fitAq.vgitfastite. __riamass n .,; UK fIBLYMB THIMSDAY, 27, lacis. du& CMThrtif Tlmad PoItITIMLICIT LITOIurFT: tx*rit: tmwroitAnepeny: • • - • • Ihmt i oothrrr oovritonatli: . .111112411YZABLBEILT, Pat.Tolrcaldp. ..:O•Veth,4l.ll2GX, 0.„ of. rAberty Townablp. sot, exiers !mum 10061* G114.13A1g, Allegticay. AlEt):Tistienr.NotitftletteTntl6B a ILT, ikoandat.=M ' • DAVID '7.' o. GLASS Pi;- JOHN _ Tc.nuktp. 4 "vols botrirrr oolnixeisicacs, MNA#LIN NEELY. of Lowrsc Mir Tp. , 701 Gomm etosVirtm: , 01 /0210101b 1 n 6 1: 1011 1X1011(400 OF 7001: AMMO OBES% of ebartiars township, " • Larrsa MOM' PABIII —We publish' this mon** isitother letter from our 'Paris am reapoadeat. Both the London and the Pa ris conespmdence of the Gazette will. be 4x!rtgattea regularly. • • • FREE EBADE'EOGIC. 'The New York Evening Post Is onques ',;Alintably amongst our ablest paper',, but see :liCislarne is its logic When It undertakes to '',;;;FUliootte a policy which is indefeindble, or - to argne.agatnst a strong current of facto it osks a guestion, and then proceeds to answer it. We quote: • 1 ,, -- , -"How can Impedimenta to exchanges of ''' , ''tietantioditiess benefit industry ? All the ex ' 'Changes that take place' throughout the en -11 globe mast be beneficial to both parties ,Inaking theni 3 Or„they will.come without _ the interfecreice of, Governments- An at . ,lifirlat rise of prices, like that .Produced by .tariffs.orstdkes does zustiong alter the re lative ;value- of the rations products of labor. Ifthe price , of one commodity be artificl , ally increased, all other commodities must rise to the same level, or else the price of • the'orie commodity must fall back to the ,level of Other Commodities. By our system of protection we artificially increase the price of all commoditsei without the slight : eat benefit. to any one, for the manufacturer must pay back to other Industries all he re.. celvestrons them, beside bearing his full share ofthe expensive machinery-by which the Government artificially Increases the prices of manufactured' goods. The anise- trance s lit ottrattempt to retain the monopoly of our own markets, we effectu ally ghat °undies out of all the other mar kets of the world." The question is asked, "How can impedi.. meals to exchanges of Commodities benefit Industry?" We answer, they cannot bene fit industry stall, but, on the other hand, are destructive of industry. It is the great • • object of the advocates of protection to ex tend to the last possible degree and render profitable these exchange's of commodities; and to affect these exchanges at the small est possible expense to the respective pro• ducers; and also to renderit possible to ex change all commodities which have any Commercial value at all. Let us go into the region of actual fact and experience, and drop such vague Oleo . ristbg as that we have just- copied from the • Beentag Pest. A farmer lives la the neigh borhood of a manufacturing establishment where large numbers of men and horses are employed. For all be can produce, wheat, rye, oats," corn, bay, beef, pork, butter, eggs, wood, coal, and even straw, he finds a ready market at his door. His traaspor— ' lotion coats bin nothing but little labor, winch is as ofteaperformed by hiscostomer as by himself. He gets satisfactory prices, taking aismach of hia cuitomer's "commo dity" as he needs, the remainder in cash. So much for his &slam The manufacksier is enabled to go an with his business, and pay decent prices for his labor and supplies, because his government, br a tariff upon importations, has thrown an "Impediment" in the way of a foreign competition with whom, owing to cheaper labor and lower rates, he•wonld otherwise be unable to compete. Bo long as that con: dittos of things is suffered to exist every thing goes on well, and the "exchange of commodities" is carried on without imped iment, and to the mutual profit of the par ties- It is true, however, that importers and speculators and middle rues are but little benefited by these "exchanges." II- (It so happens, however, that the govern went changes its policy, and that of free trade is tried. The manufacturer of whom we have bees speaking struggles a while ankthen reluctantly succumbs. His em ploym are scattered, and his neighbor, the farmer, has lost hie market. Many of his commodities he cannot exchange at all; and for what little will bear transportlon to his now far distant customer he has to accept what prices he can get. The middle man who buys It of laLm has more profit on than he has. Thus he finds the most for ' 'wadable "Impediments" In his way In ma ' kinteichanges, _and like hismanufactruing neighbor. he too becomes poor. He pur chalice his goods; to be sure, at a little less price, but at a monstrously enhanced cost. "Impediments to exchanges orcommodi- ties" indeed! *hat greater impediments could be imagined than to compel the farm en of the great Central Valley to seek mar kets for their surpltur produce (as much of it as will bear transportation at all) four thousand miles from their fields, they bear ins, as they must, the cost of fransportatan. For more than one-half of all they might 'sell, had they markets . at home, the "im pediment" which free trade interposes. is absolutely insurmountable, and as to the remainder they are at the mercy of traders. Thellarrisburg Telegraph on the Eleethre r"'iTtln'tl 'We observe a steady accession to the numbers of those who wish to establish the qualifications of voters on the principles of absolute right. Among others who have lately come out on this shie is the Dania: burg Tekgraph. We quote briefly T!rlor to 1812, restrictions on the right of ..sid7rage,in consequence ofcci•r, were not at tempted by any State Lepslature. Daring that period th e territories were admitted, in all of which freedom, not color, was the . bubo( suffrage. In 1812, South Carolina, through her followers in Congress, succeed edth inserting in the act establishing a ter ritorial government for Missouri the word white, thus, - for . the first time in the history of die Government, making color the basis of the,' ' One by one the slave States, opted. the tame qualification of color, .the free States following in servile order the dictation of the slave masters, un til the crusade. of the aristocrats of the South against all free Degrees, however honedlandintelligrmt such might have:been, triumphed ; and thus sowed the seed of that treason which has lately been harvested in blebd and carnage I In 1817, Connecticut excludedthe negro from the ballot box. All the - other. New England States left tolls. torbed the ancient right of aulDage, In their constitutions, where freedom is recog nized as the bads or the elective franchise,- 'Free negiroes voted in Maryland up to 1888; in North Carolina till 18A5 ; 1a Penneylya. t 1111838: Cave Johnson; a great Bader of- e Democnicy was elected to Congress in 1828 from Tennessee, by the t ree „ mu who were in his employment. In 1889 by a vote of 4210 28, Tennessee so amended her Constitution as to exclude negrees from the rightrofthe elective franchise. 'FARIS LETTER, Croltaravosimrr" _ FARM, TonsDAY, July 11th, I egs. Anted= society in Paris, which has lingered behind almost all the rest of the world in order to be present at the brilliant Jae which I last week described to you, in cotumernoratloo of the Fourth of July, has at last aken wing like other people, and our gay capital Is now well nigh deserted. From all I hear the Intlnt of visitors to Europe from the United States prom ises to be unusually great. At Dieppe, Vichy. Trouville and other fashionable watering places, the American circle is already very large, Cher bourg too, In anticipation of the promised naval spectacle of the combined fleets of France and England, now4lxed„for the 14th of August, will 'attract Its usual ehare of eight - ncere. Not few of our country people have left Purls for the Isle of Wight„ become with them of late years a favorite summer resort; and In Switzer land American tourists are already exploring the unequalled mountain scenery of •he Beruese Charlene, or whiling away the long rummer days in such rendezvous of fashion ins Vereg and Interlacheri. - Wherever our countrymen show themselves in the Old World, they will be certain to experience in their reception the pres tige of the great events which have raised their native land to Its present pinnacle of renown. The generous testimony recently borne to Amer can greatnees by the eloquent pen of Count Montalembert has flown trumpet-tonged throughout the nations of Europe, nor could the deeds of heroes -or patriots have desired a worthier chronicler. As Mr. Putnam, our ex. cellent Consul at Ilevre, expressed himself in the few glowing words which he addressed to us on the occasion of the late festival, Americans are now. indeed entitled to "hold their heads high In Europe." The days of mourning, so touchingly Alluded to by Mr. Bigelow, are, it Is to be heped 4 past; and both at home and abroad, America,.we may tryst, is about to reap the re ward, of the patriotism of her children. Your readers will pardon this. short outpouring of in dividual enthusiasm.. but the efferv.ceuce of the late national gathering in the Rue Catelan Lei hardly yet subsided among us, and I sUll write under the influence of the reminiscence, of-the 4th of July, 1865. la you will Judge from what is intimatini above, Paris is rapidly falling into the social and political stagnation of the dead season and the approaching dog days. Our long and bril liant summer which has scarcely experienced a break In the fineness of the weather Noce the drat of April, may be said to have reaches Its climax the very day , after the American fete, when the thermometer stood at 95 degrees In the dude, and scarcely descended 10 degrees during the cooler part of the twenty-four hours. The legislative session has just cloned, and although the Emper-r still lingers at the Tuileries, In eon letletalee of hie long anterior absence In Africa, he la daily expected along with the Empress to seek a cooler retreat in the forest shades of Pon tainttleau. After a short sojourn there he will proceed to his favorite medicinal waters of Plomblere, visit the camp at Charism, and then rejoicing the Empress, they will set out to gether on their usual autumn trip to Blerritz and the &nth. It is possible, especially as pop nlatity.hunting among the masses bac been the order of the day of late, that. their Imperial Majesties will atop a day, en passant, In the capital and spend the popular late of the 15th of August among their good citizens of Paris. The drawing of the !decker. lottery, for so it deserves to be called, took place last week, when prime of 500,000, leo,ooo, 50,000, and 10,000 franca were awarded to the holders of lucky numbers, and for the encouragement of future speculators in similar financial adventures. M. de Germany, Director of the Bunk of France, was not ashamed to preside at this regular gambling hence transaction. The excitement all over the town was almost as great as when • Cardinal proclaims, from the balcony of one of the Palaces of Rome, the winning numbers In the great papal contrivance for the amuse ment of degenerate subjects. And yet the French are the first to laugh at Italian corrup tion, and to stigmatise the misrule of Italian governments ! The great prize of 500,000 franca was won by a small farmer residing .in the vi cinity of Parts, who Bad purchased the fortu nate number only a few days previous, as he happened to be priaialeg by a money changer's shop on the Boulevards, where he saw it adver • Used. It was at first said that the prize would be forfeited to the Emperor Maximlillan, on ac. owed, of the second instalment to the loan of ninety francs, not having been duly . pull up, But for the aredlt of that Monarch, this super - ab lion turns out not to Iw correct. Great efforts have been made lately to bolster up the price of Mexican stock. The New York correspondent of the Afentfrur Is mime to assure the French public, that the desire of the American people, to &bare In the immense development of com merce between that city and Vera Crez IF sorb as "will inevitably result In the recognition of the New Empire by the Federal Cabinet.' You know best at home, whether this Ia likely or not , to be the case; bra here at all events, the Im. pression Is made use of to produce a reaction in favor of Mexican credit, which has displayed It self bye considerable advance In those secu rities. • Abd-el•Hadcr has =lva in Paris, accompa- DM by a large Arab suite and two elo,rly yviird ladles of hla barrel. A ahocking accident, caused by the most eel pabla negligence, has Just wearred on the Purl and Marseilles lino of railroad. One of tb lines being temporarily closed, the up and dow trains were compelled to make tree of the earn rails. Strict orders were given that one and th same Individual should accompany all trains along the single line. and as It was impossible for the same person to be In two places at once, It was thus deemed that all 'chalices of accidents must be removed. On the Express up train, however, hum Marseilles arriving et one end of the Slagle line with t h e India well the station muter had the folly to insist on its proceeding in the absence et the appointed conductor, Tire latter proved to bo In the act of conveying an other down train to the same Point, and the two into collision when proceeding ate regent or 60 miles an boar. The consequences, as it may be supposed, were frightful eramLgh, though not so bad as might have been apprif. beaded, and as were Suet announced. Three persona only, were killed on the spot, but a Urge number received wounds mostly al a very severe character, and generally involving lore of limbs. LETTER FROM LONDON, Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Os:sits. LOgnoN, July 11, ISCS A few evenings ago, being In the neighborhood of Charing Cross, I turned down Whitehall and mon found myself under the shadows of that magnificent pile of building, which the genius of sir Charles Barry, aided by oakum of money, reared to be a worthy place of assembly for the Lords and Commons of Great Britain. As I have named Cllr Charles Barry, I may Juit—ro mark In passing, that on Saturday week a flee statue of him, from the studio of .1. H. Foley ; was uncovered In the inner hall of that great palace, which Is Itself his best monument. The sculptor presents the architect to us seated, holding drawing board at arms leagth, Judging the effect of a drawing he has lust - mac of the plan of the Palace of Westminster, with the Victoria tower Just added in the margin, and the happy thought—or afterthought—has struck him, when the reel of the plan was completed. But as I bad not come that evening to study works Of art, after a few Inevitable pauses and glances, direct and sidelong at statues and fres coes, I turned resolutely to the cornier leading to the gallery of the House of Lords, to which I was - allowed admittance by the order of a no. bie Lord, whose courtesy, or kladness, or what. ever It was, bad, I suppose, no more special or personal definiteness of application. than the word "bearer" on a ticket to the Museum of Medieval Antiquities; or Madame Temand's Gallery of War Figures. I hope there is nothing Irreverent In these references—for certainly the House of Lords does not • now strike a visitor as being a very senile, or a very stiff and ceremo nious Incubiy t—not at all indeed such, in outward appearance at least, as to suggest now what O'Connell called It some twenty years ago, the meeting of the old women df England, or as the earcasticezpreaeion was varied sometimes, the well preserved calealou of mummies at Westmicuster. No doubt there may be found, at almost every sitting of the House, atunerons specimens of venerable imbecility; still that is far from being the general cbruucterlatic feature of the assembly. it, fact there is a laces pro portion of the members who attend the sittings of the Upper House, either young men, or men in the prime of life • and even of the older men, of the aeptuagenadans end the octogenarians scattered over the benches, It must be said that they for the most part prosent the appearance of a vigorous and healthy old age. Boon alter I entered, °hoof the beat known of these older men—one who had deserved more helarr, however, as a commoner than be ban over, done as a lord—rose from his seat and advanced to the table to speak. it was Henry, Lord Brougham; and the purport of his speech was that he had been vilely traduced on both tildes of the Atlantic, and would stand It no longer. He bad been held up to public odium, both in England and America, as a friend of, Sind- sympathizer with, the slave-holders of the. BOuthern States; ,bul, nothing could, be more false, more foul, more Malicious, than such a tale, Could It be supposed that he, Henry, Brougham, who had once refused a valuable atlas 'ln the West Indies, because It would AA° Sum a ,lase-holder s that he, in his old age, could beis6inslhe friend arid urell-wisher of the siascraoagsr (thls was thtiviror.dbe flied) Of tGc so-called-Corefederscyhtflithelgtoff fbtrands execrable system. In fact, the, noble lord's speech was a very Indignant repirilaticutof .11 that some have charged uponthtm—hol Without some wagvaut; It must be said—froril some utterances bp his own during the - peat three 6r four years, regarding his well known proclivities to tura his back upon his former self, whlch,l l however, they may have been wrong In suppOs• lug to Include recreancy oulbeFlavery question, as well as on that of popular rights. Lord Brongham's long.growing leartlallty for an aristocratic system, which has been Very ari -1 parent of late years, (so much so that It might be a warren tablee s psychological inquiry, howler :Mary Lord Brougham. of the House of Lords., and Henry Brougham, of the House of Cora-, MODS, can be considered tho light of personal' identity,) may have misled-him into some de,' tree of tolerance for Lyon slavery Itself, seeing that the projected new nation—or empire—of se- ) ceded aristocrats and "great proprietors" could only be foundestupon the "peculiar Institution" ae Its et . OSSO-stone. But Lord Broagnanile speech, whatever It might signify otherwise,hod at least this clear slgnlncance now and here,- oatnely, that it Is no longer fashionable to be a sympathiser with the late rebellion and Its lea ders and doctrines, even among the "upper classes" of this country. But enoegh for to-day. NEWS ITEMS THERE le a project on foot at Nlagata Falls o make a new communication between the American and Canadian sides of the Maga ra-tiver, in the shape of a suspension bridge for carriages and foot pass:engem ; !Tho company owning the bridge two miles be low had the exclusive privilege to build one at the Falls for fifteen years. 'That limit has eipired, and an existing act of the State legislature authorizes the forming of anoth er company. The Canadian Ordnance De partment has given the privilege of land ing it on the Canadian side. This bridge will be located Just below the Falls. A MOBILE paper pays a tribute to our soldiersvilto have lett that city recently : "Although some people may think we ought not to say it, we do say it in all hon esty, that we should like many of these men to stay in Alabama as Soldiers. The civil law not yet having been restored, we de site that the-military law should he admin istered by those who have so far exhibited so much self-control—who have exhibited so much of what is manly, and yet who might have oppressed, instead of protected Tox residence of the Prince of Wales, In London, recently took tire, whereupon the Prince, with a noble contempt of appear ances, took his coat, and helped to bear along buckets of water to plat the tire out. The fact that a prince could appear in his shirt sleeves and usefully employ himself when his own house was in danger of des truction, is a matter of great congratulation for his royal condescension. . A LETTER from one of Speaker Colfax's party says: "We are perfectly sure the Fa cile railway, so far as engineering difficul ties and expensive grading are concerned, can reach Great Salt Lake City with not a tenth part of the expense It cost the Erie or the Pennsylvania Central roads to cross the mountains lying In their way." THE gr and jury of Philadelphia have re fused to find an indictment against Edward Ingersoll, charged with assault and battery, and currying concealed weapons, on the oc casion of a popular demonstration against him some weeks since, on account of a speech whirls be made in New York. THE Emperor of France sent out a Mr. Boneforaui to take charge of the Mexican finances. He is said to be a man of great ability, but, after a laborious examination, lie declines the position as untenable. THE Eastern bound mail on the Missis sippi and Ohio Railroad, met with an acci dent on Friday, near Hillsborough Station, caused by tine washing away of a culvert. The engineer was drowned. None others were injured. . . Tun Troy Time. says that an understind ing has been arrived at bet Ween Messrs. Burden and their employees, and the mam moth works of the Troy Iron and Nail Fac tory will resume operations this week. GESEILAL DA , CrET, with 10,000 men, is coming from France to reinforce the Franch army in Mexico. The Austrian contingent is also to be increased by 4,000 men, who are to land at Matamoros. IT IS said that the Canadian Government "rill endeavor to lessen the deficiency in its revenue by imposing a stamp duly on Lau b cheques, receipts, hills of lading, and other commercial paper. XE fN d O Nl;llT1 S EISE A' TS FOR RENT A GOOD STORE ROOM, Vita DWELLINi 11OLIAll OF ,IS FIX tie; In a goad builmc” location en Wylie anti . Apply. to S. _C liLb. o t. S t., Zr r S. DI . WA.NTED FIVE CARPENTERS• {l,)ly itt FOR SEOP, VIRIIIN ALLEY, between Cherry alls 7 and znatheehl !lames. OTIOE TO CONTRACTORS--PRO. POSALS ere invited and will be received my Oa Committee Ina Street. of the gay of Arlegheny, autti 'WEDNESDAY, the 2 , 3 of Angust neat' for the Grading sad Paving of Alarms street, from Untig to txhool etreet, to , ether with the necemelry curbstone end eldewalk. Alto for the Cirading end Paving of Rate alley,from Robinson street to Rose alley, in the Fourth Ward. Also for the Gracing or Pettemon alley, In the l'teet Ward, rusning north from Rebecca street. Also for the repairing of thee , . war at Hand Street Bridge, together warn the rill rep gutter r own to the river. Fermenta wilt be mate to the aonliaCtors a fut tuthe money is collected of 7 the property holder. Propene's to be wale. sad left with R. B. FRANCIS, Omitted. ler ; A. HOBSON, Street Commissioner, or JOUR W MORT, ermira an of Commute. 1,2754 TESTIMONIAL FROM L. M. GOTS CUALK.—Aher haring : played on the Plano of the Messrs. Knabe ar. Oo , It le Imposeible not to boar testimony to their quelltles, whist, have Act] tat...l for then, the eminent reputation whist' they enkty. Toe Pianos of tacit manufacture, on wrack, 1 nate played, are excess:singly remarkable for their qualities of tone. 'lke Base is powerful, without harshness, and the upper note' eweet, cleat nod harmonlooody mellow (cheyettllni, and I do not hesitate to ended. In regard to thous In. etnournta my entire eatisfactloo, and to declare toot they arc equal. if not aunerior, to the best santifectureo In Europe or titlesocinty. by the most celebrated meters. 1,. (10T8OLIALK. CLUB/Ail CK BLV3IF-, Pole Agent. .i 727 43 Fifth street. BATES kt BELL'S- Dark Chintzes, Dark Calicoes, Plain Mints. Plain Lawns. 211. Vitas. ssh 'root. $5O REWARD tiTOLFIV inim the rein derma of the subscriber, 111 bulimia township, A BAT MARE, With white feet, heir ce left foet•haek, white star in tie Lace. The above reward will he given for inforniation leading to the meet.' ri of the Bare. ii Ste.l4.lltW JOHN 0001 C. - B ATm 4 BELL'B Obambrya, all colors; Nall:mocks, plain And barred; Jacenets, plslo and brand{ Spotted Swiss; Corsets all sties. 2I VIPTH STREET. F ail BALE VERY CHEAP. IN PEEBLES TOWNSHIP, TR/Rrlt ACMES OF GUI /11 LAND, Suitable fora Vineyard. Has FIVE AORES OP COOL, on It Four mile. "TOM toe city, oy the Connall.vllie Railroad. Im. room:mints-0 oco Dwelling Ronne, Waldo, and no Belting Orchard. Innate of . TROMOs HOWARD, No. 83 Diaciatid tAKER'S CHOCOLATE AND COCOA. 'A tun ano•tment of Baker , . prepared Choco lat.. presort! Coors and Breat; also, Swett Freese Ohnoolsto mod klosteopatitla Cocos, (or sale mt. the Fatally Grocery Store of JOHN A. GENSELA W, /F 26 corner Liberty sad Head street.. LARD 01L.-10 bbls.. No. 2, on steamer Smcr, to arrive. For solo by .19 27 ISAL6.II pIiNLEY t CO TALLOW OIL.-20 barrels on Steamer irttver, to arrive. '"' lYr LtIAL/di DICKEY & 00. :00 BAGS BT. LOUIS SHOT, JUST Jim 116 J AXES BO 1 Woolatreet. received ea far lano 's'.. p'l V ArE sr 44 z!irken ris LIITIRS,,BOQ., OF NEW ROOM :4;ll4l,LaidiiLLL:' . .-FRIDAY 2SM, IN MASONIC,-HELL, FIFTH FiREET, 'tinde the atteeices at t*FEBH4.II B.IHITILEBHOOIO. egbjeee-111 . • •Ifhe Cause ofPoland as ft It To•Vay, and the RelaUon of ft to the Fenian Ail those whiiiVerirafto ktwir 1121 .6th.141 'of i/e Fenian Broil:Lade:ma, Mould god bear 51r Witri VS on next Es no Iday evening. Loon! 1,111 b open at 7 ValOCke...' Feature' will ideation:tee at I. There win. be reservedxsatexor Ladles. Price of adniciton 25 cents. JrZ7:4l F°l4 • • A BEAUTIFUL FARM, Containing 174-Acres. In Reuter down/hip, Indiana .couoty. Pa., alto aced in A good gelghtloihrimy cordeolsnt to mild, .elcutehrte and sato:tore, and abcl4t four miles west or the coutdrdida ONE HUNDRED AOILE4 OLESREU; wed watered, sod well maculated for either fttuntruf to analog purposem he Improreatatas consist or a Mood FRAME HOUSE. nearly uhtu, Contain:auk ; Erght Rome, Hill Waning through the center, - lattre Dry , tel. Ist and flashed Attic; large FRAME BARN, Well and Pump la the yard Standing Splint of Water at the house; atlpetwasory OUT4lolLD lNGs;l4tomfawko. "Alto:dt SAW MILL, In running order, on the premises. 60 , 1 Farnbin sirPnlty InnnlTl, In IA! !market. For further Information, terms, Ike.. apply tel W. A. LEA:MET, 181 Laeoak street: Alfria any, Or AARON ANSLEY, On the premise.. Jyll73wtodmks ADAMS' EXPRESS RECEIPT BOOED, DRAY BOOKS CHECK BOOKS, BLANK' nooks, STATIOikrERY, STATIONi4RY. BINDINU, LF,CI-&1. BLANKS, 011. LEASES. b.. NIERS, 80HOYBIL & CO.. Binders mud Wank Boni/ Raters ID FTITR STREET. THE OLD STAND Eaton, Miorum & Co, Received this day EATON'S, 17 FIFTH STBE'EI Jaconnt Englan, J soon. , rmertharv, Jeconet r I 0 UP. rms. Hamburg Flouncing; Sulam Eng log; Inacrthge, French Cambria Bands, • Dimity Aortas Intanta . .k2sibroldereal Ro`wa, Latants' Ea:anal...a. Na slats, Black Thread bigloga, all aria] a, Uttipare Lama and Ea'glop, 1,1.1 rualoo, Blase end White 1 to red tree Berta, vac Edirtnes end Insertings, Boyd Frilling, (something nesro Maltese Col.arg bat., Paint Lace Llama Collars sad Oat, Rent LRCM Hendkerctilef H.oekemhrere, Embroidered "[audit* rah W., Tbresd Lace Veil., ()rape Tells, Dick Veils, (fancy borde r,) Marie bitten Nets, Invbible Nets, Waterfall Nets, ete., eta. A. splendid assortment of Bonnet Elbbons, ming fllbboaa Neck Ribbons, Bomb, 'nos, Buttons, Velvet ftibbons, Cords, Bugle Trimmings, erg., etc., 1111 Lek Silk Belting's, all widths. 500 doxest LINEA nAsrosEnontars Superior quality, •t from 12% to 25 ata. slab All the latest style. of GENTS' rumsffraa GOODS, A^ Liberal Inducements °tiered to the wholeaale trade. P. H. RATON. 17 FIFTH STREET SELECTION OF Valuable Medical Books, FROM THE STOOK OF DAVIS, CLARICE & 98 3717 aa. latro e• t Orme' Surgery, llama v 01.., leather : sta 00 Dringllanov edleal Dietloaary, revlaed 6MS OtsP's Anatomy. E large .1:11 : 700 thstale Oa LWOW/ of UMUlten : : 4CO Mikes Principle. of Surgery : : 376 Miller's Prank, : ; 3IS liousilton on Fractures and palmation, : 6CO Wilson., Roman Anatomy r a ral Beasley's Book of Prescriptions : a oo Tanner', Preemie. of Sedum. : : s Parilshom Conseil.' Phannees, : 600 Tanner's entroorandi of Poisons ; 00 Pocket Anatomist ; 76 Wyethl Pocket Dose Book: ) : 00 Feretrids Pocket Prescription : 126 LIBERAL DIAEOPNTS to PILLBIC/ABIE --- MURRAY 11Z1f2:Xe W. P. MURRAY, President. I. R. L.lD&Y,Secretary and Treasurer. The.Uompany o►ne In fee simple a farm contain. lag shrhty.seren acres and forty.tivirperthes, loc.. ted on Rrovort Run fa tributary to Cherry Run,) and lye,* between Cherry Run and 011 emelt. 'Ywenty.eight leans have already been made to reapOnalbla parties, among whom will' be found the names of some of the Ward and meal tocarakfu : amatory on the Owes. The entire tract will accommodate from fril to tin walla. This farm le surrounded by fon^ at the' moat celebrated oit producing fume, on Oil Creek and Cherry Run, and le In close proximity to the "RterP and "Mountain" Webs, and about one toile from the Walnut fiend Well• EMiSEEGI BEVENTY•iVE CENTS PER SHARE. HAP of the PloloirzY.thgethellillth all informs. lion maraca the property and organization of Lim Oompany eau be obtain& at the °Moe of STEEL & BitlLXl. Anent.. midttf WlLkilin HALL. LACE OFTRTAINS, zioTnpronem LADE, VIEMIIIIILE LAOE, GILT COSN/OES For male by WHITE, ORR & CO„ rlrore4:C7y7,l4o rER TzsimE,rri. CASH INSURANCE COMPANY - Of Pittsburgh. OFFICE. 57 PIIETH STREET. BIIBSE'S BUILDING. 184„AC 11. PERI/Oen, President. JOAN P..TENIVINCIfii Tire President, TIIO.IIAB ti1i.4.1/A3l; Secretary. CAPT. FL J. GRACE, Agent, (late 11. S.: tosileator of StOsoae INSURES AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE bores Stromboli and Cargoes Oil In tormatirail to Fbiladelphia, Eftw York, so., insureifN i low rata. Palates leaned on tho 'norm favorable tonna. 15A.,10 M. YENHOOIS., President. JOHF F. JENIf rr4c2.s. Vice Frealdent. DlB.6oTOitil: - - . one Stevenzon, Wm. R. Forsyth, I Daniel Wsllase r Alexander Chambers, je77:lmd bamtgel McGinn= Jake Thomas Donutlly, H. W. Oliver, Jr., 8. H. Hailansa. NEW STORE-FIRM' OPENING MACRUNI & CARLISLE N 0.19 FIFTH STREET RETAIL ROOMS will be open (or businezi on Thursday, Rlly 27th. We beg leave to announce that our stock has been replenished with a complete euottment of New Seasonable Goods, Selected lam meek by one or oar firm, from Freak Importatlona ; embracing all the RIO AND ELEGANT STYLES 01 the most Desirable Goods in market, and the NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. Our friend. wlil nod us fully prepared, on and after that date, to .apply thotr wants, aa far as possible, with Dress Trintntirlim, Embroideries, Real Lace Goode, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, flair AW., Zephyrs, Fine rams, French Corsets, Skirts, lO*e Shirts, Collars, Ties, Under rests, Dram:era, .d a complete ameortment of 107 ir GOOD ED NOTIONS. MACHIAS & CARLISLE, NO. 19 FIFTH sTREET GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING S7COOE. N 05.1.9 and 15 St• Olair St. The attention of the public ircalled to the large andextensive /desk GENFLEMEPPS FUR NISHING GOODS.Jun opeeed at the above. mentioned place, which I am now offering at grea , b.tglibm Any one 10 want of the above Go wn, tied It to their advantage to r and examine my stock Wore pu where. They canned the Large* and etock of Fine White Shine, extra It shirts, Week.. Uotton atLd Lille Tb shirt. and Drawers. bearlic NeekTies, pendem, Bottetillet, an everything jt , the Oentlemco's Furnishing Goods, lo Remember the place, I 3 sad 1581. OW LLE N. D. A large stock of Hats, Copy Trut Vannr constattiv on hand." jyWdyi A.IE W GROCERY—no andereigne opened an ENTIRELY NEIT 4 IITOCIE or frrah and WELL SELEOTtD =MBES In men NEW STORE. maddltlnn to °lna nem elites, they would end aVention to their aloes of Eastern MASS BOUND CEDAR WARE, SCOTT 0 SMITH, qRo yiaa corner Lliarty aid Farr►► streets. Ovarisoncride Weanle, ALLLORINT, July 9e 1166 S S;E&LED PROPOBALBI (addressed to the Comtelitre on Streets) MS be received at able °lnce, until THEBSUAY, k,ultocla 3, lEdia clualve t for turniehing tlaatiroi Outten for the East : slate of Irederol Street, whet* It etoarea Ohio Strect, elnallaco the, one ace theMect . oble. Itta direction of Olty tionnell . jr2oatal 8: FRAN CIS, Controller. WELLING ROUSES FOR SALE,— streetoutie Fillers street, Tbtrd street, Grant Fourth street, Lescook street, Seat area, street,ane, Liberty strev, Bedford street. Seam Liberty street Allegheny. Webster street. Decatur street, Logan street, , Frankihs strict, liaison street, Ugh street, alottnt WaehingtOn, and other let:Worm. Apply at the Real Estate ob tce of 8. CUrnstar &SONS, • /.1 26 St Market street. OIL LEASES. OIL LEASES eau be had on the most hvorable tams u lem of four or eve arm, ou Whitely Creek, rum the now• Mg well A barrels) Nance t te week by the :p a n 011 Oompany, Pit nod: Appla to :pan STEEL t BAILESt Wilkins Rs Fisa— -23 barrels new No.l Large Mackerel; 60 balrbblo. do ski; 26 do No. s do; 26 -do No. I 00; so kilts No. S do; . so do .. -, No, t riot _.,-.- 100 ball bbls. Lake Emile", ior . . 4 TELD .r. Er 0a N. CEIZE9B.-100 boxes ilanOurg; io 00 Goofe; d w tag : a m )3 1 2 9 J. B.' .6.f0rm5.44.a70 • . 43 X : . 7-30 14 0 ail. TRW lA7lOlll$ Corm of Wood 81ifet and Then 1114 AGEtr usuut.sruts .4 SPECIAL AGENT of Jay Cloak% V. S. Ate for the sale of the Seven-Thirty Loan, POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLg AND TEE • Only Lu nn UONVERTIBLE INTO PAR.. owri GOLD BILASLIN G DODD& f: OarLiberot Ckuntoustints /Yuma to dialers mA201.1 J. B. LIVTISKiiO2ON. Cathie SECOND • NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh.l Corner of Band and Liberty Streets; Special Arcata at Jay Cacao for 9to sale of NEW SEVEN-TESTY LOAN, TM. Is strictly tha;Nall Loan, au! la Wall absorbed at the rata of about live shill/nna par day. These bonds bear an interest of arvvcr Cleamtim lemma may each hundred dollars, end are sonverthblein rtty Into U. 8. PlesTwary rali Ardent (UP"; Beazing Benda. . roll constalarloas win be anowal rajtr Banker; at G 1 Broken, who purchase tar salaam, C. H. BIGGS, Mushier Taß EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK 0 fPittsburgh. battered by eel Capital jOiganized ander tate of PL, 1816.1 $1,068,000.1E1E0 Law 1861: This awr.m. biesi aecignated DEPOSITARY OF THY United States Treasury, and &pitch:dal agent for the We oY the 7-80 laOBM. Every facility will begrime' to threaten or pec tin yuratoiathe for resale. 2. BE MURRAY, Casider ap2141 VULCAN COAL YARD, ROBERT DAIZELL. mate adjoining Machias Chop at rim Pitta laugh anti Commll/WM EaWoad Company. Seat Youghiogheny Family Coal and Nat Coal ALWAYS ON HAND. COAL DELIVERED AT SHORT NOTICE_ Lam your orders it TEE OFFICE. or A. WM. SOWS a co. Eau stzset. oz THEOAZETTL OFFICE, Filth street. jogigt COUPONB I 00UP0.148 I SEPTEMBER. NOVENBEIN JA.ISI:IANT ' COUPONS 00U01Wir A T Highest Market Rates. Robinson, McLean & Co. CURLING caw& Mine. Demoreara Curling Cream, AN 'FZILCUIL9rTE POMADE. For Fixing, Curling azul Beautilytug_ THE ELIE, Oen be tee CENTRAL DRUG STORE, Comes Ohio =1 federal street., In Zdarket Hann, Allerhany. GEO. A. KELLY aROCERLES. 225 bags prime and choke lo Oetfeet 25 p 022.221 Old Government Java 175 half cheats Green and 55 act. bap .a p ch rim ir* e Else! 60 do. po,' 1M) every vest a air m -.ead Quiet Retanue is Theg. Puna soil weal Atte*. nZalua on itatirely to nu pasties of to= attao4 to .11 calla tO ad 7 SEVENTH sritrst Plttahwlb Pa. )CIKERSHOIISZP, trimuniram re , wasetc:Cli ire DEW& 13*:1117, ALLSORZNY C 277 /UTE 6.19:1 RED CHECKED ha lattltt Wportatlan. -. handsome irtYlas . 'or mile by 43FABIAND k OOLLINS, 7i aid 72 Ftlth ,treat. :NTRICITM IM THE 114.13, wed by allwh• bus mod It to Try ft ye doubters and ba For rale tky all &unlit& )R SALE. lotistil to oftz for tato HE MOST Eitl3/BLEPE 405 12 -Peedkillwriaa AfitibeW. [Jim B. ma'am& Co. -10 buntoll)wm4 Farm :srfat.&r : rzr. Mannfaanntra tailfferaiiinte intsiatAireis ofPittSl34oo;li OFFICE:: Na WA's MEM caaaai ml l 44 mm.) r. L nnintrit te4;au , w. aLtr,p4arr.,.. p...nwres, Salinatr."' NEM ALUM WIII lII= lumina Sfiaiiili&ta • laces /...11ENWErr •8: JAMB L. SaW4ILIIIIL, , ROBLE_ _.T LEA T. rwitsurwt}, , - W NI. W. MATSON, L . B 31•AVOY. .0311174 waaitoWL Emmy wzarza. . teur/52mal • psultiwom nuntuir Main Insurance' COnigany, no d Wan Itin iii kirk in., rfattoas4 MCBAIID GRAY. Aireddiem. DAVIS) a PAWL, nom= mnrinrveihzuz Will Insure iigainsi all 'Kinds FIRE AND ILIRINKILIIII Doommas I JTIAMES a . II GRAY . ND . ID. T...PA%...... H. W. 4J/. ' JAZZ HENRY T. TAATEB , Iir . i.',DIONT. JOHN GRAFF N. J. MOW& DAV CHIA S . 'r. as GORIAV earnizad INBIIIILEOZ. EUREKA MOM NEW Of Intti+inmli. OMee i Corner Water aid math* Mao (ELGLLEDS llvualßara N. IL inunsirarlifialltaeridisa& W. EL NEICICK, VIC* ArtOleiiall. solo= IFLTIninG tieeratigm mum , Affinun474, Blari3me warlie • . i n J. H. tuairimßraGrA, W.. L • . ..; w..T:ANDKIISSME_____;. : ___ ii; 3; : •, • z t .- ~ JAMES I. Brawn= A.A. .•I •A , ' ' IL D. uocraitan, 'z A. CA , c “ . T. LEEOR JR.. W. W.. of L IL PENNO6N. ' witeft H. p WORTHY OF NOTIOZ. rum =Emma) Wheeler & SEfflpirara , afacgLos , wft awarded ths art pelts-41:114ra v i . vet. madal•-4t. the latirastioag bald al Stettin. Pnitsia, 'Thrir • BIWA Melodist seridis• waldast • all aztliasti VwDam&F-4•4/080C•T' x. 26111. TEE WEIKUpt, 11,1Vaga I Lock %MO Sewing : Middies received the !aghast preutisuis great LalaraaSioaal Wilaitirces PAlWrants Welt. ROlON:etrW a Prussia. Wein* all teta Sudo/ Stachtsti ot Ed mpe and ASenmi were la ceatgetittate. Wholesale tad Ret.ol Safi" 'Am, No. 27 Wilk es., Pi*bigssa. B. P. OARPEIIII4* Jr' scum iPETROLEUM , Tax OIL Emmons or pErnearrxmaa. wish sum WI charts; evo.Clotti,Stql. EUNDB rispuovEn- map .oP Paramoo 00. nm am no:es t amnia Anus Ageism WsnaGfps, em., erta. 112.00. HUMPS reiraorriO YAP or, wAxamir DO.. PA., =Morn MU Map of TOUtate Oil WO 'lona LM. Eturrr /V s mar OP whir mama ass OHM/. siAo. DIAGRAM AIM REINSTER ".,ros wiaa.s. guy. V OIL LEASER—two tin U t 0 OS* TES M,•• - • VAL PETROLEUM TIM, "Kw • '0 eatili4OiMpor susamt. H P. punizhaoltar. ■new sr.. Komiii Buz. .. - brnitui7i post en rtettptlOrlap. .1101. ail • :;• fi x l ;VP=T-W-TOOU3i- •••:: voti dine.* - ip - pliVint vn a 4 vBEgos. VI-WM p•• • kau - AND mazer, It* sal /111 0/(10 STlMT,Axitha amazon:4 ACM* /law akestar 14sspo.s,_ Ups% Ma ALLECtuzrix, PAL. ...IparUcalsr •stesti L •favited to La fat. 10p. Otoransents: la :Jar sad Jotasii.2ll Al& at tas owed Sago and Low Ilsot hos. kakiesTed tothan. Aa.parUt wumppoll : • awl sift gwatud duo; the Ptall lallsoMM—ofllll7 Its llttmg say iothar kts issanmr- • lumlia tits' sun wader; IStaam-aglessaul Iltaakla• Work tuft ta canslll/1 1 / 1 111111 i• Inn ladeasairale Ina 3 1 4.11 Ow Tell lad Ira U llsl anrattlatElVzin uunabils agri.. Al= • ' Ai -..., Mon sTEIGIA BAILEY, STOOKITiOICZEIIi ! , 11sio Butkeivind Iteaketalkovekiktit Meta. 4i/0021101,1m . • RATES ioti.timOdistioil sEll birmtmetthinbr him this &Ws moo. Nous Ow saa math seaW pada* ta i l! pward. do. ds. 1/05 do. fps ilkanb eilk 60. SWAM ireirc lir tpie sad m ROT JIISTPUROURESD AZib an nowsecetibm'AUTlASsprtmas Car Pets; 011110 A41 1 1441116,,., at., IJgcb y guinea io Our eta et pals porevla s ukl an sew kw& *tablas auto talltela oar am all the adnuasges the aatkiloadlum• 51 , , nil ZAMA Prioel talaiitAlkegit. NciMMIJW IL east ?fait haulm UM, maGoes, pea Rua arra nutAtitiial. races war wales intaixt.labisit,, AM* No. IX WlLlady STRZIST:, Jam. itatiairA Q. KREMarABT.SACON.;ATUST-. recelist lOtadAnsiVsarkAa =WI Of 8 , A:taxied ale., het est t 0 A. 1000!iiiar, jr, ma w sad End ~ tea . 2 Me----1-E-88 lv 4 801 T GALMUAN, ,/ torasiol4 WOW; '
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