Eni=a2=ME .1% /4. IV .: k:;.*-O.LIRP,-71,LY'llt fittOttrak CM*. VERY LATEST NEWS BY TELAIRAPit. 1 ; TIIEGIENEVOiIiPiIitCY 1. !EMU tri.glielAllag. The Evidence-AsstriwParie. , . e A PLEA ONIJELIAEE - ir BE? ttP. . „ ... More' Pei°lopmente. -- 7 ' t i • --.: - .t emmirerow;:run. -3.-SlGelfrelide 11101141. - '' .• Wad the Ant Winne exionthat Be t e sti fi ed' to' notlenag President Johnsen orPrilfaidont Linoola"s pi'aasanterame Imandlatly alter the tiocurrones. , lth i dld net lotto' *ay cue lying about the room; ha 7 l'afelell t a W./100p soft reediang air _easemrH . g,,. : nyped spin, Wind la rand hies, e Governor 1, . !-- Jehason,llyeu Ueda the ana kraut Ise you i'' be looked the doordna though net eal pinion eats to It, he did net allow any to eeter, Hs hot never , I "sent tan prisoner, anserdit,lo 01i kaoniptso. • 1 „ToldiaL Hubbard testlaed that loo Wail part of 1 r the Wu irs charge of Pinar, sarthat,twactinern '• . -.=, <len Payee said hpyriand Oa eneleil Una blifter . 4 sad lame him; that he was tired grit* .., _ .t; Vetoed W. 11. alsCialiari chain of Payne. no i '1 Gel to the centigram of tne pawner; he ttsA no ...", relief natal lash Ida neth. - g Jean /C. Reb of Payne, tub i ree d that alto ]vierware had come to thestilY .• 4 the prisoner ' the latter said they were treks luta pretty eloweand that he wanted to die. . • Lieutenant John W. Dempsey one of th e party .` who surched Yrs. Burma% bileatidad Booth% pbotorraph found there. • 1' . Junes O'Brien Vats el lore. The*Ve.' 1 tilled tkat be was keeper of lecithin, No.er ch ieras broken open ewes Woo ben:min aaeanlaa ,: aloe ; that of ton No. 7 was unbroken, the door of , hex ho. 8 was the onsfueed when the. President's k - : party occupied the two bona. and it was alwayir • ; isttopea the atria strobeto •the pur eel; _.! sate; tte ; thro be:esrous wall had no lock; eh; . eater door was not fanned at all. 1 i Surma Stewart (colored) tabled-Saw Di. 1, the day alter the asausination, riding aloes near , ~• Kr. Murray ' . ban.; did not are any one with him; . , ; ~. he was coming apparently fed= Bryantown. , '. i Prunes Jobneon also saw Dr. dluild the same dal gang to Word's at Brystatown; he was alone; i another man went along afterwards; this mac mane - hack one hoar 5 hall beton Dr. - Mudd. ,:; • Marius P. N orto n , * readout of Troy, flew York, 1 waspolled for the Government. Bs tortided that he 'i I I was from the 10th of January to the middle of north, atopplag at the National Hotel; he knew , . Brfoth, hut net j°olrtsnsllyr neogalsed two of the ; , flistanars,Aturott and O'Laughlin, aaperaons he • hat sell with th at the hotal-the tormer ; twice, end the la tterabout tout times. He aul. 1. i deptally overhear !fa conversation between Booth and Atztrott. let whth it was nail, that if the Lat. I ter suc cee ded as well - with .Tonson as WILD Old - - Buehananthey wean get, one pretty ,well sold. ••• And in the toms unvenstion it was remarked 1 ' t i t t a t Z g e . cla u el of witan roytane t ro ec uti i lr e . t s t i L t:t h r i ta ie t , t., ' had Seed Dr. Mule one Lore, at the national i-, • Hotel, when hossame enitatte, to his (withered room, Muth, openedit, and apologised, saying he • thought tut was.bn won Mr. Booth's room. He then lent down stairs, and witneas followed him, when 1 to returned awl went up stairs. This wan as the , forenoon about tenor alarm o'clock, en the Mt of . J clui D. Giles was called for the actual, sad tn. .-.•-•- tined Hutt de with • barkeeper at Bullion's llbtet 1 • ~„ and saW IPLaughlth in the hotel on In afternoon of the day ineagiu the assassintion with Llont liendernoaott ,e.ral ; *hay were there der . :rlas the afternoon, ant Ennui about tea Ode*. yahoo wrings went out with the party. furl less with teem Untli.ene o'clock. ,O'Laugolln was in the house on Friday night all the tannin, and _ , was there when the maws of the essayination ':, An important fact dame out towards the close of 1 ~1 twilay's patentors, Mr Demeter saying that ham is •;- Payee's real Powell, and that he came . f. from Florida. I Mules illoyce testified thit he was about Dr. , • Plund'shouse a grew deal; never_uw Walt Bowie, i John H . Surreal, Capt. White,. Lauf. Perry Sr J. . Wilkes Booth there; user knew Or any rebel ord. -•.; , ens or soldiers, or &etyma. In unilerm oehig about : ' there. Witness hum Mary hitimma, was art con -t sidered much of a Muth teller' about•therer 11110 . ' :Simms was thought muchthe same of; was • great -. liar. /dual, on the cocarary. Wain flateratamani A of tus whiliPthig one Cl • Ws liereeitts, tor of las thee entail:or to and anr of them coltish , toad: witness had ravetbrarg of Mudd 'booting ,• l _ rce P. orthe of Tree N ew] ork, testi:in: was at the Pistmin.sl Hotel, st - ashlos ton, from the nth of Januar4 ;r until th e ituddia or AloraN knew - Booth by sigh bur was AOC personally acquaint , „ witSadh tale I s ia t ; ,1 113 , 0 th botel, ih reLtr r w , 1 . ii=.. u....'"VM......... -both, Preilitelt • --- .. - 7 barren • cams 'Eur:, ,al e snlj deallop of Which wee, Lled , d/ the matter stimeedu sa well with Johnson as with Buchanan, thely would get terribly sold. Them was something 1 nth that the witatenewathl ha or that character 2, not er,.V.!e war , the need by tho rreil is. t. i Viltn r u n a . tiler Hartnett ista r rr. Mudd tale:'While rn 1 w at rho National Hotel, be came to lay room On X. mormag ht ilia sd of Mareh,entered bandy,- wad • appeared to he somewhat netted; he said her was 1 austakerst he wanted ZS Ste Booth; told Mai inothis room was perhaps as the door slate, did hot know the sue nr; fronstos apparently exerted duadition of the person enlacin g say SOOnl, / len My wraiths, and aut o out int. the halt, and fol. lawn Wm; he wool down sthira, sod at he napped the er ory t elowt`th tuned nut fund ape-. Wit . area ierogniscd Mudd what he dist entered the . rum; heouit area him race hence ere Ono weithernallon-Witnees coign% ex the , pee ere date of conersation; means person elan in . their company; did not recoiled how Mutt was dressed when be came this withers' room; kis gar , meets were black and lie hol his hat In his hand; never raw any ot theother prisolica; am certain tit the Identity of Mudd; was silting near teem AZ led hotel; they talked let a low term of valor; the • =r ou 1 dressed he is how- Witness H m as oned tins ponversationto Mr. Kin More be drat heard; wi , ness ens a lawyer. An had a gISMI Me Mpty of the Lure; remeathwed the en.. stance of site nanreation; only IRS Searaleded sewn /Judd was excited when he caute'laro wit ness' room, and apologised; Nathan had been In " kb nom ten days. Z. O. Roby, .4 Chad. eonty, tainted that he Was in Bryantowh'on the evening of the anus!. nation didn't acyboly seem o know who was U,. , pr.:pawn, but before I letw as e it. was Booth ? Dem Ovule mud; witness soqualutod with Timmy: his autotallya need r wont not believe UM under oath. On amonsatination wanes. thatilled-Eoraw ilionth latimateln Utiles. hid been a loyal cite. - . seat recollected that Joyce did not harbor him ..der he committed the murder; oily saw tartan* alter the murdet sad that mit on the road. lig. D. B. Ben, a - merchant of Bentatoww tatt led-Mudd boutn some wain*, him on filarial' atter the saluDasnoldblL fOsjeettens to moth of with...' testnarmy were sustabud.l wrossonsaiord..Doll.l - Mealber what day I i Una of Me assaialnatims I beard that the. mum ' Hue wale traced to witida! three mites of that ~ ylSaii did not odenoit the lob. Of *alley with Mum eletree the President. 1 - • . " Seen Y. EDAM, of Washington,. Petaled Oaths had tura trlhothlin four month saw Max on the Thursday before the warder and was with Mot tut ocerndour Warsaw tam the nest eventhri he (0 tai sou at buirmuns 'Hotel • when the of the murder wr s read. . Beta was evarotonandneet bra notelet' of 1 all je l lirbl i ti= "a nt e t l ee t.r4 "k str r StirA an lii Anna Wood " tee al e tht she had known art.Surrett ems or eight yearn sale rira 3ur• rut ens hen to reasaahre her on t streets_ wined{ ten gat* la& I Sottar to say. *isn't oot real by r- light; did sot mut. beathey ether sewn Vim the [ ne taile to lean ehtepersons.mkiftegims called see wit one, and toga ** the If °radon Rouse to andelten if then was a nein non he could se. eon. She did en knew *was to noun the /war had nest booth Ultra. attreetts house, sad anstwo rams who bosun there; read twolatars froasJoha &math terananet Nominal, one fu Ming .illunal l .._ _, lind.Vese forbed internee; read ohs OD Ws ally Of .an ussmososayo an the other soon &eery here Wenn UK 8 as, wimp Adm., Livros pardon's) oaten the anis church wite Mrs d oreathefeatt. aid Wt.- . . hrb s d . Pinned, se IM . Trete boxes, t• that oreeptol II Plesnent. eeIVDOZ spelled for on the even. .lonen auagatom Oa, ace et not. Dank any tsaguell dunes Um du.. MA - , Mein made endierathe s'personal en,.. indeetthe of the pruner, Pans, by' Dr. Mahon, As indent of the thetitution for the Insure, net peupees °fleeting the esaityor the prisoner. - The was gnaw. Mr. Doeier slat re. go lichen was tbentenee. De set d as closed mall Omen Powell, the th of Payne prineelesewitiouse , who had been snuagismili Dam . 11 Iiii=iiti . o ut lerr od le i tt:y u l: th. re. • lipluillts:":7211AL,i11 11411 :11;11belad be I. J Bingham-Thu are we is that as as sW frawastd - tattliha e r 4 was -3allte I I hors thetas fatli reae. Zir i i t: lailee -4r600 niel ljn" B a rzettt i.th erated "W tha pe r le Han mace be allowed fee UM defames, to get new en- Anew fared by the Inverannt, naday ; lad .". Airthensely, he flare Weald boupordporus. *env Tin4esineps_ totals Oliziti ample dui had hone darns to tar siss Maass, sad lleat (be nell= ii 1 7 .3 wooed aot be Tbeithstart *dinned vial /14esday rasenitia Iti Jda SOdd • diica. joky Thad. sem : Goressis ?tarpon& ha titsbasses . loodssoiy . Itleb nit: i i i ** l :!;4o**i was* Re, NlitoaldnelPing 44 igi lizolinsad thiliellOtedka Oftl i tilleddaidlikkbatsdall no" - "bookie areMLlPl 3l 4 ll kdidafidfilliolhoo,S, Oalramdc ilkddaliptals is thooldrassea Owe dilacatisoi or soil pad Hadcoal Camesasso‘aad *ls dohs to, inall=2ooo *Odd Orjaad B.Slaradadmlkel SlMPidklat• osit, it she goqd• tbr glissade of lkaallaimit:"l • • bravoes, dad a= sad mak*. ; • )0. ,/gdai/Meirr 'lltritlrou, sad Lailalasallattad'daMO.i sl.dadfaapadiast.s. x •-•-• • S.Fr ., :zk i iii 6f,i;,,i.-... ...;;; ;. .... ,, ii i : . ; . : ,-, :r. ,- ; ,,,,,,.,- :' ,. .... ,-,, 1 . Cr . : ,,, :-.::-.=: ,-, - ,- -.i ,, ii'.. , ,J,•)ts.-:'.,j.:', ,,- ,;-':':,. - ,'•.:,''..;' ~..:-.::::-..;':.,i- k i... ,-1,,-,---,, : .- ; :, :s - i ,-,: • , • ,..,,.: : - - -,,.., - , : ,.-3. .. ,-, ' - .- . ..ii: -. '; - -.. , ' , : , :: . .• . . , ..'-' ,.., - .,- - 4 t.: , ::,,.. , ,, - •.:::,-....:::,- , :j...." , , , ;?.,......:',-:::_.:.-Z-:: . ,,,:;,;:-- - ,:,;: - ,,i, ..:,-... ' , .4:- • - - _.', . ~ . .-=. . ''',te. i'. 5 ..7- ., - - , - . = -- s ' . ' ""''.. ' l .'-'I- : .'•• -"• '-* '' -'!-'-'"'." "-i*''";'•I;•I . M:iI ,; - '4;l.f. - -1.. . l'a-2Atf.• ;' , 1,T1Z,.t: . 1...a sur tg4igll:atrgd:.igl Fg;f&l• l f,BflM,,igitfi;i-gi : ?gV ,•...,.. a ... .--K'--,'--:V-ag-,...i1a.-2...:etat.:.;,L:.r:•.a..!a..,:: .-.....,:4..;:g',:-.•.H' fi.gik4::•....2-.a1.-1...',J.-. .: ' .: 1Z ,.: -.-:::: k--.:::.:::,:1::'...-!..:-,.'.%i:-.j';-:::::,.::..:,-.,:...;;„'•-•:::-...:::''',.:.,:.,-:.,;-,;.':''::- I'-...:.-:.-1..::z---;1t•I.:':•:;-II.:::,•:'4:' kl' - 4 . f. A§JZ 4 il;;Wtkiq2i:aqgk4:iili%4iiWZZl6:4 c ''' t 4t.'4T-1. 1' . ' .. ' .. ' . . •••• r • ; • • - • Lit To it Ilan ra Tung. W.itaesses Stimmonet Against 1/im. DAVIS' ARRIVAL IN WASHINGTON Application : 4o Appear Us Counsel, MOVEMENTS OF SHERMAN'S ARMY. Dispdsition of the Vieemployed. Magna. ThEidAtTo HAVE A COMMAND UNDER tHEAAN. . cliiisrolltottgotreetis vita to vraitift - loon: 113.14y,uni mum H' non. n - arr hithot Botts Invited to Rlaluntad. Rini Yong, Anse It—The. firfbmorie Washing ton special sap, that Col. .Walter H. Taylor, Gat Lore Adjutan t General, RIM= ; W. : J. Moore andaboutfifty Confederate soldiers, et preen% residing Norfolk. ham* S t atesbool !unman ) ed to appear ore the - United . _ Dlytulet Corot; at 10 co ck thia n ronslag„ with thettedr of tealfyiegagatria. Gen. R. B. Lee and other Wl:mint:at rebel °Meets, on a charge of treason. - - ...The 'Her' arara special says: „The aniy a i o f Jeff...Dalle Will Werwiettrely.allidnuniaL'Aelfas sent fain Fortnum'sen . isesalkst , 41M - which go!. aground I.B.lllakelort Ude clii; .Re.was thin ire:estate/if ie.t tohredo.bo Chbro;lndlose arrived irp'bi. bee. he ' 1141 under at ; stood that quarters baize been prepared for him in the Old' Capitol, and that a suitable guard , will be furnished to Insure bli Eate keeping. _ ... General Themes had 4 long Interview with the l'reellent. It la not known as,yen.when he will. =to Richmond to assume command of the ent of Vireos!, hut It will probably ye- . -The or specie iiii: - me. ohiete:evoit,' Et* has appiled to the War Department Orr per. misakea to tender to Jeff. Delia his protaslonal weak* In case he Ls arralgmed on a n d found In the District of Colombia. and tba Pres' Ident tas directed that Mr. O'Conneee applica tion he granted. to the end. that the . oortatttu lkmal provision which eererm to *caned per. eons the apsistance of counsel may be employed. The Heraltra %Well:on spocild early The movement of Sherman a army to Lotilsvillo Is actively progressing. All the ilith corps, main two htigades haws gone, and trap other oorps of the army of the Tanana—the I.7ttrall Im , medlately follow them. After them will go' the "army of Georg ia , . Gen. BlOCUM'cominandlag. None of Gar. Meum , s army Lee talkers not withstanding the reports to the contrary. They will not leave until the rolls ans_prepared, and mu -veterans mustered' out, When tho veterans _will proceed west. By order of Gen. Logetr.all unemployed sm arms who accompany. ihe army ofTioniessee, and who are not *clearly needed with that army, are to be turned. over immediately to - Gen. D. li, Packer, Chief Qttanonower of the Depart ment of Washington. Capt. A. M. Van Dyke, _Adjutant General of the Army of the, Tuereasee. left here terrdieldi to establish Gew:Loganh. Headquarters in Lords. . silk. Gen. Logan. leave. for Now York neat Monday moratug.f., - __ _. -. .7bargatk corm, left Falribx ' Court Reuse at Ave o'clock this, monsing;. and arrived at Ball's Crows Reads by ten o'clock In the fortnoon. Mat. Gat, Wright% Headquarters are now at the Brown . Horse, about three mike from the Potomac. ' - • The - Vrtbnnetspeelisl says: General Thomas will In a few days return. to* the west, and taks . command. under Shaman, of Kintackl, and Tennessee. - - General Grant and wirentil 'probablyilslt the Chicago Fair. " • ' Captain Flak will start an his expedition to Idaho soon. General Rotusenmit. as received a leave of att. I team for six months to the Pacific coast.' General Blair has startalfor . The Tuna' special says: Longstrem's pres ence in Washington is a special appli cation to the President for e don and a resto ration to full civil rights. Lie ha; already taimet the amnesty oath. The Herakra Richmond correspondent says Ex-Gorernor Smith. ol Ylrginia„ is roaming to the woods bark of Staunton, determined to fists it out if it takes all summer. /le has a body gaard of amerritios with tdau atradidaor Bata :baf beeri: Invited to Rich mead by Governor l'ierwact. It is said alargo number of Manelly's met are still at large in the monntahm. FROM NEW ORLEANS Orders Issued by General Canby. .7Trigsscr*La rat from Wozcsbas SURRENDER OF latter smira. sbo.. ` abe.. do. . . , . Canto, June 4.—New Orleans dates to the erecting of the 29th, state tint Gem Canby had tuned erdeis I:greeting all military commanders' reporting to him, to extend their limits of °cams lion so as to'inclutie all the' section of eountry east of tie bilmlfsippl, within his 'juriadtegap, ind where the paramount inthOrity of the Uni- ted States to recognized, and the meat order of the President rwtoting the banetitaof unrcatriet ed Mattis mended to gt ;id faith , dtl zuptary i orders contlictlag with the Buten, tire order , restrCeiing eommercial intenemerse are rCTP4 I2 ••• , ." , . - - . . . ._ Military tares ere discontinued In the country _., . . on . utOeastalde of the river; =tope sada m are indispensable 'for unitary bipellce Purposes. ... Xhia beedits secured by the Presldent's order . are declared to be contingent on the people, and their ability to preemie the public peace, maim the assistance - of the armies bs necessary, to aid: lio.. in the =detail:lancer of'order; but wherever guerrillas or other evil doers are harbored or countenanced: trade will be stoned; eld'ller -- sentry so °treading 'Jilin formd to maintiki the treert sent to enbdue marauders. . ... prioterrs item Cape Poud,i . .Teres; w Mitred In New Orleans on the Sikh, reprised a confused state of antra la Taw. and a gerterar aszlety for the Vika forma tooecuptthetkatit. These prisoners consist of a detachment- from nearlynea pm State la the Uoloah oleo a leer 4, Navy, formerly of the Clifton .aa'Worning Light._The letter are the oldest prisoner of ear, . ining been prisoners An twintydeig . • New 7ozit,47nne ll.—NewOrieme coo. Mill.lletalisiof the summer of • - lieltit's fare. The fenlbandloo-was..completed- on Meg 25th . Glostrarlleeloser; I t a col: dusted Meisel catituldlon, Mho - the unlit •Docaldeon. ' Be showed Oen. to Den b y indispom., lie authority aft forfitnith.' ' - . The rebel navy was represented by O at : Om , . ter. - llas. Dick Tsektr entitneent. It bl Probe' - blet therefore,' : that , 111 compel/ad Federal force Lwillame forward dome to -ocean the plod- - pal cilia In Tr ue. In the toesettate, the raper represcutetliren will remaint witherottrilnatto irtto counsel and advice ha to social order, whili.l Gen. Smith prOceeds through his - department to ,prevare the people for coming events. - - - A petition is In circulation in Mobilo to Peed - .detit Johnson: . for measures to being Alabama again into Milldam. - - • ' " - - The:fee W s ashington says that Rev ell Cobb and other leading re medal boil/ICS demoted at Washfaurtou to-dap* to•morstlw;tider arreet." • Tho - preaident was visited today by delete. -e. i - The disbanded treepa i tadl V - C r. : Airy kw - their homes. --- " - Tip TRIAL OP*PEDOTEI TirgbiliC Roue 111::_jt_epreseitatives. near special iays there is reason to believe that thec Uhl of-Jedr. • Mr* will take place on or about the 19th oftble month, tut;ote.the eletbidsittean; - titan:a gene; bra liicolatf for P9Vratingtt lwatisit hr a IftworoL , '-i DA; tette44that Darts willIn; WM* fa la 4 9', I' kW this ,toottUvin In tha:eite:Ve - ittrpateut lord' inaimmiada,-trolrist , esse=7 moire thin L *ff lupin cam & setae presite . non ef,oo Alv a = o.o.4 l l„,,tibir*lll l TO a decided.' =loaf Aflrshilk,flooth ecliblanstsr.. The sannhcie Alma itchy inki- Mee. - En *Mr OPP" *deo Wee trefeheliberifnlosi miong*:'W ro titillate/A kg/441,44*M.: -' . • bvlitahmic-;• ' f • -: t laiOia,.P,y I 'Tisk.% Um Sikh posiftegida.;;Stit ,Colishwaili. Oissinft.pidium-a.-44,0. WO the clooplov6or auedi t a Bethe. afrZadt,,lo .. .. moonset tow in k -411.11111•1 1111.10.: , -.1-11* .1-1 1 "; - . 01 a ;4 k'sf; vt, 1 . ~ , ,- , - '. 4 , ,,, , -V ....?,,,-.7..' +v .. o LATEST PRON . EUROPE. VIP ME3 . 161N EMthRITION SCREHE AMERICAN AFFAIRS IN ENGLAND ircareisri Nsw Tom. Jane 24— The 'Werner l!etinsyl. Yenta, whit& left . Liverpool iorlicui tiy o t j u j ri g ii i of the ald era Queen-0 0 1ra on the 244? in. 4 ar - • The news of lialan eallgrallett whams In the .United Stites, attracts attention. The beer Ifirennstaria Uhlman Intended to give France eau to declass war, be -would- not new beillstsualing the armies and selling ships. It is probable; boinmar, that the thong ofMax • milli= may tie allgbiened by the help which Juarez may get from the American people, in a w *villa will glee Napoleon , no canoe 'tore n-immerses with Johnsen. • - The Meek, Ns:NM Reliable Information leads tO the tellience Unit moo far a Jelmson is eencemed, no ,intentiew of interfering either In Meade° or. what Is more important, in Canaths Wake. A characteristic article Is pub. lished eatitertly hoping for friendship bMween England and Ammlea, • to ofD'lsraeli haa hued an electkineering for thntronservallves In es:tension of the fran- SPIO I 9 I for the ambled= of the best of all masa. It is stated that - the Vrench igovernmeat re voked the meow°. liralting..the.twenty-bstm. honcoaday ot-Amodaatt vessels In -Yronctrports. • The Am* bYa restionto believe that the *deli- Hon of tha . it}each goverment Isoecalpleditt the news of traits of thiMarmkgsgta in:Xfiteiteat And :Ufa; •If necessary_ mitt adopt eneggetip mamma mallet America* Vol. - esteem .: Admiral Deelot will leave sreet in the gkigste .Thenna. - .Wllle Leatnietions on the 'abject, as ioon aeliapoltea 'return& About the ad'of May A 930,000, Australian gold, arrived in England.. . . The French Severn - meet Is much displeased with Prince tramdeoeit speech at Mimeo. The Emperor will return at the vu of _May- Zwurrei, Map m.—Cotton yesterday - was active, prlcuoid per grrand higher, and In acme Instances hd for American. The sales of the day were 90.000 bales of Amnican, half for expo: and *peculation. The market teed* up want la prica. Turtle' no regular corn' mar ket-Miree the Verde failed, bat all articles steady at last week's prices. No change In pork, beef dr bacon.. Lard continued firm, and quotations advanced to 04a for prime. Su gar steady. Rice unchaeged. Petroleum unchanged ll . L ONDOm — Arraddies—Dtill, bat Wheat flan at lest week's rates. Sugar, tally u dear. Car go is firm and in fair demand.. Consuls on the - - Vd were steady, at 00000 X; In the discount market there Is en change be mires. America Seenriths airthe 119 d, were fir 5-Crs, G 531: _.icavfq(3s2:.• ^ • ' ;the LidadjboonLiterpool;—lt ; la stated lhet some= Yrsiteli Mittlaters Ilareateu to hedge:an-. the French: troops are withdrawn reap.. marketsealvanelez 4:042' eatea2 Oa& Wheat • tat. Cora quiet , 9d theetialWek,tedjeeek hut genet. Perk and steady. - Banda lends Lard inn . Tallow . quiet; Milzket closes dull. Sugar eteady.: Coffee arm. Vetroletua quiet aad steanyi market. climes musty. Gm willows am TO BE IBTIBWBD TREIrAIiIfEITToK UMW" - TROOPP 1 VEIL 6EIII L GLINT-TO 11111 CHICIC • diL7s. , ickia3ex• C , l:.lLess• Latter • Wsunscrroir,' June 6 .—Thejiwent7•toarth Ar my Corps, Ora. Wright conterandlng, whichhas gone luta . etunP at Bailey% Ceuta Roads, Va., Is to heinsliercd during next week preparatory to the metering out of the troops whose term of aereice expireti prior to October let. The Cemetery of War hes directed that troops muttered out of :be service ander Gams] Order No. 84 of the War Department, am to be paid to the datitgM*.a,4tgit-t. zadeitori. ' • • P . Lieut. Gen. , ,Grar.t4lll visit West ant next week during Gutman:Littleton of the Cadets, and proccxd thence to Chicago to attend the great She Ster says.e paper in cipher, fatted !loving in the dock at Morehead Chy, North Carolina, on the 2d of May, has been turned over to the Gorerninent. It has been likeally translated, and Is as follows: • • WAtmrsoloa, April 15, 1505. Dear John: lam happy to Inform you that Dear Pet has drake EL work well; he' la safts_and old Abe le la hell. Now, alr, all eyes are ott To mast being Shaman. Grant hs In the hands of old Grey ere this. Bed Sheets showed a lack of auto In Beerted'a ease, but be fell beet In Red order. Johnson most coma; Old Crook hulk* to charge. Mind well that Brother% oath, sad you will have uo dilleulty.- All will be tee, and we wIL enjoy the fruits of oar labor*. O. B. Zfo. 5. FROM GEN LOW'S BERRTMENT. GENERAL BLA!B'S DEPARTURE FOR NEW YORK Provost Marshals to be Retained . m hire , To, Jane 3.—The Herald's Washlag tenipeclal .says : By. order or Gen. Leiria ail enemplmd nenroMierhor icemMpanled the army orTconesaire, and mho' are not actually' needed wkh that army, are to be turned pear Inman ? ately to - Gem Rocker, Chief Quartermaster or the Department of Washlecton. Capt. Vandike; Adjutant General or the Army led;',Teehriasse„ left last nicht to establish General j Lonanlcheadmiartent acLonDellle.- •—• • Gen. ;organ leaves for New York text Monday TTFFTheswede! says r Maj. Gen. Frank P.,Blale rheATrhtusi*crummand Maj. &aide, I W ..i blittmdT,:biftferetessr Took this morning ea route for.Lmelstille. Tbe‘tosernntestires doelded to rotate ben:* - Marthareltallfitates, vont:Mote Island. and the ene present cdtcers wlllhaklthelr placer In ovary present 0151:11 .• ' • . T oaal oe same omens will be entended toßonthe;m Beata, andel odlcert or the :-Gosprtneat ap `flood:end It' wbe a year: helmet, can be mea nie Tsiteni% correspontht ilalehrh The 'timid:Lathe place li notgood. Physicians are coo* nay Insy, and there la , prospect of a skiff, tamp. L.ATE #RONC RgEt4l7 REBEL 'COTTON AT tr. Gioaoms Steamers Loading at Galveston PUBLIC . UNION; MEETING AT UVJUINAIf, GA. *Maffei •if, Uhl& , Illy Tomato. 3.—Bermndi papers May 30th, state that the rebel , stamen lump" me Auld fib SI. aware, withB.ooo babe of Option rePtzta stwuneed - these budiu g with mr. 413 . 1ng44 4 and tdreed bt' barf• ' ; • • - steemir " triyhoneett brings ga s iannah ;data Of the UM tet......Th0 Honda Say= A large, smile meeting shis held on the lith instant; at which resoluta* were adopted isodorsinn pow Ideat Johnson's policy, and , that armpathison with seceulon are hot to be supported tor ogee: and asking h )flittary Governor for Nom* The Charleston Osirdr of the 18th nit.,laaru from Columbia that Otwertior Magna -had Is. sued a notice that h a foacussans mewed kid _ welted, and that 04 State Ina new m the hands of the milltar4sathoritlia of the' United :Stamm •".I.lteriarning pia inderlis dgeampsd. hat _your. sere, hare Iwo test after him. ;- .• 3l rn.'Dallzi',3ltut•O; 0.1/id& 6 40.7111,f: reached Santos:4, ....ChiefJoetteiChase_ , _l4..idtlifiel jacksonsille : M Madonna.: "-Abe' War of the ontinainsi hid al:Whit* J lb phyflda - .. _tat:oj' also, Hun. D. 1., Tate. c mot mltui tecr I b•-* ms.... They ant road/ lo' like the 'twat edge. =rea' ,44 :/ffiarilligrage • • Ikrer Toe", Jen - /ke. 2 l/eitreieieireiles lellgrelhe eelmeleas are 1 be P 44 up b site Mee et =het II - Mess hoineella, Go: are to lie saline Theiemeseloe ot6 Leilgitred Aer pit Alok le regmle lat stalleles aftellleiesek WOW bilge iwsiWOarfstliludadui tit itellonlYk --Av, • . - PITTS' SIIIREPIDErefr MIST VIM , . 41.ciatiticiaana, 13ete,13.• GENERAL FARRAR'S RICER? RAID Resignation of • General Herron I!A.TEEST FROM ilefraseli, by Straggling Soldiers. -; age,. • ac Nnw Ton; Juno 4.—Adyiets from New Or leans, . ._ . . . glee the dctidts .of Abe 'surrender of Smith's harm, but the details have already been stated. Reports ssid some of the rebel Gener . . niched requested pi rinistion of Gem. Canby to be allowed to take 20.000 troop& across the Rio • Grande Into Mexico, to the assistance of Pro6l l &it UMW. The rebel Generals were yeryanx. lons to olbtainixrmission to ship and sell cotton enough to pig' their troops, but the schema fell • through. , • . -. Therdrel Geo. Price bad gone to Garotter', on the - transport Clinton, and Gene. Buromer and Brent rammed to Alexandria, accompanied by Gen. Herron. who will arrange for the occu pation of the country, by the Union armies. - General Bailey's expeditioit from 1(obIJ had , airetreitht - Batim Ittrucho; arid-were well received gm by the Pita* g the whole lhte of emarch.- No armed bodies mew were seem except, a few .stnerrillist a y "of whom dashed Into one lines MEkm, hislasippl,andihot cote *four men and escaped through. The citizens co-operated with's tir troops in the attempt to cinch them.- - - A:Richmond letter sasw. A mnother of splendid . lisk :Parliament has offered Gen... Lee •.splendid residence in Londcn; and a stun of, asoney, the interest of which would tupportlibuself. President tohnson's t Amneity proclamation made the rebel citizens of Richmond feel sorely. ..• . , .`Gen. Beth Sad voluntarily taken thi oath of altmiance. ' Lary , portions of the 24th Corps were socm to be mumered oil. There:would be a grand re vkw previctur thereto. Columbia licarrlsoned by the 95th Ohio regi ment. The citizens wee° taking the oath of al legiance -En crowds. Other towns In the interior of the State have been properly garrisoned. Secretary Welles, Postmaster General venni eon and party bare visited Charleston and Ba smooch in, the Santiago De Cuba. _ . A largo number or Admiral ' Dahloxeref yes. eels willNitortly be sent north. Now Tonx,?June 4.—The Iterakrs New Or leans eonwroondent says: General Kirby Smith has been to ill: dozing the part six weekathat General Buckner has had 'commend of his de partment. This Is probably-the reason why Gemeril Smith remained in Tens. He Is now at Galveston. ?oceanic time 'past Major General Herron, Etinusaadivir at naton-itostuts, Mut been trwating "wlthilie rebel *nivel -Brent - Air iha linfiseader of Wm/ Losistasta to the Unio n Bret% Rind. Mr. to - General Canby telegraph. At the list.Xneetlng between Gettands Canby and Bram - arrangenseats yarn made by Geo. Rama._ At the same time a conference was held at Manta; Texts, and a surrender mud apse. Tbtrswere present Lieutenant General Kirby • Balkh, Generals Buehler and Price and all the leading military seen In the .Tranisilississiopt Department. Buckner and Thee were 'directed to loin Brent at the mouth Red titer, and Co operate with him Ildfrezdet of him command.' When these °Moot arrived at the mouth of Ind river General Canby was la Mo. bile. General Hein et lust to- time In Notifying him by telegraph, and the women the Intelli gent:earn received, General Canby prepared for an Instant departure for New Orleans. At first be.Protoled taking the Lintel RIU ...bat tills reamer was not fast enough to Malt lOW Maio, and tie and Me noir, with Generals &webs and Blet, Taylor left Mobile on Wedmuslay at half pees four o'clock by the steamship Hero. The captured bioekode runner lloro arrived at Now Orleans on Thursday morning, and as to: C se the Ida May arrived trona the month of fled Elver, a conference wan held at (behead quarters of Gen. Canby: on the corner of Bt. titiariet and Bt. Joaroh streets.- The Union Ganerala must' were. Gout Cushy stud Man,. The rebel (3 on eraht meant were Buckner. Prim, Taylor sod Brem. miter details of the saw=ter nava' - alorady hems published Gcn. Ferrara' retest raid, antiormeed by tole grape several days since, la probably the last raid of the war. Theuommands of the rebel Col. hurls and Cap t. Gillespie were reported at fiarrlsonnum.. Gen. Ferraro left :klatches for that town, ember. log his command on Coate. Thd rebel garrison was surplice. and a number of moo slid bonen were captured. • General Herron has tendered' his resignation, and expects to return to Debt:man, lowa, ha slew watts. Major Hyde Clark, Aasheast Adjutant General to General. Elemon, has resigned. The llernai Charleston correspondent says Letters from the Upper de trios represent that great distress has been caused by the stragglier bands of soldiers taking el every horse and mule, and breaking • open rustic and private strata, besides. robbing plantations. The plan ters world rejoice at the appearance of Union garrisons at all the principal polars, for the pro tection of the people: General Hartwell, with a portion of Ws brigade, is at Bradgbnig. lie has detailed a permanent garrison for the town, sod is engaged in hitberlog the arrangement of frecensen, in oralungiontraets with their former Owners. Planters are very sextons to secure labor for the hitting of produce. Tim greater portion of the pumas cannot comprehend their new situation; the most of thorn believed they were to be supported by the government. others supposed their masters _lend was to be derided among them, and large lumbers are leaving for Charleston. ,• ihtereittlng 1.1122 Charleston. • . Nnw Una, Jona 11.-'--The Clestreren Courier of May Eist asp: Ensign C. C. Neill, who left here last west for the purpose., of visiting the plantain= the Copper titer, 'and enlightening them sa to - the enters of General Hitch, encouregieg the :risking' ofhontiacti with the freedmen, returned to this city butt evening- . He called' upon the various planters In tit. Thomas and fit. Denis parishotaad found them • ttetriti knit . ''wElinff to do alf In their power to promote the interest of the,. canton country. , Their great acutejanecs are the dep redations' committed by loving bands of idle and disiolete - peopicthe majority of whom are colored. They . ere calor to obtain ifirapply-ortield and farming 'lmplements, and `are` also la want - of hornet, mules end wajdons. Large crepitate not for this seance,' TliblEanten'reeeived BesignNeill and his as esciaire with th e lushest drift. ead , epreed be. Toir them theppeeet their house contained. Ta their tor diet adilUtted the total'fidiari" of the rebellion „ and do exoneeed thmeehre t s. , Harmony and an-union again preys& atertsens, Yaw 3L—Haii Admiral' tishigrei. Capt. Bratilbni, sod taxa. o w n tbeee,ef the Aernlna's Nair, ieft on the steamer Georgia oa Menday break% on • rah to -Pori, liojid Ind Annatliti '-'The'Doctegitl'aecompa.' alai the Santiago de thee with fiecanary Welles 41DOn to-day. Vepeny.' The Admiral Ise:teemed to m tur The Pontine; Lieutenant Commanding 8. K Lane, left this port yeaterdayfun New Tort with o rebel torpedo base in tow. - The steamer. Potsmaaki, AriGag-Muter P. A. to laal shortly for New The west oet theseekee 430Ottnag. 1 1 4 011rfragIROCHS bOdiIIOIMMOIMOSTOrOd. :Tbe.Miel t Itls eonshlwed sot to be worth 01,6 -Algagin? COOTIOI4O OtWiniltitOfi lOteg ahe kagth of Waive has Wee under water. Her guns as ve:been 11 P 3 4.P4 1 a1,i4,--. T Itaff,Adiletii from inlmagemeryrAtabauta. ' Naw-Tontr,3une3.—The Trigtmee eomapon deal doodle the march of the Ist Dorbdon of the 16th Corp, Prom Blakely. opposite Mobile, to that placa. Tam parsed through a part of the emotm which has_ not been Melted before by a •Ualon anoviad the people owe gr i sly exal ted end tenth:id. s:ndTe wealthy plasters tried to hide their , stock Id , Melee ':reof IMMix were • out Ornamented and - tibtaik planar M rstddiet QM molt commlemay. itororaballed as ei their deliverers, aad thelitaildbortlet Yellowed , sateaVeaterylli oetlatstodati. ool 3 o :.*Lold•-aumc , pernkot 't#a born tir Um Nowt.. a tress's; had ban aloe age of 13, sad been held In 813 i 13 7d 4 1 7 Oir3l.Pagni bit Jew besiase i t, lde aletotat• Iris Maw% to , Buda Air Ave- , thi *4lo* Plintakras i nwlezpoi ' • o_,Prem'and Into ote=ll lll 3 boldau se leme arm medlars lbso'reeseirs wimbameddoent, 'inimeeding is arldithiseialtpi.l , ThatedYgae aagrom are rapidly mailing.. lb* osogis of Montgomery my miry seller: Ifmr Tosis i 4s i le .a( d t age: Thin It brabeallid ' areglk_ .01.11iid liUt Ilia bee44knind. amain Is 111 Sits . i r . SR Mb 104 /AMINORii te Vin" aril ........, . , 4 ~. ..6 - 4 , ..0.3, 1 1 14 +1 4. l it... 4.4 ~ : 440 },,,p/6„, , .. . . - ~..;•.----,.......,.......,.......... .. .. ..„.- . ' . . •-.- . ••• • . I. ... , • 1 • . . ~ . • • .. . ... NTiox .ARRIIS Or GOrrEurOß BTAGRATEr ESCAPE Da , j WADE BAKITOH THE CITIZEN 4 TAKING THE OATH Nuw Tort; illicit:l.—The - &raps Charleston cornspor.dent report* the areestofHos. Hagrath of South cirollna, at Cdtifiehlson the 27th ult., for Nigh !meson. He Waitaken to Hilton Head and will bo sett NOVA for trial. He sinvender bd quietly to Llanl. Beck, who wee sent to arrest him. Wade ilimpton escaped; aid his whereabouts Is emkoown. Before the arrest of Itagralk bie allied a proclamation suspending his own; funcikeut -as Governor of the: State, stating_ that the war Is over and that it Is their duty ter forbear opppiti on, which Is hopelefo, and reconcile; Nemesia to that auteifiesion which [be Government o e United Big' can Impose, - Impo and they cannot t.. xHe ur - them to resume peaeeful pursuits, and says he Is ready to meet the ehargesimide , Against him at any time and place. Corgtatnlatery 'Address to the Annie. by Gyn. Grant.. Wmiarsoroir, Juae4.—Gen. p romhas honed the following ebagratulatory address to the ar toles . . Wan DarutvYtti. Awl'. Gee& Oron. - . l r . . WAsumerow, D. 0., f - -.. . Jtme 2d; VIOL ttensl y =fe. 108—doldlers of the ar lnielot the 11l ink theta, by your patriotic de votion to try in the hour of danger and alum, your kingultlcent fighting, bravery ianer.:.- endurance you have maintained the supremacy it . Volon and the Csnstinitlou, overthrown al mated opposition to the enforce ment of the I %nod of the proclamations for ever abolishing slithery, and openod the, way to. rightful atithofitiUrore order and luau ,tte Karate peace en a en' and enduring ba sis, on every lees. of American 1011. Tour marches, sieves and battles In distance; dura tion, undone* ea brilliancy of results will dim the lustre ofr the put military achieve ments, and will bathe patriot's precedent in de fence of ilbergy sed right in all time to come. In obeditime tolrour country's call you lett your homes and fatuities. and volunteered in Ira defense. Victory/ma crowned your valor, and seethed the ptirpese of your patriotic hearts, and with the genitalia of your countrymen, and the highest bonne& great:and free nation cam accord, you will aeon be prr. mined to feting to your beams mild familia conscious of _haring. discharged the highmt duty of an American Mt, leen: ' To achieve these glorious triumphs, and amore to yourselves, your fellow countrymen and posterity, thetiesetngs of free inuttutious, • tens of thotumadi ityour gallant' commanders " - flame fallen and sealed a priceless legacy with their. lives. The-payee of these a grateful na tion bedews with tiers, honors their memories, and will ever attrYth and- support their stricken families. ; - -(wed). The CadebViStientriatlon at West Point —Diener te tan. letterman—Can. Thom. ast ilesdattasitiva at Nashville—Collec t unship at thatleston—Troops Mustered Out. . New roux. Jung board- of ',ldiom Invited by the ikaltary of War to examine the cadets of WeetPoitt.. his arrived there. It is xsperted that , eft& 'Grant and Bherrean And It;.ecretarj Siantotttirffl beltntecat. f everal Sherineit Woe entertained with a ttizo ter by the Union CAM litaterday, and treated to a reception in tbeetenieg. ,He made two short :!leeches. but tberi.coutalis teething of Imp*. lante. lie Imes fOr the wok In the morning, stepping perhaps M - Wietcratitt. , • ' A Washington' apretal- states that &Moral Themes will net take ertatoaall of the Depart! tarns Of Vlrital44_,Vreeldent Toluuon, In view of blithOrough kairteke of thepaeple of the - Benthwtot, haling determined to assign htm Witte wort of reaorgazdzslion there. His head. quarters will bit rdlstaktille. • • Dr. Mackey has been . appointed collector of Cleolreion as an acknowledgement of his stead. feet Union cones Meting tho rebellion. Mimeos tlarrassed troops are ordered to be modem' cut of ties Fifth corps aim; which wal hate he Ftret*llll4,ooo. 47en.-tar/11016AL 1i.'111.4 bit ota corps, the 14th — Vbalah4 - turtathirday, And outithe inlay,tically greiteth-; Statement of the Public Debt. WARVINOTOII, Jane 2.—The titeridasy of the Treasury has psiblished • cornmantatemeat of the public debt, as appears from the books °film Truncates returns in the' Dellartment ou the 31st of May. 1b63. The rem. pilulation shows the amount outetandlmr, beerier interest In coin, to beelcven hundred and eight mUlion, one hun dred and thirteen Utomaaad, eight hundred and forty-two dollars—the Interest being sixty-Pmr millions tour hundred mid eighty Mussand roar kindred and eighty-nine dollars and tiny cease. The debt bearlog Interest In lawful money is 6153 ,4 7 6,571—the Interest beast 460,159,33453. Tim dtbt cm which Interest hail ccamel.ls 0811,- 31'0. The debt tearingß no Interest is $4711,84,- :17057. The total hidebtednms la 63,436.305 ; 753 50. The interest both In gold and pspee Irving 1134,638,414. The • count or der cotes In. circulation Is W 4,100,4611.10,16 thelode s432,crirstx, of new ism, and $143. 620, of the compound Interest antes Wider the act ofJurie 30th. 11:64. The uncalled for pay requisitions is 1 40 . 0 00,1**, and the amount in Treasury clarity over 0 5 .000.000. The amount of fractional mercury is 04,644,000. - • From new Orleans—A►ried or General !Sheridan. New Oftriszet, Slay 2-6. P. u.—General Sher. Ilan and staff arrived today. Itsports front Natchez Nay that General Hood offered bla surrender to General D aldsen, com manding there.' Hamra ham kft.for Shrevepert, the head. quarteis of the northeete.dlvt4on of Lotdslaria. Yesterday wee tehrentelly observed accordhag to the national Wodamtlon. A drat the yarie t. wr6y destroyed tine belldleo In the • • A ur g e ' at Lakeport destroyed ono-halt of the plate. ". Co' tton—Xlddllok, 410. • Gold 123.` liteacea to he Hasiged.—lllavee Itateseed. 'Lorrisvaur,Airn• 4r-Jobe Lewis, massed, .estiviettat. by etsamtesztlal of the launder of The Mei Mynah, of Shelbyville, ls lantana!, be hulked bithe 18th of .ftee. Gvaand Pali*pr lamed as order that the eiti courts Mall release from eotalleemeat Maisie eon, aided (Whirl's their, awl& nate. Gen 'aoZestar, Wood Limo, Alezeader 'sad ri bittaker have ateked. a - I, tier General Woes lett *Satan five Wash- libmtt seven {bootee& eold.teet of the Anuy of the Teseestee'tutifed Intim tarleasborg thht -tereehlg.. • - - . . General Oberman In Wow: . Yorit--Nrtel - , Addreaslrethe Ckeersta ' New Yon; -guanVan -gem . Elheedtan .yestse. day *irked (lens VUet„ at the Qaartvmas. te r'sMcn,Anderas,Walted tipme;and most hear. talr welentailif4tha Merchants and liminess men. Nis the nibs General was cerise. ded at tho tentia of /Kr. Beat. he Mu atm*. whirs bets stoppAtnr, by the bands of the 7th 17th - rwelteents„ and repponded in • few' brief remarks tO the repeated and tuaniittiens eine of the saseenhiase. 2 generals /10411xmlbil, awilfsbe IlnYerlebl sod _othenr, alwi Made brief addresses4l-• .Iliftemitth Corps Coadnje.,Nireetward--Tre limeldiers Killed,•' , Ws , h. „ itifittrroi, Jane B.=-Toda y ' portion of iitejeth ere brought the-Virenhf lieWss ac, to be seal wea. _The wain Wring reiched. the 8 a tt 421',./ifaryisati. , WM* led 4,4 sire*: the engine beams de tackiktthilentosing on to the frig; and the - COs, which ire moving, withAresat v eame in eon with the tender, =leg two oci sol ty diers of the Indiana: -. 7TA. .2..te, permed.'" 411;te, asthma:a in 4 earltehuM. I log Iteldlera. -; • • WASIONGTOS, IttMO 4. , ./.ollllli week 1 1•110011 tateromee army bmin tO MOTO .at the rate of some %COO day, the D a. &MAWS Com:al:aloe opened feedbag station at ampere ? sad MAlM:mbar& wltereloa mamma Mdmpa to the ears by a`coros of read igetts, fasrsabog, - and marred out to Me Masse ._ • - . , - r: I- - k' ' .= " - * trail of Cotton.: -,.. '' ll Thossemar OtrtotilotworK ;41ro.) , iiiio .r. • rf with iteapails ligms Ofyileterdir. Mllli IA eat:st.Thabh ' rbe iwate; Illititer cot3oo , 111iWu i 11- - 1/3 ' proof uP Toterda kir CiiwL . v - - • ''"i' ic ia, _s*.sliimAiie ,irwtrout. iinow;h gre,91122 . 96.. I t'd*: oiarktinis Shifter& -"" . itimitittaililki e irk Atouts . 04,40.14eigtilAisa of., ithe, .. _ t .t di tr i neskt; I PM I OII II I .1 Ail i44o-144 “.A 11 4 4 , 4 4. a ttiiTiliik.stitii' APINNauI . cam, sista nersiflbs, soles utOwitpuvi atrarlir ld eadekoessiq •",' a'-': - • •I, -- .• 4 . , • 'AROLIN.A. Cam June 'lL—The steamer &lief Moos, from • Metaplais for Cincinnati, passed up last night with S9O bales of Cotton. Cotton declined; ; strict middling. al@Sitc; good. 3ic. Judge Yorger, Judge Sharkey, and Hon. Jonas Hamilton, arrived here but night on mute to Washington to confer with the President on the subject of reorganization of the civil government of the State of Mississippi, The Senator elect, Hahn of Leadelins, arrived , this morning. It is .underetood that he will Inake an extended tour Mom& the Northern States. The lend slide M Coltunobs pions to have been less extensive than flint represented. No loss of Ufa. The steamer l o ta m New 'Orleans,. for Lsisisville. paned op light ',Shall balm of cottab tor Clisehicumi • and New !Zeck, and dates: to the 30tin Theverek of 'Stopple' the crevasse below the city was progressing sathifsetorily. The If nicest "town of rehires, Negras, was captured by the Mere.% no the Seth. The blockade runner llealeigh, in trying to rue Into Galveston wlth's valuable cargo; was run listens and destroyed' by the United Buttes neasserSeminolo. • . Gen. Steele lathed at. Mobile on rho ; 218th, having been aesigned to now command In the Department of the Gull: The licven.Thirks lhtran. 41.—Ja sales of the 7.24 loan at 113,220 100. The Cooke reports IMg. eat western subscription was $846,000 from the National Bank of Chicago. The largest eastern subscriptions were $lOO,OOO from the National Bank of the Republic, Boston, $lOO,OOO from the ' Second National Bank of Boston, $60,000 from the First National Bank of Norfolk, Ta. There were also. $5,100 from' New Orleans, $50,000. from Richmond, and $1.5,900 individual cub. stripier's for $6O and $lOO. ' The total amount for the week was $0,681,600. Half a =Mon of 7.30 notes of $5O and $lOO emanations, were sent down to North Carolina on Saturday, by order of a paymaster, to be paid ant to Eoldlers. The demand for 7.30.1 among the disbanding armies to Inereasiag. A letter received frori en eminent Herman baker, May lab, says: I predict yob will see that 11. S. paper money will be at a premium befoze long, as IL ought to be, for its usefulness and convenience. WASILIZOTON, duriii.„4.—The former oflicial statement of the pribpc debt, on March Slat, aa cnntrasted with' that puling with the mouth of May, shews an increase in the two months of two hundred and duty eight millions and a quarter on the principal, andof nearly twenty two millions in Interest. Brammotrit, June 4.—The weather Is intense ly hot. Troop' are passing ttirdath the elty to. Wahl. <We aro unable to learn what regiments. ReconstruHetlou—Vlrginla. The stneedel Free-State Constitution of old Virgin* under:which rite election for members of if heti Legislainroirea held - In' a 'few' bertler' (Eastern) Counties ‘, , n1 1 - 01,3 4a.T. May 25th, ex primly withholds the Right of Suffrage from all persona who have given any voluntary aid or sup. pan to the Blaveholders' Rebellion. This inter dict was eenerally and ostentatiously defied, not by all the late rebels, but bye very large Ebro of them. The Constitution expressly provided that they should eel vote; but they said they troehf, mid they did. Hence, in nearly or quite every County or Senate district that held elee tlons at all, members In thorough and open corn. , plicity with the rebellion, so long as It had a leg I to stand on. were supported and elected, by the i votes crane has themselves. And. thus It will k ' be,/re doubt not In manj Vent most other cows- Ilea when:they come respectively-to vote. The late rebels will evince their eubmisslon to the Government and laws of the Union by ostenta- Wady defying and *obverting the conatituthes. al barriers expressly devised and erected to keep the rein of government—at least for a then—in loyal hands. -They will sustain-etch other in defy Inn all constitutioesl safeguards which eon- Sim with their amoltlon and thilr personal con sequence. The patron saint of this new!development of loyalty lit the Hon. Rear rely Johneon. of Mary land. 'Thls ripe lawyer and statesman. (for merly Attorney General of the Uettol States, and elevator by Union votes,) In view of the elec tion had test October to Stavland to accept or reject bee revised Fret Stara 4 .4 l 2.llltefferia„ found the 1411 Slavery party bothered by a requirement of tbelate_ConeUtuticmal Convention that evigy delft} to to rote ahould take an cab of tidellt to the.Corstitntlen and Governmeat of the U lied antes. nal,. was rather a choker.-- mostf them bring at heart, and thousands of than yoWtally, adherents( or the Jeff. Davie Colffel , erac.T. holding Undo Sam to be I played oat, - d foam Instittrtim. In this (Mumma, they appesird to the eminent term* aforesaid, who promptly supplied them whit "an %talon as is an opinion." Taking the uroned 'that the oath prescribed by the Constitutional Convention is illegal, he conelndes as follows: .It is_indeed the only way In' which the people- Can 'noted thrtneelvta, and no moral IS)nnetion will be vio lated by such a course beainao the 'exaction of the oath wet beyond the anthori ty of the Conven tion, and, as a law, therefore Vold." Hereupon; they generally' and severally walked up to the polls like a chicken is the donah.dieh, took the oath without a quaver, voted against the Constitution, add' would have beaten it if they had been . rather morn numerous. As It was, they carried thretefourtta of the counties --f eTellli of thaw by UM or twenty to one— , end relltd up BA agpegate of 29,530 agultut to 27,541 for it on the home Yowl but thotfnlon soldiers In the field gave 2,633 fur to 163 against It, tied so saved .the State to Freedom. Could the Marylanden In the Confederate camas have voted, as wear** their compatriots at home, the Constitution iteuld have been beaten; and this, we doubt liet, Severdy would have found law and login for if the necessity had been de mad so grave and the fee bad been ample. As It ws4 every. fighting Maryland rebel,' save a (ow who slipped home ear the emergency, was dlsfran. chiaed by that revolting Abolition oath, which: the 'copperhead press of tae Say so howl:ugly reprobated as onirageona. ' names MlT[iand ' became a find State, and east, her Presidential vote for Llutioht and Johnson. Bat the Con fed erate ruddier* are now released from military service and at home, reedy.and eager to prevent such depnteittea results hereafter. We speak ot by way of Complaint but of, re cur! and adm n atitlon. President Jammer. Proe lamation of Amnesty lellr , reeal Wigrard and harsh to many who fall to'reallae the ferocity of the wolf hail seeking to tame or bind. Lot an Electlon be ordered tomuvrow In South Carolina, with the suffrage ewireesaly restricted to whites who have never been hostile to the Union,- and - two-thirds of the volt:spoiled will he cast by rebel. soldiers fresh tromthe camps Of Los and John. mon. Such tang the - material facie, It Is Our simple duty to look them in the thee. _The Broth' Will be truly Wel' and - Union-loving - from and after Marley her Colored }lnn = are accorded . ,the right of suave. and not one day ampere We `are net ending rata that this has `nos' already . been done--we are tint that It be how done by Preeldehtlal edict or Military order or dubbin' validity as lt mast bewe comprehoad the dieloaltles of the altuatkm, arid are patiently amailderlng by what means -they • way be sue. mounted—are an. 904 1114141g4 on On :vital truth QM so loaf he Wot hot Manhood, her , Womb, nor Thrift, norlotelligence, shall be the bails of politic/4 power at the donult, so Magid"( her :tang caste predotaisandy cherish the void,. and deplore the downfall of the 8 1aveleitdere'ro. belliew.—X. Y. Tribune. % - - • U. & GRANT, Liquskant General Martyr for Ltherilo The Mr. Bowles whore condemned to tie hung. by the =nary tkoloaladon at Indlittepolla.was a came!! ofau lodises reVnent at thetbatile Of limoYtii., la 480. His rouleeht, broke and fied,, tottite seised a musket and taught me aeon:t ux* fialatar in another regiment. He is •grey heeded old mini between 'ru and 80yeara of,age: ,—, head Mere, stOry illattratettont of what materiat grist of Ides Is ands. Io 1833 or 185 t are were cenverelag with an °Meer of (Monet Tangles regiment, them and now a Teableta `of this city,' and wham name ran be gives it ,needed, in refeeence to the battle •or Bar-a Vista and the Itcroli - eondnet on that day ... a canals ladlana Cel..-41—the story being sob -stantlitliy that; toll ta 'the ' extract above. "Now t ". eald he, "I can tell you tka truth. Whe* our regiment readmit Makunaraa, short .: ly after the battle, the Waffled Maineal which showed •Ita 'heels so bravely on- that ocession imagine:OW in that townprepimsm to wink North to be inuitered rut o f service. I had bard this sad '*eked an atonaintenoe pita, oat 40 sea thie ofkeer.. 'Oksl4lll4l.aly Meidi - filifTpaleledul *Kai •Ittere let Ica*. woo peso toot currying his itorse. , - Ito Woo* ,dtataftraal Sanklna poltroouLtititb,*.., notliodeleatt Ms astsosogstiodllloll4 yet out; Vs? boast o l arsitataltolo logo, bb so* os„ tiasiras oaristrukosviad Miltiragr Or* thud/ to Ihorostokor Wu, svglonit *mooing to emir IliiterlArest, NA boa so so tkotugh to 1 " littitillolms . blt-; biaNiObtcoutil not kg) Waal!! ALI :014 the entire tbantlatkaeltS ettryrti""' , .110 ascir tor soitgoostaptuo*..th e ci,V , id fibulae nota WittoolopoirsOss At lollop —41541:1/saion. . , e W dil o e a a o m s e s d e ee g p wotil.r i M a iltre;b iteiatbxee hm lm e iifiiiii Dii in i&bearew t osadkiti s 'Oft r twit* Awe eirimidoit beetbspi t ee yew it' guktillow Ito seldtbaerebe bowsaw ebeetlekSow-er lbs 'J= l4l ° ,ll4 0110041111.4°.5iVeg Fran Cam. gublle Debt. From ROittroOre. Aggravated Assault and Battery. On Satedby officers Culp and Long !riveted J.Arph Aldred end John - O'Hara, charged with havieg committed an aggravated assa glt . and battery on Mrs. Jane Sedan. The °Hence was =twitted last March, but the scoundrels man aged to escape arrest until Saturday afternoon, when Ulu /ad!, Whowas with her husband at the Central Depot, saw the two parties abovenamed, and luid them it once arrested. It seems that the dereaants, with two other men, called at the prosecutor's house, on Denman street, Birming ham. and representing themselves -to be police men, teed as having a warrant for her arrest, toolcher forcibly from her own house, and went as far as the bridge at South - Pittsburgh, where fearful of carrying out any further what they perhaps considered aPpractical jokey , ' released her. After . a hearing the puttee were each held I In IMMO for their appearance at court to answer. A Colored %Valium Put. (lot era Car.--A couple orday*lncea young anireqssmilblelook.. leg cclured_women. who bad catered a drat Maas car at the a:Mara! Depot to go east was lacened by the costdador that the pameagentoblected to hers-klutz to that car, threatening wilaaveleand take their tandlies with them IlibeweSucor pie into another car. The conductor navigated her to take /mother ear rather than:false a :sliststet ante, which she did. - - The em who made' Ws Protest bad all the appearance ofgentlemen, and It would Seem that the conductor 'had no Aber remedy than to comply with the demand, • It such occurrenom are to Asko Pee* on our rail roads, the soon* they are. remedied by. epecletl' provision for colored people the. better.' - - nor Kllletiv'-A Meetshoeins_ accident oeJ tuned at Madhiou FurnacerlMarlon. 'Thal day, 25th of May, by which a son of Mr...faeoh Roust was slaked Windy kneel. ;The lad was - Helps a male whlckhad bsen unloosed. front*: wagon • when. a second DOT attemPasito*On the same - aabrud. mild became el aud began to ran the' boy wai f Oft 'Ms ilea' foot anted le -the trues chain, ,The lad was nulled on the greeted; 'and vu several, times kicked On the bead and 'chest, l attahling • and binning hba la each a manner that he only lived about fiftetaminutes after the , mule weir Men Drowned.;-"ahout ten o'clock oet deg atorehtg a ,yonnE mae named Jamea Mts. an employte on thellle Itettroad. was' dwetdre while. bathing , le the Yonanitekthe Hsu. , It Ls supposed ber teak mums while , he the miter :ha • halloatd -to some' boya:ame were bang mar WIG 'era tdet-rthat Name, -thing was pulgng shince p " . ittearinee. 'Doeiddsoateld isalialuest on the bodic aast "dank :Yeedlir of accidental A s aw a / a k.,lsaa Alsa- Tbd:deetrased was about twee}, ' Years ar.eka; unmeshed. and - board ed 'at a' Muse' oil Greet meet, naves lebeses;stid - saa with a - resat, train on the connalinfle liagroad,- Escape of an haute ltobller....in Inman man, a aischarght aoldler,,mmted, Michael Ilan ardS en rairiO !hr.. dlierelerui, escaped from the attendant 'wlm had him la charge on Wednesday? :evening n and minket be and. Iteekwll Is lira, feet mix incbm high; dark contidezion, blue eyes and dark kalr.,_Hehad on imitof barred Mottles Considerably soiled, *ad wore a blue military Any penman knowing _looking • aide 'antenna:ln will rhino lure ,word at the Bul-' tiny Roomy, Ed Fourth street. • BLit -Miry my-,..Alotati lad Ramat . 4: iota% was is titaftrar at Li a r ace, ,Mlistes Inieissi ,, s1 1 40- bathtse• - Att. a Swag . ' laCLUNg..Misatikf .satat,_was dam* t v iti r ,rm th 0. The ItA,, , 1 0 5 = s it ~ , ' sad: a s 4t.' sans ms, livida , s volt* or - -, , snug *mato , Ire tall's - • taddatoa Attu smstaairtessßate..--,.5 .:',, { . , -.- irlinmltb-"= .41,4 ' 4 4 1411141 V . - Cliii Coll TA= of mom 64 ag igai k a ; eir • • g l4 WI: Air. ar ta„ Imre: "rub °WAfir ' a ' AlPtir_iailkineanalse fa aura: ' ' • - 1 %- uw !!i 6 .11# 14011 / 1 1 4 0 4. 11 31W4 ot 1 1 41;41 aii , lilll , l" — " -- tiir ikaaaissiakad' beg Wee by elthistOtilkolhiga --" -2', v A cti maithea k abro Vpplisliaaapltilsara Wow water Wftaihisuft:a....--....- -........, Aar mob ta be me - - "ll' 4 1 1 !va1.r4,4 1 "liiMiri "st*- MT IND Mum Viten r Delegate - Elections,. The primary elections for delegates to the Haan County Convention, was held on Satur day. In some of the districts the contest was vire animated, while in others trot lain Isamu wes exhibited—Were- being but one set of dile gatei voted for.: The following ere the reams' am far as fro m=ite*-d First Want—Thomas Rome; ,Taa. Gracty. . Second W. Gigaton, Thos. Ewing. Third Ward—A. M. Brown. J. J. Sieeck. • 'Fourth Ward•ztobt. W. %char, Jrobn ben Har. Fifth Ward—First Precinct.. David Beck, David Thompson; Second Precinct, Frank &der'', James Taylor: Sixth Ward—A. G. Mcesnineea, L , Cour- Seventh Ward—Ma= Moorhead, Hoch Young Eighth Karl-Lgiumiel MarrowiltentionLooa Plinth Ward L —Wm.Kelm James !ratio. Tenth Ward—Wm. Simpson, David Sims. ALLSOLIZIIT. direst Ward—Was. Mate, C. P. Ingraham. Second Ward—Ja. McDonald. Wm. Hall. Third Ward—First Precinct. Wm. Hamilton; Arthur Hobson. Second Precinct, Co!. George Gast, C. C. Smith. Fourth Ward—First Precinct; John A. }Eyler; John Megraw. Second Proohint, H. P. A. Pal hanber, Jaeob Mold. 808.006111. Birtningham—FLost Precinct, M. B. Hartzell, Goo. Shaffer. Second Product, Daniel Henke, D. Beck. East Birmingham--Roblasos Jenks, William ttenzwy. Sonth - Plttaborgh—Wm. Stark, E. B. Willa. Tempe.ranceriffe—Capt.Matins, Llent. Ir biancheater—W., 8. Spratt, Isaac Stewart. lifonongahelit—Rlebard . Perry, Thomas Rossi ., West Pittsburgh—Ed. Sprung, John Arth. TOWNSIIIPB. Liberty—Wm. B. Negley, John Barton . . Bylsshelm, Daniel Kuhns. Ross—J. McKnight, Wm. Peter. Plet—Wm. Harrison, As Hooter. Collhis—R. W. Thomas, J. N. Berlin. Beceptton of Returning Begimenta. Pursuant to pnbPc notice a meeting of citizens was held at the Board of Trade Rooms on Bator. day afternoon for the purpose of devising meas. ores to accord a tilting reception to regiments re. corning from the field. especially those organized la Western Pennaylvania. s .sM motion of Wm. A. - Herron, Esq., ion . Jain' Lawry, Jr., was called upon to prealde, and the reporters present appointed Secretaries. - Mayor Lowry mated that the oth Ilomy 'Ar [Mere, COl:4lallteas, the 102 d, the 139th. and 155th Infantry regiments, were expected to ar rive In the city during' .the ensuing week, and thought that they should' receive a heady wel come back to their homes. As the 153 th 'vel ment was, expected to nialveionllnnday, he had. on Ids own reepoesiblllly,'engageda brine band to zuret It and escort It to the City Hall. • • A letter from W. P. Weyemn, Esq., Chairman of the linbnimeace Committee, was hen read, which eet forth that lithe funds were -placed In the hands of the Conunittee, they wonld sea that a band of rouge accompanied eery regieuint from the depot to the Hail, and back ' to' the dipet. , . the following Finance Committee .was ap pointed% Longo ehllde, G. L. Poi:Mashie, E. H. Irish, J. M. Kirkpatrick, Capt. Tomlinson, Jas. Dna, Jcim W..Ctudfant, B. F. Jonas, Jas. McKnight ; M,x.Mcßane,-L. H. ,Katon,'B.; Von-Bosu. (Manley, Jan. Watt,-Ha)om`Wal. Frcw, C. C.,Barke, H. U. King, Jas. Montooth, Dr. A. G. McCandless, Jared M. 'Brash, D. K. Book, Rohl. Finney,'Alos. 'Nimble, Alex. Brad. ley, H. W: Mackey, "Jars. O'Connor, Win. A Acn*on, J. H. Stewart, John Brown; Jr., bar net Riddle, Hon. John Morrison, Jas. Marshall. Jas. Mcßrler, E. F. 4. Falhanber, Col. Cleo: Garet, Alex. Leggite, John McDonald, W. O. Doris, A. B. ilckiwan, C. Harrson Love, Alex. Cham bers. J. P. Pears, Jail. Blackinore, Capt. James Mak.; Wm. 8. Pratt, James B. Hill, Jcueph Ir- Irk!. Wm. Wade, Jolts Fleming', Joseph Abel, B. Falinastock, W. W. Ward, !Solomon Stem; LOlllll Morgenstern, Bantu/ Gray, J:l3. T. ltictianes, b F. Von Bonnhorst, E.N.; was appointed It was rewired that U any bathes should be 1 it be.paid°vivid* • the :44.tubiterice tjuna-• mittcc. It was also resolved that the Committee, each intnunvr In PO nvecslye businees•apbere, pro.. ecoel to collect money on /Woodsy, the same to be raid oyez to the Treasurer at once. The following Reception and Executive Com mittee was appointed: Tbe Hon. Thomas M. Howe, - Hon. James Lowry, Jr., Hon. Wm F. Johnston, Hon.. John hi. Farkpettick. Hon. J. E. 3ioorebead, Hon. Thomas Williams, Major d W. Brown, Bon. B. Ceznahan, Esq., and W 721. F. WegniLlac- Etc]. Mott of the returning regitaentestiop at Camp Reynolds, until the Parlia4.ter.'---reaq IV' them off, wheu they are at it *unind]. will therefore bo impracticat give them all a public reception. s., . 414' re'r tits Ciaiette, County Maws. - ' • - EDITORS GAZIETZB:--XUCiI bean said is the papers in favorlef different cendidates (or of dos, and it seems that Eume - would ignore every claim antfouslificstion, and urge In favor of any ciindldate who may have been in the military service. While ells class of politicians 'thy eel 7 melee , ha fi! etegite Sintelist s r; they may dogrsat injustice : to the publie,j'ani• even to those whose kitercsts they advocate, We. bite ciadidates whose qualification' ars tested and known, - sad in the hincisW public trusts will be eminently "sate,' • The Mt cm caneot be properly filled exeePt. Py.atifew The danger bi that a dispealtionio:favorment candidates may plain the public intonate In Jeer' : lady. No brave ssoldier. Aldred aspire toilla position in civil life for _which he is not fitted. mid if Any B chsu be elevated tin an oak* forestilek he la not wquaffed; It would do great bap*: • tie* to others who are content to accept "Me for. which thOy are well stilted. . . If the candidate, apart' limn su>llltay rep utation, • Is not At, theisseleet one who can bring the requisite' qualAilcationa into scUyeServica. The 60 /dikli, 'hea body. do not 'dottrel to bit tabrepsteented, and they will not hesitate to support shy well qualified kepi cabers who mai be suommlS. .1 in.convention. The argement_thats you must yieldshe offices to soldiers as a matter of party polity Is also unjust to our brave do. fenders. They are not the men to act rashly, widths rank and file, who hen so nobly carried the,knapsack and musket.l are prepared &tempi. port those Who, in civil life, .did , ,,thalr home, and kept down the- !like i n the rear," as well aa provided for the wants of tholes . whom the fortnnea of war bad rendered helpless. The danger 115 that we may overdo. the thin.' The array of ejlkers now asking OW is not lust to tbeprtratts,.and depend upon it, the latter will not be carried away by the clamor of sonic, who, from the walks of doll life, seek to elevate themselves by going for the soldier. -- The minty edicts should be filled with care, and the guestkinahould beaskoi "it he honestr.— b be ospable r' There are positlime in-the variant trades and business houses to which the patriotic strident and °Maws may :And 1112036. :The offices sal deputies of United Elates Assessors and Collec tors, our yoga OafeeS, our batiks. insurance de ers, wareroomri, Workshops and toll collectors on the various roads and .bridges, are all open , and let the rate barna& greelel, so that those who have enjoyed the security and pix*emity of kids for the bet four yam, may: give. plaice' for the soldiers who have borne the brunt of battle, -If society Is true to the insti ncts , of patriotism mmty will step aside and give mom to the battla scarred- and maimed, in positions for which they are qualified: : . ~FNLPILM26 Soldier Robbed'—A aoldler belsiking to the Micblgen regiment walt , robbed on / Mtn - .night between Altoona and Greenl6ggg,,ol:sl46, by asharper dreesed ln' soldier's uniforutt*ho pretended to be a ,wounded thlet . (seeped at 'Greensburg. 'Every train - pluotha, ; East haa a • nnatber 'protessidnal'thistarob board, and our inturnioreoldlers csineut bo . tos guarded to escapes robbery. - .. Young Meats ehtlstlaa Association.:At tneethit of this Association held last atenterg • the Lecture Room of the First. Pleabgattina - • . bomb: Means: David Robinson, James W. Ar .Willians Frew 'sod • vary A. Lavely Were , appointed damping to • tend the Tenth AnnualConvenflon L of thi.Chris lan Association, -to be held' In ..E7Watielpiita„ • one 7th, 1E65. - • •Arriyil ,• renn ovivanta - Reglinente•--- e 140th raonsylvania. fro - m Beaver aitd Wash , gtoa counties nudely; and the ,1454 h reanzryl itania, from Erle, arrived at Camp Reynolds oft ray and were paid Off on •Satarday. - The PeotlAyivank, arrived :on 'Saturday night, d will probably be paid off to-day.' The 165th as expected last night. - • Arrival orTrobpa Last PllghL—The =fat • hlo,: Col. Perkins, arrived on the 11. ceelpcir. train last night; also, a battery of thelit Ohba Artillery., They were preceded ay a bctor sic and were hospitably received .at City RalL Knap's Battery ;Emitottte.—Litmt. Ginty% command, of KnapPa battery, are on tha home, siqird march, and will probably Arrive 18-night„ Finn atm:nitwit ot ladles! and =bats' Cion; wees,and balmoral ratters Old boat- duds ht the latent atyle and of -the Deat:,materia4 ant warranted, at Brae-Wind's Auction Etotum, rifth street. Yor the Pittaburgn llankta; I , HEROES EP TUE CUSTAR TIE." - DEDICATED TO via 94tLAIFT 9. 1 1 1 4 ,1 44 MI MI The heroes of the w eenie Mei The lade who bre the edema dye, /a all Co'amble's gioriuuul, -. , . _.. Where ell are brave, the reit not eaa Mal ._ 2 .1.1ke these who near the Cedar tle. When the &tee chats* the trumpets! tell Wit heir eyes' dash Ere, their bosoms swell rine cocked and {Jemmied sword, Like riser through its cut books poured. Rush Costar's lads with deatecin leo pause fir these when baiting AY Add battle's cloud obscure . the sky; Nome Winn, some wounded the dust, The rest true maddened—onward burst, knd statticd feessen tall or Ay. • . The rider . valor eves sew force Ia battle% cheek to his swift bores— Like eagles awboain their pm", Or like the vlrldl lag ray, The equadlosi on Its course. The banners were by proud fees bore. Theguns from debt sad tortreas torn; When are Male five which mere want*lfis, Where is that mead artillery? They now , those haroces camps adont. . Well may they :tout- well may they brag, Who never lost one gun or l e g, Wbo noverheard a hostile min. But quick sunotuaded, seised and watt; , The pine within their thugs they dreg. • . . . . • For gallant.Onster's boys • &item' Inc hexer. will. sadderfeg fear_. : - We rushed , the bravest and the amt. - IThrs at the foemanli ranks we bank ...And spread helot° ne light aid tear. Fa>ned ?Iranian (tithe Ouster the Thhhh666etime of peons and hams is sigh. Won't the de/wanes weld% et bona, • With JOY and pridedmend aspen , ./And otasp thane with the mimosa e, - 61veiliose for rank and wealth I who wear The pile at g o ldat tv glittorieiretar. • Well woman. of brewey—. Our breve inviable minivan tie" - • .111 pm., la Warr LirhOrwt, " " • Aitishodd out3ountriehtedemedl • - For oiler wan our veteran _he" The heroes of the Chuder tie. Prepared to conquer at to AIN AloUnd Mc:4in and &non thMll • r ppLaisivoiDer, at LT: isz vow ,LPLEit „ r ' wilmyr;waarriona._ft. Tbarsitar. Mae . • - ,54„1,7: L - G:lainifs: . D.D . .„ Yu W. WW.Criad iatt 110; 't • • f ra Tr.l) SHOEti, 10 CSC• Sbeei.• **** ' : Gispg f ** . .... • I. Wiimesho 1140,14'4 4 TS' myopia/go, Pre014 ' irot;;;;;;; 441144 Mialiteman r .. S i .1) Nea's 000es..t. q . . .1 CMI 014mt.49.1.Astinit 1147/; as& Prost" -B,llt ' ' ' ' Everythiq Else in Floporoian; BEST JIB 'Ludt pins . „. „. . Rouge In the,Vorld *".;Aggleas • nicisi mh ,.. - , ad „ . ~ A1 1 01111:1111•116 -- -- - n7-ia...., t.-0 .4 , 0*.57,17:1 , ,-.- - ., -`,.-Vf 'A A' 2 . -t w 9 I.rtatxl, i1'..u.;.:--...11.fi 44134 i f,4-jil §244tV.51 ~4 a;:• '..- ,,..:# :'') 174009 l! :i.7i...,.3.-Z:t l f ..5..11 I,ltri 'l,,ii ja: •&I 1,.4 4 ilnOlt-q.P.i.',....) 47::::v.i'54.47...'2 , 14C1 - X) - : e: , ....54?:f1.21.7.::.; : 41 . y.,5.. - :-:" .1:: N(74 , 20 ' -,, ~ t ri.'l ,- ,4...8 .-..;?,,.1 7 , 1 41 e0:14. f•Tilr , ':',141 . 11 "Fr? ,, q - zr v..44f.v 1 1 - , - 1 ,, i::::.a.404011•3 .1. , a,2.5.i fr.z.'Fat 4 vt toll' , .hrsl+; , ;' , 7 - ' —.: - —`• ri -. %? ,- -';'-'..itr: 4 44d4 ' -; - . . r, --' , i.'5,.,, , 4 • -: .-. 1: - ,2 ' - ....1 , 4% -I ~.;;;.'• 4 • ;'. 1 .44:tt ira ti - 1;1 .11,10.i4...1 T:..;W:-. - 4ileic -•• • • -• '.fs., Ir.',~e BEIEZ , 41.41 1 1 Ail
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers