.1.7 - .1-.-A _ _ . Ly . _ _ ~.. . - . . .513- Tul64 - - i z. GA , _ . y: OSLr`ft . ...t' 1 y .; , pL ••• fn • ttl-*-Iklo. 191. i. filM Gnitte; is U'f..PART,AMPES. 4'l. 7 AglittCilNWSA Dace P°1248 txt nthog w u. copra to cm at our new plus of 411AteggligglAWAliffttMaaflif aura sub assr. • . koonstitm .eazaolvii9sr.v. Ifflondit=.Zatiiro; hive mzi atio =r pax, Tears r ,Ritme 41131314a* . WfiChUilecirtfoAl4 Ana Mat kat atreau. - 0. H4aeoa Love a bat). .1/2=1.4 iticamnalres3V.Goott!iv - ANAi t e l t : iiegeiltiiAtA):lp,tesop*M 1 . great Ca1.,44 61 0.; Dtele9lMMA* that* hare —1,11411,1` Its, ost:4old state} zdeeted,et the mit dokil thiSota aand.t . . , , . Dry .0606.8 c...1C/11 Bates or alitatLikt4_ t i ipeoed that we really dne. These gooda mere pas !wed u ity,Vcrinubarl4m , stwildatzlilet°,, -- e. , of_gniittloss, ..s.Arctings arc also among i l i fulwrwfth , ;ti oe.. of all kinds of new goods will be opened. (44 . 43. , %e Observe ottr citl. sea% io the Valversitv Ate:heal Jourrad Depth* 0' JoaNaptailiti 03 .112341,4 Mua s alleilied'ingaged to the active prictitx of medicine for the lest twenty. sbai llp===a,4l=lol.4. • 00111 the prescL lie ho nth ten largellupon Tedious mallard suUeets, and le Lin-author of tha most tatereatibg_ verks nrino-pa dicey seer publithed. The Doetor line been contlected ; • MICIMMIVA I ti T o= ti e ' co u eeT . eettner. • , yr. dldshtuiladOlgbaAnd r e sidence is et rio. Geol'iditei)wliva buitts , W6‘!lfr l Vietr•iimi' 2.4' 13 aletslaw , I Redocipittlit, I ASK lie . 3 3 1., **DK .h a lesi cde 6f • • •thret, thie resiSin that, Ledsk n isehin the slorlarigionin. otthir esplitre of Itleluno and the rturendir of the rrbsth3enirft lri so, ii' demrea, and taking edianiage of the pa pro. grdigint=== "''" To 41411' histaat an spring and summer goods at about ono-half of th*: Ala t) cloths, eaadmeras anti vestingsaveineluded in biz stark, vthith he. oeis unkixt4 bu ponto laparuot , thwibton... is the latest stiles, and at correthondbaglp losi, rates. h.figlisitreirlikollitritishing goods and!xesdy , Made alot out also be found at hillegitot 4'9242A Dit a M4 l 49le Cri . gd.leiw sink .italobbea. orl7 • W ;gas Booth & HMSO Market street, awe now Tr t@:: _Apt IL tau t *pit BOOth plat. filll rv aill4t2, 11 4 12 1441 :11WALAN - rhaitor. alila into. thatainy other houses in. the city. Navloj^purrhued their goods for cash. they are ( 4 1 ' 11 0 4 to .Z 4 aoperior indusementa to persona. ihailStvPif 66144(6(4i/di elty.nada . • pods, wlddi they offer at very low perm 1 Those wiqtttirtcr varcluuct should go ea]:lty 49 3.41 AIM km 01!"..- ..,..i.1.c. , 2 1-..i1, ~,-,,:- .‘.T.t I ' - ffrktitkliPifterrYPA•3kaatke4.. l ltrAtt zyy.!,,i ra is r a.., :tZ ,1ra.41^..1 , 1 .:semet*„.l.. l. ma eL 4 . 4...4....___. ..!141 AaTPILS.I. at Z,V 4 ._...#0 .41° ; ,"1 Presided Jinteatoafera, and liege... in Aiseinaa• .. Mats of te n colors. Ofliti .11V Alexander 't'''''aetilati,'iiii = thir r- Watar etrorf‘fittiinurshs , itic....sddzose=ll9- l& I.lk;C--.Oreet• Order. 1 1 = ,i3..,A110ff A., rsrlantel water ; . p . dobrat-Mttealialest nal,. No 1 • flarril .44 irfpall,,Rfoylded the roof ,s not abrued'ilteMtiiipid . oze '' ' ! fl" r: , c i ' Cit 'qiiillics l itAkiii' "Kit Bade) ' 1 raaptigiaMiltsto a line,ret-of tyetn brosneld with, !. Tralfrant SCIISOIXIST. Its pracet.fve, pre.+Atfire t i 4 >tlfiiftt*ialgirOpintietlitllffnmegme th.f•pAte... itai*WiPA. 64l .,fic a ott*Wr„. 4ll- 4eof goof tail lil , riAMitielltaff,4 . ,Xll4*.tifitkliiiiscf4o, 11 will emitn''4olll**NrrettiefirtralefUrftritattahe tat oil vh;gli, ft 11110021190.11tiCal generates. 'r'"""''jr.ndbtrod 4 • . 14°6 ' 11 . /1 1414iiiiiiiii442:1;op . - I * • i.3lo#olK t i t flC4 * l o ßn A l FF e r f " an to the arm/. a nive reopened toy *don for ai " l sorts 1 , ruat :ol!!iiiivoiripii•sow:la 'me, a t t-tho ohlistir4,' ViltifAilitbiliaeenSnutlittat i attroct a=aPh.rt 1 Alia. Ordas SOUCICid P mruPIAY ottrad o'4 i-1:Vl ..... ~ , !..:,-1 ..k., .WiLtrAw Fonassti lil --irl I ' ' r.U. tic*PeNANIRA I V R . II4 ! I, willea 11 " I ' M 'll ii 2 iV, IF the nseo lila min i sters shim Ida ' ir on Itteffit; `in'irldeti ie remarks : 'likefgriteapect l P. 4 e d of 9,195.33 i Mn.. Anbmitni,b4l3 Eturopeana, and 'lo.oooableferp, i S. 9 Fhis country is then at the saide'tione ad Arab langdortifijortifferFirleoldny, and a French!. , Ible,after an occupancy of thirty yens, - and Tait expesuison the part of the French intrere M , ciplllr. that, country end It a • 'alcrlii&i4 at46ll4dlA th plre, Is 4 11 PLOPhe PO6FALTOaI zallures on recto+ Bte . ' lit* * -4.P.O.Sert!tt r P4o9444 llt C94 121 Fg.i =On Algeria we may ace ti foreshadeplog of a ';)? it TOMAIP S IA I . I " ° . - .in In-. f 2 a - ,It 'la not 0 , -ooi:totwerthvbnirtcriar. ledutottinfthecerainlon °IMO - Trench innyci• beydind the "antient 1101E1C16- . 112/61:1f Trines Itself, where the entire vitality of Iffiffit.f.,2....flf I'' - lea- , , d '* ll IA) .1! • •• •. .. , - n -Fr , P e .' 1 . 3 11.: 14 . - ,. . - e s' lletht t la t' • Win ere ii;,;! i,-.;V E r / k l 4 r r - El4B ' Le Indlanapcdia on liatirdny algid, an Irish ' Ectlent•trintidtiletelaxit -:Loden;dbot n returned • soldier leame4 ...Hines, . ktittnr.hari instantly; YEIL- 2 40 1 0.1; It ,Printerla. qt? .100•24 office, faatiblly ent'andialanedivilatt - taiina loonier. -4.4;e;; is sager. Si &Minna'''. agorattaixrlaleni. Bob beetle, .gaTnatings;- arat seennits run ..er ;mealy - '. l 4=tisilette' rirein.+Milismoras, mitten.* it, gentlemen well vetted In Mexican alllys, Says -- - iiielantslistouttrettnrrpticr,of Dick Tatiort*d -Stolties arm ies atlas ten thousa V - tad ..tilici-!...,114Pie1l taPuOglacdllboaajitia 'd of i i . itaximuittit; *hire cczy fen in'tect. no' tin "t i - 1 ,- llt l lL tbas i - F II P" . '''.. ,;;,..-' - '; 7 " -' ' 4 ' li &Ins floesSidor WSF ptmiala, i, ' sl*ti *mot stitliolitelet aiNtio ' liaranasideni . e.. I , _ ~. lag the men lake Oft *sun hid . t' ' ';et-IMW4O AtiV4..,,nlavanZeP , All Pei. .'., - pf d : and:se ta . some. mg ' trio.' on 7 - ..:6111• 4 7,0t1 natnlalthanaoo*.nt Km- na*kni- .... ' 41 ' l -A " , 1101111CO•thetOltillig r pitatbittlerandil int,dtri ''''l- 4 "kfisik.)oflit tbe r fStatASCOr • Sale YOrk,,,' Penney ". " Oluo,llillaWins,Nolerie3l /alas' and • •AS I4t 6,4) 1 40 at .agitiabli. ill,oo.obones and 14; °°l la WOW sullstii wltleh SUL ben3Lthis Will be disposed •kA'7 T it V,: ,-,'.. \ -;.,;ll o Lititig rassli;brus bier tergutsted-iiry Ss uah',..444,ait4tiati/iltaxaOre tO,ealso all 03atrnantlY .0.1.,,,,,..tt salatasiollied Innocence: "Ttda win IL*7•%r st7lltt WO& and Vtavents spotparal rept} , to Glen. 7 1 4:1 , 4 gillittbgtao omiw., ' ff 7 i 1 •, . - o*.mov Isis w ii •WaiJoleililiipetiotti I soon .1. - ... -a 7 nnak .. l l .n n nd.d a l s. , the, Pea* or ' trgiols, ill 4:wt.-. ~ - waing mem to =24 I laturc, _ lb* st at Waage uporttus colored people of •I.l4l..ftdet* .•!.;--t As ~,, . . ...- tli ots .1 , A intisuipp6ss Alt • ShcrOtts,not i tc4.-Iss i 4 • `Cntta "Conn la Ms Brutish royallandly. Atrial Th e, ;r4Riiii4L lo 4 -WWI b.}ln..has been christened Tssetw stoma Eineatiqtlliert. ,el4.Llsmhz 14.? -1 , ilyuglygpr : , 41 , 7111011. ' ..1..-..r;AillahaNiaillit4 l o 4:ter ; .,Ze..r,.,. 411 h . .., aLim ypny do Lad. u....1A1t P. 70 6 r A : 1 .7 k r es rier a r er so ft Pennumkuesliree L tit„,....,, . s ta t h Imo the Nat: earlrall; " 'l'''''''''irtft' itaftne-'.lboratteelioueorts Wad— , ..A. a.4.7tailfol:Watutall behhaa4 ,- .. ;: ''''''"'`i '4l4iit atieJ4kiiii'lrbild Of Daniel - CliViznagialattalog...a prollik , pamphleLetr, afooa to 2.. . ..- ' 4 geheri4 founflelt tirMAG .1,40 Y.Je4 IA OE . ' • ' carAthiliblitlMLll2l46ll/Vtitt614..,60114 bin ve% . Iroa .131,1 your new pamphlet ' Mb htorntag.. .f.lcif:l2l4.2titatatlair the iratittattr iftlwirtb,et wad' 6 1 4 ittir "A pound of baud,' was lao r Pl. — 3 ,,, - ipliiald Jilellairli la "half ban& ' If be ..... - 14. ' . 1110 =Abeam arholiy so, halo:I1214 tsbati Ws Og iatteitialima. ' Xscinzu, n on nitistaifigailwAOherw for - 4 .. "oil ~ was atoathed at. , 010 ,secnimt, 1 tio l4 o l o,country ;oerg-t6iOyi''.'- b.P' owthig i'ws"'Agtto.—rao-outthioilono jo - to '1.44,1 - 141 OP - Amose.4.oowwozoomooz.., 4 - • , - - marry - ws to two Irivp, is bigamy Ito A i liZma— :. ir, ~.. ......„. . eatY LI Batitaanal. . - - ji? , f 3 r . _,: - Nyhroi to tdo , With , tbarNatisoal Peb—Leara -''' t'' . .": : 1 441 4 443 .4 e 1'9" 11441 % --- --• ' , Y : ' :- . 1tigg, 40 :#0# 0 , 1 :4 4 40/00 1 .44 , 46101k '. ,SO.:ktf2 , i'lkt.... ;!,..!irt..., ' 4421 1 1:1114A OS IL ltd 1" "' t. ta ~ , s" • 1. V 'LATEST MEWS BY TELEGRAPH. FROM NEW. a ORLEANS AND I'EXAS. lll=llli lIMI Journey Through ' the Confederacy. MCE, FROM, THE POTOM4II I 3 THE-RIO'GRANDE , Utter 3 Exhaditin and Rain of tho South T LABOR-AND SUFFRAGE IIUF.STION, qk r'l Officers Awaiting Future Devote:meats. tightittigiffi 13841N5. - reoin ilrazos River. itiLEVIEN HOME WorkPr New Or kens correspondent says: Nathaniel P. ;Banks lisPireelesehtitteel die prociibe or the law before the ccrurta of the Southern District 4PlioursUE,l6-/ The same =respondent says: Persons di rectly from the Brazos River say that all is very quiet there, end instead of the prospect Of going 6W P s I to °l4h t " d Ana M'ar urqtikA. e mxnalrg Kirby Smith, Price, Shelby. Murray, and ahem hare gone acreatl the border, but instead of talifig either the aide of Maximilian or i.aureis; are trying to get to Cuba and Europe. All arms ;NOW!lle P.t.Plietts earried dTer - S 0 Gen. .Mella will be returned with as much canteen a they cart be traced, to the United States seathor. Mita:and the preatlgewitholre defeated rebels le greater i than is generally credited. The defeat 1 has been as complete as the struggle was dupe, [ litte• .e_ i7.`,3 4 .1.1.1-Vif %, 2 . ,: k . , In the same connection It should be mention ed that at an informal meeting of !Southern °M ani zalthary gpld-drth held therenza - few days Alentra4. l lErVlto reenact . and,awah, th e de velop anti! of, thkbature, rather ;blurt° 'broad volnatarilp Gem. Bragg, Loring, Foreleg, Tay lor and °theta bays gone to pam' the time with 4 - iilrtriertdsin theititerthr, giving their actdra to Gen. Canby, and offering to report when de. Throughout .Teras &ills qtdet, although there is some natural dbmailsfaction • with the i order [ frtitGen.„l3beriden; wtdch A rat prohibits the litliftblaita from bearing arms and then declares Way he wili,fteld.eeeh 'Vicinity where there are guerrillas - revealable for their suppresion. Looking from the Potomac to the Rue Grande peace prevails. Ido not hear even ttlie ladled here are In arms, The last a hb dittindartd; Mill It lit]itieWr Teaslblit.t4 pass hroglienA.S.the =Ws ocirtatry 'with helpmate!. danger,tp_an th at which might. tempt the needy rotrberwie i aid Of 'phonier. ' ...Pre hValt/, represswi._ There ,is at t o ma tor ; In njoyalltreverywhere, and for / iri general: The only , contingency of violence is found In the presence of black troops,. whorcertetti hare leered' 'their - term and are nolitted.foethele nevi, Outy.. Hereabout there Is lees complaint than '" elsewhere. It Is possible that they may heallowed to foment prejudices Into violent collhdone. I think not, however, as retiriteLV-rrarsitres,'lgra and prong , azroeltymlght spring from a moat =formate oshiiindedanding. '' '.- Thelleiri4"-coreepondent. who has traveled rioa Ihehmond through ilideonfederacy to New Orleans, writes from the idiseigippl riven We bare traveled fcmr thonsaudmiles, visiting the pritid; troelfol towns! and cities in the interior ot latthi , nd &Mali Casolina, Georgia sad Alabama. Having commenced our tour shortly alter thesurrender of the rebel armies. and be fore the various railroads destroyed by Shermen, Wilson and Stoseman bad been repaired, we i oftentimeektcs loos to obtain conveyance I .feimeone /pawl.° , another. Sometimes we were I compelled to walk, sometimes on horseback, sometimes by raft or, walerend about two him. deedsmiles OI the dbitence - In army wagons,- Wa have lad daring the whole journey for Accreting eompantans, rebel officers and soldiers ‘r.,..„ „returning wrath _homes, often being for days - beyond the reach of UM= soldiers. We have I,csikuniversally treated with cony and kind netsv nottrithstisrrding the ' fteT was known that we were from the North, and that at times differingittoptnionsend eentiments regarding the war. We have not seen or heard anything of =wills parties, or intnrreetionary handsel rob ber-0 but Couridihe country peacefdand quiet. The people are geaerally anxious, to settle flown tont:sloes* quietly, and to resume their rtiatiolla 'I 'with tlin Federal Government. ' We also found did peoplerizstj Wild willing to &moss the sla very question, and =bins to get all the, Infor mation thactudri yegerding the. wishes of tre e Government. and Manifesting a desire to con form as nearly as possible to all the rules and regulations prescritald.for their guidance. I No one canfOrteant eciiii*tdWri of the utter ruinAmetexhelistion of the whole South. Rail roads are worn out, roiling mock either de frayed Ztr surly useless, fences gone, MMus, many or therm otned, and Whet ,efe left are hadlit'sblittereditirklectl entLithelet carried off by the armies, , and stock of all Weds is Ter, scarce; negroes 'free and often insolent, and have neither-money or the wherewith to dusk! any to pnitiftelpttati6 mart again in life, Nottifthslioadlig ill their trolibbii;the people es &omelet thing are cot dependent or limos ed"to yleXter.fibir trouble. - They went into war with their eyesopent staked their ad upon the result and have lost. They now say we have done the best we can for our eerie; we don't admit oreeatute was a bad one, pat we lave failed, and are willing to abide the cones- 1 mieneeS; yowl:tire the power in your bands; do al9k, It fol_you roi u yam allow us to come back tato the Union, with the rights of cllizildhlO, we will be ger erned as law abiding =Wee. we accept willingly the emancipation proclamalion and wish repay our share of the natlo.el debt. There are many who are said to bare bees Union men from the beginning, Others who toilet; against. it at the start, but were finally drawn into the current and when once engaged, trork.B hardest for success and lost the heavi est. The original fire-eaters who swore the loud est and would die rather than be subjugated, kept'ont of the army and were the first to wel come our troops with open arms. ~ Oa-the labor question, the people as a whole, whether honestly or otherwise, talk discourag whi,.and arum the opinion that they will be unable to entitivata• the land, particularly in cot ton, to *dredge, with free labor. They judge, a 3 then: 6o HW, frond their intimate knowledge of._the habitk , end dispoodtion of the negro. They.contend that he isWT. idle, and shiftless.' kehtegtfttofty.mmtented Belmar as he has plenty b eati.errlt7dlspoict to labor unless COM I pell i A kap • , Vpdite a crop of cotton to outran. IVO-reg. 'nvand . hard labor .f..!•••=5, n{ , Fthy: "NtitidrinMeanbepedt:.,, thimat ~.. ever-his 06 bra halp, 'Ti little mOO% 4or .fttitilty Alder* triii INottt %Wei:cum. Ar aerty to lasra hion„.peritaps ig i'vate Airdays' delay MighttnintlestitlOLA t•that =ler the 'Military role 'now' gte 'South, the negrocs are allowed to li Owerli when* ever they chose to doe . . rho . negmes; . with .* die m I have talk. ed. almost unsnimenturf . os at It. I, llliegeele and desire to work, sq., . ~' jrCai t h e resPott ability of their' 'law pi -., Their Ideas of fmedcenkre undergoinga., ;amigo, and in. stead <indictees and pleat lare beltirming to feel that it means •w, .i bevy aws. to whom they looltwi for aid' lnd' the/ Oh. 'added their friends. - haveinfe 'logjam:el I -proved to be their worst' ene, t he people er them In order to carry bow , the Peord• Where they am mationa, and. pc, re that the war has not teen - Waged for tl4 •,stolltba 01 slavery, have persecuted the la the molikunctril manner, subjecting to worse elareiyMbit Met , 'hula 'Which 4 h ave been ~,, re • - Netir wted. ti sulker) bi aientnint ai.talitdor of lbe. people to a considerable extent. le/ claim that acererdieg to the peeition tekef' h/ . ,Pres.„lde_ol• • Johnson, is and the Corstitutiope,„_yettee, 1 States, It a question to 'be 0 7 each ['woo respectively as to who eh+ 66136 t# 66 ) tie voters; that the Atheist, F1ue 66,61161 of the President reinstates thew,' of . the PeoNde. granting them the right , of er and Vl' , Toe itioreo am pfsvueies nn 'the COnatli.u. Um which they toraterly es, •,,-•-• ,:, . --..---._ __. • Telegraph Moab* MeeUng. ROCZEITIOL, July 95,—AL atonal meellog of the stockholders of the W a Ohiaa We. lifilpit Company, held in this 7 to-der. iho IW. lowing Person" wireeleetedi • Karam 81511,,OoorgolTe Masofivd, . ;Lg. Watson,k. tik i 131 A; txrail . .1 Welder,Palmer. iT lim . Deli ' m ll oi n • l ar t: r ai tt a t; rt. -witdevAigierecti Steger, Of ha Ohio; Ire - C o rrell, of Mies, John B atew York; H. Li. BbUllrgford , We; g•l,VinoWsiai Abioa, Bev elk and P. • - ." - 4;of Ban Fraaettoo. - ha ira-vas W.D. Colu.. ......1...1#,,,,,, .. .rd.foi anbabluenily 0i." 7-. .1 , s z .lowing aka& .1. 5... 147 - ...- ,_,.. +, z -gr. IVlgoaaford. Vim rflablisai ', ... 'Altantscr gad iiiN -- wer, .- . ) , Di .C. , PITTSRURKI, `TIVESDA.Y, JULY 27. LSO. TRIAL TRIP a Tat STWEg lINCOLN. g"rgluraion to Cape ,MaY APPOINTMENTS BY THE fIIESIDENT .4 Cert.!Reale Forger Ramat. WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS REFUSED. Mode of Obtaining Pubite Lands. WASELO42 . OII, * Jolt , 28.—The new' Revenne steamer Unix,ln made a Wet trip 4 dil9e tit. Maw this moping. These was a large part's? on Ward, including Seesaw, Waffle& and, the Chief of the Bureau of the Tremor, pepart . meat. Secretary Seward and fatally left Was Wed", to day far an crtanded exeorolon, Fortitiixt to Cape May. The Pittsident andtaattly tilut start ed down tate .river, Intending to mum tb taor- , TOW. The following appointments have been mode by the President: Alexander Murdoch, Marshal of the Western District of Pennsylvania; Wm. F. Lockwood, Associate Justice of the Bnpreime Cont. of the United States In the territory of . NebralkseJbltufl3. D. CoggeshelliDlatdet Attor ney of Wisconsin; Charlos B. Dorsey, Register of the Land Office at Brownsville, Nebraska Lead-- tory; J. R. Watson, Indian Agent of Wasithrg• ton territory. Also the following Postmasters for California: Simon Cotter at San Joss; Too. B. Button at Stockton; Curtis A. Pyle at ocka; Frank. F. Guile at Nevada. Thomas Story, formerly a clerk in the Tress may Department, findwher - haa been MOSE for Shepast sante= mcnitha, oti ischlurrof forg ing counlar certificates, was to-day released on giritte.crne thoissend dollars ball. Bum has idready , had twottials,,httt the jury Irt each case - were unable tOtigree. The Presiderithu appointed Malley Ashton, Esq., Assistant Attorney Geteral to be Acting Attorney General during the temporary absence of the Attorney General. Frederick Dinson, who was arrested a few days ago for appearing on the street in a Briga dier General's uttlforns, having on his person what are charged to be forged passes, and also four checks, chaaged to be forgeries, and who wee committed to the Old Capitol, petitioned Judge Wylie to-day, through his counsel. for a writ of habeas corpus, directed to J. D. Galley, the hexer in chinte. Judge Wylie declined to -MMs the writ on the &Gaud that =military of fences are among those charged, but be remarks that if the military authorities would dismiss that portion of the charge, he would 'Matte a writ as regards the other charges. Watmfitoxefisi July .Pll.—The General; Land Offieb has" aitioropared and will aeon bine an important circular, containing detailed informa tion for the benefit of our peooloaad emigrants, as to the mode of obtaining Public Lands, whether by Durebase or locatior, or under per emptory or homestead laws. The circular la ac companied by a list of all the district landoilices in the United Biates, aid the place where each. helmeted. Since the first of March 1665, the Com missioner of Patents kas hailed ones four thousand patents. Next Wednakday one ban died and three will be re.isantd. LATE HAVANA ADVICE 13 Rebel Ram Stone*all POWDERIIAG.AZINE EXPLOSION. 'Trimps Arriting from San Domingo, FURTHER .ZROUBLEI PROBABLE Nzw boas, July 26.—The Margin' Moro Dustin brings Havana dates to the 22nd. The Spanish steamer Isla De thitat had arrived from Cadiz, and It was expected she brought the order to deliver up the rebel ram Stonewall to the Uni ted Staten al:Oddness. The day prior to the arrival of the Isle De Cuba, her powder magazine exploded opposite Matrialllas, eempletely de stroying the Indica' cabin and the berths of the lower cabin, and raised the upper deck about a foot. No ales were lent or limbs broken. Con siderable mall Matter wee burned. Troops from Sao Domingo continued to arrive. The Dominicans holding a surplus of five hun dred psiseuera.refused to give them op without as equivalent, whereupon Gen. Mandanara nes Belted non several prominent persona as homa ges. Tee bland is still a state of partial block ade aid .thcre may.' be further trouble, The evacuation of the veldts', It is expected, would 4 Completed. by.the Iltb. MI the remaining can non had been spiked and their carriages do an:l'o4k • • n RETURNED UNION SOLDIERS' APPEAL Freedmen of Kentucky and Tennessee. Ngw roux, July 28.—Tbe 4saaing/ /Isla pub- Itsbes an appeal of several returned soldiers for employment. They complain %bat many New York merchants refaced to employ them, be cause they have served In the Union army, and say that they are generally neglected by the btts: Incas community. The Time? Washington &pedal eaym General Fisk. tioncieulasioner of Freedmen for Kentucky and Tenneeaee, haslorwarded *report, In which be says: Major General Palmer, commanding this partment, has.. by general order, stricken the ebackles fmm all slaves who will leave the State. His post coramandere throughout the State are issuing passes to each colored person Making application. Rallnrada, steamhoata, and ferry boats are required to transport all who present their military peas and pay their fare. This or der was Waned on the 10th Inas, and the result tuts been, that thousands of the colored popula tion have crossed the Ohio river, and are now crowding the towns and cities of the Stettin lying opposite The adds that ho In daily looking for a breeze from Indianapolis and other cities that may le experiencing this black vomit: Emsoci pation aid deportation. general order and agi tation attending the political canvass, bas mus ed every color person to the importance of striking for freedom, and men, W3lDerl and ail ' dreg are generally upon the move for some place beyond the reach of their late masters. In teeny localities the moat cruel and deadish atrocities are being visited upon the alum by their ex.opmers, and especially is this the ease where the males of familia have been enlisted In our army. Gen. Palmier has directed his leounnandents to forward all smiles making sp. Oil:lupin for cotection to Camp Nelson, and 000 were sent Mere during last week alone. HMO 141Q0ET 1H IHDL&NUOLIN. Synopsis of the General's Speech. bruisurapOLlS, July 28.--Clett. filiermenl banquetlast night was a grand affair, given by Mgcers and makers at the army, at a coat of t 9,000. Oen. Sherman, In responding to a tout. made sletigibY and argumentative speech. In which- he said Ids ancestors being in the Bei; (*dog line, contributed largely to the imports• ton of Shinn elares. and he felt that It was his duty as far se possible, to atone for the Aline of bia ancestors; he considered the slaves free by the action of tbesemsalonists. It was the duty of the Government to protect and educate therm they tnight,be Colonised In Florida. and admit• ted to a luiploaeutatlvti In Congress. 'Bo opposed negro suffrage, andindiscrim in eta Interoouree with the. whims. His observations In kinks and; South Amain led to this con clusion: He believed the whites must have the governing power, and that the Omnipotent in augurated the rebellion to break darer' tbe legal hedge which heed protected slavery from Molest indignationrof the cloWsed world. He thought plenty of the; Southern States would vote to ratify the Constittetionsi kmendrnerit. Mto the subject of military power, be did not Ind that there was any usurpacki. XS wag the moral law or eeif• preservation. but when the necessity wu paned he hoped the civil law would ammo Its away: E The Seven-Thlrty Zoos al! Taken. haw:cmPa, 'July 26.—The Seven . -thirty .loan has been clowd by the subscriptions ro be-Wed to dap. Of the total Wes of , the three series -of the $730,000,000. $700.000,000 bare been taken through the subseripticat agency. The notes awl be forwarded from the Depart -molt as rapidly as possible. The delivery of Inds of small &samba/11one bas been retarded by the wens heavy demand from the paid off Tom.4buSSUriP Mule will be shipped as tempt ti 0.. • THEVELIL OrTag CONSPItiII'ORP. Attorney Genera tpeed's Opinion of ills LEOSIGTICY 0 0 Toni, drily: > 4 3r-The 214unils special says : Attorney enteral Speed is ,Ire Paling and will shortly Pinandgeite, Ws bondage as to the legality of the trial oy-thealThurey.cAromis eloo of the conspiratosa white the nvos of the Prieddcrit and Cebinet, i birtililiti he 1111323i1111'the SPl9 , ,memaUPt B 40 4, 4its 40U4*WD JUitiftea . ti 4,74 . t hat at the : amt of the commission of the deed trewereittil 'lst *iv ' , With the TOO! 'scab= Mehl - a esithotify ofgorernmentt,, and that the Diterict.of 'Ccdomtile: was, and still is, under menial law, from the :tact that the pales of sin; loud Jost after thetattlis of Bail end, tuuttenerlicen revoked. ' ".: . efleelallen. the ththinet, Were In ,sesathuiMeett two ions arida. hairto-day. It le mademicod that, la addition to '-other Important mamma, they bad under,ccmaldpulon some of ON more ImportantiappotelmeMs about to 'be made. „,_ . THE sIQTIM IT CHARLESTON. Balalaika in the Interior of South rerollna. MAIL FACILITIES MUCH IMPROVED. Nsw Yon, July 26.—The Heratcro Charles ton correspondent Gays: The officers rentlatog In the New York Sixty-fifth, hare been sent to Charleston jail. The colon of the zeglmeat have not been found; they are supposed to be burled. The elty of Charlestrats now quiet end orderly.' Great deatitntlort I Bald still to alas In the Interior ofsootbQa i nllca, an4l an agent hat been sent North tor relief. The mil facilities are much Improved, *ad the ears now run to Orangeburg. Bat little cotton la the State comes to COMlemon, owing to the destruaton of the communications; but much 11 being directed to deguista. FALL OF BUILDINGS IN NEW YORK Several Persons Burled In the Babas. New You, duly 20.—A portion of the ruins of the Museum fell this afternoon, fatally In juring a laborer and at least one, other, while it is reported that • woniaa /and child and others are buried beneath the bricks. A building on Perrone street, which rune along toe foot of Brooklyn Height, fell thhi morn ing, burying In the mite Patrick Reagan, John Noah and James Martin, of New York .71e betiding vas one of those damaged by the tire DABS April: • When cheroot felt la it precipitated several of the firemen Into the flames below. It Was now bettenotatilt, and the laborers were engaged In depoelting earth on the roof for gar dens, to tho residences on the helabta above, when the supports, consisting of brick arches, gave way. Latest from Europe—Arrivaleof the Steam. CM3I2! haw Yana, July 28.—The steamer Scotia, from Liverpool on the 16th and Qtmeastawn on, the 16th, has arrived. The ship Mercury arrived at Havre from Nert York on the 281,11 of Jona She picked op addi tional parisengers and dye more from Weis of the wreck. A hark was visible, andli wets hoped aim eared others. The Great, Eastern wu expecled to leave Nore for Valentin on the 15th. The steamer Cuo. line, from London for Valenti*, with the ahore end of the cable, left Falmouth on thel&h. An Antwerp paper rejoievalhat Antwerpbu eon permanent pots for American wa i r vps eels. The election has emanated the attention of England. Four hundred and twenty-one con tests have been completed. The Liberals hare two hundred and elskrthree, and the Conserve. Urea onshuridted and dity-eight. ,The Liberals hare f ken thus far. Theermoserearters only adroit a gals of four, and another week would elapse before the contests would be over. Tee hisreantile Meads/los of New York ob tained a verdict in the Queen'alledch for 226,- 78S sterling, against Chas. Windsor, who lately absconded. _ . The bank of France lost two thousand two hundred and thirty-four millions of francs In specie darter the week. The Swim Federal Connell received notice of the withdrawal of Mr. Fagg, the American MM. later, and the sutratitatkm of Mr. Harrington. tarksv.—rice Liserpod, 7alp 15th—The Dews to-day le un important; Blunts not much election erring to-day. The Asla's !ewes imparted con siderable excitement to the Foreign market to day, and improved American securities, cope. chilly Illinois. Lima? yr eke Bents.—Liesrool..laly Blmtisg.—The steamship Asia, from Boston, ar rived to-day. Cotton—Bales bailor 30,000 bales, Including 10,C00 bales to speculators-and exporters. The maiketlahnOyant With all arena, of g( 4d. The a:deices from Atnerlea, via tie Asia, caused an advance. Breadstuffs—Quiet and steady. Provisions dull. Lard firm. Lannon, July 15.—Asmtoo.--Console closod it 0042,5034 for money. American Stock-111.1nole Central 58,41 Erie 54; tioltedBtatoo6.2oe, 7134072. Vintr Lamar. vl Queourown.—Liverpoot,. Jo 10.—The coals were all on board the Great Eastern on the 14th, and everYlign vat m the beet condition to lure the None on the llkh fur Valenti& Mr. Dom. ambasaador from Mazimillian, has anired at Bontaaropron, whence he will embark far Marko, Rio Jar - nolo, JaneBl.—Coffeegoodt sales fmm Ora hands of 7500®7700 bags albs at. 81 ST® 2430. Fano, Jane li.—The Wm." closed bat. Rent.as 67080. stock and *lowly Matters. New Yoax, July 26.--. The Stock market was very strong today. The early dealings In Ball way Shares this morning were quite animated, and a further rise took place in Eric which was a feature, and large purchnses were made. Other shares sympathized with the upward MOTIMMM In Eris. At the last board the mar ket was very much excited. There was a per. feet rush for stocks throughout call. Prices were higher. especially on Hudson and Plus. hugh. The Erie dividend is 4 per cent. =MM. mon, and 3,4 per cent. an preferred stock. The Scotia today brought out large orders for 5.20'5. There was a very active market ifer them on the street and at the tx?ard. The purchases for ex port =aggregated over one trillium, chiefly on German account. Miscellaneous Stocks stead y at about yesterday's prices. Gold has been firmer to-day with some activ ity, Out with no Important movements. Money In good demand with an ample supply. Cotton Sold—Cottride Explosion-0u Factory Burnt. Nur Tong, July 25.—Two thousand bales of good New Orleans and North Carolina Gotten were sold at auction • to-day at 29)10347.4c. for rebated and good middling. A cartridge explosion In a factory on Fifty. First street, Lade,. Injured three girls named Anna Smith, Joanna Berke and Anna Neveolda, the latter badly. The oil factory of Westervelt &Co. %tea burned last night by an Incendiary. Lou not beau. Lafayette College Commencement. Parraw, PA., inly 90.—The commencement ezerclua of Lafayette College took place to-day. The valedictory address leas delivered by W. BPClean, of wilkesbarre. The comer atone of ;MA's Chemical Mali was laid yesterday. prof. W. H. Grace, D. D., of the clue of 1840,, delta. ered the address. The trustees dental - John W. Scott. D. D. President of Washington College. Pa., tithe Chair of Mental arid Mural Phyleiva. dinner Governor Pollock was_preent atthe Alumni to-day at Masonic IL: all. Severe Thunder Storni—Prise Fight In., terrupted. Common, July 20.-4bere was a cetera thunder storm yesterday afternoon and did con siderable damage to property In tbls neighbor hood. A Ore tight for orm tbyticend dollars a Me, between Clark and Boating whirl was to burg come off, beebeen MacMillan polaPoord in the arrest of Keating, who is hel in .10,000 ball. Gold Market. New Ton, Julyllng In gold, to. day, ts lamb no spoonful,* Movement apparent, and no liar:Woo of a math:mance of government rates of gold. Tne demand 'fee loan, of gold la noinlaali Itta terms Wag generally privele. The plos shows ialAI weakness. 90110410 S LISM. Faulkner ApplySigler Pardon—Secretary Seward going to Cape May—troop• Mu.. tering Out. r Nate tens, July' 26.—The Herald'. W ash• ingent special says: C. J. Faulkner to In he city to urge an application for pardon, claiming that he was a Union man daring the war. Secretary Seward . , accompanied by members °ebbs family, will leave to-day tor Cape May. Four regiments are to be left for the pre rot in the Shenandoah under Gen. Torch. The others are ordered to be mustered out. They ar rived here today, and consist of the 19tth, 191st and 214th Pennsylvania, and 191st Ohlo. Jeff. Darla and the Sentinel. New Tour., Ads 26.—The Petersburg (Va.) Index says: "We have been informed that Jeff. Davis has made several requests to be relieved of the perpetual tramp of the sentinel up and down his c 00... hat on this point no re:Lytton could be grange; and he is Buffering from ner vous excitement, lin:1111i remaking prostration which dowel:renal footfalls induce. This is the cease . , of his ailing eyesight, his eyes hav ing enffer6V for y..years from a disorder AAieh l 4 gTgatly • creased, by any nervous ire - • The Barth ace Precedent Reversed. , WASECIEGI7OII; July Y6 . -T1 ? o precedent estab- Used In the Efairis.easa was Partial.) , reversed vs-day, the case tried before Judge Wylie In the same court :In which Miss Harris was ac quitted. Rondo Maloney bored Florence Wilson, wiscivromised-totore him In return, As Flor ence did not keep her promise, Horatio stabbed .her, inflicting a severe wound. The jury - found Horatio guilty, and he was sentenced to eight years Imprisonment in the penitentiary: From Europo i —Newa Anticipated New Yon; July 2Q—The almoners Helvetia from Liverpool, and Tnetonia flow Bonthamp• toe, hake arrived. Their news is anticipated. Another Counterfeit. BoaroN, July 28,—A well execrated ennnter• felt ten dollar bill, on the Thompson Bank of Thompson, Connecticut are In elrculatioo. A WAIL LeROM VIRGINIA. There IS iomethlag very suggestive in the fol lowing Vigorous article from the Richmond Com mercial/lid/Ma or Tely 2T. What the editor says of the old freedom of speech and the pen is otintudag enough—when we call to mind the fact that the man who, before the rebellion, should have expressed the opinion, either orally or in writing,-that slavery was not perfectly right and goad, legally, socially, religiously and economi cally, would have been lynched forthwith; and if the perpetrator of the outrage upon the divine institution could have got out of the State with a amine skin or ea unbroken vertebra, he might have regarded himself as lucks'. Bat It is of their well-remembered Billingsgate that the edi tor speaks when he Wks of their freedom of speech—somettaing of the kind &list. Milli:iv:ashes the flab-market, and which was poured forth when abolitionists and Yanked school systems were the themes of discussion: • • The Southern pe3ple have a great many things to forgo, and a great many things to learn. tinny old habits to tweak eto, and many nee habits to acquire. With the oil, these ere dlllicnit unLe, and it is to ho fearol teat many wilt Oak ander them, it is no easy thing, in old age. or at middle life, to divert the mind from its emu*. tooted channels or thought. and in one moment to change the whole current of feeling—to give up what we have all along cherished, and to learn to love what we hive all along bated. Political theories engaged much of the atten tion of our people. ,To Many of them the theory of separate State sovereignty, with the inferen. tied right of secession, has been a favorite aed long dogma. Tney learned it from the speeches and writings of some of the venerable tines who Brit helped to frame, and afterward to interpret, the Coesiltution. This doctrine became almost pats end parcel of their minds. They believed It as they believed the Bible that they daily read. Their effort toesstablish and carry nut tile dogma brought On the meet t war. The North arrayed Weir airlithat thil theory. The t trotectinne met In the-Aback of battle to decide the disputed dogma, 144 the North prevailed. .te line been - forcibly gelds &hexer wee foug at to interpret the Conetitutiok. Its far as the lune of battle can deelde.a-quaitffots, Tn . Itittegiteation has been Drejttdielei to the booth. The Southern People, however, can not In a moment recover from this deeLtlon. The toots of their favorite doc trine had grown deep into their minds, and they could not bo violently pocked out without la beller, wounda and laceration. But Ideas, convictions.. theories, are not the only meridees and deprivetbaus to which they are subjected. They have to g,lve up former privileges and habits—habits that were fastened upon them—that "grow with their growth, and strengthened ertilr their strength," anal they became second nature. The "privilege of free speech" la thelre no more. They most learn to bridle their tongues; and, to solace them in their efforts to do no, lot them bear in mind the Scrip tural declaration, that "he who ruleth his tongue is greater than he who taketh a city." With the Southern people, this is no light task. In I times peat, they indulged In freedom of speech ' to an cetera not known among most people. peclelly was this true of those resident in the country. With servants to week for them, and with ample leisure to read books and newspa• pewit social In their natures, and always vi.iling or remelting visits; event man a politician, and nearly all speakers or eativersatiotiallets, lt was their habit to speculate without restraint upon political affairs, end to criticise with freedom all public men and public rues:nes. This print ege Is no longer theirs. They have to learn to bridle their tongs./. As with epeskiog so with writing. It has been said, and the saylog la °hen quoted. that the "pen is mightier than the sword." The remark Is not true. That. 'mighty instrument of little men." the "gray goose quill," is now compelled to acknowledge the supremacy of the sword—ln the South at least. He who wields the pen now had need be extremely courteous, for he le more apt to write down himself than his opponent. With the pen, even more than with the tongue. Bouthernera were accustomed to be free. The liberty of the press was a veined franchise. Each editor was a sort of autocrat. Ho wrote what be pleased, acknowledging no restramts but those imposed by honor and propriety. Candor com pel* the remark that he oftentimes ran license Into Hoentionnseess. There Is, however, no danger of his doing so now. Autocrat no longer, he must Mak three times before be writes, and then it Is as ten to one If it would not be more .discreet to have the thing unwritten than to write it. If it is difficult for the Southern man to give up his former pnvllegee, how much more MlTE ,enit it It for him to give up the old cherished habits of life. Day after day, week after week, his table was crowded with pasta friends and strangers. Ills house was open to all. Ills table fairly groaned under the weight of hie bountiful .cheer. Be wu like • leuud Hama with his friends and retainers around him. Alas, hid reign has ended. Die barns are no longer NZ Ma forks and Ur& Aare touted army f h.e AIM ham become desolate, and hie once hospitable man akin tafaetfadlog to twin. The cheerful mgroa who once °erupted his cabins, who plowed hie /fade once whWiled as they plowed f who were jot, and deck, andfatared, airs nowtree and wandering about In strange plum They ars not as fat and sleek as Meg were—indeed they are thin and careworn. W ands they know not where to get a meal—but then they are tree I Poor things—heaven bolo them, for they greatly need el guide, a counselor and (need. Ile who kept his horses and bound; and was wont to make the welkin ring with the shrill clamor of his horn and dogs. will henceforward have to content himself without them. Whence be once rode he will now have to walk, happy If ha hes two legs left to carry him. /I lateen manage' to keep one balf.famiebed ear, be will be more tonneaus than most of his neighbore. 'The pleturn in dlemal enough, but it is tamer. drawn. Rudesketch tilt Is, tt yet reveals enough to let us all to thinking. Have we an enemy who desires to add to the distressesaf the South ern pa3plef If so, he is a cruel man, and is an. deserving of the mercy of God. As for- the Southern people, let them rally all their re solutes and bear their troubles like men. They are being tried In • furnace seven times heated. The torture is great, Out they must en- dure it. In time their deliverance will COMO. Tim Military Commission on the el:splash:lo at Mobile Wive IS to have been the remit of gross tarelessusa on the part of the league demos- Ment which wu moving the ammonition, hot are unable, from want of whnerses. to deter mine the exact taus of the friettfal calamity. Tan story that Montan& of reinforcements have been lent to General Sheridan, and that General Grant has Informed the Mexican Minis ter that the French will soon have to leave Mex. lee, fs uttirly groundless, no such Information ever having been given front the source named. A MN of silver ore. from one to four pa cent Fire metal, was disarmed a few days linen sb.Mt nine miles bomb of Rea dbl. Hosanna Maass A. Dann b =food In edeago, and unnowdedltorlal assnuigatnent of go CITY AND SUBURBAN. A Monument to the Soldiers. meeting was ham at wuktaa last eve- With the deverpment of oil:in Venango'leacus sing, for the purpose of taking some determined tY., much 4rl. ‘ §cee Icritteln ' -44 1 8 }14:1 1 Pnie the action In regard to the erection of e monument enblect °toil, until It would eopear to the soldiers from Allegheny county lobe hevo ing 4 a ol.2 .xtehl-he.wrilnett "with reference to dust. Callen duriop the Rebellion. On motion Goner- i g reat al ea gMen region regionthntwoald prove °tinter ai Jemo s.! segiey called to the . clua; eft to the gemital ratideocs Yet-the followAg an- Meters. R. S. Thompson and 14 Baku were ! Mint, eondensedfrotd reliablivonrces lute seek appointed Secretaries. • ! a beatint rifon the early ! balm of Wasters After an lute [l7.4lll4Y4Yl44oRtigadas early aborighwte roamed -ser an interchange Of views to regard:to the, moat effective Ivey of accormallehing ,tbe l eihHeet In view, on motion of Han. Jetties Earn It wets resolved th•t . •olttee of -Organization consisting of six iroostwie be appointed by the chairman, clothed "with power to appoint a Er , Dente Committee and such ~iher subordinate committees ,e/s may be deemed necessary; said committee to report at nu adhurucel meeting to be held at the Board of Trade Booms on Monday next at two o'clock. • The Chair appall:Aga at Such Commit:tee .of Organization General Peerage', Cdioneiltoung, W. W. 'Ward, Erg., B. C. Barker and John L. Berlin. There being: no fuithei business the meeting adjourned. " We earnestly trnsichat this noble elterptist • will }nett with' the support frets' citizens of the county of which It to deserting. "We do not believe that It will flag from any !Seger perae verance or energy on the part of the cOultaittee appointed to carry oat the work, who are gentle+ t men to every way 'qualified for the Or/pee., There are diffienitiestri the way-of 1116140.510a ti0n of this enterprise which the members of the" meeting have wisely forseen, but *Lich-they-ars. determined to conqtsiarr an tintirlng devotion, to the tack committee to theitc:' The aubJeet should excite time patriotic ardoewf every eitizeitt" of the county who remembera llovethese 'rare- I turning braves, whose memories and deeds are, I sought to be perpetuated by the erection of a` I monttmer.t In their behalf, went forth -in' the pride, strength and beauty Of their manhood mall I laid down their lives to defense of a COM:WW2, eonutry. The work before the Committee Is an arduous one, and their hands. should be otlenulaki by co-operative efforts In every community,. ttiwct,• village and townshlp in the county. TIO diffi culty In °Waterlog subscriptions should be Wet by the employment of agents, to be pald fdr their' services from the• fund ; to visit enemy house In the, ' county (or subseriptlOlsSi It la eattraated the the mat for erecting a suitable monument will not , be lees thee one bundled fifty thousand • dollare, It is Intended 'shave craved on its basethe name of' every Allegheny county soldier who loot his life daring the war. The monuteent will be, erected at some commanding and elevated ppo. In the city not yet determined upon. We believe the monumdfit wtll be erected, slid It only requires a etrobg initiary effurtto smote.' pll oh the, thing. We urge open our MAl:matte citizens to exert their energke to this end to I subscribing liberally to the work. Returning to Comp A party of gentlecorte started, yesterdsi, on a haul.. Most of this party being t (the Militant!' persuasion, a complete camp equipage was pro vided, et:toasting of will tents and dye; with tin plates, mesa pees, ramp kettles, "Intelligent contraband," etc., etc. The commiesery—a srantlemampf large experience In the camp and the fLeld—erhlhtted rare ,such in ordering the atone. In no enguarded moment, In the' confi dence of social conviviality, we were allowed to to regale ourselves by reading over the regaled - Ifttti.,S.and for the benefit of other Minting parties,' who may bet have 80 much experienced actioDS, .we tents the Items, en fares memory, will allow: Two wall tee th , poles and flyer two wagons, and forage for teams; two camp kettles; four mess pace; twelve tin'platus, cope. kOIVCS, larks,' and spoont; twelve blankets, woolitwelve eta, rum; twenty•tive, pduode of "hard tacit" dee p undo of coace; roasted; Hve poduda of sager, one quart of salt; one quarter of a pound. of pepper; one gallon or chow-chber; five pounds of butter; oar' pound 'of Kum; Onelnarter or gross of marebee; one ere; hatchet and shovel; dye pounds of sperm Candles; one keg and spi , ot, (for vine:tart) one five gallons deuaJohn; (for burning Iluit;) one hut ''--I.pOnude of ice, (to preeerve garnet) thrft parka of eardo,; (TIBIII - one box of Wheel ng tobt; twenty five pounds of killikinnien; one ; it of -deg pirate; several battled", and omen, 'huts tit:Wel:unmet ated. With such au ruled, and with aheha party, away out in some of the deep dare tuountee shades, erlebtri a deer' journey, who eoidd no& enyy a ertelt of beotlag I' Think clinch pure air, coo! shade, sad rOclal evenings! Regatta—A Match betweer the Regatta ruG Darltug—TL! latter-Wins ate Itaia. The Regatta Denton has. been fairly Insugura ted In our city, by a race between the four-cved boats "Regatta" end '''Darling," which came all' yesterday afternoon on the Allegheny river. The coureo selected was from the Ralf road Bridge to St. Clair street. From the fact that it was not generally known when till race would transpire, or indeed that It was in contemplation, there Were not as many spectre tors as there otherwise would have been. Still there was a goodly camber of citizens present, who evinced much interest In the exciting con test. The boatel started from the Railroad bridge about four o'clock, keeping • pretty well together, but the Darling gradually gained upon her competitor, and succeeded to whining the nee. wO nnderstand that a return matcb between thus two boats will come off next week. The crews of these boats era oomposed as fobowal Darting—George Jordan. D. Bey, T. Rly, Geo. Beemconat. and Coxseedo harry Bymert. • Renalia—Fred Planer. W. K. Vandegrlft, Oli ver killivnine, Albert Hancock and eniawnin Wm. Johnson. The Judges were Jame, Wilkins J.' K. Bar bour. J. M. Porter and P. Weleanberger. Adam Weaver was Umpire. Wo trust that this la oaly the beginning of tho Regatta on our waters, add that the boniest yesterday will pave the way for a brilliant sea son of the Regatta in.onr own midst. ' • • Itanawure There were no leas than two runaways yester. day. In the afternoon as the eastern train was leaving, two borsca attached to• earriage became frightened, from the whistiing niche iccometive, and ran at a ferious rare down Grant street. throwing the driver Out agniedt the curbstone, and Injuring him severely. though not seriously. lie wareonveyed in I earrings to a physician's, where be west well cared for. Meantime the frightened sob:ells continued to run ; and were only caught after being exhausted. between six and eaten o'clock in the evening, a hots() attached to tl buggy standing on Wylie outset, n manic of doors above Alderman Yastier's, became frightened while a gentleman was step• ping into the beety dad jest as be bad banded a lady M. defer.; ho could graap*the bridle the horse started, and tulning 'abruptly down Wash ingtou street,, the bulgy npturned,4hrowing the lady tut . Fortnuats y she Bustelned no injury. The buggy, however,weet not s° fortunate, beteg considerably damaged. Intiuittclap. On the night of Cho 121 b inslant, a girl named Mary Crofail, living. at Sttwart's Hotel. Irwin borough, Westmoreland county, gave birth to a male child, which ehe bailed in the garden, giving qr s .a. In ►ha morning that It bad bona dead born. Suspicion of foul play existing, a post mortem examination: was held on , the body of tho infant by two physicians, who; ark: the usual tests employed on 'such oceastime, pro. uounced that the child bad been born alive. Clonmer's ie.:pest was summoned, and h verdict renderedthiu the child had come to lia.dentli by suffocation at tbl,bands of its mother.' Poi witnam molded vaitaving seem tha child elirtly: after its birth wrapped' tu en apron and laid dei two craw matt:exam. Vie Alleged Coutterfelt "Sawyers , ' Com , witted.—The three Imen arrested by the Alle gheny Pollee on MOnetay orening, and brought before Mayor Morrbion for pelting counterfeit money, alter a hearing and a niebt's iodides in the tombe, were bluglit before United Suites- Commissioner Spro 1 at ten o'clock yeti* rday, morning. Their coined waived • bearing before tbe Commit/loner; so that no new testimony wee elicited. The parties David W. Dolmen, Jonn D. Jewell and S. L. B dibart,—were each commit ted, In defied: of WOO ball fora belting at the next term of the United States District' Court. Capt. John McKen, arrated on Tneiday on the same charge, was acquitted, there being ao evi dence sufficient to hbld him. • Eils' baggage wu searched by the police yesterday, but nothing was contained among It which cotild+ in the slightest way impllcite him. Held to Salt.—hnke Marvin, elltged.to be ono of the Chearflel¢ vonnty conspirator!, vW brought before U. tIJ Commbudorier aprOd terday, and use° ban tho two Of 0,m107 his appearance et !be nut tans of the Vrate4 %Oa ESTABLISHED 1N IfB6. • The Venango 011 Region - - A amp of ,Itboory—ttor Use of retrolmam Among . 'Of) Isole4ifilrgyArei "Worship.. ottrbrilderzieeMot;burited hpon our bills, and paddled theletandeirdYo . gratieftd atraanu and tribetterie that Ittattnot faitbe of In teretith,,o7 • & t • Yenongo rlfef.wae. the naxtie given by the ,Ercoch,M,Frenth , creek, which eaten the Alto. gbeny &Short distarice below Oil Creek: e Word Venango is, • porruption of thernet ii&d''/ItotagON,' - widett'llin soma role:that:ea entru'ind' indecent figure tarred rutin:" Wirree:whielf the Benders foirifdlera when they first came to rttrregion. Since thedevei. almrsent 14/911'Ptir,enthelts, 1 110 , traPtesileal bea very. gebefaltx,prefulled,Otat the name of ' that creek la Of recent 'Tide is stub:take: I Oil creek, by iitunif, taekaidesthe 111E4 tea. Among tie many naturraes dlacoe ereed In this country ininfjeferi . ,lab mom remarkabhiwarthe peculiarly inflacomatde oil I found/0/MM ontheserrfacet of Oil creek,. The ,elleets oil {Tom the olleptings in PU,CMOIC was 'Used by the-Seneca Indiana its in I:Mgt:tent -and !tether:: rehttioultArdentip.. It was .althest se er-lattngad a• tita ratßnat naphtitaof the Caspian Ace. With It the Senecas mixed - their wirlain4 `Which give tbetnn . bideons, glistening= appeals. I ante,iatnisededgreauperumneney to stteLtpaintZ7 Itt it reagraf4„li intherVions to water. What ' a startling speethefe the oil snilointed Warthar of the Senecas moat have been *shame forth the facial wer.wienoft. ox, paddled hit: ;light -Our°. Abate the dark Woe watenrof the ;ill , 13 Sy and Zengc.Toeller nnmtie OW was i ...m t p. i iere , described than In tee imigisaUve Wimps of the French Com nrantlisat of Fent Duquesne (now- Fittsintrgb;) tb ild Excellency, General I .hionttalm, the untortunine , -Itero of Qpnbee : "I 'would destre„P‘saw the Comniandant, "to assure yam excellency that,thlaia a mean de lbsod. Some of the most astonishing t•neoaraiwquders .have been &Move:red by our people.. While descending the Alfeaheny4tteeu 16147.1i1e3 below the mouth of the cortearango, and three atxtVe Fort Venting° we were ihritM 'by the Chief df the 'genital to 'lathed a religious ceremony of his tribe: 'We landed and dew up otif unites et p point where a email amain en thred.theriverj The tribe , appeared unehually solemn; 4 , lYes' marched up the stream about half n league. 'when the company, a large baud It eV. peamd, had arrived some clays Worts at. Gi. gemtle beidettts on army aide. The scene anareallyanblime„, The great chief then recited the openesoicand berplatt of MA anteaters. 'lbw' sdilide of the 'Arendt vend covered with a- thick siren, whicti"kmet filth a Complete turnilagra• don. been gathered and lighted with a torch. At the' sight of the games, the grevCiorth As triumphant shout that made the hills And valley re-echo Rare then Is revived the unetent Are worship of lbw East—here thew's= the Children of the gain I" Coal Exchange 41 a meeting ,of the Coal Exchange etltl on ; Teestiay. a risolution was adopted. recommend .. leg toibh proprietors of cool mines a reduction of one cent per trwthel* on then:velment rates of rata= (now hoe emmif •xser bushel) sad a cor n reepandsnu reductio of the wigea of the"h ands empioyed 'the robes. The first day Of Au atilt wee fixed as the time for the proposed redaction to .go into effect. It is believed that the miners will giro their oonsent to this &sage In prices without resorting to a ark& ittid tf they do so. coal can be-furnished to city con .enmers for eight or tea,conte per l.pahci An thdeveloped it eniattom—About slx o'clocktiscereateg, lacer, Williams, of the Al legheny wilCiNvrhtle eaJoying his canal mason of aterp, was awakened by hearinv. a female cryingllburaer" In a house near tits reeldeace, 4tee sod jampinz up, rushed ea dirhatt il le to the from whence tea cry proceeded, and ' gum ad la captuthig Iwo men—not, howeverodi he lied eillhd in? tha , "asalstauce of Comm . tIM H0 1 110(1. WIU? AesTasslng along at th e tilt! , the prisoners beteg very obstreperona and - ageltbla What de.* dead, if any, these men werobern on - ..comoutttlug when ID Cp=selY (castrated, dld,not come to our know but the mystery will be unravelled by Mayor Morri son this nibiang: , , Dupree and Green'a Mastrols.—The The atre was 6E5111 ailed 'to repletion hat night tu vitamin the yelled hatertainment ghee by this 'copular troupe- We doubt, gamy similar troupe has even maintained so long a run of patlonage la this city as the present one. The entertain- ment is-free from the objections relied Mynas, other estehitiona In ergo* point of Vie.', It is as harmless as It Is aivertlpg, as aside:seed by the relined and' Inielllaint audience it, reoetves. But a few more days remain in which to attend the MinstreiN ea this week will end thelt, PUS In this city. Postdate APPrantmeats•-•Nathaniel german,. postmaster of ,fiqeiro Cotner. Oa= county, vice Jacob J. Dottil„ declined. 'R. K. Hosbact4posamaster Busaban,!criv. ford comity. Pa., vice IResu7'Pyron, magnet& Joseph B. Ott:ford, postmaster at 011tly Blair county. Pa., vice Samuel B. Ewing, resigned. Binmn N. CiaLLW, wannest& at ItollsvilLs, Lancaster comity, Pa., lice Aaron B. Weldnian, rosizned. Seymour Tea Pigtailder it Snapp'e Maths. Crawford county. Pa:, aka Fleury G. aLtapp, resigned. Dr. Balton. :at New York, comrsponding Becretso7 of the Inathite of Seward for .the or. pbsnaof patrlotaiwfil address the orphantof tIIe afferent asylams of Allegheny and Plttathugh at Dr, Clark's Church. South Commons. Alle gheny, thla alteracon, at three o'clock. fla will also address' the citizens generally, this event= ai 734 o'clock, in. Dr. Reed's Church, Bernath at, soave Smithfield. Citizens feeling interested in the subject are invited to attlemd. The' Ist of Auguit.--The.ccdared "Fourth, of Pulp). promisee to be an intateding occasion to our sable citizens in nits city. • theatre will be opened at Masonlinall. in which, as the Mlle annatmcc, will be played .Othello, with a full misty, and also "Boreasstus Yttrium." The performeis wilfah be gentlemen mid ladles °reeler: Theday - will be duly celetwated by pieties, speeches, and geuend glezlheathttn. The Cense of Ireland.—A lecture arill be delivered at lassonle Hall, on , Friday ejealex nest, by W.J, flynes, 11*, of New Eogland, on the Subject; "The Cause .of Ireland,aa ttla Today, and the relation to Lt of the .T=.• lan Brotherhood." The object of the Leann., we understand, la to advance the interest of the or. der, and czpialn eat objecta and purposes, Appolntment.—The commencenseat era% dies of Lafayette Baiton, wets held yesterday. "The Board of Trustees havillled a vacancy, by the appautmeht of Ben I. W. &colt, of Washington College, la the chalr of Mental and Moral Eldloaophy. From Georgia. Atlanta tea heap of mina. No One mg km toe he condition. 1 had read scout the burning of Atlanta, but serer once believed it man ao thoroughly destroyed. Toe Court .Houlie and chuMnee, the Masonic flail and the Milldings belonginwto the medical faculty, and ammo Nadi ,U4O- arothotipital.. are all that It left standing. Everything Oise lea heap of robtileh acid rules. Fletories, Mores, banks, ro lling mial, hotels, etatsttabg Is gone. No outdo doing *Orbits towed rebuilding. _Toe . people Alt scales, and when they,ape:liklehtto came the Clavepouent. I Theca who haveany mesas are walttegto see what the Government will dm The further into Dixie I get, the tottailatred I And toward the Government and, toward the Yankee— The military power le the only rate. guard. It that were taltrdratru I meld not trace In the donthern Buttes and. even hope to git, back attain alive., To morrow acetate Road Ie opened ihrou4h to Chattanooga I It hes been repaired' wholly at the =Tense of tbe agalsal Goveretneet. Tonto up/Wants. the Mee City 10 totally .deitreyed. Ten;Yam of sadder= Isduatry Will not eofftee to rebuild IL Bona% grmyand ellennan'S =or. marching and crew ter.marchlou ell around it. have deerofixi tha country kr rallev—CbrneiviluknevQl As, Yarn _awerszsou-on Tumult. Juip lath. NM. 1a,,,&,RY, WWI or Robert Reachasee, aged hettpala raai The thatral will tike OM from ' Tigainci i 'serruts of Tederal pqal Jaalrada illeg 1 "7 : 011 14 rut (reltildag) arrahzoos, al tont oietaak, to Oriesed to tee Sawa:Melon :guider,. The 14444 cd the famllface Ovando 'ed to attend.' `HAWTHORNE.—CM Wadmareay inotlaS, a biltpait u*siock, Hes. IffisiteraLlk TIMIXE, Wu at Moss Itawthams, dirsllloll% Rain et Nada hattafba
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers