Vkf #i ea - 0 T gunPA,Y.zirrtrAirk .26, larvi. it IND 817BURBAr weerninoxys Immo , ttl . . • Ini afteltlPlctore....A . Good Work for Phil. el- - --, adelphia and Plttsbilrgh. . • 4.. . 'Wriit.:' P.:Mitchell, finperintendent of Scheel, . of the Penesfireas Freedmen's Belief :bisect& .. - . • • .., UM . 'Write" frOat Nashville, under date or the ... o , ' 15th Inst., as fellows : r .. i . ~ :we.. just received from Pittsburgh !bur •• ' - ' boxes of nice seceed-hma clotting, with an ex 'celleutletterfrent&B.TraYelit. Ilan received groo thus far from onr own' astoclatien six bales of , . -- blankets ina twenty.three boxes °reheats.% From itt ,-• the Pltbstrowittt•dasociation four boxes of Cloth ! tog,- - and notice that $l5OO **tit mere , of new Mts and s hoes Would be rorthcomiag; ends; o Philadelphia, (Wlstar ETAZI3O seven loan' Ofektblag'4 and. per the same; four - bales of clothing from Llvetpool, England; from therry - siren 'Friends, Philadelphia, one box, atafromWinum's Ald,Pbiladelphia one tor. • •, TM may recollect-UM. I memiesid In one' of . • - • ters that "we. were • making arrangements ' • -•'" : mildedlestiolof our now' school-house, at the i ~ n.ontratand Camp, In Nashville.'" There were vil ttolics the.aireal atranonleo-ts poem, an address, ,' , i Singing bylbe children, die. ' : o ',- The dedication was to take place as soon as -,,..' , the school ven onganleed. It bas taken _place; uotln.the' order we anticipated.. The Divine ..... literate*, has consecrated thettelkling,maing - It a "house of mercy: - -- ---' The ;wheel was °maraud at ii tope when the .• .. . Shamus setung the freed.-peopl6 bad maeliedits • - ' !Might-. 130 mat was tbe destitution that, it s.-• • imemed almost a mockery' of their stifeting 'to • Indio times to attend an Institution' of learning. . •' .' The oboe was tiled on the first dart and on the .. . sal a eke lot - of goods. reached no. We con ',i sessions were ever, for a week; when the school . 9 ..- ilenetSCl t her e stupexided,And the teacher) de .-Voted thidithie to the physical wants'of the ref . '. Apent.. - ,'...,The - Pliperintendent passed from , teat. to ~.,. lent, sacenaining • the wane of the people, and ilysing.sneh. as-were. dostltute,orders on the • --: ~.,hers t b e i mekartieles - of•clothlng ; no ,they - Mind tnierbi'lleed qr. 'For several - Soya Gat' -;•„;.• loom lies almost constantly been tilledirith the 44 -icor and the wretched. • . rilllttitheir orders In their bands they occupied I ,„ . -. 4hobesielseseuta waited to iticelve the warm gar - . ments. -Tens the•szlienee fer:lhe dedication , - Tbey were willing that the cm:mon : -..' fe ' sa ith lVid be somewhat , torn as there wets such i *nice Are, and the rcom was so wann.. To de- Scribe such a; centrally would be :latterly leapt*. Poor o pea women With peas Qintebare ,:fociielj „ .. ,_*. emacktol, old t miserably i can 'and mottferle.sir ehildren. A girl of '[4 eighteen sat fOr•two dajtoncar the lire, with a ~.. blanket Dyer her head 'and shoulders,:' In her erreteheaneso, that seat by the echootroorn tire, ....''' , limelight or thenew dresses and the - faint hope 1 • . !errata tor even her, were rich favors. "There I lralS a good time, and she was in It." ~, An aged tromart,harefooted *edam:tett naked, V ~• edema Out of one of fluitents; end seizing hold' of . the straps otany haversack, heeged me to "take ~:. -her she could get , wann." She trembled. I with cold. -" I'nr most frozen; and have four t motherless .. Children to take care of." Such was , ;I , LO:tipple complaint . To call a 'colored sergeant - andisk bhn to get a cart and take her and her .•Citiarco to the wheel-bonne was the work of but - t• a few tanutes: - *When I' next isaw her she was - 1 . ' &Gag by the Ste, ;with those little:ones about r ' her, Part of„the aseemblytotiedleote the bald-• . leg.. --I saw her sigma this morning, clothed from. • • •,.. Gone precious boxes l -the - quivering all - over, . and AVM a kale uponheed face.; , A mother .. " of fourteenuldhiren. from o f whom: she had • - tom torn by the "traders," set In that °namely. - • , As to the gospel part, they had been gathered from thohlghewye and. hy-ways, and the hones ores SAL' Snell truths audience. ' The eerviees ' *ere simple, but the material for them had been terestdbuted f'rem ail quarter& Philadelphia Ma , Pittsburgh - wire-.well represented, while frOm - the aid world;.: Liverpocd, ftland; la . ded 'thir 1 1 11 01.1 In the torus or - several' bales of stropg Thhe enneaaint Nara conductal hy Sales who for the lons orthose to - Whom they ministered: ',bad Left home sad fliends a thousand tales be hind them. - • • - ' , „For. a„ while week-the audiences came and - weak everthe ;ache 'class.' ' Hear after hour, al ways with care; every name being registered Issue of clothing:lmA; It sued whose-alode bad : t , drat been yxi led hy SuPerinteedent. 'Tim the aecondec-hool-,, house for colored people In Tennessee Was' dedi •As we were about to leave the bnlisibig at the ". close of the last dareAreiciere srefonra a poor ~..: Xigirotry.iirba tn. b elrof,.;;`,7-ra: .- .. We aircrews,/ him tot he nearest house, and he eras ktodty cared tr. He was one of a pop , of. tdarinrho occupied a poor tent. To osel bid :. ' *noel" n a ocwousrowavaborera. "When:clap:kir . .: test Inked. The reply Was stiiii/ler "Where • yonleare that isoy the medicine: Iles dais& The ,- ran certesd up tke Bre from Woe, and he fraste ,, ... •,, and t heyitretryingtdsenve ins _the same way." Wylie* one ofthat.cotopany; first collected . -lathe NeystosieSchool. Mlltevenson, lest the . Last nista be rested toinfestably.neder the hint, ' • kets,`porclustedwith that' money yee.ralsed 1a ' Thiladriphi. : This &ati' merabur e. 'woos reviving - Already,- the sapplyot , blanket§ and • ~ clothing has reduced the into' of 'mortality In - that pear. But the dedication Is noeyet 'ever: One -Is se reduced from . excessive labor ' that 'site; too, la a suffcier. Could we eskettions hopresahrenonsecration than this? •' - • - , The Pennsylvania Freedmen's Belief Aosears- - doss has been true to its name.' A generous t.:pnlitie maths aster aisochstions who -aided In ,the touching services of thereat wee.k„ may rest oamed thattheir eisnitles run toeing Salina" . . . CITY' ti® 131711UltililL. (PlOlCylizrnituixr,a - irrxmatt a•terrii) • . _ The *petted Form • 'ethic horn Canfield, Ohio, the. the felknrieg destalptian of the symptoms attendant titan rte dlaiw known as She.,"spat ,, witch Is naliarig in Sense Miens of the ettuntry. _ The accanit vires :ed In Ike papers Oomo time ago( bat may bond lateral at primal . ,e:The "Spotted. Tense , attacks persons of all ages of but Is chiefly prevalent among tiro young -ham: twelve t. twenty-lite years of age. . The patleati are taken down with a chill, which is getteally.Preceoed hy uncomfortatatde feel legs fora few boars. The chill la followed by =lntense headache, pain In the hack of the neek,"passing down the' spine, and fever. In 'about twenty-tour bony an eruption in reddish n a o pp elevation. eat t L b :elite of a littie ptie b tfr " c a ii thlood,`litrylog - In riled from a phis had to om Thesimilar etiption was found to be precisely to. spots &mad 'An the Interior of a body examined stt._, 5 9me dare ago. If the patient Is sneering from a severe attack,he ratan. illy banana delirious, 'and often becomes insensible - When; death tab:3piece, It ocerus in from twelve hours to fbur days. If the dlecaae lasts for A few days the patient resort The trestmest which has thus far been • successful is lido t Avoid biped-letting, put the Q y; niso patient on sthonlantai- lath as brandy, wines ot hisk quinine flMely, and apply to the back of the 'reek and down the limbs ett' tard Stell 'up' external warmth, pre. mote perspiration and make cooling applicatioei to Mellen& 'l7pon examination - alter death; it is quite evident, hem the . prasence of the vow' tho Interior of the body being aimllar to Moos on the exterior, as well as on account of tho notriw condition of the blood, that It is strictly a blood gly disease, and ought to be trimhyl accord.' - . Y n inrupt at:menu/mt. • The eleieland'ar:etd,'ofTneaday, sign r 'The Live:lN/11 Compeer have inet with great lack, laving struck- oil ml the 'Deming well.' licitsui pieces of boa that hid been that la the hole were• pulled up • amilkis murk of pu.npinzeOntatatteed,. Athena large yield of hetnry oil was obtalued.' The pump was-Mopped fri ordeito adlnst som'. An the maeldaery, hut Ii this morning I. • be Cl work, 1. earnest. The new well pear' theold !‘oll spring,” la gone down rapidly, and aulaidendde *edges have been found. These, ,le a "I , l'e:4.db:tea for Liverpool WI Companj Mink Ws morning; aid the unsold shares were pearly ell taken. , Taiairms Rovsutou.--On Sunday night,' the lbtli Instant, the extensive grocery' and prosiii-: lon store of John f 7. Fritehey, In Altoona, Was calmly consumed by fire.. The loss I, heavy. It Isis the work of as Incendiary, as' a basket containing cottoa waste, saturated with MI; was W found to be burning' In the .cellar, the flames having tome communicated to some barrels of IL Mr. Fri:they, some few dais ago, publish ed th o e munea orthose who owed Min, and It is ilippsod that some of Mies') persons took this method to be revenged for hie publlsldnr, their ' I tsroinrsvic ion Is Gay of the Whereabouts of Isaac William Gran of hettracn fourteen and fifteen years fa ge. with dark hair and dark complexion, thankfull Amy informatkat of Ala Whereabouts will be y received by his father, Isaac L. Gray, at Huntingdon, PA, ' • . A SAD Sron,.- • John Minlek, Of - Dublin township, Huntingdon emusty, recently Attired 'at borne Irons the army, having In charge the bodies of two of his sons, Peter and ./oins-•-•the' form& hiring been killed In battle, and the.lM- , Whaling died in hospital. daccmsvr.”-A passenei - ear on the C t ''. pPallway 'rat htruek bye locomotive, I i t even bluntg, a i : tbo errs, slug on' Penn street, opprolte the cc:lnt._ The i car was somew hat nrod. . damages!, _____ . - 7 w" i° En T oc u t ul t d B a 3 t'Ts 1--.-...-'---.--------.---, 41011 1 &Weft, Loaf Lore,_ W en, and many other new books received' at•Pittockg ./a3f 11 ,oppoelto tho post olllee. '' . ~~'` ~-+.. lze Dock Creel; Oa Iteglons. • A cor respoodeltovritio- from Duck Creek Ohio, Eau st "The eligible iinds hays been nearly all alsorbed by the large number of companies formed in Pittsburgh, New York, Philadelphia, Boston, sad: - elsco - bere,' and:have commanded what would seem to be Urge prieu, hut which will soon be repaid, if soak reedit follOw as In dications tranant parties to expect; - • - Of the companies - formed; or is Mecess ,ot formation (Sr opmatlug along this creek, a few: may be named to illustrate how irlde-epread tbe Interststs have become. 'addition- to several Ohio Compani6i ' there ire the Ohio Valley,_the Acme, the Dnelc ' efeek, and the Duckeriek. Val ley Companies, of Plusbargh ; •the •Emplie, the, ldetdor, and ethers, of NOW York ; the Buckeye, the Bay State; the Great- Western 011 and Laud, of Boston t the New dopey of New Jersey ; the. North' American,' of Philadelphia; thrtioiniey, of St. Touts, and others. • Them companies are Moldy or recent origin, and are more or less-advanced Ia their op-cia tlons. The success of the only two deep wells, the Finley, INT feet..deep, and the Duck. Creek Company's, Sile feet deep, has instigated the sinking of many Of the : old shallow' wells, through The underlying sandstone, a—process now going oat The develop:amts. thus far are such Is to jimmy tile belief that this region wills P rov e quite as great a mine of wealth as OIL Creek his been, and that. many, -if not all, 'of these companies will: reap large returns frtim .their investments and improvements; - as the per. <sludge of .wells Anding oil in paying quantities. here is Tory mach greater than at Oil Creek. • - • • Railroad Accident. On Holiday ereolaglast,na the ft{ train neat on tho Pennsylvania Railroad was taking trial and water at Conernaagh station, quite a strides atrident occurrod, restating In . .theinWaryet brakeman earned Alfred. Hill,-whir lives aear . Mcchanicaborg,'Cumberland 'county. The an. gine was disconnected from , the train, and the, pusher.. ahoscd the Wale - up,, against the front engine, knc eking the brakeman across the track, and smashing bis left leg . to seek a degree that ampniatkor became necessary., The peat toe iof the right foot had,also jo.benzonutated. - At hi ss aCcounts the.nnfet testate, man was slowly rocas- . crier: from the pais and shock consequent upOn the Injuries rectised. , -Aytning man 'named Henderson wan slighlo. injekeHt tlirWunenceident, but Is able to move around, being but siightly,bklu:cd.. One (me l t can was badly mashed. Railroad' AieldentLetts of Life. An aceldent,..evldentlY :caused br the gross eamleasttess of the officials, occurred on the Corry and'rltntilllo road on Thursday night lait. The facia, as near as aseerialuA are as folloRs: The regular passenger train left for Titusville. some three behind "time, and when ad about ttrelve Mlles collided whit the engine of a freight train. -Both engines became total wrecks, and one passenger car was. entirely demolished. The newsboy was instantly killed, the engineer of the passenger train badly . Injured, and sev eral of the passengers `severely bruised.—There appears to have. been criminal. neglect -on the part of the officials, who .allowed the freight train to leave Titusville on the time of the pas; sengts traits from Carry.- Sun on: All On. Fansi.—The Shaw farm, about two and a half mita% from the mouth of Olt Creek, adjoining the Graff and lOnsan tract, has been cold for 113),000. It contains four hen tired and two aerea, mostly ridge laud. • . irteillrtS Penn; practice) Mate RoOkw, an a. Alm Slate, of Tarim' orders. 0490 s Lanwhyst's, near the Walter Wolin Three:nil, Pa. Ileakdasee, Pike street. 'Orders promptly attended to. All week werranted Water proof. e shortest noti c e..: is I%W eharge ß for pairing done anted repair provided* . the roof not atneed after It is Paton'h ; PIEW Goons just iteetseet at use merchant Tailoring estaleahment of Graham & McOand less 73 Smithlteld street. We - would Mar rep. peetfully Invite the ittentionof onr friends sad the public In mend; to our new stock of fall and winter goods. They entails all the cry Wan styles of Engif.sh, Preach and •Aznericaz clothes, easels:acres and resting', all of the finest quality, 'and Is selected with the greatest esti Gentlemen desiring fashionable' and well rude clothing, would do well to circus a eall beton! Tenho • - - fiTary renting la w ••••c; to lire full • on In both irks aid ratty. Ga aastr do MCCANDLZII3, i r _Merchant Tapers-No. 73. Smithfield stud,' • •._ Two or three colds in sueeession wiry w ith ~ co my nstitutions, securely. establish the tieeds • f amsumption in the system, thes-conyerilng„ hat was ofthualy a simple, curable affection, In to one which is generally fatal. Ordinary rh. /fence, therefore, makes it the butane of army 'one to take care a a cold until it bigot rid of, and tete/Remit experience fortunately: rwentit a rem edyin Zayne's.Expwrorant thoroughly &deli to remote speedily all auntie and; 'did o e equally effective In the printery stages of co - remota,' aithiaa mut brottr.hlas: fiohkby drag girds every where. . • . - BPSCULL Ncrrice.--Fue attention el oar rtuull. ars directed to Gm brilliant assortment fl all and Whiter Goods just_ romlied by. oar friend Nr. John Weler, No. IX Federal street, bevy:- Ms stock comprises a great zner Fren d Eaif os, and Ana Silk sad Call mesa Vesting; all of which* will be made up to • aided* ths Mimi styles and In the best mann*. choice selectee of Fernlshl _Gooil tai = hand and for sale, together with ' a full stock f Ready .1itide"0444.4,- well. and . , • • • nixier.—•.tti article that s at oncea teeth preaerrer and breath - purifier, and yet implement and convenient to use -Its eiteeedias psmilartty idea inn gaup:rim any one. Time low folly eatab limbed the fart thattise Soutiont pease/was theie iinnillies in an eminent degree. It his legitimately acquired tbs Tr& to a position npoitt every toilet table. Bold by &nal.. ats everywhere. • • .• • •: I—iror good. candies, 2reab canned traits, new crop ralaios, =Tanta, Turkish prunes and Franca chestnuts, call at 112 Federal street, second door Atm the Tiret National Bank. Ekie adretttsetacnt. Gao. Bas rte. . . , . OsrarSus imd tog s eu . cans wM be taken at the omellets oMer, NlO•Pn street, (ley or might.. All orders left at the Own Num wilt bil promptly attended to:." All Malt m oa t be pale 1L &Orme , . - Pocrmuotrai - 2.llapendes with "No. I In the morning, 2at night.. It contains the no- emery regtoratite medicine in the dredging, and thug - combined tonna the beat hair preparation ever offered to the, Ainerican' public. For sald by Druggists generally. JallElt, Om readers remember Una the great lyric artiste, Vesaall, wilt appear at' the , 'Old hashDruntls evening, Maack, with usnalprompt. -ness received a new local Card Photeamtpbs of tbis lady,:or many different styles. yell orl - DON'T. tall to tall' at,Pittock't Ind (mamba ldsLe assortment of Albums. sell He can at would l do owp well to rices, call at bls and •those wanting an dlbacal Vace.- iltitrzy ..dadahAtlantic; and all UM Parma* . Dan/as for 180 at Pittock'a. Patmat -Booze and Pocket ,4 at 1 . 114 took's, appoaltattie ?WOW, Cat at.r.:and see tlyt twat. lot of Candrhotdgraidta am, • and Ledger, for thLa Week at Tittock's. Quin • Frames, at Plitoaa'a. Gotit • I and resells, at "PittoCk's: IVANTED---BIT ITATION.--A. Young, : , I an 10 yearsaage, whohassoraelmowledge of accounts, written good hand, 'and speaks' Ger, Van, wishes a , situation is some Mercantile or Manufsetuting house. Wary - dot so Much an! object, as to got an opening in a gOod business es. tabimment. Address 0n... Box 306, Pittsburgh,: Pea a. • • jell - IV ANTED-TO RENT OR PUB, Y • CRASZ Comfortable Dwelling Ifon . ,se containing ina roan, pleseattUy actua t ed in Allegheny 0/ty, or a bon:obeying fire or more acres of ground attached. a fern:tiles from Allegh fly City or Pittahurgh, and on a good road or raie l- way. Some articles of furniture would be taken with the house, If in Food order. J . iply . at No. 41 h ederal street, Alleglienyclly. _____________....._ 4 _. ANT.EII- , -.r or service nt the QM/Mar i master'. Department, at Nashville, Matta nooga and Johnsonville, Tenneuee; Atbut ta, eer. gin; Duvall's 1 31u/tend Little Rock, Arkansas; and at other points.- . - - SAX, Teamsters; .. ginger month and rations Free - transportation to place of destination. Rea/thy, able-bodice men only will be melved. JORN L..W00D5..1r., Captain and Asaistant Quartermaster, U.S. A. For feather inforttation tatinfte ot • • J. Or ~,,, No, SAMPLE, at Federal St., Allegheny; , 40 Washington Avenue, between ltB and 45th streets, St. Lou/Aldo. • weft •J: W.- CLARE , Gen. Rae% Agent. rWANTED -4125 A MONTlL—Agente I I everyhere, to Introduce the new Sbas• e• aarit Sakes Dollar Family Saving Madfne, the only low price reaehlneln the country which is flenurea by Grover k Baker, Wheeler k Wllion, Rowe, S inger le CO.. and Baehelder. Salary and expenses, or huge eomndsidons allowed. AU other Idealdnee now sold tor less than forty:dollars each. are fa. fringernente, and the seller and user liable. .. Th eatre. ted circulars seatfree. Addresa SHAW b. ()LABS Biddeford, Maine. • • • noMarndearT -:' j 1191TANTE1)...-$70,8,—. NTH. - "mut r w - .Agents everywhere, AZ VO mcnith,exeles p►lE, to sell /rein Article; the best selling ever olThred. ' partltultetrs free. Address urns T. GABEY.lllthlefoed, , acriWzotlmarT liirrED. aABDNER , to Ike care of a amallgarden near the otty_upon which Is a irtualardt IVIIIIRthder to Orialatd. SMOWllida• attune tequlttel. r e at the *eau, . o slums, Libeitist*4; , • 4P. SPECIALL LOCAL NOTICES. yr.t.rrs. ,Itriniamx SINGING - BOOK - ETzlt rum, • THE' SILVER BELL . Contains • tholes selection of nearly ito of the meet zumajam zY p - favorite BONGS, I)T.TETS• Q.UAATETTS, he.. and a eomlete course of - ie INaguan , ...Among crii. the places are the tenoning: When Johnny Comes Warnhing Mango Vacant Cindy; • Vett/we by the Nees • Do thetelThlak of ataleatei • Sieddlere Chorus; Ofti mi ce ra ns fa r isea n u erl yi Sunhat*: Battle Prayers ithketets Dan worth the pone of the book.. r W i rictin : tit° 0023.1014 MI Maned to any /whiten Ca _ receipt often.. titan: C. DIELLOIE4 • . at WOOD STAMM ' 23c00kr.0z04 Znaci,cmg. ilarßextrlmmtadikarka: ' WOZS HUBBAADS ILLIK I27 •O7I7IIELIi or PATENT CROIIND CIRCULARS arranted CART STEEL SAWS, of every de scription. MIII, MOUT, Cross Cut, Gang, and all Othertrarieties.. All kiwis of lain-Es and SPRINGS, msde from SbeetUnst Steel t Extra Retiziod REAPER AND MOWING EIMER, Esc. ' .oRic• Warehouse and Works, eorner WATER and . :SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Particular attention given to lictoothlng, Wang and Straightening Circular Sawn; also, reo- Pairs of all kinds. Punching sad Drilling done at reasonable rates. WA. Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers, • Rms.), in, 24 and dd -PENN STREET. Having mewed a larite yard, and furnlehed with themost Improved machinery, we are prepot ed to manufacture every description of in tbe best MAMMA and warranted equal to any; made la the country. CHIMNEYS, BRIOITEN.., naE BUDS, STEAM PIPEs, LOcemorivs: BOILEss, OONDENSEHS, SALT. PANs, Terms, 011, STILLS, AGITATORS- sET TLING. PANS, BOILER. IRON, SSIDGES, SUGAR PANS,and sole manufactures of BARN BILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repenter done on the shortest notice.- - delEktf Lenz nvpimuon SOPM inn and Smelting Works, . - inTranunam PARK, M , CORDY & Manufacturers •of SHEATHING,. BRAZIER& & BOLT COPPER, PRESSE]) COPPER BOT TOMS, _RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, SPALTER SOLDEI/.. A 1,,,, Importers and dealers In dIET ALS, TIE PLATE, SHEET" IRON, WIRE , &c. Constantly on hand, TINNERS . MACHINES and TOOLS. W arebouse,No.l4oFlßST and 120 SEC. Obin STREETS; Pittsburgh. Special orders of Copper out to any desired pattern. . my93:lydawr RoarERRE, 'REA . a. CO., (suoolidiauo to Bonnroos, Dams A. MiLt.aus,) • -..- Wash/Aron .:11Yorkie. - FOUNDERS AND -11/ADlFFlrrooixo a. Afaraufacturen of BOAT ANDS AT/OVARY STFANL . ENGINEF4 - LAST ENGIN MIL L GIIINERY, ' DEARING, SHAFTING, OA ST. INDS of All descriptlorot, OIL TANKS to STILLS, BOILER AND SIIELT IRON WORE.. - Air - Agenta for GIFP.ARDS PATENT /NJEOT. OR, for fading bolters. OZONGN NAIRTZR.. 'ON. D. BNNLNR...7. P. ROLLAND nstaLe STEEL WORKS. • ~ . , • REITER, & CO., • . . ' (Snectistos to Emma, HLET.x/ar Co., " • - • • - • s Manufacturer' TE R T STEEL; SPRING, PLOW and BLI STEEL; SPRINGS, X. LES, CROWBARS, he. Air. Works, FIRST WARD, !Allegheny.' 'Post Offlee addreu, PITTSBURGII. 'Pat _ AN D R/ENOE Or AN INVALID, published for the benefit raid as a learning end caution to y•oung men wbv 'after from Nervour Debility, Pre. mature Decay of Manhood, etc., aupplying, at the some time, Um meant Ite eV cure, by one who has cured himself after being put to great expense and Balmy through medical humbug and quackery. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope, HA' gle copies mar be had of the s tabor. • . NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esp., delitimdeva • . . PhiladelphiliMa NRENFOUS SUFFERERS OF teetered to hah re la a f g gya tie , zaan h ue " rIZIgt usual g Maul tro` d elii r tr" TA?, Poled duty to COIDIIIIIOIoate to his :111 ' total fellow rcotureelbeneassof cure. Ileaoe,oa the receipt .ol ast addressed ef the ezirelope, he will sead,free, a eopy procripUoa Dlteet to Dr. JO l / 1 1 DE; ILWITALL, 11M too-.N treot,. Y.. • 114111 d 00Camnpr & BRO.. Manatee. ma , hirers of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, IRON .RAILING, WINDOW' SHUT TERS, WINDOW IMARDs„.t.e., Noe:: at 13E0. OND and Be THIRD ST: .I=, between Prom:Land Mute" Lars on hand a neap of new patterns, fancy and plaln,.sultable for sit purposen. air kar Ocular attention pald to earl:win Oran Lots. Jobbing done at abort,nottee sun arDsiSmEAlrezf, moaFmAryEiiiVolX :-SYSTPds—irr sad rThil e d nt t—a Re , ports albs Howard Amociattoo. Seat hl Juan la lefrdital. erSekcgae; Ausoctstlary Nor. South Ninth street. e -Y It ur ra v Arai ' n vo " wasslo :eta ' 01C&N I ''' and wholesale dealer , CHEESE, B SEEDS_ aa produce morally. No. WOOD 1611048 T Plttabutot. gioa d UCTIOJr JiheELES. UCTION _BALE OF. CONDEIMP upaszs. — Qtall eizitiritleia GraTILJ,L4 iffiral,i - Flair DIY/SION. . . ' WIR VAainiresoN, Jam. It, tea. to odd. at public aaetloa, to the highest tddder, at the tine aad goes maned below, oat pin ahorckreatasolltroulo. 211rOst7. rebrataro 2. lags. - - i Otllashotom lastatrar. Illasootiy.,. Fob. . . IS: Tl each FlLOpl..llllll=DlNlLVailf MOMS The M m horeeihave Woe eon C malt for the thlilrafry Service of the Amy, ' ' 1 VFor road arldfattahat parolees. May food Me. erat:7 t. bad y. ' Sale to eivaaione• owe. ff.. Teo:, each 1.4 !fruited ppites elirre .Fa y. ,!, Pact.7_AßlC A. ElEllf. Colonel In thug* Dfetaloaq.l4. G. 0. • Omaha , . SUPERIOR FllRlartrßE,_ CARPETS, ea, AT AIIOTION.—THURSDAT MOEN. MO, at 10 o'clock, at lissome Hall Auction Blouse, e 6 Fifth arrest, will be sold • quantity of well kept POHNTTOBE, comprising sir aefa mat. Tatter' Chair; two rosewood French Bedsteads, Platcrany and Walnut Was/Islam* Savvier Si.., Marble Top Weak Stands, Walnut Ward. -.l=nrobe, Chne Seat Chain and Beekerg, Towel Hawke, Carpets and Bulk Shakily. Pdtkt oloeits, Olasawars, Dishes: Slim Rimed Tea and Table Spoons. en.,lke. The attention of hoose• keepers is called to Ude ealm the fureltars having bent in use but a short time. . •••• T. A. meoLELLAND. Aim Pr. • N. B. Persons having Household Goode to 41i pose of w______lll seed in or before Wednesday evening. fiRATT'S GREAT ANNUAL. BALE s,EnOF BOOKS, of all khaki gee Photora,-, gink Al. velo p e , mil Bibles, Oolemerelel Note. Paper. es Oold Pees, Se., ke„,,will be conUauM on MONDAY EVBXIIIO, lan. rad, and every evenlnr diving tbe week. at ? o'clock, lknersunv dal Sala itooms„ 04 TIM street. Kr. Pratt hu Just re:anted 'from the ?ew Tort AuctiOns, w itchi a lame assortment of aew sad Mae Books, h will be elated eat without reserve. , N. B. Books and Albums at Private Sal* darter' the day, at and austlon_prlma. • land wd A. ldelLwAllVP., Auctioneer. EtECUTORICK,; TOE&DAT ErErtnta, sin, 'ON o'clock, will be "sold at Oenneerciel Sales Booms, et . 1111 h street, by order of. Executors of H. B. Chair, deceased: tames PHlsbuigh k 002111111 Tenspike Co. ' 1 share liftmongehele Navigation (Jo. • • Pew, N 0.2, lark* Presbyterian Church, Pitts. brt:rpeic4LlSChohraldp Washlnr, 001/114 EISILWAIIPP., uctionoer If bUBEB ANJ: LOTS AT if;rcTr/02f. --On THURSDAY ET I MA6-at 8 o'clock, ,at Masonic Nall Auction Muss, CO Finn street, will to sold, EIGHT 'DWELLING IRIDDE3, Situated col t he eoniat of Gibbon and. Otestout streets, within C,e minutes' walk of the Post OF ground flee, oat perpetual lease, sokject to an amnia rent of from son The above propert,Lirtil pay not Deadl6 to 20 per cont. on investrna a t • ma_plea. 106 wants I,lllnT. acattpternbuts_oA_Aprll Ist. Z - • • A. m•uLELtia. Auer. PILE JIIVRIC. AaItIRRIC&N 04GANS BRADBITIII, New Yorks CIIIONAKER & CO, Pldladelpfda, and • BOARDMAN & UAY. .IL:•L!k2vC)S, ... . . - Arlin.{ CO II LOPROYED - CABINET . 010/11 WITH PATENT TNESIOLO7ATTACTUNIENT. .. - • • SW/*calved, 'a new supply of the A bore eels. other Mentuacture brated'lnstnutteats; together Wlth Pianos from PIANO,S m, 'ix: PAIIKEE VIOLIN 6. CO.; nn,, tr. SONS, GRAYESTEEN and °than{ el/ at reduced Prkes• . , WA XErrmix sit BARB, ara fa ft. jam Clair Ntreet. ltteselPslook. rota £oaa rem pITTS.IIIS.IIGII FIFTH STRESTYEAR WOOD. Ll:6l.lti AIM ELAN JAME WM. Irgiqmaiioff. Eagagement ter a tali zugtiroaly of P8e:•015. , brated artfate, vssrviL•*l swAra who will appear in hergreat part of ANGELO, as performed by her in all the prize/pal autism of the Union. • NEW SCENF.RT I TIIRILLING EFFECTS ! NEW pRESSES! NEW MUSIC I And a complete east of obaracters. THIS -EVENING will be prreserded John ./3rougbam , a thrillin g spectaonLar drama, in, tin acts, ettltled. Bei .Dentonfo. Augelo higle Yestralt. (suppo powerthl esat.) , ' 4PSeata can damured three dentin advaaie. TRIMBLE'S VARIETIES. • Palm imager. sari IT, CLAM W. 0. 88[TnE0 Lessee and Malagen Omnrannui AT 8 cBaLOCIL I Last week of the great MDLLE GALLE'TTL The beet dawns,' in the world. The * OBBB • crowded to repledioll every night. Mnt apPearanee of JOILNITT REDDEN, the Unrivaled son of Menus. • . • • ; ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME' Ti. NIGHT. MISS name.csausTi E. MISS LOWEITE isox,Err7s; Tres curs 1)E BALLETI • EGRO 01 ) 3ETIMAITE; ACROBATS, VOCALI S T, ho. 8e . Z.N A SPLEND/D BELL. • a Fridsk i tirthing, Jou. 21th, BenedltolllCD ELE Look out. for another new Otimpan MU L , y. M mearrac HALL FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY. THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATII7IDAIr• Jan. 20. 27 and 28. MORRIS & WILSON'S MINSTRELS BRASS SARA Ammicen Opera qt Burlesque OM Folks'. CONCE T TROUPE. POr farther particialua owl posters & progyziemb. Doors open et.. 7; to commence et I).j o'clock. Ad. mission 60cts. Uhildrea 26 eta. O. A. Koalas, suaner.,' Ir. A. ABBOTT. AJP5dt• CONCERT HALL. • GRAND GUT CONCERTS SOIREES M.A.GIQtiE.i. FOR ONE WEER ONLY, commencing MON. DAY, JANUARY 2241,. I SCR. blf the taiemted BELMONT TROUPEf Comprising the following Ladles and Gentlemin of Versatile and Artistic qualation.; Prof. DELMONT. thoonly rival of - the andeot Boron,, whose "Mticanerie the - adminstlon of both Press and the mars. Madam° DELMONT, Premiere attendant to the Wizard'. Moslem. lites. CHARLES HOWARD, (Dom rt^iithq street Theatre, Daltimorej Comedienne and Yo• Blr. GEO, GRAY, justly styled the Amerfcein Bnioxom. Manzi PYCHOWSKL the celebrated Pianist and Composer. Admisolon 60 eta Doors open at 7; to commence at 8 o'clock. GRAND GIFT MATINEES Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, commencing at 234 on whtch occasion Children will be admitted fOr Scents. GEO. GRAY, . Jaya al Business Agent, TIISSOLIITIOR OF PARTNER:MIR a- , -.me bunioeis eoeneetion of Rollos& Gir bum, and of Bollman, Garrison 4 - 00., wee db . solved on the let trortant, hy the sale of t ie !stern of 11. L. - Rottman aad G. W. Bothnia. All battlements will be etteeded to at Avian VW late Baas, ea Smithfield street. A . L. BOLLMAN. GARRISON, GEO. W. BOLLNAN,_ JOEIN 111.013.ETSOZV Pirrenvaaa, Seminary a, Ise& In retiring from the shore the etheeribees week ffePresa 'hooka 'to , their friends for the gives -during the long period of their boa nese, ea also taleasorela recommending thetreneceal4 to the with the fallen conndeoce that every effort Vi l le, attention will be stream reader eatie footioa 11. L. ROLL:ALM, - GEO. W. rtrreeentle, Jemmy 3,186 t. ROLLIKA.R.' CO-PARTNEEBHIP NOTICE. A. Garrison havi FOUNDISRT.ng parehased the ene s dreg property, Inch and textures of the Lo t, arm of Bonniest k Gatrisoe, and Belizean, Garrison k Co., and having_ associated with him in testae' John Riciterson, the.tuoicrelmied will continue the, hunter under the alone and style el A. Gat !Aeon &Nr A. GARRISON, itIeIDLTsoIN. PrrritreiLair. Agway 8. Ida - DISSOLUTION OP CO -PAITE - The Parteereldp heretofore *Metter heavers the tuklerehreed, wider the Ira alone el catumprox la 00., for the manufacture of dttrf Pearl end other Beam km. thle day been dleaele by mutual ermeent. • . BAhliaa. AL KIM : . . . 3011111 CI. Cnittfherolf , JOHN FOSTSit. raw A. &o t . « a, few - • .......... Y ...... Y. tics Wit. ED it CO. , NAZIFIPAO. Mit sr Silver Pearl and !W &mice Rosin Soap s so ussirri aritrn: Prirsstrauie irt xriy—Fitiriff l iZIElf THAT al. pORTER_, Opa l A. It 00., . g. 1011.0 01 Ikll- day et November, L. D. 1964. Pareahleit Hte attire Interest of JOHN P. HENDBILSO_N am! JOHN A. CAHOUET. Trustee afield nermersert. la the "Tarenkum 011 'Works,. that all buslness sof said mumeottoirmltheald Henderson mailed at the date purrhast, sad all debts due the Tarentuei On Work, willbelaidtoPOßTLll CRAWFORD CO., Or to their meats .7. IL CAIJOHEY a co. R 144 peter et., nttsburmh, Theeeneetn tit the tatoreirall its to the past, bi roodueted by the onarrragtiott, • ?oamm 0841.11POED MOO. jalellwd . , pARTNERsEn-----------------_,OTICE--The udder. Mined hare Ws der *owed into p.. toenail 0 Ulte un der lth, na me , and Painting bus nen the Ore and 'lris of 5. k It PIIILLIPS.• rectory to McClure towaahip, Al. seteny county; tfarehouae and Office, Nos. Nand Y ht. Walt se, Pltiaburah. ' ioUN FRILL , HENRY IL P •. . , _ . • ' A. IL DROVOITNT.• Prersaunoir, „ Tannery 3, 1965. ,iatOw DigS(nur:lN• p.,1 ;....r-trisi.EßBlllP. The eartnonhin heretofore existing under then — yla of JOHN DUNLAP & En, was dimly ed by limitation on the stet December, INA- The hindmost): the .into arm will be settled ►7 JOHN DUNLAP, WhaririitOMY OA the buaineu 'nal/ 14 breaches at the old tUiM corner of htrus /at and Seccuut streets. the r.YTrn t e r dt.`lPd ba ll2bLexotth e trts7 of January, feed, b 7 mutual 00Aleta. The name' of the firm may be used by either partner la gentling the buttress of the Ina and for no otberpurpola. s.-xourrrz, Jain PM R. MERTZ. JIIERCIa4XT ZiILORII. IBSBLLIS BLOCK. W. IL &ORE, 10 ST. CLAM, STREET, Would ll e Wad-ton el bums to hie stock et donde. It h ag been Wonted with _great caJe, and contain. all the STYLEI OF U 0012.3 bo found in mes. Garda wishing d suit or Wattles made to order, will please call and exambre our and prince. Alio, a full and template 'welt of W. W. We G Er. Minton/4yr TAttos, no. ia ST. CLAIR STREET. m • Merchant Tailors, W; ea. Penn & St. Clair Streets, GRAY & LOGA/T, 47 . St. Clair Street. ARE NOW CLOSING OUT THEIR WINTER STOOK OF • DODS; YOUTH'S AND CECIZDREN'S • CLOTHINGi, .AT GREATLY MIMED PIIICEN. j D.C , AVISTARI% 2FOSEPH ADAMS .DenqC onnell Building, comer of DIAIIIOI6 iod 01414 1 rittiburga. References—Dr. Ant 'Jr. Rabbi RnalaHlTErrett---": TITOS 1511:7L.. STEEL'S Stock Broken, and Real Estate itgett.9 eiftk. bought and told excludvely, On comndi d .11V•Ofdan, WiraEffB EdLy. ead, .. JOICII D.1.41/.lll' 11 - 11 L 1 - 37 - p 4418 401upi- x ., taw . PE4lii -s i r agt , - J. B. Aiy /be Sialidafd Nooks! OVER ONE THOUSAND rstoroanarn ALIMMS! • Prom this mall (Roth *id Album at St will to the !s the amtamt mod el Album made. For l bums of Books all dwarlptbaaa mill at The Metropolitan Gift Book Store Oar large Descriptive ()students sallied tree to ally Llama la the United Stator oa epplleatioa to • ea FLiftb Sl. , Pitisbargly jaleAtfeLtodat Now READY B'3. T. TROWDRIIiGE, author of 0 0a4Ws w itO, O.C. 01111 TOL ZOO. IPriao. 110.678: AtitLe New Publiesttons et the bettor dap Oil hood as EMI AU puhluhet SoolcielleibiS WholesSio Dor Is , ilbeial dimwit to the trade on CASH ORMIZS - J. L. BEAD, No. Ta FOIIRTIL SL, Plttsbutgb. ingfilt/LELps AMENITIEK OF ur. -.MATURE ootudattng of sketches and chat. adorn of English Llteratigre. A INTo•vO. edition. Riveevide Pmts. In two volumes. Peke, 04 N. KAY 6 CO. 65 Wood St, dehl ELYAMIL The h:tthetto moolleeted millings of OQAQLpg LAMB. Piloted et the Ringside 'Pram OAS elegant is mo. TOlushh Pete, 02 . 25 . RAY- & Enicbems ni • 416.12. rtizLeini. AT PaMATZ SALT, AT McClelland's Anotion Monne, 80.F1E131 MEV. Jai CLAIMS AND PATENTS' I 91 IVIcILIISTER GAZZ&N. N.. se GRANT -sTREET Pkbburgiu BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, BACK PAT . . charg ed on ONE IfTINDHED DOLLAitS, seltrees - account of wounds rinalved UAWLa collected lannedhdely. J OHlt DITNL sooiAP AMES H. r. clatnedrid.sa.cati it se COURT STREET, oppoilta tM orttiy 11. 46 B. 0.-11IACXILVLL WOKBELL JOHN' 80,N, • MUCH. ATTORNIMATIAW, Vs. LICENSED soz.Das , ()Lab: Auras et tutittet for Wounded Soidltne Oottootod taints annOnwt:V.dititieurr Broome Pittalottro. Call with Otiobatito ant two witless. 1011114, ounimi dOLDl traia. $lOO Sooty to all Wounded Soldiers,' !snow befog pald to all with a alMsoktissoi thugs ludo now Ito lamella eadloatti. . T. wALTEM. OAT. _wonted taw V. & GortnidtooL Ito. to XEFTEI woad doot below Itit .CathedtaL - • - arittysit. rorswits AND sonuas or PAY, Promptly atteml4 to by' 41.112'RIMS 41. RIDDELL. I,OITATH Pitt/bunk Pa. C':iN:pc•clar , . MUITARY ' CLAIMS, PENSIONS, _••••• 1101 41T/E23,- BACK PAT'and vueuts of every-description, colleited. by the subsoriber it the follcrwtng rata!, sts x Poulton' other Wilms • 0 Cr. TAYLOR. a t•Law' .N 0.13 GrantAiLtnirth; Ps. charges are matte he °lake does not and all Information Oren gratis. setai NOALu t, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, rto. 1 0 8 1'm( &m ?, Pltiabutgbf Pr. MUMS for PENSIONS, BOUNST,' P/I/ZE ItIONET, Ike., vigorously pro/sant-NI JAMES L P I TTBBII.RGH. AT TORNEY ; AT-LAW, All Legal Business promptly attended to. Pitts r• ffi g. ce, No. lee roan= rrittnT, near Gran,t bur ap23-3taissr cCOIID it CO., Hats, Caps and • Straw Goode, Hare now In store the largest and most eompHts stock oi . • • - GOODS FOR FALL SALFS, toreer offered 14 the west. IttletiVatesrehmested wll end examine our d vltat stock, . will be sold not at very low rates. t . 4WD STREET.. R„Ttfccoluial.-3115. OWENS, Stuoecra a Worker, Paper Rartserentl Pleat re . Centro' and Orrunente, of ali kinds. rt notke. Orders left at 21100 N, GRESS Stove WO __nearWylto, mat Palmer's Pit OD STREW , ' beprompt!, n3ENNETT, Mann - of WRINyTE STOKE *mixt and' CREAM Pa Office and Warehouse at 110.71 ?Ma Skeet' dabnratt. agd6dy I:lluicrs PrTTSBITECH ALMANAC, 1865 ;Hat a full and complete History or Chronological Itocord of the Great:Rebellion, from tho codunenco. ' ment down to the re-nleettoti of Abrahani.Lindain, and the resignation of Gen. IleOlellan—prioo ]solo. . nurrs IItiPROTE6 MAP OF VELUM° couNrir OIL ItEGIO:f, ,C Showing Sections l'arrott Townships, = an th e ;Inchon.lts; Prices6ol.6o P ree cloeti to Townships. Sisc et„ Hunt's Improved. Map ,OF REST PIEGINLi.tr. OHM OIL REGIONS Canned in Cearales. • Size, Mil—pries, JOHN P. RlNT,tablisher, Fq FIFTH STRIET, Mapante Hi p r ai ratl the above mud) ed pod-piad oa releipt of jatt METma.Rp f:;3001c soo - • lt LOOATEDI lE=ffmtllnLT LACATm t BERIIIL.I.=!fTia Locarno 63 Fifth Street. OPPOSITE CONCERT HALL • . CPPOSITE. 'EXPRESS OFFICE. This la the largest: tad nod Ilbmaly soak salmi (Nit Book Steno to the World without a slollsea. eeption. Thereto no, Gilt Book Establishment la New York, Philadelphia, Baltlmore,,Ohleaga„ or hay city In the Onitid States Wit /a eiwhigaid as ilberal4 mad eatanstralii 1111110/ILITO 01 PITTSBUR At this establishment you aqua lad all SIM Of Matas, trots the Small Peeket Males to thsimp, est Faisal: Bible pnbUshmi. All the tate Publicationi! All . the Late Publications AU the Ataa4Ard Uoeka riMOGICArIi ALBITAS( PHOTOGRAPH. A.LBRX3II Vll/: b. POSTER & CO., The Three .ageoute, DIM, CLARKE it CO, 's - WOOD STBEET au WOOD IM 41 77'011.WE souorrous OF AND ITTORNEYS4ITDIW, 11aeased by Government t. tolkot As 4 all other 111111lai7 or Naval Clahas AM's, the United States. 0/410,148 1 BOUN' Dealers to CsArcTEx PEIIpETII 3 L IB29. FIRE INSW9:iOE COMPANY PrIELAbELPHLL . . _ . Aware on Jansusry 1,1861 .41 2 . 4 57.849 916 Capital 4 400 pee Seamed Premiums 971,2fil ,001 Invested Premiums , 1.080 Mastfled Chime 8,411 Income tor MI • 300.001 Losses Paid Mace 18S9 terms %MA* Pe:Deism/ mul TemPeru" Policies oat llberd r. Marina N.Tianeker, Immo Lee. Tobias Wagner, 'Edward cr. Dahr. It%roil Grant, • George Sal m, R. Smith, AlSred Pinar, George W. Richard', Fran. W. ,Lew, D CHARLES R. SCHER President. EDWARD CF. DALE, Vire realdoat. SAS. meawasust, Sea, pro: tem. J. G. COPSES, Agee% earner Wood and Third stmts. FIER AND. MARINS Insurance Co. of North America. PHILADEMIM Jimmie.... liartfoni Fire Insurance Company. 11,280,000. Asseta... Nirflotectlob eau be teemed in Me above Jawed bad tellable companies. W. P. JONEE!, Efoorr, .114ritlers Binding; in Witter 'et' 'WESTERN INSURANDE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH_ , auradra, sr, Presfikstl, WM. P. lI ERHEET, Secretary. (Nike, NO: 9tWater street, Spang & Wart. house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. .14 , 171 insure against di kWh of Fin and Mariaa WILL d How Intlitattcat managed by Diractort NOW are aril knatan in the animals qand veto are gegen; maimed by proMptnest and ta. maintain the Mon:der to irk asp hew assumed, aa affniag tha bait yrotectiosto Moss bk. desire la be inosed, • IMISCTOUS : R. 11111er, Jr., Andrew Ackley, Jame" McAuley, Alemoider Speer, Nathaniel Holmes, David M. Long , Ales. lanick, Be n J. Thom.; • George Dante, Benj. Bakewell, tlatnitbell B. Bengal, John IL ittcOune. V. W. Eitchetion, 111730 AIM. P. ILEIRBBRT, Secretary, (NTIEEN'S INSURANCE CUM.RAts OF PITRARDRGiIt—OMee, corner Market and : Water streets, second floor. • WM. WM. A. SHEPARD Secret BAG ary. ALEY, Praefellesg, • , Insures Steamboats and Cargoes. Daunts against lois and damage in the naz . = Bon of the Southern and Western Rivers, and Bayous, and thernavigatlon of the Seas. insures against loss and damage by are. 09:11X:TOILS : .L - Wm. Bagaley, • S. M. Ries, Samuel. He; john Shipton, Jest Parkio.D., • I James M. Ckpoper, •W. G.Johrulton, -0 S. Harbaugh, B.F. James, J. Caldwell, Jr., • Hon. T . M. Howe, John S. Dilworth, . arclay Preston, Wm. A. Rodgers. George Bingham, ~__ eletOdyll ALLEGHENY INSURANCE COMP& NY OF FITTSBUIIGIL-0201.24. street. Bank Block. Lamer against sU kinds of Piro and Mai • ISAAC JONES. Pruideitt. JORN D. M. BOOR, D. WOOHD. Via hiekkolk Sagretarr. DIZACTOXS : . , - Min D. McOord, Capt. Adam - Jscobiy, - B. B. Sterlln_g, Ras (Zit Wm. McGraw, . ' :Robert H. Darla. boo lone*, 0. C. tr= Jo • (In G. Grey, ao Irwin, Jr. opLz mi,N-IMN Odice, N. E. corner of Woad and Fifth Ste. ____ • FINE AND:RARINE INSURANCE Wai.Fhtlllpe, o+as iro maw . argue '. John WA% . •. PA In MAW; olu; :T. . § facer. .4, Chides B. Maketl, • Wm. Via Kirk, , - Maim AMM3k ' W3G PEMLIPS, Pmatarn.t. . , SOMET WATT, floe rat/Mese., WM. P. GARDMER. Ssoretari.. J 11447 BOOTS .911.717/ SHOES. LADLE'S AMP GEMS' , CUE, FELT, AND BMW OVIRSIOES. sots. AnD Toirnis. Grain . Leather Water-Proof Boole. 149PW.1 3 41TD 31 44 ,1 liorocco, Call, end Craii Illbt iWmarsis, calf, Kip, and Grain Leith62' nooft ainxinuns G zur.DIMILL ST., I . 44EGILEXT: CLOSINa SALE% TO aura Rim ros Nzyrae•Ds. Er ownr iambi s zr mew ate* at Seots l / 2 Kb's% %Men. sad Baliaerail trunk..., Valises, and Traveling -Saab mr GREATLY REDICED PRICE% ToGll aud l and g re room e* &ram goods raw Odegg se nerdha V. iligatlMX% NI • • 1E Federall Allegheny tr. CLOSING OUT OVit EMU SWIM AT COST. GUNS, 11/LLIIIORALS, CIAITEU, SLIPPEES, LADIE'S, AND BOYS BOOTS ANI MIES. at every deimetston, *owls the time to buy, se we are sweptwing to eeceilreour spits' stock.. Reims sad call Wirers ptuelessisi alsewlecaikt EiORLAND'S, No. lark* * door from Fink it. Aso - 241 Olir &Hogg No. 54 . MAT STNEET, BOUTS. 4 8088. 3 -- A2.1338 3n , Na. I Ftarket street 8E415 vim Etsr, TEE NEATEST FITTING, • ' &Ed THE MOST Dlntiga, micrcrnar aszames, !aIY /win* Li tho etti He has Just received a man um& Fill Stift, " 1 . 3 1 .2 at" WORM zzoravro DT • GEORGE ALBREE, SON & •Do. 43 WOOD STAR E% Di.yr and Toth'. Reel Dalmoralel Thai • ChUdien'S Goatial Kl 4 , T 3344 sonde 4ee.mede4.noe.espeel3l order, 4 314 warranted urlequalled.ousmmork. nets ~, to_ LUIkIBEN GAS AIIIi'IITEAN PITTING, The In the ab tinore I derelpneol he man xing y peers experience nudne is kind. , .PIATIM3.ER'S V(7O.ltX ON ram mosr Arrioymo MAIL . . Ererr denniptlon eiaas and Steam !Vat la a datable tonna - er an t at reasonable ra • AZ-ALL 'WORK WAHRijirEL' b! BatitEr; P.UZRELL : ir • CO, Ji2B r(0. LIS EWE= ST. 'S VIIaYME. 41040.000. , EAR AND THROAT. Waren to make thla visit on amount or 'Mutt ona appliestionaitom patties reakiing in Pittabeenb Lfd vicinity, who are noableto come to Aew:Yark for the loStepeteable Wawa - 4 enanikeition render ed necessary from the impossibility or premang . with bandit to the patient without. • DR—LIGHTLIILL will revisit Pittsburgh at reg ular Intent.ls, according to the requirements id the }Atlanta under his Charge. The business in New . York does not sulfas. any Interruption from this II One or the drm ts More IA nonstent attend., aimm" • Prrrentruarr, For. I, 1914. This will certify that I have der the ewe of Dr..ldghthill for the cure fora h, and that, although he has attended me ttle over on week,' feel tket_a m.manan res p e c ts to lure= mut am so much bel.a ail as to Zile in giving publicity to _these facts, and recces. Mending Dr. Idatthill to any_ one affected with cisuro„ - UWE FORSYTIA - Forsyth, Bros. k 00. e It Water caveat. Ott Rode JOlllll4, Just 4M.1 Indeed-In ever. In every busmen Or pm.... •••"allmsyssome - department of scbrnoe or skill, the,. !Int la ack ld relief am nowledged head —some one .whositarue. bo ong his gallows, sr a kid of leader. In the study and treatment of De raness and C. tart_ .11 u special diseases Dr. E. B. LIGHTIy of this city, occupies just the lunation above de. teribed. t he ha, devoted yearn of labor to thls rpo. Malty, and in now rasping the reward of Ms Indu sry. The editorial column:is of of a /a nent date, bear witness to the Do c tor'sD mimes. is him departnums or inedkino. He quote the pars imPb .omm or • Mar Nora.Lotits LoOwlngstnei aged fourteen years of au, born In Cerniany, Immo to this city when he was about two_ years of age -Soon albta &miring here be was taken sick-and and his hearing.' By event he - became lint deaf and then dumb. For nearly ten 'years he was • mute, unable to hear the loudest voice, ' or to articulate sr wont. About one sr •wart ',Wed' In the hands of Dr. LIG Wno-tias erf Lae rut. corded In restoring to lam bit lost lumen of bear. inif and utterance that Be can converse with those nattaltrieelalfs deliberately 74 tint Tfour orilvel j n Y been under the toltioo egr of Mr- Benneel and has made constd. Pablo Mim iiireading:and Arlthmetic.n Having been supplied with the led's addreits, we further investignfeatbematt_ ,er end dlicorered that previous toe alling-on Dr. WOMB; the youth', ease was conalderol hopeleu and fte was for two , yews an inmate of a Deaf an dDrimbAsrlitm. -The Bev. John Nott,D. Pm:limo? hi nfOgrOollege, ichenectady,ln a published letter, tenders hie grat itude to Dr. Ligtithill . for treating successfully his ease of Deshusta Ber. Trod. S._Jewell„ Professor of hie State Normal School at Aloany, also testifies, to ving been cured of Catarrh. _Dr. Lighthik mums other testimonials end tributes to histal; eat from some of the wealthiest and most prom nent and respected, critivaultvar t may be 11 , 302 ny Cir"l"%i p l =Vtil e s treatmen t, c to f l tro y f those many mots and facts testifying to loin um. -.: Press Rm. Frei. S. JetereA Preffeatir i ;sl Ost lash ter. sal State; away, New York.. . .• . ' • . . _. DR. LICEITHILL—Dear Sir: Underdate endemic tilth, - I sent you a careful determent ell:armee, Ile' former treaMent, my failure to obtain react is. that decal direction. In/ rood to PIO troth:lB44lW lie' I here bait front the winter cif the_yartB/11, nth. 'Ject to violent periodical attacks of gatarels, mark et by stem fiefux:l,reads. symptoms, violent intiamma., lion of the t he emetane of the cavities-of the • bead, mem la drat stages Dye Smtery Alecharge.thorn the mom, subsequently beemalu acrid and yedlow,ind toward the Monet the attack: Purulent end. bloody. These attacks produced a cast dist species of headache, twatuding Po. mcouentry cab yforit period itarying from one to three creek', sometbnea so •violent as to ineapael tate me for Mather Mut wanes me to myteL At times the attendant Intlanunatton would exteed t o the inlng b teeth, produoareencing too dil thache; or !tithe throat, oecesheurd partial loin of raises and twice witida. the Dot taw years It has 'so abet. ed the left eye 'S. to. mans xne fox creeks, to a .darkened room.. r him tried medlelnes and appliattaniogratiotts kindsilit f urs and other catarrhal .preparation, of so m e a'o dozen klndi; application - tattle head 'eat klaig;tiltreoargeTitcci°= ttaillea: o a t g d O tzs emetics or cathartics employed to induce counter action. But none of these had Produced any -manent improvemeat and those few Instancesper- in :which ..qmporal relief was Mtheied It was at the I=Bistecd.sotrme2e'r t=gtlhroastirt:tiae'n'g me gill!, though with reluctance, out the summed Mauro bllity of the disease, to make a trial of your treat ment . I found it soon even beyond my hopea reaching the &math as it had newer been reached before, arl . allerlatine Its symptoms to an extent -1 9/ilett , / had Ittippose imposaible. At the Limo • gave you my former eertlacate. while I ditroot red amused of a complete cure, I had obtained a mate Mal relief which amply repaid me for my trial or your trate:mat, find which satisfied me that the treatment was As erectly! as it Was simple and phlleeophlcaL A aubstantial escape from niyown attacks of catarrh, for the unprecedented Period of nearly half a year and that fn spite of severe ea currenees of illneis which would have formerly rendered nueho an attack inevitable, was, to me.. Proof of an importantisuccess. Itlanowsismantlui Mace I sent you that itatement, and while UM um Pleasant to appear thus constantly, and in Vits guise., before the public, it seems to me a matter of simpiejostlee to yourself, and to those.who may be nutierlug as I wm. to add that Tam not only se fully eatis&•d as to the Minty and etaracyvit your method of treating cathrth as I was six months ago; but I Nn now of the belief that If there is Midi a thing sea cure for 'amide catarrA, la my ease a aubstantial bum has teen eftetl:4l _ Yours, respectfully, . - - , , 'FEEDE= 8. ;EWELL. Alledkr. PL 'k". Se* A. lath -- , . _____ _. • Ainane, Jan:beth,-te611.1 • .02.. L.faiirraffz—Z!eirr Sir: It Is,wlth great set. isteetleat taint 1 ceminuideatelo yen the elects of the mediated you gave me, for defective hear n ng.. I followed Jeer directions, end JIM hvpy to nue • mit I am now Rio far 'Recovered t Mar sae first low 1 :=2 .1 11 - 1 11 , 4,, , , t 1;71 ' t qt:i i i4 43 e y kb, i ,:,. e a r i ,.t, y ~,,,,. 'Be. alifflited. my dear elr, If neeeeatty ehouidre. peaetuglahaedAlibi, rehollld net ..brattate tn . Awe myself nada% : -... 141,11 with rid. D. H. oplaiwr , • ... .- % Alb oa, Chlewlianoty,' • I •141, ' 441 ,•- : . -•' - , ' • . t .81110 3L DR. LIGIITIIILL, OF ISE MK OF DRS. LIOTTFEXLL, 34 St. Mortals Place, AU, Fork, Le NOW lit PITISBORGE, AND WILL WEIL= ♦! TIE ST. CHARLES HdTEL, Mime he as be *weaned natal FIIIDIT EYE U% December 23,180, DEAFNESS, OATABRH, Discharges from the Ear, NOISES IN TIitHEAD, And all the valour LO ITE AND 0111/011/0 DISEASES PR. Luannum, riisnatomms. 11 0 ZEOPATHIC. ,MniplKEsite SPEI6IO H omeopathia - • l Ttemedles • Stand confessedly at the head - ef remeoUslitteme for the use of the people. • They me alike restored Irma the poisonous, dangerous.y and repulshreidame of quackery. or Old School pegtettee, the tneonve. mConsniener af water...ure; or the intricate and Pig:Plea /sUng. oteetuitlea of the usual Homeopathic boom' aa dielnea of Met for the various diseases tr. Width Met are relat cd—aut up In the form of cue VT sugar. petlets-And_peepared of ingredients ther ft tier msgthr, they are the reai:g ald of the parent Or aurae" sod tho comfort of ti%arenplahung and turalid.: They posses. tpostUre advantag TWIT ate her:elm—no err can mire from their use!. They are simple—vou knoW what to take, and how to take It. They me convenient—you eaa give the Roper Sugar Pitts at a moment, warning. without hesitation or delay. 'Thor sto etfreieat, in thousand% of eases disease II arrested at ono% and the system eared without prostratlena or !Way. No.l-4jurea Fever. Ooniestlos and Inflalaraitim, Heat, Pain and Reatputiosilind the Int Maw et the "cute. thamatutp7l4B4•l4-;. eta. 01 .0. Ap t . Forme Pereir,Morigabtrot. 01 . 11 . 1 ApPetite, Wetting the Bea. hole. 117 coats. NO. S—Cures Wk., Teeth*. Grying a . *aka tuba's, Slaw Growth and•Peoblenees of infaata. Aloe 35 cents. No. 4—Cures Diarrhea, ai Children Sr Adana Cholera Infantantand Sumner Oorepleduta."7tioe ' al • Noe th.ea. 4 4234 core the wont . sub at alrialliel D. 6— OureeDysentery nsed /311/oon ()olio, Tut °ri Delie oeo Pattie II . 1-002,6. omit; llearseaßaNZtaa ants. Miseries and - Sone Throat, Prim all cants • This and No 1. never fail to mi. tha woestpaLl • No. el—CTle ures Eunuch% Pmeordie, -Nisitearl• - nem aad Dolore ux. Price ID vents. No. 11--arres Headaehe, ISfelr Hesdmike, York% - Haab of Blood to the Heed. Prete S 6 osats. - - In addition with No. lb, It mover 611 e to Nati the - most inveterate coma. •- , •- , . . rn Ne. 10—Cares Dyspepsia, Weak, told Mr . Befamp ed Stomach , consuprdtori, Lived. thumarn; Miami Condition.. Prloe so eenta. • literaaa %LB for all tans otereek Dimarriu, alloys Complaint,. No. It — Cures!SupPressed Meuse., or Bunt& or M Painful, or Delaying, Green aness. MI out No. IS—Cures Letiaorrhea or Whites, iieasta Down too Profuse Menses. ZS outs. No. 13—Oures Croup, Hoarse Orlin& Difficult and Oppressed/Breathing. 35 outs. No It—Duxes Salt •Ithema," Ornery EruPtiona„ Erysipelas, Scald Hard, Boxeres , Boh, Pimples on the Face . ,a 0 cents. - • . No. 15 —OureeRhenmattem, Pan, Lomeneis, or m) Soreness 1..1 Cheat,- Book Side, or Limbo, or t3elatirs. , 36 coots. No. IT--Ocu:es Plies, Internal or 'External, BUR at Bleeding, Recent or Obstinate. So cents. , This remedy bas eased thousands of the Ives% Possible cues. E No. 113—Ouree Opththatmls, Weak or Inflamed infErell.la, Falling or Weak GO sight. opts. a r y always be rolled upon fora cure; NO. 12 4 -Cores Catarrh, saute or areal°, dry Sr flowing, Cold Ip the Read. ludeetus. SO mita. 2O—Cures *Moping Cough, ihortenincand paliating it, or Spasmodic Cough." eo teats • - It la Infallible, and always relines owl cam • . No. ti—CureivAsthmas Cfrop_reued, DlAlookLs• bored Breathing, Cougil and rapectoratlosi. MINIM& hire beta mod y a.• - • , • n—olues scrotum, Ililarge4 disailkad Tonsils Swellings and Old Mcers. W/sents. , Has eared the werstoasn: . too. 6.—Ouns GenersiDelany, pitriwate r .Nee. W akneac W ovate. OS-Clureo Drors7,Fluid loontoulitliSSlti• =to Witt &w ay Heatetiow mato. ils-43nres Nmes, limning. SO t a i, Pi~ifra4e4Y . No. mon aiandggril Calculi, Difficult or Paluftl thins on. SO . It =resold oases of ICldnerDloonsisi •'• No. 23—For Searlnsi Endasioar Inosisiktoro plac ßad harci r ml %moat .Plt s kati r i los Ind • Dobai. ' 7 ÷ol.lnost, alleleat resell' 64*. ailed upss as rare ours. ate. 20-43nra Sore Mow" Oajainwel Mouth of • Adults or cam;Chi and also "Noma and Vanning orb Foul= II mei. Cores stoma. • - _: ChamNs. Sr—Orso v./daft!! liradmesioe. 'Primers. p r. Spatcos, Priuittrii. noble& aid Irrita tion of l'esoidoe . INO. 111-43urgs tioffert at 01;=.i, :-Y.. tilsriltaes. Flushes of West, P 1414,—...- Mamas of the Neat It —."61 N*. sa—ourt• Dipthees an! ftetata •. 4.111. mac Sore Timet. it casts. 4 . . at vial huall se yase. ' • wilsollfiral vial family ease, imam d .111 00 28 vial ease, • 15 vial cue plata. ' 't°loll at vial Farnham's ease—. ' left POND'S "straw :OF. I/AXlXdas For ew, W Rho:unmake,' elts, Cate Brolseßetsts , Same% lie. s, tlkersoote. Horse and Toothaahma -Dada ate dem •Prise al wale The trete Supplied at New Turk - Maas Iteauedlee lva AWL - Leak ever the list, route taa a caw at what that yea thew, and lactose the to' la a Amara mete er Amapa, by mall to my addreakaa4 ,the toedlolne will be day rata:sadly mall area prase' Z. X FULTOW 7 4 * Blinfiir. l'iiiihtlecoodigtrdooree4hetssr the labotecese eyed for Pittabagglit eat Tistulty: dal COUGH NO molls. .'Pint spurazuunpa MELIJIIIIOUS COUGH BALELOU Errarcrimmuces zermizeztrouti omits . BALSAM is warranted to cure Coughs,- Oshis Roarseness, Azttuna, Whooping..„ Throat, Consumption, and all ...owns °F.*. Throat end Lungs. - For sale b Drugglets. Gen 6ll Ma Erect, '43./ucintia , e All the bridles' men and Mr recent DR. STRICKLAND'S ANTLOHOLICRA TITRE as the only certain remedy torDisatuestand Dysentery. It is a oombination of Astingent: bsorbance, Stimulants and Oarminathr love tatted. warranted to abet a cure after all other swam 'or ale by_Drugghts. Genst:d Fourth street , vinetnnatr, 0. -'"'" a 7 '7" STRIOILLA.NDIS DIE BErttain,;. DR. STRICKLAND'S PILE . *Dam: Am aired thousands o tho wont eases of Blind ans. Bleeding Piles. t I g l u immediate retie! inlet feeta a zrmanent cure: . Try tureou7.-„..414:T1F ranted cure. - Tolima a For side by all Druresta Omni/ fitLipteill r•et, oisudAsatt, 0: • • • . - • nervonanesa Ll MePelai Etiai catusztios•monio. - ;•t• we eta reeo IL nnnend thole inalieterwilh 1: AppeUte, Dimon or DriztiLerrotuesess and Nervous nay, to use _a loTeats hi • vegetable; preparation, tree from amass* 'llquon; it strengthens the whole. BUMS Sylltiont Disit creates • goad appetite, and is wansataA solar pepal and Nervous DeWitt/. 'or sale by __ DdiDru ts masue,Pregtareg VI Da. A. Drares.DAßD.. But Fobita abt /Or sore by DR. CEO. IL Ilatifints %tense' of • Wood street and Virgin alley 504 Lielts 0 (:)., - corner of Wood and awond Pine- burgh; and by PARK &RLL, NO: VI. oott dvd.zax I t HE . GRE.A.T ENGLISH REMEDY.t= A. • - JAMES outnicvs CEZEBItATED FEMALE Prep./wed from prescription 'of Sir J. Mute, D., Phrlieltla EXtriIIOKIIIIIIry to the Queen. This well known medicine la no lepPelil.ci•n. hen I sun end safe remedy for Feluce. alaba, ""_••6l • Obstructions, bora any cause wnatever, one al though a powerful remedy,-they contain nate Leg hurtful to the constitution. To Memel Ladles It Is. to suited. It wll4 In 6 shell time, bring on the monthly period with regulerity, • These, Pills have never been known to hill where . the directions on the Id page of 1110 immphlet ere well observed. For full particlars u get a Pamphle t , free. of the nea. Sold bll Drugis Price, It per bottle.. lk ' Sole United M ya ak" Ag g ent, ts. • Job mostos,_ 27 Courtlandt street, New York... • • N. 8.-41 and 6 pc:little° stempa enclosed to . any . authorluxl mot, will Insure a bottle, containing over 6o bills, by return m.tU. daMayd.3l.ll.E.• , M! ANB Q 0 j -------- 5,R O t---.--,------vummyliriirt: *ailmTOßED!..7.7ust published, In a. sealed easels Price. Six Cents. A Leatare on the Natures ent, and Radical Ours or Spermatorrhanr, '. or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions. Sexual Debility, and Zmnediments to • Marriage s rl7ll:seLY:g746tll74:ntT,,,lll2' -14 from .Self- ' Abuse, an -By Bony. Z. Cat es ; Irma.. X. D • autho r of the Green Book. fen ...Al BOOB' TO THOLTSA.NDS OF BUFFRRS.M Senti-nnder seal, in a plain envelope, to any Ad*. dress, post paid, on' receipt of six cents:or tree' Andes° steunns, by DB. 7.0 /MIKE. 127 Boweryv ISes 'York, Yout °Mee box 4.58 e. - riarlautalorT• a ___________—_____________ FOATY YEARS SEXUAL 11 PEACTIC.6IB tic.. Glees me a knowledge . seldom acquired andM. . clans, Zdy long re-stolen:* In this city the MA a mour& of patients treated azuably . by me, are' I & P i r .ol rl7 Cu And all diaearea arising therefrom, &re. tared ill A, much &honer time than be/Morons 'tTra VEGETABLE BEELEDI M ' edldes A PO' nay part ortha Velem A /rs mat aontalA, _nr stamp tolny return ' Cortnapondenra hold sacred. vrntedlal nil IELD street, near Die. imead. Address .3. W. BaArrsrmrp, X. A, /Wadi • . Box EMT, PEI/burgh, Va. , bra xrnic.fz.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers