ete Wittangh Gmttc. SATURDAY, MA.DCR IM 1101FISON. It'CIMLN & CO.. 23,46231c,0ral cb No. 75 Yourth at.. Pittsburgh. hiosivid la PAX POTION ,And WE. RM to . Collections sada in all parts of the Untied States. Buy and Dell et market rates: 11. 8. 1; per unit. MI, Brawls; 11. X. do. / 640 do.; • - t. 11. s. a per slat 1040 . do.; _ • V. p ut indebtedisis; 1 It New .8.740 Notes. , 'nog X SELL ON ciO:ionssiore 611 the ew -Trork, - Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh nandii. ail *bids at Goveramalt Seetuitles IthOtdts. Bonds. fluid. lis. bo. . 3slt . FINAACIAL AND immEssnAL BROILER' AND BANKERS' BOARD. NT asenosoir, sratius t CM) FLOAT., NAM' 14, Ism - - Ord. Asked. 04144949494 . 97 -= 11_ 4 0 00. co es of Merchants . '79.50 atkNatlonal. Ist National Allegheny - 130,99 Diumbja 7290 Merry Ban Central--- 9.05 Tarr story b. O. Ran.-- -- erc haat. Olt 47 --- Pittanntigh Paxton. -. —.--• SAO D. 0.5495 Duck Heseloak-- • 4,60 —1.09 Tbr market continue+ depreeved and feverieb. New York teciratagadvleee showed z better fed tag la Gurreramenta but Wei to the doy they fell of one per cent. tinder the measure to pialtali, tr►trk touched . 1,01,4, the lovrestAnotatlon (or hearly two years. The deenne hemming s great deal of trouble In eonneereat circles and the hope la expremed by our moat eonaerrative nod experienced huskier* Iman that the limit has been reached, and * atea3y re-action will carry gold Dick to aboul-1.0 0 , and there remain for a month to come, that mettere may become better arranged for the inevitable fat that mrprterrune, sooner or later. firm* dealings continue heavy. Tame la ore priecure to aell In Eastern market town - oar own. Thor la but little, selling to dellser,`er buying On UM. la our exchange, the great volume ots Wea be. ,tar for cash, corners are not so cozily main. Street /catnip are growing rarer every day. We could hear et am operations of Importance to• day, ease a sale a Exchange Bank Stierk. at 110. and 840 Honda at 11011%; io4o , Bonds; SO bid—no tkere.was, appareatly, a little better -feeling In la tit f tacks et the People's Es Shanie even. but nothritbstandhistheis was more of a dlspost- Storitmaltestedtci buy, there Is but little ohmage to make In quotations. Cherry Rank. Plt4lole Wm in %tiler ds mandiand a little 'firmer, and, 111 compared with reeenteal* stehade higher. Tarr 640: y & Obstryinse, Wei mote acttre.and stronger' and a trine, higher—oier three thousand stare; iskanstrug hands. bentral Basle was to refined at 1,15 and l,ne, vette , holdstre deemed ed I Aliiti,lik RPM la weak and drooping, being orsred at 1,20- I,liltdd. Oil .Creek.k Utterly Rua was *limed at 460-41,16 Old. The folifwlest is a report of the mates:. kt 9 shares Cherry Rai k Pit Rots 96 06 402 u o - o -' - u —. 96 406 0 • u O • o . 991 mgi H - id 44 • 44 SS ISO - 0 Horseoeck.... 100 440 u ~ --.. I SO gego. CI ........... 130 000 u !Merchants -... . • 45 10 .. 2-bistional, or Pittsburgh ...--,,i.. 125 000, u - Pittsburgh O. N.. York - 000 000- o 'Aitucaue 7.) no a . ___,.... 70 690-;.-'u • Tack Pei:deux' 2 90 2116 - ...,-,- • u - u " ..... .... X 60. m r..... o. Western Penn tti 4011 9, Tarr. 6107 k Clbrilltua.....—. 00 - 226, * , !" . !! • ! - , !! •-•-• 45018,' " - 20 . MI 61 The l o l 2ertooo and blds wets as follows:. ' Bid. ,Liked. errod Faun k Ohio 173 I 73 Caldwellb 23 Oeutral U55in....... _... M 113 Ober". Run Central li n 03 °hefty Eun It Blood—. tat 20 Men', elun.n. Pittsburgh.-- -.1 011 IPb gyabeltiou'il Irun • '2 111 MJum to 60 Os uct Outsell S tro Mack Creek eel 211duradu ' 1 00 1 73 M Mel:rine b Mead 2 0 2 1:11 Lincohl4)ll3, ?dialog t 00 I Pi Merchanta' 40 643 • • . .. ..... ... McAho• r'liorry Rua ...' "-.-- . 10 loi 166t 1 nueil 130161122 St. Flaring.... 11 63 Ohio VAlley • •• 105 2Ok 011 ercekkr. I.Therry•Ruse ..... .:.. -alb 440 P`ottou ' 'a 08 4 25 Flllll6B ... •.. . 266 4ro P/Iliburglr 47.i 1 6116 166' 123 Ramose t 13 .13.11r.h , e .. 71 ' 63 0.3.80 .. . . .-..- ...-..;.:-...-- 1 to 1.2 r Nero rum a cO 4 02 atolls ....- 66 - Ta Strr Welt, •• .- Pitt cbiogh allew York 3 - 3 1 .0 'Value Lohrlc ...- .---- 43 - 67 Wroterr:Peanii62l4-.- 2 85 1 04 .1/10612 Creek l2 126 ICO A sisql.nrai entreat 'on the lancet to-day, that s Weil producing thirtg 'tistreis of oil per lbsz, big keelt &nick on the Shirk properly et Oil Litt', tt La olio repotted that 'mother welt - haw been tappnt *IPS-I/oft:) I:trek We pre theabore rumors for what they-are worth; alit being prepared to :much tor the truth °neither. • Chia of, the most 'frequent blowier., a ye the, .Washingtop Chronicle, whit!). are accepted Al tru- Ivas Cr tie smith b khan crowd, le the dotal's.. that It R trues better for a merchant to sell ens rising taxis a Caning inirkgst, and that it is for his Inter im! to seed prieespay. TM. is truest the speenlstor, hot utterly -untrue Of the regular Moder, for the latter finds hie ptireha rag power steadily tagwhdir selling out MI stock on a ruing market. If the Molithe pentium! to-day are going up in - value, it repilies great stirition labium to keep hi. getalipries ahead of the - adraneteg wholesale, so se le avoid. not actual loss bait relative. Re mutt be careful, or when his stook needs repleniablug, - While he has more money than when 'he drat ibeeett, he will not be able to buy a. large a Kook sibefore. Whereas, Übe sells on a faun; market thosfett he-may get btu far his nods Una he paid, ameba , bay a, larger sttek than he - started with, and It ti the purchasing poieref Ittls money that eon emits him more than its absolut• amount. We hey!. our Modem will beer these Kemple truths In Mad, andgire the pudic the benefit of them. 2 hey as afford to sell sugar tor do a ponied. for Lnstate• &though they paid id, if they can In turn buy at 111.,,Priceimust noistdOwn. With the fall of gold gads should accommodate thestralrecto Its di mstelabed.preibtomt and It Is better for all soneern. ed that f a lsliotdt De Ready and a. gradual • Tao °reale la Masco. • Irrombbli benne el Wednesday.] . . law onntlimee to - rags-Gold MID Ming caddobanto and tspetnalatont new pilfalyrad. _Tha question Is not, I how long this state of Wogs la to oonUnue, but rather w l t4 la Oka aeuttitl . 'lngle woek ' the preml• mom, Gold he. fallen SO per mot, and. the pilaw egomania*. bare gnat n In tae Dame pawns.- Una taluur .aria;{ the reek ble 4... diem Si per barrel: lei 0.0.16 i t/04, 101 , n Kyto, tie; mod /b." , I•M bo ref .11,11.1. 1. i'nt. - taio.ll, veri, p.c ,1•0 trap Trtmo Mess Pork, 414,11 t, par W..; BUIS. Meow, 2dae pet pound; sod lardagfal,do pre pounl. iildbwlaa have mounted ?emus per gallon {Teo, la per poandlOokbe, IP posse; auger, 2lleezoond; Woo Woe 'lp Mold et per kegan,o, ,o per you ; Tallow, to far peand; , 6W5 cents per boihelt wmf imothy Seed, 2541,30 cents 'tabus/tel. Dry Goals Lore also followed Gold, and WO Row e etas on tho.week. of liab ante per yard on Prints and Sheetinga, and attic!: articles In the same pko• Ceteeliee 'Awards ror Provisions, &c., 'et Chicago. On the fib, . - a. sett .Co:, 1,000 barrels, at 1115.411. " I,COO " 16. N. ..5 -- ;:rit - ;‘,...ittair' b. o°6o0 tD . 7, i l;, lm at IB ti-1000. 1 2, • 111017LOIC8A. Thomas Itpllkin, fa coo ss, at ell 86.100 e. Mile, ao,otio o. viaair t ch;. , ,i500 bushel., at sl,to. Leosuud, & 3tauloott, boo bushels. at 10,10. C. 0o•ke It .06. 2 Sp Is,.at MAL • - Z.. Noir Yorir Spotlitarket. '.ns market for Haw contleuse mush 'tlepreueth bod With adisbOidUonto self psomptipboth st pub. Wand prisms sale, priors fall °Strom day today, arid aces irregular and unsettied.. The decline mooe prosy ie again owe lent ti le, bringing Pair Cabs Nit realm Good do IttPair to ~ t=g,eery, 12 13344 mos, and o th er grades gylmtlen. 'R e ned le also lower, but still un its:a Its.% Cents, Soft white 17We; ,I siN lMl‘r e l low lege . esab. The sates of Raw Sr. 45 h 545 Cuba at 104 cents; 440 Porto Moo MI alto In do. for Cstos, di Pad, bt bond; sad la Havink - Wen, 4 mos. Craps la Canada. - , • The ifUlullity Of Oran maimed by Caceidi AD. lestWinooll fabulous. Of Wheat, Wm yeAr Wee e bushels were Mien 12,01:0,0e0 bath. Meal 40 0 0 0 . 00 0 bushels Ont o; ever LUCA) lON Imaypoppo.oodboefuds °much wheat; nevooooo of robatnsei And 10,003,tekl busbeLe of Tue. yeiser, - Maeda Alp produced "000,000 Se of Beef; sheared 6,600,000 bur Wool; And mad e'eeknoo,ooo pp( niter. The number of nillch tows, bones, &M I end,Offe le eonsidersbly over two setUltaie. . ~.., ..... .._.,:,,,, ... _,,„........,i,,,......,... t .-..,... , _..v , e.„--.....„,, , ,,7,:?....;`,4::-yFzrE3: - ..ti. ,,,,- -......"- --- " -- : ---- “•..-”.. ........,......... ...............r.4 11 ,....u.iev,..,.........x. , ....,.- . ;; ‘1T t :,... : ;,&,,.7 . ;i; Ti r,.5 . .„,._ . „ .. • , i ,. .... 7 '.!,- . - 4i , rik.4. , ,,,c-- A .t.. , ,1,e..A..11 ,,,,, , - . .c. , :i . . , 4•:-. , ;-: -, , ,, ,N;-N - 7.,„=;.. " ,, , , 77 : Ar , ',fcr4 A';.':.W-Zi - '. , i'VZ:;,:.,N,V. ,, ,,7 , 24401 , r , ,'!..,.. e. 4 0 ,, • - ,/..,4V1 , •; - I :71- 4, 43. - ‘ , ",.„ .;, , ,!,g.;...,,, , 1 0 ,4"10.., ~.,''', - : Y- 2,, F"'-' , f. , ... , :44 - '•"1 ,, ,'„ `4 ,, , - .• ' • _ - ' rev.__:_ ... _ .~ pAiLy itizvfi Pi I=! Fit 21, 1E46 There tame ton,rovemset to note In th e Ktrter, I mlrkr , r, the dr:T:lnd the Ire Bog ogrt!.l., of produce being yen light, and resirtcted altogether to supplying the immediate wants Of consumer.. The dullness and general stagnation widen has pre. Walled foe some time, still continues, and as ;old recedes, the Value of almost every article of met- ChendMe Is depreciated to that extent. GRAlN—There is no movement In either Wheat or Harley, and.. there are no established pricks we omit qtotations. Comls very doll, the supply be. inn largely In excess of the demand; isle of I esr in ears at OLIO ',rebus el. Vets, more active, and n Shane Intim., but unchanged; :small isles Irons at ore at MVP PROVI -lONS—alit decline In the prl:e ofTrta-on hei prrduceti a betterdemand,thougli a the market to bg no means active. We now quote at 14;4519 tor bt otride.e; MN fur Ribbed Sides. 4113.11.4 for tiles!. dorandlnifta for II sm.. Lord is nuotni steady at rtwvta kettle rendered. No demand for ir esa Pork. FLOUR—Timm is no Improvement to note in the demand for this article. mud the market is qui et, doll and drooping.- Extra Family la fquoted at 112,22431020, for common So-tog to a .oice Winter M heat brands. Sale of 50 bus of "Valle of Ohio" at 1110,00. GRCIGERIES—TreI Groom , market is dull and panicky. aim prima area° h.:neuter that it to dle• cult to give quotations. Coffee sold down today to 7164117 wets, which is a decline of ten cants per pound within the past two eteeks. Cuba Sugar may be quoted at 11417 cent; and Porto Rico at t7,t5615 cents. Relined Sugars have declined to 21 tvzi cents,ls j (or soft andlato ....". tan . i ER—There mlikorernent In the de- Mend (or common Roll t fitter, Im and no change Li:- prices; ules of II bbl. ► y ,f3o. Strictly pet ue fresh Roil is scooted sad oulc sell It so ndirane, }ClS—There was ati intl. ti demand for Eggs loamy, nod the market aras aim and prices higher, the bulk of the - Wes being at 22 cents. 1 ull Ells E—Steady Rill tuntletstalp attire; isles in lots of 160 boxes' at I cents. LEAD—SaIo ad VW pig it Ito. albEl—Sale* of Lake erring it ri,Yalks per hif bbl. nod White Flab ailt . PItTlll nES—Sale ot 0 bids Pe eh Blows at 42.60 per bbl. Sweet Potatoes remain unchanged, at 1646 50 per Obi. - AC-1 - TES—SaI, of I tons Peas Is at 13 cents per pOOllO. , . . . . .. . _ I , IEW EEF—Sale.. at 2 ce 2.- (I 1 t 1 ( LEN B APPLES—tolct but. nts UnCasug.mi l bidet bra to 114 per . April y. PITTSRURfaI PLITROLEU St MARKET FRIDAY, Match YI, The eecline in grid and the unfavorable charac ter of the advice, from 1;•w York, has pr ..luccd a very dull and languid feeling in our Pefroleum es ir ket, and with but little liquify far elthes Crude or Refimd, prices are wee* ead drooping. The re_ cespla of Cnide.have been comparatively large du ring the past two day., and holders arc more an a loos to sell,although=st the as ..e time they do not (eel like making me terial concessions. There was a sale of 600 bbls—proildlog gravity proved what it was repeetented—se 31, bble included, and it is said to bale beeu °fitted praty freely at 25. cents, in balk. For Itr fined, ini osd, .1 ore is no demand whatever, and accurate quotations can lot be toe en. Fre, Oil Is dull and drooping, sale of 100 bbls at tb cents. Ia haptha or :Residuum there have been no sales hit ds ami prices remain nr.tninally'unchanged. The recelpts..of Crude by the Allegheny river store cur hot' irpnct, com ire 1,951 bale, ea (al loWas lanibbleirw — A;lk. Linton; tsr for C. Myron; btal for D. M. Ergertoni nod he for James Wilting; In addition to:the above tbsgre wen an arrival oils bids of refined, consigned to Duncan, Dunlap Co. PAILADELPHIA STOCK &Immo r. Patteow.rate., March 21, OWL .13peetal They.teb to the MlMl:ugh Gazette. Oil shame were verydull arid languid to-day, and prices ruled rather lower, butthellst left off rather better. The elming eales were as follows: Ir 7 baidwell 4 15 Sugar Creek. ... 1:0 Adamantine-- lleallintocek.-----. 437 DigtTank. —2 67 Walnut Island 600oeuplanter ----. 4 73 s 60 lbsval I 94 Esbert 3 00 Maple Stjade.,—.-23 00 St. Nicholas— —.. 75 Ols C. kO. Run— 430 Adair IM NEW YORK PETROLEUM MARKET Special Voila tithe Pittsburgh Gazette. ' New You, March 24 WO. The Petroleum mitket ts somhial, it as eta tor Crude; Medi for litellued, la rill, sad , 71e11 fur Free. HAREEM BY TELEGRAPH. New York Market. Mew Tong, March 24.—Cotros—Heavy ; prices having again materially deelined. noun—Dull and heavy. h.. 0, 150Zie. lower; at ipoxstsksa; Extra State at * 2 . 93 e1X GUAM —Wheat dull ; Winter lied. Western at Bye quiet; Corn dull drooping; Prime While how/tern at C s Oa Sinn at 041060.. Wont.--Western wool dull Prtitel,llll—Thal and lo rat Mx for Crude; SIM for Reined inE 11.1 opd, • tui for Free. - Onotmares-4.lelree- d ull; 'Mager quiet; Cubs Muscovado linwangs Molasses dull; sales b auction of 245 hdris. at Wait. l ;PZON : 1810:CF—Pork opened unsettle' and lower,' d cl. sad more firm; Nets Mess closing 441ilnia for iSC-111 tamb, and regular way ante; at cc. reeh;s2l,ett23 fur Old and New Prime. Mew Mess ter April and Mop' at milers and buyers op tion, et SU belrbri Cut meats heavy at bboulders 1%; ie)ic far Short Ribbed al 12412ir; ,Loice at 15.432 c; State cholcequlet at 14M22.-. 'Stu , Volk . Stock and Money Olati:Et YORR, Marsh St ateatli at 7 per cent.; • terllng dull for it rst start bills; , i , t1.1 .rosst tluel std lower, r.twolog at 001. .I•anclu; t g to Isllcarttl closing at 1:4%. stirtegft overt:lament a' oeka nutter 'ea - ter Sleek etto,`ger; 13'. S. Ss. - St; Coupons, 11r5;8,-*s re jeettrt at lON Ito Coupons, New issue las. 1440 tlocrorm 9T'; Can , on. 21 , 41 O, mhestantt. Sit; qui, knits - sr,te ; New T n rl 'etttral be ' 4: Ede si'.;; Hodson, SO; Allehtgan 1.7..atra1. &Y j; SlleslK‘o Southern, tat,i; Introits (kat 1,1, Os; Pittalhorztv Rhode 136; tot t Wayne. 11;titIrrrrs lisute, Crlingher • Frreang,.--Gatti 155141 N. Y. tentrol R^ndi az t.V:II - 14 , , , i5 , 1n Mt..; ;TRW te=n ,nttitern OS; lhinoi. iletttrol 93?4; Paitettungh 61‘2: Rhode Iprocultag; Wettnn 2, , i; nrei..rted ,0; Fort Wayn , t 80.4;0. fr. Oerttneve• i 1 ,34; Ltembertandirg; I.l.llfekelleer 00; flisripotto 11.: Attention e yttr, - ,usten. Cinid Odd st.nekt veer xclive end lettossetions hr.m. Saleo or •11.11.1 after all at 1.12 n; vatted to Mfg__ Chtragn, • Market. Cn Ir.l so, &torch 24—Fx.orx,-11e11 and 44 Ilill.ll - nttelloled 60e. -• ficstn—Wheat dui' and daellned 1a4T—)1.1154. tern dull. at 1103 for No. 1. Oats dull and •11, alined Seto; Sl,ts for,No. I. ma, amelan-.hull and bonsloal, at bi wt. _ raoviatuni—Dtill.and declined $202,n; Park pearly. • . • ItterirTs—Flour. 690 Irlats ; ITheat, 3.04 bash ; Con, 111,000de rents, tValaltio. St. Lasts Market. NT. Louis, X arch 24.- -COTTO:S-01rerect at 30 Ithocor buyen. GGObales. 1 , 1,030-0,3137,40 foF 01014 - eitts, and 1114,1 9 ,0 9 iftriloulDle , AA, thstam--Whe5t11,6001,45. prime to e hal m. Qua Plot. Osta 75. 1 • - Xx•vs—Nleas Pont offered at 2s. without buy ere; City eut ichoelders It; Clear Sides 1, sad 2W for Sugar Cured Hain& • 0110•41 , 42,115(22,0; generally very much de- Philadelphia Market, Match There is more activity in Clover/Deed at - rather better bees, and IBM bushels were disposed of at 616§ p 17 gabs, hiefly to go out of the muaet. Thee la nothing doing In Timothy _The loot sale of Flaxseed was at 12,83133 per bushel. • Tharelar tether smote Wools, (Cr Wheat with /mita of Wu buthcis at s2,= to 42,.E for good d ano U,22 for choice Kentucky White. Eye cc 10,tree; the last sale wee at *Leo. thwals to steady 13, mend w!th further vales of lope bushels yellow at 111,16 in SLAM, nl3ll 61,2, Ghost. Ode sm. V cents imr bushel lower; sales a( 2fy3,taU bushels at 86 mots. Primp of Barley and Barley Halt are nominal. Provisions are excessively dull; we quote Alen rk at 130. A sale of Hams In pickle at 18 cents. a decline of I cent; Lard law 'declined to 20 cents For Butter prices axe entirely unsettled. MYER ISTELLIGINCE. The river was about at a stand last evening, With aunt thirteen feet In the thennel by-the Marks. Theweatber patently Wills,Lioulf and 'raw with an °melons( spitting digitise: Liminess continues dull at the wharf, thashipmenti *Lag light and receipts Halted. . Thera was got; up to last evening, a singlearri hsl frombelo'w, although several boat. were hour ly extracted. The Golden Era from Portsmouth .noculalr cal - Laticlunati, and VW Leouldwirrona St. Yount, are dos; and will doubticus no fan al in port this notrittok. fhe Locunke tor °lowans% with a eery gaol Melu.llstg a numbs! of, paagragers, was mak ing preparations to leave Lest evenini, There were no other departures for below. The Belie from Oil (Urbanised early yesterday ,mornlng, and the Ida Mpg, from the sans point • nntired later in the /t is said that the Bella registered four hundred passengers during the tit p, In addition to.whiett she brought down overelght hundred berms of made petroleum. Toe Rees brought down eleven hundred and sixty-two bar rels. . The tlrlida cleared for Oil City last 'retain, with • good (cella trip, and full of_ pmeengsra. 'Gm Glide Isere and the Lt%ora No. I, were advertised to titneineati for _Pitteburgh on Thursday, The Golden Era, Capt. Kerr, lathery/gator pack 'et for Portamouth to-day, Inman at noon. Capt. W. B. Bryon atilt retains charge of the office. We clip the following front the thrinbuistl Gs. trite of Tug UNITSD Srkru.--This but, beton: lac to the Mail Line Company of the stee mute, tr.ll creates sensation whop the appeers at the of. act hull, built by Jolihson hoc a length of hie feet, with a besot of tercet, and a Jepth of holdall feet. She ban tbo englues, 241% Inch cyl inder*, Ip feet Woke,. wrought iroa thefts and cranks auir6 boilers 4.7 huhu In diameter and tl feet long, with tubes 6 inches 1p dim:tater, built by Moore la litc.bardion of Weeny, a line speoimen of our Cincinnati mechanics. ' = • The ',ebb:4ly Johnson et Iforton,:is built, On: 11 plan new on the Western waters, and the wino, as the celebrated steamer Sant John, Oath. 'llwiron tiler. •It Id eighteen feet high, And contains two tiers otstate rooms. 'the . upper tier opening ou gallery oaths limide, and on en hinteriguard on the outside. The boat, wtsalinlin do/rill. draw three feet, and as she hi.a Inuit fill model and greet Poorer, ought to be among the: fastest of our dun outliers She. wil e when Wad, - coat over . magnifier nt itemises will pty ea • mill summ er between this City and Louristritle. Sim is raphily approechingeompletion, and will, is nevi cape,- tad, be pot In the Um the 10. h of droll. - The new steamer eAlena. Capt. Shuman, nu thinetheeed loading for St. Louis and the -Upper OliwicelPP4 and will be ready tothaye stun early e new and commodious W. IL Chbothei Cu Rogers, Is 011ine tip rapidly And will Leave or the Alisinnut river On Monday._ This 'Lout has splendid accomnindations for pauenrere. ' The Munch and rellidne Gard Thu*. Captain . Drown, Wending foe Mattrille, sad will be the and boat to Guns Sir that point. • The Julia, Capt. Coulson, loaves. for Zsuclifille, . this aftermath at four =1!1:11=!1!11111 t741 ,- cr.knds i, -, ,s 17. ft Yarn St , lr hour, W in, le do, Lind s l'oo , tues-, I.lpplucott so, 10 n, Chns heifer, 14 cks - sent, Li:tle. h en: 50111 ' s 11,11, S I HIlts ,, •111 en do, oyrr, 71 d. in', I MS's; 83 pkg. pl.mler, Burke & lisroes. 100 Mt 1 bbls osh. John FIooJ; Ira .Irn , scrs, W.lAtn d. Kelly: 123 slis yotalors, 1. H 24 2 'l 20 kP , mdse. fetterea Ayr strong; bids apples. T4l Jenkins; 40 pkg. sundries. I. H V oigt h. no; 4 stein, Wool, enre 'I 1. - Jenkins, Id/ 11 on l.> r. Sh•om .ter ik • Lang; 161 bes middlings, Hen h Sell; 2 ~ .11• Imper, P Hust; 3 has Fames seeds. Id A. Hell:shine; boxes woes. Chas Smith:9 pnekneen MA.P. /one., h Lnnehli ;6 pkgs varnish, Jso 111 , ,,ey; , do2en brooms, Skomaker Lnng; 17 bb:s [show, Hum phrey, \Veils h. en. FITTNRCROR. FORT WATSY &RD C 710.100 It 12 March 24-11 WI. napes, R Wears: 1 car barley. 111. noes; =mike _flaxseed. 171 ski outs, 2 kegs but ter,T Jenkine; Is 6 pkgs nob, J H thsullel.l; 3 cis. wbeat..l S Lly;gett & cot II ekecloversead, Res a. Sell; tibia flour, 3 Gardiner; IN ski corn, SG do rye, Patter‘on & Ammon:l4s ski wheat, Person a. Cu', bill timothy seed, 8 hhla clover ;teed, Shrivel' & Lazesrtloo bow flour, Bingham, Stur.eoci & too 2 = bog. 6 . 04 / 1 3 Rhodes. 4 kegs spple las ter, I. H Votgt & co; g sks oats , John A Rostock; 16 bcs rigs. Goalie). & Clark; Makes tobacco, eariver k Lazear; 26 bbls apples, W B Naylor. ALLEOPESY SgsTion, March 74-10 hits candles. Hahn Ar. 211441 c; go dos brooms.s2ercer It Robloson; 189 bra flaxseed, Ewer & Hamilton; RP balm paper. H& 0 Magian; 529 bge barley, John Gipperice; 19 hbis apples, Geo 111sKee,• 2 bhls eggs, ft & A Car son; 2do do, J. P 1IrOuwell; Milks wheat, 20 sacks eloserseed, Jos Craig; 6 bbls but er, 15 bbls apples, James Gardner; I car hay, (leo Ober A co, 3 bbm eggs. J Colblants, 20 pkgs Ilsh,-Ilabn S.Riddle; 103 Ns sheet, 2 cars mill feed, Alexaoder Taylor; 211 Groetslaser A son; 7 bales tow, A II Cbadil 14 Wachter, A Lippert. S T IEaJIIIIO.I TS 1:0It .I'. LOUIS AND KIS- 1 A t'OURI RI% till.—The an,. ~,,s, atde , el ell .ICillln. W. H. 0 ., 13 , ./INTE. u 1,... ' , WM, wI.I le. , ea SATURDAY, .th Inst., a. a 0 , ,. •,..., 1.. .. ... F, ftelgbt. or ',wn, apoly oa board or to mll2O JAS. AN IL I.IN 4, A Kent. , I{ ik CINNZI.II Li W IS TILI.F. AND T e tine pnesetscer rrentner ILAR 0 TIeIES. nowt. retry Hoorn will stair for the Above and Inter tnenide purrs in SAT RAT D fiver., FlVretrlA or plisenne n 1.14 on honor. total OR RT. 1.( Wit.; AND UPPER j rz. 11,1/S,ISSI h IV ER —ll, new aril ihierthrilntenro•r IArhEN A. tlott.t. Shuman, . knee as.above on FR ID .V zsth a 1 lr . ro. Fur Drlght or prearre npply on hoard or to • 7UIIN FLACK, I IL UrrLl.l NIl woon.( A. 4""" • • EGUI.AR WrEMLY PORTS- jra.:, 3 111017 H Nlt )'I'IT:SHIJk Flt YAILIC LT.—The flair prowled, ordlner GOLDEN EIIA, W. H. Kerr, msster; W. H. Brien. clerk. leaves Pitteleirehovery SATURDAY. st a tesiodt patand Pollee:meth every AD tXDAY, to 3 otelutt e. The tiolden Ere make soneeetionit nt Portm runetti with' the splendid stennier Itostoen No, 3, Inrl'inelonett, end will reeelpt freight dot 11.111PVI. gent through to thot city. 002/1 B . F. QUIMBY COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 100 SOUTH WATER ST., 1:E=1 Give special nuention to parcburl Flour. (Drain. Provision ... se For Eastern nereount. B. F. QUIMBY (IEO. T. BROWN. mh2-14 T . C. JENKINS. . Commission Merchant, AND PURCHASING AGENT, PITTSBURGH, PA • Dehlrr In Flour, Grain, heeda. Bulbar Cheese, Fruit., and all Farm PrOolarts. Best br ands Fam ily ELOUR . (warranted) slerayi on hand. Al*, REFINED OILS. Prompt attention flora to conslgnmants and corneepoodence. Weekly Price Currents sent to Om...lgnore Orders aro] Consignments *Halted. *Gayelswe fl. W. 1113[11b311 HERROPI & CO., liglillON, Corner or Penn and . Wayne eta, (Wtes.sua's Beteseino,) PITTSBURGH, Pi. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS For .he purchase of GRAIN of all lauds. Also, wholesale denten to BALED HAY. Western dealers will fled It to thetredvaatafetoeorrespoed with our House, as we hare gr factlitlea for Storene, and putlieg goods into this and Eastern Blarkets than most of the do.lers tra this city. The bestot Ut ewerenews glean when sequined. „sat:Stod J. B. &WWII 31 9 8A1 E & ANJEIt, Commission Merchants, V...) • riour, Crain and Product, 123 SECOND ST., between Wood k Stotthrktd, 11-ly prriNFirnatt anD— W. b. PATTERSON, ADAM AM NON. JAMES JOIL NbuN. JOILN SCRLELEIN PATTERsON, AMMON & CO., ccssimassi o n .Merchants, Grain and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS 110. 6, WOOD sr.u.k.a. - T, PITTSBUR(IS 1 :at T , T0TTT4...0100. xr•no. (JITLR, AIKEN S bIIEPARD, , • CCMMISSION MERCHANT% °retort and Domestie remit., liloor I Lam. v.. themes 11'..,01t5, Potatoes., ana inXitioe No. sal LIBERTY STREF.T, tote Opposite Pullet:lBer itepnt, Pittsburgh IVII. - EiIYS LINLIAICT, (Succrsitos ToIITACEEOWN t LINUAIIT,) [MAUER IN M r. r.IICXIIM' Priedtite and Cennuthales tri y No. 226 Liner[? .t., Pittsburgh. n.POOLITTLI is a n. rung. • • IrOLITTLE PECK, ' General Commission Merchants, Boa SS and TO, Water. street, .illttabursh, Pa., for tie sale of Flour, Grain, Cheese, Butter, f4ga Jaird ?sults, Proirisions and Produce of all Wad. All orders for Carbon Oil tilled at the lowest msr ti I pried. • Weeonsignments solicited. inlitOdy C. C. NAL.L /RAMC vex ti.isime. RALSLEY IV VAN GORDER, Produce ••-• and commission Merchants, Warehouse No. 201 'Liberty it., Pa. Wholesale ers In Butter, Cheese, Lard, Eggs, Puss, Bacon, Itessaa Tallow, Feathers, Brooms , Potatoes, Homo. lay, Dried Fruits, Green Fruits, Onions, Flour. Orate, Vlover Seeds, Timothy Seeds, Flax. Seeds, Game and Poultry Pa rt icular atterdloa Mean to :Produce Consignments. Jail IiTTLE, BAIRD Oz PATTON, Whole ., sale Grocers and COmmlnlon Metal:mats, deal. R ere In PRODUCE, FLOUT BACON OURESE, }ISH, CARBON AND LARD OIL, IRON, RAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and Pltta. jt urgh manufactures generally, 11l 'and Ile Record atreet Pittsburgh. OIIN U. -CANFIELD, Comunnaion and • Forwarding Merchant and wholes/do dealer In FSTERN RESERVE CHEESE, BUTTER, IIARD, PURR, BACON, FLOUR, FISH, POT AND PEARL ASHES, SALF.RATruri, LIN / EED AND LAR D OILS, DRIED FRUIT, and Prodimpßotieralll, Nos. HI and 14$ Front atm*, Pittsburgh. 001 'W CULT orle StUrAlltrt CLP lc SIIEPA , Commission Mer chants and den o I'LOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, No. 7 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Choice brood. of Flour for Bakers and I amity use coustantly on hand. Particular attention paid to filling orders fur rilereliandlte generally. acre-ely IL iffik w.rdiug OWi nlaret , nl - 2, for the 511,. of FLOUR, GRAIN, BROOM: Idißl), BUT rEK.. SEEDS, ORM) FRUIT, and Prod two tatierally. Mo. IS Market Meet, comer of Mut, Pittsburgh, Frans. • . 1e25:17 NV EBB. ft W HAINSON, Commlsinon T T Mercbants, Wholesale dealers in WESTERN RENI.M.VE ME ESE,' DRIED FRUTII4, HUT. TER, - E003,:(111XINN, sad produce generally'. Also, LEAMER, HlDtlf .•11L 8 , ace., No, SI? Liberty West, INttsburgh.. air Cash advancements made. oon'surnments solicited. relSamd WALT. Dia.& W 11. 7 BECK & Cu., Nu.Tfiritiff,eity Street,. Pittsburgh, Pa , Wholesale Grocer!, Commission Alerchnots, and &Mersin COUNTRY PRODUEE L : PROVISIONS, BACON,. LARD, DUBUTTE__,S ROOS, CRUSE, FISH, PRO. ( ' . FL O UR GRAIN, SELLA, GRELN AND DRIED FRUITS. tic. SALT sod LIME. jyll CitORO6 B. FINAT) OWITOR MIGTZOMi. A-I- EA D S METZGA 11, Grocers and Com mission Merchants, mut dealers in all kinds of Country Produce and Pittsburgh Manuketures, No. 248 Liberty Argot, opposite head of Wood 'street, Pittsburgh. ao3-11/ P. auralust 'a I u. Kamm. TI.EYMER'& ITIROTHERS, . (succeAsors . t . xl ' lMPlrgtnnVs w n i ng i Viiiiri d li tio s ;f n . FECTIONERY, ARS,rIRE' WOR.S., No.. 126 and LIS Wocd att:cot, above ) ich. Pitts btugh. „ . WALLACE, Comiximion- bleu:bunt, A- , • and Wboicsele /JOiler In FLOtlletaillt.lN. No. 363 Liberty street, opposite Pao4sYN:thils U . IL Yessenger_ Depot, Store,. o.llker Wsyne end Poan sLreets nots4y • J. B..LIOUSTT ' .7oRM LfluwlLT I . S. LIGGETT &CO , CITY .PLOUR- T. , • ma zzu.x.s, cc:act . 14betty' gad &Jam iticetai Pittabarata Pa. , , . :alp - Capacity, 400 barrels ikul aid A. eCIIOIIAKf. NY . 1. Laeo QCI:IOMAKER & LANG, Cotninis+lon I Mereakata and Wl.aleame deniers la aIU Or , PUG:II.IOa &a., Z7O. uorns et rret.ettubmTh er13.413. 'MIN - we= .MrATT d. wipspzk whole.da oro ceps CuLail aiGteLuns, bud abiders to Produre slid Pittsburgh tssuutneturas, Na 115 i Llbesty street, Plitsbagb. juZ5 BULKE COMITISM(JY 31=1E1 IJENTP Oic TH. flcbe, Pacific and Liberty Oil Works Liberal ens), advance* mule on consfroments of Relined or Crude Petroleum. DCQ ir ES rE WAY and 11.4N1.70,8 PITTSTIV'ROII, PA - PETROLEUM REFINERY. CLARK & SCRINER. Works and Office, COLLINS TOWNSHIP Office In Pittsburgh, 24 WOOD STREET. Three works here the largest capacity In tha country. The brand stands the highest In this country and In Europe, f 7 quality and bra test, and the oil is pot Is well coned barrels, prepared especially kr report. Manufacture. of BOIT. STILLS, TANKS, M and IPROVED BOHM 100 LS (or Oil Wells. deleny J . BENII, No. 1 Pit. t71.A112 BT.. Pittsburgh, FORWARDINC AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN OILS ILLUMINATING I LIICRIOATING, ORODI PE:THOLE; 'AI OILS, Ac., constantly on hand awl for axle at the lowest market prizes. Conskeo. menta and orders solleited. gl-11m cIUMPION OIL COMPABLY Predators of Crude and K . anufacturers of Reamed Car ben Oil. Benzine and Lubricating OiL WORKS OPPUSITE SHARPSBISRO Office U. 69 11110 strtet, PITTSBURG% Pa. W. IX CIISHKAR, hnf L. 11//4LLA.•k WILLI/AI (71/61 . 121 ALLACE & CURTISS, COWNISSION NERCIIAINTS, CRUDE AND BEE=F=) PETROLEUM, BENZINE Arm LUBRICATING OILS. Pro. 124 SOUTH WHARVES. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Me - Storms" capacity (under oover,) for Lk= bqrrele Also excellent facilitico for shipping to American nod Foreigh iworts, at our wharf on the Schuylkill River, near the platform of the P. R. R. We:4 y IiONDED WAREHOUSE OF Phenix Warehousing Company, Feet et BALT/0 B.A.R Sta.. BrooVlen ' REFSSEL 11111110 L L Ts • oak., No. 96 EtA.r NV. on 003-17 R/CUARDBON, HARLEY-4 CO., Colouringlon and Forwarding Noratanta CRUDE AND REFENE:DPETIIOLEIII, No.lll 11111WIlf. RTHEET. PITTSBURGH B' Liberal cub advances oo oonolgrurienta tor Pittrborigh or Eartorn Market. • IPITTPRIMIR 111[72111130111. M ean. J. S. Dilworth & Co., Thai!rtger P i nt..literhatt i t i . Clommscolal Bank. mi:far • . RL¢fllo 4113/.lr N. =MO ARING KING, COMMISSION MLIIOIILN'M PETROLEUM ADD ITS PRODUCTS 'lad 'dealers La Redalag Materials. 04 . 2141 r No. 12 MARKET T. Pittatearels. JAMES—WILKINS, BSOICZA 6.3 D D1A1.12 IT CRUDE AND REFINED OILS Perry Blok. Dupnesne:Wa s .PittaW g b Mr-Special sttentsou gtreuM and Its produc to Um SALE AND sitIPMENT OF PETROLEUts. r omeuts respectfully solicit.). Pitrchucgta Agency (or VI NANUO ()IL ANE TRANSPORTATIIiN VOMPANE. fr Plk , T OFFIuE SOX It 2. nate:- y I; CE TT vii WORKS. DUNCAN, DIJNLAP dr. CO.. 12fVFACTIMIII. Or Pure tibite Refined Carbon Oils. br. liuLat J•111/14 tawu JAMES IRWIN & Co., nwsvesketrillKlLA Ot Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia. OFFICEI No. 15 MARKET St. PITTSUIIRMI. PA. fiCIRT A. LAVNLT ♦ .LLI.AIII Trrk ( pi/ON OIL REFINERY rITE * LA VELT. (Summer. ta Paiirrore,) Oil Reline.% and dealer. la Petroleum, Bectslae, Lubricating aria Paint tills. Mice, No. I IiANCOCK hTSPET. 1421:11131 Pittsburgh, P. IL d'iliclit4.—"rne undersigned will • • x or ve particular attention to the purehase and e•e 6tocks of ALL RELIABLE Copipaniai. I Larne buyers end acn...a to can. J. E. 110111ANSZ No. 101 ronwrit STREET OIL WELL STEAM ENGINES —lan prepared to (undue STEAM! ENGINES. So much approved of fee oil wells and other pile 1,06e5, on the shortest !Woe. Having dltrerent tuuVed ..reel Empties on Stashing others, the 1 , 0,110 eau M aeonmm trite almost any alza i hey want; the work w for Itself. WILLIAM HER, Fifth Ward, between Meehan!. and liarriaoo strum. deflate; Pittsburgh. Pa. PLU.WBERS & G.<llB FITTERS'. BAILEY, FARRELL & CU., PLUMBERS.. wad allsocutia Witter/N. Dealer" In every variety a PUMPS, GAS AND STEAM FIXTURES. Oil 'ranks and Agiteitors lined Irlth lead by • new morose, which le at one* Outlet 1.134 more aureole than the old method. No. 139 rotatTa STREET roimA ilnrie. rvipiry, IPLIALIS/AU, ots and Bteam Fitting, In .11 its branches;_carefully attended to, by eve Seemed, practical workmen. A- tine assortment el GAS FIXTURES, SIN KS okra TUBS BROWER BA WATERM/S,TS . • , HYD tA Oeastaatly on hand and wide to order. RANTS TATE & SEVILLE, E. MP FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny; . And =LIBERTY STREET; Pittaborgb sibifeniardis 1 0 .17.7rTERS: JAMES 11. 111110....40115 DOISOUT LONG, LANE Lt. CO., SIGN ARTISTS & HOUSE PAINTERS, •• • • N 4. 60 Smithfield St.. Pittsburgh. . - - I. PALING OF ALL. KINDS executed prompt 'son with unsurpassed elegance: DE TIVI/Ir SNOW DASDS oo enameled 'papa f rill edlors, anOal LT SIGNS ON GLASS made , onirr pod emit to ell parts of the country. • I'll DIAL IpE.KIN'S executed in a highly ar. Drib. atm?. - 7 Id (11.135 PAINTING done With a regard to du rability. hianiony of eolor, and neatness of. flulih. .. Sy! Allwort et reasona ble fates natienly '. 1 - I,ru.,mhat - E. BROWN, '.. • Moto of the firm of Etanwa Moaaawa ' ROME AND SIGN PAINTER, petit East somas. of !htrd and Market ata, prrrationon Cd . r.k • CO eFs prime Ear Corn ; • Received and for cafe by YET ZER & ARESTWJECI, ()IL ti.1.11°.,1.1:11.: V, 4e FETI.OI.I:CM THE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL Po*ralou.m poyazppiiy ORGAAIZED UNDER TUE MINING AND MAN 17FACTLFING LAWS OF rn STATE . OF NEW YORK. CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS, OSE ILIVXDRED THOUNAND PHASES cle TIM MAIM, NOT LIABLE TO Ammismut Government Bonds and Heel:lefties Taken In Payment for Stock. . 01 FIDES a Nn. 24 EMPIRE 801T.DING. No. 11 11110ADW AV, NEW TOR POST OFF/UE ADDRESS, HUI N. Bon. DANIEL S. mOKINSIIN, Free! U M. T. PHIPPS, Vice President. RODENT HA-ss mrr„' Seeret wry . H .1 HURTIS, Milani Snipe, inteade title, PR. ATLA.NTIO BANK, No. Ii Hroadies Tresiuty. 'The well. of the Gomiginy ore how 011. Prospectus sent to any address on appl. Payment for stock may he made in dra Gr.' note. or Government bond. and which bonds and securities will be take in to let value Icernittattres luny be addressed to the P. tklink 1 1 / 4 0. 6.-Ski New York City, or to Bank, Trensury of the New York and Petroleum Company, No. )i2 Woad • Y r k The following pnrnerraphs contain a eleotr account of the niawntions of this Prospectus. • sent t my address on np rootnlolog a full and a ear wcootrat of lions of this Nowt Sumerefut Petroleum CoroMmy, turiara THE NATIONAL REFINING AND STORING COMPANY Is now hinT nrgnnlzed, pod has commenced basi ewss nt their temporary 0111ce. No. 12 IRWIN nTII EF•T, 1 up st aln,l Pittsburgh, Pw., and are now preparsd taro w general hominess lo Buying, weli it'S l hinny. !Komar od Porreardlog Otl. The erit• are On the banks. of the Allegheny river, arose the Illy, a ntl will In a Most Cline he capable 1.1 meubtactorlog Elti 11 I NUNOII ED It 11 FLT 1 , 1 Itt.ltlN (ill. FEE WEEK, which will hoot the best goal.) and In • rime packages. 11 le the .!go of thin l'ompart t , •nrat-eltim Wand tor export, ntal ea tail • a 111 Ite aplred to go,. It that eklyniel, .li,, the bow %rd. lug of MI to ' , t00,. veer en, partieglior tote. 11. u, wnd In till. ht•itt,' •• • 1.1 lisle. Loris ailed faclillles, lod 'l., , a:dfrom the hosts to corn by dnlineey i/ U.tom a•olti all wborfsge. drnyoge td. delay. P•rtie. e 'oaken ,ing 1+,1. 0 011 to us can rely no having It sent thintigti w ith promptitude and diepstch. 'll2e Comport} LA. a Capital of '200,000, wi-b the follow leg °Morn President—A. M. MARSHALL. eretnry—O: Re:NINO Irenrureff —J. R. MeellNE. blreetore—A. M. Member!. J. P. Hamm 141111(.1 Old. I. T. Ktnenld, Arthur Kirk, J M. I.lllle, S. H. Keller, P”1,1 Kirk and Wm. Hounllten. s 7nrultendent and Business Manager—DAVlD Correspendinice and artier. 'elicited, and all cone , niunlcatlo‘a to be addrened to National Storing and Refining Company, milet-ty PITTSBURG/I, PI. TRIUMPH OIL CO, ettpital stork $300.000; IForktug Capttar 11 1 k0001 15&OIO onsass, $I 00 Preoldint•—JOMM BIND :runt er—R. W. .111Aexer. Seeretery—W R. Newnan • onmearoim ' Jwbh Sltg, Pfttabursh ; host. Howard. Pt. teburgh ; J. T. ChM., • Wm. McKee._ _ _ • Hugh Lee Geo. P. Weßeide, Chtesgo, Ill; . Oro. M. Efmodrk, John Wynne, ethetanntt. 0; Om , . W. W oodworth. eleveland, Otnee of the Company No. IS WOOD STREET, Pdtabohth. Pa. tahl3dad SfilIPPl.44l. O'NEILL'S - - - - FOREIGN EMIGRATION OFFICE. ' PITTSBURGH. PENNA ectice. *BO. *BO. Passage from the "Old Couctrr i•eru..n.d, Nelr York arid Phitinkle i . "le m. 0.) Steamship Company' having appointed the uddenlitned their Asyut hers,nor Mr. Thompson deceased, he i• now prepniedo befog - rut or innt tunie Passengers by the steamerep( ant • Line al UNUSUALLY LOW HATES. The .•..........mers of this favorite line leave Li verpool every W EDN Et- DAL . for New York, touching at tducenstown, ass are among the When, Wife*. and moot magnldoest TOIONEIS ollol{l.. The uudervigned le also Agent for the Liverpee nod LOOOMOierT) lAne of Stestnem, leectit Liver every pool eve TH I 1tti....) . , and calling at n.lm derry tor Irish Prtmergers wol Mails. Th ateaca t IN en of I/1111 hoe are built to the strongest invooer , and furnish choice accommodations for ea imager. BID e moo agent for TAPS . :OTT'S Lof fade betted Clipper Sailing Packets, leaving. I l i emon, for New 1 ark twice a week, and the "X" Line o Um)* Paeicla tearing Lunde° eseiT ten days. The ship* of Tapdcott•gi Line have I mg o..en no. nal for their quick passedra and the estsualsoi of the 141/1,1410110 I +Mashed the priasenger4 and their hied treatment wane on broad. Parties who with their mends Ofol./11. out liy sal ME YOSOO.f., should by all Mean. patronise tine stns Paiwage to Califoral• at kreatly irdneed Mai. SIGHT DRAFTS on all parts of Europe fora •t the lowest Wm/ - Apply ; , 9 , D. or% El LI, /*retro Iteilmatic n Innen, I ow* 0.. SIMUIdCIa WOOL .QTEAM WEEKLY TO LIVER-Alla PI,IOL, touching at QUEENSTOWN,ataII (Cork Harbor. The erell.knowa Steamers of: 1 Liverpool, New York sad Philadelphia Stew:midi Company (Inman Line.) carrying the II 8. Mails •re intended trisall as fellows. , . ;Li CITY oF Lois.pur Saturday, April I. .TSAg SatoraavApril9. CITY GP BUSTON... ...... .Saturday, ' Aprli 13. *nuever cc y sueeding Saturday, at l noon. from Pie to North ltiror. • 4T303 0/ Pwalleoll. Payable in gold, or tterodisalent In carressey: Plrst , Cabin 'MI 90 Steerage No ea ~ to London... 66 00 0 to London... Itt oil 6 " to Pu 00 0 la 96 to Pa01a...... *OO 0 to Hamburg.. 00 00 • to liambwis.= Puwagers moo 'forwarded to Hair*, Rotterdam, Antwerp, equally low rates. Pares from Liverpool or Queenstown—let Ontria, fall, 0100. Steersge,*t. Those. who with to d for their friend. can buy ttekets here - at th rates." For further. Information apply at the Winyah . Mee. JOHN tb. DALE, Agent, Le - Broadway - N. Y. D. fi'ff /ILL, ftilktit Eutlyrettou Mena,- . -' eel No. ISmlthtteld strlet, reurgb, CPx.ARD N fronigal LIVERPOOL AND tongrerrowli. la la gold, or Its equlvaleat la twister FROM NEW YORE, Na In dIllt•a0y. 8•11112 ovary onekt. Apply to • 17.1011CAS RATTRIAN, Aseo • ' 47 amlthffola stmt. Worse& 3d sod •mos•voil v Pittabartb FURNITtIRE, AND . 00E AND WOOD CHAIRS, ' Benin - A reduced pito.% WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. JIB. W. wootwEr.L. No.. 91 end oo THIRD simian , . upp....:to E. 1...ti0ur. , 1.r. a 1%.'“.11111‘1 uM nn. 111 tyro sTREET. 110UPLA.ED'8 GERMAN BITTERS Family Dm Colors, Remedy's Medical Meanly, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, tindsey'slmproied Bleed Searcher. 'Maar% Balsam Wild Cherry, Hnunewell'a Cough Remedy and Pills Burnett'. Coemine and Flavoring Attracts, Owin's Bloom of Youth. Hagan'a Araguaia Balm, • Spear's Port traps Rae, eau always be procured p 4 the CENTRAL DRUG REIM% corner Ohio and Federal- streets, In the Market tiouec,lAllesbeny. PASO ?IRO. A.. KELLY. H. LECKY lb NOW SiLHOIPAO. • TIMING his nimovzo OIL YOOLIL L . At (his .hops) °other of GAY Idler 'end ftE street, sod te WEBSTER it., opposite to the old Orphan Asylum, Alla/betty; and as the tooltaire owls out of the beat materials, would Invite the public to give Lime, cell end. isemine them for theMselvas. ''fettdtstoll SPORTiMEN'S HEADQUARTERS,® 1 WOOD STREET. ir4l.2aganis-zscovvw _ • ' lovltattbe attention of ortamen and mete to • tile sp_lendld stock of GU NS. POWDER FLASKS SHOT BELTS and POU CHES; DRAM FLASKS teed ammunition of every kind. Ms stock is the -amen ever broueht to thus market. ad; 'I4PR SALE. ;J. 16'bble Rxtrs Labrador Heretor;dry Bee; , • 6 bbls fatra No. 1 Large Shore Mackerel; 20 hall bble Large No. a Mackerel; ie quarter bbla Ho 2 • do;.' • • . • 102; poem's Confkill; At low peters by ILLLSLEY b. VAN °ORDER, . mbto ' t No 101 Liberty L'rritt.. ]3UTTER-20 Boxes . . 2 Eibls and to bble [rash Roll,Jost reretred 'and fnr sale by .1. 1.1. LIANFIE 1.114 !EMS . _— _ . FO `' I, r A 4, I , n - y townrlitp. WIN ,wwwfnw' mt , plor. I.; eoloallang ',bow; INS nc well imprvre.l, and to Met Et, ,Ittvnt: .. . A 1.... • to NM ye 21w AORMS. In FIL-meld I..rve.hlp, tt egnorelpne! e/.noty, 1.. • I.••/•e. meet. good. The lead t. .d the beet Coal eta/ litoritone lu . . . , Also. n ST7:AA UN UNE. rot toitlor ce!ter ptrpoovs, with the exetl' h 1a,rr0m,.... fly .rhee. tr.. 7he cylinder is nv..e -' inches in tlptmeter nua finer f o nt stroke. Turn Untie', 17 tent 1 0 , . 5 4 Z 2 inch.. In dlnmetell..ll In good ord.,, to4l vill foie chem.. A Into,n FA If of nfo nerve lo Went Worotheld tonronnir, Itl:nan noway. P., About three luting onn the Heron. Flntlenrisi. Al.o, FAIIM of UM nexus in Conetnaw;tt Loam. slily. 'asthma a el f lanft, Pt. besot ill FARM of 206 acres. with a lame Hui'. E, faith In ...a., howbeit th mut. ern style, wash.bnuse eml bake oven attached; a later epring kale!, bath hothw, smoke house; a. large 'Ant barn, fruit — frees of tti o ry description; eharrh and school house built Imo! the farm. This lore adjoins the village of uksville. and a• two-and.-half miles from the depot at Pvetot•tvv, in Westmoreland county, Pa., on the Northwest. ern Railroad. Also, TWO BRICK H(ll'S& , 4 and LA)CS 'ln Ell7nl.lh borough. Air°, A FARM OF FIFTY-TWO MIRK , / In Tarry toivnahip, NVestmereland county, about. two Miles Stain Nt. (Astir Station on the Penna. Rail road. A Wears raw mill nearly completed with at the machinery for Souring mill on the premise* the land 1201 the beat quota., roll hod linseatone In akaminoce, mac good indication. of Oil. Wil tw sold cheap. Also IS acres adiolf.rtg the Village, of New Ism ry, us the very heat taste el 001111 w Isom, and abundance of Trull of every dem:Hylton. Alru.n FARM IF Iv As tit sos. at towv chip, Weattuoreland comity, Pa., en Tub Mill c s i., Clout one • mile from the Pean'a Ras I he Improverucnu area mood frame lantosc, and layer tram. Hank Barn. Alto, to .mall Fat. al 2a 'totes to Ito.ry Wert mottolend flnituty. Pt.. neer 1, ❑no •,t the }nro•e R. R. A 1 . ,.. Farm of about 2u6+ acre. in FAIrliVll tom.- ship, R retmureland t unmty, Pa. A Ino. n Farm of 211 , motel lu a siritela townntitp Wortrooreland county, Pe. Mn', for rent sr Farm at 14k/tares Derry tow.. ship. Weetmorelnsa) cminry. Pa , louar•dlateiy o the line at the Yenn'a. R. R. Alen WO shines of Stites of the Ono° WI end Mining rompsny of Pittsburgh. Pe For (further pertieulnrs Impair.. of Ci. R. TOWER, Itiotl Esi Asageos, fr 4 No. 104 Poo rt it streot. r 1 ;65 00IINTP.T T.— 11. st One DOBLE ERICK MANSION 'III:PJ3E, with linen tetoint house, of nniog, sei i ns house, lin bootie, and inner notblibiiee.o, ns ilneiy Ittlrrove+l lot in sot Ann tor•stt fr.! ar sof conit.d, In the neightini hood of :Region. Ilintintid• less, eeniine, litalcs_n. orshnok 00.1 ills-11, front g rneon the iii - LA.RVI- B 1 lit/ lIORSF. RAILWAY' The Aibightay silty tiniinied 1.4,14..• the pro f till. Apply to I=l f 9 FOURTH STU:ET, (home's 15,1:1110%.1 chhil t SPLENDID LOT OF Witt/ lIXD FOIL SALE-11lontnitong about ene wee of rich' garden I wl, folly planted al' h bearinz Apple Tree* 4 War 'Freer, Grape Arbor. with a rtochr, iAlge quatitit ira t.l Hompbert len. I turraut and other mall /mit. kltunted attjalnine the l . ..nigh of Tentia ...retitle. on the Steutionrille turopitie, [IN lode the Lerenrl rotate. This ir a heautifnl sled. ho a country seer, and 14 offered cheap. Ape piing H. MCLALN k I'/ L ; Fl 41 SA LE; —204) acres (1(41013 Fa 14 MIN° LANI D, in I Iflllftnit eeent), toner. site Bois•nr. en the l'eentyl•A[lll RftilrOill line on It n I:I .4 444 VA"It ELLIN:3. Dine' and ell ether outbuilding•, stein floe loot veto or eiml tape., the •ua(.or. Allotted left b choice fruits. Apply to a. S. fifty API, Broket. lohlP Foorlb Burke'. Batl.tio .1 grlirli BAN DWELLING FOR SA.LE UR 10-LET.—A house end three acres of ground ersr the terminus of the Mosnettester florae Nei veg. adjoining properties of Messrs. Bennett zienne.nmaker. John.° end Howe. (Mtn. needs so extensive slew, and Is maw of van.. Apply to , tth street. (Agree's Hoiliting 1 *lv Alt ELIO II 8 E FOR RENT.—The Warehouse, Na Penn et reet, nearly oppollte Rea. R. R. Depot, now sac: willed by Reese. first! L Dell. formerly by Penn's.. Salt wall be In resat from Aprillat • an eateettent stand tar Pan and Orneery or Conrmlation and Storage Int•lnew Enquire of Witt. P tlt.111: tt. too Liberty Street. Olt SALE.-150 Acres of CretVilien,iio sores of trent coal in pool N 0.13 also one iretk of teal and railroad, and - other Improvement., In good working o:deri a i.ool No. a ;one trace on the Youghiogheny river and t•AnnellsviLa Rennie& Enquire of ' 'WILLIAM WARD , Sul frit dos- m oilth on Grant erect. lon itALF..-4. Use. - of OIL LAND containing fortpeeven•nri tkree-lourtb sem, n the bean of the oil region of West Virginia TEIa land has • nurniesr spring on It oat all this attnace Lodicatinna of oil. .rie RAILKY. WHOIno Holt 011 SALE CITEAP.-A FRAME 111 , 1'NE. If removed at'orce. .ftanted one , Orr Irwinlta4 Wilitero Anegtteoy oily. Ya.quire of . 1,177 LE, BAIRD fr. PATTON, seb2o Neu 119 sod 114 &toad et., Plu.rourga.n ''lo LET— vr.r.pboto... sow. 88 and 78 Watir.r wt. JAS. AS. DALZP.I.L. tr. SON. ST2 13 SI ST EN CE OFFICE.Ii R . iitiff, No. 3:1 Soup street. ( Mare), 22.1, 1365. , I,Jed Propose's, in dupticate. wilt be reeelret at thy. ehlre until 19 to.. no 'S ATCHL April lot, Ir6b, to funds' Inc St r yt.e. Soy. st•lebee 11l rtrt !bent nith -1(LIt 'I /Mt:NAND N. 00) ((EAT) OF 60b6 cArTLE, on the hoof, (Steers )ran old sad A.. I delivered at t titbit Pattie Scales, nt it‘ltimure. 31d., to [MA hf 11,(tvrolle lhou.nnd earl rtery (lel ten clays; to bet within one ends h4 - lf if Lys sfter nt the ,apeure of the eristenctor. a 7 IMISt. aver. ere nFrlm (~ M L)) th , tteen hundred pottmlyt iron v:lg!.t fat)! LL; 0!. , 4 - 1 of (1, , 35) , ) one thltivtal agd tats p.ure:s gross welg,ht hullo. St.tgs, Oxen, 'Cowl, triter* and Ilortilees Cattle tell) be.rejected. dt (faction of fifteen (II) pounds will be outdo item the weight of each Steer accepted under thin eurr rot. pro( hied the animal eineltrot salad in tho o r two and one.half hours before being weighed, the ears. Iltsnk forms for proposal' , ran he had on applica tion At ILIA olnce,nitLer In person, by mall, or tele graph, ..1.00111 by telegraph, or other Irregular, Infor mal proposal. sill not be considered. • The mmernment will claim the right of weighing Any one animal eeparate, if its appearance indi 'este. Itan weight than the minthanns mentioned &but e; the expense of weighing will be paid Orthe party erring In Judgment. Earl. hid, to secureconsideration, must contain a written guarantee of two responsible persona, as follows: we, of the comity of --.Mate of do hereby guarantee that t (or are) able to fultll contract to accordance with the terras or eta (or their) propcieltion, sad should his (or their) prop.- gotten be eccepted, he (or the) wit l •NA Dore enter pito • contract to ^montane/. therewith. and we are prepared to become his eecuritice, vying rood and sufficient bonde.for its fultlitnent. The tramped:4lSr of the guarantors must be shown by the (Andel certlgeate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court. or of the United States the. trlet 'Attorney. to be enclosed with the 'Udders must he present to respond to their bids, and prepared to- glee hoods and„algo the contract before leas - Meths office. . . . Payment to be made ,itterciek delivery, it funds are on hand. If none on hand, to be made as soon as received. "PrOpossis must be endorsed distinctly, POSALS FOIL /11.:EF CATTLE," and addressed lo'4Jept.l. HOWA.ND WELLS, U. lisltbnore, biltryiand." If a Lid IN In the name of n grin, their names and their poetoittee address must appear, or they will not ho considered. Earl, personae every member of a firm °Weans a propose ,roust acnompanz it with an..onth of alle giance to the United States Lievennnent, If he has not already filed one In this olinee. All bids not complyilig shindy tidbit the terms of LSO adrertianneal, lid/the rej.rd. . .1. HOWARD WELLES. mbLaittl • ' Captain and O. S., U. S. A. pROPOBALB FOR BITUMINOUS COALS.—Seele4 Proposals will he received the office of the Philadelphia Gas Works, No, South Sioreathatreet.vontil soon of Friday, 28th of April, 1886, for supplying the whole or part of set. ray thousand tons of Bituininoes.Coals, suitable for thrtnenufattureet illutolnating wit; tolegtlll. errd en the raliroad.treek• of thetas works, ref the Twantynizth an/Ninth Ward Stations, in the fol. lowirequantitirs 'even thousand five hundred ton. In reek "(the months of June. July, August, Me, and January. February, March, April and Nay. 'NW. 21geonla +wind he dAirerrd nosh. dry and .of tp:11111.01.prooril t)) the Ettelottet 01111 ita W 0 :41 its 000:1 t.t L., an:l4lW on 6.0111 . n.1t if She proposals must describe the particular.vartt *trot toalsintendrti to be supplied aril the lus t Mon and name of the mine orplt from which they ate to be raked... If they Are of a kind not now or recently Used atbese works, samples ter trial of sot lea than My tons must be delimited at the works on or Mime the 7th of April next. The Um, ton of 2Alelbs. will be considered as the weight intended to the proposals, unless the' tom trary be expressly stated. The Trustees reserve the right to :wept soy pro. Pestle In whole or to part, or to reject all, as they may deem best for the interests of the trust; sad loieveut of failure on the put a any coutrutor to deliver the cents, according to hia agreement, both in quantity and gustily, the Trustees reserve the right to buy elsewhere, whatever quantlry may be required to meet the delletency, and charge to the contractor sty loss or damage arising trots soak failure. Payments will be made monthly, to two equal instalments, at four and silt menthe after the ape*. tiled pee Inds of delivery, tioaleth of mien month be. log taken as the Average Of the monthly deliveries, or at the option of the Trustees; will be made at earlier dates, with legzl Intere st oIL Should contractors prefer_ to make deliveries eat* r than required, they may boreseived," so far as they can .be conveniently Stored, Mit payments will be modito 'date from the time apecifirdin the cootrsct. St CUli ty foe the fulfillment of- contraet will be required, and each prnpoaal mint name the amount and character that wtd be otrero4 : JUh. BINNU EL, ent,:htd . Eoglattr t Chief. - MCCORD ut , • • Whokatale Dealers la Hate i vi Caps and Strati) Goods, Here now la etoie the lint and most complete stock of- GOODS FOR FALL BALFS, Ever offered In the West. ifferem , ore regulated to tall ead"=rmtae our StOan "CI will bo sold at Tory low rota,. sot . ' prrizrr. OAST STEEL TEETH, for Sultry; Hay . and Grain Rater, of any drape redulze ew Hay md Gram Ulm maunlactured by feellawdlim Mallon Avenue,Mk/rite/Lit y, • „V. t .5 , 7 • ' !yr I rin•-i5t. , .:4• t r 11= • A. GA.11.11.190N & mfurcesson t 0 14dlman , CI arrlson, l Oa-) rot vizrus IND ItIACELTIVISTS Dfaruineturers or Chinon Rollers o ail fixes, for Iron, Steel, 1:,100, Zinc Cnoper, Silver Gold, Mrs. , Boards, Paper, nu India Huldler Works itothng 3101 l ist Inca of all ,te.c.,pt,0,., RarkMills. Patent Double tlrtoder, alt tt n carte tT o the r patterns, RI•VILtiI on hood ant fitted to not. on .5001 owlet and favorable teams. Moe and Warehouse. 110 itm1.4161.1 street, Ytttatturgn. teII:ly BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORE'S PITTSBURGH P. PACK, OROTGER & CO. IZE!!=!:1 REST QUALITY FEFINED OAST STEEL, country. Ardir 0111 re ar.d o moth ~ No IV And 151 FIUST and 115/ and 1= :11/CON I. 1 . 1114/2.01. frll-y• d pATENTED oulo.llEit Oral Lamp Chttnnepn, Tare Phisanrys are hamar., for the flat darn, beatify: all part. of the gleew equally dose not el" pore. it to retelahg. E b. 1/nllßntali, tort Pitt rilokr work, waradooon Street, Pittabargh, Peon'. K. 44:0111,ILL IL V. RAW! litn - N CITY WORKS. OINTOMO. 111 CO PO ILL at CO } - I.I.NDLIa3 &ND bIACILINISTs • i:orner of PIKE and trliA RA. and PIE E and W A LNUT STREETS, Nrit r iliTi Water Works,) of statiot,3o tual other ENO 1 . 0/.14Nt1 11111.1. CASTINON lIIACHINE, of ft II kinde, rntl genetnl jobber... 1•1117$11"12 gks «iv to rewttring ROMANO MILL :11A411.11 , :t.NY A: • No. 39 Mini Igtreet, Plttuourgh TIN AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, IT EEMs=l!il JAPANNED TIN WARE. We have now manufacturing and have on hand Bathurst Apparatus of all kinds, Toilet Wars in Notts, Water Coolers, Ormers"fea and Spice Can, Men, (lasi, e.d Spice Boors, Tumbler Drainers- Spittoons, he., he. A large lot of BIM Cages for sale low. Oil Cans of a❑ sizes and patterns. Tin itoohng, Conductors, and all kinds of Jobbing Work done to order anki SILN Ell PLATED WAITS .•SLMJ 171P801.C30.1E2.-IT. Walters, Castors, ke.„ he. enttable for the Trade. on hand nod for dale by WILER it MOSS, 225 South sth st„ PHILADELPHIA isielszn JON} I, mamma Cif A Flute 10W.3 BS JOILN B. BEBLON ct CO., Oatcwvc, a2nal.aicaoturors, AND IRON FOUNDERS, Oflor &lad Sales Rooms, fern No. 119 LIBERTY STREETI pEIiN MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY. H. WitiIITMAN. •ENGINE BUILDER AND MAU/LINT:3T, iaACOM 7210ZET, between Federal and Random AcLannany etre, Nanufsetnrer of WIUBTaI AN '8 PATENT PORTABLE OSCILLATING STEAM EN °INES ehattlng, Pulley., no. Repelling of all kind. ottend.ot to jet-ty JSCLIOONICIKER, . • MASIIPACTO2IER 07 it bale 140, Cad lead. Elle Lend, Lfiliarage,llie • Faint% Pally. ku, - ard Dealer la LINtEED OIL, VARNISH, J A I•A NS, PAINTED'S' MATERIAL, he. Office and Wareisouae, No. 63 Wood street. malMly,l WELLS, RIDDLE .5, CO., Na 215 street, opposite Sixth, Pittsburgh rbortlliActurers of WIIiPS, I.,A:CHibt is. SWlTtlli. ES, oud every description of LEAIDER BRAID ED Orders solicited hom the trade, end goats pto Ir shippedna per lostruet Ines te6-I,r k 4, SEVERANCE, M). 54 Water. Pittsburgh,runnulacturer of HOLIER RIV EI S. WRUUGHT SPIDES, common and railroad of every description. Panticciar sized or arinpod SPIKES and RIVE/S I etrge or small, made to order at short notices. A g od sisortamit coastal:al, on hands fIW. BENNETT, 31a.ntacturers - • and In:pone,*of ttiTEENSWARE... No. 31 inAMON ' STREET, beitireco Wood And Market streets. Pittshotlch, OTIOE 'lO OWNERS OF .11 • DRAYS, HACKS, &o. • • Notice is hereby given to 411 owners of Drays," Carts, Carnage., Hussies, ho., whether resident or mem.realuent to the City or ritt.bursh, to pay theft Licenses at the Treuurer's Ottlee of the city of Itittanureh, forthwith, in accordance with en Act of Assembly, approved March lB6o, cod IlnOrdl• 0.,0c0, of the Mounds of the City of Pittsburgh,. passed Aprli 16. MO. All Licenses not paid oa nr before litairip MCA trill be plated to the hands of the Chief of fame, for collection, subject to his fee of 50 cente for the collection thereof, and all persons who negleet or refute to take ant Licenses will be suhject to a penalty, to be recovered before the Mayor, double the amount of the Lite/31M • Me old metal M Marro of previous years must be returned at the Um. Licenses are taken out, or riny Smuts Memos. • RATIN OF LICENSE. Each one horse yenta, • 7 00 Each two horse. t 2 00 Eacniour horse . le 00 Each two hone lowa 10 . 00 Omnibuses and Timber Wheels drama by two honest eighteen dollars each. }breach additional hone used to sum of tee above vehickti , =dollar. 70.-Eit3HHAtibt, City rer. Prrtentinow. February loth, 1860. fellit ALEXANDER WM:IIDM ds' SONS Now Occupying Their New Stores. 28 I 22 North front 81.,=aad 21 8 23 WWI St.. PECILA.DELPECIA.. Hating been thirty year. In the tilide„ and know toeall toe manufacturers in Otto vicinity, would coodgnmenta of • WOOL, WOOLEN YARNS, and comer TARNS, and will make . CASH advanees, If desired, oa alt shipmate, at the sue of els per esar. per apotrea: fettlend A LLEN To N• . ,•• '•• • • MILITARY INATTTIMIL. Allentown, Pa. Rey. L. M. ROFFORD, 11., President. Mater Q. ECXEMIX.MIPT Military Superintendent. • - . • , Thin institutismi chartered by the Slate of Peas. sylvan's, 'with' fuL' 311ft:tete powen‘-'and the priylies 01 State ...relk for Infantry, Artillery and (las airy drilla, Is now inenocembal operation, nem iriv envelop educational opportunities to *eery nepetl meat of study. thmoauniettion dl. teat from Pitrebtirih, without <bailee of ears. tli-subus 41,41ludoeles. Market Arnett, or Utsli a kluges% Liberty strove.. Ptcteltere'n. ' ttl-S•le_ctal • H . V: b.hlityt,3ll3l3h, ChM and likeelumileal Mpg Mew. GENERAL DRAUGHTING OITION AND PATZNT ASTENOT: , ST; OrST, near Suspension Bridgis. Drswisp s c ask mite Donator steam Ensiles, and msabinerypamcally. Plans end •spaaidentions for Mannfactorise, OS- Nannette' sad drahtteettual Drawings, Ms pa sod esolopgal Surreys earatullyexeouted. Esaideme CONSIGNMENTN. • 60 boles Dlssena Manias; ••• 26 banes Prime Sweet Potatoes; 1 ear load Peach Blow Potatoes; bay rely Green A_pplesi 10 dozen Canned Acadian 60 do do•_Tomatoes; • BO boxes prime Cheese; 10 barrels ./.* Peaches (dry) New grey; • 6 barrels fresh 801 l Butter; . Wo•busheis Flax Swear • • 500 bushels Prime White Beans; . 'Just neatred and for mile by PUTTEB,AIKEN enht6 •• - add Liberty street PRODUCE NOW RECEIVING. 2000 lbs prtmi, Fres h kola Mater; 200 dour Fresh Limey NO bush Dirge English Com-Seed, - - .100 bush smell Navy Smut ' KO bush BMOC= assivior sate ar t ' BELTING FOR OIL WEL4I4B.—We al wale hate a large stack of Gum and Leather Belting en- heed. of the beat quality. euttable for Oil Wells, e. Also Gum -Perkiest, Hese, Ike Vtleh we will at: the. lott e d ptleft, it co.. 1 1 3 az 46 St. elalr etreet, by NIVERSAL CLOTHESVltniedifi U The only good_ Wringer teat Is asdo,,ttait inn anted to stye uttattetion.' Ostia/id exacting. them at the Will. litubter Depot, No. 11l and 18 Clair street; PHILLIP/1, • sol o Agi.t;ioTraieliTiiiiy. POTATOES AND APPLZB.—ltaceived this day. 1 ass load Ya Blow Pinatas. I ar load theta Apples tait a. vouvr WALL PAPERELThe 'newest deallgrui :piv of Auld, Wart, Win sod common "men •now rtothiog INo. int Atarkel, street, tear bat. e,M• JOS. & bATCHIES BaO. • P. I ft ff.•l f IS' J. v \• r 154) . 4 .) • siL,i . yst VEvTRAL. E A kiRaNVIEgt.N7. —rns• 1...91T 7 TP:AI • On and niter •:•:11N11.1)'. t, tot•kkkl Mt .!?..t,ti&ts will 11,11, the liopnt , FAST Ndl L.. 414 >. c. - in ,ttii..ltty, AL1...1t,. to, st.o.n•l ng only 01 p ncipei stnnon , tenitre cuntovtimis'nt Norenenite ter Nkr S nag .Ittalt,o an' " 46111,7,1.5 t, I at Part t•Nrlt.Sill tor Now York nett. npo "nerno.onw.e. !untie, HAHHISIiVECI •11 Of tA, rPoN . , 4.tily on reps Surd, r t i• ••••••,..t. t , . Wt." Otntit,lf I,twttLl Itnrcnintirg, not making Moor ronoornion wit!) tr3ltPt littlixklt. Neat P enns, l‘ tt,“ It H N. kthensturg at (1, Croloom It. It.. nod Iloopi.i3to_inc mark. - tz irlia:rha, daily ea. eept. Numbly, • a oiepp,opr at nearly the .tntiet. bsnereen vol ant; making nommen., a 1111 Lotto. no the. Earns. Branches . . J rliNn MOW N es:titbit. At U Dial° ZS, daily, sin; eept Stondap, at 3.0 u p. a. , stopping at regular sta. Ilona between, ,., ,,,l Johnstown, and east meting at raevLino with trains On the Indlaha Branaheon, •veat Pennsylvania R.R PIiILAIrNI.PIII.A KN. Pkil.:&S, daily, at a. 15 in, stopping at Late,,,-. Vonnmmtft Citallitzsa Altoonn, LeVIIMOV , 2I. 4 Min, New port, Marynstils, Isinrsitter, snit bows made 'aglow. At RA... I ellreet GOllnectirma ILF toe re, ...mutton and New Yogi at Philadelphia, for Nev. ark, Dledint I! points. Sterp,cs tars roo 0 ,, et, train from Pittsburgh to Baltimore, Phttade/ptu and New York, by tLc ..1,.-niown tome. - . kAbT II tLttay, ew, ei.t Sutiasy, at Lay I at., sloppier. mar tt t !ooarw.wro. teat Intro. at... ittattagtitnt. Leo .0.14:4 bttdm.. NOINPVTI Iltddiatown. Eitsaoetv won. Mt. Joy, Landlarilw. truartner. 41111 iPows 11100K11.. At HUTU(' 4•• 1 1.14•{1.4111.,19 atria of New York, flaitpuote ene -Waettlngronott Pelle delphiaa, for New Tot a, 641111.014. AIM totertaidta . {white. Float Ananuatialltto... train Or Watt's Stair leaves daily (except Sttwiny at tag a. a. ' • " Stvottd Ammanlatlntma I taid Tor Walla Matto /eat ea Mail, (except iu auay jat 1 1 ,4 0 a . m . • . . • Thtnl Accomnsoditt... Tratu tie 4tatbi eats d uly (except r-atalay) ,t 3,4 0 p. o. Fourth Train tor Mall. Stack& daily (except nttitatte 7 at et* P. a. Church Trait, leave. wall , * Station every Sunday at 0.00 e. at., teturutog • leaves Pittsburg at 11.46 p. at. Returning Trains lien •e ra littabitrati tollaw , Pittsburgh t Eels Express • thlla p. is Baltimore Express m Philadelphia Express 110 p. • Fast Mall • 1.01 0. 11 Fast Line tons. Johnstown Accommedltion ten. a. at First Wail's Station Ar , osonishirost.-.. 6.10 • na Second Wall's Station ACculloll.lllollo2 _ 1110 ft. IL Third WalPs MOlOOl Accommodation.. 2W. p n. Fourth WalPs Station Accommodation ha. m. Baltimore express will arrive. with Philadelphia Express at 2.30 p. on Mondays. carte of t.”a the ttompany hold themselves responsible fin pentotpit Titans only, and for an amouLt not sitreeding $lOO. W. IL BECKWITH., Asois. At the Pennsylvania central Pal!triad Paasenst, Station. on Linnetr ann ilennt niellants. nob TIITTSBURGII, FT:_tifoit i tga§ wAYNE RAILWAY'. AND' !LEVEL AND as PITTS HTIROLL RAILROAD: - . WINTER ARRA NOEMENT. Oe sad after December Pao. Mai, trains will liur as follows. viz. Leaves I • Foe . For I - For . Flitabearli'Clieefro. Cleve/arid f , Whecalog. • Expre55.......... 2.11 r ss„. ea. 111.1 a EXpina. ' 7.Wp. 11.1 2.45 p, te..l trir, fn. .... .12.05 p. m.l •, . Alan 'll4o A. ni.l I &ID e. In. For New Castle ii3lll:iie aeo ze, et=itittl Arrive At Allegheny—P. P. W. & U. Rails.. tee LEO a. In., 0.4 u m.awl 4.42 p. ea. O. &P.R. R. 10.A0 m. GEORGE PARKIN, Tietet Union raielllget. Statloty Plttab= " Aa, . t 2. OASSRLDREILIC. Ticket Agee% Allegheny City. ovil&A P. R. MT EIR 4 . Clewed Ticket. Asset I)ITTSBIIROB kND OONNELLSVILLL RAILROAD. WINTER ARR NGEME!IT. (10 "and after NIONIIAY, Rot. lee,. Ille‘thetrat • will leave the Depot: comer Of Soo:" and Wag street., as follows: • • - ' • Leaves Animal • . Pittsburgh- Pittaregti. • Mall to sarl from Uniontown. VW a. m. ewe p. Express " ..4ssl lOMi L ca. First McKeesport Ammo's...lPA* a. a. GAGA. ca. Secood p. a. exci p. m. First Braddook'e, " , 7sM am tOM Second - • .. ! 616 p. a. 11:10 p. a. Sunday. Chnrch_TraLs Co sae .- •' from McKeesport IXM m. lesXl L at. • r°r thamit'PPl / L tD .L SHANK. /Viva,. W. B. Smut'. KtiesrlsiMei•••- A LLEGRENY-vial. ariveranimici LEY (MANGE OF Tillfr..—Om Ana siker SIONUXT, liaWitr lath, t take Zthe following arrsage.amst of time 'I MAIL Tilai.K--Loccvni Pittalytegh skates • ilk arriving a te ing -M.10.060. mt. L.:l'Year in. tanning a p.m. cm, amino at gittsbMik at I EXPRESS TRAlN—Leaps Kittanning saiLiff a. in., aniving at Pittsburgh at EMI a. m. Lama Pittsburgh at 4.. r m'., arriving at Vsttannueg-ak4.- /SaftfblOD.Sl7.olf -TP.AIN.- - Lea *roil Works at 5= a.arrlvlngstPittaburatiate.Th tn.- Leaves Pittsb urgh 'at I.oop. In., arriving at Soda Work' MAP, m- m7lO r: Superlmen. ant. cittamrtx. C H ARTER 1829. PERPETUAL FRAtarsim FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Assets es Jammer t. ul6l. 82,4414.8411 S. . Capital '11 . 410,0011 Accrued Premiums' Invested Premiums Unsettled Claims Belie Income for it u 1 • ...1 tdtm 041 Mil Losses Paid slams 1829 ' . Perpeitutt and- Temorise , Polities- On:likes' . , . . . Chides A. Bootkar," - • !we d I _.. • • . Tobias Wagner, .r. 4:dome 4.1.-DOW, - -• . Samuel . Gran t it - Allred Misr, • .__,.. . . Doom 'W. Itis ardo. Fres. mr:L= 4 .11 URARLES• N. NORM,' EDWARD O. DALE, Vice . JAS. W. EDIELLISTERI See. pro. tan.- -. •". . . . • • 3,O:OOFFIN. WC, . - corner Wood and Tided id j:26. . FIRS AND MARINE Ly:amco Co:' of North Ameri*. PHILADELPHIA. ~~~~ Rargerd Inwasco Conpasy. Awee. • 41.2116.900. 'JarProtection can be secured 45.alia above n.C• and, =Liable companion W. P. JONES, Som., feTldly Bawl. • Buildings, Rs Waters*. uTESTERN EtIBIIWrcECOMPAIiIt. IOY IT/TS.I3II.IIGE. MI_L _•-• • E. MILLtlt, Prrridne4 • P. lIERBEET, aurautri, Mace, No. 12 Water. atom% Spans & -Wan. Lowe, up stain, Pittsburgh; . .„ • . • Waif .banwe agailUt .4u Atuu reni.a Rigs. Item Imetitstioa Waged bg pireeters arabrati tunas is 44e COMMOWIay, Mad sMo are weal try immptaass mat .14beroWy, to ssaistais character *Web Wey Aare =Sussed, sa oforbylke last antiurban to Moot oho data !do be Osurat. . .„ Y. isnur,li zi Andrew Aeigiiy. - June@ Meth ,- stua .Ic..Ale ad xander spew, Nathaniel Halms, . r Mold 14. Lang —, ..7' Ale:. Maack. Ttrai. Car G . N. P, lI.EUREy.T, secretary. CITIZEN'S- 11,18131M' NCE COMPAIit 01P • PlTTsignekni.—tnnue, torpor Market _ Wt44 : lt ______ ".td ' w nt. Nara-AW eWeoaa N Samary. Insures Steamboats end Cargoes. dw - Jbaurea agatnat keg end:damage In the natio, lion of the Southern and Western Rivers. Laken and Bayous, and the navigation of the Seta.. LISUICII against loaa and deduce by bre. - - BKStanek a ntsao T. S S .7d n .Sl pto Jas. Park, J'amee M. Cooper. Jotuudon,. • S. Harbaugh, ..' Joast,_ . J. Caldwell, Jr., ' Ikon. T.M. Row% - John S. Dilworth, " Barclay Preston, - `.Wm. - A:Rodgers. • George bingtun, pEOPLES , -INSURANCE, COMPANY Mice, N. Weenier of Wood and Fifth Ms PIM /11131111.A3C8 Wm. phiutpa; .4Japt. John L. 3. 01 . w a gs, . Samuel P. Sl:Leiser. John L. Parke, , S amuel LOT!, Charles Maims Attack Was. Van Birk _John F. Xtrico,kpok; lama U. Venter ". .Toha Glyde. SUHN WA , 1 L 'l , . , ►tq 'Prest' WAL P. GARDNER. , Silaeifirw.. _ _ AA,A LLEGIIENY INSURANCIE COMPA.he, NY OF VITTSIMEGIL—OtIee,,No.ri Fklp Inauri4 aping!, all . Idftils et Fire - ant Mufti. • 'v JON rye. President. • JOHN Ti. AINJO4D, Vkar ?mike/LI John D. HoOordi , Oatt. /WA= Joirtjulc &tirllinAnia 5. '4. R.L..Kbleurewt . Robert H. Ira! lone', O. 4..; Hopei. &MChita, LA). Grey, 'Jan Irwin; Jr - B. L. nth Imatali, . . . TO PRINTERS. . • • • PREIiSES FOR !MLR,- ..L • • - .. • - - -One TATUM t.O(LINIIICK, betl Innnesi i . - One TATUM. bOU/11.a.: OY O'l ND—bed. 14 Inebes; all la groYa vo.king i •+, WI/I be BON ni p bluXaln. Enquire of or Men! • 'QUM - ' OUrrrEn 1 1ORNIT•4•BAi .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers