Eon OFFIbE (s II seianvl ratoer of water au..l Smithelzht street.. Enquirer of 301114 1. - ilntrse & 00. y10:117, A CORNER - 13TORE* ROOM, ef a du Olio. or ire rooms, to the Fled Ward, Allegheny, totner of Relmara soll-Stulbeny streets. inquire on tag YR ,or es or harar - THI.4-13YFIIIE. FOI3 — ,SALE. • The deiilling house neer rsy-nyted by 3ohn P, •Irt•r, Da.. on Cron nesr DeitZ HAY street; Pos session rill M given on the thst day olJrne. &A nnie. of A.H. MILLAR., • sold:Wat - leo. SA. Dbmaon4 street.. it. FoR SA Lll.-4800 will nrchaaa a neat 4,„, ( Zfir f• i t='or;Llrd b . ;311"1=r17, Thy dotes. to • largo rotates Is reedy rotubiliLL IlltuattO ts Sanwa* Tp., 44 r•• Oro*. - Ap7 ply to _ . (cabin NoL/tHt & GO. Wog Sitt;- - ThatlargeT - iiititATOld '.& BUOY DWELLING HOUSE, No.ll Fourth Wort, Pittsburgh. Poomookis prom on Hut tot of Apt MIL atreot JOHN W. EIDDILE., ilttbtoopoit.Law &NM lin. IA Fourth 1044- _,____ poi eats Oil REFINERY ARAMs wren &Um film Pittsburgh M A..T. IL; ell Is &espial, wasslag ord.!. Price KM *rot WIGWAILIS esquire W WARING k trAIWAIrd Y Markri .tree , . Pltiaburth. TIM SALE.—LOTB. Tem PLH7 MIIIABLE LOTS . for biassed or manufastraing purpodof, haring a At , front of du faston Liberty street, °Doodad' Evans afar. For Dialer particulars ongoing of , 11, RIDDLE, - . ' • oillitidad No. HD Liberty stmt. 'OR SALE.—A. FINN BRIOK DYING. -a LING 1101:4 , II, la the ?earth Want Alla Any eltp, 10 feet front on Imoockstreet, 07100 lost more or lees deep, near Gloodttch street,-and Two squares from the Mead street Midge., 009415. log AIDS Mona. With hot a,,d cold cotter and pm; all In good order. Teems to cult the purchaser. Peemoston omen on awn tn. In of 'MS. rATTrißstm. e, it Third street, above Menne. Oleo, Plus urah. Fo viva BILLIARD TABLES, '?;" igl i triostrel l° t sad Yui„buedalt_yri— Ws. tie remainder wilt b e .old *Ma For t r l i a ‘ l7A Fel:listed It EY S r: r al i gh z AADERSON) tAklr Hotel. ." mttlt.wd 0 FOR BALE, • cx)atroirrest.t Rots I tat hose Vegan owe anti a tura knaves relf ithe street se st to reet ,Good water and every thing eonvenhent. Powneuto gives Ammo= Tar hems applyeo (mare Panc,lllroderal or at Thomas Harper's Wagon F.elop, Beaver street, Manchester. -- setter t. V & O D R U SAL •O — IT FO UROTHWA:RWe ArLeL& N . ' Iberired to sell the lot emoted on the east side ef Ilealrleh street, at It. tptereectlon with the Pens.. • 'II Wean,* Osnal. In Jot Fourth - Ward, Allegheny , rooms Ole, en which there are four brick houses, two of_ 1 whleb are three story, containing five room Cub, aid trio are two story. containing four each., Will be sue cheap oruvided for rood oil stack. - ~,,h Sell . trrErz. k WULFF. Weds, HAM ' b a : - .1"OW BALK—A LOT OF GROUND, 5, at Dig Pewleley Station on Pittsburgh Fort ...l Wayne ik - Ohielige walleosd,eontalning TliftElt A *ORES, Del PERCHEN, on which le emoted a modern at. It house:new Is soured of oomplettot; s lia bu th tleire tilr fa t tront ""e' burillag th ,olinlar th ta. unde e 7 the tra 'srb insi" Ole, book:web and . bay - window In parlor.' Will be, sold low. Possesatoa guaniateed first 'if Nay: - Apply to ,- . . ~ . . , . J. W. ISTONF,*, aiblatia- - • LW Fourth Orbs • 1 p. OR SA L.II.—TRN TWO wroity A. DRIDICi and EltiliTeltlf ONE - AND TWO STORY FRAME DWELLING. situate In Da , a queens Borough, osier the Iron Works, with good Wed lOU attaalted. Thls as property Is pleasantly 1 • located e will be reposed of on liberal terse. lb perique of mill means., awl who wish to proem ,- a house, this Weeds a good ammo. Plasma= 4 ' given Ca the trot of April. For 'paella ears, Oa, , , . apply at the Rest legate and Ineuranoo Mice of - ; . Nutlet Newt, near Jillece."Lewresiteville.Pec FOR SALE.One SECOND .' 11A,NI) , BOILER, mart, asw,ll6 fern law, II LOW dlametri, lota dam df . obe - 41 test .101% la ilia's - psiter, iseh' One N teat I?ag,lll.ladkes dtatalier, ill lacM One eb harzel Wrinitt Una Tat. rsur . 9r• 'at psF(DlFl lt t l l i tt.. a llra i 1C . 1. 00 for grair.rittabli. — mh17.1.1 'PORZALE--Tlues new. Steam Engines, bale purposely for ost wells; TA Web erunsisi Snob stroke ; re , irtxottg. Entine shalt, wank sad spewedtog rod of wrought .Lros; used for boxes. Boller* 14 toillfeet !Dag. C Well. diameter, wifit tiro 11-Inch Bore; chimney 18 to. by re feet; kat and sold ender pomp. Eveuthlngeoroplete sod ready ship ea WAIL , 111.11:1U•BL BOLS Shop; earner Petit alley sod Dtmuesse street, banker. /Meshes,. siev. oesr tho Pelee. 80.2111 3PU:Lco Wi,s',Coro!e)rt2r. POSSESSION GIVEN APRIL _FIRST. • . A deshable primers" In McClure to waddo, well Improved, one mde from &Wpm'''. *lse, no - Elegant rtesidence: • to Rewltkley. Fee peett.ulers enquire on the preseleea of J. L. UAJINAUItaIf, or of J. T. SAMPLE, ReslEatata Broker., jam . 1 • • - atz•et.. Anstaray FOR BALE . THAT- DELIGHTFUL, RESIDENCE . Lamm moIIII.IUNT KW% Wsmbl Rua. 61 61 0' measly!' by hts...iliss..P. Ike ) tiulmmes sal& deco& WlN,Lesley, dßONliet BAnk Hosea or It ram,* sod eel lark emit Ana el•tem;lser n3 V *.a.: trait time plod' Wad; grapey taw Fl acassif isad,efobtscisy a doe watery alto, aslsiall4 viswirl.t abs Ohl. Ralisrassi: Nwehaftee ntale_ibe. 1 era& as _of blasobs•ter Siren ay sad Waal' Etna iStatlms , Plire. Ft. Vr, U. 8.114 only to ialms•• rids by Ms 'tatter Isom Fodsral St. • Statism: , farther • particulan• oar terse nay be boo - of itar-yibmri , ve any -day from so • Owes, at his Inma n. sbeq at Webster, st... old Orohts As. lona AUmheoy oy, tbe essaboi. at his bows at Woos% li ce. lablUal. • .., • ROBERS H. LEOHT. L'OR BALE--LOTS IN ALLEGHENY' property_where -a: INTL—The nadeistp .ed vibe .for sale Um - isaet Mon FuRD now oe Pastore e, 4illegtway i Ma ; „ edjoi4l the :Anna of Paianreirr and t' estends back shoat MO feet. It Is • pert of Soho (Plirmib • plea of Mount Relief, recorded In Plan Book voL I, page 4. and ecotone eet31,1001:01, said plea, being lade awatered.ll • at: it 1m a comfortable frame house, 'sad the grounds to=ge o. with good trites,&i It rf improved as • whole, it would make • deiWtrif reeldepos. It Is reefed for sale as a whole, or In emends lota to sou purehesers. tad the terms of payeseet of A pt'm ea. Possession .mut be glum on the first of prilat lV ne- • . V. WITITE;, , - tog Fifth st. Volt • BALB--;LOT8 .'N THE EIGHTH 4: WAILD.—Ths undshemed All Gu.callas or the tidate" childish "of' Meld Greer, deed, elan foe eels Was followlng variant lots to the22shat ward, 4:110 Of Ptttahfta, vitt it lota on the corner of Yds. levand Fetter streets; 'al by el tfeeuebelos : lota treat7r set ta Walla Oferee- plan, retarded la saliVar W I. 1 r V=4 e 11l SWIM lota 1:1 to ea, larttailtiol retrest, 20 V*01E2,10112 milli Orr Bal d plain sat. tuta th; abiroorast etitratiefuti Mby too feet;iletar 1001.4 i Mahe lill= Wan; tnaklag u ttatela ota elem. of theme We are yl iattr le as banding War, and others are rear Sti 'for stens QUMTidll• .11ft , will twilolir We ' ei; all torettraty. and. ea ear/- Orkin af t torlarl.: , • ; , I. lei: , T. 42111112‘. - Waif ''L ,' :•• : . , - —2ll2•Firtalgt. 71110114VING• DIfkPOSEO - OP-MY _46.4• REMUS ' AND o kettrcitOOSbeltiOit vela Verbverfelly nwootarad tbeau tri-enir 1118.14 and euetomers. Tbev ere anthogived te,lletttle Age OtitP vevedle ntusaii Nsessx.. g geesuula... MUNDUIJki, Ire Prrre itarrile,lear - A - J91;;M:,1 1 -•.t.L' . # 7 . 3 D O . O PECe (Ektopirispni to lohaVirdoch.• svitszsyktdr: AND .FLORISTS, •t, • ' _' • ~.: - . P1771180110 . 11,"1.- 4 , 4 wer:fr. aids ieneoo IlisVelassApple'Tteea Of fifty -- a•-• varieties, at ' Stipa per; tan ' Aiso a .ner lama • ---, . gloat)/ . . --" Ptailkketr at aV gla . 4!ir.T4) ' - .... . •. . - ~ , '“ - - .! D%rip, - ,ppt.. , :•••- •: f :_•- ins . ..; ~ aisa K ) / i IINAMEIT . 4. I I. gal l; • •,••• irstie ' Was a a Undies Garden — en aapniied -,' :att , • ese Wea n . r • • , 14 . - tansaid . TiISSOTAITI,6 N : .UF CO-P4WYNER t 1511XP.—sTbe 'Partnershp, heretofore rebate; Feiner_ tat_utotesrsiehed, under • the itrus name or Cattiotr"W ii k CO., for the usanalkettlre of-Silver . rj Penal and ether. B e ape„ two this thirtieth dissolved 1 1 4 ; • SAMUEL IC ICIER glYft,,lir4Pir.lo.o,!fi!hr!!" (ftwomrs to CRUNPTON 4. CO ' `lllAlnrini.,Tainte - FilierNititraiatiBupOitirilosinSoape, de : 04 67 I..js, tR rrArrixar. Pitrstnixor ' 0 iriaAliooditod I.lth as In th e flour .gioln rad modular Imams, .7 A.lO - 3,loaNgorca,,4 P.,. ... OB Fillaffilfk.UM, postsientlp daLtoir._FEß. g I v y sou or.der the name of eacto,on, Stenos • W. D. 1. ittr..so Ft • frOlf ADA 24 AAINIOI • ' MEDI= . ; I'OSEPII AD AISS, - Den tin • corm v,s fA puildirag, comer or DIAM (I,4I , • and inert. =l= I V= :it:. ei 7 4:4• 1 i 4 "" • • . .. . . r., W.:,5F . A.W. 1 ; g 5 , ,M,L.F..;,,,..: - .Za. , .............Th ''''Vs...' , ... , k,i`,A 2 c - f4i4Air.v. ir.1, , -.. 4_,-cir.i.l.i.i . r...i..'44..i , ,...':, , . 0 - Pizo'-V-iii.4 7 -......g.4' 4 .....x.... -- "z4—"Si.A,s, - '., 47-, 4 , ,,,,.....- -1, '44".......'" ,,,, e , j- , - ,1 7 . a.,, a 1 J7 , 7;ix... - - ak. -1 . _ , r.,.,.... i ...,' ,, - - -A44ia.,„ 4 -c.. , -- --- 46 4 `.., - 1,„...." ,,, , , ..—.'-'.. , . — "',....,' - . . . . . . . . .1.71 e Z. a .f. A*. C T .F.;. 4 % purrimpt-t:i rfrr+r :rnerr rR WOOD. Lasais aim Miter se :s Wv.. Hawn:sus. Msth night • f the enrsgertent of th. po:Tollr young trenedi.o, EIDWIN A 11A.St9„nte o wilt op • pear for thle nicht only as the Aoae ut THIS EVENING waif* presented Shaksaaars's tragedy, In Ire acts, entitled Richard fl • 81eb4,41, Dula of Cllessor. Elslo Adults Ibus - • ?Alas Loafs► Sylvester. So conclude wr9 tho yoputsr arses of Ike WANDERING BOYS. Luang Ike drama tie ortialital Duet, by Hn. Dtak aonand Mal Panay Bart. In aebearsal—ENDEß ARDEN. TRINBLE'S VANIETIED TH.EITRE. - .A eon. restre. •amt *v. us.aals. W.C.. SMYTHE toPeAff, and 3f.anagic. COUNSACTS •T 8 centmax. First time of the beautiful drugs, to two eats, satlUe¢, TUE lEISII EMICIEANT. - "lb Bee. Wheeler ss O'fklen, supported by 'Messrs. 0. W. Blake, IL M. Iltsgerald, Oeorga Dorton', Mrs. Frank Drew, Mts. Foster and Miss Leanto ALL THE FAVORITES IN NEW scati :To eouchute with the afterplees of Mr. GREEN'S{ MONKEY. handers by Bert, Fitzgerald sad Tortola. . - CONCERT ITALIs. FALLON'S 'STEREOPTICON OWN ZEI 4 1P CP 1 1 1,7 X GI- MIC •X` end EVERY EVENINiI this week, at - 11 n'olnos. Also WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTER NOONS. With tours through the world, end fresh transcripts of all no: Is striking in L O. SCAPE, rani or beniniful in A RAIMITEC. TlflitF., °rani:paella in osTATUAILY. Change of Proorraormeo. Each Evening. ADMISSION, ho cents ; Children, 25 cents. • FM last aloes at C. D. Mellor's and Metier Brothers lialon.to Matinee IS soft VI attar: rritaLtf 4IUCTIOX SALES. 4-•UCTION BALE OF. CONDEMNED, BOBS 8. - - - - QRAUTAIIIIIAZTLE CII;NA•L'e Tutor VICV,StON, WASHLUOIVM thTV. •Hang 14, I9M. -Will be sold, at ptiblle auction, to the highest bidder, at Banknote, Maryland, no THURSDAarch 18.1 RM ONE BONDS ED Y Iit:A M SKS W[ 1i FOAL, many of them well bred and In good noeltion. Also, os ' • r THURSDAY, March .4, 11180, 'MO RUMMEL; O*VALitY HORSES. Thee* horses have been corolemtred as unlit for the cavalry service of the army. For toad and farming pommies, many good bar. gales a ay be had. Anlmsis sold singly. Silo to,contsvoce at 10 A. se.,-And will be to ht at ,Philbp's (doyenne , . t • Stables corner of blowout and Ramsey Weans. Takata—ermh United ti ate. surrency . JAMES A. EMI, Brevet Brigadier General, in charge Farm rLlna Q. M. 0. O. intramtd COLLECT(' s §JLE.—WiII be SOld at PUBLIO AUCTIIA. at the Theism =Lauf.. tory of J. J. Dore. no Palo Alto street, In the city of A liegbeny, on MONDAY. &I day of April. Mae, the following described prope ty, Felten by warrant of distraint Is tied to me by Ilarld N. White, Rut , collector of 234 trlstrim, Pa., so Us. property of J. J. Pure, to wit t e Massa, vllls,e conk!, large took, 0 small 06.0 buckets_ 1 iron kettle and brick, 1 stove and pipe, 1 hydrant, I tub, 1 lot of bungs, 1 bong driver, t drawing k He. I monkey wrench, 1 lot of spigots. 1 lot of hoop Iron, 1 tot of fuenels, 3 charcoal' stills. t ott clabl paint pot, 1 lamp, 1 coal @keg, 1 oil stool benne/Led palate, 1,080 tette( lumber.- Taken as the property-et the said J. J. Dues, for Internal Revenue duo paid.and mr • Sale to coteraesee at 10 o'elosik A. W. Terms coal,. HUGH McELH ENT. mhtlitd Deputy Collector. 11ARCIAMS. AT 9fi. , . - • .114.811AINS AT OS, • • • - asuasprs AT se, AUCTION AT AUCTION AT 9 1 , _ Atra rim( sr re, efery alto sties tils week Of SHOE-A, • • ' BALMORAL4,.. • GAITERS, &a., E=l . . . . Pelee so object se the coeds tetht be iold. at poreetslan must be even of the store et the !Int or Goods tit Piiiite'gele (or less thmi 'chat. • • It. E. AtelllAN room, IS Pedernlstrset, Allmcbenyeity. joirist everybody attend. • plait • , A VERY. PROPERTY.—The residue of A.TZRY PROPERTY In Allegnenreity. rot previously dispoeed of et private este, will be offered at PUBLIC; 'huortolv, on SATURDAY. Marsh 11,, et. -I o'clock v. a., at the MANSION' HOUSE of the late Rev, Charles - Awn; t. ro,-, plena and terms apply to A. LE } re An monger, Ire redersl street. or to either of t e En, T. r, "lame, Josiah Kmg and.' Wet..ll. - - • The puttee who have — ilreade selected lota will please oiall and giro dliectiont shout-thew deeds to mblBttt • WM: M. 'StilleN. 131 Fourth et,. FURNITURE. -ON MON L DAY MORNING Marsh. lOtti, at 10 o'clock , will 0e.41 at the residence, tIOHNE 13 FERRY and TBtRDSrREF.TfI, the entire Household Fur , name, coulsting or pi ..sh seat diverts, plush seat rhairs ‘ pinih' seat rockers, mahossoy centre sal lode :able. .whaterot, tine parlor clock, ottomans, al paintin gs, engravings. mahogany.dressine hu• meat. enclosed washing stand% lounges, oink an I ...gee, dining table, dlningroom chairs. glass ware, chlo,dloneeand tea seta. kitchen table, kitchen shahs andh.itchen uteiruls generally. • rul.St A. .MciLte AtOE Auctioneer. NtOLASSES, TOBACCO AND FISH. lortoll C 4.11 UR DAY IitORNINIL Maier 96th. at to o'clock, ac Commm Mal Sales Eta:m.64 Fifth aimet. • iD bbl, Baltimore Syrup; dar do N. O. Mal...meet . • • Itt caddie' Baltimore :Tao Roll Tobacco; ,Co Union Nary Tobscro; fo barrel, Mackrrel: - Id ti do - ' IC • fit dot 1 half•biurelli Like lierring'. ' • ite attention of toetrade Is called. The Lilo lc pity mptoryil tuW.4 . • , A. Molt IVAINE, Auatr TfOURTEEN LOTS -114 - FIFTH WARD. '—en•TUESDAY STENING. March =b. at 13.g.O'clOck:wilt be sold On second dom. of Com: merest Sales Rooms, 5. Fifth street, the follow ing Building tots:in George. S Seldonlt plan •of 'Leta in the Filth Ward. city of Paraborgh• Lots,being Boa. a, 14 10, It. Pr, 63, and Q ,in raid Plan. slut fronting fort on tloltimbhi ,!Itle4S; . and eat/coding . back 71'feet, 7 Inches. . • Alms tidst_hhiu audit.] to said Platt, ea roe new Columbia street and MulberiT alley. Tonna or Flu.—Onerthird eaaa, oaltnee In two equal 'annual risYntents; with interest, secured by band and mortgage.' • ouba • _ A • el tWAIfiE. AoctiOneer. OPE REMPAND TOW.—.BA.TUR. tiRDAY *MORNING, March 25th, at tS *olork; wilt be told at Clommerrlal Sal. Rama', IS 274 h atreet, ow account whom It may Mt:WWII, 4 Males Romp, 17 Vona %%oh Rope; a GO. Fl az '_ MeILTILINE, pictlooner. . . Q,l4llliG,WiaON.--Ctri , § ATLIIIDAY 11 11101‘1Ne, Match IR.h. at It watoat, will be Lola *t itommetetal betel' Tanta, _l5l Fifth street, Spring Wagon, new. .11011.17 MME, - tolat Amettotleer. C. 4 RPETs.• -oil. , ckelrirssi. 12. HEAT B RUCTION tilde. , of - .ka Peritring to afford taa public An opportuettyofpnrohedngloods at POPULAR - PRICE'S.. ' • Morreapondla• with the . , Deee (tol., And the i ln mp., In A d las tumble is rlderehendlaa ireaarrilffr W. have tala,day • . IL•eked down prices, Throng , out our ent.re Stock; And offer the leraein• And most complete mesodermal .Uttrentranir cholonpatt•rns, - • • !Imam fflro Three Ply iseti. • - • Floor till Cloths, Windew nadirs, We, - Terenplys nuTblrty.three- anirtunk.tektne pen. MCBMAND & COLLiff Di aml Ti FIFTH STAMETT - • . . Next duet to Custom nouse 404 P.O ENTERPRISE MILLS. ..12WOOD;BALSTON 4t. CO., Manfattenn •,-111 'IL, anda - m 41trehants, "CARPtTINGS; Oi Oaths, itrattings, Rugs, tic . No. 619 S TFtEEZ fenie ' tHItay.ELPIIIA. - JroTieriA , or or Efil7rimra &Woes**Seem or pi' ORDER OP THE BULB, OP et , REtri ORS of this Sento. General Meeting of Steekbohleni win be held tit the AMNESIC() HOUSE, on. SATURDAY, 1 he- fith_day rof liprll, 1860; et 11 o'clock Witco tette loteooguldemttoo .the question of 'orgetettog the Reek finder the Ketionat law, en *melded by the enabling set of the Legtelatueeoi PIWIII7I I / 1 11111. intilo4d 311111/14.T. MOH*: - ••:A.Ltamainrr, blarelt SUN uNi. rrHERE NE N ELECTION held op Out Iv ea OP APRIL. NM, for Mao InreetAni tIie.NP.CONO NATNINAL HANK, e nT eitriakthelr Hantlegil sear law -Wu vg; YOOVTL oass, Y, nmikla6 i~ILI wmi= - - JOHN:ROBI9,,Nient Bcjiiltable ai =tern * alba rotre g ra= "o : l : ol3llC U t 010 1, 1164 ,Z 1.7. tor, Wood add Td idrlmt.: Mts. burdb. • ; • Jr to7dr j. 13 4RDINEN COFFIN. 3gen4fortha V,• • FruildthiPlahrlek:hts and ,Baltimore MattlirittniP,fst;ltit. ,r 71. 7) Y2 T . :1 9 . W F:, aON BM 41..geattor oritv.. Aimed , Y glihki3.l4 oMea..ihr..i.,..au...ttord b. ' kii3WEI.. ILEA,Seeit—iiiißitizkninitsur ' I .= : ar am* Cm op.ny f acq urr 81.6.1. r and 31rWrfai MWMIREM rfra 'r I.th r Krl•r.Rion Copper Mill and Smiting,"Workfi. PARK, M'CURDY & CO., Menufuturera of SIIEATItINCI. BRAZIERS' k BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER 1101 , TOMS, RAISED STILL. BOITIMS, SPALTER POLDER. MAN importers and -testers Is MET ALS, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, WIRE, &o. veiistastly on hand, TINNERS. SLACIIINR3 'tad TOOLS. Warehouse, No. Ile FIRST sad V . /09011 MM STREETS, Pittsburgh. Spealsl orders 1 Copper eut to any desired p•ttra. as)..,l:lydavrT -- PrelWlDVlltill MAiiriWORTICA. HUBBARD, BRO. & CO VLLSOPACTUIZEILS OW PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, Warranted OAST STEEL SAWS. of livery de. attildloa. AIM, Mulay, Cross Out, Gang, and all other wartetle. Ail kinds of Klavrs and SPRINGS, made from Sheet Cant Steel+ tido' Refined . REAPER AND MOWING BEI As. Kir Warehouse an Works, earner WA_TER and _ ,SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Particular attention Oran to , uns ming and Straightening Circular Saws; re. pairs of all kintM„ Punching and Drilling done at remeemble rate.. spll6:ly UM. BARN Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers, Noy. 4e, 21, St and 26 PENN STREET '`Having secured a lame yard, and furnished with the most Improved machinery, we are preps. ed to manufacture every description of BOILERS, ln the best manner, and warranted equal te any made to the country'. CHIMNEYS, BRIOHEN, FIRE BEDS, STEAM PIP&S, LOCOMOTIVE BOILLTIS, CONDENSERS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SET TLING PANS, BOILER. IRON, BR IDGES, sro AR PANS and sole manufacturers of BARN. HILL'S. PATENT 13011.v.Pq. Repelling dotes on the shortest notice. dioliktf OLOQO• RZITIM....W. D. 11111111.1[11...4. P. NOLL•ND LA' BELLE STEEL WORKS. REITER & CO., (Successor& to titsersa. IL•settsa k 00.,) Menetneturers or OAST 'STEEL; SPRING, PLOW and BLISTER STEEL; SPRINGS, AX LES, CROWBARS, ale. Sir Wors. - FIRST WARD, 'Allegheny. Poet Onteeeddrene. PITTSBURGH. jataly UOIIINSON, ILL* .* C 410.. (MOMMUI, to Rotoxsotr, Mints b. Woohlngton Works, FOUNDERS AND AIACHINISTS, Prrristraos. Manufacturers of BOAT AND STATIutrARY STEAM ENGINES LAST ENGINES, MILL CHINERY, GEARING, SHAFTING, OAST. !NOS of all dtstrlptloo., OIL TANKS STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK. Xi - Agent. for GIPFAIIIPS PATENT INJECT. OR,' for f.x.ding bntlrrt TO 1; ERVO CS to U FrEllEll:4 or BOTH SE.I.ES.-A reverend gentleman liar Ine been regaled to health to • few ilnys, After on da=l,7ttreht..ige"at routine c s o n d ec t e n j g , o " 3 l‘r ostre 17= enact duty to communicote to htiofttleted creat ores the naming of cure. Hence, on the receipt of an addrresed envelope, he will send,free, • copy or the prescription used. Mott to Dr. JOHN M. DAONALL, ite Palma ' trent, N. Y. ottOtelplowT JOIIN COCHRAN * BRO.. Manufaw torero of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, IRON RAII.ING WINDOW war- TERS, WINDOW GUARI No el SEO. LI ND and S 6 THIRD STRE ET ' between Ward and Market, have on hand a variety of new patterrw, fancy andplain suitable for all purpaaa. sPar U u Z. litteatten paid to enclosing Oren Lots.. Jobbing done at short notice. attt "Or TILE BUSAVOUIL 16-1;."-- SEMINAL, URINARY AND SEXUAL SYSTEMS--sew and relinbler treatment—hi Rr ports of tha Howard Amodation. Sent by mall fa oaten 'ether envelope, free of More_ Andreae D. J. MILLEN HOUGHTON, Howild Amociattnn, No. I South Ninth Menet, Phil.. szsur u..voiaams. FORWARD ING AND OOMMIs. - ‘ION XEROHANI -end wholnale dealer In. CREWE, HIITTEX, SEEDS, FISH, and produce gewrally, No. X WOOD STREET Fatleautsla JIERCII4Xr74IILOILS. TI EERY G. HALE"DESIRETTO. . 1 - 1 TWIN' thank, %olds friends. and the 'stabile for the targe sad cordial support thee have se, corded to him la the DIEBCHLVI , TAILOBIND BUSINESS. Mulatto' preparattoce ter the '' SPRING TRADE. 314. Hale has claltee the oakum markets and lo coed choke-material for,, CtiITI,EIgEN AND Tortns , WEIR, gi:tra f ti unu ' L clen. callexce.Tarlej NYaterlat, Nip. Workessillilp. ned (ocean. to repni to"the Interest of the custo mers. No Establishment Can Excel RIMY G. HALE, Northwest ear. of Penn and St. Mar Streets, BISSELL'! BLOCK. W. a NeGEB. o ST. CLAIR STRF.P.7 Would tall the attention of buyers to IM" stock s goods. N has been selected alto great care, at , contain all the NEWEST STYLE'S OT GOOD i (o, Ua found to arat elms houses. Gents wishing a Cult of clothes made to older, chi l l ane examine our goods and prim.. • and rmplets Stock of WI2I - 23.1.11122.1.13; C3l-00clis. W. 11. WeliEE:hlreciAirr Tan o\, - STUCK OE 10y4 lothiug, Now Rr.cErvnick lIY GRAY & LOGA'N', ITOOKS: aLBUJWS. NEW BOOKS. -II iddriPs Design. for country gooses; colored 1.1- lortrations. $l6 00. • Robinson". Physical geography of the Baty, , I.rod. el 60. Randall's Practical Shepherd. el 00. . Woodward's oountry Housem Illustrated e 160.. The 'Twang Gardener's A..slatant, by riridgeman., -Burr's Yield sod Gardef Vegetables of America; lliostrated. , SO 00... Little Sommior Little Slaves. , We. -The Old Farm and . New Yana; A politiaal eUe gory, by French. Hopkiasti, member, of the Qom. Matta Congfeaa. el Reminisceocar of Glass Mating, by "Drinlag James:- $1 IQ _ 'under theliaM Paper, et "21; mamba II 76. Too String", notto • be,True. Paper et 601 nue - Meditation.' err pAriettaally, by iL‘golsot. Fttleott on the Pitriong Epodes. M 00._ z L..yririri Recreations b_y_tiamuel Wad. 13 00. DAVIS, CLARKE a M,: es Woodrinet. A NEW . 1104.)11. BY 31. GUIZOT. Ideditathou on the Esc ace of .ohrisinity, and on the Iteligtotts gun-Ilona 01 the day SIM • • Lance's thinunentnry on hlstbe e, on teal, h.* Hellcat. end •loctrt •ni ' 14°4 ft nst's Uoinnentncy on Hatt. , ew and Mark, eliticaljhotalletical nn•i doctrinal 11,00 ' Lite and Ephtlee of.et. Paul, by Uoncytmtax• fatuirson ' ' The Yelterallsti rlttrein tntrognetton, by ELEL. 4 - kinw, HlitoryOf the 'Ereglieh Lem. - 'an d pie Dab+ Litara!urp that it Lmbod• !est Y Wilful& 4 4 0 MaLecture* on th e 13eglli , at Linisume, by P. rsh 4,e1! • From 'Dm to lierehebe, by J. P. Newman. P.D., with Map sod P.Oreitogs; a good se. eonipenieleent lot the Land aod the 800 k.... gnaws for Every Sunday in the Test. '2 se. dee. A liberal discount to clergymen • Neetidee. Planti. awl Training of the Chtuatieo by the Apo4lea S. L. READ. fee • Ponethritreet. =Z= . 't:ME2 HANGS AND _ • ' AMERICAN ORGANS, agitiltnfil, New York, titlF[OX/hALS a t aTez h ilit i fi k l „ couky xim.a.:l4c•Jes, • El, P. a FL W. Elmithii . American Organ, Win MOW MACII.III3* Just mistvid um lot et ttie aelebrated bistalinentlx!ogttl i o rl O th GOOD CHEW PIANOG • . horn ether mannfaeturera An warranted far drio year& - WAIN:RUN/C . & BAR& Fall ST. lndant,STUEEl'... OFFMLN, 130ENF... . , . pa rump serggET. -,51.1/11-0 'IBM; &GRIT* TOR.' 27ooices lsioa. Xi' Belt risuai to taLcii.i. ~12 ,IJiitailltrc i ll 6azt!lt. FATURDAY, MARCH 21. 18G3 lo Bosum . ami other place+, 84 well as in New Yolk, liomanism is g_tiaiaz remind. In New York the Bain is by im • migration, among the lower claws. The Boston Re/order says in that city the in crease Is by conversions, and among. the richer arot better educated people; at least , this is the claim of the Catholics them circulation of Universalist and Unitarian I teini. 1.13-Llliall f 6:LLI4I;SI; ii TLc New Y or": has 'an cditJiial entitled "Sanitary Supplies for the Souls of Soldiers," which contains some facto that are significant. It appears Information has been receive(' of the Iritte and constant Tracts In the army, through the agencyof the- Sanitary Commission. The Observer, In speaking of the matter, alleges that It is not to.find fault, either with those who furnish or thoso who distribute them.' The fact is used to awaken increased acti► Ity and interest to send the pure Gospel— the pure - bread of life—to our bnive soldiers. The following quotation from a Tract for a Fick soldier, publiahed by the American Unitarian Awociatien, and distributed by -the Sanitary Commission, in the hospitals of the army, from the Potomac to the mouth of the Mississippi, is full of the doc trine of Universalism: "001 is love, and he loves us right through. Ile loves us here, he will love us yonder. He loves us now, he will love us forever. Death makes no difference with the love of God. When the body Is dead, tben God takes that one good grain that Is in us all, and plants it again in better soil than this, and under . a kindlier sky, and he will care for us and see to our growth forever and forever." This tract hae had a wide circulation. The Observer says, while It cannot object to the Sanitary Commission diattibuting what Is sent to them under their rule to circulate alt the books and tracts sent to them, cons plados that it is carrying the thing a little too far, when their agents, who are paid - for another Work, should mike imploring ap peals for Universalist tracts,_ to distribute in the hospitals of the army. Attention is then called at the close of the article to two points towards which It is proper the friends of the Saritary Com- Mission and the friends of the Gospel of the New Testament should weigh: 1. If the Sanitary Commission undertakes to distrib ute religious instruction to the army, it rabnotdiscriminato against books, contain. ing Roman Catholic, Universalist, or even rationalistic and infidel sentiments. It thee becomes n question whether this was the ob ject for which the Sanitary Commission was instituted? If the Sanitary Commlasi en is employed in distributing Universalist tracts to an "unlimited amount," Is it not the duty of evangelical Christians to put forth costly augmented effortr, to give the knowledge of the way of life by Jeans Christ, to them who arc ready to perish ? A eau amount of good has been done by the circu. lotion of s healthy religions literature, and the work ought to increase and extend. It will be remembered the Ike. Dr. Bellows, is distinguished Unitarian, is at its heal. Tt e drift of the editorial teems to be against the Sanitary Commission distributing relig ious reading at all, but to' leave that work to other agencies formeff for that purpose. • —At the regular monthly meeting- Of the Board of Managers of the American Bible Society, held some days sine°, it was reported the policy of the imperial asurps lion in Mexico has been changed, and per mission has-been granted to thO agentof the Sociely in that country to sell (Bibles and Ts element& Appropriations were multi bit- the ensuing year to the foreign work, an.unnting to $40,609, Books were gran ted to the number of 106,275 volumes,most ly le the tinted States ChriatLin Commis sion. Bishop Janes was appointed a dele gate for the Society to attend the anniver sary of the British and Foreign Bible Soci ety in May. —The U.P.Preebytery of Allegheny will meet on Tuesday evening', April 4th, ISO; in the Fifth Church, Allegheny, at which time and place Rev. D. M. It. M'Lean will be Installed pastor of the Fifth Church. —Chudquy, who left the Catholics and joined the Presbyterians, seems-to be inhad o.lor among them, judginz from the severe things said of him by the press of that de l.-xi-citation. It is Bard he now stands "im peael.ed before lis own Presbytery." In Canada, to which he fled for discipline in the Old School Presbytery Iml:fib:tots. —According to the American Prethy i erian, a wonderful revival is In progress In the Baptist, Bethod'at end Presbyterian cbnrches of Detroit. Such II the interest, that on a recent Sunday ercangtheYonng Men's Mall, which, through the week had le en occupied for theatrical purposes, was densely crowded, tome 2,500 personseuter• fog, young and old, ,crowding on the plat. front and within the scenes, which had to .be thrown open by rabbi the curtain. The services were especially for the-benefit of young Men. It was a solemn meeting. Hundreds 'were brought under the pOwerof the truth, and gave manifestations of the fact, some in the joy of their hearts, which had enibraced the Lord, and ethers by ask ing for prayers of Christians, and inquiring what they should do to ho-saved. —A grand meeting in behalf of the Christian Commission was .held in the Acudemy of Music, New York ; last Fab teal' evening.. Sev, Dr. Vinton presided and made an earnest statement of tin great work in hand. 'fiddling to the two Com , missions, be raid' the Other Is Sanitary ; .this Is Saving. ' The following facts were stated: 1n'1862, the Chrlitlan Commission received' 140,169 ; in 1863, 0358,239 ; in 1864, $1,2117,571. The American Mtple So• eiety donated to the, Comuiltsfoiin Iktia hooka to the amount of $10,256; 11009, $4.5,071; In iB64s $79,114.'' • - ,The National Unitarian Convention will commence its sessions at the Broad way Athenaeum, New York, April sth. Convention sermon will bo preached by Pev..T. F. Clarke, D.D.. at MI Saint's ittrch, en Tuesday evening. The Ohrisifen itririgter says the American . . Unitarian Association has ; re ceived pennlision "from the Secretary War of seedinglis . agentstuid.puhlicatiops lo° any t part of army. Arraagements are now in progress' to send of Once its agents to, the South. Or, Neale, in a sermon deny. ered at the Second Baptist Church, Boston, made aneloquent plea in favorer open com munion, and amore enlarged conception of Christian brotherhood. .-- -Bev. Evan M. Johnson, an Episcopal minister, who recently died in 'Brooklyn, in the 70d year of his are, doling the:course of his ministry. of fifty years, united nearly 4,000 couples in marriage, and baptised pearly 10,000 children. At the time of his decease he was the oldest settled Episcopal clergymen in the State of New York. -,;,--,4lnite an extensive revival of religion 'is reported at the Newvilie (Pa.) Lutheran church,-in which more timid:lay persons, many of them beads of flimiles-hoshands, snd *dyes--pmjessed mime found .peace; in believing la the Savior. -- The - Examiner and Chronicle gives the following as the peculiarities .01 the Baptist Church gcntemmerit : 1, The Balk; Bets are IridePendent.'. They theybro flee from allegiance to kings, hiships, coon-, ells and , synods—deriving their authority; .from.Jeius Christ, the head of the Church, and responzible to none but him.. _Our As. ,aocintions, .Couferenecs f.lounciLs'and State lasts Conventions - are only advisory, or are 1 1r eha.r.u.h.r. I:h e in ;4 nothing klinve the I'Lgrrh • an 1 that ii% es its v ICWS, instructions actd ordi nances from Christ himself." UT!, AND lIIMURBLIV., ♦IOIIBTIIPAI'/: MYIBIIO GAITTTIL) New Organhatlens ln Allegheny The enrolled mm of Allegheny have now pre seeded to them the last opportunity Sro avoiding the draft. A sufficient nuttiber mast eullat In the new organization's new forming in the several wards, or a draft Is Inevitable. In the First Ward, John Dyer, Jr., lies reeelvod anthoriti to recruit, and has opened an office at the corner of Lunch and 'Federal itrects, and has quite a number of names on the roll. A local bounty of i5OO Is offered. Ur. Dyer Is well known to the citizens of the ward, and we have no doubt that, with proper effort' n behalf of the enrolled men, the quota can be speedily tilled. Captain Dyer announces that ho will receive inch recruits from other districts u may desire to en ' lot with him. In the Beernd ward, Capt. J. F. McDonald Ls recruiting, with very fair prospects of success. lie has now about fifteen tuonm enrolled, with an indelinite number promised. .In addition to those on the Captain's roll, we understand that quite a number hive been enlisted bye gentle man employed at the outer depot., who proposes to raise twenty men, In that section of the ward. In the Tletril suit, Capt. Kohen nod_ Lieut. Herman have been authorized to recruit a cool. pun and they have oliened their muster rolls at the Malta Nouse, an utile Provost Marshal's office, Federal street. Gape. Koben has seen ac tive service, having been a member of Colonel Clark's regiment. Lieut. Herman bat been for some time past employed as a detective by Capt. Bicker, and Is one of bit most energetic and re liable sneers. Neither of these men are liable to military duty, but they are willing to do what they can to save the ward from the hardship of a draft. They offer a bounty of 85M, and It Is probable that this Simi may be Increased. The time for recruiting is now exceedingly limited, and whatever Is done must be done with in the 'feat few days. We have no doubt that r Dough men will enlist to fill the quotas of all that wards; and if they do not enlist before. they will certainly be anxioue to do so• after the draft is ordered. • 'Delays are dangerous, "and the better plan is to enlist now, when the way Is clear. A volunteer, with six hundred dollars bounty, goes into the aervice under eircumstan rea very different from those of the conscript. Those, therefore, who cannot sifted to run the rink of the drain, act thepart of wise men to en list and take the local bOunty. The Flood at Fraoktla+learther We are Indebted to Captain Longbrey, of the steamer Belle, fora et , py of the Venting° Spa tater, containing some further details In ratard to the great flood. TheiSelle reached the city thie morning, at eight o'clock, bringing down right hundred and 111aq-three barrels of oil, and ',large number of passengers. The Spectator Is {trued on 17 •Tialf sheet, the flood haring cut tor the editor's supply of paper. After Chains to the rapid rite of the riser, the editor says: .Un Tridomornitir the river presented a scene of desolation never before witnessed. Sweeping .tong with restallese fay, It ' s carried everything In Its course. Dwelling-housca, ware-houses, work-shops, manufaMories, with ail their fern'. tore,goodi t tools and machinery still In them., went rushing by to destruction: parricks, and all concomitant fixtures of oil wells.even to heavy steam boilers. were aa Ithlck on the stream as autumn leaves on a brook. lint the greatest de struction was In oil-biirrals„ tilled aud empty. The thervraa darkened with them. Titonsands were constantlyin eight, end pasalugat railroad . eptcd. It took from futtr to five hours to exhaust the steady run. • . • .• Early on Friday morning It was seen that the lower French Creek bridge was doomed. The Tetra* was ..beatlng against. the structure, and drift wood itemmiulatizg union it: Finalist It' enceumbed to the .prentore, and gave way. It was feared that dashing against the new sus pension bridge over the Allegheny. it would earry that structure Write, but the new bridge stood the shock unhanned. However, great feant were entertained of the Allegheny bridge In consotaence of the current washing around the anchors which ware the wires to the shore. Tittle aro washed entirely here on the Franklin aim bat the bridge is now free from danger, and Will aeon be safe for cross. log. Thoopper French Creek bridga Is some % hat damaged, hut retries its position. On account of travel being suspended, wo aro unable to learn all the damage that has been don, But the greatest destruction was at Oil City. The fiat where the 01l warehouses were situated, was swept clean. Thd bridge over oil creek was earned off. The Tates was bp to the foot of he hill, and oil barrehl, heavy tanks, and eve, housm, were carried bY the'catrent down, Main stmt. The taiticnity Of the houses la the place t nd to he abandoned, and hundmis were e‘eced to rainy out on the hills for two or three days and eights. - • The roamed track hi badly torn ttp, but It Is enpecind that trains will pass between here and Meadville this week. It will be some time longer Lefore they will sad to 011 City. We have heard of but little loss of life by the flood. One gentleman, Mr. ileckard, connected with the redncry at the Polat, was endeavoring to rave some property by means of a flat boat rolinected to the abore l a rope, and the boat repairing, be became entangled in the rope and vas drowned before aid could teach him. The water Is estltusted to have bean from sa tr. ten feet hlglier thisi- during the great flood of Seldom before hare we. gazed uponr,snch a PCCOO of grandeur, terror and destruction as the a eters presented on Friday. 6a Invading army could not bare caused, more havoc. .College Contests. The annual contest between the Union and Philienathesn'Llterari Societies of Waynesburg College took place on ...Wednesday evening, the 15th inst., at the College ball, to the presence ofa large and respectable, audience. Tho following are the names .of- the gentle Men who bore off the hr-liors of the 'tented": 'Select oration—The Land of Penis---S. Weindshorffs En. Essas—Unknovin liertsal-;-.1., P. 13Pn3w1s, East Finley, Pa. Original .Orationtild:orie hirtnerials—R. 11. Lindsay, Jefferson, Pa. Die cosslon-Divereiti of Unman Character tee re sult of Bducalke more than difference of Nat ural Bodownseot-- - Afftrin, J. lie, Ilciward, Abig .Timaitentil coldest, between. the . Union and Weshingtoty Literary liksitici- -of • Washing ion College, will come off on Wednesday,cven log, starch 29th.' The following is the -Order of Exercises: Select Orations—Memory of Wash ington, J. W. Aches:en, .Washinoon, Pal Bier ity of Grai, 'd.11.1 fill rey; Whiegtein, Pa. Ueasffs-..-it - , Mackford, Her lie's Ferry, Ohlei Tbe Duel of the "lion-Clads," 1,. C. Milner; Mt: Pleasant; Oldo. Original Ora tloge--Mationality, Browoson, Washing ton, Pa.; The'Worles Indebtedneds to Chrtstt anitJ,yr,B. W WM, Amsterdam , Ohio. Dis cluieGo -the 'President. of the - Milted States be elected by the direct vote of the POO. OH 'Affirmative, Lit B. 'Lee,- Iltirient -Springs, Ohio; Negative, T. J. Milford, Butler etitmty, Fe. A 'remade's - ate Pickpocket. • It is not often that a pickpocket will go to the trouble to examine the contents. of you.. pocket . brok after he has ato'en It and taklng such amount as be tidnii you can span), return the helence to your Want. Such a ease was dared , ' oprd beforeMazor Lowryto-day.. A man named Patrick Delaney appeared belortlibt Honor and stated that, while lying on a lounge at his board ing house In the First Wand, a fellow boa.-der named Martin Reyriolds came and lay down be aide him. Ile soon after fell &sloop, .and when he waked up be found digit his pocket book had been - tampered with. lie had oue hundred and Often dollars in his book when he icy down, but ou counting It over the GUM had been leasetted by Jon forty-lire dollars. Ile at once suspected Reynolds and a warrant -W6l Astuted for his ar rest. Orisearchliapothe accused..ttnnontey wu Plain, concealed !whits rook. ....There Wes `nninag the stolen mouey. Um dollar, tibilo which Debt ordescribed accurately before it was found,. Cud which, en atteing, - hirlatilttrely indentiSed as his. Reynolds was committed to jail fur en, 31[ostan,. Dr. °cargo L. *ciloon,Phynieinn to the Board of Health, reports the following' Anna' the 'city, from Ifireb 111,6 • 11 arch • Va1ea..1...•.19 Whke SO • ' TOSoI. • •.519 Temalca.....lo I pall : wed., S or the ;alma ,tbere-we4a elseiPetalit' 3 l maramus, 1; Intemperanea, 1; ega - Sloe -of dtealie- of tridnefa, 1 1.-; ' m Sniper, 1 Cl4lO OF bead, 1; eatanll_ fever, 'II#ON Persi' cosmmption, 2; • eeroftda, _aeciselSr !Rudd fever, 4 paeamonla,2;tithooplapeoutb, I; Stole ehdta, 1; deFaieree,:4, Innen AD/TTIM.;/ 0 -PAlT.estera ll 7 DaidenlOirman. , atsd ThUI of Reox—Towrobln, Cleateeld coutazie*lnted' with eonlylraci to rtalef the draft In Cl;arfleld' cobety, hada ht rleg before 11. 8. Con.rtilialotier bieutal. They were each held In--the comaof ibree tbonsand"dollars ball for their arpearaaja for trial at the font term of the. U. Metric& . . . ..:- .. • . . . . . ~,,,,....,,,,... .. --s,A, ,f,..,, . ~ - • . ~e /x.) :.4,4„,,,,,,,,,:t,i.",a1,,,,,54,1,-,;;;-'4:4,-;:e..%.,,,Y..4,1,3,,,,to,,:°,1,,,,le,,,,....tr-,...'f,,,,,,,, '..,,,-'2',l,'",tti.:',',-.!,-,•.7-,,:!,-,n`17.,,,,,,,,,-1,,, '''''' ,,,, •454'",..ra.. .- ''''.4-a.' -,1 4 . y %,4-4-.- ` ,. %10 .3 ?. ,- ''-' ,4,.. t.:- . -.- -4,4'''',A-:;,,,,',,r,,,.!-' &..t,'".,,,,-,4,,-F,j,---t-P..",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-1,...-,, 1 . . . - '''-'''' ' " '''',,,,,,,,n1--,,,it7i.,.4g.,7:6,1,....-,'4,7,` ''ef,ft,,,,,.5'.1',,,'.,..,';'.:^k-M':',....,,,,ii,:%%;',;','.4,-"r‘4.7,...e.,:(....",,,;:=-44,' ^5.,.... ~, , ,, ,VF, ,, , .;,...-‘,4C,,,,P,,,,,,T,.,,,,,,,..Vri,01.,,,,P5'',4,7,""4:X.,'..,:_,,,,,,e',. . ; •,,,,',, • ''e'•-,'Ey-.Vr.,TA"-u-,Sy:y:,'",P.-_+S'-,V,'::;',,Z,,,''.4.n:*::",',-,-'-' II I , l, . . ... . The Vlood at DU (7113--Lass listialat , at 5Z,000,000. We bare received a copy of the 011 City ;:en , ister, extra. which contains a general description of the great oneil, and fully eel - oboe:Au the statements heretofore published in reference to the extent and character of the losses. The greater ybetion of itte city Is left a complete wreck. The account sums lip as follows To earn up the effects of the inundation, we would merely state that all the West alio of Oil _ - - Creek, upon the tho, has been entirely swept over. The ut per end was almost entire - 1y swept away. Ferry louse upon the fiat. save - a few, on the 'toper side, toward the hill, being more or less it.Jured. All along Mein street, from the Gibson ilotwe to the hrldsre, bare PO Rered severely. Most of these were busintes houses. comprising Rey iv his & Bro. dry goods ; McLane & Jacobs, stoves, tin and hardware • W il liams it Bro.. dry pools, Oil City . Bask , hardware; wet; Petroleum Farms Assredatlett Mike, books wet ; Charles not son. oil and Pipe - Works, and unite a num. be r of feed, provision and grocery stores on both skies of the street. The full extent of the losses, or even a correct enumeration, cannot at present be obtained, but shall - appear ln our next. The oil and water ruined everything it came In con tact with. Upon the lewd; Xertlon of the east able of the creek, below Alain street, and even upon some portions of It, the loss was the heaviest. From Ferry street toT ism s Lacesco Landing, the whole ;pace is swept c can. From the to Moral:ea held Is a gene 1 wreck. The losses on both the river and creek here been very large. Frani all we can gather at the present time, the loss by the ',flood, Including 011 City, 011 Creel. and the Alleghenyelrer. we estimate at full 55,000,000. And to replace everything as it was before the disaster, would require a still greater sum. Full, 50,000 barrels of oil - *ere lost, and the number of empty barrels will not fall short of 40,000. The riumber of boats, not less than 150. The number df horses drowned. Over 150. The destruction to other property wall immense. 8o far as we have leaned, there was bat one le Inst. The disaster be the heaviest blow one enter- pilsing people have yet had. God grant that we may never see a repetition of lt. AU kinds of business aro temporarily enapended, and it will take fully three months to get things in anf thing like good shape. The people of this favored locality know no ouch word as rall; and we have no doubt that within the nazi six months they will get bravely over their losses. The parties who have been the heaviest losers, bear their misfortunes with a nonchalance truly refreshing. The sound of the hammer and saw are now heard upon every side, putting up new buildings in place of those ewept sway. 'Lenses that were flooded, are bring scoured out, and in a few Mira will present an improved ap pearance. Large gangs of laborers are righting up the oil yards, and elcaniug away the wreak. We shell next week give.. detailed necnont of the individual bases, so far as they can be am remained. Faxionr Timm DIORROTHEI nr Fres.L-The Tondo Blab Pays a (MEM train on itmeritta bursts and Fort Wayne R inroad to )1c Aro at Lima, on Friday night, and was entirely con sumed. Three of the can near the locomotive were loaded with ell, In whieb tie fire caught, and the wind blowinu a gal.., the entlnl train was almost Immediately enveloped In . A large amount of propeity.beside the olland ears, was consumed. Thu FATETTS Cot - .an OIL DISCOVER We bsTe already noticed that 01l had been winch at Warrentown. Fayette county. The well In loca ted on Cat'alton, and is Your hundred and twen ty feet deep. The 01l la of a rich amber color, and le pronounced a very superior article. The belongs to thia"alasoutinin Oil Company," end thneapatity of the well is about to be tented by pumping. Artraration.--Ihray. Taylor of tho Seven th Ward, appeared before Mayor ' Lowry and pre ferred et charggf of aflllholoo spades Richard Strange. The accused was arrested and held-to treeirrer. Scrams.—John Prim, a. respected &Ism of llruktield, Trumbull county, Oblo; committed !Weida last week, by banging, wlWe Laiortng under mental derangement. • • • FAuon's PostenoWricos - continues to be gm wonder and adralratloa of large and dellghtel atottendes, tildtattn; twetynleht a stoics of new Tux Elglath Ward Heller Committee will meet at the School House, at four o'clock. Saturday afternoon. the 25th Gott. Bnonn iiin...-4-Fonr of- the prisoners eau nn'ed in the Jail at Franklin, made their °Kayo on Thursday eight wt hot wrek. Oistr five days more to close oat the satire stock of boots rod shoe•: at 96 Federal street.. DON'T 2117,1ett 10 go to ial Federal street, and cure a pair of Deeds or shoat at ball price. Roods and oboes Felling al your own prlee,dd, Oh Federal area. Allegheny city. Accrion Pale of boots and shoot every otter IMOD, et 96 Ftlivral PIMA. C.O at 96 Federal .treet, Allrghday city aTTORIMET'S. PriZPB K. 0 WAX ottn SIT N. IMAMS MatASTER & GAZZA.II., • SOLICTIVEIS OP CLAIMS AND PATENT AND ATTORNEYS-AT-WOW, . Mi. 90 GRANT STREET, Elttsbargk. Idoeneed b Government to collect BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, BACK PAY Lad all other Military or Nara' (labia Agatha the tinned ritatem Mit HUNDED DOLLARS, elmeged sooo ß mit of erooode recitiebi la ba a ttW mar:tett immediately. 47-0•11 at to GRANT STREET, optioaßa tios cathedral. . 0e32-17 pENSIONB, BOUNTIZis. . . HALL 'PATTMON. Army "and Nav , i Awn; Loy lio. /144 rOURTEI ST.. Pittsbargti. me lyll2llll,tEdi,BAUSetfralfanj el relesaprisonere valeetan. o 61114 — D - ED BULIIIxRs . . Bong to - alllWounded Soldiers, la now bases paid to all with a “Leaelatim.” No 'airy, made c... 11 the mangy to Called • • I',WALTEIa DAY, . • Lleausod by the IL S. CH:ornament. -No. to ; FUT* STREET, !woad dear.balow tbe lathedral. sfittiik.Tis*. rirrsloms APP.ZAVIO OF PAT, - • Ptimptly sttendal to by - a '4Fro,s/A • -rga. to rotrarti Pittatnitit4-Pil• delliltodowp JOHNI3O2i, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. V.S. LICENSED SOLDIERS' CLAIM AGENTS Rountree for Wounded SOldlers collected in iron eh to twos!) slops ' , . grOTOre No. oil Grans r ernsetc.rittsburei. Gall witirdischrirse nod two witnesses, dernilT MILITARY.. 'CIADIEr; • - PEN - 6101 , 18. - 110UNTIIIM; 11/LOX' PAY 'HILITAItt CLAIMS. of eitory collected. by 'She subieriber, at she, following Asti% vig : pennllosnt 4110;n11 other olnimilll.Bo.. . • . t.l.,TAXl4)l4ActornegAG.Law,'_ , , . Grant ate , Plttobillib; e. B. Ifo oh4rget,ire tonde,lf the olallat domf nog 000 mi, and oil it:torn:m.lbn given gratis. soilY • NOAH., W.: SHAFER, ••• - • . ATTORNEY-PIT-LAW,. rarin Si:aarr, , Pa kThilms PENSIONS, eouNrii. PRIZE KONEY.ta, vlicorpasly proseautoiL, , • `, 000DS. jiff: WILSON. :JR"Mr. W. eAIIII.. DAVID 11100•3014118 IV/LBON, CARR dc.00.; • _ • WILBOI, r AIM 004 • , Wheiesele , dealers In FOREIGN AND DOMES TIO DRY GOODS;: No. AN' Wood • street, third noun shove Plamond alley. Plttsliutet. Ann F4ATON,' & :CO., Wholosale • - luttrgeimu to . Tittnimorosf Mt. DUOIDERIEN Hzd DRY DOODS;of everidellefip Don, Nal, ti and II Ilnixstreet, P.lttaburgh,l7 • - • mACRUM . &, -- OLYDE 'W,lmiltside and IntY n tatjtt r altWl N 4lL, 4 tia l trberk i ft &rat, hetw.rep" Diamond mid Fourth; Pittotough. IM. _BURCHFIELD, Wholomat , , and 0 . Retail Denies in STA.PI4:ANPArAIIIIT AT-ROOD% ?forstutairt,tlenr. part4p • mid /luta r gateegtyPlttobilegh..„ , ; ,„ tf(iISRPR HURNE,Vfliolesete and Retail neater la all kin -a of THIALIEWM DET , goons, aa, il r ot.l7Abd.7P.MitNA strAeot, - zaz ISittetz*llA • Wboiesile andeigil 'dealer to elm! valet FAIICY GOltll6, mums; T9y6, 84.131061 n, va.l;y - .5 I3.J.l'XEft 4. o newton, ran re Dweller, Rate with line Ulty Bent.) Foram PrATIMIAL MATE OV PIiVT-.3112011, S. Gettrnmeni Prrrar•Taen, February tat. tern. NOTICE.—WISIIING TO rtrimlEß -LI the design of the • • NATIONAL BANK LAW. TO PROVIDE A • Uniform Syktem of Currency TUE FOURTH NATIONAL . BANK, OF PITTSBURGH. ea and attar Petweary tet,lBls, reeetve her regular Deposit:on, enetontere and delays. CIPIIREXIEW 4T 'PAM. By this Donne the publle win Oblige PAR MONEY FREE OF ALL CHARGE th g c :nrU P L u al t Zd'. l ' ren°7 ' B. D. ERELTION, Cashier. • MO • BANKING HOUIdS. N. HOLMES & SONS, No. 57 Market Street, Pitlaburgh. DEPosns REMISED IN PAS FUNDS AND OVRILENUT Col:tentless nude en al th• M•sIPI palate ef the United States and Oanada•. • STOOKS, BONDS AND OTHER, SECDMITIE BOUGHT AND SOW ON COMMISSION Paitkular. attention pall to tate petrelteueo and ego cit UNITED STATES SECURITIES, LIFCLUDIWO tatted Rates Mu of MD; De. d 0.11.4101 Do: • Piro. 1040ot De. SIVII-Tb!nice; Do. Corthitstos or Indebtedness.. ORDERS AND VOUCHERS BOUGHT OR COLLFkTED. D OLLAR b&V.0408 BANK', NO 65 FOUST. STRUM. . . CHARTERED IN VMS. Open deity from & to .1 o'clock, also on Widnes. flay and Saturday evening, from May let to No- vember Ist, from 7 tog °retook, and from November tO May let forma to 8 (Mock. , . Drposita reeetred of all sums of not With= Ors Dollar. and ÷nd of the profits declined twice a yaw, la June and December. Interest brui been declared - aendennnally. in :Jane and December.. Mace tha Bank .wan °coated, At. the rats et dn. per a . Interest, f not dawn 0111,11 pieced io of the depositor as principal, and bean the mime Interest fian the list days ofJune rind December. compounding twice. year without troubling the depositor to m o ney even to present, his pail book. At this rate will double to than timbre . yenta. oolui, containing 'the Charier, SpLitit, Suite and Reguintions, furnished- grathkron- mßoatiorr at the ofitaa. - PastrtnaarrdEett6E ALEtattli Tung rasentsyre. WllH.m T . Anderson, - • A. Id..Polleek,.llL D., John G. Backofen. Robert Robb, Erni. L. Fahnestock, John EL Shomdmoyer, James Bremen...' Jams; ; James McAuley, ' " Alesandee Spier; • - Lase M. Pennock, , Chilstlan Yeager. Calvin Adams, .. Hearst S. Lye*,. . John C. Hindle'', • . Peter 6: Madeira, -. Geootelilack,. -t John Mmishall, Hill Durgmin, Walter P. Marstual. Alonzo A. Gamier . JlM** 8. - D.15:44.146 Mereddito. • 'Wm. Douglas, . —John Uri John Evans, Henry le:lstaprelt, Gillespie, 'William E. Schurrts, William S. Haven, Alexander , Peter IL Honker, Vankirk, Diehard nary Wm. P. Weyman, jA =l l ej , SlAti. A. fitrXitV ittiet Seervierp—JAllES D. D. HEEDS. *Doti, • ' TREASURY DEPARTMEN 07111Crl OP COMPTROLLIII OP TIIII CORIIINCT, • WANZIT3GTON, February Id. ises. WHEREAS BY BATISP.A.CTORI evidence presented to the undersigned, Lt been made to appear that the SECOND NATIONAL BANK OE. ALLEGHENY, la the city of Allegheny, in the county of Alle she oy and State of Pennsylvania, Au been duly organised order and according to the requirements of the wets of Congress, entitle' "An Act to pre. vide a National Currency, secured by a pledge- of Vetted States Bonds, and to provide for the often• lesion and redemption t ereof," approved June Ai. teal, and has complied with all the _provisions of said act required to be compiled with before cow. roenclog tee buelness of:banklng under said sat; Now therefore, 1, lirou Alr.liet.mooto, Comptroller cf ,he One renc, do hereby certify t "Tbaeco Nion. al B an k of Allegheny City hat ," In th e city nd of ot Alice gheny, In the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, to euttulrized to commence the but. Ilea of Banking nadir the act &force/dd. Currency - Bureau, Intglmo ' n whereof erne seal bf the ' my " hand and Comptroller of the rent of thee, tote Udder } Currency. of February, MS. Treuory Depertment. • • HIJOR DtautILLOOR, Corootmller of Um Oruro:Loy. PEOPLES' NANICHALL OF PITTSBURGH. • CLPrI'AL BANTU. RU. 10017. - P. 'JOWL BIWCIAT 111121111 X. a _BYRON H. TAIIIII3. NW. W. ILIILMAN. - This Bank, organized under the National Hank. Ink ayst. was cow prepared to transact toughie.. at its HankinMen, 0088 - BE OF WOOD AND Subscription'' lir:dyed f0r:115.7 1W Trearna Notes;a 'unsay of wtdah ta an hand fortrainedlats dcavity. SAMUEL FLEA, President: E. M. wallow. Cashier. =MP* slimes. Goofs AT REDUCED PRICES. BOOTS, SHOES, • • GUMS, GAITERS. ' - BALEIORAL9, at • entail advance &bare eend. Now is ilia time ttkueure goad bargains before °Cid tikes another Cie. Call end examine our stock and be convinced VW • yourself, u we take pleasure in showing any thing in lour Use of buikees, at • • r • : : rope le *akin Meet, I door from Filth. JAMES noun, lark.. Stripes" svras _THE IIELT I3I ' nTrucci. - And THE KIEIT EHHAIIIIJA -134:2011:1WEESSID EsizscoaLs, .0 any Amigo tA• hailuaereadved a acipalleedt, Fat*taok: 'ep ~ .-8TA8:!••••79114{zv, . ..; - Ars? REOEIVEN BY . • • • GEORGE` &LSRE SON k CO., No.ll WOOD STREET. 06I1irett'a Go at and KI4 1561ee. , • • laf Order, ad -These coeds are made .o our spec . are warranted unequalled custom worn. D. a t trra 111"11 INCO• 64 akailtet 8 treed. 241 reels Id, Haiewastanuy sasortmeat (prima's, SEIOES.and GAITERS, for L.dles Gentleunit Woes. Goes, Youths Dzl'Vhildrilea 'VRUTB, . GRDIII!IaNW• Gadded fr'Co...,Ortrrar.l as sattelled of the merit/ Of HEMP. It bee ratsee-me frost the 06esi. sin:wets. where CONSOBIPTION bedsit neatly :phased ettl. - Toter armee aza Olah. went bee done . tor not what. no else did An weld .d 83..eentoted me to -health life,wharti rethrtied.tayaelticr Oe t-mortal thane." Amens Web? aztetber MiTottrit , SigInFOID. ritlettill, Milne, May le,telit. The shove Is vereateat and but eel of the ititny ire receive. 'Dr. 11. JAII=4.•CI&NIWIULS - DIVA ie the only remedy that will posittratteure tKiNSUUPTION. 2115TH.NtaaadBILOPICHinet We ,u7c the heal of a alteaa bottle. et II will sat... We the most' skeptical.: q /SD Oft bail& .Tires tolliki et 10. , - rifle and • Dieteteat. St .hedreee , CRADDOCK letiStevetrelawdaboever: •fJ • • - YGERS - ANA? Wa ARM ERS miutf rn Eit ahori initioCto thOef T• W , Lig nur Men= • 14110,, .IrnW 1E - NEiv - L' IDFINti:'-'. Lueirs coco Pet titEIM Restore and Pima° the Growth 114 IR D.. MILD KE4OII. Road thc. Finalcmcrlatag: .1' A gentlbsout who resiCee In thls ally. taforread • us on Saturday last that by the nee of theoooo - CREAM be had restored a Ens head of hale. Previous to the use of the Crean he wsa entirely bold., and had almost`despahrial of ever haring a natural *rostra of halt ags,l4betlee use of this valuable restorer,ho has s that which appears aflame a latmees. LL?BIN'S Cri r lierLaa.THlC or oillng,dresstag,and beautify/as the hair. softens and ells the hair, and gives it a permanent [ softens which it retains for days after !aging iroe ,• • . iNANL Y 43 ll "udarr r iVdtrarit o :Va l t ft Soot the Br/toted Scalp,. ' aste s ' It Sootbes the Irrlteted It Soothes the Irritated Scalp, - It Soothe( the Irritated `Scalp, . t Prevents Baldness and Lou of Hatt, It Prevents Baldness and Loss of Hair, It Prevents Baldness and Lop of mu. It Prevents Bedouin and Loss of SAW It is an Elegant Perfume, It le an Elegant Perfume._ '• . It fa an eriegant Perlume, ' It is ea Ekgant.Perfeese.' Oesoanut Urea* Removes Handrail' Liocoanut Grum Remorse - Dandy - Cocoanut Cream Been.res Daa Cocoanut Cream Removes Dirodrniff,, It Pirdnees the Richest Lute?, It Predates the /tidiest Luster, It Products the Richest Lodge,. - It Produce. tie Richest Luster, It give* the - Hair an Oily Appearance,. . It give. the Hair en Lilly Appearaue. • /t givers the Heir an Oily Appeusoos. Wee the Hair en Oily Appearance. Per Oiling Whisker, It has no EquaL ' For 011.0 g Whitkere It has no Equal,' For Oiling Whiakersit has.no Equal, , For Oiling Whiskers It tag no Equal, - And tritetains All Ifs Beautifying Effeete And ItGletales all Itsliesuelfyleg Effecter And it Bets= all It. Beautieving Maras .. ' Asti it Hetates all its Beautifying Effeets Par day. after using it, For dale alter ileum tt, Foe days slier ming it, For days after using it,. It Prevents Hale from Turning Graff It ?MIMI. Heir tram luralog Orgy; • It Prevents Hate from Turning Gray. . .D Prevents Hair from Turning Gray, It Prevents Hair from TUrolag. Gray, :I Ho Hid/ perperstion - pos. belle* the peoullar.prop.. ' •-, reties welch so essential. . ly suits the humeas Halt ' as. tee floconnutl•Cream.. It is the Cheapest Hale breezing .. •st It lathe Cheapest Hair. Itreserlag in the World, '., It is the . Cheapeat Hair Dresslne In the 'WPM,. It il'the Cheapeat Hale Dee la - the World, • ' FOR. SALE .m. 244. DR. q/STS 4NP • 7,.PULTOtEr DR:tra ST(lltar . , • Drspatch Bui2c inb sth.-St.-• R,1175/41/42WR4., .Y,t ROLE AGENT for Dr. lituirmbriiertratieirpvithle Itesdikes efd all Poptilar.Patesittlfetitelais., ' C1.9.17107. 1 01 , C. - • • Oa NOVEMBER aist,lB63, I purchssedtroot Dr... LiNtiSET, of Rebidayabure, the a re=4„. width he utastattured . foments m knottla as 70.4•;.! AL : - 'iaNDSKAT3 IMPROVEI`.IrI,OIIII.:SEARCHEI flitten CNA- Stow 1 lusvii beim atttliturtog Ite • haring Dr .141NDSEIP .bleaself part ' tiur timer employed. Co .superinteedffig , its preparation sod shelf - cm:lnoue reaatifsthors' it - la , sieenrdatour witttitae iostruetious and olreetimisof Dr. Lied. oey. - Those. theh, deldrlng the Needles should eee.thst the name of J. M. FULTON op. Team ',greyer, bottle; cod to dealers i give Cotta. • thaCerery infraction of this, my trade-mark, will Do prooseuted to the full esteut'of the law. . . 3. M. FULTON, Nov. et and fa FIF.TEt ST.,1".11"CSE11711111L. (101312/11 NO MORE 111,Y RTRICICIANIYI! , lia=i3OUS COUGH -BAUM. • sTßll.mx.a.nrips ma.ran.trotrs outran BALSAM to warranted to care 'Coughs. 0o421':!: lloaranowa, Latham, Whooping' Cough, Sort ,Cennemptlon, and W afthotioas Ibis' Throat and Lung._ ' For sale by , Druggists ' General Dope, 'II Wes ' Fourth *Owl, Clnelnnall, O. -rixamusuzic . • ' An the Medical teen snd -the pren remains, DB. STRICKLAND'S ANT OLERA NIS - .1 TL RE a. the Only certain reandylorDlarrhaaardl Fltsorbent . a, ttl i l ' llU l '-`r4 a a b ad Ca ' rm ' tatters audit! ' warranted to elect s cure attar all, other manna hasetidled .., . . Faunae by DruVas. Clement . F.kmet. • Eat STRICKLAND'S:PILE REMEDY, , D}l. .STRIOKLA.I6PS • PILE PIEBEIWY bee.`4 tuned thouespde •of the Worn eesee of BUM eat 131ne4oi Pllea . It glee' IntotedLate telleA told et , fecta a tanitdct:lucent Garb. ltdiffolf4l. ' .AMI wet Fee sale by all 1 - .lruft Genittei Depos,siam Fourth irtreet 3 • .3 -- DiEipeptria, Benrounites, DR. STRIOICLADDYS TO MO. , We see, reeominene tame suet:lei evide leed &Prelate, leulitomiere Or DlSpeedeek, Werrousaese arta Prervous uebeurer, to um .81a1.24 . 11 IL bl a vegetable preparetion, Lem, fr om ideoballa ROAM; it stremietbass Rm. whole nervous creates good sopettte,linet is•werrsetedra " Durpepale and Nervous Dalellty.•:, • - - I For eele_by DeudMeta „mmendly. • Feensrad by UR. A. SW.lO_ I, l.l,dßestyeurtA Serest, eta.; For leate , try DR. GEO.,H.. , RISYSEDI career Wood/tame *Oa Titian ane7tAn4 R. rIKLLE II 4 b. CO., corner or Wood see sewed stratitele burgh; endP ye ABX REELS., No: TT lbderlZ ferret, •Allegben - • : - • 00/1711164.11,..., • • , , . • . , t ...sl,oas,oca. VE - (ifiRA.T - KN - OLiSH SIPt 4 7 4: 10 CELEBRATED FEMALE •DITAS; Prepared front sipreicripilon Par Olathe; ilk Physician Extraordinary to the This well known medicuieris no itapagtion,tiull a sure andasfe onremedy-fr ale diftulthisiwall Obstructionso r o ta wny ens: whatever, and , though a powerful remedy, they oontain ► log hurtful — to 'the - constitution, To•:111Anial Ladle. it la 'perfectly aulted. ler *glus% on the monthly Period withz r ult b' Ylese_Plile,hare never brealinown,l4 f lido* , the directions On the ed page et the painptilnk well obsek+cfft ' • • - • ' Porfollpoptileuluf get a [re., , OM - agent,. Sold by mattlnurigism ...Yel porbotii* - Solo IliatedStiitimi Boat; JOB BIOSEBi_ • • 27 LforiztJandt otroes, - Now Tart. r X. a --pt soda 06irtateitampo,-*enoloool to an/ suthortzed'aroatortr toms 400U1o, 40 .tathloir oLir..Bo AUl46i return - 40wrimkr--- A: NAN - A THOURAND.—A.. CON. SiII!LPTIVE OURETt.—Dr,‘ H.JILICE/5, a'reel tired 04Feb:isnot great eminence, discovered, will, in. the But lniles,'a e.t.a cure for Oanstnpi.:i Wu, Militia, Bronchitis, tieughs.Colibi,•ami Owr erill c h ile medy wan discovered by when lits only , a daughter, was given up .0 die. -13 IA child was cured. awn to now alive ati4 ,l e ell. Dealtoui of beneritting his fellow mortals. , her will Auld to those.who wish it, containing fulli'L dkectitist,tny ,making sad successfully using Wild ,remuly, frie,•oli re-Celtic of their names, with two :igamPs. to"ffiti exponent, There is not a singles ,sy laptop of thinsemption that it do. not et onnie •- •takn,holdollfnil "dialpate.- Night •:avrents, , sorra lobos* irtiClllonef the nerveyotalitire efmemerf n - 1 , egfieeterstiOn;sttro puJn lu they lungs,ii• sore, threat, tidily tremet s:mi . nausea at , teal" tit= 1 1 ,',r5. a, °!9ie. 431-The writer wilt please state the name of the paper ace this advetthiement in. Address, 225 North Second St C ree nA ti l) Plll l)e a C ilei ll feirelmVaredaeowwF • FORE ZukRS P4'.6.CTIOA bsszusi. ingsAsia. Glees me aikido/edge aold acquired by Pb alaidy Inns 'nisi:nee In Me 'dry, and the mount of patient& treated- amsoody ; by ow. ins Wat " bi t A r TlSlWZ=Kitrai; *Ed ' — EWES. And all Merseeneridng therefrom, MAUNA la a much shorter Uwe than hmetefore by my NEW , VEGETABLE REMEDIES.' Bore mat fa any part of the Linton.' Mllatterannist eentataie damp to return postage., Coneeposleasee bela as red. OMce,a&SEITIIFIELD mew, nieepan. : • Bond. ' - Address '; Wady , • Mos MANHOOD:A(OW. LOISTI . HO ' L Ax.i. TODITS,III 1, 11 or ika.saledcna =aa A ri ur. l: ihsNsl4lll / 4 ei i l 'Ctlat4 ot.Sembip• Woalnolwrotal7 , Sevai Oebtlity,'. axed' Um NM lii i !=t gbatial,- - Nerrobstwas, andrllltalltental and Pkieleal.:ttraptir=. 1 tug Item fiel*.Abtive,. &A , By Itcare,`/..4.lavniot wu. cr y f kr.:llol.utharet 'lts Geteo +Book. bea: ; 0 4)L ito - TO THOUSANDS (Mr , pturraszEsat orP . ' ,under"seal y -iti's . plAlCllitinakiW Want WWI , pon pad. Rorepy of lAt sosil e rtst. damps. by D' n.&, 'KURA cm t orkxlßo!it. oMuk be 7.4.81916 -: , 'TIM TMIIVATK. DISEASES. - Peke 232 0. PT WOMI YV i l m l!!!'S' tor tail cm ou &mu* of a pettbia maim be tram two to Ibtur Ottya, by an eutbely . l49w sat Edo triattment. itito,lNNlstlyrukliookaarszvvirti, Albeaseroftbs grimwrivoi, atut myy , *mum wurante4 orytmicyrefue44., mama wen 1 r 114 'M** • lbrilkwir qz 4r. ,;- y` ~.~'~elrli+~y:Air : +..::5.~i:~:.'c."- _ ~ pr/'Z
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers