tilt Wittsintrgit Out tic. NONDA.Y 'JANUARY /0 1800. otSsort, leciALuta eft Nta-car-orin, N 0.13 roargi BC, ettlobargte Ittrosits - recefiret PALA TI MIS as OW Collsettoas nate la all putter the ValtititStetiat: Bay and sell at ilirkat rates: • • 'V.S. J per seat. 11351, Bonds; • ' ' 1L5...4..620 Jo; 11. S. riper seat:l64e de. - ELs Ptr eent. Vertiftestis ladebteditemi "sew .u. 5. ula Treaanry 'Notes. - • vikey atsoISUY iad BELL ON COMMISSION =Stew York, Philmielphle, aid Pittseurgh all kinds of Gassman% (Securities; (Stacks, Boats, told, &e., fee. MAWR 'LND COMME;Raa. BRODILRIP AND BABIEE/UP - BOARD 'OcuisztrtMif itainsitora.weitnuir . pATTIWAT. TIMMY/ 118, INS. 17:5 1 ,, . Bends, 5-25 , a • - ..• '1093i --- 0 . 4 lbet...- us Gold Shit 240 -..-. Uottetellreille 15.5 . 53,6111 55, -- 00 SteubezvllleSolipeon'tts..:. -- :50,00 - - • Hallam Wr • - ass.- Pllsvigation.... = LbrOß WaaaW7llle 11,60 12,60 atamheasillis Ac 19 , 00 10.00 17,06 =TB B B ank aak 16,00 akerPUtaburkb "AM / 9 . 00 _— XetelranWs. / 9.00 Itaatheeirs Sayings -- OM* (Mal Bluffillialrag Co 1 , 0 2 Aram 011 Ca • -- 14 %. , Colombia 011 - --- hire --- Plassing&Blood Phillips, , -0s 6, -- • 011 Duda 10,0 Garisanta 6,0 PAdorsdo 1,61 liberty RuntEPitthole • 1,06 • tor --- CliesPittetniz -- " *hie Valley gh....---. 1.40 lila/they 1,02 I,ed Ritchie 1,10 1,20 ; Stella" 60 Cherry Run Central - 1;0 200 -- Duck Creek • —. *We nia•Orrrinn S. Vondit 0•1" . • - do (smalll 2!. Bank of Pittsburgh • Chesty Run Ventral - 2. Cherry Run k. ,04 I deral ' AinAbOy. . ~ , 107 C . herty - Run h Psttsburgh 1,93 /The week doors on :shriek clock market. Stares of nli sorts feel,tho reactloa In gold; nail buyers predominate.. IlOw - keg the flurry.will last no one ecuaprolict with any degree of cartel:4, but there Ia Co doubt. that mote ell shares changed hands during the bat •iwenty-four bones, at the . current advance, during a week 'previous. The a.tencoon fall in gold had searsely a postern. ble erect oathedemand ldr oilatoeks. For stooks, usually thought to be more .table t Entstr,'lnsumitee, Bridle and Gas itocke,there was lesa Inquiry, though there is no disiroaltien to nil nt n market decilne. Pealing. to Governments quite lintited--selletz in the nisctirlty. - Gold opened in Now York at But confdeoe was felt that the Bulls would be able to held it at that figure, therefote theirs was but 5.12 bid at our board. Afternoon' • telegrams centirmed the apprehension, reporting $ fall al tour per cent. Goild gliessers still insist; however, that gold will touch 2.00 hetore the 2.1 - of :klatch. Perhaps It will-we can't see it throughout .. xpeotneles. There fa no abatement In the ant:Lenient in Oil Stock,, attOrslance and traisactions at the People. , Stock Exchange thta evening -can be taken ;a anyveiterion. , The numbed of persons in attandanee was fully up to the everting pro Ceding, writhe transactions were unusually large, anwetut •ing in the aggregate to terenly t firc thounrul dorm • Abd.Werway further remark, that withbut levy .1 fetv - exeepticine, prises were fully usaintelned, and in ' some insuwes, higher rates were estabßalsed. Banner alas offered at 9724-6 Q bid; Caldweli,t -426 bidi - Cherry Rua sad Blood, 0-00 bid; Culbert. sou's 9-4.60 bid; El Dorado, 1.90-1.13 bid; Fuller Receive, 2.10-63 btd;Werahantp.,s6 AO bide r BleAboy and Cherry Run, 1.10-1.05 bid; lietleinal, 1.23-125 bid; Paxton, 1.61-1.50 bid; Philadelphia, bid; - -Iliad raria, - 5.30,--1.10 bid;Steel, . 110.-200 bid; Union Enbria, 02-41 - - hid; • Whitely Creek... 1.13-1.00 Lid. Cherry Ran .and Pltlaborgh sold to " . 010"exteat of 1,1: 0, shares At peters rsiagingfriim 'LW to 1.60, , a5ul 11.1100 akarei of Cherry:Run and Pitt Bole sold at from 1.05 to . I.crt.. Tam Seery and Cherry lion was also quite active; 31E0 .harm ohatiang bards at from 1.03 to 1.07. There was aloe a sale of 1,189 shards OS Revenue -tbeftrst public sale of this stock-at t.b6. Cherry , , Ain brought " a all„-ht advance, gouts" bring wild its.w. The-following's n nOM- Pi 44 reP O 4 3 0 9 11 / 4Punactietul: L 410 cherriiittntlenital ' Lao - gum. Zan and,Pittslostrgh.. SOO o , ••' •• - TOO cherry pus and rut noli. two _ 260 .. .... .... ' 210:Fltminx:sagiOoti '2ll2lloneffecit COO 011 Creek:inn Cherry Ruh ' . - 1,050 Revenue Lena Ritchie \.. 100 Ross ' • tee Tark Petroleum' aO Tart, Story sketiewry Ruts. mo • IX* Z,CoO stowelh, The entire, cost Ofthe Pittsburgh, Teri Wayne ik • Mu g° Batirosd listated to be nos fer'from thirty ' millions of &Alan. ' Bitting the Year leGt 'its esti ntted earnings , were about, seven millions, of - which aboutone. mithanewaa - resolved from the Berme:neat for the trampartation of' troops and Theiestarningx are about - thirty-ebb:eV cent. In !Xenia of the reeelpte for the previous year. The Secretary of the Treesory has "reported to the Committee of Ways and. Metasthe following amendment tnthe Ma - tonal Banking bill for the peyote of restricting the National Bank clamour stetter, tl of the National. Curteneyart tertmende.dt net:Main the transfer and. &livery's( bond& te• "theTresaurer, as provided in the toregoing.ection, the amoclation meking the same shah he entitled to receive from.ine Comptroller of the-Cumney circulating 'notes of different denomination In • blank, registered and countersigned as hereinafter presided, (Austin amount to tX) per cant uni of the current market vales of the Cnited States bonds so transferred and delivered, but not exceeding 93 per rectum ot the amount of said bonds at the par rattle thereof, tf bearing interest at the tato of not lei, than 0 per rectum per annum ; and the aniount of sueh circulation to be furnished to each anode. Bort shall be in proportion to Ittpatdup capital, at _ follevre, and no more ;to each a/Aimee - Barn whose capital chaff not exceed lidOlefley gotme central of such capital; whe•e the capital ermeede 11510.100, last does not exceed 61.00theao, °Decree:miles; Where the capital came& di,ITOULKXI, hut does not exceed sita,t°o°oo, al per eentent of such capital. ' - - . The panic that %trawl to bit Imminent some ten • • des s or two reeks mince has subsided; and as the peace mints* that bare crowded the newsnaperi, for - Mate time part ;become stale, speculators he. • tome miite.beld. - The gambling- la the gold mar._ ket of comae infuses life same spirit Into other op . ' mallow!, and_we 'shell therefore not be surprtied to see another Inflation of prices in 'both stooks atilt bends.' Whilst thentarket is extremely sensitive and tau he affected by a mete breeee, s Mir itayis of • rripitotrom &tiro mantes tote!, those who live In thesentyment ester): operations wink most The piddle, rays the Philadelphla /Alas', have ImcsiractiCal of the teblierj of thse,too. U. Mates Betas front the' Bank of Crawford County, 'it • llendrille, Pa.; en last. Thursday-evening, and as the facto may create Koine distrust to Its aurreaily, are her° state that their note, are 'ensured by Cab ted States bonds, deposited with the Auditor Gen and that Cutter, Brooke St Co., the Itank's • agents In this city, will continue to receive them at Ilse same rates of otherPeruisylvanla eutroney. Weekly Roy low of /ho Philadolphla knock ElViTlANlzitptenty ter the I'lltsburgh,Claxette. • . PrviLAwsr.enta, Jan. 50,7906. The market for Oil Stocks has bean teveriab and excited - this week, owing to the IluctuAllons and upward tendency in gold. which stitroced the list; generally, without W 1 66111 0: much activity to the • .decosnd ter the tending co:ups:des, Nallintock, shermiti and Walnut bland have been' thf! most prominent Stooks with large sales at'hlghc.r figure's. °tale, 0100, sold at An advance, and lt.eistorw _rove d;but subsequently tell of. The•gr e ,A,,,i Outage, 'however," was In Noble k Delmuster, _which dee/feed lot share, ACM the =ticket:letter - F . s istelruLeF And dull. The following:are the pilses reatuatm Saturday last, compared with those of audiren - • - . 11 . 1 . 4 r • . f 4 -' • Lt. Illu , IS% 1.10 sum pur tYatOm .00 616 COO • • 400 Walnut bland • &OD • _ lOornolAnGsr " • 64734 :coo - .6,00 . 6 ri.54 Sherman • L 6o ,_ • • • ,t• 66 ,..„ - - 'Noble k Delitinater. ' • - • """• 4 31telltheny • 4.17114•, •-• 61•16 g _Wage . " Densmore '' . Maplk,ACcystobe • • BbAde - PW•l4e4bili.t. eny olloreek.. LAU: • / • otvarse4*.ph., 144.. LW; 'r+ s ' + S DAILY DEYIir.SI OF virrtssunau ALIRK‘F.TS. . .g Aft/Ali:At, TAN. The week which has lust closed, has been a r,- !ntarkable one for the dullness tuid , general stagna, .tion which has pterilicd in commereLmi matters, and, although It le r; or with a somewhat batter feeling, In commoners:lot the advance la gold,. we Must confeita that the tralimltons for any imme,ll - niprerement, are net wry encouraging.. The specalative mania whisk prevailed during the Mil and early port of the winter, has entirely subsided, andlhe demand for the lending commodities Ls, and luta been for Sometime past, restricted almost en tirely to the immediate wants of consumers Not withrtanding more firmness was manifested today p.prices,generally, as compared with mat week, have declined considerably. • ORMN—Wheat la quiet but arm, with some few small WAIVE from wagon at $l,OO for Red, sad $2,10 for White. Earley Ls dull and nominally un changed. OASIS, little more active but anabang - ed; sale of 14/0 kushele 'Aimee let, (Pont store, at, 55 vents, and Ma bushels at- sane figures. Can is steady with a sale of 323 ear., Iron store, at 41,33. Rye is still quoted at el $B. - market continue. eaceedlngly dull, aild n crent . matiy of our dealers, in order. to _elect pars, are making concessions. We now 'quote Extra Family from store at $10,60,410.82 for Spring sad WiaterWheat brandi, with small sales in a retell way, at the usual advance. We note a ; sale of GObbla Winter Wheat, at 610,&5.. Bud, wheat Flour le dull.and nominal, at tssogt. • • PROVISIONS—There is no material Improve. meet to note In the demand for Ewen, and A. par- Denier ebangeto make is quotations. Small sale. at Nell% (or Shoulders, 2214 for Sides, and-.2i2 24% far Hams. Lard le still quoted steady at 2112' 21% tot steamed and kettle rendered. Sale of 2,000 In country Bulk Meat, Shoulders, Sides, sad Hams, MI6 cents all arousal. Nothing doing In Mess Pork, MILL FEED—DuII but anchaaged; sale of 10 tons atel,oo per cwt. fotShipittutrs, aid 41.2,43 tor Middling.. aryT.Flß—Continties quiet ank rather dull, but entlanged; sales of packed at 42, and prime Roll at 15c. EGGS—No demand--quoted nominally at 35 tits 'per down. DRIED FRUIT—SaIe of IR !ibis Apples at 13 ets per cod 5 bbls °berries,' With,seeds in, at lb. Peaches are selling nt.alcpsll. TALLOW—SaIe 05150 as rendered at 10 eta. 1111.S.NS—Quiet hut rte.ady, with small tales fromatoro at s362,fail per bushel, for good toatrict ly prime. PIYIATOM—Theie is a continuedfair local de mand,end we note regular sales from store at f3,1.5(e3.60 per bid for "Peach Illowa.'i GREEN APPLES—Good qualities are to de mand, ana may be Wily quoted at. COO • per bbl. CHEESF.—Ia steady, urttb regu , or Wes at V. eta for prime Western Reserve, and 41 for liamburt. 011.--Lard 02 Is firm, with regular sales at.S2,lsi per gallon—packages extra. PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET SA:TZ iDAT, SAIL 20, 1520. The most remarkable teatime we have to note in the Crude market to4lay is n sale of 1000 Ws in tank, at di cents, bbd included—the seller tonut It to barrels, gunge and deliver Li free on board earn. She moat notable tactin the transaction, hoverer, 'ls that it wan sold by one of our large refiners, to a ehipp.er, which would indicate that refining Ls not regarded as being very profitable fit 'present, and this, we regret to say, la true. The price of Crude has been entirely too high for the last two or three months, to admit of refining with any profit, and - the consequence is thnt the great majority of refin ere have suspended operations. For Relined, In bond, there Is no demand whatever atptesent, and In the absence of sales, we give adfstaa cents, as the nominal asking rates. Teo Oil is quiet but stea dy with an occasional small gale at SG cents, for prime city brands. ltiaptha is quiet hut held prize, ty firmly at previous glum:4l°ns. Residnim is demand with soles at 1117,Z07,83 per lbarrel—aerne holders asking {a,oo. NEI! YORK Irpritoteum MARKET. Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. Irgre Tonic, .Tan. 1865. The Petroleum Market is more satire and some. whit excited, and prices are better; sales of (Dude At 1:15 18c, 'Relined in Bond C.:€(.&., and Refine ree • MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Chicago Market. Speelal Dispatch tn - iim Plktaburgh Q3Z(qte, enteatio. Jan. 26, MU. .hoc n—Clulet and nominal- Onalie—Wheat, declined dc, and closing doll at Lid for. No.-1 Spring. Corn gently, with sales et New at 171072fe. Onto lees notice and dower, with sales of •No. tat fellioll3l4c. Bye dull. Bar ley quiet and nominal. Ilinirworm---More active with an advance or 10 2c, and closing dem at 2.17. Bimnia—Dull. sales. }lassoed 2.1102.25. Timo thy 4,80. • Pituvistems—Quict,iini unsettled. Bales of Ness Fork at Aidal; 'Prime -Mesa ai.:56:2-00, • Swim!. Pickled Rani more active, with sales at wane, Bngliah Meats in better request. Bulk Ateatagulet, with.ealci of Shoulders et p30,(0r peaked. Bari. dull and sales llghe,AtMiNßllc. prease nominal. Tallow 'fitted; with Wei by pickers at . Pnwrr—Dried Apples quiet, bnevery rim, at t3 ; a4 BUM; choice held at the latter price. lyddcia dis posed to scir only foe immediate : Baas Oarrber--Cholce grades in good demsnd And Ilrre. Commin dull and weak. Sales Ot at adeeti.6o. limos—Light Flogs nominal; Extra Heavy. In de- Matid_Onl firm, with light sala at 10z5tip2.46. OlL—Li.ridand Lard Oil active and very firm, with a fair supply. - • . . • New - York Market. „ , Mae Tong, Jan. M....Ccrivors—Vety Snit, at Mk for Middling. • - • • Foam—State and Western tintlihi better ; 80,63 CAW for - Extra State, isio,aegux for Extra it. A. - It; • 1111,10011.56 for Trade Brawls—the market rfoaing doll and very comottled. ilitus—Whent Sate better; No. 1 Milwauk ee l.lllb, *2,02; good. Amber hlichigan, 81,40; very choke do. - $2,12. Eye quiet. Harley more mitre. Corn rather more iderly. at 111.04fi1,86 for Mixed Western. Oats giant, at st,ougioc, , Pirritocmos—Flnaer, at 40140 for Crude, 670 far Peened in Hood, and Ede for 'Refined Free; Crude for February, at We. Puovistioss—Park. unsettled and lower ror old Mesa 217,51113.15,00 for - New Melo 538f1036,50 thr 11C34.31e55, cash and regular way—closing at OA , 00 for oath, Irai,sciaial,no for Prime, sad 6338338,00 for Prime alma; also 2.000 bbis New Mere, for Febru ary, rollers sad buyers , option, at 538„.501139,e0; and 500 bids Prime Mesa, for March. at 131,25, May en(' option. - 'Beef steady, at previous prices. Dressed Mr,. firm, at 15i.,'41/150 for Western—tiro latter price - for . teavy. -Boron quiet. • lord fin, and quiet, at IfielOns, and nines tots at "I New York. Stock and Money Market. New Tour. Jan. n.—Moyer—Easy. at 0t37 per cent. Sterling quiet, at iloolotiovg. Gold irregu lar/lad unoettled—npening ;ants, declining t0 213,a, and elrolog at 216%. Goverrunont Stocks a shade • Sroess—The following are the enotattous at Gallaeherls Eventog Sleek Eachince Board; Gold, le :N; New York - Central, tell, a '; eon, qua; Aeroflot . , ; I.ll*.larta Central, tie; Michigan Fouthera, 6.1 N ; Illinois Central. tit ; Cleeefand - and. Ylttnhurgh, 804 Bock Island, ; North Wetlern, 337, , ; North ITeatern preferred, ; Fort Waync, e1.r,.-;; Ohio Certificates. Trl4; Cumberland. 45%; Jlariposa, U. The rearket.'34 steady. - Gold RNA St rollg pall, and at the close of the reportaras selling at 21514. Cincinnati Market. Craciargarr, Jan. 71-4.1c0 change in flour or whestotn,l the market quiet. • Onto—Corn doll, but not Towle. Oats trance and prices :tending .upward; Me asked, sod lac olFered: Ilye first, at SI-33R1.215: Barleyateady. Wn ',ay—Quiet, at We, hut firmer. : - Pitovaeloss—Qttlet; rather dull and but little dove. Prime Lard Iteldltt t4a Bulk Meats dull 3 rd uaetunaed. ~ Gura;scrra—UncLiangerl, and market generally oada - 31aniarr—Gold,fil24214—utarket irrega. Army Awards at Baltimore. Copt sin S. Glintan,..commlimary of auhrls• lense for the Middle Department, has Just anardai the fel loath; contracts A. Bake-, of New York. no,Orolhibeans. at Days per 6+, cash; Gahm. The do., at fe:c per task °over kGardenernuo bbls yellow earn meal at 67.65:400 Obis white de., at 117.67. Joyes.lirumwelLtr. Co., &XI bblsyellew cora at KM. Smoerwein 6.S n, SOS bbls extra dour, 1111.64; prr cent added if paid in certificates. sesuel hoer , 010, Gas Lour, $ll.OO. Charles W. Slagle 160 Kb: extra dour 412.131; 80 de. dn.,411:79: Wm: E. Woodyca r, 300 WAs auger flour, 611.40; fA6 do. d 0.411.86. John S. Price, 4p04 bDU extra flour $11.85;6,000 do. do., %UK. John Kefauver, 1,614 Ohio extra flour , •1111:716 Samuel Elder lc WI Dbls outer .00ur,311.64, or 411 63 rot rertitioatcs; 260 blots out- extra do,, at 11.11.00. Joseph . Price. 3 ; 000 bbla extra dont, of 411.60; 2,000 do. do., at 4 11 . 73 ; 2,600 this do. do., at tl. 79 payment to be made in anchfunds ssmay be furnished by the government. Sanders &George. 1,060 lbs oolong tes, 111:66 per. , 1,04 U dn., hplon do., at 41.65: - Samuel Stonebrs. ter, Era bldnestra flour, at 11.11.68 sash. If. B. Clark & 1dm.;381 bhfs super tour. at $11.40 cash. Amos - McComas, 160 bbla 611 per flour, at 41146. Gelmoti , Sanders k. C0.,1,300 Zs oolong tea, at htild par ft.' tl:ll.3l,kerkg*lMO.,.,t,llo,34firug,hyscur ten, .0. - - lyglar 441:11FIANtre— leargALoqlß,lo....4ayment robe made in such funds as'may;, be jun:hated by the Battbnore Provision Market, Jan:2l. The snorket has been .extteinely flat the put week, and for bo - h Pork' and. Lard lower price. would hiei to be written to effect sales{ stools Oust receipts of ell desmiptiOns of the.lion product cons Moue ilgbt;hut holders are arm. We give trans, notlobs and closing prices as followst—Wrlc—Yrb nes Esst and Welt hate fallen considerably, bit there lutyc been no I'M:l222llone .xcept to Govern ment, In our wake!, and quotations are Collect nominal. Meats—Shoulders,. Nat sales, ay - ii l cents. and Sides are 02r7rt1 at 21 cents. ..Notts• tog Oolhg worthy of TOth.O. ancon—We quote. with small shies, Y-houlders at TM= cents for old Dew; sides at 21W24 erttta fordo; H 2211 at 25 ;0 22 Mar (or new. •• Lard.-There is very little stock offering and the demand Is also limited. We quite Western, in times, ..at 23;4416 cents, nominal. Balt!inore Relined is stlllquoted at maze centiper pound, 01 to site snasivic of pulmiLge.—Son: Proelslona-In Philadelphia, Jail. 21. 7be Market for the Mg product generally ts low er and rely dull. with very little doing at the de cline. Brea. Bogy are s.IIIM Is Bois at 16-600 MA* the 100 lba,lind lieu Pork at 29 00940.00 Tt Md. Beef Is steady but quiet at 92.00V77.M1 111 formem--thn latter for txtra-,and • Beef HAMS at - 22.0(42221.0011 bbl. Of Bacon the sales steals° ter, liekt, nod. preen nominally--Unchanged. - theca Meats are selling-In • a voll way only at YoitYla for Picki e n kerne, and iaiollOo for salted And pickled shoulders, and prime lots team.. Lard is lower,. with small sales of tierce at I 23/gglikege era 1411ree• Potter is lower and very dull st•l gide for roll and dtviftnde for parked, the latter or cooler, lota. liberal, I. quiet at Ifofille. for Waal-en and New Yorke State. Um/ continuo scarce, mad iho de' nand to limited at mgt.% Si dozen. - • FlourCq leuveland M tr ak eett , tJ Sanet. 2Te is.mito. for e Xrd r edolall fo rtXX r Awhite . WWit—Darket,duU.ead fauln, . 'bat holdres eye Onver . ' at.eaces above Hum views of bts ure. ' rfo Wee. Coto—Dull. Hell it $1,290,1,46 - tor. obi, 0,145614%. Iret .oate—led.i- sad trip:tier, idotia atOry9lifraso 'tore. 1.3 t 432 • 'r:.a- sao~ .w:X«ac~ .. .~:.s.rrra~~~ Review Or the Netv York Crer rr MO ket. (From the Coramermhd List, Jan. 23.1 Con , ,—'('horn has fieen more activity In P in of tee our last than for some time past, mad thetas!. bet closes Cooly on a basis of Si ante gold for prime, the st r ~ ing rmlocei to 10,011 bogs. Our motto currency quotortorm of-Brazil show an rm. prorement of three cents M 0., calling (1014 71.5 . ,1 vent, the pram at a late hour last ovepiug. -The mate Include 6110 bags 800 per Lots, 02.11 do per Dtarls,Mah deLter Constantine at 13 beets gural, in' bond; balance of St. tinae, 16 , ...4; 507 Mara- - °Mho, part 21; 410 Jacinel, 1.0!,i,a11 gold, duty paid; • 1,27 k'arto Rico, 101 African, and 611CbstaIllca, on - tams aol made public: By auction, 700 hags Rio cold at 4J,Q41 cents ; and 2000 mats Java, 47X, east, tor—The market for Raw has been quiet but very lima since our last at further Improvement of one.quiwtor of a cent 31.11 , the farther advance In Gorr having imparted increasing strength to bold tea- indeed thew firmness has somewhat checked business, winch haa - been (Ott. moderate since Tuctday, the ollerings being moderate, and only at very full prides; yellow quote Fair Beduin Cuba, 101,', cents; and Good do, 115,4311334, 4 Mos. Relined is in moderate request, at 20r6 cants for Hard, xll4 27 for :oft and 24g25 for Fellow. Toe sales of 110 W are 757 Main Cabs at roofs; 68 Porto Biro, 12; a Clarified New Orleal,a. 25, 1637 boa Ilavaus, - 17W2SrA; and' 23 hlrds Mead°, IL, 4 • Ines. By auction, ands NOW Orleans sold At 34 cents,eash.• The stock yesterday was about it 702 . 10,764 his, 107,221 bags Sugar, and 146 Wads Meted°. Illobasos—The market has continued dell since our last, and though pretty arm at the close, the redaction noticed to oar last has not led to much Increase of buslamig. The sales are 40 ends Barba does nt 53 °oatmeal Porta Rico, Ilea 111754; 20 Cuba Muscovado, 75; 052 Thils and 20 tee old (hayed Cu ba, 41, 4 mm' 156 this 'new New Orleans, 81,334 01.55, cash; 150 hhds Demerara, and n oar ' , of new (Rayed Cuba, for relining. before arrival, on UM. not made public. By amtlon, 250 bbls Porto Rico . and Muscovado Bola at 113.@9.1 cents; and 75 do New Orleans, Malta, cash. • The stock yate-day tow about 5.liP hhda Cuba, 460 Porto Moo, and MO bbls New Orleans - Tea—There is but a moderate Inquiry, and the market does not respond to the late - novanee in I (told, glowing with a depressed feeling for Block at Our - revlbed quotations. We notice Lae hI. chests Oolong, Mk de Uncolored Japan, in bond. fur gold, nod3oo_oroom Pthadelphia Market, Jan. 2$ Skein la no shipping demand for Flour and tha sales we conllned to a few hundred barrels at 9.6$ C. 10,00 r t r homel ter oupertine,lo.2bitlO.Tl for extra.s. ti.Wfl2.oo for extra family, And fancy lota at high. or eguree—accoMling to quality. Rye Floor 14 scarce and held at 8.76. In Corn Meal prices are notrilnel. There Is some reaction In Wheat and a small lot of !Zed sold at RAO bushel. White mop be quot ed at-ii.suox.ex. Rye ranges from tat to 1.75. Corn comfit In slowly, but_the demand is limited. Soles of 2,40 U bushels Yellow at 1.70. pets int 3 Rarley'raners from 1.6t1 to 1.85 for Penns., and 1.95frti1.00 for New York. Clovemeed le In !hinted supple and dolling at 1:Ana1:5.60 7 61 Ss. Tri Timothy nothing doing,. bimali sales of Flaxseed at 3.XSUX.BO/1 bushel, lileur and Grain In Store at Chicago. The following table ehnws the amount Cl flour aNI pain in store on Sittutday, inn .21st, canzpat e.l*lth amount in atom. the ISWIO itAtC Nal. year: IScAI. ISCZ. Flo . ur, bbla 1,),615 43,114 Wir at, bu IC,a,frti 1,011.315 , C to; be 210;261 41,310 Oats, bu 1,091,101 1,463,315 Lnrlcy, bu IMPORTS MT RAILROAD Pirreerr.eg. roue WAY:MA.Im CiliCA3o it R. Jan. V-10 bps feathers, E Edmrt adsim b. Co; I our maven, II Olderhydm' 4.; ears balm's. It, rkp pump rode. W 11 Sonifc; 100 'ds lour P..p1,M3 or h Vorkamin AA do do, CII Leech; 1 Car e. tn. Illtrheoch, MO:terry h Co; 3 aka 'Ma, A /I l'nlids,U hides, J bids tallow, J amen lic.,lmara; 3 <lna - Ices her, I hido,Rea a; 4 cars metal, /antes Wood & Son; I etr wheat, to , allire;2ls by,s oats, 31 Iduellor• I car metal, John Moorhead. Cts.vm.s.ao tr.PrrTantartati 23- 1,5 .la. onto, Pro it Kell; 100 1...1k broom handles, E IS llntheik;sll27l bills paper, Pittaborah Paper to tVactering lio ; b bbls lard, It Rotonson &. Cu; 2 bbls butter, I. llToilrbt ft (I°o2 saw dried apples, A Lippert :173das with Sboamner &, Lang; I obi hotter, R h: A t;arson;181 rho barley, J.Rilodea; 125 rka barley,'Sdo do, apples, 13•F,1"treett & Co; 3 bbls hickory nuts:, 3 kegs apple butter, Shrirer Er. La rear; IPS sks oats,'S Lloyd htle: 3) tons pig Iron, Rlmlck. Et Co;g9bblelehmet.Noble, Angel t Co. • A I.l.Mittl^f Searios, SA,. tel —1 ear wheat,. Kennedy is Btu; 1 dodo, Noble hAngelll3l hides, 0 ,track 7; la tails broom handles, 1 Rea/I*ton; 9 tibia apples,P Suonffert 18 ulzga produce, A lemz; dO do, A Frankrort;B do,P .I.Seetiweine; 23 do ‘1, , , Tilley A. Weaver; I/aka corn, ',lrwin; 11dIsila payer, Pittsburgh Paper Co. RIVER LITELLIGENCE. The weather moderated considerable yesterday, with an occasional fall of snow, bat loot evening it wee apperently somewhat colder. Navigation be• leg suspended, there la, as a matter of course, no movement at the wharf. • ni take the following from the Clncinnati Com inertial of Raturdar—The Tacking River is froren over solid with !colic= o.llolle to chore, rendering liscelleat skating for the boys. The river to still full of heavy floating ice, the cakes occasionally Ostending from there to shore. The Covington and Newportlerrin Made seveml atoning' during theday, however. Ono of the NowpOrt_femles, during the afternoon, was caught in a huge Geld of leo and Swept down to the foot of Main otreet lot fore she could rank& a landing. • Captain •Prank Ti. Pattehelor, of the Darling, arrived from E Ille last sight by rail. Re left tho D311. 1 / 2 1t, in a safe -harbor near Evansville. Captain Packard, of the tow-boat Shingles. left for Pittsburgh In last niht , a train. Tho Shingles Is from rfew Orloans, end laid up at Portland. ~ • The Louisville Press of Thttriday warn • The deer, owing to the Intense cold weather, has commenced f *Meg ego's, with seven feet one bath of watnin the eansi loot everting by the mark. Paring the previous twenty-four hermit had wor ded two inches at the head of the falls, and some tax melee et Portland. The weather has become exceedingly cold again, the thermometer at day light In the morning Wag down 'to four derv, above trio. and only seventeen degresa above al! Loon. Tills Is the coldest *pelt this year, the tuer eery at daylight on the end of January having fall en to the same degree no yesterday morning, but at noun oa that du it went up to tw enty-sae. anticipate a change i to -da y, unless t moderates ve ry materially, navigation shove the falls will be at Lally ausecodeal. On the falls yesterday, there re some eve feet pane [water down /the Indian chute, and • little over four feet motor over the reeks: Et this point navigation is very mach rt trietedby the heavy mrutes of ice In the river, and the Nall Company declined leading the General Buell to Cincirmatl. to fact there erns no depar ture yesterday for upper porta, and navigation may be conaldered temporarily suspended. The State Dentattr. Clue Poe and Feetleet or rhea from cinch:matt early yesterday, and the th,ra Bee started Into the canal tastevenlng to try 1.. treat her way through the ice. The other two dfeeeLded the falls in the morning, end went on the; r way - to Eastport, Tennemee Rver, all right. I'l e Bertha was Lard nt work most of the day yes. reulay, battling the lee In the canal, trying to work her way through but up to dark bad not tu.to much progress. The Mara Poe want at It too, but lildn't break through, as the Ice won very Wiry, d getting EirODger With every new. bt Louie Bemorrat, of 'Friday, says, The rivet was falling slowly yesterday. and Is very low. with only three and a half feet to the bred of the gorge, which is now more formidable Sian ever. Navigation bee ertoed. It is feared that the ferry boats will be tumble to cross at, this The river was nearly as .fall of lee it it eould be packed yesterday, and the wind con. tinned nil day from a cold quarter. Ahove Derr 'treat the too was floatiogslupgishly and la hesey masse, through a very narrow channel, and it pro bably gorged there . halt night. , (i.e following }addle camera wero,at the wharf last evening between Riddle street and Ponta:, and may be conaidebil in danger in the event of tin , river closing lore or at the upper end at the city Welcome, Liits's, Sioux City; Evening titer, Jewess, Lillie Martin, Argosy, Highlander. Nevada, Vleter No. S. Albert Pearce, America, Bertrand. Porter ,Sliver lake , 'War Tanks,. Delaware, Rosooke, City of Alton. sultana, thilypso, Luminary, W.H. tlarter, bunt. Jenalo Lanvin, Commonwmilth, Denton, J. O. Swos Paragon—ln ail, steamers, value about' 61,300,00 D, beside. aumerupa wharlbents. - barges, fie. The Sliver Cloud, Wlinanita, Platte Y alley, mud various other Imola aro lying at the aolithern portion of. the city; Indeed, the latter 10. crillty Is said to be so crowded will& steamer,' and barren, that there ate no safe bertha left for the boats at our wharf to go to. The 'Northern Uric wharf boat is hard aground. : A young yr . lend Of onro .hao.recently discovered Matte la In luck.. He owns *lace little tunn in t?...15 count yolome four miles from thOUourt Ilausc, 'male has found oil gosling on a spring which Is on his farm. He Intends to bzglo boring loon, and la con ndeut of coaxing out a fine stream of petro. loom. Tlieyoueg man Is Well known to boatmen, generally, and they'wlll be glad to know of his good prospects, as he Is very popular with them. .!ABLE owri,tirs..—A flue asi - eriimeak of Ivory Rubber and Bone natelie Table Knives and. tarvea just received and for Edo by .`detaffte- /Anus BOWN. 136 Wood street_ COOPERAGE AND SALT. 140 new Lard Tierces 465 • tl• Pork Barrels; , • • • 111;1E0Pd-band Lard Ru.ro ,, s; • 100 bap Turktrb Island Salt; For Pk by • CHAS. L. CALDWELL. IIEANS t BEANS:—:O bmbels prime for sal° by SIiOXAKER t LA.NCt, jaw . al9 Litterty street. COUN 004 T. Y 1. 11514 , 1: 0 7 ' A r ilyn, a 'months oid, iron " 10 by, 014• L. H. , VOIGT EnCO. COli*llkiliSC!—Four cti f s of primo Ohi Shona Cora, forgi ti t z utrat ik LANG, 1. 10 - OA Liberty street. • IUC7RW - 11.EAT FLOUR- x . 22, bags of prime Buckwheat Flour In atom awl far wile by . • ROBERT DAIZELI. jolt ::it Liberty it. GREEN APPLES.—One car load Cholte Eating and Cooking kppleoreoolved thu 07 and for sale by h. 11. VOIGT tr. CO. g6llOll - 1:51.-40bbls.. Sorghum in store oa and for sale by .D. WALLAOE, 3(3 Liberty street. p YE FLOUR—Clioice, extra fresh ground at City Mous BMW. • • jate J. S..LICH3}..TT it 00. - C ITE - 1 - 6 - E --•At low price, to close conidgm PRIME PAIN. FLINT ILOMINT. for sato by • • - . lee . .1. B. awcrieta. DriESSED HOGS for sale by , M e na = & &W= IpllsrpliSEL FEED.— Chopped Corik Er,e. Shorts hait- MiddllAP. lay Flaw EUIls. • • (Wei B..LICKI k CO. 103* 13131A1t-OURED arrive ead !or .004'. LITTLE k mum; - 4418 •-1 • • 10 lad .DISSOILVTIO.7g, 171ISSOLUMION OF TIRTNEWHIP —The business connection of Bolles a&G sr nice, and of Batman Garrison & Go., was dts solved on theist Weak by the rale of tli a latex es of It Li Boilman and GI IP. Millman. All settlements will be attended to at th catlike the late tons, on Smithfield street. IL L. BOLLITAIL A. GARRISON, GEO. BOLLIKAN 'JOGS H. moaersex. Paaenino z, Jana/17 a, I In retiring from the shove th e subscribers womb. express thanks to their friends for the patrons/ given during the lor.g period of their business, nu s Igo take pleneure in reeommending their mumeeser to the public, with the fullest confidence that every effort mul attentian will ho given to rendre sstla- H. L. BOLLALAIT, GEO. W. BOLLX.A.II. Pirraistßoit, Ismanry 3,18541. CO-P.LITTNERSITIP NOTICE. PITTSBURGH FOUNDzny. A. Garrison laying purchased the entire toll* Eery iaoperty, stock and losiness of the late firm of Holtman tr. Garrison, and Hellman, Garrison Co., and having ntYLociated with hire la busines John 11. Ricketson, the undersigned Will continue the bnaLneu wades the name and style et A. Gar• rhos ths. A. UARIII , ON JOHN H. sieirrsom. Prminirsow, Sanitary 3, 1333. DISSOLUTION • OF CO-PARTYER SHIP.—The Partnership heretofore existing' liettemm the undersigned, under the firm name ol CROMPTON k CO., for the manufaetui e of &Ives Pearl and other Soaps, has this day been dltaitheil ' by mutual ciaarienlb , SAMUEL M. KIER, JOHN O. CR UNIPTION JOHN POSTER. .PlibtaArargh, Sept MA, Teat. W)I. KENNEDY & Silver Pearl and Suaerie, Rosin 50123, 267 LIBRATY STREET, PSTT.3O CROW dea:ly4 NOTICE IS liEIIEBT (11 1 /EN TII&T J. , PORTER, MIA WFORIJ & CO., Lavine . on tbe —d a y a , November. D. IS6I, parelisserf the. native Interest of JOHN P. HENDERSON nod JOHN A. CAUGHEY. Trustee of said Henderson. to -the "tareetum OD Works," that all business connection with sold Henderson served at the data of said putellage, and all debts dud the Tarantum Oil Work. will he paid to. POItTERXRAWFOTtO & CO, el to their agents J. A. OM:ft:HET & No. 1 .1 Water Pittsburgh. The concerti In the rot UM will, MI to the oast, he nindueted by the undersigned. PUNTER, URA.W.FOND & 00. jaNtsnd piIITNERSHIP NOTICE.—The nndcr sienni hare this day Petered into tout...milts a the Olt Cloth, loots Rubber,. and Pointing busl nets under the item llRltle and style of .1. rt. PHILLIPS. Fsetory In McClure touraship, M .-I:her; county: Warehouse and Odile, Nos. 26 and ZS' St. Clair at., Pittsburgh. JOHN HENRY H. PHILLIPS, A. 11. pl.lot.'ol , lll', PlTTFUrttlii, January 'l. irs:.s. jatlie 1 IIIiSOLUTION OF PARTNEU.SIUP. —The part L , rstklp hen-tofore esistio; wader the style of .10/111 DUNLAP to CO., was tiissol, .1 by lirnitat lon on the 31st ileeembrr,ll6l. he buslners.of the late firm will he settled by . RHIN PI:NLAP, who will carry on the busitit's In' ll its branches at the old stood, eeri, of Mar- Tact and Second etrecta. J 011 7 ,1 11111. , 11..VP. joe.3At J B. SOO Cf. I IiSSOLUTI(IN OF PARTNEIISIIIP. . 11 -• —The partmeraldp heretofore exittlnr, betwe...n the underslgneill wue .1114olved ou the 4f comt ,13y of January, tee g, by mntwil ennsen , .. The name of tho firm may be turd by either partner le Fettling the Wl:damsel the lirm and for no other purpose. W. J. KOI:STZ, _NO I'll Ittotrz. rruF. PA WIN ER3IIIPA I EItETOFOIIE esitiler. between THOH‘IS HILL and JAS. L. lIIHM N. ender th. style or H 111.44. Brown, has obis tlny been diszolvell ty mutual cont , ent. Juinea L. Brown will settle/the affalre ofth, late arm. THOMAS HILL, JAS. L. MOWN. .Trrrourt.n. Jnn.ll4, 160. fertelnql .11ISCELL..1.1rE0 ( , 011MONWEALTII OF PEYNBYIJ VA nA • • . " -ALLEGHENY COUNTY SS: To The Sh.q./r of raid County Greetiar WTIEREits, a eitation of LIMES RULONG,, Executor of the last will snit testament of 17-P. Elizabeth Wilson, deceasealt granted the :nth day of October, 1841, was returned N EI. and whereupon the Court made the follow- Ir e order: And now to-wit: Janusry Ilith,•A. 1165, on the return of the citation in this CAM, and Innis the mild:telt of complainant, Mrs. Story E. Robison, that the respondent, James Rulong, cam• not be found and has no known dweldng-plane within this Commonwealth, and there is no surety of said ream...deal on whom serviee of said cit. lion ens be made according to the Acts of ARMCO. bly, In tech cane', mode mud provided. The Court award nnether _citntion. eau:maxillae the said James linking, azi in the Original 'citation, he was commended, sod returnable on the 13th day of No- vember. , And the Court do further older that the citation now awarded be published once is week for four successive weeks before' the return: thereof, and returemble, the- gd Sdturd ay of-February. isest, Oath) aewspapera :published to he City of Pittsburgh: • BY THE DOUBT. Now, therefore, wo econmted you.,thloahl Sher. that you cite the sald James Hokum, Exemitor, use aforesaid, to tile his aecount with the Register of Allegheny county, oh or - before the xi Saturday Mh ay) of February aunt, or that ho appear be fore our Orphans! Court on that day, then ' and there to show why he has not so dome: • Witness my hand and the seal of sold Court, at Pittsburgh, this lith day of January. lard. W. A. HERRON, - Clerk,: Copy. Jong H. STRWART, ShCra, laberifibt Office, Pittsburgh, Jans:try rah, 1805. jalfhltaertrr 'E THE SUBSCRIBERS,. have this • do; entered Into a Limited Partnership, anreably to Gleeful - Worm of the act of. Assembly of the Commonweelth ofPennsylvanla, passed the Met thy of March, tbail, entitled ' , An Act relative Limited Partnerehips,” and do hereby certify thet the name of the firm under which enid pest. nership Is to be conducted to CHARLES II AL OE(); that the general neture of the heeler.* to be trnneactml is the Jewelry Inalne., the same to be &titled on In Pittaburgh; that the name of the gen. etel perthef Is CHAS. 0. - .51.GE0, and, the special partner Is DANIEL HMI'S. both of the City of FIRM - Jut - A: that the capital contributed -by the 'd DA PURL MAWS, special partner, i. Four Tl.ousand Hullers in cash; that the,period nt which the saki. part tervllP is to commence le the 13th day of Deceit - der. ISM, and that It will terittlnate on the 13th day Ihrember. A. 0480. CILLTILM4 G. ALGEQ, General PMiner; DANIEL Special Partner. degingwdew .Y. Dec 13th, 186 f. • ••-----••• f inPUAIR3' COURT SALE —By virtu • of on order of the Orbt ansitiourt of Allegheny county, I will sell At piddle solo, on the prenilses, On SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 110 i, 1005, at 10 o'ulocli a. m. Alt that certain I.llrLll' Oil Olt rfl) on the east side Of Smithaehl et feet Its rte City of Pataburgh, haying a front of nineteen feet on Smithfield street. mod extending back. tloty feet, ...hereon is erected n three story BRICK ILO USE, Ku. 46 Smithtlehl.ntraot,Diththe property of I,lLon. rr The propertyts sulleet to a lessto the Drestint occupant, which nrlll expire On the lot of April, 14n4, et ex 16.06 per nunkrui. Terms: One-third cash, and the halftone at the chneaneof Mrs. Dellah tlyer, the taterrottherron poyahle to her semi-annually. fertile. to be soma by bone And mortgage on the premises. The purchaser to pop tor deed, toort;oge, oat stomps thereon. • For further particulars Poqulre•of O. Ilmbroink, Log , Eu. 164 l'ouilk,treet. - Tlitnt•S MCVAY, tinanlitn. of Honey Oyer, minor ctilld of Beery Oyer, dcz, (Mobil , Ii .c. Commtitsion "lerclipitt AAD 30-sx•c3l2.a.Railxg 1&.60m.t. 11..ni,...a In Fiona. mean, Cherfoe. Ortrd and Green Prnino. and an Farm Products.. • • - Milers tilled for oil cacrehandlie,Plitsbnrgh Mtn . 4,nd 11:clinsd 01Is, nt dealers susufne% ti,rers rates , No. 'Mt LIBERTY sTxuarr, (oppO• Wood idrost,) Adyjkocei made amt )rornivt ntteutlon glven to emislgnatridll and correspondence. llksioatelsOKEeinall It Spo . er, Lloyd kßleck, Wm. McCully It Co., Plollonsld & At buckles, John 1.. House h Co., Sohn 11,11 & Co., B A. I's t Is I , I. Ile- sell:tyklissrS . _ ISICCORO x CO., I=l Nuts, Cape and Straw G'oorts, Bart' now In store the lament •pi moot complete Mock of • GOODS FOR. FALL. SALFS, Ever offered In the went. lifardenleareripuerte4 to cell and examine our stoebt.."ter/ii will be solit at rers low rates. 001 . 400 n STREET. ALLEGHENY3n the court of Common Picas ' la the matter of the application of tteltounti Preohyterion Church of Elizabeth florourh sad Too nohlp, for s Charter of Corporation. Demmber Term, 1861. Petition, he. Awl num December 26, 1804, pctittemresented in open Court, and the Court on exami yt nation end pommel of the article,' nod condition* thereof, on.l they not appearing unlawful or, injurious to thh community. the Court direst the same tirbe filed in the office of the Prothonotary, and that tithe begthen by publication in the Pitishwah irerkly Cocrite for three them:sive week.; setting forth that thch application hao been node. From the Record. JACOB U. WALTER. lateAtwT lETTERS OF A I)MINISTItAT lON ON - 1 the estate of fIEOWIE A. BAYARD, Sr, late of Ver,Aillee township. Allegheny County. dec'd, hosing grar to the undersigned by the Reg. lot. Alle,,hen • C'ounty. all persons indebted to sold estate ore requetted to make immediate pay ment. and those hotline claims against the some to . prereht them for settlement, properly soli:uai. toted, to. the undersigned, at his residence in Yet , tattles township. STERIIEN BAYARD, Administrator ' or to S. A. le. sod W. S. PURVIANC3E, Attorneys at Law, Sth street-Pittsburgh. VI:118AILI.C1 Tr., Allegheny Co., Dee. 12, 1861. 110 ()TIC/ -Letters or Administration, AA barns; beragranted to the undersigned, on the estate of kr:A.Black, deceased, late or East Deer township, Allegheny,county, Pena, .All persons lasing claims on the estate ate hereby notified to present them properly 'authenticated for Nettie• meet, sad Alt persons indebted to salirestate, will make Immediate payment' to 'the aubscribeT let Taarnttnn POrOagb• WAN.% Admr. jatlAwdosw._ CONNEL Arm GE It&ILBOAD COMPANY' FIRST r MOIITJ GADS, TURTLE riltEttit DIVISION 01. M. BrItUCTION .1300108.—Afoldera Are hereby. nott dad th at the interest coupon. on the above Blade, due -February tot, }865, will • he. unnt.oa and. after .that day, on prefentation and delivery at the °Mee of the First Nat West. Banker PlttaintretONOni stret. " JNO; PACLK /rt. .4attilaWdtal &ochry sad Thema: rola soz,E.FOR IZEJP 1: Etas .SALE:—.A: very , valuable FARM it Barry toliraeldit, Westmorriend comity, Poo. ,eoutaintng gboo% idifeerea, wail Improved. and in a high star cultlention. .1 Also, a FAIL-II OF Mib ACRE In Pistrfleld town- 121 , 1 Westmoreland e-until, Pa. Imploceinocts The land I. of thebest quality: Ooal nal . rw7Jeteselri ahundanns. ' Also. e EITEA-11 MYCI-r-TE, OM Saw Mill or other Pnrii.lf . e. with. the enetines, ntrehinery, fit wheel, , an. The cy lindef to nine Inches In &warder end four foot stroke. • Two Hollers, IS feet long and 2g Males la ittershreri ail In good Onlor. sad will be sold °Sean. ,__,, Alen a FARM of 1210 sneer In Wait Abe/Marl/ tensorial', Indians o‘ matt', Pa., about threo inllce from the Peale/. liAlll owl. L ic 1 A .l. ll FAFIII of IX wren in oowease,th tome ch i -Indium 'county, Pa. s.liceutlful FAltEl of ing acres, with a Imo B IC HOUSP., with IS room', finished to mod at yle, weeb.honto end hakeereci attrehed; a I epring honm, both house, smoke bonito; a • large bank horn, Butt treet of .every ilesmiptlon; chproh and school honso hunt upon the farm: Thla faCjolnis the village If Lomartlle, and Is twit s tenon miles Irani the depot at L1TT21110.145, ill W oreland county. N., es l b . Nerthwastera 4r R ilrond. Imo. TWO BRION BOWS= sad LOTS Is alsith borough. leo, A FAUX OF 7IFTT-TWO ACRIBI lia cry township, WareacirelmM eouaty.llllollL We 10 MO Iran St. Clair Welk,e oa the Pronto R. EL, a teem saw mill anarly completed with all the • , ninety for allowing mill en the promisee; the 1 OEs of the knit quality, seal and linteetecie la s under:ion, end gomi indieati en. of OIL Will be I, if sheep. Also IS ears adjoining the vtlinge el b; .w Derry, In the very beet 'Lire of °distracter!. 4 abundance of fret et every deiserlpclee. . huOiar portiottars , 'lire of G. LI. TOWII,' • Estate Aria% - Iq. tea Fourth street. OR SALE--7:A WELit.:TILLE HOUSE AM) LQT.—The subscriber ofrersfor sale kit DBICE. DWELLING HOUSE, situated on Hata st., Wellsville. Ohio, (formerly occupied byllsh. len rdertia) 'The House is a two story brick. 24 feet Irma by 20 feet. deep, containing nue rooms, all well finished. havitig a porch 'on both first and second doors. There la s tine. luscious collar under tbe.whole mainbuilding. The lot is al feet front on llninitreet, and extends hock 110 feet to an al ley. The improvements are stanza and Commodi ous stable, an excellent cistern for soft water, ca. ps hie of holding from 60 to 75 learels. The lot In well supplied with fruit trees, grape vines, foe. cements are of permanent character, convenient and tastcfnLand just adapted to the wants,of soy family desiring a comfortable and healthy residence. PitIOF. ONLY $2.500. Wellsville is now one of the most thriving towns lti thin neighborhood. the Usenet and Repair shops of the Cleveland & Pittsborgh B. being located th ere, snit property Is rapidly silconelng. price. .The cry low price asked for title property will make it a profitable investment. address, or apply to, ISAA , f W. TENEIL. At Baton. uteri:in w. 17 'Fifth st., Plltaburgh, Pa. FOIL BALD Inti=2llo A MAGNIFICENT DWELLING HOUSE beautifully 'sad faabloaalmly leented on Stockton av,aaa, (mond bank,) neAr Federal sGree l / 4 41Le 'bony City, mentallilni I 4 rooms, 'val. All the Ifoiarß Improvements, ilexh so Gad Beth ((ot and cold) Water Warble Weelditaade andidentle,liloces, I The lot s Se foot frost, regalia beak la feet to Water strati noire IL emoted as lie roar and of ao Lame e lane brick Carriage Ilona and Stable. Possoision an he given inainedlatoly If redoing. Apply to - • SAKES W. AYAOT No. 37 Fifth stri•ot. Pitteborg.h. VOR SALE—LOTS IN ALLEOLIENY arniersigued offer for sale the property whore Mrs. VOlt LI now liver. on Pasture lane, Allegheny city, adjoining the rumen of Joh n Tannrt. It has s front of shout 2101 feet cm. Putiare limo and extends back about CM trot. It is n put of. John O'llern's plan of Mount Italia, recorded In Plan Book vol.], page 3, and ombra, sea o Ints.of saki plan, bolus iota numbered o to SI. It has a comfortable frame house, and.the grounds ate planted with good fruit trees,.h.o. It could he divided into several good building lots, or, II Iniprored s whole, It would make a delightfu lreeldence. It Is offered for lotlo as d whole, or In separate lots to suit purchasers. and the terms of payment will be made cony., PO5OOlOlOO eon be jlt OIL the brat of Jprll nest. J. W. F. WHITE, 100 Fifth et. SiI,E-----LOTS IN THE Undersigned as (luardlan of the minor .chil.ltrn of David :Steer, deed, offers for sale the following vacant lots In the Elghth ward; (iity of 'Pittsburgh, viz: 2 lots on the eoraer of Ma gee and 'Forbes streets, 97 by GS feet, being lots Nos 17 nod IS in - said Greer t plus, recorded is Plan Nook vol. I. pugs - ITS; 1 lot on Locust street, 93 by 6 , 34 feet, belog lot No. 48 in said plop; 19 lots on Marie street, 20 by St% feet, belng_lots 9279190, and 114 to sold planin lots on Flekroy street. SU by 613.5 feet, being. Nos. Ile to 1741 n plan; anO s lots on the 110.112 et of Magee and Bluff streots. 21.1 by ICO feet, being Nos. 147,113 mad 1491 a said plan; snaking Altogether So lets. Nome of these lots are wry desirable as building sites, and others are very Valuable for - stone guarries. They will be sold Separately et all teigethe ,r and on duly Wm. of yap:anat. . T. W. F. . •jalegf - 103 Fifth at. ALUAELE REAL ESTATE FOR BALE—rbe executors of the Ife.late if titarles Rowan, decensed,' oriet• for selo the following valueble Real Estste IL Lot ;of Grated on Penn street and 111...oldneks ^ Me , feet 0 1 02 4.nt tlittlistanee of e_s front Irwin steed* Tronting'so feet on Perm street, sad running bask M feet on which to meted two twoeterlod frame buildings un Penn greed, rustling book ft feet, and. one two-storied &sue building 20 feet front as Haddocks alley. nettle back to feet towards Irmo street. Subject to an annual ground mat of INA per annum.. kn., apply to James IL Christy, at the en me of the UtzCompany. SARAH' ROWAN, rtettry . . . . jate%Ex . r. 1W O HOUSES IN SIXTH w.turi :Mll SAWL—regaimical repro Lit au be gi row 4' Twe Good Three-Story Dwellings, ==;7=Mil En=MM2 L S. RUYAN. nres.er elle_numram....44ret. a 4l op *sank a., (flagricel )LDWELL STREET .ETJ.I.LD.ESIG LOTS... Eleit lots of ground, fronting on UWwell sad Sheffield stmts, oa the line of the Allegheny and Hallway `Annehenter Passenger , la • pleoutal part of ALLEOYIENT CUT, =0 otr rest for liale okesp. And* to M. S. 'raker aid lasuroaeo riot, jars to Fourtk street, (Burke's liathitalt.) Aoit BALE.—T4e Hotwo and t low osroyled by lint 1. I. Oskfsrd, Ne. Lo se, k stress., AUsbeay City. It is • oulostsatts.l [Wok Duilaing, motleys otyle; front sad book throe stk. - leo high, ossatatolog alter rooms, atiol with I, star Sag so:, sad- bosolei ass sits and rear. by prued alleys. llsis is • deelroble property, os it is La first-rate order, sad lossteal se °saintly thit it in pony of somas from say busiosso portion of the two si ie. .11-NFFETT & OLD, gelit:tf First street. SATtk:-191ree nevi Steam Falnata, built purposely for oil wills; ^, tank sylinder, ea nick .inch.-; very stress/. Dnalaio abaft, wank card ennnoeting rot of wrought iron; boat of bras. Pal fee boxes. • Dollars la to IS Sint lees XI lacites distaruw, with two chlancy II In. by, •kt font; hot ant sold wo tor rumps. 2.hrerylitng eon. Onto Android, to old? on night. 14.0011 M. DLS, O Pittaborrb, Pa. latiop, emu, Point alloy awl Holocene *mot, Lank of Allegheny ricer. near the Point. (feta Al IOR SALE—A FARM OF 105 t onMg &wrinkly, tkree calla from the railroad Mottos, well improved. Price ell pot acre. - A GS AORE }ARM on Klibuck, PA voiles frost Okadal. Station, on wick& la 'a Grin Milt; Store, Dwelling, Barn, and pal I.laornirainente. Price, "AV. 'I•AVENTY LOTS, on Freencert ood Tremont "[recta, Second word, Allegheny. • Fflitit LOTS on Kliburk at Glendale Station, eontaining ail le tee awes. ri 13IPROVED Little Mowing! Machine, Trine ONLY 00. resod for certainty, rellsbility and grace in movement; and Ihr real worth It has no rival. For simplicity, .durability and execution it is unequalled by any other aim, zinobloo heretofore offered to the pubile, and nerds only to be seen to beappreciated.l. It will her. unlit, tuck or bind. Call and annualise for yo u r. salves. Ever y nmehine.vrarrnnted. , • • • S. B. BABNEs'9, Admit, . No. 113 THBID St.. opposite St. CharLeilioteL etlityd For ui 17 T. SAMPLE, Beal Estate Broker, I. 'P - .S ,DISEABE6. tilr Federal street, Alleathesy: .L VOR SALB—VALIYABIA TMPROVRD .o• IllOPEßTY—Sititate to Lawreneeville, bas ing n wide front on the Oteensburg Turnpike, sod. extendisg to Butler street, haring three frost. Os thin property are three well Willi treater, brick drerrlings, fronting Turnpike; also, three genii brick tenements, lice frame bosses, cc Ith owe lets on Butler street ybonsit. This property sow meta for Silber per year to goad lettents, - ana creole to i n ece n nere to sire); Is elTsre/ st $O.OOl. Triesp. titillate this °Mrs ale per east. Inveatmeat. A la r . IideLALII tr. 00., ' Real Estate Agent.. Tit/USES FOR SALM TWO BRICK 1101IS153; Boa It nod 93 Washington street, three etertea, .eontelting eine rooms, with gegen& water, awl is good order. • Alert, n LOT OW WYLIEI STAMP, nejelnirr& fret by lee, on which ere temporary buildings. r whole will be sold very low for cosh. Enquire of TORY - tlltlt, Ja..lo,Bbr 10 Market street. 1 4 1 0,“ RENT, 13 3Crwcll.laaa - 23Lcruesoi RAVING A CORNER STORE & MX ROOMS Corner of Mulberry and Rama Alletthmy Enquire qg chi premise! , or at rills 011'10E. jot:t.t__ _ Fog BALE, A (70311 , 0IIMAIILE ELOTISE pi roar rooms, within one and a tier squares Si the street earn, in 3teikeheeter. Good water and every thing convenient. Possession given immediately. For terms apply tOloovru Panir,r, Federal street, or ist Thome. Limper's Wagon Shop, Beaver etreet, Aleheliester. not! If FOIE SALE AT A BARGALN. —A yal . 1 .• liable STORE HOUSE AND LOT. with seven rooms for tenant nee, and franto — bulldlag on row. evil of the lot, eontainior four roams; situated in a good locality in the city, with fine basinew sr 14411Shed. Innine of • • NAOKEE26L k Joartsom, Attorneys at Lai! No. 21 (; neat Pittaburgh. rOll. BALI:-150 Acresof Coal, also, 120 acres of front coal in pool No. 2 ; also one trick. Of coal and railroad, and' other•improvementa fn good working order lapool No. 1; one tract oaths YoughlOghtny 'Mar andllannellaylUe- I.,sguire of • WILLIAM WARD.; - rani Drat - door from Fifth on Grant street, jalB:lmeed 143 LE T waroltisino Nos. - asand 70. W slier of, nquire of • • JAS. ppara.a. 'b. SON.-. WM SALE—A Ihnit amount of South Western °ago. of Philafhip/iii, tit the. gals. iatiAloapticre. - dr WIC. a, ILULtY. dFI 3. St'. _ taili ; l4 OIL COa.'l'A~lF rrodueera and llanufmturcra of Crude and Refined Cazben Oil. Benzine and Lubricating Oils. WORE-3 OPPOSITE Sad.IIPSMIRCIa Min street, PITTSBURG% Pa. • W. D. GITSIEGIAN, Sup't. ]helm Astiwowni BENII No. i At. (mans ST.. rlttsbur"" FON TfAHDINC AND COMMISSION EIERCUANTS, AND DFAMIS IN OILS ILLUMINATING, LUCTRICATING, ORWDB PI.:IIiOLEUM OILS, lin., conatniatly on hand and ter esle nt the lovrest market prices. °ensign menus end orders solicited.- -apT4. BONDED WAREHOUSE OF Phenix Warebousing Company, not orBALTIC atiIARIIISOII Sta., Brooklyn 707. 82011A02 07 MOWED PETROLEUM. Ia Tanks endßatelcf Sec Clrenlarl efrke. N 0.16 BEAVER STREET, New York oelly /019 . 11 K. HALII,CE ALLAc,E CL RIMS, WILLIAM CURTISS DOMMLSSIOS IItERCH.4ATS, ASD DEALERS Ilf CRIME UM RIMMED PETROLEUM, =MINE AND LUBRICATING OILS. :::10.154 SOUTH WII4SVES, PHILADELPHIA, PA &if - Storage capacity fender cover.) for 15,0011 barrels. Alma excellent facilities for .hipping to American and Forefah ports, at our wharf on the Schuylkill Itiskr, near the platform of the P.ll. It. sc-t2-ly RICHARDSO;ti, HARLEY & CO., Comnesaion awl Forwardlnr; Merchants In CRUDE AND REFINED rifimoLEumi No. 29 IRWIN STREET, AZ-Liberal ennh advances on conalgarnents fox Pntoburgh or Eastern Markets. P 1772 Ist , llllll BEFIIIIMIC ca. liTessii. J. S. Dilworth h. Do., - - Spriopm• 'Sorb:moil Dog., • town Bell, l'rekt. Commercial Sank. nthlG-om JAMES W1L1i.1146, • BROS= AND DIIALSR CRUDE - REF IN E D OHS' .Perry Block, Dattoicitne Ray, Plttategla SirioSpeeini attention givrn tn the 'SALE AND SHIPMENT OF PETIKILEIIAI and It. product.. Conalaiimenta reapoetfifily Pittsburgh Agency for VENANCIO OIL AND THANSPOItTA'CION VOIIPANY. POST OFFICE PDX ,142. . mkt. y WM'. W. IrraMAlN' HERRON b• CO., °tare. 207 rENN STRErt. (One door Wow /larti,) Commission Merchants, _And &Alen lu Pittsburgh Mhuul3 , 3tUrts .11,11 CRUDE AND AKETWED OILS, _ .4""W• Liberal rtdvancea math, on:FLOUR.ORAIN SEEDS, azd GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS. .11,4-3rn STANDARD TE'rROLEUX REFINERY. CLARK & SUMNER. Works and OMCe, COLLINS TOWNSHIP. Otice in Pittsburgh, 21 WOOD STREET 'There works being or the largest capacity is the country, ere prepared to fill large orders. The brand stands the highest in this country and in Eu rope, for quality and tiro tent, and the oil is put in Well seasoned barrels, prepared.espeelally for eik • deliery BREWER, BURKE'S; ' oontnnsswx NEROILANTS, Oldie, Pao* and. Liberty ;Oil Works; Lfbaral esaliadvarmes made on consfgamiata•l Relined or Crisiie .Peiredessok Ow. DINNESIVE Wdrimuf ECLICCO;CI 110.. PITTSBURGH, PA.. . WARM° WARDIG & KING, (XIgIM.SION BLEEMIANTS, , Aum amoxiaa PETROLEUM AHD ITS PRODUCTS, , And &Caen la I:Leaning niat4rita. N. so MARKET ST. ,Patahumk. --- JAMES IRWLN & CO., NANITPAOTtIIiERI OP Oil of Vitriol and Aqua'Ammonia. omcn No. is MARKET St. PITTSUIIRCIFT, PA LIJOENT OIL. WORK.K - DUNCAN, DURLAP & CO., icArigrAcrozczns or Purr White ReGard Carbon 011 s. No. f. 91. LLRERTY STREET SILVEIt PLATED WADE 3?i'a.,e,..ma -- crx.s.crreozvw. Walton, Castor., lee., &e. suitable for the Trade on baud and for sale by WI ER & MOSS, 225 South sth st„ PHILADELPHIA. inicow _ • babe szaPF.3IN STEERIT.ineaz Bead, Per the cure of all diseases of pitiate astute, Wont two to four days, by an dentirely new and safe treatment. Also, Seminal We nee' and all otter, dtacsnen of lialtenital organ., and their prereatlita. A cure warratd or money refunded. Address' lottery AY =Tema street - IT'f)ItINI.I.II,I% PIiESSES FORS .I.E. dine TAYLOR CYLINDER, bed ellxso &Rohm. One TAYLOR DOUBLE CYLINDER—bed gig Inches; all in good working outer. Will be sold ►t a bargain. Enquire of or address outlet! -- . GAZETTE, Pittsburgh, Pa. '6itra7 4.,ecorr, , IRON CITY MATCH. WORKS, • Dilworth's }unify corner of Onint)uni Seventh streets, Pittsburg's. • • ocianly . . ....._, , TUCCO 34101IKER—SAS', OWENS, Stu mm and - Maistlii Worker, Paper 'Ranger and Plasterer. Centres and Ornaments, of an kinds. furnished omithort notice. Orders left at 23 CON 0 REN's ;SOW - , W- 0 , near Wylie, or at Palmer's Pa per Stiree i Waii2l WOOD STREL.V. will be prompt. lr-attenuenas. . - lelmrsa (ON - SIG - 101EN — T8. - . . N-; Imo hisihria wit' in barrels Extra Family Flour; 20 taishels Beans; • ' EV bushels Corn; received and for rile lir IMP . WEllp a .wiLlartsox. . I IlifFiii - PRIT U.—liceoliTil this day -11- , do bus. Shied ELackbetrles; la hue. Seodless Cherries; - ' ' 5 hue. Dried Elderberries . ; II hut. Metrics with semis; for sahib,' jail L. H. VOltiT le. CO. if (REESE.-- • ••••' MO boxes W. R. Cheese; • 600• 'homburg; 100 " 00Fhen; For tale by - [jai) Y. E.LOILNTIELE. - ) E - ATTIIETTIT - A Hough Lealhei 1a !gore and for oak br tc WILICINSO7 4 .7, • 0 - ISSIGNMENT4 --- . • 100 bushels CPeal " Oats 200 lbs. Prime 'Fresh Roll Butter.. • Just seculvedaull torlate by WEBB a WIMICINSON LABR— . 2O times ;prime kettle.. ; Li rendered . Latd , , tiVie r clie T vit t icif t te by dei6 , 112 and ;14 Second 4rert. -1 - 4,TnoT, rre s goird ' 4 -44n5 oder. 0041 UNKUT 8. IMMO& ATE IP IC4 L. Dit W. B. NERWlisi 6; CO.'S COLUMN FOR THE CHEROKEE MEDICINES QOM - POUNDED PROM nooTC - insuKs AND LEAvEs. • Crimtnarmi It stP T 30131 tbegreat Indian Diuretic; IIFAI sr. • at atm cores all diseares of the. MX X XMM urinary orgensomehasin- M3l 31 X 3131 continence of the Urinoi BIM 31 3I MX • Inliammetlonof thoßlad- MM MM MM der inflammation of the MM Ant 3131 /Odour, Stone in the MX XX XX !Redder, Stricture, Gear- MM BIM NM el, Oleet, Oonerrhma, and MM 1131 XX to especially recommend ed la those Cr,. of Fluor Albuis, (ot Whites In Fe maim) where all the old nauseous medicinae have ailed.lCts ptepared in a Erik ty, Ooncentrated term, the CCCCC dose only being from ono COO (XXI to tivoteaspoonfuls Woe CC. OO times per any. COCC lt is diuretic and afters- Oki Ova in Its action: purify- CU tag and meansmg the, 00 blood, calming it to flow CO, • CO and rime; original purity Ott CO and thus removing CCCCCC from the sritom all petal- COCO • stone =sea which Uri laduae4 411410 e. . . . Cuunessu • IIJaeTION le intended as ale ally on • assistant to the C111:20- SEE JR EXEDT, and.should EEEEEEEEEE be used in conjuction with EEEEMESEE attar medicine In all Cases EE -- of Gonorrhtes, Gloat, EE Fluor Album, or Whites. 'EEEEE Its effects .are healing, EEEEE4 soothing and demulcent; EE removing all scalding EE beat, chonlee, and pals, EEEF.E.EEEEE instead of the burning and EEEEEEEEEE almost unendurable pain ' that is saner:cut...4l with ntarly allthe cheap quack • pliocuous. Ile the sear of the Cher okee Ilemedy and ()here. • ire Injectlon . —the iron nit medicinen at the name WI ti me improper dia. HIT I charges arc removed, ant tillti the weakened organa are restored to full vigor and 11111111 U iIEIIII. strength. Fill lilt For full partieulars gat Itll. ill; • our parnpulet fru., any - HU • drug store in the countre, 111 l lilt or write no, roe will mail feee to any addrcvm full km:gibe. (7111,141.:i. Cl7ll7.—Ali untalling cure for Sperm atorrlien, Seminal IV eak nest; k:Gcturnal 'Ends. !dons, and all di:tense-a DI/DDDDDD camml by self-pollutiont• DDDLIDIDIDD such as Loss of Memory, Lit 'Universal Lass itnd e, DIP DD Paes in the Back, Dim- DD DD . nets of Vision,Premature DD DD Old Age,. Weak Nerves, Dll DD Difficulty of. Breathing, UL DD Trembling, Wakefulness, DBDDTIDDDD. Eruptions' on the Face, DDDLDiUDD l'aleConntenance,lnsan- By, Consumption, and ell , the direful complaints oaused by departing from the path of,nature, This medicine is a almpl vegetable entract,andone on wit telt all con rely, atilt has been used in our peso tiec fur many. years, sad with thousands treated it EEEEEEEBEE has not failed in a singl e ._ ELVEFFEBEE Instance. Its ou r a t`ty BE power. bare been autil- BE cleat to gain victory over the most stubborn case. EEEEg . To those whb hive trident EE with their constitution Igg ' until they pink [beso t:BERKE:RYER - Selves beyond the reach of. Er.E.E.LEBEED medical aid, we would say despair not! the Cherokee Cure will restore you to • health and vigor, and at ter all quack ducturshave On. 11'w:fres Da. WEIGHT'S LEJU ELE.6 NINO ELIXIR; or Es- LNG)! OF LIP El Prepare.' from Pure Vegetable Ex tracts containing nothing Injurious to the most del- Irate. The liejurenating Elixir le theresultof mod. em diseoverfko in Clever, etable kingdom; being an entirety new and abstract method of cure, irrespec tive of all the old and worn out system's. . This medicine has been tested by the most mei • neat. medical men of the day,and by th em pronoun ced to be ono of the great MIRA kßitit est' medical discoveries of ItilltitUßlLEtit the age. One:bottle will RRB RRR cure genet:el debility. 'A HRH • • ERR few doses cures Rye rtes Rlllt RRR felonies.. One bottle R11101.1111.11R cures Palpitation of the ERR; RBA Heart: A few doses ree 11103, torts the organs of gener- ARR. - HEIR at ion. From one to three bottles restores the. man , Mims - -and full • vigor et • youth. A few deem restoreatha , • ripetite. Three bottles 000000 ures lb* wont case •of 0000000 I • mpotency. A few doses 00 CO ' dams the low spirited. CO • CO One bottle restores men- CO tal power. A few doses 00 brings haektherose to the CC . . cheek. This medieLnereo. • CO 00 totes to. manly vigor and CO • 00 reboot health thepoor de. C0000(10 bilitatodiavornilowsi, and 000000 despairing deveteeof ems. anal piteous?. • . The ELISIM cares Rya teen General Debility, Palpitation of the Heart, and Impotency. It rm.- toms mental lo:weer and 0000 the appetite, and caused 000000 the rose to mount to the 00 00 . cheek.ef palor, and the 00 00 • debilitated manor woman OCI 00 to fool vigorous•and 00 • 00 strong, the y o 00 00 tattoo.* blood to course 00 00 through every vein, tho 00 00 nerves to become *trend 1100000 • ...and UM &Ai of new 111-0000 0000 and v i gor so reanimate she enire body, building • . the constitution, reo, taringjoy and lifeto many s sad and darkened 1.113. • Et=i2l33E=l Castfainte PILLS! Sir ofillfaCC.S.TED Festat.d licour, avert, RUALTH Pct CEUTAIN k Sava. For the removal of Ob trot:Cons, and the insurance of Regularity In the Recurrence of the Monthly Petted& They Sure . or obviate those nu doyens diseases that slain; fraia irregularity, by removing the berets. erfty Itself. They cure Sup P pressed.ul Exceastre, and ainf • • 'Menstruation. They care Breen Sickness filialoro sis.) They cure Nervous XII KX and Spinal affections. XX XX pains in the hack. nod XX XX lower parts of the body RR EX 'Heaviness, Fatigue 'on Kroc slight exertion, Palplts , XIC XX Con of the ile.rt, Lows Dena of Spirits, Hysteria, EX. RR Sick Headache, . 111dd%- . XX. EX uess, bas., So Ina wont, XX by removing the /mints s Isrity, they remove the cause and with 16 all the etfects that, springfrocalt, - Cum posed ofslinple veg.. - etaldc extracts, they eon- . told nothing deleterious to any constitution. bow," • ever art icate, their fuses XIII( NN Coe being, to substitute NN - N3 RN stn.ngth- for we:lamas, ...flit(' RN -YIN which, when prop e.r 13- NN RN NN used, they never fall toil°. RN 'RN Nit They may be safely used RN -NN at any age, and at any ye. ~,, - N - 11 , sNN NV cIod;XXIIEPTIISO 141tINCI NN the ViliagitTialtßXXOWlllll, *TM during *bleb the unfalls NNN lug nature of their fiction . . • would infallibly recTuad prognalley. renal or rui Omuta.: Eta -.lll.r..nrcums.—Chene „ • EII - REEEEEF.E key Remedy—lD S bottle EEEEEREEEE or 3 bottlea for Os Cher : • KE • okee Injection—SU a but. EX . t le, or thrcebottleefor 10. - Cherokee Cure—fd a hot.- EXElitl t le, or three bottleafordia. lir. Wright's Ell a Eli - bottle, or three bottles for . Elitmea:KEF.E $5. Cherokee Pills, Tor EkIII.XEELFX.II femideas--111 a - Iwo.; or el* • bear. for *V In the Cherokee meat eines the unfortimsto will • • thul 8 - day of deliverance from carmine and pain. • A whenndid and glori ous they shall no longer culler without ces- ItAtatFiEftEME nation or repose, either EF,ELEEtit;kila through mercenary • Ett Quacks or the inellietency LE • • of nauseous preparations. SEM:A The Cherokee Medicines EEEES accomplish their. ransom. F-Fi, .-their emancipai ion. An HE emancipation so great, so REEEPMESEE - shoirahlc. and ao prolate EELEEECESE, of un Iversol good. - Theee mollclites will prove, in any and cvery•Cllbe, faith. rot endue er failing fluids in time of need. 'We 'mud nil the Chem. ken Medicines by express (except the Uher o tree Pills; these are sent by mail, free of postage), do - EEEKKEIEEr. receipt of price, to anY EtikaikatElitlti part of thectvtlised warld, recurely packed, in s uch a - manna r that no one through whosehands they ESEES may pan would know EE the content*. XS • The Cherokee Medicinal Eir.V.KESEEEE are sold by all oterprislug , ZESSEEKLEE .druitglsts into els-1111,W world,. Sounprinci - • plod dealers, however, try toad! worthless OM* • poutula In place of taloa— those width they eon. get SSS star:recap price, end rusks • firassS • morel money by selling . S 8 '- 8$ than theycnnontlioCher, SS . BA • abet hiedichies. As you 8$ • Ad value yourbeidttuiy, the SS . health ot-yottr othipri— SA do not bedftelvedby such., SS IS mat= SS :si 84 911 . anal take ao other,. -8888 • NIZILWIN.: 'a '00.; . Sete Proprietor ' •," • - 0. 211150titta *Tee% Item 'for; r o i r cs a tii ta'llttailiarkk by R. KnOLATULASI Cp. Mamie akillamoat littitete. • ' • lailtSlllllllBll9WS'' ,-- • • • Olt/LILLIE Boort ..,„ • ------,------------- , ,---7-777:..e., 1&54 c lv- E ,7-• 11%. SYLVANIA •--- oryrga, Y. E.-WINTER AIi,IL.NOSZISZfro . -TER DAYBI - TRATIPS. .... . ...:. • Na and ruse: icitlialtAY, betoken - Id aioBllBBllBoSk - will Bain the ismot 36 follows, .. -,-..- ..- FAST '..aLIEL., daily except Snodigy,t4 it htti stopping only nt prumipnl stations, and a direct conneetions at HArriAlunr tor .New 'for . Paltintere and Washington, and at Philadnlpill tor Neer Tort, Roston .3311 LAIOMMILAtgr.4.I3IIA: • * HARRISBURG AtIIDUIEd. OIO4 THIN et. ' - eept Sunday, A t 623 A. as., stopping_st •r : . Katie. beams' Pittsburgh and Harr making close sonneetiOn with grains lift" Branch, West.ronnsylvarsin R. it., 1.4 e .pat ' Crosson R. R., and Hollittivsbur• Bratah.f ' ••• _ PITTSBUItOU & ERIE' P-CPRESS, daily et- .- eept Sunday, ass 1.30)). nt, stopping at mislay at the stations hcalccen Pittsburgh and Philadelphia,. .1 5 and tanking connection with trains on the)=anai. . burg and Cresson R. It., HolildsysbutB Branch B. R., Tyrone and Clearfield and Bald Ratio Panay J Olt NSPOWN AC. u; dail' 111. ' - Bps Stinday,nt 1,00 p. us; Mopping at reghl to .• . Bons between Pittsburgh and ,Jniussiown, an dsnte- • , Dating at Blairrrille intersection with triads es the Indiana Ranch and West-,Paanstivants Rig . ELLLABELPIEIA EXPRESS, daily, at 4-13 r, • 'L. stopping at Latrobt, tionemmigh, flallitsen; ' Altoopa, Huntingdon. Lewistown. Itittlin. Neer; port, liarinvill,.....Nsburg, Lancaster,andDoWn Watown. At Hectzsring direct connections sr made for Ids.ttimorn,Wanhinston and New tort at padelphisjor New York, Bostou and Wart • mediate what& Sleeping Ears run thro =ln I. train Ban 'Pittsburgh to Baltilante, Phi asslNew York by the Allentown route. . • • . FAST LlNt y drtUy, except Sunday, at lige y, . • as., stopping.° at tionasausittGallitzem Altana. as, Huntingdon, Lewsnown,AlLiffirs,' kiewpeat, Maysville, ilarrislattg '-Mkidletourn, Mixanothc t own" hit: Jog, Landisqllo, Einnematar, and Down. . inatolata. At. Karrisharg coancettOns aro mum fat • Now Trott, Baltimore- and Washington, at, Phila.. t delphis, for New Tork a llostOn. And taisnwWi.., Fird Asioismodeition Trate for wawa scam* Waves daily (emoept Sundae) at 030 a. at. , ,- t Second Accommodation Train for WaLPs Stating loaves daily (swept Sunday) at MD a. m. ' Third Accommodation Train for Wallis Static* •.‘ leaves daily (eacept Sandity) lit akarp. 111: Fourth Accommodation Train for Wallis gitatlent , p ileGti n nW x ° Tr e at S ira a ve y s ) lValll &Mon - wet Sundai at Lod a. a., entwining Davis i Plttsinteg . - . . Flotvuning Trains arrivoln Pittabuggßas maw.: Pittaburgh & Erie Express N.6(rp. - 81. Baltimore Express - • -' lan p.m., Philadelphia Express . 1.90 p. at. Fast Mall 100 a. ea. Fast Line - 201*. a, JulmstoWn Accommodation. . ..-. . ....-.: 10.064.aia. .First Wallas Station Accommodatlon.... GAO a. xs. ' Second WAIN Station Accorumedatios 849 v.. sm Third. Wall'a Station Accommodation... 810 p. m. • Fourth VfalPs Station Accommodation 5.66 p. in. lialtimore capon,. wilt arrixe with PhLiadelptild Express at 2.20 p. in. on Mondays. - ;sOTICE%--le ease of loss, the Company Wilt' hold themseres tesponsibla for personal dumpy. only, and to; an amount not A33[441114 Don. . . • Ir. H. RECIEWIIII,Agautg At the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Pnesenge4 Station, on Liberty noel Grant 'tracts. Cm* ..- ' - 'inor•ftftrr''''" --" '"....."- - ----1 ----- • ss . WAYN — ra. CillCAlltittEk• RAILWAY, AND CLEYEL -ANTI'. BURGH RAILROAD. - • • WINTER ARRANGEIVIIIIT. And After December 1001, trains wt. es follows,_ -._ Leaves I .FOr YOr • For • Pittabiirgb[ClaicagO.lolevelatL Wilton*. Expros..;:. .... 2.10 m. 11 23.10 a. m.' - a. Express 2,00 p. 2.43 p.m. 2.46 ..... .3.03 p. ra. , AJAR ht.4o a. i - 620 For New Castle and 'Erie*** n. in. • Arrive at Allegheny—P. F. W. 4 O. ruatix.. E 0 21. 9.80 a. ra,2.to motod 4-45 p. m. U. &P. R. R.. 10.00 a. nu . GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent, Innion Passenger titation. Pittsburgh, Pa, A. U.- CASSELBERRY; Ticket Agent, • Allegheny City. tet211.2 F. 11. MYERS. General Ticket Meat A LLEGIIEITY VAL,- LEY'D.AILKOAD.-- ORANGE OF TIME.—On min after MONDAY, Diny 16th,1664, tho followineartange&ent of time will take effect. MALL TRAlN.—Lewes Pittstinrgh arriving at Kittanning at 10.00- a. Leaves r It tanning at too p. m., arrives Sit 'AVlttsburgb at. I p. EXPRESS TitAIN--Leaves.Xittannlng nt a. m.. arrivir.g a Pittsburgh at 9.= a. m. LPATO. Pittsburgh at 4.301 p. in., Au - tying at Etttannuig at vao A&ONI3iOPATION . TRAMP .— Lewes Soda Werke at 6.30 . m r arrivingat-Pittsburghat 7.46 rn. LCAVPII rittaburgh at 3.00 p.-m., arriving at Soda 'Works at tow p. m. ' rovlo • F. viRIGHT. SaPerints. ants / I n' 1111 1111 'III 1111 ILLI III; lilt - lIIL sr37l.p.r.ra. O'NEILL'S FOREIGN EMIGRATION OP'KG.;_ lirrrsstmea, PM,171..,L ' Passage froni the "Oa Country The Llierpool, Now York and . Phlladelphl can,) Steamship Company having appall:tie undersigned their - Agent here, eke Mr. Thom, deEcared, he le now prepared to bring out or it hone he by the Steamers of thittliing UN I.ISUAILLY LOW DATES. TIM Pteentrrit sta. favorite line leave Liverpool every 1,19 (141 X DAY, tor New York,bourhirrg at - queenstown tut, ' .are ameni the Wiest, iinfeet,•andittost mograintelli Themodendsned M ase Ann* for lea Limps* end Londonderry Liao of Siedelria, leaving Lime pool *ThilitAlblY, and milling d deny kr nuisances and Kans. - Thee steams era of tide line are built in flu- strongest as LA furnish oboists mean= odattons for lie is also agent for TA PAOUTPS L Rof mg* braid (nipper Seinen ?oaken', loonlot Liverpon (Sr New York twins a week, sad the T^ Lisa • London Paekete, Laving London every tip st; The ships of TapoeoWs Liao lasso Imagism no tool for their %nick passages and the eviAp r : triadgrovisions (uralehed the pammigets, triad treataseat while on board. Parties who wish their frieeds brought out by naiad voids, illgule by all means patronize this Use Purge to Calitonsis at greetly i lM e rablen SPIRT DRAPTS oa alt ) azta hue it the i lowest tats . Ippr 11,111_421MAL... STEAM WEEKLY TO lairgft* POOL, teaching nt qUEILPISTSWIt (Cock Ruben . The well-known Stemma Llyeepoo), New 'York and rhiledelphbe Steaau‘l4 `Camping (Imam Lbw.) earryhig the S. MOO we intended to t a ea Mews. , ' CITY OF DALTlFlONF.....tieturdiii. Ime.llll • CITY OF LONDON... ::11atuntay, Feb. 4. dad eval u saeseeallag Sattardayi at away koitPtia warm or PASEIMiI. Rfiyable to rola, or M. brlyalent aserewer Dort Cahill teernee Or L 01111011... $5001.. • -- NLoodon:.: &I 4111 to bli - " Parle... -- «. di el to Hamburg_ Po Oef w to Rambarg„-111 Tasiongera also f•rnarded to Havre, 'Brawler Rotterdam, Antwerp, be., at equally low rates. Fares from I.4verpool or Queenotown--litOa i bb bid, $lOO. m Stop, - Thew who wlllito s for their (Aosta eao boy tlakets here at • thee* tetra. 1111 1111 1111 - 1111 1 111 , 1111 MI TUI 1111 LIII . Cl- For further tatturnatinn apply at the otapans Wire. • 7 01111 G. DALE, Agent, . • 16B1011.1;11 1 N. T. Verega FetirrltUrf Avner. ea fie. 0 fireititleld stria% Pittsburgh CUNARD L I from tikla gold;or Its equtvedeni L mresne FROM Drzw.'resucon la sinewy Bodo gym neck. Apply to rISOICEARATTI.CI*N, Agent, • .41 Sultilleidtirect. betweas Dd *O4 asepesiklar " Fittaburstt. caiiPsTs. G.:LOTUS, is, I3Li.ORTANT TO TIOUBBIZEPERL riec,ll,3i.c. I=-2 Gircsics. il.Ponoriox IY PRIDE OF CARPETS, , OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, Az, acs.: NOS: stoat , t• sake oar sprimir putlisses • , We Offer at.itetall Oar antis stock if new ma Opals gosh at • Wholeßale - Prioes. • ' HcFAISLIND COLLINS, - 71 axul 73 PM IRree.4 ISMS, Taira era Fourth Stories, Lyon's Bead ier, next I. the -tJ. S. Osten' louse eat. Poet 0111 . 5 . , jankairewir, FOURTH STRE - CICYPZI.T r i.E4 416 The tines/ Imported MOSAIC RUGS. A VERY lAMB VARIETY 01 NOW IN STOR.E. W. D. a n.ltecumtoz, CARPET ST 1 LUMBII~Q, Gas aaa IMun Euhag. In all 1N bronchi., carefully attended to, brag r tienceil, practical workaca. fine asoili aortt OAS FIXTUALS; • SINKS • akra Trw t _ • . . . 15110 WM IIATH „ •"" „ • • Itirkir . yesitaony . tit bond oadmadrto ordirr, ••.„ . • _ A • • . : TATS SEVILLE, rxDi:xu, STISEM';-Allegtrean dat trLIZZETT OrFREET 'OAP STQNII-40 barrels for sae b fu • leeo • MST ILMMAiIf4. _A, ai Smith L A.ND QWIEFIIMOITZt =ntothr.ftrx VELVET -RUGS, irr FOURTR ST:2MT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers