.41i4ittobiggit 46Azttit. 14.V:1101.; JANUARY 7 no. ItomsoN, arctaruut & . • • - Stock and Exchange Brokers, - , BOY' IND SELL ON SOMNOPON ONLY. iumeseisev o.llPar. Gas. I • sag 011 seeks. ' lit , eirntromest suntrittied oigi6.uonissid, nwm mfflumm 80YE8le->AND • ilAlnidalig' BOARD, • gitoltalegire ar "Amason Wonsan - k no.)' . Faro* 3an '1095. -4,011 A . Risfd- Bank.. Yr . , 9,50 10.1al. '-'lllrhimg ft Pitts N. -.Ocirarkla • Bitetale ' .-40kerry Bun and 90 Allts&V •• •-•4• ..... tas tObeM R B t om .._.. % It:10F rd (Airy) Bounty --- , , The ' , New .York quotitlons for Governments, Steel* andeold, this 'Raised:a, were IA _ " 21 .: - Cierclandbili.l.s4a res `Ft. Blayne' .. Gerlificates . . . • • WI, , Gobi -. 12 4‘ impieving. Gold aid dovekimeati' iritectioi'oo4ol at Board, it 101%-tieldw; New York quotations. NC railroad shuns offer ' ~ -! Mag. Beak shares Without , change;; 7 . 8 N, bid roe Rs- •,c6istine9torOttileni Msrchan4 offered at Of.!-- - wierspott-aideeduring the day at I& " Oft stocks about the. same. Sales Of Bitcl,le at • • AAtagheiii A Pittsburgh held at 101 Oil Built 4 10;Ckaumblakill, no bider Dalnell9Klisl,lo Diked. • '-ravorable reports reach us in regard to Daisell. The !Chimney . well, oolong witless, la no* yield id bbla per day, Tack Petroleum Go., offered t at 0,66 without finding buiers. 011 Creek A..blice • .17 Bon, *14,44 asked." 'Market nailer fer borzoi ; :5 1 ' ort, lit of January payments being met with Usual f.DirouTtne*lN . _ L Mr. George F. Van rumen tat been electe d Gash., ler of the 'Tradesman's National Bank, of Ulla city, 5e • and We arm tbst he has aceepte.l the position. ;"'. -.W obange, the Gitirena.Barik law e. s a valimbi 'Water, and the stacktielders of the Tradesman's , ' Beak Mly'congratulale thermielvet ou baring se cured tie services of an able, experienced, Cathlee. Pan - Doren, thoroughly. Is thoughly • acme& in the tontine of Rink duties; his large nt , • • lust:dance with men and business; is • true gentle. yun,sad worthy the coMpllinent tendered hint by the election. . There was, apparently, a better feeling mania ted at the Peoples Stock Fachrutge thisening, arming, 1 • ' an4. - nrith Moro disposition on (Impart of:buyers to • soperste, holders generally demanded an &drawee, • : gad arCerill bagmen by refereaceto the Sales belisw," in- Some. iratances higher , rates were obtained. 1 ., ;• ;" whitej sold at an advance, and these was coasid e - -'.etabietaqutry for Tarr, Story i Cherry_ lion, at - quotations, and but little, offering. 'Gil Duda is Amer, and in better demand, as is also Merchants end Tdrell. In Bank stocks we_note First Ns (Allegheny) being offered attie; Fourth' . . (Pittsburgh) 111;' 011turna 57%,...and • .eaventithreiNpas offered for Ruh - ante. offered at 9-4,95 bid; Cherry Ckratnl,l, 9o - 1 , 75 `• .lohirtialsell,ll,lsll,sCbid; Dinner, 9075,51ildtbfer -dents, 95-450bidi Pittsburgk. k Pfdledelphis, 1,50 .-4,20515; BON. 1,00-1,90 bid; leek, 4-11,29 bid - Dollen Lubrie, 95-90 bid; West Virginia' k Pitte. T • *ugh, 1,151 Stells,9o;Bynd Farm, r OW 05;11cAboy .Vberry .2tury 1,e6; mesdow; 1,10; Fleming A Blood, 3,50; Blood Farm fiphioi 0,10; :,&I*l2.sl7s.Pittsburgh, IS , Sides of _ '• • MO . sharee Ritchie, M, , Tarr, _Story ts Cherry iithdiebleaa n . • iv* . Ore& . • n. - . • ; • - Cheery Run rePitt Bole.. i• •-•M. . . _ . The'loss Oil Co.; announces, a dividend of three cent: for the mouth, of •Doeeroliii,_ Poyeble on ~,' sane ofthi the ugh init.. Thli cowpony has deithred - .-.. - schandsome, dividend each month, -- Its oigliti ...r... • .., ~Tho tailoring statement of farts, taken: from .. c s e; . i -we c o s report of Oapt. Robert Taggirt, Wilt lard_ -- ~ • '. to those the Stockholders of .Oberry Ruti„thortral ' . 4 .1 ,! I,oil Company. What progressls making to the de velopment of theletenitory. It will alerfee*luse ... 1 `.'them that the minessunent has beenth froodbhnds, consideting the =omit Of work done, imil the ikort time It hu taken: Funnixn„ JAN. 2,4sas. - . , .To the No:mishit Roam; of Diredors of Clan! !SW '. • -Central Oil Company" , ontrrataraim—t have the honor to , therelll4. ..74 51 r the of the OPemll.4ola on tory, o e enemy - Rea teratral Oil C o., u uP to;VOW. ant date: , Well No. t—Three Bundred and thirty Issof tor,t: ...eArep, showing unalLduantities of - 01l an ft treat i-- . *mount of gas- Indications at this depth consider , cd remarkably good.. Operations suspended'. this morning to rebuild Ilre-b0 under boiler, the "rick ..heeled burnt oat. TimeAseml. wiry to apke rte airs it i... ',shout twehtyrfou'houre, -.,- ~' ... .. . - Well No. ...-Two bundled redlyfty (2.50) ' feet deep. Work progressing Lavo -•-• , Well flo- .3--Brifier wall hlll corilAlici ;we dl7. • twelve feet; lumber and other material o the ground, ready for the workmen to commence ' Wpm , efatinns Wean as the weather moderates. . ' AV ell on Bleradden lease, -opposite -Compeers . - well r lfo.r., eee hundred and sixty feet derv. Ape : - rsidons eusundied On OccolintnlXtedflency Ili ! ph.. • Well on Ithmlinhaesse north of the liumbeldt . i Rt Crary, one hundred aid day (LOA feet deep; - 1 . tterMik protect:int larorably. -. i :‘ .i i '''' - 'Welt nortlnf; and adjoining Meath team, Saadi to LOVIIIWISCO boring operations this morning.. - t„. - - , Leese north of, And second from _lttutlin asset . - • -... +derrick erected and lumber for engine 11.4 ! aes se a the • flange of lets nennberbig trine (61 owthest ;side ... Of Cherry lino, and north of the Ilumbolt Redde n,have progrested all follows: !, .. No. I.—Derrick and engine house erect edi en. gi li ne o ri ..... bo va bolter ckeetiezvare for running. I -.; ,--310CDerriek ereeted,i.weliditer% duals cork.. . - '' Plo;.4.—Derricit and engine house erectes4 ; en --- gime end boiler ate simply for running: • ---i No. O.—Derrick and engine bonne erected, eigime sod boiler net ready for mutant. , . . • No. G —Derrick and online erected. ! . No. 7.-oDetrick erm.toi.,. •....- Pio a—Derrick ands ngine pummeled. i., - ... - - Pat.—Lumber being delivered. -.• L• ; lo addltionto the Above there .nre tyro lots on . the lower end of the territory, lamed, by at nr, Nelson. i .0n these, derricks are orected,thut tittle .....:: eilx }soybean done for two or three :weeks mart ' 1 ardsproseenting the work onthut. The" leeseei '4lPOrt englees contracted for. , - • ',L ..: . ..._-- • Very Respecttolly . , 11. Tartoltr ,• .- Supt. O. R. O. 011 tio: ~., _ ' The export of Petroleum from New York to [or,', elfin pa c ts during the year tail wes as followd.' .' Oalloos - 51.N16,09 1941'431 • ' s The Withal= li the ciunnoth cape front oth• '''el:•pcsln, 301.110 Dee. II: • 4e4 •• lett. - AU. From Desten • - , gallot,e l M, 2ol . • 5,00,0 • --- - From Fbiladelphis .......... 7160,ti1l 6,03,121 . , From 8a1tim0re........ 'en 9111,1321 • • Freon. rettlmsel ---- than - 1111, 081 _. • .i_r_ . Total- • ! sralls.lo,thr,tile ....i &WI Taal export from V. Statesii,l46,Oft . 1}1,250,e3 . . flame time bNIX - ' ' gellil o , B TlM • • lt will basun Menthe above statement, says th ..: Meer 'larktlommerells. lithat ketioleum is note sea - . In mossiderablequantlues, to about every r ...Ira have, commercial rela rips. c'' :*. gint i . ri ß ti rl i tsin is the lamest'Oonsuriderrd th e Pokb . pet, the export from New York thither dewing lad. -.,„: year, beteg WWI Oleos , Fromm, Is next In theii • ' Astrialle, we Import from this pow having :been gallons, a larg e increase upon the receipts =‘ ll . The Women • bents tontwerp hue Al, ! „ beeaultrilionstUngtO 4,11-%lellonsOuntinit , ~.(-1-• urthea...Brentapluis Imported bear. • lyono en pllonst Ithsabrug_l,lo6lXo gallon', ; end Rettentiamithy3oodellons. The shipments to. - ' - Oroinateidf. isolleste it Isne growth lathe demsad In • Russia, the export thither , having increased from MAO gallons ht lati.do 40tos in lest. 'The export to Genoa, Leghons,Triesta, Lisbon and Australis, A l also of considerable Importance: - - Al Istilike trad•ln tido snide with South Aster ' tea mid Um Welt India Weeds Ikea hot • Vown t• - suck en *that ea ergo: have been expected from ouriettoutte trading relations with tho le oonntries. lii win hi Illifeirisse rt ed that the geral demand for Petroleum is yet In Its Infaney. Nett to gas, Fettelelms is. the best and chethest Illuminating: sigestyet diametral, and It spume to be dot . 4* •Itubeeome the Illuminator for OM world. In dam, re• , Is many puts of Europe, and In Routh ',Lemnos, it. requiem time fora new commodity; however desir , ' able It may be, to create s demand. But vial year ", the untsumptioo must hemline more generally Of. • ..r- . ' .:itnied in all countace. If the supgy can be kept st - - , i' -up to the demand, It would pot surprising to 1 , ' ,., ' tlnd, - the export of Petroleum ,five Taus • Janet, • s:- three or fans tames ttkpresent iiiimunt, placing this x. --- rrodoct among the foremost of our Articles of &Ha /. ,- .. The folloWing shows the exports -(extens ive the of specie) from Nevi York to foreign ports for I , • week ending January t : .. l'.. - .ter th e 1iitai..41,25.0,tea 41,9 01 0 3 lit,eillils.. ! -,... -: - The ...portsof /Natio tire , for , !.h!!! week 1 , , , ' ril,WciaortV;n'ele.3, 7,4eitreele wilit.st7iriLlriti. --.•,,.- - • torn, 487 bales. rterrarr, bales hops, 60 bbls, rode, 1•-- - Senn' pork, 60 mail lso .000 tee. beef, t r tnign ...C • . • "An 01) Meats, ad,= ,Lnd•S .butttl, 8334% .•. ,' noubdi chow, WWI. pounds 'lord, 4,0,M pounds •iia : ,ledlow, lip 3 galls, petroleum . GO bushels peas. f ..-- 2 ' Medidell, and 1,1193 other pannier:a crude ttiamoco , uthetured tobarcer. • . : le, i -.-. 2$ I A " P °l- ' . . " - - WW,bidelpnts Illar!ictoifle. 5. e...r.: .., 1 ' • • •&1...;..` .111'elieed 111 Scarce ane wimp coau . nsaal I ' M t. lop 60 per 64 Ss." Isi:frilowlltrirs.osloo io rialeelart e e i c d oor t i , ,llZarlder___,M s ,, O°ll6° ' . • ' "%17 market . - ' dhlet, the 'eel ur... tett re. ,4 very .. ~ .ituadisikaa, either for Mort or ham. eigr i atuf ge. VI - ' 43014 b6lPrien arbtliturtsllSl t ie for i entA i s an. "'..• -...: : ',..,...' 1 ria Am warped:l;lo.sta* y. The sales to the i e. , , .., Ind. moos a wyle MOgill ea I=Si:re: ' !' : aultorttu l 4, t f ' l y jfet i' tf=riarn ef Bye D 6 li !:.-":- . 1: 4 " 11 &;sad t -"Yea.' llo4 I .bcr i , ' Mthth g 1. •• • •' -':-.4 ?'.'-• tj There ttal.. isratbar ritore"%diMiild ' hin3kflieei era. * ...leo of INA loshele pod sail :- , A• CCC: ' , " a " ftilla. hadind OA etuissuluin 1 Ill'aawßies 11100011 eat - Werth Si .'grisue sails - [- ma raw leT YellOW IR Iffe lind' . - 'eats Oita all th far frithilltwahr l' e ,: i:`' ''y 1 ' liiiiiaL4ol•liiiitellitek le; . . • ,i ..,.. . =MEI TS. DAILY !tEVII3W OF PITTSBUFGII • FLAIME ranwhy, Jas. G, tgli. The Inclement - condition of the „weather had a tendency to retard business, today, and the de. dine in gold hat arrested the firsuness which was • . . • manifested Us the general Markets dining Tuesday and Wednesday. There Ii but a limited demand for any of Miele:Oleg coantialities, and prices gen arall?, 'remain - without quotable change. • °HAlR—Wheat is wanted and tho reeepts eon. .ilsiurrerylight; we quote from wagon at tral, os toy lied and itt,loarg,ts for White. Barley is quoted at lit,co for Spring and 81,80 for Fall. Oats dull but unchanged; sale of visit bags from store at 96 cents. Corn—sale of 400 bushels, in Ears, at $1,20, free on board can. . , , FLOUR—There is so little doing in this article that it is hardly worth reporting. Some few mill sales of Extra Family are still being made at $10,25, ill and Stip per bbl. Rye Flour Is sellidg at nritariTi:oll.ll.:-Is dull and neglected 11 d w ith er rl drooping I from store 4;6,00 per cwt, and at 85,50 in a retail I • way_ HTTEIP—Is dull and somewhaLdepreSsed, thoughus yet without , quotable change; we note sales of prime Roll at 460-,,seme holders asking pets. ..1200$-.Tra dull ORB ptr down. • BEFM—lttere la eousidersible inquiry for Flax 'seed and it sells readily at 13,20485.25. Glover seed is quoted at 815 per bushel, and Timothy at $,51548 DRIED DRIED FRUIT.—Gulet but arm with regular sates from store at 12aRtil%c for Apples and no ftir peaches. Stock lights nd receipts limited. ; '. ,- -- 1531.1X—Issteady _wlq+ replay maesatsitilte4. .toree.aciied and kettle< Rale On Wednesday et as \ Wto theire, at 24c. , " . ./ • CHEESE—Steady but unchangedtslies at 22e for Western Reserve, 23e for Hamburg, and 24 for Eng. Rah Dairy and Goshen. LEAD.—SaIe of Oil pip soft Galena at 16e. eirrspußpursTnoLuvat MAR' ' I The market forboth Crude and Rd ed continues quiet but steady and prices are well sustainer). There is a continued fair demand for Orude4 and . we continue to quote at 59010 e, bbla returrnii and 444/46e, bbls ineluded, with sales of 300 bbls at kle, and FS do at same figure. The receipts continue U*hi spid are likely to Yertiald se *kite mists Lion Is suspended on the Allegheny river. For Refined; • in bond, there appeals to be no demand at pr4ent„ yet it Is firmly held at Mc. There is a conllued fair shipping deniru . .ld for Free Oil, and we , note regular sales of 60 and 100 barrel told at 650 —old. era generally sAing 89090. Naptha is quie h t and unehangedinile of WO bbls, in bond, at We, yid 100 bbls free, at Ork. Rea - Muni is quoted firm at 0,5543 The reCcipts of Crude by the Allegheny fiver since our last report Include 705 bbls, as : 406 for Maxwell & Palmer, and 200 for S. Srailli. . ------------- PHILADELPHIA STOCK DIARKDT. Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gmette. i . I 'Puliansurrint, 5an.13.1853. The market for Olt stocks wad dull and una,Stlel to-day, the only exception being "Walnut blind," for Which there was considerable inquiry anoint ty largo sales. The "011 Basta •Petroleum ',CO.. hal declared a pride:id of two per cent. for the Month of Deeember, Thivinaing quotatlons ' Xvero . as follows: •Cornplanter 8,87% Staple Shade 134,60 Merry Run ... - 30,00 Oil Creek i 775 Oa ChVek & 05 Run........ 4,lii%Egbert, ' 4 a,sa. . luizeu..l _ Ka Nobler. Delamaterl o ,o o 'Wolnut Wand.- - 2,erqxklumonr....ff . ••• - P 5 1,03 , Olmstead thathre--" . I' I , Rock Oil 3,87 . _ NEW YORK PETROLEUM MARIET. Special DlapagelL td the PittatnnytkOmmtte. Nnw Tons, JAN. 6, I*. • The o market for Crude continues dull end neglect ed thugh prices have undergone no quotable clumgc-62c, nominally, for present delivery. For Banned, In tMd, there is but little lnquirt let" priceal are nominally AM:hanged-1 W 414, Free Oil is quoted dull but unchanged' t 94e94icl No change to note in Naptha. Gold closed this ifter -inelticers'lill TELEGRAPr Chien* Market. special D(ipatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. • claw)°, Jan. e, Its& • Ftons—Pull. nare—Dull and.% eent lower—dosing quirt, at 111,1014(61,7i for Spring. Own dull and neck teed. Oats less-active war, cents lower—oloaing ulet; , . 06340f0r1i0." 1 . alpg iand eater; Bales at 62,1134 `ilisOsiyirealc: • thrtn*lowilifitielboils In Limited request and -noMitsilljtneMolikwer—elrdui at 638, 66 ; Seas quiet; Wes' at tap. sweet Pickled gams dull, irt nye, Green . Mvats dull. Hams, at Isl.se. Beef Hams In fair demand awl firm; Sales at tilt" r t ird don fa*.droopinglosina weak, at /AM Blisekred.; so # ; Sales :stiii~ts 6o ebles7 at of 15,031 ? 2.: Isead 1112,1A312; 75 . The pairket quiet, buyers and *ellen being aridity apart in their yiews—the latter askimpfully 60 cents more. About 6,000 ado teinatned %mold at the tilose. On actual traiNctionpo decline has taken Phre. flux Oaiwts—lteeeipts, 065 lead; Salts of • ,t 99 Lead at Opel* chiefly, at $4,6066,60. Ths i It aCttie. sad Oct) ilisserelt•fml }rock I .haring an upwardtendency.. ... . . _ , ,-•-• ' Meer •4011 ft Market. 1. Nzwiros4.4.llaNilt—Ccseros7-Leas ttctirel and lower M ,IM,To for Middling, I .Pura—State aisa Western dull, but prices with out &Tided than*: ; 310,115@1 0 ,1i for Lama Mote, II 34 2 ,1 3 Ln TILItt i r fII S PZ at V.ll R. B: ?!1 . 11 . 110 q S U It: . W Ins nr—liest • y And dectiu.ng; ,if cetera, %,, 62.,24-Lehir dy at 1r02M!,4. Gs A.13-IS' heat oper.d heavy and closed ILic betters MX:M. for Chicago Sp ring, IM, for tell "choice - m , 22,002,4 1 for trinter , Bed Western, le.,M for Asshor Vlercorn, IMad fossntst, Hid State, and gi,M far Inferior 'lllinola Winter Bed. Corn quiet and steady I 'Mixed Western; • 61p461, 1 / 0 in Mors and afloat. -Oita dull and ark lower 4 Weatlll nominal, at t 0ta 1 31,04431 •PITEOLLU-X-AtUiet• mal tlrta,-. s. for .:Dude 7,1 c for Refined ini,BoO, and 9/303 co Ito ' PROWII.IO/11.—.POlithea•T litd tower, et Ilt .„739 43,12%f0r1iew Mess. INIAMyiI,"In for ingt-il Mews, tot slimed regular Way—closiug at $4l - ,50 for cash— IMEctat6,o) for Prime, mad 41404010,00.f0r' Pdme Mr.; Alm, ttlaWbbls New Mesa tor m 7 for' emery co- roan . and steadyselle fai ruy ,oytiorn • 222,00. Beef and to demand, at about She latter pries for Choice Chicago, Cot Meats unchanged : . Bacon Shies quiets Dressed Bogs in moderate demand, M. 16%4M7c for Western.' Lard quirt, nt 20%, 2l RS: for. Cho i c e. Butter quiet and- him, at. Meese for Western, and 464M3 , 4 for Slate. Cheese unchanged. at 10(221c. , .. _ '. 'New. Yorir,Mooner .aiid • 6 . tock Market. ' - , 'Haw Tong, Jai. 6.— M onty is scarcely no stria. gent, but 'Silvery WIZ et 1 per can: "Titer ea. change In moderate_ request at ioftiey.. old dull sndwithoutanypMerial change nuts ons, opening at Yi d declining itt MIM; react* to a rsine cocks tMi. -.. .- . . __ _ , ... I • 5 *T erninent St active and lower. ,u. 0.64: -outdid-IC/Coupons finli• U. S.F. 01; Coupons IMO •X. B. II.MI Coupons .101; U; S. I yeas, Ohio tr 7; Missouri W. fele,. enneasee_fis 80LOILIO and.. rdiallasippl• Certifidates ..3%; • Quicksilver. h ey; Idaripoimilfiir Hudson, caller for r 0 days, Ili; 'Mite -1:31.4, preferred 961 Heeding 115 H; Michigan Central tiStAr Michigan Southern ,12,tr; Toledo itti; Port . --Vane 8 Chicago 1.00 . , Illinois Cleans' 127 1 there. .land /*Pittsburgh wi lt North steni V; North vinfArd_ preferred wilt Hoek Island s. g.' ;•; ; -- The followtog amine quotation. at. fiall.gbee. . Hrenlkfi. Haehsnar Scout : 041.1, STfti ; Mee York tentral,-1144; Erie, Pd%; Hudsok_ ItlX, i, Henan& HSU •, Michigan Southern, Tryi ; Illinois Central, ;77f Clevelemd and Pittiburgh,96; Totcdo, 'CCM; Rook Island/ 102 N t North Western, hl%; do preferral, 0 , 4,1 Port -Warskihn,• 110,,aud as Certificsick_Zri.Curoberland, 46; Quicksil. er,08,16 • Mnipon,l.l4. T he minket clo.ed heavy. (to Ora, after call, alb tn%. 00yetoments Wong. ------ • . lialtlintlin.Maritit, Jan; 6. , •• Zirrtio-4iehevirilieloeedansitsWf the tributhries torhe Cheaspeek4 our , receipt! toneequent:y ere ' small, and duriucthe contirmance. of 'the "balm& • does wi de r be Opeedent on bold carriage for a supply. •-'2cadel#,CoPinfatihefell veryilttle oT e'red. , ..We rhillarTwa ter of 4000 betihels Welters red 'of ell,Slhrot hlik,trid wouldbringer,roy XXI but prime white at per brunet. •The few samples • offered present no inducement to buyers. Corn, only ST irnahebirreeelvidi-we report sales 'of Cos bushels white,damp, at fliPly and qu primei dry • do, at SIAS; itoo bushel,. peliow At-111.0 0A per •• buebel. ' thsts,reoriptutrMing; no galas: Rye, no 3fehomeal—lFothtsg deltic.'quotoUoas 'nordinal,' though drum since the advance li Gold.- • . - aa . Providons—dse quiet , but. stewly; prices same hugar—We report the sale of Wawa! of cargo. Bahia, 120 cosmos brigChsttannooga, at 114 eta, 4 months, for refloinT .t ai 2 s so o SO hhda Porte Rico, comment" prime, et timer Ulm S.- Arrived to• t i, ache Peerless. from John's; with .113 hhds Settle—Westin 'settee a fair inquiry for (lover, • though the receipts andantes are small, and rang ' bag from till,us to EVA, as to quality. . Timothy is recce sad wanted at ell per bushel. Planseell we quote at vocktim,ea per bullhel,• • . . Few lark Tobacco yet. - ... Of Übe business In Domestic , Audi* the month ofDecember, Ideas». X. r k Soo, (in their elaborate end valuable annual circrilar,) gar iiDuringlho month of December, the sales, ' 4 ,nr , hinis,twere elmost exclusively tor export, abletly for France., Italy and Spey, presenting no quota ble feature, an sellers awl buy iculuilers were en ready ordinsry to meet on rerusonable terms, parti sorts. Foci. better grades, which are now again in rather t supply, holders Sr. firmer and dUirv• alinedto se them unless .with a corresponding proportional' the lower classes. The ruling price.* hurlrig the month were : Lugs, lotkiicommo29c;on Leaf, 12,14819 e; Medium, 16@Vo Good, 19 . yine,246ssc;Selections,gliatso is SpsaliliTobl4oo.TraAe of riewTork. la Deeeinber. • ' " ilavana. Cuba. Tare: Yugo, Stock De0.1044,ba1e5,"....3,ter tel - sOt . SKI Ileceived since,bales,... . 90 - •—• • -- - to) ..... speo 127 63- 71-1 , Total ...... . ... Dellren4 7 6; *sin .10 -791. . 141 151 ! 7% filmic Jan. 1. no , - 1 ; Stock rut. I, • ' Claretaid Marko6t,,Jas, 3, ; I FLoon..-Stedity Auld firm' with a far bolas sad - . thteriot redueito rd 11,60010,60 for XX - rid [odd to Laney braidasl6,6datt,id for do XX white. "AT—lne 0131 7 Ode _reported .wis car No. rod min& st "gm, Setersl airs of N0...;,:t aid • - Fick Sred wire Oda on privsur terms . • Got*—Lithirsoldors =tumid &Lit bit arm Saint "jai "Wed f ro m store atOtAkt Oiss—No sitar reittided.; Held if. 14 11 3, Pr; D FirNi4eidbitAtititidoide The stock l t, =did Might frout tie Xistomiatt, Prdliderphls. Nitrikoliblltsej Jo maw= , -F.D.l7.4llTrani. Psi foe POT ..0,16,7ii10u;' , . ---. . "kW York Dry . Good, Market. l'Elit S4LE.--EOlllO,l-IrTi i (From the Indepeudent, - /an.d.) F OR SALE—A. vary vahatble FAMI in The market is inactive. In prints a fiw 31104 were madolast week at a decline of ono mot, but Derry township, Weetmorsiond county, v... all new goods to come wilt be held at so adranee. ntabilag about t 136 acres, well improve& and In • Steck. are light. Brown and bleached sheclia2l titti state of cultivation , .- . ~ • and Wieling. are Os= white, dull. Tick a c re fliso_,ls FARM OF 200 ACRES, in Fairdeldtawo• smell. Gingham are dull and steady. Ticket are shi Westmoraland county, Po. Improvements la light supply, without activity. Stripelfare Brm. e The .land 11, t est. quality, ClO4l an; Denims are dull. - Blues are rother low. - alrmrit estone In abundance. drills are very scarce, but stenly. Checks are with. Also, a FARM OP 114 ACRES, In Derry town. out inquiry. A fair demand bas - prevailed for ship, 'Westmoreland county, Pa., immediately an .woolens —mostly fancy casilmeres,trch are leery the lino of the PeonaYlvani. Railroad. firm. New goods are offering of goods. and varied Also, a FARM of iti ACRES, In St. Clair town: assortments, which the trade are buying. Delnlnes ship, Weetmoreland county, Fa, ere . not activer• seasonable goods are in small do- Also, a STEAM EINGV 2 E. for Saw Mill or other wand. . There /4 WIT. little h o ne is blankets, . prposia, with the castings, machinery,. fly wheal, which aro firmly held. Army. kerseys are steadily .f,--, tinder is nine inches In diameter and active. Black doeskin, are in demand at full pri- four T rial stroke. Two Boilers, 17 feet long and 32 tea Broaddotl3l areul There is little aril ca inches to dieretem all - be good order, and will be firm.reign goWs, but stocks are light and prices The Bostonians hare been buying dome so. Also d w ch , e s sp i . 4.R21 of too acres in Welt Wheatileld broadcloths. Intim', goods demand isover for . township, indi , ana cout t ty, Pa., about three mile. the season: •• - - .. ..- from the Penn a Rallro • Also, a FARM of 134 acres in Oonemough town ship, Inillada countqa. Als,o,a beautiful RAI of 102 acrea,with a large BRICK ROUSE, w ith 12 pups, finished in mod ern style wash.house and bake-wren attmthed; a large spr ing house, bath boom, amok e bottle; a large bank - tarn, fruit trees of every . desariPtiont church and school house built upon the farm. This farm adjoins the Tillage of Louisville, and is Iwo. and.a-hail miles from the depot at Livermore, la Westmoreland =NAY. Ps., on the Northwestern -Railroad. - Also, TWO BRICE. HOUSES and L OTS la .Elizabeth bonnet , For (hither particulars Inquire of I G. 11. TOWER,__lteal Estate Agent,tre - No. MG Fourth set. • title nasal Market. - 01errnetrAll, Jan. 8.-ILOlrle—Rnehanged; Red firm; but little button' done. Ostanr—Wheat unchanged; Red, de,ed, porn la rood deleltd.andaNintlng:arit 'A:S.IIIU'; Watarr—Dult. Small males at iliatt". PRowatoss—Quiet but firm. Mese Yorkoß 3 P. BulßMeatit, lalAtteW. Lard Sm. Hors firm, et ISO for TOO El arrraze.; receipts—Vat Vsaange firm, at full rata,. Irkkrilitir SWIM _ Osros-, follOwlng *ere the quota tions of IL lining "Stocks to-do? of 4; Huron, 49; Hancock,•tl; Lae Royal, 18; Freiteh Clreek,V• ots , l ll , CetttrA 55' Copper l'alls,Str, qiiT. 99. • IMPORTS BY RAILROAD , ALLZOMMY :§TATIONWAN.&-46 WIN rak e C Coleam, 106 sks oats, ;I H. Spear; 31 a flax seed, X B Suydam; 1 ear mill feed, Sicripabn Knox; pkgs produce, It fic Ustsoe. bpi buttdr, Slle i r e g:Zriat;tioim,hide., 2/Xes:stirg? tr., paper, Pittsburgh Paper 0 4 ' l bide wool,Zlios Bradley; 7 hides, Geu It . Anderson; bp e3' wheat flout, A Rehner, arcxxsi xnik Prr7esustou Ram/OAD, Ji Cl g.— 64 bat tobacco, IlortiandkConnori7l6 ms, ones,Boyd 54Co;101 3 hlf Blooms, Park Mot it Co; 251 mi star candles, t 3 &I II Sawyer; 18 brie aide ,r Hartman - 2G Bro;360 bu corn, D Courtney; tip eke • wheat, R T Kennedi_A 1120;2 earl do, Court eyil ear corn, Harry Shaffar & 00;1 brig apples, obi Stevenson; 7 bills■ritu,O'Nellk Stoneman; brie apples, 21 (yowl l isti eggs, Ido butter, 2ke do, T t 3 Jenkins. • PITTPTIMIII, YOWL' vrAi•To & 0710/0:10 Jan. 11.-24 cars onto, Col Crows; 100 bbls flora, ulp b. Shepard! 60 bbla highwines, A Guekenhel er litoi 60 do. Lambert A Shlptoni bbla our, Knox &McKee; 1 air he?, T-0 Jenkins; bbla flour, ]ernes Gardineri 15) do d do,ing; Shams r jOO do do, Gregg 44 (31enen 15 bbls sus, m Haulages 17 bdis scrap r a. biblonevbbla eel Inkey, A Buckhafll; lnks Ls, J B 0 0011014 10 bbla oil, Kurt: k Parker; pkgs Nubs J 'Sehmidti 111 bales bora, J Rhodes; 6 tee lard, r X Gormley, 4 pkgs butter, Wm Duncan; 10 bbl sp . plea, Pottery Aiken &Shepard; 82 bga clover seed, Herron o; deemed bogs, Ens & Kell; 1 bbl whisky, K bleGrair; 2 ears rya, .1 S Liggett & Co; I car metal, J Moorhead, 270 eke 61. W Fairies. InELLIGEME. • . The weather continue. soft, and uuottlod, e neecasiona drizzling of rain, and the snow ham almost entirelydtaappeared. The Allegheny ricer has Undergone ao cheese, being about at a itaild la at veering, with leas than six feet in the channel by the pier marks. The Allegheny river wits al most entirely clear of toe yesterday afte-rnoon,.froca it Web fact ft is interred that there is no doubt about it being closed at There waia not a single driest yeaterdayi and the W F Curtis for Cincinnati, was the only de parture. The rumor noted le one taint of day,pester that the Ohio river was gorged at Brawn's . Ar te tu ;r a t . boat:plaint k ?Ara rat at. receirles f e Cincinnati and Louisville, and I be the flrstboat to leave dre w' ese points. • The Oliv„ Capt. An, is aanounced kir St. Louie, and the Oilmen, Capt. R. W. RMIon, ill leave for Nashville at an early of day next Creek. ' These are both tint rate boats, and are la °help experienced-and gentlemanly officers. The steamer r Roanoke and Argosy, both Pitt. burgh boats, arrived at St. Louis on WedniPday lest. The St. Louis Democrat of Thursday says The weather yesterday was thawing and leas ant, with a southern wind .. .Buslneas ma the wharf was improed, owleito inorevaed &lamest. for 'White river, mid several beats were' dtaaarg lag produce and merchandise from the Ohlo, Ac.... .—.Tbe water low to Cairp,, and this prevents the departure Of Nernst steamers, tnaludhl the Lana and Commonwealth, loaded tot Ne Or • The Asset - los trout Cairo reports only Mir Piet of tester at Hardserabble, bet a. greater depth every where else There Ls • fair singe of Witter - •to Alton • The tipper Mississippi: Illi nois and blissourinontLnue closed to navigation. heCumbestand- river at shoutashville; Wiairrilsy, wastsng fest, with eo M } o sin feet water at liarpeth Shoals. • The Morning Star, Eoh4 and Tyrone had arrived st Saturdayt and the Mel:tette departed Friday evening.. STE4aIIO4TS. F OR I'iLEUVILE and all inter- . 0,...,4! mediate porth—The Ana steamer ••-..-- -- :Lit. GILMORE. Copt, Marto*, will leave As oho ors TUESDAY, January 10th, ht 4 o`olock P. 4s. For freight or psosoge opN4 board, or to . • .1011 R FLAO el ... . J. D. COLLIN WOOD S wee VOR' 401:11S ISV M1X...4h a excel 1 rat itettner 1 - 1 • CIIAMPION, Capt,Diaratta, wilt leave to th o.l4llw:es on =WAY, The Ilth hot. ;Tai r it5e151434, As i t;l:3 rt o JbliN FLA.I3K, lAt U" VORDAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. Thesplewild steamer 01.1YE,Capt. • M. AttdreWS, will Irmo for Cairo sad S. • u,' 7C4DAY, Jan id, ate p. tn. • For freight 'or panne apply on Dowd or to J. D. COLLINGIVVAId 'it . JOUN FLACK.; , •-• jEcILTIL,SII WHEELING AND , YAUILEO2.—Toe urwr and fast running pessenger steamer - Cr. • ,•. oRTEII.; Cant. T-I.• Taylor, Clerk, L. P. l.roves Pittsburgh eves 7 TUY-sDAY, TILT:* PAT and :SATURDAY, at IS ;o'clock m. .N•heellris every MONDAY,- WEDNEDAY, and WAY, at.h o'clock m. denl ay buslas pronsptly attended to- Towing onat mart* rr. Oa. • •••• For Might C O.., assage apply an board, or to AS. COLLINS k C Agents. Pittsburgh; or CO TU. PATTI:LLB:AM., Agents, Wheeling. deli REGULAR:WET:ULT. PORTS xv .8101J711 AND PITTSDUItett %.----_ 1' ACICF.T.—The Ene passenger steamer GOLDP..4 merle,l•llA, W. Th. Kerr, 'tooter, _• W. H. .Idrylut, leaves Pittsburgh ever? SATURDAY, at 12 ollock cd., and Portsmouth every AIONDA.Y, all o'Slock p. ru. The °Wen tre make connections st Ports mouth with. the splendid steamer Boston. No. 2, for Cincinnati, sad Will receipt fre t and pinion. yrs tAtcrugh•to that hitY.• • - • zurn r CL.MfI AGJE!Ir7SI. - JOSZIS *C. UAZZAIL OSA.= IeXAA MOULSTEII4 GAZZA3I, SOLICITORS- 0 P CLAIMS AND .PATENTS . . 4.1.1 D /;;ITORNZYS.A.T.DAir 1 , 4.98 GIIMIT STREET, Pitts/purge' by Government to eottect 601114 TEES, PENSIONS, BAZIL PAY Entail or !boat Claims 'pipit the United States, ONE4MNDEED DOLLARS, due intact! 'changed au socouot of wounds reoetved in - bstAo: . ootteolod Immediately.. - 6kitst. GRANT 'STREET, oppositetja Eathidesl. • rise. ofFIAT W. I. it MALL Ariny and Navy 'Agency. Na. 1144 IrTwPlttsbarga. . . H O MOTIONS Mewed; RONNITIA_IULOR PAT and P R IZE . YONRIC, .and 0011111VTATION 01 RATIONS of neleisedrers ecateeted. • rAT Or PRISON or WAR ape drams try Niels wl tor ent: WOUNDED:SOLDIERS.. $lOO Bountrto altiVoinided Soldiers, Is now being pax to all with oDlseisage.l .No charge made until the morass II endsreted. T. • Licensed blithe U. S: INlTemon t " 6 No. Nei ITETR STRE=. second door.belor the • Sdrldirsrd 8-O—L-DIERMTTOLS, BOUNTIES r PENSIONS AND Lintz/Los OF PAT Promptly attended to by anirsitras sioniemi. _ • Ira 116 F0113..111 BT., Pittaborgl, Pa. 3i13 - - : 114 wi T tATII, 41 1 4 1 PAT and MAIMS of story denniptlon, oollooted the imtoodber. st , the following Woo, gist Penn ono att other el: 1' 1 '1 .1 .8 LO% ' *if .120T1111t street, MobO210 1 :PIL It IL—Woo:ages ate nude I=Rn:tam eimm nooeeed, b*Uirain tottaidlA. WILOCIX.4II2IIIIIII,,OLIIS.MATID AMAX • - 11,803 f L OAM &CO • • - - (1 ! 11.111114130 , 1k PAWL lk :1%4 inleietale deftletli voiiradri Alm inixes TiO .1.112 V 0001)11,. Nu: ft Wood, attest, third bons* Ogne Vissiusd agog. Pittsburgh. W. D. VA—WrintEnt— ' Auusraitscos.• :DATTEBSON:ib AMMON; - ' 00110IISSION; - ..1,20/011 MiD GRA= ,simliulirg'raw...rtsro speidereago. Tr. D -.gn,=,;i!,ttostouitp., rs.!.! you SAME. I PENN STREET PROPERTY: 1 - ...11„.11TZRYwRRIFi K u li i ty:W i n g 7 ‘, T t a .. 5 . 1 4 . Rito4llng, Ls ogred P 1 FOR sum. on . REASONABLE TERM S. S. BRYAN, '. - FoR BALEe—VALUABLE COUNIIRY • PROPERTY.--oensisting of a tract of land, containing ti 2 acres, mostly cleared and rich, Miring been used as a Dairy for a number of years; Om -1 ted one mile ' from Allegheny city, on the Petry*. v Die Plank Road. - The inaprovements are a ora tortable &welling, large barn, fruit, and one o the hest spring. in the county. To parties lookin out for a country seat the above Is just the spot. tis -cil suited tolnibilivldo into lots, ranging fro two acres. Can be purchased on eft asy t ram. D. tdoLAIN 00" Real Estate Agents. to tet App t ly to' TOR SALE Jo - Third Street Business Stand. I offer for sole that three-story BRIOK. DttET.- LING AND IttI..STAURANT. combined, No. toi Third street,near Wood.. The location is a good one, and the property', win he *old at a fair price, on easy terms. FOR SALE—A. FARM OF 165 ACIAES, on Big Sewickly, three miles from the ragmen . station, well improved. Price $5O per nom. A 65 ACRE FARM on Ktlbuck, au miles from Gleildfdle Stntion, on which is a Grist Mil, Storey Dwelling; Barn, sad good Improvementi. eh* 4.9gENTT LOTS, on Fremont and Tremont streetL - wa r d. FOJRLWdkI a Oleadale Station, containing Mx to ten saes. E'er-ante by S. T. SAMPLE, Real Estate Broker, Si Federal street, Allegheny TOR SALE--Three new Steam. Engines, MAR purposely for all wells; 1 1 4 Inch cylinder, 14 Inch stroke; very strong. F.oslue shaft, ;frank end connecting rod of wrought Iron; best of brass used for hoses. . Rollers 16 to l 6 feet long, 32 Inches dameter..wlth two 11-Inch floes; chimney 18 In. by M feet; hot and cold slater pumps. Everything complete ruld toady to ship on sight.. 111.1011 M. BOLE. Pittsburgh, Pa. • Shop, corner Pula alley and Duquesne street, Dank of Allegheny river, near the Point. de2l:o ORRt ,NT.—TilObE TWO FITIST. CLASS WAUEBOVSES, Nos. 171 enal7 l Wood at., occupied by the undersigned and Lilo- Cony to. Co. for a penal of 43 years, In tho Ora. rullon of the Produce and Grocery Business. J.ach n feet front by 130 feet to Church allay, wlthescel. lint cells, • and vaults under the whole. N Xll be acted nelwrately or together sod possession yea Ist of April or sooner U J reqired. Eagaire a AS. IdeCtILL.T , ' GS and 114 W• • at. . . 110 TEL FOR RENT.—For "IRON CITY HOTEL," On Conn street, near the Outer Depot, • lath Ward, containing sixteen rooms, and doing egorai business. There is ample Yard room, with re nod Ice Douse, std other conveuiences. P mis sion be GiTeLl ta suit customer. For ternia nod ' other pa vrill rticulars, inquire of JP...311. NAABON, on the premise.. _____ a.tcl. _ ...---------- ---1.--- 1:OR BALE.—The Home and Lot Pow reekotcapteo bliiidiss.Oakford, No. Mk 1.... a. street, henyllity. It ts a aubootattat Brick Building, ern style; front and beck throe stories high, containing lama remiss, fated with enter end gnu and bounded oa side "end re r by paled alleys. This Is a desirable property. it Is to UM-rate intro, and feuded so centrallyof th th It tyre la cosy of amens front soy bunko° porAion I it... DiEFFETT re OLD. CI ..delltit.f tri pmt at e _ I BALE—, A COMFORTOLZ ROUSE Ot four rooms, within eae nod & Mgt squares tif the i thing earth In Wimicheeter. Good &rater and &erg thing convenient. Pooreamon &teen immedi tely. For timma apply** tavern Pantr..l7 Federal a met, or at Thomas Romper's Wagon Shop, Beaver i reet, lit tmeberrter. no di = - --- - Ter LET. Nearly new, costedoing 'term rooms, with "bath house anal wash house. situated No. 61 Alhaihats street pittitursh. F0A.0.100 giTetl 011 too, tirrt. of tgiril. 1150t.6660. &squire of VA I:. IL 1R15H...N0.103 Fifth street. ARYR,OI.ISE FOR .GE. • Wo. %IS LIMERTY STREET• nyipoOite tetimth of Sixth street, rot ho to tbo corner of bribe street, occupleo pre4 by . R. For "TtIeuV" Iiir i . ' IVITITI DLI t , No. 161 Liberty street. 011 SALE. i • And all othik . . Broker sad Insurance ,agent} No. 159 Fourth atrelet. S. R. BRYAN. Broker andlosuronee Agent, itrtk street, (Burke's Building The Three darted BRICK DWELLING' Business Stand. That defrable MOIRE= Stood, No. SO swim. FIELD STREET, moo comer of Fourth 5tr00t , ..,..0a whirr, a oulatattat i l . Er tDqulre u[ B . No. ITO Fourth. trAt. WWI BILLE.—The unexpired term cif a Lease of A: LAT OF GROUND, in the Math ward, .13 feet front on Liberty at met and SW fret .ois flush streetom which la VRAIIE STASIX, with stalls for 100 home. The Stable couldOsith small expense, be turned into cooper Shop or ether manufactory. For tonna so apply at 4 050110 E CURRY'S F red Store. latulard. Fenstattect. near Rush st. YQR BALE. A Ttnren-slowled ISrielk Direllins House No. rs Y STREET, between Hay' nrul Dambitry streets LlßEßT , containing thirteen rooms, with es sisti bath room. Enivire of derfirs IL A. LMERS, Water street. OR SALE—hat lap THREE STORY A7l4lbrniNGlAuNt Trall si . rg si loh, A "'UZI& Eh ulro Attorney-5t444% I iietmti tab Fourth t. ITOlriffier t o ROOM, J . Htorteof the best krosattet ta FIFTH street. A rrly soot,. With real name. &44ress Leek ; bow Parsrre Ist:tvrd OIJOM 119 MORE. aua 8111111CILLILItlre NEELIIELIJOI76 COUGH -SWAM S TRICKLAND'S litts..x.rrLtrous 0011 GB Ls BALSAM warninted to cure Odughs, lioarseness, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Bow Thrust, C onsumption, and all odisetione of the Throat and Lem_ge... 0.4.4 Depot, era. •BOr Ertu Fourth sheet, Oise 0. 2:I7.4k4FUEL3ZEICELeS4._ . .. . _ All the Medial men lintlbe pram reeommeem D1f.. ,, HTRIOKLA.ND'S Alril-MOLMRA MIX TUBE as the only certain remedy tor Dlarrhom ano "a o = l _lo: l ni:at i rt i m ,o,Ltrivt. wanstated..w treat arias After all other meant turredellod. . • ante by Druggists. General Depot, Sliest Fourth Street, Oluatnnatt, 0.. . . . . aBICELAND'S PILE REIEDY. DH. essiou.sztve ruir.Emmy ma cured thousands of the world cases of Mind and Bleeding Flies. It gives tromedlate and ef feet/ s permanent cure. Try lt directly. /thr war ranted to corn For sale by all Druggists. General Depot,d East Fourth street, 01nclanstl, 0. Vervowinese, Debility DB. STEIOKLADTPS TONIO . We ean recommend those ingferLog with loss . vegetable prepar o ation, free from aleoholls Ilquorst tt sratbens the 'whole nervous system ft creates e apprlts, end Is warranted te our -"VoltitiStalvtc" DlELbirtinlly. -Prepared by DR. A. D, mast 'Fourth street, Ola - For sate bibiL ICZYs tAllre Si Wood street end Virgin in and R.E.smaiEß B &CO, earner of Wood end stun Istv a rA• burgh; and by PARE DRELL, N 0.71 streetkAllelttma 7. . , M eats. *.? 1 118 0 So_ohn' Wiambai t r i e S tte ad'. Ron &Pit==mT [7l block. Coolt ocBao .. do. w aI A do. (4busiwstoll4ll:Pitt R o te la ? •-r; Inia_496 .do. • iSt ni ni Bun Oratzol . 2 0 0: • 441 wank t MAX OILS, Sc. BONDED W.A.REHOUSE OF Phenix Warehons'ng Company, riot et BALTIC k SABItISON Sts., Ilsooklyn 10152O1•Oi 01 BEET= AIMOLIgrit Ea Tank. andßarela.[Sce Circular.] Office, No. frs BEAVER STREET, New York. oe.O-ty jppa IC:reiLscs WLLLL. Guar WALLACE CURTISS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I=l CRUDE AND RITMO 'PETROLEUM BENZINE AND LUBRICATING. OILS. No. 64 SO 17T/I DWARVES. PIIII.4DELPHIA, Pl. bafric7g.thrax Tictilltleiffue.`°lgihiortp= American and Foreign ports, at our wharf P. tlta Scbuyikill Inver, near the - platform of the P. E.. rr ne-447 JAMES WILKINS, IMOILT.II .•141, °SALIM 1 CRUDE MW REETOS:I OILS Perry Mock, Duquesne Way, Pletsb•an W SPecial attention given to the SALE AND 91121t1s mentare INT OF ectf PETROLEUMsolicited. sind•ita products. Conspu ll y TrziAtST ngh T Agency for VENANCIO OIL AND OR ATION CO:ILPANX. air OEMS BOX 142. .------- .-.. wit. W 111[1:17.03 - 11 E ON & CO., ORice, EST PENN STREET, One door below liond,) Commission Merchhntg And dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactures and • CRIME AND DEFESED OILS. Ltheial advanew , made onTIOUR,GRAIN SEEIR 4 , wad GREEN AND DRIED FILuITS. I RON CITY OIL WORKS. =DAY & CHOILPINMG , 'Manufacturers end Refiners of • Carbon Oil, Benzine and Lubricating Oils ♦IND DIUkt.NNA IN Crude Petroleum • Work. OPPOSITE SHARPSIIIIRG. Offlee RANI) STREET, Pittsburgh, F. STANDARD PETROLEUM REFINERY. CLARK & STIIINER. Works and Cake, COLLINS TOWNSIIIP Pittsburgh, 21 WOOD STREET These works being of the largest capacity In the country . , ere prepared to DU large orders. The brand stands the hlghest In this country and In Eu rope, for quality and fire test, and the 01l Ls put in well seasoned barrels, prepared especially for ex detUdy BREW BURKF. & CU., conansstos DIER o u xxrs, LOLIITS Or 701 Globe, Pacific and Liberty Oil Works Liberal cash advances made on eonalgnmenta o Refined or Crude Petrofeints Car. DUQUESNE WAY and lIANCOCK Q+.• Je.A.l yPITTSTIVIIGH, _ 11. a c arti er $3216 WLRING KING, 003uussIoN 111..E.W.MANTS., AND PanCLKS TL I PETROLEUM AEU ITS PROM:TOTS • And denten In Refining Materials. .02147 No. 33 MARKET ST. Plttsbuml ttENTditiNfOlittiK DUNCAN, DUNLAP & CO.. XA.:4ITIACTMEILES OP Faro White Relined Carbon Olh3. No. Olt LIBERTY STREET. INfi Un.d.rCE - CHARTER 1829. PERPET mamas' FIRE INSURANCE COMPAq PHILADELPHIA. • Assets on January 1. 11164. 3A557,1 1 4A AA. Orp.ll $ 480,(tel Accrued Premiums Me Invested l'remiums ,94981 Unsettled Claims ................ . .......... AA!, Income for it 34 $00,0311 Losses Paid since 192) 8,040,001 Perpetual smd Temporary Polities OR liberal - ' terra lIIIIIPCTOM , • , Charles R. Imam, Isaac Lee,_, ! I Tublaa Wagner, Edward 0: Dale, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Staab, =lrk ti le :: I Getne W. Richards, . Iran W. LWil. S. P INIAILLIN N. ANOKER, Prmatlrtot , EDWARD 0. DALE, Vire Preside* , JAR. W. NeALL.ISTINI,Sen. two. tem. 1 3, _O. COFFIN, Agent, mbTa comer Wood . and Mad sonata. ..,-...----. . .. - F I RE = D DIARLNE Ineximlco Co. of North Amerroa PHILADELPHIA. Hartford Fire Insuronee Company, Imo/4%40. air Protection cast be .enured In the above d‘thdd ad reliable companies. • W. P. /ONES, Aeksaii, feiLtry . Daviley's Buildings, 87 Water , it. AVESTERII INSURANCE COMPStIa or PITTSBURQ I4, It MILLER, Jr., Prater; Y. M. GORDON, .Seerstary. • Office, No. 9 2 pa ts street, street, Spans' at Co.'s Taro. house up stairs, Pltrattrel. „ W ag r aiout Linda ol rmt now N 4 Ricks. A No Invtihdion managed by Dlrtst who or e well known in (Al community, and who are Ur. mined by prostptneu and liberality, to mainta the faarider which they have suurneWring bed prolectian la am aorta desire to Os DIIINCTOUS : B. Miller, Jr., . Andrew Ackley, • James Mc/Orley.-. Alexander Speer, Nathaniel Itblmes, ' David M. Long . Alm liimiek, r _ Roes 1. Thomas: i tram°V„ Lagifierron, ~ .. Be4 ..bohn . U na . At k' e w O e u ll n ' e. l . i • O. w. moketsou - O m , 'P. (LOUDON, Bocce • iIITIZEN'S INSURA.NON COMP Y - Ad OF PITTSBIIIIGH.—Oftiee, corner M rket and Water streets. seeoad floor. ' AVAL.. BAGALEY, Prss WM. A. SHEPARD, Sertrary. - Insures Steamboats and Cargoes. -. . Insures against loss and damage in the tul s. le Uoa cd the Southern and Western Rivera, as and Bayous, and the navlglialOck of the Seal. Inalitel a g ainst loss and lismage by Arm I Distrootosus : ~_i • t . Bantle', _ S. M. Bi er Sa m uel Bea,John Shlpton, , . Jas. Park, Jr., - James X. (loopety i. W. G. Johnston, 8; Harbaugh, HP. Josses, ' I. Caldwell, Jr,/ Hon. T. M. Howe, John 8. Dllwortni Barclay. Preston, WM. L. rs.., Bodge 9,..r.e...811e1"_..12.------------'?_4°37.—. ILE9FLEIV INS URLNCE COMP - 0Y: (Mee, N. E. corner of Wood and FlEliSts.: FIRE AND IdA.UI3III gistauxteL • DIIIECTOBJA I James D. Verner. • Wm. Phil"P" '• Onpt. John b. Db.oo ll , John Watt, Wm. D. si.3* - &must O. Mlregrer, avow V:lone- 3 . 1 .Thhu r E. Perko avow 0:11aoposi Lowe, t °Whant.l7a:Ltrilw' m ' . pan, OhTlex Ar p brz ia lL i n k JOHN WA.TT, Vice Presidtet. WK. . AM jNER, Derctory. Jela:t7 _____ A LLEGFIENY INBIJRANO4 - COMPA-, Xs. BY or PIIISBUBGB.—Odka,:No:I7 p*... street, Bank Block. Inanrea against an kings of Fite and M. Blaks.aMA . W JNDeb t: 30UN D. OkrOullDPresiden, Vies Preralla. D. ril.-8001.0:creters. '. k Tout:on: - ‘ . ar , icy," _ _ - tokett.ll:42lsOped,i .! Harrel . "; Alrirls, " 13 1 31. Stsrll4 ".. i - Ds. n. o. wej, ow.. WEI. Di an i - • "Tomliviln,-Jr.A, , , ..Bar:: , _ 8RA.148.--25 ;bushabi 40. as Vii' Wbita Beans lor aaie by , yr 351111 391XXINSOTi; ' ' -15,1Libbrty 4tWal ..PURORASE 'A TWO VA, MOO Brick Dwelling Haw 4134.'pte . • utrrunrat MEDICAL It. co.'s couibret FOE TSB CHEROKEE MEDIOIN -oostrourrDzo FROM BOOTS. BARKS AND LEAVES Cul:norms R lax sin Y, MEN BUM the great Indian Diuretic, MM DI ' N. MM cures all diseases of the MM M. MMM urinary organasuehaslo- : MM M. hf. Mbt continence of the Urine, II NI ISM InflammatiOnof theßlad- MM M M MM Kid Indammatio the 7.01 UM NM Kid neys Stone in of DI . the U MM MM Madder: n Stricture, Greer- MM MM MK l; G leet,Gonorrheea, and MM BIN MM is ,specially recommend ed in those comsat' Fluor • . hams, (or Whites to Fe- . . males) where all the old , , nauseous medicines have ailed. - , It is prepared a high ii coneentrated form, the dOllO only being from one totwo teaspoonfuls {kroe there per day. It es likuttle and alters tire in Its action: purify ing and cinansuig : the blood, canning it toillow Mellor Its original purity and •igor; thus tomosing from the system all imr.M cloak causes which have induced disease. roc CC OCC 000 00 00 00 U CO ._ . CO CO - Ctl CO - 00 CO' CCCOCU CCM listanoitEn I Lanscrnon Is intended as as ally or assistant to the Ougno- FFFFEEEEE • runltanatur, andohould F be used inconjuetion with . KEEEEEEEER ; that medicine in all cases EE of tionorrira, 0 lee t , I.IE Fluor. Albus, or Whites. EEEEE • • Its elects are healing: EEEEE . aoothlng, and demulcent; EE Terre. lug all scalding EE ! beat, chonlee,; and pain, EREEEEEEEE Instead of theburning and EyxxxxxxEr.l almost unendurable pain . . that Is experienced with . • nearly all thecheap quack .... By the use of the Cher injecuotus. , • • okee Remedy and ()hero .kee Ilijoetton —the , two III" MI" medicines at the same R lin time— all Improper; Wa llH "! Illi charges are nsmoredi and 1111 RR the weakened organs are lIIIIIIIIIIIRRIt restored to full ylgof and 1111111U1R111111 strength. RH 1111. For full particulars. get HU „ ICI our pamphlet from. any lili Mt drug store In thenouhtry, BR lilt or write us, and' are. will mail free to any addtess a full treatise. _ ',. JAS. S.. BSSRON, Ja Cutnoktit Cont.—An etunfailing ease for Sperm- ! aturrhea, Seminal Weak ness, Nocturnal Ends- giallo, and all diseases DDDDDDLIDD D ! caused:by. self-pollution; • DVDDLIIJD D such as Loss of ;Memory, ! DD DU! Universal Lassitude, 13D O Pains In the Bnck, lii,. • DD DD nessof-Vision,Premature DD DI) Old Age, Weak. Nerves, DV ! DI) Ditliculty of Breathing, ID) DD Trembling, :Wakefulness, DDDDDIMDD Eruptions on the Face, DIESOWDD Pale Countinaxice,lnsan fty, Consumption, and silt the direful complaintl , lamed by departing from This medicine is a 'lmp l the path of nature. vegetable extract, mad one on which all can rely, as it has been used In our pram tier for many years, and with thousands treated it EEEEEEEEEE has not failed Ina slogs, litarnEEEE instance. Its eurat I ve • EE powers have been suffl- EE dent to gain victory over EEEEE the molt stubborn - case. EEtax. To those who have trifled EE with their constitution EE until they think. them- EEEEEEEEEE • selves beyond the reach of EEEELEEEEE medical aid, we would say despair anti theOherokee Cure will restore you to health and vigor, and af ter all quack doctors hove - - failed. Dn. Wnionv's Rutr- Dw Rele arn aamo Emma; or Ha sher:a or Lava Prepared from Pure 'Vegetable Ex- Medi* containing nothing injurious tothe most del icate. The Rejuvenating Elixir ts the resultot moo ern discoveries in the veg etable kingdom; 'being se entirely new and shstrect method of cure, temper , - live of all the old and worn out systems. 'This medicine has bees tested by the most emi nent medical men of the igiand b g . the o si t rsr e notut: RR RR est to dlacorerTrof . the age. One botti4 will HRH RUB curo general deblll . A R HRH BUR few doses auras Ily RIM in females. Ono ottlev RHRHllltitll cures Palpitation the RUH HRH Heart. A few dose( res 1 RUH BIM to th e organs ener- RIM RIM &Hon. From one to hreo bottles restores the an , Mess and full rof ' youth. A few dosesrestorestbe appetite. Three bottles cogo CCOOOO cum* the worst case of 000 Impotency. A few doses 00 • 00 cures the low spirited. 00 One tattle reythres men. C.,9 • . A _ O ____ _ -- CO ...II power few doses. O • ' beluga back therose-tothe C cheek. This medlchse res. 00 torte to manly. vigor and 00 -CO robust health thepoor de. - CK:C 4:3o4xxv o ooo Whaled, womdeng. and e. r i"ng d'v""' 165. The r..... sus pleasure. c nye tate, Oeneral De gr , ._ r.ipit.tio e of the and Impotency. In rem • ~'''' . tore. mental pone g an. 0000 ~,; - .,the npprtite, and 1.,. • 000000 cheeke to mount to th • 00 00 ' • of prdor, and th 00 00 debilltated man or worm 00 00 to feel vhf oroun au - C 00 lame& the lehegl arse esh a) 00 Mue o 'blood to -00 • th rough every red 'the 00 oti nerves to become - T:4 000000 ,: and the Ilres of ne Ith 0000 ''.'' and ngor to than ate the mitten body, b up life to any ,the co life t oringjoy and a sad and darkened fro 'side. . EMM: IM flu MI MI MI IM IM 1111 lIIE IM Cexnercir. PELLA! SC , Ost.coxvie ESKA Lsi lisoutaerpn, HISALTH. rillicitulrecx(lxicrAlX ea • exec. For the removal f,Obstruclions, and the Insurance of Regularity lathe Recurrence of the Monthly Periods. They cure or obviate those nu- userous dlse•se• that spring from frregularity, by removing tho trreeu s Sty Melt. Excessive sod P They cure Suppllii iessed , nfill , .. Menstruation. Theture Omen Sickness (CI loro They cure No on • ICK UK and Spl n a I affeetlens. RIC RIC pains •to the baoki and KK. RR lower parts of the body, RM. MIL Messiness, Fatigue on KKAR. slight exertion, 'Palette. UK ELK tion of the nesll4 Lost , ' , XX. KM • norm of Spirits, liyiielis„ EX ' RE. Sick ucwiache, cridat "EX - R.S. nevs,Ae.,'lre In a Word, HK 10L. - by removiay the Isregu ' batty, they remove use cause and with It all the , . abate that opting tzloalt • Composed of simple . cvg etableex , tale nothingdel.lir to any eonstitution, how- c ver delicate, -their rune- ?INN ties heir* . to eubstitute NN NN strenkti for weoltnews, NN NN NN wide when properl y _NN NN .2 . 1.4 'used, tey never fastodo. NN NN. Nil They may be safely used NW •,MN . ISA' . 'at any age, and st SAY Ps- W2i. . 1 g ( .....-ALI 'lord, szenerinti Doing°. I ? w r Nrt •lor p i ci ' the nitaTTnnex nor:we, du which the unfelt- • NNNNEN t ins nature of their action i would infallibly Puswerrr . Tit . oimo. preguaney. Pra blusZnas. — tther o- ETME ' kw , EalbedY-0 a bottle E E 'I.}..7.'EEEEE or i bottles for 10, 13 ti e o r r E okee Infection— r Infection-Idtle, or threetottles ford EEEEE Cherokee:Cure-0e bob,. tie, or three bottles for SA -E R EEE" Dr. Wright's Ellair-4 2 a E 'ES bottle, or three bottles for EIEEEEEEEE:/t . Cherokee pills, foe' 0 EEEEEEESIX fenia-4 r 11 a box, es Mx • boxes sl fo IL - • In the Cherokee Idem eines the unfortunate will •- , end ads ' of from=suPringdeilverrome • . . and pain. . A day splendid and clod- ow, when they shall no . .. longer suffer without mis- EEEEEEEEEE nation or repose, either P.Erusts•stov.w through mercenary ES, EEE - - • quacks or the inefficlency E E.EL of nauseous prep_mstions. The Cherokee Meacinel 1.4,E,LE s • • aocomplish their ransom EE • . —their atrutolpatlon. An EE emancipation so great, so EMEETEJ. admirable, and so prolific E of universal good. These d inesmedic will prove, in en' very case, faith ful-and never failing friends in time of Weed. -We send all the Chero kee Medicines by express Vpt t he Cherokee ag; *to are soot br ins% free of postage) on BEE-Pvt.'s:lZ part Ntllc?riltedt:r pert! EE ware: packed,in took a EE - • manner that no, one EEEEE througEwhoiehesndithey EEEEE mey pus would know EE the contents. . EE The Cherokee Medicines EEEEEEEEEE are sold by•alloterprising • ...wows-a-to:EY • druggiste in the oh-WSW • -. , '' r " - re --- : "!• world. Some unprinci pled dealers, however, try . . ~ :.. , - ~_ . voundo to sell tothoptiseethlaes th o eatroom. thoie swhirlr itch er"„s u t as amore hmppmY . . • bf b Selling '- SS SS tioiustLey map a Cher- • SS SS . SSSS - -ekes-Medicine*. -- As yob - - ' . value yourhealthi = • gia health of TOP arm 13,000 t bedaelotdby Sloth, -SS • SS , lone,: g ass oldr=.: 1388-8 _app take no other... 88S ea SS IDS.' B. W. icsawnr.o. co., t Vor sale L. -PISA As C 0.., earner of Diamond Street& - rithildiabidAlreellt. -•.;‘,..:,.. 'a' - . • .IgEDIG/L STRICTLY PURE ARTICLES. Pittsburgh Drug House, DENTAL DEPOT ,If '\;. JMZ McGABRI (ftwesicirOWRAMM &OA.RE4) AL CP "V WIC El OAL 1.11. AND MULLEN IN Foray est Domestls Drugs, Idedlotnen sadP C er- ame bud; Dyes sad DieStuffn Aleekel, fumery, Pansy Articles sad To Soaps, Wines and Liquors, To lianma°dT k. arnishes; S Cigars, Paints, p Oils uixee en and Drome,pro yrietary Medi an" se. TRUSSES 1 TUUSSES I We manufacture all the late styles of Improved Trusses, and keep constantly on end a u Fitch's, Hitter's, Clues l s, atm , . and all other • reenufacturers. In eases requiring i t, we style of Trim, or when parties emirs it, will manufacture to order • A.BBOBLINAL StIPPORTEILS. SIKOITLDER BRACES, ELLSTIO STOCKINGS. DR. IdoCIARI ten Latdandrsny to the pplt estien of Trusses, to to Ana treatment et Rupture,. Physician's Prescriptions cleaEruLLY COMPOUNDED • Our Prescription Department is Always in charge of an experienoed Pharmaceutist, and all articles used in compounding prescriptions, me selected with regerd to purity, freshness and strength. Prescriptions carefully componnded at all hears of the night. Medic . and Culinary drUcles Pura Oreara of Tartar. English Baking Soda: Grain and Powoderad Clore*, pr. INA " u =Oll. Oswego Oars Maeda Coax Gelatine, POWs - Glycer ine, Ildoekees Farina. Pura Wines for onnilisf PwPww• 13orneit i Cooalai araw resets, Cay Antse Coriander • • Mae and Nu • ti baler Pearl Ash, 2.3* DRUGS AND MEDICINES Or steel et Dlltp awl Medicines are selected apehc~d•aaaaalV. with greet care, by an are channsoeutist and physician, we we guarantee all drugs sat medicine. we sell pre end istuulenerateg. L. : 11;t te,l KAI All Ola Americas Monlads we boy boa the celebrated booms of POWEILS & W Au laoutrY of your fluidly Waldo' will satisfy you as to Weir !rarity. DYED-AND DYE STUFFS Our elm a, we minute*. fresh ADA D. liable. Annetta, Alum, &ue Yltrol, Brasil Wood, Cam Wood, _Cochineal, Copperas, Cruthear, Dana Logwood, Yasuo, Indigo, Lee Dre, Loprood; Kai . des ,Nie Wood, Bed Tartar, Welly Somme, Tusaw Blue Vitral. tka. ' Virlll2o. Brandies, Gins, ligners. tor isas4latual use entry vis Otani, D 4 Roadie Br ny 2e. Co.'s an C dy ognac. cd . Piro Juke of Grape Port..lffirm Pare old Sherry Wine. Pa old Madeira WU& Pe re re Holland Gin. Imalaa sad 8t Ctrotr. Hems. HINPORTSD CIGARS. Our stock ebb noot woo of to Wiest broads of Rayons Ofors, Ra y ons, Loudrea, RegoII" zm 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 111 1111. DOME 1K CIGAR@ Mseittatromimpaiteittoblwighiic Emimolas, Imlay OW:4,Elessates AsdawWMsalimadit. Oar stock et Man lial plliellalled bi tea, ass are an offering them to consumers at a slight ad. sawn OM our prlessbefore the tax law, alma Tar I esaatitles of erne banana* and tumults. zoosireoLD AP.TIOLBS. eeacentrated Lye; Pure Por,elh. Sal Sad Aluxe,_ Silver Sas% . . Beth Brick, b.a. NCIDp Seed, • Canary Seed, Rape Seed, Flea Bose, &e. smttol=n=la , L ~_ALPOI'""Y. Far all nUible Pioptleary Dtc,4cUoi,.ri! • Dt. D. J.A.TNEIP lb=ract. 012611ZULUTO- Halr Tattle and Balr Ills - Sonnies Di J:0. ArffEtli Shert7 athlrtfrapital. s -1134:)1.1Y Ilnibe tor dlr. —* of Blsdaert Efte lk u k. •• . • fthe blood. Darescarl i lle, for' bap= of Dr. DORADIDS Soas. r Bl o o d er: Bitten. ISTIV3I" ?Ire:re: Mandrake Pills. . 81143DTS Weal DmislcVa t.. ini,DlflrS celebrated &Deo Veit table IllaND. T11.14 PM& rrr. a. A wu.sows zus. 110STETTERI8 celebrated Stomach Bitters DRAKES Flntton'Bitters. CUTTEIPS Nerritor English Bitters, ea antidot - for InternParana& • Arid all the reliable Patent blediebei of the day. Paints, 1.14111, Eines, Colors, Oils, Varnish!a, Brushes, Putty, Woe Paints, Paid Leaf, he. We have belittles for famishing thaw articles at rasnutseturers prices. TO-TBB DENTAL PROFESSION, WI eft & lugs sa4 . catetiany selpotel do* el s. a. van*. r mum . ?wri.k.A.nxigrAn= Justi, Neal, 31(Klui7&was Teeth. • Lxuars Test ; , Deflleif ; seatamairs,Diesig Latbas,rowutcers, Goblami rou4 mai itasmiabs aro 4401c)etkist. 111•1114kPletabo k """ 01"*"4 oaiinottmth'ua*umihrwi t s.miegatim RAILROADS S ET LINE NEW EOM:. oars BLlArtc VIA ALLI:NTOW THREE TR ATT.TEI astice :3 • Y. 10, 2, ~.... r v. •• • 2.1, p. rr. , i.,.t 1 . teH r v s rm e though Ai:Lin withut at lina.. w. "t - 5 J. P O AID .VIN, . Gen. Tirke. Agent, New York. fr_,l --•--, - • • ~ e A LLEGIIENT. Y.'.1 2 . 11 - 4 , g - 7,1151. 1. .f LEY RAILROAD.. ;.- x l CHANGE OF TIME.-Og ~ after MONDAY Nay 16th, 1941, the following arrangernhat of time -will take egret. . MAIL TRAIN.-LCaver ITO!' trgh at 7.00 a. m. arri at i,ing at 10. P. a .0. Leares .-• Cann ving at 4Kit tan .ol p. m.. actives at „rlttsbursti atKit- a. " p. m. • •": 'EXPRESS TRAIN-Lkvea RiCanning at 4.21 a. m., arriving at Pitivtmegh at 9:25 A. v .; piusburgh at 4.20 p. m4,lirtivirig at V' mamaiing at ' 1 1.308. tn. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN.- I...seer . Works at 5.30 a. in, sr tiring at Pittsb,.. - gh at . • W orks Leaves Pittsburgh 'at 310 p. m., ad • ~:. • Soda Work.' at 11.00 p. m. y 0 F. WRIGHT, Superirttrele '- • 1:11T TSB7IG.II ,ii:.: ,.. - .11 -.- WAYNE & 011HIAGO RAILWAY', AND •.•CLEYEL AND 8 PITC.I ORGB. RAILIIOAII. „ 13 WINTER anitirrainTENT: • :: On and afteeDecember ugh, 1934, trains will run ;.' as follows, via. 1 Leaves ) ForChictgo. • • For l For 'Cleveland. I Wherling. Pittsburghf a m., 2.10 a. m. 2.10 a. ay. Exprres..... ..... 2.10 p. ot.l 2.43 p. m. 2.19 p. nv. Ea a. ll . . ....... •14. 40 a. mil" 4.20 a. m. Male 'For .... ....... and Erie 5.50 a. m. , . • nrrenitirm. Arrive at Allegheny-P. F.'..W. & 17. Itall - • ay. • 3.30 a. at.. 8.30 a. crt., 2.40 a. m.aiul 4.45 p, m. O. &P.R. R. 10.00 it: m. '. .. • GEORGE ;PARKIN, Ticket Agent. • Union Pamen,ger Station, Pittsburgh, Pa. A. Q. DASSELBERRY, Ticket Agent, Allegheny City. !.. ottle3m F. R. DITERS, General Ticket Ages t. 1864 5.74a,,N;;AE0g-XM i CENTRAL It. R.-wiNtEu ABEA.NGEMEIT! ;. 1. -TEN DAILY TRAINS. On and after MONDAY, lmrober Mist, 1594, crate r: will Irate the Depot as follows. . FAST MAIL, daily except ridnday, at 2.50 ft. ca , r Mopping only at principal stations, and making l direct connections at Rartisbunt for New York. i Baltimore and 'Washington, And at Philadelphia -t far New Yorh, Burton and intermediate points. • HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATIOIa, tlelly 0A- tept Sunday, at 6.2) a. ni., atopplis.„, ,, at all reguirr ' stations between Pittaburgli end linrrisbtirg, al.d ~ snaking close tom:km.oon with trains on Indiana • Branch, \Vest Pennseivicnis R. R. Ebensburg at d " 1 Cresson IL R., and Hollidaysburg Branch., CressonPITTSBURGH & ERIE EXPRESS, daily ev- eept Sunday, at 1.30 p. tn., Mopping nt nearly al the stations lietween Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, " and making conflation with train" on the b' a- ; , burg and Crefto/3 It. R., Iloilicktyaburg Branch It. R., Tyrone and Clearfield and Bald Eagle Valley .1 Brandies JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION, dailY, ea- '• eept Sunday, at 3.00 p. re., stopping at regular sta tion! between Pittsburgh andlehnstown and cot - ' netting at Blninville Intersection with trains an the Indiana Branch sad West Penravrtvanin 15.11.. PHILADELPHIA EXP' RESS, daily, at 4.25 1, ra., stopping at Latrobe, Conemaugh, Gal , Altoona, Huntingdon, Lewistown, wiann. Net - • port,Marievllle,Harriaburg, Lauxasterond Down H ' • Ingtown. At H arrisburg direetteOrmeations arc made for, lipaltimorv„Waahington and New York at Philadelhia, for New York, 13,31t0n and Bite, ' mediate points. Sleeping Cara run through on thin train from Pittsburgh to Baltimore, Philadelphia l and New York, by the to route. FAST LINE, dallY, except Sunday, at 9.30 r. ni., Mopping only at llonamaugn, tialittven. Alt4u- ;,. na, Runlingdon, Lewistown, Mililla, Newpo•L, ,l, Marysville, Ilarrisburg, Middletown, Elicaneth ' own, Mt. Joy, Landisve, rvaricaster. and Down- ltigtown. At Harrisburg COMIOCEIOI33 are mule for New York, Baltimore and Wnshington 'at Phi's delpida, for New York, Baton, andtn, tidaratedia! a i points. First Accommodation Train for vriiirii Malt a g leaves daily (except Sunday) at 0.30 a. rn, - ,,, ,~ Second Aceonunodation Train for Wall's; Sloth n •; leaves daily (except Sunday) at 11.0 a. m..' 3 Third Aecommodatloa Train for Wall% SLAW. Ai leaves daily (excepttlundiry) at 3.40 t, In.' Fourth Acctnnmodrition Train for Wall'a Static a 2 leaves daily (except Sunday) at &05 v. tn. I" ' The Church Train leaves•Vi r all's Statiaa every 2 Sunday at 9.05 a. in., returning lease!.-Pillsburyh C at 11.45 p. in. l.. . . - ~. / • Returning Trains arrive In Pittsburgh is follows: Pittsburgh & Erie Express 11.50 p. Baltimore Express • 130 p. m. -• Philadelphia INpress • Fast Mail .1.20 a. m. S . '• Fast Line • ' " - • 2-00 a. n.. , iohnstown" Accommodation. • ' '10.05 a. m. ) First Vain. Station Accommhdation... CIO a. ca. iv Second WWI Station Aorommodation 8.15 a. tn. il Tided Wall's Station. AecommodatiOn.. •9.10 p. m. ',...i Fourth Wall's Station Accommixhillon - 5.55 p. m. V, • Baltimcire express will arrive with Philadelphia Expreas at 2.30 p. Mondays. • 1, ' P,OTICE.--Im ease •of Naar the' Company .wat . ? hold themselves responsible lon personal baggage roily, and for an amount not exceeding 91(0: ' •- • , ..W. 11.-11F-CKW/111., Agent, 1 At ttur Pennlytrarda Central Railroad Passengt Statlon,,on Liberty and Grant... • noa, ..--, 0 4/ 0.11/IPPIX . Le . zre Pittr:•w gh TM r 5. .In linrripbitz: Vol. Tnc 30) ourgb only, dolGani CII R&11D LIN 8.-13taamtroittat `LrirERE.OOt AND glnaniSTOWN. 110 to gold, or its equtvalent in clinetter. FROM .NEW TORE, WA ourre'rici. Seas ricry week. Apply to , . . . P. TliOn&S SINITICI2LN, 47 Silltlttleld street, between ` ? t Idh, '4 stol6-wialy ' burgb. ti STEAIt" E ' R- 4114 POOI., touching at QUEENSTOWN, (Cork Thirbort The well-known Simmers 7:47tel Liverpool; New L iu and Phllseelphis Steamship Courr.y (laL)carrying the Y. a..llLalkst t tTrrA -t o s ail M follows.Satantay, .Tan. it. EDINBURGH Saturday, .lan. et. CITY OF LONDON • Saturday, Jen.M. And Over!_sueceeding Saturday, at Emory from Mei, to North Sliver. Rains or rsaseas, s . h. Payable ill gold, or Its equivalent in eurrtney: r g First Cabin SW eo Steerage .IW to London... 66 on " to, London... al, (i " to Paris....:. 06 Cto " to Parts.-- de , a . to Hamburg.. to PI " to Hamburg.. SI • Passengers nego forwarded to 'Havre, Breams,: Itotterdent; Antwerp, Os., at equally low rites. Fares from Liverpool orQueenatown—lat COG SON SIM Steerage, OA.. -Those who wish to sel Sox their frietsls Mo. bay tickets keno at th 9 rates. For further information. apply at the Cloitpani Oglee. • /MN Li D roadw ALE, Agenty It-O'N ' / Foreign Emigration Agency' . or ll . No. SS Smithfield street, Plttehul Pretisadas, Britanleu, • ="teotes. lEIDRIES. DRUG. SOUSE. M==MMEI r.i !iurgit uw& New York - WIDENING . OF' WEBSTEIi BTREE TV —The Iteport s of the Viewers alipolated ti Collodi* to assess damages, to.. in the widenin Webster street, between Washblgton r‘nd Ohath streets, has been approved by Councils . ant lett? my office. The viewers appraised the gee , 'Wm. Cooper at. swig, and made the toll wing • sessments to pay that amount, to wits ..., On property of DIM E. Gallibue • ' . • . W. IL Lowrie . , , Love ee Pueey :00oper cOandlom .... Wm. T. B. ..... Wm. McComdless . wilt Elsok David Berl Bob*. Flinn Brlckles heirs ' I ' Ms. E. F Dezmy ....... • • • • The venom aboyenamed'are iterebtinoUoe esti at my *flee psr re masts within thirty days frost this tiste,ew the elates will be flied in the Prothonotary s ote 11=14 With costs end AttarnWs feedlot wiliest, W. HaWE, Oi t ti B°ll 304,, . -4-- TREASURY DEPARTMENT? Oirirsos or Coverroomaz ea Ton Oge,nceenti - Vsshington,_Dimember iith, M. , viWHEREAS, •ST SA.TISPh.OTOI . evidence presented to the undelligned, itt been made to appear that ..The Merchants: Manufacturers National hank of :PlitsburghA the, county of Allegheny and State of Yeansy , Ma, has been duly- organized under arid actord to the requiremeuts of the Act of Courreen OW - An Act to - provide a National Gummy, nee ' by'a pledge of United States Bonds, and te pro [or the cimulation and rederoPtlen m the proved June id, lent and hascomplied with me t ier o f=a Morin= toramktitida th l'i'g t hefore, 1, ii;Gi 4;i. .00. er ofthe Currency, do. h e reby c e r tify.at q Merchants and Manufacturers National Bs Pittsliergh,” in the city of Pittaburgh„ In the c . ty of Allegheny, and State of PennellYen" , to, . unitized to commeoce the bulimia of Broldng der the act aforesald. -7._._ nartv7i- ~ ,it.1,14-7,„,d, ...z... of f Mace, te e : eXtb. Trourpry DATtment. ° • Com i Ttgl it ler7oLPt ll ti_o_p_urreal l' ci IiOFOSAIA FOR REVENUE P CUTTERS Off THE LARY.% TUMMIES Dtrar.TIMNT, flee. St, tan Proposals will be received et this Depattri until le hIknONDAY, the lath _day of Jan t. for Ise constru CUTTERSamEE or FL It&ENUE 'STEAM tattle wheel the 'Ter Lakes, and orir. OR DIOBE for Speeltiostiotut In detail will be fumbled b on application.la by ]otter to th ppsrtt°9hiActh. Oaata go.toaf4l lhi tIS p Se . Bltimore, the Collectors at the orinelpel Lithe Perfej repasts should h o .' sealed end addressed , retary of the Treasury, mid 'endorsed ori antekipe.lhoposals tor building Revenue St Cutters.. _ W. P. PESSERDBM TOENT --- ERPRISINQ AND INDUST .LOUS XlDOlitt3Wl3, lABOBINCIOLKEI others. - you wish to become Lteeholdwrs, . secure homes, now- your timeorltilequipot mousy Is abundant. lam now eelllug_tote 10, locations In this borough, tor SSA emu and on paymmt . o4 41C 4 / 1 Dehisce idle* yects,if ByAlde plea. you can apply TOW mOOOl.lO l tug, ant a itin 1002 mes 46 sad 4410.0, WOl.l tenter, Maio% will be Data tLLtls. 400 1 / 4 0 wtu m 407 the rise InTest estate.' • .449 1 1 at tholleel EsPitelo4;ll 04 gem Mathes . lit . reet. Lawraw'', - srersr.rb, •tt • • '2 •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers