El' '''.l. l . ,\ A \ i 1 '' ' ' .. J.,1 1 ,'S'ls . . ik..--/..„...„ -1-7 •,,,- ,\--lir 1; - - ketrott_e:, - r - .•!"" - ;WEDNOD;!, Mati I Q . El. : ,Alleglieby CoUr#: - tA : Pitt iliftniiii, . IkWir !opera tbi- .. /i t Of iiiiiisettimAt eta, !I:AibittiftriAt7: - # 1 " iv Y 1 rgpitld, np fa a iftaateit lour: ~, - . •: , _ ~..i, ;:,.. - 'I. i YOU On /LIEU £ irsi li il. In ppl.n. . _.-. , "141) I =I Dist... 13rAttili. "" I '''j . • I'' -''' '.-..--. •-• '---, E - el,. , L . ~..r; -..,. p--,„.., 1 , , i. .zi ~ . -.4. , 4 ~ , D2TS:C ‘ IB.: 1- , _ -1 4 a Baird 1139 ' l biiii . Wwalft V. 511 -2 °S ' " Id " 114 - 118 Siftb. Wazd, -woo 193 - '2lO pia - ISt -.031M1T Ward:4'.....:.303 0 Eletecalt Ward......2e8 - 123 ' 21g1TUT-Wad....;...302 -2t4 r1Ti01.7,7,06...-, - .. - .4.21. 206.. ..34.hrovist;.. 1 Vint Ward....... Baceid W a g 4;••••: • •••• , ~': 'ZIOrd w ;;In P.::: .--- !. • • !.. • -1, ..__., ..; koiciAll.iiiilitp... , •-•*- 1 *.• .": ' -- ft. "BCC'? '''' ...?: 7 LiirilltiKlentl4ll::, ' ?.. -: lithiT,-.W.24::..y.-....:133, 1221 ',l3ll . oolidltlid-223 all ~-Bot innagi.,...,:k ~.- .:•:. 164114 Pit4lgrigb. - .'209-122 T ,. lr4o2 . Pittotesit,.3,:ail . 72 . 7,7l3lxiibittiai,... ,22D'-172 ~E.ist litzszt.telid . a 357- 261 t ‘-'4113 piTT4330TWe....151z 300 el I. Eaorpoit • ' . T32' - ' ILUitret2 ..—. ... .. ...... 57 Idocagitu t uk.-.... Oa -22, +:. l lattattitg•!-- , , - ;• - ,:, ", , 1 irliira.xt . . ~Thaq,ruars..;:,..;..4. -Ma h i 5 ::...:... 626 622' 634 313 436 „245 in' 1951 182 1d 951_ 18o: 114 13 144 193 Sewlokisy— :, labaspbutig:.«.;.: •-+ Tot' lastr* 1170 tf- Uppo Zoirer .4:44316-. Piebtn,.let.Als., ' 102 08 . 58 176 USI 212 531 03 50 .280 120 .154 141 :1241411115 , *. • ' ' 181. 117 1211k1ar...1...—......22$ 92 — Erhbrr 111 61 '. 89 . . —143 - .402 ........... 260 , 1244114 44. 21 '922 83 .r .Eitt .146 BVistatt 176 ; 7 4 4 0 41 t 0, Talley Nut ....... .. ASSIMBILTI : g . 'lll - • . . ru- 1. , 1:‘ , 1 , .q!'. ,1 .- , i:1 Y-t_tT:.-;'ir:N''.;4:. 1 irt.4 .2 .4.1.... ..4.111411414 41 1 183 183 1 179183 1 179i1a 4194: WI . . 2EO 304;33 = 1 330, 141 133 133.173 17713¢ 5.18 ,-.- 3 54 9 1 P 116 313 314 114 314'313 X 1 3k7 'la 201 537 201 i -383302 p 179 179 181 181 in in ma mt. mt. Get a.l al .401384. 430 432 433 437 4.33 437 187 188 la is; 183 181 , •,18 187 98 131 107 1.77 MS 198 133 192 33 L. 14-3,41 181' 286 tot ssa sss ass 333 634 334 44 331 834 , weitses ratqu.an n 1,711,711 as au tse a:A asa .153 11l 588. 26142ce an 5173 W. 19.02 113 las 1331133 . 1V.1.33 4813 3,8 321393 all 325333 261 1.1 3.13,6X1"139 vx.i F 19113 ea 030 1 m 434 at ktt as zit 204 V51‘20% 204 "AK tL:7 at -asset ' " ••-- - --.- ._ I - - ' - - 1494 . Et= mit d-, &L, . szn Ivo ea 1351301130 130 •• • ,-. ---------' li ze, 2.3394 L., ./a2 4 0:11 az 631 oars 235 2321231 2:xl • Tut Traumata prom of Olgoad'alttits Cte.4 i sdion, t, 341632 a 7 , 37 3.% 1:N123 128 1281M1 ta9 3 , 9609 are ataoas Its moat valstabls 1051111,1 g sooty ailizsual - mtralat ata 934,= 255 26 ] Scad.i.i to - tow oboutitri pm= smothji 4t4 ::9 F'F' cnrcut Ca W 6 r '''' ="8:1•'' ' ms -3,114042214-421factod di.trtht. ' -utionTs exposed to e. - LT ' 43 1 5' '9 24 42 VI r ";Cry .6 in i rr4 -di misitts of =pant ota, ta exttalstioas i r Vali? Sr tri. 167 tdlll3B IFA ra irstirt 171 lig 174 'from nee bind, Ocala not tall 1 0.039 the 04919.. • Vela, =a 225 255 vs == ast[tatisn,l tas,oor.t gosts II 9 pm:424. It . prOteetts Ihs pita= ..Vmapiof l o,ovo,c9givco xce ocras0000,90) cm mu an itma Is o ir an d sm . & T a u m om ~a.. 1.,,, I n irrl.M a --;.. ifra zqm im ;I. 2.--17 wardit'gr .bilk o 9 09019 k 9 , maks** op todtki -"sett 367 347 347 347 al 186180‘1448,/€84118;7 8 8 nal= ( 4330 // 0412 . V. Pltu 240 2111 230 2to au An 123i121j1a M 1 ,123323 Bad b, all druggists said medl73l 11441011. Jire. , s GI. sc a; GO GO GG 79 751 73 751 Mi. 76 1 ,- 1141.1. , 111 /11 111 111 111 111 7:4 72 72 72 79 .- • " ' ._._ I. ' , A. 183 192 Ilse. 182 1•9 in 103110thal 103 103 103 1 Env's . Par own Ininws l o 7 WI/UM 58 god. i E la n ? t , is3 P SS ?, 1651/ 0 .5, to • L l i l i • . /3 f , 131 /34 114 i 31 ) 11 itllstli r9 l..', ' \ its.ia !war =l= m 9 68 27 67 a 57 5-e,,...____....... ,th.4pe...22.citi, : ii (11,1-24 1 7 07 3 r 971 54. 97 47 47 41 47 41 -, ' .............* ' 5 212.114 4 D L 6 ..2. -73 72 7'. Ea 93 aa 93 ' 993.93 4 1 1 280 ma 230 3.12eZ3 as :a 308,a6 m 32386 - 1 annes isettasetse,tst.tsoro tea 6411 . ea 85 25 ' .4-cal .Y. 11541. 10913,41 S 1330113 10 23 83 ,35 33 63 ita Anr4 l ”: , 4 - 0011.%. 05,,10s toe tos toe toe 51 , .aa I. 31 91 1 i h • koala toi 4t- 451 46 44 15 ..1.„ ... ,3 -2 ,2 I , 5. 49 9222 4 ..15404. 2 4 2 2/72,1 . ..2 252 252 ......,--, 2 7.Z7i3' , 7 Z 7 nil , - 24110,.., 167/147 547 IC 167 146 Ni to 30311 oas tat , onr.ill girlitorivia-rs4 142,112 443 113 14 LOU, .42/111sei J.W EU exa 281 Ea 190 lartztlat 130 lie ,Inin" 4 1n 4 314 A 4 PL2 I4 xitiniuu44.n. ,stio. 1 .....-..-.6.-- jtiot, Voutlt4 Pizationg iillettai.iiiti'6l •l littlrotilk i ffit, PAXEC ' 1 :. , --- ' i Goyernor fa 1 0 63 i• I ' L. , , t • • •• 1 7, Atoliii, •iii.riastiti 3441* . 1aie 1 4121 - 2 tii4 - 2,0144i2 1 ^ 4"Z r F. 111, warty km Patildeal la 18614901 lcir GOY- - COL.O1?. TAT91:1,13,11. ts • likirtiriti.._43F;tt . t i',t-i,- --,,t,--• •--, 1 - I :arsoossitootio 0 1.,".t v..-, 4 ow.. sr.„. ... Poddatt, _. . aosersx., ~,•,,, ra-•-•-•--"” --- .... -.--0 . ---.- ' -..--. 1 'FOLD 1 ' -s- "::.-'-' gi.,3 g VZ ^ ., - - ---- ,t: - ' ~, ii; I - ,f-. -r 1 - t 4 - 1• C ','. -t ~ ', - E:-, i- - :41 .I. , 4'.i• •,,, , .y , .1 _ -,."--,, , •-„, •-4 i , -- '3' : '•- - - drz ^ 78 . ' 4 17°1 ' 51rni 3r , aus t Panalis / " ' _ r •'-; .:' 5' , .,,1''.:-'!. fl . - -i•-`I - t , t.' , --, - ( , -1-• ~ 17 Roam, ay.- t 1 i-' - . • • I • \ Milt Cratd...........424 333 , 410 inT 1191" a 73 . ~,- ,NotiellWs3o 4.6. - 2..L.401 , , 140 ' 6 :."-' - m.. as 140 k "111 rd Fab!, Irtlct. 313 114 Is ^ , 9 , its ,922 i '1 1 341 ,, .- 0, 913 . 143. SU =I 43 11 497:, 04 _ '''`. 44114434•1 N 0.,. •- _ , 20419 W5zi...,........423 161 P -9'L, It 461 ,1711 Irma 999:01astaa.. =a -in ao 'a, um ' , IT! Ito- - - ita R''.: Ms 41 lir:: 9, NIL 164 1313'113 1163411..1;,..,.1.-4. 124 211 r, `, la .. tit; lia 964 Bortartlf W5re...,.....263 90.4.s ,- 4 cm , 1133, r gliibtb 111401. t.,.... ., 441 .4161, ~".' .4 .., 11 411.1, 313 211? 41. „Ilulk---. 421 - 15 9 - 4_7- , .34 611 • 433 mist " strir r ...l... eas 'a ' ri : oi;,'iiii 1 365 i, Si ' Ire I * IT , Paged W 441--.,..... 821 131 ~7-,- , V,MO . AZ ~ Trittwora:...t.-a5 '5O '"11 "le 99 9 -: =us a es 10 -414,.., -- - 131 Pot-Ice ' - ilqo ' oxl - - co ;7E51470 2 kr! fannligigi Jot Strs 23 1 55 7 - 1 11' .. .44, 04 - 295 ''' 2 u m ~„ 021 do 94 pet, 119 106 2 AO! rrrt • . 1 Dos es ai • ...t . 344 'Aol'l'7 - -141r t e°9° sbar ‘4 , I es-. - • 94991..161 , 130 1 ,9 ' 41 , 304' la •_ I 'd i , ow. ' /101 • , Juit Dismisses, tot 173 , Oto , Al . 9109 AU .' 'f,,,gqin.- •,bat 1,4 1/ 13 " - "V yde „, , , ..... itt - JE, , .!, -4- 975 264 DST fl ilea*. .44-64.5374,4,....444 , 90 - ..... -- 7".7., - .. .1 :it" •"'" 440t2 i 112.0* I ite4 9.2.,.., toe „ ,;:a , 260 ''-'14103 711 MIR 1' 15491242tabi5r23,„„,.1151 „ -r 95, r 3 ‘... 14 , 111.3 24. 1 , 35e55.950r„..........,..4 Kt 1141 1910-44,- , 934 tlll2l 111151 13•4t4 1,1- .,..,..,131 41-cC9 , 43 In . ens f&•-•-...1. WI -54 cea rlO im za 1 1 010 4.,*-. la VI -,010 ', 4,166. 123 '= IClfianetb: 101 '4s OlOl CO 63 23 -...1. 0. Clair 5615 weei1t5,134144,,,,w• 41,. P. 1.1 013/ 00 103 15 , Tsraitsse. ~.44,,,., . ....v 66 as 2 to lit as 1 -. ttaluernea , ......*ata -91; It 0) IN 111 - rt r IF I R- 1 " ,-. • ..egsscillie I, ,:., p0t......„.....,,,...... :41:,_..99_tt0 ..-.1. am Ma ~ 19..1414. ....„,* 74 44 ell ~ 81- 36 artanytioka 3/1031 1 7148 '44.44.C.L.'4.6 1171-7 '" 131 120 -11" 163 , isa ...••••••••••". 1ta11ana.:g,"'"......4‘..; 216 ;41: A' 5 7,, ..-6, - 1,022„, - 1 2 Z7Cask -- =..D ,12 r ic. 34 , 13 -.06111 13 3 .4 g li ' r u i tTh - , B ur-ft,*,... "34r -17 2 1 4 0,,i1iC ! P r ii‘ I't : 9 1 g b O 7 ",” lir ...,. I - .65 ti 0441 1....1 1 3 ,- 36 Eta '4501 101, 53 3 I Antetr,................... - 344- 137. ' , cod -, ,gri,....25$ - ''''' ol " s.l WI 1a5t.................. 813 41 , OCO 10 429 •116 • ,9.9/66 1 ‘11118 .88 •'' 1 ; i Pr0Z.,.........“...*31 3, ' Oa - IX° ... 03., 161 86 -t.' , , .. , 4 .741101941.,,,... ......4. 143's 83 s • l ir , , (cc it) . tat .. . _ , 1, ,,. 1 1 9 1 tIlfXt ' 2 " 81 1.-7912" US cdoluatiLw,ev , . Ilarornamtartao It - ,' ~ „ I - - Ist ._ 90 -. t : ,Peach Try5ta.......... 341 et ... , :40 4 .14Ct it liik Nam - - 104 27 000 CO fblol 314114-......«......... 43 5 " 120 SO 47 3 MI i , "Nr55k115................ 23 01 CO3 00 MI TO < Annul ,R0gr......._...... 230 , 113 2 I 264 . 2Z4 4 i[ b ,' jaws. Lt 0 olive.* 143 lO 7 5 If IP,. , o[ll . , 111LINNIN - x 1 ' i5,11500.*:.....10,1 461 000 ,L 3 , 130' '137 '=' ' ' - 1,- r,, , 330 60 COO 00 223 123 i ~ - inftl l2 A l M l .0 1 tartraas....—. l9l at to) ; : 0 L 1473 49 7 /73145 , 3 , 4055 4-......-:.... 107 13 04 00 110 83 1i Mitrabsib ......... . 612 147 910 5 631 100 ' lns a. A • aostbiocto•-....--. ni of Goo pa: .:74 ea i v, , lust 425 r.......-..- 143 73 au - glig 4 6 Tana .• -. li3 114 12 00 239 la 1 amok 0 4 1 ~..........,-. 44 Ito • I to tot tat 4. . p.....-..... 13 1 44 1 1 1 4 ,,, ~,,, 04” 2 191V. 6381044 ,1 -1 164314445.-.....,-,-.1100 000 00 - 040 .• ' 91 so Foitin t , •... 1 • deed. .........-. 0:10 000 LW WO 111 GO ~ -- . r .71112.41117177- ......, MO OM 030 OM 83 02 , ~ lossa.-L1nea15.................4,-.......318,725 1 '' . r r „0 2 134 4 31,641...,..----." 6,..1 1 ' iflic=9lXtia=.7:-.:`:-...-Z-7.---1....,°C ' ' '-0.1.:-........-......-...--........--- aro ,t 3, r-- ..” t--- - 7,1"...' . - * -- 1 ----, -. -i -- , - ' Earnings:, altatertt 01 12,0"2V4.45 Vaiiill/111fetartill Pit 4 gh,YG War? a .0110140,, r dtlietitifililMil of gaptemlose alt.. Qom pps4 4114 bin rat i 1 .. IM. ' ` 4 l/ 6115. 4. 1 lomat. 4 Dm. 1 Malt a ii'''s,ro , A 5746.81 a, j: 1 5 4 9 151t a allgt„ , . . ,'t T 0 44./....., 'r,:liCs4lll ' ' ' -'l7 " 4 ' f 4+60 :....,:::.' :, MI :i.;.• 'Mt ....... --,..- _-;-.414114-34xCii "ii =- I 11007" tia.sai itjm4.osm g..:.,...: ,- _' - lockns fi P. 0 5 -031, ipiAla ~..... '!,--"4,,,1.,,,, Una Una • - t PAr r sultan • it L " l'l I •.q - :'- -, i . .'' , 7 , ;' - .•_..,'.' ;:4 . , - 4 . •':,..1 - -e.,;T'i ,--- ': .44.i.kir..-,.,.,-.".-1,-;:, MEM f.r"tt . J . L ' - - t i u,4l4,o4.kact,eo, !soh z lieemyee4t:iiri of the Cal3a plif, pfteetitei.leeriniqt . indeeir r. :babits on thrtsispHcSrpliartestry,*tran Less ontotairctstil ofter . a,:totifght.' Tiloaime I. Dighese;the sfirtepreisiblev.gigheinv7f-Mnlig r its roaster of - . S!iiriltd.o!irtucYlid•hy , Thotmu - Es'4., and oaten. Ls the sawed mune in they annolintad.4 Ur. Steen, witithle,qc tint and hturibrotti iiintatk4;ned in his mostly item !lariats rain. .Lo the notantlece, the Immense entlitnee was kept in a oontloned storm of ex. element by- • anacession of happy speeches, Loop, johse, and witticisms. There Man° end to the shouts, cheer. and kindred demorietra dots of "priori. Thenows from Philadelphia, was received with unmendons outbursts of ap- • planet— shooting. waving of hits, sta., stn. -rats icons; beggar all description, and we nava tot ettempt any. Ii was, to zigethslanguage of • weggloh friend, eta grand political lave fears," which not coon. botorgottsn. 454 17 . 301 14 314 ITOT 'lB7 631 431 187 1115 103 385 .328 898 MS .369 '''ll9 300- SLO 434 203 ALLa of awake .Tassisy avaaiaat, Ootobar IL, at OomezarolaValaa Booms, 61 Fifth street. by A. ffioil,alse, Avottossor 1 1011 a 0 6 3 h 013 Niml.3alton Company...-.... 546 00 Cbony Ham Contain Oil do ...... I 60 Naming & IRMA . do do ...--.. 426 Dalmll' do ' do 100 AUenhyny,and Plttsbangb OU Company.- fOO Si Dt rdo do do 2 30' do do 100 ass Its 623,.526 WO 287 204 249 831 23 , 211;'173 188.'•178• 119 135 123 • 237 123 -251 1.75, • do . do 115 jtw~ . , . do do 1 10, Moab*, Marry Roo. : ' , do do 105 Mato) , OhorrjlLcli do do 100 . - . . r ßnentin ,Ilan.,—Thio Joann =en who were ,oerted In the ilthodig ease and riot, on Pal to, stroet.on Standar' , nkr,ht, wedged • hearing 70 and we bail tor their appearance et Illirrt fo gnawer the olutrie. ?stint .4'6-alight Daiwa's Loft of Lions isitm Adiscur sur Monde, Molnotto. Ho .SCI bs 4lioffid - by do entire streogth of the cos:homy; 10 intim*, • orowdori boots. QIIETSTAI and eurtsneaeloi ant be taken at the Omnibus riga, No. 4to Penn greet, day or a s ta. All orders lift at tlai above office will be promptly attended to. All ealls must' be paid In advisr. SPECIAL LOCAL woricEs 162 W 3 -74 sp 237 349 103 63 93 4 269 'ID 154 111 • Tunas Pant, Piaui and Ornamental State Rooter, end dealer In PllllllolTanla and Vermont slate of the best traralty at 1o• rates. Office at Aix; tanghlin l e, rteid the Water Works, Plus .bor&h, - Vim GOODSI•Iast 'Waved et the Blerehant Tailoring establishment of Graham & hleoand • let:, 73 Emithfied street. Wo woald mat re-• vg,,cdfonj Invite theattention sloes friend' and toe public In general, to oar now stook of fall and wintor goods. They consist of all she very latest Myles cf lioglLh. French and American Moths, "caistmeres and castings, all of the flout qoality, cod lelsonsd with thegreateht of care. &entle• men desirlnglashionabie and well nude olothing wcall dead, to give ni a sell before parchuing elstwh.re. Tvell.guineris warranted to give otlabactlets hell prwe end • • Oxman b itaCalocias, 4o..7Blittilthileld street. 104 61 143 103 25; 2GI 0 3 123 80 138 70 47 61 92 56 .210.._1071 146--106 11.. - 9S 27 . , • 19raotat. Nortow—tbo alumina of oar road rllroated to the : brilllanrassortamnt of Spring and Sumner Goode bait rtioiyod by bar Wend ittr: Jobn Wotot, ti0..126 Bedard meet, Altrybaoy. Etta atobittom - pristis trait variety 0, F OO O7 Fradtb, .14111,11# Soot* and American Cattlotorto and dlin - bie, and Sae SUk and Om& g.kumwiYilatiattar4adtatwilaturtU , b• mad a ni to oid , r is the latest,ofylot std It Otto bast Initel4 C et. ;&:—obotta.-iiloeUon of '.Barttlatinte Giodo altat'a bataand fa? o•lf, _toyotttyy_wftn i 'tall nor. arUaWbraiLCOladdag, watt and tun tealxry"made • ai "*. ie. t 4 11 . _ EsCuszorts to-tho &nth aril Wort should - trs Tromdsd with 08300D'8 INDIA. 0801 it . ap . tha Aso of this tamely, daring aoaDinstia, of seconsing as it b Gonadi c ths got frl7llkattacks of Agiorastd- Bilbao perm, U satiroly; avoided:: The ..straager Is postallsily "Srpond to thus.dlissms to Dials most Goal forms, mid 'timid not tisk Dui ohango of dhotis 'without thoproteodoli which the Cholosogo• - _ _ 0 0 4 1 4 .:11 uisis4 Aid aleacial 4,18". CIAIXISIti - N1ia41; 1 1 ,4 441 Ciardo. of ebbsvillb. by sbourr.vr p. enw. mt/. /ow,. l• Fitdid len lazzliiT. inta9o. tats et Ani.4Lay, . I. THILI*-1 , 1: 1 31.:4t EfUlabciro. 044 a Than. 4412* Kb bac, aIIIZIST IL dallani,irt IPI b. • ba.yb, sad ILUIN ilt; amidst *GYst4th Pike, ottis ft ISM) 'a .suict kaierr :ma moss; . , DSZANOGIBOMID !sr eutztemo Poiiarni Yaw, liana', 114 T agni34l7RaT*uLO Good /01;R:fiiiiiSime ifdie:l(th Yea, • 1)1130FEEIBOR WILLIAM' 0142131.11LV OOKEIMEGLEL 5CH00.1.140. Si .11/. ask Imps. SU periebiLirrpeigartera 11%.610, Era.; 1 4113 gh - Pan Taloalmwe ••1 641 4/ 1P! eutinialy of A; t. itiOttlnartr Cb• la* kigareal.' . PTA , " Mal for- It* E l O. _ , Stettlolll OP isEr.ow wamaniss - ' -MI le the ensosdllard tEs teseteri,thOu . k.• vim; EL al at addet ban:chow_ , - JOSH WVIANerr,. thats* eineMr - talbrabots; - - , IriNttflonyeaseug Is IEO ogiolost Improad abors; •- ' W.I wavy: vase pima" efts. It. as eiroplaion tbst the .Ick;gEtgammEnogagtoloastpl4ll4sltld- - Ems iteliarebe im ' reatiter 40.41 "1, 12 1 r lA4 CoDallt tsp. tEm.acrisameratbs. otE mdmire, II Dr 4211503. IRoN (Thr aoraraz, raw: WI It Clair 41 .4izArCialaile"iiiiseASIZOONIt el( College -"4.4ol.4o.2lbitinakiikob.:, EuitiY i4440. 0 z , 4:PS:Wm to SUM:WW I : ; , Vanillin & GRITS, etiresiman. conlarit,owirmi Irr-uns . win= gazoeurrt i , aumaiurn 110M7: 1 3,M11105 - 1,1 1 litliVO* 2l • Itt Euaohu. r - Lidatentet. bAls mina' .sarestabirmisararth!jurr Wira sad aards dwaie or !ilia ins Unix tea. ,:: , Drava tem Dawn* _liabaMae. Ora' o, tun Mot %Ms Iromastme ; sat 17 61"1 AODYIIiMITA; - .. ,,, risitaturettuspoW iPtlctmnx,i titruierk ems laukramv.nra, PIO sad • lams, rbateDMe rt4reip ta tti) littea trlp MU* Mae ' %aka Mid with hid ~ pRai.77, a 7114.0 *winds Cukor attons-- - e- • ~.: IFIL-411tren+ trawl, AUCIPati FrOHN :RAMPBELIiy" :104414ares of ;.0 simiTrEnv snor.3, or roar &sada= !ist, )14114Anitteot,t, •, • • . icv • A. 2 ;41,74.4.1,—.14647.42e-A.4,2 THE - BF IPAti4rit. Till followfog dtops4k to sic. Dr. riatelis, born James Graham, E.q , op" of the tea*/ zorohaoto oti rood at 11.0- quieten amid ths loudest dosnon,trationo of in- thestaens*: ' " Philadelphia Geed for Ten Thoweand Ifs " Morel for Abe and Andy— We'll too °hafts 'quits handy We're broke the back of "Little Kee— No retaber eighth will break his nealt Heys rankce:Deodle Daady."V, Roads' IMpatt to Mttaborsh 11trattr.`, Wieemoto■, 04.11, 1684. She NotSorel Ccmtaittai kai nestroa vary t 11 dig:stoles from 6!amsjitsiii4. Sanator Harlan giTSI at tits malt slight gains ea last yeses rasp:Hies *adagio, onto adios votes, a 'ohs to what Cam will be nay be tat= trout the tact .that tits slob baptists gave an oartrhabaing adsainistration maistity. Valliloins' readdicr the Weisel* ot the Union pirty at the Prasidaltial stisoilso sore by th a do's work, and the Capital to light !aloha over the probability et the result. r=1:M111 do do 1 25 Ep ,10 Dltpatzh to Ito Filial:l4l. Oustio, • Itoomuitta, Beaver 00., P. Oat. 11, 18$4, Ahead twenty townships heard keel indicate &Foot [oven basdred said Pity stajeritla otitis Congrasatal rota.- The meat of the ticket to the D. L I f Neel Dtwatcb to the Pittebtrelt Gatetta. The sots of ► detachment of the 193 d M Wit mtnaton, gives the Union ticket Et —Dentoeistie 'ticket 4. IL L. D. Opocial larpaick; tote Pletsbarab Gas H. Returns from six districts 'how • Union g tin twenty three ca the Tote of hit vise, when the Henn m.Jority In the county vu two hundred and no, tla. - PHMADILTIA, Oct. 11.-In the Fifth district, lic..llsitowo, biota county, ths Democratic ma jority was 37; Democratic gala, 26. 11th Diarriot, 11 ..ton borough. Northampton county, tballopubizosn loco was 5. lets DI, Oot,Tamaugus, the Republican ma t, 98, Dolan gain, 65 lat District, Oltoton, the Dtmooratio majority le 10, Diumeractio pia, 20. Pnttr, we borough, the Damooratio mej oily Is 171, 1:1-moorage gado, 31 15h Marla, Petanburg, the War Damorracy i n • majority of 64 18th District composed of sic townships, the Reload:cat. niajori.y .4 IS, Republican loss, 54. Bth District, Reading, Tat ward, too Bepribil• eau majority 111 90 sth ward, Raputilloao major ity 51: G I ward. D•gaoeratlc majority, 39. The 24 ward Philadelphia, gave lb Ramildlo I ca., mairity4 Republ can gale, 162. 10th ward gave 1238 Republican mrj rite, Depublicuu gale, 10. Thor middle's in Cheats, hospital voted the Re- ' publican ticket, 81, Democratic, 3. . . Pitt...town, Fir, Ward, glees a Itapriblican, majority of 576; Re end Ward, Democratic won jority 6 ; Thud Word, 61 majority for the Re. publicans. i - - • . .. . BrrarecaDentoennio 2isjchity; If. A Be. .1 at loan gain of 226. . .. ~ Pike ecstasy. Thattila Folitaidp, sires a ma. jurblyrof SO 'Seri-tart Derattorati-• ilipublleae lain of ft; We told Towaship,Dataocrottants: 'joSC ' lty' ' ' istDistalet; Datipltisicrnitty, Harrisburg, 233 -Drattetalio milartil:-• Democratic g a la of 14 , 8. far as board from lit District, a Ropablioon majority of 189. Id Distrlot, 10 Wards, Philadelphia, Rspublio - tan anjatity , ll32-Dtpaltilcan loss. 911 los Di.trics, llsh Wird. Dciattlaralic saaJcals 463-Beralla an gatiaiT2 „.. • Tba 01110 64 Mars ka Oltsatf t Hospltil, thirty la senator. voted ths lapatlican dates; 111= 4 sterols, ISMS, '.. . _ 7th District, 39 TosenAlps, Chaster minty, • Detatitlian tau of 293., lour tairm in. Dranterd ecantly give 1123 Inan forty for tata Republic:oa Erie rennty-Bapabliaan sasjo lty 209. 1 Warns. ecaasy-s8 majority. Ifni Brook, lioga ounity-Derrnoraile ma jority 121, Ind 'this test of • the county give n•pablican ntsjosity of 3010. '. Wys:den . csounsr-Wlntamapart-t.llopnltTican co•jt.city it. laixtsgme-Diunoetratto majority 96, a gain el 55. Etuptorto-Brepabllsan .nsee jun:, 81. Danville-litepublicartmajortty 28 Soria lkiii oranty-Damoaratic majority 211. Crawford oaxitty-itorubliaan majority 1,300. Dtisioo one gala of 400 - , Ttirty toomalpi of .f.disars* coaatp-Deate coeole fool catty 403, li k it ALsizik was 1,1611,.• EAfrebecoo gals of Ott. !Not eanbAkti:...Deloosratle mij ry (=bet • of 4 matt--Docaeomi• majority 46. Slav aosnityldtpalilleasi aiaj %rig 460, a loot' 447. Bun iing don baronet—Republican Lois 68' to the Tiaittrillstriod Latium ectuftzleolftlieen m+jbtltj 000, 1.1.44-o , SOO. Tafle - sth Dinficel.--41oluont)11- , Dueeero 4 e , Aosj etty 158,13 the vita) lo 1666,1,000, s Us p oilcan pin of 1131. finial:mum* ChM U —240 64 —Algotlior 00000doify 401, sod 'ray hay y bts 11 polling talhs yaricaB !Fordo of the atty. otintotire - wardi In Utile (triasi) 416 j Jobitson• (Dia )21k crami suj- 114 • 1111 f ladlaaa-bells& W socarsai;lsn OoL Morloin cons -1Y• Ma Doff • majority - 1. Sal, • gala of 60. Ta. fc...Ja.fty la. asndolfbLardati for fl.' Dohs tick.►ir It 00.-Adobllo county gin 1588 auk j nity. In dam/rldgicoanf.f, Morton's m'sjleltY 112, igen of 17 air 'Lives Tote 1869. Dublin ballad eves Mama • anaolosons Tots of 1.86 - 13111=210U ollf for lowoildo ;feast!, ere. majcrlig for otos libilan eletot of 6 000, • aafo ,of 4,000, Coatrarillo and Cora - stip ;iv. Meilen Mt al the 'voles *Dad, 560 7maJority. Morton gar" • ox•jarlfy of 258, • ' pit of 160 over the rots of 1880 Dimwits .sarrita game from 1,800 .to 2,001 of s atalorlty for florton,4. gallO 01.1,800. iffehmond, igsr• Morton • majority of, 1,68.1. McDonald gars • Demo:alto loafolltr't.d . ls24, - tbh Dolan gala ...Ifi.Dllle*lL7 00111 V, 44,-qalos iniquity 800.• ' oat; it—An =ports coning from Indiana show lap Uoion.waino. °tor 1860. It Is - probable - that Mortar will lava twooty 11m:sad mojority--• wrotabls gars of two 'Cirmiarn, Oct. il.—Thtialtott otanty 'giro IV`ot.l ft. 9 99 VIIIC.II 03677317. • - • Isoutiociaa;Oct: It —9 p. itt.T-tto 01001100 pos4 pft ticlotl7.4 for so . Lord frogs tlicoutt ' ow. Atm ,ENtta. Iteporto thus tar-show. hap licico grate over the Tots of 1060, which gave 12 OGO Moloritj tot Abo.ltostilliai elite)). ID Wayne county th 0114185 ossiceity h 9,009, Of .toov-ic the. huh Conde atonal diittlat tto pada Watct.l. - ar. f.BOO of a Oita 'Wtlicaltlo'h Carl 01 L 6.020.• .-•.-. • /Um= from tho itb i 7th and 10th Congas- Wind: ilistrtets; . now ntprotootel by 'fibbaby. Tio cod: Eassitoo, -(Dcia.) show - hati 'Califs saint, Indicating - 0o probabls *bottom of the Lo on dasidl44.9. , . , ... - „Thiclintoatitstottekstit itodonbtodlfoloctod by froattlitio9 to twootttho!tissi intjority: . „ Miura' Ilis 11tisoritt" Ctd.: . 'll.,;r=liosttquititotio, - ,iort tn. bolted Iniiillliottoittluit Prioff's anitt.want tnint California to BoosvlLTo yoitorday and that Slott bflont2.o4o - ,Alllll7',lbOttipll Ilihronfi,iirei at that,poiot., - is • • Oongtai Fisk boaloto to. BoonvilLs commute Iltero. emu* Bottliartt to..Att ; tl ppn MIT. o the tmetoy. ltiptuts sistinslselp circulated tsdas that Magrudere with thatutand ribs! .itastarp; entered sec theest Missouri s.d *004R44 criok S toulnets be stUfrimade.t. Bislasse bas ben suspended at Eit.,:asepli and the ottlesue called -to smelly General Piet, fn anticlssl:n of s visit fiom Moe. Tobesuce remains unclauged. Calloi gulet; reneptri; slaty , bales . Volts sad wheat hem and loner: l*.ketn firma. Oats sue sent higher. Itsoon shonlders,2l* s- glees Bldessidr. EN=l!==r= Raw TOZ4 Mail fertile /IWO by thaeteauxtdp & Ups: Liverpool, Oct. I.—astertasOteekeaus—Enr Ouse 41642; Ithaca!' Matra Mau 1834Gi1l dlrataat The 11.8. litaamer _Rump wit '4lCoifilk On lb. ldra la jai, 24'411';aireb,leag..35.tr wen, %alder outate, ht seetott of the pirate Florida. • Leaden, Ora. 10&,T !Idlest el MY by Me gut. *Midst e* platten crie, pitch . lest than' Uporte Thu inealeit'lh Loa dui, Attalla Wiliw dta ica_ • - f'' " Paris; oa.l:—Biutte datilßents olosed,st -The TWleili'.iatititivaXt. 14;3" ditermicil to reduce Chi militla "estsbilibtaint stoat, so pot "it;fe OWC d the Bra illbal *Mt in: 10,11 0;1, The cup of *Ataxia Vis; * i dintrig Hula war expected. rl ! .WAtemetetriOslilL;elnieeeedspet‘;llh_ autlaltavant.7lla sat , olOgys , Itic(ri*T7t Dorm hams .k.da7.hai talepaosinp UT& 110206Diftieli Otta - Prattaixo to Arai mid.. vczal at that poitJor.thi atlaataste le7 'and ' petty ette..eneeeint-Itometetatrikb szredittatt to •eteeteiie-ieeeitt6'ee-iee-tEep"'-eeepf.>- Pltt , olt of Pk kVA: Wrottetek-Talapaglt Itaa Dom the Cobtikaue zlver to Waablapea Tara- . tant to the Asteate Arai te Beata: Tao imps. dais wig rablabl3ofaiantsio aatbra apnatjpyr I keit* 4441160 ofhterek. t4:f_v4i, • ,if I=l2=l WILZINGTOIf t 04 U. 1104 Wanannes, Pa., Oat. it, 10 4 Pennsylvania ;Elections. ===M '1 - Kew %/Mid' ";• I ermasat tusestingssrivicatt.'' - - The Richw.ond Engsirer a the fithepeoultau on OM probability 'of ilittfothies' morellos on Savannah. hat la este ki atteennetAtrsooks • 'Minds thsipeople of Black Boats to bursa his and says +hat en Ms Orteresit of each • movement depends dietinstes isetety. Gen. Hood leaned stria embers twilit etreggling or plandering on the mash, laid nye drat all eanimeatient tillbt Isola mrpaNd• ble. The Riebmond Whip of the 7th esys r We bay. Deem that are very °hearing from Nada. Geoids, which for pradsollthil reasons we de aline publishing. The Rio:mow' &miaow sale I ?redden{ Da- VIA returned to the Capital yesterday mornieg from • slat he the sonth. and south-west. Se retnras to good health awl excellent *plait, sod elvish' with °confutation of the teal result in OE nits. The comments of 6sotharn papers on Jet Davis' speeches show that they ammo' generally relished The iiontiomery Mo l t maya that Ma epeeth of Cho Prostnenvat Vomit •u not melt as the pub lic had saight to exam at thlainittoal Jai:lomi* of oat drain at lout. Neidenoi• inetimalstee that hid Johnsen been retained in commend of the it of lenses/Mi, Atlanta .woOld not 014 Lave boon ennui. bit Merman% hosts destroyed. A Wilmington lisp? meltable the .partienlers' of the death or Mn. awe Orrenhow. She visit ed Scope and pabilatied a boat, elin hued writ. tea in Washington on, war and her imprison meat. This shesinseMplistuid and eraii jot rerareing to the Codtoderaey whin, she snot hex death On detarday iteanuitdo Condet while ondesvorir.g to mottos over New Wet Du got aground. A beat from her woe swarnhed and Jars. Giterehow being e passengee on that boat, Wtt drowned. ' The rabals sow saknostedgeot buoy too aad that General Oren star UW4 Osumi Draws badly wounded Sad Qnloasl Hokoll sad HaasLl, al Baugh Oats Una, also allsbtly bjar sd. Honorol Qnjj fall at Om bead of bla com mand Ths,Vetes. special gives addilimal.partieulare of the tattle! on the TOL The objsot of the rob els wee I. turn the tight tank of our army en the James, and thus obtain pOssesdon of Dar by town on the Central Railroad, three mile. of whioh le entirely for defensive works. She enemy aware that dux rinhe mu the waah*.l part of cur Ilse., supposed that by lurking tis end holding these three miles of road their datums could be met-rially strengthened by tutting another Una of strong work* retold. of the present exterior limits of their lortillestbons. To socotop' f ieh their pupate, rho , ' uuder cover of night, mined Ifooker's and Field's Divisions, numbering' 4,1.70, down the Dmirytown Toed to the omicron held by Kan% f e w, encircling his .1,700. At daybreak, thew were seddenty attended finely both to the (root *ad in the leek. Oar troops fought braver. ir for more than en Inoux until they net ooly, found the enemy In the front sod right, bet also in the rear, when they then hurrredly, hut not lefore they had lost nearly 300 men, ant having to cross a men& ste the only line of retreat, ant run the artillery into the mire, whiob they were formed to abandon,fell back. The enemy followed in splendid line. Vield'a Division being is front, was tapported by Hake, craning the Interval In fret,. of mat double quirk, aid with so fall of cot Oder me and bopetroosity that they matted the promotion of basing skirmishers. Our troops were armed with repeating riles, and be work of destrectlon.wes continued on the re bels, literally covering the ground with derailed wounded. , Vots littillk,..whiolS wan Suede about tlgnal a :repulse ma hes ever cal pined. The Wohutoud Esenniresv of Saturday Ass r, Er me eXeltemint orairsited at Gordouville rOght before Wt. Mum thrtneland approach of a raid.: log parry. It was", deemed prudent to remove: the government stMlleand railioadetook forte the oraos,And accordingly they were nal down the toed/ A.body.of Tenke• cavalry appeared at lisp • Mei station and Wined the bridge there. It it hoe known that they have come to (hi. side. Thar Eraseiees, alluding fihmtdau's - retro• grade sourremente,itare. lot anotheiraiderer this lemons vette., Srack,tre bays for some days expressed the belief that itirould be the resat( et the Tallig campaign. The Richmond Dirpoish of Um lth, 'Myst Be? , mat hundred Yankee prisons is hair* bean rent to fielishary, Y.. C., jestardai omen& Within toe _pat week a large lot ,of rebel ittiscaters, amomiting thousandr: whey hime butt dOnlosei Oa ind other prisoa tamps here. have Veen sent car Aecronsmodstkute are again be ing remind for On many thousand If aulteasea - potted to be capnired the next few days. Goa Karam 'raw Toni, Oet. 'll. , —The , field market 'Was "cited by moon shoat the P *We lton A. ,4 1. 11 :4 4 1tt00n reprt• hat the Etet• would be tun , Bepabllect, were eirettlaied arnorg • speculators, which ware warmed as:favorable to an tarases,, , ail the admiral. to 161 X: burls` esened st 14Sji. There Is Mom rpocalstlve mirreinent 'than teeth hat been for tome Jaye; aroll the acirrera ;ewe ere to the di:rotten of s tire. • I . It.liroall Tian Atlacked Ir 3 Guerrillas —I be Adams Bliprmas Coiipany Hobbed. .Cmnirnart, Oat. to.—tae attack as-the ;m -irage? , ralla cf ft. itentadity Central railroad less b 7 twin:ol4ln inurithar, 1111 dmay bik• t.con Paris sad Lsitoaton. Tbp oasis, was tbri.arn Gam- thAraalr, UM ears batted and twrypravin brndred WWI talon tram the Aiisas Harass Company, and aid U. pa.trangin robbed. ittiotlan at the Body at idant.law. .11"sv Tot', 0dt.11.-4Pir Closmer tiara Walk .thotos stoats, sot • The bstlatuitlon wholtitrdonal !bath Itege, billed Was with their strords aft* ha woo Wohoded sad bid tottaadstoit. it Io Vaud how that tilkortdsa's tatarsmost to Dustbin; woo task by ordst , of Omni Gnat. The Wreihod Steamer Aphrodite. Nay 'fast, Odc. 11.—Tha, Apbtodits, wreaks! igO . UIIII Vast Of Forth CalOWlll, Wit not s usTal Blaots NOM: to 3iv.444 Aholutipitals sit iatliti4.l44olll tielagtoa 4n4 to by Petstylriiista sad Oltd soldurnr comparatialy Ism Diancralle Tipis au" New Jersey Charter Eleetlam NIRAPIL, N. .hs, Oct. 11.—le the charter elm. Me to O * WN" wily bugonti Dsmowtotle by todatod majulty.T , Vtio Royalsnewt SII ons or two sldermos sad asrerel reboot eaattatestousrs. The Haunts .ato_ coattail:fp sad um is slowly. Mattis Crostsg . (usettrer/and River. lowurvitio, Oat 11 —Passeepn hem Choke. eine revere 41int'Buford, %Mr' 1.200 moulted maw warred Ms Cumberland river nest liat pet:6oth bitaight. Bleatlannattirss; favarable to the Admialatre -11. o. were received bete to tight, acid owed conaiderable excitement. • ' Ohio Elegttoruk Ciscresen, Oct. 11.-4eneral.fichenok, can. dldet:' for Congress in the 36 Jistriatibag &WO Is 0 tbomand mnforitg. ' The Cott* =jolty in the Stets, on the heron Tote, Is sari nt sterlAt !coo forty to ail thousand. Illccen or sliteth Union Congressmen ors elects& - Pottal notiey. Hire Yogic, Oot It —Dr. IlioDolkalth Super- Intim:hat" of Postal sunajjardariod !ha baron Uri yesterday Wallkill ansigsmentt fei bee/l abs biuhstit. ;no - money h nazi to °millet% No dollar pottpolunassic4a loqslrittt.' Neatly ill tb ' vBgtlroid ilketfroatNolv rerk'sre bald. cp:s. .71 Greenhow. WWII a. Pa Of*lle' .19py. Mr, .You Gat.ll.llrs Greeatiow, the lady who serwtbellarernment' so. amok esonbte es the eosmainceooent of the irar,in• "Otitis its rebel spy yea drowned *sally la endeared's' to erespe from Me blcieloade swoon Condor el Now Lain Bar. , - . • Drrfloods Auctions. Raw Iron, Oct it .- Tea dry goods avotkras 'Sr" sostnnad this morals& lbw- goods .ofraoil Saa Pi 'Woolens. Vhsyhttinatiactras mod.; tato and good' want lwny. cittio:lind Clutitterro, .001. 11.1-/detnrzt from Ohio. and Wood tadl&tdlho tnelehe or the talon tleit eta The probability le the Union CO.VIIIIIOIIIII are elected in the Lt, 2.1 and 7.1. Disttiota in Ohio in plaits of litadletat and Cox. RIVEIVINIvJAJGENGE Tha wallas au want mad plausvi yartardshaadal OW wild Comply be desire* far the ;remelting *tins dmv:birdi;a: Zarbleh;'• untatitiwalitozahritii ea. Tb. .tired li it'll re .4buLalacill as this vial. Uwe* dna narhpble caseitica.. j • - ! 1' Tbn csli arrival Man car Uri apart, vu ins add Ys 1 from Cacao/MT ha 4 Ude aril cab the ran horn thlt alt7,lb lan_itua tbret O Is a*r itial ;, Wig* taliatiershliatogatia WE le gerish97 catteneat that foaa poe,t.p?!!f plus, asai ve • ithialdea hardVdiCai. , I' Itittaltspo'llr and tliarlbataa Gar hafPit j r c rivarlhahldad isiketudes issit Wae. • di%dant dt bag* Bass tbright wantd pta Wing !the . . attelaiiitf tor* 'll. 4 ;binii:' 1 Macao tut, and th. angs,kut ;vac °Vatted.. alvelharl la Uttar ca Ila WI-yIIL ^yt Witrard; aiscreceed to tarn tar litalivithr sad Mt letectoidlate paints tb watts. ddle bat hea .iteagratoirodettass paalaydda• aselle#l.o*weit for ebt piis4l4,p • ,sall—thotatate-flaptalaad„ inftdditat art Jl.:aqi fos paatatuat a . f l"tril t ' 4l G4;:la nods , Zollor1; 11 / 4 4p44 1, 1 1 ,0 1 1..,FAUFE1 , 1 01111 • . •-- .-••.-.•• -.•------ 1/larket.. fvoso owl antln't tridinpaldr.4r/felbeH Ohm: Pelia ...e1.., r.l OM Wallow/yr lilddlladi.daate; , Adaaadaral*MiC Iranr.amaift dud Viaa•kl4.4o , oll o . Va//m:•' sa " l3 ' g P t rail* aildan $ 45•D7d Vitas ifUU. red $3 la.:• Waal. ends orceds. Kartstotosidgdall and Its, thda. lednf d Ib gala. vs 290,000 -It Matta Baste fa, dns lb dots It thatubdt. V htdt Cal/dad - 0/7.iis 11.73 fotmti,lad $1.51. 1,74 toi• at 50.50 Lotter. st 111,808.1,t6 for cnimz , spriac $t blast Ist MONOtoe Oren; - 11,2•1 90 lor Antra 1111•au1oo, .4 $1,4.1.90E.. &A W..toca. Ity• %ant; Wootton, 1.1511 Illa ley , n , aitjtim ot. Oom 1.2.• bettor. at 1,4.5)01.48 - hr Mud Wrwto^o alrat; 1 111 stm.. Ooto .hale Sneer, at tor Wester.. .13e eull et 13415* in sanscon. UAW Quist, s.d rata. 11, 25 t stOtlowl Stoedt,,Orabs Wnscrersdo, loos, rat , e. Sown PM. 83, ..ouo. , Lhollo llsoceeedood 68W%. VW; Orttie ON; hollne‘ln *net 82.. Wcardall. Port eimned &Wed!' Omar with • trod &matt& en& closed hansom. $40.41 for .less. IlLitatt 62V.trt do cash and In • regular war. dada! 1 4 /. 8 / 58 . $ 1 " Oa la Ow 14.2 ter Primo edao;olon 35,,800108 at new Woo tot sit October et tepee uyyeton,l It Deot lartrelorrt /Tall toe &oast, Me., 1113•17 for ro. packo4l Weds, SIT f461:2 Eto foe Lir • Cot /11.1. firm; 17•181i5 lot ottarldert, :Saab for Basso =eyed fa car ..d Ina fad -or demand at 17 7 ,(421 , 4e., Itattar-7/1147e for Western. 366.4t0 for State. Cttreae,golo ; 12alOc fur Common to r Imo. ie nay Gales ..d wog at 7 .. r for C •li Lana. aiettt. s 1 =bang...wadi at WO f ¢ gold Geld tea to attire and Comer; opottog as 10e7 •i" .fir... Jog to m 2, drellr.lng to :M., and clams' at roll,. Nola York fltoilr awl Stoney 1115aalLet. /Ss. Ye. Oct..ll.—Govrdasskt docks km. !heck sleady ; Bede 14444, Se% 18 ; lleeth *adorn. Sp,(; .1-.erlp, 114%, bl lipme sterthern, 423 ; Itleblexo °Grand, tkuseal, 115 'belt; azu ; Its; c... 4,4 usex; rt. W. 1.. 81% , h.ci4e, 214; /pa Certlsso4 tt 81y.; Oe• 1.. r 41•441.5e4tee, 54,‘ 1,481.7 Notes, 7.20. ISO; 5-23 Coapow, LOT; 6'.1841 52.53; 4 355. ,55Y44 N•W Yost Stock Illarket.-Sp•etal R . 9 ort. 'lbw cos: not. II -Linee market thews decl'dadiy • et. turret tendency to the "corky of pricier it • late pull° 4pm:et to to almost attiaturl, with askew dleyr Otto:int operate (OA the, ate eAn•brArre tad lure ivy." purchased bear, let. •1 on a1..C0. net.ets.ulated, out on sot thi la than prab • ti of the matt is Penneyir tat. tut It It eclat stool i era to to done 'or eff.ct on toe ewr/ Pear:. Welts active but tunnies, sUb aline coutnentlen, ans.* rtotka—heading is espreiel/y salve age* el ID lieshetea Oratisl • 111claisan rittherti are hit lain ective end edr•reed curtly;•Quincy are lb. pa., leeeluath et kayo not d.. ined•. Gl• ten ear eteldeltelrreguiact Money in ...Let Withat started cheeks., sad there le • demand by tuck broker. sett • Lek supply at l pat cvol henowita • tar=e and accaerslaMi ¢ dersl; mad• to dal Grt bid tl the tiro naililou newt an duaand Hear 1• Cattle' Merlin. howYota,Oot 11.-7'ke earn . gr[ne• for the week, ot oil the wakes ors • Doe Oahe, Ave& quo ity. rl5l 11 Uodtway to Good, 14,0047.00 l it roan, 10,00, to f Aar NOL[w•D,CO• tWoa sad (lava, hat vpaliti• Pov pawl, trotqn•ll• q. anon: Ordnary, 145.55; ekuanow 635•15; tor, $Z15.35. Hoop lad Twatts—Mrtne per had, Ivg3; tribe Anna. 11450117W0 ; 0rd100r7.15'06; rnamon, 14,50 d) 5; 1. %nor. $4d#4,00. 'n eve-con d t pond, 150130. the work.' for Wel oast!. ondat rothor Elora thb V rek, and tho raelpts, toe e•sthar rnd the k 'Wit, of the effected* al too•ributet t, that issalt Tha aro, .r qv •Ilt o• the • Cass aa a very nod., I sante- CB 1.44 11 y .1 of tn rent trotks, th.to ball • tots rot...rota off 4r to good. a• In and Orator. Tv•tmol •ec tyro of al stock to on the/ yore. Cm this ad lent week.v. , to se td on . Boaco ; ‘l.•ove, Ira i Vont Coats, 2,070 ; Rorer .ad limbs, 11 4:67 ; lathe, 14 144 Teta c oaf pts alas. weak—Seeree.. 0.!40 • Caws. 11l Tons, 01111; Whoop tad Lawn, 1463 ; Betal. 1.11,8,46 Bakal° Market. Corn Inner. lent dull. Oat, In Intl glonand. at Xhe atm ar.d iißld4l $1 70.1:73. ;TO 4 dailliall.hrl2 43 SI .1) aglow t, ireig.b7AlF hest. Mica Ours. 15.161.0. G. L 1• Jep T,BCP bulb; WI I. Fto IV.K. fetal OetkraSl 'auk: BATY,. um b. s•—flcnar, 1 114 bvb; 11111rcat.., MOW Cnst.; Own, 54.650 bad ; MELO. cagro market. Owasso, Oct 11. —llooractivs. ara sc On, sod adnoced $1 Oat 61% for 80.1: ti Cat gni; for Ha I. , ' Vcra quirt tad whams, )f,ala dales at Ltfor o 1 soe II ne 111 for 110 At. II co aod.jodroacatt )(..to. Was at MSS for Ft. I. wicsas, act! a. . ; Philadelptila Stock Market. ttoOvistt• .TitM.avtLa. tcr. 11-40 atocta dall *ad as -Oasis& lwat iciatitkes-11 •Wm Paroletio te.7 ; Mau Ono!. 43. y ; Dalsdl , 654 D. camp?, ; bla • Adsmairr.l3; 1144311404 k, 434 ; Vail/gamy agb.rt, ; hnat4 11%. STEIMBO.47II. REnITLARGAtLIPOLIS AND 10=311001El PAWLET.—Tko doo Aa. b 3 , cc00 Poona.. Oopt. J em obooc mad taticroxedlato potty Oozy mouxhit a. 4 o'clock p. co. Tor might or . poduco,qappbr 08 board or to TANTS 0.14L1N0 • 00.. b snots, roll Wharf boleti:Woo klononicoba %lap. DROUL&IT PiTTSBUYZEI sruznaoa ttentrettlT.NCL AdatVantan wow, ,• v• et y TLTESDAY.IIII72ADLIF and In?. aDaY 1.2 p, have Wba•ttog envy 1141541 T. WltoilidDaT ini4 ist 3 5.M. Tot (night of maw attpty on board or to JAA. - 0 , 1)/SJISS 00.. Aposio. I.lt 1111kaxl Data. Wm! aitudtbabela Dram VOA NaSHVILLA.The -A.O aro mer. LINA LIATA naptale A. Vaererd •I I .eare co , lI.OTICSDAT. MI! In t.• Ihe free,At er gwres• vrtf.T. heard, er to JOHN FLACK. - • I MID J. a commircrfrom CATARRH i DB. IL GOOD/LIMI CIATABRPI REMEDY. 11 pa:minas to Oa very oat or rbt. Litrito6 and nanatiasu 14 Mil Ma bruld 1 4. %Mar. Dr. OODUJI IaWI nras&aid anti pings who rho tda urvildiam Wirth rainy Irmirs It SOSSlOnaced— sad •rhai woad Gent * LEG 000D1.1611 h area einem if taaltag ittb ale 60 dim" (*bibs Ds metal asitaab aad to flak k wan to me "add Alps hat that Camara. stab as; far tom. !alba the Wall:aaa neser:b a berebbr caa sad aatikan to t tta omit* ,aaa In *arum au sp• rt,th to. mai mama airtailty• tbm ob.mtba lobsys --I t.'. !wows area: Mao. Ida as ay bums Ma Wed* two bun pinsissaj sum by Dr. aoottitrootwass unman. a. 4 owe pm. IS la titbit:llb estndraisat taro KM Pelim Can es oar wenn sa g. or srad,s sump sot • tatted sad porperidby OpO:DSL2. IL Us , lon. Komi ato., agn:ti. Esoidni. &W I" • DL GEO. E. EZTBEL 1111 10. HD WOOD =Mr; Pliaboivr, NORTON 4 .olNThipiT t , Fos Wet mum UM 111760 ML hassasslly Gam Uttar, Sean =Sinalai!. OM stltitabis auli Sanolll &To lad IlirtirNisuf tb' Ifkbh . t . lar Matson pissirslo Is gib MOO SW Ss las sess a.at as—.w sass a tem SU ADD bough to assails ao t4. . tCrtaOa Wows IMP pail ara or SlSlesi mai putiale au I • Clamps, fumes Alts Ms Oa" orb at 12* CM% ars impaled Cass Ihs Oda{ ser alsraill. nun awl* sa roams CRLIDII A CO n , 01l Ilraanorai, „IL fold by OZ. ItZTIZI, ocl 40 .WflOr. BTRRIT. /MM. . rnAR'. O. MELLOR; Dealer in Puma, 11 11E0DION8,11.a.. No.ll Wood otnet, toronbo .7oorth otnost sod D Fagooal Mn/f• Pittaborcb. ICI,EBER & Blikk, Dealers in Basic 11.-1• AND MUSICAL INSTIIIIIMITS, • wl 0010 Mead by STEINWAY'S OILLBILATIIN HANOI 139. 63 flits isnot, Pittobargh. 0739 AY & CO., Booksellers and Stade_ j ners EX N 0.65 Wood otreot,¢A3d door eo me MIMS TUNE. Elttoborgb. WHOM. spa LAW 1500 1 / 1 1 ea hood. land., a. JOHNSTON CO. • Stationers TT irlaak Cook Ilan ati.tarits salt I Wain lannol atworra,Ppftiowtqw L • • PLUMBS AND PBuna , - , ,0 kegs witObono.lPront t b PIO= to , Goma* Pius. fit Kan mut Fr ial• b 7 - allYiLllB - * Sztoa, 721 0 111 . 1 7 ,27111133 num 131ANSHT14.•., Anogium tswersewise to•tity by S — imi& ' Ulo CluotOuts, • Lolll ll l% ac , /DIM." bawl as taw Thaw Dubln' i 04- p-4 of " ILTEULL.III, , . . 113.10 Awl Ita St. it street QTUOOO WORktfte4latEEl OWILNEI invoto D ADM* - Imam. PAPS HAMM AND PLADIDUID. tl DIM 9_, NAKI3II2 kittebtentsineas tun - axt -- 66un-tot 66' Ilu:sa DOZWRIBB M ats, *al tite WV* air a* sum% itoreuiv, u Weed strio. mtal irraiDissiarlid 116 sams OSPITAIr SaRirriNZZ.A. fill supply 5t ,r, a 511 4 k i r %% S r' tart,":' • iii,llls.lll•ol4lrittA An' 7 4"Anittrit .oT4Kritgla MEE CHEROKEE PILLS. Illgal-004.11LD w.ta BLETLA nor tho Ilszooroi of OtoOssoWoo nod it,. Wan.* of Rid Slit) fa the itiOurronOs of tt. ITanta forkols. The) am. or cb<tato flog. mummy &low. Lhot 144 from Ineopolatry, by nowtetz the ihßglar- twill. they =a ffripproond, Norsolvo sod .rolsral trestkot. !lig CM antra Stab:own pithJAR:4W Thay coas Earrozu has Spina: Affeatioca, Palm la Bak Ind bike iatrti of tho EWA liewaciaim naive as alight azartioc, PaJpitallos of the Pearl low-wita of kirlta, Ilyatarla. Sick LL.wdoohs. OLltitoot, to. h vaftt, nimartng the ttniral% ItY. th.y nmht• tL mate azd with LL a the elect. thaw op ring Cot. IL Composed of drnpls vromalbla ertrwt; Ow) costa l .thing dnlstarloas to any ezmaLitatkaa, iheymr 61.1- csto. tin& email. Was to rstatlrrto Mouth far weehatom, which. u pr.p.aly to do. , they mas be =lto end et et./ e411.e. eue et eJel period. weed dream W fine ars e.edee. chin[ eibpte Yu. =Wan oaten ef their teetten eneelell Went, •ll tonal rooltlog totorcattrox or Wrist trrff P....017...1,1 and discreetly guannrrod. Pa i directions scooropsay each box. Price 111 par box, or AZ boxes far PS. Boot by mail. boo of poaLogo, oa routl,ot of Grit . Bold by ftll rerfeetable Dmabity. DLL. W. IL IfIXIIWI2I 6 00, Sc,. ro textrry mow , tle. e G:t.. rot sum Pltisbarritt by efa01. k 00., corner 6:mo4sm* wad /Martin itrsala. Er...tr.i..plysboarer• GLAD NEWS I MI TaZ GIN2:11111751.1"/ THE. LOk2 SOUGHT FOA DMONIEREt AT LAST CHEROKEE REMEDY opilAJ.l)**Ovfil'ityyo) , z 0.-mapostdad trona 8.00. 1 1 . A. 1.1•••• CatIMUILMI WU:MDT, th• put loilza Dtareatc, acres all Cam= of the urinary wpm. stab am lawn timao. al the Veiny, aw.mssioa at Om &Moo" Stow , to tha rum.. fora. linnet. Moat, Gkratoortook, and to onvolally moos- Waded to Qom 'pox at Mar Mins (or White, to 'rt..* All th otA 111155•34 a otoOldom bats Oat. t. rrepared to • Mgt, maeaotratad keity tta t, , ,E 'tom ens tot» isurrxxttll• thew Simla car chaaatus Ow MM. oandosli to &ow to al Us original parity sad „Nr.thoa resovlng tram 04 u 7 as pandatanamis whicti ban to kind Ems.. Mamba, Wootton to Wanda aa aa ally or antitank to Oa 'tram Eatnedy. and shonld tamed la oinizta. tton filth shot conllelika In all man of Boaatarbea,Gnot, Hoot, Mbos or Whine. Inaba. arm Inallail.inpalaa mad nonavica all scanty, ban, Am** and yoallk. lattiad dl tho barntag and anal sundae. Isla yea, that fa aryartanonl anti snarly oft tte dump ototk.o;frotioos. the toe of the CIIUSOILEE EZIIEDT mut 0111 01E1111 . lIIIJIIOIION—tho two atedletute et the me—ell Improper &oil:lvies ere nassnred, add slomed ergs. ore speedily mead to tall vlior Tut fall particular., cel car pa' mkt Cerso ea; Store in the co entry. eremite to as, awl we 111 [ma W say *arm, s tall Irma*. Prick 0111:301[1011 BIUDY, 3.1 per boils, tlarOlo.loo to $44, Pries, CRUM= IN STATION, II pre bolds or 11140 lortlio for ti , Mai h crorson;:to say orldroo, on rho ',GO . prat 15.,M by w Drltitypto oesrriberr • DIL W. Z. =WOW& Clib rola Propristom, no ulaatilltirsa. WowlbriL Tor We In b 7 U. 1 11 . 0 b MIA a CO onue of Dlaamull sad Warta it mot sob 17:2.wdawunr7 ELIXIR I BLELIit t R&IIIVENEapIe WWI; ire per 34 has Itz• Vspaibio Ineslek sz4liftt4grinsio.. l6 mos Ito 71411 Mier to Cu MU et is ski vigetsahl lityptom, big eat se. sad abaraos astkod ow% trroircth. al This EsseWes VA bon tostod bl a im Ass etthe ' dy. sal by than prosoagisil ass or lbw Emma diveamlr of tin Ap, Oss bAlls •61 ea* Gocial A Ant 62sAiAirer IIIIAIRA• toAka, t thai ball* Oar Patpladkis at Os Saul • A [wean mum Starocpas at pars:Was lama ass to Cris tatiAl adorestli mate[ tai liar . I Om dams tratotst ;As appal mt lams Sags a irsa tbe want ea ot:tarpattatrA. ao scar.Aiviths ID* QM*. botAAriatoits itaalal print. • Isw dear Ataiis lm tap it tea gliel 6 stadktne zostatailkslNAlT WOW slat Veld Malta the pan esbAnatadonwaslan - ea* diorsisalinatad staisam • ttw Ustlessoaarrated mak e tbs OftiAlthaVil *as" Llisfilitei 91 rcel Or flail: 0001 4 "ta: OW* aatil4;' , ..ellei VOIt scsi al. sews arlll allied Wrest. sumon NW, 67 Iba pr et th111441,5*,141 . 1 Primp Die boWi, oe ilni tous:srie 14'1 ussideB b!` Off 100. DM 07 an dsay . • ' is Lipsey sum; Par sus ta. ruasbargb tm./4:.'llgalar4=ll3l a aki azaooi ea DAIWA* sat Nana sanda. Sow Aom CHEROPE CU/Pr, INDIAN BIEDICINF. • vonnocomitrzn ItOatt.ra la and LaMar unidlthl tro s Pgrod Voaaraai rambuiaos.' tl Kn'lmnutim itch tow .4.ldodtads, Was is ttur,l3iok. Pooratiool4 of nfeW Treminai. wit4bui*, Ilmtlonioli ise.iioa 1.1 4• 0 * - 0"" I rPoluiP4 7 .'Ckertlinak` ist4, in direal-exta Arimibl.dapartlagireartbs'pati Thrs snaking. Is ridable erasable •••••01,101d es ob "ieb asaisly,as babas tad le lailasiaba or ' aw e yam end lath tboosroln aural. ar bee ad Is • ologt• instant," I •••.o‘. 0•• "‘ti blot intaltlent to gala Wirtiary ora the most stabbosa EMM=!M to du* *la Omaha *Mod malt the 0 @satin 104 MIA Rh DWI* tb• Oterftemi rs vfl radon per bralel sad %gni 'sad Ow 44 gawk Ilectars Itsis Wed, .lertalpactkolus pi• • bratbilbeg ar ntiltre , - Dros lbws a Ir•• lag tidal Mato am ooa dialcbg Cho Nam a WI. abbot ita molds_ tees._ . • b, "firm PM? .91, 10 111. 07 4 kt saA by taptitibb atartlrtars4 DE. B. W. VIEW= 00. gloti at rat.: adr tdiatft ial,Sini Tat. Tat mb ton gsba4i44.II.MUCITALIShiI hi' lakraalleamelikasir . ?a, _ 3 . - Vtirt - - as WELIAIITII 0:; =0:1011 or .LISIL: %Ira riser arczore.erL VI, L13E1E111.6. OT THI /TAIL or DES. LIQ rrBILL. 134 Jflark's Pfau, Jrctv Fork, wiL.T, 1&T PxTramozazi AIONDAir, OCTOBER 17th, •5D ISLICILIN •T TIIII St. Charles Hotel, Where be can be consulted until Saturday Evening, October '29tt6 I• 3 =Drat 128=14 .121.0117. , WWI, 1 4Lavaya, of tho !Ant style' of Boots, ealtersi 0, • -,- or all dui. Doubt at the /own LB LOW. 1W NOW LOWED* • ' 74 Discharges from the Ear, I ttlat any otbar b0c..0 tke clty. DEAFNESS. CATARRH, NOISES IN THE HEAD. &HD VAllOll+3 ACUTE OD COMIC DMUS EAR AND THROAT. DR. LIGHTHILL Is indueed to make this visit on account of Lumeroas applications from parties residing in llttiburth and ricin 4 ty • who are usable to come to 'CS , York for the indispensable persorta examination rendered necessary from the impossibility of prescribing wittt benefit to the patient without it. Da LIGHT/NU will revisit Pittsburgh at regular intervals, according to the require. meets of the patients lancer his charge The bushing In New York does not suffer any interruption Erera this visit as one of the firm is there in constant attendance. TO:MIMIC) 31 &LS. (from Lba Homo Icartsl, J4IIII 4041 In ears Saidotin of probates, Indeed in may de putizes( of re altos lbw* is &lays Imo ea kiniondsad heed—aente one lone glands one boti renal amnia Ida ham, so • eors of loan In Oa tad, tied tenviesatee &eaten sadassartle, es special tiara. a. Ds: of Ills Citt odeaptes cwel:kr pianos Staboattirsoled rears i to Sala spaidalltp, and If D0W ,40 4 4, 11 IV' `Hinted of kis trednetris. The editorial cols sof ilia Set. oil" do nowt dain, bear eirlteliolto tla lindear a ace. zo In Obi Aspartame of alidlols% W/ emote the r , rolvmoks. , , . 0/ a DIM" faimlngibits.• tut khrteu pram of alai km to Batafil. tr be ass slues two al• rata ba Ina tabu rot out lost Ms tossing By two:sae banns Ihst inland than Came. Par you , s! Munn pa -ban" tumble tabor tai looted Vo:c• os su stool...se • v.& a.ltitauae saurus. to rlttga b lu big .iols t r a =lt ud. Dr ‘a l etta lt % t fusers of leash* and to that Patin ass. toil. writs Mut who spat to kin :dlaitaatty snit 4* Dmn trotpast tow oz Bat mamba tom Isas Inc ruder tits Yr -Buruchs. end haanalts aural ms pr.igrass fa raidfait isisaltaistia." bums Una sopglisd tb• sits inns. Pa fir. am !aunts*** =attar , sad disaresup that prat. cantomaim at Cr. LisAnili. tims Anita* era saa ecadde bopitio. and Astir, sothiro pus an In. wars of • Mr! cod. DainliAilass. Au flay. Joke Bur, D. D , Proksaa Ii Mika Collage, Sehain • pitibb ed Uttar, tender@ t legratttade (OCT.. Lai r tmitibgewsonsfalff hU ars of dafaess.- . Terd. Juisl4 Plarmos of tka Aria Bora.* schoo l at Atbsay. alas *POW S o k. rftptien gond of caulk. Dr. jdatibtil pommy alto/ sad Wait* to - taut Ikon sopa of in. 1/111M411111 Be e prpmlaent lad migrated ettireiri. *Ash Itti7 I. allaistloa. It *bald. tss Moult la speak fa any DO taw of Drabs @SILL trasossahts theists of Diu mar pnataand ruts *aura; td , imoses. • . . . .Prom net-Eke& 6. Jewell; Piakoser of the :State Nonni School. AllialkylifeW Mfs • DC army laden Milo of Katahlt, I ant you a MM. II man mentof muNat MI tensor trommont. Rey Ware In obtain raid to. thotALmatim. non se tun aroahmsod mat les bsioldal moat. ban bean Wm, the Winter al the par UK nly Jet to Molest pottodloal stainer Ottanh. =rind • aroma font* oymeamiLifkdont fallsimast tau of the Later dlostomia or the cavisig. it Us Wei , main. itot at by ft oaten -dlentione Moo ma ii7' " tli4Xelfro atr ing ottrileat teens Mdcool perbd =ihneemiton wa tha are linenaaoh4 Inane to throe wrath amemiltwas , irta - aa to ow mosettatosely tr. buloote old trans, Ito to my bd. Attain Om attendast. Calasuaseirm wooli meal to mtemeth, wrrefact toothache ; into .the thrmA.:osao lilidnlrkioriMoaM Manyaritunon of Wont and tat winds Its Intim lan It ao Meted Do teft sJe on ao Wilda soh te win, wreaks:At ram. bad lard toodittote ICC applksaansof wafts Idads„ate mut oticar ottankat treletratiolti of Some half • doyen n "Ant hypllwitton to Monad ef om. "tun and not tommnattom of dlfontllitdr; nod to entineoidon telth. them Mr meal amonn or oattartka . to legr count Oar: EU nama i rtmes few Yd =Loa ta = l i i rei:oual l iolk "e r " erti affbrded It woo the upon*Of Ito innis stoma% no to lean me tty masnated.. Mader these cohlostatiom wad tlecregh with Woman% tom Ina riliwoottl Mouth ICwar thirdtamit, to mans it trial of ins trsitmost. lord 46 -*POW bryrednon hopes, twins Oa dramas it had atom bout resched then% and amt. tong Hs symptom ,o an or. at wheat I Mid rapport finipatblq. At no Irma I moscpoet my former out& rata wink I did not bet memad of a comolsta care, bad obtained A trauma rand "Mob amply recald. ma Cr my trig of you tnalcamt, and whin sandled ma this that treatmant bras r Mlieflot to It Ina elatyla and Woo c3doaL A sabstantiel cline7o hum rat old Cloth of catarrh, tor notoreadeoton paled of neatly bail. low and tad Manna of oneentaseir." roma of Maw Itti!eh would ban formerly nadersd amt q iataothwrimato, war. DI asea goad cer ad to Patna .aoccom. • U., Is now ant month, 'l'nee oat you that atat=rol, nod wane tt k =mks • wit to mew lOU ocestantly, and In tai edam Won the poldlo. It soma to me • =attar of al rola Into. to pelmet*, had to tkom who may be N 1 Ina to add that I am not poly as tally IT= eo to the utility and Meta of your method of trotting moon at I wee all MICIItbS bent 1 am not of the bWef that If there to nth a thing al • Oren tor demi' estarrk to my we • taltatantat can ham 01104 Mona. awl; nsinothally.". - 2 111 :0181CIE 13. JSWITAL L AnienT,l3.lC4Bnt.l;ll344, - ; - • erect Lion. I). H. Cole, Benatoefrom the Twenty-Ninth Litetrlet. - Arum, Ira IM, 'IBM Dr. lairrreas :—lstoldth groat modem , tin th. I comoutalsota so you tli ors& car athe cum go,o roe, ba MI orplkallte to roe, for derwa tin beni,g / folloort4 roar dire .etfour minim hap pr to date Mist I ma. saw go Our neominl afiza Omani tow ap, Mations me t• *al quits =Mad that I. am wall et 01 abaU sat owl mosed. tartbsr. - • • 11.4.1....dai1t1air dr, If sicasity should end.% ;I should ant baAtilAa laaaaaila:PCl mein' /Oar KW* ••bawls. -laws with naptaa. • • r '' -D 8.00 alibtio, Chia aas meaty; 11V.. `llielniirluOlo 'foie' of `Deef4o,o, s!toil uut Rev. googol M, ClarYe, altote of et Janes Cllntek. . f'..` '.: ft/in; Vbeiamtedo3gif illie;bsiei Cie fa oes *irriclra• T imoveuur mat Wk.:4h flu 4lt ot , Dr. LlOtka. eiedeir..van. =duly- Tsell-raerarliali / Itose fo7 01411041 lha4 rook to. sty' 11n.±11 1 11.11K1101111m6A4N mO - Art -iffileitilahwavr spent .10110 stroatv AI'ORTAM' RIIM9K, • - OEN. oniurr cAPTIFILVDt But the =et et: nettle tututasitaht tu mediate ChM the "Meta Is the appartuus st.uxent la ♦ sht CONCERT HALL SHOE STOIE. $30.000 wort.] a n ds al sad Om lb ND dant e•t .0011 IMMO, OILIbl• REWARD sty Ferties Car thrir Use sp.2lGit ThMAI PMSAVE SHOE ESIPORIUH. H. CI 711TH SULTIJIT. PANIC' PRIOESSNOW oat _ _ 1 4 ,&,a0k. 4136011TMENT OF ITOOTG. SHOES, - GAITERS; BAL110&110, Vag Ladle, Gems, Muse, Days and ObThlcit!ilk Mem:a:odes shoe Store, Lo* oat Orr baigslas. Air Oen bet.. pexchadaig aracyrtu.•, BOIMANDII, 93 Market atreaV tuaxel 6xreito *MIL JAMBS MBEs, • 89 Market Streit. Fj. "- - 5! - - - B JOTS LSD /180 Xi • , f,; 21/8 I.lLiil4l' YLVEUtiI, =1 tr.. 111092 DUILLItLi e any Lon. to lee Re bets just meshed • EmiNammt /La .11200! Try him. DRY tioutirk, CHEAP F. J. M. BURCiI4FIE,LFrB, Empress *Moth; Plain Popiins4 _ new style ,• norreich Plain Colored Figured llorinoea;' Plaid Begs; . •• • • . -3 ' Cotmegi sad Thumettai.; - —s - . Black Wool Dalai:Lei •' Black Branch Illerinoes r Black all Wool EIIIPTeig• Gatth told as low.itiazibt.trthett lit 'dt/`lllllll. thirty t oroth. lower th th the pm. 41 pad -et _•;„, :•=r 7.-f• Of Pennaitivania)- tib•iiritig stadium Ds amide that - -amnia rod thaw that:4W Wocthrta4tor6nintth4 abree.Tots at ma, att‘r. 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