_ sht Nittoinagra4Agtat 'ViYr)ispit itatir mosinsiilt; iroLiert co, is as msraza.oras, . .i4lO. Tylartla 151.,, Pit taltmisti. PAS rtniDd:l ,01p8.,- (3,4l4.4.l;6.mseiliiiklipit tiottietto4l}WiliC -Bay sad sell Ist market, eaten U. B. pee ma. Boadss. . V. ILI& per triiit to4o de.; • v.B. a pee rent. Oertlflestas loxlebtAxtnee- Kew 11.13.1.*Traincer Noss. Thiry alsoßirt,aad NELL ON conswassicat ei tan 51W 'Tin% rdisdelptda, and Pittadrushr Noilluz,lllldbda of Goverment, Seennislai, Sods. Bonds. Gold ha. WM • tag FINAICIAIc. tOTAREBICVA; sracissiv BA.MintiO (1:89944,71791f sumumaaarosaasop op) . y 111. 8. ..... . yo "to, ti es ink, aosoollivtllo bonds ..... vs 04 Ounellevilla R., 14. stock, non Pa.. $ OO CloassakortaleB,...lto al • • a Atettbartuelt.B..' vows .... . .. . . r. dowse... • • . . . . OttOreek a Cfherryktun ' • . Tau, story ir. falai 8en..... le a. neeehente....;. giant Rm.& . 811 Meehan). a ........ SI Patina ..... ....... • or 103 Ohio ... . ... •••-•• 66 - .111eaboy a. cowry . • I, MI 4 00 • ,-- • os wrotrot rams puntreaw., •4 SO --- be , 00' Central Ituda.. Ykme ChiMertson's Rap: ' So Cheoryltun lk .. . . .. ; . 60 as Xeeklaurgreuolenra -- roe Cioldopened In New Yeah st t tsg, and hadde. UMW at latest report to M, and market heavy. Clontrament bonds improved slightly trOIRSAtur . taradnotations. • . • _ Thefetbek market is streitathening for Rattioad Hbakes sad Bonds. The 'New, York Oil Bond le, temp* Improving toirante the close of the week - Teak advanced tram i. 611 staricetla ranch like out owe, vary Wash. Sonia enquiry for Barnierat improved thruto..Alelnethin without change,. 49 bid, 50 asked. Merry Bun' doti - it draopina again. Briboy; Id bid, 41 ask . ed; salsa... , ,pottred at the Latter fLgruie. • :There was an unusual large attendance a the Stock Beard this evade& hut, as *peen the sue for some time pus, the moat of the 'adieus was oentkoselks! deters, sud we have comiequent- Ay but felr transialauto Mort.. B.ltede sold to' esten7of 64 shares i;but It Was trarcieduitely aftermulta offezedat.7% withinit. • finding.bayars,_ GO atol.,tbo.oos Wi t VMS etuuddemlie *Ural Wig fa'i'th: Story' er. Chem . } Ron, of being alltual at peseta tall, without finding Wawa. 'AZ twee&ll limas Wired:M.7s, without Wing 100 m% 717PBOalet1 01191;1.4,711 'rbek-figabigi kilo wel al .._„felLows , • . ,•;• atteMeniairttaborgh*.o.4._ . Cleary StanCeiniul 1 76, ~ I. 00 Chem BUS &Blood Cherry Run a. - Cherry Bun ar. comertoozNaioo---- _ a Oro ••—•-••• - 000 . -- .1 •S, s Iralllsr Renews ...... — 7 . - .50 . , 40 lierseaso t...... .M...._...... . . 06 - .1115 .. . ... - . . .115asugahels Muzak Na 1.10551 sewn *. Sto ..... Ohio VaL41...:. / MI 3 on 115155. eg rbliN 33333 "*.*****' °CI •on city Pittsbwthi.. • . Bs. Oil Wok kCO; 333 .Turtan .i .86 Pailabuzk".l2/5W • • Pittsburgh lk flats i 75 =MEE Souk • ••=. • --,: la 00 ." =O3 Tac Ste' k rettoleum N. ... t 2eu Nlntirt•Pannert=tda,....:.. .. . . to t Two points ale itepechdly gratifying tereferenie to cihrypeverstpasnt.lesonee. The doUy among steoLd2lotedlTtilepeople to the =via =Payless evellee.44o iwriatuito' to tee otueselea of the national treisury,and Very far eaccede, anyloier ever =bled , here or by 'our ItoYeitlikl it * Seeldelty, themayment of so largee inip Into the publle Trailed, bee born atteaded byar. stringen en but to soarequenee of tho well adjust= or= ressereecte 'of the Sierstary.ofthe Tunsury, the lean mask= bas worked so easy. ned yogi au= an absence of spasms and perturbations. that our com.- - ree,mtid: eettMff and Askanutieturtng . enterprise have pot beenehrhed, but are receiving a healthy • stonethe ergenhatieirof the dileghettylie PittP burgh Oil Omapaily, less utin'OOPT=e l ll o ;hi* "'then* dividendsqathe cavu4 stook .1 two pee cent. clearer State ' tax. - The'present product of Iffigbfittltelarna, sodEMlatir tepdat • edblitte" iaperintivident of the ekinkiebyils ITS Imam: end ,elnetrtare: barrels. ler Any. The eaMeY receives oreveighth of the whole, or ow. t9aseis itei. day. ' The' peroduct of the •tear ßanks . wells, (an thelluchanen luny) lairefeed =neap': day. and this company ns attires one halt, or My barrels per day; =thing • the entire rrnelptoot the 11:11cgtenyand rittaburgh OLL Company itthli tiireVielinared 'Jul twenty tour barrels per day.. • • .• 1g - titer's rotund. for the year lett are being ma to the:' . Celt= States. Tax;r6ssamors this weig.s :We understood that much greiLter, tare to 'beigtobserail, than tea` making tits' returns for agat•-•4 gooas. onOrs of the ton-payers ter thit year were awkivardly placed Wore bets, beside being . brought under auspielon with the Egthfi!eibid' 4*cletei.l7.. #ab i ti goo4 . or lists of leceineidr= maths ago; 32e fiivs mason - to belle= flutter= a rizeregerieralmotarlety b be. e 41221 i tb.ttia • income returns fey Het, ' /4.3 41viiiNiril 01: 4%_•2e3 • 4 4 . -complete that his privat e . wain immerge—mu. or litiktitiOredititite 'rtietittlfeecfMred ant= haelsOf which . . me he returns Cinder oath'l.o - the' CleLikerelal.irlit."ol.l4,4lhit/i..--ilir'Dutnici' ete,tB4W:. states that lead *sing Isms! . elsca.ae, tweets , iuttueentelea. mime' auteuiegultiad idaomt eedpookieifer2 iitobn there, lied sevepa -n01f44-,4 o ,icidr i a ii *. w iA l4 juizi 13- 01 - . tokeeduouuserotem sod edesse. than lure Oare.; , eoeffiPikiiiialatidLtkel:buiflioos, ,! i'Motig - 6 0. 101.44-1 MilihnelfoiViiiuseAS Ad ter-. isc; ll .4 ieofieffell, It ii elith‘euktileitebte of itaedexi isitomoisktAr walk , th ail all thozicapirchnigr it ;1644._ 1 4 74 ,1415id..... ,&re f adadmy mismi.d.twasselsika,• liNilli, • •t t / Philadelphia Produce MariKgi* t *'„ - aEE:oio. uolci, and the hi,. - Oh" *l4 of tile k i . ... aoijkldierol hi Shouk - Po. JO. •• testae- a .0011[m/idea . al ...... 7 . NY . F4000011 , 6 1101,3a rr 3 ,• Wilaria...l=4lllll [Or Sa i l i etegelar • 1.8=4, periTti,t ktsietlat hen t klit le, trollusal sr sit:A ' L' . ' art ....e.,.......,,,,..r... a ...,;.- -ftit. , ,‘ ~ tr,Trlderg., Ges;FS'.. I • sa. tillitAttal idea an 1184311 a. Mit Oa q3allr Of Wive at Sea; esper . ; West esissetytelltinti. I - ie/116.zeibleaTh41°.;#7114se:"Iked'"at684.1P=1""itotling; la_Lt acid roe oicorlodeo and s_itatlle, sl i till. Vett- SP= OF ta moat st Tee , : '' - , , e. a detesbil e outlasts estsamell der • ted_gmal sates Of Now Tork fnetory at eePtite; TfeWnorit dairy a , :0 5 Ohio, which is uaroe, at , lees and i rrfs i tt 4 1:oleTatr ' 4:WA at 02 5 0 PDX . ducco—rilte Current, • linhton Triati, 'Market, illay CI. There Or slate demand for Codfish, both far con,are , son acd encrt, and prime dry lots ucapti c•ryttrm terrier ontdre are The receipts or,t heir at est-poor ,- continue liberal for the .searop, - bot Atha ofd etttek to reduced to a' small A lto t i j tr st rtre rid Beek 5a, , X405,15, sad Bay F . SIVIT- . 11. let lerte ‘ i4teelt are soiree, - and .4m t ßola , • begited..Fortettc are lower at aSte , Ceaso ettloosa. Niuskerel are unietTed sad: rates Ore" , to leer- At tending dawn . Sale/sof tro. r pip at litg,6Bo spa sbonkitty2-8ny..11.4506059, 511.9 re Ind fliblttltn•dtre WIMP end seittleaL stleteleas the Atterhph.,..ityteltiWrtiog,, alm*!mliatrOiffo4olllNOPl etLl Z" l ''' ' ' '' mowtbifidk er oatiultsok trastar & .'illitaaegbotAWMl l l.A 'as Molted to Bt. Lem% is tow. jr. chs sa po .oo.,,ooktoluk _prppii aphid jpesersaltsbeeswanteedistairageleajaSt. Lou. laiesrZ=6o9 Ms do at Maim 'too. • . . C./G4162.2111nd :Dilirtnt".l2ay 12;_ . • Tlour-42p11 and ismortma Bold at 27,12teSfi_ rZga dt a t glegiT l i s eM i t re::ia° Sales thu afternoon t out No 1 red fro sf. m Morose SIP; tbta afternoon 1 ear d 6 do at gran and unehanged. Balm 2 ears shelled from store an OM. 'Oata.-Lower. Balm t oar (rota Moro at On it)o;-tfo sates. Barley—Nominal it PO utt amording to glallty..-512014. Lii,*ll , T... iumsrionv or , . rsrrentroos. i, ;-- v , .. ~•• -- mLossi.s f sursi 40 . 18:- 1 4 - The mast =theta ems enemtmpl , dolt as ~d atitessod to-gay, as them was seartdri, tila s e . ' uon *vase porting. - Modena:4 tor, geode or, ;sukiiiss is - Ten Etbt, being restricted te • ha mediate manta of folsenters; Indus prices;p4sralt 17, hare wtdeigoni ao Miterialehaniia , ,;,• , ' - - GEIESW•No sides of Slthiet,in the 010 00 df. -which ve quote at ghtio to We ferEed.sna White.' Oats-Wale of I oust ,101; alsonall Wee at 100 natialndesamo: Barley dull-and dteeelot_ Sail k i of tear B • oil phut,. tam,: gam My.. VC.. MOT) idea Pna ma. • • -•' " - ~og l eithont gnetable shokiw: - Steen salell 0 r.aits Family ftom store at 08_,totm par obl.. (Tha • ,fide owe bWa wfittif et UPO y;i11, 1 ; noted in our mat mort; ston:Far "P i loatand WA* ash ag ~111.. PROVr...llo:sh—lisoces is k wi th rw t - g uic i Uittid,,,lo.4brothilr desbnand.modorrl4!).Blfiezar_ t, at r. a.. bud ,_ ----- cv„ 11% for Mtn Usrcs. IP , sedds. LstdU guts , bta unchang ed at M 22 0 - - 4 '. BlITTEP.—There Is no - tmelorsomot to rt ,.. 1 . 4 . Mad for U4s Wide, and the marina la on Small aster at 18 • ee 801 l i dull, but nomtnallj gad. - .. c" . E--°l°lal "aa f, soh level* nwisaiiiiiTiPort- GO ..........,,.. :leknanEt32l.l.s"'rg—rtetty prime. irestent Emery% Ls .. 5 ..„.. - ,Tojedet is, w t klle Common grades as setting at, 'Tft..-Sale of 10 bbl . Lard 011. to go East, at , si,a, also, seal Wont jAltalrc a ro.:t aunt:, - tie. 1 Elam Boll th e HAY—Sold at *Wee to-day at from Ste tip ' toSo o. ,- - SZEDSw-Thers le • eozUnhot geed demand for . gun geed,hie shlpmant, and we note sates at 111. • p 0 change, and but hale eletnighteithmlXOTld et. 1 Timothy - Par/110143—Steady sed i- unehanged% Min soles or "Peach Blows it 11,1640,5 e per bbt. ' • , • PITTSBURGH PHTROLEUIt HAREM 'ISo Ari lOW 3,1f0. ?Mess to • rOntlnued fair demoid for Ordde.'and the rnarket Is steady, sad pAceihriitell•augtalbaul 4214 bblu retaubed,Hyl bulk, and 'swim, ads Wes ofteouta fid 'hhls tunied ;1200 tilde and lead taboak at 24. Lsten edit 'eels mOtl Oltti p ottswain:Arai 'sedating 11414 at that A261460,2* material 0he4 1 4 11 PA -..ires.! Bedard, In bond, 1.1 drilethit dim, and the greatest 'Obetaclitntleivilok tratMactfohir tha "Wiese views of holders. The 'inajoritiof mere. 'gnats ate. cuiwllling to gill *ghee - for present or Puttee dottrel, at roma quotations. Free Oil _ls phial .64, unetuinged. while there is no move. great whatever in Rapti. or Residuum. The receipts of oil by the Allegneni river, since - oar hat molt, gee at follows: - hiegelvy 6. c 0......... p i e Wightmen 2. Op—. 22 lit Faber a. Urn 2'. Logan JDucan, Dunlap . la Co.. 161 Weldon 2..Ke11y..* A. D. Miller..* —.. lit Jas. .Wrlklns ' 421 John Brno 604 Jai Bolter ;Ohs. §loantler.. ...... 226 M-Ko.ner se D.lll. Eajell.ol2 382 Sasfrtswhinney ... MO -IMII G4l ' STOCK' DIVRICIE.T. iintiLaurniui: Spielel Diepstehan the Pittiburr,h.G.axette. . • Pnl7..terxruz.6, lesi 3, MS. The, maxim.; for 011tEkkoekaoontInnei dull:and • .. krsgular with very little disposition to uperate. ..1 he dosing sales were an follow*: . Revd.,- . t .... 6 - 1 OD' At1ea....,........-,-.. 75 : .oezmore ' •-- 2 12 .11.inetion- ,--,, ~.- 4 431 . 150011un1720ck...-- 117 00 Creaks 0. Run. 3 al Jersey • We115...:,•.6•.:.: 2.71 1312Taelr.:-:,.. ..... 2 00 • Mingo 3 12 .74.7.0360411...- -3 146 DUekard— 1 26 0a1dwa11.............. 4 17 'lleizell --- a 50 Ceraplanter...• ..._. 2 ue Cherry Run..:. .2 Et ifortin- .. t.. .....- 2 66 1 - Dliple Shade-: - - - -1 11 VW • 1 . NEW YORK PETROLEUM IaRKET., Special Tstipa4tato to Pittsburgh Gazette. AA Ycisz, - Mais, MIL Petroleum is dull et 315 for etude, CA for refined In • • ',: "LAW= 4131..TICILIMUMI.. , Chicago Market. BMW& Elevate"' Weise Eg.talstugh Garette. • 1 , CillOsOts. Way 8, Odd. lys.oes-Recelpts, ;iIBI barrel'. 'Moderately so• ilaatis-Whest-i•Beeelyte, - vie bushels. 'Fair it. 'andand edvaated;iot 6 ; ages alio.' Spring at. Wit 414121,15%; doling - steady at WS. ' Ets 2 .B l , o S OA. Corn-Beeelpte, 86,511 lA:Labels; advanced 1304 active; Well 0f.500.1 at 44fsgei aiming at. • outside pike. Oats -ReeelPta, 4,04; panto strick en; lapsed do. . Earle ,Cata. Boa, 1048logot oblie`. Mg at 1116(W6%. ' ilye-Itecelpti, 110 bushels; dull and depressed and declined 8019e;',11ght sales at '6441666. ;Batley-Becetpts, al 110:1 neglected iiid ..Sicene.-Dail; heavy's's% of Timothy, premium . . . - sloWles at 161,114Sidi dirty tseve. Clover nem. -dual at 410411 11 . *lonwixise-likubst and Steady:at rart,OL '• kWowtmons-Yery quiet; priceallttle more thee • nimanaL , Bales of Country NM Fork 14:46di En. -tea - hurry Mesa SOLO% ewes pickled Hans 110. `lard 'inlet; sees olpsksie WPM. " - , illegyze-Righer grades dull and: demesne; ma lower qualities active and ermtsaleanaEsturday of nil bead at 61464:3,20 tor bog; *MOWN for - 'Medium, and ilit Mr scalawags. -• • , _ i • goos---Actreand firm. "ilea of ;egghead at OW. e,se. •rrsoes loom letter. . - ' . • _ Now.. York Market. 1 0 ' , :gig Tear - War' 1e..- Yore -14cris active and etched et Ogre higher; sales et Wage for mid .. ygottn-Cipenedette better co demean Fades, Let - closed - heavy with the lsipti.veassiat ost et ineligirt,t6 for Extra Si ate, 11.-B-8 06 for Extra .B. _ '.14_,0 tratted,ttel 94s fa/Trade Bread.: • • - •• `Werterar-bull and lower at Minor mutant. ' Iti,iirire=Wheat• opened firm, andel:seed dull and d nit a:W. IO W for etrletty Winter Bed wee, ete11ite,7247554 for.. a fale Alper I=l,== ged, f l,_ sales oriNestern ant.oa Marley and Weler Malt dullard neseinaL (Mendell anddroe. leg. - Old mixed wedera 'Au.dt4M,L. 5 l4.. delimited. Oats lower at de€6s for Jersey and w esteru. Onocreastel-S•allee unite: Mnsargatet and firm. Oahe Bosegyoda titele. ; Molasses ,dnii. Hops .fil;sl.drin=-firllns et..lrsiarnde, 6ted3 foe lie. iPeavre was-Pork qateVand widomt deeidat change at eixtßlegt, _ _ll5 'tor New Mess, dosing at $17,150, and crash at 11111015,110;114 barrels cash and ' ti molar way, el ia =... OW cash; 13,9741/14, 65 ter prose„.and. .65 for prime tams; also:? IWO barrel. neve Mew for May sad Jane at sellers i option .0047,.5and 1601marels prime mem dollyl erect In *Oasis. at tellers optles,dlrferdatll. Ant MUMS grro .at MOW. 'Cot Meats Arm at ilite,ll4 lAsc for Shoulders and rireat9,26 for gams. Bacon : 'l4 rr ' 1 % et . itd7StiStiosrigs re t f e re ir r I I : enVi res for rr: t e . :Sear. Larne:sib r grater at 16,Zta Batter quiet lißizsad m 41.11 foe State. heese Qualm MB .3. s teel steady at preview prices. • . i-4, i flew YorE'llonel ant stock M arket. .Pew Tons. May e...4doney more soave at 6 per emit. Sterling Esehmage rather smore active at itel4.Bill. Gold heavy and lower, Keane nt , itty ..and Closing .at 169%. Goversinsent Stocks • mkt vs and higher ::: • i Bromss--7 ;Rock island BOA; Milwaukee It Snare DU fiblers--WiFort Wayne;.Mi: Cleveland, es Pittsburgh-4, Borth roa r un. W; dig pilaw:red 60 1 ,4; Cumberland WrfieW York Central V 44; Erie.' , 139%; Bodeen 110; Readin St ill' ; 'Blot Mouth. ' d'n 69; .11theole-trentral- Sc, 111%; ulcluilver teli4; t anton sc/S; Ohio IS ligleideMppi rttileates MN; i 949 Conpans.lol;Tenoww es V 4; gad 111.1. ° F d ! F 47 4; .e...!,Trd.1 rid..:;, 7 81 9 6° . P ° ". oridayiteet:ErenteY'EichemyerhCold Ugly,: 014 SpVillsOX,;,new_do,.l96%.ilfew. 'reek Centrist ON; EM I : 7 I:7llikttl 1"; iu. tag 74l oi ihte m xn . Soutb si ern:Ailli v t:. ll6 ferstra l .4l.a lle y Fi L stitmg : t v or'S / 6 Ohd 16 0 14: North Were 11011 do preferred 1 niFort_WlWOr 1/131t OhicreeWiedeetpplilleettli. is ZO ; l-Oimoellsneftt' 'lliad eller - eau trl4. . , sow teirs. t411.2..VA1VW:11411t,#. #99,10; tress ciraeuMat-Pixil. ' Curb ;:•';ftfeeletlie 'WS; atordloll, drestidod• . Ellei i -o sosdl i - sod 4taie, 111. Ityi.L-Notelial.— e "Tent -Vote el,o"4. Wheatasl,l4cl,l4)4 .--..,___ ... • lohe fet heats.A.Bit tl; C0M410,4 11 l boil F n. COMB hott-Barldir. hillidlee....-.,.. , Canal W. Ide 'ibis; 61,410bui core, IT bu; Oats, ga, 163 St,l 443 =l=t tir.,=cll7=',lllN but Bye, gi,lol Du. 011011660Cigity or ,__ ~_ _ _ for, Wrtela:74 o l.-: 1. .-- 1. -- - 1 - 9 -' ll° rD°u" Gala-WlLltat -4 4 ,018t0, ._ .I. is et ill v other geeine,geiets sailquotatlone n0m ,..,,,, :'..rod.iki. 2.3.• VI Lege Imiro,ted •r• Ai t te bushe l s ;beetakeee Vons kepi - k1t140.16 17 ..Glods ,Dit , rket, .. , . . ~. I iii,t4Liele t Mirka Oaa'liieg..grsketill'y : gleyertigh tikeeth (*SS Is A - 00 dO''', „for ' all -ilestialsle Mks a 6 ...abaUt Preeltius, jr„%boalooLinain,lo4:lMl,l,bd red Ow ettintlinsent,fismstrott: goods Aetheerr, ed by i calm, rusd_tates Mae lailide 4te !shade oda trifle early in the week: - lint toreartil e close, the market has rattled a little, and there is generally a barer Tholleir_isoke Aketridisr_where le scarcely any baste for quotatione, ho over. aa re • the arena goods worth menuoning in rat bands. The product of ibl . lIIIIIS 1011t112 11611 very omal., and is taken a, fast as put upon the Market. 'FWD goods we jebotrig and retailing at exceedingly variable price*, which are no erlterloa DI the views of manufacture: the presently:C. settled condition of she market, there is a general On:disposition to' await farther dewelopmente, and nerd:o .opintons ate exceedingly diverse, as to 'whether values will go higher er lower. There an i o standard shectinger °dere,' .and the rate's nomboalty 40c. - 'Three , yani goods ere en.' Ant Wide; and medium WORD COLtnin are eery t‘caree at V4il36c: Eau of the leading brands are of to befoul:Wl Jit comrolesiod hosires.: illentled code are scarce aod uncluumed.--Ileavy gotyl, it t l: el flannels, drill', demos and cotton w as are V: 0 1 . 4 ei,the market, Frieda are not yet.ofrer.. ,od Ann hatels,nemito.to vlew.orAle. rapid ;fluctuation', not having been able to fix prates. Colder" have but a very meagre assortivnt, and p h t:e 3 = l =VirtigeltZr sisiscierids4ltlglrir. ells: Uc; Allens, Weida; Arnaldo, lea, Wail& are boot the jodblng rates. Olngoarne are very iblinal Mdrdillisg ..Zidgerilmocaaters. Waled' moue ere firwooa dementl at hoe. - - -__. ..., ' The market for fettles dress goods hit isim , excited, with an nun demand Sil litlis i .. At o llkiv., 17 ti . CASIT.-;......„,,.i11.1; ‘0;/,Wn,.1141ki........,61-E pad's4in treAMII .frlW=l=trfiliirli roll ed., , Eilimirx sego sfosofF i drlV od s °4 l rs ' demend,thernels Someerhat to, , now-virrY- 4 , CMdmr. ono witti-sustoutaliy /WM .uoportattohs, igna/Bey it moues etyma& -,, ; The demand for woolen goods has been mode; Tate: -• The Making up esterenteat -setae Mot week Piet likely to eoutitsue long at this IsU period of The ulnae. 'Bealere arli Ow/We light sneurser goods nly In -small lots to 'meet. 'pelmet , emergenclee, Is eh midi as have beim boteteit-off are-shahs ieidateetakini bold nlogetrOdlly -,oooletyles. esadmeres are still -wanted ' , and sold .up y close at firm prices. In flee forelin dada to a tar br dness. bibrinds are also selling Weil at Bill r . edone rates.-ifeitoroh— ZEE . _ sitrottrs air nxiLnoktft '', .1114-slitriati..Faire WATIMA pa coA4O. B. I' ay li 6-3 bdia rope, gamy a. BleasndlessilOiliargri - toalla MAMA: 10 do do. " 13.3 Goallet Wo0;1 0 do - do; 5 Lindsay, jr IL co; - 25 no do. I'{ 'llslastl ft. hol 5 dodo; Segarayer ft.lfoskalay; 43 .Icrsaa W 0134 IT, Dearner, 45sta oats, Sturgeon rellrott earboy, gl N °maroon 63 bides, John Handiton; 1 bx buo , sera Oolblaata; 1. bbl bacon ., Atwell. Leib. t0.;2 bbis eggs, II tierwig tr. co; 24 putoya, Craig meat 18 do aft-Cochran o.Orawford; tB4 pal bul John PIOYOTIR blasft . Pewees, Jos .seadtey; 137 filo . do, 42 aka barb*. Tr P Tleet aceoil car mill feed, Shordsker le Lam 1. ear -oats, I ear rye, Naos.. ft _ McKee; 60 bbls plaster, W W Wallace; 1335 pea bulk hams, A 8 Nyasa ft Bro. CrianztAND /MD t ~t 3Toatrnon R. R., 5541 5 .-- 150 bags whist, - .l3laspson ft - Knott;'4 taw do( I; T 'Kennedy le BrOt 1 ea: lumber, Ambroy, aromlow tr. 0o0n;29 likirpotstoell4 . Simnel' a:Watt; lo pea barring tools, S P Rots; 30 yes water pipe, 1d EL Callas; 105 bbls flour, Culp re Shepard; 40 bills Takeitß 1401133,j1143P3P Pte. Matt ZaMavMsost; 1 eat ar10y..7 - Icheictur a co, 12 tacks 'potatoes, Fetzer 12 Armstroag; 47 anal real, GoOrreg k , Matt; 10 bdls hoes, Logan tr. Gregg; 4 ears_whest, B. Zltennedy, tc Bro. . AatzOuraV.eriTiait, Miff 3. -, :ttlisc "time - , Roble, An le 60;85 bbls do Alex Taylor; 4 bbls eggsa lieck;ll2 Adis paper in; Payer co; II pica tileSa, V I' Toirlisein; lot W21111)0, Henry - Ansbutz; 3 bbls ea., 1 do butter J Collentlot jumber, '0 011oyletto dO Jae. btollriaa ... • . :: ! t IMPORTS BY fiIVEII..- - Er. Louts tnit,Ohitszah-t, lots 'atschlnery, Me .brlo flour, Clark 8. c0;55 do ' do. J Portertlold; 'Mammy tope, I hatWlEtalley ;.:addles tobanco, bas do, 500 tdOe; Ulu% &soil bon - books, Osiris Clark a co; do do, Si Bay; Mime multo 52 do calmalty saddles, Lt. 0 ch,iss, Q.M., OS Allelheily Arsenal:2 o tons pis met*, Ntattcle 940;2 extra tables, 2 bills testes. Lemon 6 Weise, brl hams, I roll carpet, Chas Caldwell. 5 bd. Itoa. uor,'Elerinan h Getty; IN coal oil bes W Vardstrk; 4 tor; man, 1 kern Inc.), Cast .1 L Rhodes; casks salt take, Pam* Mfg coVellbrls washed clay, II Et. Collins; bas Wlloon's Pins, B 84, do L Pahnedes 2stook; tells too dry bidest.Wm . Jllngltatn hoot ao,s oderr. akipai 13 PO&W itorbsugh & co. La • Othcini . art Joa o'` IFUti-7 bads bacon aid* 5 do shottlders,....% hos hams, filmmaker, re w, t had to It IT Joilonl tag barna Ella& co; 45 do do Knox & Parkenll l to. lard, tO -brio oil, iq bsksoap, JO do - candles, It Mears & eo; 5 tow lbeef, oMdwillt 145' Wbett, Kenos 'idyl 111=1 tgar r e i r s: 1840. 'lo peoaar s er, _l n . do . elms, MAIL BIiZatNTELLIGENCBi The river oontinueeto swell slowly at this peed with about nine feet six inches in the chant e linikevening. There were four feet In ths Atte, glierly at OP City on Sunday. The weather tenlay was and sultry with- earaidonal 'holstein! rale. • Tle arrivals include the John S Hall from UM chianti, .and the_ Camelia from St. Louis The Kali has been absent served' months, hiving left here lest September, and for the tut lour months she has been In giOvernment service on the Ten nessee river. Captain Woodburn intends mean , log and hiving some Improvements made prepar. .atory to emedng the low watereampalge. The Leclatre, Petrone, ttrilde and Echo evired froM Oil City during Stun* night and all With the exception of the Petrone retuned agent last eve ning. The Bayanieleared for Parkersburg about noon yesterday with :fen trip,' end thp Iron City will lease today at the same time fur the same point. The Kenton and Leonora frein Cluclowiti. and Me Maggie Hays Teem St. Louis, are among and first boats due. The Emma Graham, Captain Stullls the regul at ar packet for Zanesville today, leaving today 4 The'flard 'Mei, Captain Brown, is annorneet for',St. LOUII, and' all tntermeataus points Mak. with, She offers excellent emommodanons for ' passemre* having tad her tenni extended the full length of the boat, and , ll insharge of carotid and eapeMeneed eddee. The rs Yorktown, Captain Ebbert, poettively• Peeve tor Cincinnati sad Louisville this morning. vrm Cap t. 10.43M17. will goon be ready dear tor lisahvle. 'passengers and shippers will bear in mind, that the Iron Oily; Capt:Nees, learnt at poen today, for Parkersburg. ..- • . The Keondes arrived; at St:Lonte on Friday lad. We clip the fallowierlnga the St..• Louis Algoma of hats:Lyda; The deer &arising. neer/ rains fell yesterday. -The prospeet,le good far high water, as heavy._ mins haveiellalletong the 'Western watercOurges.—..usltumeemainues fair, and tom:urge In exesse--There ta twenty feet of water to tialrocand feet to Keokuk; 7 .feet the rapids. and-rising at IJubuqua Judi foot per an on the let t o .....There is a big host stage In IldliCOUti, Judging from theta*. that the Luna feet going up..•.The'lltiente Is atatlenary with le feet throueb to Lasalle. _ TheDaventwort (Ioa) Camas Baia t Flom is he. Ent!ouisedlie e to New ixr u L d o?. tulle of . pu c e with Zelda water traesportetiow whew they ch arge ' such exertdtant raid.. Shippers make money by shipping via hew Weems.. N --- crnaz TO OWNERS OF . 1 DRAYS, HACKS, &o. : I kale.. U herabavo an owners. of pro* Cilea, fus.,Whethertendeut out noo•res= la (.7:0 Pittaburghrto pay th eir 'Licenses at the Trainmen olkos - of the city o rti=forthwith, in moordrincevritli sa dee y, osiine,lilarelk Ci ty Moandin thW Dense, of the ennis of the of Pittsburgh, , .opaed April le, WM I ' • iell LlCeafte not paidle or before Mar en, tgli :. I will be Owed in the tunes of e Chief of Potalk rot aillecnon, aubject to hts f ee of 60 cents for the collection thereof, aid all persons who neglect or refuse to take. out, Lemma will be enkieet to a 4:7, to be reeovered before the Kasta, double' e saotuat of the Lionise. old metal plates of previous year. must ha retoreid at the Mae Lianas, sre taim what . pit', Reams er—Lroassis i "Mtt Ems bone imago, 4 7 It 4.wyr Deno- - 0 ! .... ~...,. ..... 12W :Lomb four hoof . 0 • 11l 110 - 'Math two Dorm heal. le 09 Usgtolbolos an/ Timber Wboel9 drown by two 009• 96 . olOtota este. Yoe swat otatuostal Orme wed Wag. dollars WO* above yotttedollor. w. 1201111/.170 1 ., Otty • =saw. Memory loth. MS. fellSi , Iibii:TS#OVTH 13IX CORD SOFT iirasn AfOrie'an - Spool Cotton ;kiYI.ORYIS-ENAMELED SPOOL COTTON t btu thread , are warrnston of mortar its= sad gearanteed to ineeatire 2Do was la Can be bad to all-onion nod numbers, niannfeetor by the PORTMOVTIL Mktg o r FACTORY, an d for We by the trade genera ll y. . . exclaims inconr t CO be Murray street, N Gar Turning' Devonshire sret, Boston; von Obureh street. PlawisMali. tr mbnuareen — d _ -----------:_— rRIITH; WORD FOR WORD.—READ .1 THIS.—BE YOUR OWN lUDGT. —Mears. Craddock W.—Goma: I OM sstbdtel of the morns of wrie* BEM.P. :It Lim tallied wit from the rrdeoln as It Wets, wbere CONSUMPTION had so Muir Opal ,sie. :Your.Egrop. Pine- ma War Merit hag doturto-moarharmotln- else did or !Mold do—restored me to health and Life, when I airelhOMlMUP'ltt. tmartuSol4ML" ie. it 11"er " 44 TV I AMM i ll3IIONN. ; llfflizs,'l,fireiviii; Maine, Mar 114191 L. 47. above Ss vettCALIA tiraronis at the man e receive. Dr: U.-JAMES, OANNALBLU 3 IN illiestlibll,Anarre. mdritllAssynvirogroelm e eat the tsielPi Z: - /dßite battik"' it Will am , r im te4nost striatltzt t i t , 110 ... M_Dot s t i li. is Zte T ......:,.:„ ..,...ey„.snrr, , :____.:._._, ____:,___, : . 3r 0 1b , b 1 .14 tio t Tl 114 1 / 1 TyIOILTPArI, i rs u n t w y t . ,OD da Ho l t Adttott ., :i4ll,4o.4kotetiit rerliriiTl4l-''',-.';'. ; SO - 4o' ; ( XlO2O o =Uldari-- . s:I .- -,11,0d$ dtierradilLrims Peach Moir Potatoes, ~, • WO; do Caltdddis lied!. do) - 1181". "drat Mat a suasErrso, _zio IWO? dt;' , "; 40111111, --I‘ ' " Prebbie d to Aliidgb -----8A*"141P M F1417,.. sy.) IWICAWII4S..II* . sandueeel lermu Aelet:tlibre PUP. el Oa tea k ZaStikli On AIWIA; . ' Aux ...an be edetewlenob is jr,i‘CliNti,,TOMlA 4), 160 @Man Fresh Peaches to /Shit . . .4111'-.TomKton . doh 60 do , -.Blackberries. - do.:%Zonr - . A 29: t • lin : store and for sale Dr "•••• BElrhutlt ds BITS , 1 00321 016600 • .; Ws No.l Lard OH; • 2, do; ' . 100 .u ' Pure Duck eteck"2.ubtleattog Oil; 1 IL store arid tor sale by . . salsEs ',mamba SON I !V -1541 841ar ,.... 4.' *.kb icier Roiriogi _vert,. - rr i _ ore e o b we 6 tibia Extra No. I loo9 .Pouod. 4 - 3 -? 4,°3 "' 20 1, ball guut. bb r ll bb L u l p_ , p rge . N 2. _° . : 3 . rit: , l At loirprico,TAL•say-A VAN ci No. s!m LlbertY roe-. SEED PDIDATOZEW tiy r 20 bbls DOOkeres andPeaci WWI; " It tat Vat! ' 1 %.5.!`, 4 ' "as s W. 16 6bls 4 0 A4 1, g, 'pr , l4 . ellt :f r ..ey:ktirlrAri_,o,. kale at is and 13Er. Mgr xp* , • • . a, railitor- OM! -.BOPS! l--Reoslved.thbfdv 51 velem k•CO•essZalatra nom, forams dose ••• 33- W.L.NW DBCOR&TB10 11 se ,430bV em 's. MARS sale y. sWIMLX "W.-20 bales, for sale b• apF J. B. 06NPIF.I.D. VOTATOBB.-50 bbls Peach Voir Poi; -a• tees, by J . B. OLIMELD. - 1 - (Ou -.crsc.ursen, Lows-AU VILLE , - - Prof . dm sew steamer AMELIA pot,. or P .111)46.vo for the aboverandintstinndatepotta an DLY tnn Forketibt - or ;lunge &W V. b° l 4 " JUNE MAUL, IPyli VOR ST. LOULS;DUBIIQUE ASA ..AND 'ST. PAITI..--The See pee eraser steamer HARD TIMES. Oapt - Eto leaver for the above sad totemellate Wit . on TUESDAY, fhb Inst. . . For fielsbt tysteMeAlLen bond or to . sive .Y. D. OOLLINGWOOD, 1 403". VON CINCINNATI. O LOUTSlargat VILLE—The em IMSIIVIZOL steamer. 1 ORETIJW_ daptain G. W. Ewes.. will le4Ve Rs above on THIS DAL at 4 o'clock r. For Wed. or 'passage apply on baud, or to . J. D. OOLLINGWOOD, ay JOHN FLOOS, • -Fo,llrAiviquax & HABIL AV 6-Zte exoelleit stemiler on TRW DAY, attAltp k•-••• • .• For freight or punggaptgioa bbarat 3. D. OOLLMGWOO 1 " • . JOHN L O Agouti. Tip BOULAR PITTBBtiIiGH 4% A. PARSERS/31780H PAOKET.—AIIe Tile new and Plight draught steamer xxt crlnrsr, John Nom - Mester, I L. itaiOreery, oledt, will leave Mubarak errezi : Tuesday and Friday at eleven °block n- r Ater STEURRIMILR , V 1,1122.1210, SUN BULL OMER. MA . /UNITA and PARKEIRIBURG, and at Insione. Mate ports. Returning, leaven Parberibull on WEDNESVATrunitiLTORDA.T, 'U.:ock PAN. For rre4gitt or plumage apply_on bond, M or to 30104 skr_LMES UOLLM 5,1 MARIETTA AND PARKER& . DURO PACER: LINE...—REG ULAR PASSENGER STEAMER FUR ING_,_§_l3N • FISH,' PUNTIMSVILLE, JAW. • OR MARIETTA AND PARKERSBURG. The new and fast side wheel passenger BAY ARD, e. D. Moore. Blaster, Daniel Moore, Clerk. 'Leases Pittsburgh a 'my MONDAY 1, TRIIB2II D tog Ram days. Rethink& leaves Padeeisura TULZDAY and FRIDAY, at 2 r. Y. Leaves 'Marietta at a r. x. same days. Leaves Wheeling at '7 a: K. WEDKaNDAY and SATURDAY.. For freight or passage, I sting unsurpassed so u - Mu, apply' bo - board or to • Jenili FLACK, or JAR. r•OL.LINS. Agents, No. or Wnter etreet.Pittsburgh._ REGULAR WEEKLY PORTBiAgge morn' AND PITTSBURGH PACKET.—The One passenger steamer CH)LDISS k:RA, W. H. Kerr, master: W. H. Bryan, clerk. leaves Pittsburgh every SATURDAY, at ig o'clock In., and Portsmouth every MONDAY, at 3 o'clock p. m. • The Gulden ErA make connections at Ports mouth with the splendid steamer Haltom N 0 . 14 for Cincinnati, and will receipt freight and pawn gem through to that city. none CgAbIPSON 011. COSIPANY Producers of Crude and Miouls.oturen of RoLoci Whorl Oil. Bauble and Imbricating Oils. WORKS OPPOSITE SELAIIPSBITEQ los De. 61 IWID met, 1111118101C14 W. D. CIMEEKAN, Sup't. 13RZWEB,13IIRKE & oomxissrox innoutorra, ritd/D3 1112 d itlitOitY Oil Worb . Mena mat alltszseta suds as oponstinittats et i ßelbsed or Crude Petroleums. car. novas= wAr our HINCOCIL at, cam x.mr.u.s.woi vrtLuviotrarcia WA.LIACR CURTISS, corpus:to:l JESSOUSTS, citmE AND R n DIM=M 1 maltriz taw - Ltasaaosrum aus. - Y 4. tri ..10Llif WHAIIMIIIILADELPIIII, PA. reel.ma sapeati (undue iover,) kw 000 baAin ensellest d er. Cot erapytag to A.lll.llC$ll bud Peter& porta. er our wuorl do rho stem nein Elver, sear th e *alkalis of the P.R. It & Odassiodas sad i'aramedlas Iltsesbastd . CODE MID MOW PETROLIWIL a•s urns sum. prrrssußas. • I.4betV. SdiraDells oa soaassiaosta for errroatrsou assaasawa. J.S.llll3worthS oo ", d'f.o4 E4q.. Onssiorcia ou=sSaS. ~ Prost. Bask. FiTILOIXIIM inaiwarr CLARK ft 5111131* Works sod Caw, COLD rciwronar • OMme PUtaburgb, SI WOOD STRIGET. Teeee ~ works have the lened "set! in 11. country. Tier bread. stands the best in au etuatry sad In Etttepe, for quality sad fire test, Teed the aii is put it well gemmed batrels, prepared I=ltaciftfr=ol.L ERR,. STILLS, TAMER, Ted IMPROVED MAURO I DOLS for Oil Wells: BONDED AREIIOUSE OF Phenix Wiretomeng Company, Foot of BALTIC a ECILUSISOZI Sta., Broo:klys. st:TA.ING AKIENTs, OM's, Dig. IM BELEM STREET, Kew T • r St. CLU J " Irr • triit* Ingi g l6 AND coinassoir*lccilAsT Lap Diausa'nfOlLS. , . . I 11.1417111INATING,' LIJORICATING, 0110011 ri. - Tacn,rent , caul, ba. efflistAatly es hand sal for sa theq_o_rog. , Cloasito. m." --7---------- ' ----T-------ij 121141 ‘5-wisnr• Wattlact a =ilk ii7. - ':6:maz0rri40441 , 3 ,, ~ ouguit 1211 r MI - i I'l'-'iliiiittialsthsmiA•ol4.—. , ~.- sato , , tan F iIiLAS ll.Patibe 111.112 f, ' :I,6AilitilYnniang: , a E - 1 AN n r u i v M l o7l4nger,764 . 4l4ippoo , r... 4 fr, 3 fram rn2n w Al. - o. :- ir if - IT sciannurniztists of 'nil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia , 1 , Oman No. 15 MARS= St, LUCENT OIL WORKS. ' =ids, DMMAP & CO., tOBBEB PAID IN 46 YEARS Net .Assetaq,J'anuary,lB6s. nil AND lILhJD NITICITION MAIL • • • • ilr !West.* Li - all ibe retneltel Ottlee tad Tu=p°wllsinattilmonstirotrdiruirArazwe* win be Pros:4 4l Y Ito to awl Foliates We/el by I=l "/XD At -.II.IIFMD virmoutrat. In Tacks sad iptrels. Sea Circulars. .J SALM • - Ttairsa utirigru& PITTSGIURGIL PA 11/1„.7(07ACTII1111:14 , Pure White Refined Carbon,.ollE4 41.01AILLBEIMY slitter tirmv - c -- kr "lITI wiessv ••.r..&vtr.r. i 0") -It OIL yEEP.PY, . , 1 Tirg,.* kti.vALT. , „ .;_., i...,-. 0 w ...A, f ik s.in f fr .y.u.tirk!o,) t , - -".', • ' i'n' iire.••ijilaiiii,,' ca=rsige= fa - 1,, , r. .. e. , M. 17 lllLNooo,alatroio -z BTocols.-I , hei 14thdcallgoodYfitIU is=kl".Plgo!ig.fltol4lo* .grzwiliosassit, Ikatta STEW fiRANGES-441D LEMONE3.—Just to ',LA' &Jived s: WM'S of Choice ldessini Orsoll ' # and Lclitotia! &moiety th• hos prtreta*PY JutilvA• intrien&W apt* - bo th er Libertv and Iliad FETBOLBUIL-400 barrels, 41 Gravity itENUIt U. 001.1.1N6. $17,000,000. MaArrnacia 73.. L A. CARREBB. &BRO., Agents. n. rourra siBEET PERPETUAL CillkßM 1829. FIRE INSURANCE COWAN! 07 PHILMJELPI 4 IA. &pieta on January 1.1364. 112.437,1549 (WOW ....... . ....... ................... 400,000 Accrued............ ......................... 971,000 Invested themtoms ........................ 1,08142,8 Unsettled Claims ............ . .............. 8,4111 Income for .. .. ..................... IDOISSO bosses Paid awe .................... B,cCO,CSO Perposusl-anct Temporary Policies on Übers Utmost Dt macrons. Charles N. Banelrer, Isese Leg Tobias Wagner, Edward U. Dela, Samuel Orantat Oeorge Fetes, Jrvob P. Snit, Alfred litter, (ROW W. Ric rdib_ Fres. W. Lewis, M. D (MARLYS N AMMER. Fronde:rt. EDWARD O. 'DALE, Vice President. SAS. W. !do:ALLISTER, See. pro. tem. J. O. COFF/N. Agent, eorncr Wood end Third Areas. ------------ IRE AIID MA Insurance 10o; of North America PHILADWEIA flostiort Fire Insurazie Company% 41;06,000. SairPteeeetton can be escreted tytyeabove aimed ecidircasble companies. • W. P. JONES. sacs% re unlrsagaievsßulidins,C Wow It. "WESTERN SU IWO& .CONPANY OF PITTSBUILOW. _ WL4l.lll4,,lr...Prcsidgid. WIC P. ILIMBEET, iiirrdary. • Wu. (AWusiNN Tio. 92 Water Meet, Pining II Co.' it.O UP stairs, Pittsburgh. Ina burn , Agana an ktaai et/ Ars wit Mariam Etats. A HOW 4 by Vireciors die art wit tame in We suisensaitgostri lobo ars tn. reined bg preopterss arid Makley - , la staistsin bs rAerader WM* Reg law emote( as a drruf go bsgi prate:Wit !foie Wie *Off 10 le 1113.110 TOWS R. killer. Jr Andrew' Asking. Jonas McAuley. kkanader Spent, linthnniel Holmes.. Maid EL Long Alm Nnitek, Mee J. Thomas. ricaskom.rton. Joke 8. D[Nmw moo WEL P. 'EIERBEV.T. SecreWT. 6 Ilidlet_AoliCl.4 COMieji emad , CV6Xliureu4 Tarr l i raLEY. Prod‘ad. . Ins W ur e A s Steamboats & ad &a Insures it tort lom and damage In the navtga. don of the tfoutheen and Western Risen, Laker and Rayon. and the navigation's/ the Senn Insures ed!at' eat lom and damsde by dm DILRACTOIN : • W m. S. td. glen Sidatri. John Shlpion, 3antem SL Hooper. itr aL .O. Jolumak Harbatigh, Jt B. Elmo, J. Osidireu. Ken. T. K. Howe, Yobs'& Barclay Preston. Win. A. Bodies& _ puorLss, SURAlier. COMPA.NY E. tinier of Wood and VIMI Sto • FIBS AHD MUSE ENEMILVIC)I liisanoles's W. Ptillllps, thipt..Tolui T. Rhos& Jahn iron. &mud P. Shrives, Jetta Z. Parke. 4 . 3 .:Useeee Lein • Charles S. Mann. Mules Arbee . . Wm. Vik. WA, . John F. Kilt rick II"".* Van*twill:Pflitr.ll(4z.ltsideee. 3011 N WAIT. V .ftniareg. WS- F. GARDNER Seartanr.. Sutidy a n t INSUBANU ArN EOHENIt _ ince, to. r firm NT Or prrrsuuso i r ct 'lrosurr i sig7t lL all kbula a Me sM Marini new° 30=4, President. P.M. John D . MiOotd, SULAM& Dartllfen.. Dias R. L. McGrew, Robert IL Davis. I ast lona, li Zil i ats, Capt. 0. Orel, .Jotia Jr I B. L. YllAsestalt V=Za=x=z4 BAILEY, FAUBELL & CO.. So. 129 lowa ma n% PRACTICAL PLUMBEItS, has Fitters Stem fleaters. " • resettle/1 . Stteit' hh Water or Om in the beet Ityle, an Owe% notW. Etedeethe fitted with ferhaudellepateh. ; • . ; OR,O B twpiastub.twa. irLUMIUNti, fha =a dun's: as ill its gnaws, eseeffilly aengeito, biespi rium4, moo"' Oncupor,tulagtci 012 celA VW, K . Y PEDLICAL STR.F.Fr, Allegheny; ,epd. 237L.U3MMt.4 1 TREET.Pitta bar i b mblldswdll , • • ' JAW DOMINERT LONG; CO., • SIGN ARTISTS & HOUSETIZIMIS. . 60 Els:40 11 0d .St.. ilttaburgh. . itrrEnnid or ML HINDS • azOutrat, rSli n trOVNgirgir . aa a F • paper OC so valor% aira.OLLT MONS ON O. ASS. made to aides 4radmor to au. part+ or ;to aaantrp.; P4OTONIAP ?.=. I4 P4 3 ritri4! . .s. !VOA hr . , dale • _ uckUSZ lejarrttitr done with 'rice Ur AV rrolw a t• bad rigterrarall Jairesack rates ow,— ottli ilel4 7 ,llsontsliKononhy eini Nth y44,ooOrpfliatt- ,iisa atlut al, 8 - 1111 , 1= & MOW'S . 21 , paS, MAX: AND AffißSS Aug , Phoeftti , Steam Bre apigain rtrrssusamea. rIiTSA.CROp. FOUNDRY. A. OATIAISON .41,. GARRISON &- CO.- (611C1A100111 to Benall34 . 131131111011, & Oar) FOUNDERS - AND MACIERSTS for buidiainetl"ii.chume noun or au otzei, rug er a il hel zl / 4 PW Mnna attap ,or an descriptions. 4 612 1 'lll.lsitent Double Grinder, with. rata . 1 " Pattarj".l"/" hand an d a W 3 alder on short notice and *Tara e and WareWnl4 - 11111 &ankle* sue . s . .4 YnTmaulEb• ------------ pIiTROLIINE WORKS. Mt: WE riAIIOME -12 " , Ito. 32 Ohio. ..Street, Allegheny.. MANUFACTURER OF OIL TOOLS, IND aim into =MVO trekolar . . Sinking - Oil and . Still . .Fre Particular attention Is invited to 'delete law re pvenient' In JARS and JOINTS, which are of. fend as the best la the world. Thsii are all made of the purest Sligo end Las door froa,lumnatered expressly for these tools. These tools ire Made to STANDARD SIZES, as that the Pins &Ada:mots of any one will agree with and et those of ms other set of bin manufacture, bearing. itke same number. STEAM ENGINES and Machine Work mada to orders Poet -trines box UL SANPOM POST IRONS, as. NO trouble to stow our work. • 5p112124 _ _ __ 110ACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS PTITSIMPAIN PA. PARK, BROTHER & CO. litenufaaturess of BEST QUA LITT TEFIPIED OAST STEEL. Sew *Slat sad Octagon, e a Dates. Warrant. - ea pea leo say Deported or emettfeetureet le ttd aauatcl,•. Odlee end Wareikonse,lfos. 10 and 161 Vlnat and 123 and Ida Sworn isTnarre.Pittnburg6. pA.TENTED OCTOBER 8, 1861. DIRTIMIDOES PATENT Oral Lamp Chimneya, ■semsorvsan 01 XX FLYNT GLASS. These Chimney. ere Intendeu for the flat flare.. nesting MI parte of the girezquaii=st ez. pose itrrtegillas. Works. ..tithe-cm 'Ma. apt, Plttabarnh, reale! IW. . XCILINTOSH• WORKILL ....... W. T. lIASt IRON CITY 'MACKINTOSH. itizxrutu. & co, rourames MID mecaunsTs. thernee of PISS and °TARA, soul -pixy. .4 w.sialur IsTREErs, me. City Water Wor t rd Erro Mam"cl46"" Ith"gall% ° end 15LA.13 1 = 11 1 1 1 : , ! 4 .11 ktrOsil"olgoneral jobbors. BOLLING prollatjataraVen to ropOlftug Borairrs, BARNES xo. 89 Third diriei, Plitcanrgh. rat,AND SUE= IRON WILAULEBB .41.600.00% fMootztootorera of DEANNE) TIN WARE. have row add Botblng Apparatus of all klods,.Tollet st r i n Setts. Water Cooler', Om:ere PM and e C Tumbler nen. Isters, erab . 4 d SPY ° )3°.4 " l r Bun Quins for Spittoons, ke., leo. A Imp lot. • sale low. Oil Cana of all Mull and Dlr. 7. Tin itoorlog, Conductor, and ell klna orni tao Work done to order _ SILVER PLLTED WA.115 - • LCR•ORY. Wanes*, Caioiaa hn&e.n k o u e b t le fo the Trade, • & moss, 22A South sth st„ THELLADSLPIIIA fausm 110111 11111111102 , .. ......... ZS" VOW dour B. iIERRON ac CO., flrecocrek IS/Eo33,l4l7olorl2Terrois AND IRON FOUNDERS, Oasie and Wes Boom, _ felB 1 . 79 LIBERTY srassri _ ivENN atecarsz WORKS AND A• FOUNDRY. WIOEITKAIL ENOTNE BUILDER AND TdACETNIST, Lacocx STRUT, between Federal mid Sandurp, .Ancsoarerr etTT PA. Eanntsetaree W lan TAI'A N PATENT PORTABLE OSCILLATING STEAM. EN OlireFS,ShafOax, PulleSl4 /her es au kinds &Unseen to 1.)...7_ TTBCHOON2dLIKEB, • . • wAximurraluce-or !Ms 4fi. Bed WA. Slie uad, Litluusikzaa ,TIMM l'agn Ali Doolor is LINSEED OIL, veaunsa, 4LIPA'AS YAMMERS . Id X am TERIAL,L W N0.:113 Wood stroot. Q SEVBILLIWE, NO. 58 - Water.l3t, gutabuzgh,mosulostorto of BOWER _fay ET% WItOIIMELP/Diglo oplauf°nand WM" of every dooodpiloa. • P a rrtsrusrdzemprepd B Pa striBx7BTB largo og oulati mods to order dt shod% aotlos good ...mikado*. 000stootly on laid. airOdt & W. 8`17`....,,ETT, Maloafacturers e led Levellers ZW.ENSWARE. No. at MAMMY STREErOdtweedi Wood diod Market streets. Pittsburgh. pa mbi OIL CO.IIIP.4.TIES. Arc TEE NATIONAL REFINING AND _COWAN! 1. now fully organised, and has ernameneed betel. bee at their temperer? onice, No. 19 IRWIN STIIEET, (op stably) Plitsbarigh,Pe.,and are now prepared to Co • general bualnitat Sell ing, Refining, SWUM and Forwarding flu. The 'Works are.= on banks of the Allegneur , *bete the Sq, awl will 144 shalt ties_ heell_pable of inanufacturiog EIGHT HUNDRED HeatnELS , OF REFlhinkttlL'PES MEEK, which will bso the beet quality and In ghee paekageei.4 It Is the deign of this Company In make irst-clasa brand feroaPorto and. pains will he spared to situ it that awarder. They Will SIMI it the forward-I ang of oil to robots east or went, partlentar Mee. and !nth% Watcher th . a.buslness will hare turivehed RA.....the UILI4 II betaken Mum the Wale to the cm yr nteinitnery,'lluad thug ovoid Ali wherhumatuyage or delay. Puttee•consigto' lug their , ans.to .na Andy us having:la sent ;through with pro m ptitude and dleputah.' • The Company has a Unpile' of MO,oOO, with tne Pres Yollow ident—A. hL IngICSUALL. t T st ret = l :R. &AIM , P: Hum. 51121011 OW. J. T. Kumla, Arthur Kirk, J id. Little, 8. IL Car,:iiradwilLerke Ilswelltem.sta..an.• mime Humes' Correepeut.u..l64tedderelcattteallaidlat4l,l .intuileatlone to be eddies Co 13111.40/111 . .PTIVIBITROU, PA. . - PITTBI3t I OS. PA. kr... imp ,-• 2 5 l'amel. i* Ltaleti 3 cues•r=4 ki t i rXiMit'67 6 Nr 8o tilt Alcaewict Vit'bigf Mont atil %DIU Almude: 1 0 ,-Eletr anwal tO •ci Ft u t h tt. . 30 16 il ix&rerh a elled illar'l3oooll !tutu. • _' Mita Pea•N u td eUi ": ,t an &Wm 4 6414 '. - BertfiElt" L Noc. lettitelft-r4 317 • 04 Wed. , Seams but* 1a... -111/T 11 . - Iso berreli Peub Hlow racemes. - - ' . • 50 boxes blessani Oranges'. s 5 do do temoar .50 obis Prima White bowl; . to bbls Jersey fittest 00 doses Van resehee; to boxes Fyeab Batter; • • ha • . 0 alf bbla A tide • u tell . 20 boxes W. R. Cheese; In Male and let sale at o ldbarty street. 0051 ROMER, AIKEN SUMMED, QAPITEIVB BARBERS': BO&P - 8.—Ti 13 i•-+ 100001 of a good Mays. and the-pleuurepflhe toilet ate great y enflamed by , mint MOIRA' article of Soap. ',SAWYER'S AMBROSIAL, SHAVING:SIM mourxruntrouraw am Rank tgeonfen, inakm the nicest lather for char. in& ant Is =Abe .11hog sox , tonal: pumboO , er: that I h ero I.lr, .ft l. tt p t i o s aa i r w re rg ice of the bloOoloitatfall43defoo filitvinfraftloia.:l7 &pilaf _ _ QE.ED • E9TATORlA*The:two , Potse 1. , saes, Anikitat 'Oodrodt tribal* lobed from the teed.h by Mr. Goodrich .J 2 wtu'i k otatorM.Poliedlh ,1 ° , 1 , 4 0,/ tr i er quality id tta moat Ptaltaa:P.t 441. 011Xbi RAW ak 2 PAMDEL. . : 7;_soo bob Co3tfosido P*4 l l. 'ADO do Padalbws. ;tr .); iteekred am tor uiej2L jrzmata ARKEVISON 4 4 spa torpor Narked, sad 11.1rst, . , T 0. JimaNs. 1 Commission Merchant. 880 X... 133 sr/ ws.er - sr ss r e.. PURCHASING AGENT.' Prrrsausou; PA. Dealer In Floar,, Grain, Seeds, ntittAlT, Vb.'s'', Imps, and 'LI I. arm Products. Best brands no" Ilemtrlt (warranted) always on blind. Mao, _ I( OILS. mgt. attssitioneriTen_to ocaldirner, tag tOrra:VrTZ e :ta ale:m=la ' me souLted " . selluidawr - Joint . IC. Itter.ETSoir B. F. 04131.118 Y & CO, COMMISSION MERCU&NTS. DIS. NO SOT= WATER Owe irpecla iittentton t 43 purebilling Flour, Grain, Prorioriots4 - For EsaterA lICOM r. BRowiwa, 8 ,. P. QIIIMBY 361124, C ARD : A. D. PaTT......0N, • ADAM AMMON. JAMES Jolit(6oN. SouNsuttLEWELL YATIEBSON, SOH & CO., ansinsistion Xerchanis, rionr, Grain and GIENEFUkL PRoDUCE DEALERS, Me*. SIM? end SIMI AMIN 111TBSMIr. Secit"• New -8n113114. opposite! O. a. P. IL IL splay • • .4Ag./..12111014 U. W. . . . . . - ..... nraißON & CO, Corner of Penn and Way de, (WAu.AcWo Beru.nino,) prasnErEell. GENERAL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS Foe the purely= -of GILLEN of allleisuln Also, wholesale dealers to BALED HAT. Western dealers will find It to theirsdrastage to correspond With our ROOS*, as we have granter facilities tor• Storage, snd putting goods Into We and Eastern Markets than most oltbe dealers in tote city. The beat of city retetenees given when reqred. . jo3lamd taiJER, Commission IVlerchants Fr" mo -, • --wisSoUwBA.OOC..O B: ~ialsr,pl4.zs ztVeidTßVTA,ud 1 OGE3.-0 barrels Fresh Eggirar — xil' f3d this day and for ado by apt* A. U. JADE, sad II DLIWZIOaL cinosw): AND DICALIMS IT Flour, Grain and Produce, Ltt SECOND ST., between Wood llCSmithEeld, 11-ty PITTSBURGH. TIIOe. roreett...rxo. ZHU.. STEP RES FOTTYR, AlE r tli BILEPAIV . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Lan MUTSU IN Fore Bat t erd Domestic Fruits, FIOUr Cheese, top4Potatoes. sna litC4UB g" To n . lie LIBERTY 6Tiir4 'itt'po. burgh. %VV. X. lIIIRRAY ...................... IATDL MURRAY & 00., Comraissiop. Merchants, sod &okra In CRUDE AND REFINED PErEO. LIMAS, swim( F.; ce. ger LW& facilities for storing oil .an MOT • Warehouse sad ;Mies DUQUESNE WAT near 14,c4,140441 'Fitt Singh, .024.01 H. Nos. T and 2 Dian:Loud, (g soaio MAINCE.OWN Sr. I...ureABra • MAUI Ur 37XAC 7 1:7-R. Orr 49.23%T Produce l uid Gordlidodos Kerelkont. fel dy rre, 751 Libert7 d .. PStt7buzgh. .D. i. rzos. it. o. D omain-is. IThOOLITTLN & PECK, A. , General Commission iferrludite. Nos. 0 andlo, Water street, Pinat:n . o4l .l %4 the sale of Flour,. Orals, Cheese, Butter, .Dried Fruits, Provisions and Produce of aU kin AU orders for Carbon WILLA at the loWeat num not prices. ilia. r Conslinien . ed. . - isiblOdy_ r FIUME TAU trotolia. PALBLEY a AN NORDEN, rtroducti ‘.!-, and Connsission NUrreiouits, Wertheim., No. WI Liberty it.' Pletstolirlb,Pi --- Wkn ies ors in Butter: Cheese, Lara, Ens Port, Bacon, Beans, TaUoier Feathers, 11:00Mat' rotatolo, ek.- irl. Dried Feats. Green Fruits, Onions, Flour. Grain, ulover Seeds, TLmothy Seeds, Flax Seeds, Osseo and Poultry. ratuoiar attention given n to Produse Consignments. Ja T ITTLE, BA T 4.2ATTOIT, Whole 1-, sale G [Men - end oommtsaton bierchlyphiLeal iors in PRODUCA Isom BlLl2oN,unr- -- E. FISH, CARBON AND __LASu oa., IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and MUD. burgh manufacture*. genarall3 ad 114 Second West Pittabugh: • - ' • ---------- Al l a l Oßli B. C , Comansimionand u. 'ftmllnrlsl,eretucat and wholesale dealer to WERTERCB eI— YR CHEESE, BUTT LARD, PORK, BACON, 'FLOUR, .PISIti POT , AND PEARL. BALLERATII LIN SEED AND LARD OMR, DRIED PR= and Produce goalie/4i Km ID and tat nod, "Pittatoclt ir cow . PULP & SHEPARD, Commis.sort Mer chants and dealers. In FLOUR, GRAIN h. AND PRODUCE, No. UT Meaty street, Plttabun Choice brands of Flour for Bakers and Family use constantly for Partteulez attention filling orders chanxlhe generally. paid octikll3 - • VETZER fc ARMSTRONG, Forwardm t a' Ot• and Commission Merchants. for the sale o FLOUR, GRAIN, BACON, LARD, BUT SENDICS,-DRIED FR all UIT, and Produce genery. ?o. Market street, corner of First, Pittsburgh, fegbay VIC T. 11243 T T 11.05, ILITOUTIN Vii 911. P. BECK & CO., N 0,185 Liberty Street,PittsbOrigh, Pa.„ 'Wholesale Grocers, Commission Blexchantkend denies en COtRiTRY PRODUCE. PEON-15'0NR BACON LARD, Birrnat; 'mos, ICRD3gE,_FISII,_6_, Pita Dem rLoun, coLux, SENDS. - GRXEN AND broncos a. tramo - ' unarms mezzos*. p; EAD 4tIdETZGAR, Grocers and Corn tauten Merchants, and dealers-In sil kindrot Awn; Produce and Pittsburgh Manufsetu o. 149 Liberty amen opposite head of Wood *tree; Pittsburgh. • • • , - -, _, apady ~Zp;MTN= 881r1iDD1.•...1173t. D. RITY/11. EYNLER BILOTHERS, (successors lAA , Reymer Andereon)Wholesale Dealer. in FOREIGN FRUFIR,NUTM mad SPICEt%* CON FECTIONERY, SIICIARS, FIRE •WORIES,_ tus., :Noe. its and II Wood dime, shove Filth, Fitts. purgh. ' "1" / A 1 - ;'+ iY2941 li wALLecE co on eretiant, • and Wholesale Dealer in FLOUR &GUAM, o.lsl.l.Therty .streeti on t hosite Pennsuivenls R. Passenger tabronh, Pa. Stony (Werenouse, corr i i ) OVayao and Penn streets. r acri•My L l / 4 iji-iiii.lireii:rolfilizaalet. I . • n tu rixs i „, ... mg_ Lin.ti . sad /am I : t 6 7 as"-kispadtrA-4401‘0_,,_,_. \w SSWecataa L fel Q ingla ibia4 1 ' 114 A, 'anent _ */, i_*is! II i orebturpi• tstanrarom.../ . ...................... `VIT4T , P ;its , •VortEitiON: ; Wholesale Afol:&•: TT'S Nis', Covatitilitotaraailatodeatagifi Ili; PioUbs'And • rttsbuifi usoutUmuuthrlCL2 10 Laiteritriet,Ttwitonth;,-. • .. jirp.q! v r ratqFp4 , llo.ot tiM " 9:W01,75. - UtatalarOk. 1-2AES' TiktMEM!,3O39N,I4ILOW' 1,-111ZellerttWat 05irsa Alomainetalksr, dittos far varehan jrs4, ite r it :, arm= 32STR9X•rctir. Vid SW; =41.2110:: (3.IIEBSE AVAIIEHOUBB:—.IIENRY:HIi W , COLLINS, Porwaratutned Honuntaalatt M chant and dealer tn UTIEHSE, BUMF" FISH, and Produce treneraliy, No. **Wood %Heat, altarr WAterlV-VilArgh.',`,l '1.1773131277 RD 401111 1 1. 1101JSZ. UOt TOUR 1. - 1 •11011E3E - : & CO. Wholesale u GROJJERS LSD commAstort. raxa. 5 CHANTS, comer 4i. Am4tittelVawl Wafer tildeet, Pittpureis.. - • RODICIIT DALZT.Lt.. Al:' DaLEtL .... OBERT DALZELL CO. Whole sale Grocers, COMMIIIBLOCI and Forwarding Merchants, and deaterr itveroduae-and Pittsburgh manufactures, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. JISO.II;6YD 01111 , 1; F. - LOYD. & CO.i .WLolesale• tern and Counnisnion blerchents; goo. rig Wood end ZS Liberty streets, Pittsburgh. effiABLEB L. CA_LD 'ELL, (successor wrtoJerace.Holles A. Co:, PORK•PAOKVII,IOI dealer In PEOVLSIONN, earner ice.Narket and • j Mutiaii.Ei liuccossons. +-, Xi. Graft,. ZBODZIOZ marttonerassioti XEMIANTh, Lll4etr sr LAIMM..JOIrff SUTI•TON.. O. WALLA.= AMiNgatIRTSPI 4G CO— :Whole. Al site r494,"/WPart.i.rth ISAIAH DICKEY CO.; Whassele. onroca9ol Xerahantti &abr. in PRODU • 6°,49 Vslat shigl *I - Front semi, - " . • W 7 ILLLifiI:BAGALEY. WHOLESALE itpwciFq., IQDrI wood divot Pittsburgh. . , DAVID M. EDG.F.ATON t ~Wholesale oricar and Commission Idotonant. tO7 Wood stren.l'ittabures. - : • 4. fags S°ArBIOHE.-50 berretta Powdered. opt. • 1. ---;------- 864 S.74.IAVI'MIVINAM 1, clams At. 11.11.---wisrt.T. modaraser.sur '- i ..-TEN DAILY TRAINS._ . .f. iP tha and alter KONDAX,thiober atid,Mt‘tratn e will leave the Depo I, as follows. FAST MATE+ dilly enoat.:77,,at Lilian. . . stopping only at princ stardm, and tisane •, ^ . direct connections et for New Yon. •; . . _ Baltimore and Waablagton, at at Philadelpliele 1 • • :„.. rot New York" Boston and Mien:satiate_ points. : • ••• IidIiBISBT.BIG ACCOIdbiODATION, daily ens . Dept Sunday, at, Gan a. ire„ demi= utAt.l. rogelse. ~ .. • , stations betweea Pittalangtualed making @10.6 connection with train( ore •. t - Branch, WeetTsangylvania R. 8., ITnalbarlf alt 3 Cressemlt. isted 110 Bi da PiM m l PITTSBURGH le ram s, snr. ,It, eept Sunday, at 1.30 p. en, stopping at ...n.m;:S , t the stations between Pittsbu= Pausal 7 , - : and nesithes concretion with on tbs burcand Crewe S o ldollidaLur Bremen B. 8., Tyrone and Cle and Maid Eagle Validly ,'i Blanches HNSTOWN AOCOMPIODATION; daily, ex ~ *opt Sunday, at. LIV p. in., Mopping - at' regular lions between Pittsburgh and - Johnstelvai Wife . nesting,at Blairsville Intersection with alum Mi f t the tana Branch and West Penessivitais BB* PHILAVELPIIIa MIMS, daily, st-4.11 T. M., stePPIBS at Latrobe, Cone= .00ns, mentinglon. Lewistosni. Miner ~ , .o,,i,meirysvilly ,bureproneasteroind ' ' Wawa. - At numbers. direst ens . 7 .. :made fer Balthmore,Washhertoe mad Diewlierk st PbiladelPhiae for New Bork, Boston and later , mediate pellets. Slender thus ran Miremoh ea this - tilde from Pittsburgh to Baltimore, Pb/ladelptila • • and NewAby the Allentown routs.. FAST daily. excerpt Sunday, at ale a i at., stoppling o yat °enemies& Coll a tes Ahem ns., Huntingdon, Lewistown. Mifflin. Alto. linertsburg. Middletown. tillsateetti. • asia , Tertortuoy.latruilnellid. i..ancasser•t. eau DOW ' lentos& At *ardent= ooneectione are made for-. ~. ' New Both. Perimore and WasiOngton.st Plella der% Ow NewrTork, Boston, and latarmedialls • • First •Aloommedattou Trite for Width swim - , 7 .-- leaves dilly (except Sunday) at OA ea m. • Seemed aooommodation Train for Wall's Statics leave. daily (except Sunday) atin 11.40 a. m. Taira accommcdation Tra for Walt% S eaves daily (except. Sunday) at 1L.40 p. estina Bemis. Accommodation Train for WaiPs Mama eaves daily texcep Smiley)Wei r s u.m. .• . . •., The Cherie Trai t n lassesr Station !My Sim i : A ll at 9.06 ea se, returning leans ' rlWlbe4a ..„ . Returning Trains arrive in Pittsburgh 111 fe ll a r Pittsburgh , a Fee Express • WA p. ma Wetmore Ramage ~ , ' - Via p. m . Philadelptile Repress *JO p. in. Fart Mail ., Vast-Line. ' Pin a: el. johnsteem JUMornmodaUen teat a.m. First WalPs Station Arc ossmodseen. . SW a. m. Soloed WalPs Meilen Acoommodatio.n ra. Third WedPs Station Acoomonsistlim.. 240 r. in. Fondle WalPs 'Station Accommodation SAO p.rn. Baltimore express will arrive with Philadeiputs. Express at SUM p. m. on Mondays. _ NOTICH—Tet use of lose, - the Compy wit bold themselves responsible for personal baggage only, and for sa amount not eadredimAlNl. . - W. R. BECKlTtlfr i tral4 at the Penusylvards Central Railroad er Station. on Libertv lied Orant streets. • II 1212=13 1011PITTBITURG11, FT, wAyNE tr. ORIOAC RAILWAY, AND OLEN. MUIR RAILOAD. - WINTER ARRANORMENT. On and after December MI6 Wu, trslao will ran as follows, viz Losses I For For For PtttaborshlOhlesao. Cleveland. I Wheeling. Eamon itio a. m. 0.10 -SIO a. re .... 2.00 p. i 46 !Los s. so. Express.... .... LIM p.m. - 1011 eL. m. I . cts.a. iss For New IWO* and Eria&So a. a. ' • • Arrive' St Anegherly—P. F. W. A O. Itallsta laa a. m., SAO a. m" SAO a. in. sad 4.46 p. O. Ar.R. R. toOo m, - - • GEORGE PAREIN,IIaket A g ent, Union Pittathnlith Pa, A. Q. OASS=.,B..A.Y, Ticke AlllObt camas U. BIYERIGe ask e ttsc Assolt Pl,7kAYlTTacV) , .alliLii° oll - , WINTER ARRAN . GEINIAST Oe wa Midi =moor, leeve the DePet. Wm"' Of will leeve r°ll9wl: Yet Lee N Pittsburgh. Plitsblth• Mall to sad from Unleralosm.:. p. 116 in. ` to r so a. p. ca . Express First McKeesport 111. IMO& Second .4:15p.m. taie p. m. First EirsMicolthi " a. m. &M s, m. Sewed ". • 4 in P. nu &SF. lk Sunday dim* Train to - mut _ - - :From fficKeespott lAf p. m. MAO a. a .1 For "'SU s PP l irj. ermAWK. Agent. W. E. STOUT, Sapertatetrt. ALLEGHNITY. fl•C'm =MM . LEY ft I CHANGE OF-TI ME.-04 - sad radar MODIDAY. ms tith, Late e =tbs Idb:wing airs . Wawa at tins wriAIIVISLIP(.-4staies Pitaviio r bitim a. at. artiviag at. Nitta:wing at MO a, m Learnt tanning at 4.09 amyl* at alitabaritr at I EXPRESS TRAM-;Leavui-Itittausihig at f.% _arittieir at Pittsburgh.. at 11.16 u. m. Lassa Pittsburgh at 4140. D m., riving it ; Kittassiug ANItiIigODA.T4OI.I ; TRAIN Lou Worts at ale a. ai.;arrivingstPittaborghattga a. ea . Leaves Pittsburgh at: &Do p. ea; . arstving agigi‘ ...WRlttserSParlatsautuL CirligELL.s - FOREIGN radIGBATTP4OLINIA.,,. ,1 • . PlTrestriros. PENN*. , ,' O. . i - *BO ' ° . Paisage Scott the !1:11d1)60411 • ..i ' • The Lleirpeal. Nair Tritt and Philadelet4 'II I tsl9...,,,SteentsitiwOointistry. hawing in= r their Apra here, eke Mr. s is maw respired to.bring out co mat home P by ihe St e il , ot tat eldmi st t lINUSITaMILow RATES. The Stoners of, . II this favorite li se leave Lirsrpoelemil WNDNES. I DAY, lot New Torlyttearthig - nt Quimidd i L l . are artima th e teMeM, most, sod lartet arm t • ..1 • The mdendOodi, also Agent tor the Unorpoo end Lc miond Id= of EitmmelA. lenvitt= ti tool mem _Ta-uBSDAT, mai et terry tor Irish P and Nails 1110.11101Xl li en of thieline are a Dlitris the airmageet meaner :. Lou tundg , choice scormonodations tor osemotelle ' Reis also agent torTAPSOOTTO3 LLNEM eels • 7i.. tasted Clipper SatlingPaskets, leastat.Liverpoie 11. for New York twice a week, spd the .X.n Line o 1 London Packete,-leseint &MAW ono/ Wl'llaYS• ' 1 The ships ot TapeooWs Mine More long been so- ~•.. ted for their quick p.- •ers and the essallente of the prorisione furniehed the passengers, "ad their 0 kind treatment waue on board. Patties who wish . ti their friends brought out by sailing reseeht b4illaimemeut:Crinria. " at. emceed eaten. g SlG's. DILLP4S . on a ll partiot LetropiarriLL.--. ,. at the lowest rates . : -- _____ _... . A.pply to . ....„ . P. crlyzu.L4^ , •.. .... -•- 1 cire . iisn inntratica Orme, doll - -- - - , - as smithaeld sweet - 0 STEILM...WZNIELY -TO - LIVER. L.ool.l3loarwre: morost.mov'ottror:ss. laval**4:ll4lll'2l:42rorriltl. Mawr ' roar or t.OSDO 110 • ..situitsii bur • crrrr OF MATtOrtl=EB-Saturday; Mar re. CITY OE 808 TON.. ..... M' sr- Aid erety imortOB4 8 1 W. P 4 ' 4 °9 2, - , !'"rmul trer • iumui ow 'Amur.. ' '-' Eiritatitolold, or Oa egraroloo{tn run= oe , rmteeama7.ls ,, ,,r,,o ................ to' Or 0., toalartorit . $ -"„ ramescakrolo 'l9rwarded Att. Bottordsm, - Amr l M. equarr lowisteit• ' rut. frma teetaa[~~ p 6: ravorpool QIIIMIDA:Fm2- 4 .0 - Throe who with re WIWI, Sot tltdr-,880410wo!. pose - • • „- Wowtr;,l '0tT.)%A.A.P14411105. I*-411110 !Ole -40 4 1 4 5 , 4 8 0 1 1.04014 1 ,45 1 .n51% 4•::„E - A --- 4 r'N'Aut.ior .„,..-w.; ; tait...*,..**o 4) - 11 , 1 , •;:;1 311• • ; Ls; 0— ALLINWWWW i1t101111,13D41 1 Wholesale' dealers - -FOREIGN AND-noiiKs 'FLO DRY GOODS, No.-aa' , Wao& 'STA; tatelfl I housoaboset Dlasson4 alley,Zlttsbluatu *O a.% Vitt; ' sand Ethan Dealers In TlZinukuriClS, , Eart BROIDERIES and DRY GOODS, Aleirery deiletW, Lion, Mtn rt audit* Flab. streetrPlttsburen • -.t ? B l y. 4l ß .o Cl : o kll ll. l ; M s Deskl . ;'. T : R ers ' .imatuc -- ' t : i t t Y r 11 1 1.1 1 L: . 7...6.N rt h rib ° 0. 1) 1 ..p e i g : it fIT t . 1 14.1 %.P.. li k e eh. E t i l i eft. t r 170651E 4 LD, _ Wholepaie and! cr :LW . I : Dealer Ili STAPit `AND . TAN.CI:r! VT-GOODS_Oqptrid,!Fl?er!.. and Li o.4.tr_ Fi \Y holesato and 1 JOSE Dealer la AU kin :s•of TRIMMINGS, PRA GOODS, /O. Nei. T 1 awl . lB Minket TOBIT-ROMr - Attint 'or ttui Etfultib le In- 1 t , suranos 064 irilalitigtalifThriollUTSAS 4oo. * szuktbeePourn Mutual lan Issarsuaxoo.3 4 POP' dingthi: • Ne. 4- DlscketAtreet, PH44 , 11 1 104' 1,-"'" _T. GARDIKEILCOFEULAgeuVrt i a I r e.c.irpplabiLt= t aa4 ssitueestiaf 1 °ems- WQ0134,,- x Wr, JPNEB_,Agent far Mitt_ •its,Biati of Pimairlirtaita.. l 4 l : Com ikri groan - --t NO obis elude° ii. Sues Tamil/ rfteiti - 169 .do Pedals Bloar2oables; , SO do White Beans. • st/ d&- Prime Dried 4 30 bushels. Prima Wilts Buns 25 bytes Fr bliollßutteri . , r --10 calls Fresh Tacked. 4114_ . . benseaT Wuttera Reserve UlteesS; ao barrels Fresh Fele erste For sale by DOOLITTLE is ITO& - osle .w settle Webr tßßll e Al. AND fm PITTS' 1311111 6 P1.A 7 G.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers