrote• Eihmiltd an yiSyyzYY do heavy P iz VULCAN COAL YARD; ROBERT DALZE LL. Office adkrattlog Atsahlte ghop of the Pitt,. boreh and itenetellsville Ooreopme. Best Ingtighenl kmity toot nit Nut WI ALWAYS ' ol4 ' COAL DELIVERED AT 311ORT,NOTItI, W IL so l i e cTeetiTit e 7. tir. r4E reo L e )f an c atl . ,& OFFIVE. Elfto street. Daum It RACE., have on hand a tune assoanteal of MOWING MACHINES. 134:2.7a,191=1 Strip azuerti, Scytho andllay Rakes, pro. 28 and 30 OHIO BMIL7,' FORT PITT FOUNDRY CCl•WE'COXtrle•Vgig.ti..2l3• WDI r1CA 1 4 . 1../.. • ... •••••, 94.4 . 4.9431M9A;T, JOB IrPTI' ZAStai 4. ISAP. 02121e111.116-EOl la NAP i EPtl E I,Sscrsiuna to Marta Mica Manufaciattit of Ordnance, iad'all klada'ot Hes. Cattingli Tta una AL*, 81140, -. • Ines emu .. . 1hn11.1341Y grEEL it 3.IILEY; T • stock Biokeis and Real Estate igtnts Stocks !might and soldfasels ! 0%. • 02110erWit*M3 ILUS, . 16 birreliNc. Lard.oll ; - • le4l de cure Mick Creetr:Lubricistlig; in - tt,c a: d JA.311.11 IIaT•Z9.LL• & SON t 4 mut 1, gßtj...r Buret. • MACRUM & GLYDE SAYE !anal . - STD AS PARTNERS, Frank Tan border aud;;Calcin Hagan' Tie partoerehtp to Sete Dom it.cruet Ist, and the and the boatman to be conducTlOl under the mane and style of Macrum, Glydp & Co., WHOLESALE AND ROAIL DEALERS Are receiving every day by " . ..,s1 1 road and Elpreu, For Fall Trade, To wbLob we would esti the attention of out friends and cuatomen. 4 Haring been conaderahly hampered for want of room, we have bought out ihe whom Stock and flood Will of JCSY.PH WOPENORS, and by potting the I WO HOUSE:I IN ONE, Our endeavor has been to treat with Adman all who tavored us with their eWitom, and we wish to say if you want anything Boaidmomo *Ala C3k..l::M=na Cr Latest Styles, o Fin. Goods, OUR PRICES We Will P 4 as Low es the market will afford. (Air euratmelt will be fovea igISURPASSED r eitaks la VASSETY or PHIOM. All we want t, D. S. Quesum, D. v. Glyt LOCTLWOOp'I3 ALL PAPER --- - The .rew Price Ltd of august LINEOBTANT CHANGE S HAVE BEEN Made In the Price o : Some Styles JOBBERS CAN RAVE ;SHE NEW LISTS, on application at the omce or RO. lOsTrit snrEEr. Agents for the Sale of LooofoolrB COLLIES. M 123 THE CELEBRATED!'" PATENT GLACE PAYER COLLAR, The only (nay Perspiration Proof P1T79811150a, PA 13==39 Fa:..ECIECENT 01==.1 Mir GOODS NOS, 7S AND SO AIAREET STREET, wra xnassa*wckisi NOTIONS AND FANffY BIDES, NEW () D S Shall hsre outitchat. roo for our ouutomtll. Whole sale or Retail, GIVE lIS A FAR TRIAL I Fr'Etok Van Gorder, crsityi. Hagan. MACRUDI, GLIDE & CO chr.acows t‘xivzia AND 15th 4. orostty. MACFQst a !tanLELE, Collar Jlrade. 1 5 , 0 p o OF THESE POITIOR COLLARS Received Viis Day. MERCHANTS AND DEALERS supplied with sal s zee, et letrest r it-uh rates. MACROId eit NO. 1941PTEI STREET HAMBURG .4 Infaert**. g s, , 4, I HAMBURG TROMINGS, 1 Utile Edged Venni Ribbons, ' CROTOLIINEIWISIGS, TIII kish Morocco Pti.ket Book', l i -1" AT 1 P. H. RAVOlirEi. atm - 17 FreTi STREW'. NEW GOODS F3R atLYI • .„.. oros. have NA. - op* a news liker of Molt* Pnew. Cicala for th Weer ;watch to which ttlepia. Pans Dress and Panne' Tt. wank, new style; Franch , ltatioas, new style; Chirnlture sad Beaded . ,Pattas Lace Coll rr a Iwaii•Hkelki• Istout novelties in Lew Vein: 1 1 5;tjunitc. Embroidered Sinai; Duplex Hoop .pkttie. Samara:. Skirts; Stockings; atoms ties Shice',Hhawia Cones: Head Nettst. react Combat Parsing' Alld San Medea: Binkee; lilwtattP Plain Ara Striped tiwia aed Neitteitoklei FINE 'FaNS In Pearl, Ivory, Boodle; bas. • wiroLEstaa ROOD'STAIRS." JOS HOtErs•er, CO EMMET. AT W W,-NIOOE64E_ 46 , s --- . - . at MAD - ffolitm; 'LOU WILL , • • pozszie, LAOEN.. Ocz 111011P80.11 ifREJICH ELASTIC/lir:MU E.C.L.114114' , ' Thetwitruts...; !CILTI24—t. 00 bush: pripp .Ciats, 81.0r0 • A-.• azd forsVe by FETZERftrISTRONG, 5'4.43 comer ket aad Fan _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers