Wit pitstergit futile MONDAY. /WM'S; itgort._ ROMM.O3; WOLZAk tg, do .1133rahataiwro. !1. to N'estUt It.. ftositts seserrok L PAR. TIMM tiad . OUR. aumOlf. Oolibilltmosaidsla illpszta Otiti!o United Stake. 11Pair and eon 77:20P 9 10." 5 "611V81er -- • -,.17:0.6 pier mt. 1010 do.; • ' -U. ,. t i .A . lr mai Os resaurr prolltteslxdobieeinse nor aka Eon &Ad SELL ON coransslON - IE6 Now 'Teat, PhilAdriplasoilad PlUabutg6 • Or kw,' of OorsrumiS tZleissrittes, nualmiL- Am) COMIDINCLIL socasiour siiiintear BOARD tesimmpeoliatonspois.irozias a co.) ILLTlngoxi. Auto 3, Mit 611341. 4101 Q.S. Ham TlitUOL. .... : . -........ 15 1 16 ...- 04141417 Coupons. 110- -. alattmay Oammy ilas. -... 15 on Onallatim 04544 -.... II 60 • ..... WR. 11.. IltoskOnt.... - IMI • - itamobalmr P. LW 50 OD - Bask 411'111. ..... -....-. VI 00 Musk • Ms. • • ...... 51 00 UM& Staub& Mat.............- - 13 a athaamy 111./mai...... -- .• a =lls.-. ............ 56 00 . 1/0 OD IliMooll--....-...-.. 1 00 --. 11111174. - - -- 150 011 losta.:.- ..... ...............-. -, - ID Oa 2111405444 ........ ...... -.- 64 011Orsok & 0b0rry.1144............... ......., - 4. a- - Rua 0cta1 ........._..... --- ' 1 1.5 Tarn May a Okony 8a5........... - , MU Mu a 71141414......--: --. ilr. Mt -.rl9 - - 1 OD 141147....... - ............. .-- Ift Chun 5ua..........- a r ... .....•....__ ....,_ 73 a - Moab Wester& Cloppa Co.__ - 440 MrCost-. - L 3 fa 0010111 ' ............ •-• • 01 Omsk /a 5....... ...- '...-.....•... - . 504 Dostosaa , 1,7 - -- 5 50 Meubsoillle h. Ind., a mat - ill 00 Waltirll PSOMITITSIIII--......... --.-• I 40 Gold down sussfaiirentasenta up - to-day. Gold I opened ono per cent below yesterdaPs ,quota- Gone. and tell or still more. Afternoon quota- S. Goss LPL noversummt Bonds rose In about the . nese proportion. Closing quotations In Now Turk as follows : ten% 101 1 ; 6.20 , 01:034; Ten For. NM. f Char rairket wfbliout ehaz:ge. .Baak shares 'most la request, end of 9Lose - but • few shares change leads. Railroad gams scarcely awned at board. The long list of olds does not serve to tempt the appetite of the public. Row and then during the day a sale is reeorded,but genamlly at a desline.The money market grows easier, and wilt we think rules° through the summer months. ' .The bat bane of the Oil Oity Register, reports. well RI haTing been struck upon the 14 Iller Perm, ea Mamie. The same paper says the well on Sage . Ran, belonging to the Ogden Petroleum Company ag Philadelphia, is reported at from al to SO barrels per day. We as. inforsied upon trustworthy authority that the "Coyle , Well, on Cherry Run has been tasted, and proves to oe a good one. The Cherry Rua h. Pittsburgh Oil Company has interest la it, The traneaettoni at the eh:oft board this erect. Ing were stela light as was, also, the attendance, but prices esh(hlt no easentlal change. I , The sales were ' Iln Pittsburgh A New Truk .5) IN Bees —.... —...0 ISO Murray —.....,ts - The orrelngs and Lids wars VI follows: Rid. Asked. Acme.. ....-- 1 as Allegheny a Pittsburgh--... 1 oo . Banner—... • laS 1.7 a Bergen-- & toe .Hood F ir m Ohlo Petroleum— las ebetnd 11ea1n..... ....—............ 1 ell WANT, Run Oentral-- , -- 1 75 =wry Ran &Blood Farm-- , 80 _lavny Stu& 8. Plt4Lole 88 17•Isaft - • • Aia 4563 OulberteoB , B Butt—.—.... 1 SO Diek.flmek, 9 vo Una 011 Ir.-Mitilog., -- /Mina Reserve Gammas of Mts.., Gess.l.llmerti e - Rorer Neck t en ao Ninstrents— —.— • tr. .111.agboy Cherry KM. of t no lestional Relining k Storing 11.00 tO .oino t OS Beath, of Pilitsiltiphis • -- 101 Mp~m Oil CUT Br. Plttabursh iBO 3 60 OU Creek k Muni 'Rua. I $3 II 31 Paxton--- .......... -- 4 DJ Revenue - —1 21 =chin SS • . VI fi l l Stalls • 31 , Star Wells Steel SOL. . 10 MI is 00 Tarr, Story t cbera " et The western papers report considerable damage Daring been done be the growing crops by the re cut heavy rata The whole amount of rain which has fallen in Ciseinnett dariag last month • Seaver eight lathes, being one-fourth' the annual ivillinge. Ito torn, says the, Cincinnati Price Cm swathes been planted on the bottom leads, as , they have to • great extent bees under water, nos - auk on the uplands. In Kentucky the corn has .bout planted pretty generally, Sidle lowa and Klesouri 11 la Sens:ally , The rabsitis not ex 'tended over all the Western States ...to the extent - that it hex In Ohio. Dry weather now is Indio %useable to mature the wheat and It do simble for sreadoni- The thee '-le • critical 'one for all growling Mole; wad the weather must Or emearlly be regarded with intense Interest from fhb time onward. The New York Kenai argues with much planet tinny that It le unfortunate •In Its pro:Weal eon stuencts that cuisseurill4 a ern found their way tato the European market, for the holders hive the power and time to dersngethe course of our • exelianges, and thereby affect the price. of gold, while they are already a constant eoureo of Onto- slid donut:woe. . Eventually Wirt pun lanuence thee:sures clew:tome against on to the - eitent of their value, whieh Is at present nearly double What It was wheats. lane portion of, them were swat hence cod the difference between their sitote ' Tales at, the Memel their export and their Warn, dr redemptteu will be go mush againat nu, ands . deed loft to the Many of - our - Securitles sow In Europe were purchased when gold was -_ sulk fres 37 told mats on the dollar oaly. Sup. pales the three kindred millions, more or less, of Mee Twenties held ahead to have been 'brought bets at tar, with gOld at an evenued SOO, :Udder the ourrency dollar worth Illty coats, it would eta asked double, or lisle handled Willow( for what we received only a !mated end Ilfty tar to redeem theisme ea • .pale Muds ,When _ • the debt la held at keeM this didlarents Is aompar. ati vely huseaterlei, beao/111 Re rising:Won would set itthret oar !collo ezeheagee,muasse to are efflet is predoeed la the other auk There are other sills to- whhils weals exposed hymns' ' • Large amount of ear national sentrlidu bald - *kook ere of whheit I. the Mandelk"T of a and. - des cetera of heavy paged* of them for side hera. inn New Tork: Adserefor, V s can: (ally prepared arthilifisi Yetrolsans, gives ;the foilewled Interesting partlimlers as to the capital bi petrohnut 'Strict dlllkodt to sham • proxl, meta estimate of the eapull or medial reprstirat • al the by the petiolate Wisest; foe Ike busters osseseted almost unlesively by euipseden tee of alms capital we generally awls. 'titbit& Me moat allapitat stock wind by Ito eispestive eastitablas r llatiCiffde Ppm I. *tor 1b Lt the altaiof Muck the swats/ sips, ce sosisalita is ths.scrual ails, whore the teats has mikitit ins ' No. at mauat in , mei 4 4 40 lazi . rat l 0. anai/ ' . 11 /= .4! wi m s . **** • * " s. _mt,geo swum arc" : SAIOO,OOO 111 2=1116114;44ti.;...t.i•-••• , o =, With kt-1=441W a ' " 44.11(4"° gig ' WAWA iIIeGOBITHIOSIONItatity. ; I = l . oll l. ls New ~ : , = , - ;71 2 =1 : =2 • 14 'SUM . licasiodaseaspUallasaipsia T:ttlit• ' ' v ;i 1 ...,..,........-~ala. ' .1.1 - . ...! -iituaiimpis:NO,kitoonitstusilif , tbar. 4 . sinAmot -- x la Ow UMW IMP% ift4 wide" s ':- 11l itlime“ to ~.,-, , L . : . eget ^tio pnress Sloe Ibiarre. .:' Wit leel ti s t ' 4l =eib l at . :...:-,:..' itild• 'mtellp#4 llll ‘... .alfg , t l W - .....;: , : - .l _;.;q ati asepagoloor" o-.. - ~ - .r., • .- .....-.......-. --, Mot ati= v br u itt i gg.l6Blll, :. :;:;:' , - ;,F .: 461=4•111i• . . ..litAla w -'--"`: Vieurtrai&,;•-.. ...-' .- - ----"'"`• • • iblemista fit lillieo6lllllll. Sad th btu Stirelr TO!fillgting INL• - ReisNM . -$M a. bilis. ores^ el- Ma" MAI NapOa— 11,11117 . ' knit Tag. sta. &NI In •ftthiu AM Tido • oasoloorloss sttseds slat tadtostioa lM o f t lis t= osla itilatodat animal toms sad palo pet class an produaid. DAILY REVIEW OW, PIVIEBOROII Thseomso next to nothing done in tlux canard .marksts today, thodemaid for allot the leading sommoditiof being sow Upt and restricted so only toths biased labs wants of (*asuman. Glialf—Plisat Is hut Steady with sasiessalino gab non wagon at marrieds mits&-4l.adelyll. Oa* apparently, a shade firtaiitirind Mai holden are 'akin an alma, wa MAIMS to snots at SWIM oa track and r= — trop shim Oont .M atioted at 60111 110 WON itlaliilit • Illy . Sosiyeasnlia Sys orßAzler. _ FLOThii•-thiatintiss dull %mistime Its mohair . edm.o - Basil sales et of Extra •Falailstity nom store at o WWII pon Ibtli. , • . _ 2IIIMMIS&—Bsson quieteststaadywith sales to a' tali extent at previous quotaticas. Lard to doll es lidlift for country and IMO; for city. BUTTER—The ror . se ir lE hars fines off some what but the sups* . It pep so as dismal sad r g ai ms resaals mon MOM for good to Mots . EGGS—Moderately Wive but unehangesl 7 2oo 11 47111:54 8 . gistik new Wagtails Rue . 0 11 In demand aod sells readlly on arrlsalat 208 " 11. Own.' nugintin= * good demand sed Mika , . W. Rote asks of fa eels Prime uPosett Blows.. at PP per bM sad Ifsf bushels st Net* pee bitelust. linalnD FRUIT—DuII and unahaneedc Innen sales from stele at "laS for Apple, aad SUM for iliY=-Balml linty dull andPiteiiiirsdrooPhiry .7110 to sle per ton loroomuoin tolittistlY rime SLLT— nmothy. _ 'quiet but steadyntlik% outs/LIM, and 1111,11 for 'small lots tromstore. . . • BElDS—These Is a fair ahipptuy 'demand . ror Yin Beet at previous quotation, but Clover an Timothy an entirelY "nand out." BEANS—Tay Al an d neglected, Oa supply Indny Isztely In excess of the damana; We note bushel. ommaloW small soles from store at el,vdtliP per • PITTNIURGH PETROLEUM MARKET Elavessiar, ALM, I OE. There is no new feature In the Orude market worthy of epeelal notice, with the exception that there is a little anew feeding in,:bensequanoo of the very light receipts and United supply. Priem, however, hove undergone no change being Wiled WU at 1111)4004 bble returned, and asgen34, bbis included, according to drasitY. ileekagee, econittlon, etc. Mo. The only sale . we have tore. cord ts goo ibis it St. Thane was oontiderable in. query for bonded oil to day, priendpedly for July delivery, bat the extreme views of fielders Marie operations. We are cognisant .cif 64 seats being calmed, deliverable in Vtilladalplela,:and refused. We expect to have some large °pennons to report during the coming week. Free 011 Is nominal at ran. Mantas may be quoted at SORB in bond and 40@O, free, sounding to gravity andMakages • Residuum is dun mid scarce it 68,061,66 per biL There wasbur one arrival of oil by litedllutheity. River glace our last, report, 258 bp& h ,<,,r,witr & Bro. Whartinsater' Patterson riporta the receipts *foil for May 1844, and OM, as follows: Received May 1664. 11 um, Decrease ia Dar ISO PHILADELPHIA STOU :MARKET. Bp.. Ditosttat to the Pu.tabozek 4azatte. Antexameete, Jma a,la The market for 011 Stooks ea:athirst very slag , glsh and for awry prices aro rulnansly low. Sal ad! cold at 334; Maple Shade, 16; 011 Aareek & Cherry Run, 2; !do 011nteek. 2; Tarr Homataad, 4; 'Allegheny River & , East Sandy, 2; Cherry Roe, Cit Bull Creek, 3 , 1; St. Nicholas, 1%; Bit Tank , tli; Junction. 2; Atlas, 34; Keystone, 1,81. PETROLEUM STOCKS IN NEW YORK. Special Dispetati to Waters Press, Niter Inas, June; SK S. Petiole= stocks steady sad modautely sears, but without marked chiene W trAces. lischeasd Yarn, sold at 1,01; Clifton. 4,25; Cherry Raid 44; hole Oryik, 1; Itrydnek, 0; llernissla, 40; Kaiak erbooker, 40; McKinley, On; Excelsior, 0,113; Ocearde, 2,00; Byrd Farm, 2,611; Tack ; t,10; Ellgle site, W. hEW YORK PETROLEUM MARKET. Special Dlipatak to Western Press. _ • Nine Ton:, lone a, VMS. Petroleum market closes dull but steady with no quotable change to make in quotations. Crude tu quoted at SS; ball for liledatd. In bond, and 0%, for Cree. The follevied excellent and seasonable article, beaded The Oil Ctisiee , Is trees the Last Issue of tt • Philadelphia Commercial List. 'Chs prtrialpal point. made to this article are equally applicable to rittablush as to Philadelphia: A crisis in the satire or our oil compailes 1 a approaching. They am In a Iseultion =Ate. TS e wasebufal saceess which some of them ataalllll, The remerkabis swiftness with whit= tartan-e, were made by the lucky, atimala ied .xpeaulatthe to an extraorchnerir erztemit. Upea tha Evart:la tion of petsoletina were cheated vest stock mean facturing mealtimes.. The sciventutione, tist!oll by truth, and further .el yby amnserated theories, tithed into the business of making shore. and owning theta to best advent/age. The aster= .feateree °HU ground front which the yield of all was expected ' , were not properly tannin= into. People did not stop to investionte the tothaneee awnedts of the companies which they, favored. They hoped to buy cheaply, to salt amain sal be come rich quietly.' In the Withal= everything was favorable' but too much spendletlon he. ate tech= the whoa oil prodwrong ocrouptuo , , ant at the prom= time the petroleum interest is get tenet out. 011 stocks are no longer scrambled for. Holden who win= aahrd to wait aradiseourneci end buyers art mutinies. • Over production rains anything . . slid although there was never snorer production of bil,rhere was certainly a surplus of stock@ in petroleum =rummies. Now whet is to be the result I ; Undoubily many of the mooastano torporationa which have been started will here to hll. They will exhaust the mews and outmost of their stock-holders. The letter will resolve to pay ao more money, considering what they have aheady einotributea as Inevtatty lost, Either a few men will let the management of them. or they will be sold out, end those who some la at •• the deeth will big the game. And yet withkit these adverntagu, petroleum per at will not.suMer. It hes become an =Oa= of worth to commerce, and the demand the it will ha steady. 'lf the number of producers waresse, phi value ef the productlalla iwreases. The eampArt-. lee organlied for the prodnation of oil, which have avoided the arta of the Stock Etat:maim whisk have at. all times peW attention to the develop• meet of their lands, and which leave Mott stained with patient industry, will reap the 'meat, Their sour= wee clear from the Mete It was to attend to their own =Maces, unmindful of the turmoil round them. They's= nowOpproaching the time when it will be demonstrated that UM polity will pay.' Ae the =mbar of dltasey companies fades cut - es, the chaff is =dart frowtho (rein, the -aidtu.htowed, honestly *inducted compantee will • Me itestimstioo, 1 . /ley will tad their reward in potpie= toe their oil and Wowed Value for slide stooks. nappy, they who have Interests to Inch Oineeres,ler miry will undoebtly receive the hymen of Mar palms and pommel:tee. • . • Neer Yea Steel bawl )(obey Mathes. ' Saw Tons,' an a.-At SMStashßudassgllhl worthy Iterdling and Pittsburgh were hrosseved severely; sad a decline In viols wee the ,nealk . The Weise okthe the was very ,ffreittivelgtoak .:the . seeelott. add a large bodaent Was done. After ,tell She =sheitsissishai . est a'llEtle - lewer. ward lb* letteS part et the day the scathes illy weaker, and bigness arse._ yeryThan wee • very moverseeddeipiverewat doges with as Meanie acne per tent. on Wire? IMAM& State bawds sisals vast, bat they ant held Rini - 11 = .' Isalk sad eatral slba yI d= Mlt e y n SM.e e me nd edeehMsl u sold le dull sad weak. Blercithdastre awaiting fitzeign advisee before wiaklair f nether rsesttseaess, -These fa agsberal optalon that the nett stellar ea straws la rive.Twentbre. Mo. -.s s a ituate ad lr altati Wwlar beret rends! e sad satcalative legally Mira has deolland .33. restaon taw aid media= grades - flakes Singes Wheat has *dressed very sparingly; pd. ere have 14TAISCOO 4 toll mats, glaring it satapi_ landisgsse: Cern with seedskate rend* rep. billy 'drawled lop to Thursday. Mee that thee - Mot vf tha leiptevereeat has Ben lasS. ,, uats . =la salve idelnaad u arlses have advanced la bestows Rua melted, sad *tees dimmed up laths lam. blase than the marltd has &drained 111,60, bat ea Sahara suss parted the redness was lost: The eke* On heed on the ley last.i_prevee less GUS esthalraleV• ItenceltbS 4 Mid advitese.' , Deaf b mush Wale aa4.daprejwsd r . .lyse meg is nonce Sammy - , ban ierde v =ln Petreliaet. tat Abe Wadded - L-Pneca beer lislav „ Lam ; sss a tar, but show no barUoabb , ttha et doae. maw bas bale aiodotatO tto. goat, aba•yrtobil tr•WithOlit A • • WO / been Wray active, sb. i ug. m a m b .". frau substibettros ter arms assortes...witWi are Mass swell:nay held. Otto:pada an MA the tem:law of - prises Is deWairshl. -- • • T he widow nobiall !MO !Wm SOWN dull. bad Wets MT. tlessaati44oPiitr. hat show a4e. elder! MoVealat. The muses dada tail Gad - '1V.V.41 .. ~ .. . • of O - Minim S Nevi -York - afivecel Kok it , 1 - . , .., ' ; (r,oa ths (Tomairchil Whigs. L•' ' ' " 1 . .. - aasas-4110 tiverable - stirtaot froatAlatassik , 11 =la w nt pima 1ia2: 4 1=14 01 • mat* am tosidearr; sisaptioir : Aartatahaa, at isat higher, . It. .skatitst -. ' OSUII • . larivatiouttglittn4=-' ? ..17; s0-1;11-61 pea la l l' ZS IN &111•01•Walter -. , • ANN vr 1 / 4 4 . iota's - 17 7-- liatriW 1. . Vats at afjgatt e itaaralsthtrum4 'tt 6 bag 1111,Mit; Ma St se Ass; , f , Selig fa the a . est IX laty iliftrpi Ow oar mkt at . .100 Ms Isast-ns.:6010111. u . 1,. asit. wry sa : ts "sarilsta. Ths salss-lastaas ItildhlS . restaltlme m tea awl in trliernalteur mum' _=4:raTlLT a t_ ,1111&" - ' .--' illi7i til- ~,rlo_ol. Ist las ammo aosttsaht Tyr, •Ma Gift IS Slaw Wimp illesktio.y .. • ',SPIT miugiliail - .l:ayr...W/IMAKI.f, ''''' • iii"iiiitalikiltit la that ; i 44 la 4P a griPWA iiiter4o7- : '._.::,-."- - . t.„0„.. 4 ~.,,;....,:„..:....: 7, ... , . 4 ,LS . - , 53.11333337, Juts 3, lOW MEM I=3 aLures BI Ittiir Tort Market. Nair Boar, 'Jame 16—mews—istavi aM Ma alai lower, at. Bo forlll4ldling. sorra—Hsorr and Go lower; Illvinarkaffor Batts sums same/A for 8.. RAI, dad outipos for Stan amain elosO i rr, Wiunrr—Duld ; patens, 10 ; leibutd. " AL_ iy—Wbast A Amber M/a/llgan.jl,ll. 1: 1 11 Motes . 13 1.1 1 r i llis e rrt. Oora soareely so Wm at e for r to Prime Ktred Western. Oa artier, It. 03drOs for- Wartera— dosing dull; Included In las salsa are WACO bush Westorn tor Jul at Mo. I anfuls-ex— ulat and steady, at tee for Crude, dlladde d lbc Bal a la Band, and SaelfrOie for Bo ee P ormoda—Pork dull &ad lower, et st s tw OM for Pew Elreallas at $26,111 auk, de for teri-li do; each tad regular way, Costa/ at at oath, eellekrje for Trine, tad 074070,00 far Prime Mom also3ln bele Now Mess, for Jame, J_uly tad Augast.sellen ogles, u eakeeekrli aeffeall, at ellett,oo for Mitt Kees, 14=1 for Extra Item Beet Hamm steady at Out Beata quiet, at Mlle for Shaalders, and 14fil 11)(e for Berm daeon dull, at WO for Short Clear, and let for Oumberlead Middles. Lard tale. rod ateady, etediuto, Balk& Market. EIIIPTALO, Jana • tad la fair flettand• • . - 0/tine—Wkicat dull sad only a tight willing dib mend Chicago tiering, ,l W 341 Amber eißchigaa, NM; .Winter Red, et,azutet; White Michigan, II 90; White Rentuct y, Ne. SCR& sago ripring, 4l ol,2ll; Na 1 Milwaukee Spring, 41,1661,1 D. ore arm, but dull, at Nu far Re. Oita elated easier; sales, to arrive, under No. Marley held at 711010 e for ',Veneta. Rye new,- Mal. Peas dull. -PROPumas—Po& held at $26,00. . ea Oh" Yammers—To New York : Wheat, IS301130; Com, 11%011%e; Osta,.7%firefo. larrozrrs—Flour.4,oll s; eat. Wheat. 41,1711 bush; Comti,ll9 do; Barley, au do; Peas, 1,011 de. COW. Erroam—Vtour, SAO bbis; urbest, taS,- 519 bush; Com, MAO do; Oats, 112,604 do; Eye, 1410 do. et New TONI Stock and Men Market. New Tors, June Sr—Moser—Es st 611 teat. Co Cial /MULL SU:11111g &in, at wax no% at geld ler first dais bibs. Gold less sett , sod lower— irwt4 l enntsseks mote satire L u ster 18". raroan—The export of spate today was ra,194. • _ GaUeghert Evening lesetwaye—Antsalean Gold, 134; Five Twenties, (old ty) 103%; NeW York Central, 83%; Erie. '0.1; udion Riser, 90%; Road• leg, 00' bt lehlgitn, 073,5; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, 63%; Canton, 30; 1./timberland, 311. Stooks not ►erg Astaire. but steady. Mold llrm, and stood at the titan at 137. Cincinnati Market. OISCITNNATI, June - li—Yeouu—Very dull and Wets drooping; Superthin, IRO& Clsters—Wheat dull' Prime Bed, p,45. Oste, dd bent. Vilitniskr--Quftt at nea PROVISTONS-MISS Pork void at taLeabefore the new, from New Yawn, but no buyers afterward at over nap. Bulk Meat. vital and nnehanged, at llAMlsyae. Lard dull, at Mtge. Mortar hanszre—Oold,lak Chicago Market. Catena o,June S.—Fiona—Wu Quiet . and out material elaange. Spring Extras sold at from Mi doe at no on%fil3,6 m 10 ter goo d to choices, and Spring duper. 16,0,20. Naar:—Wheat was settee but lalt4e lower. At the opening, mks of No. 4ringwere made at 14,23%/01,24V,,, subsequeny the market wmgened and receded fo it ,23 , 4111,22%. but after the New Turk dlep . atehes were recessed, there was more firmness exhibited, and the market eloeed steady at 114,23 1 '; No. I Sy ring was moderately Renee at from 31,11f/115; ho. I Red Winter was quiet, and gold to a limited extent at MAL There was It fair shipping tnetdry for (lore -but at a rednetlen or 20.10 bushel on yeaterday's figures. No. Isold at from 64036 e; N 0.3 at 4h ate, and Rejected at 13e—closing dull al Inside priers. Canal Coln wee Imetive and nominal. flats were moderately Wive bat lower; °ponies sales of Ito. I were made at 461/0440, but at the elose.tho market ruled wesk,'erith more milers than buyers, 01St.. Rye was steady and In fair de mand; No. I sold at from 106044 e, and No.l at Lt..= 3711331 a. There was nothing of comequence dose in Bulgy and the market was altegher mom. LnaL iliouzzistrrrhe deelsion of Commissioner Lewis lit regard to the seizure of Highwines dad &Invoking tilled on the market and prices wore utantazd •t It .ao 111.11601,95. Samos—Wore duff and inactive. l'novernoirs—wets held very firmly. but the mar ket ruled quiet. Meu Pork sold at from srosa u(co. Beet Hams, sold at %3,00:. Men Beef, at {t/eft and Nitta Men Beef at %NMI. Barr Illwrnm—The market for Beef Untie ruled gulag will Out little stoca left over in the yards. Prices ate west at present quotation. Entered colon at the various yards, %I heat. at 118,250f713 V WO 11., for fair to prime Steen and Oxen; and en $5,C046,00 for medium Cows, Steers and Oxen. aroo — Wezolti trood suPPir, with as o.loe de mand. Price ruled firm, and upon the transac tions of the market we note an advance of 10'MM, pr n e r vi i. ot , i s s 4 unt e a a tri:.. oe. Euter , ed calve at at f7,l9fintirp rid hL Philadelphia Wool Market, Jane 3 The market le almost at • Mood. • few small lots of new cap, Mom the adjoining counties, me coming forward, but the re.lpts from the West me trilling. There le • general setting down of Ricca and me reduce our q notations 214 to fi Its pet pouxeolith the remark that the maaafaa• totem mesas. ao dlsposltion to porch.., .yea atthls conecesloe. except to supply their most rte. eetaittOtte wants. 7 hroughout the West there ha. !sem vers.ilttie hatmeestrit In the article, and the farmers and growers g lip aro becoming con. slimed that • lerge emecessioa from present ...lag rates will hate to be accepted. irakohj the sales Were— COCO Zs Milo fleece at assh. sa,u. But mixed 680/11 . ., 10.000 lbs low and doe Wane, " &MO Ihr washed awl Jerney 72, 4.“ 0 the wub !b. unvnuibedJetsri Port la Chicago. The stork of barreled pork to Chianti:llo now genitally estimated a e4,t001310,000 barreis, of whleh nearly twothirds are prime mem, extra _aflame sod other qualities. and a trine over one third meta pork. florins the past two or three weeks there has been a very settee demand for small iptrof barrelled pork, and the stack has teen Indheed by /Moral G. - tenants to lienvirt Thie small teaue is a new feature to this market, but Measles to thts way knee been quite liberal, sod rho Aggregate they amount to an ineenskien able rum. This. tee suppose, IN owing to the tom. pare: i re high rice of beeen this year. ItalUmore Grain Market, Jane 3. Wheat—To•dayl9oo.bash rreelved, with salsa of 10(0 boobs ratite at b1x:412,13 low bu.h red at 111.10111r,Wiwr basal. Cara— , rc•tar 4810 bush while sail 100. bosh )glow revs:ls.l; to lore lower, with salvia-IMS bush white in lots at Ilaftsle; an 4 .140 barb yeUnw, *bleb Is muse, at ale per bushel. • Oata—To.dai 6100 bush neared; Mall 9111011 at We nieilaute. • PhfißdelPtila Grain Market—Jose 3. The market Is poorly auppitebt with ',hour, sad red met be Quot‘d at 11,63011,96 par bushel, and White at 112.141245. Rte .musauds 96a. Ih,ro la dull sod bee drelletd Seae per busk. Sales of bush iellow at 96e, adu►t. Oats are In 5t.e.47 demand at Wm IMPORTS DT RAILROAD PITTIMOILO3, TOOT WATIi t 01010400 B. li. June s-21 aka eons, . 1944 potatOeg, J shrank/ KI dozen orsaLboards aad tubs. Lime, Btird. it Pat tool se do do, .41r1 loto & Thomas; 9 do do, Hessieton; 10 pkg. Ails, J Kirkpatrick a Walla do do, W B Kirkpatrick & win do do, Grab.= & Tboniasaan atis Otur, ribootairer & Laagi tan do ag do, J ardistri 40 bags soro, 11) Walla/NS bbl. Jakob, B Fakosatock & coil 651 mat. /ton, T Barthian nil Mils, Jas WiUtinsi II skshitsks, Wm Noble & co; Oa kayos,' Janine, Bolin sr co; I bbi hickory nuts, L Volgt a 0443 bbli o‘l,ll, do potatoes, T Ito %Wan; 100 bbl' O.ur, Win 310. Outdoes, I sky rep, Godkel & Oladai soils leather, Jim /10813100. OI.IIMILAIO /1.119 P 1119199911 B. R., Isuss 1.-- ICO bbis door, 13 B. Myers a corn bills oil, As le Elialplostn Vas oboes*, W P Beck tcr. II do do, "Balsßy Van Gorden 11/ aka rags, tiodf ey Walk; t car alma*, Ksanady t ßra; in bias Boor, Wilkina tLi n; lei do do, R Lindsay Jr a co; bbl. batter, 9 ski applies.. XsOnlinuab. Radtke, so; 1 pkg butter, a ski raga, Read a Natation BS aka eats, Jordon, Hollistack col 33 ski dammed, Ural& Hartsell" ton. metaliNimick t col 21 tits chattily Ming t Tangenier. STA9loll.—.llln* Paper LW-4d. dB/21901d8 paper, P4taburgb nova Ow twfr e, ttaralg is so; 10 Gamin brooms, Kahn & plig4 nsb, JorOtaigi9 Cols in., Mt!' flutter, a Lenity 6 bids sus. I aft butter, Wiley at. Weaver; a Obis eggs. J licoki $ bits elder, ands Bookleri 4 kits boner,' abla egtpa inialwrztuswicE. - ltie dyer tiontLitue to mode stasellty with about Chatty-Wee tiohes reported on Glum Elam rm. tpritly Oontopo. The weather Walnue owes. dainty Illot, itut stritsg hops. ate iatirtalsod 116/1 , 14111 •0011k1/11,8 The arrlvali Owe our-lait report, Whits tka" ddlaearatrosi tarksranurg, Dieewsi • from Maeda - aiii, sad Ontario hos WON* layer. The lattei hest, was loaded entirely with wheel ,harlay an t iCe toga alit *Mears It 2 Kssnedf 0 dro. - ..,, NE vitlaistslin oar last rayon nearly all the Busmen is eett:haisi bemitakai tato goverasatiat retifilb aad let fer Parkawabarg dodo; dattirdsr ' I end Or .following la a 114 of the boats taken tide int Ylaerrav Wow - ere; -Expire ,Clity. ha,_ ambit,- Itivaila.lEdlitbantr Note; Aliee, Belfii, - tiptoe, boo Oily, IlayardoJamalls, , -- hregrize, -and ; Oatazio, The - Hama% Moberg, Lseseillittled eOwsp.othaei kilt Int Saturday, sae Ike Wanes skoarod oalluaday; - tke Ontario, belay OW last ties out. Tn. Belle, woo aground mho, d• down near Mud:. . .. .. ...Ile . Hem ' Torktown - for Iteslivlllk - gild dui .I.tioogro, for glootheatt with all the freight they mad (AO; olowod—tho POWs HUI and Lamont ir Itliterder . - loot tkit YoriclaWit oa .. Alba limas Miffs= !toff puirierfils we. tee hen lout oight'aed wilt doubtless be found la port .thlainetalag. - '-itss eilrerliiltied lilt ehtelluistt tor Pittotrui an rit4i Ful,d l P , well advottiodot to allow ow I:llPotitiidieboi• . . Vl* tato tPopllowt. serriel etilatthigiiv_ - _ - - The Ame li a roe antrierisellraiiillaWlyti INN Wane's( NI Vol of. yid Loa *Gulped to ...Tatat i i i l i t lb, I, 11N metre, awe tom dry Wooled sOttook,lllSlMlMat treg. Capt. Thongs Poe Owed Witlitaii ilehirStimeh saw puke,. PIK sanottPd 4 id - WWl am tabli•Affaklllll/ oaskridlied grub tho woWe' Wide or ease Mout Mot Pinar Wag Mt =a • Tao Oswomy nil iiii3O; r. lid *44 Otidllid* ,11118 ; ""u " 44 nolyttla. Peng hili ► Writ _Ter Iwo ,t 1001: hihitegheea excel , 111MiMigilift 1 S I C 1nt 5 4 . 0:411t4 Vie. a lull lot ' Pieter sh With ,I .toff tett Of ' , ae 4111.1.0•Dtal i a - twat . • Jaw itoootikotood ,thowirsoL..... ~•: I - ' - filliitTelitotif 11.11 /to. • ramose t4irldado belt ea Itoddir oddat, eoel the Litietty a:AIMS jaissti . Ord ' till.o•o4i4tilid,. a ' LX. ‘ nta -41 . °I 41484 ‘01614 r 7t A i1, OWN. Jew, Pr y Tilut, ;:ateltili , Pill _otworotood, .Attitooo. =Wu« &oar Most Wit, ' l l- roilf o .4 Iwo - Woo by taw Vioveromood , z : ww=oon vPkT di.,.msm..-, u,o", m 4 vm , m , . i It.io,ov s wa7i= U n fta.".i•. b.u, ' ' ~..~ ktir t s~ >s. ~,.f;,. e~ .` F ~~- `Y ~ W SuiplaiNudi LosnedlieStellidsim Ilia in& din residebUes tee beds Nested M um tu d meal kir Mimeo sad me m - They wise seali manned sad supplied with hid NW sad kit seithetterep mielehis to ramie* at the mama sal sletorlefis aAI It the Waal KesSoa deputed fat St. Loa" 104 . 10 1 toile multi at Mark sail in will p=pul. PDA4 inn Kavaaatt are the • ' Mr. POliet. et the CtuarteenestaerDepiutieent,, was Tore Only yeaterin la securing .etesatere fee ,Ceinproineat OrtiNelf. Zs la enerpetie sae amidst to the discharge of I& duties. Outnig Captaihnt, bet 0. A. Dravtake comma:to a ode not leave of t fee hi4T i Mirabelli' Will isnen ba ti ng for Parinuaburg Clo i &orrce, sTE.GMBoars. F _ • OR NABEIVILLE.-The Sae n klat ana commodious passomror downs 'YORKTOWN, Captain O. W. Acre. will / 45 T0 as &bora O rs TIDES DAT, at 4 oblock ai X. Fortraight or sommwsomimay on boar* or to • J. D. OOLU.NOWOOD, 1 _ ___ Joaw 4"1408, l'e4llo.* REGULAR PITTSBURGH %Ma PLICKEESBUBOH.PACMCM- The new and llakt draned dam= =FLOW =MVP Nou, Master, J. NiKkusq. dark, will Mau Pittsburgh every Tuesday and Friday, It eleven o'clock A. It. fift EIMVBEirViLLE WII rrics•llilL SONE& BULL OltgEß. MA, RIETTA and PAR WWII and an Unarms. dlata _port& Return leaves Parkersburg on WEDREAUAY lad SATURDAY, at kotloek rar [relight or pomp apply on board. or to JAME 00Lallnit Ag ta JOHN" FLAIL= MARIETTA A.NDPARKERI3- 4... DIURG PAUE. LINE.— MAR PASSENGER STEAALE4RPORW ING,_ SUN FIRE, SS'TERSVILLE, nULL CREEK, MAR inTPA AND PARKERSBURG. The Pew and Cast aide wheel passenger BAY ARD, G. I). Moore, Master, Daniel Moore, Clerk. Lem. PitlabulTh ALONDA.Y it THEM& DAY, at II A. M. Leaves Wheeling at 6 V. ar. same days Returning, leavm Parkersburg TUMDLY and FREDAY, at 2 r. Leaves Marietta at ar. same dam. Leaven Wheeling at 7 a. re. WEDNESDAA and SATURDAY. Yor f.ht Or PuyNM baiting nasnrpatoolllo. 4101111:1100ill, apply Co board or to JOHN FLAME, or JAS. OOLLINS, Amtu, 88 No. Water Stnet,Plt REGULAR WELT PORTS MOUTH AND PITTSBUROU PACREL—The Ina penes jar steamer 121(LDE. ERA, W. H. Kerr, neaten W. U. litres, oink, lamas Pittsburgh every SATURDAY, at Ode** w., awl Portsmouth every MONDAY. et. & &clock p. m. TM, Golden Era make connections et Porta• mouth with the eplendld steamer Boston& No. 11, for Cincinneti, and will notipt freight &ad pause. gars through to that atty. . nog. ILAXWar ~AfXD B.dJrZCZEtflo TREASURY ()Wm ov Coicrrnotten OF TEN 01:10AZIOT, WAIIMNOTOX, April Mb, 113 E. WHEREAS . BY SATISFAOTOR /whim* presented to the underatipiied, It has been mute to appear that DIE EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK OF PITMMICI.IL . In the city of Pittsburgh, in the eounty Of PAleo gheny and State of PeuntlLoala, bmn duly sVae d ts of ' O f o n eVirees, ;M ecco eg t • l rAii=l "g" vide • National Currency, moored by • pis= Unitedorates Bonds, sail to provide for the lotion and. redemption tbereof,l'approved Jam ad, OK and hen oomplled Mitt' all the provlatpu of nid act required to be compiled with before room• anemia, the realms of banking Under saki: sat. Now therefor., I. Fmastan Otousain, Uomptroller of Bur Ow , rersey, do hereby certify that "The Ezahange fir fluent Bank of Pittsburgh," In the city of pituo burgh, in the county of Allegheny, and &late of Pennsylvania, in authorized to immense the hod neon of /Making under the not aforomid. 1 earrenry Bureau. In testimony wbereof Teal of th. witness my hard and Oomptrollse of Um ~—s - mai of oelLoa, this tea Currency. / day of Aprfl, IS,S. Treasury Department., FREEMAN CLARKE, 4011.14 ad Comptroller of the Cumeney. PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh. CIFITAL $1.000,000, •it! prtvllege u 82,1X10.0051 jEDisking RouseL'Oß: l 2.lt FIRST AND WOOD EDRISIT, - Bask, orgiteixad uteler the National Risk ing System to sem psepsred to gramme tinniness at its Hankins lionse.corcier or Wood and Skit streets. CMlleettone made n all aomeslble prints on Om moat faeorehlit tem. Spetfat Agents foe ILT tAXAZ, for the sale of the 0. 8. 7 S-10 Treasury notes. MANISIM RUA, Preslciest F. Y. GORDON, Cuhier. Viz - EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK, 0 f Pittsbut gh. fluulertd by Ike! Capital 'Organized under Slated Pa., 18;6.1 sl,oop,ooo.lNatu'l law 186 i TS& Bask ham beso tlestcsatsl s DEPOSITARY OF THE United States Treasury, awl appointed agent for Um We of taa 7.430 , 'Ma Clo 247 . • • Everylity wtlt be oared to Investors or pat. Use posoluolog for route. H. es. MURRAY, Cashier. BANIETIWA HOWL • N. HOLMES & SONS, N 0.61 Market Street. Pittsburgh. •:il=Lliui=d 0111ULEITOI' . • ma* on at tbOpilsolpol points: al tho Unitad States ant ()anon's. grooms, BONDS AND WTELEIL 81101111111111 BOUGHT AND SOU! ON CONIMSSION. - Pototoo ottoatitOt pad to tee potation MO tale or MID :RITE SECURITIES, . , easel mein I sir U6ll • • N. 'Weir mw ?. Ihres.-1111411si- If& I: sonsmeunem imb e amanita or{ NrmMYeß DSDEEB AiD YOUaItRiaIOI7GMM ok *BAY ooLt.sCrrim. . DOLLAR hAVII4 OS' BANK, '11 . 03 ' 66' room Wriner. MASTERED lit WE.. - Dyne daily boa Ito I o , elock, also en Wednein day anC-Satt i esining, Dena hay let to Re. ',ember let, I tot Weloolk, and flail NOT MUM' IA to llf.ay tat 'II tot °Week:. _.. • Deposita received of all soutsof not lees than tree Dollar, and a cltrttlind of the pronto deldanod toles . 41=er, Sinn and. Desemban, Interest has toed seadcanaddly, la lone and Demobs, elm the Ranh - wee orpalsed, at the rate efler Interest, not drown intt, le Oland to Ins nmtlt of the dew/SW is ytindpal, eat bears the woo lateral from the Add days °Chums sad •Decesabee. impounding Wise a year 'Shen; troubling the_ Mrr to tax or sum_ toVroorst !Open book. s into n om F e trlll donate in hoe usea twelve ,tio tthihrtir. HpLaWit, Rules; and letulatio funOshild, Ilitifrol llPPUllaaa , at the Otos. _ _ ___,_ rnaininsr—USlOßGE SLIfiI ; EE: , . . . . Inman J. liallessou, li,ll. Polio*, IL Di Jolts G. lisakafts, Mellott Robb,_ . _ - Bad. 1.. Fatumktmly .. - Jobil n• Nuelibillors Jaws Radius, . mam DUDA, . . Siam Jackinlim_ '. I 4.lmuuder 0 WM *. ItaiDds. Otuistiaa Toy*.; . A. a .T ag am oba . Tth l : L ' jaaik, , i . : 4: : . ... 4 P•Rat iblenr ammmaam4 AE . l, l,". 'Alain AL . • • . "' I/A• lij i := ' ObadrlA. . • • •• ' - IL t am ' Viii „" , - i ~:•,, . . X.• ••.- '4FaelliiiB . ST Es . • .., zlr +Ai= t—..... 1-.: QPICIED• • ' ( Weed Sams. - • • ? A l aiiitivrat , B ev - Now Masi ISl,Weee Omit. OlieGEO AIM - . led Imil nedvalp_atoat . = taikes_clitais. '4. AIM at IumAJUR 1 Y- 011411 1 111*3101ABBIA v-111 WO Maws 14 : 1 11 8 ri a vnui r t : v . ,ft e r at obi and Plen lISMNPIII. 9 '2 0 9 2-140. ;--~ --~~ /AV lOW F,IM' PAID IN 46 . YEARS $17,0041,000. Net ,U*imAa.January.l.Bos. 71111 in MIND ?MGM LIUL Ageseles tom tea principal Mtes aM lawns In the 'United States. L A. CARRIER &NBA., Agents. ST FOURTH SIREN!. C ra"TER 1829. PRA IN FIRE INSURANCE 00}EPANI PHILADELPHIA. Assets on Jsaussir 1. 18414. 6.2,4117,649 96. 400,101 Invested Premiums Unsettled Claims— Income for IBM =Z== Penedos! and Temporary Policies ea Ukis tdrt ass =l:3 MeMee N. Staneker, lama Lee, Tobias Wagner, Edward U. Dale. Samuel Greatt,,, GeOMB Pales, Jamb R. Saab, • Alfred Fitter, Game W. Richards, Eras. W. Lewis. SL D CHARLES N. ANC l'EMt., l4, EDWARD C. DALE, View wident. SAS. W. MaALLISMI, Sec. pm. tam. J. G. 00FMC, Avert, WAD _ sorrier Wood and Third Mmes. FIRE AliD MARINE Insurance Co. of North America. MILLADEMPHIL. Ilartibrd Fire Insurance Company. Ameas.ooo. E=:M! .11111 Ms. tendon can be mental In the above named and restable campmates. W. P. JONES, Aorny Bajatrp's Bra"dings, 81 Water at. w ESTERN INBUTtAIiCE COMPANY OP PITTSBUROH., H. MILLER, Jr., Prurient, WM. P. APABERT, Secretary. OlNee, No. M Water Oxen, Spent & C 0... Warr house, up AM" Pittaburth. RNI lam.< cpa hat aN Hada of Ara *ad Marks WS. A Maw inrataliols aseraosted by Diredora u4l ors sett known in the coommenity, ond .M. ore daten ward by promptness and /tberality, to maintain the shoreeter said they Use assumed, oe offerers UM ben protadiass So those Into desire to be insured. R. NUR; Jr~ James McAuley, Alexander Speer, Nathaniel Hulmee, David AL Long Elea. rilmiels, Rees J. Thomas, lieorge Beide. Chas. J. Clark, Campbell B. HemOn, John R. MeJune. - 1.. W. Rwludson, eye* WRL P. HERBERT. Sicretary GITIZENb INSUMAN CM COMPANY o' PlTTBBt7ll.oll.—Oft , e, corner Market ao.l Water streets, second door. lIAGALET, Pettitteme. 811P2?AltD, Stem/try. letuten Steamboats toe Oared*. it/enure* agyannt toN tog debaxialte to the saavivh. Lion d /be r‘outheto end at enrn, Leskee ike4 Seyew, end the bevigatton of the Seas. /mutes minima lose arM damage by Ms. Itsgairy, , Simnel Era, John Shl to Jas. Part. Jr., James Cooper. W. O. Johnston. B. limb% B.F. Joon, J. Cale , Jr., Ilea. T. X. Boma Jobs tt. worth. Mateley Weston, Wm. J.-Rodger'. Oeorge Bingham, deatlid psupwm , LIiSOUNCE COMPANY Mite. N. E. corner of Wend •nd Vllth.Sta FIRE AND RatINE INSURANCE 11... Phtlllm, Sohn Watt, John E. Parke. U. Minim Lox Merles S. Basel; Marks Arena. Wm. Van Kirk, Job. F. Kirk risk Janes D. Verner John Cayes. WM. PRILLIDPS, Prater.; JOHN WATT, MI prawns. WM. T.:GARDNER Socertark. LLEGIIEKY INSURANCE COMPA NY OF PrIIBIIVEOH.. I -0111es. No. n TIM meet, Pant Bk,ok. turures against all kinds of Fin aii4 Marla Maki. ISAAC JON_ ...1* Pratind. JOHN D. WWRD, nal Pra44ffit. O. N. HOWL, Ey. Iwo .Toctes, O. Et= • off, B. L. Balm/114;h. OIL COMP4JrIXII. •c ►pts NATIONAL ItEFLIIIIre MID STUMM COI PANT Is new fully organised. and haa arewrinancod boat. new at their temporary oMoe, No. if IRWIN STREET, MP Idaho, Pittiburgb, P.., and are now pared tow a general buidnesa iu Buying, sell- Reflatog,,litortag and Forwarding CU. The.. orba are on tai• lutobe Of the Allegheny river, - above the eitf and will in a short Moo be waiter of manufacturing MORT HUNDRED DARREL& OF SEPIK Lie IL PER WEEK, re which will bard the beet qoality and in i two package.. it in the ' detain al this Uoispany oaks a gtehow brand for e ffo rt, and eg_paita will be sp to give It • tbat amide& They .Will abro gi the forward. and = i tan ti o s h t lyrth re A wilt have unrivalled factlittea .a Oil will be takes front .try boats t. the am by machinery ad thus avoid all wbarbige, drama at delay. tonalgra. log their 011 to us tea rely en having ft neat through with prompUtudde and dispatch. • *.fbe alompany tuna 6,ospital et,ery., with tlia. following oillesto r E aot—A. 31: WAILSHALL. - pheeterb;nl. M. bliaahaU,l. P. Saws. Jima OIL 3. Kineald, Arthur Kirk.] Latta, B. IL Haler, David Eirit sad Win. Handiram. Bartnii"e" sad BaalnenMau'ia"— llAY ID Borreapeahomie lad orders sellettad, sada/10os niunicatleos to be addetaaml to National Storing and Refining Company, .ALEXANtEiViIMMERIs SOU. :::iali*Oujiyingitair New Ilbares. • llort e #o# Fros,lN. wst #lll Las 11, tILADZUMIZA. - Eisrlaisbees thlrt, lama la thatna• "MUM,. las all ta• maautaaturerala thaivialal_W,wasla passsa ' WOOL " - woOLZMI yasMaad ;WOW MAlWltakaaal wl/1 =aka _CLIEWatt oa a Slatilpsionts, as ma da per wat.per mama, fallsawl F ineravriFifaul - ' - AND WOOD 'OKADA • , omit% sta pie • • , : .r• • • '' W . 2.1 1 V011*(4.:' • sat • . urs.,at 0414 - rIIiktATII gaIOVAIIIYAROCALIPI , . 'lO • ! Zr, 4,4 1 / 8 4. 2 0!- I 7 , 77 - pirrßom maostrue woaxis - ii. aaracatmaiwir. No. SC Otto Street, AUeePloy. MANUFACTURER OP Oft. TOOLS: Ace A. U smuts MID 17 . lits 0 On end Salt • Mete. Partlenlar laterals' la invited 10 hit late to. tithe In JARS and JOINTS, will& are of =lthe beet In the wor4l. They are all made or the awed Mir ant &or Maw hns,batameted Brea tilt. th i t hr h Vg: ax d ra s,K ado ke t ti o of any one RLI agree with aid it theme or soy other seVef bb raannfaetora. bearing the woe amber. fITXLII,ISNOLKES and Wreathe Work mans to ardor., Peat-enthe bey It. SAISSOnE POET MONO, it. 1:02 Irottlao to ahoy ourtrork. . antinket rITTBBURGH .FOUNDAT. ==3 A. GAMMON & CC). oweeet. to Sollaan, Gataisen. chat FOUNDERS AND MAWS= Mnalketarets a Otanadi somas or an , assai w l M Dar* per i ad, Etas, .Zalea Omeri gobs Silver ja aaa ada jor o nis &bah &Mai mil Castings et all delatptlcran.: Bark hallsi Patent Double Ganda, Mb a TM& order *thee aletas, always on m ule t o Mad t• on Sho r t make sad favorable tanna. Moe and Waldman, la Sattallald *S.% Plleamo. *Sly BLACKiDIAMOND TEL WORKS, Pfli, BROTHER & CO. • . Inanufaatatentot war ce i t ie ffsr: assn nary, Bowe e sod Octagon, • • shot. Witesot od eg g Ito &ny Imputed or sasaviltstatid MI p4:4oo:9tifll air thilos and wiLrohouas, Nos. lahond NI PEEN? and 110 and in Snooirn smunio,Pittabingh. PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 18111. argil Lamp Chimney* 1,0011 8,618 800,0411 These. Chimney. ate intended for the eat flame, nesting all portsng. of the glass equally,.does t'. does it to rack i E. Ik - DITHELLXIE, Fort c Pitt Ctimi Works, Washington street,. apt, Pittsburgh, Peen'! ...... a W. a. LACIIITOSH..J. SAWMILL. W. V. WAWW IRON CITY WORKS. NIACIIINTOSII, HEMPHIELL co. ling:oo..f=tionVelwitakit.4l Oorserof ME and MYRA. and PINS and WALNI7T STREETS, (Near City Water Worka,) Manufacturers of stationary anti other ENGINE:3, SOLLEIII MILL CASTINGS and DIACIIINE. Hy, of all kinds, and general jobbers. Prompt attention given to repairing ROLLING BULL kiAIIILINIMY PLATED WARS Walters, Casten, Om, as. suitable for the Trade, es hand sad Am sale by I WILIER .& MOSS, 225 South sth st. PHILADELPELL road IL imam. lIW.► ow air rsr. JOHN B. HERRON & CO., lEitercre, 3MGaur:utareacrturox•as, Moe and Sal. Room, fete No. ill LIBERTY STREET'S pfiliN MACHINE WORKS AND A. FOUNDRY. H. WIGHTHAN, ENGINE BUILDER AND MACHINIST, ',scora srawer, between Federal sad Smarmy, Ar.rionnorr Ors Pa. Manufacturer of WIGHT-111'A S PATENT PORTABLE OSCILLATING STELE EN INES, Shafting Pulleys, ace. Reyalring of al l kinds attended to , .1•14 I J . BCIIOO24MAKER, XANLIPACTICKZI es thus Leal, Bea teas. Blum Leal, &Mame, sae Palau, Patty, &a, .1 atta Doubt in LniszED of veaNisa, JA.PANS,PAINTEItS' MATERIA,L, UM. and Wareimuo, No. di Wood street ' sAl&lrd , SFI/13112LNCE, NO. 581 Water. dt. •••-,* P•tabarmi, stustatstiauvr of BOLIENt. HIV WR4l .7..d U9l ,.. :::ls=Z itarvEni tsaimad Wt. et null, mad. W order at shwa 'Reties. • x_ • D• W: BEDNETT, Marmfacturera a-x• and Importirs 40=NA WARE. No. E DIAMOND STREET bemoan . Wood sad Market sifeeta. PittobwAA, PA, mN 80028 .&r SHOE& NEW STOCK OF Boots, Nam Balittorals and Gaffs, U■pt. Jam L. Moods . §junzug P. Shrive; SS X&REET STREET. fIEI IVIS TTISKE SHOES.—W A-I. rectdvrd • bale levortdlera AIEN 'AND 80Y3' Flaw 'RS•assiazisoz• Glove Kid Oaten GalLeoi eel Balasuaa... F T" 1?Ilf B.kle Gaiters; . , p.Low . Oxterd a " . 3. • • Sewed ana %I•aell Boots; • All MI otl4 . Ityles, manufactured to our geolol order, Wt rat as the beet outwit rea G*o. AIBREE, SO/itik CO. oOK. !ROOD LED MUSTS STREEWS,. torrawd John D. lact/ottl. Capt. Adam isaoto. B. D. Stasibm. Capt. Wm. cGraw Dam D. M Rabat U. Dail*. .1 XX — W DB. HS 27 000D81 (morsel ', - 10 I ~..., .Um atteatura at tla pails tit vs/ hale el . 1' INIONS, GAIT , , _ now en hand end arthdag every day. __ , ley &trek s everutalag_ln the Mee Leen hem aTM ULNT TO ATER DoLIJUIPALII. 4/1 / ask for everybody leo fan es. . : . , _ .. L 140 .. .. 2 Federal Street, - Indemnities sleek bases Ivereluislagelerwieee Dori tweet , peon Nail Federal itreel. W. IL MeV raylll • IS Federal West, =My y; Jean Iwss, ' Ire. se Werke& Street HELLS THE HIST 5 . 131 mars:sr rrrnsa, „ : /Lad THE NOST DUZABLE .SOOTS ..96.24101 iSZECMENN , iOf so; 14;usl to the; 416"-'ibb a.rlase risittilli margueleux ISPRIN . - AND SUMMERATOOK.„ . cep, or,-,V)-PISETSIM MITP Pattaceship Aerator** .betweea the - nada Ur drat " isli tit l 011IIXPTO 430., toe *lambda* Witt** Peed and Bed% amble dey.beestlbeolved by a u* WORM. = ll Tall TWILL TT,1011:12104:81ILL - W i C *mum klahnOn & plogarro se otßitrroir 1' . 4 X4a . . . • , I :11EAVVIMATIMILII os Silver VA Briperibtlioebi Soste, dY f•Z anitin PUTNIDRIM COP • ' z'; OW. ' "•' " ' pre • wttk As ts UN JA2011.7 eall 10i: :r4 1 . 1 . 1 ' 14illas ~.IA. . how, , , , i- ?..:,!:::: =.'L • rommii ommoime —, : SUS . i t ilalli dii i i : e•'''iiiisurt.' ",:-. „ ~. 7, !., 4.alt •IN A tti . ~si• - . .• ~... :• .• -., .- . • ~. < 11-1"4"- -.: , . a81 ‘... ". ._ t tf;trrnAM .' hil1"201: ' ' AIM ... i— - ' 00sit'attWitersossli'i TURK__ PRUNES- r 4l*e lar daft' epitinti fa! sal! -20BBLarWkAPIC:roarafr% err:tumour. fa SINIV 21013M40/IT VS PATENT XX 'LINT GILAIIII. BC'i•ORY. AND IRON FOUNDERS, SOUTH & ROSS pLarloars. sc. E===MME -4 4 OILS. SIN onzarzo*- oh o9isrixi Pro Meal at Ocias sal claim sii;iu;basailLattAft ono. Wm h. NI 110 .dnet, PTrfifBURGII, Pa W. D. CIMECKAN, 13up't. Janda 'EWER, BURKE & 00., 000rmi3siat :.; : &sorra Of Tex et*. Pulls and .Lilxtrq - ottt. We rpo . • ... Mord auk ammo rods ea simiasamsabt kalesed or Crude Petroleum. 01,:/r7QTRI/3 . WIT act 11A3ZACt at. soul z. wt:arca a ..:WILLIMI MIMS WA \ LSACE & CURTISS, - IMUStiftlo/111MITHAMTW EME==L3 CRUDE Alolumaxkuntorsui. Kl2anfi AID LUBRICATING 0t49. N. 134 sorra wsAarzs, nurragunu, Pa, • arStorso aridly' (Wader sort,) ibr UM; bunk Also atoottent tseLlltles for elapsing to Asmara& and rood& ports. atom wharf oaths Sch a al= Slaw, near the Pao& of WI P• it• RICHARDS9N.I4IIPIY,O - 0,, Clomalslos Ltd Foi 111,0111 CRUDRAND MEM PETOMML vie.o mr:iit'irranse. PrrrE4oll.olG Mend sash 'Almon on aonainnutnats gar Pittfurgh Easton ?nets. Messrs 13. Dilworth Cloi B AcrpionVM. r tkaL, Ocninietelarßank. latus4m STANDARD PETROLEUM REFINERY, CLARK & SMARR, Wanks and Mb* COLLINS (igloo - 1a Plttairtuzb, 94 WOOD STEM. Tbuli - *orb have the Writ eep4V_ ta. the eountur— =se blend etude the-highest this , eoustry sad in Europe, foe quaiii7 awl fire= sad the oil is put Is era seasoned bertele, pre i' Ve i reatt o urire r P o ° (BOIISTII.I.8,TAN" , and IMPROVED ROMEO WOLS for Oil Welled deny BONDED WAREHOUSE OF 'Phenix Warehousing Company, ,Ittot et 112LiTIO et.B.A.I4LISON Bra, Brooklyn. I=l REFINED PErROLE'UId, hi Tsai end Panels. Bea Cionlars. 01liee, !WU BEAER STREET, ority • j v BENI( No.IISC.OLAIR. tiT., Plttalbargb, PCIIIII,IBDINU AND COMAUSTION mEscaa..yr AND YELLER IN OILS ILLUMERATING A LIJORIOLTING, ORDDI PETROLEUM orLs, &a., constantly on bard mod for sale at the lowest market. prim& -,Oonalma• meats and orders moulted. • ;: synem ws. booms JAILLEBI CO., 4 . : IfA7II7.WITILIES 01P Oil of. Vitriol and - Aqua Ammonia OmCfl No. a 5 11.ENI;13? ESL, priTsiintaEr.-Pa: WAitilio&11II48, - ocninussioN . : r.AND imam is PEMIOLEIT/I LiD ITS PIIODUCTS And dealers lajitaxdag Naleffiait: Ro. sit& Hart' ST. Plttelrenk. Jams vtualiis. CRUDE AND ItEFINED OILS r...y.Ekwai. Thum.. wii,.-rtuated. ' /Sr nipecAll attention glvea to the SALE AND stararravr OF PETROLEUM sad ID products. Uouslgisments respectfully sollelted. • - Pittsburgh Agway_ for 'PENANG° OIL MO TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. • MI- POST •IFICIE BOX I. y Luezwr OIL WORKS. DUNCAN, DUNLAP & CO.; Pars Wltite Refilled Carbon Off& No. ei =Wirt mum= sot I==V wx. BITIRRAN CO., _; Commission. Merchants, and dealers in CRUDE' 'AHD BEFDNEIi PKTEO LEUN, BENZINE. ha her gir balm facilities foe storiag ou Nut csagaY Wareham arid *dice D1:19,0851Uf WAY, hue Band street, Pittsburgh. aptitatutd im WO;I TI O TL IL BEFIN .. BEY. Ar , "YL'7ll rirs Lavirmv. (Swc*Mr* b 81,416 Pafasmia Oil Retinas sod 'dodos >a Peteotns,Bemis% latbries,Ung bad Paint Ulu. oMay 1 4 19:7 Ef.A2l g. 000 STREET & _ . (y.l 4. l3TOCK&—Tba ar dl s niignea will gals ot Stocks of An 312LtidILE Chi ."nark*Da eead pellersii) istl. 4 . • _ a,,K.,111; 0&1141411M 11a - 107 Foam's eraszr fir. EM IL VOMI/CB/VANEB • .1.11 iiimered lo ft:WA STEAM ENGINES, . Se Pub' sieved et Aron PPP - eat PAP get-. pope, es - ehorteet "actin. Having dithorest .P=4 ' ttadie, sad Itobblip ottni, tip =PPP be opted with Popp ear Op Illtb between Neeltrusta Pet titanium Z'OGE • SISSTEL *BEM Mere T'ailorts, Itatrk,oat at their mewerom No.* ifTNNATVisstpr.Uosoort Haltiaist *lse T i Zar out aid. Nos la Fl tit ntlatillT.• most Mao dant maw meat of New Huraarezttoode for natio-- mono wear, Width hat recently bean purchased la the Zuti.se t irttlab they wilt. mans .to codas Mk rattly red in cur Moo will ims. 69 hressCall tbe 'Maitre ant ifistesa• Op* of the seven, ARIA as only can be fparound it ep a, lendld lind cdsee estaNishemmt,soametlat i n, t of a assortment of trawl and cessasnerae, amt • toll Use of Nareallbra bum, which vs wilkstaltoOp to ordirsto isopestes sagalt torn eritttetarnera riadths ?mbar 1 ORA, PUSSINt. Bit* soseessor. to id. GRAY , a SOL, Ott Mud No: 0 Filth SU= Nonalitaml. No. it= Strost.t B. OWL 24 RELMarrnalarnia . flea Tatter ant all Zaaptaar oats.' atraorer, for .Yesairg art jpiraairas nut &MIN , Lent-itarrififilli 11/R pßiallia3, reacreertsy_liale' - Sit iIIiALLINISSIGESII AGUE szinParlei tar~mYa . freftlratat , M. . fleinalannklalf faro allattat ewe et latausaattera. IMPICCITORART I same waft fat autade et. aarria Geaultgiterairs ha awe artire swig elliTO PaUci ll r9 4Bl i.i .1010.113160'44 Mirk* . , 1116 , -r , WOllOl lir ausair GIVIINTU STc AT' DIL exteballaf44 4lo , llo3 TWW Zl:CtUalnut. Tune atiresa ea '.."OIIIIfDALT.' . 4swella - Mali, as le ‘ .Stodww UVl i="ll4 ire J .14 _ . t FAMOUS MTH =lt: •• Lb , - tale/um—l katoreesek _Lau 10 ;awe CPI gerleUll Toniteir illiblel MVO . . seer 'a - am. am w ail eld•Nu .verwook, stair= ileliesl= Zl= r l e 4: 1 ,f Go4l,llldf - - • , , . , . • " , 111/11110111mOmmiliW n.aLIW4D& NU 'btrigatirdigifffL. onntu.s.A.-8111tritglit asamtainillt ' ‘"-' 111ILSVISIMILILY ItRUNS. Oa sill Alt* 11011Dhari heaplettnaggriMilill Win Masai/pi Pepsi as harm& ' - PET iriumassiaillt mmo Elaaaay, swat. , aa.iitaypiag Gaya( prirri and g .. Alarm arnsmatimman liantaralig nit Mit. .... . • litallegara and Warditaghircu' as& at „ Ins New York Itad.oll and intimr• WEAL_ - „ YAM AkOLIGNMODATTOP44 I I II I 'WWI gins -. -i 4 day, at 6.91 a. nr., stopping at al -MOM. -- ". $ stations totwom Pitiaburgh arid ThillOstirla t ta.. i i= l / 4 elan aannentiou with train* as Wan Prinayirants. B. B. - Eberalmig sail Orman it: 1t... and idollidayabMl Prrniaugou y, a p. !b zam Kau., Mgt Isl. apt saada ■ofida ip ..„ . rit riarldg aig .• i Um Mations batsman rata sad mating **animism wtth" . rataa am thii - hm&anit aroma a. B.r Holildaystials__Bruhrh ht. 1 1 .-. TVs** sad Oleo and Baid Zegas, Taller _. . al Iteine4 _ .. — .1151 - Crirrowit ACOOMICODATION, dank et . 1 apt Sunday. at too p. al., Mona( ' tkes u rati nm at o w r n sg osdaad We sstin b g ewPb elnmwith to tes • -! NM Lantana Brandi and W Penman:4 PEILADELPELA daub at - LE N. oo stoppir at learobatAloastaant iati. 214 w aratga trad Lanownee me Donnie ' 1 At somistians are mde fa , EilEnareLW .. 'sad New Telt c ( at Indla= ate W 1 H outon' and la= ! tae ga than tem PI Baltlmets; Ptilad , pitta._ ; and New Yo u t by , riald.... - , , PAST -daily, Mniday. at !La F t 1M [ Is, Soppiest at uoiummMimmner •Altee. .7 [ an. l Huntingdon.. Lesamina..etown. = .X 1310:. ':. ' listylvil*.Uarilabura. Middl,- : • Won, EL Jo_ y. Imentlissmnanue. snMilensev -- - Inglowle :At Marrisaurg eosuwasSOW 410),MWiltitat -. ' New Ton , Malttnotir Ind Wainington.al PM*/ . ' delphla. ltw Neirredit. DIEM and litanwelatir . ..• , nethu. 1 ' --- - Ent Asemniodattan Train tee Wall% Matta- -• leaves daily (enepliFsinday) at SAO e. is:, .. .t ~.- .: Heeond AosommodaUon Train for Wall'. Waves daily (assent SondaYl A RAO a. se. 71:' T: Tbtrd Aosendmiation Weida Du WaPlt WNW. eaves daily (eaeeptSnaday) at tarp. a. .. ...-- ~ loarta AsoondendatieniThibt for Wa/Pa andles, . eaves daily lexoept Bandana* Mt p: ~ ~ ~.,. ApicamodatiOn kit Penn, Statline IllareWe Ell . 11"4"4' . . itinlill Irldr Stitiiii nom - Tin Illozrob Thin • a iti Vl at tat a•li42lltlitiME Mini .110daditeglin . - ' Retuning 'halo ainvea flttibilati ildallsoni - Mall - Izatam. Fast Lint - Sint Wall'. Station -. Penn Accommodation.. Second Will's' Station Ift:=3 iiitiablg ' ' '' mai", ii, ile Ede Mall , 1 , Madman Mips= .... .....i..44 • - IMP: law f 1 .Ttdra Wallia Station luniainitatzhalau... , Lap. ab • Philadelphia Exprese.44 r _11.31 p. Me 1 Fourth Wsll's Station geeozanuldatlos- gap. in.. . ~ EndazaiTniln.'..., .' ' 1° .1. ,, 'l - Agent of the glikeelitar Chanibus.oampaayi - . 1 • 1111 i iiao through each train .bilforei teatoidas thai , - '1 De take up 'woks and deliver baggage liz sap . . pazt the city. . Ogles No. Ala Pena street, °pig. ..- i day and night, whoa. all orates tar Ilks MOVOIROIIfr 1 O t f pilaseageni and bagpge will neatly pgampli &A Baltimore express will anima with Philatelpusi Express at 2.10 si t et. on Mondays. NOTICE.—In raseof loss, thr Comma) milli t hold themselves xessxmaible lor palmist • 'only, and (of as amount mid SEA i W. ss At the PeossylmUila „Cleated Railroad -Suation. on Llberte mid Griot stoma*. • s pirrosimilA . WAYNE lc' RAILWAY, . AND -.'OLLTRIL Auco.a . 'PE= BURGH R . IT.TtreAD. 1 BumatEn-Anainchanuirr, - .. Oa aid site Riay istb,ls66, tralas wat eaa all Leaves eti i ror i roe 1 _ rat , -- .- FittsburpiChisato NRervelsaL i wassails, - Expeses....-.....Lis al ta. I.M a. O. all a. Na• Expre55.......... 14.00 p. m. "aA! p. W., 1.0 - 1„1". - _ TAO a. m. . - . aili SOW alr New Osaile aad Eris LH a. fa.' , .-, : Autrii at Pittibutst—P W.& O. Inn; limit. at, &to p. Lai p. ma, lae p• P P. IL' U. r. R. Sr —6l.te 231.. BA , gst:itgo • AOOOIOtODLTINZ ,TL.II 1 ?Teti - ' - ' Otiiiilmis Etrirhlon R ti c i . .7 '- :: Oistlb. ' Eiatiaa • . nu. Lao it.ii. 1.15a.ia. '& 1 / 1 61a. iliLliap.a. tifilp., 6 19.50a.m. ,k . ,c., . . • Antve as aneigheay—P.: r.-*. k 0. itailliar . Ll§ a. at, Itlll, 11.81 11: " GEORGE PA.IIZEN,T7tIrat Aga% tinfoil A. JP=t 3z Ey sy ttu, Plttetrtulgty Ps. H. . frpolls .••• 7L .111YERS. iieuin a _ Tlokai . Asell Mtt—.-Ma.Li3 DITTSBURGH exn aorrward.syaLL WINTER AkiaitGMi4=4, Oa eat eat MOND l', N0v.141114 tap art a leave the Depot, p Cof Boas and pai „ . Naga aid boa UntetllnintrWalt. p. - - 'Expos. u p. a; Ste 1/.a..: Finn aidreasport Ateonft...lloo a. a.' Iletai. a- Beoesa_ &Op, a. p. net, mrsaes Ise gala I Sewed " ". ica - dUlge -- • ,• Sunday Ohara Trata!• - . ave. McKeesport. .:Assiop. VHS 4.1 • Zee Waal apply to • a. J. MS& W. B. STMT. dapaiatial. , , - AZIKT K. ZING LLEGEENY, VAL-. anamit' LEY RAILROAD,. CHANGE or TUSE.,-On Oar 1101tDAIrc, tatly e ntla following ,11:111110/11011C1g. MAIL TRAM—Leaves Pittsburgh at Obit IL. - animasNlttaaplas MIDAS A. tanai,g at. LOS p a., arrivals' Miami 4 . =MESS Tadtli—Leaves • gebriakstltl;, a. pl =l , :i t gz i pttstmakat_wril . jap,an . 4 ii•wv pro A.MAtiieIODATION • TItAIN. Walks at &Ma. m., arriving atPittabumbattili m. Leave* Pittsburgh at imp .- at," artintatilb tOtIiZILL'S . FOItIfii3DT,BII4GRATION 0111.311 . PINTSBURCIII, PENNA. - , Sao. • 180.: Sap bongo fro" the "o . ld Galati , . . . The Liverpool, Tort ao4 hiladelphia (Ift man,)man,)) Steam/lip Oo New tatator tutting /P appointed hi =Jed their Agent, bate, eke hlr, newel& • be la how endved to beingout or - ailbts • Maw Paaftegais by. the as ot left Lime at URUSVALLY LOW RATIa., The Stn 41611;SAPC. this favorite Um leave Liverpool every WYDN..m. DAY , foe Dow Toriktotiehlas at Qmallatiei are smog thate~oaftia t and mat eat-. • me . andenigued gig* h%tr , : g be sod LoodoxiMr Lisa ot S - leaving Lift& SSDAT. sod at -Weft& Vry g e r ntialiPfte myna sad. mans. The stasisi.„. .- en et Ulla Una an built la the dreamt- awe& ead turalah choice aoaaamedatioas for oftfteettesa He to *ha agent tor TAPSVOTra LINE otateft, .• bezteetOtippu, Selling Padua& Wring - Mat ;_,.* for Der Yolk twice wee k mat thit...ll“, London Packets, leaving MWea emery Tee etTIL - The ships et Tapeeetra Lfte bare tate beta '- tad tor their quick palaa anti thy exaallisift ea the hrovialoaa threed the pafteoSeta, sad theft . Mad treatment wrote on boat& Pietist who vie that, Meade beettat out by raillag aeftela t iftimfte , ' alt DfPaeasas mans this tuut to at helatly liftftelat D oast/ Darts at Eurogisles- •• • at the lowaet verse aalle ; . ass TBAX IFREHLT: 'TO , Pixolibxeciaiguag. „mum Li Now YOTt sod I.lll~tio Ootapsoyilamma LIM.) ostrytos ; 4 , IMP( BUSGH ..Elotackityjotioljw,i , MT! Or SALTIYORIS.:444OOtion CIITY OFWABHUtOTON:4IIatadIIy t hlaig . AsO tltitattmlit wassimmArry.i . • Amms CV iPAJOL&A; OA or tut ilea Cada. ME • to Loadort.:.• CO „ urea as. to PorOg...tiO . •• SO • : to Haablug- SO to A • rialingeti guar brow** to Rsyrk , ,pottsetlato, Ai:MOO% Ng. az owns t11116 , .• - .. , , 14118rpootetgootomoint-isil Skinge,4lo. :ThiMe whoillskte t Z feu tau4de L or buy Calms ire Far author Itoto."ruttort V i r k nyall ! ; , ads - if :al=2=l=l VII Zf ER Fl' , -.L t At.. 7 t,s!croaat -;.-:-, i*E. * ii4 .-. ~.:4 ..... 6- P4r 11 1 . : - ... - 4 tv ; , .- • .410 la 1044 mai Totems La 0112116117 i . 4...‘•! It _rwal 110= *lit ihrtelleirtA.: Al ;..1..! ... . —.— _—_ air oc*.ims.':' Ars. • t :um* wILBONOLIIit. & Cakoi ;Ls.. 1 %642 1F F 114.1 6 61. 111 6 .41, _Wkelaßabi 41a t it'itiEUMIALAD !Ipm.P.DBT .21e. -ww•ca. woo Ay, ausi.rwilingsk, perOlt ltagitiThlfe r Tia usu oirtirsams-t , Fs - A. 11111,1,01,, AttiCRIII4 di .614 '.".6 lfirt 1 1 1111 's digraki. Y. Irsitotaitatembettirtmlue;AXtr WARyj " "Mitißogwil"."4ll.ilkblWW.MlL, ' ' OBRA 1.1 hakige_julk: LAMINA assist 1. au Mir st Tanumius. wax 4ma. Moira Or el" '1214111111" 11L111111i1aii : (1 . ■ !AL Pc43,4't- i.. - ‘1111‘,1113 - W1 K1 111 .! . .h. 1 • !tre SZIPPI376i, - - mow.._ V 4a1...- 'O, ; r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers