"dg WittAtutlit gudit. r :.: 211171 1 3 PATi. 'JANUARY . -26. US& ircir:Riiir oal, . .113aaalw.corir wiu • 33rp.IF.corife, vuirtieuth .11544; 1. ittaiaaal;a4i is i',ll,SElair pay and aelLat /OAT 'per asat..l Swedes ".` • '•u P do g wx 10. • t"e ' sprt. uatincaiisila•om,r; 7.:%,...tt i -tr4S-740TrealiuTAOtwl. allaaßlallail SELL ou.ouumtssibu '''''l. -w Yarti'Philatelphla; aad,,Plttalourgh 7104 41 ar1i, 0 all ' kinds_ _of Cloversuaeat va.-.0514 1 1,110a44, Gold. gm, , • :7; VARIAL AND_ 130111MERCIAL. , AISTR. PrOITX4UP . _BOAR. ~,,,. 4.j/oolownromezoanasoiroesteasaifie4 WIDASIDLY. minim" Ilk l OQ,d• wed. ilt. ,cfailegiusay Galloway . se Pittsburgh Vs • ,i.,,..Connellsville .113,00 litieubentrille Scrip -- ;; ;14,no - Lawrence co. Vs lam so °r lhedlTe o 0 1 gi 7, 0n • . , . ‘o.glT:phe: at. 9 4,0 1 .11 19 011 0 . 1%. Behaves...," i ' ; ‘ - Vehang ulM4T ntalt • 4k" : = " elttzetin Bank V 1,63 .*--4 Wir rah f = 1 Germania ." ' 6,10 . " fnio'Uxi ftliterrifr.74,h7.'7r: TM , Chet* 1t17.. dayoFrea e ..... ; .Floss "ioo i _ lifeaboy a„O5 ha. WgitAa•••• •• • "'•77,' Gold is agate advancing—opening at .IMa—tioim , ratea wi3,.„pc ir,erapip!lta drzaccd froxi,U, toque ciniated at 101310f.6. ' ' Bct little doing at Pittsburgh laud ha *fatten "'"iitteedilittifor tlie L tAid - rclt :Bank ,ansies ECM cely din): -or Siocki better - demand. 'ta. ,,, ,Chrtry r ltne and rillsburgh In strong demand. let .•247. alltUe remarkable that Oil _Stooks hire Withstood-Um' depredation In the value of gdid better than any other stocki'eittier hem Phllat ...,416.4406„ - pe New York, -It ts trio. the demand for -the stock of sorceof the ntudocingeornes bag : fallen or materially, andpriemt as ninitter ~,,idoutee, rule Lawny. but the atook..of.al.l dend paying companies fa held firmly andln many haiiipnietiated 10744 consid erably, Another noticeable, fait is tied parties ‘f , ...abeiatiotetiit to Melded oPatoek, - discriminate foniedo. .o'going It blind, , Cia - Vies the • Miie Oil, `ttiiii;lithuirte. madeabonttartitory, vtiont toasted; **battier iltifareduelig ill; aid belnierietiedeally and ha l'AiSkl.l.lf44l7l4YeloPod. and whether the directors The attendance at the Peoples' Exchange ohm :faiildn'lirgatharematibflg;lad eplaider , abli" excite. tairdrested In - certain idoekti, - esis- CfidlY woe thlatheClSClA ftittattO.OtierrriLlA Pittsheigh, which sold all the wayuptromlerli!to figeFe:was offtiredat. the 'closeyrlthdut bringli4 ant - the 44 . 4,4 ShereMaa shici attdeinquity for Ititchle, but the &rennet, betwa}..n aitttiellers.PreVOito."pPers tterui—it2beirratiefid i6ianrukid; tar;sti.y. a, aiglaur Roomed ablete hotter dematut-And yet .r,zoosthownettght. fraptorement., , Oheitj ReirGen: Aral w;kikyrft4ed an 4.190. sump:rem:land I.l4,saked. icia - ciffidj6l.4-4XI bidaFederal;l3-15 bid; Fleming St Blood, xed—aßynd Farm, 11„60 1 -6, V. , takkwaltilettbet;Litifi,as'bfd:'. Sala of ... 4 1 N.: 200 e1i5m0U1ter222. - ..... 1 IVA GOO do do do .. 1 Si. ad '3 - do: 1 3734, Ai., 4 do - . do -•do 410. 1001 _ -do • . do' :... 1 60 0.4 0r.2002, der•-.••_, Mr,' - .171. KO 250 4 _ • do s ..-.. 02 Iterckantss • 0: 44 ,3: - .3ll.othoya4thierrisiggia..e:...: 1 00 44 : Chi Creek &Cherry Rm 5..... SoY • 310) -0 4 ~ - tae: las 44 do do sks. sr. 100 . 4 Rou i ,c 4 osr...TarutStary&Chanyßass...; 100 • r.i 03 The report to Mem ' ts_ . „ ‘ sthe s it;nditiqr.TietTe. well on la no. 4, Smith Farm, Cherry Run, in msehleirtlitr t7ridi it ihacalit.intfiburgtePeirolsaL. by L-1 33 1 4 4 . 17 1 i 1ave itninateets 'LOMA th4Scitilczni° * dispatch received this evening by Clapt. st..ellytigbt, - WohlebrUSfer , liktile'erillitnowlewissy at the rate of one lunitre.ramtlerentOlvsiburels wjell.day.sills.ancker.rodain. - Thaidispatth states tfiLt-orophizsdrest Vfly•t2arrels rierebarreled e. tres'grthlt'sf6Tl Uzi' . , • -untons.gulting-thothOwcnadtwedliPsteh hu ~_lreen "Mired statUrthat thegull aboyereferred wboliiassi.usirdod as the best mu-mem . mut, not' ~,MeStecej, u tif the ceith"tteo /tie icy ,shat she mlii sla wheal the author .5..-sgeovatei duels, Alher ~trer full WS and' aquae. '"'ler.'"The'aili will cut be driWiiuntil'flie tiadve Mu e , e+kturtr , Lte.k bum I.up. ghe tank Is on the is:/yebtrd and Is now Wag 011 is ttittar ree'clirtt frnritllititythiilveis• - slut not Italsed lienattrAck Pllt Ride Crab, which it was theaghtnewald prove • • betel , Wrallthars the “Holmden Well,uwjgcb - struck some two , ueeke Lir =irt e TericZygrgis teem the Ire W,Tork Trthuse of lierehants bolding' thods see them fall e.elteot i lascliso eTert on their part can avert the' es,for the good, must welt for a market, rod . 1 .4161 4 6053f.ftent to sale witheat'silidgg the mer. -ours formai out. These who harelWUllllono atteni have a martini bur the Watery Hof the past Lbows,Vtai stock rpeculators-an a merchants Must elate h'iotnitri a laic, and "see their galas die. Uppest it, rajddly, oat they made. ` were , Tines jabbtslk‘esatielling alone, b'ut sieatin , kinds ItitPtinhid. itpekh,,Yeder thliiricvrlttlory hie ,loainirthelevalun us. temporary Investment, oat, clotting larstqlybeld r mi ipeentetion,ilnd den way teaftetitithrounti thove Its capacity to. ebtorto The tranuctionva - the New York: Peiredenni Board onyoulny.were astellows: 100 'Excelsior, 1113;400'therisania,1 4 :10113X1 ridelarliother Petro. eFllreee Meth.' teo, 75e; ‘6o.Fdriplea City 'A/trate:cm Co, be; lIM Itmwitue, 11:301 700 Onilci Nurn,l3, 400 Thsehantri 1, Ynrs Farm ' Oil Co, IVO; 350 Itfatle,lo.l6;o o osto,thps;l oo ftisident, µpa; e,thi, Sate,. Was ao do., troop'North Anse r. jun. 4 )3;100 Enterpriae, 05. • t'=-Thef seeeklj - statement Of thi-Shiladnlphle Baths, made up Udinst., presents' the following - gate 1040, 0 1110 d. Intl/ 9??e , " 0 , r ji i eilous / "' . • I ....113,456,473 13,31(,065. 1010.. ,13,01 4 0, 332 ,1 3 0..43;a 6 , 1 10 Rev. -215 . 1 M , .t. 1 5 0011 .I,o3.trti Virsin;Vire7i6 0,..111143. , 3,011,161 Der seine ;fttle.lMT.ba4M473..imAdikus-141,,,= the, -010,Zr Circulation 3,606,011 Ina 317,266 U. S. .Legal Tender • 1, 454 4°l t aud . ,nstee 17,0 0,000. Dee 0001:001, .Tbis follanag lei comparative statenient of the thadithritellthe tranksicaNest 2 rork-Clity : Jan. 14. .lan. 21 Lasseg.sgs.lllll l ,ol l , l6 . 3 .."137,000,3111ieeP , I,die,trie ezt,syr,ste .20,611,510 De e - lane3lo C i rsisition..r.3,lll4,olo ' •• SODAS! Da istlge ti1eP05it15....148,101,143 '146,066,335 ykse. 1.60,146. _ ' „- ;I's?Seet.V.L.ll/19100e6a; , followleg 'the:value ofthe products: of the, IllitrutpesCatespledrof this :Kite forlitfits eVoill;th'utets6thsur,value 010X1000 Iron, 760.600 tons, value 1 ',Petroleum, SP:OpeObbla, elm $14.2,9:0,01)0 L "thii flew York i'qrsriur..tai of Tueaday says:; The fall in gold naturally_temis_ to depralath the yelefistir - eviimment scourities, butae but isidt bhlidoto6cuired. As gold declines, the amount of interest, Mesuituell in gleenbUltit, diminishes; SODA the 0 percent-Ponds when gold wax 00, paid Isper antis currency, now, with gold h 6 200, pay only !per tea. The llper cent. in appreciated it is true, is north as much in pun chasing value as the former IS per cents but the .I.llc Interest to . retain the fermi: relation to the . principal, the price of bonds ought aloe to 4 0esline.. At the beginning Of September Five.. TWIrRUeI Were worth; elm r of Interest, lel, which Was then touts elrnt to to Witold; Al, the present Amt . . Dols bmais ate even worth 104, eels; which equivalent to es tnyid, showing ea advance in itadisricersimo the not day of ruptember of M. Peet are months ego the interest upOst the geld video M the principal wee 16 per cent.; how It is 11% per ant. The fact of the prices of beads not having dielthed to meet these Auctuatlttes to the • Widower the Interest. is of course attributable thistly to the improvement in the credit' of the dovernident, during the interim, resulthsg froze " the brtghteningaspeet of the military sitesti oe. Clostaldering that Government alx.per cents., are rorthubw - only 62, and that the prospects strongly borax prompt close of the war, it would appear wutte probable that gold Oily tall yet:mush lower prltbout effecting the price of Gevernment sects* We; but Inexpert snyadrance in bonds, beyond ' _ *bat AST bevegutre4 by the steadily worsting. Ls ' firra4ls clithrly,* hope irith but little beats while the nelteut Poor , " continue. TheChlengo Trit uric of_Tucadesy aye : The pros. sent decline in port castes considerable anxiety in leatteitry drags ceipasiredii Western :Interest& Oesepimatirety Yevr Ot,too paoken bent qr en :the - ha4Aiestssippl ills= have geld much of their season's packing,and to , place it as. , the 02.111 , " , dabo Minium to lilt ma piasersirinimaiy bought their hop at prices Seer. vdriaviss.st l2Aa 'Qs* ss hither ' t hel-444117' l Iltiltitett "of rave been oxtrome la their .r,?y ~a ..~- - i . , ,, 1 . ' - - ,.... ;: — .. , 4 ,,..... .. ...,ix.r.z.i15,....,..z._,,z,- , L ; ~._,,,,,,,;1:.,;:,...,,,,_.L. ,u,i ,_..._,..,,_ ..,_ .. 4:c4.4.., , 2 „.,.1, A 1 . ‘.„..., i ~ ~ , „ t.ri 41., -b.-- ~.....,,---4-....... •••:,......• .11g=i;at:=. . • ' notions of- a ~ ihort: erop._;.nad consequent high . pricer. Under this state, of- entre, e v en when Mtn active demand at 10,00 they re fused to sell, sad held at 00,00—some even mt. it e ftWP,T.M l 4l* C e?.?"..7# l l.U'Vth.cr w , th the 'high reel Of freight, by kepethe great bulk of the season's Packing In the West, and It Is being carried now by the banks, smelt° their Moony& nience and deep anxiety. To sell at pmeat prices ,Would be suitunte tothe packers and elm to tliosa = site hit*si luivinet&on the Pinduet,'lnr Mil con. alderable amount placed on the market would be sure to break It, and aced prices clear below tr. 4, margins generally put up. DAILY REVIEW OF pErrenuagill MARKETS. ~,,Wszsarsanistr.. Ur. ZS, MIL Theiligheidvance glee of gold has iiiv• duced a little better feeling in commercial cirelea, but aa yet, there is no Improvement to note in the general. marketi, the demand for the leading cam modules being very light, sad restricted isimisst - . entirely to supplying the linmedlate wants of min- MEM. There Is no speculaUre feeling manlier*. tedi*irlfebe,'STallielloneaftitoital itor la it Rica, ythat there will be, unless geld should &dyad* . materially. emi ASEll , t—ripo und. ales olio tons mmon Soda Ari Vat ants ner Relined co do. Is q 93.4 d Pearl Ash is held *roily at lioent mat , a. GRAM—There is but little Wheat offeeisg, and Mlthaoroadslanised the raarkeV Busy ba-qmoted • atesdyeb gri,foglhorkilrceri.jvantoWsnul 12,10 ter White. Barley la unsettled and dun, sad animate quotation. cannot be given, Oats, dull and nomi nal at 86 cents, on track, and 90 for small lots from store. Sale of 1 car Corn, in-ears, at WO, and 160 bushels Rye—for Ooffee,—at 41,70. FLOOR—There Is no improvement to note l ir , the demandfer Ms article, sad no change to make fa s 01, 1 quo O tations. Smallimica of Family from storeat-9M9 t 3 fOrtriell-19.g and Winter 'Wheat breads. ..... - PRUNISIONS—There Is a fair loesi demand Tor Bacon, and we note small sales at previous quota tlons. Lard Is Balm at 243jr2414 for steamed and . kettle rendered. Mess Pork Is held at about rwr bet there Is no demand, No transactions to Bulk Meals.' i LEAD—Bale' 01251 (Aga soft Galen tt. to its.l sr r.fpa 4=4.mwpm a . anon 4scredl e; m - wan WetiodlluttpThthe tatri - ; bet is du I t u nchanged.. • Smell sales 03 prime. 801 l at 46€3475, mostly at 43. - I :S EGGS—valet and nominally unchanged st .133 ets. POTATOES—ChiIe-but firm with vilest:JD prime Pesch Blow* from store at. 113,U1i14,30 per bbl. Stock light and reeelpta Lmited. GREEN APPLES--Ofgood quality aid in condition, are In demand with -sales at from It cr . ` es of 411;/Sis . Wine ?Western ZICI , seiteri ta . Tiliatedat s a, aid Goshen and Eaglials Dairy at 24. 110M1N1r—sSili of 10 bbli at 61214 bbl. SYXDS—Flaxseed is less active and a shs:de easier dealers refusing •o pay, more than {],That 325. Small sales of Clover and Timothy at pre. clout quotations. diAT—ta quoted at 142; 4 415 Tt ton. Tic fee miles, as ,,, lntifft;Fragr-.44LatliftreKtrtri !eArtl l ,4 ll2 W lo quality; and l Waffles at / 20 rents. PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET TUESDAY, Jan. ZS, MSS; There argerinkyllegle tiger:4l9n in Crude te.•day that waveolad befit urOurrior-thiarlrat limn , wa believe, in the history or the trade, it may be truth.. fully stated that there ate not fire hundred bar4li, Is this market except what is in the heeds of Re finers. This beirixthe,euennantationsmust of iie• cowl ty be utirdial; and tee glee them at 376.33 e, bits returned and 426430 bbls included. For Refined, either le bond or nee, there Ls but little inquiry— In fact, there is no demand whatever for the bior vsrw.. Sreo-011tiedulliapdhstainalwititantall sales titrhiands at %IC tiliptteu 'via - Vat hew pretty firmly at .1.315455, according to gravity Red .:audition. Residuum is in fair demand and 'bonneted firm at err,*10 7 , 124 era asking $13,03. „, • We have adviede Irani' Oil City US to Madly evening last. Crude was then Quoted at $3 per, bbl at the went and MVO at the mouth of the reek. pluitADELra.l4.., STOCK mmumr. Special Dispatch to Pittsburgh Gazette. Pna.anagraui, Jan. 23, 1265; The market for Oil Stocks opened strews, hitt fall 011 late in the-4W- and closed irregular avd weak in sympathy with gold. The oloalng qrxotA, float were pa,(01100 - 011 130•10 "- so St:Monona' lbo Oil Creek & Cherry Its 02 Sherman t 44 Phila. & Oil Creek.....l sr MeOlinteelt aOO Sable& Dettaator;.., 1000' 11110011., £l5 F 4 : 1 7.--•••••Torlt,4" , 344.:, 10 01null 00 Clutut. ~, Oro . : M aple Shame.. aple..2l IS 'Colapla7rier ' "- g -_ t 1 Pa . .... Is • NEW 11:01kiii .I.9OIIOWADILNIARKErt. SpeteUl Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Claustta 1tarit0ba..214.1)115.- ...Teta:dec . tat quiet. ant actuarial Asa forOntae, foe Erglaibl .ta Bone, sad glifilaifocitallaad Pre* =LEWES BY TELBIMILPIL , t Chfe a - Co - Market. gpethil Divatf.b. to ilwyietroargli Ossetic.. , • - TS -- ' - ' CAtdioo t I. 25, Wis.i i - .-F l . 4 . l nt — DTA with !Wet of Spring &Tutu 4t rAnt=dltheo ssa tami«ol . Fro-1 -Hod a 4. cinat.i4fs 0'46%. , Oura steady; astaaratalcat ITArataleda, delpfltpl. Mt* aattre itraabyr 4so,lerYles, I. A , MOON is litwe.liter."'t at 1590..:1ta ~.aangelt 'llatierdallvaslealie.tat = litonwurea—lnactive and namlaal; mices,it waged, bat held at' AR4 isT r m Meie Perk se yawed $1; Prtme Itteos 14* Sake ..p .f auris d Ar 'w e ak kin,55101,..10 for _ Prim/ . dttli 4 140 4: livrtz:A--/V44.4dicisa4tasi;prorpoti. teotitioak. Briletskii ;head str,,Toahlar of 0 5 4 .",r?!, 06 t . 7...oys.L4twet kad rtsOblar's.Prices) hixtikead at•geihrio... ,, A . . L• , ••••' Wed - irerk-116.0et: Tit* Tann, Jan. ?at._, - • I . stranl.nio2 rnniay an clec.dedlt bor.' o ,•;•, ta47616,a1 I tea cites 1110,D3 24EArad7,.•a5,_0.,.auC1447113117,11) • ll'laXi icrTndd , -atear4 ; ireljarsi, Ins 'vitt rrllens at, 111. - quatation. .• - • Cleillx.:-.STheatialrl and tirr bac= aillwltt , ter Club, at ".113; I,lo' . Coragaiel Ana without Taal 014 cluCuln• _A • Wf hil. 61,67 ! - than 16tdo firmer; 1 1 1 - 6f1er5, 1 63,911.Ca11f1,•.,- 116a.foraJradndlialor 17.64 'AarC'itr toad aad636)6ki for ite aal Yoe— • wooz--Duft. . • . - " toss=rrintsitoisi, Pow? taid =ore &dug: nt ri,cogzs. co for Few itfaaa,...6.161331UX/ : fir 3 .4 . 6 .40 107 7617 ...X 11 . 0 ..; 6 1 .9,44 00 1r 1; for'relnuats, Wuyera and : kellers? option, a : ,(11. and '7,GPO I.6ls.j.rame llfera..for:Forbral Try 41:11 are hO, wrais' 11014137,00. Haady, et 4.612 f trirloult_p_ Drat liaullitnadyScal:4 _=1. 1 :6; estnni",6o, Cut Mesta stenay,_6l /I' ..1183 3 - 6 '4r:boa:ars, &ad 452124 fur nem% AMU t:itc4,ll ratlttruiorratandr r al 7.skatlNc. for that to eva,a:hesty, Vrebletia., , EFacfn a ..alruns timer, an 15 ;% 1 F 100 f.r,c 1 i 1 . 1 .4 760, Out:, isard,rigthar morel. 'aka ts,erygi ii . But te .ga a pp 151.01,14 A t =gat :NiwiliOrk ?Stock and 'Moner Marlcet. Ne' Year, <Jan. - 25 . ,-‘3townf , ;-Eaap, "at it <"Gold arty aful roar twesdfig at tidy T dedlnivg:la 261 , 4,`IReflfte-! Aar :to 11.<1ii. a eloaing , il •Wei. Oertrlntent Blocks active and s etude firmer. ' " • ATOCes-Bork Island.; Chicago, Darlington; and loft Wayna,_74,l; Illinois ifenfral Scrip, 115 f, Oared and and Pittsburgh, Egli; It,. preferred, oJ,b,t; Toltdpi Idd;.New York. Central, 1 0 'X,1 Eri_t.,.7.1.4; - 'efulleft,los34;<Mlc,bleadi'Potittorn, adgi etotipo. as, len li,ofekitleer,,olMilfulliberiand, 46P,0h10, and hlbsalseippl,gs; Missouri, gig TbEilillliCe tAX.3I4; .3tr-TAtfottiollion4l 10.10 Cd'dpoui;fo''J;:3liwo Ant - • • ' • ' • ". drrer eff.Therollorini ire kei <lalleuharr4fallarbers I:venter Mock Zraerrei licr.rd I Gold, 2b414. New, Tort' Vcatra.. vwX .<:Eril;l9l-2eis preurtriGelyJ "., nttr-iwsp.4j AndlearatitkWn oentrel'W , Arion s kth , -t etz4.st,ollllntt , , itv: oltleszq and; Pittebta_ <9l.TOledo'ltl saar . lstand,l9yn nirrh'Weston/•elipNerteirlein - preferred. , :..0);;; Fort waive," 051 e aid artrafssippt .Jar.ates;r4lresetini f •X • Gumbaltdid, arJgg . rdadl-. pins, 154. Litmks mid 'Gold ken,'. (lath Odd, aloe <-ra11,i44014,. and rallied toldV - , ••`,l ; <<” < <Matigera' -' ' . • -- Guenitcorl,' Pm. dirrodstFiroter 'slur 'twit& deroorillstrperi - ot : trt,lt; h.l G 8440 4. 01,Iderilt for Bar: '4ed 11,15•21,14 - tdr Skelled• -Oita - du)! and 'mires &c anted to pa: jejodoß. Bar ley steed* ; Prliee Pall;111;ett _ Warner—Unsettled and Okuda" t 215 4 0 0 .1. .. 1 " 4 . Vsl i n vi rt i er4Th i ' CL ° l l 9: s 4lgtintlnilattlnaar• .hel ncet.and bekkoepreren:dtimeeiltratestbey.would d :ortllttaidybereeteeeted yerterdai. Mine Pork Awes been sold nt 'llwabrion.soto rate. ext e n t ; holdders who were wining to take OXl,Ooyesterdiy, t sakettiKen to-dar. Bulk Meats and Lord ware more Croat, but there waa nothl , Onocitnite-;tanehatolL • • 3Ltorzr./danlFOr-4011, PLft e►j:b Market. . . . . .Tincnnnz.rn In, Jan. 2.5.--FLoon—Very ;lull and no quot Able ;Imago In prices. , - • 'O uAls—Whent ; White, 42:1302,i11. ,- ,Corn arm; New Yellow. a; 1,1 70. Ont.& at Ile.. Corrnx—Dralimin.;; 3111411n;,.£40PC15. - - -/1124 - We term, HaltWore' Market Jan. 23. '''Eleur-MstkOC.doli arol prices 1410 C. buyers. 'We report rale* 9000 Dbts Iloward street Sutter At utel • bh/s good Ohio .at en,e43 per Dbl.: ,Other scherlptions ; unchanged, though norelnitl. . • omto-The :weather bola*: stormy and _exceed they dire:treble, and With very.nttle offering, basinesoirati m the sale of sooa busks frood red Wheat at 4201,. and 500 bushs Oats at 560 t.bu, No reeelits In sales of flora nod no quotations Prostions-Arf quiet under theAceline of Gol d . hettr;of no transactlotrs; pHoes aro urichanged, though tiondril, ,rtz: For .31osi: Park psifhtt,tio per bbliPulit Shoulders lic,Sldes 2tet Bekaa Shout. der, ecto for new,Sideghl ,e lbws 28e; Truth/425g cts per tor 'Western Olds- . • Salt-liuthlng doing except. tram store and prices without change, etc LlterpooLarepood 4111Uat 510 IPA; do Moe 4,2661.05 - pet sack, awl Turks Maid per bushel In lots. • Seeds-We quote Claret at 1115,50 t Timothy at and FLehaeett at 1ia.15,33,60 per bushel.' - Cleveland 'Market. . • t dull: Salta too bnrela XX white Meitner , noon et ell: 'Meat moan fiat and pcbea enure/ nominal. Tiro - receipts ate less thy fornr.fetint elltin. Ire Oa DO asurea. .bigdiest rates. oreren'trete $1 for t Toledo : tWI 51.80 for No. , Cart., terelpts light and owntr.-14.tna, smanatockilvablera are aim' at ni,sagime, for old enelled.—Salelltts forenoon of. au new shallot nom dolt tt Id.ta;'-clate • dult'rutd:nonsinst, with; MEM .Plilladelphia, !latter, Jan. 21. naxteid bits dp:thiedi ;CO is all ellen at 413.00 . bushel. Closerseed elm lower and prime ralit t l Is othscedAtUkhe.-Micre Mao demand to r. ' There Is eery_little demand. for. Fleur (Mil: Hof ehportisehenterenailumption, And prices are droop- Jeer, salmi of 403 barrels ford Westetstextra family at 11.1.541.1.11 berreL The sale, to the horse rotuumera take a Wide tango-, -my from 09.60 tit Sir In t Bye,F/ouia t rid Coen hteal.npFleXdoLue ter Itsgao She 'Meet market le at a - staiii. Raiders ask KW per 'bushel for htmosairoa r earor Whits, but there see no buyers either for DE4)11111,7 or 131/11114 three figures, Rye" teheld ounewns. Core 'ls dull but supplies come -fonward.rvery Suiall sales rip New Yeller" $1,TX)1,75.- hits are , In Arley end Barkri.Mait'nOthint Of any Proettions or An deseriptlonenre • dull, and toef feet shies to any L extent of either POrk, Bacon, Butter, Lard or tilietirb,lower rates would have to . IMPORTS DV RAILROAD • - 112 • 76111711010 - FOIrr W.4,22r0i 22013n104.0b R R. .Tra. 20-20 blds - 011., 10 bxa soap,•Edwd - Heozlcton; bbllroll, hatalallakey_ft Ca; 201 be. barley,: .7 Rhoden3 ear metal,%Tottirlnnorkead.l2.dos tubs, Ste,•ll Dant! eor I car spider., Goa k woolman; seabeds him, G it /2001stott; 100 do do, D Smith Co; to trlf neap and mulles, Et W-Ranktri; 44 balsa hay, AO Onto & Shepard; -!.13 dos brooms, McElroy & 0o; 4 rolls loather,-3•11n, Redman ;1021 pea bulk shoulder*, 1' Sellars Si l' A=J as ea t ilict i tt li rtol B =es i j k BlMAlr p ePi Lan; talon do,,Little & Tri0:11423 do dor 214 Thin. aid & Arbutkle;23 do do; HairOrth & Co; I bbl hot ter, T 0 Jenkins; 1 sock coffee, R Robertson; 117 41do 1 / 2 .111. Ralston; 1 cases t0b5c00,, , 1CA1 1 111 4 45 a. Bluertll4llbldeo, Uhrlktugliik Cb. ;. • CLETELAND PITT9III3IIOII Rarratoe.o.73.7(. 24 :0 bbls Atterbery, Reddlek & Co; 19 Fk4ll."Xs/.9/19 Davison; Op talon* a ' erl2 pearlx,E DDlthrldge; ski 'potatoes, V 1 Fraser; Ha sks corn, TO Jenkins; car wheat , 040124 elterrld Obis abler, 46 bbla apples, -Frank Forwarder. Axxxorrasy STarrorr, Yaw. 23-107 bbla floor, C 11Dctweller & Co;! tars hay, .1 Steel; n Wigs wl,r, S 210:70rrolck;13 flassed, Ewver /3111anx+- - 1116nrItSgki erbeirbatable &047; Imp tobacmajll &II 0 Elton; 2 boxes butter, Steal Ilerbertllo aka ants, S quarters butt, .1 .70200 n; II aka emu, 3 pito ausuirkra,`T,To(l4.•‘, • • EIVER INTELLICENCE. Thin - weather . triathlon antrelnely cold er and alai entertained diuthg the'earlyttart, oft}e Week of imineitiatareamption of astrigetlan, ',retiree, lire nut likely to be 'realizedi - rt Is trite, tic riii . er hei/leen iully„fOfir feet Wilhla. the Pest two day., but.the.iee has again become so fossil dabitihst itevoutd 4 It dangerous experiment P?r a al nand:eat to verdure Mit. 'The ‘Nionengsbels tray running fall *flee resterdsy, mid Is repiertrd" opon some elttsoce up, how far we were onside to lciri - The .d is Rem closed emnewhdre bet,ween,hero Eiltarmlng, mut, jutliing friot present bodlostiOns, will rennin in this conditlen for tome thee to vine. atm bare been' no arrivals or depertuics fir Ee.ered days, not la It likely that there .o ill Mt tor' attend day. to_ come: the Pine Orvve, Ildi ndola.mul Onward, from .I.lincinnntl, are War , where between nest and Pat kersburgh. aho Argonauteal Yorntowo aro advertised fear CissiunaM and Lod:rinse:a the Olive to 9.1.. lun.bia for St, Zonis.. - Tie Anna was advertlemtte leave Ilincinnatt for .Plitsintrgli =Tuesday. -' The foUowlag Mfrom the St. Loots, Dertiormit of The river rose two Izeibes on rrldsy night, sad w.u, sic:roma y.Saturilny ,Imiterskty t this pert—v.llo . weather was very mild _during the sinsirordays orlon week, and wssaot noldyester day. although Mere wean slight froczazeti .fmtur darmighL.......l4 Is Deposed the gorge Abostikinto • Island Ell swab° defunct, aM navigationto and frost Claim tatresnmed. Theca:vent through add nadepthe gorge is becOmingstro= v ulthere C d petZlereei l of itts ' lfready reseit34- 4 ref . rUv,Ek--lioalmiintsirrived at .oeirm train New Orleans, at 4 o'clock ,Sattirttay normalise,/ and olleartnandiveserkersipalt se. On Saturday evening captain Warr, G. 34e0ottuts starteaan the ears for Usirm - terterb;. taunt:dist:zoo his are& - ipakaii amitaWndousuine of the ephens. We prrsume that steamenWillhily. , aiW . . 1TR1.0VZ . 4 2, 84 , Tit I.OMB 11.17. .The new and - eoinoseelloott Upson ql 'Oeph , R. - .1. Porte,' Will' *see ak - AW're imp,l -DAr, the 27th Inst., st s o'clock. _Zoe UAW, at pmeo - apply ott bade ands , , .1. D. WI.LINGWOOD, -30/LN VCR CINCINNATI -I- VlLLE—lite GM -11111• steamer YORILTOVITI; Peet. G. W. Ebben, will leave es - - 41:!eywoo Tkareley the !40 D. 03LLINGINOOD; Pole' , :^logn mAcix,'... Adonis., FOIVOINORiItherI k LOUIS- 1.17 . , VILLEIHr exeettestt. steamer • e"-' -ABOONAIUTS_apt: G. t W.: jtet:d, wit 49r 1 . aber - aiaisphr.aa-beantar I.l.lWEVir}Ageat. VOn CAME - .ANlS toms': t • ••.•• Tien.landld steamer OLITEMapt. f1.1.-Vateren!Wilitil,yre pm:04164,a Hk For frpight or palm-vs spOi on, board ot , to JOHN _jail • J. D. AMLLINOWOOD, I '"..."""!."; t • 'PALM: TIC PATt Ti? it tr-W. t l . GOLD IMA, W. B. Kerr, mue 1 l amer an, 'lC clerk, PlUsburgh every SVMDAY, st. lloVeiceek ovoid Pottainstitheivary 0111MT,mt Schlock p. Tits Golden nuke connections at P month with thenpk•ASCstesnies Boston 14 c : t . for Cintinnati, and w 111 receipt froleit, snd :SW tiirgulai.i4 • MO; 2.= IiEGUL.A.R3YILEXLING AND `^ PITTIDtOIIOIe•PXCIMT.—.Tai - 4 nee. one (orsteamero; ta •••••• • ! -X T.I I ;/"- IP T u n eMint, - 2;.l.."Ltret Lrr reap it • u_rl2. TUDI DO Y 41ATttntlitlf; eta" o'clock re. Les AV reeling every MONDAY,I.TEDMEADAIf- • EittEtaT. NY *NO* a.; oi r ,!,AIL tray bail ItratitSily attiiidad.to. Towing does at taodera exta. For Deightorpoinge.opillyntrUard, or SAS COLLINS 00,Ageoto.n4h; or BODY ; • , 1-0 4 1 4 ,1 44 NPT.. AV0Lt.W.R. 0 414 ,- . • OW ArefaTildOrifiagns, sc. i j)UQUES2{E -13RA8EIWOR68; CADIESN'& clawrontr• i,,,,Karsoloetorer oli *vary 'isnot,' at Outefir*. - , Ba.a.samanacTownancnitO wrr rstiati 0-4srrrnal..4 - _, - Ducumasis, Alrn 4X)PFESSMITILS ::; =ASS 'CASTINGS of all descriptions, wade DI ordrn er. STEANDOAT Avow -5w23444, Atm aim trirrmaisnatzp , p,romppt at. ! ate awns up itzru24 xolt GOAD AND CARBON --Abw,-EkiAwereriar - UNIATtEern Dlit4ot al Tentaylvarda far the sale' er MIGISIC "LAU& fr. CO.'S RATENT . , SYMPOPIII DOW.; beat' 'Ye! thliestodv,:llatin,ltholreil ICU t t l liable "to get "out • or order sad will throw Eno water than AV puny of twice De Nise„... PATENTED 0 TDDE R : yr: DpaIp:WFVS-PA.TENT Osii LAip ~ - ~ \ ~': ~-. • T suitriAiiien or • irriarr 411tA 14 I/ . t These Chimneys mer 7 .l.oi s Largliii eyi heating rill perts of the glass equally, does notrerrol pose it to cracking. E. IL D.M.IRIDGE, - Fort Pitt-Mara Works, Washington street, Penn' K. . - 14. NAOMI Hntru.L.r. 7.1W141.11, IRON CITY WORKS. Nutclusrosn. iii.nrimt. a coif atspinfors. Camer and fyiiilti; and - - _ . , -- gir sad WALNUT STREETS, 7 ;7 1 ;' ' 2 ' ' ..' • 6- ' 1 -- -- - 'Nfelii - ' MiWster WOrke,) ;•, -, Ibutufset um* o(iststris ry_snd otber mauteso ROLLING MILL UASTINMS , sod MACILIINW MY, of sli kinds, asireneraljobbem I't i . stteation nate. WpalriA4 nata ROLLING! & M.— WSTBEN;" DTtASB ic7iiter tk "D 'STEAM 7117E118. P g . o ' j p?ia t iga i allttlabut i tt i d 'g111:5 1 & 11.R . 0N COCKS merl e rder. Itls c o . , LLUOUgUS,. pf all . in ku:di g ' 4;4• 2 :0 the JLaeterLvotieer.- •. . . _ All orders left at Nos. 81 164'81 WATMI street and LlllEltra r f min l. protoptlpattroded to. The Members of this firm [ming prodh.ml me caallkor of MdarEalielt experiexteeria thelrbuitters, Will Immire to glee satleution to every respect, • -4.Wer aro-also agents ' for Guild, tlarrlson :thrthi STEAM PUMP, for puttying Water, Crude and Defined Olin, fee. dee-ty LLEN CIC• . CO., • birr FOwtrouri Pittsburgh; Pa.' • ' ' AfieVrtrehoure,hilMlllEßTY STREET. Manufacturers of COOK PARLOR nod NEST ING ST01111‘;'PAIILOR AND KITUiIEM - ORATES, HOLLOW. WARE, • eto., Steel. and Diem hlauhts,,Rolllng Milt Castings , Gear. lug, Clea Meter AuLVArtlrau Pipe, Sail Irona, Dog W Irons, 'agon • Dozer; Sugar Kettles,. PoIOYI, Ilargers, Car Wheeti,Couplings add Oast:logs gure Also, Jobbing awl tifeehine Onstingamsdr to order., Patented POrtolde'llills, with Steam' 07 Norse Power . . - • , • ' null-Stud _ TIEIOI-- AcTIIN.I; WORKS -- AN D -& — TOUNDnY. ' 11. 1111011T1INS: 1111.11LIThil AND :MACHINIST, LACOCK tintEKT, betlreCO Federal and Sandusy, Aux.csizsx Oar ' PA.. lTnaofaeturtt ' o[ Fl 11T1IAJ‘ fvpATENT PORTAIILII - 09CILIATING STEADI EN GINES, eilinDlne, Pulleys, ke. Itepatrlnit of all kinds attended to Jet-Is ; POWNES• (lan Mai !Inn of 'Yoirnes ft; Ulnley;) S OIM limutort(lat* of Mitchell, 'Herron k C 0.,) - • - leonYgpnAeis aiiiikaire Nano theivirers ALLEGHENY STREET, R'thstAitaill;PMabuigh, Pa. mr%. 2 v. T HN H. HEBRON & 5.4=141494' /if ) . ..143. Water. St. xTs, witov r a i'erAfi z oLule; of Bor,T. :Lot every doserfAlon.—• Parrticalsresed or shaped SPERM and lIITETS , Or 1iPa14.044 1 4t0 . Mkt:4 - 0114 . 1: luisotMent cansf,aa tly on hand. soraaani MZM 1 - 1)./2 SaLE--- FOR RE.V.T. NOR SALE—A. vary mai u,,ble FARM it -- Dan townshlty Westsoorektrel enunty, • Itortalatess about adcres,.well Improved, and in i Ugh state-of ,stlon. FARM OF ziao ACRES, Ist Fad Meld town. westammbnd eatuly; Pet"...LiaprOsements pod.. The p ItnA Lot Itch best quality. Coal sod shundsnee. , • • • Also; d'STRAII SAW *III hi , other purpose?, with the castings, mecelnery, fly wheel, Ise. eyThider Is rano Inches In disneter sad tour foot stroke. Two Fullers, 11 (01!loo^ and 31 ll:atm la diameter; sal L-4 good °vital anewlll be wild thew Also, a FAME of 400 acres In Wes Wheatfleld township, Indians county, Pit., ;dung Biree miles from the Penn's Rallroat Men, 2.FAItlel of 128 acres in Conemangh town. ship, Intans county, Pa beautiful FAR/U.of 102 acres, with a large 'BRICK HOUSE, with 12 rooms, finished to mad ern style. wash-how° and hako-oren attached; a' large spring house, bath house, smoke house; a large book barn, fruit trees of eve,J description; church and school house built upon the Bent: mt.. farm adjoins the village of Loularille, and Is two, 604 A-half fallen Bern the depot at' lii.V.etmore,la Arestnioreland county. Ps, on Bab Ndetbsesstarn Railroad. Aloo s •TWO, BRIGS. HOUSES and LOTS In. Elizabeth borough. • Mao, A -Fd.s 1.. EIFTT-TWO JOKES ha -Merry township, Weetmoreland •ounty. about two stiles from St. Chair Station on the . Fenno, asteam saw zaill - natrit. completed 'with U. the machinery for • flouring mill on the premises; the land it of the best quality, coal and limestone in. sbundenee, and,aood, ladtoationcotolL Wlll be sold cheap. Also le Urea adjblolnrttaiillage Now Demi. the eee7-heet /date ,ot oUllieettesn' and abundance of fruit of every deseriptlor.. Foe further particulars inquire of TOWEL Real Dante Agent, real No. lee Fourth street: F° .7444. . A mAGRIFipENT, .DWELL4Na,mpusE, brunt fully and fashloaibly lee:tied on Stocktioa nactoue, tsoconebanic,ynearSodersi street, Alio phenyl:My, 'Containing in• bionla, with -All the odern Improvements, •, , , a!,chis, nab (het and nOdi) NraWr . :Atutile Nriiitstathle atirltrantieePlenta. The lot Is SO feet front, runnier task all feet tbrnter strehrThore is erected on (he rear end of the name a large brick Carriage Rouse and,otatile., .r _ nsac A osion . , ft an pn siren Irraleniatt4 ps-riuf redS 11:pply.te , RROr ' jinsived Igo, 57 Fifth street, Pittsburgh: VOIS EftAbE.I.AJT*IIC-ALLEGIIIIkOr ••-..,- 41P1r1F..The.trudetslgiseil • Ofreejor" 'bile the pr as operty where Mre'VllklYtintelleedOrae PsShure 11 r, A Ilegheoy city, saijoining the Toney of John Taggart, has a front of & ti ent .1011 hr. on Nee: ore lane slid extends 'h ick - AboutlCel feel. It in A part of Jobs plan of Thlrount. - n =la la P1.10.110016901.A.page ri, and ream. Bra 11l lots of Bald plan, bolos' lots numbered 6to 31. It has a sons ortable trims • Itou,m, end the grounds are plantederith'gruid teat - trees, I.e. /4 could be divided. tote sererni good building lo.s, or,. frnprovedit'sr4b - ole, make delightful' remerore. It is olfrrett for rale as a whole, or la mineram lots to tusk purchotere. And the terms Of pa me ent will he mode .eesy. 1.0111t1.100, can tie Wien oa the a ltatof 41prItmeat. • - - jeledf 106 Fifth st.. _ 1;011. SALIi,-- - LOTS-INATHE- . EIGHTIr WARP.-Tic Undersigned as Guardian of the minor chillers of David Greer, olee'd, ores for' tole the following vacant lots in the Eighth word, • VII aif firrt lots on the corner °fn.. gee nod Forbes streets., 00 by 02 feet, being lots. Nos. 11 std . 10 In said .Greerls. plat, reauuled to rlnn 13volt volst„psorl7l; I.lot on Locust .t reef, by • arli.feel. being lot N 0.66 14111114 plnci; 19 lots on Moils street,lo by el% feet, being lots 42 tole*, and t 0.3 to 11l In mud plan; 6 lots on VlOg-t., street. ..20 by 61h i feet, being Nos. ealUto,l.3l in mid plant 'Mot a lotir *tithe emote of inageirond IllutrstreoUt, 20 by 100 feet, being No.. 117, 166 and 149 in said plain snahlog altogether- 110 lots. Some of these tot.are very desirably so building sites, sad others . are 'serf valuable for stone gunnies. 'They will be soli separately. ,or all together, and on easy teiths of Viiiistiant. • s .1. P. WRITE, 13181 f 108 Fifth at. -VATAIARLB •REAL' ESTATE FOR .ZALE.—.Tba_cien.tors otthe ;"' Estate of Charles Rowan deceased, •• - 4 offer for sale the following valuable Real Edda: A Lot of (hound an Tenn,street and Ma/docks lartvave alleylo feet wide,' at the distance of 00 fe.t from Irwin 'street, fronting 40 feet an Non street,and sunning back . 1 4 3 lent, en which is erected two twowtorted Throe tratidings on Penn civ-r-11 '434 .ff,,et t'Vlttlioew t ryl running back 40 feet towards Irarinatrent: ffirkjeet to an annual ground rcat of $5O per annum. • Yortersarons., apply to Josses M. Christy, at the *Mod of the Glut Company. • SARAH ROWAN', Ex's. . • ,jaUstt. . JAMES CHRISTY, Ex'r. vALVABLE OIL LauiErs- • - . ar.cowe.. MILT-at ' • • sitti One tenet of ants, in Mahn , Lewroisetr. couny. OA: farm, two down to the lattOA n wn h of about this NO feet, with auwolLy eneole . Ala°, one tract *paean about OS acres, trial% Imo omit about MO rota deep, and a aplconlld choir above lands ate located In one of .tae beet produelng nit territories en the Idahoan elver, and itining the leads en which the orientated St re obr•iArs or Pkesecr Well la located. For full parUculeta encde* or Nouzirr 144,5 t .00samerew aroksr,, No. Rood it EA _N Atll N Aims wowarantr. .01;1411 . 4 przfiy el' Walter P. Marshal. Jiew tom mad,lsLagoad -art! to • part co the saburks rinsutpa.u.fur beau ty of scenery basing on it a two story hatmeorith bean and ales eat Imilllstipy amd abouedrag "6hofu Meet g; car t bialny. in sinit, many nil Um t•- • quitltes Al _ Comfortable almatry - foe a city business men, Is °dazed for saki. ApAnyto S. DRYAD', - Umker and Inman. Agent, Jan Penults Street, (Burke 's Daildlng.) y. -1101,111Efisr..1 NsSIXTH: - WARD ice en April Ist eta be Two Good Throoltory. Dwellings, • In the Sixth arttest, wenteiskag eteren rooms em it .0% olren. ' Let, 20011111 to a foot alley. Hydrant water,. gavot pan weilkAisisse to Lisa yesd. B. B. BRYAN. Altrokaraina (asarsure• Agent, Jrzi CO rearm tc, ettaritee 'Building.) I VON SALE.—ThQ FlniLain And Lot now. , A.'"_legegilind by kfts: A: R. DAUM, We. ItIS Lai emit sterol, Allegheny City. 11 Is a aubstanOnl "r.Drick modren style; front and bask Mr,. storieteklish„ epsdmialreg fifteen maitut, /Med 'Mk water /ICJ gag. and tionaJed an aide awl rear by es,l alleys. This Is a desirable property, as It la ps Stit.rstocreder t and lodated so eintrallythat It ts mere! are!!* teem any truelONlS pertlon of the two .1/1-EFILTT k OLD, deli at • 1 , 3 First Meet. t OFt SALII--Tlttee new storm Erunnes l . buittptlitosrirtar ofi W 1114131 lath eiltutter, 14 1i.e.11 stroke; vary strong. 'Eagles shalt, crank sect eonweetlog rat or wrought Von; bait or brawl Hollers tiro es; lathes diameter, wlt, two bbtorh does; ehlamey IS to. by 1:1 feet; hot sag forlabilar porspClEsairythlreosarilste sadtearly basblp sista , lilKlll - Ir, 4ol3lttiburet, P 4 ' Shop, corner Point. alley luau iltuptesete atreati babal4AlioltilwaY the Point. Sena ; - rtOE BALE—A FARM- or id ACRES ` _013.134 Sellehly, Ours WWI the. rolirolut Won, well improved, 'Price fg.3 per nets. A 43 ACRE YARN on Kilbuck, 33 mile.** Olondeleßlationon warlek• lit *Dent $llll, _Storey Dwelling,' DIM ireproveinentu Prleey I fateciialgerg; - On "Frew:int uW TrOx6ll m•PPlitgri l 6l 4 aciflnt4iali464itioll: contelnlng 3 , 3,30?" . 4 3 niki • • j grilihri bl. : ggEteLE; dee • letaetatitteet.%katerway„ 15T.R BALE.—WE ARE AUTHORIZED; :4405het1 eoltedilsitti noter,3iln o Which are Alen t in fruit, afilolning the prom.' e 4! Mtn property is, abenti,( . or ei c rem the ilepoLs4(thei34l.o4wriUnßosil- WlW Al49 l ... ita _t s trArtt i find, tour mlla from k.~ming Wwalt.oo. - , 4 ' 4 Ilsuirl'Etale Boy' ituisihrough title propene. —43liher Mr above-will be trailed . good DIl Storki,nt market pane, STEEL At DAILEY. ' A, 4 q9141116TA8L.W. .110tJ8E 01 heap tome, wlthla equarea of the street hart;ldllaneheater. 1 - food water awl every. Meg ocapplent. , -Voalithrowitlvett patatallately. Tor - What Allay* loiszrn l'Au t ilbedwil West, or at.ThoinuaarperlaWagotillihopaleurotitreet, Kasebester. 1.4 - 4 - 1 notidf ATALIYABLE ' OR . BALBL-TheSelehtelta nSTD.I.74.FLOIIIb nt(lium tow in - upepslion) wilt betlaid al a bargain. ...Eng100,01.60 boreetpower; boiler 46'feet Wog liriblnebesillifiliielt fines, flywheel, 2 pumps etc., pile Vilna, A. bolting largo screen. `trent' nalehtne„oog gearing No. 12 oog.wheolarup. right*, plinks ele., everything neareeery for bat ty ing on the business, ohma good Order. !no boiler and engine will he sold sport (Coin the llouritez wn cldrery If trintvd. - : - . iIIYTADERT & SONS, in A - a 1 Market at. NOR SALE . AT - .ti TA val Amble STORE ROUSE AND LOT, With seven moms for tenont uso,'nni trawl_ buildinvon rear end ante lot," containing 'tone rooms; situated Ile bliew " s IdAtAtltElbt * b. .TOHNSON; iettorneyset 1111 Greet et.. Pittsburgh. jellfilmod I{'..S.ALE.A boititifu. o T deltE9, In a high state:of Seine/41ton. •Vargeurchnid of the brat of - Pratt; mind Iwnse and barn; spring of, excellent water by the doorr sere of the hese of coal in the hill above the house; not requlrlas hatilln7; situate on the east bank of the Monongahela river, one mile below Elizabethtown. Inquire of DM. STERItriT.. issLlf• 717 Penn street. Oil BALE. 1 Seven-Horse Power Engine and-Boiler, REPAIit lila-m.lolmm= - Ttiof.s, Of airmail Steptils and (Mali Bit? ' Federal TOK{ItI:PiT; ...~ 45.-2217."13-12;LX. Saupur MAVEN() i?U#MFS STOILEA : 4S.IM)obLS, Corner ot Mulberry pm sebei.e ittaAuesthear, Enauir• on the Prrriar• Yr al THI9 orrroz. FDR - BALE,—Altmttbd amounttorSouth Welk= Oil po. of Philaillaphla, At, Sib - kb. tetfptfocpithe. STEEL & agpigx,, ffMMERMM FOR 1,1015Bia; r•On. SALE. TWO BRICK HOthSF,S, KoS.9lasid 113 Washington. Street, three *farina, oinstainipg nine rooms, with gisa end wster, w 1 iu good cruer. a TAIT OST WYLIE 'STREET, adjoining, Zl rimt byp PAI., on Millen am temporary buildings. The wholeasill bo SON eery . low Ter east,. Emnutrent- • • ..Jolllii ORR, jinuilw 93 Market street. I♦OR SALE. • • A 711,,,YiE irousr, No. 6C Poplar street,• Allegheny, containing four toOrng with hall, and goad cellar, yard buck uhd frost. Pootossion glum Atari' lki.. fkign ire of ROBERT. WRAY, Jr., Jn2l.3t Commercial Bro ker, No. 4 Hand at. - jolt BALE—That large TAR EE-.ST ORY BRICK DWELLING NOUSE, N 0.99 Fourth stenet, Pittsburgh. POlMlNLioativen on ,the Ist of April next. Enquire of a °Ha w. BIDDSLL, Attoi neg.-at-Law. . da06.14 , No. DA Fourth street. VOR SALE—Seventy-four ems of choice level.Lsad, part Umber, only three and a hill udiewiron the city, on Oharlierla Week,setesalb by the river road, the Steubenville turnpike, sad Lin dose proximity to tit. Steubenville Ro , iroaLL, jekt/td _ " STEEL k BAlLc c y. von SALE-011SAT FARM.—Contains -fos Ka* 76 caret cleared • rind fenced.' Good large house, stabler - and orchard; water in every . , tied.. Situated 2 miles from Rosser Station, and/ - miles frets ledistia, Pa. ' This property mu:the puirliased at the tow price 7 of 'NO per sett. Apply to • . - gat , , IieLAIN fr. 00. 1.410 R A A Acres of Coal; also, 120 serve of front coal In pool Tio.•2 f Mad due track Of coal and 'vailroad, - and• 'other improvements In good working Order in pooißto. - S ; one tract on th e Youghiogheny riven sad Oosurelhgrllie• Railroad. Endears, of WII.LUAI WARD, nue erst door frollfl 2 lllN on Great street: iwo!starrtihtrelling Rouse, ltior.tTa'Sneond stroat, near Grant, coo ,-,.tnio/ugEig4t Bonsia, Hall and Good Collar. Po.. .wittononliven Aprll lat. For particular* apply to ia 2lll- .TORN L ROUSE & CO MEECI . Warihowee NOM. 439 and '7O Waiter Enqrreor .1.93. - IYALZ*I.IL & SOX: 011(LS. &aii OIL' COMPA.MY ariuraclttrers of. Criaduwidlleartisi Producers and Carbon Oil, Benzine and Lninicitiiii Cgs tvouEs OPPOSITE SHARPSBORG Wrier No, 59 lIAND street, PITIIDUNCH, Fn. W. D. CIISVMAN, Supst. AECWORTII BENN, No. ISt. mutt ST., Pittobne.. • 'OE fl".1/IDING . AND COMMI3SION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN OILS IT.IOIINATTNG, LUC': WATINEL ORITDE PETIt()LLIIIII OILS, ka.,cortatantly_on rood aid fn: ash , at tl:e lowest market prices. ermslp metre rim! orders solicited. ap7-Gn BONDED WAILEIIOIJSE OF Phenix Warehousing Company, oiIIAI.TIO s.li a lITZT. SU,' Brooklyn REFINED pgraoLutrz • Teaks sadßetela.[Sew Mender.) 'ee, No. $5 BEAVER STEER?, New YOlk. JOITIf X. I. ALI, Cr wasweaciriiii WALLACE S CURTISS, COMMUS/ON MERCHA/fTe. AND DXALiTt.i TN cstnn AED RUINED PETROLIVIc; SENZINE AND rmitazarenrca:ou.s. .114.1114 SOUTH AIL ARTES,III . ILADELPIIII, PA • ST storanir.espsnity (under coyer,) for 15,01 bursts. Also osoollent facilities for shipping to Amerionn end Foreth -ports, at our Wharf on the Schuylkill Milne, nest the platibritiof ths P. U. S. RICHARDSON,IIAITLEYA,CO., Com lowan zu3a Voiairalsw ltersitanta In CRIME AND MINED PETILUXOII, 1111 IRWIN STREET. parssiis;* • fa-Liberia mullOithousee• oti • eocuilOntpuits fee l'Alar yn k • Means. S. N. DJ 1141 y l , a &nKnO•eetr ~ • r'•a ri TOn i tgr u it E tiro k ils:samerc Isl Ban k.: mhtsw.m. • _ JAMES WILKISS, xna.pat CRUDE AND; REED OILS Pe rbY Xli•elts Potobessiss "110 , tyi rilissblylß air • ' Speclut asterceleagtveu'to useßr ~ 2i.bl) SIONAMBT OF P ILEUM* , MW ad t 'product Coni4nmenla respectfully , •'- ." • -ratobuszb ArbacT Ibr VT2IABOO -OIL AND TRANSPOUTATION 00XCPANY... . • • - asirPOkiT OF/108 BOX Rt y wx.lr, 'mums HERROR Co., °nice. 267 PENN MEIN', 22=3:=1 (Osi deer 6 . c10w Houk) iiinrlliss!on,MOX:Ohauts, AaL & , totiVin pittibwit sci'nuf.t ur. 434 ClitrDE AND ammo) ona. 4 . 12.'1.1t4rai attinneeiimade en FL0UV.,G11:4.1141 nca)s, and 131iE12( AND DRIED MUTTS. . , . PETROLEUM REFINERY. CLARK it BUMMER, Work' wad CiSce, COLLIN Toymsure. • Once In Pittebugh, 34 WOOD OTAZET. works being of. the I RlGreld s capacity , In tki nonntry, are inrcpnred to 1111 WT. orders. TM rand rands the highest In thin country nod la Eu; rope, for Quality non Oro test, and the put In yen seesOnoxl ,barreli, prepared espoe . lany for na. .pOrt. •• • • ' delfely " 13REW111, BURKE ar, CO., _ • --- COMMISSION. 3I EEO= NT$, •asax . OP TILE Globe, , Psalm-sad-Liberty Oil Works) labeila inib - I,;sr.sa on ocaudgmenta 01 Refitted or Citiete viti4tium. Co,. D Ul2 DUNE'. Mir !mg 442(cocir ''r PITTSBURGH, PA 'AVIIIM a Kum,. 0011D1ISSION MISIICILA.7B, " i ANTI WROIXIIII IX . . PETBOLEUX AND': P 18; PROM:MD:4, And defilers In Refining No. 33 DIARKV.,I3Tf zPjttibiosh. —.Semis Dint', 05214 v 4M ',U.L.NG11.1.01 - OfI,BIIS Oil of Vitriol and bins: OFFICE No. 15 MARE ETA ; _ Ll'lTTSSitrlECiat. _ . LUCENT oil. WORKS. DTINCLIT, DUNLAP & cp., xe:trvrAcrruireits ' • Pure White Refined Carbot l 011 s. • • • No. IZBERTY ILPETS, 014, CLOT:iliCife FOURTH STREET HOLIDAY EJfBROTDERED PIANO CleZi • The thud Imported I • ' MOSAIC RUGS. A VE I RHY LARCM_VMULETY ITELVEIT RI7GB, N O IN: I N 'STO R 4 . :1!..:D; fi XII: 11.c.Viii4.174, r. FOIMTIL STREET CARPET STS RE TO PRINTERS PRESSES FOR SALE. • - One TAYLOR CY . LINDER, bed eneoliihez. One TAYWR DOUBLE OYLINDRIL—bed inches; oinn koott-worldat older; Will be wk et it bsuggidn. , F.ninire Or eddies, CkAZEITEr, Pittsbextb. Pe 0C ER 11: S, PIZ 01.1 CL. IS*c... F: QU1.2.1; co;, COMMISSION .51EIICIINTS, No. 100 SOUTH. WATER ST:, Give special lilts:et:on to purcbasi flour, Grata, Provision 3 1 , Sc: • For Eastern account. B. P. QDLMBY • GEO. T. BROWN. man-ly maa. ; smu t sE 31 BANE et AMER, Can ., TT) i .§. Si On 14Tel-chants, Flour, (rain and Produce, WI SECOND SIT., behyeen ;Wood, & Smithfield, PITTSBURGH- TIIOSI. rorrzte...l2lo. /1110111..8TZT MITI A, suareott 'POTTER, AIKEN SHEPARD, Coin'. InittiOll Merthants and Dealers in Foreign ling Domestic FRUITS, FLOUR BUTTES, CFLEES' EGGS, POTATOES and Produce generally, No. bu 39) Liberty street, opposite Passenger Depot, Pitts rgh. J. ft - Ditworth Coi lo4dtejll,~6ia :- lk Co., Menai &. Collin,. Culp - & Shepard, Atwoll,'Lee & Jonianw.ler,. Pitt* l burg. Sinclair & Bro., McDowell, Yan.BiuntAr. Trentlett.&SlinnionsiSt.zLouls. Sthclair & Chant, New York. StantOod & Cincinnati. : • . HENRY . WALLACE. 'Con:emission Merchant, • No. no SOUTH WATTS 1511.1.q/kka), , rfart..icalar.ettentlera paid tO !thing otilers for . . _ FLOUR, toc C.: C. BAL-LaY IntAltE VAX aoao4a. 'PAISLEY & likli-.4Sf3RDER Prod nod Conant/slob Whiehouse 201 Liberty pt., ?Mahn, tw:Pn. Wholensle deal: ere in liutter, Cheese, Lard, Eggs, Pork, Baca% Berme, Tallow, Feathers, BrOotas, Potatoes, llors thy; Lrltd 'Fruits, 'Green. Fruits, • Onlotw, Flour: ersln, Vlover Seeds, Timothy Sends, Flex*reds, Game and Paultty. Putteutaiattentton given to Pioduce Consigsments. . A. 1.9 QIIN A CANFIELD; Commissionand J For Warding Merchant awl wholesale deslerin RE.sERVE CHEESE, BUTTEE, LAUD, PORK, BACON, ,I*LOURT,FISII, POT AND PEARL ASHES, SALERATUS, LIN SEED AND LARD OILS, DRIED FRUIT, and Prodeee Nos. 14) mad 116 k'rent street, Pittsburgh_ oc2 . - TllOO. LITILW.,au . . . ... TUI.,IIILIf. ITTLE TRI'3I3Lti t Wholesale Grim -_LA and UGMIIIIBIIO2I blerobsists, Asides; jig_ PhODUCE, ELOUR, BACON, CILLIMIL FISIrr CAELON AND LAND OIL, IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON. YARNS, Anil Pittsburgh in An hind:ars ger.erally,ll3 eaula Second street,ritt4W 111.1 3 & - ELIEPARDi Commission Mar chant,, and dealers %n FLOUR, GRAIN siND PRODUCE. No. fit: Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Choice brands of Flour for Eskers awl Faintly use constantly - on hand.. Partleniar attention paid lo filling oniers for Merchandise generally. ooto-d W EBB & Commission Merchant bolesaleAenters invr-sTrax nu:4llyr. citnEst, DRIE:1) FRUITS, BUT TPA EGGS, (MAIN'S. and lo,raluce geuersily. AIM, LEATHER, AIDES, OILS, &a., No. 11l Liberty street, Pittsburgh. ' advnacements . zando. Ccliiignmeite solicited. i9o-6rad . ... . .. _ ...... WM. P. BECK & CO., No. 185 Liberty -, street, Plttsburgh,l's:,.Wholesals Demers, Obraratsslon Merchants, and dealers In COUNTRY PRODUOXWVISIONS, BACON, LARD, RUTTER, GS, g tots:F., FISH, acc, Plikti" DRIER) 'FLOU GRAIN, SEEDS; GM EEN AND FRIMTS. tre. SALT and LEHR.. JTICI JAMES DALZELL .& SON, Manuftic: turas Of LARD OIL, Ana Vont:anion M. CIIRDtII for the_porehnseAnd Sole of CRUDE tow, REFINED PETROLEUM, PAC 09 and .7o Water street, Plttsb . ttegb. - Adennoes .ounte eonstgw-; tnents. °minas F. awn., iterzosat.' ETIADNETZGARiIIiroccra and Coth. mission liternhitnts, Ann detlers In At Muds of 'Country. Produce and Pittsburgh. Ittanutlictures,- No. uS .Liborty street, opposite head. or Wood , strett,Pittsburgh. : ept-ty , P. =TY= J. S. IMPISICR....WX.4I. - R E YMRRf BUOTHERS,,(Bileccons: Ptanz l igr a AtA i r. aniis " M%ViiV e o r int rECTIONERY, Su ARS, FLUE WOBAS, do.; bOS MI ethi Wood street, bore . Fifth, Pitt. YMb- .171,43 r WALLAVE, Commission 'merchant, and Whole 1 Oetiler in FLOUR & GRA.UsT_, No. 363 Liberty 11.4 et, opposite . , Pennsylvania R. R:' Passenger - Depot, -Pittsburgh.„ Pa. 'Storage. Warehouse, comer Wain and Penn streeta.:' . 'IV. D. PATTLISO's . AWAY Almon—. !PATTERSON Sc A.MMON, • COMMISSION MINWILINTS, _ IFLOUII 'AND-ONA/11. awl general' PUODUCF. .glsalrlaMo,glNOOD tin= Pitt annagb, Ps. WIC *MareTrACX. bas: Initicr.lt =CIL BROTHER rissors 10 tiown ft 711 rkplariek,.WHOLE- Ea WIOIIE.U.S.. Nos. itt and 19314benty street, laciorrr. . ma pa ' : S. TAGGETT CO, CITY FLOUR -- jr• tarner .- Liberty wad Ads,di Awes, Pittsburgh, PK, " . LT Ur.paticr 41:61prrels , apt:. Q5:X.1(11..11f.,Z11• • rt;;LAZIG, eneh•tutsahtl Vablers.l. ilenfees ORME-- )11 4 , -- YLlOUll,oll. o l.o","pitcrnuer., lilbcrtstreet, Plttatar:4l, -• . . - sen-dl.ll Alirst.Tr• sti : WILSON, Wholesale 0r0,•7 ,•7 eers,•Colomleislon Mrrehsnts, And dealers to Prodnee and .Pittsburgh autaufactencei• No. ASS •Liteety street. Pittsbnects.• , • •• juSe• lie elantand detdor Cli .aw ttLl u , BUT/1.1 L l AE TISIT; and Produce gene- WIN. no.l3llWood street, Adios, Vioter,Pittabungh. • mit 7jOr ' lN . SIOUAN. • • . 'ICDITAED 11017.1111. . . . JOHN -I. HOUSN . WholOWit 0 110 C ERS AIII_I:3O443IIsSION.:III..ER CILIISIS corner r..visolthll44l and Watt= street. 110TIISZT DALSIILL ~ P. DAL L -DALZELIt'I•t;!CO., " sale • Grocers,' totsimissieri and PoriSardius ?de hazii , i nn rannipil in Pioducc awl: Pittsburgh zustitifseturts, Liberty street, PittO . , TO. sr LOYD ' - - ^ wrnama Rosa, 01IN FLOYD & CO.,- Whole6ale' Oro, sere and Commission Merchants, N. 172 Wood and - W6 Liberty streets,Pittsburgh. jel6 ftiARLES L. DALDWELL. Onice.assot taJmoes Uotairis & CIo.,.POEX PACtEß r ann deltic?. in- PROVISIONS, 'Omer o r Itorket rontstreeta, Pittsburgh.- • - ' , MULL Walla ' ' 111.1/010t. T ,YOIGT:gb C0.,-succeasors• to I; Jo. -0, GraIf,..IIIODUCE AND 0021.27155104 MERCHANTS 247 Liberty street, Pittsburgh'? tAICTIXICC. JON'S Snirrox::A. Cr. WALCAOII4 AIIIIERT, - SHIPTON & CO., Whole konle Orocirs and Produce Dealers; No. Sixth street, Yittobuigh.',. •• • •-• • ' jate I SALAD DICKEY-. CO., Wholeaald Urorets, Commission Merchants, andilealers lu 'Y'RODUCI, No. BO .Water street. niml 66, Front D ;' , DGERTN - & STEWART, . Whdleddld A-+ `GROCERS - . ANDCOMMLSSION MDR. PSI wood tree, PittsbuigUi Pa. LINDEZIE — Yy4r 43R0 „.- h(SWalti arid wean tiRO, i t AND PRO.' DUCE DEAVFIi ; Uri Liberty street, Pittsburgh.' ' ' • ' .1144 m =r12:131 nnr.n nuns. wit.nox.azenn nn owitiriZDAVi3rnAwra.zesl WILSON; 0/MTV& (LATIC wruiox,.riaz • - • Wholeenle_desiert rpnElaw.ervilonrins' , THP - DRY - GOODS, No."Si Wood street, third house nbove Dlrtmond gley, Plttsbitrilh& • apta VATON, ItIACRU3I - - 47 - CO.:l9licilesale IA Red Pr:UM Dealers • In TRIMMINGS, RAI-. BIIOIDEIIIM 6 3 itivIDRY.GOODS. is/every tiescrtp- , Don, Nos.-11 end Iv Fifth street, Pittsburgh: ;3/IACKI3II ;'CLYDE Wholesale sand .. Retail Dealers In" FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, TRAIMINGS, a , c,"N0:13 Natket tweet, t.tween Diamond and Fourth, Plttaburgh. J — At. BURCHFIELD,. Wlicilesalk . Nond • !titan .Defiler In:STAPLE, ANIA - rAtozir tY (11001)S, Northeast ;grata. leourtb and ALar•fa ke lateets,ltlttaburgh. , , • • . 10SEPLI HORNE„Wholoseda ruid,Retall ifridat. iiL-TRIAIRI//COS, DRY GOODS, 8.c., Not,. 77. awl 79 151,9*ita1 ateer.t. JGAIIDINER COFFIN, Agent rer the • Franklin; Plhiladeliphln fulklialtlznore Insur ance Compnales, Wertlainat corner WOODa ad : JUNES, ;Eti 4 Agent for North Amen Compitie cartWATEßiti v rrEer d arcu l l SMUEL REA, Eacrop: 7 y Citizens' aura corapanyooinei A ILK= and WATER F IttlT AND : SIIADE, TREES V,VEttaitEnws, ae.: Of APPLE, - We have some Wki,ooo; and of all the fesdlfig rerietial most pmiltable flm this location. We have eatrWilne trees, as Nally Harvest, Malden 13Iush, Reiland Plpplo, Bildwln,Fallowater, Oates, Kire. of Tompkins Co 4. Rhode Island Green, Rome Beauty, ItambO . ,• , Stooks...house, TolmaWit • SWeet, Older We. with a Very Mese stock et PEAR _OWEVrit'i PEA.011,2PL1131,-__ EVER GREEN,. SHADE . TREES , - 5t031143, aRRUB EERY, ;ORPMfROUSE PLANTS, ht., OW Al ourstock - is large, we Oilhr great Inducements to E e nters and wholteale purchase's.- Orders haft at OreemHouse, Oakland, or Plttelitutth - Post Of. be promptly attended to. Itiit:daww PlitibOtatti end Pal:land uzlerlos VONSIGIOIENTS: - • .200 buehels ' .‘ 10 borrela _ExtrzTatolly - Flouti" 10 beishela Benzir 100 Imam's Corny ;neared and -for rile fi jai! WEBBec WLIAINSON. CHICAf.O; TUDb. WITOIILI,L. 'WV P . Li. IVI .TIEDICCaL. DIZ.W. Z. .11ERWIN OOLULLN. FOU. Ta£ CHEROKEE MEDICINES COMPOUNDED FROM ROOTS. DARKS AND LEAVES. Orrenerwe Rase • ar, XXX MILK thegreat Willa Diuretic., MM X XMM cum! 'l.ll diseases. of the 1L26. fif XMX unitary organs,auth sale- MX. X IL • Xlit continence of the Urine,. BL X .MX theti amation.of thelllad• M.XX X MU der, Inflammation' of the XX XX ' :MX Kidneys, Stone in the MX XX MX Bladder, Stricture, Gm) , • ' , MX •XX Xiil el, Gleet, Clonorthrea,and XX ..' XX BM Ls especially recommend. ed in those case. of Fluor . . Albei, roe Whites in Fe melee) where all the old Ammons medicines have' ailed. It is prepared to a hells • iy concentrated form, the CCCCC dose only being from one - COO CC() to twoteaspoonfuls there CO CO times per sta • 00 00 . It is diureti y. c and altar*- &? • ties in its action:. purify :, bur and cleansing, the bleed, canning it to flow. • ' - '(XI -•-• "in all of itser4thed purity • 00 . _CO. • andtriger; thus•remeving ..00CCCC .- • --from the system all perm. COCO , ' sloes causes whirl have " traduced disease. f/mmoirant Iluaarriam , • --• In Intended as an arty . , anistent 'to the .toor-Itsnremr,.endatiould • -EKEEENEENE be used in eonjuction with . NEENNEFINEN ' that medicine In ell cases EN el- Concretised," Gig et, .-._ • •• Fluor /Deus, or. Whites.. NNEEE Its -*Mien- are - healing.NENEE: • soothing, and demulcent; NN -• • , re me •,t ng all scalding EN heate . .chohlee - , sea, pate, .ESEESESSES - Instead of the bu rn ing and Yr r Ft:Eh:CZ' - . almost nneedurabre psis • ,•• - Mails •emeserieneed with • . .- :nenrlyalithiscliespigueck pijectioes. By the use of the Cher eine Remedy and Chen , • .-. • 'free Injection-Vic • two lIR medicines st - the • same. .Ha • time-all improper dia. , .HB .charges are removed; and lilt NIL the weakened organs are • Blllllllllllllllf restored to full vigor and 111110-11-11110111 etrength. Hll HH For full particulars get ..1111 ,BH our pamphlet from any EH MI dreg store in the country, 1:111 1111 or write us - , and we will mail free to any address.% CWi trentlae. ClorttOIZEM etriteL-An uninillrig eon. for -.perm. aturrLen Seminal Weak near,, /Nocturnal Dula: .510 oh, and nll diseases. DDIAIDDID) caused by self-pcl :Lion; DDDIMDDDD ouch as Loss of Mrr.iory, 'DU • DI) .liniversalL a i de, DD - DI) Paine in the • Back; Dint. • III) • Dewier.% Ision,Premature PD LID •. Old Age, Weak. Nerves, DI), DI) -Dielcuity of Breathing, DD Trembling, Wakefulness, - DDDDIIIIDDIf, Fruition on the Face, DDDDDDDD • . Palo Countenance, thean. • . ity, Censureptlen,asl all the direful compLthits • caused by departing Rom'„, the path ernature. ' Thte rindielne basin:int ' • . vegetable eXtraeljand on• • onwhiehalican raly,•as it heal:wee used In our prea, ties for many years ' and. • with thousands treatodlt EEEEEVIrWEE has not failed In a sing!, • NEENEEENNIS instanoe. Its curative power* have been sure. • EE Merit to gate victory over. ENEEE -- the most stubborn ease: . EEEEN ' - .To those who have trifled . .- EN . ' with their_ constitution ES until they. them. . 41.1.}.. - EfflarKEE - , earth beyond the reach of. ErWwFI O PWEN hd, we ' wouldeay, despair not. the Cherokee Cure will restore you to • health and save, end •of . • • tes all quackddoocrtotshave • felled. DEL Wituitreit Etre. althea Lseal Prepared ' • • 11M from Prue Vegetebiellx... : . •.. lilt trthte containing nothing • - MEL . . „injurious to the moat del- 1111 • ' irate. Thelteinvenating 'MI • .Elimiristbe.rmultof • ern discoveries in the veg. 1111 .. • , .etable kingdom; beingan 'entirely new and abstract _ 1111 . • method of cure, !weepers. • - five-of all the old and • • . • • Warn out systems.. - This medicine. has been tested by the most • vent medical men of the .• - ' day,andbythempronouei . eed medi c ale of the great; BERRICRER • • - est discoveries - MENRIXIARR the age: • One bottle will! • ERR.. „ ERR :coregeneral-debility. 'A • RICE RUB ' few dolescures Hysterics; •• 'REM - MEE in' females. • One. bottle . , EERKIMUIR -:nurse-Palpitation of the -.BER- ;ERE • Heart, A-few Arises Ass- • . ERR., ; SEE ; tares-the organ* of saner- • NEE' BRE „ attOri.,Fromone to three, • •• • • • -- ' bottleerestoree • the moan. . A fele doses naterea Die , • - .• medic. Three bottles 000000 - • ..•. cures the 'went - Min of. •• COOOOO3O - 1 Imyeteeoy. A few doles ` . CC 00 puts the low spirited. CO -•00 - • •:• One bottle men-- . CO Jai; -few ' • • - brllime bnektherese kith* CO cheek: _Thl* medicine res. .00 00 'tome to manly - vigor and CC •CO . - robust health.the poor de- CCOOCCO • lillitated,seormlown, and - - • CCOO OO ; gee .Iriogdevotseotam-... :est . The Etimar. Ores Sys - , • tens, 'General Debility,', r• - • i•-• • ' '• •-•-, Palpitation bf the Heart,- ' for mental power mut 0000 . the appetite, and eieusee •••• 000000 . the rose to mount to the, -00 • ' 00 •- cheek of 'paler, and. the' 00 00 debilitsted manor womaM 00 ' •00 '"'to - f o ci vigorous -and. - :•00 , • -00 stravg, theryoungandem -00 - 00 .. Slim= Mood ler Course, .-„, 0 0 0 • • .OO • • througlt. every- velm - the . 00 nerves kr became strong -•- 000000 and the lime of now 1.11.. •-:••••• - 0000^' - ^ 'and'etc to reanimate .• . • . • up:the , eenstitulloru ree, . . • ~. • • sad and darkened ere sins , REGeh•TOE,„IIS.4.k " • . SAirk.'* 'For the retrieval • • ObitruetiOns and the insurnece of Vegularity • MI • in the Recurrence'-of the •••,. Monthly Periods., They , • •-• -1111•. • • 4 -* • • sore or obviate these - LUI - • • ' Lennie diaeases - that' • ULU • epring - froni - frregulirity,• - •-• •-•-• • •• • by removing the _term. arity ' 'Tharpare Suppressed r • - . , Eliteemdwj a - o and Painfu Ne l .Theeyf cure sim) They cure. erroilli KE EX ' and ;Via a FaLfectiorur. • MM- • -EX' • ' psi= 'in the back, and XX EX delver-parts of the.body, HE - --Heaviness; Fatigue on *light exertion, Palette,. _SS - thin el the Heart, Low.- HK ILK - ness'ef Spirlia, Hysteria, ' Elf • Slek Headsche, Cliddi.. ILK :XX. - ness,Sto. he- In a-word,. ~; EX -by removing .the: Laity,' they remove.: : ee cause and with It all the r.. • . elfeetstket sprikg female 'lCOmpereed of slinPle veg. stable extracts they eon. - ” - -- • eterlous to any constitution. hale. - • .•-• • • '. • . veer ties being to eubsUtute ZOOM • •NM strength - for ertslraess, •• NM NM' which, whea properly •NM 'MN used, they never fall todo. • NN XX -., NM They may besefely used NN NN at any age, and at any pe. , •;• NN • NN NX clod, raear-rika D 111036- , _NM PIN NM the YIRETTIIIIMOZOirra•, NN . XXIX 'during-which-the MAIN -NB -. ' . mix log nature of their action . • ,WoUldlnfaULltly!AnTr r tcr, r •. • . Trento:toy. " .01 l'Ear suss Illsoicnrea.Chere. EIiNEEEKF2ELE keeeltemedy-Itm bottle' F.O - YVBo•o'o'wE or a bottles for 46- Cher.; El. • • • •-• okee Infection-7X a hot.. , -- , ••• - - -, ••-•••,•• • •••tle, - OYnyeebottitts forte:, • - 'Cherokee Cure-t 2 a bot-i ENEBIE ' Ho, r three bottles for ed.. .EN , . 'Dr. ,Wrlglit'eNtlxie-43 - -' • bane. or thtea batledfor. - - • 116. - : Cherokee. 'Pills; for. • - a-wprrriewww• • - -fematee-111 .here, or six s boas for t 6. • .cines the unforturedewill. ~ • - •' • • finds day of deliverance from .thllering • and pain. A day splendid and ' on. when they shall no • • • • • lonmer surfer without ear,. .-'EEEEEEEEEE ..t.ron or repose,.Clthee • .N'EEP.ENEEEN • 'through. mercenary •• EN' • .. • 'quacks or thethelllciency EE of netuaeoUsprepatallona. EEEEE •The Cherokee 'illeilleinea FENvE - 'accomplish their same= lIE • • -their emancipation. An :EX eiminciention to great, so ENEIIEEEF.NE admirable, and so prollne ENEENNIXEFii of univ`ernal good. These • . • . mislichies will pror f a • • . asy end carry case rul andne er fa •. • fiends in time of need. We Send all the Cher.- . tree Bre:Melees by express (except the (lite coke° .Pills; these are..sent by mall free of postage) en F . Y.EEREEEEE receipt of •Prieei to 0 11 I:EEEEF.EES.I; • partofthecleillsed worm, EN securelypaeked,in soils a • / 21 manner that no one EENEE • ,throughorlaoselmndathey . may pass • would know the contents. . -NE • • • . TbeCheralseelitedlethes - ENEEEENEEE are sold by all eterprisbm - NEEEKEEEEN druggists in the civilised - - . ._ Beene unprincii• ' pled dealers,however, try .' tenet! worthlecs undslispl oonie - • . those which' they can • get .po - . ESNace of these-.• - at a cheap price, and make NEESE, Vora money by 1 sale; - SS . Ss • than they eanonthe Cher. 511 • • SS • ekes Medicines...As you- --- Sill -.. value yourhealtritanth• , • . •ES ". - health of your ofhpring- -•- SS • ... • Ra ce donot be demindby such ES. • 83. , ri OS SO • • ti A ltnett h leddrugre,... and taken* othen.... WE. H. Oa, ithattv street: , New • • Foe isle PlttsalVt N. , KoOLARNAN CO., mime? gniaeiron4 end Minket ettelite. ftilftwalreows ~J(IL i~td3P`ir~, lb • L '... 64 6 . - i t; -F-4,,,,N l yi s i t atir A i c - 0/.-nuty.. S. I.—Wurr ik 1... x pALt _ =Ain , EllAßlLtrreumert; .. ..._..._. . - 3 tfetoberalitfkkaitm will lease the Depot as follows, FAST DAIL. di UT eaeep t Sanity, at 2. PCs. stopping soli at priori itatioas, and smith:4 direct connections at arriabarg far New York, Baltimore and Washingtor, and at Philadelphia for New.ork. Beaton and intermediate points. RADEEsRpty,a ARDO.MAIODATION,r,AIIy on. eept Sway, • t m., stopping at all tired stations bets - sea rittaborgh and Harrill:4dg, sod making eloso twaneetfon with trans an Branch, West Pmuksylvanla R. R.,_Ebensbdrg sist„ lifenson R., and Bolitillayabu4 Branch.' PITTSBURGIi & ERIE ExyIIESS 'dells tw.l; e el 4 Sunday, at Lai p:m:,;figping at nearly Wl,l the stations Waseca Pine , sad Fhilwitiphts, and makingeonnection with. alas oaths =MIS. V.,ris;T:llrelginCLlALll°„,Talbrctußan,:ii JOIINSTOwzr necolnumiTioNoisity, ; eept Sunday, et 3.0010. m., stoppin at' regular sta. ;•• Lona bctucoa Pittsburgh and letmatown, end coo netting at Bletraville laterreotion with trains oa , , -the Indiana Branch and'Vest Pannserlvattlx PHILADELPHIA kr-YPRES% daily, 'et' 4.26 s Mopping. at .Latrobe, tkincalaugh, Battu* Altoona, Iluntlngdon, Lewkdown. Xißm; New! gir.4 .7r=rerforz."4llo , :w.,..-, made for Lialthnora,"Wmhtngron sad New Yorsr at.Phliadelpada, for Neer York, Boston' end into mediate polnte.',Sleepingtlera Inn throtiatt ttd train frOal Pittsburgh-to Baltimore, PWaddome And New Tor by the Allentown mute,. FAST daily, except Sunday; at Ise p. in., Mopping et Uesaniartxti. thalami& na, .Levriatowtg, Sinrport. -AkarP.ille.L.'"litorrioburg, bUlleetOW/4.littLONh , town, lilt. JO, Landisville, nanerietar. - arad Down ingtown: At Barrlabutg eonneetiona are JAMS tor f, 'New York, Baltimore and Wathitoct, at - Stilta. .11.10plds,lor BoetorkaM Interlatedlat e pointa. First Accommodation, Train for Wall'eStatirn leaves daily (except Sunday) at fiD? 11. Second Accommodation Tram for Waive Static n leaves daily (except Sunday ) at DM S. al.."' ThUlt Aecommodattaa Tralo u 7.1 femme daily (*wet Sunday) at 3.4011. m. fourth Acconunodatton Train for WA/PO btaliCA leaves daily (except StindaY) at add p. The Churn% Train leaves Walla 'Mattel' ermy Sunday st , ILOS bit.',lnturnhig. leaves PlttOttre l ' Ecturnitig Trains atili2lo4 . , ltta . b* as tallow Pittetitagh & Erie ........ . t2.60p. 02. 4 •Baitimora Baprea• • ' • • • - 1.20 p. la. PhUadalahla I.Yptese - .2.2 D p. m. 'nut AlOll 2.29 s. la. Feat Line - 2.00 ti at. • -•- 7 fe - finstown AccomMotiation. . Woe a. ritrst Wall's Statton ActornmOZ;Co'n.*. ' Alga. Seemad Weill Station AccOmmodatioil ' &Stn. re n u Third Wall's Station Accouuturlatiou.. 9.10 p. ra. Fourth Ws Station Acconuaolation p m. Dablore exPfcce will atriVO 44 1 6 41 e 1 10- 61 Lx O r at 4.30 p.W.: on blondayi. NOTICH—In ease o(la the Company' wilt p „hold themselves responsible for personal .balgs. I only, and for an amount nottreeeeline 6100. it...BECKWITH, Agent; I At the Pennsylaranta Central HalltoadPassente" Station, on-Liberty and Grant streets. tea ti Prrr BBURGII & , FT. lif t wAggs WAYNE CILIOAGO RAILWAY,' AND CLEVE.I: AND BIIEGIi RAILROAD. • WINTF ARRANGESIENT. ' Chi mad after December lint, ISM, trains NM Leasesl Foe . For, - For Fitisbuliblatileago . :leterebind. moth). , , ..... XlO a. oat 210 s. 1n m a. a MOO SASS p.:tn.. 3.48 .1 - 8.411 f m. Fortlfew Cattle 'arid rine &SO a. to. Arrere at Allegheny—P. P. W. & 0; m. 0.70 m.. 2.40 a. m. and LAS p..w. • 0. & Y. IL R. 10.03 a. •• • cauktc.yr. pAunear,Ticket Aimee, Dawn r Station, Plitcburgb,l%. - A. tt.' OARS DERRY,,Ticket Ageot t _ Aneatont el °cabal , • F.R. MYERS. Generst.Ticke •Aimet • ALLEVIENY VAL-Kgalfi LEIVII/kIL ROA. GRANGE ,!ruvrK.-.oa ana Wt. ILT leth, lB6lneSeol the, following arrattgraeal. ' MAIL TRAire— . -iivis t4.14:40104:iki arriving at Kittanning al 1040 sAri:.' Leaves r. • .tanning at 4.00 - p: nt.elintriiiiargltiabusgh' . . . .MTRSI3 anbring at Pit arth. a. - m. rittainvi at aatta - -A&30111MOBATIOli Leall B Works at 6 4 11, aus arrOlog at PittaburgetaCT.4 - a. "Leaves Pittabtagly asteri 1 5 _Soda Warta at ap tk. Er. • 54 • .- mvio • -STVirßidilf. Scivertiktib; 'ALT c sm/PP-Era. armada - • 74 yoßkoarir 'nth:llol6x =Mgr, P7atritall:PZlMA- - nuagefroaithelneldaintiri: Tim Liverpool, Itiseliork lad Philiastpht f• • nary) Steamship- Goseasav having appoints) d • • i iluu=a4 out thdix APO= kess,lsies.Nr.l3loei, 7t,, ' d fa, i=txtrzs. ep s twiag or, • .1 at thhi tame The ,thte fasseltailas bate Zirarywilh Wham -sr D.A.1,10r New Itak,awachistgatgaworudower are arco2 the fast ~ssfast,•••aiost Thipstodaraigied la ati• _401411 1 * the poot ana Lthdaad n ' eet . vir a v lt /mai Passecaftw' Nalls—Twe stmt . y t e ctli of this line are built La the .rtswanst ,attateer. foriiish ehoicereesonuaodatloni for_plutaoairees: Heir else arid far TAPSOOTPS LENA of sear o bested New NalltairPaslesta;lswelec Livery** tee New IfOrk twice • week; as& the , f.a. Lim le ti Thed Packets, /meta' 'ettlet NO o Ships of Tapa•OWs •Lice t he hos; lases a• H their qalek yassates ectesibeess • kl a ad provisime furafracK thiepanwegera, and Noll treattewst whit, on bowel. Parties Who wish ; their friers:la brought out.by Wiles Tosads,ol•l4 by all means patronise thin • - • .Passage to Callforata "treitiradotcal2Ol4B. ; DRAFTS pii2l,CoM.rope lox ttat at the lawns rata.- _ r__ _ _ : are ; - . 6. Staithftenat. ;STEAM WEEKLY, :TO .-LIVICIA; . . v o r k iV lL Voughult w at ,QUEUrtsTowX - iaverpool; I nman York and ' Paleaphla Steamship • 1, Company (Inman Linn) eanying.tils V. &Moils • lre intepshal to _sil as tolioaa..-- • CITY OT BALTEMOILE...%SatureI ay, Tan. SS. C/TY. CY LONDON - - .Hatti Feb. 4, And everunoseading Satun/ay. at aiipit. freNsaii • Para, • in gold, or Its equivalent 11 orn .loOrtleurr, The- CALM ":4 0010, M.r.rage . Arro o wr tt'l i rsV G46 l — 9D OD _GC to liatobur*: Yr Mr Pincer:lra aka forwarded to liana, Rotterdam, Antwerp, ko., at equally low rates. Fares from Lleorpo6lorqueemistown—lat Cabin, llakt Mi. • 'Moorage, Oak ..T who wish to mend tor 'they: trlemla .4?041 b 3 9, .ticastk-bare at -*Ns ' • • For firtheir, tateititititin appl y at the Ootaissi 0121ce.•:::•.• • -JOHN G. - DA-LA Arent r avolAwa h r i; . Telledglakalgratieo Ito. • 913911thgeld,Dtrol. C VITA R D tromith .IVERPoex. ANPWEEMPErsOr• 4 6 4 1 iroldl - ot W egaft at la MM.*. ram rim Irma. wt. ouveasi.- ime. F . T rriek...eopa s ti; THOMILISItAITIGAN be g r6 l "r" .. 18€6: _‘. - - 1865 PMsiit4WAZEiT.:- , ESTABLIBI3Efirif 11181," 9 7 1! 0 D A RT 10219Ne;j:two waskimarnon. Noreen rvaing'' The 'fittgirtitli Cite' flaunt' Procured $ rPITH "att.lNDVit ILOS PRESs, a new and besktifti.-na tot typo Arad se. eured the services of an et telsat corps of the paper Untrue Upon another yesio I Its Hoag HA. Ilnuedond vigorous ;lice, 'with hip re/proud on couraping prospects. _, , Tho 0-Amer= has nOrtr Pion' torii ix; 'titter an uneertain.soutui; and to ite steady" 'veesey Of correet=al przaiptes i sto be 4WD. utedi Co a huge " the proud position *Moir Cithrell o A n t. t ert h at f the tre 7 ll l =Via holeis decided and Co:Thetis. - Tin TELEGRAPHIC PEPAlinfirf OP In MIMI r Snow a subject of pride to the publishers. With a corps of enmetio and -talented. Spacial Mtn -apoudento at, the need centres of the day, they are tumbled to giro, from dor . to doy, COPIOUS DIoP.A.TCH.Ert, sod place, It on st ar with the most enterprising JOUVIIIiII of thw Fest or tireet, Tho same Idberar outlay for early. and reliable news by Telegraph wlit be eentinueN netwithstandlng the war and the ineressedenpetwe, . . • • - Military: Corrfspoidenie; (rpm -tho... Army -.. By ou r ,41,,SpiciAr eurospondent, area front rot ,unteeroontributors, ahall continue to. boa protal tentand tutereattue feature: •• • . . : . . . TED COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT • • - . „, Is conducted by one tbormighlyquoitled to farnlal reliable reports of doily transactions, froUvrieturd axle,. The operations of.PRODUCE, FLOOR, G1141131:11LES, OILS , hut, may be-relied upon , ,sa the actual prleea from day to day, Unit furnishing- a most inter-m.lldg 1•111 i valuable feat for all elmrsot of meant. '`No expense -to sparkl procuring Telegraphic quotations front 'brood, la addition to Pomo reports. 1./..11L a PAPEAI." )lorialux Edition, per year, mailed , u per month, , 44 per weelr,dellvered gyerdnly - 17Ntloti, per . ..year; malted xr • per week, delive red W.EKL Single eimies, per year, mailed ' Sir 011 his copies, per year, by mar. emir t Ten or; mare copies to one oddly's'', and OM! PLltee to elati; eneb es - Er All inteerlptiortiinvariablyin • sdroate;iied the papers to be : stopped at - the expiration of the time to.whimttherweptpsid. , o." • - Alie - liemlttisbers by • malt,. _ma. , tagletereA through the Ft l iaStlllte, yrpublisharav risk. Assooutros_, woo. - ,••• • • • prres*tuog,x4,::,. pocKET cuivraY.—A largo sad 410100 nincYjA Itind•nd and far esle 4017 . ..14.aat NOWA, 114 WOOL OM& ~.,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers