HOUSE WARM, In ALLr.GHERT GOlVritrrniti ititUt it;I4IITVE Booms. " VT: l 3:. n litolfaa atnugs, SY Menz legilftr Drove Tar': , r . dDiTE Dhouse, r rootothrog Ibur, eve or fu room!, 'Other to or Anrgholl 'JO wrioted'airOut tW of September or Octobcr., recittionso, tdo ' 'Oda and twolordldr..a. Addreaa, ;v7.11 .WAirrED:Ctozorra 01/71014 00;3 ',wig'. steady eipployment. Apply tinmedfately..l I arti. GerranrETELD STILEEr, , Pntabural- WAITAb i ' A 11116 .0*1d1-band Likeness per. l l ll sdblel !or takthg Photosraphs. address OBlifTS !WANTED ' .- - Alreatlynearly ..- 1 J.1.500 men are at work with BARRETrS LEBTRATED LtrE'ol , •LINtX)LN,-13L2 paces, Octero , ,Bisartet_etdypeil corer/lets, and . contains all rf POINT LINGOLIPS STATE PA . and apecchell at 4 ,011 1, of Coarressl else. ' "Bitable' s Man? Portrait on Bteeirenereved only far Waite*: '--" 'llidlE , Rectialll'llPfor Prove:ins Book, and name .„ several counties Of you choice, and if territm. cannot he eeleetedfcash reerired will be returned,. AIRG e We Ihaillinte.Micilyin a few days Preow., " el far.rrftmtur sabsembers to "'TRIAL , OFBOOTIPB GOUCIPLIOES IN THE WASH,. INGTOPf COz SPIRAGY.mibOn to be published complete 'by no with peattalts„ , by antbortty, , o f the SEORETkIitY OP WAR and JOBGB,AD. .POOATE GE MAL HOLT. I eel, Royal ea taro, dOuble'eolilains, carefully edited' oy MOM rpermart. Recorder to the billitary Clommisatun. MOORE, ;WILIITILOR do BALDWBE 25 West Fourth street, Olnoinhat4 -sod 4720.1 tit.. CO Walker street, New York. AIiTEIL—AGENTB -Fus " SECRET - SERVICE, 11(14 WELD, THE ISURGEON ARE THE ES0.11.1&” Br Rtheor ‘...1 ) ../Cosinhselriffece York Triad*, -IClorreePand• Ana. The most L __lntet Ming and engin; book ever ; IrcaMtirtajf ant., ' trey Ski h" . to the tawitret - aervineFof2= Sh the 'commie or the war, wttli oar Armies nod • .• But and:Weed; daring, the Rom two e e h escape andarele p Ondisel lf d eo e w trfßeoer.tL._,Ource.7. 01.11•11nr,S10.11148% 4111111.4tra? a e ."); l Teacher', ladles,eieigatis vomit inert, ani!l•eilioe.'' eially teturned,and disabled odieers And salaam, In" wantAt prof table emplolawat; will dad it pe - /espied ad•theireonditlen. We have nada .clearing ties: anirath; Which we will prove teeny doubting - applicant. "Send fat area. , ,lets. Address, 't:M= 4 ..l3llOS. it 04, „ . di • E. coiner Sixth had Minor street.. pdlßateoF Pidladeiphis, Pa. 117.ANTED.-31.25 PEE w A Witzated averrorbors bitutrodtwe 'the ttaDroTal SHAW it CLARE SW reauvr: SE W MALVaIIrE the way ow pies machine In ttt es country, whtab L Messed' by Greyer h Baiter, Wha 1;7 ler "v 11,104 Hawn, Singer h Co.,' and BaerielSer. .Arrothar mutants are infringements, and the Win and agar we Meld to Ant and iss. priliasmad. Salary ar4 expenses, or lama. cont. satistoti, allowed illustanted elosolars soot flea Menai SHAW-ds ,OLARK, Elddeford s .tddista la74.llnd*lstzer • WANTED"AT 1150 PER MONTH, A risaa.AßLE CIANYASSED3, In every tetra ateLmounty, far- TELE ,NIIRSE AND SPY the Most menthe bock-ever publlah&; trobradlnir the adventures of • woman In the Union arm as Nune,Seout and Spy , string a most vivid l oner ner plettue of the wet% We 5•112 Agents demi atm per mon th , whleh we Will prove to say d oubting fir ca teant. Send for clroularc Address JONES, le CO.. Ha CM Chestnut street, Philadel Dia, Ps. Mad WANTS - D—s7o A MONTH. --1 want menu every. when, at Pea month, eitpeeees Sist, Gesell FTETZEN AIITIOLES. the beet sel. *vet offend.. .Full partletaars Pr. Adders" T. ladallit. EUddeford Matta. mytaxadantwiT FOB isamr—pan F °R.BAL4 '..A. Farm of afiont 208 acres inFairfaidtblmedp, Weep Wieland County,. china Atm.& Farm sr NO setts in Fairfield • torn:whip Westaborelond county, Pa. Also, • very Valtrablle form of Mantes, near tha town of Bearer, in Fairlieldtagnaidap, Westmore. land county, Pa., and about one Lod a half miles Nom the ranstiVvenia Railroad. The improve. Nut are a larebrick house, .pig house, smoke Mare, • large frame stable, a /Argo frame born 4ex A t ' water sew cal, a large apple orchard, with ether fruit trees. It in underlaid with coal, • Vela ol Can Wink clay. and aboutanehumirca acres . 44 NO, 1 white oak timber. Paueulon given ha. Also MI6 acres situated in' Ligonier towsuldp, Westmorsiand county, Ps., w ilobting!tbo . sown of six. iota, with a Ismelnick florae. A fine residence 1.2 the borough of Ligonier. Will be -mold cheap. Also 15 alma Of clad, with a large flouring mill, ad,=same place. acres of laud, adioirdng same oleos.' ~ Alto, the best farm on the Monongahela River, about -one mile from McKeesport, Allegheny Co., pa., containing abolitlei saga The improvements 1 ere • frame how , and barn , corn crib and wagon abed, with other outbulldings. A :Luce apple Orchard, of between 400 and abb. Areal: fl quince 1 seer, strpear tree; and lib peacktress.. ,'Also,- a - .Fatts of we serer t near the Of Wr, WestrnontLend county, Pa., ve cheap. a Large Hotel at -/Ustrivilla In steles, on the Penacylvania Railroad. The b. tidings are ::-good and well %racked far &hotel andlitoua This property will be sold at • great bargain, , Also • very beautiful ParaVofl62acres,altasted In West Wheatfahl Totinstiltb Indiana Co., Ps. near the: town of .Washington about fatif tonne from era Panneyvanis'ltstiruati: improve- Total The impve -AMU erg two 'Urge frame dwelling houses, two frame barns,a large store room, and a fine young ple orohard, The mills , sant; vet 7 couve• abet to churches, sehools, and a very beau tiful location. IMc property I will cell vary cheap and on cosy terma Also, t4t. tlaidle Farm to Elizabeth Town hip, Sitlegbecy, Co., Pa aentainiagabout ire acres, sit, noted about three milks east of the boroUgh of ELfzebeth. Thel improuements are a large brick cottage house with nine well fielded room. a teauttal lawn la fomt, sun oundei by ornamen tal trent a No. 1 barn; with many other %wangle good unclog; 10 sem of tha very text White teak tittber. • It is the. best quoiny of litorstona land, and is all caldera% with-goal. T at further partlitulars %quire of . O. EL TOWER. Real EctateAgettc, - ITN -__ _ : N 0.164 Fourth street v _ mtp .7rSALE.—A RARE CHANCE FOR mod investment and sheautiful country zee - Wanes iu Oakland, len :minutes walk—Ogre the Oakland Station and dre minutes walk /rob Ar• • attars Station, on the Oonneltsrille Railroad, °NS AORL OF OBOUND, with • goo! Walk two Stay lertuto, carriage house end stable. The house con. Ulna itght Large rooms, with hall siz fee: wide, • running through the centre A choice lot of trait Uees and a vatistyr of evergreens; a novae. ling won of good watch PRAMrim gene. , Enquire -4 et • •• GM & (JO . - 11111 earner Peon sod Wayne streets. COAL AND war, PROPERIt FOR •BALE—Oa the SteeMeovllle Raitroid, 'even Mateo from the, ofty, CONTVIINING . OITE HUNDRED AND MIGHTY , ' SIX ACEES,, .. Etenin and Water Ileitring and „ Raw RIM end other-thin Improvement. For further intorinntin 11 1 1 07 to WILLIAM WARD, -R'' . (Opposite the Onthedrni,) ' .11 19 ' Grant atm% Not 110. .-,..—,__________________ eqt-Nr- • ... r TRYttiTS, COUNTRY BE kri3 —• 4 hirtainiliews.livo plies from the city,'on the old Weskit' nos Bead 1 good house; barn and crowded with fruit. Also, a neat conntry seat op posite liomenrood, on the turnpike, and extending to the railroad. It nearly li am plant. C, ed with ajgreat varlet_ yor fruit, shrebbe ; chol-a spot: Also, a itcres,l3i mike front ;ones erry 'van the !Untitled Pike, iiNtr - Obqta;.. !Good prove. =eats; fell of tram Aiaoi a Pthread °1.5 "Wrße' barn and /argegrapery. opposite late J For. wead'aplaceifour nillesfrom the city. Cell at Iyl4 .. - .: B. &Mal - Dila. CO. C• 011 B .6.LB.—Three mew Meant Engl.. nes, • 41- 'bunt PixrPreo47loVoll *elle; WI lnUllndor, Math Croke; very atioalu Extglno as** sad sooneetleoptod of strought atom Boilers 14 to 111 foot tong, V 2 Luba,' distooter, selth Ctrnll4oeh rano; okuouley t 9 LTV) feet; /tot and cal trate? pimps. Eiretythingtompleteivad ready tOlMP On AVM. ' HUGH 31 :BOLE, Pittabutgli Ps. ,Ahoy. =MT Pot= Alloy and lemmata street, 2,1100m0 river. onor th e Point. det11:11 A SAL4—INDIANA rant /AM we*, 7a cleared, hal tlmunr; Wel *Mated with aptir ire and•aurall atrearus; *Haab bur ulnas from Blairsville, on Rol*. land road, conyealent to anarches• sonoOts. milts, !flux There le strong ltullaatlous of 06 , 1.1 and oil. .111 o• Is o good await: to purchase s sinesp and smug plane. For furtfur.lnfonnstioaspply at the, l ßaal Es ' late And Insurnaco ()Mae of JOU • Butler sirset, toorroarertiPe. Ps. tOR BALE. • EIVELL.US4.I HOUSE eh the borough of Ltverpool..Cuituablens ahlo,eltbete ott lame etrcet, 17 feet troikt, exterul, ' 2ng• bide 61) feet — Thle property will be itohl for Club very cheap. Per ftirthre particulars Pt:Kota O. TO)VER, jahhtf - "•• ' '" . , Fourth -Street. F o. 13.8.4, ' . A anaporrx , ..taLa Hanoi . reigekir - oilopgi•blatavie w esosta. , - awes aim La pe..ftertor: pOd.water am" , •-,-_ eaniretaent.. , Tomm , .....,' ad= l a .7.-„rdrllivuttgru;lgnWtisholates menet - , ,•-. , , ~ RIIAL/r4- 4 1.1111.1:1MISOW*Kath „moral gat , was aWL la ntnr ownW Tllgtdro z- uammuslW, vapAso dfultorw " t i ter ' ortruittirtmaaabarlyaregf, 111 4324.1.0.4-z9NB IWO I • • ' D k - AtaisrPOEME-AlsdOirarnidlit. bit)", II WOWS, _NAMING' Deit ; f 4 isto Vlracred ct rwri • • ; ..IErrEBEr. . - •1 10 - 1 8T.=;. --- 71.12 7:—.. C:t0Z:litth :: ezvezt: seoxid: 2,244tAr. AILMLIIO= k CP. r - ; • - rra.irr& bI4.6UN/t; MAIL. FRIDAY ERNE% 11111 !Ist, Mi. Oracto. Ckrmplimeatary Testimonial 'Depallt to VrANAGER 8 Ber YTH.E. • POI 7 HtITAIISO - 10 PIECES. • ISINO/NO AND DANCING. Tiatotaieetice with 011 three ad drama imtitled THE 'ORPHAN OP GENEVA CARWLN.......— W. 0. GALLACIECES. - Altar witleh the !site of the - HAPPY COUPLE To be followed by the HOLE IN THE WALL. . To conclude with the Comte Pantoailmo BLAD AS A HAMM HAIM, Tickets Vi1 , •17 CENTS. ir 2 o-2% pITTISBURGEr THEATR'E. --- • • GREATEST SUCCESS ON RECORD! ONE WEEK MORE! Qammenctag MONDAY EVENING, Sal, rah lon appearance Ole week of the !threat° and Givadui • DIUPREz & GREEN'S lIINFIRELS AHD ' , BRASS BAND. People tamed away nightly froth the doors, lan. able tagain ismat ls the rush to see THE 011,0-01PDIN ,T HOLTZ OF THE WORLD; coada Introdnelne each evening ell the latest.genk 'reey. TWO! GBEAT BILLS 1111.9 WEEK, Including The •Old Jawbone, The Wietsmtsed ;Stranger, The Young:pit= Haa t "; ha Brazilian Ape, Two Fast Teams,: Burlesque °tress, The Harter Shoe,. The Zak 33alk, and -host , of other plows. baste can le , wonted rive dart In advance at Use tldket. onlce, Own 10 A. 111.4.0 4 4.. without extra chawre Palos. ow A DMlSSlON—Palquette add Owls Ow cle,..cof Fondly s 5; Gallery, SS; Private Doxes to 00; Single Beats to ^trate Roza, Et Colwyn con:mean% at o'clock. NAH POND Jos . Bta imtLEA Advert:Wm Agents, Jytibianes PHOTOGII&PELER, nrrior, vietartr i b, P► SALE OF SERVICEABLE MULES. 9,trateraustasma (Isamula Oreloa. Vasa - micros, D. O. July hi, UNA By dbleetten of the Quartermaster , lenenit, there win be kola, at public, austica to the highest bid der. at the time awl places, named. below, vls 'READING, PA, hItoNDA Y, Jul y EASTON, PA., - THUEEDAY.y Da PHILADELPHIA, PA., MONDAY, July PITTSBI7IIIIIT, - PA., THIIHSDAY. July St "Tiro IS o hundred ERTIOEABLE MULES at oast Pbce: • many :of them werebought la the beginning toe war, u young mules. scconquidlwih=l: In all their marches add tutu, and are thoroughly. broken.4rdenod by /Amelia. untie and familiar from being so long mirrounded by the woldiets: • tahc i l i Sauna and sentosaole. they are no !eager • Mon in; the army: Mad .ein 'be - purchased at theu es at for leas - than their true ulna. The attention of both miners and farmers Is especially Mulesaold tingly. Sales to commence at ma. x. Rertasi—Oatly in 'United State. currency JAMES A. EAT:iv, Brevet Brigadier General la Oar/ ay jyt2 . 4,77 Firm Division. Q. Si. G. 0. GREAT bALE OF QSAIITEMEASTIBGE2IIMAL.S 0E Wersuntorow Cron; D. 0., July It, 16(3. ONE THOUSAND MULES Will be cold at pub. Ile auction, uncer the direction of Captain C. Day ; A. Q.. Ali, to the Mohest bidder, at CLEVELAND; (MID, Demmer:ming TIIFSDAY ; August 8, 1865, and con tinuing from day to day tin ell are cold. Many Of theta were bought in the beginning of the war es young mules. teem:mm.4 the armies in al/ stets. Marches and edema, enders thoroughly broken battened exerelee• gentle and %og.. lar, frond being so long surtounded oythe soldier& Though wand bed aeryieeable, they are no lone. er requiretlin tee acme, and can be purchased at this mleat far less than their true value. Muleasold singly. Salta to commence at 1 Sta t es each day'. Teratethwitrin 'United Ourrecor. ;keret JAMES A. SHUT, Brigadw r General in Jy lA:tattle First D chargei vision, Q. 111. G. 0. ADJOURNED SALE OF VALUABLE COA.L . -LANDS—On FRIVAT MORNtSG, tiIT be at lOo l ciock. according to pcetponement, Will be toll let ths Commercial Sales Rooms, No. 106 SmitifTeld street, opposite the Postofere, four tarp and valusb,e tracts of cost /110411 so UM Pittaburgh and Steubenville Railroad, situate in Washington and Allegheny Ootmtles, Peons., and Brooke la:runty. West 'Virginia. These traw• Ire of various era, from. 16 acres to 111 sews each Of good farm laid, tfi addition to val uable coal deposits, advantages of timber, lime eterukkeliebe lands occ,pylng favorable points for town:led& Ono of the tracts has • front on the ~ _OhlortYo l %-nearly opposite Steubenville, Inc tiding , nu nniT'lleep water to that vicinity suitable for len TEllX diag. S .. . OP SALE.Ono-third cash; balance la one and two years. Per plan aril further particilars, enquire at one. Ron room.. The vale of this proper.) . LS positive, a, d worthy the ALL[I3 , IOO of capitaLa 4. • irili A. hIcILWAINP, Auctioneer. 9 1 2 ._ P. - vx le-•--- 2E7try7. 417..11e1STISt OrrIOX, oroarreort, re... July 17, luss. SALE OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS.— .., will po sold SATURDAY, the 111 foes at at 10 o'clock M. at the General Hospital, FOUR WOOLLEN BUILDINGS, of the following dimes. Siena, 'um Number one. 81-fret by .11 feet; Number two, 112 - feet ty al feet; Number three, 26 feet by 16 feet; 'Dubber four, f I feet by 25 feet. Also .0 :large quantity of 014 lumber and Iron at the Fair Orouruls. Pay meat cub. and tairearne meet funds . The building* and lumber most be removed is ten days after the tale. • O. ORO Weld • Lt. Col. add D. Q. UL O. THREE BOILERS AT AUCITION.— . O I T . f .T.ek TI 7 2 IItIgEITTI',RIVr o t t t f Liberty sttreet. will br sold—Three toubflued Hour ets, fen long, nv isehei diameter, with Me front and :grate bare, mode o' the bent quality of Pittsburgh iron. Have been in we but one year. Tents at sale. 7r20 , T. A. iIIeOELLAND, Auctioneer. iyasounow OP PARTNIIRDEIEM The rartrierstdp he existing between the tanderelan tie-hereby the firm mune of GELAY & LOGAN, dissolved by mutual couture, Stumm' Gray haying dleposecl of Ma entire tamp est In mild flat to James C. T. Levan, and ids eon, Webster Giay. SAAtiL GRAY% JAS. C. J. LOGAN. The tindersigard will continue business at the ,old stand, No. 47 St. Clalr street, under the firm G nese of RAY tr. LOGAN', and respectfully so. Ilea a continuance of the patronage go liberally bestowed oh the late firm. WEBSTER GRAY, Ht etch t, 066_,1719.3 JAS. 0 LOGMY DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNER BM:P.—The Partsentdp heretofore earning between the underahpred under the One Wl= Oi 011IINITON tr. 00., for the manufacture of Sliver Pearl are other Soaps, has thla day beendissolved by mutual consul SADIRTEL SLIM • JOHN O. 033111 DIMA JOHN POSTER. S Eteaburgh„ Sept. 6 th, Mt. a..E. Ern rElMayr er Co, (sucteirort caumprox ¢ c 0.,) xurtrra.cmialas of Silver Pearl and Superior Rosin Scapa, Sal LIII.PRIT STSIOIT, PITISBUBGEk LIC22y4 4RP 2 7 8. OIL sLOTIIB, Etc aRFAIT iiSDITCTION _ •-•• • kip of CARPETS. Dealitog to afford the public Aa oypdttonlMr.reltseing goods at 4.0 P PRICE, • tlittntepondhay, With the _ _ Decline In Gold, sad the Impending tumble Id Merchandise reeler/illy, , We Meshed &wo MIL thpliCei, day throusbout one eaioe stool. sums offer the largest And Most complete gumortment Or he ß w and choice plateau, ruseeds, 'Two Ana : Three Ply Ingrain, Dlogs. Window fhadee. hn, Twenty-Ave to:: l4 eir i t a y=intiOnerthltd per cm zurAtimED COLLI3B, - Asian FIFTH STII,KET =i re= deft tollusim Hasse m 4 P. 0, 'CARPETS. f i . ItEDUCCID: I{ Merkur necently purchased tor they ;POLTETI3 Taft; fi l t h season an eptire, assortment of all grades of carpeting o fee off•f • mender sidection of the, newest'aqiet, nt price* ,oanaldern,dy ro, dtped tic. Flop. the season • stook. - CANTOS 2114.1T/11.6, new grins; ..QOTTSN ORLIN LIST HAN"! RAC} OAILPETA. - VVindci* Sha,clesi # urge tavdlesjust rectdrid. I I I W. a 1 81. Si L1CAL1 . 47151, er 7 MILLBR i k— WB HA . • s i t, t ea a • VE qWERAt & co. 4 6l6bratotritif elf or floIN:, r - 0,9.9th5,1 LI : I for pais Te;ei . stj ees, 41, co, 0 1 4 11 0 I..wjaj„:' Mi .144berCY Butet, Aft.PER „ r , for tau , ca etwocid greet. Vfezi IBEECE:...Nfrr Irelkared , W Weitern, S°/16, PI ....071410.24cdreet..vom Nvht. rntasrm DIJPEEZ aPs h MICE& aUCTIO.r B.ILEB. ' SERVICEABLE MULES itu , se La y 4:I..—LAP.. U.1.....3:37- 1 1 - ith <ir rupt, disordered and vitiate., blood: you are lickallOTLZ. it may turd out In Pimples or Sore., 07 In tome "tire dfmme, ,ortt may merely keep. you nine. &Treated artflatood for nothing. Set you cannot haveyood health while your blood le tab =Man's ,/ieeeemest i e. parics . 4 .1 1 t thee. Uri and stivitilltes organs • Of. Are into viaprone xenon, re storin; e health sod Lapellia; ilium,. Hence IS rapidly ewes razaty coal. _S ainte Whichsib =tied by Impurity of the blunt, eeett as •=s, or Xing , ' EMI, roam, Mau, norm Era Pimples, Maids; Role, St. n- Monies Fire, /fox or - /Erasiprica, Teller or Suit Senna eeeie Head, Sing from, Caneer or Cancerous Tn elm, Ems Eyre, Frauds Lamped, rich as Retention, Irreyarrity, trupww. :ion. Mites, Sierflity. also Sypk ans. or Venerru Ur, Complaints end HUH Diseases. Try .A.Tuffe Saniaranatss eve see saurian' the turprksine activity with which It cleam these ea the elood and cures disorders. l• Ewing late years the public have been misled by larse bottlan pretending to give a quart cif Extract of (a rse for coo dollar 31aet of these here been frauds upon the sick, for they not only con. tale /MINIS any, Samayarille. but often no cure. /tee ProPertlei whatever. Hence, bitter disap pointment has f allowed the use of the various tracts of Sansiparilla which dud the mark,. , until the cameltself halt became eynonymou wit llllPasitiof AM cheat. Still we cell this compound I'd 'lnsulin'," apd Intend to supply such a remedy shall rescue Ihe load Of obloquy which soda upon it. We think we bare ground for belleviat• tt he. virtue which are Irresistible by the online.. IT (Up of the diseaus It is Intended to mire. V7O can only asiunatlie sick, that we offer there the best Mummify Which we know how to produce, 101 We have reason to believe, is IA by far the most. effectual purifier of the blood let discovered by may body Arm's. . • , ,tetchy gT.csoltat to - so nnlvetaillif known to sumasa every other remedy for the cure of CokYlie Coi&, hiflurnas, iloareenees, Croup, BM*. alitia, incipient Consumption„ out for the .rellef at Consumptlin Patients in advanced Cayes of the that It is Useless here to recount the eve. Hence of hi ',flues. The world knows them. .Prepared by Dr. J O. Ansa& On., Lowell, taus , wend 101 l by ....: „.„ FAUTZ.STOCZk a at, vO So . 3 . , and by all ThPrilt!.. Boiler Makers tit Sheet Iron Workerni Noa. 2; = 212241 94 PENN STREET. Having seminal .-large yard, and furnished . with the niustlmproved machinery, we are pram red to manufacture every description 4 BOILERS, in. the beat inanner, and warranted equal tf i l i rg made to the countn , ._ _OII.IhINEYS, BRIO PERE BEDS, STE* AT PIPES, EDOONOTI BOILLItS, 00 N_DEN.BERS, SALT PAN% TANKS,. DEL ,STILL,b, AGITATOR.% • s rri‘ ELI/10.2AV% BOTT.EII. IRON, BMDGES,': SUGAR PANS__, _and sole mentdactuzers of BARN( HILL'S PA +Timm- Boriant 9. Re , done: on theabortaatiloUen, • SA2 .f! mr-Prrsgatrietis saw .Ivosab. „ . . & HUBBARD, BRO . CO ' -,. , -, , i isAiitrrsorupias ow . ;, , PATENT ,(41101bIrD CIRbI::IILAR24, 'Warranted .D.AST STEEL SAWS, of newt , an. saliPptat.. Igulay, Oren Oat, Gang, and all name Vartitfmn- - - • i•s Alt kinds of KNIVES and SPRINGS, made from Sheet Oast Steel ; Mara Hatband REAPER: AND MOWING KNIVES:, an. Warebonae and Works, corner WATER and SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Particular attention given to Retoottling, Gum acing and Straightening Oireniar &sway alms, to. pairs of all kinds. Punching and Drilling done at reasonable rates. , • • • apMay rar LAKE 19117PICRIon. - Popper Mill and Smelting Work', PITTSBORDEL PARK, McCUR,DY & Manufacturers of SHEATRINCE. BRAZIERS' es BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER BOT; TOMS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, SPA-LTER SOLDER. Also importers and dealers In MET. ALS, TIN PLAt'E , , r SR.SET /RON WIRE, & a . Covaaaily on tund, INNERS' billi!Ngrs and TOOLS. Warehdiase, No. 144 FIRST trn SEC OND STREETS, Pittsburgh. Special orders of Copper cut to any desired pattern. torMAydawT MANHOOD! HOW LOST, HOW I RESTORED I—Just Falba_ed , to a seat ea Envelope- Price H= cents. A .LEUTORE UN THE NATURE, TREATMENT, and Radical Oure of SpermatonbcrA, or Seminal Weakness, Invol untary Emissions, Sexual Debility and Impeal pairs to Marriage generally; Nervousness_t tleo kol : sunt.lon, Epilensy and Fits; Mental annEhysl sspulty, resuiang from Self Abut.. Ike.. by Rosa. XD., author of the Orr. Book, Lt. "A Boos vo rHOZMAIrIii or Suresnutra." Sant under seal, to a plat. enrol om to any address, port paid, oa reeelpt of Ohl erefa, or two tj oga". stamps, by Dr. J. O. KLINE, 127 Bowery, New York. Poet (Slice b . 2114,&14 jellhatudawl" latitnitalt 11.2112.104..• .W D. tgEr IA BELLE isTrilliojija""" REITEB & CO, Istwat-noi, to Rama, TLawrites la Ota,l D7annfarturers of OAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW and DUSTER STEELI SPREVOS, LES, OROWDARS, Sir Work'', FIRST WARD, 'AJlegharr °Moe ad Arta, PITISRIIRGIL . _ nenuuson. SEA @ Ca-,1.4aaal to Rontasow, Ems & Waablncton Warlot, ForNDERg AND MAORINISTS, Prrytorraoa. loot of BoAT AND STATIONARY EAM ENGINES., BLAST ENGINES, MILL !MA URETERY, GEARING, SHAFTING, CAST. E NDS of all descriptio door OIL TANKS SC STILLS, B .7 OI LERar- AND IRON WORE. • Agents for SBEET• GIFFARD'S PATENT MIRO?. OR, for feedbag boiler TO NEBVOI72I ISCIPTERISREI OT BOTH SEX3M-A reverend gentleman hey tag been restored to health in a few dam alter on &nolo; the crosi routine and irregular moldy, mod* of treatment without encores, eotudders it his sacred duty-to communicate to his &Metal fellow,. matures bhe man of care. Hence on the receipt et AO oldrosed envelope, he wiliseiti2lhas a tropr of the prescription • Direct to Dr. JOHN M. DAGNALL, ISO Fulton s' rot, 2i. Y. zohilaydroT - • SRN .00471111A8 HBO" Dlsnitfre , Insets of IRON VAULTS ~tND TARIM DOORS', TROD/ RAILING, WINDOW SHUT TERS;•:WINIHOW GU_ fse., Nos. SEC/ OND anil H THIRD STKRET, between Wood and Market, bare on hand variety of new patterns, Laney ate) plain, suitable for all Sir Partin:dal attention paid-to Grans Leta. Jobbing done at abort uottee. • SHAY OF OBFIL I WZI A ARN 13 IN OI G A AN D / KA STNB ES 7101 FOB YOUNG HEN, - Mao, new and retiy ble treatinent et the Urinary and Sexual Systeme. Address Dr..l. SEILLEN HOUGHTON, How and Asartelatlon,Phl/adelrhha, Pa. Atoll* E EERY COLUMION N., FORWARD ING AHD (.10.MMISShIERCIHANI and wholesale dealer In CHEESE, B FEEDS, FISH, and pinduee generally, 1 1,71 WOOD STREET Pittabeer.A. sot • FILEE.—A PAIMPHLIET OP married a j a r :T e X:l l e m oc a t r s t 3th ' e s c e I' 4 d b a t i l b ar Ole by addreolott, with stamp encrotd, the agent., 1. A. KENDELOK, & CO., Box 12, Boston Post Office. corxhi2diwr PL1X 1 138..0/314.11C: au GIRD.—THE ERBIGNED TAKE lemur° Lu recommending to the musical pro. feu on and the puhlla _generally, the GRAND SQUARE PIANO YORTltautaufanturod WAL B. BRAS/BURY, New York. now on eahlbltlon at the snow of the Agents, WADIEDINK BARR, No. It St. tiler Street, at beak fully equal to the ordlcutry ' , Grand Plaza'. In Ower and britilency of tone, sn d , excels In beauty nr work. manahlp my Plano 41,11 have yet seen. 1 ITARL GREBE, Professor of pule. HARMAN TIL %NASA It EDWIN SIIERRATT, Wit A. LAWTON, Rte W. S. GRAY. PRIMERS= B. R'ILMES. WDL B. BRADDUBY I the Only Itinnufneturer in the United Stn WHO MAKES THE GRAND PIANO Ina Square Case LEFERIBLE IS ODAP6 TO TDB OLD STILE M's=s3r 1.12.4) .13,3 NOVEI.T Y. - 'HICKERING ek: SON'S UPIUGUT PLIwrOS Tweet tbess beautiful and tIAiQUO Instiment; cied porsolially by On subscriber ad the Feo. , ry,just received sod for sale at Bostoidyricee C. Nzrxqu. 8100 P6R A tiECONDLHART) MASON & HAMLIN CABINET IiROAN Rceetwood we. Neatirpew. ea/mum o. eirLt.on, • SD Wood I Streat. 812 - 6. $115.. 6200. Pour INCOnaehllitt AXlO4llt above prizes. For ii.l4b7 • • • .OHAILLE3O . 11116, • el Wood PIANOS. .„ .; is dEET' Ti f a:tocasemNs g',B u ~~ ; i,4xo~,~' Splendid; New Stoek76l eitll , l °mamma nranttn, 43 ' - ' 4 llmg Bob ,fit for, Rube's Ppm% an% az4 Muer pram itz4 oQen I r.. r t'.n 4 - 4 'unshorn!: 61-!-:.!'.! FRIDAY JULY 21, 1965 GAZ B 11221: 1' EIR-I,L; Deily morizing• Lo per annum op. do, -etive.l by Carrier', 25 ' , eat, a week. iiiitily Evening 111 60 per ie.?, dii, do served by earriers,_ Weenie a steak. Weekly, in'elnba 11.60 A d a do., Jangle opplev gircp enrr • RATES OF ADVERT! SINEL oat .QVALAL -- VrA)011141 ILA:I . 7MA: Period. ~ .13.-15 ia i a aril t a wit c ‘,... iValy One time Two times... Mee times.. Four times... Flee tines._ yet week .... TIVCS Weeks... Three weeks'. (bee month.,. Two mouths. Three months 81x months,. . Nine menthe One Year 9 76 73 2 10 1 73 573 s i 55 , • 1'26 0 73 75 475 175 100 129 196 9ro {p 373 200 176 a 23 550 400 2 18 3 22 03 803 6 031 273 425 16 00; 10 00 ! 1 031 4 70! 6 31i 29 50 11 741 9 501 6 410 19 00' 34 00, 17 70! 10 00 6 001 17 01 41 0111 25 501 16 00 10 00, 03 00 delsvoSsemsuats ier.ap noteetaa Ono et sear Mayne el:Longed at tbe advortlleasore, alums olltal krt . square, (or g 0 cants If. 0(23 pall! at the tlate,) but mud be conOced Gotha immediate business of the adyestiser. stavertmatoCats contraCted for otherwise than dolly, atll be ll:darted On each days al the °MOO may select. Ir...slant adrerttaing CASH, Death Notices, each tuaarticat... Merin* notice., Steamboat advertumenta, per trip-- Executors' or Aliteltditrottotat Notion. YEARLY ADVERTIRINO. One square—confleed to the Wrietediehr business of the advertiser, •nd not to include disioluttoris, formation of new firms, wants. sa.—changeable once a week- Aoy excess to be charged as MD. sleet matter. la umella times: time DmiY. la week -IA week.!. week Three months_ 1118 90 $ll CU. $ 9 00; 08 9 , Ste 0o 0 th• 1 10 001 19 001 18 001 10 199 Mee 41 oo 26 on, oo WI 16 00 One Year I 69 00; 33 001 28 00, 19 00 Aar Fl.t Notices double the above rates, If in serted one month or more. For a lesa period 20 emu. a line. Local notice. at such rates as may be agreed ppm. • Activate to be considered nu the Space occu pied by ten lines of the ordinary advertisivir type of the paver. CITY AND SUBURBAN. TESTICIIDAVB xviesrara oaxg-trz. ) Philadelphia `Buffers" , in Tombles...An Outrageous, Asa:atiyhy a Hotel Hooper. For some days past our citizens have bees notified by public tuthdbilla.consplettatudY posted through the city, that Johnny Laverne and Johnny Hickey, two well known bribers of Philadelphia, would give a "sparring exhibition" In a room over the Eldorado Saloon, on Fifth Street, on Wednesday evening. The "mai bitiour came off at the time and Floes stated, titter which Lazarus and Hickey repaired to the Metropolitan Hotel, on St. Clair street, kept by Toney Newell, a well known sporting man, Ahern they Inten,d,ed to pass the night. Several hours were spent to drinking and free conserva tion, but no dlstu banes was raised until about three o'clock in the morning, when Lazard* and Hickey began to question a ample pf re turned soldiers as to whether they had been Paid off. One of the soldiers, Colin B. Lacock, a resident of Armeell township, Washington county, stated that they had teen paid off and were on their way home. One of the "buffers" Moistest that the soldier's should order a bottle of wine, as they were flush of money, but they de murred to this arrangement. One of them agreed to stand treat at the bar, but this was de clined, mad the bottle of wine was insisted upon. Lecork wasspartly disposed toyield to the impor tunities of the man, but his companion, fearing that they intended to dreg and then rob them, declared, In an emphatic manner, "Toe shall rot impose upon my friend In this way. If he doesn't want to drink wine, you shan't mate him do It." This Incensed the tweets, and they got between the soldiers and the doer in a menacing manner. Finding themselves In rather close quarters they attempted to out at the door. At the Fame time, Newell was seen to take • revolver out of a drawer from behl”.l the bar, when Lacock made a bound and dashed through the door Into the street. Newell at the tome moment sprang over the counter, and rushing to the deer tired the pistol—the ball striking on the pavement in front of Lacock. The soldiers, having escaped without Injury, weal* the Mayor's aim and gave Information of what bad transpired. This was between three lied fora o'clock in the morning. When Mayor Lowry came nown to his office, he toned the men awaiting his arrival. He took their infor mation against Newell, for assault with intent to kill, but the names of the other two man (Lazarus rod Hickey) were unknown to them. The polio, however, soon found out who were the •uetters le the assault, and warrants were Issued for their arrest and executed by officer Bay. Newell gave bail In five hundred dollars to answer the charge, but Lazares and Hickey. being strangers here, would not find bah and are still in the krok-up. LacocLis satisfied that Lazarus and Hickey intended to rob him and Me companion. When the "buffers" found out that the soldiers had been paid, they were anxious to know whether they did not Intend to go to bed and take a slew, and on being informed that they intended to re ; Male up ell night, the "wine" dodge was then . resorted to. We may been state that Newell keeps a licensed house, and his conduct in !Irina a revolver at a lodger (If sattsfacioriM proved) roght tr Rork a Terreatlrm of DU 11c-use. lt gives to freaks of this dangerous character, he :Is certainly not a proper person to "keep a hotel." Pennsylvania scenery. A writer in the Andrea &cord. having re 'rently passed over the Pennsylvania railroad from Philadelphia to this eitY,girmehla "hums- Slone" In the following style: "There are on the mate many objects of to tem; which cannot be found of the same kind anywhere else. The traveler may look oie the inow.overed mountains of Switzerland --on the ineenitleent scenery of the Hodson—cm the Cahn, broad, grand waters of the afesslesipni— On the cotton plains of the South—on the wild, Ingwed, gold-bearing rocks of our great western territoiles--bnt he will nut In all of them ace just what he sees In Pennsylvania. The Im. preselan given is not of the sublime, nor even (be beet:Oral, nor of the wild, but rather-that of the rich, the quiet, the- peaceful; of homes where men live at home enjoying the calm rest Which belongs to the contented and the happy. Leaving Philadelphia, (a type of Industry end prosperity) with its soma hundred thouSandln habitants, we soon see eiseading out on evert , Ode, those wide,greco Ilelde of grass, that wav ing male, those great barns which are the types of Pennsylvania farming, and whence Philadel phia obtains those rich products, which hove justly given It the reputation of having the beg Markets of thelSrorld. Plying pant these beauti. fill farms, we soon reach the valley of Thwler ton; and if ever human eye can be delighted with what Is t Leh and rural, it moat babes) , This vide, n Melt Is formed by the Brandywine, elypes far away In the distance, with no sbrurt termination, with ,he most gentle waves, in which grass and ain and fruit and it dwere, denote all that is co m for table) nd charm. log In the rural scenery of a rich land. We pets along, and from Cheater 141.0 LILIC.69Ier, where Saxon industry has created American wealth. The cash value of farms In tat two mini tits of Chester and Lancaster exceeds ninety millions of dollars,. a earn exceeding the value of any other two counties In the United States. In Ole fact may be seen ono of the cancel which make Philadelphia a city only second to New York. At Harrlabnrg the road crosses the Susque hanna en a fine bridge. We, are seen winding round the Blue Ridge—asetbidlog the valley of the Juniata where it breaks through the moun tains, not eo abruptly, but quite as beautiful as In the Highlands of New York. At the foot of the ; hills we observed rich dower bed. planted by nature, with more than the grace and beauty of the finest garden. At length the winding Juniata brings no to the foot of His Alleghenies and wo arrive at Altoona and take a late supper at 061400ne/dm lionise. " The shadea of night hero gathered too thiekly for us to observe closely the windinge and tunneling. by aldeb we stir mount the granite lulls. But all goes on as; onkel,' andlertfelyza If we were - In..MM, own homes. Pittaborgh Is reached and we bid good by to the Penemylyania Railroad, with tho conviction that It affords onset the very best routes by which the traveler can pass between the east and the creel] What woridatful changes hes steam Lim:notion produced In the emleretionsiof man ! Thousand of Miles are traversed with almost the rapidity of the wind I Natl Ons come jogeth er, and soon neither ocean or "continent`ivill be able lo dividote ramalleffpf men-' City Mortality. De, George L. McCook, PhYsleDM to the Board of Ma' Ith, reports the following deaths In the rlty, from July Uth to July 15th, 180. 31111.4 1 4 )Vhite' 85 Total •,, ,Peruulett olorod • diseases n the above casettiwire 1 Bait; spolAckr.4cotsumpttoil, rinenlugitls, 11 Mum, 1.;" typhoid toTer,, dyseptegy„l, ; . heirtidisetuse. 1 ; cholera lufeutuok, 2 ; exposusts, 1 ;:scrighls,l4lrhooph2 g cou g h, 1 ; still , bum, 2; dysesrleri . ,e . .drioprktia. - 2 r, coisesursi of hneni 2 (tadgmatfutilst, Shehoirels, 1; dropsy, 1 ; prctosture 41liettsstqus, 1 ; alfarrhces, troltudi (gibeabuse there - I.lndoll • .11,rom 30 Co '4O 2 •"p tit' • 0 i '! ,20 to 60' 0 9- • . ..1 {V, gauf.;;.; „, 00.1, 0 .10: ..... , Oka AO' 15 r t 20...,...: 21; ; .201,6'100 0 patina:a el- ,- Tts' 4 .ltirtust onati . Der oril"ctcrsonis - : 2001 ft e has Just .14410-dvigthylifr. 7;44 l'iitocicrilittstreet.. o o.thePoatoftlia,,li contains muck wtitolv Vin. , I :aC t 1,114 r. ..l Slice tot raving L...ada of guerrillas and bush whackers which hare templed the mountain reMon bordering the Cumberland 'sir= hive been dispersed, the attention ot, North_ "Pee td,m,corthni Mem :eel direr' to thaPee airspeed nlyirdla by the Cent/Mon of the pied* i cir E.', . quirings4eap•lands, in that !lee tulneralzegion .borderingthe', Ccumberland river, together with ~. . • , Id various mounta in tribitheries, 6 Southern Kentucky ; Northern Tennessee and North East- 1 ere Alabama. • For many Vera thlir - wild and - but half ex plored region has been known . only as a rough, 'paddy eopulated, grazing and raising country. email /rpm Furnaces have been erected along the Cumberland and Its tributaries, and the quell te of pig area produced has been good. Salt wells abound along the South fork of the Corp. berland, from Waltaboro. and in the vicinity , ebf Burksmile, Kentuck y . Coal, of a good quality, le also found all along the Cumberland and upper Tomr.essee,An the three States above named. The Confederate authorities obtained much of their coati& manufacturing purposes from this region. Their supply of Salt wee also princi pally obtained in tole victual , . In sinking these salt wells, along the upper Cumberland and telbuteniery the miners were ed most universally amazed hy encountering Petro. teura,frequently In ancluqtantitlea as to render the abandonment of the well a !name! ty—the • Talus of Petroleum, at that early. period, beLig Unknown, During the war, oar intelligent and enter prising soldiery were not slow to take notice Of the country through which their Campaigns led them to paratend nripass; they were'bitelleent observers of mineral fountains, In the apurs,ot three mountains. The outcropping coal, lion ore, and limestone,—the oleaginous appearance of 8011, springs and streams, were observed and noted. And crow that the war la ended, alded by capitalists from the North, many of our en-' tezprieleg soldiers are engaged in prospecting, mending and locating, these hitherto neglect. ed Medi; thus opening up for themselves the proepect of a golden harvest, and the dawn of " wotiderful intim tor the" wild mountain ie glen of the Booth. SEEM In the •cotiatins of Cumberland, Russell, Wayne and Clinton, In Kentucky; Jackson , Overton, Scott, Fentrem, Wayne and Pulaski, Tenntaace,and In the North Eastern tier of counties to Alabama, and North Western Georgia, speculation In mineral lands amounts to a panic. The micas vary from twenty-five meta 10 ten dollars per acre. A ;company has been formed (principally New Yorkers) with a capital of 11 0 ,000.000, at the bead of wltlch le Gor. Rram lette and Secretary 'of Slate Van Winkle, of Ken thcky; this gigantic corporation have purchased 00,0001 am of wild lands along the South Fork of the Cumberland, South of Waltaboro. In cluded In their property is an old salt well, known as "'Jenny's well," which is said to have yielded over 23,000 barrels of petioles:4, to gether with,a rich Empty of salt water. The company have already sena engines on the mend, and are vigorously engaged In develop ing their fine property. Ia addition to the oily indications, their propery is known to abound In Felt, iron and coal. Some pltallsta bare made exten sive purchases of mineral land In this region, with the view of developing a Southern coal trade. On, Obey's Rivas, In Overton Co., Tenn, some excellent coal lands have been purchased by Pitt/burghers; and in the same vicinity a New Castle firm have made an extensive pur chase. This region will also prove a good lumber dis trict ultimately, when transportation facilities are developed. The white pine on the Cumber land spurs will run from three to tive feet in diameter. We hare not room at present for further ref erence to this prolific suggestion. We Invite the attention of cur capitalists to the suttimt. Priv:inert! In Fortress Monroe Me learn from ono of the guards at Frirtress 3foanne that there Is a great dissimilarity b;;: a In the disposition and conduct of Davis, Clay. and Mitchell, now inearcerated in the case mates at Old Point Comfbrt Although the Place has long been a ,plaNi of comfort to tem. Pest toned Intiriovn, the rebel prisoners do not at CI . comfortable In It. Davis la contio , natty talking to himself, and scarcely ever en- Jaya one hour of undisturbed sleep. Re Is oev utheicas "kind" to the guards, and never makes any complaint. A few nights eines this guard cat all the buttons off his coat. When ha was dressing In the morning and saw that his coat was buttonleas, be looked at the guard and laughed. tie says he only "committed a pollti. cal mistake of which many others were guilty before MM." Clay to in feeble health, and very Irate and poo •lab- lie Is constantly making complaints Neatest the guards, and objects to their sitting down or even reclining against any object while on doty. He will not allow them to walk heavily. Owing to his delicate state of health he is allowed to walk In the open air every morn ing st sunrl.e. Of course his airing hart to he taken within the walls of the Portresa- Mitchell rages like a wild boast and paces his cell almost incessantly. He will arise at night and we k for hours in his bare feet on the cold floor. Mitchell only gets soldier.' rations. Clay and D9yle melee their meals from the surgeon'a table. On last Friday night the whole garrison was under arms, for what purpose has not been (oily developed. Pollee Dres-Ittes. A young woman named Mary Foley, from RArdserabbie, Appeared before All. Btrela yester day and moo a charge of affiliation against ono John Dempsey, who wad held to answer the charge. A charge of forcible entry and detainer was preferred befo e Alderman Strain yesterday by Wm. fir•penheld, against P. Fetherston and three members of the Allegheny police, for forci ble eatry and detainer, in ejecting the prawn tor and his family from • tenement on Liberty Ilirett, In the Fourth ward, Allegheny, and re eting his goads and furniture therefrom. The accused have been held to hall. Richard O'Donnell was brought before Alder man Taylor yesterday, on a charge of having committed a violent assault upon one Pat. Mar mhy, by attikinc him violently In the face and thereby breaking hie Jaw. The excused has been committed for trial. ti man named John Coon, of Bewl^kley, was arrested yesterday on a charge of ates%ng thirty defiers from Thomas Welch, proorlet r of the "Veteran Exchange," on Union atm t. The defendant entered hail In fire hundred dollars for a further hearing on Saturday afternoon. Senatorial Conference. The Senatorial Conferees of the counties of Armstrot g, Butler and Lawrence, are now in ...gen attars Monongahela ions; In this The conference Is composed of the following named gentlemen r Armstrong county—Masers. SleDwalne. Addison, Leech and Buffington. tinfinr entlig9-.-1/On. James Mitchell, William Hazlett, Esq., and R. M. Douthett. Lawrence ennnty—Gen. R. B. hfcComb, Cyrus Clark and Blanchard. Each county presents a candi date, as follows: Armstrong, Col. Jackana ; But- Geo. 4cdue N. Purviance; Lawrence, RAM. B. A. Browne. At the time of going to press, tun. ballots been lad, each delegation voting for be reepeettre candidate. onthAri Thleves.--B[i boys, ranging In ago from eight to fourteen, were arrested yceterdoy on a charge of stealing forty-two dollars from the till of the United Presbyterian Book Rooms. It appeared that Michael Neely, the oldest boj In the number, robbed the till and Alirided the proceeds with the others. - Two of the lade did not know the money was stolen, and they were dlechargeti. Neely will probably ha sent to the House of Refuge, and the other three will be released, as there Is no disposition to prosecute them—moat of the money having been recovered. College Comnieueementa.—The annual ecnanencsment of Jeffsreon College, will take place at Cormousburg on Wednesday. August 2d. Tho commencement of Washington College Rtll occur on the following day. Antait 34. Dr. Alexander Donaldson, Minnow of Je&rson College, Is the orator for thii elms of 1365, and la expetimd to denser an address it Canons burg on the day before the commencement. Cold In the BOUM.-- The people in the Bomb Old not, - as they say themselyes , 'gbrd all their gold to Jeff. Davis," Many of thabusl nese men aranow making their warto the North, bringing with the& small bap of gold. A gen ilPtnan who bas Jost returned from the Sotith Worms ns that ha. law 'several merehanta and others makirite depositArot gold with the pursers on board the Bloomers at Richmond. [Tamil! and Uutchltmort:—llamlll answers Hutchinson'. challenge fora iico or ten mile rasa on tho Schuylkill, for how $l,OOO to 50,000 aside, Hamill says 'he will go elthor distance for tho sum named. Should Hntchinacm Whoa to row. Hamill propose% to row "any other man" in the Uotto4 dtates (lye hallo rare ,on tho 13Ohylklit, at PhllnclelPhpObr ‘fIOOP or' $2.000 a side, In twd wrelbrolter shrOltht articles. , . case S ettled . —BC.asnentidtled yesterday thd 'S'lfcninstanca of Pattieligckyle hiving Quo of hfs tan chewed In a brawl with John , Brennan' lts ,and 'Patrick WOWS lealoot; coma , or Vfaildniton Webeter iltittOtSo benitirmorhiut In the taiseberare Aldetetacclitttler-Jytatardayi Jesuit lug In an analcabln • . „ Base .1W1..---_Ttutrctam mita bOweell the i AllEghisiyuid Ent:ST:Will elabs; l 4etilcX was to have been played Yeslordoi, but post nod' cm 'motto or thowesther, will take plFethls at tgnoco.‘ at half sat throe o'clock, au/ waktllat. -QPrrait.lhlfr II 1 -..-r.l : .4'3; i-1 . - • a ~ ~ 1 t zr "The It Muhl Frlead.—.Wastante l. al to Mitallivate es. For sale by almost& Mak tor.the Xining MIIII'II Friend. A parf alsbm the erupt: me and treatment or Tato 'Mimes secetopanlee each ' Itrn _"of eau lutd by. addressing Young Iderft Fez 99, toeinnoll. W . 411,e. three teat, etsmpantloted, to Jos: Fleeelot'Ublitlea lifeo 6 / 4 3..11i. Fulton. or 8. W. YnFA Co., Allegheny. Je2lo2a Te /I %re I\ LIV GOODS Jos. Horne Sic have Just, opened 4 new stock of (Melee Dress Goods for - the jareseid season, to mblrt they rite attention.. . Pans Drool and Saeque Triraminis, new style; French BlMnow stylei. CfsraiMme and Beaded Setts; Lace On Laos Handnemblebn latest. DPI In Lace Yetis; Trench Embroidered; Lace Hoop Marts; 13ebnoral Serbs; Steam:4w, lqloses; Sea Side Melds and 'taste Bead Felts; Fancy Combs,• o h Ime San Mader Basques, Molina; Plain and Stzlied Swiss and tfainsooka In reAul. k.'orY, Sandia, hc,.. WHO RSAIM ROOMS HP STAIRS NEW GOODS, eceived Daily at NO. 17 FIFTH. STREET, LATEST HD MOST DESIRABLE ARTIOLES Trimming Line,' ENTIRELY NEW STOCK GENTS' FIII3HIEBING GOODS. lir Liberal faducemauta offers/1 to thewholerale trade. MACRUZI, CIARLIBLE, No. 19 MYTH STREET. --', Wholesale Department oW OPEN FOR BUSINESS. TIMM Cola/ 7PrEl.lla Co S. Eaton, Mon= & Co., having Dom dissolved on ths nrel of July, ins sunseribers will continua bonlastas ff o. ru-rtt ISTRELT. 'Our Retail Room, la roe being fitted cm DO D O pleast and attractive ausanct, in arida we to up on with a Ltx:asa.* tkLo Wth X11.021t4 OM WHOLESALE ROOMS as hciteforo on the secon4 hoots of Not n and to aTO Now Open for Business. whew we will to pleased to sco our old enztomem NAOMI ec OARLIBLB. .04.4rfien No. to intrl7 silOgsr. N W SPRENG GOODS. ItilaAarum ilk 431-Iydal No 78 MAW= STEIEBT, Wbotaialo sad Retail Dealers to Frkluiillmi and Fancy Goods, ICECAP', HOSIERY AID ULIITEX, And GeaLlement Ruratstdng Goads would calf the attention el Nembutte, and t Inds generaU). to Wiz my extensive dock Ise above lino of goods. Out stooks of Cotton Hose and Socks NV dab , . bl //nen and best stet opened tho rit7, end OW NOTION DEPARTENT . vim be found par/ Utmeinsaa a nd.ounnblto to all vu brananes and u price, iluticannot htl tozklea. Girona • pall Wore puranaalug alumnus, my T HAVB JI7BT'ARRIVED FRO THE JEAST will a carefully selroted anartloeut of FADDY AND STAPLE GOODS, maw*, which WM be found a Eno llne of fimtn-y oottOn and Itsia. Gloves, Ribbons, Flowave, Gripes, &tuft, Golly; and all the new s styr, fttlbbg C.:Pitrinattriiitaatetn:tallonotl Wow Hoop Skirts, Lone and Linen Handk p a d Idesbaf Culfs, newSlisa_ Sete,Dace Gapt, Berta and Oolluntl, Breakfast Osps, Sbetlan Shmet, 'Mtn, Inow) Lam In Crotchet, Linen, Ontton, Tblvetd, Valenelounes and Point Appligae, tilde Linen Laos for Puloor tlaae . s intbrirldertee of a/l klntburotant's Done., of .11 "wri, Blanket. for Wants; Ladles' Kids, Jouvin% Orel Mimes' Kids; Gimp and Steel Bud Seta, Gable Cord Cod and nue* T S =e an Batton= La severnlitele atTfted 01n2D118td.L BMW and Obryetal azid (I =Aiirtnge, Straw Hats "" ' l Itto. W. W. MOORHEAD'S ;el MAREFEIT 13.TREIEZ, Ear nawrams.•'abssims, stuns, RED! .1?0413 ? 44:189, !go. , 6,T,Ostumr dittkoit lituftt6t •• • • ca 4 c r at r alsisOugs. Ece.,,ko. *l9 ,4 I.7rBITR.IJKIM art:term. JOHN ROBB,44lmt;tif tho manes Menstere sad the PecuxMutual LiftthearentritYo • Of= 11 . 4 41%1 1 4 4 r 11 1titlItet , Plttablugh. =lra corm, $ fLritif rigeatiViar. MIRO • :or la: JONES, TT • to album Iv •.•••• • •/ 1 , ./-.0 -3 SeMREA, -111ftribtarleillzwit elaavataroomarzwisingdird,rpr RASE-AALIEI Altb . .Ull4 foi Wet kr, 10 • , JANES BOWNllllWoodlite,to, INEI I' 6 COWS. FOR JULY! PINE FANS 108 Holum co,. TY and 78 117.4..n.gET STUMM NEW GOODS, EATON'S, THE OLD. STAND 07 Eaton, NEWT= & IMMZI &oleo!decks, * Lace Goods, F. IL ELTON. 17 FIFTH STREET. NEW STOCK FLAN. t. 9 Cfd~.. BAZZEING HOUSIG N. HOLMES & SONS No. 57 Htraisd Sthxt. Fittaburo. DEPOSITS EIX:IEIPED R ME FORDS Alcll3 10/.171:4 A. 1•1 A Oollowonsioade on in Um principal points of tronaiStslas azul Oartadaa. grams, Bomm AND 'arm= BOUGHT ANDSIXD ON COMMWiL Particular attenttnua . - to the purchase an sale of MD STATES MMus, ISCILIMCIO Indixd Stales Slits ia or Do. ta, Pl, Do Do. . Beits-Thlftlizi Do. .I:l6l2lcatef or tuditWltunsa. ORDERS AM) ITOUGAER9 Bovinrr os4 Jaligat , CIO4LItriTED. • DOLLAR SAN INGff BMOC, NO., a PovaT eniAATEREN IN ,O 0 ; . _ . , day - Open frOMIS • to SW**, alscritui day are Satnrdav tenserttng,.fram Islay tat N 0..- , vetaber form ito It otlock,sandlltrmiTPT#lbtr let to May in from s to 8 o'clock. Deposita received of all made of not -Imo tam, s . • • Dollar, and a dirdthind ed the moats declaratww"-- • year, In as and Deeembfe. Interest been declared sead.aronnally, in Jima and December,- a`rat per coot, a ~..,, * a. twiiitied; the Ilia of di - Intereet, 11 i4 l &MU' opt, placedtt the Magi of the depositta ss principal, am bears the sac* inter* farm the a s peat. withoutnd December, compounding twice a year troubling the deprmitor to call, or even to present btepen book. At lids rate monslywill double in Mu than twelve ok.. do t Oa Charter, By• Laws, auks and Regutalona, hanlited giutic on aPPrmatlon at the office • s • - Pacemcmr.-GEORCIE ALB.Par.„. van erununsorce. William J. Anderson, A.M. Pollock, M. D., John (I. Hs:koala •'s , Babart Robb, Benj. L. Parmesan*, s Jelin H. 6rmenborget, James Madman, , James Shit" James McAuley, .. Alesander Speer, fame M. Pennant, • •Oldistart Yeager. Calvin Mans, Henry Xffnch, Juba Cr. landless, ' .7-Peter A. Medal* 13 Ella* , 6rm Marshall, .s ,Walter P. Marshall, • Alonzo A.. artier, iststes.l3. Mee* Charles A. Colton, Tan hLanaddensi Wm. Douglas, •• • • Sofas O r /ram ES,_en!, HintrY 11= John J. tiviespie, William 6:Havers,', Alexander Thuile, Peter H. Hunker, •s• Vanktrk, Mohan' Hays, •Wm. P. W Jame. D. Hell Lma WAlli Seastary-JA LCD. ME COLSTON S. asinine, T EE PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, Of Pitts.tvurgb,.. Capital Paid in 31,000.000. with Prvii lege of $2,001).000. S'IREE Tts. rtmildn,g ai , ;is. emote FIRST 4V. ' • WOOD TM. Bank, organ.- ' nom etasteme Rouse, corner of Wood and First rst comets. Collections made on ell accessible points on most favorable terma Fper.fal Agents, for JAY COOKE, for the sale of the Q. 8. 7 3-10 Treasury Notts. aswirrit BEA. President. F. DI. CHARDON, Cashier. J. C. EIoPECEIII3ON; Teller. ap'Neivad LOCKWOOD lt CO., BANKERS, bare nemoyed.froas No. 21 WlDiana rtroet, to No.. 9 Broadway and 64 Well Street, XVISI YO‘Cr `52-CKIELML. Orden for tho_porehano and cola of GOVERN. KENT AND OTHER SECURITIES eicendftl on the timed terms. Bank and Individual accounts recelvel, and in temt allowed upon entrant balances, welch clay beehecked for at eight or ten dare' notice. Wt . Sts. per cent, interest allowed Lunn n deposit," myteninad .ITTOR.filarB. O.N.xcauvran...J. Y. OJZLE.J. U. HUTTSEIISLD McIiABTER, GAZZA3I & 00., ATTOBNEIS FOB- MARIAM`, Licensed IA 8. agents, r1 r ti , r recurtog s ar r E F. milie ) EY . 001112EN SAVIOR FOB HORSES, and other property It Sr deattoyed while In the serilee of the United Staten. STOPPAGES OF PAY AND OFFIOERS, ORDNANCE AND QUARTERMASTER'S AC COUNTS ailjurial and cortifbnaes of Ladebteci. nus procnnoi. Applications by Mail attended to as If made to p DES: FlTLercon. NO CHARGE MADE UNLESS SETO- OTIcE g o . r s 3 (MAST STREET, U. B. WAR CLAIM AGENOI PENSIONS, 23 crusitdoas, .113eacar. QoYs and CLAMS OF ALL 1:1108 PROCURED PROMPTLY. W. J. & HALL PATTERSON. Attorneys - at-. Law, IH £01:111.TH STEELY WOUNDED SOLDIERS IN EITHER The First or Second Three Years SArvice can receive the hill bout the same as r had itet yea the lull term o endMment by calling upon T. WALTER DAT, Solicitor for Bounties, Pm:talons and Pay. lea lit) FiTTH STREET, LAW door below tho Cathedral. Jyit_ SOLDIERS' CLAIMS, BOUNTIES PENSIOI4B AND AMlrkro 4 ; op PAY. Promptly attemledto by ARTHDREIR RIDDELL. dealtm 116 FOURTH ST., Pitt s burgh, Pa. davoi, MILITARY CLAIBIS, .PENSIONS, BOITNTMS, MOH PAY and MILITARY enbreriter, at the CLAIMS of every description, polluted by the following retu, yin 2 Panama Wother elebna UAL 0. 0. TAYLOR, Atlorney-et-lerW, •cu No. 73 Greta ettOet,'Pftteburgh, N.B.—No charges am rude If the elelu does not m:ed. end ell I nformetiongl3o43=l., eau 1317TTERFLELD 'GAZZAII es CO., ATToiorzYs AT anArravar, Pit.s alehluter, Oarzent Pittaboigh.) Collections made, Titles easWned andsilother legal boldness atteadixl to in Western Permit,!ye nta, Eastern Ohio sad West Villiinia4T amo4 Alcove. Lockhart sad Frew, John Eetk AlandtaW et Brown. A :ENBONi 1.2.A.1717 CW.TaXcritt. • No. 144 Fourth,Street.‘ nrrstatorr, td.. Will J reale - to In the eerier:al °Mat/ of Alleghesi andeKletelng eeetalen. nose II C. 1111.41.0101HLL Josorecri I i fACKBELL ct, JUL:M.BON, /NTr9R.NEYt-At-UNW tr.s..l4oEbrsED sOrourwi" dr...ilia ACM: ITS' Bow:tits for Winuadod Soldiers kaleetki itkper' en to twenty den itir-Ottice No. Othuxr armirr, van wan naaargo and two iv-Unmet. NOAH W. SHAFER, • „ ToRNEY-AT-LAW, • , srimirv*Atenfth, • mufti 'tot, =awn, s:lattrriz, tioNET:.*Atrimclustr gIPOPIOI.I . . ; O.P.AZSI ; v!.l, 119Ma1c#61.44:6; 041_, ZatUtryQOM ei agoou!azzalub CareertittO 1111- patthaloingaraiset.l, h I X 1.119 11301(0va....mrs hare SIAS dal! *o* • Irs.sirsesstres ;so !as us Poo gtcss; swam key Pi ate ttertuzb ' FA ,141[111:0N sukseir sptv DR J. H. LINENS IMPROVED-' EL 00 DA • SEARefiik R. erui erm,,,the t.thie,te:me the moat rellehht amuck. or cm dig for the ewe of alt Muses arising tram Inapotall of the blood, . Its Irrti4azwe',Shmle anal tuitcsaniSsd pOpnrituity stmt the truth o f this assertion. No nie.lAna arts ILAYO bosoms so %may zNovrit-: to so short a Mao, oitaess ti PcIsWed_.°I2IILSTER, LIZIG QIJALITnIS stoat ntillootaist. tetra mint have ,reOralacaded it to the people. It, la a mf<tnitio WWI hat tasted, and Rill eoa. Mate to test;' OR rp: Vtiarrs 'non. sod nottiooly-toNikx*toloipbtedsted. THE n[map OF TESTAMMIS • I*, la It. lever, sentolNoezed anti unsolitratyto the ProPtietor, by ttureArt. We' wed, it; tofe tri4 nos to the feet that ere MITC2 yet fallaftheiolYeree In the how of deogeiOehem guerettrei tone pies, e no" [tinktor tm , 14.:: the eoetp4le pi fet,whlall BIM= be agpseus4 • fkliuitrictlya Vgetable Pretiaiillon, , VaIN PROPZIILY PRVIRED'r Pure Nraterkilsi, ACCORDING iY1426 DIRECTIONS, • . . , cannot poryibly lojuralhe most delicate eeustith. Maus, ash enact the aitlie.mittountiherAßyfuirecm riel,.yrepacatious arOtsed. aoldemelOS,iti 'muck_ sees, the truth of thy:Ad manic& thAt,"o, ma , edy te.oreme that toe4pesaa.” , , . Its Chasing anktrifying operate alike of Witplem Me. pato .xisnd rOne,ua wank rad Noma and while Pi' ERADICATErpALL IM tRItIE Irons the blood, whf.e3 Is the Ihrentafa :ot Ufa ItseV, ti restorer her and vigor or rebid sore body tbllow. u • coorequenee. 11 Iran axiom that The Fountain:' Must - be !Pare or the stream w 1 bo taiid and loaf; andirtmtha 'disease he. Eta origin Mlftie finlcla or sonde of the body, econmon same *it teach everrzedeoting !nod that en Impure eMte of tho blood Is both dangerous to health gad irdurlorm to the Orions. The Improved Blood o:archer eladma to Meson end partl y. them ills, and fa tin* a are and UNFAILINOI PANACEA 1;1 - For Ma rare of all bermes artitig frock An Impure Steel et the Biped, Str4 AS Seratuis, Cancerous Formatioa, Cutnneque Din/Sits, Erysipelas, riCals PWpdes Onfrtha Face, Bateau, Scald Head,. _ter Affistiona,fild &Indio= Most; Ithunorders. Dyspepsia. aveness, Jandioe, halt Efitt Memo-111 D e Ooi l in, (I,ltneral Ltver Comp t, Lou '01 4..„ 1 , , pegrA tg. ac Find iStormi Veinahs lx, Oatapladei. - Together 101 th all other Dlsorderz from anAmproper • Condition of the cireClatory System. Aa a general 1.4 TolalUazt ... reeta are snit nt, fell a nd w aufat ii . • u$ perseveringlY mod according to cttreettors I=l n roßlizoitbrklitolui "Toptietor Les toillUfeates eztorsh en bard - 'Lave been crated by the ofroless of thou ...44 1 - " tee te the Mete' Blood Searcher from whli ... 1;i1 Liver Complates colfred junfters, mood Sea*ber r . - .. . ..4.47. coma, , w , Il ' . Personally appeared beige me, one of the Jb w Mee" of Pe duly and for B tar connty,llso. Bopp. whO, beingworn, ambhling to Law,doth 7, pose and say: Two years agV,Waa afflicted with pain between the shoolders,a ost constant c o ugh. 01l of appetite, chills, ahtitirMita, aildaell Jett to take eolda let len became so.wean that . 1 could hardly walk; my p Vician did rano good. sontetlme last fall I commdaied taking Xdndeers Improved Blood Searcher,* b 4 the to of two tot. tleawas.porfsetly Cure& / I'ol safe to' tecomMend It to all who ender from liretjAlaeases, general do. Miley loss - of appetite and , :nher diseases at I hi from I mpurities of the bloat .`.] 1 wotddlaot Ilke to ng do without It. I cm:udder Itaut excellent family medicine (Signed.) ifiEOP.GII %OPP. St"orn and 'ascribed thittilath day of Adlngls A. D ISSI L before me. a 2; GORL_ isr t J. P. N0ra....-Iltr. Eopp is a resht of rruikdowp and Is Well-known to the altigon of Blair and Bed ford :cantles as a man of ezlTlleatcharacter and I. j Innuenees • 1'...,1 . : , 1 . 5; ' • , Another Cess of Seinitatil Cc!ie4 tri Lind. —.... *ern Mood_ nenreber. It there bej ury who sit/1 : et that rtandsero Imet r ednloodiSesicherasOd wllllineutiy cure the Most deeperaie and as:atandiaiessea of ncrotula, let them resat/le iiiilowing and be ext. Tumid. ,• ' IP K! Da l .7. X. tamoily : 1 aO4-faffileted for num. hero! years with a disease, 1,49 by my physicians to. be .orultt. For the last• Urea !lam I was ms bad that/ was tumble to get ont of my bed, I triad all the remedlea /W - the belt tcli:ralstszt / able to proems, without, any ben al Zeiol I eon. 4 l st tinned growing irkee until _ cab and /gin were entirely `even or the l eft al PI utrrem, neck, shoulder andano. bly a WA' so , igeatv nerd I wag )10 Ihr ?educed that It re bed Alm Worts o two pentane to tura mein 1 12 . 1disres my con Milan when I was leatteed b y- lirarton of /Welton, to try your =pro . ..43 maker which, to my peal rebt4•2o,sktit ma et lam blends, / Noon 2Usooem ash/4plus ma / .enntiuma the use of It, and 0 r%.LIy that n ercullderahly less tkaa . pa e y eq.. A way able to ge aand attend to some of reAousekohl Outlast e park/Wrested were All Melded unfold coy. rood with.„Yound, healthy bomb , olulaitiri .and have Co continued .centime; and :d 4 0 ,.W.:046 at", of health ;that I,lkad, Arrows vonAtp hopes at ,arot %lan bang Mem -W wale. . . . „ orrariot Nek Walton. Amur ag 0 4= 11 / 4 Aro-Str tith. Ms. . i` • 14 --- ,7 ,.. • . r . i ."--- 11 :$ •.. ~ AS AI:WM .4 4U iuu l6o WMB4._ itrlqoAltbartui vili juts:trues r tailed •. . 13 /ttera,TiterearAn nel oda appetite, bat lives tom and vitir to the a7lao/a/ Vcaltiatly hatperatoottav at . c ti SI f I 0 .. • ..,, ' . 7t ... 41EVrhatt:' ' Or' ;`. 00 * ' ' ..r ''' •-' ,','; 2„:-- -',, ,f : lA, ',',. , '', .1,411.-Ftterkii-Otiggist, ~,-..: _ ....--..}... - s.:, i .1, ~ ..., Nvlgal, teals- and 140441:,..., '144" Lr ,i sl, • .. ~ -. 4.. L' tf,;..,4,9r3- /1t.r..., '.„ / , ~. k.• r .:A,LlAtb, 0 ': '• Ifts3l:' a and 0 9 F )0 V. , :- , o , :'-),lty,,g , . •-, , , ; 7 ' - :1 . - ii4,11!" . .71 Jest *otctirt9iiiltadia,424oe,.‘Axt: -ITiumeal paom •. ir err) Aiikortsxr.B.l2)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers