1, /tIoAIt,%MAACH 17, .18135. Rom,Nsolitirciarx a. Co., 33ataslaimries gas ~.Eircacorni, No. 75 Pearl 4 At.. Piiixibargh relied 41 PAR FUND'S aa,4 OD& Cededlona lade in nil gni of Ute United Stunt. Say and sail at aatlnt ?atom r. pa amt. 1031, Sonde;'U. 8..: 60. •&X 404 U. S. per east. 643 do.i p row litttar T iztl. Copulas indebtoMummi Tboy also Bur ans ISLL O Y CuM.IIISsION St Uat New 'Pork, Philade/phia, and Pittsburgh Hearn; aU Mods of Goverument litooka, Bomb. Gold. era Ma .la2S 1111LULIL LID CONMERCLiL BROKER'S -AND BARKERS' BOARD, (coessmoroli souternoth reheats k 00.) ,[ • Tanharkx, Ilan% 11 , tug. P. p t w. aR. Pori: Seim Alkgbeny Valle,- 101,31 Allepheey IDs Co . Connelsville ahares...•.... 11.70' Calm:a Bank ....... 1 , 613 Merchants ItnaP hy p o ithNation 170,01 Columbia—. 0 ...... 4,Z -- Radar...do ...... . 1,87 1 . Cherry Ilun,Central...-.. T 03.. 14esch nta • O3 Cherr;Aturb . KitTole= 1,11 1,01 Pittsburgh Is 3,33 Pryer5!..,...:. 1 , t0 Chem Runk Pittab , nt-, 1,03 Oh le ..... 176 0,25 • • , 1,37 Central 1,00 • Chery & 1,23. Plusburyb & New York.. 1,t4 ` . 1. , • Weber. :been Without -Ea teed ado leas part of she day, and clunk . t4 Are quotattone.of Oovern , wen's, 0 old receded a littieemi bashcen station ., &ay it about •tirket has been firmer In - - Rah - York. and wo notice that oils bnpro r red isr,titly - `Our-markethas been Leavy router. Islet area ills sale. e! a decline, 'veto pretty xcuerally fol. !nark' to it*. The effort fo boat ChenT a Blood firetoo evidently boll effUrl, and toilet to AS. eOOlllll/1 wbat.aras uxpected. °Central Main held Sip pretty. Dra under the load thrown upon the • market, buttheindicsltona Or nturther decllne be ton an advance sr end toltsuretty eeitalo. -The streetluai been vestly exalted to-day•over. news hom threat County. The NB, York. and. Pittsburgh Co. au greedily picked up early I, the reclaims by knowing ones at Later ta the , day ware .fire reported at 1,15. The demand bawd un a Nlnterest In arvell Just struck in Green County, said' tollmiroistror 103 harrefa nil per day. We adrift buyer. to be eauUmu-the news may: be true, blame bakeno,Laltkin tsvellsof thettaisur nnyttlletc In that region of thu couutrY.lftt proves . to be 06 bids It will Wifely exetiareur Reitltipaktocts; The, National has alson ikon inteirshin thieve' . well; and will iyieleillireltititio idelums. The attendonmrat the Rpoppws ti s k . n i - o ;, siso , Was ummuallylarge , this. inealeg, hitt the trans sheiks= in stock' wereettinparatively 11,tht, and pekes, arttb.,Oriblew , eneeptions, ruled lower:- Charm kiikda fit night SOD up te; Mak upennkiktnelOpuul riketeturealt I,llor Dad.. Central Ruin which hair ruled brildr for two Or , Buse daystlat-giv*Gri", altered b o a kt Ittßo t;litedied.Ouratis..l4l.4"l. Old made fro the stock. PttWbutgh & Sew York - , • • tibia aolkadurtog theatap:sl7l;l6,, anal °bele by, some holderdut to o koptifiedehl,ol,Andaold &MOW' to 1,00. Oberry Run • Pli-Hole appear. to stand the premn6i.hatterldien stawt , an y, steak tie" the say but It too, ruled a eisde lower, gelling at 1.,t0e, kWh Sur, Story and Cherry Rua was lolluriak do , Mend at par, buteidetes,wry Newly u spresnium., , - ,Romereek tuts stilt fUrther decilued„eritimi et. • decline of SS emits - per. 'hap% .with!,, the ;est feety-eight' beers. The foLlowMg report Of: eeles. 4,f1,1• r Xnathises Cherry Run 0ehtte1..11:.."..,1". - ..; 2.141. 100 " Akan ylkia 100 o. eat 0 . 4-• "- 100 1,14117.P101#-,PL 4411 ..t 4 0 , 0rt i, °2 doco - het 11 ....... lel Sor " " • •• - tor " O.: • NU:, LOD ins ts u • Err IX* 1 01, kens at CV, 100 N Natlockl Pittsbargh 101 .--;_;.. I' so' " Io l l ltteburgh & Neal Yprir per " • 113 1 . St.* Well . . . ....- 55 coo • ~" --.110113 • A-• • -,, •- • ... ea fire « i_,2` . 6re,Ettorrh. Cherry_ 1 OA., .• • ••••• ••• ".• roS tow A , ox , . . A —.. so gco gt 61 • al 1K 10 0 . “ sA iA Westate Penna., - 4. aos we 303 titanic R l ttabliiit,„.v.t.., Lid • "Att.el Well ... • oo' au " 'A'afr;tlrtoty - alr 313) '''''''' "• ''' • • 140 A. Fole/18.111.4...6.....•—•—•••*: TO The o ff erlagallad_olmnre far t = A. 1.4 ., Alkgbeay 'to ed Daimler ..... ..• • 120 t 23 d Fared Alreirdo` ' "".-• , r , }gs 23 Otatral . ed . '" 1:111` teenOtEan 1 fel 183 , Uol r oadtda • 73,00; 113 I , a r M .„ 4-0 1 . et Du* Creek ,14 90., 35 03 bun keit Creek e 1 • Eldorado—. " -2.1 F ederal— fa .: • • 5k.h..g.h6,...pi. F 6-r •-- • • 2$ oblo le 2 419 911 Uwe n,itt Philadelphia /xi Ms PlLtabor&n 1.20 101 Olt os Creek /211herry Run.. . ... Os co" Pant PkUburgh 4 al & ' ' S 11 000 Nevem 125 abYam.. 4Os ; ne ploswestasistf Philadelphia.... .11 00 R ear .16" • 1 OS 711 Tack Kew gestbe of New York.; sel 2 1 111 5 . • Meter: tutolrants--- . 2 ill 3.10, WeatVlrenis•• Pittaturgh....• 2 00 Otwelt . ... 2 C 9 , •Tb Sorest* Grebe says: Itn eta of eoestisin • Urals slow progress, our C an men hare bees takes'nes the - shoulders of 'the. miler crowd of Atsierlearipetrelenti seekeis, ;aid carrle *war bodlii. ;Their. lands, walla awl - re ap ed .. bare bees &mita up at, high Niece. Esalskllles Se Oiled with - palate**, 'eileulat*,-Esesslisg,-air. •leTing lowa their greeabaoke with s profullin &bleb astonishes our quiet people. The bunks of the Thames, etAtotheell sod vend it, aim espies, U ed with ~ all :eager for wells la °peddle:4km Whew that, contest with sear aelatheriusoth MC, • o fOr Mow. for 011. A goodtlinaugot shwa peo.. pie hare lltUlletwasenesid. igemeretristdrlig for Mabel loalt4Srownst, be . *reeeee o .40 2* ON very:ben anemia. of Americas sad Magilsh Capital logrirlarter, Ruff trlll'iet 'come Into the' assotsw telbay - teethe Ueda; tO Adak soltabllsh teelaerlea-4 We sensor, AS estlwate the amoWat,lgit it Will be talllleas et dol.:: rbe eliKettatba.lfaiir Yoek . k;S the tteltioA. 41". Ilard allir le 4P! l # e K s P fti V l l * * 4l " Ad. Fee tie esek...:. . Ctrali ,44 113 4 71 4 ND rnmgesviet•t42; 2l o 2s o&! 36 " cab 41,114711, Moo Jamey 1.. $10,400.= (en 047,147,0 n lb =Perth of dameitiii Orifice /oaks *eerie dela lle bbta 'MC nehes,, liklblii,venti Agee, 1,11111 IImHZ P 4 1 , FruE,. 1, 4 3 , 3 „.P's wheat', door, *,OW lale .asal. 'OAS loltheli Whoa*, •4 18 3 do , ea* 111,11111410.0ena-Ml do peau WU Viggo anerliaai Ileteli tearrieeklli bawl attire, 10 40 2 7, ;Ott do Uncle 1,14" teiin; mop do Ler, 3do etude ternen,' ilile, ddlthodlig opium oil, OW do lard on. lls do' lige+ seed oU, "'Au Ma pork, Sit do And 4 , , US *lles Nat lidliOlea naiads out meate,f4e,o3 .4o butter,, OM" detheeee, memo do lard, VI bile Hoe, lied,. Olt 'elude teltow 'Via gall. ,w roleum,ll,me Ss ithaletopaddk.tdideirad lofts or' Oise crude to; Immo, IMMO Be manufaetured do, ere take the following feenittie New York Cm _ velecter, of,Wodeeratiir The/penitent tendency in_ geld comum.c.-I:The &Jenne, barmier, le ratlike. table quit. seigticti to itto peculiar 'condition of the market ea ,to the mute& noire:. ETttlthea the ..intuit ericiiipliellen of itnr Mirk& diatio" the ;ittraideetr, etentkre,, whore the prise - waa formio" 'lnternet* tot nuttuur elm:, these tom beeti a'' 'crow:puff la the truisturt holding .. ai tut, mid. g!7.2oelitleal waguellthe we, wham owed thew Op sodomite th e grow ingaseeedan. eine aolloiwk swathes below the *wail to ot mat they kayo dbpd OUP *lithe Ur' persistently boht their goillo, egedoefo two_lo,alralrs Atiat . would , wegthlo tiog egl i f iu g 4 aoro bumble prim. wi ki i, , that a dingo would; Owe,o klieg • 01000. - 0 , thaia : =atom would be twokoW4PPirgodmeriferta, that . L ea ". .„_= ll Vtatild l=atr iretei l te%e t tl u er, :=sl E z aew. ath Whits S titioninol igew.tholOCroalliol. Net dime waled onee 1,2" 0 a: .thavorameat odrua nix ese re... 11,.. Woo— or ble :od . 1 , . 1 „..... ikileelkat , sod unkA l =igthi ' i r Virt ad I o varyigly" ligeo.,lnkto togolltdok ot, the , war: ketsatitheily wegoog w UMW& tothoga..., Skis .01.0, 11610/071. t#7 0 04 = ri d = i,...„...,.. miluametr , affeeftletite, eggoldu peentlattma am= , kali: asheitel . AM &MU na noel,. 41/IMt .roirpit M M I VAVEM we , • 1 ' . 4 I DAilliir ' 04ff:171CW 0/F" Pf.TT 10 10Y11(38 I . .se o n it.../tore Market . moggii 1,1,. I - „ In.ixf...Ars. • • ' I to Cones-We-are Scala ici . .h.••ut ear t:snststla .0 TrItICEI.AIt March '!5, tiara. .., • 'Tarte Was neat 10 OOthinvlo., I .„,,,,,,, ! 1.1,4 Cr/WW I / 3 of Clout, are eulmly nwe!....1. l'loto-Thc amen...con: Lours dull end price. are Circle/ ttodly, the amp:l.:wet eondlitios el the hen.T. err qurrr Unto n: 1 fiewor.l at:E. Lt :;t>; r , weather haring • tendency. 10 .nth a Chia wens . of 110,7 q 4 / 9 47 0i , .."". "". 'it fl 11tt i t 1, 5" P" possible, to intensify tffe dulllifte and at •poition l ilet. Ail oche/ dracrips I : ll sEnina . ,I , hel'Ette which lutapTeralled for wnekiTpast. The riche's- : 2 3 . ' a . : i :„.. v . r ' n .Le T u n o " , d ari,l''''' °" t° 'C ow tri ' l 111101:t In the value of gold, bna_prodneed a very ' th.i'il- V Vh '‘ t ' 21'4 ''''"'" ll °' 4 l"' *"" ° 1 wh i ne: 1. , 111 la.beie reel ...id nt 1 1 1 2.ere1i,53, sal to / weak feeling on the part of holden of a - nin • a nd..‘ -- -“s• ,i nanny of them would, were It posnible, vtl at n dor, be Kood with tales ef2.soa bnaheis. white at 1 .!aeriliee. ; ei.foral•t3i;th bu-hele dnutr-ge at *1.4.;. and Olen bushels yil,cor e.t , 101. per bushel. Olt-, 190 J bush GRAIN- ii/N-There is nothing doing in Wheat or ' Barks . , and we hit.e no change to m mike la 1 often in raiz. el 9 , 10ne1 - wit Ai 90 cents, measure, 0, ' , " - and n morn lot at •lii welch,. 1 Supply .rase - ' . ~ . 1, . Iti tie: ri ft . ti C d o c i . n n g l i n d l d n.. l . ease .. r ' n ' o cli d i rl ' l o n i ,, d t, : i j m i. .... .e , / ,, f . i t the , 4 , 1 la ti I , ',. I . ' 1,:r."140%-i,1718‘'./,%/I:4ii ~Z,l ! tiv . ,,e ;, in od l i % , l 7 ) , V ° 1 , : ,,,,‘"1 , in on i, for tenni rod tont; prices generally are and nominally at SO on track, neYSS far am ili 10. numlioil as befOrequoled. from Store. - - - • . 0 1)11- 1 5oullaues reveedingly dill. the rienipts I __SitSlll-llefiners have again reduced their prices; being lanie end the demand eery :lckt, brio, re- r_ .2. Title far flee or mor 'bids, ell: Loaf, en striated entireinto supplying ire beinedo.te Sts 1 .i . ' obe powilerial. 24 vents; crushed, powdered and ,' of enestuners. We notesealb sales of Extra I , :te : fl,TL. ul i ., :::t i ticn a f , t . apth h e i zt .; .1 wh e l . bl;4;j cents: l y ips g.7 ll , n2ts 4Tfil .W P t o o tni 4 ;t:ln t g o iVlLTe r .7:ifuol. i tili ct ia .; C yalbme 2e cents; elref e e c CI ye4low e gi; wheat Flonr. . 1 cents per pound. (1...1der. Syrup In bid. $1,15 per PROVSOST'he demoted artfeno etnttntlell 1 g 4llo n , eaceedlorly light, and the mor le wesh, and du.l, but wines are nommestly each/mead. Ninon an:en of prime city lard at 2•:.‘ and Blew Pork at p'7 W. FEEDge-there I. a fair local demand for (Theer and Timothy Seeds, and we note notall soles at gie j ekina quotations. Flax Sand In quoted at from t4P.P.• I V'Ti EN-Clontinuea dull and negleetend, the supply being large , and demand -very I light, Smelle Eon axles at ati.it coats for good to strictly prim. ~• E(IGS-hardly•n thin. lo coniequence of Impro ved receipt.. and 1,1.. have declined, the bulk of sales tome y bolo; at 20 create t 7III4 :SE-stenny, with regular sale. of St for . prima Western Reurre, 23 forliamhurg and St for Galen. PO I'ATOM-.lneres of I F. all HI ..sys' lr nn store, at 111.14411.15 per bushel. New Jersey . Sweet.ore quotad at 114.00§7,00 per bbl. • • BE ANS -- ffiote att.l9o, but unehinged; sates of 100 butts • rOIMMOrt at 8;21, and 40 bushels prime small white at 110,f 0 3. DISI2:11 FRUII -Dull but'unehanged; anvil) mars Cf Apples at 11010 cents, and Pe4chos at Id 0f0 7 .0. . Pl' 11.1-SUL/RCM I'ETItISLE:4III, • Tputensa V, Match Ina% Sr deollne In gold is having it. elfect on the Pe troletan noseiret, Crude - being offered more freely toNlay and' that, too, at r. decline • and even at a decline Lthers do not seem very Jur:lnns to take hold. 81•0 an the current quotations-WSW, bbls returned, and 3 . (eal, bbis laded.% with sale. of WO bbli a! 2 1!. and to,; bble at g7,—Chit letter fig- Loa Icing considered above the m•rket. • In Redo 4.11, thetras.sactions are , eery tight end the ,nleket Is very doll and drooping. 'We note 00010 teW wall false of Free 011 at 184130 coots—mostly at the !arida quotation. Plaptha le quiet, but as the supply to very light, holder. do not seem dispbsed to make amceac,eos iu order in erfeet sale.. Ile shine os t. till quoted drfts at $8,73 per bbl. The reeelpia of tirwie by the Allegheny river since cot last report comprise 2,175 bbl., as follows: 'ten hbls for John Henn, and 713 Mir fur James Mau bliiney, It In psob-ble that the receipts will be light far a few days as the sled'. Is too'.ll,gl to run Mooting boats with eafety. CENTRAL LIVE Pltt/CK 31ARKE.T. Repottel.Exprcaely -for the (Janette '" Ea!? Lisaevv, /larch It, tem -.Cattle market has bean remark ably qui during the past week, the , trio -sullen being 111 lewdly hat, and at the close the feeling was doll Ind heap with a drooping tentleney. The ?mix te of matket Vattfe eoutinue light not the supply' was, apparently cleat to the deraand, Itif,eitrete - riews of ' , olden retarding operatsons, huyere seemed tumbling to tike' told velem ooneeitiotts wer o mode. Lod aPPearqi T7S6 minuet-able Melees from llew•Yert mut' Phillide t tea, placed • great majority of the shit. -perste retinal - lilt, as it wan act deemed sate to buy 76 forehimellet at anything like Use pie,. est Minn mtge. 'regent; goelshbmuur grades of Cattle et tretigtir mention uteum 401934 • and tefertor IfYiggly‘ • Them "weer' oat' compare. tlntly-teg Oartle bonght- for gthremosent, contra*. tors legille boughkabout ell that is required of them :velment ' IF" give below RA the sinerttimt, r Sold to Cteneelot to hood of foithh stew* Mug 21,CRIS H. II ouserrutalled it head of tairiah stoat at `11../Weild to'Clhristills Eelhaed of good Wew let' steehi, weighing INAS D.. 51 410". Fasten sold to Kirk ; L ock, Ilmed of mimes: ormseasbneere, weigh nitile he et 'j a y tog-Wrist, limed Of very oommois ,elll zet head - of common litainbiseteetWegeregingl,hierfa, et le. 1 , SHEER—The eilliket 111 r till vials of stook has ,thayerned imsgerielry Ilene' edit last report, Sod,' with wre light Weigle end. ü better demawl, pd. phi ma; quoted free 69 cents to lb per cm! _higher, brae deplustkesa nmeteroteounre, ts cogether , for shipment, ,ied ettlppere paid title • l 'Whek belt 9to mute, the to egure only .ihr ° Ai th ose moihetwitp fib, the extremes r -of thriossirket. We nY,roin a lixto, some of the I teatime eaten • - Wolf Peter Kiruna reports li t h o ;t rill !Mule ' ; at Fla tyElalionser sold 99 head , averaging S) Ss, • 11011131e* sold 9.79 head of - extra • fat sheep,ee mane' 115 Ihn, at WI. Oleo. Heaver bought 331 bend. areregine 112•y' ill; and i9O head averaging 99 Zs, at all, deliv ered in Phlladel,hla, E3068-7—The Moline to gold ILDpiells3 to, hove ef fected this flog market like everything ner and notwithstanding the receipt.. continue ligh t the &need /a exceedingly limited. and prices are week, though - .about ma cried chyme s. 'Mitring fiXer4l3 to however, rt„ fo d i p a so i lra in,. Large iota, meld ll these psi -oes, es the esatem 'aesthete axe in with &der crondltioe the...shippers are staid to operate,pre reeving rather to bold oil for the present. The 191- lots log is all the sales that we could hen of ee Peter Klement bon t 175 heal of fairish Row, ave; aging about raoi; sten. , 0. illnry Hashouser wholesaled 42 bead, avert inn 44,041 pounds, at 413,50; and retailed in head at 4i ihp . I _ Hid' "51111 L-gla Whlrad, igveragin.- 330 Da-et L.mLold ti Ch/Litt a nice small lot of iTogl, at , crating, r 0 he, at $19,50 - tete' Of the Itcsleia l of the_MayirTark.Gtatbey. . . FrOm th e. Cossteurelal List, March 12,1_ r Coif( ei.-There has beret noralng done In Smell Matter our last; we do not very our gold quotations, but currency rated are tineottled and., lowee,:tylth !thee ee 11 00301101,1 Aft other hinds are Abu yery 4ulet,'&ol % e only notice I= ban St. Doming , . for Fide, at 10 m a d '4utrpald. "The steak Of Moat the mutt di' made up br Means:. Wm. :Itoott. :Wm% h 41ttISbne. viz.. 0.410 Imp Iteread.OM to Phlhadelphts, and 10,6 :D ut Baltimore. The; 31 elasere=-merket continues' dull' tad , Eiset- Ileth'snd ptlees are again Idtt cents- hirer. The raaka are BA idols. Porto -Elem. part 05 42 32 .n0t5; Sint*: Demerara, mew; do. lisndsome, 05; 48t lands.nroll to tn. (flayed Cabe, f4;Sit lade: nee at . Idds..enba Thascovani,olll2, 4 mos. t 001,h1s. on terms we did not learn. Bywoetion. 20 hide. 80p.. 11 h. Idatdpold st -604 2 01 notelaud - 6 P 01, d 2 . and Isi. Lids. New Orleans, OS for old crop, and 01,..%74 for Segcr; - 72 , 02 seasick eantlitses .depiessedb y .the the counts before noticed, tatesaltled sines our last by Gus firthereoneldentble decline *ChM, and the pierallina desire to sell sew erritals front the. Wind. Theca In coosequenee bare.again elf halts cent, closing nomltud, as these reduced drum could not yesterday bare been obtelned for any sonsplernbie quaatlty. Wenow quote Fetr.ftedna leg Cube, 14 bents; Good do., 111Txt Yule to Good - Grocery; liftelfcjt; Pelmet° C hou do, lealfq Mc. tames Sugar to bra..'4l/3;434, diddle same to Ode; 1 . 4114,4;1,205. —Relined j? dull sad. lower—Num *wt. quote, /.0.1", ; Best ushed, 233 - Grerouhrted. and firdand: MX; Irina A, 213.61 And f./, M.... 7 The' other Mennen". dnote- Hard, (..roirdered, Oratstdateilaktul. tlrnabad.l Va cents;. " N oll AM Yellow. 17410,4 cash. The halm of ;taw o n 28/I.:htutt Cubs at ls...fotox - sesta:wad ' .. 7 , „1 gold; 100 'Minded do: on_plirate term; Wand Iffeo, 14,210; Ind lan b. Ravens, Irlf1B104,;) Ands Iduls 31Mado, 10,4m05. Tim steek yedefilny Was !them 21,000 Mule, W,030 bite, 103,000 SuFarand*L4fhbds Meledo.-.• ; . - - KARR ETI3 IntTELEcutals - New York Market. - Nrw YOmtddamlt --tdreng and 7 E44c ktwar; WOO for clealueAt in -A" Yuma—Dull and s@7oc lower; .10,86@i10,40 .for, entra &mu *10,05 10,85. f,r.extra •R. • IT. • 0., and{10.1)(611,50 for trade- Mande. Mar , lad doling heavy. Waiduartill and }Warp 'Buell aided ,bf ',Weston at $9,1:5".„ Ox‘m--rWheat dull aid utaninally igpolOwer. :Bye mdet. ,Tarley COrn bdary and 10wer; 4.1,57qd 7for aeieyelloiY, add 111.4 F.r,new mixed. , ' Western Out. dell, tower and aotidnal; 41.10 for Weetern. -• `j ; ' '' ' • Pc for crude, and SaWlite for tanned in,nd and 78680 e do fres. • thummatti—Cetia Ma, - Augur quiet; gam rade '13404. Molasses dull. • ' PzurnamouPorkraore actin; and tinficulls3 o ' 95C810,671k for new Meas,elosina at MAN` for Renula4 :1380,75§31,60 for 1887-4-do..cub, and regularviy chasing at 4: 0 3,31.ea5b211418,1540 28,50 for prime and prime mast also 8,500 bbis, new id ea f a r march. Aiwil and. May, at seller and buyaeo option at s3ll,so@ldt . gat steady, /4160)10.: for plain Mess, and WM for extra Mete: Beef :lams heavy, at $23,00420,50. Creased Cop dull and notaluaL, ' REC6I2 heavy' at 11@17,4 . 0 Cumberland Cut 18@ 18 % abort ribbed and 17K [orlon ribbed. Cat,Xeata dull at 16taocr; for Shoulders and 15@i11% for Rams. - Lard heavy atl7®2l; Mao 650 Mit. for April aad May at aciler'a option at 203‘921. Butter doll et 102,24. Chem° quiet at New York Money 'Market— Erw Yorr.; Murk 16.—Monnr--Steary, at 7 per :bent. decidedly dull at ,107X0108. Gold heavy and decidedly lower, advancing to 175 K, and Meant str.l 171196@1781f. Ocorunautat Stocks; gaiety and without decided change. 7 " groats—DWl and Immo.. Fort Wayne, 118,14 I OW; Pittsburgh, lIL -C. &110, 110,2 8 ., 1AN; 0 . , jc si. atit 70:40-.Coop. 540 OStp.; Carleglar's Erwhange.—Gold, 108; IS. new. • 10834 ; New. York Oentrald t -14 Ede, 64 . 3 , 4 - 108 x; miebinn• /0 5 %1 Cla Feather:2, 413%; IFinors Central, 0711; .1 3 / 07 * • land and, Pittsburgh, 60• Bock 'Wand, 56%; North •Wsuttrt4 31i- North • %Worn :preferrW.' , 57 N1 Pot 17 •7 n e, 87)ft Cumberland, 513(i. • Idariptev 11214 5 i Btocta and Gold- eroltM aud strong Cots to sell nerd dri ,4 4 cani ;414.65,‘,c105ing at , 167t5. Cialatico .. Marke-eiiA6; I Wheat aCtiva , Ikt ; desk with few fitsr4r,..,Com dulat4:11111*. no*rtha -and woidoal,, and Air ialea Prime Me " r,er; loWilest, 5 %whets Amy 14000 do; Oats, 9,500 do, Providenc, , 7la itet. Wool-.-3Tarket quiet, ‘r.th some falling oil' in prince einco lest week; the wort deeirable Wools are, however, becoming atmorted by consumption, and the decienaing stock is caught after at current rates; antes for too week 25,00 e La fienue nt 92ei Printing Clothe. marl:4f dull with a downward tenueney. the following are the an' es: wind piece. 156‘fin, or: eel e terms, G , 00 do Ws6.l, t6 , 4c, early in the weektnooo do, 67x64, 17;ie, early in the week; 20,1 do do, 17c; big. do do, private Leann-24,0uu pllttes. fle7cland Market. March 15. }'lour—sa.ro . of too Ma X X red at WOO; 13 bldg gond do, at 06,75;75 bbla 00 do at 6 6 .30 t GO tddl N. X X wldfr at .6,0.76. %Vtient—Dull nod nominal. saki, report ca. Coro— L'oll. Nn tote.. Held 06, tot now Barite I, from store. onto—Snlei rnra nt 75%e. nye—Dull nod notrunal. trananations, not market dull. Potrt.acy -4.4,u1e t . IMPORTS B RAILROAD COMMAND 74.. PrZ - I , nrer.or: U. R., March 13— I eel filer, bottley, .1 Modes; 8 pkg. maim, John 01 , 101.16 dam, W Litman, I 1301 buckwheat ttcri,r, • Jas Zlctiollcugh;l.72 potatoca, 1, 11. V oirt bbla:mdpe, Ferrer & ArrnstroUri 20 000, oil, Wm Sreirert; Bdo do. Jaa tdrakirnen,• I.bla d, les. Adnen Lippert, 8 :dila flaxseed, 1411.70110 ugh, Smith he ;8 b! , le nppple7, Potter, Aiken h Shepard; 72 jugs molasses, II A Merrick; .X 6 k. roes. tad roes, & (Antic: 6C hbh men apple, Plemlug tr. Steel; 4 pima better and egg., I: b. A Carson;: kegs Noble to Anjel,23 Via green apples, Atwell, Lee & co; (.10a corn, eh ti 011,20 halos hay. Eller & nth, I.ron h Shorh; packarea Luise rri 10.11;61.03. dab. 1,1,11 e Ita; 6 do do ieColien &co; tn:. , nuckwhmat do B n, lsley ' & Fan gorier; It eipra glass ware, natl.:stock, Alhrer& do; GO hem+ lira, UTAH' h. /teller; lin_pLes , mdse. 'Moor h Soca; IL do do, Drum & Slos h; Oo ,14 brute*, iticEroy hoe; CAr tern, D (owl, eerkunnon, bone SCAT:it Arta CetreAoe , Morals 16—tat. :lour Hitchcock, llcUrePry car 1.,,r0 .), .1 t , .,...dan; lOC it olds, Wiiihtean A udrii.or ,• Olds penrl.lo 13 A Fs hnestock & 4,1; ti C bra rnot.'..) Grad' rr. Reiter; 6 by, clororaßed /ilrkpattick a Ere; Iwe barley, 1,01. lour, Culp .Nliel •n1;11 blilp beans, T U Jonklna; 1 car /lent, Peu, Wallace:2cl., corn, t •lo oats. n :• al. !limber, B Young; 17 lolls paper. W boll &alibi...brains, Whitmore, Wolfe so co; G 7 dos browns, ,Ina JClrLystelek 4140; Al do do. It Holley; 1 1.1.1 elder, .1 Mainzer. ALLEoresirr STATION, March 16—I car mill food, Simpson lo linos,• I dodo, A Taylor, It bra soap, S Dyer ;;Apt lard. F Dutker; 6 half apploi, s slur eh:retraced, Owen. to Kenoedy; a bbls el , ler, Goo Ewerlek 61c0;.6 tibia apples, 13.. Meyer., 4 do d;,,Backfield Nlchousei;bbillard all, GC./ 16 hdlg klp akin. D Smith; o Les hatter. Kirkpatriek & ma; Wo bins , paper, Pittaburgh Pio per c 0 .7 • 1 , , ,ISIPORTS BY ntisn. s.r. Loins ran Itosisogs-211 hhds tobacco, Son Grarleryft do do, Ralsewell & Dolman; 6 be., I bra • brie t. i Waggon 2 horace.CoLutorklartln. MS balm/ • he p,'Ale le•ardop.;2l/0 green &Ides( 1 T AlSLavglie 'lost bold sheet lead, .7a. Irwin & to; 47 hii Medi clae al IR t: bane & co; A bbl. roan ug gum, W It liftgs; II hp oil cake meal, 80a IkKell;20 bill lightning !rods, J W. Rum; II searing machines W Sumner 100;6 toelthf, RI do harm, S Ewers & co; bbl. scrap Iron, Nnnick Amo; 12 balescomin, . Anus Arbdekki 4 co; LI sus ram fiolfrey k Clarks .4 &mils Stoles Lloyd & co; le taa., and I ualf sto ti,.. 'race% 13 Ralmeyer; 6 Les hams 1661 pork, 6 kers lard,). It 01111dalk WI; 25 bled% 8 W Phindexterf 6 bbla 1 64kyi Shutt:, Soo A cot= bbleolorzweil, S Illokey AL co; 111 bee leaf tobacco, II de ill, .1 W Taylor, teeets_wheat, Keauedy & Bros Zi e upty oil bbl.- Spencer & McKay; 16 pkgs.pully castings. _Carlislekiffillmon. Sy. ho i i, ..P5w 3 f 1 001111.11.61M-46116k% R: Halo err; 297 r ply call Dbl., Sas WIlklos; 60 do do, Lt IL. phoetrtt., Fry& cm; Gbh& Unmet% John W Taylor; 7.60d0f W 1600, rya &co; It do do Toho Gratler; 1 :keg moiler oft, 1 bbl alchohol , half bhl do. I bb l plaster, °bees dream:Wallas% Caret A cotdi bills . straw boatda A K English k 4404; 12 boyes6tobacoo, It_ fla;setl.k co; IS bblalerh.sky, 11l AdaSwirgen; SO bairn crab. Thus Aibtickto &110; 2,000 foot walnut Joseph /layer & Son, 7bo merchandise, R E Sellars; 0 Ilexes lard nth I ho . star ;candle.. 2 tos ' lard, 211fi. ham, :Jesse Lippincott; I Mule bacon - Atm Ptel hams, Shomaker &Lancet, bail saddle% ;Admit Col It fl If 'Whitney; IS bra cotton, St pkgs %paper; E Ifydets bar %nimbi Graham A Toomey; ZOO dodo, Robert Jack; meted*, Shultz AL 6on• WS do do , E tienzelton; lau do do, J T 1211.66,110: its. I btu; .3' A Renshaw; 72 bales hemp, Marsh Fut- ' gokikellelman; WS dry lildesollegreea dO,. Rats be smb'k 64; s horses, owner; 151 tea, Itasca. /33 Olga whisky, at bids stem Me, L't hkda shoulder%62 hluts tobiceo, :Jo bag stem% Work & CO. PAhatesisctrao rim Harem:L-1D Rae apple, 2 aka dried do, 1 boxeggs. Passeirger;4s bal. apples. t Co egos, .1 . IlleAlpiell keg. lar d, I bbl do, 1 half do 60,6 do ailed appleT, 3 do flax aced, 1 sk feathers, 'I Moly tobacco, II UN. eggai 1 keg butter. I box - 40. CIS: k`& to; 29 lAN - piper, Pittsburg. Payer ad; 3 We errs hisonflugahrla Packet co; 111 .1. .coms, 111 chrock bleCeeery A en; IT halt apples, 1 Jar butte% lii diet Motplay; IN bre corn, las kleAm It- bl‘tomos. 2 O. bOU00„ 4 %testi.; R.llOl. I 00 rats, JezdaN Kollister & CIO; 121 co I tibis'Aviewo Oil co, 43 o • cop ir In, Job tI I' wn; 1010 11. , VOL. 5034 , - Mc: , fl 3 Pak. bajs. Rattlaik Logan; .1 stea, ghost To, het & CO:2 bbls flak.seed;'Potm.; Aiken A incr. ord. : i '. • ' L ': NITER ItiTELLIGENCE The Allegheny river rose rapidly all day Jester• day, and .was still swelling etesdlly lag evening, • wsh ne.riy fifteen fret In the channel by the mark. Ihrp.., chip received Vont . p.it alit) daring tnetlag, report it using fast fat that point.and Judging from , .. PiStref , iiliientancell the Allegheny atll doubtless 'be bank Int Within the Swe aty-lour . neat hour..' . I 'tie weather continues very unpleasant, hear,. ' 1 ' "In". deile:Mint;ind Pleatiofir.,.keina Intel:he itieraf the day." , - Business was almost "impended at the levee, the envy rains preventing Milner' final !operating Vet, extens ive , Y. eat tbelandingttithet present a a v,iy otteerful or lirely appearance. Freight. Are to pretty scarce..ngain,andhunts exp. rienee.cdrsideftble dfalentty td, piantiartng It full w il.Megile . ilageirnin Si. Litukget'in on lig hesdaye l leultia, wid th s Bikini from Parket' buts' -amt toe Oantlal from Clocinost I strived during ,the nigh T,... Onward from .Cinnon mi, and the Waimnio. from St, Lotds, are the neat boats due. Tile Jelin Iron, 'kV clumps. la dm to.alght..end WEI CA, Eibtress i.e tound tit port Ede tstornin... . ' ' There hare been no arrival. from Oil flitysince Weilsicaday, nor is ft likely that there will be (or some days to gutterLis. 016 Ever la too Ittgb to let beat* pars under the Free Port aqueduct. The Echo Was already to go out last evening, hut, as s matter Of course, s. e did not make the attempt, endive Were informed that the boats that left here - on Igeducaday evening, weronnable to pas. wider. and are now lab: up at •-FreePort. , - - . .. - Thei Bayerd for Parkersburg was the only de: partnre ice betels.. The Argintent cams from the ' point yesterday, loaded down almost to the gu a rdswith railroad Iron. Cele. Heed Iselin In a n and she wlllleave toalay for Cincinnati and Lou - fay tile withot fall. The Ifinktown and ; Wanatilta left Cincinnati for Able-City Oil Tuelnlay last, eadthe Onward and Revenue were advertised to follow on Wedoefiday. The Colombia and Kenton left Nashville for this .Sityan Sunday/era, -—. ... .. • We el fp the felloging Iteiti;leom the Cincinnati rkesineveref: the sew, A I, copper fastened barque, miry Pell Bobtail, VII a, E. Ware. claimer, built LA Cr Parkerrhurg, Virginia, afrived here yester. Ong. with . esrgq of cant. Nut shat an hoe In front, and undtr the 'guns of -Nctepoit Barracks. She err stets ft Viet uresque appearance where' she lies with the Barracks in the background. She will, 414 i -hams bet cargo of coal at New Orleans, sae lieu at that Point foi'Llvernool direct. . !I heeteunch and reliable (tilde No. a, Capt. An. deitrana, clerk !taker, lanatuttinced for clnobanimi aril Laub-villa fotthwMh., % .- . . .. .The - Bmptre City, Capt. Ileclep, Is ailing up tepidly and will• soon .be. ready to /ease for St. sT.E.VfIEO4Ti. .VOR : CINCINNATI, LOUIS- A.' VILLE iS LOINS.The new passenger steamer EMPIRE curr r , . /axe Hasler., will lessees above on SATURDA , the lighlast. Ad 4 x. Fear/Isla or passage apply na beard, or ID - .7 Wile JAX. , OO/,LINS, Agent. --- VON !CINCINNATI* LOUIS-L I M? yitr,-Thsanivan4 commodious riiikuiger E.- sesames' ARGONAUT Pim lited, will loop MI abc7,o 01 1'2/WASDAT, lath rurP t i P 4 o lt a t/S e L tikeittol ll op to Arent.. WIZ .444 N FLAUK, . 44 '011 CINC f N N - pasernior.itenttor GLIDE oopt. W March.R.Asizr,44ll Jenne ILL lbol4l . o IDAy, 17th hut. For freight o rm p., on board or to 4D. INGWOOD " • gen cic A ewes. • REGULAR WEEKLYPOR.TB -- 'MOUTH AN PITTSBURGH PAGRET.—The fine passenger Mesmer ( LII IOW ERA, W. H. Kem,mmten. W. R. Bryan, idea, leaves PlttaborghiverySATUßDAN;at M., and Portsmouth every MONDAY, at l 3 &cloak p. m. The Golden Bra maim connections at Porta. mouth with the splendid Mesmer Hostess No.. a," for llfneinnati, and will receipt freight and yawn. gamHahne' to that city. • . . noSa Ltatemi, ( h4•Allg 44am_/14b4T. . . Its britaabes, cluettilly.attizted.ioatrze:t.rl t icagekmettealyrarkmen. GAS.YI-11.13R. • - I : 9111hAM anirude *afar „ •• - • - X 6 MR *,II:MMB. iht.llll FEDERAUST423M,,AOosimii And 227MM=arUEer Pleid;rii jOSEPH ADA3ll3fien",_ .orA comer at D r , linfiZ ia. PirOrbiriteL driferregeo—Dgy Thirdino atelthiss, OTAT9/4 AND,"*PrIMS day, (sir ioaurriom m e; g-h'efikgsPlei-•.;-- • _ :1" — : 'A" : SNT.--100 barrels= Lot gale by KW(RT EL °GLUM'S. C0.V.P.1.4`11..:5, X. FETROLEIIII THE kEW•YORK AND' LIVFRPOOL ,C).aritara.23.3r. ORGANIZED UNDER MT MINING AND MAY Li R's 0" ME :TATE OF NED VORB., CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS, ODE II Uhl DRED TIIOUSA SD S sIAIZES PIO PER NIIARE, NOT LIABLE TO AMINITIVZNT GOTCMUICIIi MOT 111) xllllll Area rifles Token ha Payment for Stook. JF FIOES • No. t 4 EMPIRE. BITILDING. N 0.71 EROADW AY, NEW YORK. POST OIPPIOE ADLRESs , LOX No. 5,366, N. Y • 0 17101UPA : Hon. IIANTEL S. DICEZN.SON. Prea:tont. 1. M. T. MIMI'S, Vier Presitio,t. ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary. H .1 HITATIS, Alining Supealnteniont, vine, I'. ATLANTIC HANTS., No. 112 HroniiwnT, N. 1 Tteanury. The wells of the Company are note producing oil. ProSpeetei sent to nay addresa on applloncion. Paper:a tor sto2k may be made in drafts, re.„eia tereit e,tes or Go,rninanc bomb, nod ace. Mee, bondi nod wicurit les <lll be taken at theft •,n art alue. P. ti Remit v :wit , ' ntoy na bonddreased to the CopanY, No. 6.2,i New York City, or to e [antic T.,: ner.nttry e' the New York rind Lit orPnal pTt r , leen y t Ctn. any. No. 112 Broad way, New ot Cit.. The rolluwin2 parnetni.bn enotnin a full and c.enr Rec ountnibersah.en of On, Prott.et t wo', tent to try nddre,,n on applientlon coatnlning n full and clear account uf the opera. , lions thin Surressrol Petroleum Comprmy In , 4 . 3ISI . . Tra - WEST FORE OIL COIIiPANY lansltal Stork. -•-- • SIOS.OOO hbares. /00.000: SI OR entrln W.rtilus n el, - • • 820,000 The !node of this (7onapony en equated to lan. Leo Township, 1,1.6 conatp, rt.!•rn nd Virgini• .i Lear the West York, the hew, *even. 0 the 51ouccgshele &Peer. The property woulete of 150 ACRES IN PER SIMPLE, 245 Berea ou a Lease of 20 Years. tII'RJP.UT TO A ItOraoll UY 0N11411T9. fUR A:RES ON 'A LEASE OF TWENTY YEARS Notarrt to a [loyalty or Oinlllattb. • There are a number of burning springs on the louds of the thoutymny. and competent fudges con ser them as the most pro nixing till Ted titer) . in toent Vigirds. Coal and timbe go od abundant on the lards, and the West Fork and rondo afford I,..eitayr facilities for traosportatioo tokbeltaltimere and Orde Railroad. Note York and Philadelphia companion are now developing adjoining ;ruts. • Only a limited number of anares•erlll herself to raise the working fond, and as ateekholddrs are mutually Interested In all the profits of the eons. 'peon ft persons a moat desirable Investment to Books [Or the autniaription •stosk ;rill be *pea at the Drug S r tore of FREDERIOB R &um, UMN r Ilttirtjart. V.V111,71 . °. t It'll': • • _Drua l. of LANGE, No. CM Peas street; at More of A. MEI/KIsEDURG, Na Feeney glints Avenue. _L Dr. O. PIAEL2. Preatdemt pro tom. LANGE, Secretary pro tars. • RAOKOFEN, Treasurer pro tea. mierdltditine 'HE NATIONAL ESPINING AND STORING COMPANY Ia now fully - oriel:died; stud has commenced bur& nem at thelr teaworary ante. No. le IRWIN biTREETe (up Allred PittabratO,Pa„and ate new prepared_ toto a general business, in haring. 11011, • StomasForwardlog 011. The Works ere on the banks of the Alleglteny ricer, *bore thecitY and will In a short time be capable of manufacturing EIGHT HUNDRED BARRELS OF REFINED IL PER. wrest, which will beef the beet quality And In reline packages. It le Um design of Mb Company to make a brat-clam brand -for export, sad no paLna will • be. spared to glee It that craeter. They will also give the forward. Ing of oil tope:lntl ISM or watt, particular attars. Don, and - In this Menthe( the bustneer will have unrivalled facUltlei; as the 011 will be taken from the boats to the ears by machinery, and thus, avoid ell wharfage, drayage or delay. Parties Wally*. .log (tele; 1.)/l.l4 us can rely on herring meat through 111, ith promptitude aka dbbetch. The Corkperty has a Capital of (Moo°, with the follbs INC °Meer& Prerideat—A. M. MARRRAT.I.. SecretaryO. MIRING Eft. Tre”uter—S. bIetJUNE. Direetora—A. blanholl. J. P. linens. IL rg4.j. T. , Kirreald, Arthur Kirk. J Linle, S. IL .Kelkr„ Kirk nod Wm. Ileoultoe. anPerletendeut and Ruiners Maztager -DAVID . „ Liorreviiandence Anti °Mitre .olleited, and all eon*. n. Itniti2lo4lll id ba addreura to atienal Steringami Refining Company, PITTABETE OR, OA -- IWC SA 'DI COAL, ; OIL AND MIN:ND COMPANY OF CATLETTMOUIIG. Kr plus!. $31.0.000; Working l pttal. 830.000. SHARES 45n. ...v. A. J. At.tra, President; $. J. Efiraoamaos, a Serrettry mut Trpaaurar. Thi to47ltory Alta been . .avaralfully agitated bY ex verieneed till Alen,,ahled br . an able Cloologlat, and Brea eVIIIC2CO .Ibie existence of valuable ell de pcolt I. A fear lhares 0311 rensatn uneold,,And may be had tor IMS cacti. Apply for pattleulara to "tS. B. DRYAM he Bioltei. et 4th rt., frharte,t glum,- WORD FOR WORD...-TICST THIS.-11E.' TOUR OWN SODOE..-Nratra - Pr.taea ca—airarrs: lam satisfied of the merits of irtriari It,' ht. ralsed me from the Ai It were, le.erel CONSUMPTION had so 't early placed me. Your riyrup, Pill. and Oita• meat be* apse for me What notbind else did pr fould do—restored me tb health and life, when I tan resigned myself to the •• mortal eluings.” ck/std ladle for another supply. Tours.. ILA Rfpfenturo, Llneoln, M axin e, MaM IM. BROWN.y Id, Mt. • The above is verbottual and Out one of the•many vee , rereive.. Dr. U. JAILES , OANNARIAS TilOA". r eniedy that will poslthely ewe ONNOSI PT/ ASTLIMA and BRONOILLTIS. We' a sk, the al of a single bottle, as It will sat. WY Di • sk ep tical. PS SO per bottle: Throe bottle. f 6 Pifis and Ointment. II M. each. Addrem ORAL/DOOM h. 00, IMO Rae!. street Phllatlalphla. fetS3izieosr2taoliseoWsrF IRT RE ON AN ORDER OF THE uIPHANS. Coutk i l wilt sell at Public Sale, ot the COURT ROUs la tbe City of Pittsbutab, ou TUINDAT /KORN NO, at 10 *clout, Nana A certalsi lot of groto on the coraer-ot Logan ..n Pecatire ll street, f'lttaburgh. Pa., being about tbtrtyeatne feet front by about forty feet deep, Isting thereon erected a three story brick dsrafe 1 1 5 sam h° M r ne- " TA:1; b a s a nae a t e o L ne year, with Icterrat from date, secured. y bond and mortgage. Putotlever to 'ay foe all pa re and Mumps. T. ft. MURPHY, Adrolulatrator of the este( of'. Henry Murphy deed. feThoawtd WILLIAN! . EL BROt, • (Latecd km of Ba h-7loanoir.l •SOVBEI AND SIGN P' orth East corner of Third and liar at sta.. histar rrrrsietracm. 1)ROPOSAI.8 WILL RE RECEIVED frpthe • BUN OIL lIIOTIPANY, fir imino or oinking wells an thoir prnpetigengo, posit, lir ninu CHARL E S e lillogneny fklynr. A TYRRELL, Pins% ~i nhitilw „Mg Matti street, Phlisilalgldii. J . G. I.SREY, 3.07. Mirror ilitrsmsr4 Wholeskla and Retail duller avnirraz a‘ TARDY 900Ds; NOTIONS. TOTS, & ha.' sibs OUL HATS BOYER .4 CO, WOOL HAT- BIANIIPACTURARIII I.se Mk 7. Below Obentait N., Reading, 4113?-5164 for 'Ample mule; all colors and Itylea. feZtasvaw P. , II.EUK (,X).„ 185 Liberty et. Oder for sale 100014.15. extra No. 1 Ratty 200 lacks choice DrrAPPleet_ 00; boxes Western Reserve uhrese; bushels White OCAUII lkbb4. Butter; 80016aehehg Osta; • . 200 do. Barley. ijapocerhie. Sewer COddsb, Mate kohl Leo ring. hieekerel, tlytapi, Spites, ha ofiNDlOATlONS.—Allamtmgh work on the Indications of 014 by one who has hod ' three yaws egperleose in toe oil lands of Pseas7l.• Yens and Weati:imielt, with full inanition". as a t free far 111-lEi. PI WO . • eurneweod P. O.; liox W. I letem.oeL Va. W% 0. • prioni.nrare FY avir i i c vo r, .; t s: dozen Flea= r. cuns, t boah small Navy Basaiq """" 190 btu& 1110 0 11 xi5c14 lagls6 ; - 'I3I4I4B"OWTHES Ware the la wee, Vela, setissistiosive astisfelion. MU sad tierseUis /sib& Beier Dop, R& M sitliaba. 'Visitable., • • .7;4 PV/Ll4 • ' Mitslitity eat 13A08 PBlMB'xmoyza URA, Ma Roll MAW: , • - . r. kegs No. t Lardifainoir - •Lod ter Ida tit: :44 4 &HMV= & is&ZPUti ohs No. N II Buithaela et, ow% of oh OILS. Ac. iliiiiirili:lll3ltiE CU., C*AUSLISSION lIEROILANTS, ACISTriz Oz TITZ Globe, Paeito and Liberty Oil Work; Liberal cub Most,!B m. 4- on onnstgtmente of Refluetror Crude Petroleum. Car . I ;'QF ESICE W. 4 r end FIA Yeac.; r., J r LN • No. I St. CLAIN ST., Pittibutich, FORWARDING AND GOMMISSIO7• AND DEALII- 1 IN OILS ILLUMINATING, LUCUMATING. onurn conat, .tly on !laud and for vale at the loves: market prices. Conalgo mente and ordeal voll,tted. - cHAMPION OIL dcTkii.msfY Produceta of Vs tutcAnd Ilnantneturers of Refined Carbon Oil, Beuriuo and Lubricating Oils WORKS (+PPOSVIT SRAMPSBURG Offict No, +59 LIND street, PFTTSBNIGII, - - W. D. CUSIIELOT,BupI. .• . 3 f,11%Y. WALIAC. ' WALLACE, It CURTISS 1 ,7=6.41."2"t C P R ."" cos,:mpz!,lON IiIERCAANTS, I=l CRUDE AmBEEIINED PETROLEITN, BENZINE ANI, LIIBRICLITING OILS. 134 spu Tit 1111 AR rEat PHILADELPHIA, //ai - Storage capacity (nutter eover,) ter 15,04 harreln. Also excellent lac-titles (or ahlptring to meriean and Fregh pota, at ou wharl on he ylkill River, o ne i ar the r platform r of the P. R. t R. BONDEO WAREIIO:I7SE OF Fhenh Warehousing Company, • ?cot or BALTIC & fIAB Sta., Etroe-'ro HE ti 7_ 1 In Tags Ofree, No. ➢! BE:LS-1.74 eTe noastf RICIIARDSOIc IT ATILEYAT CO COMlldt2ll,ll end Forwsalllng Mercharg CI3IIDE AND REF 3n PETROLEUM No. UV IRWIN I.ITREET, prrrsnuwat 44 ,- Lthenil cash inicnnees on ionsignmenti for Pittsburgh or Diatom elethot► rirrsaceon esreassosa. Messrs. J.D. Dilworth &Co, • Esq., mll ithompsou £.q.,Prost. Commercial Moth. 16401 &Do funn — . PETROLEUM REFINERY CLARK a. KERNER. Works Sod Officei coistus TOWNSHIP Mice IA Pittebtugh, 04 WOOD 111214Wir These Peoria being of the len eet 4setty It the country,are twep erred to MI tarp order.— The breed stand. the hlgheat In this eountry sad le r.u. Mat. tee quality sad Wm trot, eat the ell la pot In well seasoned boatels, prepared eepeeltll ;art. del)47 Y. WAAING illaftY IL CLIO WARING •1; KING, ixnafilgtom MERCHANTS, PETROLRUX AND ITS PRODUCTS And droller& to Rig NAUTILI& . ocitLiT . No. LI MARILLT ST. PNlAbiro.. JAMES W1L8215, Tool* LEM DtALttli nr OBITDE AND REFI NED -0118 '- Perry Biotic. Thumemore Way'. Pirn&N'tb B'S .eelsl 1q.47167.70A ru e d 74 1. E 1 1 2 ornkCnrortru rerroTetfulty golicitod. PrltuburTO Agrney for VSNANGO PK. ANT TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. ?POST VI , IIIT. SOX' Ittr• traa. I,tiCENT OIL WORKS. • DUNCAN, DUNLAP A CO., : icANCIPACTVEZDA OP Pare itb.ite Refined Carbon Oils. r 1 • No. MI LIIII./ITY STREET. v- WIC hotxm.. ' 4Aillui / JAMES ii/Wili &co m "" •. NAM) FILCTVEMILS 0/ Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia OFFICE No. 15 MARKET St, PI 2 TSBUI24II, WILLIAM 71.2...- MINIM 1. LATIMLt OR ore REFINERY. (s..r ak sn t i p t y p r at.,. L rm.%) Oil Reflam and dialer. In Petroleum, Beculaa, Lubsionttng and Palat 014 B OC c n sTR.E.7 Pittabarigk, ga. OIL STOCES.—Tho undersigned will 1 , 00 o g ee o f re particular attention to the purstuwo and • Stocks of ALL RELIABLE Companies. I invite borers end sellers to call. 3. K. MOILMNUE Ho. 107 rOUETB grazer BwpPiw . Li. O'NEILL'S FOREIGN EMIGRATION OFFICE. AITTL 4 BIIEGIt s FENNA SIND. IDUCIL • "Mulch Postage from the "Old Oomitri TLe Liverpool, Neir York and PhilsAelpea La 1.• nom,/ Steamship Von /any baring appointed the undersigned their Agent here, stn Xr. Thompson deceased, be la now prepared to bring Int Of sent hen. /faurninits_by the Steamers of tat //Line at UNUSUALLY tAgiW EAMES. The Jl•unoes of this fesorite Line leave Liverpool every Kf EDDIE. DAY, for New YortLitouching at Queenstown. aa hre,sip arm the fast.LASafrot, and most magnitl r een vessels anent. The undersigned le of *pat tor the LI and Londonderry Lino of Steamers, leaving= poul every TitURSDAY, a nd nt London. thirty for frisk Piumeogers Moab. The steam inn furn i shine see built In the strongest • moaner, andchoke secionimodatlone for fiameniero Ile le /Ilse agent for TAYSUOIT'S brated (hipper Sailing Packets, leaving Liverpool for New York twice a week, and the .X" Line of London Packet., irtailag Lennion every ten dope The ships of •Tapseett's Line have Imo b./en on. Led for their gulch passages nod the essalmate of the previsions furnished the 14111..grtik, and their kind treatment while en board. Parties who wish their friends Oren/dt out by sailing sanaila, should k dl means patroistre thle um,. 810 to,Uallfornla st greatly imbued taloa. on all parts ofEttatlmiers„. at the lowest rasa And/ to D. O'NEILL, • benign Eattigrailos OEM*, es Smithfield billmt. STEAM WEEKLY. TO LIVER-iai LWor ' mho i rl ae lll l : l l.2 . ll4fllar"l". 4 . Innen', New Tack and FIaHAMAD' Steannthlg Company Oman Lbw) carrying Me IL S. as ' are Intended to mall italbllowe. • EDINBURGH Saturday, March It„ CITY OF BALTIMORE .Saturday, March is. CITY OF WASHINGTON—Saturday, Mann IS, And every succeeding Saturday, at, nootyttoot Pt, to North Slyer. .! tomtit o, PABINAWI, Pride. w (10b L0 t0 . .. d .5 . ........ 1 1180 65 , 30 11 1 terrOlre. . In gold, or ita orraleat la to ................ o,l °. 0 .14 Path...—. of 00 u to Parie...... 40 Oil u ton e r s mburg. 1040 u to Methy. or o Poison Sib forwarded to Ham, W'Mall *.rarroltrlreerP. ar...g"=2,74)."41,140;51.,-.. w,sia Sturll4lsr illit " 111aie who to w RI _ono fo cal r ark relents oao, bay thdeett ltore at IIitIMMI For forebte laforaterlon apply stelae 1 3ompag . ogu,, JOHN O .DAZE, Il BroadwaT" ~ .. , • ~* • , lil. GP , • ` ad . • WO. ISW OW pi V ii , . _ , CV NA RD LIN IL—lkorta Eroza"Abk. min mi9Kupoor. AND QUEIEMrrOW7. P la k ul f itg44 4 ll . 6l6 / 7 0 ,071.- "e6r,RFX,NEW gaririwy. 13•11 s aver/ week. Apply to • • TROXAZI IRATTIGA.N.4IB,S. aSouthiliad ' ile ".** l * 46lB 4 l fult. Putietirdi IILOATEWHERRING.—A ) haze Ms., rIoNy . Just Neelvall oa. by Ono doses "cir e at ; , et. JOHN rov 7 Lid Iltnista E! v..v ~._. ~...... I'oll 5.11... E- FOR inEmrr. „_. V 0.1: SALE—A. tor-- va; zablL• FARM in ~.. Derry toter:4,ln, Wlstme , elsrl.l ecunty. Pa.; containing about 155 acres, mei improved, r-rul in I Also, a FARA; OP 535 AOLES, to F..irfield I township, Westmoreland r 3unty Pa. Imp rove. rnente 6,..01. The land 's 01 t`.e limit y inlay. Era' and limestone In atm adance. Also, n ISTEA.af }.15 111. F., for ease mill or o - - - .er pllll.of Pe, Pith the casting), vine vine; ~ , lip ~,,,I. I tic. The cylinder It 1,11/1d mete. in dia.lieter An I tour foot stroke. Two "toile 1. iv f... ....,11{ .10 - .z. Inches Indian:atm . ; all in r - 0., - 1 - ,..., and w ill Ihecold cheap. • Also, a FARM of 4:0 r...res in West Wheatheld township, Icid:an... court,. Pa., aboat three n •le• from the Penn. Railroad. Alto, n FARM of 135 Cores In Conetnaugh to v. - ii- AAP, J0l1:1114 ,ounty, P.s. APO, • benntiful FARM of lee acres, with a large MICR ROUSE, to Ith 17 roo.as, finished an mod ern style, wash-house and bake oven attached; a tame . spring Imam, bath house, smoke house; a large hank born, fruit trees of eve .lescript ion; church and achi, ! lint.se to it u ps the farm. This form adjmas the s Hinge of Louisville. sad TT te e-mail...half miles from the :epot. at Liverinoee, In Westmoreland county, P., on the biorthareste ern Railroad. Also, TWO BRICK ROUSES anti LOTS la Elizabeth borough, Also, A FARM OP FIFTY-TWO ACRES to Derry township, Westmoreland county, about two Miles from Ft. Clair Station on the Nona. Rail road. A steam saw mill n...rly completed OrP h al the mt.chinery tor flouring u ill du the prem.aes the lend is nL the best qualits :oat said ilineetono In abundance, and good Indicator,. of fig. Will be so; i thr ap. Also la ',errs .u.thanine the village of 'New Derry, in the very M., stare el mattes lion, and abundance of fruit of every description.. Al., a FARM OF 073 &OREN, to St tits. 11:n70- ships lirestrnorclruul county, P 4.. en Tub Still Creek, shout one mile from Cie Peun'a RailrumL The linurovements aro a good frame house, and large frame Dank bun. {S Also, a small Fenn 0(11 acres fa I.ezry tArne hip, sus County, Pa., near the tine of Ow' Peon'a It. I-. A 4... a Farm of 111 1 011 t. 7 / 1 6 ,vane In Fairfield totem aril, Westmoreland County, Pa. Also. n Farm of 200 see r s in Fairfield township Westmardanii COnnty, Fn. Alio, for rent a Farm 01 ISO trees rry tow ship. V.'eatmoreland county, De o n the lino ofthe Penn', R. 11. AO stares of Stock of the Ilairo Oil and Mining Company of Pittsburgh, Pa For further 7.articulars iniliarc of G. H. TOWLE, Beni VAL .e Agent, feeNn. tee Fourth street. VALUXB LE ' I'ROr'ERTY FOR SA.I• —One nem on the Ohio ItIVEn, two minutes iron seadukiey. /louse t.l sin root,. ~:id 500.1 lee hn r i ft, hon.:,carrince 17 , nsi• nod .nit trees at 1 email fruits In 11 - co (41.0.11. S"lre Foal lacc-ot.,,cer nett. !r. M . :l_7;ll[r Torn. Oily, nro nose limn Alitgbrep . lbt pigs bourn ottl, Inwelrent. nod bryrn roorna; 1 net of grate, In OforIMI; the in f.....fre. tfe.- plaitna, eau a tnrirt) . 05 sinall fruit_ Enquire of .1. T. SAAPI.7:, fimu ftronor, rol _ Feder.al street. Allegheny. Ft'i: SAIR--Three new bteurr, Enpuas, , lu.•,r purposely for oil welly; Ti, Inch cylinder,. ;1 inch et Mkt . ; very strong. Eng 11117: shaft; :rink am: c••l:ncrilnp rod of wrought iron; um! I'or Boller. II to in.:Let long, tr inches illaineter, with "two rue, c. I.ea•-y 19 tn. by :XI feet; hat nod c•• 14 f 11 , en 3 I .iirlXCOmplato Bud ready to 31.. p stglv .._ Mill SOLE, PittsbUrgh, Pa. qh..p: f'dlat rite; and Duquesne street, '•ook Ai:,• - ••den:,-.river. none t 7,6 Point. deOlitf It 1 0 • ;1101 , 1' ,- .1.: FOR RENT.—The 'rehouse, 310 Penn atreet, nearly opposite it. R. Depot, noir ecru. pied byy neese, Graff I , nli, formerly by Penn'a. Salt 110., will be fo rent ;root April lot • nn excellent stand tor Pion and Grocery or Conimiselon nod Stronsi bus' nein hum:re of • • • WM. P. 1112i3h. CO., . feel LAS Litrerly street. I , OR SAL E,— 150 Acres or Coal, aloo f 129. sieres.f front coil' In pool No. 1; a/novae track of eyed and raLtretii, nod other hrit!turninentO In good srorkint coded it ?oat No. ; one tract on tte liorurtdcgheny river and t'onnedatille Railroad. Enquire of. "ArI.LLLAAL WARD , Otte dot deo: 6 11th on Grant street. rp) - Eiff- Wariphonse 21Ism G$ and 70 .Waotermit6 'Enquire ot 3A2. lIALZE L L b. SOZI. ..T.LiVrI , F4CTURIFIRS. Sc. pITTI3BUILGII 1. aanntlww. some o .o.korwraost A. GARRISON Sr to Solimak, Garrison, k Ocr : ,) FOUNDERS AND BEAMINISTB Manufacturer pr Ohlilesi Radler, of all also* fin rt;l';eBl7s2:dr'ral'pe!tirt'A ultittse7VtislAic:' also. .11oUltig ' ALM Catalogs of all' dessrlptloss, Bark Mn.., Patent linublo Orindm, with * earls, ty of other patterns, oleos* on hand and dttel to order on Short notice and favorable terms: 0111 on and Warehouse, 119 Smithfield street, Pittaborgn. feßly- LdGS: - PIAMON.D STESL WORKS • : PITTSBUIttkIi PA. PASS, ShOTLIER BlanufacturOrs Al BEST QUALITY PEFINE.Ii OAST STEEL, Square, Flat and Oc , tago u n i of all u tya. Sinn- C ed o : n sV , . to soy ituPe WO moo ttued n is aa - 0115ce one warehouse, Not. 149 and 151 Frain. sad If and pi Sit.Cabil, Wt.:MTN ritt.bUrSb. felt-yd I ficT /4.1 c. OCTOBER 8, 1861 IRTHRtDOVS PATEITT Oral Lamp -Chimneys, I ALI.OIIOTO4gW OF XI FLIRT ULA*$ Thrtw Chimney, are intended for dualist limo, beating alt Darts of. the glass squally, don Dot ace. polo it to craeltJag., - U. Fort Pitt Main Wark», Washlagtota attest, apt? Pittsburgh, Paaa'a . 6. s a~ i. 'Tr noN CITY. WORKS. MACKINTOSH, rEntraux a ro roulimais AND macarrasys Curer IC PIKE sod °TIARA, 'and PIKE and WALNUttITREBTIF; • • NearAlfty Water Workmy • • Manutattarera of efattonary and other EiffißlES, ROLLING CASTTNIIS and BLICIff/rf& Igy, of WI kind*, alireneral jobber*. • ' Prompt atton yea repairlag soustm MILL MAC ....TaI HIN Y • ,BARN.gB a CO., O. Rd Third INtreet.Tittcourgh. TTK AND - MILNI" IRON WORICERS, aufNinutaaturen of JAPANNED Mg WARE. We barn now manufacturing and hare d Bathing Apparatua of all kind% Toilet Ware In Setts, Water Conklin, Grocers , Tea and Spice Can, biters, Cash and billion Bone., Tumbler Drainer. Spittoons, Ba. , be. A large lot of Blot Cages for itate low. Olt Can. 4,11 elan and pattern. Tin Foottog, Conductors, and all kind, of Jobbing Work done to order awe _ - SILVER PLATED. WAlls Walters, Castors, he., La. sellable for the Trade on hand and for sale bY WILKEt. & MOSS, • 223 South Gth st,i PIUTAD/LPICIA lalLim PENT MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY. ' • • t 111111,111111 AN. ENGINE BUILDER AND DIAOHTNIST. • 7,OACOCY eniZxT, between Federal and Sonnuer, ALLMIOIIIIII7r LIMY. Mennfeetnrer of WIGHTMAN , B PATENT PORTABLE OSTIILLATLNG STEAM ,EN otrirs, Shafting, Pulle9l, Repotting: of all kinds attended to Jel47 aonti'n. xi:ensue dAlti.ll VOWNISO JOHN B. HERRON it 0 0., .1 1 1Ceizi.u..Tftelmararal, ' AND IRON FOUNDERS, - . Oftlee and Raley Rooms; • - • - fele No. 111 LIBKRTT arßa S IBEVERA.NC NO. 58 Weite --- it Bt. 'Er. E, .9,'Dileti l crer i i3n= n ytt i eß ert. giant=olospodSPlCEB ‘ izivErg * onA , or small, modo to oftler at ottoet An aotk A *.netimat iloastmath, at lune% D• & W. llENNitctu'reis • and Importers ofQUEENSWARN. No. II DIAMOND sTsztr,_. Wilma . Wool Rod Market .trout.. Plitotmk, Pa. oat. IiT.AND 6iLiDE,TERBEI- EvrmcßEnks 10r.e 01 APPLE, wi hat. met 0,000, and of all the leadlrg varieties Most profitable for this loeatlon. .We hey extra Zeolite., es Wilily Harteli,M4dea . lilted', amid Pippin, Baldwin, Tallowatery Maw, King o Tompkins 00.,_ Rhode blue! Green, Boma Beauty, Rambo, jsnactkohouie, ,T9lntatft ftwo Smith% (Mee , be • with a ...es larA:Ottlek" o PEAlL a tT 4 c, ouintg Amm , - Tram - Pzitcrea s zalt, s - ga rv us. m, ,BERYi GREW/11011SW YLANTS 4 . 0 4 kg: As oar itoolr la large, lie ,olltr. vest indueeetentii to &ate= and hellish, purehaslia. Ordets li ft tit tat Oreettllowie, Oakland, or PlOthtugh yes' oc be 11"111 149449 %11 14 114 6" Zart2i1X1e, ir• ' telaliwir Pittabnoth eilkland.Sellarlif 114 H. LECKY lb .apyrr.ftWo. o•o t TORUffi hat' ' •'• • , UtPIIOVZIOJOA . At (him shoos) comer of GAT'alier . ' illif iiiits emit, Ind in. W EBST A RA V. , _S I PO44 I AO4biI OK OtpbsO. Asyhoo.AlletteON oF!!..sp: i tiroly are '- "de 6‘4°r141 be t "crargifiln that ifcre , = s r 'dr , 4 .14 , MR . —,- - ; ; c rehtdapis ' • PA• r• VIR : ,- iRAIGEIitIe , AND`' -W R ITE - agm l i isno Gear i",l4,lllett p 0" .., ! 4 .7 i ""81. ' - 'itt:E U 16$ l c110..• ..FIEWII L _ . 1 - ,LEti Prz..En PILES, TR'ENTY YEARS' 6TAN DI NG. CURED t Below WIH be fut./ acervillento troluoue of Lb Most respectable cillsens or Wllluas township, la secsall co Dr.heyser's UMW's Wood Searebor The Doctor's certificates are erfthut reach. 6 {lli one need he deceived In regard to Ida prepiiretion Dn. (.1.0. h. flzgams: I became otticted Piles about twenty year. ego, awl every year the Were growingworse, so as Le trouble me very mud so much boat timer as io unfit me for work Sum imm I war eci bad that I could not du anything o account of them: they came-out oar Intl as large am hickory out. I had tried a Ermit deal of medicine for them. I used to buy my: take whatever Gout bear of or read of to etre:dam and pamphlets that fell in 010 way, but I could not et cured: some. tints they would do rnesome good fora little while, art niter:raids they would return onto as old as ever. t alto ePPitimi to twe Doctor., who deiced toe atiny hours , 0”11 gon e ow some u"liarric, but It would not do, I could oot well. Oyer a year ay, I got an lull elf•ement at your I.ln.t.ers Blood: :ieurcher. aide up yourself. When you 14Uti,11. Lo 7 me you told ow sue bottle would not cure ma. and ft,: my whole syssera would hnve to be renewed by [le otollonne before I got net!. t bought one bottle an; took it home with :are, and used It ace:sr:Eng to your direction.. f then Called to see you again when you suld I could not expect much benefittrom one bottle. I bought it, oar bottle at a time, until 1 had need litre bort:es. After this quantity wa used, I was entlymy •vcil of the Plies. which lad tortured Ma for Sweaty yeari. In other respects my hcaltb is Improved, and / am as well as could Unexpected for one of my age, being slaty yoetra past. I been been well now • for its months, sad there Is spool riaCCOr the return of the disease. I eau do soy kind of .farmlug now without work be Piles doming downand hurting me I can pitch hen chop Waal, lift, or do any kind of work which before used to hurt me. When I found out year Bloat Searcher / kept on taking It until I got en tirely weal. I consider ft any duty to make thy awe known td the country for the benefit of others who may be lll:Mining as Y was, .and do not know the yaltie of Your medicine. YOU; may publish thin If you lake.: f live to Wilkins .tnwnshiP,mad win be pleased to !satisfy any, One of the truth of this aft, !lest. they with to can en me. Deoeffilper UM. l/3411. • • . Air Look out for the name of Dr. OttIPIIGE Et LintSLlt tem. the cuter of the bottl ten panted. over the cork: Coo for his stamp on e, the United States stemp on the top of the kopte, to - prevent being 'moonede- • upon by a options artltne whir& II in tile Werk ' • ' So .i ny the Proprietor, fie. 14. 101,01) AT, and [TS ON JULINSTON.o . orner .rourtla and tinaltnne atrarba,PlatitouiNt. : • . ItEß.ii.ll. 611 RUPTITftE. hriablA al Romvai cireem RERlvid . oll RUPTURE CURED AERIMA on ' RUPTURE c2risto. Emma. OR litP-TWIE caw). iaraNta OR RUPTURE' iviED. MIANLA 01 IirPTIME CI PARR, HERBIA OR RUPTURE CURED, REMiti OR RUPTIIRE GIFRZO. stlrrruaz OR HERNIA CITIL,ED Imo' TORE OR HERNIA CURED W 71172.11 02 HICRIFIA cw/ED. Ri.1.3171Z C MIX CURES ituppvits,inz HERIS7 ' • OVRED. RVPITAIX OA dm/121L11. SCOTUS OE REVUE CORED • M 4 /41 . 114D/CIL CURE CRUM 11777g1CS PATRXr TRUSS. irrc+l SUPPORTER _fay:it on.r., , tamerfav ritas& , Pifitt:ltrolts,-for the support and ooze o Pan ' . Ziattia Knee Caps, for weak knee joints Ankle Supportext, fox weak knee joints S Adjusting, and every ether kind of marm. Hard Rubber. Syringet Dr. Iteaning's•Ltum or 'Reidy Brace, the cure of Prelapena Uteri, Piree, Abdtaci nal and Spinal Weakticasea.', - Dr. B. 8. - Eitth's BilvitePlab3 Snpp Dr - - -- RETBEHI aril hove it pommel attbatto tattle application orTtuasea in adults and dinars* an be la satisfied that, with anleaperieneeof tara tp years, be will be keebled to eve seltgeetion. illrOlt;e at his Drug Stare, No. to WOOD OT., Ego of the Golden iter. Porno. writlity - Trusses should send the lu M mber orluelsto areuut for thelocsly, immediately Geer the rupture. eel CATARRH • DR. GOODALWS CATARRH REInDY It penetrates to Ma eery out of aria tamale dia. nave, aud eat ermtuataalt, root sad kraut. Ibrefar. Dr. croon/J.lc la th#Larld sea jenton Who ever told Um world ..;aoy wan.wlescia ;-tteemuneneed, sad what would sere it. DetfIOODATAE IMO spelt a /111Edwa jorbattlia with Mb fell dtaeaaaEratplimiaoaireforinasalmak• and making kaowa world tie tad tka Oar ,arrh, widekLime feepearodeawi Marra of remittal nun aid. withers to thla enrumr7 and in Europe. can noW bo'imred.' with , CM lame ruilform certainty that mondaufullowa night. Thousands, Who tried every known mile - 10 . 4 kite bora permanently tared by. Dr. QOOD tLITAILME.REBLEDY and now palm It tka 'Moot eatratragaat tarsal ambler, Sir MU oni . ateneiOZ:Bei it:4 B / 1 1 . ji !o ff pkto atktet. Xerised n GOODALA X. D X " tvimid br NORTON e. 00, Solo ' 41 1. 1 4V. .IfßoaDwa rtew roar.. I)l46, :itirgeSENE kite Agent. itsi:!ioiarooD graZET. NCIATIArT(TIIT/tiMirtT JR+ - sae 'iSsi4s-ii dna 146-i•nag, !E TER. INALD 1136,110, 3124EM5116,..afi ITCW:KG AND 8811411t4r AfitAismirrqxe rims fix;_,:„:.,.: • • • -• Ttai klintmeas •posetisse.tomm Nei lithe tuals .thiwoorgroott sates ft.from. S dl o .t. oostkto theakaa es La the of the Mee. eormorascoo o ir p u g, Of de of It IsAlscluut pxl elPKl thrspo oll ositioll ste , ll the, EoFoo-ohe Nog. the ireaki AR" ii frioobas le b so nips; •= • 1 - ••• • 7, - - ••_ • • NORTIM 004•Srlife . ^ i 41,14 ti v ••,-- 6 , 1 t d• I •••' -r••,•rn ••• 41, yis="7.66 oas IStr-g. tr.Y L v NlAttertrje , CF::" 111 A I. RN. —W IN f A HRA.N(II-: if. an:. —TFN I .111.. 4,- rizAix. , Ana after - 14.0N1 fAV, lasiober st,lPet train - feats tee lsepst is follows. .F , 1 , 1" d all., 41,11 e‘cept Nue Iwy., a: 2. tom. will at prowwpol owitot..., and et w0n...1.:i0n- et IdArr,ohnra kr New lure. ••A , lior;non. nod At Piiiindeleisii. r..ti New lurk ~,.ton atm Inteizood , I , • ...A.... SI! /I-A . eept Sumba , • :I •to , stopping ill [...gu1l ht,inits Pittnlitilth eml it,rraibuN .1.11,e alone sonneztiou With tem.". 00 littn,a West eresyleanta R R. Reent.totrg sr it H. nod RollidnesParr, &inch: - I 'l 9-1., 141110312 a ERII; tiS nLli9 daily en. tem , lowiny, 1.30 p. stopping nt nearly LI the stniiinis oneen l'ittebordh nod Piiibsils l l i onions iis no. , nions elmoretion with trains on the g• Mon nu,: Vressori R. , dloilidet)..burg /transit FL , 'ilrone. nod (:lea tteld and ite.lll Engle Valley re/ ,1O 1t N OWN Us eept minit•y. at 300 p. ut , mopping ot residua& Clone bet wren Pittsburgh std JEStiostotti, end eOl. , nesting. al Blairsville Intone...lion with tea/Innig' the ithitano Wench and West Pennsylvania rillt.AliELPH/A BM - RUSS, dilly, Cl 4,3 r m , stopping at Latrobe. Cottettuttigh,fgsaltitio, il Altoona, m.tininlon. Lewistown. al Lo, NOW port, Meryevillo i e,_ , teburg, Lancaster. and Dow, n At Knee,. lateen( eonneetions candy for lialltmort, './ashlorton and New Vaal at Plittooe.phfit, fee New. York, Neate n . and mediate po,nts, Sleeping Cara run through us thl train Iron , Pittsburtib to Hoilthnore, Philadelphia and hew Vorab l y the. Allentown route. AFT LIN daily, egrept.sturttsy, et. tart p. . 10 1 1 1. 1 00 , et on, liuntagduo. Lewistown. 'ffilittlit. rtewjettt Paryorille, Hartshorn, Aluldletown. won. Sit. Jog. LftiOligetilei LAIRCISter. Doeist• SR:lnvin. At ilagrieliiire oinio,oitou n . en o r New York, Palthnoie and WashinetoMat Philo- Mina 3/1, foe New York; &litho. and Intermediate poitos. First Aceoramodation Troia fur Wen , ' " leal dally (except 'tiundcs) at tall a. m.. Second A ccMaModatioU Train for Wail's Statists leaves dot/T(4mnd 1 4 unday) at 1140 a. ca. Third Accommodation IYala. Stir Wars StAlt - • Icisvro eltly (except hunitay) p. m. Fourth AccommodatibeTrain foi Wallis Stant • Caves daily (except Sumlny) MII ni.us p. Thr (hurrah Train leaves Wail , . Station every seeder rat 9.05 a. at., retlArMmt leaves Pittsburg at. 12.45 p. Returning Trani Arrive In Pliaburgh na tollom Plttsbuigh a/ Erie txprese 12.60 p. m Exprefia Philadelphia Enreati p. ut ?doll 1.20 n't Fast Line 2.30 a in. T , huttou n Aeon 10.00 a ra. Hint WalPn Station AcrOWeiod4Con... 0.10 a. m. Segond W•itPa Statim, Accommodation 11.65 m. Third V?,../As Station Acoommoriatio... 2.10 p. M. I'o:nth 6totlon Ar - controralai ion 6.66 p. sopim.ou gpreta falTiVe Philadellibba E.prew. 0. rn. on gtondayo NOTICE --in care of loan, the Company hold thenuolres reepOusible lot pernony bagya• only, hod ha- on amount not eac.cdingliton. W. H. BFAlii WITH, Agent, A, the Pmmoyisanta Central P Railroad omonger Station, on Liberts• and Grant eruct.. .rah 2 7 ITTSiIURG FT. WAYNE & 01.110.01106 RAILWAY, AND- .(ILEVEL Ala) ag PIT,i, BURGH. R h/LROAD.. wurrim ARRAIVIEMENT. Un nod , eller Imoomber inth. 1%4, trains mill rue as follow'', 0 10. - Leaver . For 'l'Por • I For -PittPburgh;l-Chleago.lolo roland. Wheelll. Fospresa..... ..... 2.10 a. tn.; 2.10 a. in. 2.10 a. na• Exprea5.......;.. 2.00 p. m.; 2.43 p. na. 2.40 g m. a 40a. • I CIO a. ea. For New Cattlearal Eri6 e .50 a. lA. Arrive at AJlegbeny—P. F. W. 0. Raligi t 1.30 a..., 8.30 . in., 2.40 it„ in. and 4./5 P. on. O. &P. R. R. tO.OO a. GEORGE PARKIN, Ttokct Apo; Union Vaatenwer Station, Plttsbargh, Pp. A. Q. CIASSFIBERRT, Ttoket,Agent, Alleatteuy ?X s _oot2A-a F. R. kr F.R.S.Cieneral natal VITTSBDRGH &ND A, CONN ELLSVILLE RAILROAD. ELLIOTT DAVIS WINTER Jultu.Airaniumer. On and ever MONDAY, Nor. I , S 1864, Motett will , leave the Depotecontan ;of es and Witt streets, se follows: , Leaves AMR/ at Dldlte andlra "., • : Plitsbuca. Pittglegk: IrntonlAirn. 745 a. m. Idloll. dt, Fart • • . . .2,30 p 10:00 a. a. Tint NeKeetpot.. 6 .eaineia...l.lool 6 .. CIO a. mk— Secodd • cia p L td. SAS Readdoi.i4 ' la. ma T.: ' Second 0 4;4 Sunday Unureli Train - P * ' a t .1/ tram .mcKeeeport lOop. m. Egt tioketlapply to - - • • A. J. alimix, Areac. W.." 8•- • STOUT. SUildcbteAt. LLEGFIF.NY VAL.. angam. ~ -LEY K A 1111OADr- , VITANG.E. OF 4111.1. E.-pa sad atter MOND - AY. , litta , .will fate =tra Adlowingarranazatat, taw mau. arriving at Katanaing . 'at tat* a..nt..../oraaartt; dna rn., anises at AttaborjA • ; EXPATSS TlMM—Leases Kittanning at 41.11541 a. in., arriving at Pittsburgh at ass a. at. Lianas ' Pittakargh p. at 4.110. M., *Miring at Kittannow Ap m. 7 AOCOMKOWLIMIN 'TEM.— Lame Soda Works at LW& day =kiting at Pittsburgh it 114 a, - Leases 'Pittsburgh at a. 03 p. ca. :Id artist Soda Worint at amt , mrl• ' WRIGFC: SuDerlinen. RTER . t 18 29: PERPRTErai Mae= FIRE INSURANCE; COMPANY .pT-Ttr AtkttpEa.a: : :., ..; Assetir oa &answer I. asei. ) _ _ implem • p AccrUeCt- • • 111740111 Invested Pram/us:a' ' • • Vault/ad Clatma..:C - • - income for 1814,.... - • NSW* Loans Paid since 1R29 0111200110 s Punctual and Temporary Foliates. on Maid tern : L 2arlites N. Beasker, Ladd Lefs, rat: l NV.Aller. •, = : E dward ILL.Thsta, , . Jacob .R.sit t7 Ti t a4 :,ate :,' ', s4= T i e fir l / 2 ., : ' George :WLRI : , Frds. W. , Le ' X if. : ONA-RIALS N.. NaIiCER • 12) WARD 0 . DALI,Vioe- , Pieiddeat JAS. Idr. MaLLLasTER, See. pro. tea. J. G. C7OFFIN, A= . - Gamer Wood and ?kW , IRE AND . )(SAM' ' - ' —' • numartce Co. of North .Amerioa. ligrtford Fire Insurance Computr. =MI /ft-Protection C.lll be neinred tathe" . o and rellablc cpmpanke.- 71. "IL" • •s OF PITTSBURG -. . . • ' • • R. Jr., Preekinit, WIS. P. HEBRFatT, Seerdary. . • OM., No. be {Voter etreet, Spring & NJe Witati house, try Pittsburgh. wrif bungee-. lig WAS( 'agt£ls4 of esi eietrit Date. a Rome hutiitiffoti managed by Directors's** c. ere tedi biome be At• dad who are Waal by promptness enti ire etetataiitc,.... chereder ke ility illawsmuimk,sacerniait R 4 proteclios br ra ibe& egoitastne to is mow • It:Miller, Jr.. AndfeW Junes Made*. •,•;- , .Alexandct Spook, Mathaalel Hotrasys, David M. Lam. Alex. NliAtak, - . }toes J. Thom; -‘,., . - 4 7uDatale_, 011 ea. .7 . Mirk, - 7 ~, 1-.. Oam ...L......... 8. Reiftik John 11L.111143thuo;^ . ' sup* --7,7"-"VM.V.7 I ERBERT. SVlT'Otaria .. -;', • Cog Jived QF. 0071/ M #Alit, an 4 Wliter itteeta, mond - War. zw, .- • Wht. EhimPAßD ts , Seem/ny atcht e rnsm.4; banns Steam dal Clantort ' • ';• _Annum. ag boa etnet .Inea' and dantagele the ty . .toso of the Southern and Western , Meets, ham and Bayous; and the nay too of the Sex. . . . 4. ! ;neon* ep i nit loaa= mis by Am Samuel; en, . - ; John Sht Jay J. Park. Jr Oeptsw. - W. Q. Johnston , ' S. S.F. lion. J. John It 1311worsey Preston, • Wstr 6. notteere, • tiktit i rtiFiraißJßANOE C9.311'4.2pf Mee; koe.oiner or Wood and Flati FIRE AVY..449IILIFE :UMWgoz • 14 6., P Eullyr n:au a o w t . zobak JOEYue, B uol Shi us ag; O. Blaine - ' Charles 8. Elwell, amiss .B.BBBlki .• . • Wm. Van MA,- • - n xmitiattiqt- e • Timer Joi John OlydB. - - JOIIN WATT,' V proisemt r • WJd. P.43,4iiinirkm 'mintier% e •butir • • ILEGIBENY INSURANCE. 00.1 CPA." :An. NY OF Pr zTastrpas.—oate.e..ztp.rt Yu% ••. iA • R ,,,,... , - insure. !plait MI of Vim ..and likar!a. , _ .,, t .."----.1 ISAAC; .701_',4_11S-Paraideaa• : - - . 1 1 .•' . ' -JOHlrEa:'navoltD, nee Pry:giro. •„ A .. • iFt;.A. i;!9p7Fa r k.,Tras7h. ' , -;,;-: ~ ...1 -• ~.,:,.,:.!::,_ 'F'cri''' . . . , !oh: . , - .Th.g. t er. ,., • 11 , 6 . ~ ir f - tNingiar.,.. - Il a t V MaGraw, Dls .._:,..1 I ttli. ahasatook . --- .Eadant a '4O }''-'''r---"'"---------rt' ' ...........,......—,, •;*.pluziaßs tlil)R ItIAT44I '. ii r?!, I all I a „.,..., ... ~,,... ,- • : ••' •,!.. t.t ,1, , . ar , at, , .Ctrs tI'EIrLOIi.OTIAKDIALbed Ittre • laaless al, Wit , , ' iOtte TAXlattit ,DOUBLEATIAtIiDratt-ed tlittl' ,l, ''' l . 4, ; t. tattler; au* evil s- --: .........' - i''' 4 I .4-.wilF be. aatl . rat a harpact.tlatea of or ........t,,c, 4 .= taktlttt . 4 - i f eliZurrit, Pittmtnugh. hi: .- '., ';' I i im , 1 \_.-7 ---. .. - 4 11.111.12f14,1 UM.4..VCR. 41.500,044.. 01 MU.OOO. • - * p 3.o ZOtio - AAEIT lingsliern Dulltlinsi,S7 Water 'mi. • 12=1111 11110. ? • • :, }l~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers