, . '~-~- . ; 'TM , t"Rpitttbitgittas e. GtatiE " Antal azd:reparlorS of Vrains. permsoritast Central Railroad: Ur"iiiret Metal t:.; 17QP Al s a ga ilreP mWm% 200 arm TWA le 1:35 p ati Pitt IL Erie m 42.3Wir1aW.55=0741 '4 ?Mtgl- Yhas. pgpnal%. .42a p, 3.MMinion den 240 p trijohnst , n Amen-1 0 :Z a m 105 411 , i," 110 5 1 0 0 a mita Wapataima 625 a m 0 1 423 pm ni 2.05 p a cos p &eh it_ a so Patin ACComo , ti.l o. 3 o p Ponn"latirmoM. tw a m }la cloudy Wats loans, W - altier Altation. *Mr , SpEday 09:05 41.1134,"?..4:44.101efritrtibUfg!. 1.2011;41:11,:44,,, ' ,ro erl /It) Plttsburgb,leorttWayne ald:Ctilmap,„77 4 700 " '} Express... .. .. a tfiTExpreis::.',....:. 223 a 2:1 1 ZOO p LW pm Exprett.„---.. p Expreas... -4 ..WM OS p ` M , 110.1 . " . 'NMI& m 140 p i l Caals . lk Ellie 6:10 a =IN. Castle & 823 p m rpe r w sturnAccommodaritat laapem 4rpot at Opal- P1.1111Wis: m 441.45 P.• p. m. - Tiotheatar, 2d5 at.; Pier castle, 3.10 u` 41 51... ttt l it}t , 9 EJ ritabargo;cloveltila ana Wheeling . • L r,ltz pAPTPxs• 20 2:10 •m M0M".... dsp 1.1790 an.. 0radnia134.4....-..... IWO p EasuNtalrina Astotamodation leaves Aliodbeni rAt ta k‘V l M l .k .C9 PY ,lll7nle t .k t Cr'ts. =en ... . p •Zspross 390 p m 'Express MPO A m *ll4ll4.lER.Citigtdl7X, rdanipo l l 630 M 1 , y5 .10-ILe . 0 0 ..2 azap noMI. IPMl4OdOs.. 'ISO a mpet. Smadock . a. 8:30 a zn topiam 5,10 m 7. • Anegbany TaUtF6llalll.7o2d., • .- ;560.. . . .. 1110 aml ravers OdO a m : A c. {'tan tat) p m ' Accommodation 2.10 , 9 m ,Accommodation aSon Foley d• Cold, Pena TiltOck,a tale POOIES dt Pittoek's . 3 . Eimir;ividy t s t Aahiliza ipioto s i:ipwimniii anti te /smock.* oppooo .c.stsfacc. •. - A • OtOcrapb! sidled defele4e Ar tate CT Ltheele.: Great WI Wynne. at PittlKlee, opposite the Postoteee. . _ - Beadle's To:ket,Spypiteyt,ltcfr 4381411105 dlme *Tell exta!ionisteis - • " • - • e" .47 • sbeimittgaGrAa, •ri Gen. EittermaWs deAsscip... Copies can be oeit% RP)•I9 „ - Bark&W IA . Wroth Shoes awl dater . for men, *omen en'd .I b ildr "t'4 ll ; eCi P /1 3 .rYl'i'#l4ll,ls.7.lhh • • • Drob-Nined abaci, And borkilA: 4 1F, 0 4 shoill P!rl!,it t i gg ; Acdsicd Howe jfEr'; aUt* ll I ;i ' ' " . q_ the Van- i d 'T.' a ir. Dekll:ici4 j6;1131 greet, 411411 . 1= 101 t; " ant MCalcusi.atua stoat of am silks siddlmem 7711-A—rii76-liOde ) 4 Bar' sat at a roluataolt to dusts out Pre-Int '.,lllt‘l4„llA tnes?"4, ,lthOinta &OW luny t a Shoe anO DriCtood -V/SiD ; ?.'; :`; rlir• , • ,ttaig 090? Mad ail 66340614Q' Aritetr. tit ao3 most desirable, rail to exhibited next 1110.1157 Ck"-A 6 3 ;;;n : ; treet. c`Tkk b; Y a u4 weil #44 toesi liswanimar, ammtdiAlv.vtOmitt. mom swe Wn4d street? t i1`4.1-Itadttiollt: ' • a i -1 ' '' ' '. l . ' :; 1" , 1I - '" Al, 94 P : A i rt. 8 6 ! , 7 '' ,, 'S ' ••• ''?'-, . jsiitteLes,444sott - taidaten. !' -.-.:: 1 Alitc , Flßl,TtP.a: .goo4l.!liiretwe 1.114.1! 1it6!'1!,"2:4"141400_44Air.04011*.:;,: L , ..fit- . tiWldr;= n.ll f ti i ie it ‘ .i; :, '4/11:106ticki*fiLdult-ivz•Viriiiiiirltat = greritgritio*-14 3,0 , vry ibroacto . vvo . 1',4•.5•5.,-.•,....,.,‘.:, 4.41;;Lzi., , ; , ..1 1 1.4, , 4 t." 100, 4 - ca.C.tl r. , i,3 -Ilirtie . M ci .11.. , ..,- el , Art vle . . TfilakOlien OW* let,X24 chtteg =MOM 01“, liii l OW Witatilif thitiOlOrigreAlaili 1 • 1 . 141 i aid ii , iii*V ttiiiti.. : Xli V.. , MC bekoltqCspick44l.4.prlthkesiltimisiad SMIII 41 1 4 ViIIIIPAI/ 04 * -1 0 - 1 0144.1114a r ULS Firtall'atiktiilfhl44j4_,_ . ':. ." , 4.:,--T,..wyt . - -...r.-...r--',r.7, ~ • • il.ll'''' .•1144th/gi#l4-14,4*_.........,,M*3=4....,.. MYX .111tEllIktFLT,11017.1.+" ' Pat . 111 '400461074011/Ilic" lig talbtaaiiinds= Viltarial blltlialtiialtiareetlatde6/dler, ler. _ :,14,2 1 A tt el en 't== t°. , 0 -1.• . r~~_ :I t _ _ ~5 i ' '-- .rif ineCasa open,Tour.rdps.t rt , ,, ~ ' ' v's' - ', •., „ --.. t r-ca sci,ii-ittioci iciceocc,v. a r k _~ ~, . ,t i. mccicsoylicoftu qc 491. - We -Co M9OlO :: ' "•' t• Tonatelhil44tasaskapealt. , . lat 41070 , ‘TbalvItte ' .' ' 4 Ana DucitiA9vacce4...grawAvite.-lIV44°MX- by ;. , . Deer, - - 1 . 1 - 6w,..ta.'‘‘ teicrato!Otiocus to • : thir=0.15.44714112ed't4;411° im4C- 'FT 4 ..4thi.F.4 - TalfstoolbletitPP l .4 l " 4 Pk t ql '' i • ;'. i, ' •=l":.N7V,itiorird ci..,_, 011 , 1 :,1 atiguila . 6ll4___Nck'NN.V.M / i.,/ga„„ der —,:•, elit:pf , r , Fy- u f17,4..--vibet., 't, 1 . iii.ea1i...,,,,,,;.„,,„„--,,,:::_0 iltroet. Ordea '' I'll. t.ly d V.abillobili.ditibitted into -• ' ',-, - ram* donest theahorialt..lX4l•l4 , IP i !:.- --V°l ` loe.:4l`,' :. T" ?r; ,9ll. 1 ',7 : -‘: Iv a - aiii•P` rii Rtt-',l' ;'' .' ' . 1 r, •'; :- , , I , ' • ~. ' : ' ' ' • • - - . , - . ' our mutt Vier? NO. 1 .wedeiai gtegb a . n rA 44:4 3 7, ei ,t :citcm the Yllitcntilug7li,:9l.6o;ioPtui• .4*4 11 . 04 a .1* - , -:-Eurreasstr. , tOtter read .134mosukt was , iMr sna t!acin,liaiao.se pr!.the!oo l4 .4=4 siatiAPuilllT the Pvactlari- 0.4 Would fa •,„,• vat: Imayy. purchases , at,the; tined oai'dsfehd stuasmg, gobils4a, dro4tfiatie 4gUttcst ~sianz_a;l o'Cats 5k4A; 4 4 4 **4 lad teitthpartinaluddln hit , stootr i . whit& he is itrepiredA#maniiii,to . 44 Wesit4l4;and ;0* illiaalcusiaittippLottlitabthing goodssad!agdy. "Sada efefttia t AUFV•be folilid bireblgita ' olo4l k4 u' StUril L Scat and Eibatnition. t It requlressinwan*Orptlque of war I anal istrevyth to resist the' effect of the eneryatug r:tlt=aNtWallt22= 11 dining these enytessiegSpiths It la WWI to be leo Wanly debilitate! al 16 wider it an may prey =Pt,tbaf,(2l*,mball PMalt ftl - fhe, falls 4eiheasonter-sla itto WOrtati. thOrtiftrAVb*„ll,olPedla PAM? , bedd-blf his physiolart Und. good U tisenkeabls ' etiesitlea, t,aVibaitegught for that obsolete, article inlaid.' le Would ris Idle to caveat wholesome. CTlOWlRlFitlArttaSt t Aft -U V ofsa c -aPataterea.es, - to look for tuireau oftvlstig inter stescpstenn ttot wisdom in asidtot asylum, • Theo GelifilisifircAta!ilatz:Tror those "iota need a Protective roold,,and health eastalo -32 3 /IAI6OIIMt. them 'leonine= at ono, as tte,teßidolden opetytin dip tetql l o.42 . F3 u E se , •obletteiter istodsch Bitten. Attc - the Maned gigfaere WI soldiers of - Um Unietfritem7=whe . nave used thts during - the wee whit ttig t tett, Ihey,willtall you that it keepsyp.tbstrital =forces CMder lber u =seilting bearas yertlial sera =without eltbdiny tat blood or erestbuY my nculats -enelteateftbirittla Aii,vils'zioet tyow acruld-ottsa.itibeers but not inebriatis,;? - 4 1 . .brace' the nentets Organds.atiou ;ad regulates tsll 'the fulidonslor the WY. No other attruniant esa powers, In yuritewith the annul of rye =Whieftiointstitrbesti,lana Mit Undo; epetletit.alt• susti.bllione herbs with's/Melt It. la medicated are toe hilt 'denied , We'ei the earth a.Oldeyerywhere, . ~smaserwersesssawwWwwq.,r) r jkinsctinrcni jast_ fr om Montana Ter 7:eiy, :TOW( ttlid4.•terhill theennett , ? Itio glitch I gmo out ep.dt iht: - .4110 for Want ofj water. but , groat Mtge Were expected (Tome?. t -eatloneln-qaartz , 'Tfoli ddalladattaatutta g ll ; .7lob at One tittle st pas -rfer -PoP4SAlp . tkili .W . `1 1 . 1 4 ' r e ' eM " tl i :4lezil 1001 C TRUP.04140113.% irclabit,4olne., 00 bloods being in. antra* at/Daiwa with. the' correspond., Via kriero verb report . r h • 1 1arriargn 11'. of tho• r pron9c4ln gs, _t 0, tonTietittor.; to the einioslon orour.; seilat'variety ~ • • . • . Cz2, ai• . I ... . - - r 7: !Uhl -NO, VEaVVI:2 S LTEST`i . NEIITS" 1 Vlittrillittlaall,' , ':" '''-' FROM 'NORTEL '.10 1 90,4*, A ,' '1 " ` 1..1' 1• 51.: !. '1 9- 4 ?..-',",. I:. ''' t!' '.--,'.' 'I t2410414'..1;:;7.0*Et, ',743v9?1, - i ~,,,,, PROTWAN.JA;!;tfcigiA Ett r . k •PAI9 I O. ~.. __ - • i:...1 !, z. ,L, ,, , ,•:. ri sital' — 'ol . rail. rastrivdri .1,1r.,0 - 2:-.'"; ::', ~. Q. , i, , . 1. .:. r , ..- , . . atic / 4 X.0 f. -A4 1 4 /1 . ir •" 41 0 464i- /6 . iice oduicififttouitCatei.iii* teretleinin in, t i na . .• . oNo4*lig."tio ecretly: of the , Raleigh , 4" -iiitc!‘tio,iair oi l irooktoyvOi:or tut+ . . . .11 itinynae:toretorang-44 ovlEtateatlous of hems !Jetta State, *Veit ittt4el - 4041' 46 : eol,6 tone t ,llll Ptiotrcl'a ir t i rq' I itO may In.lieitti deroiltu4bie: ball the &Mr, ro&elMiiltiotek'Maltactst :Pottit'NeM-111sittld not. be emothieramithj crterieS of AIM 431triernt • men s hot, ahmild be generally known.: that .the may lehilithe ~ .errW•.• mite tit , thltge 'Lei y,now,eoAt lathe Stoutly ,whlch wit. mil mi them.to act derstandlrikly a nd irlthlustrie tairr ee dgi.,,, ,, :,,e .1 Vr .., ,, ,, ,i L, :1 1 • ' ~.,:' • e e' il e rgt tha t :Ler ' dl;tle t.tut'ti rted :o 4 re i T f.rrotTr offteer i th t i f i:4 ls 4 o lCt l ' e P lliaellics :Agttt ' df tit re 11114,141 tar tatcort that we he ceeri n tiElie:r =ter ..I.e.g.thietiktllaloyel 13tstotleOtteottAy' at leisan;:feart yeararo that be WU- UNIIMOTI , ab oli o _" stiyoose;thst these .816456 A :Warta it ,be "'-,tlgtotd. , the ', ConstibotiOnel A indict' ea ahellehisgeleirell,evo If ateY vitt! f •to oadty,the 60.120 . Art ordci to accore rei i return' to the liltiont , "-After ,which nevi it km tpipMMA treth their resent condom, that thu No ot tures' itilkednttlibe Sonth, 'before the war.. well Atelttlre •te•talreek t litti• thr-so . 1 1 States -cst Ahem, jtatly-claim the-, vole [sight to manse° , there 'owe' ,- affairs' , vis '11; awarded', —l* Northern. Buttes; ' th at It pi atill more tiuressMeable'to suppose thettheli • representatives fa Congress wilt be reconciled td. .':the exlatence of the Natimial Debt, =a of the 'thief instruments by which they were-Fig:duce tea, and which they mast assist to pay; that., Judging ' front'* •the • Paili v7m111. 1, from ~ ..-: tha ./' l"dllsposition of the Boritherni.; lempia, '4lo.l'alle'lliT•rinetease ,in th e 'l36ath 1 as „lames' a ,Oritalfun Is Offered for It; more es: PocasllYetkirliets they Later that they ere- to 'be still more maimanlmonaly treated., ,Eance what Wm' they to fcar,. for gromalgathth treason. and torturingthe,negrees for artapatinaing,with the. Üblim that 'the ' latter lissistel 'Act preserve', that the ofdamanad solAters,whe here Immtiaco: sti - -moth •Ibt velar , !aacmd • cause, 't aro : not Mccenined lb .theltror edlathenttrat of these disr. lowa Etetce to thellistetrheibid bittoketrEseh., ,tone . helm, who **AS' ..tieitattste 3 4 41W.Nr- 1 1 0 'et wlttithelz Northern , ales, stand rest!. the . eto. , Cho, are in power, to indlctir.martshidab• .111* . .i - litatthied ateett.. - . 5 Stlron-)1 1 p g.t.thet.pet. decree ot- s thetr,llyssil at ~e: ,tuna' Wh 'OrtlillidtV".riellan , es vzsvettry.. , of -Am i ' war aral*lttitherhishestowo hoot the Sabel!: utoreelmigthluMethiertee far itvil 'Man i Avar , they poesessedea -tie -bsttleteld. That, with. the Copperhead pietsbtpertter,Vretetteo ti n , a ... illt i zt o gra ktiz z A debt, and l ain ; aaverament by retool/ming the Vidal. and fealty, that witb the rel.t. ,, tArkto Copperhead ~• admieharetlonshey w M -Meatie An'tating about N. a final separation between the Northand South. A FROttt . ..IiI,ISH X ON, )., wk"t4`dii'Clei:Pifila*L"Cls7lr2F . . I',Y ~ , tISBANIWALT IO N - : MONO: ..TAOVOG 1 ST '.:.:-. t t 7- l': a 5.; . _ OTAD: .UIK .G . P . M. - ,TEIRIViC . di ilf iiit vi,...,h0tri.....„..eds I , B.—Mrs dit . liarta .w. &Thom teenntarintflradigsl4llrosivP.Attawikw ..koltittqc4. ,therodrePulkActiehed, of , the, kPr to 1; iindiliPtiiithandashatiein ), cirs-W."*r 41°1A1113-olnea AUI. stegt eek....Tter k n . ..I.oCtholitlltery commisahm is to be increased, and • larger room Win tharuerkocepted, %s ctspenred i s is •Wary„. kwAtfil.Piosfit W. , rlgAP*5 l .l l P . l ll '. The iff. Trenme's Wuklngton special says : The ee of considerabli 4plssuitiekro satodY len troops ill VP:d ~1 4- . ' p3.4lteir ream- In service. i'S.: r reililkif 1-''''°R7 an order Ota g g ra gr e rtirt li t I la . = for .th• Ter.pd ‘ now ttyst It tylegt c y. ed, Wok lire Sestlr entttini OfPlieiMse is,.. ifrom the Genital :Artl444Tero, deduce the tam during the war. as Wog Wks the neve:. kity far pair ion*V ed *TM F tmelit ildb; ish dottitthe 'exist. tun no. wilharoitine4Pg Atio•StAimi mmatkir in - rdwition hayereternod ni their farmer idle- Wince Witlientfathitter.Garian Daenkh MUM kiezteral Terry appeals tribe troops of his conaJ 41414 t k jnisesnid ins tin,; d 3 t ituPP tbelt e r#4 , V4 l , t t , g rreptitition r lot thee:detracts dr nalke'd y e t er:4'oes Wed' Understsod pat the crimes of desertion and ;Is - ¢olrtrift, a ill striertiy !idea asr . if the' troopsve9 gqtreNiva ix,: OW OOP ,__. Wi'gn. . . MEM i~atio~al ~eite~era'-~ ~;ouveiut~e' • Offioera Looted for the 'Ensuing Year, BLIMItattrIIO • Augrat, 18 —Thd Teachers' Azeodektotr roassembled -this mut- Thefollowipg.oilicere were elected for the nerving."lcaf.i.L.raldplet, Wielterehara, of Leicester, Ta.';` l 7le6 Presidentclliehard Rd- Newaud Irustitnte„llllnme42. W.Valen tine, Ornoldyn, N. , Yr 'Phelps? , Wenems, 'Minnesota. John 8. Hart, Trenton. N. J.; D. Wrrineek Weis; lowa City,-low's; A J. Rickert. Cincinnati, Ohlo; C. 8. reunite, St. Loitte Mo.;r. W. Blidddr; arodidlyii; V.; D. Salere.-Massachusetts: M. J. Gregory, Komi ZCO, Michigan; 8. 8. Orden'rinvldenc k y Secretary, 8.11. White Cideage; Treasnrer, 8:- P. Bates, lignistrug. The Committee appoint ed atentaterscAda .19;eMOLier the Oswego 'system of object ttaching,linbrdttted a lengthy report commending the plan. llMllaapp9, PA, MMUS 18.—The session cftherNallersal Tilteljefejeteo4le4lork thie..4) temoon was devoted to . a discussion of the , Oswego system of object teaching, the reading of 'sparer pfrEdaca- Sou, by roVeneor Rickelf, of Cincinnati, and a Lecture on Edneatienous an element of e m tritlinctrePsOr Wicker sham. The evening Keeton oened with a dleeneston edgrare=trriirto ZgOda* a National Bureau of Educatim4 which, alter the amamdgjent mur.sad_opted,.. prt,,addr-ves were•betidetty-direnntddegatim andthdaese elation passed a resolution of thanks to the I Railroad companies, And after a few re marks from Gov. Cartlisjidjo=ed eine die. The selection of a place. for the next annual segition.ofetheastoolation.avameft tO„thentennov etiordeott .45.7.51:5Y4.,41.5 C. ' Alter the Seal adjournment the delegates pro ceeded4ooll9 10,441ACapt411, gad and partook of llturottpfuettlibanirlet prOidol by the citizens of Ilanletnerg. , itec~fpti'~dr'~4a3 ~niU~+dts`Gor~eriimdn~ Cetno August 18.-000 th , lll63Dd two hue ated'and twentyritivear titles 'or . cOtton titived yaterday. There were •lItlY 'olicarfor Evatah mlie,tvrohoodred sod thlrlY-tivelorCarreMOd, and seven hundred and iitty-tour for Cincinnati. The remainder were for Bt. Innis. • , The eaten of gorernreent boata at: liount City yeSterday w a n e well attended. Bidding epirited. 84trthPretelatre eadOrieiuding, eight traS. -211 t geid:Prial" - 14 r."Raritannbidhienftinif,4iiinerated tniin alir Winn:ll/.oe aderaphist Commercial! Bank ,t , -.1..1rr , ;. 15 11, 51.4 peetirlit artntlnGalenll.t ••-• - party ,left for. Idalerds speclaL traits,this moradi,Vilrefil •entbmlssticAly received all alOtktia TheY 3tiiYddl F atlaleaa at two eclocit,iihere 'preparations for a hvantt recap: thid bal'been' Olen. on ' iteseveral days: ,, An rcacilelt eisiodursel(pcoplatrere in waiting to et him; The iiiinonstrailiren of gratitication were of the moat otiertibermlog character, The .neneraivrati led to a : platform _prepared forthe I Torpose; and Inas lielcoraqietry:-Efon. £: H. I IVriablo* inauleinVent 'speech: - $ :.:.. :_ rice fa• QurgEo; Aiguing.=Lboat 11:361est n lire broke out . In a house on tWeigner eitCnr -run end ileum [Ueda; occupied by Jean Pe. god, grocer. , 'The dames , ecntenderl, despite the utmost ezertlens:nleng Carrbil,'Queen. Rich. • ardson, end King etrects. destroying between Ist, and 30 huldinge. Less not Yet um. alucd. IMMM ;i4.TEs 'ADVICES FROM TEXP.I: HENCEIPTION OP HOMER PRISON PEN. • .( • - ioI.TATT:tICAL../LETAXES IN. SPAIN... The. ;rz - lea. of Vi7l,r2u .kes a 3.. .. : I 7,''''. ' - _,-t. i , lisw Yong., August 187 - -The 'Pranne's Tyler, .Trias, correspondent describes Camp Ford peer that place, a prison pea second only to An il' ersonvllle In the berhtlirkiko, Fad a.lalnliin t in" lieted upon Veteran : prism:fa : A To'r - twei i -year.. 'Ma correspondent says that scourged, beaten '9:II tOi itr?4, these rtivtars were too far off, . sit too closely giseraed, for their groans to be heard:by throw la the:outer world., Thread story only became known from their own 'ailli4ed Thill'altill",ttity ' had . been grthateged. . . Ulf a steekadedeath:c'nue of.: Ithdge eight orten acres: This estittinta" Includes all adjuncts of th.Prijaiii a • J--- --; ' Tr. is &aided on the side of a Bandy cop. at the lower edge of which, . and last 1 within the. stopkade, Is a sprindathaksupulled water to the *Opens.' The enbloctu7 which seems to' have : been eialeakeir`at different Gradate. meet th( re- , ' qulrementa of, rebel capture, leCtlifed with, butt an. chanties of almost every intigioable shape land constructed of every. available material. 'f ' o barrels—cam on top of the o th er—torus the t " moey of a hut of bashes, the limbs of which has a beta pressed together and plastered Wilt . ' Scar the point at which we entered, there to .s I number of grave like mends scattered crier the' s e of. abontoun ape. lat first thoright they_ 7 o 01114' bit' oft oxialtiding,T, found i tllat 3 s Lls were excavatioui in the "grotad 'kWh bid nl 'Overt. Met' with. bushes and Oar, with dirt They - had 'been' made by some of ;Sur "men ' ' wh o had teenconthed last and tor whore there • leas no zoom In the huts above ground. Every 7riere -Igh blackened spots which show . where thidr,fires had fortherly beetl,.by means ,of which th.ss who hid I nd shelter at all cobkeit their da.y.mito.Of meat- Fragments Of kettles and ' sto res cast off pans and flat rocks, the cook. .in tensils which they had used are strewn u ds I noticed In ime of the hats OM 'up. alt .1 care to await far th er use-towards the. upper . aids . of the enclosure,,where seems to have been a prison for the conuct:tint of Offeaderi, .are ear. eril stumps on the tops of .whlchili* who vla, , laced the prison redeemers made: to staid and ' mirk Unacfatiparlispa7 whale day, while: the . • giard Iwl c rerablvainters 1,- shoot:any time l e Tpesbit i • 1 ff from elr.laithstion. • The whdle . ._,71 Its ' lgloos. is a horrid Wash's, ~.il got' thdisattiMatilty . that was orighated- add : earried-on by the rebellion until its overthrow.' .-Perhape I am raking a hurtful - coal , CM= `digd 'ashes—l wl'l stop. n 0 Herald's Paris corrudent contains an ...Important statement...re-Spading thelkolitical af -SI in Spain. The Queen and hoz prima min are not at,alLoni good WWI A strong bllcan feeling exists among the of:deers of Barmy. and a revolution . may be considered r m te ;m e t says that the total loss by E.ei ' c4- . 's forgeries will smonat to s4,oi:lo6o& . ''' ' , 1 The runes Washington special says: The . rt fovea *grit_ rEitbeggp reconstrict and more rank pa intolt. Three Kaler 1 mils will be added, viz: Major General Vrall ea Viliaideat_ of the Court • and eral ids ll 3°r ott. al Lettera j° f h ro n m W sOl aq4lorierrncit =4E43,4,044,1004 thivitaielPireahielr r •.: wiethiw* at Laidiiiihrta4.kuP u tifi r In to rt a pon t4s4 the iiJudigontsg-A:dvbtocac.,at;,4l...„fferla! to nutclagivapsek. Atio.ailutif ;9rdettlri gm' 1 fl. ebizatdrtekeix.taislit,tialinlalcal7iit,ollia6:Oritls * lie& fallt gar d= Mare : Wadi, i . ger laelteliWtirttOCllPftd!filir"Vier en' flt Us' a' ovad:com.cpyprtclaeu PA'-' ' r evAid.zitrualiAins,wq.= vineut4.o,itimrAwoLiarxte4o44o.3,ltf .Ty to make this marchl.fullyv '<Vial ato: Sher+ I.ll4'llftiOtliVllital f l e t n ' li k ilni t ritt(: .. ..... 10 taw R ow 8XN -4 FIEA raksielta,,,,,lll3.l2:suackela :•••• •;• • 81 - 4.4 s aiejia[Toi3W L' Tficiei 4 k oos ; : i defeat - efietatnent - war yeeeelsßesiar tbts*.rt. than Aecapulas, the merelit'atiareilAtilet t a trit" lelq.9l4raici9uPPleff'-ermag to teklgraih to ashington - at to itiaiteitbreifertieFedideide; bidlipateh . her ...• • Imgramtafallbatat r Jittekon itia plod of Bee mitdonWar &Mitt; >badnenneet •• der the manegementtol Pbt•itattatoe Ipstbaipa the Intros rigeatutts from the Shenandoah ate • the 4frf tfteWkif Tatteribifo !ha Lit'PerCITRTIAMille; st.e.rlneffetetttir.etV •ward where a deet of six:real - or Were •• own to bare melons], been. Cag,nilm,tfEsbArttArque 31i1C3 during •. day; in a so all ftit, for the purpose of arntartherttettrathetr-OeStre - Sete ektild • spoke of a Fremeh whalair wtstch r trmuedti • ildiaMr Arelistgeliftrt • litigftag e r ~.AVAkfh ,l oB l. !ANA • pell. she Vora th e stew London barque • epty f it stmgrawileptard.stitp, totating Dew •V!beiteleMu ,stisiltrAtulieW 3 — Mop , uorolq ' She litst'bo 6 - 51 . Ups 4futf o llAreot • ask ,id‘giel,tbert,the-TllOl.llOOll, tap ,Iseirerat reforibsrlfaters, res•wepurtekysattudaWitu I seta ses, where she anivol It, waustare4 matera the rreoph,ablpa awl, an • pen *bale tire toad att-aeM tri - warnitig the .teet,aliwouldbeceptared,Aa•tbe y•tuman.4o. _048011,..."Pea to Sod them. They' were .oWlDA•srueuctueduratke4p of the tee folds ug el:Weiss tb,e teri4Orte4 tworffan 814 ezelaw. Okraliispla,!tyk ,Atcap, 419 t) VtAiMedlingil Mit - 4 1,t0.36T67 1 94,1irdiC4 *fiat r Patadag- steamer-. *ab Area at Nfeartagn. : •-• • I APINCOMS MOM Counterfeit Treasury' 'Nó% s Ai'PLlCATlptiEfp f . FOR ;1,- rARDov holera_ _on the Coa 1 of "Apain Ausmt 18.—Tito PreslUa day - "nOthtal Mannlbla Mal% C? ,U9cuir, .‘ay- appobstai 'W, Watch, Entveyar,•%atZ-A.,13, 'Underwood, Naall °Max Of the Poit'or Bcaton: a ' • . PayeraLcotatterfca, gas .' dollar '-llta ' ted Sawa Inol43Ware recel2lll, Prftellied - Wir 24s4 C/P i r IforiedetoPtlcTit-baVabretratidtildeteeied by ' f pens in that bureau. There wore "ntinteroni 15 1 tti t f d r4r eentOrrOo q o °, 4 oll : (l3l42l : 3ll are cowiteafelted. The rebel Gametal John , A. Eltolttu‘ofsTeors...t is aindik OHS iitateents for pardon. Several (special parables Wert granted to-day. " klatiletereent hattbeen.oflifirallY" illteeloa* I by" latree,, algal Port Mattcus,•lllanwes ;Solana' , ;Self in (het e n to hplaaJs ;once on gm coast of ,tkpatzt. The pyertf-t ,Eacitibolitrula tiodOett'ilkOettlel 3 4.cUl•A s •. pan.starebe tatoelkta'Patroast Alut4Presalioatt of, the dlienWejionstn ttoessols arrive haling , tt ona r. lateadiiiL i•l'Velatihte tit& esStlnibilbi j 001 1 ICt`altoll4lo3ttextlsa-ltißWMO3otrar, of Geotula.has 1213114:41 • pnriamailosuAltilciangZ the °Mattel) ghottagnt4 k.lhafitater to Idminis ter the Preordest'a oath' , iizonaity to all'opms e th on e awed tomiladitutzw - „ , :gz subscribed to the oath proscribed to the pronto. 'motion - aforesaid, and if not-embraced within • any of lie exeeptiouo, or watlentsitutre'rdealred special augaraty,. Jt gramma% rt Pr teed th..c.„„.thddiichevorth. se's of their mend orders, according tope lawa in existence Prioc.tO fb.c.,10 Qt January .1861:, so tat , the 13100MITC 110MQQ12Sildopi with thapiatcat con di ion istthet3toan. • Melton Factory Destroyed by Efre. — Nov Him, CT., AOAatt 18rThO IstK o ßpt ton tumor, of Maltby, IfortollitsVO , OtiWatal buys CL, ;note aotalla dastroratity fire this morning at - 3 Weld& The balldirial were en. tiraifsfixl4, Orat storles;high, ena, pruned 1110 tinder.:: Lon sBo,ooosinswaltrob. IMP4CIiI.sr.S4 alas probably the workof onlneendlary.ll. l arge &alpha ofhpdanrethrotaloncof ardeteleleat Tlintalllng to_b2sTrosnedlstely /Audit. • Fire in St. Louie. dekibillir etroet, owned by ;%104. a or tioCgrd :doittbiodVtlre hitt t aw , your nrepaint:wareinrad thz Pal * *Ow. Loss hitottons,f4h). tnstrad SHAD partly Fre*,Tork'efactl:--lita.. gorprabi,l7, at Wp. O bpU e. adJotntegriras olightlystittoyo., Artal!ng • 11100.0 pcst .. r t . ert! a'' Pirate. t-Ifoirox.,l4g,ttie hiritto Pearl of thivr. Loneot, : White on, Ufa, pattogo from Etoontalo to tho,,tatfo-Detill..-- MS des. imsed by the rlitto Shoothdogt; Illatcnottm it'zthhttontt tothe'lltot . . ill? }', : ~- GAzETTE . _,.. ..„... E CROAT.FORCERY. eraham & Co'ElLoss, $1,50,000 Losses of Ketcham 1:: Son, $2,000,000. NU CLUE TO IDE FOBOWS THIRRENDOOTS. Statement of Miss Genevieve Broivn. New Tong, August 18. Graham & Co., es- Opiate that their losses by the . forgeries; depro• elation of credit and Mocks, will not. exceed Theyisio buelly , engeged •In• collect ing their masts, and up to to -day at noon thriy , liaye collected t0ide466,600. The drink itintiunt be losses sustained by, Ketchum, Bon .t Co., .hai not yet been asceitalne4 tint Ills 'Supposed tb be In thenelghborhood . of $2,0;10,00% Tom far no trace whatever of Edward Ketcham has befits obtained. Upon appllcationof the creditors ot Monis, Ketchum &„ Co., the Soproxte Court this morning granted attachments against the firm's property =sliding of real mate , valued at over .balf a million of dollars. ' • io reward hoe been offered for the aperehec- Mon of Ketchum the forger. Policemen have . been sent in Various orusrters watch for him, but no vigorous parsult is being made. No tremor the dlrretion of his Hight has yet been diumvered, Boxeral sailing vessels cleared for foreign isvhsketvlersa.Toina.. ltia.thengtit he May hare gone on one them, In contradietioa Of iheitidefrient 'of 'Morris Ketchum, that his house bas doneuo bigness with Graham & Co. since February last. .Mr. Graham's partner gated Unit:they ninflieuhiesh for Ketchum, Bolt , & Co. 'as lath es' and •after that Hyde 'tar operations riveter the account of Edward . , The girl, Geniveve Brown, alias Lyons, tootle a statement in 'court this morning, which .the Judge, at Ito conclusion, said be fell in 'his heart' was true. and that she ought to be setatllbeity. Ccoacernlng bar connection with Jenkins, she stated that she met &thins drat In As concert aaloon, to which she was obliged to go for cm. Sloyment; Wager employer told her to pay par. tidelar attention to him; that he would give her inhrh 13 :iatieji that. etiad.d: as she was told, and Jenkins did give her much money; thaths gave her one hundred dollars to buy a watch, but rate sold It to ply for her brother's schooling; that Jenkins told her hews, rich and owned oil wells; that he gave her eight hundred dollars to furnish rooms, and that became td ea Der treat/only; that she thought she bad received from *Racer 43.000 t The Cll5B Ili= on. MICHMOND I "ADVICE& Tsg,:.TLECENT-0017till ilt11071(1/113,. 6OnciitiOt:• of the 1 211 7Ve. . - / r ' Ek/A ' ' Nils AGAINST isn isnnuo _ , Niwlriaiii.Aturitat4B.;-The mime cattle says. Ito dtspositieri °ryas' art-, : tliohtlea rtemporuily =Me cualifying an y and eireri officer Sham in the recent Wanly ; elections, cottlotOnt ttrakorrivo may bacellosa cqtatcr.ted ivlth dui rebel of Buda! gOT• arnlng/altil iroiodirg • islaliotelmtkattlirotfer• „ . . otalratryhal taste. • , , ii/iimarza kaaiziei ciaas Oil wiseWl,. len, ultimately pith% to We been9a one. FIG eeeiy instance so far rid beard l}em,'Confed= erat.e milndteatiatt hart beeetlnceeistrat... .lu, .deeldn arg w . H OW= d sostdrictayWleiPnht.egke,, NesttheWtalas. nre . n. ~bass :this op. 1.! elerseit . been triumphant. Fronfonftifisoners north. a huge Pereentsits' of ' : wrhogilweTYMlectivinsbgizoh hue parr. COamide fa thiti seethin. They have taken the poste thsti , the psymentof any debt creased in it'll Buda by the Confederate asitherithss. Is st, , ednet.yariance wad the spirit of their parole sled Record AfeersttYi'llenee not, a rasa ha, been elletwortuella, who hitherto has , been a 031 tirlauf 4 ,- : i'llte *et crap win not be a hairy one, bet Italia and oste-Crols woggles to bothe.bea. t est ever Indus here, and thereto nate platter sitoai=ltha l ndden shift °nabs, has Made OW All'till4-.4fiWelnuSithr, 14 is i i5nit.V4V62!.4.1.i." ; - ..th i kt 7T•004.110.51M6., 1 . ., . '. .. ..... 41 r ~- i 'tmeOritut utimanr, .. tawssidabor . servo is , not Wo t Oftternernh .teir 'lmp lamt^holderw, as rritrwhiltflodedonitoeted,M,lfntr:ifeiltr . oiihrteAMWs t ft:W(Ol4°llW WrAttosi ' ousafid - nekii:4; representativar, ' orgy, th= fihdefedthere by: Icemen to Woo lihd,SlOOtteit P 9 Aso. They boo emtA',,thMetretrtitilibldstilok,thrinif ht littleloghnieleft.-by.entr .aellit this win , 4.lnact24 greatlArtMLl43s 4 o. l l ll trAlada lli gi tim ' onz them will to Immune& [ Ttfeltfledefeet Batted le Metal:lft lu Dow.' Or fof this'eople,,btiklbeatt,satiore or 'mu lA. Viet. e4r4 , 4 1 0. 1 At .444. 1C1,C04. 441/fitri lr ': , bat ;wet,,T. The harmonionssetults of / Oa Istaateetion - : 1ft,e.,...., Test , that tho Weirs in postai ite; this pepaknoisd..ideriailinfkier& to . amen , Mkt 1111404Pi!emttehot.,,rolo,. Int. coestituk : Coo?a,wm -.IA ,ffichrugia xis heed 'in/gaup:4 ~ .: 1 . -,- , , . ~ ~:1 . I • , 1 4 The getPugl-PFta le o" ; I ' l 1 , Ifni !oils; Watititatt:tiLe say ' s the Ketchumforgery: Theaffeetnirn Ketchum, Bon do Co.oss dcselop%l yesterdahlsdiatosteotta - Whatitwalbe; evniqust y,' Om storm of excitement has passed. Is soother question. Thus Waite mine] suds alit atm , Flealaol 4 . - have lost to stolen securities between two and .; three nlllll6ll l ^ f decaad(l they base inispended payolezit and all liparatlons; third,,they' assigned theit Yorotrefty ny P. - C.Cal r Prestdentp/ the nth xikilqP4 Bak, ,dnd _ E. Bengallt forced partner of I.l.Orrialietottum, Jr., for the'Peeeilt*nliarcreditPoi fCtrlbt 015 balances dna cnatpmera, mainly New England banks, soiscratt ft) the trembodoss anal 4v 14/- 500,000; filth, they have published a rumarkab card, la which theyhiteegiven the Onblic an Idea at, their imainCES, whtrh differaxnatcrialky •fronkt; tie bira previously entertained. It has been ArflibrtitlY ;plated" tisk Charles Graham Co., paid on presentation 62.3.5 'be fors..4.Xliftold ebteka on Monday, LITItt that Ed s ard Ketehum gave them on that mgtidng £ 1 .:30,000 to do it with. Tne public viewed lblel: Unut.etiOn With aping distrost, and'Wirtitnm Lt dna to the honor of Mr. Graham to record the nn.ts as drawn from him- In la tronventatiott ittsrciay 'efebleg at foar eel ' "WIG Torret=blx. -God:mgt you pad 88T,,0a0 of hese forged checks on Monday. We know that Edward Ketchum drew a check far 15309,000 be -, fore he west off. Did he glyo you one money to pay those checks with 1 Mr.. - Orttlispl-1 1 0. gave bee no trtoney. but as wait ble enimter_ritr date * elt***Dir.rflalett to pets t his obngallfolts..: alto phobic'yro tfoX s2oo.WiteleLdeptralta 104% 4 14 but what daypathink.ts the malt!. ~ ; Idtirtleirelettiol ,r 0 Mo'4 .; nal ..40441/lai l l -tati.)4 1(1,12 'xsturked to my, banlit end sat notiu**: tha ovrivarawingof one teerntAt thatoamonala Bria:lt Viittiordirtary rina'citteirineintia4/htt:' ietiect Wei 000 cot•rialoregov/UVAndrii, :gai - Wt 4 fr"a 6 1104 i la good lan, depoaltest ,P,OkonntrtAral!nr !against andpsettOthetihkistie Itetetitifu Bon Co.. agene.s ahOuld Say ,tiyofty,r to tits eitclitAptßiglon, to'whatTDnvoa4retlaTh4n oB. ....• • Mai Vitcril - tent l " -SJUCTINILLU. • August 18,--Tha , .I)4pa4k , mosso* monnirs will contain *ties Account of a long and interesting interview , betwettillle,./cell editor and the notersuerrilia'xhieltranicUS Cl7 Feglllollll2ll4. an WM itiontty. The luta slew wee granted by .ritejor +General Thom*. This lalbn Brat coo rerastlonlie has and Itltlec litkarrest excAprlog *hit rile eourael. Ito given complete hi:4ol7ot hie toraer. and singes:lg seitfrecly bn everything relating to-the charges against him.' denies of ever commit ted many - altos acts Chliried agdu 3 t tthri; stated that thosairhotri he killed weree beeline his life;nind *ere' IT arina Ihtmlbasy ..1101sTand IfYIVIVIeg ,13AWf wa n a Pow harmeda reaeltut eolalet t rekeler conics. Deltas taken ;Pie . • Re couldn't* haVaßeen. basil la .tenleoii bailment - 4 Inkllliton. MOO; ~.KeUttiM. rin his house and not surrendercd„ that be lund- arr. rendered In - gcod Etllt, 4 paa vegaler,gtsfqerehl OW:vex otaintleipelAng phcseatition. 4:Scstruitive.trire..., f • InittAinti.nrs.:Atiloitl9:4A fink,tblet4ora ing destroyed tho Boot' factory Pr A. on - WhlrtVitrecttabove•.Poplanc lostr. , ca , Sha tinUaing 140 , 000; 4nsuroncesmialp t Wullags CI sr. rison, sacs:tiding manufacturersOdttrd 2 9. ooo f lal snronco 15,300. Qrattr & pladiti Monts maim, loss t 40,000; Inanrnoce. John ',infificV44 9 #o.4U -0 013 11,000. !Petal lora about - $.120,000. thrii.l4,`; thri kr.c6i:- r , Weirmkoltftr. -Afittix!,lB1 I =-Tlttr akaract - TaT enacettlug Ford's mcp.tre hag a ilre prx:of n?.. a etpc4ltiry t r ret,a.turttilmtl; has lie.en. aultre.l-t1 to It:chard .10 ucbq I.tro3tlya r at V5..000 , • . ' . , . blade and = DlOney Itlariat. Nsw Btoek market tu thin mornlags - tiga' licit not hiretg;:atull 'prim% ere getSiillyiltia. Thciateadlcitem °tate mar- Ka' under lies klateltunt,effaim, Excites some surprise atel , ciaterially pregnant the 05oSidenco. Thereli -hoirerer,utill a 'general caution and astiatit,leuders.; The 60* " market Was esesieatrthessmomitaiard,but the-amm!at of linsinSeeNeke there feed 'itk preen] ImWtml l 7 .6 l VIS hut lamid , witti ;soot do maDdlor The whgle market 'hanga tau Theiewasitstronger feeligg 00 the acor• errumentlistoad them rat n alittlit advance on long b'sLand 5-2 0 's, and notes. State. bond's and itilieellaneons Shiro whet and steady. Gold is firm Vtheut aoy.sßmalatire Interest. The money market is easy . _so he first dam houses but Is Miceli. forAlloee *to , do not rank PatlflenallMad Win:mattMt; Angtisrl9, Lark- Moo has just submitted tothe tiecretary Ot the Interior, tor aptPaal, of lands, N 0.4, et tr Cenitlit Pliant tiAttrod;_embrechtg 45,990,- 054 acreetnAdaryaviilla,.-Calitornlns which 10 , 0 sacred to the company pantile:it to the seta. Pt Coegreaa, iiiipreftd - July Ist; lscea, and Jell It * 1804, to ala in the tanstraction ota railroad and telivaph line trom , thei ellsiseuriltiter tO tha Pa. cifth coast, .tatil to s ecure . to the tiovernment the us4ottht samefor military, and cutlet tnipOies. It lir:mooed that the approval shall be tollotredev fto early tuna Ora patent vipittng the tee le addAxsopaytotthe loft above man- PerwauaL Now Unit,lB:,--The Herald's Wash. Int= !Teri& ,Solitor Doolittle armed In the city /110 nvenDtjt,, En•hisior nut, of New °cleans in In* olty, iron. Alm Corolla was here imrsfol tlvoligai4o • hvbe tho P a "' wylinutlit itanteli tinileparteOestertlay to urge it non thOOonveutiotv toy, to suasion.- . ' it is tereatal that Oblate Inner will receive iOnle suitable eppoltdotent nudes General if - award In the Fremen'rl Bureau. John Miter Botts arrivhal et Wlllard's Hotel the' eveidog, Cu route foFlticlanond.• Flom Forttitt Monroe Foursome MOSRMAttzuella.—Toro thont and troops me soon to be mesterei tnit of the service in tbl &nutmeat. The 104th Pennsylvania regiment will Won leavefor hame.. General Tobart will, next Week, succeed to the command at Nerrfora, taw under Ucn.lfaur, the former ranking_ thelather. Gen. Ham has Oven universal satisfaction. The steamer Chitties C. Leary, from New Or - leitreAwsthe Bth, pat into Hampton Roads for coal and water., Oa retorts a howl wind all the way. On thol2th,lib I passed off Key 'West the steamer gethcaOmeilti for New Orleans. The health of the eltylfa, never better, though the weather was extreMel.l Minn. ExamlnaUan of Assistant` Bargeow 3 far , Promotten. Nr.tV Tons., Atnittai&—The rnlwine's Wash -In'gton special post The Surgeon, General bas appcintedlingeoni pi. S. Tlipier, -- EL Rilbitta Wad :Anthony Regan, U. 8,.A., a board of °facers, irlth Asalatmailturgeon U. U. Lea. 17.11. to cdneene at New Yotk on the 'Ott of September, for Ole examination at Itanbstant fluzgeons for ptorrotion, and for applicant' for whiting= Into the medical staff of gm United &atm Arm. New York State Union Contention; clar: Your" hat Angasi tr Alan State Ittee ha lesuedi can for • State Conven tion, compoeedvadeldgeles who supported the admlnfirathan otAbrehop Linvolnan the pros e t u tka of th u d fitrrtib [Q fifir of intstalulie the wbrololstratlon of Andrew Johnson and Reuben Fenton, to meet at Syractuuroce the:2ol/3 of Sep , amber, to nominate randldates-for State officers, IA be elected In November next. Durean of Employment fur Discharged Foidlers. Dina lonadingilet lit.—_The Bureau of cm- Ipioymearof dhichargeasoldietsindiallole;-he ann the organization of public end licensed theesangers, similar to DM established In Lm . dall after. tha_Etirtatltltinssengeo , ware eietioned in scene of th e . plibllc buildings todo. Fatal A entififiCat . the Capitol WASHIHOUTR, AXignstl7,—Yesterday evening While' the' 'Workmen in the capitol extension mere engaged In raising a largestenseditticit,4 as nn themeckmen named las: Trir-i we t instantly tilled. Another who Impel 4 the time from tho reatroldieg, was slightly Waxed. Ut U % New YOWL, Anzustl.B.—Gold tr a ycontin firm, Ithout'apomilatime movasmoh the 11/f 4 C lir" ban g lihicelr:MlalareaDA.94 icconal. of etastmus demand . entverage—rittatatlon momlng.was 143 q. Co;top Arriving, CAIRO, IlArlet 18.-Thisteamer City of Alton up from Umtata with two Mineral and larnlne balm of cotton. The Silver Spray has . p_ms4t4inA Spy pales for Clfidolleal. ' CM AND StaiRBAN. • • Morel inblan Geode Ma& t Tne Mayor's polledhive Waif ' tF .iPPM.1.1.P.,4-P.P`Piellit VP P eti l e .,,,_ qao recent 0114444 • paat-F. 1 %4g 1 b8 44 11 4P+Pa ilotifep:Mtp:p#Ortoctirp:izpAcerileci in ttF, notiberioiktr. 4nti Auln , tilog,trt,4lll. l 44 IR 5 t. of the goods ham been xecoviden.l' :ane- Par 41enier.4141-7;liklira clothing &Ma hahlalact todgedin Jail, anti the articles stolen hate been secured. informatbnalial obtained whieW left ntt dinibbehat the.pargesi -Wbw.rebWlligr , tutplg4St*racd-Ogen•Mr: Kennedy's sew( 0t.6,6141 . 0,16: The chief at Police 'teceftilnal on Thursday that the mucky had.beenzold torparties regaling Oa puteker's ran; and at - daylighi• this morning. In company with officer Lolie; he • *aid- tlio kleoviarn, found one pf parthm i erhorn-llog. werklbffiting for, ectioiffilicitfiy name, 'Who . fraDiell admitte ft§ had parahtlawi a Fetch and coot from Sefoggy, for the small sum f diceek.ddilimo Tim watch wet given up vu Identified as,ttot . property : al Mr. Kennedy The coot was . 61$0 hauled op ! , and hoe identi tlea by.fir. Totell as hit property. - The other a otch,'etoleri front Mr. Kara:May, wet In the w &sealer; of a friend of Geldrich. and will. bd' rttrevitd to-the blirpor.• 'Tama watches were the only lartlelev:OfigaleVaiflita 'Pan from The Bonahausen robbery is the only one about which the pollee are yet hi-the' dark: :Node of the goods have 'vet been found, and no arresei made. :T tko scare/. hoWevis," atilt aaatiatie; andl4olll4llitaa for erket be APPicelilaS,ed• Intortunt lirtveirib orP— .. P rebate or r,ltiebarlsou; Eeg„:” County Regis... W;l4-ielATlVa:EtletterOt) l 4,n4l , *. ti c o4, bile!rtno , reponee beta , .E. , , A4 -101.1lue ! - "D4rilit C*WfAtaAer.or - P*4 l4 **adz iaffitap-ka; ret . ? to , your letter of ,she =must.. ttrati.ttiew prOtispytt r - a ivilV rior drea-to.obei 01116t44.140/010hutIlle tho' , filye orttof entire' belb,real. , aarptraiiluit„ 40 14 tltae , ci; prolingla AlteresCali ItoooaN ;14:e of' Cos ttai , eststoiso , that.thsa lad*littgogli;tegaizit'o rth l i t tatr O t ? attlio iritutp t ii**hieVor,l6 ll ltWpottivaled'to'ok' ireialgek...UntirOtto.rfe.:Wi4 l4olll, OA lean* datrpnvertionatn3o the euttraraltiltw lr t t t r p 2ie Mid Irk - toth teal and peritonaltindsichtpra. :bhtti ttataVetatriped IMleetitinat4•Firrha iv:Zit tt aCt,h6::_tlate,lo 3 ,otuir ee? nat the; , N.Abil;:.4l.oo.lPitlte 414', ofilralabpg . of Will. tlaii.datitlok, yintrestotithilyi. , •• E.l4lrtil.rea,VepiCero .,, - The; abOodeeledodta,a4 . 4r_danee . eith'thC enetorateretotura yoreutd ;try Ur. Maiupon. bat as several parties have raised the queitionas to Its legality 120 bitit, , t ; o; hive the matter settled by an °Metal dedelon. A Grand Picnic ono O AboXfOet: -Pk Pte#44air Plc-nice of tine season, am given by our pat, &tic hoeven - Mend,Getnie iniins, of Findley ttoetibloc nn'ThtUsdaYi ittle:lotle lust, It,Nosoineoged in the best of order, end at UP WO TcIPOPI9:Pm.t•AI ~over ono 41 1 40 0 peraite, verb riettenty•tlict. teeJoriii.nonelet. ...L0. 1 ,4 0 40. i4411 the reantevitienneniespeciauy.settenmpi , Ake dlnbir lees sOinaidint' eetiel" In - the WO style, all dialeirretriele3rinnee fo tlicrideal: 'rho fele- attendants =b7-;their attentlnm end plertstieltdarene; *on the edafirntlein ot aIL We believe no Inatribiltlite, trlship dinip more for the value than Alr.-illtirefrolin bU alwagi beanie tree and tinnvirtenikto thern_and Ilinfrfandlliet itidllketvbfe 6 eterniehindbuniist IIPPI:14t1 theivdt: Ilzrobrnli:4 6 mionlendlhe, rte Pent, of e Vp4teidln, .saaloy* . .stojeli.,..—A Mai entered the tavern-striolth Prowl), Diamond alley, this ,mcfrainF, And,. of mad to pal illitherbe4eVtue sattii^ Winer .The ben het, which:wee Lull , or torovisiens; tad evidently beematoleni and. tatter' left by the man I it wee lak.en to, the Meyer's *Mee, where tt can be had,by the • - • . So trlschargas. Bane time ago speettlators were engaged in buying up the disebarge papers of returned Bo'. diets, with a view io purchasluz army harem at reduced prices, but tills system of selling horses et reduced figures mite certificate of an honor able discharge from the army tmkbeett sttspend ed. It now seems that apesulators air) purchas ing soldiers , discharges with a viper - to -make money In another direction. Congress,. at Rabat Brillion gave °Mears nod eoldiers a botargead of 100 acres of land only charging the expense at tending the grant, amounting to about one dime per acre. Oar advice us soldiers la to hold enclo thdr dlacharges. Congrees. he teat Beaton will undoubtedly vote grade of land, bounties - and other rewards to colder* who enlisted, at a time , when Euch preminens were sot paid for recralearlt to not improb. able, too, that the Leglislattrea of some of Vie 'Unice Dill providesome bounty for the vet• mans who Went out at the fleet, call Dor three years men and faithldly served their time. The stimulators who are eagagerhin purchasing game discharges, are aware of the.se facts. Every hon orable discharge wtitoonstituta the evidence to entitle the ',solder to a good larm and perhaps Money eucigh to stock a o thath a m nd n b w ra h v o e have canted these dischg service en the battle-field, should retain theta. As evidence of valor and patrlotiam Abel are of great value, and ate the means tome day of pro• eprlng a home they should be hoarded ma° mush money. We trust. then, that every sol dier tv,bo has an honorable dhscharge, 'girded ate an inloalt the offer DC any man to punch Se Hap nail. The ream Retch game of two ball between the Webster and' Westent Chiba, yea pinyon on Friday rifternOon Ofhthe West Gammons, Atte• Om. fesnltlng In the of the Webster. The foLloirlng Is the ecore WESTEILS. war:Alb.. ....31. L. If. Bacbaublub a .......1 4J. Shirbag, a .... ..:."..,.._ 3 !dowry, p 2 4 33. Stdring, 9 --I 4 . - Sett:wit. r, a--... 4 2 blarpby, a. a ....... 1 6 aley, 14b— —.6 9 Graham, Ist 0.......5 I Peak, 24 b a 4 Warsuuk, 24 b......... 9 2 Pledle, ad b 2 4V. rd, Ibi b .2 I II outer, I. L......._..4 16 blanchkster, 1. f.... 2 2 4 I Wen e. f ....... ... 4 3 Ray, c. 3331rt0n, r. I 4 6 Mason, r. I 6 2 .21 33- Total Webito 2 0 1,1.. 1 Venire—Dlr. Wm. Lockhart, of the Allesheny (Nub. Scorers—E. D• MAIM, and F. Charge Against an A‘dermau. Jarret Galway, a col.ired porter at Super's drug Store, has entered suit "Wore Alderman Strain, charging Alderman David Nellie, of Allegheny with mirdektreisnor, in zero-slog to give him a transcript from his docket. Galway was ar rested and fined twenty dollars, by Alderman Nellie, for'disiirderlySeondact„ and on learning from,cousel that Aldermen tait an .111 61 .4etioa in races of disorderly coadubt, he waited on the -- magistrate and demanded a transcript of the ease l tendering him the legal tee, f Ofty Dente. The mastistrate took the toe, anittolit tam to eon again and ha could give him the friMiscrina, as he- wag Moira's' to attend to it Mao Re al leges that babas called several- thawbut WAS put each time mid waa 41113 "dual a • transcrfpt at all—the aldmmart also keeping the fee of City cants., A ,iyaryant has been la med for kat ache is be *ID probably not have a I:;aarin4 for At, day or two,„, Railroad Accidr.ntsu On Tuesday tafghe when the Erie cypress Dana PhiWdelptda vrsa withiii*Flve =Mei of Mikis hew= the reausyltranti. rallioad,. the cote: ling broke, leaving put of the train a inunshibm. able distance behind the - engine '.• and banns ears. Vim imseOverini the Wade of drabs, thi! ettgleeetterereed his eaghWend,-wlth Madam, attached thereto, ran back- for the missing par doe of the train. Uatartuattety, the lamer cemo down &Deasy grade 4es, WI speed, and a • nollision with the two porthwarof an train oe• caned. One : oleo tree Anttentle .tcNedstott smother had' hOtt.les aihke-0., the Adddedt deialidtd the •Irein - effete hoar% - This • nn fortunate tub were abiders' of the Sth - Pennall' vazeireavidry. We (anal - kern etoteumvx Amusements. lorin flogs.—ltus tat *whistle temple opeltsUPaight with Ate 'pity,' hi five - . 1144 , I.4ievittsfalith,'4oll,47o4V tzte.d.o4. •I}eilita?!,thowe r tr;e oo 4 4 l nt,,abd a Made Dtanta. We daabt the- Opera Hoinsf3Vlll be Aimed bye loge itudigiee, etrlcma 'Mime the fatatior erraerexthuh • and witatwa the ahllitsof the ewt"PtalY Prrisaation Twevriar..—Ttre "Old DMZ". tboron,ably renovated and Improvedjelso votzt , +: roaml.ha .nt sr , 'Batson to-night: .."The Lad DAP of PoloPOWitritbrtbollo". ~.thmAWO, "CLIO& 4=llo 'lnaoeSaki eti thaboarb, m with ones catey,.Pittabutsh apaniliatly Ablate 'Appel" tww theetete.:lnd ga-AFirtaUsd,ndng of i,YLP gat ; e 9 t :45 t i t , 5 9 • Committed tor Trial.--Marl. the Yousruluc atreeterl-terolealleg•watch trout at, ativadjsu houlecrefleirA street,con!umell , Mat be hid pill the. andel to rt,'ettloen:. keiPeronligillitielditreeEßFAtese, dollosl/4 or hug Ahlufhalf.iti value: :The;yrateh' ridemt up by Mr. larith.'whbiritainkittrunied -td themumult ef , 4 as roll t dollars of IVA *OW 10 1 _ 11 / .8 CIELCUMag cm the atc.mcr nton. and the trehmee(three rlloilessmor ultalt)ba bad Is hbt 74d; .Fr 6 • 4 o!' 44101°°?A"&.ri!; 11 ItheFearo..: . Oinanhing an naval la lisiLlbarlfatreet Church tto Dnorraw romangad crentrvo. 10.% o'clock.- It le expected that the Rev: tiev, - 'cc" thlladelphis Itill,dettler 'a O dours°. M. Fide)' 'is - repriasebted as Mtn cif Me most eloquent weathers• -In the country. Many will remember the aeries-or gamma ho prcaehed IS Allegheny elly.Mtrlne whleban et, lattice letilval of religion tutititiletiblt Which Lis immigrations took • place. Iter. Juno Aillson, , Edit-ore! the Preenytmian llgostr., will preach in the evening at , • ' Cr,lcket_BleetP/PrAti adjourned meeting - of Ale (Ryan& thicke: Olt Warlidg at Lhe office at D. D.,Brec,e„,Ehci,,,tleorgh.A htte eittes,Vq., actlcg m President...AßM 3 .l;tiOrfa , ' ley, Jr.pui Secretary. The report of the Con stitution and by.tawa was iceeptad. •The Bea. Ter county match was dlecasaed ,and. deferred etAll'orxt incefiag.' Medal:l' - Undated "thaitti to Items. piellaster & =OM for me` tsaer of thh use of their ogle° for meeting , . hereafter, anfl+ol6p#o' th tint therti cm( leg next, . - . allaalanarycldesting,Thara wpr be a mla slonaryancettagia thatbecon4 United Prepbytor tlau ehurgt (Rev: Dr: -J. Ptaatlefs), - -tiabhatb erenhcio,extlity3( o'clock. Several Muni ad• dresses aid be expected, Well= with /*lntl** atutaticaultatiteest Mtsafirit; Daly 4vuo of the talielantales o fl3plpgtfltrestort9 Lair tO i r auk, atm tritindk. ot `.145514,k ',PC;FPFL Invited. to attend:A "111,111,Pr—,Iktelm Vio 4 lcas (b r. eiire lierg Xelt4ost'StsthiditY.-ob repicaWebilite latlon intterred 14 - tiers .1. Needs. The. babel inatical was madalglailletae aiditAllatlthe,de• . Tenant waspot I=4 aallk jenealey. he . was.tala, ,m , tr.Ao,oea exkSecktt,.lle was reaslrad epter bag la the 1°4411.04H.gb43-*.tre-4 court t*osaitsr.i e." iao4.4e MitpoGl~ door ainetogslyjkat hue sektcznieexLiats& ofthiee*ittl,' 'vlthbfair ,willbe.plase4 tyke.; eflanunfi;:' taithVie , on Dot,cppteeo,.iilleitiettp;betweem the Apj. Dine of tbe - 15e)reoea.,and. 110J:tent Clabs,ak Amway. M tbsrc Ate geed 04 0 1. sfd gitie#l.llear,tl,Setn4vber-sattelpileil; . „ Beiiti Ste eis.7- .pn r. r.rPt% far reebtogi Were totted in.pbssession of a bay, by d pelted -Oates?: -nor Vol , dropped the beets and thee tar egeseei tfle.oper.T.,: tqcSiOlieg to. /Woe& ofdco i , 4orhere 'tie :owner. 012 PU arol '• chirke,tirtop rtp-Me!-"ortiVtltilvitteeltets it.Pl-V4IPieliSTOO4 Prove, 04. 00 24th !newt, the pro titortelleh tellt be app topside the Ailed eateit:ipt the 4 debt. OnMewl 141h4Mitattio of this sityveitthre r ll int theiceinet olVintiiii4Thlrdgeeett;,' • I 'Fe: ,3:18 tradiii:ONTlL•44/il4 unto; Albert .61.1)1s wale arteeter.,l4o-dej - chergo, gt, rebb,h4._tt OlofSY,l Moto; g Libeetp OtrOti Et.: bit 4 I.4o9stePtii44:lP .ll tP:ttle'll 4 l 3 ?'? Pg.e.rtgeA .- •, • ~ , .--. .. Distllleiligeized;.;--Tho _ distillery ot•lf.r. . 11.Koti ./14Iffi 1 4ell*V1 Ite43l(toosKei t .)B u Pl county, bas,beas eatztul 0.Y.440 r4l39AnPio9ratuB of tha.rwcw...shird-Districl,:ttir -mit =WU:a proper /aunt ci fioj rnis hru;,,l:ll".!..Z...l7ll..-:::i T -; ' ' i Cilinuilt4C4;"'Areititallet,'Verison allarna„, tciih the larceny of Haney liaeri terirlaoeaterila74tatoiiiXi4or Loy cotardittait 'tor A:6: 7 14 1.417'01 Of . tYlliding a 7 e Etrth t.(M11111 the- Vll.7.ciassu or a steam lido ttolte THE HIIIMY.ATE CONVENTION. oi4 1 '771 EFRVEY OF THE FIELD EMINENT MEN PRESENT Temporary Olganizatton Speech of Hon. John Comma, &o , Special Correspondence of the Putahurgh Garotte. .13surasueno, August 14, 1305. The Convention about to assecome should ex ert en important Influence on the policy of the gtate and eountry is the dawn of a new era In our history. Tho last fenr years we have been waiting on events. Oar resonmel and itatesmansiati. haVP been used to preserve the • Integrity of the country. iqo great Scheme •of eovermental politer-14e beert inaugurated or at: tempted during this period: Never in the • history of the infirm were the times more proiltions of Important niessureS, affecting the welfrue of coming ages. A new epoch of progress - Is before us. This is the first Convention held In the State since the declare , lion of peace in our long troubled land: The lamas that we are called upon to meet, it we do meet them, ore new and untried in the practical operations of one free mama. The question that has occupied the attention of the country since the beginnbag• more than °there, ' 1 is Settled- It Is no. koger question with na bow to preserve, protect and defend slavery. We most now occupy ourselves as brielly.as may be In giving more or less decent burial' to the de- parted institution, be welfare of the bondsmen who have as it were:been resurrected to a life of Melt; and manhood, in the extinction of despotism and servitude throughout the land. demands our instant and earnest action. Closely connected with their waltz° is the question of nstrection. Tee policythat roles in the one wPI e other. The action of the Conven tion to exerts controlling Maumee on' these t w i n m ean. ; Whatever be the ultimate bearing of the coarse aim by the_Convention, Its action will give .&b sey.note to the opening political c ampaigll 6 -.11?- States I not only in our Union party. The 0 mocracy are anxious and waiting. They: are watching with the keenest interest our pto ccedings. Their policy Is yet in embryo_ They • are bouysta In the hopa Matmay make some false move, that may be used to their id vantage,„ .There is le , cause/nem° a Vast amount of prudential and time-seteleg Wisdidea left now in rouse among our fielltJaanaade ra t The west truths that should ever carol and nub. ordittate cventa may have to watt awhile= erPo-, - , diem.. Shrewd political calm:amt.:ire have been loeghard at work forecasting the duty .of end 1 privileges of the sovereigns in he ADproschlng contest for 'political supremacy In Me K eystone. They are doubtless actuated by motives of the highest patriotism, and their sagneity will be bat Amen Ia the results of their policy. .P4,1)1- bay ree other Mersin the Elsie has .hatert more ete live or influential in_this forecasting thart,A . canieren, tedrense or the State Central. Coto‘ ,natee....lnlaresnairit Ica the • builnetp :UM fffff Conireagene...ge d hes bee:11100W at alr. ate tireliesbutrystages. The preminetiee sfor - position, It nothing,,,Clae, has =Mitt hini - ta eared &TAM] gteaterann tAstprens ottertan. Ile ItlLl,tbeiefora be held bf *l4 as la a great raemPft , zesliantePle for,theimorse that auty token by the contention today . On _the o ther tret We. had Cot MeCnnie one _a, the:oldest ee‘yins asters in the Strge.;loending al,o; Es tiiergleeto thwart tbeilsescit. Gen. Cam", emu; %lough in' respect teeertldrietoripreletudire - recueterts, therein -dlffseenno between them. , They a re agreed; I.enderstmeVitt.:rehled to the prudence of.tatelving the question of negro suf.' fine- Veolgritest bdW,m“ theserepresentettie, men Is not one or tao • betWcen theta for thetatteed,sopteniscy . Mete.Maatre le 'lilting his Infttnicti,la ,facet of . Co n. J. W. ,Oelta and thilltritillet` trsrtft of l!ontgomerr,‘ ,13-ea.Cateronser , ,;ort,,e.; ilebdend; 'allot of the I;dneester Beep iner:Woo% perhstsfwerth.' IW-tete - .tae.fer sPeeedstlOnnet ho the:Tretretades oryersere tees of the different' tending; inter eefs, much as the actuhl Meat ,ItriAbelatoyfri *the readersotthe .o.emisfe through the mullein of the giegrisph, Mary !yitt,heyterethin winitenta,l Lc [LB lllenen s 1111/111Q1ldt ttie a;aezia.4 and Others In -etteedatteaat. this. Important crown; Non. 'time and armee (rebid, etalthbeg,4tepte,. titan A simplo,annonen=mant,pf the Aateas. , at come of thelerank7pailr. -men best tinfiwit to . at-,wquld: "j;detiseP'te' we , -Ordd. tirt7t a ! Omuta and lit q, Ate Attec, end • astremertacs that d .11 tlarsanmeteboTec. 'their fellow!cithieW , 81 11 , 11 1 WP.he4#010 57 . tore. C!. C We notice 41... X. :Prentairie: `f10n..14.-Alarittes4A.-8;., Benetewe." Graluma, Jags Iditerinert, or ! : Indeberp.h: The-lhe 4 4 o Es f i 1e3 " 246 1411°35 '` . teri.tion, gate XesseLS,.okitedderdt: Johnson. ofrrawfordt Of, Carbotik ptcm. p...e.growratEds k LaaT ,. WeThWOtPQIII*Cegf3S-VhaideAa ! 'ttedft, ortiord&neeeryCed:„Tranel s . of B.Cciedl; Miner Benedlo,l.4....OlAlinnifiere.. 4100.1k...g.c0#04 - Wined the..l:Meienit.Torer - ; eel. slid Yeerg.-T4 l . NY-044 4 .9P, 1 ....1. 0, orionso o , • • The time caber- the'Cordentioni tef.• enter : te'yi Thttrasye.lL-Thh Pb#,lthei ItaillartMllonla of liiiedlientrdiveter I M'thd flreettppolerted the 'Cies:nti:OM - 3esez caked '-te. orate , ley:Ohnend iCkatereeq Obtain:lan of the State Central Cottmatteu.' . lOn onaleduP ENS: , Jerimitah sbnchol* the.. John Ccasne ot. Bedford.' wan elected Seetr racy cbansurtiofibagonientiotira upon:Astarte -• Mitt= delivered the folkoripg addreSs;: amid Orem!. n ryi rhaTiarkrvir4rt ' Aticirethaks foe the? honoccdaretied in tieleiet , '." lugmm le . eretdde veer the preliminary legs Yettpeoremitlein... Tion , fidly wince the feet that the position is one of ditac . iirty and requires the discliErgd offidnaaos• duties.: ear; nestlyeaelt the caoperstionctCarery , ddegnite.f In toy -effettetepresercearder,prornoiettertnouy and hasten thetrusiness Ot the Ontlrentlina Ox' my own part I pledge- you thni will. endear=., to distbarge the &Mesa the position to the tit mated tor ability; with Impsrthility eta (Ida , I Sitlec-rely,horethat tin deithctarloae o> utta I,,xilaybclucmofotia deli, a Abe ieinite our halal 'OCITT4 etiefeet4iWttliik.v.*u:, whom tee repr.:Weta. , I.regard the.Ceainettort being organised of. great. Irlterait. , The , .1 petition of Pennsylvania in, the bolott, WV usher Peat.llifterf cotitles,tend.: flßl command • for her, a potential voice in the reconstmetion of entGorerhment, At abassrdsi end et cheesed. 64 of inavllng eaNeePrlndid,e, =sr, Oa action of thleConeentlou.lnthe: emu. bo : ' a m nia ' . • Trio runny , of_Totertywho., l4ll364 _ d the sta nda rd: of Abraham': lAnoma, ann. Jiro- • claimed to the world that the -Union should be preserved. and the suppressed at every, hazard, mast again be called In to Mit field waled': the bennenwhicheleall be heted , hero to-4994 • ThoxaniuorPower of the,rebellicn : , bsabeer. ernshed. .oox-Preireered ken* facer*, soldiery; mei sailertheyeley.Uperformed . ettebvect „ . fore the magnandte of their noble - ewe:WA ,ttat ware of ofpruxer :thaxec - ANl‘thek: .fiiatto4 of 4tBM natal* sink into;o:so.l7gatiVa . ora.bottoorribm.RoPplerk:AP.pooliikeqtri* E ß 4 .l before gm Irorb‘ 440.4 IPSTP:PEInt44 I 7 14 " ari4"! tocmeitenXartlo9. l 4aetrg.heter. o 4 ll : l lii. la i rim *swell nsAbe toile* ottgArtridirfai; bora*, toth.offttnere geldlereePts, neetenden:st tbottlo44-4104; 14 4:914 99,1 0 9 4 413 f i tig Grade. the tens or median - di of widows nod art', OM! .f. f .. 4 4i4“...,w0..84.AffA4111441 AP7III/ 2 49313 0 9A.--. 1 4 0, t. 9 4 . lzngettgtv„,l l l , *taultd , Mat: W41' 3 .grgf0*0 , 0 1 40192 0 # 6":" 9 1 )/Air 47:4 1 a;L1P fOr ioOlittelans. . • .0u,•.. • •- . AVeTtiatriluAgFstqa4 fay to 13P9R tlkt Etuv2 l 7 •.fkr,pcsl.o.,l4vialug 4 1 4 e15,91 , 5 4 e-c ol4 = l, 1109 ff ere tillbeh lt yttes, bly:; anqWel7 414V1- e4 l / 4,1'0,40 0 4%Y .cues of tee say a$ Only' foyet mtitt,Mitt,eilit 'Agee, purloin-the , . four , sem% PArtiyiktia 0316c45-war-Jilat thi'stUlll6ll;liitroata, Linke tipm'Aujai6l's3:l; wcto t reativ : protracted'bY,, veritra of Nora/tea: sympothy.'; Now; Walt Is;!' interotlielsteinenln'the gtheffil4ao,.l , end mac:Wl - ant by:vgrtSollPf the aid , nod' co . fort which they expeet iecclf from thintelately"le.'erpla uororitreent, , Trne, the.. otde ', t h e. lighting; has • ceised; brit the ' WO ynnot e4e.d, the splritt.fre.;, half: WWI lives'Oind it.lS t ay tictlj - e; Insolent 1441 deflant.. : Thegleet ebject.Ot,the :rebellion Ifs' the ; death otter K eotat6.'..sto.distouito 2 :: menVot. tho:liigatHMAtiptet: abst*beitt • Thoict deatt;aolt'4:' fella n*intAliWithelf:o*6lC - Totlio..tit i : te40.4 e4rnsmuk*stiiiitaiis 0 itat,44fol)lo - tigll4cetof tbeigotay.B4 anent trilti iiliist(jfaOfe . 6b. s 1 1 1 iyiribmai„i.corkla'bellotff!bttoirrribrif "Bet.,tita for_thlrty'Yeentlinttcfebrel his - ttreqe' 4 ' n i 414 y r 3 1 :t the:' •die tricitil-0tr0w1e:204'41544116106,Wr , tbo ' barfoi obbleAttotWwiole tt}o.949lo99o9tAtoiattionitOi . *filch „e(9h4P41i41A:4 noea qii'ieadOz the l . brb*thle, 4ertCbtht , ir erier4thte wn 'spirit',Vltlett Viesfded nriekine.'of 'where-that - ul `wheriathat - -which - triffentied'i.irreePtaitlilii bonds of guerrilles—slew..Jonoosnt.wenton , nd children railroad cariqltoisenel'finintelis of Veler,“end Imported_ lotthierme l dttieSes Anglo starit Which ertiMafed the beg f the "'es.: bevel:. es It Le red the fatal', ball totlati,braii - . °- oar late Pacrciful,,magnaiamotts =patriotic • Prrsititut, will cot levitate toielzo the : throat cr stab Mislead of the pluton, Mi possfble„ thUnobleold re.publittiour •attlerart utterly agirdless• of tke-redis-,,ali ' woo. *nick ~,.,-., may follow. Already Giese marts thaeozith are orgslilli_ .51; i• ` to send representatiVas of rthlc 1;114 to Von- 4•• • rise.. Their Mende In the .$ rth are...rallY l,4 r ' r , ~ for the same purpose, Allovelheneto succeed ~.„ _:. In their scheme and soon the relied debt•'wEll be ;•',, assumed, ilaatutespaldtorellebtlerletAdeff , l, fered by the war and pensions gractod. LC' Is= 44, wounded and rebel widows. . Under this load It ,4 1 vi , . is confidently expected by „them that the-good ". turnp of state will soon gedewii ourthe eta. erith. Should this fella oar whole star =: tional debt would next be TeDitedstetatril tinae. _:f - 1 country ruined. - . • , -.... __ . . ,-;: Shall all this be avoided? Much °fa:ee= F . , ..t.:J answer to this question may 'depend upon ' your k action today. Every dollar of debt, - ixtunieleals -tt State and rational,' otintracteefor th e' aelppretd • il ilcm of the rebellion; 'taut nd' shall be paid ag -- all bagarda. Not -one nett 'of Mie":itirel. debt.'"':! --, damages or pensions shall- ever be assuateder, Paid opals any pretext or for AmoreAWL what.: tst Our present loyal ener - pifrhsfli. 'rrufada4 l 3: Andrew Johnson, has submitted tO these Pep - ..." plea policy which challengea-theadmlration atilt' , the world. It , will stamp .111 m. through all time ,t , '• . -, n” to coma as a magoant - .1, mere.l[lll; and itindlAG '• hesrted'ruler. lulls el:Carta lii earryrit Sidle - i.. Matt and will teethe our hearty. and - scalene .''.; co-operation and =port. VEnt : should these - If ' peapie continue, es theYluree'Vready commen. ii cad, to treat - Ws offeintof 'mercy with toortfanti'l: contempt, sni•F'P e . nt, -to t=Rtry. F 4 I ,IJA. V. - world an eihlbitlon of telly, ets and tr g i educes anpmelleled, let nehemi proclaim le the& 6 :::: and to or choke ~ruler OW - we will,•-oue;andiF7 ", • all, Mend by him. IA seizing. arid holdlig:thele. - -f, own territory by the mllitarYpower of the coon- ' try, and that the grasp of the military arm 5ha11‘.....: not be relaxed naill they satistyets, by thelr , prO!. ,i,t '''''... fissions and thew practiees, that, they are ready , and willing to accept ln good. - faith elm manna of •.:•,- the war. it Wen of their own .eceldnit and 'of V•,..• "-. thelr own making. They hive no. right, to askit,•. • .the advantages of a trial =den Cheat mean to rl' ' _ submit to the verdict. •Tlidivver• has not ended ft_ '.2 ' until the conquered party haa ditirty.accepted ite4.7 , •1 Molts, and the Government lean not enlyA per- :,4 , . fed legal' tight, but it Us] her , solemd duty "tO% ' enforce these results by 3110 military , arM. V.':: Our four years' war, the most gagantio in the i"1. , world's history, must not be in vain. Let tbizot late rebels accept In good faith the policy '' „.: our President, and we will gladly * ' t era l'.-1 • ' L ....tre.3.. nav brothers, Into talLiat.,;tir u nkm. ,;.:.„ •r .. i .. Let them yawl it, and we will standby him and if. , • Congress hi compelling them• to aeknowledgeii , :t - our triumph and thelr defeat. - /Blavery- is deart. - tkli 1 , and must and shall , be buried. :The spirit ofsti .. slavery must die and be burled 'whit 1;;" Theef cilit.tOerary of the South alit6Am ' teetered andti , .',:- uplield slavery, and:which' ineugerated thetisixt , . terrible civil war, must be shorn of Its power+ . i Already it is ht wont stirring 'tip - opposition tort the policebfee . government and creating hoe.")i - , tillty, and.; bltternas among. : the - people.tri .„'. Far two years we carried, on. the: -wari . without striking• at the cane - of , " the' war:V - '' indeed we rather guarded and .tpnateurted•Atsitc 3 1 At hot Abraham . Lincoln. - when hie time ,had.'-; come, the memorable first day ofJantaii,"l.Bo,4, ~ , strack at slavery. The milt Lsbeforems. -- AnollP ' I yet it stilliseeurs as Indoors BrOffelelea4ol: - Teach : the stag= of the _rebellion. it Is bat M.; coming manifest that no permanent peatel,-evenzf-V with:the death Of4lattelry,Caritteojaeettrea,teitat,3l 'the whop and supporters tit slavery arettubduedp.Zl Ia tie w o rds of our prier:et:patriotic -treeldent,„:r,, 'This iiiisteerncits antagardalle tcrthe prindkr" Peen' free demeincatiugorernment Mud the thnt'jla has came when We rebe ll ious element - ot i, : ; toracy most'baPenished.-IThe time luta • coin ..".''' ' when th eir lands`mustlas etralltesde64 the ;I 'taunt,' put down suet WO, possessions Meld 1 .,-1 among the werthler laborere of the 1and.r....,,.. , ,, • This risultwill throw Into trot - National Tirisfy -: iuy =gay ttillioxviat doileriAnGlO heated bSh di the trestom of thelefirmer, ilhisownera.i • WhatiOYAM a 1 man pm object th at:by ftein-stlnitd ilef: of the otattfertai If 'ciV•the-futurtesi'br llfel' . ' should: be:ridded-Ad thertablearit those midair/3 er througUretilte Azad ishOsailrealdesrhave • beetti,.:: , made desedatablthe'star;'erviither by the lust`, - sonvideir mused It t Mho twiliebleckthat betv.):i bounties and:Kash= off ofir ri4dlcokla NXtOOl - victory was woo, and , the nation.' 1MT 1 666,-.., 'shotdd be thereiik& cud 'I trifle'added ithe-pecurdarTasurpoiesaticea ablastry'duatitheist al , ' 'fa the, earxdaces medal ~i'llacart, oldect . theft; - by MjSansi of these pada - to:ittetlylortelted* large parther of oar nhtlodal debt should bet.*'- ' ' r r tted 4 AOC floerektufe Wolof -affolaesfil. l l 'of our people Affifthdane4,Uan sport ot ttin&eauer , , ; loanthmed upon th e" aluMldera life* - peclphl:' - 1,7 trindienthiSleradvedby.fressoi6 :Mar: , ;11. - ...1 : thivivarctelelpLA the_ Comdata of tha. at sir let as not Wel4ol2lsAT6l..Keddikkeir his - .. , daoif 'br' any nltiiitroveray -iniong."onivel ' ''''' -anuntbluVronent pb2dtloll or :gm mcumt , artadlh. - ' recAcgcs• Put carefully anileiF4 1i0;4 344,1 4 4, ) , 1 Lo o. freedom Gills preklalniedf'thau be truiry' gel . oteral" fotinlistieo innVtettreatbiodzhilt ,,4l ° to - tad:lk ,r , r..:.;0: ;,•:....ii -, ..x mill v, . •r•-li t varit I Let , unity of, action and a cheerfal•eicAtibril_ zo come flitter deeleiou'oT . tie Infijerif our% . WO' defthefathin",,-ler Gvegtoirpg stelato;"af cease ear cohunois anallsaf, aloncorha.Our , c4.! to jeeti, anti all via ' n Ware& tbeCOUCA L 44 4,lr_ t ____,•P!rilezi , ..4.**i(*krr vollow#g ceitaliplikretp-F.4. 6- y•n? 7 ,,,, a ec:.'.l:.ee.o.J. j i.c...', 1.. - :VOL ZanS. ,, a•. , E v'fttrieN, • thidl.'./.. it: MOtheadl.2lthilnalfthilnd..44o:-/A mashal. Nichols, Sag., itifebiledelphitlir Ertl . -- r AiirKrz I Mr. Geird,knrfaiStitY.lldfAr4fel,, of Chester mar. ,' - - , 4. 1. " I 111%41 of fte was then : clalled:_;: o'f number of the ' mu la th e eterrention'ijein 'oPis • thernAP kid 1 ithalett..l4 Slm7afenlott. I Vnle;fn4o3rtltt=grA rc a%gl ''' 1 ofiliinike'sl, WithinfPuilethinkftalts 4i d e G ite-3. eiectotlG:theohneVoie.s fel anetin I ,lol '. A ireutlon. ,Affrepl.,LO...;., ~ ..... 4 V. • . ' Xresolutlouvrtigoffated "146011teliiiattai:tteekr4 ' co-one be nominated'' foi-.l.Andiusr,General, diVS f3urveyor General:who twitted Atelned Arle3o - vo ' ally. by weal aerstholuttotfield; to this -14t5411 , - ' IsLette Government. l : ,; .;.- ~, - - ... • ~ ' ..,-,),,, . ' Therocauttoßenate4 s ome wenn dinfl4totte- Partfelpai.4lpby , bielars.: l3 teier4(4a n u?thipi . d • Tabd; (Gunth&laud;), 'thin ,ocurs.:, -- . gr. I..e.thidToad wthatonlied the 'prinisnial "? of the resolution, - deelerteg , - that'lf ' ItOugaottov been for the e6iii,ir; We WatilduVt!. o4l64 ol l o 6. l' l teoto-day: ~ . . .4! irr., , ....% - ~ ..7.- 1 .3. , .117, 7 1 Mr. iheeine,Sild tie did I2'cit, 41iiiiisgik.a 7 . -1 in flush ffetzleiefie of the riifOintleil. la : Idllettleil. : MC thOttgbl that thitui*Viirei*ted, ,l et hone add" furnished +motel and. meanyterm ltd . purpole Of'carrying . on the ever werouiti 6 :ll I" Mato: lona 6311614itatioh:Si4krt.e 13 thii . tolv a ' OW , tin peeferredUt iim:41101124,1) vote team:ft [ plenetip:-.7.:a).. : , ...: ..,,, r.r! . .;.: 1 ,:V. ".-., :i 911 11101100, Ittothmittte. ef-thirtyrithiettr4ree•li . aFteMted‘ taxi= it,war ordered - Mist ttalree -, ...1 olatlen.before,the ConVentlaitt find ."all vagtA . . resolutions that might .ke offered, be saibudtte*, • elates.% debate. •.• .. -.. , ~, ... • , -, ....i, mt followlag CemralticemCiedentellalereid ' • ' Anuounce4:- , Win.'1 211 7, - ' it. :Pi ' Xing; ,' 4j. 11: , ' ,, f -, lionigonteit,AAillike, Ikestiel Todd. liThtt- 5 : - convention took -a. reaesset fltteenlednut....i .:::: • The ItillOWing Mantled vamseara:Chei 441012 -1 County - Cimmnatlon or Montgomery-cents erke,il. direr , / by-Mr....Vol:ler and referredgo the C•4014...'..; talttee,ati Resnluttonst . . -; ;-1 ~. „ -.,..,.. .. , • --, I Rcialreck That we %Ashler thii. Mee: ieOefffip , i , orefonlgatedth the fitate:lcultlittire. ling .the ' ' ' edoUnieraliereef; thatliOdy. - thcipufadr.l%. , i l6 44, Union iltiaaciptableto the oppoiltidn ritniugs or 1 taut , Paiter4l4,l9czaisttow-himc aPpliestovi-o, soitod, iiidm,c,imit - 'calculate , coloutuottixkua rz - fidmateamerogitheimacingisolimc orginboatltmiNi re teethe tinollnipaLeittirins of eakiel*Pf:a 01:17211CO, [Wifely , at th e mercy of their ?ion -) , exits. ,ciil i e l lv: s ylt ,- ;,7 ~41,1th.41:12, _ i_1±'. n rit, • `pryt9.4 :lin gePV4. -KY , NPO,' 4 6 U...1 eatieu: ylag,bijili tart , ediliigGdr.., - • e;l t i a s l Pll..F 6 4: t . ,U. A tl C 'ekliAlliqldt"t3444-' , . ~...., l.) cil.:Avakilitti ,L,,. 7t I.lslPOll, . ^ l ”, ," '''',.l-no'.. t,....?-1 1 ItT,lllll.l!Z,aviatiulk%ctitroaty.i.ed ody a) L . : - ilTiaiditoeo"tixvoithti eth4thlikiirWat:l3 iiiraVAtlnfif Catibthsf,OMlMNnuArthisfrilr &fen ttazutertthltiolleattiotonroilolian tuts an ininly..bfkkAtter, oda trorklrFrs.Wit 14:4 ' akatil xi tith.Ginet 0c0.f.,f c iflngulls: . A aeeegiU&G 144to , sl c ii taro fagmelVl r figllgitisitot : AlPla* d am e ,P arke so;u y be; tlm inatintlYP"Arotler -; anti" ame4flik,ar.'wlsrtialittleald, etihy the isoleg - deem'. -34'elelitrie. uti , °lke*: laure' - ;• ii •••• cer}, sAcclden4—dn Tp.o aT lazt,a AOC. : ' oiBlmon leti.dAccitulty.-was:denzelowly Ip)p.regvb =- 11 . ; : ilubsin'troaca. . toot.tietrfrieZ Cu 7 ) itanilea la-the trael'ts; ziadhs wee thisttlA itboiat - r glee .IN*lfed ad kicks all the way.:'..llo,htTeiVattelltpitalti..i ,- ; tea of -Ids ecostry.7% -• LRh ite41;01), sA. T4HrT!•y,idgtLiJlo;;iftt•tilt, asti. 4 • ; .120tiinerdririll radio tiOr: atiztiW ristb ,faltdxf • ,gh!ny Artrargoomt, at - • ktt the Lally 's& reipifertally ' awn& .• I . BIS Gift,On•Eritay morailag;PLlVlta Hatt, Infant — Bon:of - Gaiter Jr. - , amkl;4l:Liverlit4 l tiincurtsted 04114 rAP144,111-1411qte.i4L4Th 1 , •.0 • : • %...Ihelrstpfd aak•pw. of iiiiii;lmusbi;brontizt 'St codoisi. , .4i3iitagoi 41-n- Te'ite riioniiissi,dadiviihe4:cornigyoufi ti l nuw44:- sugtvattla itscPAL-0.413) - : •?. - p' • -sp ••. , 171%71: 1L =EXT -11:1 ;F tf CS Elithfield 'ttreet, COFFINS 4.reveilt V I3LOLS iml7-VVR* I 1T1i1N(f..1 , 91• 1 iNt 7:41,11 ALS ge-cessaly. 4ME 11E.I.IPE 4 g. EltkOES furnistu.t. -• • • - -11qz-tr.. - • :.,--n ~1 f . .,1 , , ‘ ,_ ; , '...‹.--- , ...:N:.;%,,...,•... .:-...,,, , -:, - ! , - ,- -efti ,-,, __ ... ,4,1/4-.g.....A.:.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers