VOLUME LXXVIIINO. 42 Vittobuvgit tgagott , VV - VERY LATEST NEWS BY MEGRIM.. .+PENlt'ittiENiA LEGISLATURE, Spectst Dispaish to the Pittsburgh 0 Irate. , Feb. 6,1965.' ... r E . • Boragnr. —Mr. Graham read ttloni from the Bower soul coornatts of iiswomeevills, oshlng •. power &lorry i • to id44.lcou'l; Ore mlßs and an Improvement tan of five Alio; for ferry over , jhe Allegheny dier. .•.flifey from the f. • dilater! of 'Penn, Collins and Wlikbas townships • Ibr ao . tnicreasc et toils 1)11 the Bast. Liberty an Penn totonsidgi ylonli road. Also; of the Man ?. • eheaterConnetto againd ihe alinetutiou.of Pad 1 of the tortinigh to McClure township. Also one from nestlY three hundred eltlieni of said bur. - ough otrikeriteport. Also; iclatlit to the tee. rtes of .?Merle's notices on jurors and the pen t alty:Tor the delinquency' of LAI Juror,, . anppleinentary:to the - ad, anthorlaing-the pub. Bibby ofordleances of tirClairieucevilleCritini. ', e go; the Plttiburgh papers: Mr. Blghere; an -act , for' the , better: inanizO , meat Of theAllcgtomi Cocmiy Prison, eonsiltut- I Mg a boird of loafvetors; appointing a warden qv; sherlir of Ole care of priaonen: Mr. 1,79ge;1050 entntinshlng p ferry over the Alleglicnj . • lit. / 131thakii - Intor ding Girty. Jinn Coal I 'Coo/pony. wAbia, authorizing a single Judge to I -hold court (or cues below homicide. Aleo, en exiamoletennt or commiasioirers take depositiOns. Boorp...,The- petitions. were pre, r van taL: Mf.'0144 One agalatt the -inmate of .?; the Mandesier firer . also. from the.Cosl change:straltist the hiledn' Assiaclatbin:'-11r; llama oneogeinat the nevreabool di/trice: •- • The' joilawlng bills Werifoild r. . Altaniinone f . tacorperstini the Tnble; Transportation • Cod. • ! . "1 yany to bail- papei_anywhere Within td/ Mlles of 011 Creek.;.',Mr... Macy' . a 'supplement to the Little hew: :Vain Railroad. Mr. Glass, in: eciToiatint the Cash instiranCe Company. Mr. if., McKee. Incorporating s ferry over the ohit) Allegheny Hirers In Allegheny - County. Mr. Berme, Tor the better management of the Alta i"; tbemy bridge . ; also, Ineorporniing the Mal EOM t Coal CompAy. Mr:-Qoay., , Incorporating tho If Brady Coal and 'oll'Corgpitey. Wribler;tal. s l leg all Banks greyer . cent - on their dividends. The following resoldlilla were Poised , Mr. .Cochran, of Bate :,ileqiiring the Commit , tee9f - Ways rindliestur halm : esti/gate _Millers . tell/leg to billa the beds di' livers. with a TIOW to the protection oritate interests. • Returning t 1) ttiauks or tite:j:eo plc to Governor Curtin for hip letter.tothi Proof , .dent relative it/ conseriptloa, 4 " Adjourned. ' • • . • - IMPORTANT PIiQM . DOPTiI ARINRI'O4 - • _ • • The War Betstra Bnua and &Paraguay Began:..-. A SUPPOSED REBEL PRIYeEER AT MONTEVIEDO • 1-1 " . Nur YOUX, Veb. B.—The ..blrehrs Buenos Aryls correspondent says Paraguay, irs an ally of Urugtury, has declared war against Brazil, who has as allies the Uruguayan rebels and the terolutionlst Flores. Eight thousand Brazilians and en eguAl nainber of 4.Maznavalishad March cd info the terrltcry of UruguaY and f.ghting• wai ham1et:64.'2..00 Paleatillefr trri4^ lll 7. het's.= reduced tom halo of rules bia lan naval Ibnav end the rehelaundee Flores; hut. at last sruottats Its brava gartiscartill bald out, and minket anent" were harsyhui. to their voile, Bat Wand, at the month ot the La Platte dm zar=9 l l l ditAllk. ,49.VC r'it.guakeFitlaz • hy the Tercel orthe.Xlng under claim °flee lease lt for tea years. • A . noisultie at Buollloll itrrdeded on the 'Sib Of sneentherc by ...thin One hundred and thirty soldiers eattrrounderl:- A M" Mit ateamer eslisd the Emig*: Uwas it Iftintedaext,saipeeted akt4ngjwadedifoi a rebel privateer. Captain RsVp rw vitti the I roqqpit. livratehltg her...'Shn s • so little water, pad Is so fast, that she is well adapted to krepteriat of the way of.our crams, and with a couple of gnus ahiveould do more damage than the Alabama. - .••• , ITEBBILLAS i►EBY . RBOINIA A Noted - Ottairi .01tief . CapinTed; IN'tizetzwo Wrer Ya i .Feb, 6:--Govornor Mor4lui r4FATed ilt j o 4.. a;• 1' 44 at Conbef4n4 on Aim 6t,1!1,. . , ' A . i. - isidiyecisit or, deite.-aliheridia ornsan terectlallorisw of Moja' gamy - Giletore on yesterdanuean,M4oreAel4,lad.WhiPPni 4 hand somely, ealtuttog upwards or:tlreuti offieers and men. Among theetheens capture] Was the noteirSititilla7eldnf rubber; . flurry Gil more himself: (Signed,) V. Keux, Brevit Major General I.llPcim,atl . t. Coriespondenee. Wastunovost, eb., Ant volume of the Diplomatic Correspondence ,Ites • _hem pair. Bebe, making nine . 'hundred pages.- It refers to agairs mrith Great Britain,but does not cam, piste the record..-It commences with a leiter &Oat .Becretary Seirant to Moister: Adams, on -the Aiasindna ease, Mardi-, Ilth, 'lBO3. - It shows vital passed" between • oar: Government -and -Great Britain on the-fitting out of the !Copps, henneek and othsr rebel - privateers.' - Tears are_ rimmed to ha=s letters that these various acts may be the canto of diplosnaUe troabli. -cretin is next made to eliding between Canadi and Go tilted tta'eri;and afterwaras to steps tatim,try,various rostra for the recognition of Idexlmillian. Correspondence relative to 'iron clads built at Lairds ship yard, Is given' at length.' LeUeriliteife.r 'slag the is Tabs of the Chapped:it are, that, kir.es. Tio batistes. of .. Idnagadfronalngla mahad, aPati*Mr:Bow. ard, and his ollostionailrea. :tatters .1 11 ojfor, , once to the 'weekend dismissal la 'the cue of the Alerendrta, are- theriklven , vind Wowing them is- thrthsr,corresli. ondence in- relation to, Sfettioart L attolea, Wirt - 410i er_tetroiddes between Spain and Peru-Mr. Seward requests Mr. Adams to tugeapoti he maJtiity's government the no; costae orindueneidgthelwocoantttes in favor -of ccmcillatlon on term/ of juattot 'and bbnOr. stack ant atifitfy - ittatteritlidiNew York. special Wade= daatistiatePreraTtlayMehi, -::? ; Nrry-Torx. Feb.. B.—The result of the Peace eonfertinti hai Ifferdwi the bulls s chance of runsingspihnisrlees..*.The railway flat Jetsetter - throughout.- -Tinos was more disposition to buy ar.tra (sir buslnesi Irell - doite. — !Government se 1.41 entities are all higher with YgoOd demand on pit bonds. State . bonds are quiet and 'steady. v _ Coal anti mlseellimeritil 'shard; strong and better. V !The bull combination in the gold market carried V . the price up of - supply on ahhtta; and" there wee considerable ;antrostion and, activity. . The .... general disposition to believe that there is to be .t• - no peace' stx-stresent ' assists- the .trpward- turn. . The Eetrolenm stocJc market is steady. the .ouly E excitement being a Tacit, of which there were .1 large Wee. Tee • sold' et StoSW ; licydrielt 117.;; Excelsior, 2; Germania 05; Kt:ticker ., trotter 58; Briehaii an Farm 183:Manhattan Ti ; f - •„, Rynd Farm 4ool4inited States 28 i.Consolidated #hermares Dtovernents. • Wed' t'o t Ito - firm' Tom, Feb. 6.—Tbo s r yal ;'" 1 special rays: The position already gained' by alierman's army open to their advance a greater fA • pottiest - attic' .rebet - country northward.: Tim fl ultir i n t :ot t . points at. will dluppolnt that Eir e t l e y le to e 'if a h p:nr c e ° Vbarles• tits and tho4eading Milos mil return, are ads; taken. The troops have been so.npproyirlatot that the esfitsy taunt .erei battle or_ . retreat into the "extreme ftettc Inronsit that pardon of • Wl*6nf62l"havc marelted. f. , • • _lfnanbefillikkhgrtheOath increlOng.l NEW Noire, Feb. o.—The Iferaid'a Washing- Son spoulal OW; I.t,js stated - that the , number of robot prison= desiring talaki 'the' Oath of hai-ittnitatinOresand within eke : few weeks. Ihuing January over one thousand took *Ninth- it Point lookout alone and vreos • Sates of Seeen.Thlrtles. f•-••• - ; rnmateszaia. Feb: asks of T3os Jay Ccilkelho sabeeNtlon ageat r slacs fi!slar ts v . dav, 4096,94,. . . , - -14•-• Tl : i.i J.,pAitiy_.‘., : .' - PITTSBURGR -._..G.AZEIIT-P4'.' 1434i11itt1it)4{1444/Mit4lA B.erort of the Committee\ on the Conduct of the Wei. GEN. ISEADE CENSURED 'imy of licetions.Meiais in Mining Districts. IaRATIFYING 1 . 111W3 FROM BRAZIL, ill*. Artillery %jut Cm Saturday. , .W 1111111$01 , 0X, Feb. B.—The Committee on the Conduct of‘theMar ;made* repertten-day rela tive to the failure of the attack - on the enemy's . . I.llWbefore relevantly.' It appears that the ey ticeion of the mine under the enemy's batteries , . wee a euggcation of Lt. Col. Pleasante, of . the ,althl'consylcania and the mining Was Untidy: the Work of his ecgisletit. The. lino of 'attack was submitted to Gen. Meade by G on. Burnside. whoi proposed to place two brigadera of. colored troops, who bad been drilliou with reference to attacking Abe same works, in qratiee.of the attaeklog COltlinn. Gen. Heade Objected, ,bo cause they had slot been ender fire. The matter was: referred to Gen. Grant, who decided that . white troops should read; the- stsaitilt:- He sal I in evidence that Gen. Burnside wanted toput the colored division in front, and,tbellrim If. ho, had :done 80, It would have been a SCledefi:' Still 1 . agreed with General Meade In his objection to ;bat: plan; becante if they.. felled .: it would be Old;colorecl frecp; w - (16 Rut th ere to be killed. ' The order for springing. the' bllnb Wee given by General Aie4Cle; . General Iternalde. received wparroptOry ordcrat 9:40 a. in., to withdraw. - Bureside labored to, induce Meade to rescind the order, believing • that. success' wanid crown our -effort. • . ' There is a difference between the testimony of the two Genenteutle testlfyiug tliat Barn iddmwas authorized t q exerctsc his Judgmcntjn the withdrawah• - : - • • • • 'Cod. Pleasants tcstideallat Gen: Meade and ;the Chin Eat:Meer _had no • faith ln tho success of the , rnitto...The Cm:Smitten tire a the opin= Lm 'that one cause of this disaster_sres, the (beige of Barnside's plan to put colored troops In. the advance. The conduct of the colored troops when they were pat in action wonitt seem to fully satisfy the confidence Gen. Queusldo posed In then]. Gen. Grant andante's the dia. estrous result . partly to the (mops licitrz none ccrnpanied by uny of arc division commanders. In conclusion thi — Committee report that their opinion as tothit cause of the d.sastraus result Is mainly etfributahle to the face that the plans and anggcstions of the General who had deroted attm Gott so long to the subject, and whohad cd:efullydrilled his troops Mr this purpme. should - hose' heed entirely disregarded. by the General win:rhea evinced no faith - la theeneeessful pros (Tinton of that work, and had assumed the es, tire direction and control, only when It was cottiL pitted and the time had come fer reaping any advantages that might be dexived from it. • . . • •Vssntstrost; Feb. ii.L-Renetor Rainse7; . iit Minnesota, has introduced a bill which Is now under consideration by the Finance Committee of the Senate, for the assay of pfecious metals In mining districts. It Is proposed to multiply the gcr err:tent the :assay or geld and Ellem eachof which shill be as fuilg appointed .4q 9i9 POSY ofilei - In NewsNprk City. Tame Ellierit Will be at Tucson and Ambrey, In Arizona:, Ran Tare, In New Mexico: Orcat Salt Labe City.; italiabCflefse 'city; In Ida** and "CV):litMontatta. --n Adykas-from Mr. Wel*, U.S. Minister at Rio yarAtoreceti the edatellepartment, bring the ;gratifying Intel - gene - their the government of Braz il kaaissued a&craeeialzaft the Pirate Shenandoah :Aeon, the Ports cf 'that ertdre. Ak the date of . these *dykes, Mr. Rewlrdi adfWer In the case of the Florida had not been recelyed A letter Rem the Army of the Potomac says: Quite a brink artniery duet , took place= Battu day.trening near the'Appomattoz, lastlughlim seven ak:halflastsdne Vfiltich at• night. - - Tam rebel emondeslonera, the correspondent addi, are .said to hare paned through the lines that day fnrilfichmond. A passenger from the army who I nd to-night confirms the truth the state= TEE WAR MUST GO ON. Piveteitiatton from the "'rest rit-) • ted "Tt-4,71 - := , ' THE NEW TAX BILL. ,• - • Yationat rem ( 11 .. Carl It 111 now eleatenongh that th e .moil go on it Ith renewed energy. There can be 'no tICILEC now fartollifigi/aCkiitn atia money. We almost speak by antharity, when we state that tye...rebed leader! wbo,attenflod the recent ectiference declared that - civil war would follow Id the South were the proposition of a return to - 11 M Uclen Itehmltted tope'people. Now this statement treilther Alvann m to isivresentitao • oilt motile that there is a forriddable Unlonsen iluient lithe 6olitiker - ri:ttiseS ready to take up . torlho thiki for egiiiiity we einnot syirpcm that - these - men 'meant by . michtt dads!. ban, ;hitt skid wank be rad SO hisardlhe poo-, veil= for rennlonif (bay werdnot fretful that the unpopniarliydf inch step Might had to a . reloit against thet*lres. Haw _Yong, Feb, Or.:—The 'Commereied Airer aaip'i Washington "ape Ill_ says It Is confidently mien& that the President. wahine a pine-M -utation setting forth tho result of the Peace 'NC gctiationct and calling upon the people to Sit up the ranks of the armies and midst In closing the tr:r by overwhelming military operations; 'The Washington special says the new Fax bill reported to the Nouse this' moinifig Im .poecs art -income tax of 10 per cont. on all tundlints - errecedlne three thin:mend dollars per par; on crude pi:Culture:lair cents per gallon; cigars , sixty cent per panfid .fitanuMetnred baceo Ibrty.cents. , The present rate ol i o:akin orr reauttiactated - goods is Inereased twenty per cent. A section taxing all soles - is reported bat idopthan 'ls riot recommended. No tax - 1s laid upon State bank circulation. • FROM CAIRO AND 'BELOW. traivation of Mobile 4nlirmod; THE STEAMER AFIAGO BURNED. • 2 • ' F.IIIIO, Feb.S.=The &Learner Moine Able, from NVvr Pr k=l, on. the SPA, enlycel irlarai large .itiasttSy of spit= and4opluses.: The simmers C¢bUnmltl en ~forol4g Stan frooklii! r f Yak, bid aniTed etNikw.vdesee. •• ,The repott , xl erractutticui *of Mobile bas been torn:med. , Toe, Timm. says: Information,.-an doubted from • • twelve • refugees; Who left Mobile on. the 16th and . arrived at. . New. . Or:eans, state that the,graptudion coinsleaced tba.day of their departure, and . .that: guns/IMF o;Alin anew stores were going to Selma by ennead venter.: Simultaneously with this movement a meoldbg eocuteription • Was going on among the citizens of. Mobile. and , to ,e4inape from it the people were teeing by squids. :It wan the gen eral Imply scion in' Mobile that no defence of the eity Wonid be attempted; garrison ivas anti anzapoted bf militia tender canacuand of pen.: Male Taylorand Maury. - - • • The hospital steamerJenunry(from Eastport, .Miss., with 287 sick of Ceti. A.l. Smith's com mend', has arrived. . Fatty-tight were /Art At -Mound City hospital. • In additiori fo this nutu 7 . bee twenty.one others recalled on board at Nea -1 ore, died dace the The steamer Argo; one of the steamers caught la Georgia; at Dogtooth Bend, IdississiNd river, *as fired by lime In the hold and burned to the hater's edge yenet:day afternoon. The nee wee first discovered the day previeus, but was held in check by furring Water iota the held. All the furniture and deck freight was saved. The tare° In the hold, including 50 tons of ii:cet freight, was s lost.. The boat was valued at $75.000, and teamed for $35,000. • ' The New Orleans market is extremelY dull in nearly every'department of trade,'extept , Segal: and Molasses, for which there Is a brisk inquiry, owing to the light :Supplies. Brasil Islay were Made of inlmaMcdassee, at $1,15@1,24; tally, falr. to prime finger; at Owing to the sus iieuslort of nivigation en; the Upper Mississippi, the :small quantity of provisions on hand are (fremanding •litgli - pricei. Choice $l3, ood ordinery Cotton sold,at 5ic. ...: nobe.t.luxtraritles tu Texas.' ! Nam Yoh*, Feb. 6.---Paymmter Req. of the gouthont 'Granite' Clry; *IV, was - lately' peroNl ftml 3 tuziP grace, Team', publishes - AM . Itoommt if the Inhuman treatment or prisoner" who Lave beetitohtluid In Tents fot several months. The batheeity of the rebels it 'Andersoortlle and Etellsberyjs muted at Camp; Grace-4°3d In.' eutlident.sed of eery bed qtualty, Juad the prim.: led *abject to constant Insult And todigatif.' IFtifttemberesad t:tdi'Ate - 0, thetriertatltywmfone ppeer mot:. Out of 11I.nevat, pi5000r5,..79-hirro 'THE RECENT PEACE !15TEVilt3W. Recognition the Only Terms or Peace. TIIS NEGOiIATI63B4N: HUM . . . . The People now Urged to Re -neteed Efforts. Mit ESSENDEN'S RETIREMENT FROM THE MEM:IY jJ Yon r, Jan. 6. - --the. Washiniton sperlal says:: Mr. Seward reacied Fortress Mon-. roe to advance of r&essre. fittephens, Router and. Campbell: vat of these kentlemea tb ry:were ae onco Inslled taau Interview , ;MO Informed Mr. Seward of thelr'destre to proceed to Washington for the purpose of diseusslns the quSstion of'pltAl . l 7 lth'illa t'VZnideitt7 ' M. Seward Informed them that it was the Prestdeuths vihlrthat . ibi ibis:anklets khonld'take . plata at Portre s Monroe, mid tilt be bad been seal to meet them at that paint upon that suV. feet.' - -4 1 +.1 ommlasion: rs prarkai..with (*aid:lambic ( 4 E40 Ream, (Or leavo to. vi,it IVashington, and finally-alleged- that - thole government had con ' tented to send them only in eons:wit:cue° of Mr. arturaucc that they elmuld have a per :trim) intcriteavairlth Prcaladia Lincoln. • ' ' Mt. Seward a.ssured them that this itedgy. !noel] be fulfilled, and at mare telegraphed to the tresideut that ida iteesence weir necessary. Aftct Mr. Lincoln's arrival the Conference lasted fooltoura, and Far. iterfectly friendly and good "tiutprred at - inn - ghoul. On our tide the - conversation was mainly ducted by the President, and on theirs by Mr.. 'Minter, and Mr. Stephens 'oeinslinially takang t; The rebel Commissumers saki nothing what cver , of their rineinalviewo or wishes, but nooke F eldy and exclusively for their government, and. att he ontset,.and throughout Gm conference, de dared their entire lack of authority to make; rtetiVe or mu:eider atev .propoSttion whatever loilifiner toward a close of the war, except on the beid3 of it • recognition ; of . the independence , of the Confederate States preliminary. condition. The Prcaldent.presected the subject to them ihr . every conceivable form, - suggesting . the fleet liberal..ated : considerate modineation of whatever in the . ; existing legislation Ind no lien if the 'United Stotts; Goverament !nicht lie ri ut.rdk al ag treciAllyltOPtile to the rights and in to'ests or wounding to the pri le of the South. peas, but in no sleek particular could he induce them toswerva for a moment from their di mend for recognition. 'they did not pre•ecnt thisconspienously as rest- Leg on their owe donvictlone or wisiteet, but antic eonelition which their Government had made aheclutely indispensalde to any nek,mtlations or die (mak os whatever cotiectuing peace, l'resident Lincoln,.on the other hand, inform ed, them at every point that such rcognition teas utterly and. totally_out ot the question, that the States - atop 'the war' and arrest even; temporarily._the, movement of, Its, anales ciilyon the condition that the authority of the National Government should be reetagranwl and obeyed over the- whble trirritot7 of , alM-Untied State; this 'concislect ho atatired - them that Masa etety other matter they would be treated atilt the utmost.liberallty, but without that re ce-miltion the war must and would go no. All the conversation which took place between the respective parties came back to and turned "open this radical and irreconcilable difference. Nvither side could be swerved a hair'a-breadth font Its position, and therefma the attempt at n eget lat len was-an niter failure. L - Pon ScParatinr„ it mss-distinctly understood aud explicitly stated that the attitude of each governalent-waa 'to' be, precisely as it would have it-tide Cecil intiniew had ntnerlelic ` u plieee: "" Cabinct rccelpcd ttiesp ~ r 9txuatlons as i tornpleiend.iitliftret*,. and .- thei . ; Whig tuts .tcaatimeed arid hdreettnhat the ickletify - must 1;67 arouse Itself to renewed efforts, and pre pare Willem fresh- sacrilleckA the defenft of the inte:4„or.the ll t4tAßCUtP P re "" 4 " of the Goveralid:. , I , M you know the source of thli dispatch. I imed not assure you that It is perfectly rella,ble. It is understood that 11[r':!eineetban'a retire- Meet from the TreksullticpantMent. lOU take plane within a. feW days. and It to couttiently predicted, I heAtne.tottyorhes hts.momorer wilt be from the city of New York. , In - the present condition of the finances, and with the certainty .tlad the wermlLL-Jamsnded...inx-lalth , mirrored. vig r or au d'elerinlitatton 'on - bottfaldea,thle be= et EMCS a question of sei7 great...importance. dgebetlntelligence: • - New YOUK, Feb. o.—The Richmond Whig siu - S tiisTp Is isdeliela‘icy ,. of suppllea, owing to Ctrs to bear short ratlons - pothretly. The vane paperstates, on the authority of the SsnAntenia ,licretti, that thtervench,on arriving to Idatamor.m, qmnpilmettted the Cenfederite nai with Reart• saintes, while they passed by the Yarkce far; ttrcontempt. VllO Confederate ,e.. 4 le reported to. be._ waving 'over the stumm, taverns and SAMOUIt in Matintoras. The Liopatdk rani , Bnurchtille the,„key _to Chitieston unirthe gateway of alt Impolite; from thiGulf Slates. It hinds G , aut's plan of cant yelps Is to keep"the arreyN'orittCrit Virginia elained to Its breastwerita, And put We Danville road It possible. At the same time Sherman will operate against Clarkston and tnen move • - northward. In the rebel Senate on the 91, Mr. Brawn, of ~preseutedl,k joins- rakaution. 'thanks to Mr. 'John' Lanewner,- of Laneashies - , tokland, for lie triendly'rondnet to the °Mears suit crew of the Alabama, and in rescuing Cap:. &tomes and others from droning on the occw - slob of the contest between the Alabama and KOtrsaree. The resolatnii was trussed. Theileridion ,c'terfon says; The army of the Tebbe see will ratably whiter at Tupelo - and •Entillo. It seeds zest and re4rgaulzation very mica. It has InaMmil atel_counter-marched, fought and been wintered from Rocky Race to Atlanta, thence back to Nashville, and new debps to the spot whale It quiertannl.dtuing the . . . , The Mobile llegata says that te part of:WI shoilpi cot oveopic!!! by the corms N very large: The ylenls double..thia; year. What It W 23 The planters-have been:selling their ',surplus of . green pork at a dollarpound. - . Oat. Brown, of the rebel Army of, Tennessee reportelluit 'flood's army lost fri cannon out , or 106, dialog the retreat from Nashville. , , WssioNovOir.,Yeb.ll..-4tie Dtu par ,14 of. the 4th inst. says that It was thought flit a portion oflbeirealesforee . might attempt erres the Ballichatehle. above the Rillresd bridge. The 20th Ca-ps was still ct IlibertarMe. - .1110 .11th,porps was elotshicet. Rchertivllle.. The aim — orirviiiititog that Mown on the subject atoottoWkl only whet we have believed for several dsys, that . Shannon Is moth.g en Branchville 10 form.. Besuregard • hasanived : - Atiguitw tallik ' Cl ' ar g 4. ani lltarf operations tlieni. We Prentime the forms at BrarrellTilbs ore ele9.twltier A very regular be heard throughout yesterday in tlfedllyetlou Of Bermu da Modred. We haveleara 'no explanation of the Ming. It!' possible that, the .Tankseis base rill-timed work nn'the canal. - - :Captain Hatch, of the...Egeltana,Thirean, who started to Wasblngtodas Reeretary to our Peace Commiasionera .made his ttncrpcctedappearatme In ads city last night, basing coals Wine: Grant's Ilnes yesterday. He brings no Weill gerce.or,the clqm - ralselorigni„ , ._not fadirsr:blm-, self ci liberty to auewer questtont Mithat sub. -- jot, nor Usti, been, found : PasSilde to.useerllar she ewe of, his speedy Mtgs. Gold :yesterdrg wilt:quoted. at .46 . dollarsdollar& for one, though rows small Hama were cold at, 44, I'imsramwars, Feb. apibrbd to ` r tha , xtria7:Telegrapl4 &rat Wallington, 'February, oth, say:: the RlChmond WAYb a the follow. IN . 04444101, Febvtat";- . ..k :Bridge, dated 7.40 o'cloet last night, Nap: The, 'corny adyatmudz t4t-dar ,the,;',W.P4ll tramp, driving oar eitralry . on our 'IOEI,I aIZ Mae* keel this Oaf* Mitly.goisupPosed to be In beery face . There Is also a commtiof cwt., sky on the Augusta roaa, !noting, rapidly from some unknown point. ' - ' ;;A dispatch from Adams Run says thalilm army came upon barges to.Toring's Limul shout Mon end drays In ourpleketi: They ItaTo Brad .aeyeral buildings In the plantation and arc re tiring'. Thin morning throe: stnamers' are off Wh:te'd Point, and a landing Is threatened. Adams Rita Is about twenty miles front CbaTiell, , „ Fire In Cincinnali-.7h0 Accidcht on tit hiarlettn Ind Cincinnati Railroad. - CINCINNATI, Fat , tom. relrslon - werehortse,;rted the Allegheny 'louse oh Wahl street.wcre deatroyed by tire yesterday., The loss Is ahout illlb,000; insured. . . tp to last cnening,elght bodies had boon. re. &vcred trOm nha•trreck of lite train ob tho Mar. ictta and Meltingi railroad; but Leo badly burnJ cid that few tiara recogitized.; Thera wera sup: weed tithe but Ocean Onseangent "On train' at the time of the accident. . • • • • ' • Ctierrilli Bald iota .LltehlteldiKyc - • . Larmixzw was- visited a frw days since by Bell,Williany! FM; Add nart. arning, by seventy or eighth of QnsatielPa tuerkillas under Capt. Jones: Ploy %appro. pasted a:lnstal of.boolls. Ando ; and.w.ktda but lett * Sh out doing further. damage. ' ; weutllirue Guerrilla; lleiketluiluu!::-: - . .; ; °mynas, Teb. o.—ftliVed that Ott 410kilialy Cletigin; ;le Oarnettiatcycsterany.' - • 1 - : f k Wh-..:~e,_..._«...~~._.._~...,......~.,r„„~., ~~~~.•.w..c.,.~',F; t....w.~~•,.~:~:~-rte N ~~ _ ~'~” ~.~a'. 4 ..~ ` a.~v-~:i ' =~ s asi'k.-.ftc`:.~.r.Ya.r:~_~ , -:~.,3;c_..[,+C;. y .S~rS~`~E:fsa r ~,•ahu':a k ti::.c=s•-•a=~w , s:,ika.'iuid•.:~....:..~.~ ,i..s:E+Z.w. - 55' ' ~" , rw5r.....•..3.i.~.: .~''cy`s ~. y:~rJ"a"e3 '4 f -.+r PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1865. lilt lith CONGIUSS-SECIMI SESSION, Amendfatnt to tics Enrollment Act W►anindro!l CM, Feb. G. Mt ESNATE Mr: IViiron, from thellilitary Commlttee.'re- Waled a hill entitled an act far the benent,of army c Slicers in the field. ft provides thite from And after the - ftrat'of March, DM, and dorms the continuance' of tho - preaent rebellion, the 'commutation price of office& siabsistenco shall Le fifty Cents per ration, provided, that sald in crease shall not apply to the conimutation price of the rations of soy °Meer iftiovothe rank of Brevet Brigadier General of any officer entitled to Commutation for feel or quarters.. - - It relieves all army officers Ayer the payment of the income tax, and grants to all officers and volunteers who• shall - conthme In the mintery service to the close of the war, 'epoo:being mos tcred• out. of Mahe ciervies. three _months' pay. Title latter prevision- shall not apply toonleers not on ditty; nor to caters entitled p 4 conttopita , , ton for feed and tpunterth No action ttLen MI 'Cho hill. Mft f.lollareci offered a resolution, which was adopted, calling upon the President for Informd• lion as to whether any permits to trade 'in cot ton in the secee.cd Stator, had been granted since the 2d oftluly last, and if ho, what has been the nature of tbrue permits and licenses,witeth er they were paid for, what Influence they were betnined, under what law they were gran ted, Se. Mr, Sumner offered a resolution calling on the President for' Information !relative - to the latb mice min en. Mr. Saulobory olttocted to the resolatkot and it Itts oyerytotitortoomr.r. . , Thb am6id at ineula to e enrollment bill were taken np. The SCCIiOD pmscriblng the measures In whieli 'The Stale and local bounties shallbe .paid was stricken out. Wilson called up. thavblll in relatioa Li the enrollment, as reported by the Military Commit tee, which It as follows : That from and after the pifsege of this net, any person enrolled aid !n -ide to be drafted may be accepted is a substitute fee M dmßed pinion, and such drafted Person' sitall.be exempt from service for. such a tiMO as the eitbstilute shall Lc held to service under the 'tci nut of his enlistment. t'44. 2, And •bo 4 furtliev.ermeted; That no pe:scm onion military service shall be exempted Earn the military to perform the sitmeen ao mil of furol,ldnc a substitute for the navy, oak,* the . suliatitute is preheated in pardon to Ili, Board of Enrollment, In which the princi pal ie enrolled, and Is erupted by Fold Board of IT rolment. And is, It further enacted, Thatany ro t :Went. SIamIMMO. broker, or other per s,-1; who nbWl count or coon, to Ire COlikited as a vi :waver or salt:utile, nuy insane ,person, or pecan in a condition of intoxication, or a desert, kr from the military or naval service, knowing him to be such, or who shall defraud or deprive. y volimteer or substitute of any portion of the Slate, local, or Unite d Stites bounty to whicl.lin in, y entkled, shall, upon conviction by any ceuit martini or military commission, .ho not exceeding $l,OOO, or imprisoned, norexceed- Ing two years, or both, at the discretion of - inch court mutilator military covurtn4lon ' SEC. 4. And be it further. enacted, Thai any offictr who shall muster into the ,military Or naval service of the United States any deserter hum raid service, or insane person, or persons In a condition of intoxication, knowing him to he inch, shall; upon conviction by any — rourt martial of military covernission,..be dishonors- I:Iv rthinaseti from the service of Um United States. t• cr. 5. And be It farther enacted, That all State and local bounties needle paid to any mi. out eer or substitute upon entry Into the military; of ravel cerise of the ratted States, shall be mid to installments as fellows t Onoehinl at the time of the muster Into tbc 'twelve of stet Mlueteer'ur 1114;titutef Oncthlrd at the explre thn of half thertennof service and one third at , the expiration of theism of linch 'enter., indeed samke discharged by reason of wounds remised In battle; and In cdse of Ids , death while -In the. sorrier. the Moldy*. of.his beauty unpaid be lind to his srldow, if he Halt -trim a widow, and if not, to his children; or It there be none, to bis mother, If she be a widow. • • • bee. G.'And to It farther enacted, 'Mathis ,emitingere .01 the termed titmice 'of any person' who &hilliest:after dater the Milliarr or turd set rice nsplunteer or drafted man and shall : . .dc•sellit hereftbirt, of be discharged by reason of &mini ditty - v.lE9w prior to antir entry into. the reit M.; sindb,bri. added 10 ' the amount due fitteillttis' !del Ica led& such satiate* or drafted man ahall ;creaut4, add, the tame shall be tiled trp: from such district by en ',totem or draft.' r: . - ." '• ' • f3sc. And feather einsitedithit in ad— dition to the Other tetrad yank* of Mt mime, or deserliein front the mniry or nestalbetries, allpersms wbo base deentati the . intlitary.ort MAI somioreifibelintlndliste*Viioldnftineti scam to said service, ter report - thettundres to a Provost Marshal withal 'Oki,' dayt after the P.mutee nr this Ed, shall he deemed and Uteri to hire evinatailly rellitecilebed and. forfeited thelf right. or citizenship and their lights to become eras net and such deserter shell be focuser Act.' rereble of bolding any teem of - trustee". lomat soder the Urilted States, or exercising any of the. riches or eitkent 'thereof; Ind all parsons who. Blinn Imrraller deiiert 'the military or naval sec vt. q thell.be lieldc to thp pensltiotot title *oc cur. S. drid4e It farther Mewed, That-the eiident Li hereby,authorised see required forth with on the pumps of this est to issue his pro. drill anon eating forth the prorlsons of the pos -1 ceitn; sections. 1 Mr. Hendricks moved thatlite fifth scoticuttm en I elmn end, and the motion • Mr. Decksiew;ofiered an amendment to repeal tto Protien of the enrollment bill 'which per. to hi Gammon of Stateorto send tureen to States to rebellion to neSruit soul fill up quotas:. .11ri'lViliain hoped this noild not be adopted. Ur. Saulsbury would like the etember Vara .Marrarterett a to answer a question. Ile (Sainstrury) had seen It sated In theme -es that Immediately after the fall Of asiabliab,Thaat eburatts bad vents there to fill .the goats. of that Stair. No zutharny bad been-gives " to de LUIS, hot after the stares had been pot on ship 'toad, GUT. Andrew bat made application to the President to pertalesion to enlist these Men, 'tentt It had been amnia]. Ito (Saulsbury) was empanel to this, s le'le the young Men of his State r Detawaru„ had. to respond in person to 'drilla drafts. . • • Mr. Wilson repliattlat he did not Imowabout this special nave, but he knew that Governor Andrew; alai an earnest and dirtcradmol • end was In favor of =Patton black man. If therec, nut of kfasiachasette werabot Ant: on thst ground they most hero traveled slower than cant agents alter they Gaited. . • ' lir. Grinics_hoptd the atticadment would pass. Ho win oPposcd io neriaittlag BUM - agent" to go Co the rebel plates. If black men vraatcd to coliG yhey, should enlist 'the Totted Stites • seater, and not under the Imsplces °t • rack 'llll Gt:.,Liodrcw matt° klavaanah. •• lir. Wilson, In rept*. Idr. tlettleburhentd Ifetitichnsetts' had • tonslshed, 01! Se . Decent' ar :1 4 441vi a in.rin Rit tle..9:;=;: miry litifpltis" of 1,515 more than Gar Governor had been called. upon for. Slas had fur:41110 1f41,000 soon y,ether, and Ihry werevinal to 100,407 for three obe furottbeckiaeb year ,4N44fi =GOO, Mfr. Elhennan asked hew many of these ware credits for:naval neerhitst said: I believe 'of the entire number': of mei furbished' by lifestakildlr sette r 10,072 ware foreign Lora. There hat bean a great deal said about importatlens. imported and put Into four atvachn eta,t,re4rectitaninehundradandlayenlll men:foal . Gm many, col she number of black men put into the service by •Massachusatte, taking the 'whole culiciments at home and In 3101- rebel Stites, is 4721. %Here Is 15,000, altogether out of-125,000, that were born' out , of the 'United . , • ~.. . , • Balmer. said .1 , • Yam not Amon that any abuse ban follwa - al *Mott that le'probosed tote stricken 'out. • I am mot , aware: that any; sell catisiapienceir hate libildostie,".• • • • "•:, • ;.• 7 4- F;Oritruis 4414: "Hoye you' rP88:1808 e ral - . Sherman's letterlP • • Mr..gungser--"Yes, I reeellint, it. - it 'tits. a. very pointed letter, written with the point of the, sword - ratti e r .thatt' thn "{Laughter.] therefore sithinit td thb,Senato that inasmuch 'as' • •the section mists f as It is al-eady on. Our.stsiate looks, It should not be histily„remote4oniesa. some reason can be shown .for the removarof - the barden; tlicretarb itis with the Soutar fnlm' Pennsylvania; Mi. Bucicalew, who makes' this motion, to show that something wrong has CM. muted under this law." " • ' - Mr. Buckalcw said s I will explain by eating that I desire each state to raise its "owatroopf within Its own limits, so that no state all be . treated with favoritism by the President or War Department Intilling its quota. ••• • Mr. Trumbull ashc4 and obtained leave to - Make a report. from the Joint.commitee appoint , . ed to arrange for the counting of the presidential ' vote en •Wedeeeday. ' • ' '" • • mr. Sherman Sdvocatcd the repeal ift tite , s6B.;", Son. It was not necessary noly;lab.-said, far ;state agaSa i to go to the the, den , - crate in I • led were doing their hest •to secure - Ile enlist cot of fmXored tnep„ . Ii jEas the °pin n of oni best Generals . that thaprovlsion pro posed to be strickenant was a gmat evil. • - Mr. Ten Eyck was in favor of'Mr. Suckslew7a ‘ .. #endtnent. Becitemes amendment was. eiloPteit by; Yess,2B,. "IfsyClaz.,B4 .1144 . 8e4 1 44....ati0.P0 1 citrate striking out the third section of t he till of last winter, which Pertnltt recruiting. agents: •• Southern Stales to obtain recruits for date credits ' . ••• Mr. Howard .ofibred an ante:ado/eat: to the amendment, by bleeding, in- the, ild•seetion after the words I "Se fined not eicabling $1,0011,", theireads'ner leas than 'IWO", hnd -after this_ ISM* "orjtoßritocke4 not exopedins 1 the wade "ncr less than throe mouths." • Ti e I ameuerutut was adopted., , Sir. Dale moral is strike nnt from the section , r.,...." .r . 0t00tka ----- 0 , 1,.. the not • Police. the nundr, "or otter pets( rt." after the won's ]Bayer -- ...., ~ , ...,,- ~ . _, , * , that_sey la tidal g_aginit or imiut It ttto broker." -beurY eassuo l litY ageckolt re - orgatti= - 1 Mr. V, then sold the greener n.f.., red to was pet Lion of the Night Pollee forte, and we are led tO asked by the Adminletrat ion. It a, - .0 designed .toetwirenthid, thou vintage will be praductive of , to protect helpless mat everywlt-r .. Tao Africart, • ; .:'.,;„% i s ~ i s u la t e e e b t. n raLle r. p ge. eled u be eo fbre .c th t., o 3e c d ru i Lle i s m o ra f s inito ubsg.‘„ :„:.i .,W if,.... , l 6 .m, Tb bn e t t re l : t r e .e nu it n e L et r n_r i u L rc is n i,,,,e um n screa la. Mhaer al to hostrhals and lut Into the °rosy; men weeded* ; , torty-two patronnten. A largo per and put Into the 'may „lethe ineensibloton Ulm ielhe old forte has hen retained, while, ration; more than,Milat, theirAnnty was taken a bo u t r front tans: Ont,o ill,„„M they cli me got, tt n t r oo ° h i:l y e : c a w be m e o u o, l i , ri ' c ! h "' r i f e e w d e k.. mi ce th eu e lf fa: upon their duties last night. The falloff , " W. C. Wilson, 'l " .. ' 9 ot i :kel e ty d tha t ii h l e ' y w s ll •4 l° L. l 6 . t al fte lins ll 7 . lfe a rs d :" n normi tc" : i srli t te l . n h t N h '''— eyl i to t' R ac Z ogiorttia_B, ,,,,,,, ootboti „ ovrotomtoh4tih ,.. ti: Mr ' Cennessn ittge e teg en to nintnd the lee. 2d.*Jober 31,Guire, Sit George 11111, atb. lien that i t 'MAU real " That IMF recruitin g kafelmen--Francis Fousr. w.Alerguide. egent, rubstitute broker or other '"person who John Milterrev, Thomas GraaSameel Want, shall for pay or profit enlist ,ontc., 4c., and Face Dr:ester Patrick M. , Farren Thomas Ham. thin amendment was lac:mph:l by Ste. hale In tit ,„, D o „„hiti wtoo ja i 3,,,,d J amm u-T ot _ Ilen of lila amendment. _ , - " --, -..... ' • ' '.. • The fu r ther e rmeidemlieu or till' , sublet.% was I fl tEl t er ist%fin ei gl eril W l*lrje llace, bae lia el nri T7, "tate' ohn It °b tr a ., P° lt l ir Tu l tr . =e l o t = "M a j w o r o t reso l u tio n r1.1 . v0 i.-- - Vranc`te,,Mankle,Jati.D.NelinedyWnit. hPaready, 12 1 0 w g 1 37 o l yt h 4 e , n rci am c n el" tigr vei t he lp Cep rj o :4 ll i t -4 4° 2 oh l ot s t f ° h l - 1 8 6 c;f7 1 : 0 1 .1 Y 1 1 4 . ,,, 1 17 . 0 4 D ‘ ar .ii g e n i atci e ef, P Be a U l e rlek! l e : I M B :feo lc 2hi e :i t ; as h o fat . r : h ti a nn e m w: -B , 2 , P r r h s „ rti° 47a ck o ". - doo alV i!e . ti l ,e u llevi tt i: ett Sta r lei x w to it th ieb e Ilea Thomas, • James alley, Pere xtrphy, George Barkbards, George Stevens, William O. number di male ell sof age, having . In tacit -j ohoo, c hoi r,. iiloTht A . y..oiihtst., Dm State the qualin 'na requisite' for elector/of E lder, joonitar. st a r e Its, .! .t. eatta the moot tuuuMs t bruneber the 14ate i 't isis.- The aubsaftutm are, kt: J. •Murphy WililaM teem- The actual 'numeration of such eitisne Biu „ so, vint anoto FoTter. Fottioh Divine, Ism shall be mule by the census of the ,Vnited . c I — I , up , o willio m tii Tho oda , Mona' elx alit be put In the diaries Where the) Itefen - cd to the jediciary Comn;it tee.. , __ era most needed, One will be stationed at the duct of the War, Made a report la relation to Mr ' Wadr ' frrlr k . l b° Cum l nittn°un tb° Cu "' outer end of the Ninth is ard; one at Duquesne It oy, ohuto outyoou to to hoop watch 4 .,,, 0r the onset Oil Fafteldnirff In 4 ane 125 t," P h i cb s the lame amount of oil and other combustibles with the etklence Vlimn, was laid on lase tsble. ' • -... Beet' F f th otroot; ow , at tc, O h n . i m , : oi . , 7 . Anthony ;, fifty _thousand • Ja ,that Feed Scrabble; One on Pennsylvania Avenue, conks of Um repoiliteid testimony were ordered , and cue in that portion of the "Bloody Third" The Senate wattle 0 exe ot i t i oo - otti o tt oo l d krowteas the "hell Run' district. Two vacua n 1 . 6 - - - eleelyet , remain to be tilled, and the appulnt - eilftila witl.Po Made astiLielt n suitable men $O USE ' ' . r US . can be found to All tlitiped.-'-'7,l'J----"" A rernintlen widopted directing the Seca- The Mayor linda - agmatt!findlng, (my of 'War to In trt the !louse whether min- gm d men atihe Ffleell- 11 0fifialefilighnser - I blue of any retie in been. exempted from at e. Able 64died,raetleertInenitati. atm mere military duty, end 1.7, the reasons therefor, inc ety_in ohnost arty other ptuant, and for this and their names. ' • rennet several apparent*, who'were not consid.. l Mr. Rollins, of Miseoriff, offered a joint reser- end as up to the requisite strusdard, had to bo lion 'proposing to comm. mate loyal persons for appointed from necessity. They were not Mich lesseewhich run let occasioned6V the ratification non, howeeer, an the Mayor desired. This luau of the antisinvery iConstitntional Amendment. to :emanate eine' Of affair's, bat It cannot be . A debate arising, the resolution ri env over ander it miefid under existing circumstances. the rule. k !forte are being made by Mayor Lowry to Olt Ration of lik. Holman a Joint resolution have the Day and Night police increased to one was reward that nopayment :hall hereafter he Lnt died men, so as to admit of their bring em• made to any offline,. railroad companies who pli yid In three renal—the larger number to be have remit ed grants of lands on the condition belt- n duty untiften or eleven o'clock, when a dint they it mild traneport property and troops f mall( r [diet" • will go on duty and remain till free from toll; tharibe &crawl. of . War cans,, mveniug, teat lug afresh squad to attend to the to be refunded any, Monty paid to such comps. lo.eintse during Motley. All who are familiar nice. 1, ~ with the police fel:plat lone In other large clam, On molten ofr M'. Gerald, the Committee on err aware that we are half a century ballad the the Disler?. of Ceduanbla was instmeted to ro- age In tide respect. It has been asarrtaliMA, pat tby what authority calmed peranue are re- by at hint eXperimott, that It requites, over quired to have pants before they can leave i err ty mieutes to ‘ , ..111, mound our amalieti NVo. hington. teats, and some of the larger antiS occupy ..Me. Cox offereen resolution, that the Preil. runty forty minutes! It Is utterly !repot den tle endeavoring to ascertain the disposition sit ie . , therefore, for the present force to gamed of the Insurgents in pans against the authority the city no it shoald Inc guarded. peace am of the Federal Government, with a view to a no- nal, iy of the Mayor to have the (area increased, accretion for pence, and the restoration of the I eed plum. rly organivnl and tielformed, after tiro Union, Is entitled to the gratitude of a sugaring manner of thole in other cities of similar aim. and distracted country. and that with a almilar There ate a env of our citizen who will gainsay stew he be requested to omit no honorable ever- the an isdom and propriety of this measure, and Mon hereafter which may lead to that ohket, ILL prieelpal otjection will be on the scam of to wit: peace and ankle, ' apenditare. Where le tire money tozome froml • I.lr. Rosa moved to toy the resolution on the It le true, many of our business men now ply table, which undecided in the negativo by a l It rze coma annually for pirate watchmen; and vote of Zll yeas against 103 nays. Tha resole- It is argued that, If the police force was increased dime then went over until next Moinlay, to a proper erunlice these private watchmen Mr. Merrill tem.:ea from the Committee on could be diepensed with, and that the additlsnel Ways and Ildearientat ;emendator! Internal Sere- tax required would be willingly borne.:Th u sue I id, which ads matletbe special order from whole matter will be laid butbre the Councils, at and after en en o'clock cn Wednesday evening an early day, and old no doubt receive that at next., tendon Which Its importance,demands. Op motion it't Varies dee Wood,± a resolution - - wee adopted, declining agaleet any negotiation Pittsburgh Sanitary Committee. • which aWlmitnitgla the remotest implication. Yesterday we paid a +short visit to ( hie Mall the ratite:ice of sky other Federal; or Confeder- tution, and were pleased to observe tbe numer ate gravernmentmithin the territory Of the - .. . .. ours evidences of the good being aecomposnect by The The House vicit igli tie Conamlittee Of the - tie Committee. Lain week the demands upon IYholo on the;natid eymopriation bill. t the Committee weft very heavy, tn consequenee The arneudneld estkir. Darts, of _Mullane, tuft reale a Beard ] lf `Admiralty wits, after soma 'or the large, number of amvaleacents`who ap delete. mice ton layMiaminet I'd. plied for relief. During the week there were ' The Melte COSsurred le the tualnliteelet of over two lknndred of 1111114ns ftwoished with the Committee irmatilug for 'an 'additional n_idablornara totke Naval AcuideMy from e ach shirts, drawer , stockings, tobacco, &a Then Corgressienellibirlet. - tolulers hare been in the hospital/ at different '' The N trey Atiproirrialion bill was passed. , places, nod were on their way to oho their ire- The linen amanita bold eremit:orations on sped ire resiments. They were In a.very desti ned alter Wrdnesday next to the consideration tut, condition, and sorely in steed , of garments, tf the Internal reho use tax. and their feeling of gretefulnese ant apprecin• The Dense a to the Senata's • aetlac- to lion for these comforts could not bo wdataken. onset DM &eta* Tole In.joint convention on In the line of clothier the committee have Wv , hwaelalr newt- lerio. out. on en average,. one , thousand garments "btr. Chandler afdted, twit was refusal, leave to per Irak. These gennenta are made up under ha:Educe a raa,W . ern calling en the Secretaryof tic.direct supervision of tba Ormonlitee, and War for the baelfT.4l" , -i - t which each of the qmstas one + thousand pieces—shins, drawers. kc.,--are of the digerati, trots and States bare been Liven oat to the soldier's wives, widows, and establhdied,s - aids, with the number of daughters to be made up, Ikea affording igEttOSt . .Ilidlaterand addagi by eisety and their ett..dy employment to tut. bundled waken., ftepealve teams tea '' ''' ',• Thoy)tre mild for tbehtework alnissinanst.forkg„. Adjourned:„ a 1 es each for ehirts and thirty setae fludeawers, and ret•tire their weekly tanallagneterf Stturde7 trarning. Thus a hargelittniber of soldlero fain -111, a wim are dependent upon thrlecnat hadostry for enport are employed to make tip the me mo me t hat are, perhaps in many instaned, seat to tilt it bush:ands. sena or brothers in the dis tant bospitals. The patterns ate and out by a c, - e antlers of ladies, who epand.a.partionof P•...alr tin e In the Sanitary Rooms every morning for that purpose, and then thawork Is divided among th, sew Mg • women, This Is one of the best ar rat arneuts that toeld bomuvidtailoand the Cent fell tee dt terve more praise than Is accorded to tin at foe their noble nom Ifone but the fain- Ilil PI of itokilere are ensployed, and they receive mitre pay for tbelr work than do thriewho work for tailors and in the factories, _.. , IN+ number of packages tent out by the Om. millet slam their organization Is .it,990, lOW of which were bores that countless] four or dee bin tired paint of drawers,• ahlrts, dxs. The Committal are under the neeeseity. of baying Ho bulk or all they send oaf, as tho amount of est-inane% unwind from auxiliary braochm,'ls en. all, in compundson to the demneda W.' the Committee. . ..... Pt obit to the rooms of the Sanitary Con - mll, la. will IM ettMeleat to lllpstrnte to any one the not le ,mirPtum of il work, 1 4d. th e. amount of Clots Li m / rend ering ID 'our braye soldiers. Agiordsiteist 41*tlfled.,.T4 1111bodealppl Valley C'ommane►' Si.. Loris. 0.,• The 'Missend 'Senate _posed *be bill today ratLiylngtheColstitutional 'amendescnV abolishing• alertly by a note 'ot Gen. John rope Imatrrfss. In the eity to tote eon:Mend of. the new military diviakm to which be Sas recently been appointed. by the War Department: .Ciest. l'ope's division Includes' the Departmeats orldistenri, Kansas and the I.4orthirest Departments. The Mimed and Kansas rue to to consolidate& and designated the Department or 06 Mlurrent, May. fleet. Dodge In command, with keadonartent at Lear.' -etta era' city. The Department of the north: lion is anthotted to Den.-Cartla, with, beadqnsr. km at bideraultee. Gen . ..ropes koadquarters • , Ile gnat 3tltttstippl Ville? is- law dlvltiod ogromanded at fofotrai Tbe AtistnineoVof the Ilitthatkpl to tit , - oognatuftta by Ksj...Gett: Slo man bk dittikd as fuilowt: VbeDtpartmeot of Obkotitter Eiclettlebt; tberEltpartotoot of the tfonftliand, Geti.; Thome,' atid - the Drudlcat of. the Teltatitteo, antler 6*. Too dh Won of the West Ifllitselppl to be notentanded.by xfii. Gen. Canby. and elvlded Pl/owp: the, Depart ment 'of the' Gnlf' under' Gen. Gue.but; the Dertattruent of At4llllll, ander Gen..fteynolda; and the Depattannat rot Macau t. under Gen: Dana; -; The 1l felon of the-M.loone. tptac come:Mud' ea by Zle.l. Gen. rope, and to be dialled in shove. On Saturday night the brewery :of Theoirt Brlnkwitb, on Can avenue,' wia littrnad. $10,090. The Failure at Peace . .Nocatlatlons—Tax eu nics—xtreagthoutuir tht Clever*. , , Neer Song, reo. 0.,Tb0 PotOe Washington . 1 4*,fitd. 07,1: Is' is 'reported that the l'icaident PITO n _special message to Cougrest tts tto rote announcing the cause of this fadisto of the atteloPt nt Nate negslationa.. • The prepotedtaxMn lushes la 3.4 Por cent.; bet nitre is ilttte.'m oo prospect-of its adoption by the House.' • • Ileesurcs Riri be &Coed adopted 11 Congos to rtrengl heti tke',l7olteriliwatt, the armies and thc•finences for a greed summer campaign... New York Gold Market. Nem IfMtg, ,,, Feb.lol.—Ths.-gold. market. Is ‘ hurgatit and without any great apeculatire change,. The peace excitement is. past and ithe tendency 'far The price to return" to .the Tgur,e atirialch It stood before the. nest:dogmas. he price ranged from am to Gold trenight 215. Demands t4f the Rebel Cemtuisidonem ;.dart, ta.tha -Ne w , York :..0 pray . saris lamees.lfephotte,"flantte and Campboll'a demand was for a 'stocky days' armistice, and not Independence. ThePrestiont end Becreeary of Satate refuses:4mA tkao party. alt "Magic them In the renal. • ' 7 . 3 -'itsioii.Voiteatts FORTHFAR MONROE. rob. 4.:—The • steamer General Bedgorkejt aallea this evening for Fort FLiber. Thbro - is habit% or. Trripattaitoerhere la'the leny oT awn. The adv,tart of .Preahlent. I.lheohl and party h.as hecn t he outir. exciting ix:tater tor some Ume. •• t • ' ' A CONVMSTIOX of cltirens opposed to any fuither ertenslon or the "exclusive .r thileges of 'the Camden and Amboy Railroad Company, met Trenton. N. J., yesterday afternoon, lion. William M. 'Parry, of Burlington, presiding, nod n ntunbcr of eminent. gentlemen acting.as Vlcc.lfraldents... Addresses were delivered by Morn. Parry. &ore!, Trimblo, Roberts,Jloge• man-and others. Resolutions condemning tiro monopoly, *aka Stain Central Committee was :approinted;vonslating. Of."Mosns. Snow, Af. — Part7, James Jenkins, Ezra Rya and J. P. Trimble: Thit-Cativention ddlottmed, inbJett to tho calla tho 'abovraCompillteo.i-24' , •Ttin Edo railroad tninnsera- fortisecingthelm. , : . I.eribilitjr of 'seellrfog 'wood wood-for thew - locolno: Ch kaCtorlicitiOnelntolletCatili bounty and '•bl69al•tantl. Thailltive boiigtt thi akar , tar of tint Buffalo irel-Rlttibp.rgkitatkoad Com • pinjoind haverdurlng thr, past yens bashed that Onion bf tt exCendleg:from Cafrolton'atation, ~op their road i to Bradford, Alcilean.etranty; . ,zand are tiowUkfgiag to.,completion two !short „branches Awn that'point . up the, east and west '.hranehes of 'the Unanarrant croak into the titan of tkei coal fields of -McKean county and love commenced mining sccd on : pup' oh hole -kindsr—Cgrow Adtirtbrr.. • . . • 113kni, 07 hrlogimeirip( the „deith Pterrejoaciph rroud lbe,cele4ratel Yr.esch welalla t 'antlinithoi c.f *errand boar* advotatlog his .pacullap tow's a(a• . _ , • - - • CITY_AND' SUBIiaBLX. • - We Flip the , folh.o'lririg from the Springfield, 0 1 1 11 4.1 a kn, of Dee. 96th:. "Sklfr.t Githma kr.lnitrels,„ at Clty Nall. on Saturday nit Id.s:tos • sneerss, and a.mented ono. Not ( 7 'y mlustrel bend Is Introduced .by, deacons Ind ether 'lmminent church methbe.rs. and *la= a Inn pz. Is Introduced by a pastor In an orthodor churl'', It must certainly Im an. innocent amuse tut t.r. As the steadfast In the faith hare set the ex: nil le, all bands may :: now turn out to-night. and give the minstrels a good benefit. They s'n..; well:play well, anddecoa splor.dldly. All toy, rs of fipt.elais 8113111i1OUICIIi5 should not fall to actend. A - _ - . . - 'll4 calefi z raledtroupe alnico tlitir lint SPPOAr anew In this city, at Coactil ott•Wedumitta.r Clynang Pczt. , , lc tr t C:2 r.—Mr. Heetige one of the editors of the Philadelphia Commerciat•JAst, Is In the • el*7, , end sr.poecs to remain here for a. few dsysto wait upon our business 'men tindoellelt: tau. V.I. , LIOna and "adtertliements (of that Asper:' The Commercial, List Is trittuded. as. Duo 'or the most renahle commercial patters la the country, and it dertotm considerable spode to the nil in feet n, which-bra...or itself should be sufficient'. to enuanend it to .a yea number or our cltioccut.' IoAD detAlion.:=:On Sistiohr morning as the train flop" Pittsburgh, was Toming.down pretty' rapidiy; , about a mil tbla illde of La grar ge tho boller of the locomotive 'Wellsville" !expli dia. TlMfireman had ' hand badly itrahlti , find 'was tomewhat shouted' by tho &Con, but was .othet•wise tuilnjared.• • One or two of the ,paitengens were Jolted abant and aliklitly braised ty-therandden stopping of the can.—Wherling rah Tiin Roust. tollainuo„t Am) teuretrnot .Dultnowr.—Such Is {ire title of a neat little wotr of 120 pagua,, 'rood, each year frOse the omen of 'the Uontwe Farmer; N. Y, ~..no,vplume, for 1805 Is just out. It eonlalno a large amount of latunnation tir the termer; holt-grower, anti everyone interested In the etilUvollow vf the soli. The price of tho Rural Anima 1$ only Pounty-flee canto. It will be sent prepaid by fifth on receipt of priett. Ad dreso Joseph Herell, .Publletter • fieruwes .Flaroser, Rochester, N. y. l - • 11111 FISMAII:. eithing. tate, giving the • adventures of a celebrated (create scont—price 25cts.; ' o •l3allou'e Monthly Magazine," for March, leds,llill of ex. 'ccltcut readinFinstter, end very cheap at fifteen center and 'I. reek Leslie's Ton Cent :deathly," for Moth, price 15 coati, 140aeery interesting table of coutents,itave been received and are for, sale. by W. 'A. Gliden:cnney, No. 45 Fifth street, iA Fnunr.—You are troubled ant; a bad .tgeatbnt annojnyotu friends and acquaintances; as well as youraelf,' You would like ,to get aid of 4, but ' , meet" kno* wbat Means 'to' adopt; Me trill tell yati. Use tlie Fiageant Sortaiont It:, alit cleanse and beautify you teeth; and. ' laatn du breath purannd sweet.. Bald b/ 41:1:4141- ,VALLUDIII P/lOPERYr.-4111114..5... . r(btbhert & Bon-advertlies a.. very excellent lodge° .of, plaPerty tirthis =trainee Cle&Ue: The roper.' ty located on- limithileld street. The location, fli ql l adapted for a ',bueirteii stank 'Wink aim oppoeito the Pagollide. ektolko 44=7 iii well'to get elear of a Fold lila tat wee but it h much eatoraiik bacteria . ridparsalt dti It•thei first foifj-eight - ri—tbe ciroairratiedy, i b r4b4l4w Pa l le ' t°l2 g PP' l “Yr g's- f 4 . 9 !l °ll l t ' • void , Itallroud - Aechlent..Get. Moorhead aud Dangbter lzdtmod The train which left thls city on Satrudei afternoon, at half-past four o'clock, ftrr the east, met with an Accident meat. (lieMuhl:Lig, which resulted In the' Injury of several p assengers.. . title of one of the aleeping-ears .broke, and the ear : was dragged a considerable distance. Ser ena bf the occupants wee slightly Injured; among whim were Gen. sI.IC. Nfoorlteati,' mem bet. of Cungreas nom ibis district, and, .his ,youngest daughter. Tho General bad a wrist ,spraigned, , and his tlanithter received -an injury - 'one of. her ankles.. They went on to Altoona, Where they, ars now stopping. Their Wades, are ?sported" as alight. The car was so badly wrecked that It had to be left behind. Ilbocklng,Aceldent. . . A man Earned Rsbertlfumphreys, vas stautiy killed- yesterday afternoon, at (192;" Eyeri CO's. rollbgreili, in thisningfiniii. he , • toss engaged In cubi t / the'maehinetV•trheis lie war caught Between e belt pulley. tlust runs the *ear geerlug, and his heatt,lres 2 414 4 /3 •*"`" bursting open at the top, arid - fo lig all 'the Nab out. Hfitiiptireps war - s sober 'addled** talons 171511; aged !about thirty 4. and without a family. lie hss two Asters-living • he' abiiee: -- try:tient tobri.:'The Combat's jarriettobed verdiet that his death was the remitof, aid ... Loosrxd TO Till Moue eoties role TIRO.- No one` vet has ever tried .-•`Fitikertores Watux) and Calieaya Bitters," but what tocomieends them tolls Mends. - *These Bitters nro based On , their own merits;-and supported by Ineoutesta ble:facts,'and though'. they - have as it were, but Intently been - offered for. sale, they have already acquired a reputation egad to any Bitters offer -Od to the public, for the peenliar and efficacious property - they posseas of curing.Dyspcpala, Liver Consilltation;*P-opsy, tte., the., by changing , diseased - acne?. "ad ezpallbm • from The the various Puma of dlseateind ant.' feting. Tilly srpie l e i pared in "ate.ordatiee•With strict' and welks(4) sten Clietaieel lava, Their refmt - litlon IA onward and ufiwird, re:ti l t:so Bit. ters are . nont„redornmended l'phyal: clans In the cotuatrje - Bender; If yotknerA help, then look to the - tight source-;41z: ntikertort'fi Wabao - and Calisaya Bitten,. The genuine M . tide by the name of Jacob Pinkerton blown on each bottle. For sale by all Dru...tlets and whole sale dealers. • For Sale also by B. B. Sellers & Co., No. .% Weed street, Pittsburgh; and of GIN). A. Kelley & Co., corner of Federal and ].cock streets, Allegheny. Tut CA/31NET 011,1.AN.=r0r some years the beet thing produced athcng the various forms of reed organ,. mslodcane, etc., has been the Cab inet organ,. made by •llessrs. Mason A; Ilanilio; of itits city. 'Besides the beauty and great pow er of tone for so small an Instrument, furnishing the greatest amount of organ tone for the small est priers, it has the advantage of a double hal/ovl arted itrpon hp two Woe• pedals. They hare now added to•thc resources of the instrument a now one; wonderfully effective and wonderfully sim ple, which they call the "Automatic Bellows Snell." It is, In fact, a contrivance for swelling and diminishing the sound at' pleasure, will:out. the ald of a swell pedal. but simply by the same 'action °nth° feet which works the bellows by the blow pedals.. With a little practice it oper ates to a charm. - anff the swell and "dying fall" of harmealca becomes as obedient to the per former's will and feeling as If the reeds were set to vibrating by his own breath.—Dmight's journ al of hIkOCED SPITENTII WARD PROMITT.—The substantial tbrce•etory Prick honor and largo corner lot on Centre avenue, to. De sold this even ing rY Brellnrilne's Anction Booms, Is a tine op portunity foi good Ineestineat In a business stand, with a commodious.' dwelling attached: Also, a list' of yaktable' bank, railroad and oil _ . stocks, to-night. . Bromm'a Buomartat,Tnnates, for Colds; Couuls, Pulmonary and alattunatlatroubles, are highly. recommended arid presedbed , by Phyal clans Sod Stogy:es In the Army: Aticriox liezzof a Ttittimist Store, at Me= CiellitsePe; Si -Fifth .street. _ The attention of the ladies Is speeially,ealted. See edyertbeenent. . , Tu e i Beitieh . Contill ..Barannah Chihea • the Captured. Cotten. * Pori 'Loyal worrspondent of the New Year World sais t The British Consul at Ba rannae, who is knonm to rail in the luseineyed remark that "tbs sue never lets ra her &Basic Majerty's - dotalitleas"-4 arcs& Stance 'which augurs that they will "hoax vratehing"--toak . it Intoble official head to dabs, la basal of ear; win British fabler* a large portion of the cot , ion labkh bad beat capterad in the city. tin , fort/nadir, for hs ePplifition had been antletpated from the iourra adopted by certain dames stSOutaaoh.. playa:Atoka' pg. 'hinsilrede or balia,"atUg they barleys! to 'a Llvapool bowie, and who openly boated 'that the Causal Isiyaretloa ocurbt to bare something' to edy about any contemplated confliction of the . . Well, her 'Britannic Majesty's Vowel at Sav annah comes,leefore . (inn. Sherimm, and gads itirel &Meg a serar - at • his headquarters: The General turd the ofilciars' story blandly and nulliterrteMettly till lie 'elem. The enneul stated tbatrhe had been commissioned hy British mile .icete to claim the ',lntel:tin their behalf. They had bought it, he 'averred, and paid for It; t , o; and by the law . of nations It shoald be recognized as their property. The award them hinted that it wanld be better to restore the eetaoTl to ite own ers, ind, in order to give three to this miriade, he thoveyed the idea Mathis action might be re garded an mere prig/Mine/ay of a more effeetive The 'oongintror of :Georgia,not having the fear of the lion aid unlearn hefore bin eyes, looked up at the amend, and at nice beennuOtts ques tioner. "You say those British suldeels paid for that ottani" aslotaGetteralAtterntaa. The British Conant 7 -•'7es,rhave been so in structed. • . .The hills can to tarnished; I believe they hays." Gencrallihention, without wasting a thought on the.easo with which a gross of bills might be furnished, replied;delitswately: . • 'Tex, If British subjects paid for that cotton, I "ow what they purchased it for. They gave to mbeis powder, lead, shot nod cannon for IL r have captured that cotton. It was. mine, and I made a present of it to the United States government, who intend to sell it. The names of sarclaitnants for, it will ho taken and ro cordM, and be, probably, the subject or fame ocUoru•-_ But there the matter must rest for ths preseut.". ' • ear. Btantonizas sustained Modena's* of Que. Female pdhienee. t t was pteseldng one sinning (writes a clergy. man who relished a good thing richly) from the . _ pains/re in the history of Moses, when he, with , his; two frieds Aaro n And llor, wasstanding' au ihm, and behobllng'the battle between Ursa and lunslek. My text Inn; "Aaron and' Sit stayed np his hands find I argued the Auty of the people , to holdup thd hands of their ham the example of theca good UM at oltieho Man supported Moses: • - On my way howiewitil from church, one of the* leadbg . men of my . parish joined me, and' Often captaining ids great satisfankm In lay itio: comma, begged learn to etuegnit one paint - that I had quint overlooked. _ . slid I, "what eau that "I mean, he answered, `'th 6 Powerful Ina. mentin *nor of retitle Indennee.";, . "II math*. sal& "that ;Y de riot. praMilye that th e subpmt Is ' hinted at—heti:do yon &i -ce-ear It, My dear els." - Why, AOl9l it not Mad," odd he with 1100113 surprits, , "that - daran - end her halals his handst .11 - appals the woman helped AS. mach as the maw . _ Going tip s eliyery. 80Pai Cat SeamoN,detersolned to ante an3ssue with Davis- upon. the slaierj queetion: Tho tbirlealOn .2fercurti;: opposition •to the Richmond press;'malntalus • that slivety se= the false of the War, ea It was the enemaehmenta made upon this institution which provoked the rebellion. Alter losing thirty• thousand of its .best people, South Carolina will not Stiffer sla very to be bartered away. by Davis or the rebel Congress. It says grandly: "We want- no - Coinfedcrate Government without our Wallin tlons.'', To "talk of eznanripatlon js to disband our (the rebel) luntles.'?This looks 'wit South Cerollna ineenetO eel up ti mifeciefiey of her, min, leaving the other rebel . States out ln the cold.. Sherman's resence...lb that State may in - edlfY. this intent ion:' llc will probably - be in "CharlestOn In time to take part In the dismission; - „ • Only Vivi 'Lett: _ . PO/IMM Las 'passed a bill granting to the five' surviving heroes of the Infant Republic, it"gte trulty of three hundred' dollars per annum , for the' 'rentalraine.of The utter:olollst follows?, • • v.. cornet Conti, aged 9.31" Orfeins county,' Nei - Sainte Downey;,agna-98, Saratoga :countyv , vacri.noi or lrivirvineyontaitnl, °titans county,' 'Jima thrtuivir, In hitil'lolo. year,c3lissoirt„ ilely.;,lSo3,l4lvteen Jac rerelTD; eti ^ egn hare since . • estot Denerot Profess-W=l bdedtTideatelii. das executed et Goverattesailsed yesterday a 6 74,tali6ati for tbe envie: of tdetertion. - , Alewas , PtiVedibY vightPag.:s l 4 4 , stfP,.g g xr:Enl r1.10 ,, a 4 .1 r•I EST-illl4Bll ED EN - iy. ,i - 4 -, 11 4 corrr., (..cha, ~ 1.„-i-) lottuAkdo- ,---, 'Tennis?, Indies hem -Savanna**, tho eta ails • , there a %ETV few person, uha. tiara besa aliens lovers of the Dolma firm the tnilltanlng ,tif the rebellion, there are Witte. aim hate leen, and still are bitter amessicalias r other secessionists . still sine Wanly gire op 41;rir Vautti mar, 43-104 t the lm of alarm oho lAtet.rPok t Oath Or htleglenee Is a bitter ri,bel at hark atal just, before the eaptnre of that 'pine° swat WOO, dOO la specie to Chsrle,ton tbr s ifia keeping. ( The majority of - the poorie are, bee ere ,i glad att , \ mean° this further operation of the rebel can seriptkci. The writer says than teaming „North ern lIIIM wlto hare gone tiolkr* nstinh, expecting, _ to :mike Platte% al Pa *stags silnapprilateC if There Is. amain in i the etty except °dna* an& t nee, the former of which belongs to the Untied i Stated, apd gin latttr to the:Oy 4triverntrilMn. Tbalpeeple have 'MI money eSPi• Chafddimift terip° and the plitatethatis hare beut tomi be , r i— I Gee. Sherman to this nevem. A _Casr..--1 ho Contra/la rtkrritiOri 11:21*4.-- on Friday evening last, whoa the train - i Calrontopped at that place, four , refageee weytt— • taken: off the cirodeadt They .Werc(t'appe.. - nattily all of ere fatally—and itonalated ern, ; man,between the ace of folly and arty ypual, young morons, probably eighteen or 'twenty; and tf r o , taildien;telpectlyely aged. ahem' - and Tears : There :There. notldng tro,lodiceSe7.3r, their imam .and, former abode shoat theta. 3bey;wcre among a largo . ranibor of lefentes. „ " who were being tPatioriorte&-Narth, to tie _ eltarde of cllPporfed l bY,tlte hantiffto4** , ;,_! 'dente{ of 'lnners. Like lion:sands-Of others h : .; t before, It Is reported that they ffid" • " teen exposed scitne'llslrtywttbetwe Pr the notti- , .3 t` and *lnd, In coming from . Calm,aad t famlibcd condition were unable to endure IL i•y , , '"flourra' letters from Veit elnither, , lisyst Wasfilugten correspondent • of. the, Phitatlelskts, Led*, ugly a different Tersloif of Chit anew*: • (lon report alluded' to official dbfputch lett weelt.% . The Admiral $13114: dispatch has been picked lip from. lee; tellOit the cflicef in +Summand 'that If Forts Fleheradrt , Cas46ll were not held, he tread be to evacuate Richmond.' ' Tho letters: speak. At •• , • E this report (or suppo , o. Adispateli) -as merely a ; 'rumor crirrcht, ' which Is ' - ict'y probabll; as It ' Islawn that the dispatches of the rebel:GeV ernment aildite lerulingfieucruleara transmitted !, In pypher,the key .to which is .fitletra °WTI° hlidsoiMportant a dtspateli• ' realty' been found, would It • not havebcattlecier•-• ; - , pirated In full in tho Adialral'a „tuportiand Utak „ have, procerl to a cat - Mull , what Is now ; praltj 1° clearly redirect' to rumor''--;',=.74.1 I'EL(IIFENLING IN rue , ..v.Letq l , Tan. 30.—A gentleman wbo vas at the army on yeMcrday wiecu - )fitsars. 'Mena, Hunter: and Campbell posed through our lbws, on their way to Washington, soya that.. , +heating all aloni the lines waspritalTiOgcattir ' it would indicate that they hoped_ for prem. ton for amh terms of peace as would alknethit • armies to disperse.. - Ones before the acclainatkina nr the armies were united. as When tiny lay be fore il , redcticksburgh. A line military bane played "Eecessia," - Yankee Poodle," "Dixie," and other tunes anti other national air.. They' were -.appropriately responded to by tlia , two‘' ,. . - armies alternately v hnewhms the bawl striteit - lip "Home, Sweet Home," the opposing canoe for- . got their is:wit:ens and nailed in cheering A noryri Jrurrn recently escaped 'frOm (lola • lop's I.land, Boston Harbor alter having ; intat:- eountably unfastened tds twins. _lt was sabso-,vif fluently .discovered HIM a yofing' Woman, had been permitted to call and see him, had a key in her mouth fitsin,,, ,, thelock of his lettere.... Oa • parting she kissed him;and,during the operatkus transferred the key [rota her mouth to his, facilitating his eseane. The girl -and the MAW. ;• 7 who made the key for her were arrested; • A sera of farm' lands, morttaged , ln 'air railroads, was advertised to take place at Beene •i Wis.; February .let. dosernor, Lewis hating .heeriquibireed that fears were entertained of sac " - attempt by an organized body of men haforelliti'.l resist the sale, homed a _proclamatiens, Isortdch, .he earnestly warns and dissuades them,from suelract of violence, and in decided terms' tiara his Intention to present, peace aadeniereal the lawaat hrizardli. , . . um ?Flora:Doe of tbagliali,fastory oglatfit, ,i : Is Ostdermed by thertesthsgmr of oboy,gadthio.. , -, komonfialler, Who last month - epbud• al - rt ' blttse "Heard about /eau Christ aktlitithitredk:e , salad; but it's solonte Ablest that I've. obouttffim. Do not knowyshether 1041 - X . dos or wonderful W lie Wogs, or how was ---.,'''', multiuse not beird of Noah . .snd the itoxt.r!• ~-. Jeans mita. the world= slx...days.,,, Tito tbstork. ..,,,, haa a tome; It is ?lime' ' ......-- , -,- , ----.......t....11 ,...,," ;t Mimi° the "natural curiosities! of EilltWaitti.• Maas., h a man forty : four years "13[60; who ittnit. utter tined en nunee of tolutecO; nor 'think o. •,-,". doniof tea, coffee, beerieide4; wine, ;oar ant,. Q to kind of Intoxicating. /NUT' in ,hhtlifer .. • - 0 theaeLeilt bet% 1141 u on fa tricky between Go!. Itnonlette and bridge, the letter ban triumphed. The• latter retains command.. •A very proper dlignuntritkin CLOSING OUT 1 CLOSING 01IT, CL.O9IJM6 "OITT! Our Stock of WISTECGOODS CONCERT HALT. Skit3E SrtCap-b:I.; in araer thit au rilaV,4" hin2gm,Y7 Iteocilicott C;lPtitx. AND NOW BELL Xcu's Heavy Wiater limb for $l, * OO , Do. do. • do. Shoes Boys' do. ' Boots" 1 1 00 Do. do. do. £ bees ` • Ladie's "%Tudor Boit@ 75 cte:: Children's Bhoe.- • - Ana Everything Else in PrOfterithis: ::.F.- • No. 62, Fifth Street. (.1 • • . L. . WILOLES/LE:IND:r.,IIII7/1L,;.:;; - ,, - ,;;.c: . . . . . • VALUABLE iiTOURBi'TUESDAY - ,: - 4, • , 4 EVENING, Yeberiiieflth,_ht:7 l AeLchnel,r. :- Comm=ls.l . Sales Rsohon, 1111• . • •:• eolo is sheen dielsener,iiiniStrich., • - i • • 15 •rr Alleghesy u.=l.! ;.Westerla Mae* TelePaPhiCkkezii,' . j) e Monoegahela Nevizep,e9 Allegbenyeesod4 • • . • • 1.• • 1 Pertitual Scholarship, Allegheny [1101143;14 , ;J• .I, 4 noo shame Fuller lieheish Oil CO, • , '3o " ' Patton PetrokehaVh4 .." • 200 rr"• • ElDorado Co., r• , • • 255 Cherry Bun & 1,100.1 ram 46.: • • :';'• - %so . ißlLUters• 011 a 11.telpiCol,olCIIVItt • . 600 idrAboy Cherry 800 fee • - A. MeILWAINE. • MPRO,VED CITY PItORBUT • v. - I . l7E § Gar-Ertfrlffth rebnatry etb; at 13f o'cloole,ola be gold agtAlp t " Commercial bake ;Rooms. 61.1ifat irtreetilhatval.-_ • . table Mouse nO.Lot, ',lithe grate of.Conete Ara, flue and Green id teeaal Wired,. the . Lot " tving =t fret freer on ee tivenue t antt erstotei- - . te. lug ow:games etreet 40 t &ad Olvolles to dap*, urbereon wit substantis4three atory,lifteklfoutter,... ' containing large Atone anti oevege toorea,refith awe • dry teller tu. , d atVet htfelArtenvenieneoa of woter sad gas. t :-.• -r Ititela OP Sems.43.ooeCiaihjinii bslana fn eat..•- 7veraurtat Intermit teemed-16y Bond and Mortgigs4 • fe2 A. 'ffeILWAINE.,-Anetionose:', 'Ii'tIIII.IITURE; DEIN, &c,, at. BRO&Drli , WAN SALOON —Oa .111Eink 1 1t 01 1 0 1 1 .30.-A: 10 Volook: u Vierhetiei guio :prostisay Saloom, Cl - Fifth streeti•tkelmitivw ricer :+>i okihent.of the Eating Salons:4c om=ITOS Chalrit,ligkritrArlo, Cocoa Matting, sal • Counter, largo rursortseat White - 5tr034,0 Tat lb Carters. cht l fillit Dbilisr, , KitOhelii 4 i, t'ilraPartt" and fork% Tea & Table-von:kr, tiro ~1•1 Alto, 7 our-linak,PlSSeo -caw Sake Steamboat Qook Stork a - feo •- • - •,•" MOIL LW/4J A eilriv TIITTSBURGHLANIT ElTZlTBE?fartall' A. - STOCK" a .11M3tirrr StC11111; , =look kfilr•-bir 4011 ,at Orstslirrila' Mao ic , •r. leo Sumo PitiaburgilkilfStbinTS/ 011 . U. • Vora Qoatrketorso Scrip 01 r; a , MR. ;$lOl pthmhenr.vo.,* par 0:4%4 (bump*. 7 ',bank 17ttabillidLit CorateliCTSlO It, 'IL r;i; e •:";.• 4 %; 4 _. `~w:c. . - ~ ~ ;:.Y
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