MEN -V.C. -1 2;-i , k , tutc*LlME , thefusww6ueti. Atte.: rd. .114 - I,l s lfi t Ai r .(1.14. Admanuallummusocno. ' ..10.66thiektaVatifill Inge from Yestcriay's Bret, , DlV r l ll dl l an l., ,Itn Favor Si f Foreign fatal , tR Y . 'BLS loarb t r'bauaald"Wetatroatlrp4. 'Wars about thy. dlrrofmal of blotnallsn train emagansdia Austtag bees g1ider.:. , 7•114 Short' on mord sedans to prove that lifoOhdaa, t a.,,7ltesthasAtadir Aisandias terreteind • ittasid lag** lie itieprieltan rperdel h, of tip --zatayth . .kpititlintleth eri:01.4144g 41 0AltrA I APIJki i .#1, 14 LT at Wubingtoa., in Uttar from tab capital, mi. , • ,- 4ei , dita or Ifehtillibedrilaliaptiietiroff fa Ale folleuraVeartinZeOlidielleaefiliili „ haart,thaarillAPlCnik ogbtsr~tn obi' . 4105.1/1111 fortswtag .tionitOrtitifitte, tato B;lo_altrs. 4.k„0r0. ffasktution._whiskt,,dashisl Ctherhstrie "opal of taw miamatrfox li wah nOn 01, 410 riuktftstatagoalallais.ha4bairidit telosad from `th. assopserti- Altt-4*w of tha Poe:am *Ai Ordtrifirlo lama to Moho= ; that , ho dhad, to foe, how reasoya3 altogothoh Icon veal.. surto& Gsnerrel had beep regarded do thesrepresemtatiee of thi• ; 1501 9oreliotedildid, 0 .,7:149 .4tekatees spelsedovser larres4. , q dep lerresieeeerdeini proireenesa SL dies:duel weep taken ea a opt that-the President kad throw; tionsitlinto the arm' of the *sneeze radial patilAstrpv4a t ula3userpos oNnicrout th paw if that riartr'iduld ta. Tad Imitation of th* _oonsenratlree of !law York fat certainly eery great." To flostrosst what sort of eonservathot to hero ...i.o l lWsla3ftfr,LstlittiSit , '-Obtaite t 4 formation, we Trots from the same letter th• followfaitaragraph: "BooerptAcks ferule" of, the DMOM:4II4 part] *ought ishroabs' - 'efth'ise &ot,V6ifortol aftar thri nrrioorof iercifigesee. of general Me fkakneeldtse prima The 'abbot upp_o!most is thittr soinds4 Ttotastlity_,OttEspfah4V- OLIP4 * ALS iiffirstja - oodiationi.efilliCaflge.oreitgasoni Nes of them aoomed to think that this Mtdi 2 . SUM MA Wilt MUSA; btat4.l aPpOind to be . afraid of its crendee too non. It was oirldeut AS they apprehended that a promoters propo.. al of fore* Intervintion wont; and the red tool franitz - V.traitifis or Veit. resides of defeating As paver/ad pram( thecontrastive*. Thoy . oarest_tq,sevird ths, . agape vso,fttorataisjori such an offer:lnt indistto' 'wd; aceeseva4l.-togeteacere*Aulte IM abroad; a 6,3- ad doUniVierrea - niedgetßlM qf o roti....orrneni.skistd, jo, the liwyle pt eou.A.he ilrei virsv, - . 1! t';.K.act.4.4.0)91t0m x ihntutfit perin to pea an end to IWYefereA.-stt .4420 otebrft-Tie soda= kogether. The,4otteval or the CitittleFifitdr,' , 1 110 Malta of the oepparerlaey-trset-Te tin to 'torelisialielzifei. r_..4•4 to the ter'' , *Woltz oe (oleo' toeatong, minhaats andi plopitti l idea"; g thane eit4ens who? ptiariltanfollibltibon tbsTr pats:arid: Itl .... ._ boy could sot saM ottpftel waned to Ito= i - .OritViltal; 00 - - ti13c.014141714 - sitt - 411 r isiatdiarriuto. Bel wit this, olosptioas.l th• Lass virpte-iittC)•te-htiguk with tzuh - 4404time".1rovphvrturr- um witkek - lasi Awl Al Yt t" 1,11 #61 1 1 , 1W 1 -, 1 4 0,4. 4.4 0 .4 11 ' i 19061 f. 10)/14420 0 us sort 4 int abi tt agC l ier./ ,0 1 =prier=re: follovidittrObititioTo bye Thflit Itows.- Lan vo. 1 ow(11 - 4imainewiy,patirvritlarrlir:cinnti , iittivertatitirson_, ,-- _‘.., .. ,- At Oft 00144 n SitilifitiTtsialiVoitia!ieu butt 4111.1daewoomitlut?well bedstraw : a Itrfitarwltirlds M :two - toptdroMAlT: itrifs4Vititotfthoo tatlibtliad tOpliftsi' enotbsoadoltrobt s fßontitftertairlotilsgsatk srm t. if Ws aipilitfon so la i ttl i titMt r .' otts",)-shoSso mill bit twirl -11.1&170140"441217„,, _ Alfl)lP44 4 ( ig• Vail onalsota RtlßtC lltin•l. • 4 , ..airgoightagoloaatzst sight as if thilitu • ew a vilr=ltraM i at iltskilawiteetia' . Vlllivllizinoitt • •Twlliiiiit • alp ins3 - bil a2Deuri; SW a oputreffow .ettuit ilit'sod.thot 4treaultp, "cosy Si IMPEOiAtetkbih iibtol:44 thit Ar::4 11, %TAP staiorfA L la . ,rlyWomoitlf - mg itAttztotaribllia OK r&litar- EiginseVe CloseettostM 'cc tltk ess,Srtnild Imes' 4V l fbttrtit4: • :: -4tPe44 1 7 vtm*ltii/Otql.loridtudoAl ~.._. 4 voligal , *dame or Afbc - aL tam Jam-mar& st. and 'ibis" I/I*ft Trideflums Si., dobabod ft= Itizadosita alli. tibiStrieltte,irOstsioto: otTirrotit,Xstabilii. 8114040 0 0 41 1 1 tItsilobrAsh -b(St orawwtomsta VAtf.thoos.atot. iness.' -x..,..-...T..xat,‘,.,..•.-,,,. . :MisoinisOkSPlThitt g emir asistkihlCio tatt blig d- of. ositeatatitaiarithlostaidthbi ars Y ar:thstazologbuso-oo lekol=7 #sr , Visedflo "or ~, I shblatlMildta IT iltPloaggestO4titall , Swoote , ;osataxr,bstiortlio thositwititltb Impootos twsOWAltrAtotazat itto tile it jriolerldolit whits:tab .ter,hota ,- -.70 talkeldsl*P 4l ‘ . 'bi actin; *POOP Ler ekt tow koala thitsilgteu pilots sistaroustbr Pstrit:aadprodlat ail soils al'adi.csaatgata ma ,4 , , i , ,r_t- : -, ..,,r . •-• ...; i. • •-: , :t5 . ,-:::.:-,- .. , .-.1..- , -i r P nErtrak**l l P It ' iliVWl 4llll .- . -cl *qt bit irifil➢ aln ' Ala Ti U lieto4,fiiiiii ionwetti4oVe_foiAlidositritueisAlrpro iititaalros4l.7-,105tk.... - .lsrinz - boutp t 44. 50,4/ittirii*Piivrak!Lit ' 4l4. 44 .4 -1 4; 1 1$214g r i l# P 4P uli tle47 63 ' ,..0.1... . 1 1,tr "rt Wr e a si W ts . as E ttd4Sr.filbdisPli! 7415W:14W4116 4,shMdf:7:r i t . :go — lits-i)t' V fil f s r o ar 7 . ll . - sP ,Ifr irlint„ WSW drabs 44,4*015, Vilma a , moo otitis at 41Soity p isit Z s UK r than thoh. Wok, WiaTi. '4lltVldbt• dolpbtt ts Am to do to IstiMexitegthibittitt3 litgllo , 4lWeillallOtowSkapitittisisarr9 ig e g m b lo L iw Nor*. ~ cig, stottowlo w-ibtrfiinfot: •ISUbtatistito lstAig.K!lt on poop's. EMI too" Wets tiO,,, ..T., sad • c 10214,441a10Ci1it Pititt ' it hos clisbodblatassliatiosaightrgautigiltaattlassta -' 41"1" t 4 2 4114 :^tri til ! M e ',tl ~ /dfte2C• t . .;-: - --t.'"„ ; - .2 • t,,, ,„;,,,, -t-Tai liii ‘-‘. 4 , 1 saeviair o i l itioW tottboitAi • i' ,- .4"- olistas• Asits , OLdk* • ' ll ' 4* la'his xtefaity. eh toutwwwOrPtiglitif 1 4V do ro '..j...4L . ~ ..w - _4 l /1 1 3grartt 11,414py isi. . Atitpo94; Obte yi - ou oas oft. 1 ,• , lisogr a rtimatatiot olio cur. 1 1 1 11011101Wdsididiri 'max davilakast. i 4011.11#4 cake-1441C Zek tou bpi 1 . _ Li n t v i nt er t r i t i t ; igg aWstrkarlovl way 2.•,,ir .......W qatattlpissforawl IC tW*Odisi i ..11 11 Slitill _ 0 . 1111 .0. 1 FM43.1 1 14.04', sittlVdtl , ,Wild'All*Wdi ftr.tiousi • ash rtallbssaitsid Itlirture piiiiin Si iiMitt..4 0114*.ft . tild which the poristots anat-agtia ord 1 0:!"""" rfilI P' 7 1- , ',... l';'• Ili:6 vr 1 f Azoo tbs boottigjaptpoompotti ozotsitaf at Atouadria, tiny owetiminantotoea moms to basitboatptooabotit, 41010ohis atooll Adaltiliottobltogittior theriazdlstitifitlal InDo statodsaciot sobs lain, shall with soot that Ito matt 'shaft -..dg tan:6W On P 4 41 aoS /Spit' AbOngill, /1/4 bit* ast i or l i*FdiatsiiiNs2 aoiret• a „su,uquesathir lam sumo, eying to bis Boa osootadsiattloban aptsaistosturs ataa:P nest to Idisi.itsdpototobeting to All iial extent *l292lolliin, 4111knJedaneace4 with his plan of Otalootiont. The °Moor of 114v:cora Ink so ..ltiribggsegtofi-lakiat ;lb NW domy to osoy , i lifgasiottitbitoslytk,yin*lt dosskttakotts", s pa to We bowl vitae& cent. or otty loolloaA tkailLgT-L * P II 4!SYS II VI 'i 1 t; ';l;, , 'e.' ~1-,t'i EXIaIIItOS raknerfArtitu fiAtrwro.—Tlts ilia. ',tetrad sad tmatatsta. It isms nit lash Ossgstittozieftlatttilt kalLtiablogdtiet ix ;wag the rest WiFt. .111 Ansi; bat not aity bard trAttf 4%ll#:rot bleat IOW azkWW.O.Prg4tV t 1 44 44'0047, c)164.10404ipe tegok tat••• ballAilikAsitimitift &whin itiotrthisvaits. smayitolattirctol,42oltwaltittMll**4l% , trtagry-901 'WOW' slot PfolOtt, eadgfothitt tatailialP ft • • .Int,wlE l If It Itstitatii . Mit9mi Mciatie uni t,1 11 ..t. -Raw - stliceitstumtatbdittoiliddlikAbe innittlitto ..EstetrAtteltdAtth,Z6V: . I t haftitiLetilitlite ' Bunn 4.019 t, Otts. taitorvbfratta sh i lidt vtid4r.,r.r. Attf, " P -Sillglub adi a • e.s +4 v. ifst Is -^ 1 ° AA," aim; tz.smissill bap di ad lip_ pm WWI" ... • - . • . - • . _,...., _____._ , ...... 7 1111„,.......,..„ ~..... . .....E.7.-- 1.. • 1 '•l't i I. . • • / . 4 • • 1.• "1 , . !....'. ..: ..J:1•1121.1!.• '. g' IS : 1: 1 : 7: : I. I - -•, • ' '''•'•' ' .P.'• A. , ,:r• '1 .11 .if i , . . . . '. , ' ' ' - - ---, :• :: 6- , v. :','.::::. v: - s ...!: :.,:. A ,• 4 ' b" el' ' '•-'' '" 4 $l, 1 - k,I, • II . 54. II• a .' -".. '". /... •:71. •1 r .."1i . i .. , ....1 . , :, ,I 1.2. /.. -. c ' 1.2 ''''' '''' '%* CITY 4141p,18t1BUSB4dv.i Hew P. W. Hellen old Col. Eirin.; Thg_diollegulobed =ember of (I:ogre:a train illobigan, Mr. gollOgg 3 vol t addressed the mw meeting In Allegheny is :!t avaatag , blt in mu. queue of the faints of tho trains to Nome, to did not melt the city. Tbo In g totweepondence,eublished In the Vie b.legtot. Tririetveypritplaistittorgead.tbrettglahoce Tustiiiheierittlitr. f6ll4,gWiii edema to s kit se ,terlitilrieelp4taNjtilill.ifeM , 43 - 06. rez 22 , National HotacWashlagro.-4 41. O. r d t i to % & 4 41 , 1 1 . 6 itlei nytto - say, 4Ysonrylrintit, ei r have the honor to invite 702 tO addrees the al C wi lsbunbedit4 4 P, l 4tWdzi".4 eat Dakar ciam..mliatil roar acceptance of this levitation of the repre sentatitte of adlotriet oalobroted 'of its logalt4 and whose majority iaaottainieg tae Qovereeteut will be counted by teal of thousands. I em, sir, very serpootfally, year. obedient serf vent. Joust A. Bets Colonel in charge Ise Div Q. M. R.O. Weeuusere% Sept. 8, 1964.. Cot. Esm--_,lfy IVAN I have pretreat:lead your flettatlng I:minutest, in behalf of the Cabd Saeautitas Committee of Allegheny toasty, Pal to addreets the eitisene of Pittsburgh on Monday 'Teak% neat on the great qtestlene widoh ant bleared In the coming election. I hare othet engagements, but hare concluded to postpoesi them, end wilt be present et then= !condoned/ unless unavoidably detained on the way there; MI ayes are turned on 'Penneylrania, the Key., anmesint titirtnfon, drat I Alf aline etdr4 tee talth`n,,S U ybkOsetutsig f rosjbisiesnrafele not the people of that State will glee for Ao -ham Lincoln end Andros Johnson on Tuesday next, I shall feel amply rewarded for my trouble.; I am, my dear its, very truly yours, P. B. Buxom. i The Wasidegton °Armtek In notloing tha above, justly remarks : "Thing's Liberia:my en. gaged in the discharge of offillal isidee of • highly Important onerous &aroma?, our fr etc, COlonel Rain, of the Quartermaster's De- 1 pertinent, finds time to aid in every possible wall . - the triumph of thefrloods of the A7nintstration,l in the State of bit birth and re-lienee. Theret Ole other gentlemen in that and other decal service of the gores:Anne eeree who aro tieing but none mom asakmily Mau Octane!) Mtn.' • - . Filth - Ward Lest night about twelve o'clock, a number or young soFuntatedliitsveri Furr piamrs treat, In ' the Rah Wei kept by John' ilium, and asked for drinks. Mr. Amman elated that ha was it , eout' to clos(hlspvfiss;a:v..dgliatetiip.2 them,' when a diffmutty arose, do ring width one of the! party Crew a pistol sad shot a Garman atoned Adam 11514141 Lo r mitsupusingont* his tower lip and' ktfor.Mrent - two •r" WE front teeth. They ware then broaLly ejeentd, when they made ; an assault on the building with atones, demo l islibg the windows and doors. The night pollee repaired to the spot, and sue. I oeeded In enuring one of the party, nested WU- • Liam Richardson, and took him to the watch I house. Upon being searched_o small revolver was found in woof his pockets. OM one Bay and Chillp this morning arreated two others. named Zokvb Lytle' end JeidenTordi who ar. tad in the affair. Handal has ordered es slut &him before the Mayor for - esalt sal ; battery with latent to kill, end Ammon will P.! , prosecute them for riot. A hearth; of the eel, wit talus plasm this evening. Dead Infant Pound. At an early hoar this monism, the dead body 'I rtztAktaN 3 t44AIM iralwrinP %May: Mt TfMttli ettrellt,'ULAMMe . Illayea's °Mee. The body ens examined by Dr. McCook, sad the thild appeared to harp been petit otly developed. =lt also had the appearance of having been precasted, the neck baring been somewhat discolored. Alderman Danahls n, eating Coroner, was notified, and had the body temored to Dexares,en Qmo..striet, where an . Wpm' ist'A 4 r-ali , ai half past two ceolook. A post mor em axandnation will • be held In the meantime, and efforts will also be :Ladino sacortain the name of the mother of the AGGI&TLTID draltTLT axe Bevrier melee about eight o'clock, • crowd of nordisi /WWI yniga1k.4.400.b,62=6"0,2_C Etateh ref, en 'hes "Lon merely. Begat sown Wage le haute, end yea follows! by owe( thopertt, reemed-a-VNerillreho-teervhear aver the heal • with a ohalr. DhahithiseitliAlqa elothee were newly tam off htepavion. T night watchmen smelted o'.g..elito?h,htm to the Ids)afit hertftWUiLarhtlairmen , semiteg a Mann. The &Scatty was she reeds pt.t. tr.u. Ifl....htrAdetrle4cisehlhvate te-day. Now kfaifictr•Bfre - thuilifils;, No. 48 Fifth street, him morived Um following ploari of Paw, _ClMlltAt4Tiatqff Pages gamin& ;_or Deo -Cminviightlearearrentoitier wardelind Mritio frompoord and rospoodally dedicated to Hon. .1, MSK.tbnadr,..l74..WilThtm ," 6 Wrires Torrey to thy - Mot t -r. 9=g zni :h Words by B. Bowan • mnslo by P. B. Loam. Companion Pa ',llrothorh-SaintingatAnDoor, fi !Maim — Inaba OomPoodad try 4ctlineffoori; 11121oedloatod to tha Ladies' &mini Cinda, La • 4 , -. rre UMW' - enthissiikatio Union maths iris bad at Lonmse Glourattelpritt,Mitumb.-AOogdoey.m. eibe,'Tlideksetitrirsi-irish.4# leetalltzt John V: bath to the obsitend spobla Vs's D srf Edwards, Edward Sprang and R.tbt. Spottnso " '4ooololltilitcrtigrjiMili alTook, Sou Walt Moab:sad. Coat Excaintra4.?,,tift-Mhttrinn@VM,All4 at their room on Eft& 4th orthrtiber, 1881,1 d ens ordered that the Secretary be tistrsmoed to call a fall soviets& of the mat, be pold an WeeniadifyithbA2ch tart, attliroloOit, to take Into considsrattok th .tutortarleh O m:Au the price of dlillarg to fourAtionts. J.Ellatmb4," • 44-00 E - Z:SZlrre'L BM OM griAF 4 r , Tel Horton iNior. Ng_ ,w ; YortngfP4;o baterda t 7 arentn ti p u roa--fery g nom ben—h j en reipived, UV& ifahtlf7 John P onto Oath Fifth pot, , Nude Bootrusroxi 14. Don.—Thomatbombly and idlest wan tam qt the dry air on doty to•dopMb f ob poLbi, and °my otokliill to mad* by Molts:or to yromye order. YctrieltainteticarstairlaArga Itias ,ticoas and galas*, st 96 Pectoral streot, Ails! IShwaYl t .. . 1...,Tit 41 *s , ''''''''', " [ ..r ..... ~, in. 4,..) , -• .- C.7. ea, .7 1 .. "" . .... Cattle Panle,lp England. ' — disni, nen= Ellatriden sad Vartsgat an too :• ak l n fi t t ri n n artst i t a l ecatisaanos of th•Yebettloa, ars already utter ing. Aleverstl Ites_l7 cotton melts drove in Liverpool 'MOMS* WA' % ' d o t, and ethers et mli lto follow. Tonle, sea& d eluded , in easequcirk= • iglli" 4l Waters bieoksds, the net& of option at leer [io st l 4 l4. oo 93 reta M ai . 1 7t 9 S 7 adon ati n g l Alle #," war. etsaswo.,l.44l2.Notabli . . - teuE,;a4,. thenhicago nomination and so torah, the litleal What is 11, and adds, ' , Voters aro au ad, without ailing Imprensa:at quesdons, to nay,thals mos" anditoitastertlialf sdrolteettsTi natural history. of lbs animal. Looked 'al rq a from the Northasaidde,..ol4l4eorea,-Ifts Ned f cautieeTiVa-tertitme SrMleitashbd, sod ,coking as desormuly dore•ilko m it °so; from IttPenettithilnith desalts:skitter orertortho PI2SW i t irtttllt ihre,olitz.hermott .proysosa J ..) „ *.-4 , %J05...4r, GI ~. Va 4." • i . , . , . ..• ;. itti i t J ll L Tag NahlichittiiiiialidadOot 800 n ;....*- ` l3. Vre ,l r i V el t i ft'' l h 4 l3l . 7= ltga: mgraotte de t rya W onted, upon is the. peofflf7 Cht_ j lo - b 344 :Mtn eley: - 4:lelhe Id of &somber htr i ;As Int will, namplatabis fah yeti; and it en tO mi. ands Its avant by a re-msloir of Mt rothar' two/ at the rooms OUR cantos*, ,Titoftab will hold its,Csin re dMM mu tin g on. Satettday syn. log the Siborhea the poota will be invited to illmittyanw r , ri 1 . ~ - 1: 276 r c 'W O i l l 4( Y Fii hat-litiginin ar egg galtaontrol: Yea,qotier heard of losing him tamper hut. traA'andituteverisi cle e iret , l3olodif idatatit; hi Xentacky, lgirthisa. •at Ws friend Jeff Dash Sim was not ile. That P , I 4 111 414 4 resteeoo '' - •- • , No Done or /r.-John Bigler ez-ff=tor , ft callfornia, dastaggilazgusiebadotelegar rsia,-nuiTaggliy - Welai :!ghak Anglican% tr,Q ojip.s l o4 4 - I , ll kTelltha' o w'4 "*R 4 o: 4lll . illitteretins Aver "Viktr,,too&-aragairAp. &z - &3 1 4, 2 AsertintiradigMetflaifigg hal assassirso. auguad as a Ater of hie 'MP endlisig a clatter ta•Obili••••• Anglin • ndthe ant giassely• and (alike iiltligal . _ • - „,, . *tr.:Vl V.. s — .2 .'"'-' m , ta.t...r• DAMWANISOI a. AmUsatef thascratitico lin01•IUW-41WRI•deatbd urocithig i Elseoggieliebterk OR ih4•o l k, (4..-.1 a drni,d. : .` .r.... ~ :,1 et , t Instrd i r 64sheaking of the OW iff -, al -4 41vas are proclaim shim, Ode few! lOW Sell bagg il y Ft the halsg." Pirro3llll4ff,'WEglYgftictir, Q&01/1:11i2, FROM WASHINOTOit Depression Aiming ' the &bets. AtARISS - AS OAP RAILROAD, 4 j'ip py.ol-jkfiri ‘ i•44irti4 . lrried Into by e , GterrilUas. MOVEMENT OF ORANT ON SATURDiY. • - Order against Guerrillas. THE NATIONAL BANK CURIIENOT .Woth:omos, Oat. 10 —Late lllee of Soatha more. trat:::"446ll.,:diftefibls ';obow a geno 4.1 .lepteestoa, bat the editors are entleavp aging to Ware's spirit Into _the potile bl hist:nag that evertittalralila aim biesett, ib the fr / ont, moms: It Ittn-tatedollnied that thatiiiiiiit law on all branoher of blue other then Nimes epenially `ftisikited tai the itat.4: - .,Nognligtiongniatitis a ab ia ntw a n Fa i atuad f ra a l .dtt 4, nr i al . 4l l'7 l "kna Bataan, lioipme portieha et the.sranntryi - ttra tuntglattlatitbletki but thegaTragulationg . Imre Algona aspgided,s probably. wltisa_view to nvls% ion tt to dwollithtflutihel labilatiVflOtigrais, ad the Chita* in gussets; was attendbd, by embers. • Wintineiti io enioroinuint.' Threhinnagees Gap railroad her bee* repaired se far at Itectortostio. ;tell* hare rogentil Mara. Wa a b .l n g d ' a and a l 'aladlia Palma:donde:at of tie mad, when tear Nested - own lest Fridelt, disoay. , atedllsitta toga pdfllof theilithir 14.1 been! toll trp, anti promptly othamencel re' la,i when he =tilde patty were Ltid•ottott oy goer -I lilies. Notwithstanding this attsalt, they one - 1 t'ileued• lhalt work noid2refed s fleverali shells exploded near the isborert, bat no casael. tier neauTnns. tati — Abs . Arata eccapad wteheat " a - vitiate." Another day last week a lobate, who had been Arent out to undo retain Inv Vera! by gnerrillas end :ghee to the woods. when he woo robbed of a Lumber of )etierg whith had twin given him to bring - to igatitangton.' He was furnished with a litigant for them and restored to liberty. lthra vaunts guerrilla *per:Alone back place DI morning. She :lupe:later:dent of the lia nas:um reed had .tared-on lite way to Piedmont, or beyond that pant, .erlatt two train, containing vivicp s e 4941 g -- Apty mialiltilftlta other alai if white Plains, and about fifty-tight sales from Westaington, it woo Agithleted-thsehtta.tawdathad bean-tore slat A party of goer:lUu at once fired into the train, killing , If. J bleCoekett, Assistant Boyer- Intendant; Ed. J. La:, canal:tenor ex Lieut. Col. kallerdancutriy. of. Cho lath dittehigab Val. anthers, who had gone onion the tram to ao • quire expert:me° as condi:stet, and the engineer Leaky taparted . Att. fklaabbett;ageut, 'aria a ricizflosi- or . . .where were wonitted. After exec.:Meg their murderous worethe gawrillee fled. &ear braggebithul tram and the Ina wontifid,eitobved - Mitaasies, whence they will be brought to Waahingtos. Now !bat, Ont. 1L...A cpeulallothe'Vatear, dared 'Washington, Oat 10th, aye : We learn boom the front that a MOvelnetnt Oelin webbed on tiaturdigy l thbugh iht tbjaet star tot Rabat. ' , / 1 3A siAttlit iitisiartll at asaa- baistata by G. Meng, diractingathe shooting-at every guerrilla, the burning of every. house, pi.i4.4ti. *part ariatt,iyataiiiiiiia'abille.iblioolba Bheisitthigh Valley, and' tbia gairtillsilafeeted region between Washington end the Potomac. By &nation of the Sewers', of War, all stoppages ageingt the pay of ofloors of the army vet the request of the ordnance oilleat, f or non reedflifitkPj arditisninkretrttion,tni:thhtyeare 1661 and ma, will be removed except cattail sash regiegesta as have been mastered oat of lbw ger .10., aidstiblatt blitatitlei W beweste red aasaar. tax the presontanuantar. The total amount of National 41401116Werettel Woad to October Met 1861, wee 61.740 650. The amour,t tomcod' ihotins the week ending Oc • 05,betWkh 1864, no 1,774,840. IMPORTANT FROM MISSOURI. 20,,Olgiebels Across The Osage WAVY lIKIppIBIIIIIO VfIy.THEENWY Prothroatin of Gen Price to Liao reop'e HEBEI B DRIVEN PROM CrAtTFORNIA Movements .the`- Opposing "Poftes Br. UM/ Oet. 30.—fshis the -14.30erar. Jet, fat!, Va romeastritloa. ea WA; piaci 'on ti.b, wee m*" . , , 1 7 -3 ° 1 :07:4 1 .11 1 1 1 4g4.111iimr ciewbottrreeesstet the °rage river. Alter lea kg oar tozilloattont, sad main UM= tlithnet tbiis parsed wvetward aartagthe, algae, some 20.000 rroa - g,411.i0 25: alorits sad • , General Pleasanton arrived this lotanonnAni .. . . ! amarnatocimiaandonad laths tom= followed I the, rebels wltli 'Pont : Glen Cho:mak_ ootary. At night, reports mated Jeffersorrlitty that Ira had , "ostagair- T ritieri rieriwhil• Gettarsti Oath InTitaiss fr om Banns, wan tightlootrirtrrst. , The Dmoercret Jefferson City dispatoh to sight' says: ...... l, ;-1) ; I 61 t i., Eti C., 7 7 all A emarterJuse arrived from California, t went,- I ilvo ntilap_went,.brlaspibloznuitina than **roar - alry au skinalshing-with Um ofroart hiallyisil lday yesterday. In the afternoon the rebels ea tersd Coilitandysad tarfO r tho'doooviald Wtraln of oars. ,, -' , -,-,-'. "-'" ''''' Islelsoniid - i - priieWa kihol , il l olit4oboMl ,oenSfilitethiliffottuTfist 0 .11174 / 1 1 0,,i9 . Oralillia i aiTgiinitiiiited . .te4lltll-', tattails,r(ol enw. led warn asilitary ammealry.q. '., ,' --., ;.- ' • AbountaVelooli, rata e ra ' l el.7''t :6ittar y ' ionettdiato4totsta i;*Iir)•t:01t. , W. 4 1 04a,frOkuilAliw.cW , 11 00, 0nr iloei was- only- f.--- few-Iwovadea.- -Taw railroad . w7o.ltowitlor MAUS at'est!tilildii .,, c/flid jyt std atT l o i r reit _ _Mit; icit i , ' - - 7 . 21itr . is 4 . suopi ei t : xv, yr, klmat4frirent u at: q ,1,..10.094.0 .. glatisrjtrii4 , vale' , mend en - Nun sal,. teastreptartal,6oo‘ men' flowthY IWO& si f lor 0, , ink hstj#, `, 6i irollang Co-tacol. wit, bah 2ssirt eyebolt Colonel Bum wdcli sipOttokttottovo a at Tipton last sight with 6,000 men moving rteword' Boooyativ.ier m sega% and the seat waren/10,0sta .a t oto.. , . ...„. , , - ~ , The bridle and"witer tank 'fossilises burned 800 Or sisht toilet , w est , ot Jelfrusra 'City, the dapot at Lookout, It few Wks tavelit: ' -. T „liffiE ,, EnNT,' , .':Golifig, s ~Qvu~iee~ol' ~e~i:;WUcdt' ' rn 2ssl4ht. TDB mint 10911101 t'll aro lot in Ford - Noah ot fetoribar4 I Now Yost,'Oek i1...:i1i0 if.r'otd'a etiniti oorpi Sorrorpandelif; of Itio Pb, otua: This *to:Ding Ito - 011efolon of Gen; , Witon,loning `thy nun of num Usti midi loridvzooerrittr oho totvittOst I 'draining, oaf. ippittiork. *id ,reeettsinerWlL: ad :a.t.). enemy.' •Tlui, tern neklass neve, 4:onsolsissessonsisted of helper& of .11 4 ,1, Mild 'thedeletsly rethinsdeLbr ed. Eitimi &drums was rude of over & min add a half der slOtaddin . Islibigo sleet findllklditio ebonite, tossininds& birccot.:lldidanblibriras trod upon by fa Strbinle Ara UFO Alan rain Iwo lost. J The reocosnoliss artoossperded by ' lapt. reapaliam , W7A u tal i tery of the en , ssilialtlitglitiii:o . ppiria.atudit. ' 61111 1.4,1t1trip7 Itoriudirtimtm.Ao' eiiitocti444ll,,xoA,allAtlytiumsmit ddi ribi*A._ I.olo.l4sfitarsbnis orititedistoam.a6. • z, ma& sautmay lawn . Ma put will tote* , gnso-to.s-armi-Inii-aposirdar-Istter - anattoned -. gm. I Stull 1V.11f.0 M limitiaEtht faro:italics' . t Mob vain Ibis .. . .... , •. • ..ILatatt, Valet Europe. an t li 4 o 4 V-Wing.—The Moamar. A Pan% gr,ffut t i 4 . 7 117SairOttast, mut sadatakt allynrita-aorsthis analog, anibatodishatliamiab It jr : : . .ia plosion of thsparfei4 T.Urgir i , C - 1 1Afr " rjdoW,alpthtt TVitnalas —Cotton aallar. iWds olst. YreNtloat 4all. Coasoli Wand at 883Q3811,. THE BATTLE ON FRIDAt Bf suit of the Fight Bummed Up. THE REBELS SURLIER" SEVERELY; The Captured - Guns ~D early Bought. .0/N4RBTt:'47lta: - U.T6YANT TAP 'NSW tome, dot 11—In aU thetrebel account! .attlietdrairtl..lhiday, they make oaf that the reveres. Sgbting westerns tn the linnet on room, while kw aceenati tepee tend tit ineaSligtgontt et the engegeteanatto taw* taken plans' afterthe rant eti . lEsnts.. .The feet tnaj he'thettlie make Mal !m!' lilt *de lelisl';warn deaf/ for litchi ,riottly ever Yeataies they werwarnmd . with ret pealing rilleee audit was tn , this umiak !het the rtbels lows Gen. Gregg amd seven" other ogler& Tfei ,rWeer" oo lleigonticht aural ,°ttp. th., A irsic ie.Jollottp • We.,.lort eight gangs +u • set "i 'batmen , we, =pia rod seventeen cacao Tharsday.- We.tlaughtefied and wounded et le eat 110011 of 'Queerest.' via trout of the lelfeutry, exciti,ive of the infary that cants titillated on theine.imiltie taking 100 prisoners, • Alan el the . rmeton , ohliled and woanded were left ea the tistd,intennehlertog their Mors, - titer bought thtir lteendearly inottsh; • Wasn't glew them the credit of killing s bung and capturing, et 'an outside estimate, , ;400' men; in addition to thp, guns: lookintat the Vetter from - all points at alews:. ire eaten, 'very Al - Cillife 'teary: eon &Sod to lose illative rebel* cannot en.rd totems the largo numbme thsry /est tc•der us atpttning them., They :algnelly tilledjlo theirobjecl ettleaking Iv, and will mural, be likely to renew the ex periment, at lout for tome tinte:`They atio sonared as sevirely ea we did to the loss of sat tiller; hottee. One of their batteries wee driven of the geld by band.' The , rebel paper, antrouniit thle eaptorte of Karats's ad latent. How yearly the General Came to elating the saws fete `lo told by the aortas poodent or the rimer as follawry.Wheoullants, war returning in the reu of Ile colriditr, with a her of hie stag alters and cried*, he owns apart an entire rebel regiment, at lead one mile loom the road where the attack oornmeneed. Tbt. regiment bad some of hisnion prisoners. At the stabs of their El mere! Ma men oohed out to aim to dash back, which hi did, slid escaped by • by 'nth. lite Adjacent General. espial' le trb, was with him at tht thiie r tuil is DOW whiting. LATEIT FROM GEN. GRANT. The Fifth Corps' Skirmish Vne Advanoul TICE BNEVIY IN LARGE FORCE ALONG• OUR ENTIRE FRONT. The Second . Corps Opened 'Upon on Sunday Night. iLL coFAR.AnuiLI mgt ON lONDIT Nan roar, Oct.ll: 2 A /ieraid', Sib earns erirespondeneabUfhs Lb 11143 Ha. of ,tbio 6tb Cans bu been advanasd arse fourths of a mils and rot - bpleis tbs gos!tisa Vas adraace has dtasanttratatt that the "iK',44 4 444"WA o f* ati fticont. Wisaiaoros, Oct.. IL—Newe from tail .Army o the Potomac to-day; dotal that of Einolay stightAatisua I.l4adlleoloak s Masao:lay epsa, ed fire on the la easpa,:tut continue: only abcat thirty p isaNe. it laza& Jusura that say dam sits waif ;Soria. When the mail boat left City Pabst yastarday, WI was eosagaratlvely GLISRITLA °MATIONS EINTUCKT. Ti aim Reported Captnied and Barnet ?QE P , A,S 15 E 1!1,G . E. I4S 60 V..D Ls Ito °cosi , act.l.—.l...prioata dispatch Poe resolved, hererabd ocaoldared roll bleb yap that the rebel Cape Peter Everett', bond , 0,17 , tared one burned Mir morahres trots for Coe; itstea, eight mile' troet_gotriagtott, and robbed lbe parreogars, N forthere per&lssit SIRENOTH OF BITTLER'S dirlval of Exohomml plsoppri,u • •• NNowYa •ettracioad nit at Batlar's Haadquartare, on the 9 h, nays he, has.bern throne* the Rase 0l thsardir 04 titli• Stiesiest, 'tend he Wirier ihni eirraraf large ar•• mite united with the object of dlalodgiug this army, would not ,only seer inimeneely, bat w.uid serionily risks . taint: Their works and their tithettithhattitri a necessity to the taking Rl,beioad. The eruntry may errograinisto Mall that the army of the James has woo the poettioa. Oa Cho its, fin Union eueheaged prisoners were brought down trout Richmond. in addition to those the day Wroth. Rebel prisonorstoottnueto come In daily The - leetion In Philadelphia. PtitaIIIZTIIES; 'o6tr 11.—The eleoiloa has ab.,n‘ suspended badnevrte,day. i , f)SABOVV7,IOAra 4 4. dap layestdronr ttlettsc bidden ' find= 2' 1111U1Riadt.W.11° '' NlYitilli, Oust tat met/ *mem * ditlltrairdl4 . ll7.lyr ddladdlly dd Ire 4Yoll, Ildletbsay, wad 4bedysiot ea , 111. dth fir 4., y suusslxdsm et ' , lb, talon yydirttl WY edeitft. Yr , d oy homy Idadmr,dlbet ttialtlyaesqris yettlY the «Wu (31 ttotatallrai:.= , ~ . ^ , THolltir 414)11617W,. ',_ ,' - 4 ,- • WliotplW ill I/ IMAM. ' Alsardards - YrOmlbtlyyl,lllllV - -4 -4 , .. 4 Woad 4 -- .l&iut.uTioN Of P&llTNafizittle.... a 3—Tbalas ea 11.07.4181 AND.• BILBOBLAINDS am. daaalnd . tha LO day at Oareder,lßlGli by sad. Foal crastaat. .7...88 B 11166104LaN0. .. ,PIIIIBL. GI .7/Icol/EL UN D, ' ZAIIIB IIiELBOLLAIID. tlttdatalais Ottillib=4 , -Aitii vat lYikaioodad4l ander Um samosal strip of J. •J B. ILL (MLA" 0.1 - aba .addidanadiands of TaßaKiiffast d Peataylvaal• ammo. JAW OFILBOLL IND. i , idite BAKILECCILBILIB. LUTIJJNO9I7O-PARTNICINIIIP w tetester cuurzsii dir• solidtl3 !MS Of j . 1n81412 Shavagar XAMPW4.II44I4IIRAWEL 0. T. htxo7l. Wm INIUDI. 011.4tlialatrs Litt late.Q.';V:it. ffell i reaWarg i nfretif eict .MA - P9C#4.l, ...thdip , Trn m sea,: caTanelafr-'s'l ' L : OTOKA if At. k—Will be sold at i PegLl diiiiiii, , al s tbe.decidier a was am , . d fed elle.. thyhy_ati, of A ll egheny, es WEDISCA., aWeheitShli sorb. Oetober. tent Ms Ibliowing de thed-pods-anit istyieeneens, Ulm- br - iVarniet nr i 5 5 r 4 45 2 7 43 g 4 al 4 ated didiratel , t: a' Pf.rtil Al 044 Op, 'Awn, , 2O Ini.l at 'a , adde..lllda dm egt, WV* oheend - 11A.S. 'Nast lb sou aztitt g , idiom ‘ lell tb. tii'll hit .1.4 *W 4 . 4114 Er ens Dry Vat.gxe L ACO ore' %D T : !r 4 e , hi * P . i l I. p ,‘. 1, P. 2 3°° Vi n r it n n u, " , ir r k, I le,i M. I NAY 341.101 a, taloa"... To` % t.ihes, t Wit,o4r &ado, A Tildicei ree.e.,, A To. S , ltedabete, A Optnoleg tt to ,te dud %1., , 1 anti Mali. 31 1 .04 Dim!, Hit di ad 0 mpe—akdo a ` l .V u ltrT of " a sad 411 h .Rll4, la loam; U.,. imago unpaid. 6 . ,4 t"ei et 1174:1, . , ,yi. Tenni cask Wired 03 mini, of inn tht... i I PI Ig 1 ii, ._ . , /3 weeilund a Dimity ildbieldi. I, Wine of tithing M. Ed ota. P. Oat. 4 /SW ...And THIRD grim= FOUNDRY' ' ' • • a Wceolkaila 1114' twtociii:Poksi 8434' r :irTOl7 ol t r • Thltvarosk link 01)064'11g .8 117446 m thanwat moaastsigaDenta Irou r:: • . stliStSoirg his te 111040,Nie)ii,calt laslrkopf . EETT . ER $411.11 1 1 ,1 11MM03 3 i l iari g ely gentoP ;WWII RX l . l lfii. awls dic b. paiday~ 6 , 40 mgmi ovuod • rue de. than primiltembr I. quality lo Buoy !lA, of wthoorklessrlisagt io 411:prft i c. l'ortgle.irlio r a 417431bra1107 .- ' 1 — • '''' '' :7,t..^.0.", - ..T.:1... , 1 !:;... Lautizterom@am7, ~ •11 4 ,_ i . s. rniv r" ,-- - -' 1 •-• '' : -,,, % , :.1.1' , 11: RS , fit, , rerrs:olllgrorthits I PWt?-6IHSEP bile. n.w Lading • erma raiircadaca re. Of 111A11,11 DOM la) IR i g . g S t X l 4 .4" C!vlLOTliu if AND CLOTHING MATE. ,7"": 2111 14.'11 - 2 , ..! ~ mars . 7,1 j ssersi .., . ... Ducrr, .; , ~,,ottfda Ar • Plurrairass aka. Otorarsa,), ayfrognimr 1, 19 0 1 ISZPAII472 PFLATLII.6- salsa sad *ad.* Atm:Saab ka Sir) Olothlak akd Llathus Ilabalals,^ ,161 11gpfeni4Yed gl,lldelnereitti ngtlitwo O'doaa" , -% I krio ASA' day of tiosoar fait, tor idelthlll ..i. , doltralos (*a readying ttertp dayotiottesj . 1 06. Vol: fed 61stao Nary at Obariesineni, Kea , and pf94 1 16.16...A7,141a. isloOkruatars aat amanitas, rsal at nob Urns ss mar be maacified to , the chief or Ms . 11, Mq..'17 - ..itiosoromandoots of th • aft! Ilarr•Pard/L ilcipistiaiy, the romans cad, quautftkol Of Ihs ads*. 1. tar , .:: and Gs sul of SU plabilapsklar th Us. roArrhl - - ca.t.. :. ltrt*kty-si. tatad - Judas .. . —. Bloc Cloth Trarna r pars..., 300 ~ 600/ Blue easfoot Sionmr, ••• ' 67160 19,14 Class la kr T 10.113114...—.. 3 Coo „Bars ray obsess ihonlai..... Wee :42 - nu.. Pligaioreventhitlo........... 0,003 . . 11:0-10 Agar Thither 1 - 16611t,0XP IILIXO *kis /gamut Drawn, pa15...62,. 00 18 066 Moak 4:: %Lite &;-,-- - - ra :-.1.,.., !lamb, , t. " "- 7. _..— :". atm . 741 apt Mao Load Illas„ as tapoll 11 4 ,, 1un5ti.m.—...... —.MOOD '15031 . VA aria krako—•,—...— , o POD 16.00:1 -litotes-- ... ' . " -; 8,000 /3•00 .11.4suaros ( s ty ... laam/ for • - ' 1 I,IXO Mack bilk Bandasividele-- lOW 14004 MSS pahs----..—.. IAOO 6.0u0 a t esti am .lea n.• e.,....-lir prvir sernolak at US' 'lStiawal throbiidatlihd to casinos that cso wide. :AU Woad a alb ear, the obis(., I the 'versos s CIL -- /1 " , tbstte`t 0,0.684 00. Mame tko Minn aro.' Ufa 4to rack offs 3,33 no set the rennaingsr. Vmpicer 41ali 14 iirfaria,aot tarot rnge enbnavia ol avow ori rgiter• Adidas afbasbarar off Swamis:as. - - 1 4..44. daK",tion et syttnose In dm *bar. lid, bold- i lto are,riforrod to ths saasplosai ob. maid Ilarquat. I -111410 saa "sdrerttsorriout of tkis barrio 4410 el 1, , .ASI. sd'krr Saformaltoo alto ttiati - nalat laigulat.oaa ..A sqes•Okat Iona). regordarcotaragav, to thy mass ! of SA BMus) commaattaata al 0007 ;avail ca OM ' itre.u. - • I I. Atm. r.p r.anene rapers the 'ICU to root way pro 1 pasal oat avaaiCangi adrassigeoas so tin Goremalaca.. , Bland torsos( proposals may to Obtained oa mita , ' , Ma eb lb. nur areas at floktoo, tiorr Pork. of -Paha gb /phhi. sots thisharasi. - solo4froas FL&GSI FLAGS I FLAGS, • FLAGS FOR POLES, OIL BOBTLEIG. FLAGS FOR POLES, MEM PRINTED FLACS, or vltboat the , onsithe of modldatee n all Elm BILK ?LAOS, •tI Mao, with Or •Ittont troth }OL!11O&L LUST/18SP, too ditionalit kiwis. with I r liothual ZMAKII of cuididaies, W illaminsi loos art I przteoilolui. 1117 ciaarati lie. of manta.s.:"rfaek lac, try 1 fta. KO .4 singly • 10 PM PULLILIII, and everyttdrad tba 111.4 Itne, at REINKARTFBI FOR CIIPLIR9 trOODS, flttodt'o News Depot, Pf mon?. fB* pas' OrMIL MINUO COAL C9ital Stock $800;000 NM SHARKS Al SO EAU% Pratcow-401111 llMiry IliceLreLar—CLPT. 111.1111011%02 Touurosts—.l anus Gala,. J. A. Ma 1 1 ,3 Val. h. raWolM l i e ntla.l J. 11 . 1 - LIDaY. 'Jr= uporlz.ra. , IdaiDoenpairy olio tb• prowl horns Ma Qat. Matte tagoithay mil Ito Samoa ram " • dioluing,.nod routalatuo 13 .11 SWAM semi Tr. plops ty ball:woad on tai int D• 1311 ikincaphala wait as and a WI miles I. IN 1ta....••••• • Olty, la to ”Thad pock' . oo ask • • Atual•Otli Wawa. drailtazluiroVin bouilak• trypotUr Pith • •allony roan to the link all 1 .4 4 * st.alllallat sad all,Dapana aissapoom la ilk Th. stale iielalnilify Oroaatt; gm JOAO miai la lona' working. vat ate s od amnar. Aiwa all wansoroyalitlte the la m mortis Vabli row. Dilladn4 nom and M. cool is ali Imam. rairaut i. llll ' If i r.t=nta l " b r, Plonnorataa 'any. , iY (I , oip.ny sow pup. no of Sbalrfaciti• tfr ibr Intiorto by tria cosatructina of so additional railway, sad tiaras* weal IX/,1X9 lacaph tar ttt• par. yeakloo doctunplata , asorikute crui pea riding • martin metal tor din am GrgbillStiOn. II fa, belDlo which tba Onap•ny will pumas, Os to meld tb lb. “ffloacr nib preNe to t. ape.? the miryoliatanttal arid moan rs. thr. swab le tb• coautry. A itintud p mts Idm leek yew alarmd to lb. public •• PIA per dna* elate Do gnaw* as the RIaHTI.I6 ..2.7.t ?ANT, !!rptereser 7tb., WM. Witt R P. Hau,corm..l.,' / Buz., WOO. WOOL, ca FIDZILILL STIIIECT, u DBOADRAT maim .Tork. ' 4 dearer "ftte,_l364. ALI WWI. 00" StOWKD TO 'l/ e al/ OWIIIiouLLT 011,4140 TO SUIT. LIM *Lamm. • Oar seolustat• pa", with mweelectwers h estenalte, we. el ma AsefAs Meal to .t• Greet taw* to more Um tin perk We /Were. Mu, tw condh lag bedews le the wre Wrest letertsceter ilsoseneny, OriLl 3666lgaeta cm„l. Illestise et the Oa. mmb34lnl for nlArt 4 - 01111 thew - Nu ro om, owl Ova eueuonyee ppm r" jentriehilla. axe ame. ear SW mum smite I, lmysod eon Motlai '11113115611411.144/61. • 7132/ teWleBto6lll6'. &Ana all Moe wbellmwo tonnes gos tlawoall we' we 7136 e). wl/gallto welt:Weft MUMMI o; a+•, 40w416 wesee,ell;e7l temps tam, foe s wozwy. WIL Wn l' r dm. a o 310!Tcli. TIEPUTY'VYAETREItAIMMCINq /1 "." - °71j1;1. *:liti•M`biCliptats... b rialT_wmait sra nalood•evaNitivlbiwattlu• •tisiihmtu ri 0 *is )1,114. / 1 44,467 Clitotme, fk, /re et /1. /Wiry er - Amy Itagcait; as ?RUlN:gib:Pt _ Tkiesalmassrase to be bedserntsbmad thibleaski :0 0 , 4 1 64 t mgAmodtAkem mar 0 Ailt — bOr Zavq.Srapaivfficlgitta. lOU d. 114.1.; Ilactiti What law— riuseritisAnnuil xdatiltir qui' Lem Ilfigoas " ..d sikitimuul to t t. Oof o,r4oolipopeot Q. n ! noooral, Tritotricrib. PA. ~.„. „ ,• , &oda' b• reqkilifur of laixioniritt M acre Jo hat of no coolzott'ilt::"1: 1111 4 / I bilited Mo. Ompritisli LP' T ik 7 u.sikrql rued .niseruaa kitibpisULf the rWiktuto 14ot sit of oldfdi auto too doom Uaii 14rsout7 441141161,t1FuoM.21fflftTif:111. klatraisk of 11%4 SE qui 'UniWirtult quilt. be to .0;v1 ,ZulnA:ke. W cvissa7Q7l4. di& 44r.t0 17P,Cri . . I ;Of 4X714-.4 Ur* roam 11:0,0X1, ot% of ill MAW, Eft lull. olfrt Faisal* for thhi locative.. 11 1 1kar• WWI eibe • *ow IN 'lsirly Barn" 111414•1811111 of WA Ptppta, Etaldwin, Falb...err. Gaut Irti4r.fTibt . B kt ft . i., . - 1 71 t.... 'n av a lrAri v 1 6., in in t t iraVrazi i , otatg. ' "Zip dm ''' . ,Ortlarr...bfk Irt l kflzio. neon._ vßtitibluitit,tPiC.4Xiorr will. Le Folt.pucr •,.• v ~ i o. ^r 0 fteII , IIII7IIIXXIM Jr.. ' "offrelt,, ! ~ Rtltfbaxib ad 001mati itarsuis , , PLUMBING,' , Gai and Bieiun winnsii.a.., annitti mikados to, by argiii; prootkal FIXIII81: orortmea. • atill sinortmant o GAB 8, BUM. Hem tulow utak WaTIII OLOBfre, me sad TATS A 8319/1163. if* d 7 troilmo, enuurz,luvuniy; -. And ar =man Ariumi.ntiounik TuASKS NOS BALE — one otitiiiiiiing - of .boot log ams.itopt.4l. amino:mum, AO. s moat), about 174 toga t Mack Idek Elde• dm en the /netal• Braga of the eennereents US rod, or wltiat-30 Ens v . ' , ender ealthrstion, the bid • gAne well-thdbial, the ,W. being shdenlali with igj•l , o which le erected a dwelling boas, etablit. la. •M. !..411.1 kiibe.tts SW bill' rip el Waft. lair , I Tana Of MO mei al, Mont two slew boa Bled r Idet.ilita-laiLead. lie .4sUee-fran-Illetmettle, Man. ,VO2 Ricoadmi isatuitio pain *rub% V, • 9 • a.Ca WYrair -atava OW clears; Woo b bind& bbag ca•tbs denslader; • do at d bars d, therm ; swell et good Imes of lb* dow 1 abet ew•tieter bilbat Wills e on . the hal& ;m'a'ma • —*lma he.; -Yer= ehtdr I° , 'alma t • 1N.41. veanreAuciu. palkalt,_;,:,: Ack .03ta CA: )I;B443lgggi:STK:- • . 2 ; / 084 Th NM, can be hid at ir.ezvura lotab diet ('CARBON OIL-200 bble. prime White N./ Rxt 'deb I. A UMW. liallE=E11;1 ~ASi • .. _v .wwUrit34m. EMES=I CAUI'ION; 2. -On Monday l'iovOnaber 2 lay , sea. tYii_DekeediatAiio.- bin Dssi, Ewa, , culazrg, h. nvis mopps3ooo.l:tro t. Lhadsayirs Iroprovo4 Stood-Searoho*, • ariviip - Alai *ld Um, Tb!. irlgt‘t I Intstn, is talarm3l3. - . 134 .31 13 tket tn. 333,b• ,tut eon siren. bottii ;hi sullis rC, J.II. l'ol/1,0151' . 31 .. 111 1.P11.1. •An ous.r.s.4 pulie ' 'Lea to dra m Ifits Iloilo that ovary' Intractlavalas.r.trads-'l3wk .3311' N5u303:3011133 cia.frr•are 33 , 661.333 r; , 1. evinfea r Mlar isces.lB giortb (=hp& „ TO 61 . 011.• ' so 119 tirrotaltittalegbil.a. HOMEOPATH /aBENEDLES pOlit WIER PidPi4l A Fresh SAPPIY Jnet Bealveo Ife. 'S—d/a/e/ P Onceetwa wed Inieware Bearsad hutlestwes tied the drit etyma thl same 12411a4nuan demed. hies SS seta IkrlW-ecrie Iron= Titre, Worm Ootle dad Tocamadd apjaaaaßiad tat SOL Tree; E 3 CastU. No. 11—Orneeoll-e Triethips, OWN! sad seroSloor Growth bid fistioame liftati.* as owa to. 4.4hinottirrboo; of Ctebbootoo Adolfo; Clkedni osit tomoofrAbsiplotofit. IPA= as oiney !Joh* sod bolus tho frofdoor of elsroofoltarrhook • f I b-.Om . Dlighttory at Moody Mos. Coto, QM,. Off4l. DM.. OWN roll /Woke/. Moo ZS ea. E3S7aMi==' . . .. ... thla and No. I !mar 15.14. do Awn th• ► mores Ckdd and and Gann& Ete,. o— purr raos-acbs, !Wive; Pant sad Tic Warns. Prkm, ZS cm 80. 0-431wi 6r4-0010,19411 thedaaha, Wartlgo, Mit of Blood to tht Ewa. Prim ha Ia maw oitt mei= with /10. 10, 11 turret We to tarallie mad Itiretarsta I. Ito. ILirans Xlyipepda, Wait, Acid at lAwshpel :Docatipation, I,lvat Octioplahlt, az =au Otandthott. Priest SS mata. 1 wrawita total' chow at Week phttidow sad Rattan Calatbilata. o.U—ear. Boareased Mama, or Scanty, or Pato - DO, Ls Delutsta. Orem Slams ti amp. No. 19-oo.rei lasarcertuta or Wilton. Nuts/ Dovr. . to Rotas Mums. 63 nate. Crb.P. sans annipy Ooagh, Dltairalt ggr: Opp.11•K1 arealhA 14. M SAW. 10. 1.4-oeirw Balt Atoszo.lle.7.Crepttorgs, Mwp. •la.. Seal IL IA Harbin' /tidy Playlre of the 16 Mit& B. 16—eues glumloyntica. ?UN Isammem. or Bar 12201.11:1 the Chen% Bari. air..., or !Amts. or &dad= 66 amts. n--Ooses Pam, Infernal or la toenal, Band or Ble+aW{,itaom/orod meas. This remedy ilea OaDea tboosauds of the wont IS—Cann lagibthalmig, Weak or Lollszood los or g ie u4 K , Mug ce.W.I.SigILL 60 amt. It 0.7 4111111 4adkcaym for • par. Oa. 19--cares 01201irr . 11.2Wata fre araalo. dn , ar Bo Pi& Opiel la the gotta lamas. 69 amts. doeig6, ohorlisolug Lapel lotto" I. or o tkrag4. 4.4 !IQ rota. /4 0300.04.039 33.4401 cam, dw L— • 0.43010..33ppr0ied, Mara; Labori amititscMowb sod Itxpeo3oo4loa, Tifics,llD ilszdndzbato boo coral 07 K. - Va. 45-412.• Onotala, Itabatsd 11104%, Is/ Tamil. Swanky" sal (114.17kaat. nwata Mat coxed tha want arr. 11. t4-(hares Amaral Ability, Pbydail az gletTsci Be.2ls—Cons Teepry. Raid Atearsalatlce; Tumid Sytuteip. vast eactry Caerelloas. 117 end; Xs. se Itiatattaa, tritp, Gam, Vanditlay /0 "mu, Ito. Urktit7Dl,4oo, Orsrairom Cjvak , DlZoas or Pedhl Ortwitea, • CD mkt% ..n• a old milir.tll4.lr7Dikraw ss—Vcrs essansa , kkikekoas, Liotisityr Dk obArr. mkt lilt emdrakke • 141 mialtu 8.41 u....t0 titi P•us. V. •Ekkat remedy kumu, os Ste nal. crion NI • •Str* .314 8. 19-03 m Eces lots m Otossisztk. Cunt - n . Loth of Atolls as Childamss. aid aka lumina =I Vesolltsi d ?swami fassaiss. la amts. So. 111-ooroo Palatal Idolutroatioxy Cramp, ip.m rnaltb. Itoklaa. sad IrV.Y.tio of =Wok CO. Uf=lV=l no. It3—earra itOarlas al Maass at U'.. Issattitaia t etio il l . aats of Hatt, Patsittatlam. sad atm titnatoot 2471. - 23.- - Otaut qui Asa Coati WO" thiamin; OW itt or tit Titti n tom i t a rrat /e.Bl—Catootini=j i trarittat Sara lanai. 02 ma& glat cus-. 'JD ties ere. • 110.1alcar.41sla LS vIJ • 017182:SZDEIE ST SAM ;am am Oks MO, MO q. tor otrbaa lOW yr arm% sad ram Or maw fa • tamed ors OrrP6. to Mu to ay :rem ad Ur roelatse N de, friorod IO aadl rr mar e Onse , ptclump a. IL SUWON. rush, attest, Witipalti UMW Sioseal eices Imam tbe Ito OBRA Fletliqlo mai a rutawgi id cat ALLEOHetNY WITNITY, se.—qn the Ale 6 Gemini QUM/ Ittsdonsat said Going, erne tatbanot dinrs Inhabitants _of tks Mai W4llll. stk. &hood Olty, wet resented to Watt, pradted ihsClosot to trite mit to Cow dam why no easy bend slaw WO out Wessel ths proportle. of bass Part, h., end Sono L.P. delth 4 the ttOnloWesd, all. she4.-ebeehl net be model and eloest mitts wept& and wittithe provklons of the Ord modal). of the kol tiblottlp.on Ilse' Ch. tßerk'srhetntivin' the econet pined Um Itollowlag rat. 1 Ala sk rlibmk - rAdo LON ib p ; Irgektq riddlos sestitl vgsa vitro 04' a , sroo. Maike4 thovvel autism to/km=l suer set beieN.a aid aariopArnaaas.gparpidliasimalitbaqland Out - WYP.WO* 6 4f Pd.. nal sh4l.begiu4•A tknikbebetib bsono p{ he b ar - rat. twines wadi. Lumen; Cwt.: 13t0P621:}tATABLIV-:, IrrEAlett HAW ntrtTA et sorro Paiditid 4LlATlWASOlootlitlwWortoalsozzli.476 .a Ro l An. umet o ,iftria,smobta 0.7 i woo.. pa. liZgy PO' wolsoodifcroponataci. tit 1 ohm. ea. Wzo. Hughes. WD=ro, - Pfl4' teZ im og ogYPANDootho.fallisiglitichlairs dsl7o ono , Juana , ImirtrAttgOtrant* ettO lios of Witt IVolosos 11)°,00) I oat nib of Joao MOM Wax.- 44 ftied4 •tootromtloao gee otominot tibial • *atm Ilibl'oMiisioCefroiaprortoAl*A ' • lit gimlet* or (kW !Ordottortillsoalitoadliattod.- & - 6L .61111ER8; -Sum Vcraxons • a. m. drum Priam. Par:loam staaatant tzekad.urtwanvitriraingail Aim MUM CWITIntaIL of an thadi. padsat • ablaut surd Rea orreniar d Ltbarty, win nirdataty , ant teh,. - , 1111111:ba atabatesa at Aida drat Was erod e maid. tot, of otaay pork -expubstop lnttsG ttitaidaylll by .sera to giro sanatiortoado otarytroyaot, Wo ato atm watt tot thand. Garda= n 1 dynaji FUNPOIor tataintattWatar, Cacao ood noibuid 0114 114 :away LORENZ ea WICHITZL&N, -111NU FLAE8N _ l WSD s O o W FGUUMD D aLoto2eso3 lararotaoluee e 3 welter Sty ton Winln no. bong n ; mu op/mina an =se tango any ankles la nn Um promptly. a l d troellY equakillitATlA OW lbstkat rtOle3 I GNMENTEL IL/ To boxer Hamburg Obemm Co do Prime grab ?Maw: 0 bast Jelin Benet YotatooM buoola !flab 'llMtamar a 0 tap rrtma_Paclod Dana; , Man:Ma firsa aIaiPML • ICO put= Lek•Lata It'"ln4x" Krgrati kiiint a ISHL.A.IID. )iaa LIMAS atr.t• r3TERB r 91t8T13.118 "Argottattar AIM Arrur.. . . Cloutagft Aaad 114 - • T.:CPI/ 80 re, r4410+1141P.1. lajAki.wa%..Er km newer nizara L,- ew wita bianiquossiiL• Sa Mk MOIL . .4:4:1.1 I Oft :I:4; - : , . -, .. - 4. 17 - .4 tarrlo l .lll6llWK eisdirartfailalli re. - ruh,t,0i.,,,„...0.„„),0„,„1.,?.„,„0,..i. „ ... A , a fi g ro t ru & yr lA* .4,.. 'l. ,-,...• .40.44 AD- 500 pigs Soft Galena in store! d 97 nis CIAJMnD. 4 AZ .. t ... , v - .....-Tebg %Neel I£6ls a 5 A:25,4 te.-r n i,t n , , : 1 ,i f,*.if:f f j ;:it .„ . t . , qi is l ci ... . . . - ~,,..,.., 'il.i i e _ „„,_ . 4 , )'- 4, - ' , • - a 4 , , t L . !.....o. .-.- ---,------,- , .. '. '. , ' ' -'- ' ''' - • ;1,. ll'i - •''i'_f.''''.t - ''' V.SP A - - ' . l) . .4 ii11itt..4 .. . ts ~. T . , g a,„ ' i aconite ALB V:alik H~:tt~sa.~ . FOKIMIA z Li i iza. L - .. , - . ..,71 , . ... • f. - 100 totes iif highilei7 *Oa*, # ~1 .1, ~. . 4 - ' -.',., 7 - = •--'-- .g . ' 're 1191104 bleidhlp, Weesioreland eaantbl'•, iim. t• eau•alersi 3PicuvankbousePeramoos mluo% Si he Allegheny Taller C. 8., 131.14 behreaotur# owpd i• L , n 0.... V..ire, Waticit In - azaoid, MI rawly- ,t,,,, u.„,..„ 4,,. r ., , ft , ... . 9 , 0' i f y . a. ;,.. " ". ~,1 0 ii 9 ~, • t:;•..4 b. - 34 et.4lh 'i •: , •,-.••n. tta rr. - ... Wan 212347rstiet UM* WI feet, Nescps Ste I, Cons %lb, go applaTrecter. esralyalcy • a latuwasig , the*.rt•tko;plektiel MS rl4. 0 , 0 AP. 0.4• 4 •K1ua Twiti Twee otermiCant li Uanalltir re] eft ; .04 soca ii.:64 armed std• = I 2•VX I *-.7,kba - x -gni , — 41, ,,,, mnw- 4 •- . ,: • ducii,,N,il ( l.". ber.h .11 virtu 0 attairrsts'elo , 1 .. 1•••rol o , 31%,.,TAR•1.4 .4 , 29... t, 04 :uptiazt Isla.; bi 3 ' a tiii, w t., at b. 6.40.1 1.. <entente% settti Up 4 , ... ~ .".1 . .!cocoas-amt f..b....,,, to 1 .* ),,, "tit t bctta,,,, ~..s.—widrireary. - knou. !ate fe. 12:e.,..t0tb, timed pspe. 111 76y DOWN'MTWNgSSE'z Tali ana mama% Lt.,. atilizar.a." Anima • Plata," It taliitriat# 11.WIlliti•lina azukrilii maitaaa 4.. til• mama palir to for IL It la Filmier oaten-a irstattaL mairimpirtaalla o. War toriaLta Willa affair.. military lir rattliali. hoguthalo.hly &Limit. and sbeorblimigl, Saddens 112 .6 am". the autttarh, other bouts. 1.1•=op 6100 1- 0. vAcirozßE- QUEST. Asst mad prssitslog setbaft b dilvoloped In thli thArmakt.Chrk St.b.k. =Ma, Okmit, pap., ID._ . THE - LIIT OF GONVEINATION; tz. .lid:r ... k,!tukt ore!) 07 a *Wit The atabetran and Sumter vied awl pictartsquailstary -of the Glean came of Om tiro Isiotm Qonlbdorpte Tomb. Iteprinso4 from*. Undoa ettleeia of the ptivaUr Pantalo. sm. .1 apple emoseen at d ffi unacres.' Two .rola. to <AA ,MUM cloth. ' • oirsr/I=,z., As h• ZWeo 'work, t y t6raattor. ' , 2••••n n • d taln. Bop; •Rday tkartla," "Lacla cod... tin, th. 66. JOHN OtTILDERSTILINC"S SIN, pas knee Lore Stacy, in the .1 • )311 NO& Limo, cloth , anted peps, 11 60. Darkness and Daylight /ern. uott.e wmama. lax*. cb3lll. UN. TALSI .110111 THE OPPMELS, licplota of d 1 the imam. la Cu a - .490 of 111011 ti Ilmo. clat, SI 60. — 7011 SALE BY HENRY iiIIN 71 AND 73 GOOD AND USEFUL HOOKA liA P AWN. by BLY DAWN. the Author or the ic'hortbargi ate rus. TB& -CLIDIIISMItB 4'01R% PARTLY. 61M2( OTOWSZI, WLSE( 811.3FelUHT AND 61% Jr619 . 1817110441V11N5. Eletital Tenseleen. • • AZ 07 le Pn.cri. • • If !Ltotral VOsllB, - DoWe Edition to Tanana. BOOK Of 004/810d PIIATER OP nia PaS3BT. TERIAN - ABIAL 3 *BIM allittlthATE4l- tanD. not me& - Dourallit br rurniet,tr wt... av l u .tolitu nfl e Li-1irt.i...1.- ate . 6- ! .BiaLiss.-TiiMiAlli r etibi nisei. a. 8.-601286-4 noy latne nzpljnlnetee en Ihitud. 4 , 1101 , 411V8 inCloanh. k." 1 " ..i .t 0 1 12 up,.: C - C413.4042 AIMSCHWA BDOKS. 2IUS All'llirdlCElo= l / 2 814nhilibni" ' MIMEMEM isrlfsoA.MZM 11 AGEREI 3 . di JOHNSON, dd T.P. 6 U0112411:11 scnitrass ar;Aut karat'. Ek.0.1%. toe Woosded Ek,16142 uglectal fa from II .t Wet II 010. %Sr Oftaik So. 11* MUIR PISLIZT, Pittarred. Oativizia dbletutaza zed taco mitztara. J am, ATTORNRY:AtZAA. AD lAPI DWAIN PAAnAt/ stenadstt ie. oem. lALIOSTOMMIIITRINT.araz Oust. Fttt. Ha=t r. MoIdASTRLi & ah 7: ZA Wa Z.A.Vtor 0.1311a0136 N0..8 o aart SITRAELL 14;dstls . -1 (INZ OR MIX monzfr.Amami/24, betnthilixamos =Wry on# wane =wt. b drand tot pgivereabm. ow HIV• • 'Amp go:44M ass. cosii Mb bomb •- • -s; Cab' sett tbabnthicial of MimiWib ' ttb bid boomplabbaftbabablipalme. moxt.' sba pima .abit, sigr7•blbllWPlll.-.) poise Wei; briflota.ol36 obba k abicti thaactioneg mac a mmo dasre4.o dbided tato bn i t t i&T sed=r 6 o.bes * = 1. 1r" t.rksof 1 2. .A 44 .14 PA .114 a sasbuati oa, Y OU CAN ALWAYS PROCURE I bat • • co 411._11.1.01115 ;s mm. N OAH W.HAFER, Arzonagr..zuts. tee inna.stesst. vietaarei, re. asima ha pumice, isouitn. raw acrir IT, la. vigairotallstatid• . Wlcharr• arias le aloaricaa o =repaa Ma. ad's a nu Tc. Unary* lanrinmalitlord her. Itadlarahaherecia Nam. &acre &mama Part Ince. be Babble. ef Liam Lt tk. Central Dr Store. Cantu Okt9_ and ledacalrtr: w. turn on band sow - vsty an. Oman rBALE—SUBURBAN BUBB_ aft IIT k LX.LiIII Link 11;14 \II .ftooltiaamo....fto ma lbactooro of Cho orkoto MALL Boni* daft altre lli tte - le 'UMW a takikee -oak-hal id tpo Mal taditogivad safe nett! • Sall Waster orotlk otimill , Ou ew lu's:dam of to it 411*- cien - riil - le SLUM. M troollotly loodod fa photo ouLlkoom. .111 if ai Alms wawaAniloTlo otrfot le,a, colosioxf M oo an tr UiM Mt o asMogfoo e 1 q4PAS iVkAAp reap' =1 : or W. A. a1t6304 LmikUigoo , MBE= ---CEND. allitady raillEZoll, _ . 9 :i ItATi; 7+ 1.,-,,,t7 7.0.- Le romx - t0.,1tm0a , 24 ,,,i0d0 n an vition !alarmed; 'ail' iotitled tip • - 01) tio aldarnt Ociobrr; LAY 7.114 pristkiva my pin** ta3lllol4lnstAlcasimito PiArAt 4 / 1 1; ham maljot lc a p lk onh a tA lm s * u d . fiodc , tbi• ',Artamianatatwsmittassa bls Iced .ideriodats4 OATOBRAT,Voseber 41M4.1116100-13. drit•FliTaqa.,o ma for. bou-lag_olald Vartralf;•P. DZBIWAD •ii6iqqhflt. LIM; • • -• • ' is ~. • _ SPoßTemstre aminguesTNes, •Aztattg; ~ i 3covcfrou, ', • c; , . CI aDI, , L • MITUNIII00,14100:0,41-11Derikosfricsil Wiro aftlg ericr/E, .70TOL Ai CMEN•Ii I SElNU stut4 lims ..n. , -suns 41164 , 0=1" 41.111.1:11; hirgen:viv evar.sexty mutt, rt trivia . tkti ertlint . 'Oath, rwlll invest • noilatlant , thaeontt ants; tit nit watt to Pittaborni, 1410 o'clock .. In. on BAT A. tbellktot Captor goat, gloat Tatm.mtnutaalrjsficsauJD Ws. god In towqkli - firArtiltlgAlltnliint coatty,tkAnn.„- id Itrliedilof Inbt.:11.11WIMI0,10ba hitt; /4 WI tams gloAntikntter•ln it until Sanott,boas. - ,: q rn.c 4!as, ~ A PAt4frtyert_rip. country mob. ' fralsormtigirraillaltlClEl9ll:ll4llol24ointr • int• 10111. noltisedtv MAW P:0 , 2. t 6 116i•catete‘ Witrusn kteam Jiang. ;is; .11: 60 dons rush oL:wdliiieldsgln eQoy t 5 do Yrrab Phu. &Milt do; ta •Ctrni4s glen • WI do 00101101' d.A 00 do. Zrtat Gate, to coui, 50 ;IC TreshiPass do: 113 ds Una Rama do; - Prowriid didtst; - Nov Irk 'tone tad Err akar - lIIITNII3 1 ROIL, reYi• tia'lo.s dad 110 Weed 4411:44. JAMES M 11A.LP11, L 817.11102.. ra= 1LX17.10T7 Dammam. Aso Bronrmanass, pa of B.Mus. 'red eperfttaidettler mention • • - • KSlS=i;;=i; Ttilt ItLEOTION .10A13 OF FZINBILYANIA,.-t , . - • 7 .lolp.stad &tad imiassoLeit% 'Mout leekial rbi all um Wu at • pnbtle anti iftlaraMmtlm•lac bran n_this_scAßes. -th•-imm F,ll9.lltotat.s, ? rein% tCitif J. :•.3"v.i.,1R-Pwcolotro4. latiVi;jiiitiiiiiii4444:ininotp. ; my pdamanslldr,s.ideinrilb isziWor 104 /41nr.. , 1....---ooniaLtbanylad Eoloolllolftr— y. paolo`• w=okic Fn ' mita-animus aseabiutweVin, klomfoli - T A u t ; — musT —1 barrel gar:YU' Vf:rmil, Veri= the ems yr lea : 1 1 " ,.es the wish, enemy I MP fa= a. irWelel•ll : :t.S . STAtgLiSEIEDIN ~-; .1786. -]•,.:.,i . I .W.g.P.Vd Miiii 7 a 7l6 -r4/ 7 07017a7CMTIA 411. etas ablrlcotutitoootaa7 fraLte haw, LUIS anai 1/071,017.1nP ltideresolatesee,,w,eom.„, gta6oa taw LithrllMA. Ottokelt , FIIP.Var qst -cambia dtitstbat weary 1-3 Lo irm M y haft* x. my batLlll.4 flhteasoattbaotafftlftbroattestaffoOla of tooter fovea: L arm e dear fcaat t ‘ottott kr lair = : V Ca prt.docliq pit ,eella Cada axelff atolls aftpfraZdeazy a tole -tanztior ttal Una. ' ?La 'Oaf tete abzotat air 4 ped•iliale4 ICINeXril•fM.110114111111 011E6 tam: 41. r fa folatd oa tte htlLteor tans _Moab Olt II Vaasa:as Pea shawl 'beet' WAY. tos prom km bola totatatli IL, Isll Vanilla* veruhrercused.kklbr prentad olYrata. as% OM. 01.1 la et al pr•rety t , •-•,. M • !Loaf ;a for prfotteirtaLiaroaL aitaiefast Ibe • Win% hm•lnkttisr ado ea moo farer•bk• are In. Oho faarkat., Via pie. :5 dada coo if doatelea wake arnaireauota with the A. T. O. It fat a Oa tkr• La 4.43 ba•theoa... 4 7,,r team, sibireh• DOI elf . 74ozatooth„ ID. •O•fdt, VOR EALE 7 A Conriq7 Residence:lE - Peiirenioa;roan • i 0 rkzu, - hint Kerr bilak.houla.mtatt UPI ritt/••••001 , , taft. - and with lama sad metal, tlafsbed to tba meat alizZ ;;near. Imola , owt rat wad - - 1141dat homes, doom ima pwiel work} oa a lot 1W 702 ifor4 abrialr tug ornamental de and tkalt tree; Is • ratingm yal may acomaibla partatahe kattomiii at us* • • Brtyhtw. - bow Ba lai hrow any bar =Mkt try:ttwP.IPLIF : AQ II W b) e abt dioly train., sad ky.orat.lieting• QaR :es.i.rpe.tort.stafi..e Is thlW aiermetalynammal Igo; tam ma. Ing bo Plam • Vilma 0 1.1%thrsolgtkr. glot bowie •ia odd alter a &smoky Vico: idatilaoalatil New ra archloot, aad la a •plia • • 7 A Kpply d B. AiTaw. mu, TVol.l4,*iiit. Burke. Bull.ilag. .• _ . F OR _SALE, ,„,. -,, • I haws C. ash verylenr a rdsallfisiOiireits•aisifTriatia of "ndo" °O , cs /or :aUIdnaPP.MV-Ia Mittel 0317 a Tr, alttdo • nutters:As deroaux from the st* 'maim at Um o...n..timatttr, borrad Pratialt tarmlirra. Soma or ttka, laud I . l n2VMsd. arq"Sl la , am - aaldriall th tba Win*. add - tit. ram , varlora goal react Unbar. arta ar4 alma *. tarred liortiVbig CMI .try, arts baling rardl=k9Sar by Ito, railroad, .ad the earerrlaa of oil tloall 1.2 mw of t eerrral.,pa - Eca are. r.oarbortaallat nit wad, tae..,-Cod with fair romana. Tita 1.41 .1.11...1.4.1. War aaraiaidrour 1.5 -RD par ma r ard are Alaaerstag tt.,Orstulida IllFPariqrkaaidilag isa loaaries bvinfrset to mister. " a_ppla to , -amla , 3..ba1td.C.21 rma,- - Elva4PElUPpilt. WORICKNT; . • .• • k ; " "L " 4 1 - a.4 - , 14-irl:47-414 be lirelabedtt, r esous ea rer IVO • 1%2-21, 4. 7 ,ir 4fiCi: • , —A—courrnt RESIDKRCIII ''''''-:t 4 • I ... . ~.. , ...,,,,,—s..,,Ai:d7 ~ tic& HI ,m it,fiwuta, lottr millor. tem itegainh) 1 / 4 .] lort-9a elleawalgir aid worwrwanst 1 opal It 1r mud • go* giro rww7,ebrirkasor . itablo;Warother b.. .W.W•gs. d amn tad of water, wax arm of cul un rkrlieWrignallgroggri working mint, will b• bal,' .tx one iota illyiik•Wwill it para.-cm - traorta 13Strta - 1011rwal . "' that ft , Witu:iit C O orskrat-ies ...ra m . ;,: ... without rearm, =la lwilwacrlalCsad a...FA* 4. a uousteuiech Ts...of-els will bio male kJ:ns mi a EPl k " i° s i t 9.forgg; 7945Pai urvinries4lou) ~ • , .i, rt,116,121 k -Ozze new IMessa-lagisiti4 - 3. 151"knma kal 46kk k T l CT a tka 'balneneradyeVrrernOr'' ' " One inch cylinder. edned ll Irlei mood is nom T tub ri=die,lo ardret oakir ‘-• ti • Twetelftadir ifonsesOnl bullaa,llllast kir& Th m . “ Kr Tee Ifilmaltd. Dolt Ott MIL . TM* betwaracelatTo* WU/ 6Map in orb. .lequlr• sacriors: pssr. .Aniglararantraaa , ?4llfi Piqd. ox tiALB. -4 iA4Ciii " 00 . - 44 11 Glit -; ^ lit foot widiof lkot• dm, rem bar =Pi a tobto. Boa OA. Out to ono ot,llistitaosea.ol . ..23 , buoy Shorrobaritikillr, tto aAttoollittar. ; JAN seloodt4; ontiro at IThuszotrof • ler-Lttentoistrete; 4. Two.. F4.* ;old oat Rim br iar" eA ditto &di; • ooklW.. I OEO=l AL. KELLY it 001, VT' ALUARLS OM; LibAtt POE RAM - . - V _:.i.ort. am* lian iambi Usii*lttuthnra teas du-prase Ismakteared lot oak 1 Iblot had CON/WOJe,..a ~, of 4m: feral .tray AM or him lesboukttufteillis ;i>' &mi. Jakee Awry, ardeaisdr - glib' toot ;of; ths..,brit,, , z = SU Lospeoleeremle Oats* Signet pod i ciZ ,A , t 4 0..4....,-,i-, los toir t %ll%, , et r urtAls ,,, , to god •Sitac se tad" th eta: sta44 agitrati9 . 6,44 , m:lboWeactassas tarnabattla th itetx, tbapte; - ,., f .., ~, ' - ,la JO NO.,ltl,Wooi 1e,i44,„„.,, WM! AMU 'ibuctdotsi fa. / le/14 ' 'l l 0 R MLR— EITRIOd, RAW.", , -41 ~ cs: 4 werbOtri: iltlMlLVV.**Stiotlits,tuld /*cilia'', e , , atmOSLliidbiaidadasiorku=lawasessert* , W4scresal IyisVatiolms,ol , 4a,libi.f.As2, ',' ritlin2 " rr/04.• At" 47=z -ii Women* , 11111110 .4 . 4 ~ Blare" oisulls -lop_ _ swcalit4...o ~ Eitas it to MOAN"- . ti ~, ,_ AFlLlpt v i4 1 , ,4 4 11. : Witipkrealteallts , _, v ~t tLltilltElt „,:z.: OA ', : /10921 . : 1 - .....o.42.lisskit al .gi • ELAIA-44 , -Altuldhrea' :. , :r t. 1.1) tg..5. a iii, ! ,11111 ! clargili Qi4driangt. , l--.. , ra pneti vier:. Imes* imoreiVVrie47l yeast Ea , • tinch_end tear:. *Ustp 4:1311 '' 134 ' OISCX. Glift - EATZAANralaiftireftriiidlifkiiiit4 J. , utseanntiormosattooftegott *assir.W. itittlib•ribit,ll maditimacjytte#olMogl . , t r-, ,oF I A kelt sal Balla weir and W4allag, lap -.;- wash, ibiliseeirldtb 111011ot to Bytabil , a=i l triK i r eW ~,,.. ! r - rr stir -:'_s- ,:: ': 4:ei Ror taus 6107 1 ° ---- - b $ Etalifil MAMMY: anrilik, " '- 1 ° 1 *TM =: ..: , ao.93.mamasartegot.ruabost.j.. " . ..'. -440 acauor.cim RiaErtilD. • , Z;744.7 111 War la au vatic ti-karattlecasti; vaoot • ImiStir • pualtrist.had!vurpolritral Li.... , . TITAIL•S&WIIIILTAIPOII,434IM4v,Lit I saavoilistisk II CS 3011,1Sliiii hew 5i % ,-* 5` g, esilockkrous,,Molts.ol. Os*.ralsbetik.- :la vex imbitaaiklb:WKW 11 V 09 1: 1 51-40 . kat In wok, kis t•ciarlos at .. sadailo pot rumba areal rde .5....;.. - -D Mis r i ''' rr ' ll;i:ft,Erdaido44 i r . Or 114' ,, ' ' tiOlt Oink yeet.e.idtmart toingdw, lets 6® *mei X 1 sal fak Tesea avvOwslireat-saltss geol - • gaga 0 n. Mar tufbm- prikateas bobs cs atzt• s bCfle 13113 --MN 'OBI= ritOlt:-'f E boaSdc +i ft iltitOiree l imitiar as tr i Vg. ' as i I ra :da's allot. ,Ths_algall is IA azediZtada r" Eclat smufectorto Welt c.- . _ kuio-146usi kip; f 9. tl7a . i :Ttuiloi tat= mitred •:31° =Feted* tiny; Qua start tick. Itssyltai r 211117 tt.thAdd lig., sat F. batlithat.7 fatialOsliad IMO ' - 11.1,14. ; Nita , ,R11044.1=5,51341-11aEgt , •=;' 3 13 . ;•ti aCaltbVll4llSnl2llMazi , • adra.deif Istravavt, Aft aft& atarids mast .vt* tftta.eidi•Dorsam.tisabeit ;„. 7g46— .1 : 2 ; 0 4:Z t rAl ICAl4l33—lso AliTeta 00et a 8 '=" saliesetfroat cod to pod ND.$ aks a* Weft imaniblas anitasbuirta &Di v = war s pud 114.14 las usal as um eirir mai onward& staanisL in ms gas " In* Fula w9tms.r. .1r43 , Z41 ( 1 ,3 =ii 0 ati o Jrarsrs and ararnthig Lisa& ,r0f7;...q.:).,U:',3,7.: >l4 060 Sol IWNEMM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers