fittsburgit-gantic. MON1:1“, SkNarART 30, 1.130.' -- ~ MT AND SUBURRAIL r 2lO ll ll -.IIIIIZDAT'S ETEI. 170 6 / a ir= ) ard Meile Mr, M ka ... haty.Trleherst Asseriatlen. Tim met thlApteratat at the Fourth 'Woaro in iba their. Aftr . ierb7 rrar. Inlilatas'apd reediug or the minutes, thellter, , Mr. Beiere ilMleered a lertare'oa the wi.ra , 'Torre of the. Mande', Te. , The object of the leetere Wee to mime the %tyrant sad absurd Tien of the preinot day, s in regard to the 'inythe or mythology of the , - lie'shomell that tt was ankary to remen,_to rick ;00 town light as toismi sans? Idolaters ;wit who tail !lid the firandation of all ear eir-' Vintion ant all our Immin knot/Inv,: 'there aa toe great . enntlentalt In 'estaltering n blind and besotted belleeers In absu the originators or eve eyeles of time, our years, Mettler and dge, Ate:, the Inventors of ,colering (hat - bas survived two thousand to three &hemmed t . rens, the parrata of the 'Once of attn.- - ermy, the creators of literature aid of the art of petpctliating ny literature, the symbols or Aar , atlas thit compile written Isages,„ot. What la no absurd In them la our dew to-day, -Is lit eheinkeoaeeption of our own ntlads;, might the Snare race of mes s *hen few, if any 'Mks of our age - and time are left. bail& up a' theory erns urns say of the works of fiction s the 4` stratlim- . 4 s i pmaginsticrOof the day. • . As ;irdl tatghi #ficl th • tracing of ear slays - ecru down '4 !cross idolaters, and Indeed with great show of reason. earth tier fruits an.l the sun pursues'. his course," la , leuguage that Implies powers and Intelligences iu tfhosc,eltjects suitable t. the powers and Intel lignite of Deity, and yet we' perfectly well knoir,thetAble Is 3 mode of speech, apersonill ention, common in out day, ter -Which. In future zees we may be charged with idolatry: " , fie not preter,d comprehead the lang,ulge ettept man gaily and re ' ninth, ind examination of the kiloton of the I language, and pare we to expect to reach their ; thoughts' by ,aay :easier process? -If we study Itls CO micheare theone, let as be 'neatly ana -1 ions flint the other, and then tenth :will grad. tinily dawn upon us, and wo shall* see Epp an; tents in a nobler and better lights and, open for IMI PiTee mince Of undeveloped knowledge. In this way, for_ example, we must take the milli or fable of rejair o.. the Wle":s1 Her4e, tiofa Stelicot; - :NT:arm; Ana seCdenty strikes his hoof into the sides of the g - mountain and takes flight upward to heaven, leaving wherohis hoof [trick,' a cleft from which gushed out the mai where the mnses drank, Hy ,* I.<!erene. The horse is a symn of knowledge, V'ts wiled, understanding, as it is used In the Apse alypse. He pallurea arm,e. fldleoa,! as site un dersteeding Duds food ou human affairs and of -4. the world,. lie strikes the mountain tin the min r operates upop matters of earthly Interest, and makes a ekft, at the Understanding strikes the realms of thought and science, and the fountain It, disclosed, the richeetores of human knowl , • edge are revealed, which, In perpetual flow give to the, world all that Is of llstAt and 'ceases and tree The steed Is-winged, no -the understanding is . not confined to 'stonily matters, hut' is gifted with higher : lowers; and war., . the steed to 1 heaven - Itself. It la next to Impassible to do Ins ?, lice to this eloquent lecture; but the; profound interest !Leached in the-audience was some evi l. <lnn- of Its character. At Its conehttlen, a vets of thanks was: returned to thee Rererend lecturer. and the Aosoclatlon was 'then ad dressed by Prof. Burst, in reference, to the deoth one e who had been Inman to theni as teach.' cos for years, who ' hitt been'. the' cattiest and ablest advocate of the protession, STEWART Theasoa, a man who' knew not self interest or / questions of mere ernedieney,but a Icier and de midit;pf researck.into school statistics.. Pre , fender of all that Istme asd henorahld. He had wielded his pen and used the whole influence, of his paper to advocate the cane of the teacher, alui at the time of his fast Innen, he ices In the varier an article to lay before •the people, to unfold to them the true state of the ease la t ese dark days of the .teachers' prefwalon. The following malaise' were then intro ,]need, and, after eome remarks front Erni. Eaton 4 to a deeply-reeved audience, they 12 qre uncut- - & Earthed, That the meailicri of this Aiinia • tion have heard with deep regret of the lose of cur friend, and the friend of mankind, Stewart flitlaon, late editor of the Doily Diipateh—cut down by death In the meridian of his , usefulllfe. • Reser ex!, That In his death his family have lost on affectionate husband and Mid parent ; 4 - crireptintly, a talented,consclentious anti minded citizen'; the mese of public inetruction. • an earnest: nd fearful advocate; and justice and right" everywhere, a ready anti able champion. • . The dosed/thin then proceeded to the election_ 4 of alleentior the elands: year,velee -Presldeat-4..N.W0nr0. " - Tice Preildent--B."Jeues, "-• . • Treasttrer—,-PME Dickson. SecretaryiLlin.lleClymons: • Enmities' Committee—Profs. riertt;Theell, Eaton . , Den and : oten. I • . Rev. .%. elart This gentleineni ' now pastor of; the Union . (*Lapel, Cincinnati; delivered his lecture cia "Itedicalletio 'la that city a few evenings since. 'lke 'Gagner ,proncrunces the lecture among • Guest of the acason,end nide: Thostyle of lecture was popular, be; ties subjetd. Tatter was solid. Ms thoughts--and thottZtts they were— were candied Jo The bessof language sad pae. sesifed the . hiesestraital tone thiqm.gtrout.• The" Rec. Cla:k can do.mcire than write a Ant class lecture—he caw deliver ose, and that, too, with effect. --Ells.entmelation is -very clearand tints—volco pleasant gut manner attractive] Though a young teas be' steadsbaelleatuallyeln tile Lint ranks, and froth the boldness' with which be-struck at the roots of so atsay.popular wrongs, he can be truly celled a ratlieLd la its Tosco. Tinn TO A Ban or Ix&x.—on Friday morning lust, a son or Wilkes Tradington„ of New Castro, : hearing that ay plae'ng -person's tongue against cold inm la freezing heather, It world stick undertook to try the experiment on a large scale :with some boring toob, at the Law rence Foundry. The - remit was, the 'child was caught, mad old Jack Frost rethsed to let hint otr on any conditior.a. The alarm was given : and aftor some bard work the boy was !notated by heating the lion with hot water, leaving a-piece if his tongue and some of the lips on the tools. This may learn him lo keep kit tongue : to hinnetl; And servo as a warning to other children. " , PLE.F17.1:7):17.0N.--.M.i2S Isabella 31. Prondfoot. r a nember of. years Assistant Priaelpal of tho 'third Ward :Public Schools, having severed her rriatlon with that school forth° purpese of tak ing tharge of the Woodville' sehooli, Reserve township, was yesterday presented . by her old I eons nith a beautiful direr. cake-basket, as - a token of their regard -and confidence... The pre bailatlon specch on -behalf of the limits, was made by Prof. NI. B. God', of the Westeru ersity,who paid. a high eomplll3lClit to.3llss P. It was responded to In a feeling manner, after o Melt the parties retired. •- Tnt • SITZIAL EIiaTION . . . Brat nn.—The special election tied to Washing ton and Beaver counties, no Tuiefity7lit - ,* for a member of the Int/lecke to 011 the vacancy caused by thedenth of Dr. Reed, insetted In the election of Joseph D. Welsh, the Union 'candi date. The vete has not yet been redlebed, but re_arc informed that IA Washington; county it was about even - 'while in Beaver we have a ma jority of nee or six hundred. „Freeman of 'Washington icentyove the Democratic can efdatc. , 1)o:4A-7ton...or, Xh.u.t..—"The Pittsburgh Asso elation far titiftellef of the Pmr,. wrnild here by tender Its thanks to J. lifeFarland &. Co., fee their *.spiaiitifsh'ilmation Or one thousand ru,heb ot coal; also,toßler,, Foster &Hier, for . , their Itherislirth of tiVette. htundied bushels; - to IWhson,Btewart - & - Co.;tto erhoni thi &moda l ion Is under many obligations .fot -their geaer : shy and promptness In orders) for fitly dollars worth of coal. Mao. PieSidelat, MUM. LEVI WADI; Secretary. NEW CAS7IX. A 311) BeAvin VALLIVI RAILROAD. t --The Board or lifttungtrs of this 'company hare Ideclared a dreldend of lB per. cent. out of rho -rondoga of the road for the pest year, payable to am rtocicholdaa on thollret of March next, itrcaub. The'road le !Maxwell manag — ed 11M1 l$ ~r , l fhegionlog to do bminess In comparison to , lint milt be done on It hereallt , r. — , - ' ' ------------ st..?..orx Dlanr.—Mn. JCITIIM3 Lelltletil3Ck, , verlrestisnahle old lady,,, died very suddenly at rt.idiascs of her son, near on tho • ?tonotiphels riser. Bbe fell front liar chair let - a dro eal ittark, and died in 'a tea hours.. 3111. . iras• sevsaity-thiee veal's - of at;e, Was a vneniberof the M.E. Churh, and was widely 1, 4 • *a a warm bralied, kind old old lady. the Court or Quarter Se.t3ion.s • on Saturday moraine', Joseph Sarber and l' , !iltro, Vatlx.r were fined 5t.7.? and Benjamin Sieni $5O fur aEiztdr:end battriy; Sprinver, - Welsh and Gardner Irene tined CO each. and Joseph Orr $2O lar'ttuf 'same offense. '• The'Caurt adJonrnell at inctbn and will meet-again at ten o'clock on Mon. .lay morning. ' • , AND sAvr.--Samples .haye. heed exhibited # ha Fayette county, oranu manur ac ti re d fmtn k t ‘ ,rater !akin' from the- - "Rider Oil Well,” at the devih of :8 feet.` Thesaltlarery strong; and of 11 an escaltal gtuality, a viol of 7ablelt iraa mum -1 fractured . from tiro , gallons , of water ;ant as It came from lbc ' , • TeMITRICI7U. ' 6I:IIIII - diae..4ll_l:ll • O . r r nusg lost Indr, so ft en , braah tysi th e hair soft and glossy and t t be scalp . 50 tt uca Per bottle. Bala by all druggi,il,6; • . „ • • orr- . , Treuble lief etta Illerchautfi--.l)lilvnid7 Cut lllamond About three wriks ago Mr. Man White...nits, a dry goods merchant, of New Castle, started for New - Tork, and while on his way represented that -he had been robbed of 65,00. lie Im mediately telegraphed the fact to his creditors iu New York, and returned home, after which his store. was closed by the Iheciff of Lawrence county, ankishelng told out by him. Man Win terultz was soon. arrested at the instance of a New York merchant for obtaining goods under false pretences, and 'without a hearing was cam mitt. by 'Bootee Craig, to prisms. after which David and 31. ax Winter:qtr. wc.:.o taken into cus tody- for a conspiracy, arta - ware takea before Jacob Naas; rag, Nothlog Was elicited against David Wlnteinift to establish n conspiracy on his nart - When the Justice discharged the patties, AL this gage or the promealliga r Mr. Mori,/ Winternlta brought salt against Mr. Bancroft; 'a New Tone merchant, for perjury, and he was held to ball In tha aunt of $l,OOO. lit. (Win ternits,)-alEo brought salt against Mr. Bancroft for m.slicierm prosecntion, and before he • could bane him emitted be disappeared; but was fel lowed by Sheriff WConnell to Enon Valley, 'there he wassivertake• and brought hack, and pet ander ballln the trim of 65,060 for his ap pearance at thenezt Quarter Sessions. In the meantime • writ of hatreds esepui was Issued at the-Instance of Me. Max liriatereita's attorney, when after a leagtity examination, the defendant was dischaigai. Thu the matter rests for the presett. ' •s. _SPECLAL LOCAL NOTICES. /Inman IP.PanitY, prat:Dominate Reefer, and Dealer in AlDeliCall &ate, of TeXtf)llS orders. ..010P4 at Alexander Laughlin's, neat the 'Walter - Wok% Pittsburgh, Pa. Residence, X.. 46 Pike .streee. Orders promptly attended to. All work warranted water -proof. -- Repairing done at the shortest notice. No charge for repairs, 2 rot.;a l ,l the /oaf is nst abased after it is lin. Nor GOomi j¢Fi ttetlia at the 34ercitni. Tenn,bier leant of Graham 6; McCaud less, 1 - 3 ' Smithfield street. We would most res. Nctfully finite the attention of our friends and the frabilc In general, to onr new stock of fall and winter goods. They contain all the cory latut etyles of English, French and American. clothes, casslmeres and vestings, all of the finest quality, and isTelixted with the greatest corn 'Gentlemen desiring fashionable awl' well re-' clothing, would do well to give Ili! b e ll 7, purchaiing elsewhere. " .rery arment Is iyar milted to glee fn2.l satisfaction in g both price and RA.I.AIt ...ereliniat Tailor's. No. -73. Smithfield stseet. Mrnctsi. 1 , 1 . 0T1CP..--ite attention or our read ers is directed to the brilliant assortment of Fall and Winter Goods just reoelred by• our friend Mr. JObu WeiCr, 124 Foderal street, ilksmeny: Rh truck comprises a great yariety of .caney Frencia, ualls h °torch mr.l American. Ga<sinurca and Glottis. and fine Silk and Coast,. mere Yestings, all of which will be made up to order in the latest style.; and In the beet manner. I choice selection of FuraLsigng Goode also on 'Land and for sale, together with a fall stock of Ready Made Clothing, well and fashionably 'nada. t3rglhr ill.l city in ranitins, linens, flannels, prints ' shawls, also •boots and shoes in endless variety. at McClet land's? 55 Filth street. Call and be convinced that you can get harp sins. Itzusasnar.!—For good candles, fresh canned fruits, new crop raisins" currants, Turkishprones and French chestnuts, call at 11?, lfederal street, second door from the Firn National Bank. Ides &dustbin/cot. Os% Ilitasus. Otnemes and carriage calls will be taken at the omnibus office, No. 410, Pena street, day or night. All orders left at the aboce place will be promptly attended to. All calls mist be prd.d in advance ' • WAT , prED.---Wanted a suitable man to DIAMOND halt s Trsa T t A x4 3L w E ill ° t:. the te some to nil respects se that now paM the Mayor , a r e ollez ie th t : usual teen Includeddgieztt i . Ao4ould flapwl• ntoodant of Market. By order of MARKET COMMITTEE. Jatitat. ANTED—SITUA.TION. --A. YOUNG man t Zy w qrs h a good d a , s: a ol3 . l . lloll . lCilSl o l ,a g r e of . man, wishes a situation some Mercantile or o bject, acturing house. Salary ,not so much an' o. to get an opening in • good business es tabilsbmant. Address HU." Boa Ina, Pittsburgh, Wan's. - ja2lstd. IRTANTED,4I.23 A...MONTIL—Agents Y. 7 , everywhere, to Introdoeo the nem. Moe# Cork Sierra Dolor Family SewingLechine; the *sly tow price machine in the country which is Ifornmd by Grover & Baker, Wheeler /a Wilson,aloans, &riper & Co.,ned Baehr!,ler. Salary and expense, or large commissions allowed. Alt other Machines now sold for less than forty dollant each aro ft:nomads; and the seller andhser Unite. Blustra ted circulars mattree. AddresaSHAW &GLUM Biddetonit Maine. ncO‘rtrlAvrT 'WANTED—Agents for THE NURSE Alm SPY, the most interesting and exciting look mom published embrnaing the adventures of a unman to the -Union Army as Nome, sool3{ and SPY' (Being a mostvir id inner picture or the war. Buturned and disabled °Akers awl Soldiers in want of profitable employment will -find it roman') *darted to their =dittos. .70NM - EROS. CO., sonCbestnut street, philmislohls. thelklawF WANTED—VO A MOIsITH.—I want Aped, evetywhets, MVO a month, expenses paid, to sett Fifteen Articles, the beet melbas ever °Were& Failparttsulsrs fne. Address OTIS T. f/A REY. lildWord. Maine. nodSlardaerT xtrANTEDA GARDNER, to tske care of a email gargles near the otty, upon whisk La a vineyard; remainder in orchard. Recommend. ;diens required. Inonfreet the {MAU C/TT hLELLS, Liberty street. wITTOR.rEPS. JOLETS Y. CASEZAIL on.ncra. Y. aviirAsTFft M eIIASTER & GAZZA3I, • SOLICITORS OF CLAIMS AND PATENTS AND ATTORNEYS-AT-DAN, No. OS GRANT STREET, Pittsburgh. Licensed by Government to collect BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, BAOI( PAY And all other Military or Naval Claims 'Against the United States ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Inc wallets charged on account of wounds received In battle collected Lonnedintely. &real! at 99 Mid= MEET, opposite the ch-May priiSIONS, BOUNTIES. W. 3. &HALL PATTERSON, Army and Navy Agency 144 FOURTH ST., Pittsburgh PENSIONS procured; Btxuri ES BACK PAI and PRIZE MONEY, Ind COMMUTATION OF RATION'S orteleaccd pristine:. collected. PAY OF PRISON=S OF WAR can be drawn by thior :tiers or oldatved mother., cart NIT 61IIDED . SOLDIERs. SICO Iliinnty to all Wounded Soldiers, II nom being paid to an with a 4/Me-horse." No *harps made until the money is collected. T. WALTER DAT. • Licensed by the U. S. Government. N 0.103 Frna STREET, named door belriw the Cathedral. _ Iti m O Ae rRE L EL & JOHNSON,. a. "iu"(4. ATTORNEYS:At-LAW, U.S. LICIMISED sor-D A MS , CLAIM AGENTS"' Bonnttes for Wounded Soldiers collected to trsu en to twenty days. ildrOttloe ho. 98 (SOAWT ssnisT, Pittsburgh. Call with disetst*e and two witnesars. deud-ty OLDIERS' CLAIMS, BOUNTIES ••••-, • - P . F.ICSIONS AND'AItItgAILS OF PAT, Promptly attended to by , • ARTIR DRS' A: -RI D DELL. No. IIL3 FOURTH ST., Ptttsbargb, Pa. olczrnance-vcrY `CIO NS CIAINS of every tle.ription, cnth•eted by the ittbeeriberat the follovvigt ratea, viz Pensions 010, - eal.other claims 63.60. U. TAYLOR, Attorney-at-Law, - No. 73 Grant nta....% Pal st;nrg,h, Pa. N..11.—N0 charges are wade if Inc c;ann does net ineceed, and all info elven vans. se4:ll • • . . .ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No.loo tivnt Snick; Pitisburgh, Maims far PENSIONS, BOUNTY, PRIZE MONEY, gym.; vigorously prosecut*. 7 4. 11*Efi LAPpEIiTY, • ATTORNEY.AT=LAW;, promptly attended ta.: oar- Office; No. MO liivirra erne's?, veer arai,t DEXTIS TRY. JCIS t SPII ADAiIT b Destgost, W and Connelly trutiL,"'÷;,7l,A=-,,e,;:t,T Pollody . - SPECI,EL OF4IITICIES •AY LW% CISERRY E s EtrYoltA I, for Luc rapid cure of Coughs, Cohls, cam Iloemeness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumption, and for the Relief of Consumptive Potientabs ffAVG:leed Bulge. of the disease So wide is the field of its micfulnees and so nu. introits are the ease. oftta cures, that ohnost every section - of countly abounds in persona publicly known, who hare been teetered from alarming andoyee desperate diseases of tho limns by Rause. When once tried, its superiority over every other exywctorant Is too apparent to escape observation, and where Its virtues are known, the pablic no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distrersing and dangerous offections of the palmo nary organs that aro incident to our climate. Whilemany Inferior - temedice thrust alma the community Imre foiled and been &worded, this ha• gained friends - by every trial, conferred benefits on .the afflicted 'they can .never forget, and prodnced cures too numerous ad toe remarkable to boffin., rotten. We -Gail only ensure the public, that It qu a lity Is caicitily kept up to the best It ever hos been, and tkakit may be relied ea to do for their relief. all that it hos ever done. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States. men, - end eminent personagen. hove loot their astute to certify the unparalleled usefulness of our remedies, but apace here will not permit the Inser tion of them.. The agents below muted furnish, grails our American Alteatinti to which they aro poen; with also full description of the complaints they ogre. Ihose who require an alterative neeilleine to nit rify the blood will find AYER'S COMP. EXT. SARSAPARILLA the remedy to use. Try Rome. and you will know its value.- . Prepared by J. O. AYER &Me 103., ma sold by B. IL - FAITZIESTOCKS sort, It CO., and by all Druggist.. jallmodam. PITTSTIVUOII SAW WOREcNk HUBBARDS & 40NC34 ihrecqm.mlveg r e6: PATE " . V41.4411(11 7arranted CAST STEEL SAWS. of every de aeriptioa. .Hill, Dlulaf. Crow Cut, Gang, and all other varieties. All kinds of KNIVES and SPR TNT:S. made front 'Sheet Vast Steel Extra Iktirosl REAPER AND OWING RIVIVES, ke. 43Warehouse and Works, corner WATER and SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. attention given to Retoothing, Gum ming and Stralehtening I.llreular Sane; Also, re pairs of all kinds. Punching and Drilling done at reasonable rates. ap2s:ty 211. CM, - - • •-• " nailer Malters & Sheet Iron Workers, Ne..11:1, 22, 21 and 26 PENN STREET. Itarle.g eeeureil a lance ,yard, and furnished with the moat Improved machlrieryorn are prepat ed to manufacture every description of BOILERS, In the beet manner, and warranted equal to an made in the country.. CHIMNEYS, ,N I'IRE BEDS, STEAM PIPE, LOOSIROTITE BUTLERS, IJO'ND EN SERS SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SET -- TLLNG PANS, BOILER IRON, BROX/ES, St!CI AR VANS, n utl sole manufacturers of BARN BILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Rep: tins done on Ole e.hertest Cott,. denial M - r-LARE SUPERIOR Copper Mill and Smelting Works, PARK, M'CURDY & CO., blanufact Wan 'of SHEATHING. BRAZIERS' h BOLT CoPPER, PRESSED COPPER BUT- ToMS, ItALstal STILL 130 7 10111.14, :WALTER SOLDER. Moo, Importers and dealers In ILE:T AY:4 TIN PLA,TE, SHEET IRON, WHIE, ha. ConsitantlY on band, TINDERS'T.LACILLN and TOOLS. Warehouse-No. IGCTIRST.und Lin SEAL OM) STREETS, Plitaburglt. Spwlal order. of Capper mut. to any desired yatlern. auyad.yddari Itet d (succesaora to RUDISSON, . 5 / 1 5 , LS S MILLLIZSO Washington Works FOUNIIF-11S AND MACHINISTS, Prr - racriton. 3lnkofeolturers of BURT AND IqTATIONARY sTEaxt ENCIINES, LAST ENHINES, 3111.1. CIIINERY, GEARING, -SHAFTING, ()AST ',NHS of nil drscrlptiona. OIL TANKS& STILLS, BOILER. ANI, SHEET LHON WHIM. gent. (or GIFFAIID'S PATENT Du ECT -014 for Icenlll4 boilers. Vr.or.or.asp MR/a:LEM—J. P. 11101-LAI , LA BELLE STEEL Iii:OBILS. REITER, & CO., (succomrs to ftorrin, II a craw, St. C 0..) :llsrattactorers of CAST STEEL; SPRTXG, PLOW end BLISTER STEEL; SPRINGS, AX LES. CROWBARS, kr. lir Works, FIRST WA RIV, 'Alltzhekr. Post OBI= address, PITTSBURGH. pinkly • TILE CONIPENSIONS AND IMPE IIIENCE OF AN INVALID, published for the benefit 'tad as n warning and caution to young men wb suffer from Nervous Debility, Pro. mature Decay of Alanhood. etc., supplying, at the asmelithil, the means of 4cif cure, by one who has cured himself after being put to great expense and Injury through medical humbug and quackery. uteloshag a post-paid addressed envelope, sin gle copies may be had of the author. NAMANLEL MAYFAIR, Esq" deleltadawT Philadelphia, Pa TO NI:111e0Ees aIIIFFEREILSt 04 0 BOTH SEXES.-A reverend gentleman has UT been restored to health In a few de's, after no der,-.oing the usual routine and lrocru, lar expel:isles mode of treatment without success, considers it his sacred duty to communicate to his afflicted fellow. creature. the =caused CUM. Hence, On thL.reeelpt of an arldresr.ed envelope, he will send, free, a copy of the presor.ption used. Direct to Lir. JOHN M. D'AflNALl.4l9llFulttfo beet, N. Y. tlihl I AydavT . -... i t ° urt it •r: i ol lair V Altai; A I RS i tt i l ' A DfIORS, IRON ILAILINCI, WINDOW SHUT. TEitS, WINDOW GUARD:a, &e., Nos. Si .SEO OND awl %THUM STREET, between Wood and bt schet, have on hand a variety of new patterns, Leery and plain, suitable fur nil purposes. Peertleulor attention paid to enclosing On?, Loy, Jobbing doao at short notice. •atte YURI:APSES OP TIME NERVOCR, SEhILNAL, URINARY AND SEAL SYSTEMS—um and Tellable treatment—la Ro ports of the Rowan' Anociatton. Sent by mhl la sealed .letter envelope, free of charge. Address D. J. SKILLEN TIOUMITON.Tionard Association, No. a South Ninth atreet,Phlla. t1D 1 &.1,111t1 1 ,1!: . :nom' and wholo.lo denier In CHEESE, BUTTER', SEEDS, FISH, and produce genera ROOD STREETPittobuna. cot TIE GREAT PURIFIER. lIEMAPANAKA. since the Introduction of medicine. the origin of dinet.-e hoc perhaps been the mottled of more se. riche and scientific consideration by the most teemed of the profession than any other connected with the laws of the Great Creator; not a few have contended that all diseases have their arkiln in the stomach; others, the solids of the body; tilers again, and by tar the grr.tett number, contend and ressonthat the ntoon itself fa the very fountain of life—that If ft becomes impure, then disease in Its worst forms—Scrofula, Cancer, Ulccra, ha., appear; and Indent, exrertenen In trea ting this clam of enrol by park/long the blood and thereoy ending their eradication anti cure, prove this to be the correct theory: acting upon which theory, the med. 'clue now known as nctrArrof Ann, was composed and brought nto 'practice, producing the Most gent. trying results. Its use noon exercises such a mastery over SCROFULA, ULCERATIONS, PIMPLES on you 'FACE, TETTFM;SALT LIVER COMPLAINT, LOSS or APPETITE:, DYSPEPSIA, • 11.11EUMATISM, GEN , • MEAL DEBILITY, ho., kc.. he., as to giro, Irma the time It as first taken, enema. the patient, by, making both_ seen and felt, the good It Is about to aceompliali. It was thought best to pot It - up In bottles at hoe. and SIM each,—as many persons are disposed to fry an seat. ale but toe often deterred at the experue,—ao the trial hero can be made at a moderate outlay, and iiattsfy the purchaser that thearticle Is What Is claimed far it to be, VIZ the g reatest DEALIT brought before the people; Delicate Females will find to It toe Mealarie LAC,' lbrit the public may form some Ideit'of Its peen. tier curative merits, We subjoin a list of the prinef pal articles of which it la composed, with asho , description of the tows end adaptation of eaelbts. ken from the highest authority known to medics Science. . 1/02fD UIfAS sessirAnura r. Used with a benollelsl effect In mutes ol Rheidam them, Korofuloue Athvtlotte, Outemeour Ingenues and other depraved ow:RW.lmm of health. DANDELION • Is tonic, diuretic, nod aperient. It has n rpectil fiction upon the liver, exciting It when Innguld, to secretion. It has hes, much used In (lemony In ducats of the digretive organs. lODIDE POTASSIUM. Thew am ft. dtsesses In which It hssncit prated beneficial; It is used In Scrofulous Affections with great benefit; it hen also been used with much sue sees in treatment fur Inflammation of the Eye. /t gestendly inemssce the appetite and flesh. LAVENDER FLOWERY Are .mulatto, tonic, and highly borigoisting eases of Nervoua Is especially valuable In cases oil Scrota:la Rheumatism. , cliAibmzLE FLOWER! dCte adrantageauely used In own of 'Enfeebled DM station, but are especially applicable to cue' o 12Ieneral Debility with weak appetite. • KEZEREON HARK. It acts favorably IWO an alterative In ChronliAt. "elionylntonin DheutanDint sun obstinate DI. The balance of no formula Is withheld IS II HY faction agAilll4 fraud. • ~ For solo tot • . .• • SIMON JOHNSTON, 0011. lIIIMIETELD END FOURTH STS4 ; • Flttibdrgb, Pa. afirAdi your tzlelllgetit Phystolau opinion.: thaibon.,MQX4 • • delliaeod I:= ...I.?! US I:XI:A-Ts; piT . rsilutitai THEA.TII.I3 4 FIFTH STREET. STAR WOOD. LEFOIXE AarD DLiai sass Wx. Halal mut ant RE-ENGAGEMENT FOR SIX NIGHTS ONLY of the ecicbratcS lyric artists VESTVAIII =OM VENTVALI! anti last opportun:ty to ace her celebrates new pia}, in which she bes areured the enviable title the eventeat artiste of the see. 311 LS F.YESIMG, the great play of . GAMEA! MIGVI. the Hebrew hictncr To conclude with THE , LOST CiIII D, TUMBLE'S VARLET lEs. =MN. 11 STUMM. NIUE ST. CLUiI. W. C. SMYTHE Lessee and Matudker. COYMESCI'_I AT 8 actiocw.. The following talentB,l artistes make their debut taniglit. JOHNNY HART, TAKE WALLAC 1.1 5 RATNOI2. GEO. DERIOVS, I 'FRANK MERGER, and . • • MDLLE. MAZORA. A.RSOLDL the ttsantited statue artist Tlc Stammo U Stock Company acid the CORPS DE BALLET. In an programmeorigineti of unequalled oroellf, MASONIC HAIL GOTTSCHALK. ittzr WiLe•crszosuti SIGNOR PLUZIO takes great pleasure toke n:lmin. that BY REQUEST of many .1111 ingueltal Of PULS! , Ure, L. IT. dOTTSCHALIC, • Ike World•llesoiraed Plants! awlGempt. Will on hit way to- New York, returning fro most successful tour through the Woetern e give ONZGRAND CONGER , On Monday Evening, Jan. 80, 1865. NMIEN'iMiM 'GOTTSCHALK will be assisted by MMI, LUCY SIMONS, The young tua4 t tented 'Vocalist SIGNOR ARD AVAST'', 11. e favorite Uuttone. rt. ♦cademie; of t1.410.147.RiT,V, I°4'2'AT, Yl,O dolphin altMcal Martina and Conductor • • —.MANOR MUIR. admbelon, $lOO. No man, charge for Reserved Rents. Ticket office open, commentine. Friday, January 27th, at 0.0. Mellor's Music Store. Or. from the country enclosing the amount for the number of sents regoired trill be promptly attend ed C. 0. MELLOR. Doom open at 7%. Concert commences at 8. 1326:4ttl AFERCIGIXT TaILOIIIS. ' lASI' lONS BLE DESTIZi's MOODS, roe* Gent's & ronlles Clothing, SLADE TO ODDER, IN THE BEST STYLE AND MANNER. B. B. NORRIE, TAILOR, No. FEDERAL ST.. Allegheny ner2l-laird iiiissELL's BLOCK. W. H. bIeQEE, 10 S'X ‘.. CLAIR STREET, • Would cell the attention of burrs to Me stock of goods. It has been selected with {Rost care, nod contains on the NEWEST STYLM OF GOODS to te found lti fast class houses. Gents wishing a out of clothes mule to order, will please call and casnithe our Anode and priors. Also, a full and couvleto stock of C3l-4:Dcrd4. W. U. 3In6EE, 3IE - 1 - 111.13T TAILOR, not I.IENItY G. HALE & CO Merchant, grailor., N. W. ter. Penn & St. Clair Areets, I • RAY 6 LOGAN, 47 St. Clair Street, NOW CLOSING OUT THEIR. WINTER. tanzm BOY'S. 'YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, AT GREATLY REDLCED PRICER BOOTS .4.X0 SHOES. pARGAINS!BARGALMEMIUnGAANSI C, Es x i Cit• JEI MI TO QUIT -THE BUSINESS. I Int new °Merin; my attire Mock or ROOTS, SHOES. (lmns, and BALMORAL% At No. 96 Federal Hiroo!, Allegheny, AT COWL To :To Into other bush:mt. The public will and It tt, their nd•ontaten to cull and examine my crock, uc I cmtletermlncd to blase out in the keel time poosible. GOODS AT OOST. Remember the pince, 90 Federal at., Allegheny. 2, 0 7 W. K. AIcCLINTOOK. T EKING STOCK. BOOTS, SHOES, GMTEIIS I=l AM) BUFFALO OVERSILOEs! ALL MI UIKED DOWN IN PRICE. CALL AND ONLY SEETHE PRICES, A rd you Isal be sure to buy, • AT BORLAND'S, 99 tifirket St., 2,1 door from Flab AIIES So. BU Market Street SELLS TILE BLST, TIIE NEATEST EITTING, And THE MOST DUB /1111LM 313000M8 Ak-11733 ERZEC:O33B, Of any house in the city He hoe jo't received s magrddcent Fnll Stook. Try him. 0010 T"E " ST AR" WORK! , JUST UEUELYED BY GEORGE AIMEE, SON it CO., No. 83 WOOD STREET Bop' and Youth's Heel Balmoral.; . Oxfonl Ties; " Bootees; Children's Goat and Kid Shoes. These goods era made to our special order, sae are warrantee' unequalled custom work. nolo ADIE'S Flsonet-Llneel RID BALMORALS 41 05 1.A1)/}2$ Morocco SNOW BOOTS 3.40 LAME'S ld - Clongre,s ORATE:IIS, tipped, (Sort's) 4 Sgi hid Congress cierTEns, (plalnd " •400 4t aa. 64 Market Street SOUTH & ROSS J os FURlviTUltli, AND CANE AND WOOD CHAIRS, Sealed at reduced pricer, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. JAS. W. woorarm, Noe. VT and DI 1711. RD STIR:ET. Opposite E. Edmondson k C 0, 4, sod nth? . Mo. 111 FOITUTE STREET. OIL WELL STE=M[EINGINEti —I tun prepared to furnish STEAM ENGINE/if.' ' ••• So moth Rpproved of for MI wells and other Por i= tto h rtz d t , 7not lee ini f s t t p , tir mr l rtg. ten sceommoriSted With ol most soy' also they writ; the work to show for etwna i ItsiOnfNgFLrnh‘Vl delb tlo Hsriaistels. PiEft/WAtIo rat . . • 4tOOILS..ILIMAirS. trriSBURGH ALMANAC, 1855, !DA a full and complete Alatory or Cr:trona Record of tho Gretißebelllon, from tho otonmenco- Cteilt dawn to Mc. rc.eleetlon of Abrshom Ltaeato, ♦nd the reaimuktion of Gen. Atuelellon- , intee to BET/'I'S IMPROTED MAP OF VENANOO COUNTY OIL REaurcr, Showinr, Sestloins, f fross, Township, all the Creeks &e., color In Townships. bin 21:13 inches. ' Priee,64lo. Hunt's Improved Map OF WEST WIRGINTA. k OHIO OIL REOIO7.(S; Coiorell in Counties. Size, 12i31—pr1m EROS. Jouri P. RUNT, Pablishfr, Or) STII,ZET, Kszorde 115.11. All tee above mailed postpaid ost reaelpt of price. Jl2l M ETROPOLITAN GIFT BOOK STORE. PUCMANEXTLT LGUATED I PERMANENTLY 1.901.TMD 63 Fifth Street. OPPOSITE CONCERT HALL. OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. This Is !he In rva& and most liberally rondoeted Rio Book Store In the World withinst a stogie ea eeidloo. There Is oo Mit Book Estoblishment la New Tork, ?Winne/phis, Baltimore, Uttleagi, or toy city in the trotted States that Is ClitiaMlo4 se liberally and exteaa/vely as I Willinlrei OR PITTSNIIF„, At - this eotAbliahmeot you oat ilati .It cLsea of Blbleß, from the Small Pooke; EdMoo to the lard cot Family Batik All the Late Publications! All the Late Publications ! 111 We Slowlord Books! All the Standard Reeks! OIiER ONE THOUSAND 7110TAKiRAPIL ALBUMS! PHOTO() TUTU MAIMS 1 PIIOTOGriAPIL ALISIIALIfi Fre= tbr rmall (lulk Abond A llooM at St each to larzuot and moot slogan; Album mode. For Albuois •r Books of all deacrtptlon• Bail a: The Metropolitan @ill Book Store: Our large Descriptive (IstcloKue mslled five Se au address to the United States ex Applicatlita to WM. L. FOSTER, & CO., GS Fifth •t., Pittsburgh. Pa ift4ulitat:ealed • OW HEADY. The Three Scouts, BY J. T. TROWBRIDGE, author Qf 92,orlio's &c. One col. mo. 1..x-ic3o, 01.'70. Alt the New Publleetloas of the better elm on hew! as soon I. published. DIM, CLARKE & CO., jiti Si WOOD STREET J L IZEA.4)," Bookseller teed Wholesale Dealer to Photograph Albums. A. Skeen' aLssotust to the trade oaCOSII Celli/ER J. I.i. MAD ; PIN No.lB FOURTH. St., Pittsburgh. .P.1.3.4'08. MUSIC. Se. rIANOfi Ms' =CAN ORGANS BRADBURY, New York; SIMOMAITRA CO., Philadelphia, and BOARDMAN & GRAY. _ SMITH & CO:S IMPROYED riBINET 016111 WITH PATENT TREMOLO ATTACHMENT. - - ! received, a new supply of the above eels hooted. *nrtruments; together with Pianos from other hinnutoeturem PAHMEE VIOLIN PIANO, STEINWAY h SONS, (1 - RAVESTEEN lc CO.. end others; nil at reduced prices. • WAWIELINIC & BARR, No. 13 al. Qair Street, Elsseil•s Block j 1.23 JUVENILE SINGING 13('410K LIMB PUBLISHED. THE SILVER BELL Contains a whole° selection of nearlf 160 °Mine .90111. favorite SONGS, DUETS, QUARTETTS, h.e„ and a complete course of ELEMENTARY INSTRUCTION. Artnng the pieces are the following: When Johnny Coates Mtirehinr Home Vneant chairs Ceititawe by the flesh Do thewahlnk of Me ett Home; Soldier's Chorus; Oftlevre ifoneral: Wed of Beauty: Jouintas Battle Prayer: Wilkh are alone worth the price of the hook. C7icirstis. Curren matted to any address on receipt of price. CHAS. C. 111ELLOIt. st WOOD STREET. • NABE dr, CO'S, TINIIIVALU23 PIANOS, <IILABLOTTE DLTI2E, 43 Fitth It So:e Wholeenle nod Betall Agent for Wo4ero renniiylvania. JAT! OFFMAN, 110 ENE tf: 53 FIFTH STREET, GOLRAORNTO POR , 13c3o3.E.olr'iss Air tkot Pianos to Amerten. IN ORDER TO FIiIiTIIER THE DE -1419N of the National Bank law, to provide a uniform currency, and to relieve .this community from the lets Incident to the circulation of depre ciated hank notes, the following banks hove agreed that ,en and utter let February, Idea, they will pay out only such money es will be received at par on deposit and to payment of all debts due them. They alit purchane from their' cestomces, all distant State-bank totes, which limy May receive in the regular course of business, at the net cost of send ing th em home for redemption, but will not receive such funds on deposit as "currency" It Uconfkleutly believed that thin arrangement trill very ' speedily abolish the existing custom of keeping ' , currency! , eminent', and by eroding home the great volume of State honk paper how In ciroulation here, give place to a bettor eines of noire not subject to discount. To, give full effect to this Arrangement, the aconieseelme and ceeeperee lion of the bwdoess community Is reepeotfully aalt cited. . .iourr D. scuLLY, Cashier lit National Haab -It. A. (1110110 E, Cashier Farmers Deposit }Soak ing Company, G. A. ENDLY, (Mahler oerman Trust and Savings JOll3l It. LIVINGSTON, Cashier 3d National }lank, Pittsburgh, J. It. 7.l'r ( - UNE. President rnion Plq n bine Go. I , IIANCIS Al.:LLEßli,.Pretident Al (lank, C. It. ItlClGS,Asaistant Cashier 2d National Hank. 3. W. WOK, enabler Allegheny Bank.. • JnlDrttrbl 1 RON CITY COLLEGE, • Come:. Penn and St. afar Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA The largest, cheapent and most succeradul BIISINES'S NAN'S COMF•GE, /1"( THE UNITED ErTATE.* Studeitte enter wad review at way ..laV•Circulara containtneult .Ifornakton. sett [ter to any address, Cu applleat.oa to Oa. rrtnoi JENKINS a 133111741,. PrITSF 6 Rr,M. P 4 TAO. PTLIt JOIIS V. STEEL BAILEY, Stock Brokers and Real Ritate Agents stock bought and aoLl azolnatvoil On coaith - , on. ogve, wiLiam HALL. • 0-... . E=2!M= DROCERIF:S, PRODUCE, X 4 -. B. F. Q,U.1.M.131 & CO., 4.0 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, too SOUTH HAT= S 9 . Qtre special att./atlas to puretta,/ / /Four, Grain, Provisioniii B. F. quni F ll o y r . Enst , ern se:aunt. GEO. T. BROWN L :Led y c ALII2. IVRANF ArBANE & J n. ANJER Commission Merchants, flour, Grain and Produce, Ma SECOND ST., between Woal h Smithfie rrrrsauncm ?nos. rerren.."o. AlRL"..ATrantzx s. snen.Tnn •OTTER, AIKEN at SIIEPAIID, Com -1 mission Merchants and Dealers in Foreign sad Drones:le FRUITS. FLOUR, BUTTER, IINEESF, EGGS, POTATOES and Produce generally, No. sar. Liberty street, opposite Passenger Depot, Pitts , burgh, J. S: Dili r rtk & Co ., Moons & Collin, Culp Sr. Si , cparti, At ell, Lon - h. Co., John Grasicr„. Pitts burg. Nina i t & Bro., lion well, o Van Brunt S. Cu., Philadelphia. Tremiett &Simmons, St. Louis. Sinclair & Grant, Now York. Stanford & Lovell, Cincinnati. HENRY WALLACE Commission Merchant, No. 130 SOUTH. WATER ST, 0111(3,100,.I31.. Parnelllar attention paid to tilling orders for HIiiIIWINES, PROVISION. ishl7-6nt (LOUR, so. ItAT.•LKT' a zAL i S L . EY 'a TAN GO P R RA D S E E R TA , lf R O odneo talt I - -wromisslon Merchant., Warehouse, No. .arty at., Pittsburgh, Pa. Who'mule deal -01 to Butter, C heese, Lard, Er„gi‘ Pork, Bacon, &nu., Tallow, Feathers, Brooms, Potatoes, Horn. icy,. Dried Fruit., Green Fruits, Onions, Flour. Grain, Llover Needs, 'Timothy Seeds, Flax SeCtii, Game and Poultry. Particular attention giCen to • . -nducc Consignments. jll9 • TI OHN 13. CANFIELI), Commission and Forwarding Merchant awl ‘vltotewile dealer in IV EsTEBN RESERVE CHEESE, BUTTER, A 111), PORK, BACON, FLOUR, 11511, PUT AND PEARL ASHES,. SALERATUS, LIN SEED' AND LARD OILS, DRIED FRUIT, end Pr.eltier generally, Noe. 141 and 146 Front. greet, Fitteburgh. ILITTLZ 511 JIVES TIUMBLI; . lynx. Zca TRIMBLE, Wholesale Bro err. and Commission Merchants, dealers in 1101/1311E, rtouit. BACON, CILI*SE, C I:130N ALAI)LARI I OIL, IRON. • NAILS, (1 LASS, Cf riTON YARNS, and Pittsburgh man ufacture. generally, 113 and 114 Second street, Pitts bureh. IV CULP OTIS SHEPARD: ( 171,1' & SHEPARD, Commission Illeri chants and tlealces in FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUr E, No. an Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Choke brands. of Flour for Dlkers and Family use constantly on hand. Particular attention paid to ailing orders for rderchauillze generally. Vt EBB & WILKINSON, Commission T T Merclinnts, Wholesale deniers to WESTERN RESERVE CiIIEE.SE, DRIED FRUITS, RUT: Tilt, EGOS GRAINS, and produ‘se generally. Also, LEATITEII. lIIDES, OILS, itsc., No. 211 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. rd . - Cash adiancements made. Consignments solicited. jeld-Grid 7SiP. Street ISt; Liberty ilercl:a 'r tnnr ' anlers ° e n na C e OU,l4l27? PRODUCT, PROTONS, BACO'N, LARD, BUTTER, TOGS, 'REESE, ice., PRO. 'Axil FLOUR, Ci IN, SEEDS, .GREEN AND TI,IEII FRUITS. &a. SALT and LIME. jyta lA3I ES DALEELL & SON, -.l,fanttfac t, turrln er LAUD OFL. and OnmnAsston ch,pc s fir the purchase and sale &CRUDE AND PI. FIN ED Pk:rIIOLEUM., N.. 69 and Water suet. Pittsburgh. -Advances made on consign 0-1, S=. II EAD &,:tdETZGAII, Grocers and Com -a 3tlerrlutnta, and dealers In all kinds of Country Product. and Pltteibargh Itfanufacfuren, No. 249 , Liberty .street, oppottltE head of Wood street, ap3-ty P. RETIE= i 8. 881 - 18811.....,V3t. D. ILEVWER BROTIIERS, (successors AV to Romer a. Anderson,) Wholesale Dealers In FoRRION FRUITS, NUTS and SPICES, CON FECTIONERY, SUGARS...FIRE %YORKS. &e., Nos PM and InS Wood Et.ea.:., above FIRS, Pate burgh. ' ' . . jr29-1 y I) I) wALLAcE, Commission 31mrenant, • • and Wholesale Dealer to FLOUR it GRAIN, No. 3ZO Liberty street, opposite Pennsylvania R. R. Passenger Depot., Pittsburgh, Pa. Storage Warehouse, corner W syne awl I streets. . rol7-ly P. D. OATIMnozoN ADAM AMMO! pATTURSON & A.31310N, COMMISSION AIE.IIOIIANTS. FLOUR AND GRAIN, sod feral PRODUCE 11s:tiers, No. 6 WOOD STREET, Pittsburgh, Ps. - 1 , " It. KIItICPATUICK 403. ILIIIKPATIIICIC. KIRKPATIIICK at, BROTLIER, enseorn to Brown & Rtrknatrielr, WHOLE- S:. LE GROCERS, Nos. 191 awl 193 Liberty ntrent., 19 Gaburgh. J.., LIGGETT 101.1.1 f LIND3AY 1 S. LIGGETT tt CO.. CITY FLOUR t • !NG MILLS, calmer Liberty and Adam tvetm, Plttdontgb, 4?- Capacity. <ou barrels per day. apt scnostassr SPX. P. LAN° 4 ....e11031A1 ER Si LANG, Commission k sicrehsnts and Wholesale dealers la GROLIE- R FLOUR, GRAIN; PRODUO,E,IIr.e., Ne 370 I. i•erty surer, Pittebursh. -sel3.dly Jot, WATT ICON 1711,011. WATT c WILSON, Wholesale Gro cers, Comminsion Merchants, and dealers In Produceand Pittsburgh manufactures, No. 11l 'bray street, Pittsburgh. luso _ UEESE WAREHOUSE . -HENRY H. COLLINS, Poirranllng And Comnussion Bien and dealer in CHEESE, BUTTER, LAKE -1•:,11, and Produce generally, No. 23 Wood street, Nt.o, Water, Pittsburgh. my 2 JOHN 1, 110111tE 1.111,1F0 MOUSE. I OEN 1.. HOUSE. & CO., . Wholesale GROCERS AND CfCIIdISSION BIER ( It A NTS, comer o udnithileld and Water street, I:GICt:ItT TALEF.LL • A. P. ' , MAUL OBERT DALZELL 4 - CO., Whole- F tEaIo Grocers, Commission and l'brwardintt ,iclante, and deniers in Produce and Pittsburgh ninnuincturcs, Liberty street, PittsburgL .12 0. rLOYD WILLIAM PUMP. 0111 i FLOYD & CO., Wltolcsale Gra t, vets anti COMMIP.SIOr. IVerchrinta, Nos. 172 Wood IA 2.28 Liberty streets, Pittsburgh. jeiG 'IIAIiLES L. CALDWELL, (successor to dames "'Dilutes n. Co., PORE PACIKER nod dealer in PROVISIONS corner of Market arid rnot streets, Pittsburgh . j i I p.o.irr. 0517 PS L. 11. VOlO7 1 it. VOIGT & CO., successors to L J• G. Groff, PRODUCE AND COW:KISS - 10i( 3201.1.11\ - 17.3, 217 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. H.TRY 1001E1, ...ION,: 0.111,131%. A. C. WALLACE 1 ATIBE N RT, SIIIPTO CO., Whole - 1 tole G rovers And Prixluso Denteia, No. G Sixth st.c :t, Pittsburgh. jalB \UII DICKEY CO., Wholesale A Grocers, Commits:km .310=h:tuts, and dealers ia prODUCE, No. 80 Water street. sad SI moot at( t. Pittsburgh. LINDSEY, Jr. BRO., Wholesale L • And 'Retail GROOERS. FIZIUR AND PRO DI , 'E DEALERS, IS? Liberty erect, Plttabursh. j: 4.aim IA I LLIA3I BAGALEY, WIIOLESitt r;Rocam, No. la Wood street:Plttsburgh. j•:!.? IPRII GOODS WILEO:q. „Jess It R. CAVIL.. DAVID lI , CANIMIII3S V /1.130 N, CARR & CO., Wholeant° dealers in 11,1:1:1( IN AND DOH ES TIC DRY (MODS, '.‘to. al Rood strezt, third house above Diamond alley; Pittsburgh. apt, VAON, MACRU3I S.- CO,- Wholesnle JIJ and Retail Pettier. fa THIJIAIINGS, Eitt 'IIIIOIDERILS and DP V CiOoDti_, of ovary destrip, Goa bros. 17 and 19 Aft.h street, Pittsburgh. - DRY tiODDS, TRIBLMINCIS, Ste., No. 'M Market Weer, between Diontonti and Fourth, Pittsburgh. Ir. BURCHFIELD:WhoIassie and • Detail Dealer in STAPLE AM, FANOY tY GOODS, Northeast corger Fottrth and Sitar-la ke bit - iota, Pittaburgh. JOSEPH BORNE, WltolesCe and Retail vertu In all klo n of TRIMMINGS, DRY GOODS, Sc./lOC nud 79 itla•itet atrazt. -- _ Ix* und.rcE, • GAIWD.TER COFFIN', Agent for the t , • 'Franklin Philoiiiilnnia Doittainin lmur anco Cowponies, Norineust, edruer WOOD And Mild) :.i'I:RELTS. 1 - A T P. 3ONE‘4 Atrent for North Amer' •c,,stroo of Fenno ylvento, end Radford la• Comnex s. IA WATER ISYRERI QAMUEL REA, Secretary Citizens`luso?, 10ro:lee cotopeny,confer ILAILKET owl WATER street-N . - Ar.e.unnawr B. Pittsburgh, Mei NOTICE IS lIE.REDY GIVEN Agrees -Iv bly to Section Sof the Act of the General As. scrobly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, retitled "An Act enabling Banks of the Common. wealth to become astocintlons for the purpose of ranking, under the laws of the Melted States," ap-. proved the= day of Augnet, A. D. IMO, that the stockholders of the Allegheny Bank; Of the city of Pittsburgh, and county of Allegheny, have this day votad to become such an annoulatlon, under the mime and title of “The Allegheny National Dank_ Of l 4411trargb," and.that its director, have - promo ml the anthority of the Owner" of more than two. thirds of the capital stock to make the certificate required therefor by the lam of thiainited States. dettleim. 5 : W. COOK. Quitter. S SEVERANCE, NO. 53 Witter:73C, • Pittabuqjh manufacturer °MOWER RIT. , ETS,.W.ROUWIT c013:131.011 ttarOS, ° Vtai rer Ttacaa der =o u islispeilSPllllM and RIVET 67 lan% or tanall, made to order atahort notice. AL gocd wortsont onstaptly (It tAnd. F- ~::d. ..?d1 .~..~ :iw-.. ~ . _ . ..rvriw:. T +~aeSa~ia~««lvfiv'Y. tiCI.: 1.1 - SUR.I.IVE CFLUITER 1829. PERPETUAL FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. • Asacts u aJamiary 1.. 1961. $2,157,1929 95 Capital Accrued Premium, litveAed Premiums ISEEME=I 111212310:1 bosses Paid since ISM • 8,i130,00s Perpetual sod Tempo:4u Falb:lea ea liberal terms: DIRECTORS : (Marled IL Banoter, /sass Len, Tobias Wagner, Edward, 0. Dal; Samuel Grant, George rale% Jacob R. Smith, Alfred Piller, George W. Richard, Fres. W. I.esets NC. 11 CLIARLES RANOKER, President. EDWARD C. DALE, Tice Presides/. /AS. W. NeALLISTER See. ore. tem. J. a.. COEFIN, Agent, corner Wood and Third streets. FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Co. of North America. PBILADELPIELA. Hartford FirP Insurance Company. 31,5...33,000. • lat-Proteetlon nn be nedurett in the show rts.nthl Anil rellithie comp.:We& W. P. JONES, Auair, tr'27ally Bagaley'e MA!diem 87 Water et • E O S I y r y i g I I I N R S o U I itANCE COMPANY R. AI'ILLEA, Jr., Preeidonf, . WM. P. SIERRERT, Secretary. Office, No. 92 Water street, Spang & Co.'s Wan hnitiss:a? ata)r,4l:ittebdylrgkhi;uu of Fire and Marin; Ri4t.s. A llama Institution managed by Dirtetors tots ore well known in the community, and who are delem.,. mined by prompt.. and liberality, to maintain the character sehict, they here assumed, as offering Ike best protection to those who desire to be moored. DIRECTORS Andrew Ackley, Alexander Speer, David M. Long , Rees ,T. Beni. Ltakewell, John IL McCune. • • IL Miller, Jr. James McAuley, Nathaniel Holt:lca, N lunch, licety,e Darsfe, Campbell B. Herron, C. W. Rieltetson, rny3o ILERBEILI, Secretary lITIZEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH.-Ocoee, corner 'Market and Water streets, second IMO, Wu. BAG ALLY, President. WM. A. SIIF.FARD, Secrefary. Insures Steamboats and Cargoes. Insures against 10ss and damage in the navies Lion of the Southern and Western Risers, Lakes nod Bayous, and the navigation of the Seas. Insures against loss and damage by ilre. COMM S. IC. Kier, John Shipton, James AI. Cooper, S. ILsrbiugh, J. Caldwell, Jr., John S. Dilworth, 'Wm. A. Hedgers. delOdyfl ALLEGHENI INSURANCE COMPA NY OF PITTSBUR(}II.—OI9ee, No. rf Fifth street, Bank Sleek. hisuree against all kinds of Fire and Marin Risks. Wm. Bagalcy, Samuel Bea, Jas. Park, Jr., W. (1, Johnston, B. F. Jones, Hon. 'l'. M. Bore, Barclay Preston, George Bingham, =22 30I1ND.Si. , CORD, Vice Prettdent D. M. BOOK, Sec,tary. Tense Jones, 0. llussey, Ilervey Childs, Capt. 11. C. Grey, John Irwin, Jr., 12. L. 1 , 0 Nostoek, - . John D. McCord. Capt. Adam Jacob', B. 13. Sterltn,.. Capt. Wet. Iteati B. L. McGrew, • Robert B. David. PEOPLES' INSURANCE COMPANY Oflice, W. E. corner of Wood-and Fllth.Sta. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE . .. • Wm. Phillips, Samts It-Verner John Watt, 4:?apt. Sohn h.-Rhoads, Wm. B. Hays, Smigilr.Shriver, John E. Parke. Ggix ir.lonas, Charles S. Ehnen, C. liilMAion Ease, Nl. ca. 'Van Kirk, Marine Artark I - W Y.. PPIILLLPS;Pmeidem. JOHN WAIT, ron Preshleal. WM. F. GARDNER Secretary. intinly ..I.37rFaC TUBERS. Sc. DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS, cADMAN & CILIWFORD, Ifsnufseturer of every variety of finished BLISS WORK FOR PLUMBERS, STEAM OB • GAS FITTERS, MACHINISTS, AND COPPERSMITHS. - - - /MASS CASTINGS:ofaII de:scitptions,made to order. 'STEAMBOAT 'WORK, .STEAM AND GAS FITTING, and REPAIIIIIVE, promptly . at tended to. Farticulta Attention Tiald to fitting op RE' 'LIB. BItS FOR. COAL AND OILS. Also, Sole Agents for the Western District of Pennsylvania for the sole of ALARSII, LADS DELL b. CO.'S PATENT SYPHON PUSIP, the best ever. invested. Having no 'Alves it is not liable to get out of order, and will throw more venter than soy pump of twice its size. • opts FATENT4D OCTOBER 8, 1881 DIRTHRIMi VS Pd.TEIN'T Oral Lamp Chimneys, 11.1.2591ACT0116D Ol X - X FLINT GLASO These Chimneys are intended for the flat flame, heating all parts of the glass equally, does not ex pose it to cracking. „ D. DITHEIDCIE, Fort Pitt Glass Works, Washington street, apt, Pittsburgh Pean's • _ ROITERTEi, BAIENFff S: CO No. 39 Third Street, PittLourgh TIN AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, and Hf.•inufatturers of JAPANNED TIN WARE. We have now manufacturing and have on hand Bathing Apparatus 6f nil kinds, Toilet; Ware la Setts, Water Coolers!, Orman' Tea and Spice Can, lidera, Cash and Spice Bones, Tumbler Drainers- Spittoons, &c., &c. A large lot of Bird Cages for min. low. Oil 031111 of all alum andpatterns. Tin Roofing, Conductors, and all lands of Jobbing Work done to order ' .p3o BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS PITTSBUIMIII PA. PARK, BROTHER .S; CO. E=M= BEST QUALITY'TEITNED CAST STEEL, Square, Flat and Octagon, of all sizes. Warrant ed equal to any imported or manufactured in this country. 4V- Geed And wArehOute, Nos. 149 And 151 nalcr And PM and 122 SECOSID STAYSTB, • felt-3d W. S. 1 4 1.LCZINT0311..J. SIEY3•n LL IRON CITY WORKS. Ac wavrosn. HIE3IPHILI a co., FOUNDERS AND MACIUNISTs Uornor of PIKE and and PIKE and WALNUT STREETS, (Near City ater Work%) 'Men facturera of Mat lo W nary and other MGINES, RuLLING MILL CASTINGS and MACHINE RY, of all kinds, andeeneraljobbere. Prolooknitentlon yen to repairing 'ROLLING MILL MAURINE/ Y. M. WSTEEN, BRASS FOUN J• DEES, GAS AND STEAM ILLVERS. Particular attention paid to thu tilting up and re pairing of OIL • 111.1.1 SERIES. MI kinds of BRASS AND IRON COCK'S mule to order. Also, BRASS CASTINGS S of all kinds, made at the shortest notice. All order. left at Nos. Si RCA Si WATERntred rinCLUIERTY, will be promptly attended to. • 4 M- The members of tuts flew prarrfral me. rhanks, of nanny year's txprilenca in their bu.alness, Will inure to sire satisfaction In every respect. We aro also agents lor Willa, Garrison & Ca.'s STEAM PUMP, for pumping Water, Grudn and 'Refined Oil.. me. • A LLEN M'COR3LICK at CO., VAL.: 4. LEY FOUNnUX, Pittsburgh, Pa. grarWarehorme, Ltlik.:RTY STREET. Manufacturers; of COOK. PARLOR. and HEAT. LNG - STOVES. PARLOR, AND :KITCHEN GRATES, HOLLOW WARE, eta, !Heel nail• Glare Altnildr, Rolling Mill- tlaatings„.sllll. (Rau ing, Gar, Water and Artignit Pip ,o soslrons, Dog Iron'', \Vogt:in l3oxes, Sugar Ecttles, 114 ugers, Car Wheels, Cotipliogn and Outing. Bea. ernlly. Also, sobbing null Machine Outinga to outer. Patented Portable Milts, With at Rom Power. . „anti -lug. 11A(ALINF. ND FOUNDRY:. - •_ MILNE BUILDER ANI) : • LACO4I ISTPXYT, between Federal.. Mid Sandlify, = sonmir rre PA. . AlAnufacturer A of LL W-IGII O T AIA N'S PATENT PORTABLE. OSCILLATING. , STEA.:3I OINES, Shaftlng, Pulley!, tre. • ' Repairing of kinds attended to 344 .FOBNES, ((law of; the Um of rownes Hinley,) JOBB B. UE.BRON (late prMitchell, llorron tr. Con) Iron Foruiders and Stoye Misnatac aurora ALLE:GUMY STIMVP, • . Ninth Ward,Plittburgh, Pa: igr 2-1 T TORN B. ITIOUROX & CO & W.. BENNETT, lio.ufactorers of • WRITE STONE CHINA and CREAM COLORED WARE. 01Beeeted Warehouse stNol4i piTit Street puebtuA. "MED 1C.41.. 110 Ot'ATHIC. lIPRIPIIREY•S SPECIFIC Honleopathic Remedies Stan confessedly at the head of remedial stem for the use of no people. They are ah[te removed from the poisonous, dangeross. and repulalre dons of Quackery, or Old School Oitettee, rho noose". Menne of aster-cure, or the Intricate and parolee" ag obscurities of the ulna] liomoopathle boons a's loetiklan Consfating of 'Ample Specific" for the - various Allinson to which they aro re/MN—pat op to the form of nu IT sugar pellets—and . prevared of Ingredient' ut lor dangerous nor aligns they are the - *hi of the parent or urie, ti M st the comfort O • [ cseplaitung awl invalid. They luza ,- " - I 'positive advantages. Thar are barmiest —nes isunry can arta' fresc their wig They ere . I =We—sou Athena know what to take, and how to take IL They aro convenient—you sea give the proper Sugar Pills eta moment's waning. without hesitation or delay. They are egiletont— in [bonnet's of wins Sinus is arrested at nag sad the system oared without proetratin or tie— Iria I—CarteTevar,Cantrasatoa and I , ^ Mat, Pain and Baitleaaaeao, and ' Ha saute and Inlianunatnry , No. I--Cares Forme. setente Appetite. `— N. S—r fula. Teething, Crying and Wake ." N ow ow tl mirth sad Tothlsarst I,stionts x 16 ts. NW. 4-4Nres Dierrhee, akiline er Adwlts (Slices lifeataia aa4 Veasplaiots. Pries ramp.. bros'sa. 4 %Zlt 6 4are the went mud Cbroate W. es. /To. 6.-Crree Etymons) la Moody Mos. 0414 0.4,144 Jim. (Auhi., - ro D ris a.„. , ftwe g SOW . ~..,aoe,etio. No. T— YIN Caugba, Cable, fiaargeaosa,Tirrtm &Me, Iheuesza and Sore Throat. Perel4 eau& OYU Casnii. 1 107. r hal to aura the want Cold alai& Na..B—Catty Ftd**(lll4 teas saA Tit Dolemur. Ptise a *eats. Me. a—Curne Headaehe, 51ok Headache. Vertigo, Ileseh of 13lood to the Head. Pelee 25 cents. L &mitten with Ns. ID, li aorta , Calla ti cure Ilhe rest in Telerate 01611016 • ' We. le—Cores Dyspepsia, Weak, dotddr./kadad.. ad Stomach, t'omtppp.. Lion, !ATM' Complaint, Mims Condition. rriell US cents. b 1761. for all cases of Weak Digestion and Compl.tas. No. li—Curea'Supprresed Mcoara, or Soseity, or Painful, or Del:iyingi thorn Skin:Loan 15 cents. No. 12—Cures Leurorrhoo or Whitey Warta Desert too Profuse laerutcs. 22. cents. No. 13-:Cares Croup, • Hcarso Croupy Cough DlOlcult and Oppressed Breathing. 35 cauta. • Na ll—Curce Salt Rheum, Crusty .Erupttona, Erysipelas, ste,khl Head, Barbers' Itch, Pimple. ost the Face. ad cents. No. 16-Burma itheumatiain, Pain, Lameness, or Soreness to the Chest, Back Side, or Limbs, or Sciatica. 33 cents. No. 17—Cures Piles, Internal or External, Min or Bleeding, Recent or Obstinate. en cents. This remedy has cured thousands of the Worst possible cases. No. 18-4lurea Opththalmla Weak or Innatued Eve. or Eyelid'', orWeak eight. 60 canto. 1t may always be relied upon for a curb. No. 19—Cores Catarrh,oricute or chronic, dry or flowing, Cold to the Bowl, Influenza. Mini:tilts. No. 20—Cures Whooping Cough, shortening and paneling it, or Spasmodic Cou,„vh. En cents. It le Infallible, and always relieves and Guns. - No. St—Cures Asthinn, Oppressed, Dllllealt, La. bored Ilrenthlng, Cough and Expeetnration. Price es rents. 'Hundreds have been cured by It. No. 23—Cards Scrofula, Enlarged Glands, and Tonsils Swellings and CM Ulcers. Cc cents. Has cared the worst cases. No. 44—Cures Genenti Debility, ?bplocator Nan YOU& Wenknesa. w coat.. No. ed—Ounn Dropsy, Fluid Jammulotions, Tu• lute Swellings, wills Scanty Secretions. 60 coats. N 166—Cures Sea-Slckners, Prostration, Fertida Nausea, Vomiting. if carts. 27—Clurea Urinary Diseasea, Chapel, Eolinl Dllnnult or related Urination. GO cents. Reams old canes of Sidney linteues. N. ES—For Seminal Malcolm; Inrottantary Dtxhargea and consequent ProalraUen and Deltlll - Results of Ertl Hobble. Prim SI on. Mc most cfncient remedy known, and cm be celled upon as a sto - c cute. No. Of—Cares Soto Mouth or litoraseb,Caakered Zdouth of Adults or Children, and also Radicals and Vomiting or Pregi.ant. Female'. 60 oats. Chime et once. N.. 11—Cures Faciniel Ilessernation, Primate, Oramp or Spaeme, Itabing, ea& 'meta llic= of Females. $1 11. It seta like ei sham. lee.aeires 3afersing at Olesege km. eierittee, Elusive of Heat, Palpitetiee; aai eves Disease a Use N 110. ND. st—Clues Dlptheria a■e lalussac. Naar ■s.s Sere-Thrtst.. a mat 23 irlal Gunny 000 e *0 00 20 vial family 0000, marocco • 13) II vial 00.20, 3142 a OS t 3 eaae• R . '3 Op eirr — i Myer-tuft etre • POND'S EXTRACT OF TrAvrA v TR_ Per Boras, Scalds, thile,lnerree,Sercetess,Laael lime Sprat., ells, Moen, OM lime sad Tooth:treelihr.nraatins, B It errs like the m. - Price "cent& The trade auppliel at Now 'Perk prices Our OrmeAllies by Mull. Leek ever the moue up a ease et *Sae ktad. you elem., told Laelose the amount to a sanest sate es Blamer, by matt to my &tiro's, mot the medletno will be duly returned by mall of swan. free of shame. d. M. FIIVION, Fifth Street; (Depot* Ballitog, . . Caeond door below the Post Miley INlkelasalo agent for Pit:abort* and rlabilti. CONON NO 31013 E. TUT STRICKLAND•S MEMTLITOUS COUGH BALSAM STRIOKLASeIYS KELLIFLIIOI7.S COUGH BALSAM la warranted to cure Coughs, Oak Uocaonesa Asthma, Whooping Cough, Sere Throat,sa aTe04191411 et the 'Throat and Lungs. For sale by Druggists. (tenant Dapot, a Ear ficarib anti, Cincinnati, 0. All the Medical men Ad Mailman recommend STItIIIICLAND'S ANTI-OIiOLERA Sig TUBE as the oriy certain remedy forDizerhccatute T Ale a lb t' ar, ante and Oarmfaailicce and In warranted to effect o cure-after all °Oar mean. hare trilled. Fur sale Druggists. General Depot, SEut Fourth street., pins/math D. STRICKLUTD - 'S PILE 11,EKEDY. DR. t3TRIEKLAND , S PILE REDIPSOY ha* cured tbousdnds of the worst eases of Bliarand Bleeding Piles. It gives Immediate retie ,f and et feet! e permanent sure. Try it'direetly. RSA war ranted to cure. For sale by all Drugeate. General Depot,C Zeit Fourth street, L'lneinnatl, O. Dyspepsia, liervongiesS,. DR. STEICILLAND'S tome ws ego reeomatend those wafering with loss ' Ze l .irTiler ite, ;o l 4a la til °l in o t r o Dar." =L=lll7 It is s vegetable preparation, free from alcohol's llgtiors; it strengthens the whole Hennas rote. it create. s good appetiks and Is warranted to war Dyspepsia and NetTOLIt Debility:- • Fur sale by Diu-nista generally. Prepared bit Dlt. A. STRIONi. AND, East Fourth street, Qs . einnati. 0. ECM For sate by DR. GEO. IL KEYSER, corner of wood street and Vtrgln alley, and K. 13.10S.LERS & CO, corner of Wood and Second streets, Pates 'welareas,l and by PARK & BRILL, No. 77 Federal Allegheny. oct17:1 ITIE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDIr.--, • SIR TAMES OLARKE'S CELEBRATED PLILILE PILL.T, Preperett Rent a proterlption of Sit J. Clarke, U. It., Physic Len Extrsontlnary to the Queen. This well known medicine Is no Imposition, but a sure and safe remedy for Female didlculties and Obatiuctions, from any cause *hatever, and el. thotuth a powerful remedy, they contain nettl ing hurtful to the constitution. To Married Ladles it Is perfectly suited. It will, in a short ,bring on the monthly parted with regularity. • These Pills have never been known to fait where the directions on the Id page of the pamphlet art well observed. • For full partleulars get Is Pamphlet., f zee. Of the Kura. Sold by all Drugaists. 'Price, Input bottle. 'Sole United States Agent, JOE MOSew 27 Conetlanat street. Tort.N N. 8.-41 sada postazo stamps, enclosed to oaf authorized agent, will - Inure a bottle, eontaintag over 00 Mils. by re:um:lllAM deaotip . ATANHOOD: HOW,LOST.IIOW-RESI- . hEn s, vahrbp .. hel i lzs m a oA se t ted lt e a rt* . .-. ; ; P r e ealle r a tc t e ,nad Bath of Sp m te e, or &mutant. Weaknrss, - In r r e oluntar e y r Emle:crns • r • Sexual _Debility, :and Impedimenta to gtartiageLl generally; Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy., of and Fits; Planta( and Pkyaleal Inenpatity, sesaS. , • big from Self-lanme, the By Botrr..l. nrma., M. D. authar of the °Men '80r,16 - rat. • BOON.TO TRUUSA.NDS , Of" SUFFEREBSe. vi Sent, ;under neat inn plain enreinne, to . any aii• Oen, :Eat wad i ollZe j elef ei t eden r l o nr;two,.•; C l u ta ro l : t h, /Po% (IlhoeboicaSSa. ilartussaha: FORTY YEARS PHADTIOgc IN MEitiAL DISM/871104::,; Glees me a knowledge seldom acquired by Pisma,zi , Inane.' My long residence in' this city, and taw ',• amount of patients -treated arnmaily misoicei infleient previa my suerans. - - sp EßN , A v oß maes. or &mum. wmuntimai . And aD dtreaus arising therefrom, are - Mama in a , much .shorter time than heretofore byesrMISVF TEGETABLE 'REMEDIES.' Mediainea 'nut ter any mina the Union. letters must maim $llXlp to jpsy rettimpustiorterrpoadennallekt SacredromailyszyrD street, near mond. I. Iff. lIMANBTRUP, IL 4asur —snap% Putowsk -1" a 1,, Dia slava Prioal-1 ft& Ahnt **ram 0014 ad tie. 011.1it4 tit Yea. Pelee ti °NW."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers