• . . . . • . • , . , . • • ... . . . - - - ........ .. .... . ...... - ..._ „.. . ........_,„„ _. ....„-....,...,--__,... . , . . . . .... . . , . _ . Agit, " . .. I . ~ ..-- -.-,...•.. -• . -..-- : • • . . .. ~ . . , .. ~ , , . - . • . . ....... ..,.. _ ..-. . ~ • . . ...:- . I. . . • - " - --- • - • , , ...,.... .. . . _ ... .-411111 P- ' own TAIIMII II 49cr. TA} muumor; - , ILl g i cakulf.la.o4llL .. '. . : 0 /wk. i. alllnc4nsil a pparently , slow. .111. Ertaishing offendesa,againet publicifieceacy; fiat the malt shows that although the evi papal of punishment may not be seen it is met eurely-felt. This fact is Illustrated to the cower Miro limey of. out readers will remember the to the'ralite in which .thhi nick ' iris sellibeAC It occurred at the time tit A lbez P.:Efain was the sole s o li-all.. • smasher of that body'at least thepnlY, aimed LiontCA - 4 , lthotigh loshad no. power, and his vOttk_i?Ounted: only sied;ut the than- oretritg• pro. litkal G-Jorit..,ri.i=t - -iithr.zuk-, re. .:: Ineinbers, Sad they resorted Wall - pos.: lama of ezmoyanaaruid iatbaidetibiti reamed id'ia *plain upon - the standing • treated him With Open matemot; ae far as tlielr tedielidlsediin'c?ouid, ii ii, tti ne Ids very freseneethelve ; Alf-this, , , failed ',Mr. Ifiiit w‘s Indoinits- e would : telly nii,inattek . how they .. Um, aPd-lev. would utter the bold. ' at anti-slavery' talk Iwo, In Spite of _their; 'trans and maidttisinatradoess . '. .. _. .: . B wim after-one of ids' brilliant : Saul ef ' ,‘ j*Nve egeeehelf. Against SlaverY; calied.nut • '''. if bite by this:Southern. treatment; that *na p then a %Wilber el the-Seneter ,frout ': •: Fledasipid, let,'..iiii s ,' , indignation boil : over; ad la a reply full of 'vindictive bitternees lo,_ threatesed the bold Senator than New liaapsidre with. i Litter for . dariag to utter ibelition sentiments In that Sanhedrin of r ag% The', popular sentiment of the • _.; or* albeit then wrongly tinctured widi . • minden to the - Smith, could not brook this" , " - • ly threat :and thei iouliriquat of , 'was . immediately fastened up . eery tittle :Mississippian. Ile has iielt known Oily as "llArtairazit' Fool* . • axe that day to this.. !How deeply,' thii degrading nickname ,-.- plied him the world never knew until 'Le - lf he chafed iurderit he has had strength •.. iihertb to conceal it.. •Bat now that &a -: „: • sty, in whose intense: he earned it; is ex ' 'Le% and the antislavery sentiment, then - litito wind but one rapresentatlin to - the . haat; has become trine:Thant, he breaks under the:long suppressed pain and 5 0,. ~--, that it has been to him a veritable , ..• •', in the fleall 7 an infliction equalto the .: s hied shirt of *Sale. . . - i real* it mist be _understood; having .. =_l 4 ,e or the United States y has , at last In Montreal; and one of the lion- . , IA:- - eel papers having spoken of him frame. ' • ;:jl, _idly as the volunteer dans SzToll. of the •.':, anth, he sends a long leiter ,to that Jour— „,4:-:' al Rom which We cull this extinct: ' . 1 -" The eplthet i oi 'Hangman Foote,' which '...' ' have thought proper to apply to me ; I is not et all new. I received the ap ••: : : talon fifteen years ago, becatfee of awry and fueseeiderd + p each sach which tlss o La the United States Senate, in res. 1 ” :: :'• l to a sesY:aiurteutut and eloquent one I , ...' vered by Mr . Hale, of New ' `denunciation of, tto system of negro ' '.,.-', ',' .. • in the Sontli. I confess- that I :; .'.:ria so unparlismentary ash" lay an teat : . •,-Sion that he deserved to be_ hanged for ....- such language as he then uttered._Ja '. . ;i:. ' I may, in . reply, have. employed V. tropmge of a directly menacing character. ~.., 1i..4,:wt. ma declare to god now, though Lo. all sl.''. lankness, that 4 was heartily astototad of , :',.;.•: ling used such liegnage Immediately af .':/,,,..Ti0. I had done so, and 'that I selsedan early • ;;;;;‘,., pportnnity of making Eirinal , atimeencut Ae . ,'..,,;* fau my lt, in open. Senate, and in-the" 4E. , ~, leering of the conalf7, which formal awns ,AZ.- lest was - repeated on m orn than one etas. -;•-:. . Jon. Still I must confeas that I can siutroo _ .„.:'.. blame any one for applying to me - an -N... Met which, it is evident , I did so Matti.: , to justify; and if ,part and other Or:droller* t' , : ' the publie press still think fiat ' tileof. •.,;,;•: 'which I had committed on theveca. • ',"•:; len referred to is realty , of - en inarldrabla 'ii;; Tulare, I will have, whit; as good , grace as 1' tecticabK to submit to wear this shirt of miens for tLe remainder of my, iife." • ' ; -' We ere glad to learn, even at this late ~ . 1 , . .-.... ate, that FooTE la, cad allaloag, has been 7 ”.,7::,essaltlre enough to feel tlns" sting of this -,'• that It li punishment concentrated in `T''. word - Sri In a word which no explerul. r. 4 . ' ~ .7, ICC apologies can wipe , d. It shows '' gow promptly and decisively public send. ..,, t avenaes each °anal. as 'F'oora's, d hoer, bide It ad they .' will, such offend. f -0- . . 4 as be _will Wiener or, later betray" hoW c• -. • yibey have felt the pain and ho W long. it,;, ey have borne the' - mark of the'llish he. 4..." ettd by public contempt. - '.l - '• .. • _ , Ix Mx New York News of Jane 1; Sim gui.xWoop aunr;nacce, tfutt.i• whiff - Iton- Wog to be Its izo act as ha editor. .A feir H News promalmed that the stoOryigs Oita Ifrrcamm was In Jiteir be found at that sellit*.ithei fiYA:l;ako, Cal Acieergaer adding , thatXprcint. yea • editor of the News : At:' XV" 11,001. • 4 , • eat, says that Gener.,l.4* - IelOok.;_ after Mumma., and is likely-to pit; la Felt Lafayette. 11-4-iallealaideg • that this arch tebef,'l4 . e biiejag ••• - • manner of fo u l, hmoltOnea ab .. 10 • oath is the coihisim.:orithe -Jitchiaiat .• • , and lest all - pouibta i rdd yrtiao . • • • dui OA1911;, jests of Le ; -" .• aboulk PAt' -Weak ewes fa daythethesslitar of 04 North-. krona Be Uas eleullielitjer Stea m either LeiCcirflivri. fiwannenni Maus b a' sweeping oat' Interior Dspariment, and removing so• hillstimista as well as plunderers in the most Pellniddag manner. It has long been a mat gm of surprise that secession clerks have Ikea permitted to 'remain in all the depart heenta throughout the wall, and we Mum pat Secnoary. Ilenzrz's exams& will be `rowdy followed by all ble colleems. I,.Tba emotion odes position of•thenagro to • •." !Salad, insurdif StateSts a: Goetthitt ktiet;,: ~ l which possibly w I baii tile; .. by . TON 'word. Onfildh* (r evident-- By • Ida. 64etito. his devtilltni . suit 311',,Witi004 ; ;Iliti DWI hu earned:alight .to protection .(roin - lee Federal Government That Govern. UNA hu prenonnerd plot free. It must . a ware him in ottla”waher ell ihtiFfe' I • siontives belongaia to hti new medium. w lf she whites of 4¢,,80uth,, atinuilatod..by • rein. dices of od or Ms._. _ trinktioon. of '. [al past , combine to defraud him of those limnimittea, deny hint the virile tot eta. • i outlet his conditki, and him to ta boa ot the pair 1$ Ind*. 44 Yo, •swei power star an ilia-ble In tide behaiL Thls is one of the obligatinii t lywoolog out 01 eke efaiWidek-WOseefr a I. 4/Neld; riot is thee ,o. s c t a wa. y , - 1111swettion to do so. ..g slow the Pinihl , OFI .f.a pasemity. sound . , ttwt 1 A OROS lationtably as the V have n'a..llo olo other k- .,,,,,.... to Meek •"' i ' /tuft jevrool. - - X. v7Tri Roforimos of WO** an Nokias 6 - al* propastioss foe Ms dodos of a maw Row of Oosatou, wad* is tea *or 1110 coon of the mow to par. *Too 311tollood Reform Clookroicon Joe bon re *NW la swim u 11subedor, bat Shay a._ ern isalio to *gm. &no of **dale. las looktod Arm , ' _apes gallon* sat. was doom* Of luso majort. 4 fir p a* au* Nbe I oospokool . tio ; !Me; lkiwitiiikethereiLliliiiiigy.iii•Worgt. has Lincoln before the modelled Wheel ties ottiostonoall'act coMPlirtsmt,lime of Witehingtoat ed auto's. war fin' - .llaafiesertawiett beMon did not differ in ihif of apt's: . ! • - tions..aud in the trait* ,aft. mustered :hook . more. than jti the ideas involved. • The drat, , . he Said, was for national • independence; the mould as, to: make the repu le Arid • indisisable; on. the foundation . lndoetructib of.liberty sod equality. : The , .firat only cIIA • the connection with the Mother - canustry and , opined . the way to the • dulled d' ad.; "E"A" of Poreulargoyanmeat. The see. and will We failed mane it perfume • ill the original 'promisor :• of thiU deckiitiolk which our fathers' took upon their llpserlain - ! they hem:nee nation:' In the. --- relatlon of Cause and - iftbdthefirat was thenattiral 'Curler arid 'herald of the 'second: 'National' independence wee the.dretepoeit In our his ! - 101 7: act such:was-its importance : that fayetts boasted to the lPirst Consul of Prance ,tbs:ttimgh its tattles yew but. Winds . tuaa,' they. decided the -fate of the world reviewed the publiclite of Mr. anci,gavaeophinii extitote'liontlihr • manager end • Or' hilt 'Nana • liciuguieh Mr. Sunnier sal& ”Itrwit brief er than any achireita4oc. : ;:history; . - LAU it ARM - already thither, : and live longer, than any other., :,M.Yeras con... •Grotatiorhol the Gettysburg speech, with the tame. lubllinity 'and .gennesa • It s : con. chiding Words were Ulm an aigeliclbenedlc•- .21r.Stuanier conektied.aa. follows: - . "The colored miffinge:/1 - now a necessity. But beyond this, Inivaling It an esitratial eetiditielt of the , restoration of the rebel States to the Valera, we follow, first, the law erre-s*m and of.naturcind aectindly, the conatitntion,.notonly in Its text, bat se interpreted by the Declaration of Indepen• deem - By reason ind nature there can be no denial'of tights on account of color, and we can do nothing which is thus irrational and tinnaturaL By the constitution It is stipulated that the "United Buttes shall guarantee terevery,State a republican form of government;" but the meaning of this guaranty must be found in the Declaration . of Independence,which lathe controlling pre amble of the eonstituuon. Beyond all ques- tion the United States, when called to en form this guaranty, mast Witt on' the equality of all men before the law, and the consent of the governed. Such !lithe true idea of a republican government according . to Abierlun institutions. "The alaveinastem driven : lkm their first entrenchments, already occupy inner defences, Property In man is abandoned. ad; but they now lista that colored persons shall not enjoy political rights. Liberty has been won. The battle for equality is still pending. And nowa new compromise is pro. posectby which colored persons are tabs sac rificed In the name orEltate It is sad that It is ea. Bat I do' not' despair. The cause may be delayed, both cannot be lost; and ail who set themselves against It will be overborne, torn Is the mascot humanity. ' Not the rich and proud, but the poor and lowly will be the favorites of an enfranchised republic. The words of the prophet will bo fulfilled: "And I. will punish the people for their evil, and the wicked for their Ini quity, and I-4111 cause the 'arroganee of the proud to cense. and I wilt lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. I will make a'man more precious. than line gold, even a man, than. The golden wedge Ophk." I catch these- sublime words ot prophecy, - and echathem back as the as surance of triumph. ' "Fellow citizens, your task is before you. Mourn not the dead, but rejoice in Ws Ilia and example. Rejoice as you point to Las child of the people who was lilted so high, that republican institutions become mani fest in him. Rejoke,that through him omen cipation was proclaimed. Abeyant', am Wit that his constant vows areTnifilled. and that the promises of the fathers are maintained, meat no person in the upright form ofman can be shut out from protection. Then will the unity of the republic be fixed on a foun dation that cannot Mil, cud oiler nations will enjoy its security. Tao corner stone of Detains:independent:l3 Is already In its place , , end on •it is inscribed the name of (Image Washington. There is mit tber atone which must have in place at the corner also. Telt !sate Declanitionof Independence with all its promisee fulfilled, - On this atone we will patefully inscribe the name of Abra ham Lincoln." , Ere.L.cb Uneastrczo—Ctotjtcation t.. Melt co front thls Coautry. [Pans Coneepcmdeaceof 'ha Row York-flan.] ' The uneasiness in regard to Mexico, which WIZ already telling acriunfly °a the popularity - i - intif hoods of that country,' re ceived The reap de rare ' the late mora l:tents mass in the Areerie,ll.l , 4 for Via M il enrollment of "enrigranteo erica. I o hive not beard of any one m •stared to predict that these men were for Mvcr,nil lhur, The defeat of the rebellion, car ra muicd resignation of ,the leading men of the cabinet of ldr.ldricoln, and also the un promising state of affairs in Mexico, corn bitted in the tirst place to alarm the nubile mind, and now the tendencies of the Government at Washington, which are eon todteed - hero as hostile, hare suffi.:---d to ixamplete the panic.. At . : . , At the Bourse the most extraordinary re ports are put in cirenletion, day after day, on the Fabjea of Mexico, welch shows platnly - enourh to what air extent the panic .has reached. Among ether thlara started at the Borrow. was the report that a hundred or a htunired and fifty nonacid moo were to be sent out to Mexico to guard that corm try against the Yankees It Is certain that the Emperorhu committed hirneelf to the prognuntee of matedalning • DI - 44-titilin on .the timer: he has placed - him es; hilt it is more . doubtftil - whether his - 3fejesty , is prepared to co to the extent of ettgsging to a 'irarWillett Will--reptra armies .of , this 'size: at seek a distance fmta the shores of . .Pesecia. , !Wit may Sumac that - 'the.etp3rl: excel hie lifclekly is now gaining fa *Algeria ;of the : coil and tbermatiow er beeidirs I). Ik-distant colony . ; wilt itasr'torrard disgustinglim . - with , Ili* Misiecis .protectorate: At sorrate, why 40 the , :ziososeltongers or ate Ikamse - nentlon tho.flinos of s.handred ore hendred and Illy thousand max saille fuer/Qui eomphnnent feir protactlog.Misi retlisn unmet the -Ansevieswe ' -Da ' they , inette that that Wooster we rittnehmen • "vill - he sulticieitt to' irldp : tlte three or bur .thonsand Amelicans that tnerbe iteatthere If:tlie affair should seer: *coons w sedans. foo.b4*.eetl4e tweGmrfrutst .: i , peetteeteni Cotantertett *M oot 770116M0.. -*--- I* - Iniefay lielitor itimultuibit arta. , United States letal tender 9104 Inatabior note haa made 81,100E1.112 -o.'.llAd la Littler i g, to disturb the 41:Ihe :dole .. at that deacanhta ti,.of-,Lay4 tettaeta AtE Ildi moot of the : MIA wontaustautPLJ It te town* :except, ky. let-es. Pert,ot MI the examination.. , :One of these amutteas tom paid out to one of -our county i !le.* fat. Blyiriftcr ,Ityalte Batt of the Mato:100N which fivi" just - ie . c-ived It front 'gam 40.14iqwn "aurae, and: Lai not recootred It ea* pag g ie r t a i* , i go, al " TC 436104 . 11 1 Is Sondes. sad Dud tiara loci well known' ktlFTWltt'erkoat It was 1 .also:: Aitken i without ='-oltajaleten. , lida -lance ' 4l efeetted It Ili his etteOunir ‘nt - tluirlistett et:on-Oast ' Its/Mem* the siti .# ' It 11 : 111 d_ r iviti.,_tlenta; Vol Old. •niat ' ta s oonaterten, lbto credited dele i' It to theneposi : BOA e'llecolt4gielhkbow,, ever, be,.. I'm eltassetos,.ntultkr, w ,u, out It *is t n returned to:-the Benh_ o f the Metropolla t when" spas eatifial laded& teal ezem_ !patina IC trauithasonnoed •tete. fteed:' Bift bent taken rhea there to the office of the itnirel, Itatei Sebireessetn*; It :eiii - Itierte7-;protiotuteed to ire. connumfals.— /Wool Trieseitpt."" WEI Tax Tenne "_llverre - bin itilconOtNe. Smelt's tag Jor-thq 'fr)nebien.bilti Mitts WWI • • emtilidkil ratierfif Alnkniri• iattscotror tb Pmident'aikaranette o _Precis— =don. The iinfortnaret•twous 4rlui turtnilly_A its* , eluded for • ; ' :il i ttnifrifftrisZ4, •• roe. 'l7 of 141006nereituau4e, •, - -‘lll4 Branch • to , enmesetateillask • We Inlet! i x e ttaelusset loa-fierreetne- Bnywnlnecror •-•ineonvernd - sb* , beak Ait,' ;410601inifft*Inl!f* tl P ir d r " of re 1" r04. 11444 = 1 gambit lorfai PwOr 414 • likado gnisbPd a a. ID ad ma. ZgrePaL Aga cion:egion iritl=Orlitil L 1 Har &bon oa WEDNESDAY, TIII4 lira ;:if_LIT, atlf o'clocker.....tor-ttle_ par -1/0150 orputting In nomination a State Tick et, to be mpported by the (Meads of Ike Won at the coming October election. ' -- That nett otarmannaharriwa - my imoitle secured the meat victoria' 1961, and rade the viir,:irtdcli our airman de 'nottacedp atailare, a &nods littecene" in Our dog has been 'nutintalued.:-ottr mles destroyed—our Government:premien& and rum retitahlbhed. Let every friend, who eh:l44in this result, take mesanres to be represented in. that .Ckmvention. NTe, mint see tuft that the fruits of our omen are not lost to the "Nation. Badness or :Ist import:nos will be Pre' rented for Its'eonsideratioa, and every die. Wet in the State should be represented. `,,BIMON-OVIBBON Chatrumn. _ , Resrrmier, ) 8 View Pour= I...ec"!ar" - - LiCiszs biro as A Uxzott One of the female witnesses who had been .of the family Orlin. Bwrili, the chief priestess of the conspirators against the life of the President, after testifying to the fact that the likenesses ofJeff. Dar* Los,Beau segird, and otber prominent rebels, - were a part of the household gods, was asked If they bad , any photographs of Union gene. als. "Test„" said the witness, "we bad , the likeness of McCiellen." Thus again do we And the LeM of the gunboat Galena• among hit ids.-PAAa- Praia. Gmar. DATIDEION, commanding at Natchez, has issued . an order-warning the , people of hia.ditrict that martial law exists over the State of Mississippi, and that 'the Conven tion authoriend - by the Department com mander Meet at. Vicksburg is the only Convention that will be recognized. They we cautioned, therefore, not to assemble, armed or unarmed, under the authority of the so-called Governor Clarke. Bun. Pm - DLit', a coil miner, supposed to have been killed in the disturbance near liasation, it is now stated was lulled on the rsilmad, about three miles west of that place, by being mn - over by a train going ,cast, on the night of May 24th. He was in toxicated at the time, and la the third drunk en man that has been killed on the road in that vninity within eighteen month& Arr examination of files will develop the fact that tbeJournals, who plead the strong est for the hanging of old John Brown five years agn, aro now the moat envious that JefE Davis and the confreres should escapp the same end. Why is it? P UZI Lie gra ric L AN E G L CA BE n t EBONA. LOW E. LO. O . F., ES keld N FAT M XoNLibi.T. Rh bats, et 1% P. .at their nett hall. sneer - Wool Moto awl Visite Alley, Third Nat Goal Bank building. Ti. U la U. 32. alit be present in order to dedtente btex.ters of Slaw lodges are cordially . !owe. , tE attend. By order of the N. G. }Wad C1.F.A1116) litalarrE AffsoolA. TION.—A meeting ol taw *Elan of the alums OF PITTSBURG% ALLEGHENY AND BIRMINGHAM, will be bell et TILE EXOTOLICOTS NATIONAL MINX OF PI , TisBURGH. oa KONINLY, Jame OtAltSeViraiirs ,°,l?zog , , oclf,Tivla • nittatCP--SJLigl3l6l OF THE COMMIS 405141% ofd . NATIONAL . itAWS MUTATION O...LIMAN!, held Una dar at the U 11414 of Trailo Hama la Pinata/4x Pa, Wass ittgoingq. That Ws matting adjourn to matt 'at tha kON,Oigt..I.IIeLA 110 USE, la this d: as .11.`ht, li.h , IN4, at P o'clock A. at., where Books will .ta *gam! for aubattintioa to tho OtnLtal Sits* of .aid Clempaay, fa aviortaaeo Silk it. Ada al last slice. B. P. JONES. Mak:am SPRINGER HARP/IEOII, Stiaottats. Panantraost Nag tit, OW taggetti UST 1 UNIIII.II cox • sarraus.— kiai men Of ilk , gberly *caner. 00•11. Prttiplr ton IG L .OO Flury, are minuted to assemble at to. place, eleattons to their Wasda, Ilotougns, Towatlabo Rol Precdatts nomentively, on SATURDAY. Jun. Ll.lia , ttad clod t etc% "dlatriat aforasold In •I . :1 1 1VI " ); GUN YIN MN, to t• bell In the Oodft Ramo, in Ml:burn, oa TUMWAS, Joao Otn, at II o'clock a. it., for thrk pupae* of Ilmalltatiltf • Union ticket and tratunattax ouch other budder CO may be property broadat Wets It. The 1[1.11.10a of delis . ..es 111 the Wads and Bor. otalbs snail bob* ballot. between tha noursof lour 'and gotta O'clock 7,-.ll ' ana it, the itommanlp. Altana the total of four tad Ms Wendt P. C. By order of the Union &mnly* Oomanttao. A. X. ilak/W2f, Okalrman. kimono, V. ("Num. Beenstarina. spit gr.NOTICE TO ALL DELLIOLUENT ! ['IONS ORGAN. ZED UN PEE ANY UORPORA LAW UP TILE 5T.4.2% OF PT N. VA:WAS:LA Notice la hereby gist° to all castpanhatineorpo. rated by or under any law of the llermsonwealth ad Penney Ivan' a. wed orate:zed as nut theep ri or to the bras ondar of boaember, 1654 that have tale to melee report to tae A tuner treaeral. under the &a epnrOT. d t, foil lar, thel, that they T re matted 1.3 re mit to the Auditor General rilovith, e. fellos, *let In case a dive:end sea beauderiered the Trou t:ter wilt 'coast, sledge o ute automat cd clonal pain In, cite nate, amecra.aon rate oer contact each atridcad during the sear unsay t h e am /Monday of Poveroher,ill:4, and any yreelone year Or yeate whlen the (Sect :any may /.are hod attextstencet and in case no d ridrad Lu beet dccaareal aa rani then;an appraise:neat of the sash value of the eaptl•l stork. ea It {waled 4dr/red the lint • and - Merton eaye of November, must be made h tae riaaffellt. or 'treasurer, end a major ity et. the Plectora under oath. When as o;. pr la made,-tit, report should Mete et what time the Vorcpcny woo organise:. In sedition to the abet. e report, under the as of April 51, Me, cons ranted net psyteg a 101 On ten• arae ale nap& eo to anent, a •eparate repeat, warn oath of the Treasurer, of the wean; of act e 1.,. teas or lament. rearived Mlni7ll the period free April XI to Posen:bar 1. lARt to aecordanee wan the merited sectloa of the est, approved April Pt • MS:PANED:4 INQCIIIPORATED BY OTHER. STATEW and •r4slite buchbew ta..gie Ettatwow wealth,. are ri-Ittle4 v's tees ate suhj at to the tic •oa net :ear/ibes or feeble* bade.' the 14 web,u w the act of Awn ett, MA an/ aro re4olre4 to report to the Auditor gene al the amount of anch net candor' Cr it-cone reeelvoil between the rrth uf Aprtl at/ tkr irt of November, tali. All eettnearta en/resoles incorporate/ by Wr wader any law of the rr:ata of Vrontylvaal4 will .he ramie/ a niseesabor toes la which to maks the feveralreporta required by law awl abets eauwee. Sae; out °ballet/of circled or refusal will auto oat them tolerfeßsra of chador, maw the., prnsteo of the 14- seeelea of Aprll SO, lON, artla la la Oa follow/re words . • • ' • - • . . . . . 4704/ter..ilott .any oinoralloa IOW& boo tatkit to a r.ko Mum to the 01391111013 wooltO„ otrouulted- be t e API 1.1 SI. A. D. 18.1.1, AlLet.iut eat foe therootarles iota, Ooolfolfa. groat" the rygtat of ultra dos by foinepoestot oospooloo, , taayi asks soon rotors • oltelO ditty Pipe orutit: tee w.ame of this set, any low to Uto .oloatorr ootorithatCuothei sal on toilsusoot 0000 moos Wain; et er Mum to tacks full retain Pia poolooot to tot Staid. as tegdeet by the' pen.' rest limo .of this I.loutotottwooltli rolattoa. .toototoitioll k.vit , all tbalt fights or "dollops do. 'doted lootottol 'by prooltunottoo from ttla (tie. evaerP biA.llt) swersicza, • AtUlltdellimuitot. • - • - 11133‘11415. - ' • - - Moto Tryst! , tor: WAIIRMILL 1 1 18/44.11 1 / 1 1, ittyliktiod 411rEirritesmna.rra. • .1. A. Tkla, & A RITXR. PRQDUCE. 005 f. ___SA-11111.ffirtiOff AND /011,WAADINA 'MUM * CUUltri. and vitekanit Vow tor 01l Jinn , born roasotadoros. Watoltuotrafroilf Llbooty AMA rittoborol4Po. ; *sod _sEXSOUTOI4II - ALB - Or- - - -BTOOK.+4- tio TUZSD4.7 grant , Otto at 'lo.43o.Artm.b. sou ea olsoto, door ot Oossaisto 164 - 11Qt.' Nome,JYs. eitittll44 ointst, AbiPett Oat* ttirittO to towel Soto Ittigoal,, r OW/ Nos , 111114 nor, la .14dIttor to Wads. as. Snow tow drat tlqor Nat'l llotut( :Bank,) lur -_so t rot lilt ras Bank Stook; to Bvtk of Ytto , " :kW McllAM.,,tikinaottr- OVEENII T ~=ll4 g ars an Ar atz e =l,olo.k. N ; our 441 tha Pail 0 wig la iota once ot Jrrfß • = tiF 2,4 +arrest; tiLionousto, +lt • -411 1 4)6 4i5a 101 j tea "Me 4- d ?::t• •••44t00e 411 lat • _ .7;Paita aa come o • I . _ Pala Woo a ampaar{ • 4 ?mat 024.0 , _ 1 . 1646 • A. IMlL4lllFAUri'Liatkoaast. ON . , CONI3I9NMAIIiT; i - 7 - saw Ito &Iry Clone/ lialry_ . . be b I ' ~. IS '66 'Prts•poshosk - b; • 1 • ~ sio book - Mow Wistwaiscal . _', Laos ',rads Pool fkirlory z '.. ' Mb. ..,..,, ~... List :il • ' :, ,: • %. 1 ...At , '..:r ftf, lialtil - Thodio,illet ,l ,t. t ot 'l , i-A.; lo ts % - r ..trlrizq Ir-Ir. r' , ef,r7 - 4 , 14:1 aii ht,... ipiraiiiikii ill: ' er ,f- fa f... 1 J. 1.. ..•.: fiesartp l piwtit - t r • ~ ~ ..,41 f..,.., • -1 *-11.11 Meng afelL:. 11TOTIOJILI- , Top:, ~., - .fi . ~.-E . ,,,,.....„, 44 6141" Isselho r ks MsZ I ICW Ku Ike% dikOka OKI . ,NOV ri 11 I =lll=l , ll4mlllD. 314 4 111117441 N `lll/Nti*, .11111X111111141pill 411Wtil101kd aid IMMO ' :s1 4Kk4 • °TT' -S4r gh EXWARD.—POOIOII , EtoOE Lesmeatazzangsummiliatkolkquelt isaus-sibu+sdowak-rwss.vana 10, eel's the lib° v reward 14 (sari crrrz °mum ' 4l I,4oZau:: FOIL en i lliikOlt ALI o .rn r ir it r ) Al Tat barpoia swan or olgbajworo w/aboat aboadab ot Oefiet,A NUM* our oot or b mom, two bog. glwa oath tip, ono *afloat. Abio-wor of Mawgoal !Meat Straw Cotton, Also: to.lot, a large Stabil' aid Clartlago Kra 1111 ,* , root by to, on Fayette dust. Saga,. of k DAVID 1. 3 :1td . 359 Liberty stmt. 'COAL AND c&STIIIGE3.—PROpti aims wilt kw meow! a o 'c l o ckPrlol3 OF . T WE'PATERItdd, till a r. lava tee Of Jda to Jan the Works wI DOLL Ikon tbe drat d day of Jul lilt till therdra tk aday of April 1841%t0 Lower Mil y tram Worka, or Warr Also to flrrntea .P/pe and Ifireallategns Costlego for,tlmearae thee. Tete Water tiousilt too rearm* tie /rialto rrjeot ray or all lade, orter.f taatlowoulttee, letttd ' 11012 MT KIItG, Clark. Drsughting Wee and Patent Agency. Bruin. tro. ts SL °Liu' [mutat'. awls Simpostoa IL P. aziranaissa, Cavll Eragr,set Residence Re. B 004111411111 WElrtraLtj • ' WATIIIOI4, 1 lair Mahn. • • Late Ck_V•Ckrk IPart. WENDELL & WATSON, Prestaintie Clalllll Defers EVlarepftbarb• nus, of the igsverfaatast. 0291 looKs. Na. aid PKNNNI.. AVEVIIML Wrest opposite the KehrepeEtaa 11 PAL R Omuta'. D. O. • • - VADIABLE STOCKS AT ATB*lo2i. Oa TUESDAY EVENING, Sass Elahlas, st ' , clack, snit be sold on the eroerd Sow a the Goemerelal Bales Ramat, the Scalthheld opoitlta the Poet Offiee: (entrance al nag ot the Eosins,. ditectly from TM Street, addltlea te Waldo estrum from: Brat Soar, Sales Roeats.o the tollowkar valuable stocks wilt he °Eared for attl. 29 shares Exchange Maki so w ft Motors, Bask; , Eureka Lammas° 00.4 it Allegheny 41e; West...on flummox O Jog . A. IigoILWAINE, Act itettnaet. • SHAWLB. NSW Oil& WLS, Isom the les. est pet* las •► DATES & BELL, et rifsn CLO - AKS OLOAXII 1 OLOLIES I A fell stook 1:141111 .500 up. je BATM4 & BELL, Al Pit h Ptt 13AILILY, IeAR,...Eu 4 CO., 129 FOURTH STREET PIIIIIIIIIIIQII. PI, 0014112(1714 To Fill all Orders Promptly, GAB -- FITTING & PLUMBING A ' Moat stock er Pawn% HYdranin, Shan Lanni. Land Pips and Ptg Lead, always ea /wad Maim lowest O&M rates. Pumas! attantfaa gime to an work entrusted to our ams. TICENARD CREEK PETROLEUM COMPANY. Moo Corner of Penn and Wayne thia This company was organised en this Mk last, and,* the Psonsylennts Malan and Manutaetw, Joints Lana Th. ortnorn of the eimpsay wt. Oa Janes or Ike Dan aid Creek Mum It oumsang, of tkl• ally. (`appal Cinch 11211.000 Parnatan Found p d 99 Par Nakao of Mush Snow OPPleititd : Prratdeat—P. A. Jertural'ON. aseretary and Twwww—mAlll% GILLIWL. buosmats &A. Jammer's. t L. O. Broom. ocranna, Samoa Gaanax. V. Ilium. V . Yttia, B. w. Klemm, RECEIVED I3Y Jib/ EXPRII2O3 illla LAY. idea's Flea Glove Stitched Opts Root. co. da. de. do. thite , ••• Halter. do. Oa. do Balmoral asid Oaiord Taos. Lawns Fuckl• Voce,. I. to Ciatiera. do. ()love NIS Waimea and Balmoral& • Minas kind Consume L.Silag Walttra do. so. do. . do. do. gm I Ms. Baw and Swaim fleas:tor Walton, gaols and Balmoral& Chlldraa's !Aram of emu, ma* ow dearth". A Gm &on EM.lral taboos u great trargalam. de - flemambar tie plan* la AT BOttLANDI • NAHXII? ISTREXT flocood door Irma Tilt] Street CO- PA RTIN EMIR, liUTl.CE.—Ttaien x., Cereal.' hie* tins Mit termed • et.partatte ship, eater the a um and Iltet et LAFOLEBADVS BROIL 3 IRWIN, for the transaction Of sa /importing sad .Tablang buttress in tnentit, tnesinett • an attes Wear, cct.ersif. F. at 6E ERFATISEIT STREET. Pima& DELTIII6 E. 1411 Ft ItIIIEADE. O. LAIOPR , ELEP., W. R. LA MERU/M W. 11. EMIR. P M. La FOPEOADP, Ju. The busineu of the Into atm of Dothcarwen-Loe (outface a tla will be eettloi at our oaten N, Wendt! DeCourser, of the Las PM is about coesuonnettas aneugeownts for a MR ibUrttiPptt salon due oat!** will be glass, , AEU led 14 Elf° V Ai:7=WS HtVH REMOVED fign car stand, No. Ea Lawny Nairn. 1 0 t. 7. Commodious Stores, Noe. 171 aid 174 WOOD matt Near .Libatty street, formally easspbbil by MUMS ite(ALly b. t.o. bnvil On UAW a Wye bad irell belosimi doe of FAMILY. AIM BAKERS' ' .11ILMIED Nits.)&llS, KYR um, corm, a. a. HAM* maim , oat t he e /nre 41N r =.0 . SCHOIWCUR & IN7sidr+l Piss; Mask Swoop Nrairr. SALZ 07 All3llr lIVLXSI: lavoirrouriarroir_Ozaroaiiiii flOstio‘ b i.. waaalacrroar, ll'Oltay lett MART T110111Arib8; 417 fit lA* 110 diaooottl of at piNts mac at itaahlottala • The 'alio aoatonso tos atuabec of soh oats la radicand La PrOsttligkte ivilulsies • I/wear/ales, nor grolait so m a _- Time wo W the ambit of. Potaaaaaof tho Tellaillool6 glad. Ot Cr I nitabyrf WytUR ThUrfllllol (17+ TUE IMAMS LW TRU OULD. Moos of tans w oe s bomb* tailor tio=l2 of W grakas routs mole., allaaapaiget teat. laa& k al comm. oat Yow 0n= 10,1606 1 6 7 4 =4„aatla ••411. r. Imo Wag so , low -bar soltsits. I • • TM' obolo 'South la atilpOoll of lanatmotook, -sad Um Ilottli alio has var. red Mal thoirils„of astral& take, @apply Thalia Wools to ors oaW_ 51 totalla soatiaoLTAUT WILL NUT BURN} AING LUIS Tail* T 6ll /Z VA/WTI/Oaf Aps eXeltoolllestorlaroolo. kr pot watt lag; allows to stool Oak. fanta. aid for drown sac dialers la stool to outaa vOol apotala•loas, try pataftaalag Qua liaelllataAlat of then it ILaßolith, wlIl aorta &our Ut e i , Qt Own). flrroat Moja, atooraL Ensa - 00 AI& itifros:=44ol4r: a ° . r_ • •il - -7.1. ;, +. ,'A SlV ,o r mak • = *V- , 111 1 ST' ' • - : .-lbstraisKe.sigicskems., , :. - t 4.. - • • • :is rat Pia • ticat ~ ,i a Nat iflevrmilli •''- I , -.. • rot nest mod t tntir . Liwo.N4ll. 4104#1,04 imp& pi! . e r alitir low aptio Vir : - ' . W. • Toll, a Waved aria. ' • atiarstaaref • , ,, .. 4-, Li _ .... J. ~,..... ... . 'TO NTilik.OTtiatk v-• '- t - ---' OUP • re: .JJ 1, -, • i . ..,- +,, =l. Li; 4•• ?be Itiefrifspt iiilrlitrilititiod -414 1 01001 taw awl P 1 AZ Zallsospt ottrraLi. sad .1. - ~ i ','„, , P paoroadowt4 ilill vie lmi iai r . vamiersimusamplamiki • J 11•01-11.6 i i&O • 141 3 . I 9 el 41 61 g d4 K ‘u e fi4 ___: • v 411 4 --- a im 1 amitsw 'wow • vow* anumsemmerr lied trp : :-• mow. tip doodad to La ask.* gtataa. aity , . nal aunt& , . . L s . It. , $1.:..... l i siii* L. 7:li:F . ',. , 1 , • 112 1 * 'NI s. . ~ ..., aw , f e -. Axe ... - 1 11,0111Mailis • impub, - Il mla stael • n, _.s ~.. . loal jt-__ '"J I. WIMP poem' --13- " ... , elsh at lair 410 111 44 10, i , _ 1=1;14 Olt latioks.'7.t, .x....:: won , .• mil = 2T°2 . .. r itr ,4 loo .„_ ' `"' o RAI . . ca .NMMated mid artltke NM at Maned slam SAMS - wir.ioK ALAPACOA colas, - Best • Qaat ty. V I ikluyE KELM WO VESTV. .7312..ir X. las co za. Moe cas.ws• LINEN DUSTERS, together with the imamt and most agitating stock ar MARSEILLES TERTIM3.S it tha olty, all at re4uevl priaea. . CRAY, POSEIEL d: (Sattostert to 8. Grey k Sao,) . 2111Eo ce /A axe." • 1".e.11. aw f , Kew Store, Po. n rirra STREET. nada Odin. mit Z.% Old SCAN, fro. Is Pim( STAMM. Jell SUMIXEI 111ELESS GI-400136, Iliczw.• =sea dittpless FOR BALDRY warn, ORR 4 co,. is Finn WARM . To F:ITROHABERS or Books. Books, 13ookss. Albums, Albums, Albums. WB HAVE ON RAND AT THS Boa rolusiur PUMIIIION DINT, No. 74 Filth Street OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, PINE STOOICOT Albums Books (11 mum eyrie, WHICH WILL BE 80W =2l I ?mat Glllll illtk Iraq look huutssd 1:E=01!!2M ADDY & k.WENO, iIiCTELL I I inEBEM Gas and Steam Fitters, Jo. 165 WOOD STREET. (OPPOSITE MAT oncrsonJ Ftlini: lB 9 Hydrants, Sheet Lead, LEAD PIPE, PIG & DAD LEAD, Alcs Plumbers' Materials in General. OIL IMEFILMILFZEI Fitted (p la die Noel dpproved dige. .3*4 . 20 . 11•01 with lead or sopmc Haddad blab vp wit% waterer pm. N. 1 1 .—Ailotelan prompt" attaidmille. lei Jana DOM% - JuOrenratertilllM O unu* nun TOO! , Fos Binkin 00,Soi10:ansi'Othn*e5o, Ns. 1U WOOD kill:LT, MRZIERSII4 PI. Took waniutist the. vs to* BUG% mat aow , ,waor taow. . WELL. BOBERti -Ic ;C *ll4 P o .o . _ 614 Cirilittes as tie ramisiwy w seatuit. llSlestAsits, ;tri n Alit RAWLS : rr • ei aid O I MO& =:fe=MM id, nits , yogi, , ,PrilYkullnual!! ! ..-,, ,„.,..:„...„...„„.... rwilth UAW iaitifttomiStatt Iliaok :;1111011 -.., , i 1 , +. . 4 '''''' • '' --,. ::, ~ - „ " I '' '''''' ' t ' . • ',I. ` i ),-, 2 . - t .t., z ~,,, ...-: ,_. ,1, ',,, , •,-,..,-..--,-.te l * ' 10 gUirtralikier • • ,• • s. ~,;• ..,,,- r- • - • ' 4 e api m ~ ,•.-.... , ka4: .., .. ._ 's'illifirfl-mt" „....,,,„ vTIENAP AR.,III•WiI ""1000fitiA EWA UNITZD STAVIN 7-30 LOAN. THIRD SERIES ealta.ooo.ooo., authatity of the &teeter, of the lemma. the itetemplee. the Omer& seieeripttw Agee& for the ludo of Vatted Mates theeetttlei aleeite tie pulite the teat ewes alike Truman Metes, teem/ sell. sot lineeeeeauper salt Mena pee maim, lama se the it-80 LOAN. Moo oaks ass bassi Milt .at..[ hes Ilia elk soli an ',gams tam yam fess' Uwe eats swertal seam sesneeleis IS W omit seas Wass Yds • . I II M 241 .hg. cot SOLD` Braun:NG Thaw Bovai saineir worth a haalisme priwait aid aralumaPs. as wean ibis Oormixont Boa% Atm Seek Gooey owl Miesicipoi roadie% mild oilde from ale Ic.Ltree per mots per meow to Moir pea% ocoordlog to Qs rata levied apse other oropertr t The lot Mgt is Payable semkursoally bp coupon* ottooltod. Imo acme, Wile* nay oat at salt said to say book or banker. - • .• • pie lotorealot 341 pox oast. soikoweek ;.• , Cu ceat Ott' dig s a WO alp.. Teo Ott* - " ; 1100 Tea- " $5OO " 20 _ , $lOOO N 116000 Rotes of ad the desemlnatioas sited siWi be promptly fundsbell uwa receipt of ember/40w The P. otas of the Third/411es are pre/Maw atee• liar la form aad privilege, to the Seremnisties elmady gold. except thacthe Tenussat reeerma itaMl toe optic* at peMns Limiest to fold eels at it per met, Instead of I CMOs ta eurreney.. Sutocribers a= deduct the 'Mama to current, tip a July.iMb. at tea time shim they snbosribe. The define 4 or the notes of Me third aeries of the Sever.l3lttfee will twar sere on the 01, of Jane. sod will let mad* promptly and roalmannahr &big . Th. ht change wade la the/ *menthols of this THIRD SERIES greats only the trotter of Inter. oat. 'The payment in gvla If Mad., will ba equiv alent to the mummy Mersin of the higher ra•e. The. return to , seethe payinents, to tio own of which oaly will the optha to pay Wenn: to Gehl be avaikd of, w ould ao reduce and equable, prim, that puniness soda with els per cant. In geld would be fully.equal WHIM, made with theca and tbsewthatha per cant In agrisay. This le nie ONLY LOAN IN TUB MARKET, LT offered by the eleneranten; sad its sonedor LT nake The Great Popular Loan of the Peale. ides u sesspoomi If the Loss eidtbonted by Um last Unworn are new en the market. This er W n, at the redim in scan It Is Wag aleollime, wsubscribed for within twe cootie, 111 tn. mac Will tiodotibtailv intimate • preinntet, at bee tuttonoty been Minn materna Yin ettevripinaii to ether Loans. In erect star: nap minas of every sews end senloa of the eonntry nee be sanded tanlines fa tablas the loan thu Netionl Bears. Man Hants. mad Prime ftealierelanannons sae man. try WM recently maimed t• miens sobeatnien et pan Nubsoribers win select teen ewe Manta. la wane Ley base senfidemen MS literati) we to be nepoodble far the delivery at Use meta to whin they MOM MOSS. JAY COOK% Eluboiriptioa Agent. Philadelphia. rebbiybd by tab enaa Nuthrifil Boa. Msloom rm. km/ 111114 . nom • elnares • • Illasurps Minuiriati. satrap Bea% or osamarla. his Oh • trarouras • luseses Mesa " a • Also aragaaps a . enures* a karmal(xt • tasiumg• • air illArpolup. basal FOR Hera 41:31_1,, I....ALNT3S FARMING PRICES!! A Tract of 600 Acres if Oil Territory, 11111111111 ON saschmuzeusi pstsw3tizc. BEAR 1 1 10114a111111w21, Waft Vlarfai attaia a tow alba at the Elvar awl B. a la aboaallas . AVOID THE DUST AED SMILE. gimes NETILLISI HAIM mos AliMt• 111" A *iota 8 tis so do. lavthiabld min la muse . bbedadb al , abliobabdadoelooldtlobebeeed B.bee.. your. clawed sad household o .di treat balm sot sasinsao• of Mara. ale 'mu 1114 11 *. " Tfe= atippd 'blab; 'ibiiitiatei tivnttyt ac ALIJA* :Wink Neal. bad - 111.xer en* /mem 04. OA abtryle Ir. Mill% tbe eielustar Albeibeeky . Wat b• in Pea Title intiktostatail C4°l°I 1 , • • „ COAL, IRON ORE, LIMESTONE, BURNINCi '5P1i.1244 S„ WA lie sell Vi • 1 14 1 ftsio. %WWI tar slew Tian we OIL !imam WON' base s hi. .11 , 41116? ?WES/. Ul* i4l.4.4"ta4ii"lieL: fie 0110,11K7 ill the esikus oft" Matta roppiktu s. a INIYAN, - N.. MP 70011M1 Irritre. .1865. - • ' -.:..:'.: • *-181 mon:STAMP , MSTEEKTRATONS. t.IMTERMILNAToRs., • _. ' ROOSIARTOI• IRXIMRSIONATORS. * ' . . - ,_• • RITIRMINANIIMA . . ...,00sTAWS....ffisminsmainamoXs. - - ExTEßmulnerturt.... _ - ' "008 T , 3... , EITYMMIRAToRti.,.. IATXRKOIATORS- , • fIORISTA MR METHINUNAToks - ; '' ''. P:ErIRINATORS. ' • !TONT Ifiß EXTERRINAToRi. .. L , EXTRYMINAToRs, . - "!... 1 00STA,WSR. SATEHIUNATORS. .- - .• ,_ _ _ ,_, EXTI I MIRIRATORS. ' '' - - .00STARliw - MITININNWRTod,V • '..-•'--' , - L, L EXTERIWAToR. ..!IXSTLIVIIII EXTRININATORS.- - • ; , . IRTIRMIRATURS,.... • , - I - ROOSTARRIN•.} rtlariUsatnild.• . 3 - ... , , _____.. ICITREMINIMORS. ..-• • - " WSTA 'SR EITERMINATORS. - . NATIGSMINILTURS. ff •• .- ' '' • OONT %if , =l:2isayani aTORt '•'-' ' - • • _ L I EXTERMISM S., "ERSTA„f3n EATRIIMINATOIR .. • ' - I . EXTERMINATORS. -•• RoosTAjr,M If , ExTr.isnit vivreßs. ' '' • ' • EXTERMINATORS. , . I ^COSTAR'S.. EXTERMINATORS; _ _ I, ._ =TERMINATORS.. ._ : • f•cOSTAr3. - RICTERMINATORA'' • ' ' • •. • • is EXTRRININATORS._ _ ?sr itido. Sloe. IR•Aellfeo. RAM, RM. Row. nolik. le num amill.wopboffe, inmesirmis • rowistalit, oiiii lt. fun lobed la N. oftr... — i r . ~• Oslo uf nlii rowel's Rooms? ' ' !IFteo 11 2 *Noimn , _.•`, r-• '- • • '.- ;•". • ....Not ' WO Swami+ rgitile' >'.t '' . 718A4,9 ea* a tamiludarte:ths... .1 :,..,. Y. 11 - 1 - ill 1n Of all Motiflz;falßAMMte; Air Paatotst. on 3 fingai ,N'T. , - ' Iflr bold" by • AU Sotolluz it - Pins WWI. Pa.' r-7 ,,- 7 - :-.--., JatnsArire . _ S 7 ii , imi. ":1 1 :=17". 4 " -.: km& % st i ratA", , Hi ~,....vatch ilit y_r_ . :Lase - ,. '3 lla i viri; t l l°l'.” - : - ;tm , q 47, m4aillaigUZ jiscra I2V - rxbisirMlA:Tleirga:' Inman . .. i_an• if OK zzt.f : ,: , K 4 , --. -., • -graLvvri. mientaso ***** . pax mo 1 - . - AY -Jlegiktin*' 4Aii6‘o IniNa:,, .OPi , ~imit 4 : smist 1 ....-•_ . : l i iimboat ' ....-.,:.,...,,,,. -I ,lia P -,... SuiT., - • ..__ l emmymmimmatioium, 1 Alai= ""r". -1.. lala r ay at bar. • - 7..marnitol- -1 '1"11041141141/bieDgi: -',-'4*Willw. 00 I. V . 41,1,17. - C1 A , AAT VA, %Ad,. ViU, ROal tit=44.- lINMI;iMS llxtrsa 8712116 o - .1 MAK- NIL , 7- • I cuter of is;l4 Met ial Thsio /91 imam. Le an rim UNIT= MATEO gad apaca.m. Lean et hi Arm in win& tm seven-Thirty* Loan s Two rerun LOAN OF T.'lB 1110FLII I a~ era defy Loan iathelliekricc foiftl~t7aLE INTO U. L is-so lux PER wiz% Qom inyumgo nonzpli, ammosa mammo n awes Is imam . , 13. LIWINGSTON. quads. slaw SECOND NATIONAL BANK, of s Pittaburgh i ,l eerger of Dud and Liberty Ninety Seeds! Arista el Say Gooks fee taw saLl et NEW SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. Mb Is @trill's the Peselaw Loss, and is Wag absorbed as the rate orshoot are salllaralrer day. Uses Weis bear 11111.ilitATOSt I rVCra• Par =dery suit Inesdrsd dollars, sob ars eownstilble st mate. Besting Beads Joao G. 8. Flve4 weal, Zia Per Oest Gold Full oommlaslors will; be allowed tar Basiceas, and Breasts, wit° morose Aurelia& arssaa C. H. BIGGS, Cazhier IVIURILLY cam. crcoserimo.sawsr. P. Milith.b.Y. 'President. J. B. -Jelt DAY. &oratory am Tricaeasie. The Company own. to bre amyl* a farm eonfxfo. lag eighty-seven acres and fortpgra perchea, loot, tad on BIIIMOn Run (a eributaty to ()berry Bun t ) and limy between Merry Run sad Oil Oreelf. bk' lama lune aheady beenssuide to a Nernst, among whom. oil to (mud Bo Imams of sums of tho aided set arsepseftegfoic men/arts, the - Ih. entire eraoterlll aiseetaimodate well& Ufa fang hr ammo:gad by four es the m:ma celebrated OL produaing faenta.on Chi Creek and Blurry Rim. and fa la *lota proximity to it. "geed'. and ilriouxtaLue Welts, and about on* tufo hem toe Walnut Bend Well. • • acOompant offers& Lathed somber of thane tto auhaalptlon pelt" SEVENTY-FINE CENTS PER SHARE. Mabee( thdi property. Smother teti. all Salome. tirs reterdiaa the property and oraanistrioa of the OwesAuy eanbe obtained at the caw of irks/az a ISJIIIXT, Agents, loyfidat SCILEIN3 HALL WIEW GOODS.—WE ABB HOW 11Z ... OLITINte our Goode for Summer Wear, valet lee hare bought ea the lamed mutat Mee, sad will be made up at the teasel 'verge to meet the wishes et our Itlemb wall the palate. We ate abo readying a let FINE LINES GOODS NAM IfP, First-Glaso Fur: dishing Goods. RIMY G. 84.1. E. XISIOILUIT +111.112, - us liartimnret aster Pomo sad et. CElkalr strata. tiatt mTE & ALB DER stauras taw cowntmotas. Raving Lately Removed - TO 144 sod 171 LEMIL STRUT, 46 - I Volaugozw airs: DtiOtairnt . lOr a ttersta l Z l6 ftWati tLOU 'aft ihl G tiltl ' A Mr: 1,0 4 SASE., , 4 1 1 .1.11M,V11N1T/Alt -sae • PAINLI. SHUTT MOULDINGS sAul OIL . TAltlitt Rude to otter sad - cosstsatly at brad Scroll Swiss sad Eraslusa latibidesiapkiss spo=ol mzMipl aka:mama FLINTS zit emus Twice !it the :Oskiand•Oriloizdvxm. 17NO. R . & A. MURDOCH. Plinieam4r•l. illaditibilriallik• Oneakuvrifftesiiimala sullairdirrYpiam W09DWh081VF)1,1r4114!,..A04„ 481dDEALW11111. Di, .f . ~:.:, .., : i.d. fa - iddi r ldtkiancli , My . Yamaha's*, tri Stan, !Mow, dad Wad, Spkan, Parteityilleisolikcatiidnol3. dia.• .- s , A ilgh Agellte Og wisitargiainiadis Mimi" Midi - llandltaa Win :lands aninatid.WALWAlW Wildili , and madary WWW/dWg OulairAdd. Armenia/1n 30Inin one lad tir Wa taiii., .- :: - (OPPO B ITETRE - 11E'01111=0 BMW ' no)daiii i. ' maw italint mat sitlei 7 : • (H. C N., ..r , .-- 1.7 Sow ng , '' Machine ; 1:'; - .40- IfillitAi 1 , 611+111a ilea. ' l ig iiikieliivo; wirunui eLlittstasi ..:•»_ . J_ rt'lcumileb saa; ':r:: you& use wee eueseeme et -~~' RWMEM pbusuiva. M.A2ll4l4hmlnimd Ibnluattfur insuwativ,4tkirJusW,_ MUM Is, IT -; WATER ,STUIR i. L DENSEST. Proni S. W. CUALFANT.VIse Wreak* . WW. sairaw r ., IMES MAIM- MISS IT rax, Reamboata and Liana iimanzar //LOOS L. IllOWLiti, suarsr LEA a. ct. rasa/tura L. R. w. 11•ADON 'WATSO; - - MININT pth3m.s2tcx, EIMIA I 6! nag Inn insurance= Company, Eni: %Pin !MP, lun comPeimovivratimissids4 , =BAJO DAVID Pf PAHL Moe loramilma - t Romer rimmrir, oporecacy. Willlnstwe Against, all HUAI FIRE AND MAWR lOU • . . Z. O. GILT - b. E !.l.llli.'r , ..'• ,' .IrAllEb 8 - • T. 81.-8881911121;•'', H. W. 01.1178 • la.; J&ILe Mid, •_l • '- , - •BiZIRILLo .- • JeKitcv IL. wizaw. JUkas - 118/LFP' ••• ' • JB.ll - 0 P. N. N. J. minx!: ,- DAY,058.1818 INEnpaliCIS. • ' ' ':' .' - '... 1 . .. . . . . . EUREKA INSURANCE MART Of Pittsburgh., Office t Corner Water aad Mairket sty N. IL SHOENEMBGE7II, Presidialt. 111111 Cla. Irk* rrodebra. sosarzszsacr. seeralarlri WILL INSURE AGAINST/LIM:LODI Blarine and Fire Rieke. I J. R.FHORNBEROES, W. N. INKTOL W. J. ARDERScH R..T. ANDERS6W irai JAIKER I . HENN*? rzw.aar.ratos R. D. COCHRAN, _ 'J. A. OLUGELNY, R. T. LERUB, Jir,„ W. W. RIAIiTIN _ 1. R. PENNOCK, BYRON IL PA/BMi wrlGAmd . A. D. M A TH. • ' Tan w 4 ffiAt~ICMICETTX conreAarr; to be 'tome ea oil& bee ood'esek joleet et GDNS. ME MAORI 41111 1011111• .TO Hans apt _bowing 'Ws ' 'barb. ate tidtatboss, R and intringsaaats ea ea posene a tae n.m. u Tbir • Exuma- - BUG 0- 11177L11S eve f ate 70010 to sub pleas, mule et assenat. sad sire poems* gtiaaattea We.. For isle by all tie old Jabots - bra Olio oaths Osapaay. - • ' • . • - - ~ • 96 CEL116312t9 STREETNEW Tel. FAsHigml:i.pt • DESlizZAli Pier Veit Vs if rosdAyi .ftratifisg, IN THE BESTSTYLE AND MANNER' R. B. NOMA inown& AT mum., un-uws. a 7a W bE AJ T„ aaesr• pORTEMOUTH 13LX eoiw A3neroaxi D ottaa•. AMORY'S ENAMELED ADODUDOTTON , , Nasarssig w warrawied ad dasarlar Suidlpaanitesd - to mason Ise Isede .Cm so kid la all oosss sad suisisos,._ ._llasursetwed by the POWAOKOUT II 7AVIOIII, salter 17 tae tees glen , IlEuravetreet, /raw rodc lleDinroadikestrat Dalian t 211 Vilma *treat. , . 11 49 Y 4s. FOIL 7:3111M71 1 do t At Gt'eatlp Reds ced OUT LOGAN.. 2 • it IN APE own IRON err!" OPLLEGA'_'' ' • • ' L . • . logrcollospeo sad wit BIESIMII - 11AF8 fit arria k it 11 ". Pit ~sit • olk ang . L1111111005.4 466 r 1 . 1111172 . 11 i 1i f . 2 r = rinvormmer,jaiiiipa - .2nTSJIONOVt i -PL livpmemiker thfikafit illapiloa lad imet.sillpoltri mer-f am low asit," as atfto • 0.012:1111$ .4 •. - ~....- •• - • 1 ... . , itiNiew !, Ogga,! 6 ,' .. . theal.. ..7 , .... - 1 1:,1.1 ~ t', , . li r it, 1 ,i 1 ,11c.v ACIS .., .0. 4...,,... , flak .4,11-r.,:r.4.-i:,..Lt Ilia ( ~.- ' , lii,t r.. Agettitils M4(11 1-4411,,,, 1 . ", . -:4'l -...i 1' LOW Aa 1=040066 ,:: v . , 4.1 '' .. .. . , --siiimprapia.Arl...ix-..t.i...::1). - J. -,0 ..t0....d/r .4::.; A -...A feel* . • ' -, *.'11.--g44'.. ::...r.ra unia . rik1iihri..1,,.....,, rT v, f1 .. f ,,,..A : ~ 1 ... , , 14, ikl -11,S ,4 .11171.4... q...„ * ,-, 714d6046 aftwlleirliaill4.lllif Y ' . ..liW"T t , 7 '''''''' 1 LI 7 41_44,4114111T1101 'OF IXIMMOIIIOIIII - .':ig-rMf -, -- ~'i ,• to2 oa. Iv . q",41-...i71,,,:',4;•,1V ...... ~„,.- ..„,4, . , ais --:•-••-- .- -•' - ' .-.' lea . - • -.- - . - -- mLouares sv.i[Lktai4 2, IVADMAIL J. ':3 113411A1i IDWZAL •_V wu - wiaxims 3014314144,. OmaitLaTur mri=l;eret4, ris= Kum TO mom kovr vamuL =wimi.Asesr i- ..', ~ - +t ._ i • 1 , • ~ • , ' , - - :: , E1 , ..;.e. ,1.: .!.,!,:.....,!:;1. , • A . .
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