r =~„"~~.~..+ ': - • - 'qi ,-;••• • 473 ; • ;;,.ttom, ; i. t! - • C. ll ' • t • 7... 6gagrttt. • r rast9iitzt, rsi7l 111 E &tail PUBLiMITIO iSbettiflON TUESDAY; FEBRUARY 7, 1965. .4,118 Ittnt DENT Aft A NEGCrilAritt.' _We 'itite rpt inclined to bellitra that the. President.-Went to Fortress Monroe with J uly ptiposn'to yield or concede any Prfii. 'kip% to.,the Rebels; for the, sako of Peace, and theement has justified the conddince we ex*etteif in . hlnt., All the details of 'tile negotiation show that the President was firm arid imyleiding throughout:and Maths give the'llebel Commissioners distinctly to canteistamL.that the one and only condi tion of Peace was submission. On', Mitt condltios they contd. hive Pea.te, instantly; : but onmo.other. - .; . . We Vierflithei frond'Of the President for *be sitievlnciti by him at this meeting. .:11e-itaiWet only manflilly maintained the Wationelitmor, but he - has completely witted.the 'Wily and scheming Men- who came *in _Richmond; not to promote - Pteee;•hill , to.stli up dissensioas among •our people and build up a Rebel party's% . Their great insietrwasi to:get. to Wash ineori;ind in this they were circumvented. 'They hoped if they got4bere, to see and convene with their. old - Democratic associ ates, and - la Y -the foundations for such -- tical bin:lgoe' as would Inevitably work Ws: chief to us and good to them. In this thej . hat; teen 'elevotudy ' disappointed. The Prcsident,.by going to Fortress Monroe to meet them, cut off from them all the pre t meet - they Mged for a visit to Washington; and liave.been permitted to see no ono bed the President and Mr. Bswastp, they re* to Richmond completely bathed and overreached. To attain this end it was worth while to sactifice i r otniwhat of - the outward show of dignby. The end, in this ease, thoroughly justified the means. The negotiation has been brought to a speedy issue; intrigue hasheen'defeated; and now that every ono tees thltmeace Is hopeless, , the war is sure to Li Pashed.mi with renewed vigcir. • 114 ,A13L ALSO AMONG TIM PItOPMETA t l'ir.l!srilvl no Woos, is understood — as having. said in Congress on Satunlay that, the Rebels, having 'termed to accept of the Peace them by the President, upon the sole eimdition of their submission; he was for bloody war upon thens, and would give his aid to the administration In putting them down.: . , ' Wp do not appose the-Rebels will feel very lii,Caboitt this, foi• Mr. Frananno Woon3snoto man of much weight in this natiotkbut - hit :Change of tient, neverthe less, In.nt,ttistimpOrtatee; notbecause A. is Important, but - betanse he stands as the epresestative, at a numerous- stud, Judaea-. !lel ell*: ,Thli 'class has held aloof front the war -.upon the. preteie butt the 4ebeis would; temp! Peace if we would offer hie. • them find."44o,.tlte ,'door - to let them 'come' fuck.:*; ;Tim 1-tresidentims now knocked tits pretext Sway. , lie held 'the door open to the Rebel Pa= Commlssidnik,elateld theMPRifiRASTV:eu.7O4/si, tli'slonTellstemeTbignir iiirC 461 1 P .. 04 4 1 -.r.5. , t anCLIMUS WM I,L ::.1:013 ET:- Tbqrftf;e4ttiq /Wee 'ettbhi j t! er:P I:l CAW-ow, Is cos tliknot Us') Hutt war ity ; .'sr an d _ who opposes it cannot-longer escilo hitt Let As ?One:thit , the ileOp',e,:or.dif;FieStates:Al l itcas: more 'present act rralsroken front to the . en=: emy, and ,joining together WO one accord carman:the war to Yn early anti successful; HON 4 411011L4fl 110 W E. ConiullT!c a g cn T , urging Altii",l4ipointtneed. or 31r. itmWE. as Secretary of the Trt:asury; and we know ,that we express the universal sentiment of this community2whim.weioMdraMittlg the appointment thus suggested. Mr. HOWE is - 3 sen*RLlß,4Aerpry_yu_cilml:n724 cor that place. intitlarge-exiierlebee 412 Amu:dal . *Min peciillarly fits him for it; and his . knowledge of public affairs, joined to high ability and exalted integrity, render Itim,in -all other respects, the very man for the pa- A ition. lie unites in himself more of the elements ntemiNtli_tosnecsmir tyPinanee minister than any man 'rho has been named ; and as New York already. has a Cabinet minister, and PennsylvaSa has none, we trust our.delegation in Cougress,vrilj unite in .urging - the appointment upon ibe Pres ident. _ GEonett . p.,PrtErriet says, in the Lotti,v. ville J'airrfai 'Or th - e mit -ultimo; in an ar ticle on General Butler: inOvrn to Our readers that WC lave never expressed admiration of Major General Butler as a military officer, bat we have recently received 'frOrekine. boartesie, and kindnesses that entitle him (as indeed all men afeentitled) to the: fullest. Justice from us. Me - was ilOt . edliMlied 'ail a mill:: tary manckut well° WY, suppoae that.therA; Is an intelligent persOn In the country who really dontrtallds personal bravery. Gem. li. may judge incorrectly' In regard to Airy mittens, but certainly not, undo the, influence of, fear or timidity. • --Let any one who doubts - hie. courage lookin hbi faafand. talk with kim, and the doubt:will vanish." Au - Arowor.—Senator Chandler, of Ilictisttßoutdc.the otiu;r, day l inthe, Bra- ate, the folloitinlg Ile " ' "The Senator from Inertias objects to an .other statement that I Anade, , 4 which, yras that the rebeitt , ..ii - ere. 'Jbellish,l_ Air:same thing to that effect.. On reflection ,I think I have done ea. injustice,. and I no• mauls more readiitsi rapoligie dortatt.injyrsticc done than Ism; but when I apologise—for thatomark it will not be to the rebtris, but. the le,hithiteto, • • • leastatui. Plulttrsasi „fi a,spee.dt to Roston, the other day, that General . Banks could tear in tattera the -Constitution of tho Veiled States, and trample the. :ittstitution of - Loubdada under-his feet to snit his own purposes, but he oeuld not give a blicktosn a vote because en old law of Louisiana for-, bade it. It was like the man who commit ted a theft on Saturday, and'ams. striated on Monday, who told the Sheriff that he . might easUy lave escaped but for his eon ectentlonti scrtplea against traveling on the Sabbath:- - . A:bewails. inoir Pownkn.--A boy at Glasgow, tland, was, recently amustng himself by g a isort of cannon made out cansit td.key, and after tiring a shot he in. onaly put the key in'one of Ids pockets where he happened at the time to have a quantity's:it powder. Sonic sparks which remained eland the key ignited the poWder and calmed en explosion, by which the lit -tie fellow was So severely. injured that he died EOM afterwanl. Be et c A correspondence - states that Mr. Zulente, one of the Cuban milllonsims, has been.amitenced to be banished from thst ialand'on-tharge of being implicated in the alasectntdo with Col. Arguelles, who, It will bo uilnelabered, was extradited from this conntrrn skint time ago, on the domind of the atithositlet _ • - Tork.Wil-finsTettiAtosiamiratulli TIES Ps6lo,l4Talze:—Bath - Hams, of tho Wilma tiejfisktitim' -41 ' Smite by 4 -rots a Ist* si and the lionso.atliepro oentative• by, 133 to lii—adoptred concurre nt rest:illation in Amt . °YOB einendinentlo the Constitutional the United States abolisithy ROMs as: Vroza, who , wang-in Ws 'city niany,yeara ago wlth Bosio, is now playing a very tmccesalltl engagement illhe Bogne r aPPearic:s is "Noma," and other tragic' opera& Our Pcnitioucrii. TotisattheauttiberOf pawlcruets on - the rats ' Arne 110thi - tEO4i and' oleo tho number of whi tetahherr,'mothere and slaws from each 1 . : WIllloorr; 11161-bers, • .: 1 54:14 115 ,, lihtlflorn Er.Si•tor. l . Wert' York 37641 .1,3 N PeOtoylVitolo ' ' 3,45 A • 11,121 : 11,449 11.447 . 1,115 • 9,9 u ' • 2,tti /r.dloOn t e rn - 1,715 1,1 4 5 . 3taine' 'Wlsbouebs • Ste t:.:uanrt i••:••-••••• - New Jenne,' = • • - Mlwousl 4.lonneelleut, • : afD ' • • Nentir ••••• , • laNrlet - Weft blinnesotei ' Maryland - 11 butte Island.... -Nauss'. •113, . flallfornbs. °mob `Wasbinstoa T 711101 7• • • Nebraska • ; • Tim NubsMA correspondent or. the .Chlcngo ./oulreal gives'the following ammiag aneedoto , of the rebel General Kirby. Eititlth: e- nave Just iMiticisof wick a.repagen.fiore Texas, sho assnros-no that Kir . by 11 amasslaJt a fortune bj trampestling . Cotton scruil,,the Gio "Grand; where it:l.s!tibincil „lia,"the'-hatida. of agents, who sell it, not Goithelienefit of the re bergovernment, brit to Beath hlinself; ea , ' tale agent, a l'anitim, wkosetumu_l have for reeclved. a large cpsantity of cotton, which he was tome% keeping halt the proceed* and paying the other hilt to Kirby; but by dl ,rection •of the latter, hie name stras • not • used, legit Jeff. Gavis-ml ght discover what ho was at end remove Mutt and, accordingly, hi 6 Matamo- - . ma partner made use of the pitman 'To whom It may trAlrerD.' Instead of Kirby's name, giT. . 10 g-ibat gentleuma credit, and all wont on • smoothly...llm preflts went very Urge but no di. vision had been made, when • suddenly the agent died.. Kirby ,at, Once visited Met al:0011M In person, and In Ise, . and ,called upon the widow of •Itlit' agent,, but :she was a Yankee as well as her husband. and con cluded to play a trick on the rebel general, and accordingly she denied any knowledge of het husband's tranasetions with him, but said she 'would examine the b o oks nod be. guided by them; and getting the books Kirby erplalned that all credit gh en 'To whom It may concern ' were Intended for him, but the Yankee lady 'content see it; and demanded that he should his Identity, and refused to pay him a dol lar t!ll he did so; and as this would Involve ea ts sure, he was compelled to give up all hips of getting his money, and went away cursing the duplicity of all New Eng Landers." The, Great Irou Bhuttolu The newly aiscovered Iron m .. ountain on the • Not I h shore of Lake Superior, et the Batehew an num: Bey, has excited meek interest la Europe -as wallas to this country. fhe 'Detroit Alluer . riser Starts that a powerful company for develop. I Inc and worklug the mine has been formed in Boston, to he known as the "Ames iron Mann. factuiing Company, of Lake Superior. Canada." Arrangements have been made to commence • operations in the spring. A railroad of seven or tight miles will connect the mines and the harbor, and it Is expected the road will he in operation by the Ist of August, when the earn-% patty will commence the shipMent Of ore. The ,Actraliser states that two more companies arc to be formed for operatiegon the same tram, and adds: `..., Not the least important, perhaps,of the reunite of this remarkable discovery, is the impetus which it will give to Canadian enterprise, laser leg the ultimate derelopment of the resources , of the Intere Sting region dirties the northern ' shore of take Superior. It bas long herb the • settled conviction of. Scientific met thit DIU region *Messed Immeuse wealth la varibits rinds of minerals. The subject is one of deep later. est upon both sides.of the line. . , . Popular_ 9 clone e. Cornelius O'Dowd. in the last Etsetwood. In dulge s in a hitmorous proteit -agahtstrpopalsr. iiisg *amen, eepecially as it streets grs.O'Dmr4. - . Be comes home and rinds that/estimable lady la Arius beeemse she has learned at the Selentltle Congress that the coal tieldi Cannot - last over twelve-thousand years, and that the earth's crust is a seventeenth of an Inch thinner than It was t the timeof Moses. And thendie asks, "What light too Ble Davit Brewster or Professor Fares { ,to 511 my wife's head With apeettlatlons about drat.nrautt °rut least ought to be, the :VIA In as to her." •But even this Le not so bad iritliedbialtifiWitistlon' thrust mScin hlat .ra• Hardingliatittasitsrar - which bath are adz'. • vase& ld6 not denim to - have itimpi.eassa on , Ixte Kt; fordbly,ahat lam only - a comp:lmA of neutral - salts,_ge/stlne, Urine arte.a . dlisma mat er.. It no pleasure Aonie ta 'Sexual Mrs: lEgnist r a vehicllor'phosphate o n vs -,',7,4t0r0k eorbatustes audits. morodable , pardon ot ~ .TICTAIIEINO 46v elvtatipi hue beat tda4.3 in the Chicago, Cent prize? Trutht....One pt -{he. Ash ociiis. Amos Green , tit 0 . apeohtbrintlaw; yet or Grtstd ' turnMtdor: or tbo Setts a .ntedi In Wit- &dila 161fit,4, state* 'betrlbltiltiated Vallindiellim into the Orlon conilrinalbentdbina couspirnei 4 by13;141.15. sad rarralta an interview Wirt:ea.-himself and. !krob;Thrropacts, rebel financl in Canada, In hicb.thhi weithy admitted .to luvlag appto , priatsd $75,000 for the distribution of artusin the North-trestempestea, for the f - releaseo rebel Seam , .•Paacrnen To Otrrira WZALTar Clereland Bairn:m.4.r inantlaut tita cape of a well dratted youngtthua et ;grind man- cc. r , wto gime in his income to' the . mess:o- tit' saveral thoutandthatars paidthe and luta the pleatire or 'teeing ' his numb In 'the among the nabobs', or th Alta strength -of this' lie - ebutted 'a wealthy . Man's' danghter.and marled. Than It was found out that-he bad ne - money, ind hiurtnid hie mother'. watch'to pay the income tar. The gererninent made "a good Unit; out el It, so did the'-young. ThE OLD AND . Hier.—flaid . PrOfellOr Apulia; • o fcw nights since, hen Mated - upon by. the Union toralleht yrocesslon to Boston: "After Staying eighteen year In this country I him re peaterMy asked' rayed( what was the difference tetween the Institution+ of the ((Id World and Mese of AtIleTICII; and I have found the answer in a few .. .mord.: In Europe erserythimr Is done to lonisers° toad maintain the' orcrogative of the w; in Atrierien everythl4 It done to mute a wan OF bite who has any of the elements of manhood in him." Aadittn‘ cyclone or hurricane oectirratln In dia on toe lit of November. It was less dos-: truetthair the feakful one which' visited Cal cotta on tp,c sth of. Octdber but the &dint, 'dote Was still' very triad. About 2,0X1 - persons , . are reported killed, and a great deal of •property ' was injured ordestrdred:7lhe building - rot the. American Lutheran Sifssiott tit 'Helm were bidly dammed,— Thaintek *Ube tornado *Ai - .Uri line bncidred t/44. 0 . 9 4 1,0 4 , Wf 1i f+ • , frets . ago, ,Iletiatid: gave itittEmsucq , A this predlaton•—?tiliverytotusf disappear ; from this Voutlnint, and you And T may litre to eke Ill'7ot: uttering ,ltr. .109 o o t oked 02 fanatic and. •'.rirlaltnall• Itaxy even of his own . Mena :_thought , yudgmext;wai.clondediby Ida .outhua6itit. They could not. bellere.that a revolution .aO. iternendona could take place kr Ao short al timc—dib. Pee. Jour. • " Tim recent rliscoielj`ef sortreigiti inch ciliation - worth not , mote than seventeen caused ',the . Bank, of tagland to . agaDipe all the sciTerelitns 'in' their Tenths: „The niniber was nine hundred' theciliand, which were 'fang separately by feet tellers in Omit ten day& Only three of the saran uenahilling coint were discovered,. Govasson Edon - halt tutted a call for an extra session of the Legislative of loth; to ratify "the "amendment of the Constitution abolishing slavery M. the United States. The Legislature being largely „Republican, the amendment will of coarse be' over.; whelmin&carried. • ~ . , IT .1)3 noticeable fact that the chaps who "represent " - the Louisville, St. :Louis, and similarly situated districts in the rebel Con cress, are the most ferocious In demanding that everybody shall be conscripted, and that no compromise with the Yankees ;shall' be agreed to. . . TnEz are six colored churches In Savina , nab. Three of them have large organs and tine choirs. Tho pastors of four of _them Live always been colored men. Three of these churchea are decidedly very tine edl lime, and coat not less than ten thousand dollars each. • „ • Iv is common to speak' of those whom flirt jilted as her victims..: This 11.4,grave error.. Her real victim Is the man whom alte accepts. This reminds at of a simile: oquette is a rose, from whom every..lover plucks "leaf; ' the thorn remains Cor tare hnsband.!', • Tan rebel pury...131 Toronto are- preesting dentonstratlen &ganef the surrender Of Bar,' ' le l , -the Alle2 ete,;'whicv lox _gide s ac: an oniony:Stilts - see th eir strength, 'and to Warr Just bow far the - Canadtan -puerto aretonfedlar.- ated'srith Jett. Dark , murderers Mad tattaras;" BrnsirvAltlnS leitto posterity ltbotit •VOts violins; yet, at present, there aremotnitnie than a dozen, the authenticity of which - can: be vertfted. One Bonn, after "an abeence of way years, reccatly played at Beilla. PUBLIC YOTI CBS. lITXI.7.CCE 4)13. COTI YANT.—No vet.; Tier. le here , v a spcCl-4 met- it" ni One stockholders of th. WIVE tat. rm PANT, .rill bq htlA ofOce of Motare . ,. .n - 1.14 - 4.ITLE . V.AVIrkfav Well. on 1 tir t htf T. tholth hat., WWI da) at I. p. Vult • JOHN ACCRICHA RT, .411T011.11.11301. 11 .Ettre .3111Nt&1144.. lI=J . The Stiockhold.rs og the PIC CSllHntlit . GAIZIATE ASSOCIATION are Invlted , to Atteta t V trl& La e + t , I ge 811; d th ay e aTelotel t r aL neae al ton'clock to hear the report of .tkohnalnet.i' . ot the peat year, ao4 transact 111th other burin:44C MIT., be preaentegl. A full attenglancele rel4tlea." • twit ... tread ri. StIIIOTEIL, Jr, CAtedir.-..' 1, 831 2,4 916 813 977. ? 38 6791 6 . PO stcoND "VAUD, PIITISBURUIL - 4-L , 'lhe enrolled men are requested tameetott, Gin bIiGINE HOUSE.' all' rtYKS DAY. EN ENING, Febertarrab, at 7% olalook, bear 'lt report from the Bounty Cononltteeof the wcrk abet dy dons, and devise means - for Eltlingthil., bilanee of the quota,' A 101 l attendance Is :46; sired. Ey older ut , ' timeworn deer - It BALDWIN, Reeretiry.' • • Wit- LAN till ANNE—PIECOPID WW; ALLEXIDENY, ISOUDITY . MEETLIVLI.— At a Meiling of the enrolled men and eittssimon • Saturday cashing, February 4th, It Was reloiredi to continue Cho effbrt, ind meetings will beheld on .ISIONDAY,, "rIIEhtDAY and WEDNESDAY' EVENINGS of this week.. All IllookOotandttees 'ate requeetedlo Attend sad report at the meetings. Allsubseribera .are ,rmituestel to esti and paatheir suesetirtlons te I DAVD PILACIFERRON, . 'of City Hall, ttirthwitk. Any pprson knowimrq 7per -SIM, In , the Ward, not enrolled, ern- requnnad to send ttos name sad realdnnooto the meeUar k that tkty may be enrolldL '3. W. HALL, Pnwididit.: unAllincuis,-Secrecery. forc.r. et;zeolritlENlAJ..ol l . COMPAII E.—Thieve I wilt be 'e trestle of the Stocker:older* Of theIETBEHAL Criati'lLET, st the oftle•Jor lan Company, N 0.27. Wood elreet, TUESDAY, the Ith day, ol.Februsry, MS, at It o'aloak ter the transastlin of traporteat business. Stock holdera are requested' to attend. By order Of the Board of Directors. A. B. Janet/ ' • Seeretnry. - 1.11114311.1C01L AND metugg Co. The Stockholders of the abase. Oancpaar wilt inert at the *hare of ROBERT VIRAN,.7r.. bf0..1 Rand street, Cat ILINADAT, the nth dl4' of February scat, at 3 o'clookifor the purpose or or. gathlng. butseribers us. requatted to call on.ROBERT Id BAY, Jr" and pay op. the amount of Bear sub. staiptionsceipe 4c.fys:e that date. • - Rowr 'WRAY, Jr., SentandTroas. praises. 0141.6 oemtisOft.tiiktifiret VALLEY'S:R. 00. t Pittsburgti,"Februsky t, tee. ANNEALS! ElITIOU.",•IN AtICONID ANCE with the prorttioes of the Ohsruar and the Stipples cuts. the Auntie General, Nett ie, of the r. t °chit...lnert of the Allegheny . Valley. Ratirood (impair, trill be held atthe .aloe of the rompany, erslorr of Washington and Pike streets, to thet By of Pittsburgh, ON TIItr,DAY, THE 225tH dayy. of FEBRUARY, st elexen o'eletek a. m to Metre the Report of the President and Manners, to elect Mermen roe the en. WIT esr. tutl trstottet suet other bullneu as re• ybe presented. By.. Order of the Hoard. fel:Onec4i • R. C. ORR, Rec. es Tress. _ - <II.I.COVIIMf NATIOIVAI. 1 - 341JE, PriI•PCSIO I I. Jon, it, isOt. / AN ELECTION ram NINE put Ott tu servo until the next ammol lee tt,n, o lit be held at the Banking . Rouse. on the 1W r.NTI-FIRST DAY OF FEBRUARY next, beta Ceti the hours of 1Y nod 1 o'clock p, ca. Jallht& J. W. CUOK. ()ashler. XE Anli - EBTISE.VEXTS. . _ 11E.A.P 'DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE—Situ‘te tUrson street, south Pittsburpb. S. CurtiLIERT SONS. te7 M srket street. E_ IV - I SUIT. JAtA foxes Int er 'Raisins; Selma F pi just Socelvs , l WI for sale by REINNIER a Bitus RELTING! BELTING I—Leather and adla Rubber 'ieltiog, Hole, Packing. 011Akffa; Alm, Lace Leather, le vets, he, of the best quell. tr,•thas on hand and for ale at the ,thereet pri ces, at Nee Ye eth. 28 St. Melt rttruet , b y fiT - J. Sr. H. PHILLIPS. ( V.T. CLOTHS I OIL CLOTHS!—FIoor, k , Table, Stair. Counter, end Wagon Olt Cloth., 0 , all vadtba and styles . A tugs sleet on hand and 1.. t sole wholesale an f retell by J. k H. PHILLIPS, aY • • VI Wet 'SS - . Char et. L SUNDRIES---NOSUNDRIES--NOSYRECEIVING, bababte Yadlyylattlag; %Lan bbl. Latta Buis; quality do. - do.; !• • #- . Ws. .Sorgauss Idol wet;.. • 3 aloe Ayala Butter; stints, Aryls.; • 39 lbs. extra frealeputter; Cox. Fresh EST'S; ' • tto boxes mild, itch. cultist Memo; For sale at PEACEYRIONN, bK. y RIDDLE. - - No. 131 Liberty streeL PRODUCE CONSIGNMENTS NOV Mx STOTIE.. ebr bra Clorrr wade - atO -. - -"llmotby seed; eseP Dried Apples; eto Pried IPretsbet; TS . Dried Cherrlen ko kegs Pecked Butter; • tebb 801 l Bo:en •• no "I.akepbpr Jane; • Pe. . 4 Champ- Champs ri • wool 0401 ' • oCUP-newton _ Proves; kip Apple Minor: SeObbl. Ott Wee - MO lb. kilted Vora Mealy Ybiebi.TUstiloos_ toe bop Country Lard; bb . Tap Frorb Tookob Midas. iboaokon St blels.Theawlnts; bbla• Maple Suwon . For l Ode by , _ 7i. T . OIGT k Ceo. • t:2 'RAND EXIIIBITION Fittebiugh Gbmmakt Associatiou, tAFATETTE HALL, • Thnzully Yebroxy HO. . AIIivISSION SO eta. Ttekets tan be had from the ins mbere; indl principal Musts sad Dmig citeiros of too cities. • Alio at the. door. • kVA_ fLcc,TCIvT If... Timer, Benson PiTrtannan, t Pri - rancnow, February C. the. • ILE DIRECTORS OF THIS tK More declared _a dividend of THREE PER on the Capital , Ntock. mutof the earn_lM uf the "IRON CITY BANE , end ICE IRON 'CITY NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH," for yhe three meothreedirig with the Slot dny of JP. rm my, lids, payable to the Atoekholders or their iry al representatives—free of floret ernent tan—on ol eft. gthe 'fib lost. - PI order of the Bawd of Inferiors. • Prhiet JAMB.; McAULET, Pmldent. 1 0.13 T I AFTER NOON. FebruarT 4: INN MI the ~route along i ,enth, bmlthfleid, Liberty =CI WoellisiNsd ,triers, to Penn street. from Rem W. rl orch, a gold chain and locket, with daguerrew tiles encloied,tbe locket bearing the inscripilon N. B. to AL . Ferg,uson." The Coder will receive a liberal reward by to. tracing the /AMC IT Zio• 1131 Prue street. ar JOHN 5: rencrusom, Cl 4 • No. 113 eth Mmes.. • _ 2QO ACRES • ,031 LAND F9B BALE, renal trftir foradara.Colopsiy. fitdrers "F. D. L.," OLEC77IIO3Ioe. foe IirTSBIIROH SCHOOL OP - DZSIGN , A FOR W011EN;166.1 1 4 Fifth stmt.. ;.lbl Daititutioe edits bk:rape& for the teeclitinii ef students:6o MONDAY, Lite 6th of February. Tama, Ste Teriesalon Otllyerniontbs. Exception al course. 666 per Session: 'Free ettpicrats are re -02 it ea if theleinability to . per IL vouched for by "sPettab T ie i ti lr ' r.A.row . lion, Princip as al. MART GREW, Read Teier. 'FEMALE ICDUOATION.:y i TUE aPRIIiG SEQUA OF Tvlid:es Bestiality forloung' Ladles, "r f tat. - r.w astir* Scholus an be admitted.'. feeawd ,-. • . iViltri/414/117i*i.trei l a t e Pil k tits lost. yesteday, either la Pltlainiih or Alt. 017;41listloulq.yikeeoslirtilirnisoirlthleov "'As'az .‘ litatketateset. XTLAR9E: arOr , illeady - ME4o; . .C l 9thipg , Tchre 'meld ent'el 1,09 T, at :tbe .west .of 01110 'tryst and the: *, ArsyDllAy,M O NwDo; ng eselth he t h Pa't tOhre• late prop ib l e torJan on Jec w ßATlT, well known io..taiesp Jobs Of Allegheny (Sty, felled CAL LAND EXAMINE TME • SOlendld Assortment of Stationery, • 91:alkdesertotIons, &Vibe store of • 74YE , IL 8030ODICER fr. Ob., n Plf:h stmt. lIIITSBURGII ' MININGCOMPANY, • Or IifICRICEAN.—Iie aisessment of five coati 1 1 Shake ban been fleeted - on the above stock by h Direetors, Devoid. at ithe office, No. El Water .poet. Pittsburgh, on or before the eth.finf of Womb next. - - -- - --PMP. TONES, feelwd. Treasurer. .14 WANT ED, o ne D NIJBETTFITTikiIy for,.tiee -end three years, for army- and nom' et No. LI IKABRET firith.ET., - Pittsburgh, .Pit. ligillEST _WWII -BOUNTY. PAID- .AlleDS, Mum ann . contrabands reociled -for rubstittitee. ifo' bathing or swabbing er wit.' nee* renuiriatitather Wet/telt owe cubit. k io , ITUATION ,Ye ANTED .. .. , . • .'IIOOIC-B*Cpilt:.oti ,Cianiz; :. " i l iiisis; it mi. tiita" iiii , No.” istorgiiitriw ' It gila.9l,ti or t4.l.ditres#.l43ltbi! iiiiOVAL.I7FL: • K-VAN. GORDER., - ,c ou .iialoo; „am _Prpiltpii, !Korot:sat, his re! id' from ict.q.mmaqulla N 0.201 Liberty • , Main • I IEBI • A I • =l-1.1 cat los, it KEGS CHOICE 'MANGOS just re eelved awl ferule by ka ,BEVIIEB 131/0,,5. . , • :JP E 17 , SE.TI E.r TS a . Onli ROSS, Agent or cm. rquiluv.eiii cf , : iitu*nt. Uo.. KP.irgliin Fire 1r...•0e , C..., Mil the Perth tilutuni 1.11, In., A room 0 ). ,4 r”.11,- 1 41•Iplaa.- Zi.:W.cor. WOO,L aGI .:. Tuial su . to, i'at a -1,:::ly Volt 8.1LE.-6 13tiliet Machine?, 12 Sin; 4 , - , f do., one o 3 pllen Iron ketlie,tht4c 131. r, sllon - "?.64 a tot or •Sltitlrq., Pulleys. It 'lagers, Wlttor, ','Noulil•, LeadLoultrA.Cbteels, 1 , on. 1". r•flet - 1 .. at nther Moll. Aprly to JO ' OVER, .Ir., -11t - Colimnrem W•lon Work*, ad In Arum!, 1 "Alltrbeity. . • . 67:i weo.W.r. .Uircz cr Prrno,rmun R t-o-Tor t. Ft•h_ 1.45. DIVIDEND NOTICE—The Directors • •of the Plttsburth la Horton Mint= Go.. biro ibis day declared a Dividend of FIVE DO LI.A }er abate, payable at the ofliee of the l'ampany on amid after the /sth Inst. 'THIN. AI. 11.0Whr, ...14.7m15 • ey and' ree, •A SPLF.NDID..IttA_N SION FOR SA.CE. .4 - y. —situated nn the Second Bank luleghenT. City. The building is of modern style with 1G blatble Mantles; with lervillriek Oarrl,ste ore, Stable and lee House; fronts on tw,vride' nave and is eue of the most beautiful Homes 'now offend for ash.. AWAY , * fez B. iIIeL&IN at CO. 15ENN STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE.—& large three-story brick Dwelling - Dense, wide ball, eight rooms and bath room, wat er exturta gas datums in every room, collar, Ate. Lot 34 feet front bylOOTeeteeep to Plulaerry alley. The boast' , is well papered and painted and in ex cellent order. Apply to . S. CUTNIIEUT & SONS, tel 61 Market stmut. l'irtnevenn, Feh..,1885, H :-N ELECTION FOR TIRTEEN Manngera of the Company for (netting ;Bridge over the Monongahela Diver, OpnaNite Flllnburkk, In the couatt of Allegheny, In confor 'laity to en act of Arse ly p.e.eol6+l Jen. 49th, t •••/111 held at the I House. on ...10:411,11C , bisreb a,1665, at 3 o'clock p.m. N. lIOTAIES, te7:llrd Ammeter,. ALLIKOIIIMT NATIONAL SAFE Pertlnrmon. G, taL". ,s l THE DIRECTORS OF THIS K have this day declared n dividend of THREE: FEU CENT. on the Capital Stock out of the earn.. logs of the Alltigheny Hank to January alit, MI, payable on and after the IGth loaf. free of Gov ernment tax. • J. W. COOK, Vaahier. • /321 - vldends will hereafter be declared in Jan um,. and July. fel j.,`URNITURE AT AUCTION.—ThLtI day morning, al 10 o'clock. tit Miwon c Auction 110ur,66 Fifth pt., will be sold A QVANTITY OF FORMTVILE, Ernbrarlnc Soh., Chairs. queensware, Tables, Sliver plated Forks, T. and Table l,liscnia, le , T. A. MeCLELTAND, Aue, AND IN TILE OIL REGIONS FOR SALE. Rare C/U4mrLoo. NINETY -11011T ACRIN for sale, near fla Clark, and only about eight tnilea from 'Must Ille. .0 sties ran he void from tl.o Gr. FOIX der 151. al. lml En quire of S. , 11 Neer rantleld's Shoe More, corner of 'L4', street and 6th street extenrlon. COUNTRY lIESI DN(' FOIL • SNLE. —Contains 21 act. of land, en which ore en. , rd • neat Maeston ttnuac, Dorn. Stotillue.,o or lon er's Boum, as Orchard of choke selection of foil, shrubbery. shade and ornamental tree. In cleat variety, mates I n Cheri ter creek, a short dial seen trent the depot of the Pitts la eteuben• 'trued nod turnpike The toe:Vino I. one of the mat beautiful IA the county, and the prop I its Is cerecloth adapted fora summer residence. Apply to IL SIoLA I k Cll., fell 0 Fourth at. • • •• • 'llOlllll/NG STORE AT AUCTION,- LThla, TrE.SDAY A.FTEIt ;If HiPZ, nt 1 o'clock • nt Ilaronic flail Auction Itouse,66 Fifth aced u 111 be sold a large quantity of Trimmings. Ilesierr,Glorrs. Dress Out. sons, Less. SALE POSITIVE, AND •TO croxTrxr. OY W ELK ILISDAI , . .4 The stillaloa of the La!Pei is specially eallel t th , r sale, tc7" T. IL Afet3LELL&ND, pisit LiNENB WRITE, ORR & CO., 2* Fifth sired, Hai e on 'and a large stock or SIIREPIOR SHIRTING LINENS OF TEINIIR OWN IMPORTATION. *bleb they will WI at TAW PRICES. G REAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF 31 0 /0.1. and winter Boars. OATI'Eas, To close Mesa oat Call hey' - tad oll,es, 1$ nowurirs, is Ittiket St, 111 door hoe VM.UA DLE froithtleld street Property Per Sale. • lamiet of ground. haittg a West of • ?ALICE f• r 1.% P}) r . on -SualtbArtd stmt_ hy I)6fE ItUrl• ILMItt) 111.41 ENTY FELT DP; Mir de t the Post Offleh. tad 'oppoa tte t heWarehousoe as of hollows & U anisow 1.01. to one of the best oad moot reit !sable jecaticnn for bushdula Maws in the city. Also, 711110.T.Tw0 FELT frost at Warhol at. by tto feet deep. barteg two Hark Butidtom6there on, Noe. at and 62 Itsukst at. &oar Ttilo3.. Foe par. Lculats app!) to aorooirri storms, 61 Blorket at. CO:tITVORS FOR ta;- scitbers oar foer tke Talus* kaawn vivre:ll or IRS 1111011 COAL COIPAIIT. ' UP PAIRSBORGII . . Fituote oa the Meminigaivela River, Omitted $ bolt (1).0 mike aborfadoneagabela Ott yothe contalee leg Its acres outface, with gesowe of No. 1 Goat Belo @}l) him *ad oat half-feat- -TOD Buik is to full ;woollen, aad hi exeelleet repair. DWelllogs for Meets, 40 Pit time, mid all ateeseallf telPfoelb m. ote, esteem - lee firer float, with oterof thi; beet leading. an the river. The turf.* lo adralsably staged for a ThiaFairdt • portion of the lao4 la well timbered, the balance le highly cultivated. •Ibie property lOU to eold at a banish', by apply ing tefot; to HOFFMAN, SHIBENT ecotx. No. eV Water Street, Pittebarah, Pa. felOwd O. lIOX - 1 4 1LTE . 6t DECIB 7:JICCrEMEIBIErn., 11384.. STEINWAY PIANOS Solely and escleilvely, It publia and private, aad recommend thamlnvariably to our Meads end the pul , llC7. Nee have at different time' enamelled our milne lon regarding the Pianos of cartou• maker., 'but freely and unWtetingly prom:ponce S SIN WAY It SONS Plano. FAN SUPEILItIit TO TILEN ALL.. . W. 1141Lit..9. 110111 f W. rierrisort, horst RT IiELLES.`"-01:0. W. alUitGAff, Print AT OLIMEOPC,'ALIMED If:PEASE, wmizAm s 0 aAsorr, 1M AX K. RITTER L ,OARL 111 aISPELD, :ITILEO. TRUMAN. U. WOLFSLION, OABL ANSUUTZ, A fae Mock' of WAY'S ianomparable Placer received sad for Bale at 43/- ilote Meats for Stets wars .I.ls.sos. UNION RITIMRBc STORING CO. or ilrrentruou, en iiissoorso 15,000 Eltuues; $lO Elva Organized titter the _Manufacturing Lawi OF PENNSYLVANIA Entire Capital DCTOitfi i 0 Deaalag aaiEtoring 0 A LARGE AMOUNT OF THE STOCK ALREADY SOLD Booki of Subscription will remsin'oSen for 6, short time at the office of I.J. GILLE4PIi; Esq.; 66 Wood sbects SOS. KIRKPATRICK & BRO., end SOILOMAKER 6. LANG, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, where any laformstion la .regant to the organization of the Company truly be hod. ' ferlwd Ta — MIIILDERS—BERMIATE PROtO-, J. S&LS will be received until the Seth Fetea sip for Stooomort, ,Drick,work. sad Osrpenten• 'work of Vditions to be reads to the buildings of the Western Powlivarde Hospital, st ,eecordlog to piens and epeellications of work now to be seem it the Mike of Kerr, ArcliitooN No. se Bt. Ole r street.Wbcp! reenisite Dant' lostkmartil D, Eirma , : leliAo JOH JAR..IdeOANDLAFIS, CALVIN ADAMS, It MJLLk > t,.Jr. DoUding Wiley 4th t unci;-:-.7lteteg plow- i i ßtoouiroarortus-NoVr. liken, 1 artelgoroltiustok MilluDicturOs zt rir.) -; Prrrini man; tem twarraygrz , of •1 Disk Willbrawler be :Anode - lit'ZiNtrAler ' eidJULTO wider Bray and November, - and for .diparracaement the Board of Directors hi" thls &dared Divides!! of ONE PER CENT., oat of the prate to December Inth "Dotted pyable to Stoebbeideri forthwith,_ free of States Tue.. JORN 800 . 11 . , Sr., Castile& - Y %ER T S EA; r... 1•1" • • ui;I:INA.NCE I. EA": NI; A. CITY, . ' • root. Iturilnits taX. for lito ye le 1011, anl oprreill lane; the C• 91,01 nesto•Z it n, '.tuna r: 'n.' 5.:03 al .1 rotiot - in arn.rjs, of Ow City of not! ft 'is hfribir runt - tea by outiority of ra. mat That there sh etted,'el red tr.!. f ioo tie pen oho. Leal titr,not lore we., in end of the clip of itinde tag alrlc,. kx et twelt e (It!) alai on the dor Ar, oa - h • Wuuty .... WET fur the WK. 01 the city atm .wrol. Mao Ih ee (3) moir on the dollar for the supourt of the Veer or It a ci yt a are there I. R. 1.., by Mat wted a 11 levied ler lite .•• sent y• JO, t a It (1(0)01 I o the aullar for the uy,orthe upon 11. c ornOunt or %Oct of all vac.. Wart, !not titer. charAlize, and Upon all .artre •oi trade and cora metre Fuld In the WI., whe th er "sal lby suction or oth, rube, ir. • dog no las, s meat shall be for a lets amount than Eftyientw and . none fcr a greater an ount than one hundred dopers, the same to ha collected as other - Fri Taxes are or or ,y be collentr n 11, or as aP. •ame !Wenner collectribie. MS . I. that the ateassrm nt on all Water heels to Itcreby to. e, per cent!' Sr.,', 2. 'I ltr tem, pis Into the Treasury. artslag from t C. whisanges, non, forfe , are• Co all other seuree,i, once! her with 3 , 1 Maar tt Utley., to 'thP henite of the Treasur r sot mire pr ated, be end llie came ttrehrtOtty ay prepnaled for the following •purrinscs • Salaries. 230.1.—111ay0r it Controller 100 W Treasurer 1,411 00 Street Commissioner 000 00 superintendent of Water Worn... Woo W elty Solicitor co) 00 , AllntitOr of Vitter Vents Ilklo no Lily Aaremior 345) 0) 1 0 giccer at Water - Works ..... .... ... .• . . CU tk of Councils (VISO each) WO 00 Clerk of Markets.. .810 0,1 Clerk to committees , 230 Ul Bleb ..Constable 7.0 Or City Conatabi .• Afoul., iifkl) enoh).. 2100 CO 40autain of liislit Watch 700,00 : Lieutenant of 'lght Watch 650 00 Night Watchmen, (12,61100 each)... 7200 00 Ma r kel Con.table 100 00 • Nemo - dime Regulator 103 6J . ' .ISt avenger oh 110011[11. 300 00 Jatitur of City N oll 330 U 0 Sittepilig Mnlkets and carting dirt 3.50 00 . . No. 2. Inlr•est 02410 03 . 3. Eoginro nod Plittnen 'An 00 4. Pnoting 1003 on . 3... Street/Land %ridges UM IA . O. nrharrea end Landings Z/0 00 . 0., Tom.. •IV.O Co " 1 , 1„ Surveys " 3. Contangetd. Fund 3300 u 01 " ID. Poor tux. . . 1000300 " 11. \Vatic Work. 30101 33 " 12. Onttlar.dlog Werrnnts 03 0 4W . la. lin* . 14. Sirdang Foods for I(ift ct..130nd5..35301 in. • o.lnlved end ennctell Into n hw this. th , , second nT of Trbruary, /tuna Domino, one thousani 4.1 a "d.l7,l‘Nll;l7iAltAtiAl.!... Allot • 1). A. M Ft I Olerk St.le,t Voiotia). E. Mt ( )(If:NM 1.11. Clerk of Common eottttell ft ft3tll • - HEAT PRIZE DISTRIBUTION Rosewood Pisnor, 31eledeonn. Guitars, Music Euxev, elegant Work-Boxes. Gold and Sliver Waletoes, runonotod Pins, 10a mun.l Rings, Gold Itraeclets, Coral, num...lino Moolye. Jet, I.lva lied cameo Ladies' seta. Gould Woe with Gold ate Mtn er Eatenalon Bottlers, Sleeve Buttons, set. of Studs, Neel, Chains. N e.t Vilnius, Plain nr d Chooro Gold it inea, Geld ThOrtde, I.onketA, Silver Be Mite - , and 111 S JEW Ki.llY - of *vett dwrlt ttoto of the led woke and intent al y'er, WORTH. 9.01.1)941 New York Gift Association, i 509 11110.9DWAT. N. T. Amor tbose tan hove acknowledged the m eet) t f en us of GIFTS valued at over sloe, drawn during . e month of January, tee% the (Ulla wing kindly emit their newel to be used: litit.sa li. Holchain, New Boren, (Item, Melo oh on, v ue. alto t Mra. Tapioca. le York. street. 1. reedilyo, Gold Watch, setae (tai; ItiMe Seer. Nell rson. Binchampton.Melodon, value gilft;; Mr. 11 11. Stone. No Tenth erect, N. V. rime. value IPSO: Mr,. Tercet Miller, ScriaCm. I"., 111amomi Rion value 111:0; wm. T. Wild,, W. et 12d street, N.l - - Blameful Cluster Pin, r ntue 1 *.(0;.101rs Ellen Peck, SpringlielL 111., Melo Iron, t slue Olin Dr. .1. Tan Riper, Washington, D. 0., 101.1 Hauling Cased Watch, value Chat Edward 11. 'Autrey. We - voter, 7,06001 .Plano, onto , 32 5 4 Mr, D. H. Verwell, Dubuque., t•wa,Dlanrabt Elf 1. rot s. rain. 050. Many perigees threruslmat. the do Who hsve tint., valuable gifia from on do sot with .their '[...lll•llknabllibed, or we might extent Otto list. Itottethntion Is made in the fol owing manner: VERTLEIVATSS, naming each - article end Its' value, age plowed In 010:4 1 .1:0 - ENVELOPES - obi& ore well wised. • One of these Envelopes containing the Certificate or.-older . for lours art(' . 'dr, will be delivered at our Office, or sent by mall Meat addmoll, WiAlltet regard to choice, on re " 4 4. Of 5 5 tliteit. On retelling tt.e Certificate the tulreutiel wildgee what article it drasm aba i ts T Ine,ittoich may be FROM °NSW Fre - SHUN. Blf . ED DOLLARS. and can then tenet ONE. DOG. 1.5 II and reeehe the article named. or COO eheOte any ether ore at ticle on Our List Dirac atom value. NO BLANKS. You must tthe value of your Yi money. We lli tend h7 1 :01 TT emno. the.artt. ere which tee puteLiiif MIS' it..• - Satire evils. faction guaranteed In all eases. Sit Oartiseates for 111; thirteen fee On. ACCENTS WANTED. Send a stamp for &Cir cular. All letters should be astdreased , • T. BENTON Or. CO., Boa 5917. P. G., New Tory. TILE • DALTO-11 .. ' ' ' • •__ _ . - A , ILND II&L)101itALS !Knitting Machines -- Aracramd that t i pablte with astir, eosadetwa the bells, that toe y &Mamma to all a CIEIT • 1010 Ul THE TIMILT faCLE WE USE TILL H. KLEBEE &.8110, Wo. tr. WOOD STREET , - 7:"1"1"1r.` 13221 SIMON -I , H Prest. of Common Coui,tl FAMILY ihroultotit the !sod, and to take reek with the Sewing At helloes so a anksahle auslttaq In pleb ter the Heateetinhl,l4ad • Reducing Family Cares and Expenses. 11se.e Marlines Jai PERFECTLY /SIMPLE, are trier iitougly eatudreeted, eel will LAST A LIFLTIIIIE. • The mak e tdred te rat Chore is very trate& sod the WY UTILE. EVOLdn. AVAILS east firstly operate ape wtjtut then roe .T differeot Made gf Work. .Thep will readily knit • Socha er Won Tarn, Zephyr, Worsted arSilk, apt wake indult or KNIT 000irl, dattred. 'May ars *magma fat easklag . . soars, sscn•sncag JALIKET r i g tcA.S L. 11.14.111405, . StIARF6 • uNnimsLtEvrs, • TIPPETA, .. ka.„4.1. More Work Be ' e Aocomplished 7.1 q: crrain 3Z1.11h.1r , . . on one of these kit-lanes, them can tes NNE IN JIONTIIN BY • HIND The PLATA WITTCA, inane by then le recttely the same so that inano..by the oollnary Knitting N V . Wink TtaliT el N' 511"' OPEN rtatic inyurAi e or HANDY... . They It, astable of making • -greater quantity sort variety of Work: and in a more perfect man- Aei gi th o otsz i othet b Knit i t o tt o t e ktai o te inexistence. Aca.Noy Fos Irtawytiuti. 0619, Rata New Tort IkW.Thsizits. L P, C4BPENTER, No. 117 virtu PUUwb R TRb. . , 71 • . . . °VERA SINGERS'. LETTER, • DfreMfgr.lBlL STEINWAS 4, BONS.: , • Daring used your Planes' for 1101501 time input:olio • anti fn twitate, - we desireto express out unqualified admiration is regard to their merits Teel are, characterised by a sonority, harmoniono riehness bad roundness of tone, eoinbined with' ah utottrid hag prolongation of sound, =mi l t bertlftilllr Netkabn roldn: b= " ? .leolted , w o e!harnever rr i it h irjaPi= n litt ft; rj bf ban t'l 611 : 1 de n us' such EN TIEE.SA.TISP EION, especien Its regards their ottequathd qualities for amyl:waylay ye sr.sokt,and keeping in tune for so lime, as Planes, and ;we therefore eheoqully recom mend them before all 'Mar to &Indents of vocal ITlpsto, and the publie generally. Mon Maretsek, Dlrector.!.D. SopMno. *III klaistratitatil,,Tenok,thiroati Zooid, P. Donna, Baritone,' • in D'Ang•ri, 0 .ntralto, W,. Dottl, Tenor, . Jennie An gandt,.Sopa. J.Weinlich, Dame, Zooid Abell°, Conductor. 'CIIIMAN 'OPERA SINGERS' EIIIARSEHENT. , We heartily concur In the high opinion of the STEINWAY fc SONS' Planar, as expressed by the singers of the Italian Opera, and can only add 1 hat In consequence of their wonderful capacity for cup. paling and Nem( fng with the rota, we prefer than, and Imo no other make of Pianos when a STEIN WAY Instrument ens he had. We recommend them Ito all Students of. venal music, who desire a reliable autos MOM sultliatton of the voice. ' Oarl Anehutz, Barth' Johannsen, Carl Formes; Marti Predetial, D ennaens,- Canine, pram Slimmer, Isidore Lehman Ti eo.Usbelmann, G. Tamaroi • iiPSele agency of Steinway's Pleads, at ' ••; • . . . KLEBEII. & BRO.; vr .D STHELT' nara .ANllllllll{l4llollllillik /ECM) Ind LlSEUTT' street , ; iutuhnrali.. . • '? ; :440/1416V I Vik /I.ll4triallrkr , ' kantlflo64 - 111 . 14 e - Teti aseertoiton of Stesin • entiell lush, Attltators, Tants, Salt Pnosi , elmeiere,Wroulnd Iron Bridies, Steam - Plop, to. td.r. Boners, Chimneys, Breoshen. Fire Bads. am., mode In the beet nian_nn and warranted equal to nni o g ia titr Pountri. BBrABUNG done promptly. 4 • • EMI 1411:1( (3004:71t1E,5; J. W. BARKER & CO.'S, 59 MARKET STREET N•C:oXt "GPN32I Re will offer our ENTIRE STOCK 81T1 9 SHAWLS. CLOAKS, DRESS; 0011)5 ALUMINING fitiol)s_, YOUStiKEEPI Y(7 (MUDS, 31 - EN'S AND - BOY'S WEAR, GREATLY REDUCED PRICRL NEWEST 1k BEST DE LAINES 40 eta NEW AND CROWE p f urcrs... ..... SHIRTING 1111'FLIN " YARD %VIDE UNDRESSED LARUE - CLOTH- Also out satire stock of Spring & Summer Dress Goods 4013N149.1 . . -CINEMIALP County Merchants Take Not In 001' SKIRTS! A JOB LOT FOR S7.lttexits erten,. N4OI:TH FROM $1.50 to $3.00, 313:/-4.4 1 1-I %t ilfir.Ti r rSi A ? 11 LOT ALL SIZES; PROM $7 TO $3O PER PAIR. ' ELEA/DUO AND UNBLEACHED. XlO2 - 0 - 13T_,25.2 - 0 3 . PRINTS, GINGEES. sffl ErrnOS. 13ELOctiu.c.c.a. Prica ' to correspond with Eastern quotations. g ALEX, BATES', No. 21 N'irtiti ENt. ' ~:b VI:COURAGE HOME MAMUFA.O T ÜBE& Tor acru.m 8c flalyde, 78 IL&REET STREET, M Ogee an extenthre hock of SEASSANTABTA GOODS of AlaOzicos Xaseactsre; mutsftiag a • gnat aurae, . .• • • - MM3GS. )2108ZERY & 111.91918. Fanny Muth Erotica, gmali eared, ' Griti'fLEDlEN'S running° GOODS, iery style askant,' at meitiFiNile Nein. W. stilt tuvre * firw toed* of • Foreign Xatsuraellure Which we will dispose of at prises to suit. To liondtenta and Ret►tlen we oCrer at 10/7321C0.7.8118X4. 13 , At rites es low as can be bought anywhere IA tle lidera Cities, se we bey e'en /steely fee nab sat /rum DtarAihscAttrers or their *gent,. *all. We' solicit Rent'. -' - kat CLOSING OUT BALE OF 3. M. BURCHFI,ELD'S: zmtnres . crtArrits 5e11125 at 41 54—Co prix. 117 ' dor- IIS " . dSS riaswox MERINO do. 75 15 o. • do do. ll 01 PLAID xo.uars, . do.-1 54 " 1 12 511/41 1 1Lail• do. 10 00 " " 11 00 Do. do. 11 od' a • 11 44 C , I.OAKIII do. 11 00 11 . 1 IS CO do. 14 00 u " 20 00 SIMMER DRESS GOODS I SELLING AT LAST YEAR'S PRICES, "A. LOT OF 60/loci =Colop .19351x-ess,l CLOSING OUT. MELT' BrEUKCITAIt. m:ii: i . • Underalarta at $2.00, WOIITII 14.00. • Drawers at $4.00, ! , wowm , • , , urn SIFIBI WILL MU ARUM lb, 6 es. . . , EATON, NC ACRITIT-8s Cos.' Rill! &Dont tedoiett of goat. extMoleirryltftri r E UNDEEttalllßTtioad DRAWER oeaHY a11W6161, which welgh treat% lb. to .1 /Ikr• m. ateh • thetoont beclooot oettmloodlot 4 7.•., offer them at much Imo thoworket theimmst tomato, and we Nato* Qom to ko past to soo thing in market:MU do. . No reduettoo.will be nolo tor . coodtito Mist or ono normnid at the we tote.. , .[ These Shirty area Great Bargain ! ILD.TON, MACITM . & qa., 17 sm9 19 rata street. - 0 BEAT BARGAINS I MOORAT.AI) DENNISON Is 00, 81 Market street, Ass ssrusanws CILOkE OUT THEIR gliMit33 STOCK OP ups. Undrvgansirtts, *de that; Soaks, Cravats, Collars, ko. ke. _ Embroideries, Lase Goods, Gloves. Hosiery, Tru sabags, Doha Lac; Collasupliblerus,nin. !Se. die MarirorlC.o4 .L -HEW ASSORTMENT: - '.OF MUT= TON 13, , Woo sod - Moak. OmSante. ateree ,d inl / 2 4.9*P ir l ea " . l Lgi a F l3BBM a t ot a itt , llth ttL r nfi e r r. s k m ' f6l t lioatery,' Italotoral and Hoop tiklAsE / r iot% _ 13kawle and- Sasquee, - et•hit , Wont Mtn rn , • steeled Calton-and Cntet. tor Wien andsanuemeng Weak /eather.Oloregi is on giant JOUTWS KW Moo In :light • eoloral "Alen SetiOritliptd to • er:-•attiv 'taw , MIN .Water nowers..,,Wlltimatfusil st ,aramasowarsoPralturat x6.-astouzinstatet, mat Mr *Met. ,6Fluatenlar attention Lieu t! cleaning Pala AM -other PLl ,44 .°r lA r i : A l r Bluk"°°.V.lll6 Tam 40113,9:: Stbcßroicp sild4oE4teunts bought and sold vetitestrely oe somals OP Office, Inzsma WJn des:l7 - • '.' 4,_ . i . ."" A _ y:,4 MEI TO TT r- • Yfitißill NATIONAL 4ANK, U. s:Govcrnment Deposit r;, 1-'l,rnrntm. Februari tat, ISSI. Ire renrestrolly coli I lOU, ',wine" and off, Ono saloky. emit tilirtoi , n eu profit. .11 er, ei% 4' re: ret.t I nn.l. We rtnutall exakAeite,..it New Yor, and Pall, delrlda,at, •' • allow loteterd nu ao , , , osit, saltier-Ito ut.,:c or.; tame, tie ngt - rd on. Wo Innob•lw Gold allit SilVOr, 11. S. nol pet., uue Mnreh, Idny• end 160, nt r 2.11 Lend, For tramelltate dellrery Co put- 7-s0 U. S. TREASIM NQTES, foOrnitibie into U. S. 5-..."0 (ROA 11clad, at par; 10-10 V. S. GoLn-Rodr_Ds. We WI Ti. S. Lonna at tThvericmest rates, sal "a3-I:ruall,;('yor T:sarleac;lll7al",..runu.i. Presaleat, CllfiarT awl Dina:4pm, aes wout.t , happy travenetjour mone buUuCIU. Very r` ,. / . l t AY:'..; (yeoaralEtt Pru,Went. S. Ti. &BROD:, Caahlar, Dom - mu :- • . „ .. .IAATES M. BAILEY, U. IL LINO. JOHN T. III:Ith :IN, IC I. 11I.ILEY. DAVID N. tiAl Il 11, J. AI. lIIIIK l'A talus, 711011 AS SMITH. JAS. o'oo X NOU: TROMAS DONNELLY. . ' (OA( —__. BANKING 110 USE. N. 110LMES Sr. , SONS, No. fl Market Street, Pittsburgh DEPOSITS RECEIVED IN PAR FUNDS AND. CURREN OY eollect lonn t.rd.e• mftde on An the principllOsnadu. the kilted nod STOCKS, BONDS AND °TILER SEOURITIE EOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION rartiAtlar attention paid to the purr_hase and .nir • UNITED StATES SECURME' m tea. a year. „ Interest, if not drawn out, la placed Co the credit' of the depositor - as principal, and. beats tiresome , Interest from the (Ma days of June and December, compounding twice 0 year 'without . troubling the depositor to trill. or even to present his pass book. , At this rate rummy ,willaoaideln ltd..han twelve Books, containing the, Charter, BT and Regulations, furnished esti...Orr, opP ! 10 c 1 •• t at the nnlee .'t , rarszt,nrr—GEOEGE NAMES., , torn PWIDXNrS. A. Anderson, A.'ll.*Pollook, M. D., John G. Ha motto Robert Robb. Benj. L. Falmettoch, John H. Shoenbergu, James Ilerdnian, • • • SansenShale, James McAuley, ' - Alexander Speer, -Isaac 31:Pennecit, ' Christian Yeager. Calvin AdAMIL, Henry J. Lynch, John o.l3indler, Peter A. Madeira, G.n , laßlAubr • John Marshall,. Hill tgwin, • Walter P. Manneu, • Alone A. Carrlet, - • James - B. Ii; Moaao, • Charles A. Colton, John H. lifone.den, • Wm: Douglas, • John Orr, , . • John Evans, - Henry - Ir. filnigwalt. •' • • John J. Gillespie,. -- William E. Schmertz, William S. Haven, _ Alexander Peter H. Hunker, . William Truskirk, • Richard Hari, Was. P. Weyrnan, . James D . Re As. A. i tate vo W4ittler, _ Sterriary—JAltilV 3 B. D. MERDA. • FOIIIATII NATIONAL BANK, THE (MEAT PURIFIER. ' • INCLIIDPTO tolttd States Slits of I:o. do.. 5.20 a; IW. Mos. 10-ICs; • 120. Sever-lblrtlooi Do. Vert,Grata of Indebtedness. Oil (31":1:LES AND VOUCHERSIIOI;OILS - . . .. . JA ULU O'CONNOR. R. D. 00011.00, President.enshier, ' ; . flnte with Iron Oily 13311 k.) Fuvrrn NATIONAL past or PETTAIIIIROH, t . U. S. Government Depositary, Prrrvnennu, February Ist, 1165. OTICE.•:-IVISIIING TO ruirraka 4. , the design of the., . NATIONAL BANK LAW TO PROVIDE A Uniform System of Currency, OF PITTSBUFtpIi. ‘lll, on and slier rebrunrj receive from ter re - color pepOSUMI, cuatOrnero nod dealers,- CURRENCY" AT P.R. By tut. course the nublia will obtain PAR MONEY FREE OF ALL CHARGE excbenso for their currency . By order of tb.o 8 D. HERRON, Cashier feld 33.4:.7K CORNER of WOOD aild VIRGIN LLLE% S. MORE ED ttAxCIAL AGENCI '7 Brlo -T-aCIPA?O:Mr.. TM. flak. keep. ea ,heed roe 'Ali', the lit niter! St ateeTiesirary'Notes, nittitnkeliabeerlp Wile for the'seme. ; = This la the .POPTFLAR LOAN—the addr..Got , ernmetit..loan now in the market at. pa: --a -Mt these who hare money a sate mid dealrableci ! TWO . CENTS. A DAY FOE EACH Me , These Dotes are all dated lath Allatiett ESL letereet payable sembannually oa the teth °rta nutty sad 16th of Aswan, et. the lat. of 41 Mr larfl per abeam. At the explrotton of ttus ..ea (why little over two and a half aim) they ehaagalde bite the 15.420 Gold natal. • Comae.. allowed to prhasera Utmost will be pall out Baaltar vat E. scamp:az, Pres lona D. Livioroaroir, Cabbler. M. Sams% Aseistant Cashier. - .. TUE/18138Y DEPA.RTMENT, OVricrn or COVIPTHOLLZE OP TUX .017IIRINOT, . • I ' A. Weshingten, Jantiary.llol,llled. Av I-E RE 8 BY SATISFACTORY , , evidence preemie:lto thensidesslgned, alas bctn wedeln eppear that • • r . : • , TEE GERMAN. NATIONAL BANK OF PITTOBUROR, - • to the City of Pittsburgh, lathe county of Alleghe al nod State of Pennsylvania, laurbeen duly or pelted under and according to the roguirementa of the Acts Of Congress entitled "An Art to pro w:dr a National CurrenenneCured bye pinky.: of United Stitt& Bonds, and to provide Sot the circu lation and redemption thereof,' - improved June; 3d; Cal, sad has compiled with all the provisions Of act required to be complied with before awn.; Wencine the business Aif bankleg under sallnets Now therefore, I, Boon AlcOostucur, Compireh Irs of the Curremyolo. hereby .cartity that ”The Ger man National Bank of Plttaburith,i' of. Pittrbuniti, In the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorised to commenee the busluesa of Banking unetsthe act aforesaid. I . urrcary Bureau, In testimony whereof .C Seal of the witswas my hand and sii.l Comptroller of Bin f ales, this 250 day of, ' . . Currency.' - . Janusty,lSlL . : .., ..,.. Treasury Department.) ~ i...' UUQR BuiouLLoti, ComptroUer of theOurreetey Tinektrayi . nr.o nn nom . n . . .. (Optcsoi Tsi Coxrraniva'or thszecri ' W 4.1126101. Deoembn now. rIERBAS, BY ' SATISFACTORY . erlde3ee presented to the tindaslipieditt kat 160 tn. 81111 - or. rrrruAect. . , , . . the. cor rittaugh; to th e county of sae sheet,. ity Btste ef Pencurylvanin, tura been dull =4 l t thr ""EV=7.r e pt: vide eNational Currency, secured- by atidedge o , Upped ,Ststea Bonds, awl to Provide tot tlo o=tt lotion and redemption thereof? approved 'June , tent, and km • compile!' -with' all the provision& o said act Maned to bee amS: beim coin. • mencing the hotthess of Ba undersold rant . Now, therefor*, I.llugit Coniiirelle_ of the Correaoy, do hereby certify_ that oali IRON 'CITY NATIONAL BANK 'OF 'BORON, in the city of Pittsburgh, to the nasty of A-trait anCState of Penusylventa, is an thori to commoce the butanes of Banking us dee tie act aforesaid. In tortimony wneriof, rattnesl my ban arel twat of *feel this thiciparst day* DLICVLLOCIL, • Comptroller of the Ourrenci... D am SAVINGS INSTITUTION,. NO too SUITHY/ELDSTREET ( 0 pane ti • • • . k 11.1tat9. • • JS'aUiesi—GEO. a JONES. . VICE TIIVIIDEIIIII, n: smith, .Toshus Rhodes, Thos. 1). Bressler, lex. Bendier', Frnneis Sellers, A. Ilehterano, . Joke F. Jennings, _ • Joseph IRV, Thos. S. Blair;R. IL Ifse.nani - I4enrj Ll9O •-1 F. • BO= - Dimes - Pork, Jr., . a. S.Sereler D. M. Long, S. %term:or Dr. Jas. Ontothe , B. Y. Soucy S. Ben, . C. B. Wold: Sc.. Dilworth, R. D. Cochran._ Wm. Smith` /U 444 .1. W. Woddweli, W. //'Phelps,. • It. C. Schmertz, - D. Men. Croancian, 'C. 11. - Paulstm, It. ht. Smyth, . , " Jacob Studkratb, O. Follansbee, -Alfred Slash. • ' ..45a,8,00. 's.Opm:Cdsilt, from fr its_y overact. from ate &o'clock,. . • Depadts reminder one dims. and up_ wards. - ' Dishier& chmisral to Do:embed:o4 005 4fu l k Aldelido - allowed,to - remsla are planed tothi, tt at tbeAepoe ttorasliriar4fsl; 11 1 1 9 . •'` - WILLVIA 84. _i/J45/ 7 .011 Bookirni t A ham e , ws s (114 a ortheffiviat agoructnit.)'" - 111 r //Ira /Astitutidn - ROUSE Arco wan PAZISIESSe .., r ums whose earnings ore small, tho opprttutit- . _ . To accumulato, by small &Smelts, eerily saved, . sum which will be a resource when neede sate, but' tearing d, :701th East soccer of Third had **stet money mot Daly - Instead of reznalnliai upprodqs44o. i 4 0,1106 7. s 2l dir rrraffulost, . . . ;:: .¢.e•n 73.4.r0rn5. ornr F or Com rynor.r.r.l W.Telltirtllll..lVl‘lll,...ltol,l9.D. • . VF - ti ERE A . ti,),T,ISFACOICk crlacnee Vrescuted t u the widen:lgoe-1 U been made to,oest Lb st TUE ENIONIibTIOSit UAN4-111F.PITES3EgUll,.. In the City' of 'Pittsburgh, ill the cehhiS ef ' at lecher) and State of -I,eantsylvnutt, hta bevo brgantzeit - under mini • areenfle% t o re. ontlien..enet of tiro Act .I,E 4..lopirree , cutitied ,- "An. Act to , provide .I{ . " Nnth.rini I.:urrgner: o:oortnt by Order of United Silt., Woad. and to prtiehlti tot - the circulation oak! tvttuntlutt :th,reuf.. eryorryi at 0, &I, hiSt. JONI h....c001...UM with all the pros :Coe e of ontil net required to to eteoptied with talon; onouncneing the %main..t of hankisr! and , * No* t here fore. I, Urn Nicrt:trittit, thmst,7trol ler of the Curtrticy. do her,l.sf=ttfY On , 'The It National hank of Pittsburgh:. in the 'it? or n o t In the county of AlleghOtil: not 1. 4 Woof l'eunnylvaiiit,nthorize.t ,tto convoinnO• U. 4 lr.et sof Drinking unter the' mit aforeeALl. . . . t• Currency Unman, In restirwit,y ataveut . . s,ot of the . twltaera ott , hand aortal:ad Comptroller of the ~trotlL-e,tht• tarelfthrlal - i'orreney. of January, leiri. T • ' reazury Department. • . • • 'mitt IncimtitAxili.• Illowitnoller et the Cornescy =Emu • • • TREASURY 11EPARTI1r.h7r, • • I .C4Prtes or tlorecnont sel or TRIG sarctor, • W e trettriOros, Janitacy s. IV1111:31"113—„.%e t ' el . - med.! to appear ,tartt. the THE - ALLEGHENY , NATIONAL BAIL ofittsburgh, :.. to •the . county of Allegheityo and Stare of Pennsylsants, Ras hee4dnly , orgem— Me: tinder and accooting to the .eplite 9404 Or the . . Act of Congress, entitled '"AO" Act to:preside • Watlenal Currency, arc oed bP • pie aP.OI talt l4 States Bonds, and to provide for tbe elfeufattos and redemption theccol,” tipproved un634ly 91, • and has compiled 'With the prOTlllio9l . 1149 not, Ps qulred to cow olled, with before comosartec foe the buttons of bookine under mild net '• - •• Now, therefore. 1, 1111tild bleUtil,LOClLlJoraps • troller of the Currency, do bereby_eertify that: the "Alterheny bratlon..l Tfanko , Pittshihrlftieftl the eity'bf Pate buti.tylvanh, 19 the county of Allegheny,ael S • tate of Pennsia, ts authorised to coin:Mae e. the *melees* of hsokier under the set iftmertafe.: - • - In'testimony -whcreot,* it nese my hand v_ Meal 'of °dice, thls 16th day ef Janusry,l66s. • litlflll.slrs3lll4l.l l otf, Isl9stm nt•inio rpller of the curreoer. TIQLLAR .I.v-INGE3 BANK, NO. 54 rovsmu•src.= . r. . tIII.III•YERED IN 1855. - • Open dolly from .9 to 2 o'clock, also on Westoma day end Saturday es ening, from May Ist to No. velutx, tot, from' to 9 o'clock, and from November tot to May Ist from 6 14,8 o'clock. Deposits received of nil sums of riot lesathrui one Dollar, and n dividend of the profits declared twits, a yesr, in Anne and Iteecuilret. Interest towboat% declared ml -annually, in June and. December, since the Bank was organised, at the rate of elx" FrEbUi%44NALN , . lolece the introduction 14 mediator. the otter of-„ $ - di'"aehea perhaps , Ptelt 2 V, l 1, 4 1 %0 so! Eons' did' 'Welt:tide 4:Outburst:Sot by'',lntrarnet leeoMilof the profeeritur thin lury e!ihpr oOnoeitea ,,, tielkirs ortheatiat exestoll nets thwltant; . ".... ' contended that all - dimmers ESTe.theit aziginui thi stomact,{ 'Other — S,-thenelids of” t h e badly othrts.;, :anon ; midi)) , tar the genteel nosibtocixottaad and ' : ‘ion that t theme . oop Itself le the rraffaireti& of • then disiatielnita xoiit .etofede, Cabe& Mean, aPplaif - • ' in treetlng QM Mauer die. • coo Waned. exPede e rL ^4 Wd thereoy erecting' eases Petiffiliti the .nve Ude to be the • their eradication and utile, tee, L rumps.• correct theory: Attlee upon - • kite bow-known as treitirrinege,lMa one:brought nto ipmetlee,produeleg the te use woo essictseseileh i over sORoyULA, lILOEItATIONS, P ' IT Int FACE, .TETTEE, rA_ALT KBE •L, ", LIVER COMPL.e.L RII.ELIMATISM, GE* , KRAL DEBILITY, ~ as To give, hum the time .1t u liest'tillen. intaintr= agement to the patient, by making . Iseth Etta atid felt, the good it is about Co .secompltsb. It woe thought trot to,put it up to bottles at We. and SIAM- . "eoml.tsll3.l3llpericnis see ataLleeditSgrg ea ant* :. ete,lbut are often deterred eitpedse, e a the -" trial here can be made it =admits outlay, sad Witty the purelueler , that the 'Attlee le w hia,rh, milk e d I n v t. ha; TlLV.the greaten aware ennui ram brought before the people. Delleate Females will End in It tin metuarse they neea. That the public 1:47 foret - iomeldai'ot Its peed. • . L list curative merits, we rubjobz trUstof the paled pal articles or erhi. it:ls eoraPolicar !Mb eistem. , description of the us e s arid adeptition or esalr.t a' ken from the highest' authority lintrOrt tilatediti EON) t/R4.9 '4I.IOIPIRLL4 ' Is itsed with a beneficial ereetinesrose ofilaintrius 'lista, Scrofulous AtfUrtkma;• Cutaneous' plectrum and other &primal condition' of heattla • •:, DANDELION . . . , .. . . . Ii tonic, dloretia. and *patent. It liaa • aped!! antlon upon the liveroracising it when lanutuld, to necretion., at has bent mti..-4. 110040 9iratany to 41aeaspet of thodhgaitliecnana. ' . lODIDE parassunt..: .. ~. There are few dlieasea hi which ithasnat prank ' • bcpeficial ; Mb also beau need with mach I. cu t pl In Scrofulous Afilectloeui war.. greet benefit; aooa casaba treatmeu or Inflammation of tha Ere. pausal) , fncreases the appetEe'sunt Seat. . Larzarneß nowma ' • Are'arookitt,ile • and blLlAlils_svlgormOsys ln easee.of Nervous' mutiny. - -•-• •• , . _ or - MER GXEIN ' MMI= , • .cmurc.riz...g.FLOWEßS - i Ara odyanutgionoty‘weiifii Oases of Entfobilid,VV'‘ . . e . Mt o SZbut. - Rre , tapa . elaltr,sppAciabletotr,ir . l' DebplitWi 11 tit lireakiiippell?& - , • , ti" itgrlELE9*:o44 2l ; Ev.,; • uti . ly as an Ii fections 2. glatallF Eheizokthist elbuttnatil ill. selip7or $11,12., 2,2 1 ; ' taotlun nil Maud. ~. •-• con.' snliiitn:Eueßre.; 41*..21144 'kr dakjini; litepfigeat kbyttatail ~etthe aboverreripc-:: 4 - 4 31,EVIRTWN, ‘ • 136 Wood Abed" mear UPACMintEIt IffifROVED BM IT Tom Sinking Oil, Sall And ghee Wells. Tools 7strxrliscr 11.11,TA., •WEE,L sonEtis ivnxisnEr? Maer:ff , ofrosst :-dO,..]s vitik isietiiiiiesiss =cep'.,e t cs' cotiduet. oieiso • . • ..•• . • . . saws; •," • suovEL.,, rAgicAk,„,, - RON4A t , ,• anthifiliaraniSike#lll9,3l,d!"! -. ~ - .. . ..„ . ' - .4 ~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers