Witt Vittsturgit Custitt. rali1811:11D ST larliarTh - Malan ISERA . tOIINTYCWICET. iftfivirg? Lamm B. urrri-at Amoco. soft oriprfr ' op:lMO:urn t 1112E6Y - Laadliglai , Pitrfowlabl.p, so 4 iofustran: la= Aliagia'gllgof . Liberty Tenn:m.olp. .., vox 1124T111181.A.T3: urria.i.ccißAßAßT. Aflof,tagr• ros ~86E718L2 -,.. (MO. , T. - NeKT.r., North Fayette Towcultitp. • SANS EL IMlTRON,•McClandlets Townalatth r L IB 1711ZD'ILID84 of . .Alloirbenp - VlD,ffadapjupgef'orb. ,P. GLA 'JOHN 41:4)=85, !Oulu Toonnitip. . . ootorrr.antlinstomots ..41141 NEELY, of "Ayer St.ulitir.Tp. sox 000trir smivcroiet • It. L. NoCCULL.LIr, of Birmingham. sox. marmot or Poor Kona lI=SS. of Crhartiont Township. TAIUNC ADVANTAGE OR THEIR . oWN WRONG. Welbelleve that itis a settled principle of law that men shall not, be allowed to take advantage of; their. own -wrong.. The rule, ' • -is so just, so in accordance with all our in . '4l.lncts and bleak bl what la right and fair, - that, as an abstract:principle, it commands • itself* once, to everybody , But sometimes .prise spec ial • case sSe where the principle is .nOt Cleatly-perceived. It may become en jangled with our selfish interests or our Prejudlcce; and thus fail to become a gov .nonsing principle, either' in the regulation of our opinions cit. our conduct '-We have at this moment, as a notion, a ilagratit case of this kind before us, eni one • upon which we must, before long, render a Verdict by our votes. The case is this : For many years, under the . black codes of the RolitiOt . was forbidden, under heavy • penalties, to teach colored people to read and write, and the consequence was that • - millions of human beings grew up fo man :" hood and Womanhood totally illiterate, and of course 've'ry . Ignorant It is true that nature, or, to nee more Cluthstian language, ,':;,Goa conferred upon them, in greater or less ..iteasure, an innate , sagacity, a speciet, of wisdom, as s compeneation for this httge •,; , Wrong, at the evidence of which the world has been astonished since th breaking oat 'of the Great 'Rebellion. But no matter for that, it was a great wrong done to those people thus to deprive them by law of what , little learning and intelligence they might have acquired in their abject and servile CCuldition, • . The.result is, they are ignorant and illit ' -State, not through any fault of theirs, but - became they were forbidden to be anything • else. as a consequence of the wrong doing of:their oppressors, they have been emancipated and invested with all the rights of men; toed are-counted in represen .. - jative numbers as such. They are now citizens. But, say the men who made them so, they are too Ignorant to be entrusted with the exercise of the right of franchise. Alit is that the pleat Who made them so ? Are you gob:lg to take advantage of your ' own wrong ? Having robbed them for gen ' eratione of their liberty and the rewards of limit toil, and having deprived them of the opportunity of acquiring learning and in telligence, are you now going to deprive them of all political rights and invest your selves with a double portion After.having made them what they are, do you intend to • do their voting and your own too ? A more impudent, flagrant outrage upon the rights of man was never conceived.. . We know that, as seines, the negroes of the South ,re 'ignorant; but as they are so igal.l no fault on their part; and as they were sufficiently hottest, firm and sagacious ' 'to stand faithful among the faitidess while treason, rebellion and war roared around then; ice still think that they would be safer voters than the majority of the whites with whom •• they' are interming led, and wlak surpass them but little in in telligence, while they fall tulmeasurably he. _ow them in loyalty to the government of the nation. THE- CONNELLisVILLE -RAILtto.t.D. The National Intellsgenter, in noticing the late decision. in the case of the Cannella ville Railroad, makes the following remarks. With regard to the road trom the Point of Poets to Washington, we do riot Byrnes • thine with the inte/livencer in its increduli ty, 'simply because the Baltimore and .Ohio Company could offer no stranger attraction to travel between the Great West and the' National Capitol than the road from the Point of Rocks down the valley of the Po i.cnnac would furnish. It is, we think, the interest of that company to construct that much-needed branch: • DECISION IN TIM near. or TIIE CONNELLS. VILLE LLUL.ROAD. We are-happy to refer our readers to that portion of our telegraphic columns which announces a decision by the United States Circuit Court of Pezmaylvania, which every )ust man fully anticipated, namely: that the act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania • repealing the theater of 'the Connellsville railroad is unconstitutional. The act was ciiiiceived in the same narrow and selfish spirit which has hitherto governed the Bal . timbre and Ohio railroad management in denying and obstructing measures intended to extend those railroad facilities to Wash . ingtOrt which would _have,. so favorably at :2 ' ' fq.Cted the fortunes of war, 104 they existed a at Richmond at the outbreak of the re bellion, and at many subsequent periods. In this wretched kind of business the Tel:Weir° Of 'Maryland connived at its last session. The decision of Judges Grier and M.e. . • Candiese Is ofinutortance to . the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, since that Company has a controlling influence in the Cormellaville • road, and designs to connect it with their -own at Crinitterland, and thus_ bring ' trade to Baltimore. We have been assured by confidante of the Baltiractro.and -Ohio natured. manage ritcrit,'that the Ceristitictlon of the Oonnells . ' ' .4136 road will insure the epeedy completion by the former corporation, of a rcoad linad‘WeareflAlaYaliocid of the P tof Rocks. But as to belief in the ass rtiom we must be excusedin saying that "con& • • dence is a plant of slow growth." is ` AftlaNSA*, `Since the notable at4render of .Jr.vs. Tninitriow,;:friii•Ulsatganitlhas wit hear noildng , from ,A.rlostents—lnit _favorable re. 'Otte of the iniadhilla °Mike 'gate, and • the resuscitation of the courts and staleand countkaffteis A.CqUICSCeilte in • emanelp-.1101 Is universal, and society in .1 conforming to the new basls " In - this ref pect the contrast is great with the extiv r ine bitterness of the pro-slevety fac tion in Idissoail. No State in the Union, was more iNnred `'l-147.11 1 0kitt alutittiroatifi4inent evils et cite,' ' sloth and infilaniera thin Arkansan, ' Ac• CeSa to almost allyarts was rendered easy_ ,I)AiiliV, = 4O iiio4 33 i rliqiii#A Tl N 1 0 11 0 als° n l ' Offered easy conveyance f te their p tete. Yet along the valleys Orthee, rive nine-, tenths of tie:feint of the best quaa y for - for 'Os production of cotton and of grain !,, - .cerft",7!!!lP 4 ariquiP , Psgwpf thPand#' ' • 'itf am Pouthern States, lieliniete and trays° : - _ . , - pled. There on virgin sou, uno ppressed. , .:b y titairtifithice Of afriffete and preliniiced • data or former slave holders, frealatioPirill 1410314Pra. , EOPF its WaP dri P Tl ” ' , . & , wEh aliiiiadvantageS: 46116 1 01 a of soil and climate, the land- ought tq equal. • in prodnctdveness the most favored regioro ;of ihe Nortb, and the rapidity of thidr - hi "'fife talent, to lie ciiiceided 1,7 no ottom .r, part of the country 1311 A BA:174:;ilt _ . The New Xt uti t=er d e4 tubse , ,tl2,4is e r s eller quoting ' • f to . the moluttahe of the late Detroit Or:raven , wiratutglie-hrtherhittercomments which "Agricultural, mechanical, mining, mantilla -Vining I= - all -otherbrenetmirt:, , f-Itieiwbmvin. Gtustry should be alike at:carat in the enjoyment of 'a permanent and remunerative recompense, inasmsch as American labor and Ito products LI Giamatti source upon which the Government must rely for its needed revenue to meet the an nual demands upon its 'Treasury, and lie only safe dependence; and that, in order to perform Ibis duty as well as a financial necessity, a dia. camMation in favor of those productions upon whIcII human Inbar depends for ha permanent prc•perity, should be expressed by the Govern ment, when Impaling duties upon foreign Im ports." If the tendency of the times is retrograde, nothing is more important thin that we should know it ; and, Tor this reason weime glad that this. large gathering of Ameri can metchanits haye, in these conclusions, voted an alinegationof the most advanced principles of economic science, of the most prominent &Main the modern experience of commercial nations, and of the natural laws that govern all commerce. The re cords of the ; Detroit Convention are a monu ment of the ignorance of economic princi ples anion Americtur merchants, and a hu miliating evidence, that we hive not yet be gun toArnderstand that modern progress is working out for the human family the,great est of all ameliorations In its history, by' emancipating commerce from legal re straint& The same great error runs through nearly every remit:Non adopted, vizi a re liance upon Government to accomplish Wat which ean be beneficially achieved on ly through the free operation of individual interest While the' commercial nations of Europe are attaining wealth and power by throwing off the governmental trammels that have bound them for centuries, the merchants if the New World assemble to avow an abject depenlence upon legisla tion to enable them to complete:with the advanrases Just gained by their foreign rivals! What a humiliating spectacle! Need our foreign competitors desire any stronger assurance of their future advantage in coin. peting with the United States? What mast foreign nations think of the estimate we place upon 'the unmatched fertility of our resources and upon the intelligence and muscle of our people, when our leading representstiVes declare that agricultural; mechanical s mining, manufacturing and all other branches of Amencan industry can be secured "in the enjoyment of n permanent "and a remunerative recompense" only by the adoption of discriminating duties upon foreign impanel' We can conceive of nothing more to be regretted, nor to be ashamed of, Wan this national confession of industrial imbecility. This is about as cheering an evidence 9 1 the progress of a wholesome public sin ti ment on the—subject of commerc /and financial policy as we have seen. , This thing which is here dignified with e term az j, "modern progress" is in humble /parlance called free trade—the effect of hich is to enrich a thw merchants, ( majority of whom are mere agents of foreign houses,) make New 'York still rate than it is the commercial and financj emporium and mistress of : the count , crush out our man ufacturing Industry reduce our working people to deep pov rty, and put the agricnl teral industry ofehe country completely In the power of ty speculators of Chicago, New York and Liverpool That's "modern progress," that's "emancipating commerce from legalestrainta." The truth is, legal restraints must be put upon foreign com merce or it will bleed the country to death, 1 and render tho payment of the national rev enne and a return to specie payments im ' possible. It is that which keeps the price of gold up above 140. Had a little stronger legal restraints been upon it since the termi nation of the war, we should now be on the verge of that much desired monetary condi tion. Shocking Occurrence In Illinois. A terrible affair has just happened near Nashville, Illinois. It appears that a wealthy German farmer, • having a large crop in the field, concluded to work the whole of the Fourth of July, in order to save his grain. Ile employed about forty bands altogether, and among them were three who did not with to work. He told them that they had either to work or to be paid off, and went away. The men had not been long in the field when they beard the farmer's house was on fire. They started at once for the conflagration. Art ved there they burst in the door, and, aided by some neighbors, d - a_7ged [Tom the firs , roam they entered the ha f burnt trody of the far mer's wife, her brains scattered over the floor, and abundant other evidences that a terrible crime had been committed. 'dupl. don soon Turned toward the three men who bad been h short time before discharged. and many neighbors mounted their horses and put ()illn pursuit of the fugitives. They bad not gone far before they captured one named White, whom they immediately hung up several times to a tree in order to extort a cordhssion from him, and no: with out effect, for In a few moments he con fessed to having participated in the whole affair. He said he and one other, atter .be ing dischated, went at once to the house and demanded of the woman where the tar later's money was kept. This she refused to tell, aod tliey took a large pot of boiling wa ter and poured over her body, to compel her to divulge, but without, any effect. Then, in his anger, ,White knocked out her brains with a billet of wood. They then ransacked the house to find themaney, and got $2,000. They then set fire to the house to hide their murder. The unfortunate man • had no sooner finished his confession than they hung him': The other murderer, if caught, will donbilesa share the fate of his compan ion in gttlit. TllO Consrtltutional 14,ttestlen Here isistiOstantially the point we nig gested a few days ago: Mr. Eiiiwahu titxxciavaois stated to a meet ing or teachers of freedmen, which was held hi Bpstoti on Thursday, that some of the merchants of that city were taking measureado bring same before the Supreme Court of the United States, in order to get a decisidAl of the question whether the clause of •the Constitution authorizing the State to fix the qualifications of voters gave power toMake color a qualification. It was a question with many whether it was Consti tutional to prescribe a qualification which every citizen could not acquire. TUE PILOGY OP TILE LIVE AITD PUB LIC Sur:map or Armenwu, LLNCOLM, by lion TIFO - MAS WILLIAMS, on the 11!L of June, and Ivhich we publiEtwa At the time, is published in .a nrat pamphlet of thirty- Six pages. /deny of our people will be glad to get ft copy of this masterly produc tienin a more durable form aunt la the columns of a newspaper." Tue AiLeTIC TELEGILF ; II.—There le a IZOTICIIIi marrenr . of dlsmalsactlon at the exorbitance of the propieed'charge for transmitting messages, livedoltare a word, Including addre.sa, date and signature. As a medium of general news It will amount, to very littls, for, with all its enterprise and hbuallty, the pre cannot afford to . receive very !Much. None bat largo merchant's and bankers Will be benefited, and they, pedlars, at the cxPense of smaller operators. But should the cable be successfully laid. these charges Will *ally stimulate rival enterprises, ' cc ilat In the end the world at large may be benefited by what at fleet It, will feel to ha an lm position: Ginscaez. eansmalt,TUpon his mill* Ott MenaOptt St. 'Lode, lattrO he has Axot Ids hWAreertptr, General 'l3irotoLts, leek Most aui thinieniimily received. Being callo44ti by. Po 11 ° 01 . 0 aktrtIrd, mgq PRPF i° end tt,tlog gadrees.ba emaray avoiaoli abiding to hinrever, yogenooglitk ,, tlawthatte*ooldthave Rondos 41. • 00;witNillotietoottrA tie.l) l 4^ 7 .Ahat:irotal tan . have leiati: • ' • to Tim corryxxemerrot the roespizetorgs 13pang1eriettreold my! CvD9lgtat o „ id ibp Ihoti*to &been' Ordered bemuse It phi* Ote4iticiicoid the'jtirbsdeticiit 'cid' in Stela iwurts, and thereby puts It- out of the *mar of «InattoiTith , Imes ally ie. courts. Dlr. tarAit uud Presldent . ttatjUixtan. Fali,trrte t i** Waehbarofti oration it Rontlersk.teoithe Fourth °tardy, 40 •% • the following : - "And that 11114Umpla might-be manilas- I to illustrate the degeneracy of the times and the perfidy , of the public men, who, at such a period could .lose occupy the high places of power,it was folnd that an ad:. ministration of he people'( choice =dr°. presenting what appeared to be the average opinion and sentiment of the.conntry, had deliberately set itself to the work, In con cert with open traitors, of betraying and destroying the government it had been ap• pointed and sworn to preserve. And So well were its plans laid for the accomplish ment of this. flagitious purpose that they -could scarcely have failed, if not to =corn. plish the end designed, still 'to hive pro duced such complications and given the rebellion such addithniaradvantages as would have rendered . the preservation of the Union if passible, a matter of vastly greater difficulty and coat than it has, been, had it not'been for, one of those fatal blun ders which, under the overruling hand of Prnvidenee, men engaged in wickerrenten Whigs are so apt to make. We tremble When wirtlink that the salvation of the na tion's prestige and honor. if not of Balite, and of tile Cease of free ,government every where, depended upon the accident, as it seemed, cf the accession , i n the Wider of 1861, of Edwin M. Stanton to the Cabinet of President Buchanan lie made himself , at once the ruling spirit and the directing/ poser of that false but weak Administr* lion, and by hill own personal stren,gth, which was 'as the strength of / ten,' by his iron will and his sublime devpUon, averted that monstrous crime, that unutter able disgrace, and that last calam,ity---dis union by consent of the governialfit itself." ---.--4. Southern Aristocracy St.lVAllre, The Macon Journal will t admit that Southern society was d on a wrong pnnciple, but insists on a eubstitute for sla / very, saying. "There are grades in society, not only in the South, bat every here. They exist of necessity.. There i no system of govern ment, no set of ci eminences that can pro duce amalgams on of these grades, and make them one Ile, power can obliterate the lines of d dustion which in inexora ble fate has established- Therefore It is folly to compbip. Theremeat be some one to carry the hod, as well some one to tarnish the capital, In: 4 r 01 the house never can be built. Such has been the case, and so it must ever re in. Zany are rejoicing to-day, that this uthent aristocracy," as they call lt, has en - bumbled and broken down by the freeing of the slaves. But they much mis take the spirit that fills the heart of these men, if they dream that they can thus be crushed. It is true, they sneer some incon venience for the present by the taking away of their servants, but it is only tem porary. There MUM be 'hewers of wood and drawers of water," and if the black rare is taken away some other rata must be substi tuted. Somebody has got to carry the "hod." We accept the abolition of slavery as a necessity, and bow to this dispensation of Providence submissively. But as to crush ing our spirits and breaking up our social positions, that is an impossibility. 'NEWS ITEMS 8AR141711 Isagrni ascot s —Vie Spring field Bepubliean, says that the Idea of run ning opposition to Barnum is preposterous. The great showman is now in his element, and the Ere, instead of a damage, will be a benefit to him in the end- It will be the beat advertisement he ever had, and Bar num is not the man to let such advantages slip. Among other things it is to be hoped the new museum will contain a zoological collection worthy of the country, and it is believed Mr. Barnum will give heed to the public wish on this point kr is a eigMficant sign that the N. Y. Journal of Commerce, which has been de• &tear in favor of free trade, is now in fa vor of a tariff that will secure the greatest amount of revenue, something between ex• trune protection and.free trade. It is some thing to have it conceded that the country cannot stand naked free trade, and we ac cept this as a sigaificant sign favorable to the cause of American industry. TUE piers of the Suspension Bridge, across the Ghlo River, at Cincinnati, are nearly completed, and the wires will be suspended in a short time. The span of the bridge is 1,057 feet, the longest span in this count-y. SOME enterprising colored men In Charleston are endeavoring to raise the necessary capital for the purpose of resum lug the publication of the Onarleston Mer cury, so long the organ of nullldeatioa and slavery. A ILK/VE=IQT is said to be on foot among the ladies of Washington city to raise funds r ti.c purcli , ....c of Ford's Theatre, with a view to making it a memorial temple Tub Internal Revenue Bureau will ap peal to the Bupieme Court from the deci sion of Judge Nelson, declaring the tax on Brokers' sales for themselves illegal. TOE Eton. Richard Bethel!, son of the late Lord Chancellor of England, is In jail ns a bankrupt, on the suit of a pawn broker who lent him some money. AT some of the collieries In Pennsylvania the price of labor le reduced forty per cent. since last year, and at some points a further reduction is insisted upon. TOE President has almost wholly recov ered his health. Mrs. Johnson is quite ill but her physicians apprehend no serious results. TARIM is to be a grand reunion of all the Turner Societies in Cincinnati next Septem ber, the firstxcunion of the kind in America. AT the Handel festival, in London, the chorus consisted of four thousand voices. PORCH says to marry two wives is big amy ; to marry twenty is Brigham-y, A NEW Swedish singe?, Mdlle. Zuequist, is creating a sensation .in London. THE systematic exploration of Palestine is talked of In London. ..rEii^ ADVERTISEJMEJ , TB. - - C o irrnot.ion's Orman, _,,,A.SLAatuorS, July 20, SEALED - Er-gpfosAts . (addreosed to the Committee-sus Stteets) trill be rocolcert st tLU &Mee, anal TfIIIRSPAY, linigult 2, 18Qi, in ciusloe, for tarnishing Cast.tron tintters for the IL tut stile of roam' Streit, alters It mosses Ohio S. tee t, similar to the one an the West WO. RI direction of City Clognells. IsPtul :n. B. FfILNULS, Controller. pOSTPONEMENT.—OWING TO THE Inclemently of the weather the "SELISCIr BASKET PM- N IC," announced to Come no WED• NESDAY, July Mth, la postponed ustll FrgIDAY, July 2mo, 18e5. Arrangement' 'mean brim< TREV. D. TILOMPSON. OHAS. E. READ. ALEX. C. DEEGAN, JR., W. R. SLIORRI JAS. IL VAN PELT. GEO. A EESLAR, R.WHAILD TELVER., JA jyRI:24IIAS NEW C f ROCERY—IIia us deral,gued hat -LI opened an ENTIRELY NEW STOCK of Ire/1/1 sod WELL SELECTED CIROOEEIES In tnetrIGLIV MIRE. In addition to ir.ner nor. elites, they would call evention to their stale of Dialers. DRABS BOUND CEDAR WAKE. SCOTT & 13141T8, jy2o tyrles corner Liberty end Ferrybtreets. A PEW FOR PALE. We are authorized to offer for sale ONE OF TUE DIOET r.LItiIIILE PE WS In the Seemed Presbyterian Church. ApplY to 1 AY2O3 torrruotild'e Omar, Atteoautur, Inly llth, 180. SEALED PROPOB4IB' whi bo receive et tble once uatiirdotulay, the 24th Met., bugs sive, for Riles Lightning( Rode tee the City ECU end Werke?. Rouseseeordier to plow and Value cations to be (=libel With the propOsii.S. 3.o..rrierrcas, jyMtd City Controller. • Oterniogsant's 017002, ALLlOnllfir, Ally 20,1843. REALBTI .VRO.P.OBALS (addresoed to ba the i)ommittee on 01ey Propose')) will b , re. caved At this t..flice,, until MONDAY, July ust, tses,"Lcuslustve,lorsvplyln# thik Public Buildings of fla•Olty with 001 W : directins at any Cotantli SOO . .P.IMPLO/S,corierollo".. • 816 WI PURO FUSE , 00 TOLLING HOUSE 4 2 4114 Fresdatbi D • MA • sir 'ffAt a naB,l CI D"It ' • Doubts ronb, Sixty tow= by vairttuilitica tsar dents, POUPI6O/1111/1211.1* MthltheiOUtti , • • ". ." • - 0 -tiRFE ISB - 7 # SC; I 44 /4 23 • ALO.II72ITAVIPHIMMIT) - 1 - 41arge MI9 I Sort dwatioff, ltanatnoq„opitpm,ti, thractauos4.. Crippund xed AT : 33 Atet 6 . 4 4 - : 'all Alley; I alsterWiaillnlidltatestytf• as!rF,o iti*lloCl cw11111426' t r ig t ali . a& IST Market street, of =Ell VO'CLOBB `CON9IDIIMEN'T.-0 half . +sild , rioJ Ilfackarelatow sZolv. Auld tar salochan l / 2 47 ' • Sri,_ tr. 09. ir rkiz rzszfmtedrza. AiIEISW TEEING. • Maim & Hughes' Patent, focketilook — 4llll7'nelWODE-4111111&11111111-0601..4 . • • dilator of teartng, or =dog apart. For 'l , •to?ialsale and retail, _let Market • NOTICE.—AII personq knowin: than- Ilebres indebted to the Estate al :BHT M. BRONSON, tate of Pitt toonsalp, , Allegheny county, Pa, deceased, are request. d to make im mediate payment to the andanteiced. sold these basing claims against said Pety, are requered to present them, properly authenticated fat settle. =lit, or . else they be barred, • HOST L WILBON Einantor, jyniClPtsF No. 1t Liberty street. SUMXRR DRY / 'GOODS, oLoldro OUT AT IMMENSE REDUCTIONS. BATES 6, DELL, 3m / rata wee.. i. LEASEHOLD, WITH OIL Tilil(l3, .ka., FOR BALE —Leue of Lot, MP by 260 i ii feat, oho t lIIIIEEPOOIIIIIO OF AN Loam fronting on the Allegheny Yeller flathead sad /Jethro street, tipper end of Lawrenceville, wtth mei ThODSA-ND IiAItIMLS TANKAGE, end gatessive Sheila for Barrels. Pi.t/orm for Loathes, An It Le In all respects nour• olent end etre. Anply et el WOOD STU. gLT, tu it - KM* & PL'ILVOOIL 1 , BATEB & BELL'S FO .1 T 1 BATES I B 13 8 DRESS GOODS. roe NAINSOOKS I i BITES A BELLS FOE FIRE aUSLINS. 1 I I h2l Bi. FIFTH hTHEET. I, SOMETHING DEBIHABLE. 7HE PITISBURGIL BUILDING BLOCK 0011.PANY will offer n portion of their FRook for sale; at the hounery Warehonae of Menne Graff Hugua. MS Liberty street, Pittnburge, on Fal , DAY, July 21at,lea, from Bto II tioloait a and from 334 4 eciack p. m. P 611.012.1 ortahlol any of lhol very valuable Moak lease Gall at the time and plate above manhood. J. eh Nzwrdvsa. FRUIT CANS, SEALING WAX PHESEIIVING KETTLES, A general essortaesi of useful HWUeE FITRNI•3IIING GOODS, at GEORGE W. HUBLEYI ee FEDERAL STREET, Allegheag I:sal:Lend REDL'OED. SUMMER DRESS GOODS, Flteocluoacil. Earioest,llap 14ALTIMOHE AND FRISMER- keg IcKsßukciß, VA.—The sew and ectamodions Steamer WENt.NAR, Oapt. Jo*. be. mums regularly between the above ports epee a week, leaving Baltimore. from her wharf. foot of South street. every FRIDAY AFTER NOON, at 4 o'clock, and Predericksburgh, every TUESDAY MORNIAG. Pauensers and Freight carried at low rates. Through Freight promptly attended to. Merchandise from Boston, New York, pkiladelphia or elsewhere, consigned to care of Steamer \ YEN °NAB, will 'e taken charge. of un. medistely upon its arrival to BUM/tors, charges paid, and forwarded promptly, free of nom mla. Mons. Person from the Northern States desiring to-view the Battle Field. of Yirgicuk, or to look. after the bodies of friends and rthttions killed in the battles of the W 'teeniest's, Obancellorsville, Fredericksburgh, or Spottsylvania Ourrt Roue, have a splendr4 opportunity of doing so by this vitae. WENONAII is provided with easel. lent State.romns and Bertaaccommodations, and le In every respect a Ilist.olass Bost, belag now, fait and eommodions. For Information freight or passage, apply to or address JOS. WHITE, Purser, on board, or JOS. JA M ES TAT WE. Agent, 012 West Falls se.Jßalticnove, Md. pArER, FLSTSNERS, S 7 ATIONERY OF EVERY DE:SCULPT lON BEYERI3, SCHOYER 4 CO.. Madero and Wank Book Bakers, pETROLIA MACHINE WORKS.— E. H LEGET, klanufacturer of els Oele brate4 Patent Improved OIL WELL TOOLS. SANSOM POST, AND WALKING BEAU IRONS, and all FIXTORES USED IN SINK ING 011. AN LI SALT WELLS, New. and 114 tilllo SI SEL L , on the upper route of the Mao elarerer Paasetiger Hallway. P.O. Address, Box 11, ALLEM:LEN Y, PA. Particular attention le Invited to his late Im provements to Jam and Joints, all made of toe purest Sligo and Low atom /roe, hammered ex. measly for them. All pasts warranty] and made. to standard .Los ; the pins and sockets of any one set tatter any sober of his Manufacture having the name number. Steam Eagle's and Msohloe Work made to ord• r. We Lorne the nubile to sail And mambas, and judge for tnemselves ; and we cha.lenfir equality oi workmanship and competi tion. bend for Oardand Olrculsr. COUPONS I 0017PONB 1 ==l JAB usuy COUPONS BOUGHT AT Highest lYlarket Rates, Robinson Lean & Co )3 N:1 wxri SECOND WAIID (ALLEGHENY) BOUNTY 11=119.—By a resolution of the School 'Weird the Tre.lll.l, was authorized to advertise and receive propoials for the retirement .of MlN.:en Thousand ($13.050) Dollars of the Shit lasun.ol Bounty Bohda. JOBN DBOWN, Ja, Secretary. • Bid. be received et h o Al' Tong empiwa wail DUDA,. the 21/16 led Bidders will stele Tw i t per owitaler 10 lull of Bends they ir e willing u m ' jyl4:l a , W. A. REVD, Ttetwarer. VIE METAL 'mimeo. M the Ji ieuimas UATETTE OFFIUE. A . A Ei - SESSMENT NOTlOE.—Notice le hereby given that I have nude araelernente fur the costa of the granter of All person Interested c see the wee semi , othee, in the Merkel &Wang an , unit the Uth DAY 411 LY, 01111 D IhEIODSPFLDE, .1) Mtd Deeordlot Reg haw. 0R 0A.L.13. 10 WOODEN TANIS. IL 0 &CAIN h. CO. (*putty t. 21 barrel" mob. 4,017 to, ULM= & SUMNER, jyledivites 24 Wood Street p.- R J. L. McKEE, (Lein stri)ent with Prof. L. Olette,) ondneo hie attention exattety to the p rice ol medicine, and will prompt y attend to nil calls la hm pp:denim., day and night. Ovirim: No /7 SEVENTH STREET, jylSatadaaa FOR 13ALS aeconti-bandikodalwaY Ipiing Wagon and for We ciank* Fa i 4 .A 0 7 43 : 1 BritEZT, 571 - ILLDALITT - : 7 :ii JIM The Buzineis Vane of tills Company ma been reinavan tq piy 14515 ii ,3o o ,o raar of Vedenal 4.11.06. *free% AlliliktaY• j7lBlllnc4at STETT FRET FRONT ON gRANT STURM; by Eigbty deep, forty' r•et r,:aailtha caviar at Stith Wein, fat br 017TaBERT sotto, in° O. Ag A rket stect. SELLING WA; FOR SALE, WHIT?. ORR & CO. I:= COPY ING SOUKS, IMECEECE FOR SALE TANNEIULL SMEXT Plttibcligh, P► GM A. ISIELLT, .4-.l6if AD rzsit risEmE.N2 Yr ELSANGSF9R BAIaC gj AT.T.F;(}HENY CITY I anv authorized to sell, on REASONABLE TERMS, _ . _ 11 those Desirable and Convenient Dwellings, Situated en the NortbefigterlLeorner of ANDAR. StiN bIILEY.T AND .IVER AVENUE They ere well built, and In good repair. To the spitallst, seeking s Safe and Desirable Inrebtment, Or to or y In Want of a Comfortable Home, AN OPPORTUNITY IS HERE OFFERED. Farther particulars, on applization to S. B. BRYAN, Broker, No. 69 Fourth street, (nurheis Banditti.) pETROIEIibi PUBLICATIONS THE OIL EEOHINS LI/ PEIVIISYLVANIA, wHt map end chart.; evo. Obth, 67.00. / TiNT'S impßovui 111A7 OF VENANGO CI I , IL REGIUNS. showing terns, sections, to. CA hips, etc., eta. 42.0 U. itrNT'S inumovbx MAP OF WARREN uniform, with Map of Vet-al:Igo Oil Re glom lAto, IV. RUNT'S NAP OF WEST VIRGINIA AND 01110. $l.OO. PIA OR A6l AND ItiOISTER FOR OIL WELLS. SLIP. - - . OIL LEASES—owo kind. to o•nts. ELE NAVON Prrtfmr - utd TIMEA. pot. Istud w o, kly— to coats, ta tle per •annu m JOE P. PLUM, Pub.isher, as FiPra sv.., MASONIC HALL. 13 ,- Sent by return poet on recotpt of price. OrITICR DerOT 1101.10111SBAHT ow SITINIMTHNOS, WAREIIOIO7OIII IL C., July 16. 1966. PROPOSALS FOR FIOITIL—SEAL , PROPOSALS are Invited until July 26th, 11305. at 12 o'clock M., for furidahing the Subsistence Department with UP h THOUSAND (1,ow) BBLS. OF FLOUR. The proposale will be for what fa known at this Depot as Nos. I, 2 and 3, nod bide will be entertain al for any quantity lees than the whole. Bide must be In duplicate, and for each grade on separate sheets of paper. - The delivery of the Flour to eonimence within five days from the opening of the bids, and must be delivered in such quantities, daily, no the Gov ernment ton y direct, either al the Government ware- house in Georgetown, at the wharves or railroad depot reli w veßry' h o l 'i'Vril D oia lL evrarded to be complet ed within twenty fiftys from the acceptance of the hid. Bids will be received for Flour to be delivered In new, oak barrels, head lined. Payment will be made In such funds as the Gov ernment may have for disbursement_ The usual Government haspaition will be made Just before the Flour Is received, and none will be accepted which Is not Limb ground, and of a sup. nor quality. An oath of allegiance must accompany the bid of each bidder who has not the oath on file in this °Bice, and no bid will be entertained from parties who have previously failed to comply with their bids, or from bidders not present to respond. Government reserves the right to reject any bid for any mum. Bids to be addreased to the twidervivered, e. 4 No. 7= 0 street, endorsed "Pi opmals for Flour." K T. BRUMES, Capt. C. S. V. INVITING PROPOSALS FOR TEM PEECHASE OF TWENTY-THREE HUN DRED GOVEREMENT MILES. I:llturrenn9t.teran Onarint4l.'s themon, , Weenntoroer, D. U., July 1W 1666. SEALED PROPOSALS will be reoetved at ttde °Mee until 19 M., TOLSbAt. August h OM, for the purr-tweed 2,140 MULES, In lots of fifty an onellurdred each, at the place. named below, vim ELABRISEIISIIOII, Pa., a let.. 6 0 taut , Do., 4 lots, MO each, WILMINtITON, Del, 4 lots, 10 each. 110., 2 lot. 100 eaoh. WASEILD 41 UTON, D. U., 6 lota, 60 each. Do.. lots, 100 each. FITTSBIIIOII, PA., 4 lots 60 each. _ . I be., t lot, too our. These mules w UI be put wide, each Int by Itself, and will ke Dee fur the Inspection of bidders, at the places named reepeotaraly, for ton days prior to August /Briny of them were bought in the beginning of the war as young mules, sownimiond the armies In all their marches and camps, and are thorounoiy beet en, hardened by exercise. gentle and familiar from being so nog surrounded by the soldier. Though sound and serviceable. they are so longer requirea In the army, and man ve ohtelhee at far lees than their true vein.. The sucemsful bidders will be noticed In person or by telegraph, and required to reedier the ant. mats nor before August Mont This o ofnce reserves to Itself the righ , to reject all bids that met . be offered. Proposals should be addressed to th• undersiga ed. arid marked •'P, opoaals for the Po obese of Mule." Payment must be made in Govonnient funds at the titre of delivery. By order or the QUirterinasler General. JAMES A- EICIN, Brevet Ittivadier fevers', In ebetrVt• nrst 81vizt0.1.42. itt• G• GALE OF HAR cESS AND SADDLES. ' Omar Ql7l • UTICILLY A.5T61 , 08 0/1/1011, Drs., or W Aso inatoa W.M/1112.0701, D. 1).. July T. 145. There Ls on hand at this depot, lee sale, .boat 18,00 e eels of United State. Harness, consisting of les Stogie eats of lead horse )11100., 1.14 I • whe..l " 9,1E0 t• u lead mule 6,411 wheel " rot" " lead horse Ambulance Haneess 1,421 • • wheel u • • This Nunes. has been used In the publie service, but Is atoll serviotrable lor road mid farming par poem. caled proposela arc Invited for Its purchase, In iota too arts and upwards. • Proporods moat plainly state whet kind of har t,u la eid tor, wheat. wheel or lead, mule or horse; and lot ambulance hymens, Whether wheel or lead. Proposals are else Invited for the purchase of several thou./tad worn Saddles of varommnatterns, In lot. of IGO and new.rds Samples of tan:teas and saddles car, be seen at the Government RIB, In this city. no application to colonel (Merles H. Tompkins, A. Q DL, corner of Twenty-amend sod G erects Proposals for the purchase of thin harness, he., tell' be reCtlTtd at this once until II M. 1 UESe DA Y. Atyruat 4,786 e, and elibuld be endors. "Pro. pose!. 1 ,, r the Purchase of Runless," he. Payment, al Governmeat funds, mud be mete noon the acceptance of the proporni and prior to the delivery el the /minus. no. Tte undersigned resets. the right to reject. all proposal. which tufty be considered too low. Tho este of beeves. at public bastion advertised is discontinued. The sale of wagen and mule. Is still seine on, from day to day. Purchasers are Invited to attend. D. R. IILIIMICSK, Brevet Major Gen, and gjaartermaster. hithtlyte - B ODES 1 BOOE.B I BOtiwS I Domestic Life in Palestine. Victoria sad other Poems. Mother of The Wesley*. Igniter'. Science of Langone, 2/1 part., The Sehentierg (lotto Family. A Youth . . History of the Rebellion. Hour. Amon the Gospel.. Onman Popular . Tales. flea= Papers for Thankful Oiris. Photograph. Albuma, wisoloslde . Prang'. Album Oaida. IStstionary. Smith's AmeaL o Ink. /antenna. Penholders Peas. eel .1. 1.. FIE/I.D, Is. Fourth Street ALEX. AMEN. 1:71 4 0 31;t M2C4.1741....1.3. El Es. iSc Fourth cirect, Pittsburgh, Po. 00F? Iffel o f a ll kind.. URAPVS, mI WAPITI ovary do ocription of FO 1101 Friflllallng bIo IS, ods furnished R oom s opep day and Diglit. Renew and (Judas* [famished. flatuussioacc—Rev. David, Kerr, D D., Rev. it. W. Jacobus, D.L.ThOusas Euduk• Jacob Poo. I :MIPS NOTICE. -1 11.ESk'BOTFUL.LY AN NOUNCE to my friends and former ctlyteatil that I shall contlous to o irry oa the LIVERY AND UNDERTAKIN G BUSINESS, noxt door &boys the old Maud, formerly oseupleil by Sottgers & Thorn 1 will be happy to resolve the patronage so liberally bestowed on former cloottuons, and Can furnish Livery of all kiwis Co thee shorted. notice. jaißimd S. I- RnThalilltti. JAMBS AI. BALM .4.roksitoot, TIMM, for all kinds of buildings, • • 11114121 Intends their erection on reaeoneble terns. air omo• on - LNDEASON STREET, believes . _ 98(101111 GRIGGS-a SCOTT, LEON Carr ILATCIII WORKs, DlMorthl Duller I omer of ctrer4 ene-,?Pro.orb ecreoto..Pittlbnrctr, .iro TAVES OP.aitEETINWS. -pitraßtrEtelit"&"",PHlLADE ale OIL COIIIPAIIIC.IidIeb hoisby Oven thst.thssntenipttonsto ths .06041 Stow' of thls 002 ,VrY , vg* be duo an+Pil,b le .° 3 " . ' TEN FIRST DAY OP 41701713 T, at the Mace at the Counpiaay.Sia; tria VOSIT AMYL jektit B. Yi VANDISVORT, Treasurer. N PTIOk-4. mr.rruice •oFt TUB Ell a/o°/ders 61 um .LITTLE HAW MILL EMT BAILSOpp . 00 will be idd. on WZIAESDAY .7,#r nth, ow, betrpea taws 41 ILO. °tom r; ° 47 =l4=R= BaMaggo n : tor In the ou.t year. ;- - paktad WDI. MARSLitt±; ritiddent. XE Pi' .9111 r 6R T3' SEhl EXT.% pisußazi on, , CASH INFORANOIr • Of Pittsburgh. - - OPYICE. 5 FOURTH STREET. BIUBICE'S BUILDING. ISAAC FL PENNOCE, President. JOHN P. JENNINGS, Vice President., TIIONLAB GIULTIaII, Secretary. CAPT. B. °BACA Agent, (lets V. S. Inspector of Steamers ) ENSURES AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. Insure Steamboats end Cargos. 01l to srantr. rall a. Ptalsdelphle, NOW kne ra Ir 7="inued on the Best fevotablo terms. IS6AO 111. PENNOCK, President. JOHN F. JENNINGS. Flee Preadent. ntanososur Robert )I. V. Elfglelbg, Sam Jake uel MB Mnensansus, , John Steveason, Thomu Dannelly, We,. H. Forsyth, 11. W. 011rer Jr., Daniel ells., S. H. Flartmla Alessodnr Chamber., ferot rad AV OR • OF NOTI Tte wit tasted IW h eele r & Wilson SEWIIO MACMNE was awarded the first prim—a large silver! medal—at the Laternattonal Slow, held, al k tettio, Pllllllls, a few weeks afore. 'is the best seinng marline for all mil 'dart korpotes."—Mew Jow-ne4 /use Mu.: TPB WIIIBLER lc WILSON ' Lock Stitch Sewing 'reeet-ed the higheet 'pretertsree at the: greet Interaattorkel Erathttlons, M PA Als, Frahm Met, LtAr4 DON England 1E47, API() NSAlllai, Prussia. ..- . 1583, where ell the Sewtog IlleehtneeoiEurope ted Amer!. were to coup petlttou. Wbotesale end Retail Salem Soma, V.N 27 Fifth B tree , Pittalxirgh E. P. CARPMirMS, Sole Algrirt. PEREMPTORY BALE OF BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, WITHOUT RESERVE, EVERY NIGHT THIS WEER., DRUEPT SATURDAY, AT EIGHT croLoori. IIeCLELLIIIIDI ARTION 1101J81g, 138 Xilir til EiltrOC4. IROELABIATION,—Crri Prrrs nonee, se: In accordance with the provisions of an Act of the tieneral Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennaylmotc, 'providing for the in corporation of the City of Pittsburgh, and of the various eunplemests to said act, I, TAXES LO BY, Is, Mayor of said al* do Mope this my Proclamation, that on the THiltD-PRIDLY IN JULY, A. 8., 1655. being thettist day of the month, the freemen of the NINTH WAND of said city Omillied to vote for members ot the Homo of Bepresecntatives of this Commonwealth, will meet at the Publie School House in sabi ward and oleo; by ballot one person ae ei member of Sept Coun cil to nil a vacancy or-melons. by the resignation of JAMES B. YOUNG. Given under my hand and the seal of the said city of Pittsburgh, this 10th day of July, A.D. JAMPS LOWET, Ja bLe7or a Pittabosit, BOOKS AT REDUCE") PRICES DAVIS, CLARKS & CO., 00 IM7 .cp. ci ES It z• Got are now othring thole Large atoek.oflacellartema Books at ad la:Toast:l Meow:um Currerpomleaee wilt Vutlu a< • dLtenm . 0 - netted. JOB DAVIS. 1.31.02103 a O. CURLDiG CREAM. ?lime. Demorest'a Curling Cream, AN EXQtISrrE Pt)ALADF, For Fixi.lbwituF..ti k ..,,w7l.47,Eatlß. Cox be procured at the CENTRAL DRUG STORE, torso ,1143 ririd Foaery streehs, la Market 1:101118, Allegheny. IMEEMIS3 H _ _ BM.APAZTAK.A, (BLOOD CDRE.)-- A moss ressareadle article and posttive wire for SWIM VLA BIIEUbIATIShI, NEURAL 01A, DY SPEPSLA.i=,r and al diseases of the SHIN. A. a Tonto, It revives the eppetite, perfects d gestion and wholly restores the playWcal stseopth and It farad, bat • trial to pro,. tle virtues. For sate by JORPIEITOPI, rtrttaisb lee soroer Smithfield and Fourth emote. Lam' PIPE AND 13BIEET LEAD LEAP PIPE of all stsea and tticlanessen. SHEET LEAD a: any thickness on hand and :tea to Otdef, oy ALEXANDER GORDON, Agent, Commis:don Merchant, No. :OS Secatad street. ycatarnd 613.RDRLL Dranghting Office and Patent Agency. No, IS SY. 0L.A112 STREET, near fetspenston Bridge. B. P.GENOESIBBE, Civil Engutee. 2Losidense N 0.14 Hey street Jae COMBS, BRUSHES, BUTTON 13, HO 'Rocco wALLETs,Pea Knives, Scissors, 'Fancy Goods, Toys, baskets, ..0., ssasraiY, waolciolo 13=1 No. 101 blxrket etroet. ErEwiTT's P OINTRI C M FOR THE HAIR, acknowledged by ell who Come meat to be A No. Try Rye doubter. and be convinced. For We by ell dru g glats. I .4 inAyd HAnLY ROCKERBROLISEN, ILLPI77AUTIIII3IIS OP •Xs• 160 FEDERAL STREET, CIII=1:1 FOR SALE. ONE EMI YEAR OLD NASA Paces under saddle; trot. In hornet". Inquire No. 1135 LIBERTY STREET JORDAN. FIOLLISTEB b 00. FUR SAWS-1500,000 IMINOLEI3. 500,000 SHAVED 11:511 SHIVILEB EQII Eilp.E. MI Liberty Street, near St, obit. 4 - 3 U, LEA 888 OIL LEASES can be bad co the most favorable terms n lets of four or flys hetes, on Whitely emelt, shut the Slow. Ina well 'JO barreJs) struck lad week: by the Standard S TE ELpany, of Pittabonch.. jet* tt.&ILEY. Wilkizut Hall 100 BEWAREI.—WE PAY . the shove reline 'for any intortoouon that will kid to the conviction Oahe villain who on the atght d ot tenth:of .Jolyi =IVA # 4l, - atecnine snap', and • '.. s• OUT TO nECIVS THE contained tneteto, `•B. IL BO Jrtnerd. Ind TKOS .••••i••••••JOSII /1.41; ; Stockßaikers arid,Ral . Ee? , igm Stocks bouEAS apt gol,d ali•olus.wzrtzens " . nurrns.'fr. . HARVEY'S ' - 'nollolll3' Sa OZAIn PRWDERNast received and tatiuds' by - • • .. z -:•••,.-- libielf:S. SOWN f ‘ • -:, lie , - , •••1•• ,411...W0042 platiewAl • li4Jrll.B 4.lrD 13.1.4 was. UNITED STA.THa 7-30 Loan. THIRD MEAL BBL Comer of Wood SUM' dad Tlrgtn Alley imam. soma. eienrOvstrm merim 'ad EiPECIAL AGENT onill Ma^ V. B. AReat Lot the sale or the Seven-Thirty Loan, POPULAR LOAN OP THE PEOPLE, Only . Loan in the Herb I Gr. B. g-20 SIX PER RE A") GOLD BEARING BONDS. r7Pfl!WrI•ll l RMfflf'•!!TNI J. B. LIVINGSTON. Caddo' zdend,lr SECOND NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh. Corner of Band and Liberty Streets specia,Airauto tit Jr?lkkake for the ula or. NNW SEVEN-TEDITY LOAN. T2t la atrintly the P.501A041/4621_, and is balmy absorbed at Monde of about five milldam per day. Thew bond. bear an Interezt of IC•c•c , o Ocastat Per 7tOrs.-jr each hundred deities, and ate convertible IC mats. rity Into rtreTweaty £t2 Per Oral ilcao Ebll Bearing Bend& eamnaszion, will be allowed to=ey Beams, and Realms, who purehesa ter a EL 111130431 •Caatdar =small M:17M 1.71 77MWM O f Pittsburgh. Chartered by the Capital 10=11nd:render Rate of Pa., 1816.! $1,080,000., Natal 1arp4866 • Mb Bank haa been deenepated • DEPOSITARY OF TIM United States- Treasury, and ameinted avast tor the sale of the 7.4300 rrery facility will be oirned to inverters or pon dm purchasing for re-sale. B. M. MURRAY, Cashier- ONLY 15 CENTS. CONPLETB YOUR VOLVELES Back numb= of HAS/PERS' MAGAZINES. ATLANTIC MONTHLY• LIODEY'S LADY'S BOOM. .grid 371 Oils er Magazines ONLY 16 VENTS. ONLY 16 VENTS. ONLY 16 VENTS. Corie early, before they ere ell gene, it PITTOCK'S, OPPOSITE pina POST OFFICE. MU 11,24 Y 031:1C., ICICIoXIMP`BSTIr. W. P. DITTEXCLY, Prradent. J. R. LlDLT,Setrerntynnd Ventura. The Company ow= Metre ittePle a farm oontairs Inr elgidyseven acres and forty-il`a parches, loc. ted on Brcrert Run (a tributary to Cherry Run e ) and lying between Cherry Bun and Oil Creek. Twenty-eight leases bane already bean made to nipondbis parties, among whom will be found the names of some of the °liaised seed ntwartlit opus.. on the Orem The entire mud will accommodate from 125 to lee wells. This-farm is surrounded by_ four at the most cekbrated oil producing farms, on Oil Creek and titteny Bun, and le in dose proximity to the "Reed" and , Iloursalet. Welts, and about OAS mile from the Walnut Bend Well. The Company offers a limited nambee of shares at the subscription price, SEVENTY - F VE CENTS PER SHARE. Meyn of the property, together with all informa tion begs:dint the property and organisation of the Company can be obtained at the (Moe of STEEL a BAILEY. ASlmts. WILIIINS HALL VULCAN COAL YARD,. ROBERT BALZELL. Woe erljotalug Diaohine Shop of the Mt& burgh mil Ooruseltry lila Railroad Company. Bost Toughlogheay Family Coal and Nat Coal. ALWAYS ON mow. COAL DELIVERED AT SHORT NOTILI, Leave your order" at TRH OSTIOE. or h. WIT. SOWS it 00, lion Street, or at THY Gh.7,E711. OFFICE, Ftfth road.. haiutf pLUMBING, Gar and Stearn Bitting In all fta branches, carehilly attended to, by anpre ?fenced pfoctical workmen. A Mae assortment of GAS FEETHAES, SINKS, BAT SHOWER BATHS,' WATER HT OLOsErs, NTS HeuntanUy OD hand and roods to order. DßA _ - tf . 65 FEDERAL STEEET, /Lllegkteciy; en d,,277 LIBERTY STREET, rlttE,urgh. vas OUTLET SAW MILL, „AND BARGE YARD Craig Street, &Ugh°ll!. STE.FL BeILEI, STOCK BROKERS, wmuis The Bankers and Broken Board having adopted the fallotsing RATES OF COMMISSION we will be governed thereby Dom thin ante Masks selling Men and ender. 2 2 . 224 ' do. do. . and wl to " 1 1 .:Per mnb• de. de. gas ' do. gl see gl share de. do.• gtoo and over.' 3el I per cimt., W. BOOTHE, NOTICE OF DI B 9oLOTIODT—Thettrm LI Of PLEZERVG BROTIMBEI bat been %%dm day dissolved by fantail sonseatiocoaaabs Prim. 1150 witralelng trola Ub lleak:lbe baguets of width wlB 'be. abuttated or Tobsalszatag, ander the name sad style 44 Fleming Brothers ss tuvretc. ,beeto fore. All =bobbed' busbies* pt tbelato Aral wlll , • , PLEIMIDIG - A PONTBIUMMBLIAPARTAREV , •-• • i,0 13 : ; 4 0: 1 = 11. „ • 33 . ° r"Nr, , lariteilas Maris t3HCßlaad‘M a rkWa l i t Z t ari lad =of aziestomalmackla Inarket , " : KU! • ;PICKLES 1 PIOKLESI - PICICLESI A..' To may Extrs tio; - : 3 1, - -13apetirirt Brand. for nth new Li ,Iv.,siciaeritorx; • , • • •• an,l4-417,1tra*, INSVRANCE CE NPANY Of Pinsbii.gh. OFFICEI . 'WittiEß STB A2TD TEE JAirces L luL kL, A.S.,'W.pAiNTIM JAOOB L. iowAssz, J. gALFANT. ROBERT LEA. MUM DWXET J. O. PERM:MIT%WEIXJAM weaite L $ . Ia f TZON. svaussu, Joe' WEL9O.IT, TA NYTATIOZ. mrASamd ' P 513 84 /41 ' m BUTIANF FllO MAME Insurance G - -nrapanl Dfttta r COINED WOOD gip MST BM PETERSON. 1.. M 1.1E , 8 MONTHLY A.RTRD RS: DEMUREST. Jr&TE & SEVILLE, ~ 0 00weraLri YUE el I.ito txsrna.o E IiSITRASiCY • Manufaotarara an4Merohants MAS/A.LEY'S BI=DING J. I. BENNETT, 6mtderit. J. W. CHALVAN*Ice Preside' WM. P. JONES, MURES Amur 4s BY FM ;wares Steamboats 4d Cargoes. (Over People's Nei4al Baran.) RICIWID 0 ort.El7 President. DAVID EL PAfIA. too Prorddent , HOBERT PElMlY,*oratary. Willlnsure Agaikiat all Sim FIRE AHD maga RISKS. ri=l7ooos o 3ss • • B. O. MAT D. '$ 2. P&RE 4 jAmrs t.rti 'T. ./31.. NABTOIT, IL V. 0 .18.. , JLSE HENRY LLOY , . 3.IIVP4 B 2 I I7TILIGEt 101114 GRAFF,r. as. ima J 70117 P. 13313TE4_ B. J. BR3LEY DA.X. carearroED, 'ms. nw2faes4 ,t3_. piBURELNCB. EMU INSOltay COMPANI Of PittsOrgh-- Office a Corner Water ind Marta St (nutALErs 3/. 11. SHOZNBEI366I.: Presidernt. IC U. =SUCK. WO Presides:4h 11011ZET 14eretal7. WELL 131311R11 AGM:Fr ST ALL SEND Ma,rine °Jul F i re Risks. NIXICIEC 8.. ANDERSON M. BELT/1109 4 11W at. OAXIGKET, Nr.:Vir. MARTIN, S.ON H. PA., J.7I.BHOENNEEGEB, W. J. ANDERSON' JAMES 1. BENNETT, 0001IB.LN, R. T. LEECH Ja., I. I,L PENNObE, - A A' • myZaeld J.LBSES BOWtl, BTANITIMOTOASEI OF ISFROVED BORiNG TOOLS, suing Oil, snit ad Other Well No. 130 WOOIO,T=T, I:::',PITTIBUIRGEL, PA warrante4i made oeitis yew bat. SLICK: 410 LOW terebß IMOlt4 ; WELL, BPRERS Ftlitiitt4 at Zroweert C Norioens with an ankles at arit':;wiostary to tondo(' '.., oPerstion4 Wit 3 ~.., , q ql. HATCHETS, ' , EITII I N 6: _43_ IA '' ' J IgAOt HI _71.6%Mi, 6/..E.M . ' ' CRIS 11.61111ht00, ie, , , WIIEPT EL AW, rlii?"l"s' 1 Z 1 PLANES. ILE., I ~ -2 LEPTELS, , 6.X.ES, -"- NAILS, to. L ..; Rape, Leather an d bum Belt* • on of which I hare 4.lfrintly to store, Jettostits ADDY a: , EWEITB,;I ' ~ S PAL ICAL WEBERS. - . .. t ., ..: Gas and Ste' Ana Fitters, N.. F.: , No.- 165 W , STUNT, , 1 1 t 0: (4IPPOS FIRST OUVEOI4I i r . .1 Pinups, Hydrark Sheet Lead_ 0.1 • LEAD PIPE. PI&& BAH LEAD. lip . Arrii . Plumbers' Matsrliga in General,7 , •6' OIL REIOXERZES 1 ..... Pitted Up in the MIS Approved Style,- . ••; • Took" Ithol with lead . wpm. Hawses fitto,: Up with wet= as Ow ;', N. 11-2,llozdats promAly attended to. jos BAILEY, FARR* 85.00., 5 Xo. 161 Susit*lsid Sired, SrITTSBURG El, PA.. mortrsecArsams Sheet Lead4•Lead, .IEI BFt 3ta 3a . • . ... . Wholesale ItrnbittlngVonsefor Pttem . lwrs , later'. Brass Goods for . .3Criler, O* M ..nd Steam.: Pumps, Hose, Ina/Eqpt and ilia st lowest Fs stem rates. 110 • AO. Sole agents for Atnowier , and Silsbee" , Patent e team Pomp, Wen supplies a need lone o felt ty oil run, fore phig, that will attend esp. idly and work with cede and certainty WithOnd (Walling tOO-8 70 at WI 6 0 4 ' 1331. - lynx : ,7 pa .. p s EgWY T I : Ar.e.#IIO 4GR1q14.111M4 The Penniylvanik Et to Igrlcaltgal goeiett will hold lto *Lhibltloit NEWlT.ElB7,ll.2aibija al iti. 25111 And 28th waLtulimet.limakicotnr• Aw• infosmatlon• ersdnit, applications M Dips:sonsdtting armot-1= -Wilt or Poo t o tO rrtl or by mentbess ticgibagtsan by rond u rsigned,or BUrk HAMMTOirt ; 1 : e. Bth.Oitria3 itGLF623,lkoretall• .It.onaittrown, /Slay , „ jarstatund 1'014.t..01 31 494 - lipmeortlizasUiter*rimanans of . .11.6 WING AOHIIvEH." getPlialeafik \ X: , .. , 13,...*.t:74; , ti- , '" .• • MI *0' 1 07 5 100" g l galieSS' - - • 14. - A:itiik*O#4o:4ll4Prt • gut t' ; , JiT4.ISGIIICEM -•1 . VIES" DOUBLV muantr. SHOII VUSSdeb, Mr. GOMM. I MOaft nee; iurivother embrate4 maims, AnTO forsilelre - •.T ;,ITBSoW ,N.tiis iriod dmis '3 ., ... , .., ,:;:,...,.:.. , ~,•: : : . ,, , , i t:s '- ,- 0-Z•i , 41' i l 1, • 6 ___ l :
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