WEDLIEBDAX SICIftNING NOV• 23, 113,51 CITY 4RD 197BUBBAlic Coarse; armour • . .et a mostteg airaiirs, of the Meta etintelleal4entsnioationn'ofitho °Litt of Pitfi7 batgb and Allegheny, sad nielaity,no tato fold an 4 dads*** bed masse of pr;o:', metilegit iseleal of tsnarellgtoninthotwoaitles aii tidally, the felioviag;.antong other Wags • ' was adopted t • . , J'aoleocl, 'fliat a, aware of version' on 'the • • . following esti he delivered by the oietray- .. ic - ' Zen ',MOM:4M ate snassed,sball be preached , , , , _-'-•.' - in•lbla eity'on the avealnas 'of Monday, Toes- • _ ' t'u•'•‘.44:.-210,111da1. Una Friday of midi week,, at, , ..''• lima Velsekontil the course 'hall be ocispieed, • • , commeneriva on the eveniag bf Monday, the2Bth ' of November, 12st ; sad that the else of the Ito '." • . 'of tbeFirsi,Pteragterims Merck. by tie pastor, --.' ...Fir.- Dr. Futon, as the pleas .for the delivery • ' •ef the eenrse • of sermons, be timakfully so- . d - '... ef tvolead, ,Tidit the strips, etoheruntea, shalt , ' be Isomedietely followed bias:midst tor player sad eoafuiaee. TN" followipa obi tlitspiatiato ideated (oaths - - ,••. - cows*, tide. nasal of the clergymen to whom ....„. Mey,.bameAmenaselaned s ' ..•' . ~, ' ' •• - I.. L Tbsineeteistry for a ittirival of religion--awr. ~ ,,,i31,, , -,W....31, 2 11Laward. D. "D., Priebytaiwe Ciairell, , (0. 41 1,lb" •'' • -', , 0 -- • • ' . mans by whielt a revival of minatory •.. mg. be . gemmed; Rev:: 0. 8. Chase, /Uplift ...,,••. -:.' • 9...tbe state- al ilos -Maier by avian—Bev. .: , • :••• ,I.lm • .2. , Freasly,. - D.• D, thlited_Arriararise • • . Much of .iLicaleary Pay, • . , 4....Tha mtuaber end enorialty of the ninety* . tinteigrctiiima-11.ev. C. A. Holmes, D.-D., Me • • shodtel Epiearsi Cleeed. -•- ' ~ 4.• Tbe.dosped- remedy — Bar. l'reitley, ' ID. D.,' United Prnbaterioe' i C3ereh. .' - ''_''.' -•• S" Tbe O usel c ffer-Af.ev. Wet. A. Dsvideon, •.• - •_.- , ', , alwitediet Erie: pat March.. ' , •• 1,,.,21ie Media 11.1111W0S0 the onestime, ' , Whit : .- •.• tang/ do to be steed r —lt..v,. R. 11111..8wam4. , i • "..".; • • ilia; Imam ~ Imams" (lurch. . , . . • 11.'llitr coastrotaing,infiser.“ ofilhe ova ci ~ •, , . ;.. °titled -ea - !be heart - es . tn. ,01:11:161 , 4tlite 49114 ' • ::'' ".. - •Cowl;lletiodii(Protheast °perdu • •• • . • ..,'• ; • - .••••• .. 11-'lbeliuiportar.oe of the _immediate entree. 5 . ,' : '.•-• der Of the toe to Chrtet,•and ' , the dent of de r, i ••• . t.•14-41am Nentiok Johnson, Frabgienioa Choral :t ' ' (N. in 10. The wort of Chi, Italy Spirit in twigging : ' • Oandri to Christ.—Niv. Wm. M.Postob, D. D., 1.• ' Presbyterian Ohara (0.:8) • '• . - ; - 11... Oa resisting the Holy Spirit-Bet. 11. Wegner, Germ. B , t, lii)errh. . ' ,' . ' - .12 On °palming Coelet,- . .lier. S. T.Stewerit Cesterkeittrocb. °Aire, . swats' the :finally . : • 13 2tte fearful diem flub sw • .' . impel ltant-;-' Bev. "[boom "X.. Om Nosigterise 1 -- ~'• • (0. El.) yilleghwy City. ] _ • U. ne tusreadiess• of the' aighteouvl-Ntv. • . :GU Dwight; D D.. Ref. Prod.. Unwell. 1 . . ~ . . ~ . _.,. . arson34l. .w a : .c r t.,: p lii. r: i.l:o l l ipat t i iii : si r ... t i c a i r t h .t..oppet t ... h :. D., : m. i hi na e.b..ta.itLdianil,at iprogramme, 7r:: : , „ r i t ' yai t Lot/ thenii , .t r. - • °stoke 23th • der of; November lost .at seven , • tecerek ;to be followed immediately by • meet lag for prayer : conference. • 1 .. li° ..:, . pastors of t hedifferent Evangelical' Charehu, ~ •am requeited give the proper intimation a •• from their pulpits' without further notice. ' Ilx older of the meeting. ‘ . trilled 'Mites Circuit Court—Proceed ings in Honor of Ana Late a blot Justice adorn tin Omni idjourzi& on -Toooloy, hay- Int ilsbald 'Or jail , trialo for this tiono, Jadis McCandless aids . , The Biro! Pittsburgh itiviegkaken no action non the death of Chid 'Justice Tansy, this Coast Mad adjourn without expteselag'ildr regret . at his dimwit, and their admiration of hi. end qualm as a detentes aid „furbit and *seised dilute ae•s althea and a man. Alter a lore g, laboriou and diettrignithed prw. kiee at the bar, the kesor:sageolty of -, • Preside's Jaelreon singled,ltim from the tanyarref Os* • United States as an enoomeor„to Jeaties Ifseehall, an honor which ihe merited ;:and: 'ldea the profession 'stilled even amid the moor of poUtioaleiolteent. • jediGbd d - ands Mirky years lust, vindicated the wisdom of ut• Ado' red dui- Ins that paled and 'tam hie death his pniiky - of tharitte, his I essulag, lb; Juditdal integrity, legal enidition end kis nostapostei knowl: edge et conetlattlional Lir hen evoked, es It der agreed, from , the bar GI the Milted Stater and et lesraed, a general ispression GI veverendat '.sad profeemd admiration. The late Ohio! Jostles- himself said, is the, ammie Coast et era :United - Stem; arm the ansenammeet of MS Oath f; 01M tentrinuvl troll en Yr. Jostle* Beduin: rr He vas in .. died tau• of ow &tombs at*. sulk4s l. 7 ,• - :•faseiller with Ate »Garde ant daM4ons in an. dent as Lull is sedan :times; and pesimps saucy any. one ism fail, 'ppm:date MI hitt tamped, indlila ottiebres; he toed often met Monts the mist dieennion of than ference nom, sad heard him 'Wain time to time disoutelap the esilotte Stamina gees. lions 'width are oentinudiv:arising." • , We stsemely „ dejlao. his leas and deepls meat It, sad viral dined • proper =lento of Oa death of Chid Judie* They to to *Mind wpm the minutes ol this and, the United 61111•I'llit , • Judge contar in "rho': Los been eo summed by my brother Weendless, . . Stiletto of alio Cloy. . ENE , . • -.The molestation of .thas 'Mayor, notlfylog .• etitimaito keep the pavements and gutters in frost of , their premiers dein and in good order. kis bad th e tired , placing•the foot Walks of tbe'ritY iiihotter othdition.than they have bean , for . puce. • The city has been divided. 6y Ina 'llll.yoi into this. - district , and, wined/ of the pollee patrol diffident muttons daily and notify Maths who have faded to comply with the moo „ismation that they will report them to the Kay sr, and any neglect on the part of the ocertpauu edlcusevia comply, with the provisiote et the city ordinamm harasubjeeted them to the penal ties prescribed by- The sidewalk* of the city :base tarn in a miserable condition for , years. Even in some of our principal streets., magi of the pavements are• .1111 some Wiwi . lower than the grade seal:Oohed by the Bond i aultennistor, and is the .iatontion_of , tteo Mayer to prostants the matter until this diktat .:'is remedied. UI. llontv may not anus/ that . his action, matter will meet. with the bsgrty orroperstion of the deists seawall,. this oenneetion we might mention • flat mettadentand,the appropriation of the City. , Cownelli for the parpme of cleaning the street, '‘cresetago - boa been eibiialmid. end thst.the Striet . -Cenualttee has notified tits Strut dettl;. :.misaiessre not lit hour *WY father expeurs: —life hope we bays :blert,simengly informed; bat 'data direct CU attnefon of the Outsells the matter. It lo b.rdty U W.-expiated that props arty beldam will bw willing' to make the attire. lions resulted of . them If. Connell! atntinsts to exendeo this tut Called for odonomyt The fatty apEroptiation - should be increassi at onoe;and the streets elsoned before the winter iota MEWS . . • • • 11„ ;•.N‘o, -;•;::4,f,'•"" MEE .si::::i)k.:4 . 4:- , : .•!$.1.;:::;:;::.;:. ~y~; :~; WI ••,. • Nletropollutn Gift Boot store. To **book boas and paezally, we *la all Wadi* * r ibs *bon poplar ladle Win, toasted at 1i0.63 Fifth stria, Attabersa. ?spit, appetite Chalon Sill, where they now Tanis store the haw* stook of steel:lad sad . NIIIOIIMIIIIIOI, ,bOoks, family and pooltat.biblot, prayer books and photogrsphelbsms to be loan/ is the /Mg.'. The books are all told at regular total prises, sag with each paretune is given at the thso of solo a 'handsel* present, worth trots 45.0 glee: 'The Tres** whin an evil With • onslit te put *, follows r Gad and . 1 11,11 ? vottilato gold *tins, direr lets pitchers, *eke *abet", wits ores anon maga, costolly claret pitehere, told ;Waivers; bat t er dishes, wits studs, egg *Watt, goblet', all bells; sail ' mlts.sele of silver. table and taw . Ipool4l, 511T111 foto. opera risai, gold plot, tins, brooslots, ose. heads' of other useful see valasblo estielit. earl of, of tend for eitikgllo, which will be m alts fa* to say address upon appliostion., :'?: The Launch of the Gunboat Marietta. . , Itsterday morning thlowatk of lausolilig the mew gunboat Marlette was re eommenesel. The emersieuee of tha previous dery.deolded the work. 'en to adopt a new plan of of:mentions. The. Mays upon which thentissl mos lying hod been' treated with tallow tome days ego, tut It haring foams bud, tictii were bored In the way, and , entitsd grits. insertaiL Lapointe , wore then "laced at the end of tits vessel, and upon being weft a short tint, the pro way. and owed off its rroortego splendidly, . enterinhe water in exeedlent styli. • The launch was very sucemnfuri and thorbfixtetta moy tow be oottripered • sne• Wis. Pb. will be Etta& -op - Immediately, sae nitt.profieblyieavii for the lilooth-wentdruing the • grtstnt high attge of rata. , • ... ~ , . ' " /Prefeeso uai r — 0 . 1 " 41. 4 , 04. " t i titerta tlda tinstni.enetositia.irri• ;' t. ': 1; ' i t unirsis t.lolla:Tat' LIE uonia ifo.nhlll: . b• pri or7 o : ll .l, • .. - • . ~,,, "- --bl -- 'ari a that, In cons'qutne°'. ith, .. ' .. I '' '' .. '--"4.4' ' i tits ! sager . In the atty. 4 1 . --! 3.. " ' • .STP:faillessinorgbaaiwothfirl7Ttasitian...n' ot a be a llUl o 'in t. i'ill ty li s t I°. aid ' 1 t - ;yeaal abrittler are '...7 ''.: ''' '''' 12 2568 fia . MSC'S= Ell U smis to pit... • • yawn •no is ll* *awl of. • a her rendition :.• • , 'I SUO M I - 4 - i 'lntotto'h " real* ._ '''' . ' :1' ' ''' Ita ser bs ° ,7r e s i ra ul p i lala te this ettaraetnr„ , ,las_va o)._ ' . ' '4 . the alone of artiste* hcl i n t la sit ta w ts ta rx , L' a m to w soropt.' The -621"141 1.1 rearmtaend all ' v a ' ..... 3 .. " ,,sitit I osultlit. and w• 1 7:: t , v waste anti e par. • . .. pil . • . . who wish to no an _r_•,,x„? uujlio „ o h, is ba fit ... IeSPM .44 . 4° ' Pua lu!' ' I ' .• - ' .. •- r - , fh, 4 , . . . , - • Ito. Coal Slue hoo...liforr :oleo Manz:gen f -Vesual. Totitti : The natation' of feel Ur the recut* of these two titles is ono , of Ter, groat important. sod of immediate. meeting reeler atty. Tour oorreapondient,.W., he• made a rti r station width may in of voice, at leading to tome setion calculated to meet ther-demar , de of the et se.. As to any hopes of relief from the operations of the ~ C oal Rich:ago," or eny toes. mere. the,' may ad opi, true are not greatly min takes, the,' will prove sislueive. Speaking to prominent number of that A.l palatine, soma tore,'of the interest we felt In their discus , tient, and tune:Ring that prominent oitirens aught to en operate with them in their dr:eta to break down the teile.ere 1111101 c," hit rooky fru \that the "C o a l Erebange to an alioolation for Oa smobosin beosit of the coal merchants, Ind bould'teit Totals contemns to take part in their foosenunm."- ,That their interests and ours see to notelet minor, be doubted, and we will Sod out lithe end, that if our interests ate tahan qrs ef, • wit must look to ourselves, and not to that insulation. They already have eroneerted lotion, cad it is at loot itneN, if not dlrozUr.,ll2 coluitquence of that concerted union, that fast bas beta &drawled to such an enormous rate. What we now want, u- I sup ors, cowered. Mown. by.wlden to theclimate theirs, ue:et hut to adopt and corny oat inch mss eras umey promiffie the relief we triples.. • llow alien we obtain the aecessaryionoort? Could not a ou tdo number of panne hota emelt ward of the mobs, miatu or of Me two cities mid neighboring !bor. t *vied time and pito' for the turPorl 4,llbStian upon this subject, sod adopting some pion of action which. wonfill be sustained by &lithos* intimated? As too large • Wiwi of men are rat so likely tonne and set moulcusly art vlgortutly. I would • sujg at thee awe pones hors each ward and borough mow Mitt te the committee ferlsoutultation, and :that Mal miritteutlbe exeinded therefrom. If no Mbar htllelPitilb• Proposed, will yore allow me to nakatlutiaa to this? and that menoni iu the difforillif, WSJ consult informally-or *all meetings for the sermon es they may daunted, and smd It to Me office of the, gortme the isitiri of one or toGro sersooe from their respective wards soot borough s, and to =anemia maybe taken to Sushi trill whether • any Ulundi plan tan be skreed upon. • , Orme!. Court Of Common it e..4ktretio , eliitica Motion. - The Court was catur.led on Tuesday in trying the este oi Kerr k lakinats.itobert P. Orrice. 'The plaintlfiullegirthat In Tun mber last they purchased the lease and furniture of the Sod' Lion Hotel, on St. filair'strast, from the defen. la.!, with the underetandlng 'Met they would tete pt. ion on the let of March: end In the meantime Me hotel wee to bremaiturid with ariew to intuiting Ito hector poildon. upon taking p< 0000sfon of the house, As plaintiffs avoithat at: the article, which they had' pyramid von* net on the pecans, and tbelth•-butiness of !the baste bed keep materially Wilma. Major A. hi. Itsewn separator thapialistifileand Samuel A. Purvianes, Estp,far the defetidanis..4n ttioL Etyma; Cron Ma Dtrant Clinon, who.ras sleeted Carona at thitcletober Me kb:in,: raelvad Ws. wombat= from Harrisburg on Sainrda7.isid ass atomtata °Moe yetterdny-by Judge Williams, Mr. Oistrron an be found for the parent at the Fort Pitt Works, Fifth Ward. .We osonot but achno eledge the many b-urtales tale rattled from the Is% Coro na, :elm McClung, San., and hts able and ao • commodating depety, Esq: Donaldson. Mr. Mo. C ung bas acerpted the position of minima 'tithe blizent CM Pat anger Rallioy, and we are COO -11-dent Oahe will discharge the onerous duties 'of the cilia with sattsfamtcn to the atookho flare and tha public generolly 41111r11111D BAIL.-D 391111 Buts, who was arrested on Banda/ on a charge at tmbsultog yotds from the dry-goods establishment of J. .W.-Barker skt'o. k No. 59 Masket street, lied a beating before Mayor Lowry yesterday morn , laeoshick moulted is his bang Lid 111 $590 belt to 'answer thirobarge at CourL The re nelad bail WOO proMptly tarnished by a friend of ;Tholes, when he was released. DIIIOIIDIILT . C01•1107.—Y•Illid•r, a althea at tbi 4htrd Wand, alleationn, lePeusd., ]lager. Alias/ dar, Slid attired. • oentosslat against • caned boynainad Darla,. anerging litsfirith thrming atones at bins ea tto previous Sunda,. Watts wan unwed" and comattiod to Jai la d• gait et the payment of Arqrtenie.--bfr. ample Sweatily, of Wash ing. ea; Pa, thersed chit haring. pat Into tle band, of fi , sellHams the knife edit "Alan he killed Brady in the law array he that boronibr ben teen honorably toqatited. Mr. Sweetie, is an e d and - rtipeotad inerottent. of Washington, aud'lls acquittals a Hirai of mu& pleasure to , lea nate famle. ' Bat to Ma Hatris t otedma • er * r Gm I $4l areswasm to she Roam a Itio• fete by **dor Lvov, et -the - regent el, hes friendrAte berteg vend isoormalbia. A Wing twii stateside et the Alloshiaty_ °totes Air luau, wee oetessitted to She' seas iutlietia s Testarday by Meru. Alameda; of Alleigliesv, Marred with the nue 0ff41111114 - • - flung On.—Oa Taeediy waning, dude," thl Ire at tbe materiel at Ifiteddlle. en Bat*** Run, et lasi* quantity or oil steeped from Mg tasks's:l3d ,llowed down the ma towarde the Allegheny Aver. Amasiderable portion of it wee caught by the Inhabitants slang the ran, 6:aireteily alone securing six barrels. ILIDAD. AcouniC—On Ba•tt'dg GT62 . 1 eht le the freight train on the. Lebanon Vs Drench wu thifilny *Brant Station, one mile above' Warne:sale, the down freight, drawn by the Vichtbarg. tan into It, des.riylog forty oars, wtnedirg three men, one severely, and bnitainj op a large number of cattle. rustle Bats —The large and suparlor stook of Ilateasi . Wagone Harnekst, ha/ Wagon • tools of lb. Martin, gardener, Manohasttr, will be sold by A. Largats, Anottbneer, on the eremites, scar tits outer depot, en Wednailay, the 30th isaystl. ceoloct: "Teri Onrozoow."—This Aeon it drawing large crowd' to the Theatre nightlyi and the •trio¢■ ediessetere awe well anetained by the 'Gm:mosey. Mtn wendltion of the oher• ester of -0 Zoe" la ereellent. An afternoon Dot• - ferment:6*H be siren on Thankagiving Day. . . 'llcanais.—lt 11 .mild that Ware handrail women end ehildres, of Ohatchbersberg, ere yet .etitloat homes--doyeedent upon the eherity of floods. Chuktot sod?ethies be done to relieve tl..m? ' , • ~, . • . , Nan' dfusto.—" Sive . t mark makes me sad to•nlight." Words sod,:nenstai by J. William Pope. - Arranged for the piano by J. V. Warn. eiir.k. Tor sate by Wounelink k But, Eit. Clair alma. 11. Inn Irons?, of Meson' minty, Pei bow hes Lain Orderly Servant, sad ern wounded is the Battle of the Wilde:nem bag been promoted to Is Pint Lieutenancy, sad Is now on hls•way to the -front. . _ ixsatas this lifts stook of Dry Good', Boots and dittos at latetallanl . / /motion House, SS Fifth stmt. Goods at yrttrit• solo. lug* stoat; all" colors. at lit'Clillsad'a Shoe Mellon Bout, 55 Pita strut. . . • Boas Buincunc—Brown sad Gray, it 11 . 01•1 and', Auction Holum Ititawassascsa Boon at audios Ma avaalag "CM,"llama's, St Mkt drift. breelAll ZOOM/. NOTICES, TgoneiW.Pevanr;practioal Mate Roofs', end deers? In American State,.ot. various attars. Office et Alosandar Langhtles,"near the Wator Works, PUtsborgh, Bosidenoe, No. 78 Ms street. Orden promptly aturndsi to. AB work tarrantod water.prool. itsostring done et tine shortest notion. No charge fn. metro. provided the roof le not Anted after It Woe. en. • IlLp,-131AIL9.—In Marlton, Baratozi 00., N. Ihnreisy manila& the Ma lostard, b 1 ithe Isom Croiker, Mr. THOlf,hilt SILL. of Pat/bulb!, Pa , ao bn. a hOrtaf o.Orrin, danht!r 0 f'Dr• Stark &mama, of the former plao, I)I liD.; • Mc I O I d I SET —TP fest:V..l, OP the 2001'1:104o I net, lota° If 11df.1.15111n, in the 37th vac of hi Sow eel ca 11113.113Da1f, .t 13 n . ..10ct. OAlll4lllf —On lt'or. 21)114 at nine o p. cnOirs. 41,111101911 c4ll3ol9,mife deeeph ()anon, aged tuontp-one )61/1 and Sit mina., The foment aril taro nh:e TO-DAT at two **cloak, Mal her lets residence on L3oeet The fdmL of the fully S. rtspretfaly invited to at. $60.000j7g.f..YA - T W WYOM I LII. II 2 ion, Country ...annum ?Mien ant p nand linden sopylka liamenro .bssislp .n.& ir Wntsb oklik.l awl Jambi of way Outriptlos, la tut p 11k... 4 .v ignnatitr, cononintly on tuna end m. ; . b., OP plitrato of &o7' elms nir wart _ • malt! elntA ••Altd. Prk. and - fall ' An& it... • whims T. & 11. 64130II&T. " ionins Raw link, - • ;iiittillnd rtri111010rt• 111,70WIRLUTmber It. 'B. thane, ' -eltteberee, tiore flee: J. llonierieß TO OKAOLDBRI4.—The an. R meetlb2 of Do ebmkbotiers •of tbi rtes. Marti mil Pantlimllle Thellresil Demo tnr,'•mlll be 'Eel It the MI • of the OMP.I. sim * T ilteD to bibs oiry ef Dltrabutit, the wby. DIM deehel December bottom Iltehistk• I. for the renal.of Mortises timiee Iltreetort for • .. • , 1 !"'e ,,..1114137- "' • ' W. o. augur& apl6ielrA°lv Deoretery sat Voisurcr. . . THE LATEST NEW 3 81-TELEMAiI4 INTLRESTIKG FRET EUROPE. The London Star Denounces the Seizure of the Florida. BO QUM' OF 'in LORD 11.11011 OF IOIDOII Lord Paburritos; on 4m er ican OBELT TIM) DB IN T INCANY TEE LOD DON MONSY MA.RICIT ' FIR \TR „CAPTAIN BENNE, Now Tote, Rev. 22.—The lon Star, to swabs of the Florida a ff air, d 011II*311 the setenre, and honer that Americe w soon relia diets to. r At the banquet et the now Lord Mayor of Tondos, Lord Palmerston mods a speech, to which, In reigning to the bloody war In A:Od es, be ssid he trusted the contending pintos would icon audit better to be mantilla& than to Dube, at& that these Minutes which have be. seed that continent with blood, will be settled by amicable arrangements bet themselves. Great floods have centred in Tairmar• Ea l• *moos dauts° hu also been mattered at Florence ry a tremendous stood. The great was flooded, Leda laid Wade add the roads broken n 2. Bat cw lint woito lost. •• • /codas Aloure,MOrket. —The Bank oiZoslood, 00460 10:4 tom, Induoad eta rein of dleomont lom 9 to 8 per 0001.. an event fatly antiolpated and discounted In advent*. In the otos market !money wawaltaadaA and tbaJaada eantinatd upward. 5' Corsair Warta% unit farther aknortaad per ernt., on tho 9th inst. • BottorwaWa' olicatai says that np_.ta lthli Bth tat , . tkoto. was a ro) AM market to e detach:an meted'', and Itieh dleptodden to 'copra/log ft leer, but on the Ca, upon the mostpt of ad. eL:to from New York, to Ni.r lit, reporting an advisee fin milers of loth stooks, ape peeted,and a decline was establithed. =AM, however, rimed Ina, at 419 for S G. owl 5234 for Dakota , roe ttonfederele Loan rallied two per malt. ,undo thonews received by the City of Waat • logttn. xDs followleg Is a summary of the seaman Ron' news, 'which left Weapon' on the tar Idoconctowli on thedOtb, for Dew York : " The Shippiay Gnat, Winn that the unmet to which Garth' Si mmes and his man wore treastured by the Laurel, tII Madeira, was ,the -...ra.King, wilier recently oleuad from London ''et t loinbity. ' Lord Wodshoure hu ban inangurated as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Dombaylittus of the 14th, and Caleatta of tlnsth of Oetobu, folly confirm the disastrous it Wad the taut Cyclone. frfeerposkflov.lo.—ltroodstrifft generally Ilaist b nataatty. 'Richardson, Scenes k Co. =loth. report. Pion quiet 'sad, steady. That ~say„. gal vein and riling.. Rigland, Ay t tat • k Con Wakaliald h Co. and other. report Baal heavy and &alining. Peak has a dowa turd tendency. Bacon steady. Lard firm at 4540. Bogs: haa au npwardlondenay. cog,. • quiet sad steady. Petroleum str sdy at 1.10 !44 Co. Ili sit gallon. London Broads:ads tom. Con Min -Sugar advancing. Oodte drat. Tea steady. • Rio. firm. • Lama via Creceseate—Liocrpool. Nay. IL— The Msaohester mutat is firmer with an ad. easetrig tetanal; but the *damn Oinks butt ons. Snadstalle steady and Gunn. Corn dull. Pori/toss gain and steady. Lard advatutina. Lcaorei Kos. .t 11 ...0 ami n oni in the bask of Pap tilt dosed at 9d7.‘ • 9 for money. 'g has ismaissd SIAM* stuling. Illinois Cenit'al 5134.5311 'discount. Rd* 39.41. ;The Leann Tian city artists says: Advine f am New Took, with egad to On mods in which the Washington Gotsrnonat odes& the news of the captors of duo Canledsz. ate staving/100a. are .walled with the Stoat , es istorest by the mormatlia as well as that pa -111 One reason for the In at - r Fain to then adobes consists In theinfornoa t se If the captors watt made by authority of the I Imola gerseramest, It will hineaforth entirely astrogstal any power as the part of tho United Sams to snail by privateers the trommens o may anion with which they any be at war, date the preadult will establish a claim is the right to pumas and destroy nary gash tonal, what. aux maks .tha port In which oho may seek atalrer or supollas. Pease.—The Pitts bewsta.taa. , tha Set tut, Was infer. Itaitssalond ea CAL SI& It, ugmakh de Leilnadaug .d . 130 a bankei is Paie. hattonspended punasah, wlta lisbilltios Inv untlng to from 600,000' to 600.000 poen& scum....;Tho aunts Sto asanallon sa4 re, anal of cto capital to Rome rognalag In the Chamber of Deputies. Soma of the arrestors damorinoe the m:mutation as a Tindal renneelallon of Rome, while othentrogard It as 1 ad , og to Rome at no instant pub& T we ban been grail moods la Tansy, and entidtrab • damage dons to property, portion. ,eilj to the railroads at Ylotenoa. GRANT'S CONNEATIONS PERFECT iie •Blrikee the -Emmy in Flint Nsw Yong, N 22 —B leavi the forts wed' garrisoned, ov. the hap n o w eighty ng miles long, •Gaarel Grant can boil Ws main body U force apacet any part of the rebel floes he may de. " Mo., while It la impossible to flank him, or ,out runnomicatiorn with any force shat of the erboe rebel armies. Or neralßgan's wound hes proved more sextons than was at drat supping& The Navy Department Is advised that the rebel schconer 13der, from Gt. Marks and batted lo Barone, a was taken p n o ef by the steamer Addle, on the 6th last., cif Bt. George's iound. Army Movements Nis/ You, Nor. 23 —A -City Polot letter, of the 191, to the Copunereial Adeertinr uyst A wire:Lent ef the army has begun. Yesterday, while luting the Bth Corps; on our extreme left, I - learned that orders had ben issued to prepare aipc daye rationt n with Orders to be, ready to toa.eb at any moment. The artillery of that oorps sat out on a marsh, sid by sunset enomaped about sight Wiles near. or City Point, on She Ibis of the sailroad. The Infantry followed shortly afterwards, and resedi. ed Ueneoiletistatioui about taw miles heuos, and I learned that similar orders had bass L ewd in the 2d and part of the -3 rain abrpso, for patting op. B , beau to bo ut e 8 o'o' at, lest night, and hageoatiatted seer slue, coererting the °tutu lat. a continent of mud. Its line of marsh, yesterday, was toward the Appomattox riser, wit oh would probably strike * two or three tulles bolo', Petersburg, If the de slower* to CM, °TOT to Gen. But head quarters. Contested Congressional neat—Eloized Distilleries—eoldiers Thanksgiving 'Entertainment • Raw ;Tom, Nov.l2.—Zhe e.t's Washington • special gays t Wtllfsm B Dodge, of New Zork, hes notified :aloes Brooks of big intention to tautest the fists of the nth Congressional district izithe homes of Representatives. A large number of sesta In the sea Coupe's, will b. contested. The names* the proprietors of the breweries 'seised bn the government tor "distilling without licence, are Der:than:in, Schmid, • Henry' Claus sen, and John P. Nay. To the arrangements making for s Thant m 'tantalum.* to the moldiett st the New. Ragland rooms, in this airy, th e Western 'oldie?* will receive epoch! attention at the bands of Colonel• Rowe and the ladies committeetif tbe roomy: MARRIED affairs. lA.. 6% and Rear. Movementof tron-Clads—Cousternatfon et Rhos matk's 61014O1CLISS• I:sw Yale, Nov. 22.—The Alexander, Vir ginia Journal rays Nielson...dads previously Sta. PcrUess /Rodeo., moved up the LIMOS River on Priday to Dutch Gap, indicating an important movement. The Comaureictre Wash. togten spook] ills there wee great coutarna. lion In. Richmond on Saturday, on acocunt of Shannon's movements. It is believed he sweeping onwud in spliarof all opposition. Is it impossible that Macon has already fallen, and that it may be oae of the ceases of the con sternation in Illohmond. Governor ?dollop, of Indiana arrived in Wathicgton to den, and had an intervieer with the President. /11 . 4E1 m hth re R. rbomp z e i o d n ito. in B lateilec o lt omy hOlf a wrr a ,dled cud • two atm. Steamer lost is a Gala Bas Putman°, Nov. :I —The Ali liiinaihs, he, Matlsrova and Arno sere lost in a gals ar sawiand. sad Roksfs Wank Oat. The ship White Swallow Is she valuing, and It thought to bill tut. .-teneral Canby. Recovering. . Row Oopoisa.l9 15.."4411. Orleans paws '.io7,lhOt.ffonorol Canby troweling. I.tko Ras ourhemont of Itto.doath, u.selogrophod from ihohmores ointlhoUllority of Um oink of tko Mann IR. Johns. Ii to • fain moot, • w , ''.4''' a • 'olgt• •a tax' - DI PAIIKST OF TIM 41131 F. Cavalry Concentrating Under Om treil Lee. Ulf Y ARE TO COVBILITI3 W TIl 113.12910 Gen. Eakins to Eave an Important Command - . S . ll/ Toot, 'Nov. 12.-The Adco-- *Mortally, that all the enmity in the Di - partmezt of the Gulf hats oommemoad *on.. enntrallog in- their ',viral department* under ortonsud of Gee. Lee, for th e purpose, as is gas era)ly believed, of eo.oparating with Sherman, should Buturigaad attempt to move southward, the Mobile and Oltio Pantos& Wubington specials layout . fleet of gunboats bare - moved upitowards D etch Gap in readinewi fer any maul' the enemy may see ft to make. It to »ported that the , President bee deter mined net to .patrett. cotton to be brought out of" seceded Steam e Kant as • peso to tbo Govern ment. No other permits are to be greeted to tied* within the rebel liras, and ebeee hereto. Icro granted will probably be revoked. - Major Gametal Sickles, it is underabod, till steigned and eent . to an important command it the front- Challedoil CrumblioZ Now You, Noy 12.—Sorioant Gibbon, of Gm ISZd Now York infantry, and another pneltinan, who escaped from Charloßton, report that the lower part of that oily his bemire* at . tamable, In aorteeluentoe of our 'hells. The Court Heine, City 9iotet,Guard Roues, St, Phillip, lipissopal Chard!, Orphan Houle, Ind metal °Hue pithUo buildings were, attack by - shills, sad aumberi are nearly demeHated. • A few fires have been ere , cottoned by, the bombardment. One shell art o tut:attain three doors of Hampstead Hail- In the extreme north 'rattan part of the city, greet number' of thel's were failing, and ex p.c.iiag as high up as Chapel and Jae stateetea' cothatties has taken pities, potable abnat fleet's deaths MAIL Phia - therMselted - tuft's - vac,* ind'uweji Charleston, eight Item gull oar silky channel facing Port. Stntee, ,and viz or eight batteries era radiated - in the • nity eel thet wharves. Citisens are watch troubled In omthel.! comma of the want of habitation, fear or Ova tett:Mee ere lg in one malt house It ts ;acted that terrible suffering will take plead tats winter. Brooked• running continues with the greatest imdeslty; several vessels make three trips Muth month, between leered and Bermuda, triaging cicalae, provisions and veriouvother artleies, sat bring out ootton, prinelpally. • Ter,. Wats teem he left Clunriostaa, three blockade view' note cleared. On the inward trips, they bring ore third their oargoes to the goverment. The Riebutond &tartaric say,: Colonel Cold., • Commissioner of Exelisoge, authorised by the; Confederate marmot made a proptisition ttet Otani, co the 11th bat, to send a drowsed , baler of cotton to New York city, provided th e' proceeds be • appropriated to the molter* of supplier' for Confederate atisonere,the sale of cotton end puntheee of supplies to be made by . Meier Goners' Trimble, a to Tort Werra, or altanete, Baena. elenerel Wei. P.: Beate, also a prisoner, who are to be nstolod Ltd. Clawed every facility to make advantageous. same, the outlay and distribution to be made by , ocumabsion of Confederate others who art mitonsrs, to be paroled for thetpurpose, trans. p 'nation to be afforded by the Colts/ Stites , tree. Grant replied are the 12 b, ant aocieded to the proposition unhesitatingly, the lotion to be chipped at Mobile. within ten tars. The etemy'e pickets are aboat one mite end e half below ilawlett'e Have, and killed, and wounded between forty and ally, 01pturinj one Invited end twenty, Melodies one Cantata end repeater Ostenl who happened to be inesittob.. tog the picket line at the time: General Spier stes lota is two men tilled. Seven' nouedeff vire:us 'Mesita itionmend.• sbaPispatch saye there wets indbatiorM rho north side yeaterdey, that the enemy Is pre p .ring for an attack, Watch It Is pretty generally agreed, he will soon make. . Y sake* troop?, reported to be demean from ob., idea . ' army, ere being maimed on • Halt be Port Harrison end the Jaws rime. I Butler's confab tompletetKor anything tear re •bisierlll be one of the notate ef 'assault. ghe e patch, however, believes that the canal rot ti complete/ for menthe. The Eurielek. e : Sbermae's mereement may be regarded ar• foim - dable, oily - beanie et Ito novelty. The itmita movement by Sturman last spring, ended in nothing,uxeset the irjory tngtoted ea' tht notteletiou as be pool along. • f the people ' of the eonntry are nib" tate to, tiremulees Italy be obi =lons of somertng Ina vest triumph. that Whine soldier Het: Heart en wali to the fail at the heed of • eronsiderishoW eustimss Swath . toe 18.34.12011201 'To m fit..ho et - GeOrgbi; with swat mowartlig heed of sash i t fore* as we ere infermedate esi edit tuaisb,-will be a very difficult job to mirth to Savaznah. We kaow net whether thla march of Stemma's wpm designed to so end, bra. we stink that there Is totting more curtain - then that Great designs to mate a grand attack ad 'lose our Inc. at a Try early day, both it.' el end military. That he'd be repelled on both element', we of thiCenfederaery believe. lha Wig mope r We Wier, Whenever Grant s' ill make the attempt, he well ha repulse 1 with slaughter which ell be hes been subjected to hern tofoto was mote child's play. New Yoik Steck and Money *WM. Few Yost, Nov. t2.—There - U no change in the position of the money market. Gold spoon, n was quiet and buoyant this morning. and slurp afterward. The turn in the price on the b+gbeet point was about six per cent. above she tar kaly oversold during the few pail days, and sti gold gigot and stereo. Toil felt, with the startles Cl &dolt* neves from Sherman ' tended 'to al test the teedenoy eery materially. Toward n , re the retroyada movemenkoommeneed, and wee declined of 834 from the extreme point. 'Lho market opened at 225, advanced . to 228, and erred at 22434. The Sleek market opened buoyant, and at that loot bead there wee • general advance. G3T.• err meat Stooks stronger and advanced a quarter GL We of 'Bl, on 1040's and CJetiaostes. Seven thirty Tream y Notes advanced 3r. fillosllan. eon. Lift generally batter, the sueoulativ.e sal. lag and prime being 13'14237: blither. The mar ket wee heavy and lower at the' 'Geoid board' with a treasure to colt Bto‘etkjell at the last board and lower. Tfte gold room mmors of the afternoon. include the fall of Macon and P buil. Foreign Exchange in fair demand .aid unchanged. Rank Commove resolved to go into a National Bank system. Stock Etchoinge will adionra tom to.otorrow null Friday mem , log All contracts falling &Leon Thursday mart be settled to-morrow. The Disaster to Brasher's Boon% • Now Yoac, Nov. .73.1 t appear thst the dirsoir to Brubet's Independent Scouts, near Wu Amcor, • tow days sinor, hepPenol thou B,s.her h ad six .y.two men, and captartng.two of Mossby's mon, he was Informed that there we. a Man party jut ahead. Brasher, with ono or his men, reconnoitered, and met a small pea ty. geturniog to his nun body, he domed ny, n the guelrillas, driving them, and just suer r..s, log a cross road, Moseby, at the head of shout two hundred, pounced upon the Somas. hotsmieg them ie. Twenty-two were killed and the reminder woad. . Ritonation of Potasbnyv Ws sumerros, Nov. 22.—Rsports of the °velar- Non at Petersburg originated with reface.. and deserters, who have merely impressed on others their belief that snob to the foot. Neatly two weeks have elapsed since direct Mew:nation has boon received from Sherman h:autlf. The Govertuient has no Intelligence se to his msvomentalater then Is contained in the Richmond papers of Friday. Sherman, at Ines one month ago, Informed see proper at therlties at Washington of his plane,whioh, pidgins by rebel amount,. have than for 'been carried into eft•ot with promise and scions throughoit the campalgre Powder Mill Blown Up. Kimono, N0r...22.—At 7 tble morning, the packleg house contentedo'clook with Smith k Made powder mill, throe sod it hod miles wilt of Newburg:was blown up. ' A Er. Smith, one of the workmen, who bed entered the building three or are minutes beton the t :plosion, was the only person• killed. The building contained about three tone of powder. Nothing I. known as to the cause of the on ;Action, Important DediiolL New ion... Nov. 22 —An impor:lnt oese is before the United States Cironit. Court, Judie, Nelson, throttles the question whether U. S. 7 30 notch tuned in 1811, aro rainiest'', for dotier,tbreame ne gold. There ate some tin mIL. lions of. theme notes,ontstandlag. , lb* trig is set, for Friday. The cinema opinion moot as legal profession that these noise are equivalent of gold. Colleotr Droes4i• ro! toted to to mottos itueltittattoolli Pickets Fired Upon —litisok Xtepnlied Dorms, Nov. 21.—A gang of Vaal rittlers h a tiaback, to repotted to havo mad* litiolf panne , ol Noose's Point on Sunday night. On Mang ohallenged, pro m pt l y on Alto unions 'gaud: Their Oro wa Intuited, union :Ahem fell from tie saddler .Tba raldors im mediately fled, tatting their woandod 'sip with potath Audtor's Adjudiot4ions . . . Now Tau , Nor. 22 —The Fourth itadltoi., adkodlostod dtgoitio put wookodshis of atoll: B. summon Loalloilio. Petrol Siren; Pf tto. , ' tomb, Noma Clity..Rozooo. sod Cloroodolefo,for ' Ootton eptate4 hodtho rebels. —: -i - ' . ~'` ~ L .hSn tklwir"y Forest - Sr en the Lock EaveilliAlc,- . ,obook for p 044 on the Look tlocoellich; Fdtpar•icg to he on, &nod by Ludwig Kneader & Co., was presensed SS Drexel l Co., yeetardoy r ■ho solo tho. pert' check es the.Conotoondool.h. Banister sl23s, foyabis to the cede' of lorivlgKeetdlor k Co. Tho check on ibe Loot Boron Bent proem to be s forgary, bat tte forger was dbappoloted gotiing Drexel & Cko.'Af check pail, so - too hiok voila not.psy. _ ShmnattWithinThirtv Milos of Eacoal. WASHIBOTOW, Nov: 22 .."—lnformit'on rooslood hers, from rebelnopers, state tbitS or/an Wu Vihts tbirt mitts of flown, 6 mmis, oa the nth Init.. and tt la regardod as probable, shot that airy has boon orcapied ens this. 'Union mayor Elected.-- Naas V. U. Nos.. 22. --/It mialaFnal, Rom Wca..33,kes, Uutau publican, vas te—elemad Maya!, bp 300 m ,jartcy. ra.A_Rjr.MTS New York market. Nate Toni, Hoe. 2.2 —Cattail firmer, at 111,31e91,32-for laiddlieg. • • ltanr—Stilla and Wetted Taal.% better, at 99, 99 6 %%Mgr Idattsfirsta, 9111.1.46 for antra E. EL' 0., and 1111,U:01%00 ior lrld• Brands, the market Mode g qt„let. nod• eo firm. • liftdaky Mme mein arid•finner, st IILII6I. 7834. .P beat Selo better sod too-• d log. at 19 IS f r Ohi oan° and heroine. p tag. V, 20 for lie, 1 1111.rankm nod Bitted. Spring, 119,3502,40 Winter Bed Moen, sad 12,45 for tab Amber.ltiosinno. Jigs Inner; Waters, 5 1 . 0 34. thrs to bettrt clad Waters afloat, $1,8%. 0 •ta la. s:s better, at 90%897% for. Weatign afloat, 'ard 9110 do In stets . von•qot.4 and &M..: 4. 9 811340. ' form scum and 0,0; lax@eogo for Iftumeraio, andl3Bll6o for Porte 111 m. • • • • Moimmo doll. • le - ink= steady Orode, nt4s3dtlttik9; Reined to t&s. . Eirp. quiet, at 350. Wool generady steady. hot prime t anottelei. Park opened bony sad lore,, sod okoet myth actin dem•sd.; *•17,00633.26 for men, 1131165a31,2 1 for Het. 6, - oath and r solar way, oh stet at 113,60 cub, 137,11.4338,90 for Prim., and 1137.50839 50 for Prime hint; mho, 3,600 ibis Her M. • for Poretsber, her tad January, at d 99,608110,00, a• d 1, 8 00 btra Prime Yeti. for Per ember sad January, out at 9384.38,1 C, .vady 'boot PrOrlone Pam- Boat llama • little dreorr. tit Ildesta lefty firm, at 27318. for Btrudd.,. .rid 13 all. for Memo. - 1, rda shade firmer, 21%e—tho la' tar ptimatt az • me. Dotter firmer, and gted Inquiry, at 28013 a kr Wad. •rro. and. 4401566 for Bute. ' • t bleu in fair demand and atmily, 14 166021414 NeW York Stock and Money Market. Now Ton, Hee. 22.—Money motor/Asir action, at T. per e mt. • 131.11• g, at 1093{310194 'or gld Gold exalted umattled rd amner ; opsnla3.l 22% "adMeciog m 219, declining 'to 41.1%, and .22134. • I Oto.erom.ot at.ckadrm. • , Stock. lower; Bock Leland, 1033.4 North Widen, 1P234: routhero, WV.; Llm O ois mtealiferip, .121151,30; art., 063;, do p ebrred, 101%; - Itoro. 119; Bes , tag, - 130%; Michigan ()antral; 127; [Unload and Plttibornb, lull 0. 8. Oao Tear 0000. ralee. ; itmortry 7.30. 117; 10-10 0012p308, 07% . t. 6.20 ()ampoule:lo43i; es of 1881.0°400 •,`11.1,94 " lit eke at the aveuleg Lard area not 70 0 0 arai Cad 913%. timmt.lbirtfts. 119; New lfrik Central. laf; 10%: Rodman, nog; atesd'og,l37; . latahiim l domth t vs, 7114.; lideole Camara 124%;LPerntandan4 Pitt. harsh, 10530; a. L,103; Horn-Weste , 0, 49 , f, • ditto trefernd, B 03.(,; Pon Wayne. 101%; 0 and ht. Ziartdi. atm, 3894. ; airiest, 11234 ()umbel - 4=l , 48%; Quicl io "leer, 10%. Mario as, 3,34 Grid alter call 01394. Buffalo Market. EllTilce. Nov. 22,,..Y10nr sane scare and pticis un cturged. i Wheat doll ; HO VlWllwankm Bortog. $2,00; Amber bllcbfilin,l2 2$ ;,Wls,er Bed, 23,10; be. 0, do, Alta 2,8e1 No. 2 Cblaigo,lll,99. roto - uult,inaciraus4 bell at 21,75401, 16 ' bold at no. : - - Vildelm .11,7 1 401.= Gm./ Ftetahte ondbangel. • Leta ImptFur—rOur, 10,814 bbl.; Wilma, 140,884 boot; Gate 210.176 do; Bart.,. 1,170. ems; Xapotta—lrour, 2,26 0 bill; Wbost, 52,12) b=b; Cot., 22,20 2 d• i BM 2,0 00 do. - . . Owego Market. ; . . ....., Of RI Trey. 22.—rleur stesAr and in good demand 1111,0. Bad If late . , 54,1L5111,150. for AblM, and 1112Q1 for Doable Eanta. , t IV teat cot , ; No. 2 U t f csv Birtog, 82.10. pad Fr . Mbila Omer; rout 610;. Wheat, 15o; Bar l ; ey,,13X0 tont, rub. . ' . Chicago Igattot. • k • RIMAGO, Var. 22.—17earduTI. ,Idttat doll and diellaad IOU; Wed hr No; ton d 11.0401 . 70 for Ito - • :Con dad at u,atit l 40 : • Oat doll and &Khasi! 1301 labs at 0130183 e. Edda attars, as tootto,l, - vie °emu= 'to Fair, and to • Wee; ic kte l ili.. l 27 l Zur. EdO Matt- Wheat. 63.600 both; Cert. dope do; wt., 49,400.4.• 47. 0 X) I s kct• • dblptdr ids—livid.' 6 ;10 . 0' . trtmat, FOOJOO totuda ; 'Dorn; tO,too do. • • - ' BIVER I.DITZLLIGHINCE. • • • _ Tat! riles lo lOW racedtai steadily at this l ' inlet with cant tea fart the channel. PI 'by tiwki tut • wain. Tba ',entail!. Intraday vaa,.ckotpd; cold and settled, whir &Mu t iamb, sad an occasional *lt . nag ot nay. • • . .. • • ...Stara war Pio spirit; rainitedtad I lb. Puidthlt yr.wkleb au awing to lb. anplesaaat soaditara tE • latati Oa bot &manikins iota Ogle lethal hi= below . TL. imina Graham elotaisd far Zatertilla at bar unsl boor, Red the loon eith . for Chminnatt - was making pea umlaut team laat *iambic:bat air the night Woo dub, mid .b. was not folly toi led, we Moline to tht mita( that atimrsald Ile cram mad toaday.: TN. ud.b. sod tletlda animal fatom 011 Oily. mid rho rah* and Ida g00m,41% far limey's:B last emolog. Ti. Ed ho bad an ezeollaut nip,wbW that of the HIM Vu Daly °Lists. Tim wm. enter. Navigator and 3.1. dilators from Clinton% tl. and ths Colnablairom Be. Louie, am am mg the Mat boors dos hem. The now mod pretty - demure flimmaton. Capt. Traub lilmoatta clerk. J. 1%. lakin odd bow :or. Cincinnati 1/JA LOC/Milk W-11111ITioli ateelag. nai ' Cap. Gordeo.hi the midst mtk.t for Who ling to-day, looting promptly at man t The now ant Mannish Mesmer Aleck stoor. Capt. Italmiend, feannonne I fat holnasti. L manilla and bogie forth Mat •th. block tom toperl..r aeoma. medatt ns tor yemsammo, plenty of room foe freight. star Is In thugs of wrywienood nod ginotionisaly at onal Mr. F. B. Whiting is t. • clerk. Ire Wheeling IntsWitemare of.Matterdge MY. o Then a Impotent met water la the amine , ,yorerday and lonian. Bat I till was &Ina at tits fame belog vo OCT Tell or &Tartar., moral the regal. packets. • Th. Foreonmeat mw Seoocial arm ylog nt Malabar( leaded wi th thlngo for the bma. r barrionse was lie only loaded down with asthma. We all not learn whether Ms op or dom.. . • I STEdIXBOJTS RMMA RGALLIPOLIS AN Dar t a wneaorra PAOKI6B.= 4 Tba the ova., Jon., OapL J. 8. Leh van 16.0 coy the above sad laterassillate parts met MOrIDAT. at 6 cloth p. m. f" -ht or DIMMED apply on board or to ' }AMES OtiLLINI L iXt., Armte. non , Mime boetbeloir Monongahela Bridge. Fox CINCINNATI & LOUI•3•:: VILLIL—The new ittoocoor 'BOY CCITT Copt. John lees, will 1.T.000 Oro on ti 0 DAT. MI lam . • • For trdslit or pomp apply on baud, or to 0 .ir 3 &NM OOLLINS a 0%, Moat'. MISICINNATI * 3541311•aadi r mix -7x. es. re 4111.! 4.L111. SPICED, Ilvtalt H.' 13; Eltbmonly lad ludistoxill will Irma. maeovawdabon. 7.. r (Mitt or pimp apply on bawl!, er JOUN FLACT“ 1 non • J. D. csminiWooD, riqPnia. UDR CINCINNATI AND I,olj -18VILLIC —Tee upload new demi= 02r• ctP,O3l. apt. Mak lii Immo so &tour pip DvDstsD 234 that, o f 4 o'clock p. m. Tor Wept or mmeneapply on bout, or to JOHN SLACK, J. D. DOLLINGWOOD, I IltON CITY ooLuas, Cot or Plllllll sa4 n. Clair itreitat rmovacisi. 11. anise% Owed sad sod sieriqat gUSineSS Mares: , : Oollege a. Otadougi od iris or sad am at say &eel (tsunamis. coalalalas teitu4nalgari. matins fa asp Mama on sapalaaaa aitatifelastials, 51"1"4, • #. effrallYllolH. fa, - 2830anisaiall - BRIDGEWATER PAINT COLOR woisues Warta LEAD MID ZINO Pit= AND 0014031 of ',Try deoexiptioo DRY ADD 011.013211) IN OIL. ZWATZIL OuvrAidiato PALM!' DaOwner= Oosou ru Taus, Orrfacup, ao. nossaw airriicnim* %nazi Ulna, T 4 Ilatain ISaw volaamgs RRUIT AND ISEULDIA TI ZEN , wrinuagg.sratse.sit''.., • - - luics iccas 37:1,71;0,11:14 et 417 ih•jsal• viOrr U4-160, 7 1 : 1 saalavceetabla (cc this 10,411.11* We Ire Iltwarew I. Zsrly 11,49elli b tICAtt HW lad IleAdels,l7sltacrater, Wag et Temp. . eta.,, Baal, Island Grua, BOW& 7, Ellaaah Ilmok.acoa, Tolacue. Ihrect„.l7‘ttispid#. sin z a u la s: Vatt i triW z Ofir t i al! EIILT earissousz a., a. A. act 'Soak ta , ire olfec pia tailcoats:dm te Vague" .1•2 • bums. Order, lOC st thc °hero ZOO% cc Pittabagla tat " 144 win be PEWEE 11 4 0.4 I A! An, Meta& and Oda .1111116 Ti'..a Ural. P. Boma, Lyon. maw Ism born moot. troubled wtat (Marra at the orotaa ig u r is inx at tlr a ti tam It= vomit. ma. and t.astin adorn. lay pant balth to oath al tir72,47r sot, Made dirrut num et the ilea . tl ' itriellet;teett JO r • Vona oldUktrot ultistaoir *Puri. tar orator sod apiptUneti, tod ollhont any vray eslatary ettoor. :ton ..tit t Z rto ot Dn. Lahtbilra onsaatrat.. moan or arLitirth. nitittd.h.m. sad pnt Intel& =or Ma ntf I boron tontedhataly improte, and tlds ,:trapiormnist basporao Mit, as prams law. zr.r Qs, 'tatibl"li.Endoldli melted stray, JOT CM& 1 , 0 1 OUSIo, .pIOIOLJO7 jorouto natarah and Iyal moo woke ebb to Praia *a Idape ttiotat. bit la *dent alt troobls nriPicantFthlt. 4141Cloottloi to opN.71,1: 1 1: 3LIBRIGILTINti bbls., paw . • - • ‘.- 1: 16111 " // ‘..._ •:f • +V dor sObSsof ma• bi .ll*.S•'• ISM!: , • 14: : t • s • 14 ` — ' •-•-- • • All l 4 11 T. Q 91,61 XC', - : . - Pat: • • . 1 111 2/1111Ult . • - • . . 5 A 4 ' 44. 2' 444 0%. 4531 a nos ant Bi as . 9/6u pt. sorei east I Pallairah #4040F06, .~rwu~v-- HU~SOPbTfiIQ RIIMPHEBT*B ROMEIPATRIC REMEiIES Stud contauddy at the-Lad of nt0411.1 muss rate Ite of th. POO - Th.r are sasisson4 tress .tto arriscooos, larigarook iota ritullato dam of tuatara, orOld achardpurclor; the 120 , 17a 0 " 0 " , Wite ,, eure. cr nichtelute sad puplaTlat onominio of tto) soul ' Ho"0""gd° butt sat mootosson. Lbtaintinsof otos & ornate for tin tutu arum l vadat 04 an Meta—Pao on; In tto ac of stospli oast owl postal Of Is ari!loliaUa orltait daargUant aor 411.- goattar t7dro . "Si Oa at tis Pim% or a d ios, ' oad•tha =MO of Oa oraaddaing iad lira% • ' • "boy gurus Qui podttur adesatritai Stay Sr. hatudoco Wary cam - arts Croat that TM. .Tooy n.• Ompto—lcu aloes tsar obit to tab =dhow , JO Wyatt Shwa ors mouthed —yor oaa en tae proper gaga. Pala at a tacuratt warning, wllhaat hamar.= at delay. Troy ara adalant; It thumb or earn Alma Is arrested al cu., and Ital ai"`"""trid SU" oat pututtas or 41x1.- . Fa L—Cans Trevor, Clododlos add lellataiastbei; Nad4 rim and itidlemmou ; and tbs ISM sham ad tM anat. sad taludidatcd y diorama. Petro. 55 aati 2-oorio. Torsos Tara, Woroittoile and.Voratiocs *moths. Wotttagtho Dad. dos, 35 I. S—Oares Coth,Tolgarg.gryint sot Wahl him, blow growth and roothhooo of lotonto, Prins LS orate. . , . Sol- 4-03 res Dienlese; of and. en ex Melte; abolatil Infant= sue MUM lemplelete. Trim ss sesta. Hoes mei 5 cars thews:BS owe of Cements Meet es. ' . _. po. "6—Ocoee Dystatery ce Moody alai. Ckafes et* mille ram' 001 SO: ran DPlist?lle Yete•llS ake. .. ... le. i - i-oiNees Coughs. Clolda. Hauldame, rzonvidtb gauss. tad Ekes Threat 2clor S 5 oche • MY sad 80. lams !Sidi to • ears Os word WA sag sad Osseo. . . • 11.:41¢res tootk-sobe. Irsc•4oll% Agri! to • nd Tie Dolorous. PliOnle 35 as. i..01171111.111114a5. Mak llowliwtowlit:itlin .1 litooi to the se& PliCO SS ointa to nitoration with 116. IN It aster 114110 taro the - . Ho. 10.—Carom DlR•Dets. Wesi. Add - °r Storm% OonstiPlLtiort, law Oomp.taint, at Below CosaMos. Prks ' brAwastalocAllasissf Wakttlwasott Mau No.l.ll—Clane Ilapptaral Name. at Elea.. M. WW2& Grum Illikama. wan. So. ls—CMs Irboonlise or SWIM, arcing IhArs toe Pram Ilffloods. 13 amts. • ; Naas—oar - , Cavo, Haute .oronpy 9onst, DlElomit eril I:Wawa linathicts. 11:143311. : lie, is--ooreisat ansam. - ora+l7 anuasf, iftrtp *loc. Bald arod, Forbore nob. Ilsopior on zoo me nimbi. . . _ .. Ito. 15-ooror Rbooruktirs. Pam. Lomoorso. or Mot Data rho Mai, Book. MU, or Wrote. or Belatlolh . 26 an2ta. • • . • ao Tf—Cans latornal ea Saloom'. BIM as Dt Smolt Of Obelanta. to Thlo moody bag ear • tippazids of Oa vont Db. yam Bl9—Ctoros Opthttatmlo,Woot oz lallatiod lip By ratans en Weak 81[1L00 oat& nay blown Morales apon for • = a. Ha le-'4hme Oetanii, nuts to ehroakt da tee' Odd to the umr. j.sLwm. so moth IM—Cher.. Itheoghlitlido. sharlantng as a sing It, autarartedft Oongb. SO casts. It is and always Minus and ram. No. ariallia.Uptallinst, hillinalt,Lsberat Breathing Owes and Tapedarathel. Priv% de have hire mod it.. - Xo.l6—Chass gazistas.liolatredGbatis. gag Tonsils Ihrdliesa sad Old PIM& aorta. lies so eared tba want our. n. Hama& DebUity. Thyloal se narara ! go. Wain ears.. • 116-oerei Drepry. Veld ansainstiadinni. Wats tta . Indllblith wan vant, liscretsons. - costa. Ho. 16-00.esIlannitions sictiron Rows. Taraltns. en rants.—Oasse (Moor trestesel_iihrilds2ll G had MOWS ar Patnral Urination. Omuta It HW 111 as ail aid OM/ et KNEW Diana% o. —lne listaat Baslidais Bnidlobliff Cad aransrarata Prostrati h on sin . Dsl4llo Had Mon= of Sail Habits. Pries Si OD. set stmt mead, ham% Perla. 11.0sras Ws Kona or eraranis. Ounrasi et /Waits or Oblidersond aloe Itaasesat sad %Pading et Framed itemilma. elasar Oozes at ear*. Ho.3l—ClaresPatandYsarn , 'at Spam I prottie. Minn, sral ot Inman • •It sets los aura. _ Ho. gagising at amp or IM.. saransrars, Ha Rim Trarass of nat. Pnipitli3Os Int O T OO DiN OO " Lb& Hoch Ph 81—Cions ar gt.-Ylteur Peale i• auras r.7. - Nm—,,l.4= Ms sad Ulaseated at Hallgnotat Ikea Strad. 11 swath *vial tatelly tarev. hit vials Badly Ws. gainsiste rt=l Itt==2 rows BSTBACT.OFHIIB ' for Bane, Saab. Oath WON* 101112101, Rho mattie. Bolls, Maly 4114 Soca sobs mai Kis dam., Itch 110 oat.. ;133, Wham •speol as Now lota OWN . - . .•oosaffiinse as auk bm, wen Ca UN, maks op io moo of idol Una poi. doom, sod WIN. Coo soma Is issersoi orlio to Oomph br moll to sty Warm% ma omoilatod So ter Termed by' ma or arils% rgoo cVAIrto• L L . IQLTQL Irma Attims, wirpo mamma acme owe triw 0.0 IMMO' most tar intitangli owl irletay. ode TOR NEW WR .PREPARLTION ros own sassinve ary iisamirrio It Bottom ma alias tut, asS emelt s satastset. Ilea, 'WSW' tt reties* Ss tturatter • jos ibmiatUltat sad 'pniline wort og tutu& veno ms mmoe , , hum ~.QOf3od.wrird anammilp - 2 2 Sant ildes an Is. Ilia -- Mob I Sad It Wass sll it s Bast! =oda Awl 11, Midst AB its Miss Ist ta And IS Mess ail Its MON , -- Esniaoarees • 110 00 LiMil 4 ll3 COMANIff CREWS, r Wk. maws 0000AIIIT:(11124X GllllO2 II wares® roe drys aftet NZ rot Ilan after aldoig Tor iraf dap aft dip eauer tub& Mlt.. =PI Tor Draft tol Oilhgr Tor Inswing Ili o v a notttns s c : b a Cm s. : Tar mg nOO Omn kfor Croming ana Wing Oa linstsolos. ritsalibyall Dr= aarasl.ol D T oh by ell Drisigal T e a Bab la r c _ aro at 3. IL /meows. • aQTYoxIOVKMB 21ire V USN Iparolued Itoa. LIS. LINDSAY, of Halll ils,3lburg, the :Ida to ouunbeture Lindsavialianroveillood - Searohir, • •.• oat boo boominwthotarbag h tin.. - -Teh riot I Woad to palatal'', awl ghee satiate tea pot.. Up Oat on.w ay bathe tbi was at NL Irtlythh shcaddroppow.. , all Dram eh irl6lllll. An4l4 al Isles aloha thatosay totrastlori at qv Camerawork la* 0 1 = 04 to CU =hod ot leo Sor. ; mum vranc4 , 6- -•. pouppo - _ =MEM CA.TATtRia:: ' - DR. LIGHTHILL, SBA Al=lloo 07 "LETTERS ON CalRIM° POPULtig BMW ,ON HILTRES," LC OA BL9ONSOITID AT 2EI ST. CHARLES, ,HOTEL uerrir. !ATUBDAY BVBNING, Nov. 12th [CATARRH, DEAFNESS, AND ALL IRA VARIOUS DISEASES T ,EC 12, 0 9:'l' •ND i Arai PASS46ES. BTXPIONS OF COLE3II i ' The Int eeneation le asolly a belle' of dams. and MO it the no re, of &frequent 100 batten to eneeslug. Then le an ittslality to Moths troll, sa the noes be. coot stepped op. goteetinme, at. ens ie, sometimes on tge other. . • nuke, its a goo n clear, watery; acrid dircharge p• peorancer, egoortattng the =Unto. and Ova of the Ups, hiat become red and magnekat swollen. After lie. dos the dacha:go bemoans Oleg, yellaerLeb, cognately: frepant, and emanues to be • corked frOare of the dhow., se da E uro ez mum danger, and the &rotes ' annoyance. After mews or lese One, it brooms pante ' • lent, highly offensive, end - salmon en oneself faint Oar. It lit anal, lo Metes% es to noire. eben cm Teed to the itme, the frequent undlonm of the hod— teretd.g cr Wit droll Lm the IhrOt, whlch le moo pm mulct, tha coo WWI* the boar tot a • coil poeMon,,coastaut expeciamaion, and eometleos lboth. • Bleep le *KOMI) nisterbed by a geseation o WOW& moon ty the preseue• of the Mecham to the throt. Oving to the heat Lot timbrod, the watery portion of tee • mot lei often empotto, and sourcham a condign. of • solldliy LlMPolliftd 11=1111101LbT1111111 of the noes rod • upper peat of the in the shape of molle. or hodeued loop. - The aormingation of &heti int rota -: (i.e. prodocea • POWs of dlecogefort, end narrows the tool pametga go as to emberrao ropiration: Teem. Igoe, frequent efforts have to be made to tom. gleam , either by farcfril bbriging the on Or by perreletent • haiilieloil — s Ifmneice el i'dbiegoloolle. to the one Orme- Id melt le to throe it tOO lido emotes removal that side of the lacrattatten which iuthercd to the ammo' Membreas will monatlines tradlgo.dy, a fact watch apish.* tagd the Moe required lartledleladgeolult. '' ramp theme Incostufaus mammulate mom Aly ih rZ.. AO reeling is thong= mot pre gehfort•ble bathe morn. lug. !tomtit:leas the efforts to clear the thin:Oars balk , amti l Our teseiblt, or OW somethleg wsrafte and. may ., row, vatiente Mate that they are not sur:mee.- ful mall they . have sollowsd ma. whfrky car brands. ' Stra dlembero, which is a Aist without goll, onuses I. she Progress et the complatht and exameively feud d.r, the lima partlclpaUs.Ln this. earibeartenee owe' ~,..=o:rdltinglyVlf, e i r.. l 7 I , : end er , , .0, 4 la wns.. Illeemaken of the era ogoterane of the nom takes Piece =fretildnovestletes rea pitmans the Ono • when I penttles of that s us atance will emotioaelly ' be towed tetrad OM the elliclugge. The socumed en of the dim:harm together with the thickened l at een. amd of the'llitCooolllagnibria" 1111Z41111 loptrattaa &brou am. e ta e'lrellOgel Tll7 1111601:11,, Sag 03241111111111 to. rtribl*,Mltailtlg re principally through e tbe tronato.a lotted very delaterime o the orwral bolth, Ina, mare pargadraly be tbe bop, se mill be shorn lonsafter. the cropbossent lose poduted Avelagerefrep. known as ragtag. orimlnatg from the mane roes '1:h• voleelmare Is mei teal goslity, mg m um* a dtmandant, harsh, and nor el • oloreatem the. moot rooll become much lowed or Batt ely lest, maths same effect, though los frequent: , Cl maimed on the Mee of tel A • Occartinally, while - Mowing the ore a coaling or bobbling mgmd itlll be hear& in : tee um, ' and heubte vill b food to be thick.and omit d p lanttretorn emidenly with A sopPloff wcool. The Itaatth molly repeats 4 anttleet **Unmet:KM G7r7oes not return, and reran personently injured . ' 811i161 be the boded way coocalweble deeertgeten wit coke thole ecomasoce, sod egg • to the Oita* OM Offerer, ind - heering be last ee g adually the& lowa eideieg• dom. of &oven moreglit Oleo the periAli is really oars of the fact. The cream apt to seam, week, frUtatil• and dhpreed Minter en opemare to triad and cold, or OW the slightest evertlin . A. Po lb. , • mare or lege oats, ar fa diet:madam feeling. of 1111101111, le experlexhal over the eyes,iandeocutimes on the beak " of the bead, and Afro loin in the - . fac4 clash remote ' Wulf omelets, ler which it Yoram mistalum. Tlo dter tress In the bead velum the memory and oedema fr. :ring:Miry and nomeness of dlspee Um. The stomach.. pointy, ogles more or Iso is ere* end kritablet . Ms apposite is capricious, and Is lowly always bat la . the morning. In more cassetbe system -boom fee, ble Ins 11 ill1)4 sod them to en aversion r learaler . to either pla:4 or relal deb r". got not o , catemb p ya roves fatal tog either by debilitating thorn= and wearlea oath* mating, or by tooling dewnord atd viewing throes affection., bonehitle, and duatv ti exiapartPtia.. ,it rasp be satell•emeg tede that hereff:' - • toy ptelisp Wien, catarrh 11 toe mot fro coat end lopoeurat came of this fetal complaint fratern to helm consklerod antocarshfr abeam, and on the ronatti of tbs.t suppcettioo he. ban neglected by both the pm:Medea and the public. As It be the an: ' ettlrg Muss in Pitt ' half the cow of Wilhelm. DM ,Lighthill ham for years . pot, Made its people treat:e -t Mout Uttar sperdsi randy, and 'ham . by. lade sumo.. fully estabilahadtbe curability of Ott oomplainL Ph et . thus Liao memo omettat lon be .ftiats mmegelooded •by the atreexed teettenahMis tram. Ideally Tonwetsblo. rzaratommut. , ! - Prreavaam,Pa.llar.l.l ll B l . • ibis yin carter that I ban toga a what the can Of Dr. Llgkildil, tor the can of Catarrh, ant that, so ttellzahlke bra atsanded iM. tarn Irttla ant oaa waegri Ifeet alatprox , eat care le to be treated. and as as iamb Wm la all respects u war:at atria tattle tai putZeity to there latorhad reocollheadat Dr. I.illlttli to soy phi, ageOdat with Catarrh. , /WYE] TOBITTH, Smyth !nee 602.,44. Waterstrest. . Misr Tilaikfibp4,ll,, Me. This tato tortlflUst. I hail tom unhofal with as, Web for sem poirs, which prods - s 4 iisusl Afaa possible effects. masons& Dr. Litlithill Wad. ohs os Ilea insestbsslzios, sad sit ouzo pissed is.isslt undo? bb errs. Imo swings from adork.siir tbtob s Is psfatly builthy, Awl teal:h Is vul mach . MOM', fostei thisio stmt. WeanWiwi-Tea lieh, Talbot - tem po. tattoraux—Dose SO, I ..od you 4 tttbratut of my me, which you may ow u you tb Int pc6rx. - ban aequelatagoa to ditiereot polo ot the istates, hair versed to paws+ atalecor oy Ptotobaott bunts, odd throe yeara as Bepreetotatra-11 14 Mx to me '• sotto togielaeara ay atatesnont may bonsai some of ttome di cud with Osy itoase.. • Sot word yeast I bass bees atalotol Omni. n y base Idea Emu prowziPtioas tot It without estithes bentlit theostsoue. base tato soot looliolut about ton menthe. afti ti it cured me. I would mono Vird to theta alilletal with this disorder to isp2ly you. 1 lull 'confidant if ltvy will a`rittly fonow your di. rldltroa that a eon wink° aiteitkl. howtserlsoretento WMa msy L. ltaircP3AT Saury -0 1110014:?. I:24tESTEST WONDER OF THE TM E 111 fail to proaaA es lasittpisa paßnriii upol . pul Cla Wad, on tep.tat s 4 • CONCERT HAIL En ,STOBIL •., , . grime p"csat soolllr3 , Want% 00,101'.,nktaiiir Sewn with sijiwtaiarllcies IlMdi tin fikl Callln at this , PAIACE_ EnbE weilitum •sa.hri ierm elf Otit is aol9 LAKGwren DESIRi:BIiMM.S I SOOTS. tHOBS, -- . OHS& STILIII -4IIV-21IVE11, . Adapted to IM Wants et , „ te , • .h . st rocetrt4 at ffi CLINTCWIE 4 B," 96 Saderal St, Allegtumfylity." B.—Vras SS err?" ing•fery day. bola • • ' AID ' ';.:IPgT.Y 1100111 MID asteze. < MCCLEi:LAN ' •AIIiCrEMV 55 FIFTH STRitIEV7i rpo COUNTAY pi:1T0111R5.....4 funs 1. on bawl • lugs mootisenS 0 - lEsso , ;11ronoan• Ighteo, POTP, roans 0.1 OW troth' - Soots, Sim% union', 'Balmoral., Brpos onignmilnido nor eons irj 'nor, Otto, own sok% and - _; - 4 BELT QUALITY CI IMPS In. • • . _ 'ditch I vidll malls Philsdstplds gad Set Tort iriser. can and eximiste 04.41mikre - • n aa Ho 95, lf *dot f boot; Top. jAhlita 8081 1 , 89 Market Blink arras TILII BM • • • Tax norm gum?. ' " and um most 0431 is - . _ . mono any basil to!illEttp inset Ds hat just >t. ra4 * hths. , "" 7.. ...... 1101".87P-_WORZ!, - • run QsO.ILSBI 101 & szt wow . . • Otalareree Gait soCESSAkisif inU4 znAnalhod =die welt: . ;.•• tftli gW/LL3AMS . - .ClllllOll and Commercial s°. is 4ThAueliFlugg% TEfilD'lrr*. • Tram 1 11 Par arlalarlar oh- - num. llaara VW= nUP Sir aufla Ila Trthacey ot T. DCITITE; 4 * 12,., Pirortaterseae. prim. mils far lb. MO talsrl VOW than any atm Meat la Ufa TiBT/XONY.O7 razor Twang, anso=tacz=lll::talobiers, I:ballasts whoa • I cod etantfilytosciif ls.gN abed. I olwaitally warm lathe 4tranli =Mit: I take plasmas la 'What as far Ir ga " L ea g* taag gli. lb. lueolag searrawawladarl I bow of ma ows who down/ blahs, falls Is t i f i lle s oa . cal la tho ohm refonamr-Oalawat Onus, viral coamunise or tonkrtirmilla WiantaaroV. 1146,Hay.11X . a.1111 . 11 . 6 j GOVBIIti*B.NT BALA , OB - Bide% Tailor: Emptu Barrels; O. - rhldseca. D. 13., ea 711312 D & lanalte SI, UK st Ill:Odom a. sa., the „tallovlaj , arnrasciatl 8.000 1314 n, (aaara Grim/ . tr . a, o. rti f ur .i. 2=a, tem . ,.) lei 4 =mot 0.1,11.341, imply s . erias, as. °awn .T. topes. _ ' ail pa:quota IN named within tea d•vo arterial% nollAt Ogvtaln (213118N8 WAGON ANO' .. 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