gazeiti. XONDAT t AP,RIL43, _INI3. ROBINSON. IVOLBAN & Cat elf • Zircolicancas, N •.; 7111hisurni Mt.. Pittgbsergli. Pqrsorlas MIRtOT. reratral la PAS FUNDS and Qtrs.- OeSections modals all ;mita of the Trottel litotes. sal *ail st.iruirket rates: IY. 8. apex east. teat, Bonds=` • 11. S. do. I# • do.; -- • Y. 8. II M.10.4a do.; 11. S. pa.per or: cud. Oertificatei lodibtoiaaas 17.11.1. ft Treasury Notes. •• T S 7 Mao UUY and SELL ON 001EISISSION at the, New Turk. Philadelphia; arid Pittsburgh mans, all kinds •of °overused Securities, - gltedta.' Hood& Gold ,• &a. a.. FINAICIAI -111D'IAMMICIM4 • 1180LERFA ABU BARBERA , BOARD 400saverm, sr zonation, Woman. i Oss) Or% Amite& 8 13. 8 Vs, (BSI "ea. itig.ll-111:1 111theny Vs R. • 101,07 = Ajonnollsvth, Vs ..... 1803 • abide B- H. stock no Ins.. 10.03 12,8 •do do • - 14,011 Stautni•R t,o) Eltdobeavlllo & Indlons MAO - _M=2l:=l ~tKAM10RaL..........._._..173.00 1,00 • • Ir. Blood ....... ape Eldorado-, • ' 1,60 ?if kiso Merry Bun Merry Ron 95 SteN.R no . ........... Eon__ _ 145 _ tikia awn Alining 00 'Ocatral ... . . Great Lawrie/at.: • -6,t* Uherr, Nun k lots , 1;go Gold steady at preottnis quotations. Nevi York tato iluttnating between 1.51 and LH. Fltietnirgh ratesttS—nelllpg lag.: U.'S. Bonds gm at yeater ars quotallOna.loo4 tdd for Mt e.Twentlet—gr _ toed (at cortilleidea-1680t, Sales of 7.30, our repol loan continue large In spite oflthe general decline In gold, bonds and cloaks. 1112,00 was bld gar Donnelle , We IL B. share!, (Internet b 'suing.) • Bank Stock :101 home market, stall head the Balsa arnre - kOade- a; morning board, 'of 201 auree . of Fourth Nitlona at $1,71 per ;stare. Twrintf . altsrea more wer e taken after Board, at the same pries Thellgurea look large, but we were asauredby easel the path. selling, that he smoldered stock, walk ,More than be was ger -Slog for lt, penonalrearonifor math:lag 01l shares were much better lest evening, and the improvement continued during the day. • mole who havibeen holding otr to bay; begin to think: that the bottom has been touched roe the present, and cutitanding contracts ?tad better be Med. Itorseneck, espetially, improved during thedaye sulvancing [rota #l, Wise. evening, to lan freely bid this afternoon, sod one far sale, : • . There wail a very good. attentlaace at the No lan, inc.* Extbrutge. this evening, and as will; be seen below„.thetheneactions were larger than any alerting during the week. Primp ruled low, gen. orally, but the re ;was more disposltlon to buy, which is owing` to the fact that the impression-pre vail, that quite number og stocks have Vouch Id' bottom, and, !Iwo, a reaction. as a matter of course, will soon follow. The panicky feeling which pre. wailed some days since, appears, in a measure, to lure subsided, not holderewho then were zealous . to realize at a sacrifice, are novitioldlitg for rest. Con sad betteePricee. • ' n . ll Creek AIL Cherry Rua brought a slight' M/ twee, as 'compared-With Yet; day's transaction.. and Central - Basin holds its 'oam, selling at 1413. Tarr, fiterg . &Cketry Rua has materially declined, ;tanbark, ling 3 .81. Olt - Rile. able, Ls a shadpiower. °perry E n & Pittsburgh . •Id dawn to.loool4 3 FiVrillok Wit e . k1re 0 (1" 4 .4 this stock haagoached foraamthluC We suejothr • 60 shares Blood Farm tc Chip .1 60 100 w Central - .• .............. 103 400 4 . Cherry Ittm&Blood. 00 • toe - ". •... ' 103 " • Cherry Run k.Pittaburgh OU 603 CherryFtnn &Pit Role. ion el oil- " Fleming tr. 711ood • '2 00 .00 4. On throve. &Cherry 8a5 . 3.75 en Pittsburghls New York - • - 1 00 as, ' A iosa.--. ' 110 coo -3 , Tarr, Story .7.. Cherry Run ...... , 60 Iffy oil Crook keheerjEsul.;."..7..;«. - —113,0 " I 37 iou • " Milted. • 0160 neo . Pittoburnli t Bidlidelphi6. 11 06 Inc °tritium and bids Tare as Sedlowo: so ...sir `• - Caldwell • Cherry Runellentral Comenbia t 17,1,0 Oermsela, of rittsburgla.. Nicest !American • Uorevneck Lincoln CU k Suoing ,_ .=.. Merchants'. r - • . . . Mr-Abe) CV Notional o talon:eh " -Oil Oily h. ttslnirgb Oil o Ph il p.- Phillips—. • Phonic—. .. . . -Pittsburgh h. New York . Pittsbergh Ar-phila Revenue... .... Jayne Pane . a ico Sheila . • .. .. es . m Steel • 2 oo 5 to Tack PetiviZniebNew - York.. • 2 iss 2 : 50 Wsstern Pearnrylv, 2 I'vs 2 Whitely Crififk•A • • to .. •2 - 51 tinder :a doom :of the United Stater Circuit liourt liaison-b:POI:do-Railroad was said at auo. Con in Clielnhatl b i the Zth nit, ttie•wirchasers Gerrett4 President of the DiltlMOte Ohio Itallioad Company, and W. IL. Clements, president of the Lake Michigan Balk oad Comps -ay. wry?, es trustees, represent tho creditors and, .•isteeklaiskhnistuutlMS to an age.esleatforeapituis -,..1i0n and retwkardestion of the affairs of the .core 'ppr. The obibbiention comprises the Perourylva ale NMI:CoIt COmPluiL and the Baltimore and Ohio Bialroad Onnipany at thqeut, and the Little Miami, Steubenville arid Indiana. Ohlo :Central, - -Ctordnuati end Merletta, - and Cleveland arid Pitts. burgh companies at the west. the tcrais (tithe swinge/nen onahalf of thoroad of the Oblo trod, Debut the portion between Newark and tics. lambus. is to be'resold by the our:lumen at the line wile to atm Steubenville Company, thus - Mak-, • leg the line froth Pittsburgh through Steubenville to Columbus continuous and worked-in harrahliy. Until the Pittsbu gh and Steubenville line Is tin- irked the . cenneotion with Pittsburgh, via the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Retires,* from Wheeling - tothejunetien withthe Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago *Railroad; will be used. .. . The agree; • meet also !neural thi Immediate building of the - Ctrudenatiesel Marietta Itailroad fines Merints to Wheelleg, eis al town Wheeling and Pittsburgh In oosention with this route through Southern . G - The oeignattive 'neediness of rzerrunent heeds, anal uettiationsWhieh mark At other senuttise, lin - feature of the market which Sea Was its ewe eomment. -*athirst wire' betake as' the faith of the people lu . .the last triumph of our own Usale.the' nridit* with ' which' they par.' chase the "gold as .Well as' the currently bear.' Interest tunas of the ; Covemment. ;The . gold besaltiri s ;M:ocim Were Walser lest spring; With gold in about present rates, thanks the' after lOC pernent:Pmdbenieddisi to the ;steatites; Aod MOP .. hence Web hatriuslenly Ira .. .:.]ton with the Isepteired military and Ansimial pO. • eitkusOf the Government Looldng a-year or two • aust4sayette Philadelphia Prim, we should ex. peat ter see Manx- per.cent; - Stocks selling at a MOO preeiltiM, with gold and greenbacks cede then OMANI 'bringing tads; currrency, and our iive.per cents. in such demand, bath at hews opil abroad, -to authorise the ons'eulstion of en earl! reduction of the 6-In years six percents. ' to ttils tate. , Meanwhile, both classes of Biala. • necks, any the 2.40 per eent: treasury notes, Ina stable two years tinier,' trill 'continue tOgrow to the preference and partiality oPourpeopte, and the ' more so, because otitis prevailing distrust In near. • ty ellothei stock values;influenced of Leto by the upward and downward course of the go'd market The , demarid - from - use interior for gold-bearing bonds end!bline continues strong, and no doubt L, - felt is well informed quarters of the ability of the • rental tO cOleinuid from MIS solute nil themon. ey it can require In any event. The .240 notes' Jhev• one -'merit which insures.continued large sales. 7743, -- wet biierme fisher Wu Me mud o her - seers mossy. :1111i qiirdity will turn many millions . into theorem tbli safes'deposit for wan in • gasychannele whet peaceis restored and property est ell kinds him. gone through the shrinking pro' oeniturtcomnsented." They are safer to hold than . • gold at 3445u1, wm shrink less to the next two . and Shelf yeah* than gold or any ether commodity used by thjxen.crit:rtiblie. 11 fal A 93.: 1 - 1 04 -, D QOM 00, • 0394 IPO -- 1 05" - 115 a GO 51/ el xrlat.k,,Dlrreitete 3,lareb. 31. 3. Flour—Seleoifflbble3 red at $8,16. The de. . mead Is not heis Ast.7'end the market quiet. Wheat et4 .o ..ta No; Wm! . 14 WO. 4).1 rea , held at eipal" - sad lola - Use. No sates reported. Otts—Vore devised but themerket irregular, EalelLatir iikortn l. 9 si care si 615 e. sod noistnaL 1(3 tales 1'.0.4t41;42/ hitl,72t7l;reddkieeiy .st Sominstro*o4:l4 l Wit 9 ik; 74, ;*• • Nag • • . • . . • .•••QW.kml-,,rt..z. to (.Ith:cm , * WA* • 00/#11**•: - '• -• • - DAILY. REVIEW ON parranunau • liverissar, April 1, AM • The week which/1,4115t eltaiwif has been sham. leered by great dnilnesa and stagnation la nom cirrles.and notwitestanding values hare depreciated 'astonishingly. there is" no disposi tion to nyfeculate, owing tothie want of confidence to present prime baths mutained. If could only be ascertained that prices had touched bottom, burs Inns would atone improve, but so long as mat ters remain to doubt and uncertainty, no improve. meat need be looked for, and business will contin ue dull and unsettled, without life or anima- OS UN—There ts very little Wheat or Barley arriving, u the upply Is largely. to swum of the demand, the market rules very doll, sad sales :center hot be effected eaten great concessions went made: The doomed fur Oats rum falba- ort some whet, and the demand is now - restricted to cup plying th e tromedtate want. of consumers, 12, .11.6 • fik, t ore is dull sin corunderablyiumrsibat um• rate quotations eanaot beatnik: ' ' FLOULI--Cantinnes very lull 11121 with Car re el:did% and a supply lely In excess of the de. mend, prloes aft steadily *ellaiNy. -We now brandsat gatll, F a milyring and winter Wheat . orestraarid $lO for . VROVISiONS—There ere no established gnats, ettona for Boon, ae thepollny of the dealers See* • le be to dothe beet they can wider the clroumstan ' me. Lard Is dull ant quoted nominally at .2ty.. 22 for prime kettle tendered.` Mess Pert and - Driffr Meats—entirely played sag Dry Dee! Ls quoted at iteffss. GROVERIBS—The marled reduetloa in priori caused an Improved demand during the early .part of tee week, but toward the close, Doyen again: held off, or restricted their purchases to their la mediate wants. As prises are very unsettled. we omit Mithmt, lam fair Itstald.imnis toy c l o t — Seed, and we note small sates from store at ISLAM 415 per bnabeL Flax Seed la dultandlower, h en,.-Sib.- te. trg now the best offer made by our crashers. Tinto othy is Quoted at hirgYES-,-The demand for common Itellmvery, lisht and with allege impel', the marked may be quoted dull at UM* cents. Medium athistly pride. fresh 801 l rang•frOm SO to SS amts. LOClS;4ThesupPly is large-end the market li doll and a shade lower,the sales to-day ranging at from to to RN. - . TkioEi—There e regular jobbing dematid tor prime qualities, and wo Sw e etsire iromilll,ll 41.25 per bbl. New Jersey - quotes at " 6117:4 1 1 1 4 - LES:LTha deManteithoniti . 614 ' ta not as active salt wits a few days since, but pm yes byre $5 pe as no quotable abeam t sairlog, fkom to per barrel, for common to utrietly prime. CREESE—The demand is fair and the market it steady with Sales testate:tea it about previous . quotations., . PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET SATVIITIAT, Apl II 1, 1865. - There treontinued f air demand for llrude,and the market to flim and the advance Dotal yesterday li well rustahted. We now quote at 20fayall, in bulk, and MeV% in bbl.,— , tibls included, according to gravity, and the demand MOMS to be Allman wholly copilot dto )ow grieftv, say from 40 to 4 5 Sate of tate and fOO L CIbbi* in bulk at =l4l, 800 still.; SIS at Sit and It ' l ight" at M. There Is n, movement iriMeened, is yet, but it is thoupt ttiat-there will be a good eiport demand for bonded, Within. the "next thirty days. Therein some inquiry now, but ,buyers arid sellers are so far apart , tit their •views, that transaction's cannot be erected. Free 'OR le dull and pointnal, the demankbehnt striated ab together to 'itlna small orders, say Vont le up to_ 25 bele, andinices range 70 to 72. Naptha and . llealdutuu remain quiet and nominally untdtanged. Advice% fromoll City report .the Crude, market as haeing recovered somewhat et that point; .'sod . holders generally were itaktng art Advance. largeapeoulstor Informed us today that he had or- dered Me agent, by telegraph, to buy ten thimiuted barrels. • • PriILADELPHIA STMIK. MARKEt.., *rported Eipresslp - lei:Pittsburgh . Gazette.- ringdindrara, April I, Mk_ There lin been somewhat ore panto is Oil Stocks . this week, piing to the. dOwnward teadeney gold, width* ettingeser la istoratir, inth 'of which hare operatedanfeyorably on the waked, and the - a hale list has raltdirregater artd !tower With - rem' Intiedlapositloit to .opirate, v enal at the &aloe. Bull Greek advent... Viet% per share on the report of at:Skied ilarge welt, but subsegseetly rdlt sad geniiratly, show a, masked: decline bo-tay, with &Inroad laellastlon on thepart tn. holders to .""mimic 're4 fallowing ire tie doin lim g eys':or' orn o° the leading stockstoalepois compared with. `ant Eitindsp Starch 26. - Sprit . Adamentlne • • • 6.06 - 6sr JAtl Uosreks as 11 7 2 • . ss Su ' 5 , 561 - Se • CO ...... . ... Melte Shade .... . . it 60 .1 17 06 • Mel7lintoct 100 a~ -- licOnesi k Cherry _4 . 175 Natiogrlielscnater,. „ • 660 t 26 Oil Creek *Cherry 475 - St 800 -1 - 1 25 St. it chola* ' err - Sul= Cretin 1100 to - Wm-Pena - The 2deollatialkeille Meow= limpeety, LEO dialtedA ehrgend.of See percent: The Miple Shade . . iaionthlj diirldead et four oiseat,.. arid au extra dividend otetght per (laid; the Rattitione and -Camden, of one per cent; the r idea Pat-ride= tillotapany,cot New Fork, twenty per. eent;aad the Ent= e Oil Company one per cent. 1101/lellY °TOO New York 'Crane:* 'Market. , , . • (krom ( kmunerelal Lilt" Apr 1 I.) Signi—Nieners end the trade ••have continued to_106; chase toe TM: extent store one 1-- et, and though wry!'" free recelnia, the stock ace 050 , I,lo * 'the market hubecomq decidedly timer, sad Apar. - tlon thrl recent fleellue has been " recovered -boy • ont-quartlw of a cent gi 11, from the 'lowest plant— yeriewley, stowitAgandiug the storm, beng the tillbest of the three, there being then less desire to wit and more to buy at ruling low prWes, we now, quote Fair Relining Cuba lOy", cents; Good do,. 111.4; 'Far to Good .Grocery, 1134@ , 12;. prime to chilies d 0,123 4 ,40214.10; 111oluses Sugar,let bas e. 6'511;4; the sun* in lines EviStO, and , ilielado, 51346111, 4 true. Reaped la in nuillesete request, and preen , have favored. buyers, but.the market closes more Small Nord Met 15 cent;Solt White A. swill ) I,s%egies; and Yellow t 346153.4 cub. The soles of raw are ib hhds Cuba at 93.46j14 cent/tar:3 Porto • '10;443t4;4, -- at bble Englistr V a l.), - ; 3761 bose ' Gavana 10,445)0134; cod 6716 bye Ma ills; 10, nw. lbe stock yesterday wee about X), hh s l o , 513,6e0 Lxs, tic,olar bgr Sugar, and 250 hlsde- Impreved teener. walked in and but report haa slue coationed:with • fair de.twind for home use, and prices of Porto -Mee - may.le" tten live cents higher than at. the lowest point; cur ved quotations show, ae near as nay be, the value of the .arious desenptios. • The soles are 14 bbds Nees - Gas at 65 cents; t o o Muls and 1% tee Cubs'lluscovado, 56134653; 10 hhds old Ea_gilik land 45;7E01)14s tee and it bbisPorto 55a 10;1:06.1a New Olken" 1,10; and 1100 bhds new Bar , badoes;on terms not transpacd. • , • ' Uillfee-•-The market was perhaps seldom duller than at - e" erred. here Is little or no pressure to eell, but with no disposition to bey except for New lanDeMate wants, the business Is extremely light; We-Only notice 200 big 1110,1 n lots, per Sohn Peep, end 1= du St. Domingo,. to bond, for export, CM terms waded nut learn. Spleen-There Is only the usual inquiry for some tee, end market values hare not varied portlew lorly, but , the market cloned' steadily. The sales Include 100 cases Uessla, In iota, at '44 unta,7W du; to arrive, and /Whales Cloves. qpi private 'isms; 1500 mats ;10;058100 center= do Mace; si,2l '5,145; IGO bye Sue 'l3loge_ ,r 2 0 0. 11 "eent 10 ISO de et. Per, 11N. gold, In bond; !GO, do Slngapois, ; duly paid; and 10) cases. No.l Nutmegs, part • Baltimore Mirka.. *arch 3E, t.loffee-rMarket qulet and prices nominal at nia - • Flour-IF.stra brawls gave' way today, with Isles of Wobble }toward street and Ohio, and WOO 1 ids City Mats, all at £2,60 per bill. Buyers were :6l3d firmer; small sales of retailing brands. Were sade at 49,73429,8114, though sane close were quo- Mil nominal at 119,1400,1517 bbl. All other de. seriptions - are Irregular end beery, and untlt•tbe resrtet becomes more &eclat , we omit quota liolasses--We . hearnf no'sales, and quote nom- Ull, as follows: Clubs dare 4160 cu., Aluocovatio OWO2 cents In bads , and OMB cents - to bbls. E g•- • Ugh Island 4Ofelb.cents; Porto . 8140300171 cents?. ProvisiotA—Are fruitage; we quOte paces al fol lows, though for the dfostyart nominshaless Pork Bulk Atouldsrctit xis; . 17 as; Oilcan - sbOUlders IV/Atrattic Mal 19% cents, aomS 229 etarEard'aultatitele for Western' bpi; Butter; sales of good. to prinießoll st - '111C22. et*, prime Glades:4 chi. TfeW York Mare lad as, se to o Dant); Vresterlillaea SOLI ern Wait, 103 • Sugar.-711arkef qilet,ito niorfei; we qiibte' grsaes fair to good °ribs and. Basilan Is. land a 11011% eta,' grocery do 12010 as; Porto 111. eo, common Jo good gib cry at 124111 eta prime 12% 014 eta er pound. Refined Began same an before •• needs—Clover ii steady' at 117,10 for partie lots; Timothy was lower, males - trmisi at rill , dull( no sales, we quote nominal a; Oa f buena. . IMPORTS MY. RIVER. PAnninla , nr on ern blrainva-1 bbl iron Lads, Salley I , anlzell• I box sundries, 11 A Fahneetoek Es eo; IX ale blAs,fAsks barley„T Rhodes; 1 bonen:l -rides, W Porter; le bla eggsand butter, L II Volgt k m . ; it bas paper ,id belts rags, Pittsburgh Paper Co; 2 bxa book', s.ey W de P cull kegs 1101,' Fetter & Anateong;2 halt sno t Bak & oot 18 pkgs Ir Souse bold goods, J T oung;ls eke teed, owner; lot sundries, owners; r Olds apples owner; 2 mule , Adams Express Co; lot Iron, lii Ilendesson; 21 " 011 bbls, Wm Ulleer; XS bbli ewe. and rippler, 11,41., b. Van 0 order; 50 tale whisky, 28 roils loather, II bids ay apples, 21 keg. lard,so bole eggs,' Utak lk cO. ST. Loris ran Marx PUTNAM-1 0 bltlel SpCii, I Godfrey' &Clark; II pkgs roots, 7 Settreth; 13 bbla Mtlgstams, 13 okgs attlee,, Clerk & eo; 87 b`de els . Park , - pro it cart, do 40, 11 11 Gotta; Sae s, II ski wool, 101 tre lard, Debugs A Chest- , [m1;502'61410 Delany, Is Dean; 6 bole . flour;' J If. Vanderielltril pkgs, John Flock; 1415 pkgs Iron, Lyon, Sher% A v0;24 pkis, A Gordon; 2 do tacit: clots, A S Rankin sdolt E Sellekill bdis bides, 61g liodetott; !y'obaleabiy, John lierbert;al pkgs Pinscenantrna ren linrAnn-12 661 s eggi, Clark c 0; 105 oil bble, IV P. Loon; 3026h00p poles, Feta er & Armstrong; 78 dd John Gracie k c 0; 5 head ' tattle, yeti:mac:2= hoop piles, Ones Sehooplln; 20 eke wool, Justice & Balemed; ~ irks sant feed, A. J Hagan; 6/3 sks oats. 8 , 4 dos brooms, Bingham, litnrgeon F r iel ; 60 bin whlsky,,l Gilmore; 525 bps, raper 61 itdo do, Plltsbunfli Paper 00; TA aka feed 6 do eggs, 1 do lard, s.llVolgt & eat IS Mils gran seed Maley faVangordery 150 Ore brisk( /6 ' ilfe fleet; Bakewr oo; Val ski *heat, .7:Ef.lidldo,4l l. ski bailey, W 11 Gemini; 51 bOls apples, Jolla Berbera. - . . •• . ~ , ,t, . ~..: r-. , i.i - Lorrosrmun P2O Darnsinusk tads toberealt `bides rnse.37o btil 'Mar, Mid brie staniti.o task & co& Ito Mils dour, Doolittle & Pe,....; s hide tObaccey .1 Tullerton,•ls2Vlres Baker; Smith &ears° al bye, ,Warlns & King; tObeles hemp. 114 1 4 0611.11'It 4 d; 4- ' 141 , 11. butter stestatieJoir Reesrldlrinti,.Wite 111 ally ) 4 llli UstillUre.T 11 'V oung ta'ad;lllB4lll.6l4;Yora riLl .....' fte.M•tir. k' t ..4a 4 Wil,9l . ll ll ,lVA'f . - - Jr.t.-V %‘27 , 1 , :—...v.geT'• 7 1 44:4 vz.e, c, ip---.14.:Zt • iILEKETS BY TELEGRALIra. Chicago Mart-Ft.. Spectal ,Dirpatch to tht Pittabung 0110A00, April t. kLorra—lieselvelL 1,352( neglected. - - Onamr—Wheat, reeerred,l,o6o; to fate specula. Live demand at • decline of VC; sales of Ne: l Spring ranges at 11.0383. Crfliw.—Reeeived. 13,810; dater; declined tele; sales or No.l, 53; rejected; &VA Oats, received, 3,109; fair demand at A decline if 94130; sates 37;4, forVi inter No. I. Rye—reeetredloo; light demand; declined rade; sales 0tN0.1,1100161iN0,11, - 6311. Blur ley, receteett 2,660; dull. light's &Lis at 900. Nruns—QUlellsand easier; sates or Timothy at 31303.60; and Clover at 113.15. nice warich—trullandneglectedi gales AL 5 2 . 01 0 2.oii buseis Orespagri. , r . _ . Ou.—Xinsiied sU g¢let., - it 1L 3; Lard .. 1, Prime. Leaf qutat at Si t . % • liloxe-Dbli and initninal; Orton, ft; Salted, 7e. raortianak—fisirlrer greirally ;ite r gle;tedi bat some inqraii for Maas Kees Perk Millibar Oahu at 121.16023; Mem Pyrk nominal. Bear Hams thril led irqubet ni;Prinie alto Lazlwas held at 17/4 Di u= Anise—Dried Apples more active. sales of Ohio Digs St101113c; barrels at 10$40titie, Beef cattle, -quiet sad unchanged; sales of 7111 heal; at.112.10111.ISH; good to vitae sofa Hop, moderikoly . !kotive aid steady. 3 New York Haricot. Maw Yonn, April ton Irregular aad lower at 414/Vo Lot Middling. .BD and heavy at 1523% lower, at KM gem , or Extra State, ...0139.15 for R. U. 0., and 6930§00.56 for grade brandl; market eltalag Leavy will( no buyers at outside quotations. Winexer.%.-Dull and lower i East* and Raters Onai-Wheat dull and 11:5o loweri • Choice Vpr7t 41..1114; Amber Winter Western at . nye, quiet and declining. Barley, heavy and overt. ,Corn, dull and drooping. Vasa, dull PKTIOLII It...11!111; llu foi Crude:m:4 i4la for Be. feed in Mod,. and %alio do. Free. Woen.-Dttl. - Pitovisione—York, Brener at rr2sgrn 75 for New alma; clot* 'BB:, enald Ulan for .1861-414, do 'bash and reviler way, Mooing at se, for oath. ow 118 1 473 10 fOr Primeriand 62550 for Prime Beam Imo brie New for Ap,tl end Mg at sellers .option at 1121/50 Brill. Total Mont old'anu new 11011 Ist. 11,566,181,barre1e. Beef, steady at previous prs , . new Total at eirold and new, April 1et,11,583,1355 • • packages , - s.teef Mama lower at 1A 1350. Bsooa heavy; 150 for Cumberland; 155j0104 for Gong Rib= bed, ano lb% for Short Ribbed, and by ratio,* to day 111 bbd. of Short !tabbed at 105 o; tlut:lfeats unchanged; Lard berry at tnXBIIP.O; Butter to demand at t2Bßie for Ohio and 250520 for State. Cheese quiet at 1455233. Money rely at NG per emit.; Sterling . nowlnal; at 1040115%. Bold without decided onanre, anon log at 111 and elodoc r at - rially,. Total export of speele to-day,11.1.50d. Government stooks quiet. • tto change. Cincinnati Market. Cinemas:Tr, Apri!J.—Fiona—Dull. but lakes nomLust 3 • GRA ir—votz, not wonted. . Oats dealtled to Geo. INuincr—Dull; a tow barrels gold at 161.1.214; 1C was offered at Oval at the close. Winvisioiss—Dull and no demand; the Commis. wry. took Bp' oubbls. Prime Me., Pork at $27.00 33 none ors, EIS. Bacon Rams 111; Shoulders 16 sad Clenr lilb Sides 176008. Onocinute—Sugar lower; Cuba 136116 o.; Porto _Elea MeV: Coffee dull at Waite Wax—Dull; Clover 111.76. Timothy $4:16, Visa Clotn-158. Large Bale of Dry Goods la Philadelphia. An esiensive sale of dry goods, foreign and Arnetifttl, took place Thursday, at the auction store of lota B. Nye', & The 6 " 110 0 10 Wiled 1100 Package*, of almost.every variety of dry goods, mad the sale brought together deal' ers from most 01' the Middle, Eastern sad Wesiern States. Itiwas commenced ;44-'lO o'cloak in the moining, and was continued without Warrantee fillets. o'clock.- The docrectl4 goods sold at about the prime obtained last week; %coleus advanced end the Ithen goose went off fairly. Part, drn4 elas apt goo de Rhine brought good prices 5, d were largely duplicated. Oa the whole the elle • was sutler actory, especially so la view of Um state of the whet. It will be rimmed to-day, with a large line of bonny. gloves, arr. The following are KM@ Of the prices obtained yesterday-44 Ark weight water twist bleached nansline,243 the yard; .10-4 Riverdale flne do, 'Om superfine 4-4 Shaker flannels. 311}44; 44 fancy Irted satinets, 10c; prahle Beetuky Boman 4 single milled fancy canur ers, 46*. Lewis err Mills 44 bleached 4150; new stye bannorsi skirts, 02,45; 44 coos ice linen cheeks 111.4 c; blue enroll cheeks, V.3.(,c; extra heavy Lathers' - flannels,' 4001 4.4 flue block Onion cassimerns, 10c; Revere lolls° blue ricking, 144; Amoslteak One brown. mesliva, :we; Roanrke extra check., GYP, suPerflue he= crash inc. Bids for Ott:tasking Goversimelat hislorldslreOly, the U. S. 0 Osioduary 01S elanati3Ourriday,opeaed proposals ihrturaishisir 4.he Goverimeot supplies at that plaos. Its nave or orloosoothe satloasartioles auk as tot. lows 3 !...." %ll' VI ... 174 . 114 i .. 11 1 • 2 10% 16 - I: 11 16 7 318571 11 IS 11.6 a S .-.. 6 61 6 71 , CI 9 17w 11X6! '/C M. Pork. Priem Men Pork.. llsoon;1110 Si... • Maar /llb Sid... " Moor Sides " c Shoulders .Pugra.curod }irks Flour ' BrownSutar... crushed Sugar. Herd Bread. Cotlee.. S'ruPs Fr=zi Venn's . aye The Tante of priers for prketretess pork writ be seen litelrra at er. ,tails. At the Iseer rate, how ever, there was tidy one bid, the rest beak 0001112- 4d eetween Crt,totteoko. No awards hared, Yet teto toads. 1 , . . impetus nx :RAMROD. • . Cr.r rrennn Ann PrrTFAViIOII R. It., Aprll 2 erns wheat, / 8 Liggett k eu.3. cars corn, "flog Bella ears wneat, R T Kenstsdy I. rklblds plaster, Ibuldsong 62 Op mdse, Bentham k Long. alba: Jak St oes Usk' wool. T JenlarorrAbbls soon", Plea en, SS MU eggs and seed, /mdse. L °Hitter k colt tubs turd, John Runts; lse!bbls apples, 33.* Mcelshr; 3dc butter, Jacob Ustblants, rar.pctaloes, S t o r y , Cakbue tads Opples,.ll Ger m Igrtlbbrspots Striver k Lunar 11 ibtda apples, t once, Aiken ra tigepank2o. bee ‘0 1, 1 11 1 61 ; :bbls cider, .7 Uservraltrul Lbt - eggs, P Kelso*, Prrungonn, FOIST WAVIKS CIIICAGO 8. It., A mlll.—et bms rye, Patterson Ir. Ammon; Se bss meat;Eli Myers ra ant bbls eWer"l &Use ken; o:sawn* tron, Jobs :dudes.; S bbls rtnovir, 11. 31.63122 es ; Willman pork, Ague% Los k. co; I carnmetsl, las Wood k co; 1 ear oats, Julio Kap *WI; 200 iks butry, 13 do oafs, 1) Reagan 61 ran meat, 1 bblclder, ?Annear VI pegs . P Hunt L. • Ingo; 80 dos wasbboards, .1 S 1111crortb k co; 44• do do, - blesea k CdffnuSo do do, McDonald tr. Arbook. le; lbx tObacco, 3111e11;1. sic rags, Kcllulbngn . tituttlik co. RIVER IRTELLIGINCE. . - ... en . The sir rose rapidly at this • point during Fri. day night, nod up to Saturday morning, when the hies marks indica ed full twenty feet. After, that time it commenced faceted', andsontleduidiso to do, up" to last evening, when the marks 'lnured . hut fourteen feet,, a decline of sit - feet:Within , tiieutt four hours. The weather yesterday was eliar and pleaiant. . • '-, The arrival' eines `Friday feeble tly• ll iyari, . (Kim rarkerstrarg,iEdinburg, from Louisville, add . . Nate Putnam iron St; , ,toule, The Emma Ord. . beta, ftem ?.activate,: Auelsitalibroind sr II . . ,4 i) 041E4 be fount( at the wl arf this morning. • :Tim Leonora s l owe d ; for-St, Louis about one . .. • :O'clock on Saturday matting,. filie was re e dy to _o'clock on Friday morning, but Cape, Shu min; like tt ebalance of iteamboiderethilliiitoereatioUt *haat 'taking a new boat out.,lin-.Friany eecning,•The 'Torktostnr- 441. mi-to e, Louiswilde on haiuday is ening.:sadlil also the Dibrell's for Zanesville.- . - The .EntiS left fer cel l Llttyesteolay morning; scuba cbod. trip. She ,wite unable to slit ninon Saturday. the water being too high to' let her nu. , der tne bridge*. • • t • ' 1 ' ,- Corbin Weitirgtoo t superibtendent set the' --Notth-western PerkeeCempsor, hen purebei.rd• Het Pittsburgh packet Jolla, for. 11M3,000 'toe the Upper kilesfsnippl litter trade. The owners of • (be Julia here purottawelthe Pilgrim to take her place in the Muskingum River trade. ••• . - The OlideNts:"ll, and Itevedite,lelt Clialunall, for this city on ThUrsda , sad the D.:WIC:Watt% followed on Friday. T o Nevada was sulnertlied 1,-and- to follow on Saturday. • . ; • We take the follarring (vans the Olneinnall Coos.• menial of Friday: • • - . .• I - . LT Captain Jason Dowdy P. S. N., died Id Pada. rah, on Wedneaday,ef a Deese et ntractodin New `.. (Meanie.: The deceased as a resident of this city, • ' end formerly a mail on the liver. At theveon, rueneeesent of the rebel! an lis was one VIM: the . ant to volunteer in the Weste rn gunboat Service, i nailer:Admiral Foote,a a master . Owing to gal:. last and meritorious co duct,hri wax promoted tg, the honorable politico f Manteca:Ale this 1.1.•,Wit ' Navy. Seams a gallant patriot sad oilleee,,an4 rendered elllcient menrine under Adintrabb Forte, DavD,FOrter mut teed. 'fhb Yenistne. of the de ' ceased *III debt:ight Ureter interment.; ^ • • - The promptand popular Ilayard, oapt. (learnt D. •;lidoors, is theregular packet for• Parkentuten. ta• day, leaving at tiL a: S. ' Passengers and snippets should bear this In mind, that - she leaven on time. The htgb•hensed AnUoula .'Dept.. A. C. ;ADCs - loin, Jr., Is Milan up rapidly, and will noon ready toleave first. Louts; Air. A.. C../detlalluni, Jr, a ill retains charge of the ottlce. i The neat and staunch passereger packet Spray, is announced.for Cincinnati and Louisville-forte- The with•' Waggle' He Capt. - Hendrlckarm,i la an nounced for St. Louis ameba tipper Illetiesippl, , leas lag on the 11th inst.. •• .- •. - .....; :-• . .......... AND J6B W : WOODWBr Not. V 7 mid 1 THIRD DTart • Orpoolio Co.!a, . roh7 ,• - roftt, TiOIIRTII Mil ELM , . • - M. c.C°ll/ ,..99,!.. ,;,- •; • - wboleir•Duleta* Mats, , CaPs 'arid straw EAN)di'r9. ;Bore now In stare toe largott-ood most ripleti -GOODS FOTi. FALL. CALF% '.,1 v r oirems v o r mort ,;!,) , bit 1104 t 4 1 cull o lt)1) TR Et:T. e New So'ilt7o wal t z -Is,: golamts. STE4MBO4I'S. - }1 o FOR THE GOLD ,MANES - OF U) , . Through bills of Laths , given by the mosteNt k WOO TRANSPORTATION LIES, to VIRGINIA. CITY, BANNOCK orr.r. DESK LODGE, sad all palate to the Alining Mitelain the new, fast and tight drought steamer DAVID WATTS. ..14.3ohnsos, Muter, Re.ry 0. Nye's, Clerk, will leave l'ittsbuigh Thursday, Opril 6th, at 6 r. st. positively. For freight orpiment. spvly to NUNN G. OOPELLN_, tor. of Kola and Olive streets, St. Louis, lao. • CIALDWELL & BYO., . No. SS Water street. Pittsburg. J. D. OOLLINGWOOD, or INIIN FLAME.. ailditatdattwt . Water street, Agents, MARIETTA A ND PA RE ERE- L I MA ara- -DURO peinimr, LINE—REG. °LAB PASSENGER STEAMER SISTERsVILLE,_ VDU. ODELL., MARIETTA AND PARKERSBURG, The new :sad fast skis wheel oassavaer BAY.' AM G. D. Moare.'Master, Daniel Moore. UWE. Leaves Pittsburgh every MDNDLY a< TRUE* DAY,kr, 11 L. i. Leaves Whaellsgat d T. w. same day.. Returning, leaves Parkersburg TUESDAY sad FRIDAY. at I r. K. Leaves Marietta at g r. ii. save days Lraves Wheeling at 7 A. a. WEDZIDAY and SATURDAY. For freight or paaaage, taring utsurpauel so ooninaodaUona, apply on board or to JOHN /LAUB, or I JAB. t'OLLINS. agents, talC3:tt , No. BB Witter street, Plttaborgh. TptEGITLAR WENKLY PORTS MOUTH AND PITTSBURGH PACKET. —The tinepasseriger steamer GOLD ERA, W. It Ken, master; W. IL Bryan dark, lams Pittsburgh every SATURDAY It lel:0004k m., and Portsmouth every MONDAY, at 3 o'clock p. al. The Golden Era make connections at Porte. mouth with the splendid steamer: Boston& No. I, for Cincinnati, and will receipt freight and patron gen through to thateae. • nod! VOR LOl/18, KEOKUK, Ar r a DSV PORT INNIIIKE. I,F.NA AND BT. PAUL D1R80T....-ThTh=e Le:roger stemer..M 4.0 818 HAYS Capt.. D. t.. drfekson, J. B. • Young Work, wilt leave on TUESDAY/ Apth 11th. • For freight, or pseshgt apply oh boomd or to JOHN FLAviL. - 1 001.LIKOWOOD. ¥ta. mh3o 'or JAS. BOBBINS; , WOE CINOI.NNATi & LOUIS. VILLE.—The One and 1:ommodlout pasaenner steamer SPRAY, Captain AtN2. Mann, will lease u *boys on WEDNESDAY, sth that. • For freight- or passe4se s i Epy on board. or to .1.11 L I °WD ap3 JOHN...FLACK.OO P t Agents. ON CINCINNATI, LOUIS. ; 1 - VILLE AND NASHVILL.E.— , T. e floe pal .:et 'timer II&RD refTV Brown., Will leave for the above and inter mediate ports on THIS•DLY,IOth hot. For freight or passage apply on board. pi= woR yr. LOUIS.-110 An- Lai XENIA Is now loading for St. Lout arid all Intermediate ports. Bke Ilea at the oot of VI oed street. OILS. Sc. CILLISPIRi OIL 001111 . 1LNY Prod'uowo of Crude sod Koaufseturers of Reflool Carbon Oil, Benzine andLubritsting Oils, WORKS OPPOSITE SRARPSBURG. Office lio, b 9 IIAIID street,. PiITSBURGH, Pa. W. D. VIISHMAN, Supt. Jowl.. BREWER, BURKE a CO., oommxsaaort Globe, Pacific and Liberty Oil Wort Liberel Bask ilvastase made on censignmanta of Refined or Crud. Peti7oleupst Cot.. DIZQUESICS 1 , 1%11" gal MANCOCX Sh.. guirriss, coimitylor XLIICLUSIS, CEMBEANDIOUTIOID PEUOLBUM. lIEN : SINCE AND LUSEIOSIING OILS. No. tat SOUTH W ALARA ES, P IfiLADIMP WA, PI. Storage capacity (under cover,) for ISMS barrels. ♦4o excellent Mantles for shipping to ASlDeriltnlard Finnish port., .t our wharf on the Schuylkill River, near the platform of theiP. B. B. I 7 • _,--- ... ~TANDARD - PETROLEUM REFINERY works mut orate, comaxs TOWNSHIP Office hait4itnugh, 21 WOOD BTDEET Theta. waltz hare the !meet tepidly . la the ountry. ,Tbe brood stouts the highest country ana le • Aurope, tor quellty and atest, And the WI is pals well seasoned barrels, prepeW espeidelly,tor export.- 'hlsnureetuntill of BOILERS. STILLS, and IMPROVED-BOHM° TOOLS foe 011 Wells. BONDED wilituoust air Phenix Warehousing Wispily, Faat of lIALTIC teIIANIILSONMeis., Weakly • 101111 , 011 Olt . REETRED PETROLEUM, In Ttako sad Barrels. Sc. Circulars Mee, No. OS BEIVER: STREET, New 'York "Des.l7 10.0.1.&ilDSON, HAULM & CO., Commission and Timm":lug Merchants ti Mini AND REFIRED PETROLEUM, No. IL iltWllt fiTRBET, Slr Liberal cam& ittriftnees of oansitgumeota for l'Atibursher Etatern 21Arketi. IITTAITVEUR EZIESIUMOLI. _Messrs, J. S. Dilworth 111. Co., • tAprin ger liarbsugh, Tl,o=oo Bell, uq., Trolot. 1130 m m Be.ak. mhi Ito.l Rt. CLAIN. ST.. Pittsburgh, FORWARDING AND CGMHISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN • • __ • • _ . G • 11.1:11MINATIN: LtUJRICATITeth 01a/D1 1'1 , 7E01.1:MI II)11..S, ma., constantly no hand awl (or isle at the lowest market prices. • Uonslve mints and orders solicited. " • • - splahn V. RA 11N ....g FARING 4.t . 10NG, 003/SE,USION. • • Aso snowing ix IrSTROLEVIII, 'AND. ITS PRODUCTS 4irniniti in Refining Kate . . . ico.# btAIIKT:T ST: •Piti . Ottarzkl' JAIIII, inOKEICMCD DZALCII IN ;CRUDE AND_FIFINED.OILS Ferry Monk. Miamian° Wor..Pittablgh afirPpecint attentlonttren to thiDALE AND 8111M1ENT OVPETItOLLOM and its produota. Clonsigntnents ropectfully afdieltad., .2l i tga r gliTlSra NITA IT? "11. ANS Kr I'OST OFFIOE DOX IGU CENT OIL WORIIE._ - . • DITACA2I,•DIAILIP'dc CO.; . . . . . . ivaityp..muu!. , 'Pore White' Rellnd Catbog. " No. ml.tallESTY STRENT .Wit.lloLior. JAMES IRWIN SI-CP.; • car Oil of Vitriol and. Aqua 'Ammonia.' OITICEI no: 15 roans:Err IffILLIAIt TITS' • ORION OIL REFINERY. rirTEZAVELT. (Suave/4mb Smith' r ratterion;j: iitif Fencers tape denier% jll‘tietTiditiia)l4=tl;ii' LObricatlng etoi Paintlntn • 'Onice„ . _- . , ;Fo l*?s°c)(l44:l2tFrk '.( IL I KUL:11;8.-4bn - undarsignedill v•F'plea pertienler attention to:tlinputensie and eel, of 544 .C4t /MTh CiimpOles. invite Inilers and 'Men ..44sau eliai - 101,4UUR711 STRB.E3- I=l PITTSBURGH, PAL AILLIAI CIISTI/t1 amig - a smut. in=32o prminmcirs:•rx ..,....'C2.,.rc-...+.::i.~:..,,r1..:.,acL.:w. ...::rim°' '....-.,. OIL COMP4.I7IEB, lie. F _ _ ETROLEUX THE NEW YORK ikNO LIVERPOOL 3E" et= co lanai= C7023:11,0.72.3r OBGAhTZED UNDER THE MINING AND MAW VFACTUALING LAWS OF THE STATE OF YETI TORE. OLPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS. ONE 11.114DRED TIIODSAND SHARES, $lO PER SHARE, Subsorlption Pelee, Five Dollars per Shhre, No! =EMI • , OF FICES : No. St EMPIRE BUILDING. No. 71 BROADWAY, NEW YORE. POST OFFICE ADDRESS, BOX No. l,s, N. Y 0171011611 : • • Hen. DANIEIi S. DlOKlNSOM,.prmisent. WM. T. TIGETS, t los stresident. BOSE= LIASSLIT, Secretary. H. J. BUSTIS,. Mining Superintendent, Titus. villa, Pa. • • LTLANTIO Broadway, N. X., The welly the the Company .are. new rola on. Payment for kook may be made in drafts, tot notes notes or Government bonds and mount io, which bonds and aeouritles will be taken atthedr Market Talde. •• • • • • I_____ Remittances may addressed to the Gorman P. O. Box No. 5,368 N w York'tlity, or to "Alas Bank, Treasury of Lb New York and Llyerpo • Petroleum Uompany No. IM Broadway, .NY. York Oity.ii , • caw - _ - THE NATIONAL RUINING AND STORING COMPAN .• It now fully organised, aid Juin commenced tnt• nen at their temporary office, No. newi:vr STREET, ( up stairs') Pittsburgh,Pa., and arenow prepared toe e a general busbies' in Buying, Nett ie', Refining, storing. and Forwarding OU. The IN - orks are on the banks of the Allegheny ri me above theccity and will In a short time be capable of manufacturing EIGHT HUNDRED ILARRELS OF REFINED OIL PER WEEK, which will boot the best quality and in oHme packages. It is this design of this &tampon, to make a brit-clam brand' for export, and np pains will be spared to give it that cementer. ' They will also give the forward. log of oil to points cast or west, ;testicular 'Rea-. Bon and in this branch of the business will have undvalled facilities, as the Oil will be taken from the boats to she earl by machinery, and thus avoid all wharfage drayage or delay. Parties consign ing their Oil to us can rely en having it sent through with promptitude and dispatch. The Company :am &Capital of IRMO" with the following °Meets ; _ President-A. M. MARSH ALL. . - Secretary-G. BERINGER. - Treasurer-J. It. MeIIHNE. • • Directure-.A. M. Marshall. J. P. Hiana. James Old. J. T. Kincaid, Arthur Kirk, 3-14. Little, S. H. Keller, David Kirk and Wra. Hamilton. Sup K. erintendent and Ltuainees Manager-DAM KI Corrimpendesue and order' eoliolted. and all tom. municatious to be addressed to NatiOwl Storing and Refining Company, S PSTTSBURCIR, PA. TRIUMPH OIL CO., faecal Meek 8:00.000; Wallin eattlai $lO,OOOl 700.000 1111AUBS, 92 90 EACH Proelnent—JCW.LLll KING. • reuater—R. W. MACK'S'. Keeretarf—Wx. inneasho. Dr* MOTO*/ JOICAK King, PaSWAM"; • 1 booms Domini, Pl.faburgh J. T. Uhnno.: Won. McKee; .4 Ono. P. Mcßride, Chicago. III.; am M. Kimbork, John Wynn*, tflochoutf. 04 • - ' Geo. W. liVoqdworth. tlleealaaa. 0. Oflfoo of the Copapony: No. 211 WOOD 9212815% . MAMMA. Pa.. osiOnim FOR sazz—=ros - xes.rr. ve• valuable FARM ' FOR Ihrry township, Witatmorelawl oeunty, Pm; about NI amen well improved, ° o o la e of eultivation. . Also, a STEAK ISNIUtL, for stir milt or other purposes, with the castings, nuichinory, ay wheel, • aw. The cylinder is almlneltee diameter awe four foot stroke. Ti - ollers. IT bet bog sad ig inches In diameter; all la good Imiler, sad will. be sold cheap. Also a Yalta( of Lis acres in Closimmough tows. ; ship, /inliana county, Pa. Also, TWO WOOL HOUSES and ,A)T.S is latzabeth borough. Also,. Ai FARM OP. FTFTT.TWO ACRES la Deny township, Westmoreland county, about tare mike from St. ebb Statics* on the Penna. UAW, road.. A Mean' sew mill nearly completed with al the 'machinery bra limning mill on the presalsos the had but the best quality, out and limestone in abundance, and good indications of OIL; WU be sold cheap. Also Id acres adiolaing the village of New Derry, ut the very best state of eultivw lion, and &Dundee/be of troll of every description. Also. a FARM OF Or ACRES. In dt Olnlr town. ship, Westmorebuld orrunty, .Pa., ea. Tub Mill Creek, about ona mile from tke Penn's ItaltrOwl, The immoyernents are a good frame house, and __Mt a 1411%111 Bo r ana *lb; acre - in Dory - township, Westmoreland (busty, Vs.. near M. line of the Penn's' 11. R._ Abo. a Farm of about Da arrests Fairfield town. ~Wt ---1 - I°= 7 l Fern township .Westmoreland county, Pa. For further partlanlais !mobs of • • . 0. R. TowEs_uesizdaseaireas, ' . be • , Fourth street. SPLENDID MANSION.—The A.fERY it AKIRION, on. the leveed bank, Allegheny eity, to still in the market. The purchaser will have the option of 142 feet or 20 feet front by about SCO test. The bulidingowea with the small sized lot, affords the moat plemant reddens* to be had anywhere within the limits of the two Although falling to reeelve a satialsetory . Md at pubilo. ahle,the axe Wets are nevertheless willing to morlity their - stens by the Mere fur. ebbed by the effort to sell at auction. - The prop. erty la Wilt • SALE AT A • FAIR YARKET riticE. but oat ate 'amigos. Only TILLItTLEN LOTS on Liberty street re , male. unsold. 'Thom lets are til feet 6 ruches in depth, 'steadies from Liberty to Avery streeL . her plane and terms enquire of • nahlteletd • WIS. RI. 5H11616, 1311 Fourth St. • TIWtI.I,IIiG IN'ALI f EGIELENT. • A DOUBLE .TWO STOAT BRICK HOUSE, . . on e large lot, coreer .• t AlleghenT g and Western Attune. is[lnept ne hsorhood, tho line of tbe Allegheny a neLManeh, atm Hallway, orvEnrai von MALE, • Im''in ed latePosseszaion Lot ;fronts 160 feet no Western Avenue and rum hod 5S fret along .1140100 f Avenue.. Apply to Si. $. BRYAN, t'UVRTH STREET, (Harks'! Building.) estIVS. i y - CaIPLhTE HuUtlk A THREE STORY BRICK on the iVoit caterenee, I.lloshenr. atertetly • feted 111111 thoroughly lon - oohed with the lett et he prnet meete Jot heating, lighting,: hathlos hod to.h.loloOoly , Improved front, bldg god hick cordon, hto Ode property beieeht on regrOpt. hide tot mo; and the I unit &ger tray POSSESSION-WITHIN A MONTH Am , II to St. S. BRYAN. Broker apt to Fourth St.. ifturkr's ItiALE--FOURTiI ALLt . , L (HIEN! CITY PROPERTY.-..We are -se. Clothed to sell the tut situated on this east glide of tionerich street, at its Intersection with the Pena. syltaida Coma; to .he Fourth Ward, Allegheny City, itu which there are four brick. boatel', two ut, which ere three rtoey, containing tee loons mill, sue two are two story, contatntsg tourFotes smell. be Willtold cheap or traded for good o deck :-. Seta , • STEEL. Balt.EY. Wil hie Hell. VALUABLE OIL AND COALLAN - Di otTbe for mala WI acres of Land, In'Rock. land"Townakip,Venangn county, on East Saner Creak, Mx teUrs from I , raniata, and one mile from Allegheny Etver, containing a _vein of anal front three to four Jett. ' Olt has been found In pnylng gnantltles In tho Immediate neighborhood. rata, . STEEL 4,6 BAILEY. Wilkirui.Uall. W4 R arelo ll uae, attl r'l l' E cnn F ae ß t, RE !iy T o . ppo T a l gs Emil. R. Depot, now , ovenpted byy Etiolv,_Grall Dull,formerty by Penn'a, 5a1t .. 00., will ;vont from Apru Int ; eiCtLirin inanator Floe and Grocery or Uomnalolon and Storage budands Enquire of Whi: P. BEIM et UM, . - 155.1.dberty street. r 0 BALE - - — Tfc HOUSE, If reuored at oi ee. Situated ear: t: Irwin and Wtatetti Alreallell, Allegheny eltr. thaw) k PA7TOiC, • .047). Non. 112 and ttt Sftond at., rlttsburgan Warebausie ifoo.:118 and 70 'Water at. , ,•• Eaquire of ' JAS. DaLZELL ft SON ALEXANDER WUILLDIN& EONS • Now,OccupyineThOr New Stores. 20 & 22 Sot Yronl_111.; aall 21 kl2,leltls tit rn:i:ww=mtu. • Bowleg bhen thirty years In the like: sad kaaw• lag all the manufacturers la sloe Tidally would tenon • consignment , et WOOL: WDOLEDI corgort YARNS', and will make LliketE- advent:es, - if dratted, as RU •• ehiproente, as -ho tato of stx per eta. pee annum. feniad • • " 510612 Extra No, 1 I , ,nr,ra 4tirlto 01. aq hAll title Largo N o : 'D : $ 712 quarter WO. No 2 Qo pounce • - ' Pdces VALS Z L - EV IX VAN ClOlllllll, rift. A.1:14 NAttf 5 Mt. , ri-1/112 b 1' e ‘ 4 .l22ra i ' • • r ,l r .tr• GROCERIES.' PROD UCE, 'Are B. F. QUIMBY a; CO.. . • COMMISSION lIIIEIRCIINSTS, No- 100 SOITTIi WATER 19T.. CIIICACIO, (live special eittergloa to purstail 11 'Tour, Grain, Provision 1 , Sc. For Eutercracconnt. B. F. GIEFEBY GEO. T. BROWN mbaly T . C. JENKISS Commission. - Morchan.t, AND PURCHASING AGENT. PITTSBURGH, PA. Dealer' In Flour, Orate, Seeds, Butter, Cheese, Fruits, and all Vann Produats• Bettbra° 4l Ily FLOUR (warranted) always on hand. Also, REFINED OILS. Prompt Mention given to eontlgnments and cornsne. Weekly PrioB Currents sent to lloaslgnors. Orders and Consignments soitalted selThydaws Wll. W. liZattoE. ....... HERROI4 & CO., Corner of Penn and Wayne Oa., (WAY.Licze BUILDINO,) PrrrSatigari, PA. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the purchase of GRAIN of all kind. Also, wholesale dealers In BALED "HAL Western dealers will find It to thelradvaatsge to oorrespond with our House, aa we have greater fatalities for Btorsge,aed putting good. Into this and Easters Market. than Most of the dation in this city. This best of say fatalism* given when required. •• SPENT dr. ANTER, CominiSsion Merchants. Four, Grain and Produce, 12 SECOND ST,.between Wood &Smithfield, W. D. PATTERSON, ADMIT AMPEON. JAMES JOHNSON. JOHNSETILELEIN. PATTERSON, AMMON & CO., COMMitillio3l Jlllerellants, Flour, Grain and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, 110. 6, WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH feldi . I*oB. TOTTIM...TXO. L1666-BT6TFIE6 A. StllrAm), PUTTER, AMEN & SHEPARD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ann DIALIIMI IN PorelcU' Owl Domestie Penito, Timm Butter. Cheeee, Zings, Potistoes, . and produee N generally. o. Val LIBERTY SMELT, fete Opposite Paasenger Depot, Plttaburglt. LINHILILT, Wzreczaso& zo Ii&COLECIWPI & LINHART,j .VICACZiICrEL 1113,13, Produce' and COMMILISIOIII Mortised. felly No. 351 Liberty .t., Plttototrgh;__ ISOMFRE 4: PECK, • General Conunission Merchants; ro. C$ and Wster *treat, Pittsburgh, Fairer • the sale of Flour, Orals, ()hey" Sutter. hem Dried Fruits, Provons and Produoe of alledods. all order. far Carbon Oil Wed et the lowest mee. ktt. peas. air Consignments solicited. mhiChly o. 0. •AL+LNT ' VAX wirms. RAISLES'..k . YA.ZUGORDEIt, - Pioduco - wad Commission MeMittman, Warehouse, No. NI - Liberty at., Plttshursth,„ Pa. Wholesale dasU era in ButteriAlheete, Lsrd, Eggs; Fors, Banta, Beats, Tallow, Feathers, Brooms, Potatoas Bow. Ivy, Dried Fruits, Green .Frnits, ()Mons, now, ( lilac rain, Moser Secds, Timothy Seeds, Flax Sada and• Poultry Particular attention given to Protasis Llonsignments. • . jot, LITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Whole- We•a-d (nevem altdOossralsskrUSteiefiente, deal. ers,ls PRODUOIk FLOSIU L LICON"CILIFrAy aI I e.44,%ILASS, corniN y,Sorgraelgt N at burgh manatschues generally, US sod USSesond street IMltubszgh. • , JOHN B . CANFIELD, •Commission and - Forwarding Mereherhuind. artiolesaL• dealer to WESTLIIN RESERVE .O.IIKESE BUT ER. LARD, PORK, BACON, 41.017 R, FISH, POT AND PEARL, ARMS, SALER.ATU,S,ILIN SEED AND LARD OILS,. DRIED FRUIT, ea produce generally. Nos. Hi. end 146 Front .street, Pittsburgh. mix • CMS ausestire, fi_ULP aE SIEEPARD,_ _Cmanilsdon Dien chants and dealers In TWITS, GRAIN AND PFODUCE, No. SC mbertr street, Pittaburh. Cbolee brands et Flour for Bakers and Faintly use mnstnntly on hand. Tarllenlar attention pall to 0111ne orders for Lierekantlize generally. . oetalty TFITZER & ARMSTRONG, Forwarding and Commis:don - Merchants. kr: the sale of morii, GRAIN, BACON. LARD, BUTTED. BEEDS, DRIED FRUIT, ant Produce generally. No. 16 Market, streeL comer or pint, Pilul:lmb; Ft 11113.. felddy • • & WILKINSON, Commtastan Nerchavitfly rtiolesnle dealtiritolVWEßN T E E , CI.II.E.SIL,DRILD FRUITS, BUT. TEE., EGON, OLEAINvi, and prattles generally. Atso, LEATII.M,i • HlTte> 1.1L.5, he, No. 211 Liberty street, Pittsburgh:. trash' advancements made:. Coorognmente solicited. jetaMnd T. Num ' ram ICITCIIIIZL bi gt .R. BBC'S. & CO., No. IE4 Liberty V V commu.toutitentbungtheinPdad'ealeraVCCOftgra PRODVCE, P4OIIsION H A D HACON, LARD, HUMS >4.lii " L. PRO num vimun, dreani,_s s, (tuml AND Dana) FRUITS. &o. SALT and LUIZ. JOG &moos S. MUD GLCIEMA Urruian.. 11 EAD'.,t METZGAR, Grocers and Corn minion Illerolints, sod deaden in all kind. of Country Produce and Pittsburgh litiumfactorca, tita Liberty , Utast, "opposite hood of Wood meet, Pittsburgh. ap-1•11 r. s rairstnit. REIMER 6.1 BROTIIERS, (successors to Ileyiner St An!lemon.) Whotennle Dealers in FOIII3ON FittlTh,NUTh saa CON, VECTIONCRY SUGARS, FIRLI WOR Nos ILI and t 2Winnt sti tot, above Filth, pieLF, burgh. IyWALLACE, Conunisition Merchant, • and Wholesale Dealer In FLOUR - tr.ORATIW, N 0.353 Liberty street, opposite Pennsylvania R. U. Passenger Depot, Pittsburgh, .Pa. Storage Warehouse, corner Weyne and ?CAM streets. J. s. Loorre .11,1121 LIND , AT TS. LIOGETT .R.ITY FLOMI e • _MG warner CO., l.4betly` and Adana etreeti,Tittshargh, Pa. .CT Cspaelty, Soo Wands per day. -- sp . / . W. CHONAEEII .& LANG, Commission hlerchsnts and Wholesale dealer' In GROVE. lES, GRAIN' PRODUCE, au., No. SXI I. herty street. Pittsburgh. - sely•dly JOHN WATT JORK WILPON. ATT mriLsoN, Wholesale. Gm , cars, Commission Merchants, and dealer io 'Pounce and Pittsburgh manufactures, ..No. Utterly street, Pittsburgh, JuM - . sr if: et Witit7Cii. 1, KIitKPATRICK BROTIIEIt, sue t, ninon to Brow% ft:Kirkpatrick: - WIIOI.To SALE OROCERS. Non. tot and 19a Libertletrent, Pittsburgh. - 1 AMES DA LZELL • SON, Massuthe; el turns of LAUD OIL., and C•61611Alli011 "Met ektutt. for the bonbon, and - sale MANCHA: AND REFINED PETRO'LEUM, Nos. In and 10 Water street, Pittsburgh 'Anemone made,. on' consign tonne. WARELIOIitir,LIENItY IL. coLtaNs - , Ftvw4rdiAiar-.lCoistritinalou Mon float and anulpr eIIIAST, surriat, LAKE; 1 , 1: 4 11, 31111 Produce grnerally, N 0,14 Wood street, ....Lon Water, Pitt , itmrxh. -tnyi JUIIF I. 110USE.. --'' • EDRAUDIIOUSIi• 101 IN I. 'JOUST: co.: Whalesnle tNf. ll OtrElt S AND DOIISLISSIDN-ittER. GRANTS, career ,- Sosith!leld awl Water street, Pittsburgh. 110111111 T DALAILLL DAIS= 1/9.llEBG.TroceDmirttElamm 41 .1. 4 t. . W . h ,d lS t ti .DlClThArkti, And dopier, in Product, and Pittsburgh manufactures, Liberty street, Pittsburgh:..' • • WILLIAM ILOI3 1011 N FLOYD'S: CO., Wholesale Gra eels and Com:Onion ffierebante,Nos. 172 Wood nmi:ki Liberty streets, PlAsburgh. .1 • 511de02201' CII tiILt i. ITCALISiIVtL I to Jamcillointes Ic, Co., r 011111: PACKER and• dealer in IrROVISIONS, Corner of' Matket and' font street., Pittsburgh., j mantmt. antler • ' L. IL .1.043T1 1..11. VOIOT &CO., successors - tort. :. G, Glue, rEoDttur. AND COMMISSION MERCLIANTS.22II,I7ecti street, Pittsburgh. !IRV-WV , ,SAT UT, -JOHN t , It ITSON .; A. AI..WALL6OIII AMBERT, SIIIPTON Lt CO: Whole A:1 sale n recce. and Pledu4e peak* ge. s e 451Lxth etteet. rlttabutii.anti piall!: - DICKEY - .'d; 'pg.; Wholesale -ilrotrnyttimmlialon Dlrrchsnte, nintdenlnri in P1101)1j01, Ni, Eil;yliter street From etteti, „ . !! . .43R9pra, Nut irod !area DAYID , 31. EDGERTON, Wholesale a rotor and ComminioninerohanlOW Wood Street, nt.tabumb, Pa. ~ . • !cuff_ (11%10(18 RIGGS it SCOTT, IKON urry vuercra WORKS, Dilworth , * muidtwit itortier of Grant sar Smut& ed.reets,Pittatmrsh, I.).}ILTINO FOR OIL WELLS:—Wo. ea way bare n large at or kat sad Lentils Tielting on:band, a the, es::qtutlity. 'Wispier fa . So. Also Oum. Puking', Nose, Isci. WOO. Ire will . aril at the I sweat prices, at Nos. . Wend:B st. Char street, by . . ht • • : PHILIAIPS. ALL PAPk.lth.- - -The newest deaigua i)t gad,' velv!t, satin acid 110111[11011 paper/ Celt :ecEivtug a£ -Ara aWI Mmltet stmt. atmix iStb, AOC - • • 495.1 t: MURES Y . BRt4, -_ .._.._..,_,~.--__.4,....,...~ ~,,. z~sw.,ai:>. , .w:u:~':~if;. s.-~..:5.Yu~....,.,...r..,...~.. ~.en ...rS.~.». -.x,_+~w...~~ ;xa:,:i. _.., ,c,.e,~i - 711:1XTIF.eiliCTURERS. FITTSBIFROII FOUNDRY 4. GARRISON A. GAMMON & 00. (Suagessors to Bolimas. Garrison, & O%J FOUNDERS AND MADIGNISTS ManufactUrers of Chilled Boller" of all sires, Gold,, Straw Steel , Dass, Zino. Copper, Silver, Gold, Straw Boards, Paper arid India Rubber Worka alto, Bolling KW Clasttngs of all ilose•iptloas, Dirk Xing, Patent Double Grinder, with a rade. ti if other patterns, oilcan on hand nad fitted to order nu short notice and favorable terns. Ogles and Warehowoe, 119 Shilthgedd street, Pittsburgh. fatly hITACS. DIAMOND tiTNEL WORKS "prrrsimait IFARL BROTHER & O. MT QUALITY YEFIIIID OAST STSIL. equareJlat cad Octagon, o Mhos: Warrant.' ed eons :to any isakorted or CUaniftatellild Ls tht country. JET 02Ioeand weweaouse, Nos. Ite sad 1.61 Plai sad NO seed OS t3souzro erasures, Pittsburgh. n PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1881 DIETHEIDOE'S PATENT Ovai Lamp Chinsneus, UDIZZM XX 'LINT SLAMS These Chin:inept aTo intended for the gat gam% Realm all parts of the glassequally, dose not ez• pose it to cracking. E. D. - Drrasmar, Fort Pltt Giese Work., Washington street, ' apt, . Pittsburgh, Penn% M. 6. MACZINTOSR..J. IMMIELL W. V. MUM IRON CITY WORKS. lOACIEILIMOSH, ILEMPELCUL it • CO. PITTSBURGIL FOUNDERS AND NULONINISTS Corner of PIKE and O'HARA., and PIILM and WALNUT STREETS, (Rear City 'Water Worka,) Manuhicturen of Mationary _soul other ENGIN ES, ROLLING MILL UMITINGS and M.IOII.INE. BY, of all kintWand general Jobbers. • Prompt atteption_glifea t. repaitimt ROLLING MILL M.ALIIINLItY OMITS, BARNES & CO., No. 39 Third Rtreet,riticeurgt. TIN AND snug IRON WORKERS, JAPANNED TIN WARE. Ws have now mbnufeeturing and have on hand Bathing Apparatus of all kinds. Toilet. Wart la Setta,Water Coolers, Grocers' Tea and Spine Can, Mem, Cash and Spice- Bose., Tumbler Drainers. Spittoons, no., Se. A large lot.. of pled Cage' :for smile low. 011 Cans of all sites and patterns. Tin Hoofing, Conductors, , and all kinds of Jobbing Work done to order snag SILVER PLiTED WARR. Innen, Ceuta+, ha,. he. imitable for the Trade on hand and &rule by & -MOBS, 225 2Outh 6th st,, PHILADELPHIA. ialenns JOAN H. inrcuoir OftMILICI rowans J 013 1 ,1 13. 11E13ItON - ' iSicrar 71Draisimarimaittl.roxvi,, AND IRON FOUNDERS, • Office and pales Booms, • , frig No. LIRERTIC STILISETI r ENN MAOMNS, WORKS • AND ENGINE BUILDER-AIM 111.6.011:12 . 113T, , Limon scans, between' Federal • and Astatotrzarr UtTT, Tdinnfaetneer 'of • WIGHT 8 --PATEAT PORTABLE OSCILLATING =WA iiiniting. Pulleys, ke. - lie ntriOg of all kinds attended to jet-ty J 8 OMMAKEIt, whit* usi, ace lesil.. „ 11122 e Leal, Unarace. pas = Palau. ratty, lc, . - nag Dealer li, LINSEED OM VAIISD.. .16141111[5;PAILETXDS , 7 ATEIIIII., ka. MU* awl Wa4ollae, 2to. , eaNroodi street. ..2a145:1D1 , WELV3 RIDDLE di CO ., No.. 2.1.6 Libellysaw osnutactueni r o c ' AgrLswim. g i g every dosariptioa of LKA.THES. BRAID.' Orders oollolted &oaths trisle, and goods prow* IT ahippotteul Per lostruntiona. 16547 Q. SEVERANCE, O. 58 Water. Bt. L.)* seraborm _manufacturer of HOLIER BIT. ErS, WROUGHT SPIDES, common and railroad of every description. Cardamom airodor Wiped SDISESattIErFETEI , Wre or small, mans to older at suit &Woo • A.• goad assortment ommantle Go amide amiladrs W. BENNETT, .Magafeeterers . 1 -.• • and Importers of QUEENSWAIIE. .NO. - 33 DIAMOND. STREBt,_ betweea Wood nod Market skeet.. Pittabrusly ra. • • paust. O'NEIIL'ES FOREIGIt EMIGRATION • PITTSEIthith4 PENNA. - *Ob. SEICI. $BO Pavage from the "Olt&uutry The Liverpool, Hew York and Philadele ••• In • mana Steamship COMDani , having appointee the rained their Agent htre t otcchlr.hOrapson, deor.. he to now prepared bring out or sent Aimee Pawners by the Steamers of tat lance at UNUSUALLY LOW RATES. The 61.4,41neri of till favortte.Rne leave Liverpool every WRONES , PAY, tor New York,tonehtog at quecnatown, en are =opt the fattest; safest, and most maten, YeTeels The undersigned Is also Agent for the Lt and Londonderry Line of Steamers, leaving=r pool every -ThURSDAY,' and calling at' Loudon. 2leny for Irish Peesengerl and Malls.. The steals era et Ws Une are built in the strongest, winner, and furnish choice accommodations for Daseezugers He Is also for TAPSCOTT•S LINE of eels ; bested Oil .Salling Packets, leaving Liverpoe for New urk twice a week, and the Y" Line o'• London Packets, Reties London efery ten dap. The ships of Tam:coil's:Mine agave langtrien no. ted for their quick mumps and the 'sentience et the provisions far:Untied the passeogera,andelteir kind treatment wade on bmini. Parties who wish their friends brought ant by 231144 mrslsfai obouli byalt means patronize this une- • • Plunge to California at meetly xenon rates. . SIGHT DRAFTS on all parts of Enzirpefors • at the lowest rate:. • • Apr? • D. WITRILL, horeign Emigration Ottice, • en! eliSmithaeld'street.. STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVER - A 4 POOL, touchmg at QUIIIidSTOWNAIIIIII ((Cork Harbor. The welbknowa Steamers ot: Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Stearvald) Company [lnman Line.) carrying, the U. EL Kalb are Intruded to .I 1 as Wows. - UtTY OF LONDON .Saturday, Aprlll. ITNA Saturday, April IL CITY 01' BOSTON Saturday‘Aprli 11. And everr succeeding Saturday, at, num, from Pis to Nottellirer. 'RATIO Or PA.ISAOIt . Partite In gold, or its equivalent la turnoff: Mat Cabin SOO . 00ibteefaVO OW ON o to London:— So " to LOCIOOa,.. lON to Perla Id 00 -". to Paria...«. OP 00 to ilataburg.. 90 00 " to litublur= Passengera also forwarded to lime, .Itotterdam,Antwerp, Ike., at equally IoM! tats." - Fazes front Liverpool or queenatown--let Cobh, • Steerage, M. Those who wish to aW for fluty facade sen buy. tleitets here at these • 'tor (Welber la.formattan ap ) ply at the boons"' - ;011If :. DMA; • vt Mose tre o s. • - No. :f3 ° Wi re l l'in thileld stevet."l"Plttsbneg.h. erl4 - ER D I. IN .t.-48tccun fForAl LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. 'HO In - gold, of its iqiiii . o,tont rit'Jlt NEW TUNA, $45 to ourroao7 Soils every tied[. "Apply to Tuoases ILATTIGATIG loot, smithed 4 govet. between ea and tillt 1K12161,411V N OTICE 10 °IN - NEI - W lAULYI3,; )IAPIES, -- &c • Notice is herelly-pleatto all - owskers of .Drays, Carta, Carriarelylluistek he., whether resident OT um/qv:idea Us the eity of.Plttsburglu to pay Melt. Licensee at the Treasurer's UMW •of the city a llttsburgh..forthwlthi to .-accordarme.wlth an 0-et of Assembly, approved lit arch 30 19Ge, aud.astOrdb Dance. of the Connell' of the city of Pittsburgh, paned April le, 19/0. • .• . All Licenses uot paid on or before May it 13e6,, iOlll be plarol 1/1 the hands of the Chief of Pollee% for cellectlou subject to his fee of le cents for the m coUecto theteoti Mud ell renews who neglect or refuse to take Out-Lioenses still be subject to a penalty, to be nsurrered before the Mayor, double the *mount of the License. - "! The old metal WAWA of previous years must be npturped ett the time Licenses are taken out, or pay, OCJiil= BCOTi Mach on* hone Vehicle. rich MO tone. . Ing . • 1 seh four boric . • . ay. Dub Ma bona line* - Otnaibusca. and. Timber .Wkrels...4rsani by twet bone, eighteca Foreath widitlanal ktajie FehriterylOtth - fel7l.l 1,12.1iLE1 :-I,oo9 , b .. ushels real Barley lir snl. r !tmeat: - e ! W. !1 . 85 13 F. °K 4:l° ' 1-Mb3 ARD.- , -5u lletijelloadtiid Lard .a ) reictrt4 vlsrtsfarmilt b- : , mnx:'.l„; MancActurerior <UIIIrIOPO6ID Or and Natiufro of .a.a , rcomvsr. -,BMXPI!Litt 11.-• • B.ATEWCIF taCENSE. JrIEDICaIL 1L1C43 t PILES I Pll,llli PILES, TWENTY YEARS' Of TANDINI4. CURED t Below wiles tousa aftstillapte Itowasii ar Mot inweetable Mines of VUlass towaidp. tegut SO lir. Keyser's Lhidsoll Blood Seardien fte Dostmei•ettlassles us vita= nook ass seed be ta EL imxiiirsttee Di. (M.: isnia: I boom IMAM Pllna islmilltwe4y so, jag Niel ~D ; were gnawing wereao• as ti treal44 as worreasdr. se meek soar. Own as to mantas for Wert. Akre ;I . mot I warms bad that I mina it do anything* aoconnt of Wm: theleaine loft Mt >N ai tarp set' watery gut. I lad tried , a great deal "of Medicine ' ter Mesa I wit* buy and take whatever mod hear of or read of to circulate end 'pampllete fa in my nay. but I could' Rat it slued; sons. times tkey would do mesons goodforalittie wells, at afterwards they would Mune loin as bed an ever. also applied to two Doctors. who 'tailed me 'tiny house and gave ma some medicine. but it mould net do, *could 'not got well. :Over a VW ago I got miadverthsement of your Lindeers Blood Searcher, made by yourself. When you sold It to me yen told ntions bottle would not mu* me, end dist torwhole syntonerould lutists hi renewed tar the medicine before! got well. I bonght onsbotW and tookit home with me, and used It according to - your dinwtions. I then galled tee,. you spin, when yousaid lambi not expect ninekbendltfros one bottle.; I bought It, one bottle at a time, untll. I had used live bottles. "Alter this quantity tes used:l was entirely well Of the Piles, web* had tortured me for tweet! pears. In other respects my health is Improred, and I me as well as email be expected for one of my age, being - aiety years ,% past. I have been well now for six month; ul - there Is no appears/toe of the return of the dunes. I ean do say kind of farming now without. work. he - Piles comingdcoin and hurtierg me. 'lgen Niel , hay, choP.wood• aft. or do any Waded' wort welch before used to hurt . me. When I, found 'out your Blood Searcher I kept oa taking It until I got on. they well. I consider it my duty to make my ease known to the country for the bandit of others who may be suffering as I wan, and do. not know -hl value of your medicine. Tau may putalek this it you Uke. I Dee In Maine township, and edit ho pleased to satisfy any one of lliiitruth of MU aW itcate they whdi to oall en ow • ELLIOTT DAVI& December 24th, teen GEYLook oat for the nixes 4WD!. GEOSOE SER oh the corer of the bottlsi sad over the cork; also. for Ws stamp oa tha &VIP . States stamp IJIM the top-of the bottle, to prevail bats( Imposed spat by a Inflect Shleleiglit ■ ttokt by the PMTletOgi Ns. I* WOOD II =thy SIM=MINSTON,toornee Fest* ail jpramt OB BM=. 111.1611.4 Of 1111174iS MIER rthuru ac auprrtar csrass. iiirazgLi of RUPTIINZ' =paLt es sortuaz cipuso. issiczA Olt MITRE MUM ituitu anApprinuc taluar. xxasq of XIMTOE inrigA HEttlai !IS , . itvreramt aratenu Aram ii.rrois a 'lna& yam rnarnmEausau nifty . ritaX OERN ow,: mum= its mum gmal , itn , rrnit 011 aanwk csaat, MALS/PiIabICIII:CM4 TEM ItMliNVf TRUffk* ri props, for the nopport, sad- icier* El as ti c . mms, fm weak !Anklit inporten, foe weak kite* 14214,.. Beli-Ax4ntingi sna every ether WM air Rani Rubber Syringes. Dr, valiwincl i 140 or Body Brio% • the cure of Pro emus Uteri, Fires, Abdomi , nal and Spinal Weaknesses.- Dr. S. S. Mittlfti Silver, Plats Bupporll. Dr. FEDyns isit ik personal Wades to the application of Trusses taadolta and ohtktren an- he fa salladod that, with an:experbense of twos. be ty years, he w il t enabled to give sattataettes. ,• . . • ArOttloe at els DAi Sten, No. INWOOD sism of the Golden mortar.. Pawns writing CCIV Trumps. should sand the number of Inches around the body, lmanallotely omit the =PM*. • CATARRH 1 nu. R. coosimuzfia CATARRH - REMEDY•] It penttratu to the very seat of tats tested. AY. ease, and exterminates it, ww4.ned branch, harem, Dr. (MODAL& hi the first and only person wise ever told the world whet Catarrh really waa,whewn it commenced, _and what would rare D. GODADY. hat spent a In tositlta. with this O fell disease, exploriniito " lifetime wren runtniele • and mania- known to the world the fact the Can .ankoshleis harifor years defied the still' 0 . search of medics/sea and authors In this ceiuttry • and InEuroms.ean now be ctirm.Vielth Dui mimeo uniform certainty thai - naprning follows night. Thousands, who Wed every known. cure .linvaa • have been permanently cured by Dr. (MODAL " IJATARRLI 11111ILITY, and now praise thhs.the most eztrsvagent unman/ praise. - - - • .11:r Call at oixtaAmtatt astalq, ope aend tar R= m bfer Denied awl, prepared - by K. AI &Ay, - Air !oak: DR G.II...ItRItICER, Sole Agent., :16. 140 WOOD STREDlVPlitabaritt. OLITUEZir,. ro," sat- Athe!govlguirr 5cAr8.1),.%41'.• • it" 1•14 4.3 2.:LP A Zap. ' LINGWOMM - and :, : .- alt. ITCHING AND , HCHNING -801M1 lua zuvrnoNs or Tut SEIM' • „ . ..„. Tbts criatmeni penetrates to the basis et, the ate to the ray source-.anst..aures Meet It! the fled, beaeathtorhe akin on the surises-throws: the pOlllOll of the disease upward, sod snarl:DAI S r• , ' le oi it la discharged through the pores-the eeedie" , ::: i - -et• the litsrallte are. expelled - front the flesh, tt.a. then gait be no telapee. ,• • • - (30. 51le Atca. et•riaoarAwen.irti*-r 4 c; -: • - , z -# ' • Oic grhirials. *gout', „,,. - . • '.10.:4(rt"a:;4 ~W'Si..:< , .J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers