7 , • • • .7 1:10 1-• , • , - • ' .r.= • . , • • • E LXXVII--=NO• 253 voil ~~t~`~te Zhcp iry 0118 111 1 . -USOglitilol, - urau ,Fatter on th Page estentay's E -ening The Reading, [tom t` -Sateite." I EWAIIE uF VALSE REP.= Onr frlondo must pni no ewilino In RI ;sport olsenisiod lo.day or to, 'narrow, ooncorn The Copperheads, seeing what en Inspiriting elreltworepart oUta aid.= 7Tortetti* her, awe de: termined to 117 the offset of news of a Unioti t dreat. -- FTiiiheve . 40 . c kiteAgenie ct.tha efloaieteitgreetto get their. en s4 lAl F l ß'?i_ 46ll 4 P= l : 41,P 1 9 1 1 1 , 10 dikVe oontairi severali, *Henri Of thlrokind given nithent Authority, and: . : 1 1;” 1 .!F”uf!1,444 for:eisot op the 61,P49z1% iTe - Uell Mete mote Wei eiiArotei bill4„fitidiliti mere to.nrortoor: .7_,Ttair Igen Alit UM at tie vaisciyAtirteateinle i thorium ewiWuroreio. The onlyntfe rale kto be-1 Um nothing set afloat Sit the`Wiiii'Of the lion. , . Oho Dithellion—Jett Davie , Desponding', ani Sot& ex6ted repeating , ther - orippled condition 61 the rebel r nay and the rebel Jame' Davis' spoons et - Damn would be! =nigh to dispel it. That speech was made to, inspire the citinnt with hope and to route their,' wsuicx, to giestrer efforts, bet It le alPlain , a, confession of the failure of the rebel nose and its daily weakening power as could be, mac. Instead of inspiring their hone', 'tin produced thii opposite effect, and OW= the journals deco. tad to Davie express their profound regret that h should have dentinal it. The'burthen of I& speech Ls that, all is not lost that is la danger; despondency can do no Rood; tri the midst of the disaster km strong. It to true team 'tends Dhsirman lathe heart of the Confederacy, and it without ability to drive him teL Brit Sherman muss be driven cu. and destroyed. But haw ? Hood is not‘alle,to do It. But hfr. Davis lays Ile has hadiia inanities with the rebel leaders, and thezhave contrived a plan which is to in. care 8111:21[111* retrint, Lad 41304.111 U 00=0 the terribrovedigemase Of the Georgians's HID army it to be cutup as remortelonly SU the Cossacks cut oraiirtgatudarinyiandtheTankee general,like Napo:lean, wilier:ape with only 0.-body guard , . ' *Macon ' " nye Davis, unnt4 not be abandoned" when Sturman advancei. This is rather • ein stdaguterament to be expected (roc; a gametal who fa to be forded bath. "When the enemy come," he eara i licatead of calling upon Hood's army far defence, the old men must fight; and, aluistaut enemy ts drives beyond Chatteno go, they tgo fenti;join in' the general, 'rejoiallg." Iretdreelki,f.‘tlisis, is lacipable of akilsplos elorMall-back..and . the old -.men are to do It. Hood'a missy must ;have been Toughie h ;edited Indeidhy Jilittrorain to2tive botILM) crippled. cg. the .mootn the army," Davie Rays, "are gigot, toms sick, ',move.= died, and mod ry'' gess eldiesstrOlout tetivq• This tells the Mfr. - 1100e6 it* 16.1 ' 16 demoralised by Its derent;lita it's - 4*ra in eve`., digestion -Int itslilmtmedringd, tht — msh going home or hiding theesselnis, to est4itSeviee. ' though tame men are nest tauten, She inexciiable miasedotiaa will be eter them, and Elood'rn-aszrbe agabrtio eundition to mord, sinless Sherman Isle Itrangth filmed that he. can speedily tisanes again and keen; opett"bis- einnuantimations Cotes. alio feritai In seaming EMlP.hto the Shenadeal-Veley to threaten Washittetoti. was bstantosyneriny dll' the Ititemplutd pen etiated" chit Talley ths trinytidelle ritlubday; luidGenbratigarljorax sent Wert!** thndbuk. riot oily sub" cetifolly')ll4, but - crossing theTotottiso,. sant Weir.nigh .1404428 Wa ' bin gt" Uni fe 644 forestierant wend two emu of his army to puMdt.lit.: , NThit the wait my denoushasteid st - raid. Whit - would , prevent them'how,ll,Suly was, litithdreVssfrom.taking-Zynabhurs sad putting a comfits cordon of men around Etiehmond Lysta OILS k vital 'pot to the rebellion, and hien the edupetarlon with which the approaches telt aredelended. Duly having been strongly reliforited, he, been able to mem a stand at . Browes Ciag,i.itfier being whipped Oct 'of the vsilisyr_ counts upon the people of Lynch. berg banged:de to top_ fiherfdisea - teem de. wronetritionlitspen the railroad, be holds the hod, of Sheridan's force to cheek. girl/nut he unky besnlitiksin in this r *Modulen. Tinit'OhlY Hope Hof th&-iteb elm L 7 - .64 on Ditilea.iposett at - kaoat s the . toes:-.Trf op . , — the newspapers and bon, manta Oat !oozes' _fratt - the sotitb„ all, Shier that thitebiliare nearly exhauded and on the; rergenigtepttok•.:Tna ons tbat , ...ustains than, is there're that -Lincoln maybe defeated :14.7iterember: iThey:will construe this iii.dan dezenelionot the as ampameena by the Nara - its the , ea:eaten of ahe, - Bottiherifitstea Any ohenge in ttie•Aleieinsusettt .Wishligton would be welcome, to Ikea. But iehange which should bring IC,Olellain AMC Pendleton abase, with the Chicago pesos' platforai and Valise dlythaut,.Wood and ileymosa,s&d.the other hide lag pears mar etticarthe adristenk of the 2 ,Wtata HOUJII, would be espeololly . weleounaf The hope of smolt is change emahlos tham tkicsdp are ern anid all the distress and dliager thry are tut,- fining. They, are at die moment iiildeg„ one lousy for tho result of the f/Po*...igembascis Ponasylvaids, ,Ohle and, Indians, which' will take ..platlatzattlaritelt;'- 'lf these aimed t - go ,agsliarahtiVlMlrdittatioa,- - 11iV . .taisas" - iSaitd' Oka now courage.-, That would - gain ipootiii• result a prospect of the defeat of Kr. Litiooln7-• and they would Oght more earnestly to_proloag the worm anewant&goaahti± , ,ollsratidCpf hostilititelnifinteed Obleago-illativsn tion. Let every kenntylrapissa bear in mind, therefore. that In voting against the administra tion Unica,. on pseday f , nattihe.wilkbe rates to susiablaboatiaillion ned , prelong att II the administration satanod this rebel:lon, now nearly at its last - gasp, woul d die of 'hoer despairs Vrpa!, the BebelN Watt . • rebel regi ment tinder Eariximrote i hater Immo time sine from Winateelii; Vs; Ws friend of hie in Brooklyn, 41., in iho comae or which he said; ... I Thersoen be pesenuntillthiek Rein* liana and' Aboliticinlitte are alieneed AO' re, duerd to an equality, or at least a teiel, with the Mt gete they claim is ittefiltirale. 'lot your- Chicago'Coicren thin nominato Mr-Perks for the rreeldettey, and I know a majority of the-delegates wood rote for histif 2 herdered,l --atd en this Oleollen you can and will here ram Otooaresyn- will.boh do tide. The testiest ihinifyon estidola to noillnate and elect.Uselellan.l • Z‘.. -The-fellow whowrote this swell - known Few York DEMOISTV, ,Whiji,itimathiaki , art Mansfield Lovell and G.)7. Beath, olso,Goth- - anateN lOftdistr. YOrkrtojeln thafo r eithe oft the rebellion. This letter spook* the Iletletmente of many of the eipperliettfenrho remain at houto, bnl alit us thorooghly.trsitarsitEnti titcde id afros for Davis. — it - will be observed that Dothan proposes to rilenee..lloyaliotns and Abolltionlets„ just w...'theDetnooratio PTV PtutsYlvitnfil: Waited to do when lingua to addreitSes. The process by Whiathialsilencing of 1,600,000 anima of the tree States is to be aceßstplighed =Said s mystery.—Pidis rq7l - tu) ma This was the bailie' cry of the &Sets at the battle of Winchester. The New York • hue atm , 7.: al From out of the that contained the rebel defeated glilbuigujui, _hurtled the 4.2fiNfakfirrfir oa e ms_ limn tee MI , trivartirk and thei;ilanking Ind supiorUng re3l/iagligs 444 w t Abarged - with it,- went backsespoestins- the- Hurrah' for Lincoln 1— and With fbiory Went the bayonets that eire§t 60 0 4 4 7:*sooraoy-ftotu Adz front, es the" I:4lkilsof Abase bravo -men Will'ltt November Yob:Cies Core man 10 02,Seldentof the United gtatee 'bosom:le" - sta - verwm - and elogaa'sf -polities, fills:the satatiold.! - SibeirOn'thi dead Of battle :Not. t l44 : 43 eillii-Xtinsteiwilkibi Ole - thing: Vieltdes. him' who doubts the hot Jun •wiabed--to-geire en t 31 - althetr of the/ 22 a POW, f arik sa lpl'oUghelliet4 Cud °4lr-st.#/°' 1 4t1 14 K•t rr :;.' . • - Bill` k' , poitai of ,Ctiiiietiont asepsis. -drolly - auto exyleislag 'away AVClellan's lituT &Tyrol thtiLbreryland . :' Legbilattrm - The.l4.ret um/sires hlmls that hawse young rat the tithe. • Bidd Trort , gowler it the Middle keki -7 9 1 eitai:_a_yroung. sum' and not . - secuilomedio the ways of , doing business at Washington.'t :.d'hielsonesworsionOf the sad; AltenteneeOrite , retw.Yetrog , liteet."- Prof.. TOvitta 4l2l .l3s ol illon cxceedtngly "re-- trels%'• 'yin Indhiestioh. Zsptlbroon. - aeration of Me youth and-ineiparter, the' Prbria 11 9ergatParris 4:terrY'St • ettoio fs pown. C12"1 ABD SUB URBAN. Grand Ds nonetration at Elisabeth. Sb Thies, remonstration at Elisabeth, on Saturday afternoon and evening, was a grand mum* and fail of enoonregement to the friends of Lincoln end Johnson. Arrangement' had been made for an open air meeting, but the weather wee so raw and chilly that It became occesnry to get fudoors. The attendance was No large that no building in the town could so commtidate halfAhe paßlo. the Ittihad ,Pias- Warhol eiterrelileisa throsiiiissieiff, aid eteeet lug organisms by the appointment of the follo z ett P.elhal , ia —Sheppard Warren, Wei. ',Condon, Col. Win.• Dough's, Alex. McCaughan, A. Vankirk, Benj. W;ltobettx,,T. - ft' Ilatrird,`Telua Alit Penney. John O'Neil, and Tillie' Rees. Secretaries—Prank Patter. on, Meat C. Clcilcujhrty, _A Koznisi _ The church was - densely peeked, and yet hun dreds remained ontalde. Ames the dame time the Methodist March was opened, and here too a crowded auditory assembled. In the former place addresses were delivered by Hon. John P. Pmzey and Alex Watson. 11:q., which were lis tened to with ohm attention, and received with the most flattering demonstrations of approvaL In the 121142 chunk-Jetta P. Dravo, Esq., de.' Snead an addreas ofixiotie than ordinary power and 'legume*, which au reoeived with rounds of applause. A night meeting `wee held In tie United Pres byterian Church, which was presided over by his James Lowry, Jr., Mayor of this, oily. .11 opened the meeting In a few appro. pHs d pertinent remarks, which were well received by the audience. Able and telling ad dresses were then !delivered by J. P. Demo, Esq , and Bey. W1:11. A. WtiteheSA p.i . arennirnumaiy, punuakt; stra-thetti • ellirieehaa Wait iplettedAnd enthasialth. 'The ladles bad decorated the church in the most testate' and elegant manner, and by their pa urtelle • forts contributed largely to the moms of het demonstretian. It Is assorted, on the best authority, that a cumber of Democrats who were present at the meeting, and who had been "on the fence" for some time email:Wed to oast their votes for Lin. coin and Johnsee—sisseral cf them openly ex pressing themeelvea to that effect. Bo the good week gets cc. Letter from Philadelphia. Carr.porteecce of the Pitt.borgh Gavotte. Pin LA -Intent, Oat. 11, 1884.. In order to arca the tide of Union entburium, now tolling thiongif . str, greatididpattlotle city, the Copperheads hove Imported a certain number of broken down New York city politicians, who o I ghtly plAlSess largo isadlonsockill Atiet'lts h - ad" at low concert saloon. In Walnut street. Oa Thursday evening the fleck and oily Horatio Beymout, attend al-traiutotatliltaltatiasuo, to which he bad .ad tast e . to make appeals to Heaven in behalf of a political organisation founded, tin er•lteltstal. cad I.IIIA followed- ent-Priday night by that' politioal charlatan, John Van Buren, who "Affects the rollicking prince," and seeks the favor of the rowdy element theough empty boast ing, rookies, lying and a contempt for every thing that savors of rospootabllity. John tsld ht. dsmoeratio friends that Pennsylvania mast give a large majority for the Gopperhaads on Tauday In sailor to secure the vote of New York for the hero of ,thephicahominy swamps, whim he landed aa fhb greaten of General.- and no doubit . re lurched in his sleeve at hi. own matablees audacity I Bat John, you know, like Ben Hickman, Maude on hi. impudence., and If he were not impudent be would be—nothing I The chief burgess of York, Pennsylvania, -David Small by name, and • Copperhead peII• Minn by profession, and, I might aid, a traitor by Instinct-the same individual who rode oat nine miles for theiturpose orourrendaring the tone toilartsblet Uslrsia •UttCsaattaef.ilf IBM -is still - alliapinkfar The DV low really imams to have umorbtdriasire to maks himself infamous. On the occasion of the return of the 87th Pennsylvania Volunteers to thstown of York, to be mustered oat, after three7ears of honorable service on the battle- lade of Virginia, It was ingested to this civic fanationW, by ions of the .llnion ottiselll, that • part r 1 • lift isszaaitialss -ott asap -lan, the town flag should be raised in the public square of the city. In reply to this request the Cop perhead Chief Borges. brutally ejaealated r.ltsiae h-1," mid refusociperirds.ion. H. evi dently didn't like the soidasre, althoogh be I. • great parti•ur-if took • thing a 4 h. la oaf be great in snot ting-of nLirtle Mao.", John -SE ;Tomo; of tha:Prosi.and•Dr.Midai i of your city, eddies:ad Immense meeting, at Concert Hall cad Heroical Pond Hail, resoect&P- Iy. Both thine gentlemen daditilijastlis to the sc bj.ou eels:cad for dlsoussids, an4:l,ol4llitteip: .4 to by thoniinds of toyed andenthastaitio men sad women. . we hare cheering DOM from the Sohayikill coal tees], T . he_t.latme;meAlajttat WWI° bo, °lftittsq*killT k. - .1 1 0k. 11 0 .00ittistari, .pr,Tforsee to eto down the bopperbeed me jtrity of lot year to it_tery small figura. Dleamtbarticialtbcitp,da, ••••, • Oa st ,: iintsit — tiviiilniV CepOdidaenieeting was held In front of Kern's brewery. in the Third Ward, JoUegheny, to which the Germane wore 9P.411111q.1t4 ;;Daring..thf M1"41124.1"P1iK 'tones were thrown into the crowd, which created a disturbance. Ehortly after the meeting ad. loaned a oddly of IhbabilthttaltUdab,ander the leadership of Joseph Raak, a shoemaker, visited 'the bother shop of a men named Zany, on the coragyerWtintEllootilol4; ll .fititle 116.thity' of Kerns 'Pia charged with thrreing the t sea. Hazy denied the charge, remarking that he bad been in hit , ellop , allayenthog waiting on :cstatatatrajdi wife rod moibotag in attendance at m.rket. The crowd insistet that he wee the Relit) , Tarty and Bomb owed ills followers to ern theinadiefili*thenniTtrello 'show the men about the premises, in order to conelnew m that there were no preens congealed about Ilf?tonse. this the party ,aaisttsad, and yw time of them went with Wady, and after a borough 'earth, expressed themselves sells- Tied, when the whole party left. Oa their depar ture .Ms..Helfy. bad matt= to gate Ms Matey drawer, when be discovered that. the, indicant .wititere had stolen someftrty dollaro from it do- Sny his absence. Jrrodulent Nattirallzatloa •IPmpera. It has keen ascertained that the attendee of or Government are at work, by every isible means, tigelfauds.the people at thebolaidgelec, lion. Teradtilitif Irstoratiration papers' iiive.bierei tostufactared by the thohsande. Themtpapers ere easily detected. . The,seal is an old gest of the Philadelphia office, eaten, ar one emeccally manufactured for the purpose of committing the l.rforr- Ito genuine N0;1'1.14%14°2 papers bare eon i•thed' with tide - seal 'hide 1844 Erni men who eller' to vo.e on a frandulell Estate - 4., ton pir,trjotsui - to floe and iMpderrornerit. Ft. lee party to the frond who offers tome inch apse. they paperentay be offeradhers, wettve a description of the emit so. that.lt :may be meetly detected. Ilia &hoof the 'life of half dater, end around the ontelde are the words "Seal trothonoie47.9iffo l le - ,ThilstiOipida.GOl: In the side of this inscription are a three masted ship isiellresiletprwadrn plciwswitti — three - ilipareil of grain; The plow is and the sheaves directly underneath the plow. Lot election officers be tn. their, istiard against I 6ealb In the Locheup. 4 rad ask of death rimmed do 'the:watch. hoar wdorieff Sur:darn g t.rod-sol dier named Michael fifel•ifie, a resident°, Port Perry, wiss arrested during Sunday evening, for , dronbeneiSand.disordatiWrnduat, and placed' fie $ will in the loeklip. He lay on the Soot bf dp2pkovowil do) until sionagf taw hi. iris dead. An inquest was held, and it was (Maud 00 that disclasactiad-beea drinking oz. eeillvelr for , tiriv , t diyifertioally; grlikrr:fogidimteatiltdo4o4valkfiltba;, ges vat sb3utHkirtY y•am-agir 40•Irms wit• - stut•Patteniz 15rt-ari-shirr airier:J(4'or th am tuiAnd dosern•l4 &lenge-fat& •,. . • „ Drum or a Boursz..--..ToseptirTs'Warriik, dhebaripd soldier of the ,gellent Eighth Pson sylianhlteuseii;dha Boxiaty.alght at the residonoo of his brother in West bletstort. The demand was a'yottng noon, hadvereed his thus years -In ther-ranke, end •was one-of the bravest and belief thano his g acmes- norr 1004.,, a fight, and' was alwaytuudy and willing for duty. tie wu discharged with AS regiment,- Ind was..tban •apparently in good health, but after being at hues a few weeks he was ittaohid with an aTectionof the bowels, whioh terminated in desth f - - • • • inrsensetistotos Psrats.--Tho Ooesk °Uglier. Tic" EU be ' opened et this °Nilo* Ise sy • tiinatog, to? the , purpose .of limb& UturgizaliglL Pipets:to Ihc.,, who any desire thou.' Out Huron, Stif stink Of Lbi Ousts, orM 'wet the epiglottis throsith ft the oloitAxpoditim router. All who hau lm!, ))et ottoodott to this soittor &mild Improve this lid otportunity,, Droitostut rorairm—afoyoz Alotiutder bad 'ample of disorderly cure Ware btu Ms titans test John J. Woldsrman, who was trusted last tight fee gitat , g it uproar:oft the'streotiwas Qaed two and mat. villa he pat& A .P.roubtliototstallitootDotb, Wasitottimillited to 101 l (r . re des.for btraV)2Bl,qatilik?l,' Uctee.e; - • I,AITII' FROM: GER. OREL ALOTOunt of the ihaVIA3 on Friday, THE ENEMY SUFFERED HORRIBLY Gen. Lee Commanded In Person. OUNCE OF 1116 FIFTH in BIM CORPS. Thy,. Enemy Driven info MAI. Nratetworks. BEADY FlitIEU fl BUTLER'S DEPLETMLNT New Toni, Oot. 9.—The World' • tOth cups correspondent has the following smoottnt of the eflair of Pride,: lbe point at which the enemy Ent mule bin appierance was near the Wallet, tlin of the Dukrytunt and White's Tarernroadt, which was herd by two brigades of cavalry, one of watch was coder the command of 001. Wut, and was deptoyod across the Darbytewn road, tare the other, ander eomound of Cot Stator, was deployed parallel to Rind acme* the Whitest Tavern road, conning the approach from this direction. The employ when first Jean Were eentinst usors the mastery from Charles City rood, and moving towards the right flank of Colonel West. The Colonel changed front hastily, so ea to form tuallel Willies Mad and fanleg the ens. my. Re had hardly effected this, mad sheltered hie men twhind • low hedge skirting the road, when the'ensmy,in overwhelming numberf,dub • ed on him and on the commend of Col. Spew, la almost lb:finites foul charges. The men fired readily, but could not stay the rushing masses opposed to them. It wee evident that they must retreat. so the command was given,sad they moved off town the Darbytown toad. Suddenly they were eh tilted In this direction. The enemy having outflanked Spear,• had pustules' of this avenue of retreat. As there war bat one more oboes to get 'serum the country, they went almost without orgsmis s lice% The batteries of the 4th Miamian m 0 1s• UnitedStatee, which tough' bravely, moved off in the same direction, taking a blind wood ro id. They had not gone far, however, when the former puce wok reached. This stopped etto remithider, and on this spot they were captured, cikbt grins In all, when the enemy, who bad fol. lowed closely, reached there soon after. The meaty, baring driven the cavalry beforo them, row ceased the pursuit and turned toward the not roteoted flank of the 10th corps,which was bold by th e Invincible old first, or erry's dirts• lon. The entomb dashed with his eoiUy gained vic tory, morel towards this little .band with all confidence of victory. The brunt of his attsok was directed toward's Abbott's 2d brig tde; he might tatter hams chosen any ether point, for bell of thesi•troops being Limed with repeating rfl.e,m►de hasty reeJrcia on the sabot rsisko,wito moving tows rdn them steadily, ochibltad . • dr humiliation to Josim the position, •bat. the un erring dip of ocr army, more than equalised the some : Oawig tbay pasted and more deaf* tb.s bra, WWI - 11111 44711t1004 with[. , on. haired paces of our crouellog dea' eloalanFtbso signs of *Flames bow to martlfsat Itself ter that! rauts.-' The, fottottbst, itfirattoe in lb, toot of flat .ftri, was Alsaply utlmbLug to deitb ; to abort Moro was ootting for thorn but to snot awaj as beat tbay.essald,oail slink swat thoy did. Not satiated with the paaletutreat he tottlobti; Terry at once prepared to teUort up Ills Ursa • trge. A■ oar Naas ayproaohet the roomy, it became' strident that he was atchaiond baud. As the toper of eeertaking bite wori fruitless, stiff oar advance area primed autittlarkaeto to tutored. Than, Jut u Ponds' brigade had ruched , within half a male of the Darhytorrn • Bud, the order arts Issued to rotate iefthis oar deluxe.. In the advance weptcked no villa a number of prism:tern, stragglers and 1:11= who waited behind del mt. Mesa, with the capture* before oar ; • orks, swellod our list of motor's to some 200. GOD. Lee commanded in person, and had evidently thltomntoed to make a hoary to:lyres. 'stop. ' " On lose la men has been very smell, but the rnemy has antlered horribly. Their prisoners •eport Gen. Gregg among the killed. They brong hi Iwo divisions lot, notion, one under Gen. Ftelo, end a provisional dirLstse natter General Hoke. • fizooquLanis /LIMY or rim Poroxtc, I Cat,ber 9, 1884. j . The 6th and Oth Corps advaneed their Iles yesterday wane bin nine driving the attemv'm eh limlshore Into their breastworks. The move ', nisnt wan to feel this pan Of the rebel lines to sea If they had been weakened to strengthen itetr force elsewhere. We hold the ground gained, bat's yet haven's made any attack the rosin line. Wesnmetrow,ttlet. 10.—As the mallbost was 'cartes My Point route:day mambas, heavy filillg weekend on the right of the James river, to Datler's Department. THE REBEL PRICE'S MOVEMENTS. Spirited Contest near Jefferson City. RETREAT OF THE REBELS. Babel Camp Attacked and the /labels Sr. Loris, Oat. dlspatohes from 'Parson City, 'daises • advance of Prime from Osage river to Moreau Creek, ten milts from Jcffenon City on the l'ch, was spiritedly contest. rd by our cavalry. A considerable number of tbo enemy were killed and wounded. Our loan was seven killed and forty -nine wounded,. On the morning of the eat, the enemy drew op in Une of tattle before. our works, brit after being wan peppered bj our batteries, moved off lowarda the 'west, and were followed by our forces six miles, receiving sharp punishment from them. . A . detaubment of the Ilek Miami militia, an der Major Montgomery, attacked a camp of 300 POWs, under Hildebrand, at Tyke' MUM, St. V rincii county, and kpled 31 of them. LATEST FROI EUROPE Muller .Convioted of Willful Iffurder SERIOUS RIOTS -AT TURIN ip'on , tatted Iratltirea is lOnizloryil, 1:=IM=1 Qmszo, Oot. 19,.,lbe0teamer Jur►,from Ltv -07001 290, via. Londonderry oa.ttis 30th, bN sgrised: &nifikamptcm f Sept. 28.—T1e Omoner's Jury ietrumed s ierdiot of willful murder ageing Sutler. . o l ita ri l ef t Zetretst tr a f t ermi Tarin to ln y ee ko luequ om en . o l e w or au the ty Omens wereldited una ninny wounded. Walter Simile-Lander, the post, died st Pier leieine ou Mak& • The • »Net Chat 'the moue eament 7 s I the op4telien freati_hast been made to the prie, and that he uked for copies to be WIMP Med, le conleniaL The Pope requested time deliberation. , Theamiebis that ears of jamaint ,by tai Sank of Franca had an unfavorable (demo* the trade. There mere ontainnad Anpreadon and !Afire/ in Engbead. Ron. Hiram Sibley nit Collins, of the/37.31Jan Yelectipt Company, anima At Qp3instoira an I Cotton Wes of Rae. **alumna 35,000 The manes -o pened dab , . and irregular, with a' decline of one half, but there was more eon. 'leanse it the close. • • - • • Breedsraffa—La alight 'banes and firmer. *revision**• quiet and - atiady; "Canada 0 . 0419 87% for money. Ametioen asattritioa dull ; Central shares, 82e Oaeouta ; Erie, 41® 130. Th. rebel lowa has detained 6gB par emit. Loadat..-Tho meaty market is firmer. Rebel lban, 73%@74 X. Flour flat. Wheat drum Com Arm and advanced 3 per quarter. • • ••• Nur:Yost, Oot.'l3.—Ttui stoma iTanstront Liverpool on the 2fliki to aototelt ap the bey.; " LATEST' PEON SHERIDAN .(inother Viotory Won. . At* Irolr, Oct. 10.—ThelTirakre Welaang hmi:Vieorlamtellineneeirlikeh has teen rassived 47$ Obit MotoMan has von another :victory ant treat, the r-eaconiscr of Einly. , at? • • PITTSBURGH ; TUESDAY, OCTOBER: IL 18.64. 'Rebel Newt. Nair Yoe:, Oaf. 10.—The Blohmend papers of Friday hays the lolloerbtr All tie cadets of the Three Math Institute, over eighteen years of egg, hare been called Into the refers* force. Thole under fifteen are requested to tender their terries*. The passenger trate' on the Danville road hey. been disboutinited,a, thegogernment needs almost the entire eapaoitg of the road. it said the Union forces have again burned the bridge over the Rapidan, and are adrazioing on Gordonsville. The trains from Richmond am raid to barna nth, within a mile •od • half of Stsinton. • et li'llmington, N. G., paper says; Tim enemy appe►r to be making preparatlone fora dater• mined attack on that plane, ail a number of ent lei hank raesettli bean added vi tbs. blieo sidles OWL The Mobile Adoerciaer says that Forrest bas eimpletaly dettroyed the Alsbente and Tennes see railroad tram Franklin, Tenn., to Dseatar. It also contains P dispatch from Bristol, East Tennessee, raid says the Yenkees renuned Prom tte it raid toward Knoxville in great con tusion-altar burning a bridge at Vartar'ir Btatloa. Moo, thee Clinton Was /templed by tram troops on Thursday, attar a severe engagement with the rebels .nrider Boott, Jeff, Davis.' return to illatuneud also an. aoudad. FLgtxt at Ilopapaville..Retteat of the CLAREATMLA, OIL 7 —(hn. Lyon, with . fora* ostiniared sat from 400 to TOO men, attached Hop. Isinsoille at 7 o'clock this moral:4B.od demanded an anoonditionni •orrendaT, which was real:mid by Col. Johnson. The deal humid four hours, woke tb. rebels oetrestod. The robot los, was elltht billed .od Often. to twenty 'minded. Our lOU woo 111 wounded. Arrival of Paroled PrLoners. Datgatonst, Oot. 9.—A dispatch from Annap• °lie cage that the ft►g of emus Steamer Chump L.vy has arrived • ith 9ity-6 pa-Died °Clears and dye buodred. and trentg.iiise man. A camber of deaths occurred on the passage The general condition of the men Ls most wretched, sick ma eta:Ting. The New York is expected to-morrow with viva hundrird paroled prisoners. • Cotton and Tobacco CAT., Out, 9 —Tt a statillter Belle of St. Loafs, from 111..mphis on the 74, brings TS bales *titan for St. L7uls. About 160 boles passed •sp forthe esme distinction during the week Ste also landed 'fifty bale. for Ctactona•i. Th • receipts of labia,' from Padnoett and the Tannagee river dottier the e.me time was 300 hogshead" for New Totk. The PoWks df American Scholars The (oar great Americas historianealo ley, Bancroft, Bildreth and Kirke ' are adrocates of the re-election of Abraham Lincoln. All Ins distinguished pews of our osuntry.Long• fellow,Bryant, Whittler, itolmos, Lowell,Bat ard Taylor, Stedman and B,ker are steadily engaged on the eame side. The most eminent scholars. tomb as Emerson, Marsh, Everett, George William Curtis, Lieber and Sparks all give the weight of their great iorluenos to the party of the Union and liberty. In short, whatever is of renown and litoratrueind eel gnaw in America is thoroughly patriotic, eta at ibis...inning point In our history Is happi ly ranged where if will beet serve the inter eats of the nation end promote the welfare of mankind. Tax Veal birOIITAXCI or A VACT i SI4IOIL. ITT —We eensiderthe re-election of President Puerta to be en certain se any future evoot can be. Bat there are other objects beyond that in this Presidential amasses, The bare re-election, thougtat would euffico to reioeest Linecln with his complets conetitutional power, stout/ yet •seeure but • portion of the praetical benefits that should come from this appeal to the people; and, Indeed, might add to oar den gent To be fully efficacloue— we may say, in feet, to be fully safe --this reeleo• Non num!, be made by • heavy majority, both of the people and of the States. In this re spect it differs essentially from all the Presi dential elections which hare preceded It Y. Tanta. Blatr's Letter {resonates, Oct. 8 —Frannie P. Blair, Br., is at le a letter this otorniog to the editor of the lialiostol latelbsemarr, axone:sting the Presi Coot from any knoerledgo of or partleipolon in his edrancu to Oecaral idoCI•llao to resume hit porition to the army- Be proposed to Bettors! MoClellan to write to the Pruident, sating him to glee ikal s commend, sal thereby sot at rest the obargee Met he bed oondoeted the or fat the porpoes of dasturing the Presidential prim. Be told McClellan lo rise shore KULA parposts, and come not boldly for hie country. lie Informed the Prealdant, on his return, what be bed done. The latter neither expressed assent POT dissoprobetion. 8.11112.1 i, of th. Ua a4l toned ideCiallan'e n appoiototent, sod said tae Onotion would go by default if it were m tde. WITTEXT gPtelnaTlolll.-111 IpsilXllll Of tk• protest tumble In the priest et DTombirjp. •Eld 'be failure of a comber of limns In Chicago sad .is.wh.n, the Cleveland ihratuf refers e.pttially to the anemone apeculatlon In whisky el: no, daring the last two years, and charges mambas of Comets with complicity In the bore. ne.e. The Hasid says : The whieky 'peculation hoe tisnlvd s rans , ,er of Ohloaga banks b 1 the board. When at Chi cago we saw . freight-house of the Chicago, Burlington and Coirsoy Railroad Company that t. Mr hundred feet In length and Arty in width, whiob was filled from sod to lend, and side to s•de, with highwlnei In barrels piled four lien deep. Thick of that of • deposit of nhielty, lying s hero for • rise, and had tido they for months. A alight depression on a gallon 'arm that one lot would send a good sited bank u high u kite. Fort. Pur Sururrao.—The Itel,tne Reeneke, Capt Drew, from Havana for this port, het been duelers the Id Instant, baying left Rusin es •he 30th of fieptember. We learn from *callable parson on board the items? Havana, which or riTod here yeaterday from Elbrus, that at the time the Roanoke salted, her esploin was sod • bed that among Ids passengers, thirty fin in bomber, wars Come hotoTiolu Nocallocasta, but be raid he was prepared for soy eaurgader. We hope her delay may tm sawed from some de• tenement of machtseri or other Lae oniele, but fears as entertained for her seat?. The Us emu report; Lae, weather during. the punts of boor end a hell days.—N. Y Am. o.n. "I rld VE lost dear friends who gave their lives in this war to save the Rtpublio. I care not votelfor a candidate Who dettlaret that their lives have been given in vain for • eeontry not worth having." 80 spke an honest workingman, yesterday, and his words wtli fed an echo in the hearts of thousands who scorn the betrayed of this e•cred cause and of the nation's life by snob a surrender to the Chicago platform proposes.—Tribune. A 01111ITLIMAS of intelligence and good Indg• met, who has been traveling extetutivoly to the central and southern parks of this Mate [Moly, &erre as to "Mall note" dill, prediction that at the Novamber electhrn ~E gyprl will gin ao toad Oaten; at 'He the political revolivion that is progressing in that region Ii as wrnderfol alit is gratifying. no .91000 down thole argue that If their old Dementia leadart.,onch son as , Generals Loyal and Hay pie, and Mastro !el.:Mhos, and /laykendall—bo neve in Old Abe" and Mir Administration, than Mutt be some very good mason for it, and they follow .their leaders.‘-Ohimpo VSZT Tim—They hive abolished 162 sinecure offices to the New York Catkins htousa, Undrizjtusi and economical govern. trent lhay wed nom have exhded.—Bostort Post Very true. They existed under Polk; Pierce and Buchanan. Under Lincoln they hare been abolished.—Bangor W.hig. Tea rebels in Missend gobble up ovory pan they come manes, and ask tf he belonp t the go othral army. If be says yea, they hold him as a Prisoner of war ; If be rays no, they then de• awe him conscr)ptal under the conscription law. They have no enbsistenee,eneopt some flour, and the/ depend upon the 'country for forage. They l are SOMMUlitted n great deal of plunder. Ix Charleston,todas, *negro eon be:bonght for $3,000 In Confidante's:looney, wbloh sells for one lagold, tasking the value of Queasy° $l.OO. Aed thls, tooorltbuotton at $1,75 per pound to How York. Before the war, the limo negro Would bong $l,OOO In gold, with cotton at 13 oozes kt New York. 81111D141113 ENtOILUITII,-.4. sharper Who took Passage ID one of the steamships from Braman. to Nor York. portnadod theetoltrante that noth ing bat preenbsoks were carnal 111 this country, and fiftieth them teieeli him their gold it • dis count of 110 percent. He made $B,OOO. Tom Mains papers say that ail the amps e State balm come to maturity, with an go yield, and the potato crop will be the largest the Beata has Tmodocad for many years. Pao. Edo. 31• DD.; Prtitsinini; PA., Oot.lotb, 1884. Al ee Shine.: grill b. trsassoted in ibis ottlat on Kends, and Inigbij, ill persona ord.t.l to P.O.Ownither lay, may ranort on Wednudny, Oat . litb. , 1. - Trissor Tisrtss. , Capt. 4 Pm. U5t.1.24 Dist. Ps. AAAA .. A A-4-, 'call the attention of,:ota sea due to the edieTtlgolooot Ditgete.." Pri.Porklie eiegantly lonat,dfi the bonnie' of Larrencreville, and will be meld los. Per for tber bilonstatlia:oall en:T. A. ld'Clitllead, Ana Wheat, No. 55,:Pifib street. illsculren as Lusirewsi—An enthusiastic Union voting wee held In Limetewn, West:denten en Saturday. Aadresses were deflected by J. W. F. of thirdly, Hon. Goo. V. Lawrisnoe, And others. A Evusr.--4 vote vu taken for President on the Wail's Aceommodatlon train, *Mob arrived in the city at trine o'clock this morning. The result mu: Lincoln, lib, 34; major• Dy for Lincoln, 81. PL41.4r08. Jr IVP IC, Pm Wihi&LINK Bradbury 6, SoliornA.ukir & 00.1 E tIELEBRAIK! PtANOS Ali 3.) 611.1. r • " FAA American organs au. litiodeona, Do. LI: BIK'EL:.'d ti,noz,, BT. MA= WO take. pletanu o up:Anima to • tot of than wk. han lOt perctumu the.. tottrummatt Ptttatargh ad! Plotti Ettettord Mud. Zub, Jotm Won, 1.q..P. St. Mier% apt. Okehran, Jatom Pm., Welts, k/AI Mal. • Os.. J. P. b.., b Ist., Wm. ric, Dr. O. B. W. Mukha:l74 0. II Dom, Omni St. Batson Oh., A. Domollat. D. tel. Book. kn., D.. O. td. lionettm, Oa J. H. tom traottla, Ps. Cincotta Bt Plomart Losd•roy, Todoplown, ra. WY Month tud Ltborty. °Opt. J. D. Oaavay, Dltudnikam. km. H. Hopktes, Boutok:ay. bt.K D.lah®tr Hoaod..Bla To. Graham fb. u, OUthad. D. Oooo.lZot LIrorpool„ 0. Baimouto Alltultsay My. Haus, do. Yon an. P. /Malta. da ill. Krum., do. eL. do. Dr. S. JL 8.. IlloOltstock, Pam I.ll.str. John UcOutly, do. All Hon. kleloct000•oto rornmOut for Am yam.. • Gm chat.. mumd.lmed MUM. L... oats sad moot ITST LlltFYtd E 211113 t CO, 11 113 VIVISII ITRACIVV, 1 / DECKER'S PIANO& I=3 . N. eIIiDLK, No. IK3 timuntrumn rig Pianos euul Musical Lastrana ants, ILautpo ....tautly ea Mad . Sae anffiallsom 1 Ell DEW ri Aft(l3, •lOLIIID, 0011TetEL1, LOOOELDSOND DIKING& it,, wheat, b. .m eeli O. to peke. bßimed Piero, NEARLY NEW, . r .W.Z . you mix Cam. 1 t 1 I A 7 07TATZ BASSWOOD OD ICTORRIBG BUBO, r 0.4 tarots.. A.... mtstldtos . aW, Lt 11,4 boat and suss lb.a at. moot., sad Is es swel as atir to entry r•.port—rot scroubsd o• man-so to the W.. lb. At erstat Bost. pica Is SATS. WWI b. lold stolen. ted'ortlon. 26 mk.LODLONd d 9 Cabinet Orgazas • •ea.ne-baskd Erlelotleonli LT LESS ILI TIZICIS P. 7.1.216. Ti NABS'S PIANOS.- B•I4 ZS BUB PIANO& —A arsartenrat of thews mtimliodfcg i gi lama obi b 71 L. void m s cotton of trmo AB, to.,monty Ago dollar. tom two fmaay prat. aaa It( te.ejJ of Plum, Toithoontola ...Man. from TbA , Lom etrackatab au/ O. Ramer Al. from soma of tao out claims% ImaAomam mid Atoms.. In the wont,. 01m-lon woa br aNI grbtla • B. li,LOll t BL tIIA 43 mirth rtruet.. tNM 1, im.e.trt:a. " 1829. FRANKLIN FIBE IMMO COMPANY PHILADELPH/A. Amnia on inner" 1. It, 1M6T.543 I& I rotted Usuotalkl —lll 11,11111 Inu.seas lor UAL.. Lc. Paid sigma 111M—.--._.4CC0,000 Parpotnal mold Timparary Pollan wMend tam= macro= Charts* D. Danclur. Lassa Lea Tobias Wavier. Edsraid O. Dais, Samos! 0rt24 4 J.w.a LLB pro. T.l.e, Altrod rthir. GP W. Richards, Prim. W. Lsurta, El. D. CHALLIS . DADORDic President, LDW&RD 0, DAL& Vios Prolidant. JAB. W. Zda&I.LIDT/LIS. Soo. Ps, Tisa. J.O. 00117121. avant, azial cornar Wood and Third Warta. INSIJIIANIUIs, IN NLRB AI4D LAND Insurance Co. of North America. tHILADILPHIL Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Lao. --....41430.030. isti - rvotss•Jon nut be lectond In the shows named and rang& ationsaiss. PEOPLES INSUR&NUE COMPANY' Odic% N. E comer Wood & , Filth SA Vita AND NAM= DiSIMANOa Wm. Phalli" Jamatt, Wm. B. nays, Jobs IL Parke, Marlin R. Memel, Vim Irma Ylair. WIC EGAILDNEII. G 1 IMO - RANO& COMPANY or lITTEIDUBALL 0 o. mesa LAW ead Worn ottoetd ..done door. WU. tuomar, "maai . gunman. ilarwary. imam Steamboat. Oitedowt Imam maul los. adde Os namtgatka of the &Whom ea Watt= Mrs% Lau and Bayou, and the tuAgattos od the Sam• -.*. . , boons ulnae low end Abduct by en.. 0111.1=114. WM ' & hn N. Xlsr.' Jr. Jr.,, PW Jo WAWA. WT. l J . Q.oho a" J B. tosi. umany H. Itiose'oll.mA - ' 1. Rao. T., AL Haim /Au 1.1411art14 . Bfirdkr Prstao, Wm. adlo/ral. (Norio Itinghata, . , 1050:116 AI. LEO WIN Y INEIIIRANOR 0 1 , 111 . PAJI OP PITTLIBIIIIOI4-411* Ralf Mb strait, liaak.Black. : Insures agalnita kindle of Irlre sad Marine Maks. 1811040E19, Ream', Ih M, BOOH. JOHN D. 11' 00 HD, Viet Presides/. Stor gar. 'taro lona. 0 0. Munn !Harvey Child; °opt /L. O. Otos. .10bu Inrizar, b. L. Fahraah. • WESTERNINSURANCE COMM sT omyrßß 1:11148, S. =WM, Jr, Prieldri. IN.NORPONi Nootorp. Mao. Na IN Warrstrimepaki 10a4Warratome, op gal" . . TM Won otolort•an NON 4% .Ir.io'nod ibis A. A Dar 1111 O Wat aandodb &maim Novo INN boom do 048 ooroomily, ood * ors .41.4o*Nodi: 'prombou mod Norolk,o, looLita A io aaelaractir chid No Lae amoooi, aw ore* No ASS proontico Mos, 449 dabs It m. h. Killer, h. . 3.:” Jine.otey. Alezezeler Oder. Erathltuki /torus, ritni 11 - / A U' Alm BIWA, Beal J. Thine" , 0 .. T. D.M., Benj. P. Bake s% &e i l Etesson. Jelin ft. yoga,. wee , 11. S.WILDON; &sews& DIAXTISTR F. Jib ADLMB, Oman, I Barldtos tu Tran of IniumanAl strona Pllttl •• .• eageo—Dz..llll.Poliock • , 11.. , = -" P , Lt LOIS.NTS or 7,.71 I=l CHAS C. ZIELLOE, IR WOOD ST T, C 11.19. C, tf .1L11.1.0 II I=l —ii,axi.coo. W. P. JONES, Amor., byplay% DuEldtztek IT into anel. =II Aprem D. Pulsar, Pc. Jobs L. Nam* &mod P. ifttrlyar. Demi" P. ma* 0. Flamm L. Marla Aztosk lo*. • UPS Prielamil. WATT, v(. Arai Dar.CROIC John D. 11 . 00 4. Capt. idea 'boobs, B. B. neartnag, Capt. Wm. DIM , A. L. DrAriv, Babe. H. Dol4. . canaPirs. olz , aLoiralts, as. _ _- IDE OFFER AT wiiinszeut, AT TV Saw TOBE PIIIOXB, 'dm ewe 101.1380111- 131130.4F0LD mut PRINTED CLOTH PIANO TABLE AND STAND COVERB, ISE GROSS BEST MITT CARPET oisoins. 1.6 GOLD BOEDIBID AHD PAINTED WINDOW E4l-IAriES, Dr.C, Orson. Drown and Fancy r.,1,4, ID GOD& 317DD11 PATTNT WI LDOW s. SHADE VIXTILYREB A TOLL LINZ OF BRASS AND BRONZE SHIRR TRIIIIIINGS. 100 PlOoili All Wool liAwnd. and • composts Assortment a goods Um DAELPLT UPI AT NEIAIL, as Pert, Low Prices. EoFABLELED, COLLIES 41100., sm. 11 ►nd IS ITITH STltgrf Oteen Iron Trout Entldlng, oat door to PO6C.OIO*. No= 0 URTI-1. STREE CARPETS AT LESS THAN COST, to rood dug oar FALL STOCK vs will seq .11 goo• • on h.oi. (pa-cbaxAd bettor. the lath advaucas) at considerably itun EARtFACTERE&S' PRICES, AT mcALLum's. ARPET STOR . 11.1JrAll. DIME SA vimis 110 SMITH YIELD eTEIEZT ,opp , vote the Ohs. Urn, II Alm.) CLerteteel b 7 the 1...-gh.letera 133311= =MI Wm. H. Smith, Tos. D. Meselrr, Yianchs /An W. J..nnings, Thy.. B. Blatt, /lcur7 Jab. Abode;, Alba. Bradley, A. tlctnetrma, Josiah litng, P. Fl. Hartman, V. Balmy Jactro Park, Jr., DAD. vrcaxan,• IL D. Oechrs. D. L. Loag, B. B. Emyth, W. A. awe, W. . Lr 4..4r/then, tollarisrrey Ph A. R. LE..IL O. Z., D tralry, Dthrorth, 15. A. Yowler, L . El PAAI.ty Wm. Amith, J. 11 Flint ; Jacob Eitaclrikt J. W. Woc4welL B. F. Jose, Alll.l 13114 k. IL C. 6Alnerts., IC.II. W A.c.vtarr .4 11 , ..r.,-1). L IrILLYLET. opro daily, from • ro. m9p. m. Ll. giturdsy isuye, limo to 8 o'clock. BEMMMEE9 btritten,t, allalratl m i,lnain lart• plattml to the credit al tb, depcoltar •• prwup.l, and boar latarata, Ulm eptrzpountilbg It. Peok• =awning Charter. By-La - 41a, harattattad at tb,..lllca. war This Institution eta% especially to thaw per. sons w bows earnings ars asnall. the alowtsenitl W ot'ott• emulate. by small depute, easily stare 4. • stun which will be a she when needed, tient money slot only beinp sale. Mt tearing interns; tatted of ransittitti nprodnetiva PoSOttan DDOLLARsAVINGB SANS NJ e 9 Youarm Brum, CLIABTLEUID eittot ?ally from 0 to ?o'clock, oho. Wednatnar .4 Baturctai canning% from May tat u Soft.s ht, from I to 9 o clock, and from Naval.. let to May Lt from O to 3 o'clock Depains moored of al) 00 not Ira rnan ths• ried• int, and . dirlatecd of tb• prat. deolarati rel. • pop, la Jana and Demobs, Intorien nu Non donlanid anni-annually, to Joao and Dcninatimr, elan Ike Bang ar orgeniad, at tk• nuo of al. per conks ~to. Locum, it not drawn oak la fumed so tn• anal of Ike depoOtor a• principaloold bean tbs ..to inland nem the drat dap of June and December, compounding taloa • dew trlt.nt troubling the &pallor to toll, or sun to pF(111.3 tin ;oat Look. Lt 11.11 WO nanny OW deckle In Inds tkan Moire years. Books, containing its mart ft, By-Laws, Unita and llaanlaticata, wrathy on application at N. absa. Pam nue o—GZDGA ALBII,II ME!I Jam= D. D. Moth. was. IM•:::;.k. Jarmo Efigals, John H. Mcladders. John B. Ilaatoten. Peter & Madeira, William J. Andereca, A. li. PoHedy ALM., (Writ Adults, Jc C. Cleargo Black e , 141,111mrwh a." 7 J. Lindy John Allart6.a/1, WlLlter P. Olaratull, /oho Orr. Etl=l2=l Ghanian L. °ohm John rra i m .". B.L John J. Mean* Watt= 8. Hawn. Pater H. Elankon. • Ek.honi Ham Jane D. gall Bnm:tan a • inhlbdaor m = de L. 11.14 Al=rlase aped.. ki=s-adtsr Tina% wuu.m Vssiklrk, ICI. Whittler, IN= Christi= 0$: • 1- 00M11. JUXRC,II.4Jr'r 7.IILOREi. GENTLICHXN WISHING FIRST CUES OARASENTS asas tn the MOST LIBII7OIILVLZ •na z..airxrAsT ME LaESIS. orootel eto wall to call upos 11. GALLS iti CO., 11111RCILLIIT Ti 11.0133, q•A., ri.1114 ..1411 , P.M.1 4, 1_1 , 11.40 4,0 13elore pcumbadag alsowtan. 4113 BISSELL'S BLUGK. W. H. MaGEE. le ST. CLAIR STREET, Woolf all Wu Mariam of boyar' to ble}soori am. It Ma Om aaloatoo vitti grog MIN and oa• sat.. all /Jra arms drat of pedi to to folitokba Zhu do. boom Onto Mallows call of &WM made w adar..Ml gime all. tad mato awr gooda plow. OM, • fall sad complata desk of l'un►ish[uQ Goods. W. H. EIDG/111. llsatisa Sake. H.. 10 01. Chant , litenbli FABRIONABLID DESIRABLE GOODS GENT'S YOUTH'S CLOTHING. MADE ler) ORMUZ. IN TDB B z T STILE AND HAMEL R. O. NORRIS, ItUallagEirt TAILOR, 79 YEDFAAL. STREET Allegheny. pitIOES IM)I7OED I TO SUIT TOE 1112Z8 I We are now Belling at Bedneed Prices Olin PALL STOCE. or for Pope, Youth, Va2bu'"'"ii ht a h -.Piet. IA GRAY LOGal, IT BT. GLAIR EMBER _nzaci,raza. rum xnt.ovAL; - MINN HULA Op. Ebres nmcm4 StistrPLOW - gash 1111 & 101.1Worasz 1:14* ~ . TrIMUMBII LPI ipisatuveu—tn.f. a &Rama, Ginn' Lilo alarahmtis. ban amovid teed Is to w Arzwr._ _ EMU Be OSA. .11. LB UM,. Ara. N EW BOOKS. DOWN IN TENNESSEE Std. cot entangle,. by the author of dome the Pat.." le selling od erfid•fir.t. and o.n turdly be Entale se flit es the orders pour In for it It to craneek• ea full el meter W, most tmyvtant to every Co. hater. wad la pa1:41.49er; alitltary or polities!, bead,* be. 1:e es Moron. by ...Indies ead ablorblag fa letlaeat V 6.41 tory th e author . . o th er book. LLach oloth. CO VICTOIRE. A new tont etralroto awl fragh_.ore to mate I 1111. 1213c0, cloth, thavol newt. jt Ta. QUEST. & new and ;womb:tot acid. h darelopsd In die discount wort of hellos limo, cloth, tinted paper. SI MI. THE ART OF OONVERMTION, A aplendld book, that Imo 04.1 ontnt to ova. lb.. cloth. 11l CO. The atabanus and Sumter. A vivid and plasmic, history of thw seths caree of arra two &woofs Goats:!mato voworbi. Seprtutod frccojho Le odor odltloo of lb. print. Joann/A, *X. of Cap=o &coma d ea. darer. Two vols. to limo cloth. 02 00. CEV.NTIMOL.A. Ms author of "Or o f An •Wit•l.7 wcrir, up.dep. tam Bor. • •ih y rain lie alot4. M. JOHN GIIILDERSTRING'S SIN, An IV.. .O par lolls W. Wry, In the I lyre up.. Mao, clock t.10.64d. raps, 61 60. Darkness and Daylight. Nixt. Hole.f new aanil. U o , citotb. $1 Le. TALKS 11•8017/ TEM °rims', The plcta of all the eperaf, to the .tape of dodo 12 o, dot b. $1 60. YOB BAIA BY HENRY EISNER, 7( AND 73 FIFTH ST. GOOD IND EbEiiiL 1300.E.6. za,ni.,l DAWN, by the anchor of the Schonberg Of tto Yam BY. Ttill •CTIONSTRO rOTTA PA WILT. RI tt SEN eTuLILES, WITH BAANIIANT AND AT. Ve JON INOILO,W'S POEMS. SN(I)El AUDEN, py Tow:goon. AZ IRIAN, by 8 8. Pretootr M • !AVM'S POl/113, Do .d's Mdirlon to Vellum. BOOB: or 001 , 1310N.Paeyral Of Via Gi3V/IDEL •SNALB Or THI AHMT or TEI OIIKEILEL. LARD. By an 0151.1, Doollatil Of ic Lux By &Igor. MATINTAGE ONSTI rorm MATES —Whoewals sad ro• tell. tr 0310 co:tato ID cents. BIBLI3—Lo greet mkt, of Blnthap sod Bison. B. B, 300.1D1-0- very large ocipnt, ahrovo on hand. PROT ,41[1.Pki LElONLA—Wholonea •od retail. from lb rent, to VII tb 01.e.540•0 AHD SCHOOL BOOKS TSB ANTHEM BOOK. .Ices Pubt/Thed I. L. HEAD, 0 , 0 Ponrrh at nant goof to Iron City Bea. PROPOILALS OLOTHIAti AND CLOTELII 6 MATE BILLS. Nark Ciarternetrr, rano or PIKITISIOia MID Otiogirrso, September 1, 1884. 1311PAIIIITE PHOPOSLLS mated and andoevad • Skernala 'or Navy sgothlng at d Clothing Itlniatiale," will be real:had at thin bureau until Fro o'clock, P. H on tae 12th day of OotoLvs: nazi, tor [arab/clan and dellvattng boa marlin thirty days' Dottrelat the Uni ted Stat. Nary ard. at °harlot...yarn. 11 .• n". l Srmillyn, N. If., In mall nombors and quantitate, and at met thaw es' may bo roactSed by Ma elite of thin bureau cc by the commaadanta of lb. aald Hart • yard., rivpiettvely, the numben and onantltlea of tha differ vat artl: ha, and at the plane. &podded to the follow:lag tat, : Marl= ord. Brooklyn . Eh• Jackets. SAM 7,000 Eoend Jackets ...-- -_. ..... . tan SAO Bin. (Bo= Truman, pain_.. 3.000 6.030 Bine Satinet hovers, °' -- SAO 19,0:6 Gums Dn. Shoososa," 8000 • 15,000 Bann ale, Itheetteg Snooks— 6.0.81 8,011 Dire Ear..... 1 Orsrahirts...— NUM 10,0)0 Bine Ylanzel Undershirt.-11,000 LOIXO SI. flannel Drain., pain-12,. 60 IS MC Him Satinet, t ankt....--_60,000 100000 Bk. 81=801. • ' ...---.60 OW 103,000 Bias Sankt., .10,0)0 Coil akin Laced Mims, rairs-10,1100 15JX10 It 1p .ktt, abwa.—_.. _ -10,000 86,00 W. el.. books_—_-.....-10 MO 15,000 Starke. 8,600 140/0 klattracw. (.11.11 or. covar for tool-- ...-....---..... 6.000 8.000 illmit blik Bandberetlieb._. 6,000 8,000 Masts, patto—. 1,403 SAO 4 . llera oast be mot. rot COO CIT 01010 SAWS% at I= action of ea elitiar, and in woe mars than oto =Ude co. Woadsi We OW, the obis( I I the Oar.= ar 111 tia. the eight t., =owl em or mon of ta. Wick. coa take dto =eh cif= and rot= the remember. I% =loss woo la ogoe. awl seers =at 0160000 .17 of staso ow or tams articles Mir... 64 at ail the do.= /fre the descrietion of enacts ta the Wane list, hold en en referred to the seraph:Net the anld flary-jards, 1. to the edvertlaratent of thle burials dated July 11, CS, end for bstormetion as to the Imand meats°. • Cemrh'et for.) resterdlna contracts, to the onion. for the snerel coastnandatita of inn lards and ailry scents. She dap mama morns the Mitt to stmt say pre. pond not mnsthrrel atlrantsgeorts to the Government. Steed kW., of proposah me) to obtained on appottm tion to the navy Kent at Radom now tort. of Pnlere atlphle, srrl et this bnreen. ee/o:4moam DRY GOODS, AV. Jon W. cuss---larts StILIDISIL WIi...SON, CARR & CO., (Logo lirllgoo, Pqrao • Os.„) Wboleole dealer* In TOZEIGIr AND DOBIEZTIO DWI 000 D 3 . E. 94 Wood stmt., third loins atom Dia:wad army, Pltubargtr. late( EATON MACRUM & CO. Whalasskrand Datan &Om t TIGIUUNGiI, raanionntatas and DAT GOODS, of nary danc,iptlm, Goa. 17 and U Ttfti, West, Pittabaznh. Mh um a GLYDE, Wholesale ii.nd Retail Dealers la /ANOVA= STAPLE DRY GOODS, TRUCKING% to/. No. 78 /Tarim arm; bet IMOD Diamond anelSoarth,Ylltabargit. - R. Ef. PAL No. 84 Wood &rook Maltz% RATS, STRAW TEM DINGS. and MAW GOODS gity. T M. Wholesale end e czn ittr h. Dostor In EITAFLF AND reztmr MIT callow Fourth mut Ilarkd amts. Noah TOSEPR HORNE, Wholesale and Retail el Dealer In all kin& of MTh , (11, DIN GOODS, S.. TT and 70 Mark eter 4, 1 W. PARKER & Dealer, in all kkale of Dalt GOODS, Da Ss SgsaiaS Third and rocrth, Pitt.bargh. CLAIM 416111X2"14 SOLDIERS' OLLI6I AORNCY. W 6 J. & HALL PiTTERSON. 17fORMEll FOR CLEM AID ?gli3loll, ' Ea. KA FOURTH STE ET: PLITSEUREE.: af i gq . ./ leated =lkm i r .asablek. ral "au= W0031 . .01413 earn 3400 BOUNTIF . 10t-aLL W005D11121301.D1111113, b aair baba pal aaa itth ..Illtecharge." 104U* abea mtr. 'sae ta la eatlbtel, W nsy ALT= Dal. Llama by the O. r :ea .6 I • • brad Plebbargh, 4 elan helm, Ilatbsyysl wreplywr lursunwres T GARDINER. .COFFIN, Agent fax the •fra.klin. Nal•dotAls sad Hollow losarazodo OodipoodoN Northeast comer Wood othl Third ots. I, P. JONES, Agent for North Amerion, Etats of Pormaylnotta, and Ilartfccd Innran Cbntoontea. 87 Warder& QASS .6L TM, Secretary atizene' In VirataaasOompsay, carter Ilarket sad Water eta M. GORDON,f3earelary of West= In X • sur . soc . , qoppaqin Wan' itsrt. , ri 13001 c, geore . of Allegheny In '.1.41a =mow Cknatida.:r 2 Math an" DRUGGISTS. JOHNSTON - Degn - iPuall DREGS A 1111•1 wilnodza., ritromenT, 71110 Y GOODNButunza /MD, 0n.% minx kIXDICONT:S, fie., at gait*, pHinsAngll7 a! nr6mW , which h. *Mid -Togetb =siitra " r& =lock : • B A FAR:WM.OM 41 - Co.'Wholesale' irAnal..ror wrz . c, *arra slum and Frau Week, rttlablirgh. Phr „ESTABLISHED IN 1786. LiILZ--70/1 AZ Nr; FOR MLR 100 A ores of high. da Bottom. In 11: 22 ,11 gnialtre; Wsitztotaszettatti : Ps, tvS. t mil.. Oran Plthitatik issat ibtikimmt.ilbt•tloo k , th• • ilogheay Tory E.E.,f i ta g begv•an lama °walla e tophoo Young tatztat Jaap . Arsakt, the rally .d tha allegbeal Altar. th• Mrprovutaiubtiel ttelodnriztlfairit mita% Ott moo. ; Fructi Bun: 2.•50; Two &Ala an: ; Btr , d,'Otra Chlt,lso Ants Tow at .Iprab kn. a laud ketptgt TAtrit t elabil i ng ki ytar about CO hada. ; froak Taw at chokild loduLa grim al.; .ad teed testa anms! fixed told. StweVar• good *Tabu" ugg Shirialtslo and Motu with abort from Jotting itmalc,fietif ttoo.o.h the tn., to sera 1 way at to "Mal witir amoral detPs. ho um* immuott ofago!' tirtet•lP. of Oho railway caw b. emit emu:Um KO' Lotto= Wm. Obit usetAgsa :AK lot losens; esr: to tithing txsutiful atm toe pint. noteannes. Oat el ft • good two-Mg tram§ home. 39clt A . platuvul with • 'dm to tuf f .entetvanni. Isoitog• 171.0 n the Wilma put et the Mum sok: ettet did nu E. tusaitnt.tt la wry rat* la tor, hoot bat may to built. On tome of Mortal int the awed (tavola of MI larmaralr a. not el= his • three (eons of nut: ly balf a mf s. Olt preemie; salt wells Ifs vitata stare The strata gip mordealy • cello 'mirth of the line. The eoefeerhe atsemf or st that pellet mart enamel le the pr.:Mips! pat of the 6sm, neer is elleed oh tie blltiope tiro ago tomb of ft If the math froth dram both north aid soo.b, lb. farm has • Moth Lacsath IL Ito mattes la worthy of erstotelairo by peed heel all here, ea dale he • iceseiee Ise pirate ' reerklehees, • diva ket for • village, m tovesumat anemployel oft alms favorable me to Sae -zurert, nt ?sr am., doubtless molts arreegematts ths' A. V. fosses. Um team Malmo. Yoe Islam or...MMus 110 X. th 7, Ithanthath e re..lo:dtf . FoR SALE, "'arms and Farming Lands. • 1 I bon frr soh seri kir ntgeberntrel:4lnil y lietig g01 1 11r4 " . tr6 . l.t i ri a f ian. rectdla P 7reo. tbo tendon oishe cennelinthe Bairns& Pgehd lit gingtot termite., goose of. the toed 6,lihrso3l4.46Ctlider .1666 . 6 63 0 116 6 16 lbs nen sad the reasacase le of eerie. east tee °Mabee Ana grit! len.* • o.lsb IM sod keyortelng con try, soy bans sera! •Caebilell by lbe rellreed, and the o Wombs of smatestiou oo ei me a 'hum. Bernal an an sow boandor ender lessee, enl with fele pronto/ The Lends oil be tole at prime eassbag from $5 16 irtO par votK d ere deserving the attention of preens ,eeeklng g, otooventottt to mutat. ps,& to , oUr o. 0. navezi, 63 berth Meet, Phtsrgh. s F OR 6ALE. • A Cour.Cry Reeiclenr. Pc ase.sfon with!. • moat, A modern OWITS.tWOM gory brick bons• steb high attlo. atesoard -roly vet: orerl with sate sad metal, SlALsbad l th•ascsisspirlre =inner I ocde owl oat coal ask And walnut it awe., doors And pule wort ; 00 • in 166 br MX I = &boo od tog st. k onotaorAtal ah.do aad fruit t Nair ID • Tett rod yet es. fly rxestlblo part of the barongh of' Iter Brighton. i, r. , A.. Brit btoa may be r. tmllatt by the P. Pt. W.* 1. E. W by elite dely trains sad by pgrehastazitrtay: IrMclat the five la m ate t marrly ammo] tansy esti, tas. log he pls. • mut Pius targh. Ykts boost au a. LS alters &saga by Iran:, s dtatLuguishst Pew Y e archt.oA, sad Is • gem of art Apply ta a. 8. BaYsli. cal° It Fourth street. Barks's Ballßag. - r il RENT. FOUR ROO NUB. Lam, at Printing Odbeee ; Beek BIALLIng erme=eablat pru-pnena Oen be farnlebed . with sewn men! wanted. Will be tented steel or ;bitter.. • left if &grad. • • • I • ; 'NIA/ &ply st Gszares °molt. VALUABLB COAL LANVECItgBAISt' —The Runde/ Tom hallarbeem altbdraten WIT al the market Wooer oTeredisesde. Bald land etentbillag ekeht7 a UM; Is shoat throe =Ma tem Rata' .rarti...tUtdat3alat otal•dt the chalk). Th. imieeTteepate Merge twin Ist god{ one contehttng of dvalleg hoer; barn, matertApr ewe god rat bearing orcherde of mine Uaer In good older, and all ander thsbeit aisle of eta W.thinunsTattegiki rue thzoacit theralta:c t" t irarl i rrrilairrozr, 8011ThRiteitianT e Sta.eakee t the. ; - matt( • FOR SALE. A COUNTRY 'INCIDENCE Ls lite 'Maga of letatudield; fon/ liditertiosn OF., Lot RO. ist,osstalnlog lalisrme six wad wren sorest' . Non It to coated a good two story kaiak. bomas stable, and oases bdldlorta elites% =dwell of water, bar wow of coal wiliabaak opened orel l mar Working order, will be bold lo ems lot or divided_ to puck:om /font sold lerftwe BILRTEIIMB-19t1b14 Do that day be KM at POBLIO st In.. without roomy. Tido inelispotabb and doss eV allbecnrabranco. Terms of sake will be sendsknoarnift application to WWI= YOES2Lit, Tearpolly. sol 9 • GALS—OneB new St= ' Eng: J: eynadar, w bah wew 3 ~ o ntourinW wit balsams mire Lora= ' • lark cylinder, SD' [me} atrzkii, erntad.liska mat sin 0.• Er goad as nay. • _ T task oseos cylinder, SO E 5 twat Wads, mar " " • Two °Andra Volleri, VI In. Mann., BO ..04 km& • Tam " SO "- " • Taro Wrought Iran On aka, St a. bat. of Baring &calk for OS wen. - Carp kw cmah. ntra FL IL SOL; apff Arlsa &ma inmy Elm Bank. neer Ma Potak OFITIE MOST BEAU WWI AIM -4 dodralls locations to coanta7 anti annotllltsin Marts b Dar otbred mr Ws, frantbt• Amon altoott 000 lint, =I coati son los oftasto :WO tb• nasktettc• of alsdityi rug, ye Oboog,. lubf itoessCbls of ths aunt Ma SUS lo att tbs Oita • two dory bra= Ratite boom barn. fob, all to good 'ado.: stso • lbw ea thud - of losinbosoo, utfoU7 1 : 01 • 1113 /, This owiromil tbstrod, win be Obrbis• Into Ism, sr four meow= Ictstall arebssers. Tor torsos, apply at the Bul Made aid • °Moo of 0.0. 134 Ira !hatter stoat, iaws. tflfs FOR SALE. SHE= AMES OT.L &HD, 012 .01.31. Vora Is a ens timdtorr Mtn drum cal. tvdning ber roans. ball and Ilatt.hon. • pause. tkordm 100 bosxlogbadtrard; sil fhb aseenaront. banding; and a good well al Pam water at WI dd•j• litantsd oe tba Washington jaraptke, alt siPes rim Ntldbidltb, in* coils trots gtiondeld, and amiebaltialip bola the plank raid. fo r __particulsrs gadded =ello:. pronto's, at ths mend, CTOPHI4IIFittPa; or n 4 Wo. 4 Dimond, , J.l:OO2ltM Wri onlidlrdavi V 0 B 13ALB—BIMOR - BAN ,MEW a`" LOD (Thr. 11.1E112111:111 1114 ontarbfarte ottako of so Of/ .Ifoltacry ma Bum eafr. •ltlotott auto .. hilt serai ot raft abundant cad on the 50e....' Woo opon bean. orcaltiOl. tante tot ttor. .ntk .. "l 4 w a it Shot and A. 11'.1t. f 1... It car mac Th. 6 new sad ot modern Eldlit, am 111111111 3 did seder. and la won • amok ttotp.ttg ..:, Cron It to tbraiiit. Oast ' lotaldbm busty Tot peroolfon oill.olt tbs codorallotat. . • . , ....,..., .., ~., LTDAT A 08.011PEMIN , ~ IMO . MOM Handers% Pittetotort. '-. :', FOR BALSA.. A LAItGE OIL BW}II;. 177 'wet k 20 fort vide, 7 fret doepi bbl. Balk OIL Oat Do saws at Ilsolcoogret Rake wry, brio. flarptborg arktga, tho For prim, am., •noolro of W. MILOISMO Ir. No.la Liberty Tho Own woad mak. o•Loaf 1 25.1 floAr, fang , off tiro dock. 8A1...F..—Tw0 Lots of Eirgatici inttuit*l W Math Weenie Pltfatfenktels 1 3 11 flee es 44 1t 4., ten ext 1410111 wed Milne/ steeete, , heetax owl • of !4 bet ea Butler st reet-- ,eta exteredteup bit* prpo ,l terns' at" ems wfdt, het to apnea Thm, Lan are and tm b. rotd treajdatlabli 10• 11 4 : 1 : 4 ruraraff For tense spiel, to StfEtft • 0111510D1L fitteeien e ' 1101aasettisteset*fittebargly , Fo SALE. 640 AUDIS Of GOOD GDM LADD; ari Obi ta mu track to Saarafterenty. I. *4O qabeet ortil tame Mad strait lad Duvuot F og IEALB.-21t on. *tau . _ is prime areas.. Alm at AtantienjYaralr pO Npot6ii, vitae itch tad D irr on '. tpc aP at. 11401 .1110 u : 00* .4" . . TEAM 8&W MILL FOR Eit&Lß—traw Mon* the Ma OF Oblre be the " emdaQl7 l l4 - . _trQ• miles tmot Pltbtharitir.. Sill b ray invitambQi teallt, wabb timber Alerts* bet Lei leargtb. dm two urea sr' eelfb It. wept pcd. ranting coder Tor &Mtge MUMILQ: ealtna • Zak ert. 9eslcCQTtlla Ie; Fos HALE—A farm :eat Wnihr =11.4 sift frotargwere YID, tesualleetera PI The hinelaseireuteredl hattin.ie toattnskre. _zia_taxasz-virtbratarameet rogievz al,the tjabieribur •-. L'OR -SAIIG—PRNN STREET PROP: grax.--Tas, tammostary Brick Pinata& s mti t =eas. *lea sllff. Mut storm h $0 4axatint loostigilt EtliatdaccininumposGt. Leger e at .1Y3C31 Ea runi eisic za FOR SALE..-Hoture and - Lot , Bro: , 43 - A' why rttmt., Ilka tat twat, 0tt:,04 2,4111 1-',E Poet and islands tank SO bet to a 5 toot . via= , 13 b moods tarp Oars dors &Lk nag Qb melt panked roam. Velar and tPe . ' riot and tarn vpir at ' 111:13 • D. Mara!! dt Ol Z 4 . -- . 'CS BrarD.4l:- FINS 13TOBIZ '1 vzs Gab,* werl, oar "lard atm% Allne•Au tied mar. g tanairavKagsay_44um A tyri,t• ac.= - • .> lava , Askomai IF*" --. • . , port REST.-714 tlrsts .tedt MITNE. • - Innustrerratio..,.._ ~.. • ' -7.. Jobs Oggd" a'oo.;w6llllswialmaar •,,, _, i Ihnutrirla 44 Rem, or ig lEN'ai cor. , , •- - 7 - , : -----',,,, ^+-• 4,7,1. ti, .._ ,., VIM KILL.E—.II 'mall eatagietteit 11017 T ;Ado, Da A 44 NON* ' - - .7 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers