'''''"'''' ,.. t , :;',?'l:.';.:-!4 ~TxCgLT I 'll/E11:2811. iIEtTRANFT„" of:KAomere count3 , o' 702 11!IIRTEX011, MMUS ' 4;01W:47AC08 cAMPLIELL,, 1 141101 i MS= TICKET.- Poi minter Arrozin!TT sasvilti ImP?r01 auetbetiV. row Gov COPLOLLI/g (*AM, idLibegai;TartshO• • • wi, , ,!, - . 302 0Ti.17,10:14711i ; Jeiturri; ouiuma, Amsteur• • orbit. mazgreorttr snstteTcnpAell , . TURNS IL HERR antlien T Pt &LIMED 81,60/4 of en ir• pen 8. trro • JUI3f taitos- •.! llNVbertnrir - k/Onitfiggatilne .yoironiart-srEzienof Um& St:0101. tp. - 701 iatrir**nwsictt • = iniortrxr.:or girOnsaig4, yowl' .. p utr aToxlisr ity„,„,bia .._ i .2os a math= NIA. r ; *it5,0110743, 1 .. p +------ v lorza.. VA el =:....ant * ggg Th -- 7 1 --- ' 3E ckr ^-" otigie Pet r° f /I "'58A n.. ,.... tion'. Or Pan Union saes o f I' 114.•••••,....... en, of the ,1 index of tlie 4,3nnYnnti ' zumitstalcenb ° ls is Jut x.4lsints %on ~ /theam - Inc spirit e' • Yen -...."t•witich• - t• the oppos ing t and P. , ' the BPII ' required t°/ne IAB Milian t •••:,f' ' 118%4 eats sal :most Poten ' •-•'`'.• It • ^ Ilion. whl the me , , . ,-, pt".lB_nr imorig„....,,tes. 12 - 4_ , •ThefixeXt tt7o.tite soce,,de,l:;:i and ireaSU2 4:- Ciatri ''. ' aCe Q''' ~- g rand Prin`"" 1 •; ' Aiii van: asserted 'eft"' •iire thed NI, f. tonell7 no tge/eg4"l elite' ee" 1 U115...,a now it Is i ... tea b 3 snow , in - - p1c..% ...-- ribose f 3 ,.... . . ... p o w e r s r Tad anY °' and thew /au shall be •.; - xl°- their pl ac esconstitutions • , b • hoir pried' r , 1nmit...,01, until X with ibex° of ill ~' - - the into MifelTlnitTe and liberties d -, - brought a taw thsffi`gb secured.. L false ono. ti l n . plestlx°- shall ; be ted the dutm '`'•.3 th‘L_4ll24llis democrac y atte mp ted true : democracy .. spliZitgia--. ...aft', no w , it. t ttOns Id. aLb 74,1 h a u;Prezerv° animated , eux6.-o which Qtatelll)* ‘ the P rinci P g -Ito Itte NO XII9' ,F 1 1 8a1°4241x fartiiis ilt i t - d, it viti'aibua ..- • ism sippo.g '- promite; e° must honed' b e no ceel- or other - big ill ,I _ •atn _- , one , pestles be lopeier i)e'l'iei cannot . _ form..y T ~ . At oo d. "Liberty slivery'l°.7 uvulae • r? conjunction'''. oles are Inhelext".l...an two'rtool_,. apftinotiv - elm of th e leading :, ... nniy333uteie ~,__ eg . i Isle manifest wat. ','...,. . - k ,.4 ,` : : . spirits of Via: letizet ' . ..1 -,. :' - - •canine;_leiger iiiiiitiOi?'l2iater , thelise* 1 4 . - fate cantediernefor Yl'iei' 1. instnuaon et' chat: ;i - ' .; ' - :461 01 1 0e,r/14rci resolved, bytke.Pchl.WT; 4 ......i.:,: l ieatittli legtsiattoiti. which:they. are In hot: f . , - ..4: - ..,,,*.•''-%s/t*b!! restore, to ree2teto 3 4nPaa Oa -,ralaisi a . 4„-*tiiariti Witat:vt iiirdol::!**l4. if.: 'tait i would jut Mlitrii support !!19/2?, .. ' ' ' didthealdratitittlen:Thisis. - : 0 :.-Y.• - • -. .acrag...a l3 • ..,' - -_itlaltni*ibat la iii 4 : l3 . /1 4( .. -:;.lol;4s*l4;*4lllll,fi.,or**Atarini' '140. 4 40.44th 1 0 ,1 4. 1 40442.40 , 0 01 11 . ' 1 , 16 1 20 : 0-41ii k th f . , °3 . 3 0Nr° 14 - the ''.', '.'olutfpAP**** t l'*O ft '4t! . t 9r _.t : '.tlistittiosHi'ibi-briiliarki : Ojan** n ati - =' tatiantd . Mrbgalti!i**o4 ii gr iai :. r - tiftWiltiftrAtC4 l 4l#4o/af l iA L Yi 10 -•.igar'libaffit 'Oat 1 110 ?'P l IM Itc ' a ./ 114 PP L ' i ' , - - - -17*,1 -' :- # l l O -'alO n * , *r a ai.'. -' -aat . , ' . f.`lha4:thik 7, lell4ls: . l. - 30eiriiiio, 041--,:61t .: pore utrePlef- - ormoreuridr 4 1 liVhate neat . .. iiioti**o444o l liiiiliii - ik#:, policy of Ute - Prmi t r 4 o ll o l : :eblte * lt YY'FPXOt i t t #'• st=44*: - ,*454iii4if , :5 3 04,_00 11 4 1 ..i.. IF! ', ...tigt!ii an lbw= spec . t,..:; ;`, . Will.:' .7. : ,-:, .V',. . • ..- T ( 4 1 :400#. 0. ..0t.,* n i::.:YZITI 1 111 1 ; ; ;17, -- : niostAtteallyi (*MIA: Ftlibeek-IN : Elk -; -;,tharefore by that rule ' them be_ nand • '.. or selected.. 7:' ,-- :?. , 7 . .", , , r, Ar:1,..L,....:......-_ , ...c ...tc,.., Veateglatoilmmiat,slo, uoatewou , took Whited strung gaunt oiwthe.artbiectr. . . etprotectiontxt We .w:lttltei3eo , indostry,) se. against the 111,rcquited .idneWyrtif EttrtrL '---' : ltdinctimixtte *0'6340 lexPectetVlar, Id, haire.done anytheag - -'idlW ;wouldAA . -haws , - gitoperlyespretsed - theLlettUltrient of ?cam . ::-sylearthditttitilttlaYdecidedittsiquallited stead Want thatitialtstiiitrita ~,- .5. ~, ~..... ~_ do ,14M.R151N111M111i1it , 0M0Niv. , .. ,. ... , in Igik Inottantr,,declara don ~1: - ekardinl, lite, - .;i*llitnnikaii.46 , 4 , o l o - #4 t .. 1 4 11 .- 00_4; ~., lasibecolgisdetbyPet. ustmef Wail= '.- . si. Ott& 11lier*Xif., MOO* . 1 zedhiij , :i 4 likrirtiitiiiiiii*i(.4i',4llo.:.44 , have bdtenot the degigns-WftarPredihrtit . 'i - . 404t4i414;siPtSti#0V14*.0**Alit ' arts_a '.iiiiitent. , Seirthistlidiatirmv We -. • copy the.:Chictudati;:fkrerttesrepost.:: . ' 'lam steam - nit oilatinterview midrib° Pies : ti1 eat ,„1,... 7 , 1e , .-0-,P7::ri.. . - ..aelttjaaaPedaltY..a e l b - -... - . . t" have ri kepi Abe ,In'' , . ---- . . 13Weii& list/ . . - istiblealinop :if conquev pepee.giulpthowi or fete, Tit ca,: . , . , ltrikgrat„,. alee' ; Uo.. iit i l l i s i t i x i n . - .,4b 8 : t heir ' . : Irj37"M' tl ie l itt. Prtt i 2ll the . . Militari foreti. ' -'- ' altogether .im t and Un left Amin to , exercise their ..,, flt--:' 's ,- ! c i0f u.1 1 0 . 44 ;14 1 0, 1 0 . -I.a.tbate relation! - k ."-.' ,.. ... ,, touvisoit steVeK,' V.A . C4i•% ll . 6, ,Otttr.getre. ,' .' everu _ections to each tot. these.. couraett•- -. rendez eesideatcombinedthem, holding • r - ', a milltary foreenses thereat the same time .• that he allowed them to reinstate-,.titeet civ&. - 11 neWors, and begin again the , exercise .a . .theirioyatitmatimat , This latter . privilege, -- -.•:.'lloweves, was ottly.art aSPerlalantLand the .siteaker Osumi hit hatattu that pusident Johneon se:regarded it: • --- - - • -- -- - ' - - .9/11y tea day; ago, fn's fa., and ' free in. . . teryiew with him, the . Presi dent Said lie , -regard - el the beat CtOtternmente set up to 'the rebellions States; as ; temporary :expert.. otteats;. amply to gitre the people an elver to show whether *they will develop unity . ht an , rit ad policy ,: - nedasitylor '. a r - 4116"8 ...--- 'to - mitten en tdir at°Tatiou !.' llet . r t i ir e ,- Per aid l lng the m ehopevetinnellV ei , t 7 teliaj af t , the milita r y . . ..- 1/3 ....*,. eteinnnteent Shall hold them, 1 ;- -Oci t ieji;:eotitatir tbelbfl...rann.„,d'at,,__Tat e m': .-.. ' 'bubble telieUletut wayviltikAuWtti7 '-• ' - ':- le,!-thertazto -.-- prettent-ithem , : *Pin , ttipalt malt* 4 03 ' Ir'ilrbl i v' ti #7,: l ! a r - .. ... ~..n!, . .The#tellider , ;•*& l s*'"P r - • - ~,;„a t -:-.- - frizett:to'thelt*Rtte. Yladiii isi l?=, ' , . • : m. stied - 41 totteta ve,the 1 4 0121 # 0 ..- - bd .. . ~•.- ..,whi4atheettizent Madifested theice . - . .- I dious spirit by. electing4o. i . o srms itnett.who ban _ ~ , .41 eglap;t , i i , tircrernterat.:. ~ Xt Ytatlfii h 1 1 1 .. .tannit.,;,„, r :. '...:,..:::,.. thothermilitety.sumeru.t,, , eyws. ~.,!,ti.at!. . -Ptr! ..7",'..., ..:,thief t-0x1i0n,..:^".4.1:14',1,2111,4111Te., .ii , u4 L- I S iatorteep?ot what- 1 WSW be .exPee% 0, 4 a %he . , beili tt -4 11100. toithaod , of ' a „ tdrallar r surime ir the i ti& 7 adAtli *L . , f.totibie indan !the.- F, l ; .) ....1444 , Lntr al-kr.K ofu tik o Pit, re ' i r aias 're -'- ' ' r''' f lit ifal rivilegOsX - aillaanas . .# ll4: l ~.[. ..- 10ya1ty.urta.,,,,,,14.e 0 9114 g people: - When eat. i ir; .. -..4 1 00 on ,thirpolet -- whather: one yf, L; ..... ' -44 i -tear- hone e, atandd. , reat aM - them; bu t t it . would come up the question',, '-',:repfeseniattluon. l elayegi t ; ,e. trui ttith abol o i;h : th ed e , .: ' and the .- rule • . a li a lo4 g . - In c 'eta; . ' '''. .:-. ' - 4"12.31°'-be r s PrgEet4e lliiieiti l trbettgf ; , .•.•.'..,- •..- - =lna talbaltc ` / % 6143 l elentation mutd., ~"-, • -- . - :shed with it and a.: ri ) . ... . ?Ill* accordffgld'irorent; end not. acco rding 'i , - • 't -,-.- co coMEadon If eater elle sli(t,theSPeftiAT . ;wield.a;:Stair-0 1 47..aii'l* naa r -F9tr i a , , , t .,t4 m Secitl4 be.censA d ehoid .g, ''' *V; ' 4 : fik4it:2l#49Zq 4 0. ~ 44AP _WM. _ - , .9 , .., , . ,_,- ~ .. . _,. ~ . .. 1 Directly extee.tmei statement el: the an", f • --;:ji: : ' ' droWWl' . ' 'tire ' lici there comes on the aii ' - dier'irtiiii 4 - il*:#tar:ta is, Tat ii... itt 114B ooth -sliotddisot be tedishded: • .'" -. :; 4, -:1,- r--7 , ,- - - - ,, c dr o x'i s ,io , ,;:rmbitbig , d'.litte,tarOar - :.*R . . - . :., , ~, , .. , --' .-' -- • ' - 4 - , _,lk l ista-stiltii,:ind o n .1409WTt. ir;.. J 7.8 present .. . , , _._ ~ hi ' ? ' ihoritailvepropf of; ihtito,hostilly. in ... 1'..".21*-111 'r the •C,oitititutierial - Conireption 'l4l'. ac tion . - - -ir - I "iiiliiiirtiroieetV A ir tasshOppl!' ....0 4 . 111 i daciiiittiality: _ ra 1,. lege flg ri l.S.9- I P:. , t 4 i 4! ,;4,316 - , - ,6etii . for. ted- bit - tte7Stemv* ' - v -7, t i o of ..--- -. 4 . . isinnent ," or littetallna IL .;• ' L I -Ib tisi ld t e ic . r' , llll Thwottitilo. : he sulliclent,to , '-' i-. ,_.. prore thejolly ° lhicnlngF the reins of-geren 3. l l to.iei4ii:4r the rebde , el:these ':.s ta te s rotlial_Wwi%io demanded by" 'Abeirlcioetate alli e s.. lill N o rth. . _ 1! ... !.....:;,;:, r - BTiTE .CONNF.VEION; Arrnimoos sesastro. „rtiCLinall Speelalgerreopondente of the Pittsburgh Gazette, - , COnvinition , itkamerniloilati W.. and was called to coder, tsAr 114 - ut=. Ce?an s ; to library' CCUarlian. . , The temporiez orgaratation of - tieXonyort: -Atop havingtren totopletiff, 4hellztilide**l ..Rae called. when the yartotis diatricta were round to beithllyieproteitea: rniataninirs oltrwriimor . . Pe M' Carnahan, from tho ,- Vonunltteo.on SPentlit ONlnkittin;: . roottiorilititthej selected the following gentleine!iai"varatanant officers i. s: C. JOHNSON. - • • Vice Priaidcrie.- • 'Jeremiah Nichols A Wood , Joseph Ribblet John II Lanais- • .. It°broi.P Bing Oen Lemuel Todd „, Kiichbanm Daild Wilts litepteu-liferodith. - Edgar - NUM I L : 1 9lan J Rowland Hays Haralitan ~?. Geo W Cunningham RDonate Semne MeHare Janes Alt:dander • EU Hitcher . - Christian hi3rera John I:Hammer O W IC - Minor ' ; 4..• , Benjamin t3logerisf.t"j Ea paiaiat' l , 7 Willem Peers.: jI W Refttel: . John Sall ii T • - JelanlA - Thompitei,:i W ylv*onseuer--. Beergwin.., , .! ,- Charles j Bonner. Col Janicalgreeaant . . ; John R Staniar n Miller - Johnßutler , Wm ' - Wlnljt r b.imastroig_ Dona John `G MarthatJamsO illeCtlley. . ' On the, question, "shall' G.m .Repert of t Gas! ommktee be adopted l'* It was 11311/P ! WITICMAY 'agreed tra , • • ' • Mr. Johnson, or:taking theChale, thanimether _Contra:lon for the onctrested imnor. courant. - upon him. Mum theablespeeet: mane byther . hot:, 'orahle gentleman; Str. Count, - ben did • .nattibsort, It necessary - to :nese may farther remarkw.:41.......:..• Mr. McNeal (Gbastar,)- Dam the. (T0D20141.05, on Iteboltdon . s, submitied.:a repart;tabiollmws . 'toad as follows: nr' , ". sr= 02 snavm=k" .. . .>. Ihre Union Party of Peakeylvtas. in Rote co ttha. ion assembled, declare: 1 I 1. T-at as representatives of the loyal people Of the Commonwealth; we reverently dceh:e to °lterate gratitude to Milled* God; • whim 11l 'tor has vouchsafed victory lb the wathasalawas, enabled ltd, to eradicate ' the " «idle -of slavery from outland. and to render treason 'theicatt the itepeDllelorpostible forevermore; arid 'tie* toilful, our thanks are due and. are , hereby ten deed ter our brave toldlers and sailors,who,. by: `their endurance, - senillces; and - illustrious taith-' }s m, haveliernedielbeir coeetrit Teme.wilto the doWn4redden eftnifitere; an. asylum of ' liber f V who - hive shown that the 'War foe the; • testanalth of the Ratala. wet a `failure; and , "whSitaler his, proven for all thin the fact that thbitiiiveinment Of theneoule,hythapeople,EW the Pecitle.lean Inthtelb'hiin Its strength as It - Is baelleent ha ad operation.' - , -t- ,- t.y " 0:, hat revering the orfAbiahent "•tirobtile, - the greet martyr of liberty, we Otomot - thaw.wean hotorld his name 'eta hysigen; Fag import of bili fallow plinteitted weft ,scrr,'Sadrew 7ohnse4the;rredthitifbitlits Un .tell euta.*ho lies beat milled to codpietethe tarit'wbieb he left tiatitdelled„ . " Ms unbend pail:idea' hs'.`ttiepeat, iii 1 0, 1 0 2 Ramat*. ; that - . fa the raopeatdtai re atiil424 , .• ,pt, tVegoyentooett. - 91111]¢9' tteld;' Osidlatir riglifland Ilbertiastall the 'el l: Ttheffile publid secur4 - '" . - ~,,- -•r - - --“ --“ t' It " 2211411 * Paliakatd7i*C 6 a l ittibid O t ii.' jewasiztetim offered: by the' Proalitent - th the : people lately IsrebeMon, In the' t of thisiCaventiou„loutlior,bea - In the 4 13 2T:0t holt , * : ; likielti'2o - .bet in with, Sikh evidence of deflates Igetilisy SS :1 •do imie lia to the conactla t ,124 ± , g Oantitit ;safeirlac'earasted Wlthihnitpolltlevit or they,tarettot kr goer .th0me1b,14104,097, yo, 411=VISVIllilte l TST I Antediderni", d maddasatteit 'edible Cali borders thele.inalseattle elgitirlo:3N . llh,ati and tilathearado;ltandAtta, „' ~,, - -, C,That7..haring.;congetered 354 - tediafitatel Attale‘thtlf should be In ablectlitsa at the tea *rep mania and the beiti hare[ gotensthistsitellered hal, the laninktielfCr, ° 1 - V ie !!!!‘ e l t Ffl9 l , e Y lr i 1 1 ti Vas tr Eid :.. 1 ' - aftratea ' by tho' L lsibeinty' knew- of; thiF , ' Mirka put the, thcriladd, per** „exparteatif the 'Whallied'Cloggrcatftald , deW declare= earfidted era luta Id the lie a& s peat the +iiitifittr of earibelli • Whose estates Paeans , etas of *MINN ernk' alit the Pro:i; rid e sOf the feeritit:Seetwdlolgodltherilit be staffed to teatasecsbe!inashnic'ef . its oo eft 't ined Unita by the -emondhlet irt tho ire, to Pet the detestre dotteibyllift-entleY be - + WM+ cubit* !la tividz+VPl,Pgotitlfeje,4. l3, l l 4' 6 , lbit iti. , thitif iti a d ir i , d to i tt . „ i p t r e is s t t em y l+ . theta , bd •••.11'cir .:•Oltre &ea++ 1 •af ti th e Iniustrlitt' wealth For tie paplk, :to Ueda tasty Poisthiblei and reitear eratives • bald op lane ma •••• fete our agtieulenists; tD [tract capital to the mineral dela of the care. try, and to feerlidOreiteline lot the snamtenauce el rimpablic credit; this;Comeation leak' %Loathe atiletaccorto Strpolliniol.ninatectilosi lb that ReiroPeciolanterovlncli. , fa larefetarete l lttrublud,plattisel tuuselk • ofhlter triiitda tide, and thus istittenfland 40 • thin mit eine• r 7are figrastrasescs•-: , ••i - - •- ' • • • , ~ Mai maysttatipi+bi IbinelgO :ISM= to aa, [abash nomatebral goventutaw on thu coat , eat Ls sada.= afsidefts to dandy Reputd. , ; can Insiltutenth. Stein Orterr ennesafetr and for the future sanity of the Republic datand the{DO such *woo alma 3 = 4 0. , • - ia- Thai' hi the duff, Of Con SO dearit the full Federal bounty to all, y Ala. Charged eeddlers Isresinettre of the dace; tom : 3.• 9,, That we estisofinbter 113 Ethith• IL Stanton, the fatless; honest sod able hoed of the Depot mud of War. is palate servant *bolos deserved well of tdastountryi and: baa torus himself so ciar In his great office in to mutt the canest gratitude of all loyal meet and we tender to him 'and cola illetinguished collapses In the Ma ass our thanks for their valuable services In this case of liberty sad law:_ ...., -_ ,- ++ 10. Tina the =Mat deation of uoternin Carlin to the bug 'ldeate of the Mae and ne tioe„ dales the last font years, and lice hada !gable aka' 'on all moans to pay theAst debt of gratitude we owe onr naiad defadeft, oat merely by words, but-,elso by deeds, entitle blase the Rana. Of- every[ Idol &Lao of Yeirosylvania , .., •.• • . • ... 11. That Ole Convent ion. refiresieutleg the loyal people of Penasyivals, recognizes tbe claims of our citizen aoldtas on: oar confidence and gratitude; sad that' in tiemlnatiows for offi ces especial regard thotild -be paid to the clams t those who have ,antra, served that , coon ry la•the army Or the non to the suppresslon of Lharebetlio4: . 12. That matadors of the +Democralle party lifted analpted before She PeoPid OU-Pstinsihl" els, forconstantly andratlisit the effau ot the assaulted- settenities td =down too Ufa of }be Repate. They did this-- ' ' By bifigain Di paislens of tlitirjairsit followers get the legally' elected este of the Tamil GOVerittiens, and straining froteall' toPrealhagainst treason or armed traitors k + ixtsysirtatriag a dada* fan the Daiederatier edges of unestipreattotoc deti_7l l 4_,.. 4 h,L lig theGotesintneet Ote'the ammo' -°' "'+' azateildne &arta therdellael of hen ce Mk pahleduany.- i - ~ ..- • •.s • • •i.i , , ~,„ Suer fro te wolititestlng the* Rea llr Z ectThl rs of 1 v lialmaylthetis eery tdratanzib t terttossian. ye " ' 1 9101 ES banittel,`and serhirdeunit troy w i r it• /mfg.!, pap antlxwousittatisrlitate'atb+ debt 4 td Ifif The rusher tar. cream + .1••• • . • ilipeSNl - thrr• WWI: a i r of `ti Sby for Wdr d west elto .000'whitst leans wag oohed for Overrates one whet mild alftV 0. egkd *pia the very mouse% When'ttio bat ice '0 Gettysburg was , reefing +on the' soil of rialsillvala:;sol ll +7, real:: of th at , decisive Image Weittaniettaltst' ' ' '— - ' • ' ' , •By , denying to our iddieretbe rig ht to ate :while fighting for the flag dour fetal% on the 'plea that such rights were not allowed by oar 4 conatitution,' and by opposleg an amenduient ;which removed Us* oblectioue, and *fora our breve solditne froth disability. • By ' exaggerating the putille ladbtedeess, de 'flying the pante credit, and teablng that the '• finaticlel resources of the north were unequal to 1 'the suppression of the Tebellioll• ' 1 j 'By a shameful opposition to measures for a- - I 'tattles relief to the families , of Than soldlenq and by stualigtant trots, hi .thrttlitins to se tare the accent of she teals In..th ' field, of li euelLe orotpukten of the war of would abgaist 1 the baba le Its effort to subdue their frlends., 1 I t iii: D oofis besplegabase Vett - t h e, Rofaumetit, I tbe lilting asaUlitiss arid thely;acekspliceet, iby ananding the taleeterdlOg Valeta icy I feentaleg town or atm to isdegto pales.; `, seat; dada whoisteVad out soldiers. ad hi pia rebelethUtellhi*Lei won or pc1!,91:-,:, ,ty shi 100 Ini,anlitiest_for th eir erletta;' -„,„ 1 ,SITAR, ay thWit,,W,Oft, lading: ftreattlet, • their Infamy. WelfAve Ain thote,4tootiotobl„.e. paaii...to ftegufreluutlittrervOrx) le it wool oisk9 l o*frollo , 9 flitotcri lice wortommen,oVi trobtoj t omlittia ni. peagolo, u ovolo y• Ina the retina iist= a cr lai 1 4* „ _240 OM i4lle.faithaV - hir.,Tpdd, oieuraiseilanCauld'inseiiri to It the posilionit takOolzi Ike rie3Oletkole. Some of them be knew were paned In committee by a bare majority. , - • „ , klon. Thaddeus Stevens called Todd to Order. kle I.sti 'no right to divulge the :proeisedings . ef the animates , . • The Chairman decided the point well taken. kir. Todd resumed:La terraria. Ile was op, ..., ,pcsed to' thii.. resallition t , -; n CinaliCatinn. ~ tic thought' all tiliasilcliVid poor should be - Pon- fated. This resolution discriminated In favor of poor meo.bynot tongs:sting their property 1 Resolution No.ll wan again read. Mr. Todd urged upon the Convention the read. lag and auslderation of each resolution offered separately:.-The Tibor& was fall -or Prellwaluu cot gnuitade to the soldier.. Bat the party who 'Mae .- these. professions. do not .do their. duty, .withedit showing some practical gratltndOto the' .. .. . ..• .16 - .Taylcrri - of Schuylkill, said ho was not . ....bistructed - to -vote for any, particular one, hair . should vote for soldier or citizen should he boa., elder the candidate test fitted for the prOttioa.: Xad-hapartiripatediri a number of bailee fOr the. pettyy - elders of Auditor General or. Surveyor. Getterali worth ' the petty sum: of soma 111,600 a , He wan not - .was chalneSbrauthritteso„.: I•lutit n; talteeed' lt Ms Alety, , shOuld theena— .riroatlott Valut lti to - :• . ilttutore trot !Ito - Canyon. titan: • ..., .xtr,*• : tiliaerist r -rif •- Erie. -, thought : we siould be ' . enalst. ent and-ihwiti:eurselves: the Mead of the ' soldier nars'lluiEWe , nO•loogirthaill Say need of !lilt.t - Thettritan men Vrere ,7 all Civilians now, and where the soldier: wait.deserting and caps= 1 his, ha ilitinght It atilt] , Fectlyelhe eoppotT of 1 the Union nierrii , .. 4.- - rr .....,.,..,, 1 ,- ,gri...izi..iAlikb - ,igtetditltilleili'illieitil, that' Arailitialdltdrilylbr' ii ,-. soldier , that , at . the laisklresteentleVelettlen; General -Meetallatt autvrittklibialiartiLlieOliCehuld tau eatelred I I t hetkek of all'Unlon'itien.' -- ' •' • ... - - - „Iltflieyeas;='of Lancaster, said be *nee to oil trey toed 11l retie-atm:sifts° -hill pit • itipiOld rot know 'what' he , had been talking aistut;- 4 (ionsesitlon:‘ did - 'll4t pupae 'to Itectariqie.ttiele web Wrote-liar . :la =idler or Theretharke Of • the:gentleman from hisonnetined the perport of . the resolution :p•esented to the Coneentide; - "=" Hoti.Johit'Cosioni eynipathised with =the ob- Rex d6latitdto be; attained by *Mr. Tod& 'bht he Uttered the - ,ge-of resolothas,vonld ure his cause. He tea furet thisoldier ind should rote for Whet last---in this ncarentiorf,_Unttdclitie knee,' they - ere* ell war; thy oxen. Ha did not believer Attatithe =Wert' desired the makes propoesd taltlth geAtleuuMk °tithe noel y.te on of the amendment to e =Solution (No. 11) the yeas werelritais, The %Waal resolution then passed unani ' Mr: Lilly. of Cabo% snored that the Chair man-of therneoF Central lOoiondttern be timed by trot COnVeutloninsteddef pseeMeg the. ap rtho Intermit - the bands of the Chairman of the ete Conventlen. :%after debort and Interesting Wheasekor onlhoethjeet, It w as paipotted until alter th e aombiatiotts owls be made. `gq•ltaiti Moore Edward 11 Roberta Lapis Roger& itatteti. TbeCpAiienitonippmpprocoeded to ballot rot ,caholdnult for Auditor General. -Tie following gentlemeti were placeg ooththatlon, Major' • GOnosal 1. T. Listwattll, of Montgomery coun ty; lion: 11-bstane r of .I.anthater; . How R. IL At'Comta, of Lawrence= Gen: Chas. Albright, , of Carbon; Gen. - Jet. t.. Aeltritim of Northamp• lota. Berme WO rotate!' trio, eel& be , ahlitattAiedi Rae moved and Carried that the 'nothlsatlon of Major Gentaal Iptrtran ft bo mado 'e follusilon rntltmen wers announced, as esndlestes•for the 'Ohm of - Stu irtipoi. Genera B. 7 tlstopbell. of Cambria Cm.. tsf General Jetnes_lisgle. c,f fictoothill oinotis B.Xaskles gouty S. Boyer of /Snyder conn-„ lyt Bike 2GBlali; or liatitlngdon minty; 'Thetiatai of 8: mama itatt:-tatti-Aluf r Consent of the Convention. wittuirants.-1 Colonel Osteptell tecelTr4-01. Totesill*Cond Jaws Nagle 27 ;votes. And thice..X.4llsit.ll-. 'totes: When this nonithinotiOr colonel:1400W Unristeliqf potthzll"4:oln?t-T. *at Itt*Pl" l4- '' On wolinit of hit.';;:casita. It wits two* sod eairted'th inbe - entitled th asta satasola!aocatioaai;l6334:o Of -four 'ionise:co. ' naddeni Stevensfhounitt' the selection b r aviagratto of the Stile 'S Commutertoatthrtsf- Innood deal- of !ea octane. Ile thinightit Todd bea treat relief -to the chair tathi.annite thoted tivatheithscdolictfteaceen littie,;(= st a rldta aniqiced 'by bulking crjlefiford.„Ctssirossn of the 13tite Omni; thottoitthe.; The motion vas wa d e d wish oppleaft,... AlittibilneCtlbOcCentdol2 Mu. Calera Itiottianft IWO Col..iscob S.Cthonbell wersintio. • dace; who thanked the ColiVeation for the Eltri. 17kalftritrecelvonst the =us time PM int IttuditO ikketslito flischusta their. a mai At 43 tiata:AL iasoirouraw.tas aaaaci Loa/ , y.ini= " nt Al*SlStgan*".l.4% • i lettlotrata 4thordifc:v .r, • • . t •Inelasses , Magle-trost tlie 4 Stair ihntnirDistZeri" Corner • a ~ of INltlemith ant Vistp`strests, we were *ova ieSurn3ey the Km= b/w - labour pramtat .r --ma Indian corn - a . net the sorghum from - the Mock, but on ar. title derived from.thwentsealt, not Inferior. to that extract4fromtha ;best Cane,.and. poesasstss tho prorerypf. ;noit.laserntatiore,to . 4 ~,AWYOWAtclkgra Sre;l.4 teintrirehlrlaeof thstaaturar -proteatCfrrillevorrliody;" toleriranichs.' Theirireottles; We. tatcr_beart.the`moit I l tvonsbutVo9Av ck Olo: wilh. ,AtAd.. mhicli We are .cognboutt.. aristrwe - Intertalrf theoptulan tad ilarlll. Immonte .eicrorite. , Wlittabe WO:a ~.:: >,>: tlnterl stela! thus Or cartaluty se. aurally. th.tio4.o.lsoureervlts rewijeitaSoly at toltairsornasblestraett* and p ,rate at 4Wh cii,j;il4.lWitthdiediLtbs vat* ter_ASsiurteli . fill-'grefttlf tabsrest.' nein' be of earn tluee arallonsot moles: as can be abauactedoitlanst: _The market falue,therefere, the.AeOrn ettple Maur) Oil fields, Wilk -dectde-the: quotatufna , motakimik;nrel:preclifdO l WPosdbilitrar tadaeexime,neccheades**Xesenting, es Las artet(..been 40 4 csat , ,. a awe diligence i01;4 1 4*-.4. 1 4 - ibef.r.Po l( o.4.-::: v. ! r - .'f - ; ' , •* 4 — 'a . '' ' - . . . ... _ . - .. 11111stilrilliii".265 Tax.. , PATX13: 411 :494 0 4 1 Kin P =ITU *ALUM. Pi alt U. L—h. 5t11,140 held .it tha abka_want .Pnolut. *chain Sawa, as 113117/5DAY....t systir EN% Ago ce WO at 7 Volattrila take tato aoasattrasba , as a way Coral lloaramat nava i new Sus Elwin; Mt ire restalata/ ao at;el3l. 1 Mt atetet prtlasstalttaaaa tat ra=k u : , aulEllit f ..,ofidatillesargi aid r STtgoi, u anikou QoApany.l . OW, gem.' lowan 11 , Mym! ' :8011V) OP V 5 ,,, - taoi TEVS DAT deolaroi a li ttf ir4 .43:l of THOM (V) PERVENT. ontao CAppot Stook or this Compass; passlAA cleat-of taxi °Mint* sato 0 VwwkDor Isr. WA- - _ _ Le t a i i i t i . . Books story frOA ' aut9. Wm. &MANZ. TralUrater. iia alshirdridesis arisiang, 11U834BOvra 1•0174111 erg PIIII.AVIrtaqUiy ' • AUVLIIS tae,. OWL E :110diab • us Diascrro f=ur ' hare Lama d Mated aDLVl d s:au at TWO 44) PER '016•14T. ea Um cataaa - Moak - ct' anplltiactearot tax, payabla as ard atter Sep ; Tao ?Zan Bao;ce F7llbi 4144 on slut aka thouLth tastatt, ante • - "•W•M: S. LAY E, Treasurer. WEAST usiewnr AND PENN PP. PLAAKI.OLD.—Ths litoanboldars nithe last Mery aral Penn To Plank Bead, and other partons intereated, a meet at the betas or Mr. Gander; on SAND OILY, /Must nth, at twirl:Meant to devise rapt anima= far Kepalring sal BW, and pat travelaordar., andalle . : • Jt/S. .RZSIBRZILSTIt rotarrasoilin c ow ' , mummy vitoiroGA'.—TbakiiVlL. MSEGUND Axis a.s. DICasION qui was.: o intr a r ZNOINZEBIricr : AND VAIVRAZ TER O otrstA r. orallee O elfte Bari*: aThEa ANDtOe BGES tteteet asurass ifi t iiA ix titztytrhil4dovihet t gliatii. m t . 4Vossis Eat , Zdosi morass serstmera sta.:s I l s r= a ;',4• , r • s - Isicuscarsossewo,,,.t,, Inowassom4%,:rivrt-q.s V. •TO Preibill/A:,!71 131470Q-Bcm LAO uo 4 apt to V aler ra XrSi. k onio • 01:11103EVAgelti.. ra ORAWLSRI3.—Jusi 'recelva sn_sp lt s el , ttni,iierzga,Ornr. Buts et and atabtm Istri whpluyite at,ehrttail Ott , t„itp: Fokoally Groesty ettne_9l_ , _ !al sioinZllol7s2l:l4==.6.--:. pnEts SPICES' FOR , P1011.11140ri , , Puns (ested and MOS, Peptise, lo*der, epiee, Wept, Sluetaid Seed, Neamegil Sean Cayenza -Femme._ Whits Pepper, Ml advedssf tosksltaktbe Varalykirooery.t3tezept :NSW -A.;IIENSRAW '''. 7 `.. - ''itoiStd'idberti and nails ortreelAF-v aCTiaanoisiznow.i,+ , lo. l rlsiP,,,, m urtt „Apo i na4 tws,atroort vat 7c adlitv_v rapt pted for Wallas: jaat trot , for aa/o r by tbslAbyb brtmmibi r i s i v •'" 'r oll2l' ant ,-, ef 3 ,Librity ifandatreotia CVLAiIf • OARRQT , A,T, AU QTIOL4.-;' QN XOLNItio,. Angus' nth, a 70 oitibdt, wan be itold:44 Cktmmerchil Sales Uocallsi Ile Emilia! eldittlecr=l'Crity-ParraL -(Air.-241015TAINEatual. R 1 4,6 0 /E B ' AND JENNY . - raND.--ON . ru,SITEWLY 'Wats_ ING, Oa loth; of U e'dedkisillba sobaule fahla ZOO l'ldrimidtdia 'tree LF eridilloggyt 1 ., ienn , Bu rt Aliddida• .1L.11.011.W sTtretarED-vnie to-ttklas'FAu. , Two:BroWn--Mulesi. . 491i,5."Ai).-3r pertiiztvintiOtt them, mill Fleece cone 'lots. aro, pat iit a art . 2 . ll_, Una, may. IN I Wal bt B,Wickle79 O. .zwr''n I • Egf=7B4 CAR - WAGE. SPRING WAGON ILSR NESS. ti e M ald. at .CaORNIVIG. rut tur. atamaa• aural Oaks Room, lot aalth4eldatneetrt invade/ - Two-horse gamuy Oinfag i alsat zprina Coy. . en Get iroyulor — Hama, I don. els act Wagon Wa r rassit.l Leacher din, 2 down ilos. LaMar Fly Neu. ..—A. NEOZWlLUlZoimatleinur. 4 11• Ab. . TO itAtiiAi, —Ant SATURDAY MORDING, August unit, aft() okbik. Will be soWat Commercial Sates Soo r 4 Sadthfind atreat-4 caddies prime 001edg Yr% SCUM! mine Black Taa, SrftUta °hike Mew led Tobacco, 6.c00 llamas Ozark derma Preach Prepared Martard. 111/19 A: RfeTLWAYNTI. :{"TRAY HOESS.—A 'BALT • HORSE, with an. Wblta Foot, Black -Diane ancLEntl, • aids tattortup on tbertll2l Inlet:, in ibis city, and Is now at the stable of Mews. Hoorn:410 Liken. TAe anti:kat to about Twelve Years otd, and L. 111 branded ..11.- True owner Insequeated to cab, prove probert7,,pay chuff*, and, take tt away, or it will s lA sold, on TUESDAY, the Ted ao. ndln to Ime. S. of PoIi LONG, antslt Cinia, o& TANB FOR BMX. ORR toCBGE IKON TER le,‘ - eitriatililva Thousand Barrels, situated is the 00 Tard of 8,-D. 00C3114.3 k 00. 1 ,trelow Sharpaborg nage, for !ale lord. • loquhe of • MAWRINNET tr. 00., Odlse Panes Block, lOissir WIT, Pftubsugh, Pa. "VALUABLE ,11EiL KbLAT& ZeLlzaart3P TV), .134. Aottka Benvenierit,iO Aroma, et‘atc 4 on the ili4d Wont g Lo.Vqulrtel Wed admirably adapted !Ylll3otallaiwoommee cel azzito - • 7SWirAND.O4 '3 2 4 REFRY LAMBERT, dui, iteod Executcas ATZUtratt, deed: OLOBINO 01:1T-:-` • ' -Chatton and Woolen Hone. cllo WBe SW I 4. Molt, nes. 0011sra,ronnet Wandltemb Ws, ead ReVl,Velvet And SUlt 'gib bons, Spool Cotten, Plasi - Needlest Shoe Law& J G. LACER, lel War)ret street, To devote epeeist attention to the Desk. t, Fan, ty Goons egad Too Trade, Wholesale and Hew" ants SALE .OB GOVERNMENT AMBU Oar LTC QtrAitritilLilllllll CIINZILLVE 077 P1,71111C2[011, Ps., August 19,18 63. TWO HIINDSED.AIdHULANUES and Tar HT. FORM) SETS OF FOllll-11011SEL &MSC, LANLYE HARNEoS will be toll at rablm Awe lion. at the Fel:Grounds, In 'bristly, to l 9 Ladner. on the days and to numsers u tollOwin • MOND. Y o August 29 WO. One Hundred Ambuhuscae. One Hundred complete seta Ambulance Hcrnens, Hour boric) MONDAY, September 4, 1866. • One Hundred. Ambulanses. One Hundred colonist. lets Ambulanca Harneit, Hoar - boree.) Aiabullinces cold singly. llamas acid in sets at four tub s aa one enal plem eel. ..Tenna—OASH, Halted States Currency. ROSS, Lt. OM. and Delplaty Q. N. G. BATES & BELL'A . .avzsir 81N) or 'l4ll Ven ' 6 4 .0048 . azall n nent mew. BATES it BMUS... Eralasooks, trazes. OfTlunig. anl9 23. 219. : Inboot. JUST PIif:UUVED.... A COZPLETE MOE stemoszAT Ot ALL'DOWBMTIMIM muss, so/ . iosrj . a co, R I M ••• , 1.2i••• 1, _ _ DRY GOOD AND SHOE x:;l= , e:blax=mA 3126110N1C i 31116121%. nrrn fmbwr 11irsis alnutzitas ths.drye-tstian "L gr a 15. 0 . 3 4 0 19. 1 21?:rP 0w7) , , Cdr PATMIIIIII3tIIP. .5-Ptes nertemlo—• • Water* indstind between Olusin 0. &VII and Frimig•Tno oarforiandee ICeinw pun of BALSLETA - YAW QMWER, I* MIS D6Tallseolied 0 • isolatio Z i nk l eirtnir lilt Wl= t to en dun. sate ta dal= T ila°lll. 444"4 MUM - BAIA EMT ' aciaukl3. ,'Eittatfuise, Ansa pou ' VOTICIaI-Intemr _retired tram the flan AA of Bal m & Von amain, brine znannano insin =barn In Um Irsionothas thathiess, x01'140147 to mermen:l nay surecessor. Mutes 0 &brig. to en 140Pnall 401 1 0 old onstamani gad ncuPPa... aniii • TAN GOIIDES.. Parana/AN Antnit tea Taz EMORY OF • • . 81111111108 GEVIN MAIM, mAsi or £ gran 017/Cia. BY BBEIBT4IIIIOIi GEOSOR WIND NICHOLS, pros the : A 1343 Camp to Chnitial Shaman. ONE 11ADDSOME VOLUDID, Imo., WITH A MAP AND 111(MX.DOOS IIarUSTRAT/ONS. 41 73 SI-Elea In., by mil, co arry addramlin •DAVIS,LUKE & CO.. suit 23 WOOD STREAV. ITEM oRFILVOY COURT OF AL LEOILENT 00EICTT, PA.-In the matter of the Wats of Michael I.4o4fleocaswi -No. a, June Tenn I0(21. -.lffrit of ?ortolan or Volution. • To !Maim! Hawker. of WeatlnOteiatut Moth Tacos liawkey.of aUenbeny tenuity, JUria Haws. of AnnaEonji Mart JiLfa.til AfiLdafhati sad R:Math him wurfaornairiy•Xuramtu Hawkey, aid Andmia, Ellaa Andrecree Stephan An• drrws,:brail 'gawkily; formerly. Ean...ecadrewe, -Sa AWrearee.VidkP. - Lonii, and Elizabeth F dr arol . l l: arliu tl i f tl m ilA ir fun . . 24 7.se: Din of•Arele-Id s i r aWit ll7 .l44 7:t k. l4 , Andrew INN Oforgs Z. Wain: Twirdi Glatt, "d o osio stab eathats, Da ; tr,shitajaulbinlileuilli*""Ebethatoenßu,belgwthithßiatt,....._.and" Whia:a.citith rfili atta coaled* tdkwitaitalEntl.Lobibutia t,---Ocetirtai iza MIT sa Zokr n : ly Menaill : Eait,..-r.-... _. an,. attnerry Vest, Jo JEe • Pc!lift. tilfllitie tfroi Janata TM*, and Wraanwa kW .ka,• fore' Inn •Eattuulita ranitth. a ,eirraebroag :floantle. 4,1 41 : 4 40,2 e nd Maw his mai, alit? with. Elijah Own, and. Ethabrni f 1 , '. elteltb4AOhnisramer:Adar C em s Ai stnissel Legit' mattai-norr asli ilia t I toot .latabsei Rests riga ..- ...,,, ts. .3rcltllool Attl,ll•llMS, Cqzliz s ta w,itee kn - ,AMT, 474'ung,0n.46, 4 11016114 hi ftlfieetwatildpdti 0004 beantb r lICLon ovilniVlDA,Asswkleue 411ir a 8 EMUS, -,lii; D.lateyst. tan cfolixl al Salo zit* partition lo and onforthe . baba a acid amed, la ouch Itnantrervaud in gnat probortioitia U by flotsam of nit tionimonanalth to 'Aerated.. Si., at which time `and plaeff zoo tiny attend if you think pi obr. JOHN H. Si SWAIM Sheriff. Snonnfre fleines,Perwiamlovi t . i MOIL atti,A;A.lBo. ~ • i• . . . aultdtweetdoaw I_F sT • A Gentleman's Breast-Pin, Toth.rworuo 24/111.1"• An r Pon =- ULM/oil% to MIS OFInOW 'l3 l4 bOtlultitb,l7 is • - • - • ikateat • I M CS —Whereat, 'Lettere of MI MI?. 11;.atnittomep,VEttatilot DAVI)* AMY., /2*, d Mt& taginstaburt,t4,4cOmed. halm IWO B obianbst. putout todebOtl to t hi r ub lautowimpatuntect co make untediaw raatitte r igthltifirlt.;: l2o3.l, ffig a wa..l.3.oyrgwAnT, • • Admldittaot of Mori& I&•Otoiratt, &WO., outltydemor f-tlelStd OW.* R R. iNwPton st, DlMP.424doppitgpitigiut lirstritalaz 0041 Abe P;41412: Wlagnigr ud lrms.. tay. &iv etand 4171 4P 4 - ' of tts L&BA PER, " Zit YottOWlta• totta oL oast otz'coattilj. r pli t of m a i OL on Jo an 4 Cot° EMLO/1.0 - .!AS RI:DUTY COLLEGE. tLSETFOItO .cturtzt. , - - nts Ohliftmat Teriabegint •" nrimPDAY, AUGUST frezl i e t r f . vh f , ;4=tltr.r ps u late A nation nbotti the 11°4 llXWaten, /3 . ..!RER Y pYId', Piteldeut, . . • • .. • „ . Tir ‘.ID rkze TISEJNIEJr TS. MAW:WU &C • z•LE, ,FEETH STREET, ABE OPENING DAILY CHOICE NEW GOODS, Embroideries Cambria Edgings and iniertlng, .oambrio and Hamburg Flemming, Infante Wants andriebea, EmbrOlderestHatinkerdhlefe, Heal and Ls. Lane Fs Lmmed Hdkf., Real Thread and ?War Veils, Beal Edging, Lames, Trimmings : 1114 Bugle Glmpr, Guipure Xdeakes end Laces, Mask Oold , Trimminga, Teasels, Beitoes, Builds, &a. Gents' Goods : Star" MIAs, all area Mum and Paper Oallsrs, Stiapezdere, new stiles, Linde: AVM and Drawers, Ilaadkeratual; Tice, &e. Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, BoMop, The Celebrated Utfples..Sktrt, Baltnorele, Corsets. Zeener_Wool, Yens; PANOY t1001:b AND 110TIoNS. • We Jayne the attention of 'ow old customers to our pseeezet stock. Merchants and Dealers WQI and out Wholesale Department yell staked with the most datirablii Goads at lois Qua rates. SUCHER & CARLISLE. 81119 l O. lt FIFTH SMELT. TO OIL MEN AND OTHERS. FOR SALE LOW, FOR CASH. SNNI 51TANN VIAN,T . b",h iLE VALVE EN In good mud. ,NE II o NEW ENGIN E, by 15 Inches. ONE NEW EN tgINE, rls inches. Seiwtai emW 10:110N11-11AND STEAM EN -0 INES, gain good reps% Ore get of IMPtilti7Eu 51MA SAN ELL Ali of which can go had 19w for Clash. Apply at 163 LACttla ST:, ALLEGHENY H. WIGWI'MAN 11711=3 gTil It Of IikNNBILVAIi IA, I as. ALLEGHENY COUNTY, In ibe your Sof Common Pleas. • the matter of the Application of The Vita. Lng.ian exempt. No. 29.1 , 0 f teal Lutheran tiburch of Alle October Term, ghertypl6r ttaltartaVot Liao:• •WM )avalon. And now, August nth, ISA the OcetatitnU^n of mild (]Loren having been preeenud to the ticonm .abd the Uourt bacWpertfied pre examined the 'same, end the obJwW• andoles sad conditions set Aortb Ir 4 eow vaned thereto, appearing to be leer- Wi.and not Whitton* to thecounwiany, the nowt diteet said ConiUtrolon to t 4 aloe in the orate of thee Prothonotary of asidenoart. sad twit notice tar not. Oalecerted 10 the Pittsburgh Weekly Gw zaleadtithrea teWal,setttsg With that an ant a t cation has haw made to said Mart to grant said etarter of Inearpcoation. and that U no au nroent tame toakown ta ttre eontrary. the elute will be glentedat the next terra of: the said Oonst. ths Coon. :nom the itetord.] JACOB H. WALLYEIt, Prothonotare. 010111JEOW THEAtiatil noMasit Js =saw Count tr, ' •.• Prersornit i = ifflia. To ZOLLER. --Sealed Propo a- Bei will to towlyal rho Board of loves. Imo of the Alleglumly County Ptizati, amyl Ilis Ctrs Mr, Inclualve, tat Making and tan 'tip lo the Oinuity.Prloon, Costlyttodor gotta Ink. r. trots Inches distootst,slndwiu tact Wog, Oudot Inch Ron, haiku Ulf lank(rya,with ai1q41,7 twenty mtg. itatastor, and z ll 7 WA, with An test twat, sod value wayless. • • • By woman of comaittro of Board ot Cupp tots, . AWRY IstiaBCßT, A LIMOBEITT VALLNY R. -IC M. tbesoatmuaaes ar taa CAMP /WET , 14alarir12 •Isare as tist• lOws i ralig i ;Lexie rat/egret. f Lean, Tra,bie Tamils= • ada was. eat a. m. tots. Tao 2.03 p.m. , nag 11.113. ' I ' 414344 1541 P. NIL inudnioa Th ings will be sold rot adrift &taro %gnaw Tartgatua. = It. ICIUGHT, • !Kw-1w • • BlSPainteadaat" A DIIIIIIIM&TRIX'S'.20110E. r .dat.' - Ltetenl Of idathlttrellut en to Mats _of it N A 'MD, ,late of the a l t 0 01 11 2 =0n hi ee., utywheetr in sor . I -is. fir . *AM 'teluestet to-Asks Lco. 2Fii;mtact Cos* twine dataul MO* limn 'doll. sathautindix t ...„-- _ .: MOM — i?.. 00131111431 Um Atsonter, imlliserdewe 13 Meat oEtees. PtttlhOrtm • EIRITAT •lILTIGAIN I waling tat:tale Iliiato Mi. l•h_altuatat OR tba tritanatiet of lb* M eHl Ot loiat,t4 aid at pawn% vat/Dadra bta Travesty. *lstat turista-Mt rah VA sad awl be avat, : The Wee la Ina, low, sad um suit, TWO littlattNlC Calittamilaaa - •STEEL rianasst atlidwit , You* stesatalltatat mL iIIiaIAPAZANA:. tette* (BLOO and positly•D. CURS)... .1 11 A gait nostilessis for 6011,01171f4, BIIIMINA.SI3II,_PIEITSAL ?LS. DYSPO:af& ITCH. rintrws, lod al ris s TorilajrriAriSttsipVirefsatsi tWarbelly strisisstris latrine - Omit sessrbat PM VUtli Do esti DI • - mum Muurrop. gatwansatalatiamit Ihraren N NT SW 4310 , ()EBY—The dudersigued bat ElitiLY ram nom o teeth and WELL =LED= GEOUEEIEE In Wit NEW STORE. la addlUtta to otAct not. Cum their woolA tali aVantlon to Mott doom of Ent= imam gtorspcums WAR = S . SCOW, & BM ito tyxam • Ottriin LENA, sad Tem Mesta. EL , 1, ADLY a ROORZREMOUBRN, Duatinnurrossout • *I re and Okusa,tras UV FIIDERIII smarm PIPE APID SHEET LEAD. LW' PIPE of all .11ta nod tblekaasses. 813Y.ET LEAD.os any shloksuus cus band sad bads to Mar, AL ER GORDON. Agent. Comsat= Neettusol, Np. SOS t3eamod street . Pitlaisati P PRINTER& POMMES FOR SALE. One TAYLOR UTLIND . Pi Mobs. One TAYWN DOUBLE ....101—bed EN i nah esi All good sorktoresr WWlbe iold ill bastain. g quire or Ar eddre bruin et • 1167.L1TL. PittsbnArd, Pa. OT/OF To cosTneoTons.--eesied proposal s 14114 matted M Weil* of .I. Y. LAUGHLIN, 133 labertyMM. tor the boll& leg or it NAP House rarthe Anir&bepy Steam Do un oataystiyomtit.lautuutz Aeon not. IleardeProloonioas sea be sear I. ~,:BridiuGau AL the *Me r''' t=Al'1 4 suwag. = .. . gyplit bg I 4 ' am • TT YNuartiOJINDRY. k a 4g•i4lliPris • Ay' • =mum ectroaix. JoB[7ll 11. ILTIMP • ' JAWS Cl. =AP ; OFLA II ( thle att VES- fli to, linkMarPin .er ) AB, lM Kam • ' aleatdeatevets Ordnataet sad L 4 Wads at Ilea. ay Outings tar Baden Maim lea sueelmaaa. NOTIO.r. TO YARENTb. • -escaocrt Iscaaaca... .The nrulerilgeed , being deeitons to gantlete het nom child:ln, will seeelea a limited nambez of *gettable Pm - 1115,10r Laetrile Hon la Beadline, Writ. tag, tallihmette, the liaalments ot trench, bao and ell Wee, Omemenfal Needlework. The Snub= will commence sePreatera let. B. E. SEAR!, atillOteedgag igleabella et, Allegheny. rAo z l su a " r W g IS ItHsIING H ' E V AI Z B T BC fult4lS:lllela,algt WWl' 1341 rm. I._ th ricrrug,:„r ok strAzdzsr,. - ailioid do wail. bi.attinion . IV-9. ii.bErr. :a., At ffieOß6 ' tT SraZyltinuly -iint2.lnactoditaa. :r.,r•: F 83 .2 d/ al PlF.ii_ vai T kA' 41X1. ' DEA , •zatas Itt BOOTS AND SUOES. Sewed, Nailed =A Pegged , Hoota, Shoes and Bat. atarsir.f or La,q4,91 14 , 11 / 4 TOAthh =Wel and t;hlldtaa. Teeth ArdiAlias arermada Wen to our islocaisaontiruall PnAlta arA (Wok name is oar rystarra Zama loui. casaba actraa tIOD it/aa.to pram. , .43,22nuat DRAUGHTING OFFICE AND PATENT AGENO7Z . 110.11 ST. MATS STREIT, nest Snipe=lop Ettidge. _ P.GENCIEDIRRE s Olvil.ragineer. Residence rto. II Hey street _Jan pEARLASH',--50 casts for solo by .51110• - S. B. I.ItIiNiELD _ - • NMI ..TE vr a D EL' II TISEXEXTS. NEW GOODS, Embracing Fancy Ink Stands, Portfolios, Chess. Gold Pens, AND A. Large Assortsaent of Stationery. FLE SALE BY NYKBI3, SCHOTIII & CO., Binders and Blank Book 'Bakers, tUoms, Shoes Ar. Gaiters. 63 MARKET STREET. SOUTH & BOSS. SALE OF GOVERNMENT MULE& DZPWTT GIMAILTECLIZAATLII 6saaaAtJe Chrizos PITTISIIIIROU, Pt:; : karalltl9j bhp: -S -heGOOD SOUND REICYRJEABLE MULES will Ras et ruble, Auction, at toe Fate Ortsdnds. to this city, to the highest bidder, on the day! lad in numbers se bellows: 150 0 llwiee, THURSDAY, Ampule 24.1861. 15 " , 25, ‘: 160 a THURSDAY, a It, 150 " FRIDAY, September' 150 THURSDAY, •••7,:•-a ISO FRIDAY, ._;g: . ILIO • THURSDAY,. " U 150 - FRIDAY, 41 ' " L " Lb, 150 , 7130/I.ODAY. 150 FRIDAY, •• • '9li Seta to cote= nee at 9;(, cedes% a. /5W.... . mules sold• • Terms Cash , Vatted Ststee Otibrerierf.. - O. MIOS/3,_ Lieut. Col. and Deputy Q. IL le. REBELLION RECORD. EDITED BY FRANK MOORIL tl A CYCLOPEDIA OF TUE WARP Thls wort is a comp mdlom of InformatlON made up of special correspondence..lDetat report@ and el. midge from the umrspepers of both Wi llow, of the United States sod of curope. Ti.. REIIELLION RECORD has now become Ancly est anllehed as the etsraurd authority ot the war. Most of the histories of the war yet pub. ed have been, In a gteat measure, complied from Ibis w.alt. It is of special value to statesmen, Inasnidleti no the courts and policy of all prominent leading two ere Dirty traced In Its page. Published In monthly ports, each containing 112 octavo pages and two portraita. Eight volumes Already esunpleted. Poles GB mute per part. Di per volume, bound to cloth. • $6 to pg r volu m e. bound in cheep. Iri &I per. vol , bound in nail calf or half Morocco. D. VAN NObTRAND, Publisher. 102 . Broadway,, A, Y. •.• Copies Pent fret, by Mall, on receipt Of pride. soitliCawlwd EMBROIDERLEP, Real Laces, Lace Collars, NEW ErrnalS, duet received by WHITE, ORE & CO„ t 5 FIPM nu= 1., Fop eALE. GHLITANOOGI ROLLING MILL. Was Drzassnine., =re of. Dlretter and General Maser Ifilbtary Beftrenule United Stated, W.U311310207, MO, Jun • Proptends bereoirterd al tits Mesa sAllk Drava 0 1 / 4 1oeds z pVrEDGESDAY Der tal4 to the irks. =stay gadadi 'Mita* olltil Thom ar ß .Mta =Mgr ..uurriair lilmatetthr tbei Dollisqy Eli the Iliallrfir .and Übentanoora Railroad jaUraed The AIM =littlish= eonetr o neted. Don Ars 0 , we 11 r-d or the md . imptoyea thasaciar, inz fa/1 Otearnsl .114 &W Of rillaw ) *nutty, _am-, apply let person or by le r, A." . Burerlateranant, Obattane et% reMUSIBOR All.tddaateredAbe tralonsakarnheast it eV. pan Chattanooga Hollins Dtl D. C. IILeUILLDed.. - Brev. Brld. Oen. birertpr sad Gesteal Manager =Dail Ballroel. Melted scum sitasepiti • BARON buraes , ISIIMUTrin3 FOOD, waft, FOIL ZlSTiNiti VW ztrittoutkloin ref VA 1 4 55, rap searop , Or Oznel for iltilltre dprtTel Di . itM ?MUM lily, sad WA= at -113 . _ 1 Sir Pull Medians en iisql-psekage. _ - , Pas :It al tbs. orerrem. Emma Blom; r ain' into alis relent stiects,l2l Fie igafpn GEORGE A. am*. wow. B a aluivr.p, -" - trzwpsErm.432MlFE4 88 Biltbile.lB 'Weet, war lirOvetreet. Jur tenters At. S cesserlpitziii: 01.99/23, sad•_FBBNtBSING Falk rUNEtto WArTg l t ri A a , 44.51 "4ga15: TDW4- , GB ADCHUMBEW.9 TB% 1111381V3' ANP Roots, Shoes and Gaiters, Uf emery Style, Kat sad Torn. at ' COVIIII3. comer Fifth and Wills Motto. Sir Moos to suit rrerybody. sold VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR 84.1.Y..—Y0ur Twastofy intoIiDWELLING EIOUt3M on Puttou attest, ai ttte comer of Vise& street. Alto, A CullsItULTOE,Las Mak street, 4.4 feet !mat IA 1.00 feet deep. to &twenty toot alloy. FAA-Ham 'contains Ws ROOMS and AMA Yos pries and term, apply No ILMMBEBT t SONS, ants It Malta 'treat. HIJBLEY'S •.I=I.33II3IEIigI.NTINCI CALINTS. At , 8 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY i autildw SRALRD ROPY PSALS will be received J the otter, o J - 11 f, ..13 Lib erty start, for hoorirf, with twolireh oak or war lombsr. the Poor of the NeptVote El Who Howl end also tootlng the same with tie. untU RUN. DAY. Ste 2lst C J.Y.ost. soil ?MAMMA:LW, Chairmen. gro miLLERIII-W.BillaS, SEVERAL A Ones of _ . Du Four & Co."lns Cel Clotho, ebrated Anchor' DOlt. OM Ws al len Ws New Yu& team. J. S.LICkeIITT & Jaapy CM KW& Liberty land.. _ . QIJETLEMENTAL TO WIEVH LIST OP APPLICATIONS SOB. BELLXNG Ll— quail, aka In the Olstk'SOMos, pp whams °, 104 S. SOSohan, taveSn,lNliath tainish i t Ths Oat itapplleasion wilt se Used r 06ttrIt' WEDNESDAY, the STA 4si of sonasSa allo Wakaili • - 73,P450% . watts Tin BOMID Pir D'UOC I TM OF, TUB COLUMBIA OIL COMPANY Hsi* this lay *duet r • Dividervlaooo, uf bui r "ou Nage 4 t r n tll% nth' tastap Pi t. 6"4 aullgar . WEISTERITLLT.Siodairy. HEWITT'S POLNTRICUISII Fps THE liAttic acknowlcused by all who hammed it to be A No. 1.- Try* it ye doubters lud.be convinced. For gels by a ll d Jytedyd (yI. LEASES. , ' , 'OXL LEASES . eta he tud drifts moitTsigiale rea nay it fouret mai dawhitial u. NA* the Wel immt 40, bae ls n . lI stinEklt .i hibat meek b p y p ly t h la e I an ce C SM p .aBAIIVUan A Ban., RIEBBCK BRO., , . . Snene 131211desit and. Diagtiabs . Alanuir;aturersotEleseeli4PatestßatizterValni AUK.' Wit/ Bantus ant Me MMus. PlUmburtb. POs • -Elepaltlut andvuttlng up AUKutuar ProuiPUY attended to. susAm CARLES --0. -BA.LSLEY, PRODUOn Sad 0011111311111)21 - 'rntralait.,Warehous, 21(1 Liberty et, .Pltuburab. PS. VG011:34112 deal er Butter, Meese, Lard,Esp,.Fonc, Ewan, Beane, Tallow. 'relative, nr0.31 , 36, roGICOal,B01:3. piled Pru_tta, Green Fruits, Orden; Flour, O r al.; clayey •bews, Tituothj Seeds, Flax. Seed% Grime and 'Poultry. 'Partin ar a4eatlun Oren G 3 P,roduce Consignments. " anti Air OOL.-4ceacks m store end for sale b' Y ants 115,111.11. D/5,115.yr tc CO . •• • , TRIUMPH OLL - COMPAITY. THE TRIMITPit OIL COMPANY la prepar•ad . owingant LEILSEE, ow favorable terms, on tne fol. PloportheinYentingo county, ell: • WESI I ,I3:IOKOILY,-. now . ek nowed g edp. boahaMott. promlaing 01.: Territory , to: Venango-eounty, view .of t u g ttal oesclopmentj rut] the rely winnable (1. pf i ta=ced PENNIES BITS, wAlcheaceml yi there arc two producing Vellsrone of nu barrels per day, and one of 60 barrels—the formes but a. quarter of a mile from Triumph Companra per ._ err? !oldie ,btIEVO Pest deliPifioWeE;"o 4: .tost , quality of Lubrlcattng OIL • '— ALSO—On branch oftiOEDOIPS RIJN, on witch ,everal wells are now being bored. ALSO On the ALIVEII.I3A.N FAH S:4 " Feti.;. oral Cl.eek, Ohio, tnimatitew adjoining landisiii . the Pedcral Oil Company. hew Lam% are owned In fee by the Company. and Itheral arrangement. will be mule with par.: tin open agreement to prosedute the work ener. getically Apply at Cja .2r Wood street,' Pitteb, m h. ILLUSSLEB, an17:111 Secretary.. VALUABLE COALInLNDB, ON THE PlTTnßrlio H n.ND STEUBENVILLE IL&T.LBOLD.—OsnYBILIng aIORNINON 'AIL st 10 o'clock, aceordlng La oornment; •be sold. at the Oonunerelal Sales , No. l loe Sadtherl4 its. t, apposite the Post gout y Large and Valuable Tracts of Mai Lanai, on the Mit urgb szal'Stenbenville Itallroad,altuated to; Ginthston and AD egholti rttlitis 'Pd.! N4l Burke county, Wed Virginia. -' nese Tracts Are Of IMAM MI, frOitt 11 AMT. LO Ilf each, at good Saruung Laud, lo addition to 3 valuable Coal ,encislta, and advantages ef - flaw ber, Llasestne, tau LandneccuPPideorakia points for Tow* Lots. One of-the Tracts has a front on the Obiol-1% arose/rely' oppeetts Stenbab , ; Denville, tnaluding the only deep watsz La that vaf, clnltß ratable for landing. TEEELS,4I/ne.thla roma' halms Cl/011mplan, Fos and runner Varucn nB . inzs, ingnire tni The sale of this Property Is noative, and ,nor; thy theaStentbdt of teat:Wits. • sung : A. A. ,,,KFAORAIEWAnotioneer. Lucavivir trrvzsTia :, ,_ , • ... , ,zl:c-...Taszrazacts7c&, peazing imam norna.tteint Affe comiiwn to retire trots busfitess: , TIM Iturae Den or my brand of -Mar eonatantly exteeds the ebl pointy of ay MU, vartieularly btu Pittaburgh, Where it has an establiahed reontation, 11111 . 011 8 BANDMOBLE vsoFrr, without liar of mob kris, arolislliata.l.lZE A FO/4213AS to an Wt. tore. esserientu d. and , hortontbis• toss, capable - of Sot duothin ft, The Milk has FIVE RUN. OF j SEME/7:24 &hurt kir Mater.rower, rental fro the state, at Mips, anatunoind turns out abou BIT liUttDhEll Mail , rf , l PEA VEX& have Just expended W3/IOU Improvements hepwrs. and *brad cow sell for iethono; on ILO. COMmo.loll2g Wass, and exert al/my toluene to promote the swam. at 'holmium. Mr. JAMES olifiliDifflEat. of Pittsburgh, per. mite me to refer to Mat for further information. JOHN 8.. PRAT. Zooosville. Ohio. MyEtibri ca - zza oczoner..w. hissrsr. Mr.-P. mURIIAY, Plesidrai. J. H. LtlaT.Seeretary and Treltinrer. • The Coympan.seseny owns hi Maniple a fameontairs alght acres and forty-Live perches, low ted on Rumor% Hon (a tributary to °hefty Rona and lying betwleaChoory Bun and OilUresk. TWentPotald lemma have already been made to., responsible ,pattles, smarm whom will be tonal. the names of tome of titheths _ efduj . and sort smsxmll; ' JPerate.rB on the Chem The entire tract will Sesonntiodats traragts to In •-tia nix tam la snorennded by tour II the moss excenested oll•Prodwatcs Isrdis, oll . Lan area and Cheery Bun, and is in close proximity to UM nod ..2Your.ipin^ Wells, ad about our Who tram tiM WabinelleadWelL ThifOompan otters a limited rituntar of sharer at the on Prim • - i ''sEvatirr-F•ve CENTS PEN , SHARE. :dipsN. UStproperzy, togettierwabi inlacco• litattegaritntr tha Troyer:l and ofirs3distrdna of thaanspany cants obtaincdst the otaellof 11411.1widirea& (NOM errA . COME • • GERTLEMEM F'URNIS EENG ;SIND N05.1.8,41403.,3,5 t Qlair __ St. vOtentlei *Aim pitite L cited tblbe arye I and eatenalve Moak of MMUS:MEM MS . MIMING GOODS, kid - Weed at the above. mentlonedigli".lW4h, Nit m3.l.4kWing at meat. buyalna. libmre Goat% lath no It to their advantage to glee am aerie, and ezanton !Moth before porehadny *ham: Mel ea* Siulthoimsed and Ned aeleated steak of Tine While MA4 extra able. sr= Shirts, Woolen, Cotton l 3. Thome dart! and Drawees, Snags, Neck Ties, Mita, Sue Ci=tll3e=== the eta 44- Itemanbez the blase, Mantle St. Olatr stmt. agarinial LE IN. A large Maar or BS* Cape,•Grara Oct . fara,_Loeinmodhy mitraul. SYrduk Eracaaled • d namaa4L DWELLINGS &NO • 3P1i5.116 , 1t0 = Promiitbrand Neatly Pi#adTlpwith GAS AND WATtn.. Liniali'llanuOed to us reoevirour pima= ittentue. The Trade sagged wliti wriarkr:lmes,. • •• Sheet; I..eadi.APAd „PIP% And Pluxabers' Alpterlats. LT LOW FIGULEFL ' 41 BAUM. rmutztL"a sun 132111MMELD srstrarr, paritolacum Pi/SUOMI-OM., , . T ~ U g Z yr tut. REGIONS OF. PEl►NalySl¢a, , wtihll2Sp atilketarts; Bra. OWN p cu. • LptrivivilmparkvED aux OF irsisrAircko uNUNTY falL ,ZEOWB, showing farms, arm: alarm, towashlpacsta., # ININTS: IMPROVED ,BIAP OF : WARREN. GOMM.' PA.4 - 22182c0t IMO MO DC Ve.22808 4:11.1 &giant 82 ca. ROMPS Co•AP OF WDSzT VIRGINIA. AND OHIO. BI,M DIAGRAM AND ENGIt3TEEt FOR OM WALLS. $lOO. , on. LF.EISES—turo kijulz. Meads. TILE RATIONiL PETROLEUM TIMES, publigted week4r. lo seats, p5O par =num. JOHN P. HUNT, Publisher. " es Fxrra ST., =soma BALL. if - Bent Int rot= post osi mail* of pito& outs ADDY ,1 EwEEB, PRACTICAL PLIMBELS. Gas and Steam Fitters, NO. la WOOD MEWL tOrrOssas. ITEM (7Hl7lttllta Pamps,gydrants, Sheet Lead, LBAD PIPE. PIG 1 ketili&D.,. AND lintibera t Materiabt in "'General.. 'orz ie t gifliirEßsge ' Fltted.Up In:e Dlostapproved Style. Teaks Used with lead or copper. Bonsai Wel op with water or N. N. 11.—AUordem promptly attended to. jell NOTE • • 148. &aborting Oita, Pennteosnio IPta, tt liatastaMact, tiosuat 14 VMS. The roldertignea, by autbority of the &smolt Manhal,43enentl, aosounnea VAS MlRtT i o na /Ultitacll popek Claims against tam (lama. m2ags •ESPeallegincorrod.ln liaaroltina fa the Weatttia DS ten of Penatflrlugo,lnta as Trio* Imitation, Subsutenoe .11.10MLOSOM . , of It e olatu artuts, Beat of Entadooloota I-ontt 1 11 1 =o= ting Beimbursenstatas for Oa PEPenielli moat Dieletit Such Ofsitaa Ottetrifori4Justottot,at las caw, Lis the ofty of Ilasooor . 4 1 Sit 14 1 titaPa t4 rin r n ma4 'ear . . . • Gram ox Tax COATROLLISIO, Auscigpl - Ttr, Coors% PA., . PrrreiTreau, Alas, TU cOAL'IIE4EIIB. •., nellms far receiving Soiled ProposaliNT itrA• 'lawn Aliegboar Ocruastl - witat /2,000 Bushels of Cott], Is eAtended T,4 bEntIIMEBI;4 I / 4 :0133 BT Orectlon of Connty . licrudisionerg. _ • HER 17 1 1.. fttlicr, - Clontrouer. aullltTAßlw , TYPE 14TALL FOR SALE. Irtr . Ltre at -the IviEgits3 .p6unAlic72 Manufacrarers raid Merchants 1 ••• COMPANItt izittsuagb;.: nun so i . 87, ; WATER:NSF:Et (nereALzyrs 111311.2=0.) . I, 4 , J. i.erszipyr.opiedilens; -J. vv. caiiveati, tit• tk-eretary,. NM:S Anna:: LOSS By FIRE ThsnresEteantboatiana Chigoes. lAD= L HENNEMITXs IL' PAINME4 3A00)3. sownErZ, 4 - loir; •kimiLltr, • rEHT LEA, ISMAIL DIURZET, 0. PERSHING, WILLIAM WALT MB W.XWATSO2I, - -R. G 1 BIISHREL4 - • MeAROY JOHNW/LbON, X WEAVBE4,, =TWIT rilt & MARINE Insurance Ccigt 'OM ; ,ffigallWOOVAD 11114 (CT , 4r Peopkft Ih3:*.), RICHARD C GHAT. Prezidol& DAVID TrixOdrir4. Rostuim.tian , Yy sectetaiy; basti#B - Aga rigt till FIRE riltritiliiik'lllBlll3. muulaTalts • , B. O. ORLY, mp: E. P&RE, LURES R T.. X. BARTON,. ... H. W..01.1 E Y; Ja... LYRE HENRY LLoY JAMES. U. wnaultr. aoLVGRAF_,P SitatE P. SMITH, N. T. }MILEY DAV. ORAWTHHH, F. H. GOZDO. insataciad . rIBITRANCE. EMM INEEI,,qOE CONANT, Of Pittslmrgh.-• Oace Corner Watriiiiiiiarket 81.9. (aaGALEM 13frILDI1 O.)- " 3. a. iat:TsFaxisami . e. :O fitatt. anima. -- qusittrtiiismarku WILL INETTR/1 AOUIRMIAICESIWt" ~r.tar • ?.,.. ".:la at Marine raiadVatiltiisita:' . •-anizoiora r'--- , ' , -, K . .. . . . . 3. 11:009Etirimeitiza., V. e: ilioCki, L a W. T.. ANDERSON • • - • EL 3:•AND/WAUN. YABIES I. Rernihrr, let.w.sraratiocorm _, B. D. COVHEAN,--- 1.-Ar•OMETOEIET, T. LEECH the. 4 '; :: . in Wi / 4 4 BY kW Al # iM i . i , a, =Mad . ... .. ,1:1: ~t i ... t• .. , , :2_1,1-1 --.-1 SUccEsSFITL - WWERT' Li- V,ll (ironic Diseases, iansolaplfn&i cidt.zt nia, 1101;1110Rn:dna, and, all ,Ftmait foinplW9l . . DR& MOS .ez JOANSON7 seiere . eu, ~-prrisimusilt,"TAC • I' • Dlt Pr of ea- ho Dititala !Mohair..4 Profea.. ' • 11 . 14/15alid.: Ottrata."'' • Di. Ditty/in Um following facttanthliattatbattallosaritaa• tunny dal In Yazoo , teat, soma torn *lotus hitherto filled tclobliatatOlef • t matt I arw ilottarahltOrliahaa tortten3geAtgmedttal iacus.p. tom ophoor. <Dian atriaarartow briattalrtamord• bwilwast tylawillatt aralataldrillaftla•W i tarn * katilvot lOrkolalt: sr Johosoo. • • ' • • • • ••••• • For lemalioreaknow tylo aot kaow of that oan equal themyelyamitca: - VIM* ahem for a great vocalist:Ma Who haira 'lrk& fee pawnaid to 01111,110 t. ratornarm ik =4 , A=tarq, the *hors worlta." , " - sw, ss, ' r.' CERTZFICATZ .F2303111M1111: - DR - 13,4131=TOS C. FRKticur, far azosrszer."- . tatitifitliattiriVgaiti hatle turot , toryllaiwarawaraallhaa Alw/IIaWIT , maarytana. tOallettalt.waratiodoolj . twtt ':. 111,4 W4 0 ,C. F l 4)ol " :tii k s 'lr i 7 Our PERIODIOAL - DEOPe vittWog_ on Our, tryoothly slalom in woo of btaltratahat Rom.aoT• .causa,..lttaa a1....1%..8.—/ p tita ratty araiztep ; a &maid tot use Om: • . 4 Two fay Fouls Ilreakandg iiireraltrfiisak . 7 .thjeattal tottho ittilttspriaspoolaDall. V. 1.. • • al DISEASES OP2lllllBl4dob :etc. ilt s 'ittlgtrazilv ain a i ra (Messrs are fealty aseallent. For wrolula; mot.. La or haparints mina i tall to cunt when otiarar hare too • medal In autiautho wont saws of at PIM now , to our hompltalis, to thy, short slate of two Ciantlk , W H. I. =WE, XL D. Ohatacatell.lDeteinbettesh, low • - • !MAIM& WEAMESS Deal ease kJ/gauss ri Dave stal. by the sue of peur n eelleilles, several palling& Lest had aeon in.. ma tat of the Lunatle-pyluxe to the oill greets. of seminal weakness Or sedantry baths. Pot math cans I eerulder nabllg eae.e your =l. lathes WaaaslNS, 111. D. Albany, Zi. Optotoo: Wk. goo. • Take Part fentiarlNetiek.--Dts: Ames it: Jobs son whiten all Mate who hose Wore! Mono selves by m helta ;ead:solOrsy hab its, whim ru lnvpu groce both JeodY WWI" weatzloy then for e Th ither busier% =ay, toasty, or narrisge. ere are sorr • of the Ise sad welakeholy beta. proiluaxt Wig Wets of youth, Welter Sites Wu of . the Molt - and. limbs, Was lie the.. Mad, &mom of slybk. lose of lensoular power, graTarl t tw btst ee t,4ll Egglve lortk Ir olur, poem& dater yoyaVtoata ot 000rtereotron, Da.. : Dn. Mr Johterei teve for zesty yam es) ehrettly•derotert that ertenttan to the trettinerdi op theft,orsi referred to in these ter.finaoyilie • DM aims &-z010w0r........ 6 ., :t -;11ch I.2reartri ''stedateallittodasser- JAMES • .7 ZIWIDIMMTOIK-.; SizkinB : (tilt Sake and Othirltail 'to. 186 WOOD MUM, vitilinau. PA- Tool. Tanya.: iiiaor lb. Tarr boa 4LJIIII &ND, WW moos • J• • WELir: SOBERS 'Macmireiskt ' psas3i ,gives vita sash ars sztliges so EV:1437 10 MUSA& bppraliesis. - N „., 'l' ' - FIATCHIFS9,,ier ''' .;i ' •i; ~ " AISELt um , -::;:','-,--;• • .- "I -'''PLAIIItS: • - '-, ,'-' . Ritise, , eathzr aniU 7 6un - BMA :,.- i...,, *P04,14444 gark t i l .44 47 -R. '04 i 4 . : : M t 1311011EL4.. ?MRS, 14123, NvoconsiDnirmaa4o4, -;142:i7.14104"P _ . Malta ': Lead,,Red:Lud j __.l4thirlt - MINC I i • Vuldilhells Dire Stud; re Lwow, Ws atul ,cit ! T; Bpteehresixuatry_Bani.ole, 01 4 Also.Arents to/visa/es alumina SrOlllll Mutt g u mlio r rWhtuy Lase ;4.lltater Ost Mille Lad end Kann , k4Whlson.hiCelsbnica POsattura In me and two polkid cans- - • • ' 37 .WOOU SnUM's. corposiTr:mi EDAR BOA VDP.-I,n sore and for sale by 1 : 15113.11 DLOISEY. t‘ 4Q-4 caziaTrE orFror,,l ,Tc. I iliE Pitaittod at EIMIWRGH, 161.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers